#5SOS Writing Prompt ideas Part One
allsassnoclass · 2 years
Hi hazel!! I’d love to know the answers to 2, 12, 30, and 39 for the fic asks! 💜
hi amanda! thanks for stopping by!
2. Where do you get your fic ideas? everywhere! anywhere!  they don’t come from one particular place. i can get inspired by movies, tv shows, songs, books, singular lines of poetry, canon events, events or moments that have happened to me, etc.  i would say that the one thing i don’t usually get inspiration from directly is visual things, because i’m not necessarily a visual reader so i don’t always picture things distinctly when i write. so i probably won’t get inspiration from a photograph or a visual scene, although although i have before and i can get inspiration from the way it makes me feel
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them? I do not usually outline!  I keep it all in my head.  There’s a lot going on up there.  I have an in-progress outline for unmute because i need things to line up with real events and i can’t keep the real timeline straight in my head, and i have an outline for my nano project (although it’s less than halfway done and i’m coming up on the end of the outline really quick, yikes!), then i’ll probably kind of outline (mostly just make notes) for two more bigger projects if i actually get around to writing them.  my outlines are basically a list of scenes, with a few random notes at the beginning or end (example: the first page of my unmute notes doc has a quote that inspired it, a song that inspired it, an example of how i formatted texting in the fic, a list of flaws of luke and ashton in the fic, some links to timelines, the sentence  When Luke was three years old, he would pray to his drapes so they wouldn’t scare him :), and a note to myself to put a pit-stop warning after chapter 6.  the rest of it is just bullet points of events that happened in each year (both in canon and fictional story points)).  i would say that i stray a decent amount.  i have completely changed significant parts of my nano project. for unmute, i mostly tend to add scenes in between rather than change big things.
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft? how much I edit depends on how much i care about the fic and how difficult it was to write.  for ask box prompts, i just give it a quick read-through and tweak things here and there as i go.  for other fics, i’ll probably read through it more than once and make bigger adjustments, but it’s usually not too intense because for the most part i like my first drafts and almost never have full sections that i need to fill in, completely change, or move around.  i tend to wait until i finish the first draft to edit, although if i’m rereading to remind myself where i left off/the tone or style of the piece, i’ll tweak things that stand out to me as i’m doing that reread.
39. What’s your most self-indulgent wip? oh that’s one of the ones for my other fandoms lol.  self-indulgent means something that i’m loving while not caring who else will read it, so that’s probably either my caswen frat au (the frat part was a surprise. i just made ej join a frat because i figured he wouldn’t know how to make friends without them being built-in and it actually turned into a whole plot point) or my hawkmetri hanahaki disease au.  the caswen one (ricky/ej from hsmtmts) is self-indulgent because 1. it’s for that pairing, which is self-indulgent in of itself 2. i am talking about a lot of theater stuff 3. lots of snoozing together 4.i really enjoy writing ej’s frat bros 5. ej isn’t smiling.  i’m really into writing fics right now where characters don’t smile, because in all of my 5sos fics people are smiling like crazy they’re just smiley guys. i think i overuse the phrase “he smiles” way too much, so i like when characters are generally unhappy with their lives and therefore not smiling a lot.  the hawkmetri (hawk/demetri from cobra kai) au is self-indulgent because 1. i’m super into cobra kai right now 2. it’s childhood best friends to enemies with a side of unrequited love which is arguably one of the tastiest dynamics in the entire universe 3. i get to write from demetri’s pov which is fun because he’s insufferable but i absolutely love him and his narrative voice is really fun 4. I get to expand on sam and demetri’s friendship a bit 5. hanahaki disease is actually an au that i have endless fascination with because i hate how it kind of puts blame on the other person for not returning the love which is dumb because people can’t control who they love and it doesn’t factor in platonic love either, so i like tweaking it to make it more swallowable for me, but i also love the flower symbolism and the angst of it and for these two????? it’s just too perfect.  i have big plans.  i wrote the first 3k of it in one sitting, which is basically unheard of for me.
yeah. those are my most self-indulgent wips right now.  i wouldn’t say that any of my 5sos ones are overly self-indulgent right now because i am always thinking of The Audience with those right now, but with those two fics i’m just going wild for the fun of it
fanfiction writing asks
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5SOS Writing Prompt ideas Part One
1. Overhearing him complain to the guys it’s starting to annoy him how clingy you are getting. You than start to completely avoid him at all costs. (I know it’s been done before, you can create your own idea or spin on it)
2. He gets consumed with work and totally neglects you and your relationship. It makes you pick up a hobby that you become passionate about.
3. Not wanting him to find out where you work or what you do for a living, he ends up finding out eventually.
4. While in Quarantine, he learns your triggered and about to relapse, but you have been in Recovery you never have told him about it.
5.You really like and are attracted to him, but ashamed that your older than him, it feels morally wrong.
6. You work for Def Leppard (My other favorite band), often an assistant at various times to all five band members, get to meet the guys like that since all five Lepp Members fully are aware your fan and always fangirling over member of your choice.
7.  Finds out that you secretly are good at dancing and at pole dancing as well.
8. Due to a act of Coercion placed on both of you, you and him agree to a Business Contract Like Deal Marriage of Convenience. 
More To Come Feel Free To Send  More Suggestions Or Ideas.
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Prompt: Request by the adorable @brookethegamer . Thank you so much for your request, pumpkin ❤️
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Word Count: Long- ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, bottom male, anal sex, praise, cursing
Tags: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: This was such an incredible idea! I loved writing this 🥰 Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) You can check them out on my Masterlist. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“I don’t know Y/N...the idea makes me somewhat uncomfortable” He sighed
“Why, Ro? We have a relationship, we love and respect each other. Why should this make you uncomfortable?”
“Something about giving up control...it doesn’t sit right with me”
“Why? Because you’re a man?” I asked in disbelief
“Of course not. It’s just because it has never been like this with us! I’m always the dominant one since the beginning.”
“Yeah, you’re dominant with EVERYTHING! That’s the problem. With me, with your family, in the WWE, you’re ALWAYS everyone’s first option and that shit gets tiring! Aren’t you tired of always being there for everybody? Always having to think about everything and being the brick wall for everyone to rely on?” I ask and he just stares at me.
“Look, I’m just suggesting that, if you agree, we can try it once. And if you don’t like it we’ll stop and never try that again” I massage his shoulders
“Damn it, woman. You’re too persuasive for your own good” He cackled “Fine, let’s do it”
I hold his hand, pulling him towards the bed.
“Take your close off and lay down on your stomach, baby” I purr
Roman obliged, placing a pillow underneath his hips so I could have the perfect leverage for what we are about to do.
I knelt between his open legs, roaming my finger tips all over his back. I began at the back of his head and went down to his perfectly round butt cheeks. Drawing random patterns upon his tanned skin.
Once I felt his muscles relax underneath my touch, I reached for the lube, squirt some on my hand and warmed up before placing it on his puckered hole.
I use my index finger to draw tight circles around it as I lightly pressed my finger down, not entering it, just creating the small feeling of pressure.
In the mean time, my lips roam on his neck and shoulder blades. Licking, nibbling and kissing it. I let my free hand lightly roam along the skin of his ribs and side hip.
“More, I want more” Roman whispered, trying to make my finger slide in him.
“If I go to fast, you let me know, ok baby?” My voice is as faint as a whisper
“Ok” He moaned, when my finger began to enter him.
I set an almost imperceptible pace, letting him get used to the feeling. Roman wiggles underneath me.
“Fuck, you were right. It feels so good” Roman panted
“You’re doing so good for me, my love. Letting me take care of you, give you what you need. Taking everything so well” I coo, pushing another finger in
Roman moans in agreement as his hips buck forward, fucking the pillow underneath him.
“Holy shit” He whined when I touched his prostate and moved my fingers faster but not too harsh
“Baby, please... I need to...Fuck” Roman’s hips jolted as he came all over the pillow. His orgasm extending as I ride him out of it with a softer pace.
I remove my fingers delicately, turning him over so he can lay down on his back. I praise him, covering his chest and face with feather light kisses. I pull the blanket up his body, once I noticed his light shivers.
“Ro, baby, are you with me?” I ask, caressing his hair
“Mhmmm” He mumbled
“I’m going to get you some water, ok?”
He mumbled again
“Roman, tell me if you understood, love” I said more firmly yet soft, just so I can get his attention on me
He looked at me through his semi closed eyes “Yes, I understood. You’re going to get me some water but you’ll be back”
“Good boy” I peck his lips, making him smile fondly
When I returned to the bedroom, I could hear his deep breathing, signaling the begging of a deep slumber.
I placed the water glass on the bedside table and laid down with him. Almost immediately he tossed his left arm around my waist and rested his head on my chest
“I love listening to your heart beat. It comforts me” Roman murmured
“And I love when you do that, when you let me take care of you” I placed a kiss on his head
“Thank you, I really needed that. I love y-” He began to snore softly, returning to his deep slumber
“I love you too, Roman. So much”
More than you could ever imagine it...
Please if you’re comfortable with it, please let me know your thoughts on this. Feedback is always appreciated 🥰😘
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pixiegrl · 3 years
Hi Everyone! 
It’s the 1 year anniversary of Lingerie 5sos. Since the original part 1 and 2 came out on Sept 20 and 21st of 2020, I’m counting this as a one year anniversary post for both fics:
I set boundaries for myself (it’s time to cross the line) and Your kaleidoscope eyes so pretty, baby
When I originally created these two pieces, it was only meant to be a trio of fics. These two parts and the wedding. However, a conversation with multiple people about gender and self expression and desires for the series have now lead it to the 39 part series it now is. 
I want to take this moment to give a shout out to @bourgeoix and @tigerteeff for their original encouragement of these two pieces and for me exploring the concept itself. I’ve grown to love this version of Luke and Ashton and their love and without these two people I wouldn’t have created the fics or posted them at all. I love you both, thank you
To @escapesos, Peyton, your original message about how this version of Luke, in their lingerie and how it feels right like this, broad shoulders in lace and happy and content and the comfort and love in this fic, helped you. Your constant love of this series, of this Lashton, of me and my writing and myself, will never fall to make me cry. Thank you, I love you.
To @werewolfashton, your love for this series never fails to make me cry. The amount of love you give these boys, the moodboards (found here and here), all the prompts I promise to get it, makes me so happy. I’m glad these boys are your comfort boys too and I’m glad to have you as my friend. Thank you, I love you
To @valiantnerdtm, for loving non-binary feminine Luke and their partner Ashton, for loving this series and all the fuzzy parts of it, for listening to me rant about their series and gender expression for weeks and weeks and weeks on end. Thank you for being my friend and for giving me the gift of you and your love, I love you.
And to everyone who has read this series in the last year, thank you. Without the love and support, this series wouldn’t have 39 parts. It wouldn’t have the story it does. So thank you, for loving Luke and Ashton and me. I appreciate it.
Under the cut is some thoughts I have about this Luke, the original intent of this series and the gender expression and presentation of the fic. I’ve been having thoughts about it over the last few weeks and I wanted to get them out and the anniversary seemed appropriate. 
So, before this gets any longer I’m going to put the rest of this rant under the cut. Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about this series. I’ve been open about how I’ve struggled recently with this series. I got my head twisted around about it, and I guess with it’s anniversary now here, I wanted to talk about 2 parts of the series that I worry get lost in translation that have always bothered me.
One of these things was about the original intent of this series. One of the things with this series is the idea that Luke wearing lingerie is NSFW. Yes, parts of the series are smut pieces and NSFW. But, in my opinion as the writer of this writes, Luke wearing the pieces or “traditional feminine clothing” isn’t NSFW. Luke putting on a bra and panties was and is about self acceptance and self expression. It’s about them being comfortable in their body. Yes, Michael wears lingerie and dresses and such to be hot and sexy. Yes, Luke does wear lingerie and dresses because they want to look pretty and sexy and have Ashton kiss them. But, at its core, Luke wearing lingerie pieces in the original two pieces was not NSFW. It was not smut. It was about Luke putting on something more feminine and loving the way it made them look. It helped Luke to feel wonderful and special. It helped Luke be comfortable with themselves. And I wanted to get that off my chest.
The other thing about this series is that recently, people have thrown around the term about how Lingerie Luke is fetishized or feminized. The definition of a fetish is “a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body”. The definition of feminization is “sexual or lifestyle practice where a person assumes a female role” or typically, when a man is forced into wearing feminine clothing or is treated in a derogatory manner that’s related to that. Both words are being thrown around in a degrading manner. 
Luke is NOT either of these words. He is feminine. Luke is a non-binary person, who uses he/they pronouns and presents themselves in a more feminine manner. Luke wears their dresses and lingerie because, as stated, it’s for a body image, body comfort, identity presentation. Luke wears them because they make him happy. Yes, Ashton finds Luke attractive in these outfits because that’s his spouse. But this Luke is not a fetish for wearing dresses and lingerie. They are feminine, not feminized. This Luke is a person with preferences. 
Anyway, I felt that in order for the series to go forward, I needed to get this off my chest. It’s at 39 parts. I want the series to continue. And I needed to get my head on straight for that to happen.
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taleofharrison · 4 years
5SOS masterlist
* - Trigger Warnings
Ashton Irwin
I’ll Never Give You Away - Ashton’s daughter birth doesn’t go as planned (written for a writing challenge by Courts @writingfortoomanyfandoms)
Galaxies -  Ashton’s dating an astrophysicist and he’s with her while she has the opportunity to use the facilities from the ESO.
Big Time Rush - Just a small thing I had to get out of my system reader gets excited because of a possible BTR reunion
Welcome Back - Will Ashton’s daughter recognize him after two months touring?
The Cure - Ashton is there to help you and pick you up from a rough place*
What if - Just three cute scenes with Ashton x pregnant!reader
Just saying - Based on the song by 5SOS
Michael Clifford
New Family Member- Reader adopts a kitty while Michael is on tour
Amazing - Michael’s ready to take the next step but he isn’t sure about you (taking prompts from the song Amazing by Big Time Rush)
Finally - After years and a heartbreak reader finally gives Michael a shot
Worldwide - Reader has the opportunity of working in the job of her dreams but that means leaving Michael behind (based on Worldwide by Big Time Rush)
Stuck - MIchael tells reader how he feels about her on her birthday (featuring some songs by BTR written as a birthday gift to myself)
Perfect Harmony - Reader and Michael write a song together
Round two - Reader has an exciting announcement for Michael
Guitar - 80′s!AU Reader finally talks to Michael as something more than a friend with the help of her brother
Sk8er Boy - Requested inspired on my favorite song by Avril Lavigne 
Why - inspired by Secret Love Song and Why by Little Mix and Shawn Mendes Michael is in a PR stunt and has to hide his real girlfriend.
Traitor - Based on the song by Olivia Rodrigo and part 2 to why
End Up Here - Inspired by the song
Traitor - Based on the song by Olivia Rodrigo and part 2 to why.
Luke Hemmings
Catch you -  The reader goes to Luke’s home at 3 in the morning and he immediately knows somethings wrong.*
Better Now - Part 2 to Catch You
Weddings - Luke finally gets to meet your family at your sister’s wedding
We can try - College!Au Reader has a wrong idea about Luke
Perfect - Reader is in love with Luke but he has a new girlfriend and reader is jealous (Based on the songs Girl Crush and Heather)
Missed you - Part 2 to Perfect
Is it just me -  Luke and you have a beatiful relationship but somehow it goes south.
Calum Hood
Bass Lines  Reader and Calum bond over music.
Sei Unica - Calum meets an actress who is Italian!reader and he asks her out.
The one - Calum remembers the day he knew he was in love with you in an interview (actress!reader)
Valentine - Calum suddenly feels the stress of valentine’s day
Father’s Day 2020
Chritmas!SOS 2020
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
oh I was WAITING for you to reblog this. here we go! C (for both atl and 5sos), I, K, M, S, T <3 love you!
team hgfdhgdfkgj that's so cute okay
C: What member do you identify with most? well i asked megs and she said "young michael" and when i asked why she said "i think you have similar energy levels" and then she said "but with them older, calum. i can't explain that one" so maybe that answers your question. ironically i think i, like megs, am both most and least like ashton, so take that how you will.
for all time low (which i did not ask megs about because she probably wouldn't know) i think jack? i feel like we worked this out in the club once maybe, and i'm pretty sure i was jack, although realistically i'm a mix of jack and alex and also rian a bit as well. i feel like...rian is very similar to my dad, so i'm probably roughly as much of rian as i am of my dad. i know that's a weird thing to say but just go with it. anyway (the way i characterize them anyway) alex is very Thinky and jack is a little more It Is What It Is which i think i am also that way, so. jack.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? i don't know how much i would necessarily call it a guilty pleasure but i'm not gonna lie, i love it when they kiss. am definitely guilty of this when writing, one of the things i have had to learn as i've grown as a writer is that the fic does not always call for a kiss and if i try to include one anyway a lot of the time it will just feel forced. but like. i alllllwaaayyyssss want them to kiss. i'm a kissing slut what can i say.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with? maybe emo lashton installment #3? or #2? idk it’s hard for me to think that my ideas are angsty when most of them end well. like i wrote a prompt fic (here) where ashton’s childhood home burned down, but like. no one died. and there’s this fic in spideyverse where luke gets really hurt and michael has to fix him up but again he ends up being fine? oh ho ho maybe the four-part fic series based on when the light hits the room by jc stewart, that’s a mashton breakup series but they only get back together in the fourth fic and the second one (you have come and gone (now you’re just a number on my telephone)) is pretty angsty. i’m realizing that me saying numbers here is absolutely meaningless unless you have the encyclopedic knowledge of my fic catalogue that i have but. whatever. wait also for atl fics i have to add the jalex breakup fic (my waves meet your shore ever and evermore) and also the post-apocalypse fic (ashes to ashes) both decidedly angsty. AND THE WORST OF YOU FIC. actually worst of you might win just because i NEVER write about toxic relationships so that one is really a standout. sorry team you gave me the opportunity to analyze my fics and you must have forgotten that i’m a leo aka self-obsessed so now here we are
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share? hmmm ones i would care to share? every idea i’ve ever had is slipping my mind. i haven’t written in a hot sec so i feel like my writing brain has been switched off one sec let me go look at my ideas nest . OH well. okay so. every time i learn something new in my sensation & perception class my instinct is to go “how can i make this a fic” SO. my professor, whom i fucking love, was telling us about different ways that hearing loss can occur, and she said that temporary hearing loss can happen a number of ways and THEN she told us this story about how she one time took a long flight while she had a bad cold, and the medicine that she took for her cold wore off while she was on the flight, and the elevation + the congestion led to her losing her hearing for THREE DAYS. so naturally i was like oh? temporary hearing loss from a non-traumatic incident that went away on its own and had no lasting effects? i can do something with this.
of course i haven’t written in a minute like i said but to be fair i had forgotten about this idea and telling you about it just now made me wanna write it. even more fun because i know the science behind why it would happen like anatomically. but also i just think it would be fun. the shenanigans that would ensue. hand gesture communication. i would like to see it. so there you go. that one is the most early stages that an idea can be (i.e. jotted down in my personal discord server) but hopefully that will not be true for too long.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? friendship? is that a lame/obvious answer? do i even know fandom tropes? there probably aren’t ones i “can’t resist” hmmm actually maybe anything sibling-related but i feel like those are pretty rare not that i’m an expert but i feel like i may be the leading effort on sibling-centric 5sos fics and that is not saying much considering how much i don’t write for 5sos at the moment lmao. i like when things that we know about in real life are included in fics like alex and rian’s tendency to just Always Kiss just for funsies or that luke can’t cook or that ashton like meditates or whatever. this is not always true though some real life things are things i don’t care for but that’s just a question of personal taste. and that is NOT what this question is asking me anyway
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? i very very poorly attempted to answer this here and i cannot do it again hdfgdsflkjg
fanfic ask game
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
8 songs, 8 rules (or something)
RULES: 8 song prompts & tag 8 people
thank you for the tag @staticsounds @redrattlers @tirednotflirting and @reachthezeneth !!
1. Favorite song at the moment.
Starting Line by Luke Hemmings she says to the surprise of no one. also That Funny Feeling by Bo Burnham and Goodbye by Bo Burnham
2. A song you associate with your favorite ship.
This requires me picking a favorite ship which like I don’t know how to do that. So we’ll go with my narrowed down top 3 ships.
so first CALM bc ot4 is superior. I have decided. their whole existence and meeting is fanfic material (childhood besties malum. we both thought the other was too cool cake. enemies to besties muke. met online mashton. we’ve met before! lashton. was angry bc where tf were you but then I fell in love with you cashton.) anyways song from my ot4 playlist Never Be by 5sos and my biggest writing goal is to write a fic based on it bc I could go on forever about colors in 5sos music.
next ship is birdflash and the song I associate would be Heroes by MIKA and like specifically YJ!verse but could work otherwise. and the other ship is Blam (from glee) and I associate them with Sick of Losing Soulmates by dodie.
the real moral of the story here is that I love the friends to lovers trope and most of my favorite ships exist in this realm of I’m okay with them being strictly platonic or being romantic and what matters to me is how they see ALL of the other and still choose to love them (platonic or romantic). and that said… there’s a lot of overlap on songs lol
3. A song that could be about you.
26 by Paramore bc even though that’s about her… the first time I heard the song I started crying and it’s just… learning to navigate being your biggest critic and most important supporter is a Struggle. trying to stay grounded and not give up on dreams. I just RELATE to this song with my whole being
4. A song that you think is underrated.
At the End of the Day by Mali-Koa. Listen like this whole album is phenomenal but I really think we don’t talk about this song enough. It’s really about this idea that everything you want to be and need to be is already inside you. that whatever you’re searching for you’ll find it because you already have it. idk it’s a comforting song for me and I think one of the best lyrics on the album (okay honestly the whole album is just lyrically a masterpiece)
5. A song that reminds you of a good memory.
Sevens by Samuel Hazo. My high school band never followed through on performing this in a concert, but learning this piece and everything was such a positive experience during band. Also 11/16 & 7/16 was just really fun to play! Learning the xylo part was an adventure but truly something I enjoyed and it’s just very tied to the best feelings of being in band. Notably a memory of one run through that was just spot on! (Also that feeling of finally getting the piece right? YEAH)
6. The last song you listened to.
Sticky (with SHAED) - Piano Version by The Maine (or well technically Upside Down by Austin Moon bc I watched Austin & Ally) like Sticky is a great song and then make it all pretty with a piano and then make it a duet???
7. A song that makes you laugh.
P*rnstar by ModSun. Censored bc I feel weird about that word being on my blog. Like it’s not even a bad song either? It’s very secksual though. And was like unexpected despite being completely expected based on the title. IDK it’s just like… made me laugh while listening to Internet Killed the Rockstar.
For a more sfw song: The Turd Song by Big Time Rush. Iconic. Amazing. Genius. Invented music. James’ run at the end?!?!
8. A song you want your mutuals to listen to.
I don’t think a day will go by where I don’t find a way to rec flights by twentylove. Like it’s just… a great song. lyrics and all it’s a favorite of mine. but for a different song Watercolors by Will Jay like it frustrates me this is the only version he’s released bc this song is sooooooooo good.
tagging (if you want to!): @takemealive @calumsash @hoodhoran @thenervousduck @in-superbloom @karajaynetoday @opheliascribbles @ladybugnoah
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
oooo for the wip numbers could i maybe get 13, 42, 87, & 91? -megs 💙
oh wait i just saw it was 1-90 so can i change the 91 to a 9? -megs 💙
@igarbagecannoteven yeah i only have 90 unpublished 5sos/1d ideas written down... for now
9. Growing pains
this one is my canon-compliant mashton-through-the-years thing that will probably be too much work to complete! the title comes from growing pains by neck deep, which is the mashton song to me (and also just a song I really like!). i have angsty section in 2017 that i'd enjoy writing, but since nothing else is planned and it'd be long and the only long canon-compliant fic i can imagine myself completing is unmute at the moment, i don't foresee this one being worked on that much
13. No love like your love
cashton songfic based on nobody by hozier!!!! fwb! they're both richer than they have any right to be! maturing! drug and alcohol abuse! disagreements with parents! figuring out what they want from life! pining! wondering if they mean as much to the other person as the other person means to them!
42. Roylum bali soulmate au
this one feels relatively self-explanatory..... the soulmates in this are wishy-washy-wibbly-wobbly rather than a clearly established, defined, inarguable part of society. i would love to write this one someday
87. oooo i'm actually not going to put this one because it's the prompt that I was working on tonight, so you'll get it this weekend!
Send me a number between 1-90 and I’ll tell you a bit about the corresponding fic idea in my idea doc
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Kiefer- Ashton Irwin
A/N: another 5sos fic! Ashton Irwin x y/n. Y/n’s gender is female for this fic, it just made it easier to write, my apologies to anyone it might upset, but you can always request. Feel free to correct any mistakes! Requested by @witch-harry​: “Could i request ash with prompt 49 (from fluff), and 13(from general) if not then any of the prompts is fine 🥺“.  tags: @calpalirwin​ @suchalonelysunflower​
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not my gif!
word count 2539
To everyone around them, y/n and ash seemed like the perfect couple. They were never seen apart and anyone that mentioned that possibility would have to deal with Ash. this wasn’t how it always was though. At first Ashton was just a mere thought to y/n. She never met the man, she only ever heard his name from those around her. One specific thing came up every time she heard the man’s name. 
“Stay away from him.” Michael said for what felt like the fiftieth time that afternoon.
“C’mon Mike, he can’t be that bad!” y/n wasn’t one to argue with her brother but it seemed that lately they couldn’t stop arguing. It started when Michael was talking about his day at work, like usual, and he happened to mention that his boss needed a translator. 
“Why is this a daily thing with you y/n?” he raised his voice before looking over at his younger sister. It’s not that he didn’t want to spend more time with y/n, which would come with the job considering Mike was Ash’s go to man, he just didn’t want her to get stuck in a world of violence like all of Ashton’s workers. 
“So, what Mike, you just expect me to stay at home all the time?” Y/n spent years stuck at home after their parents died. Michael wanted to keep her safe and away from the dangers that ended their parents' lives and made them orphans, so he had her throw herself into studying. She took a particular interest in languages and Michael never saw an issue with it. Until now. 
This argument lasted hours, all the way through the process of starting, cooking, and eating dinner. At the end, the decision had been made that y/n could meet the man and let y/n “see just how dangerous he really is.”  
The next day, Michael had returned home. He had in fact talked to Ashton about him meeting y/n, like he promised to her he would. The talk he had with Ashton turned unexpected though. Ash had claimed that he didn’t have time to meet her unless it was an official interview for the job. This meant that it wouldn’t matter if y/n had liked him or had proven Michael right, if she got the job she had to commit to it. It was part of Ashton’s rules, never interview to work with me unless you can fully commit. 
Once Michael had shared the news with his younger sibling, he was shocked to see that she did not care. He had hoped that it would’ve shocked some sense into her, maybe even scared her a little. She seemed completely unaffected, it kinda got under his nerves. He shrugged it off, he told himself that there was no point in starting another argument when neither of them even knew if she could get the job. The conversation at dinner that night was short and didn’t involve a lot besides the information y/n had to know before going in for the interview. After dinner, the pair went separate ways.
Three days later, y/n was getting ready for her interview when the nerves finally shook her. It wasn’t that she was afraid of Ash, it was more of the possibilities of what could happen if she did get the job. If she messed up, she could be killed. 
Walking beside Michael, she was met by a red door at the end of the hallway with a tall man in front of it. He was gorgeous, he had long curly blond hair and looked like the type of man that turns into a teddy bear once he smiled.  He wore a black suit, like Michael, but he had vertical stripes on his pants that were only slightly noticeable. They made him look taller. Michael smiled at him and went to reach for the door when the man grabbed his wrist. 
“You know the rules Mike, only one guest at a time” the man said, nodding his head to you before gesturing to you to come closer. Michael let out a sigh before taking a few steps back and gently pushing you forward. The man opened the door and stepped aside. Both men watched as you stepped inside. Before she noticed, the door behind y/n shut closed. She took a look around the room, it wasn’t what would be expected. Instead of having a desk in the middle, Ashton had a ‘L’ shaped desk in the corner of the room next to two large windows. The curtains were black, but the view of the lake outside was still visible through them. In Front of the desk was a dark brown leather loveseat, it might’ve not been black like the desk and chair, but it fit the room. The rest of the room contained file cabinets, a pile of duffle bags, and a mirror. y/n walked up to the mirror and straightened her outfit once again. For the interview she decided to wear a sheer black top ,the collar not buttoned, with a lace camisole underneath. For pants she wore a nice pair of black and grey plaid pants, and for shoes a black pair of heels. She turned around and walked towards the couch. She didn’t sit, but she ran her fingers across the back of it and tickled with the gold pendant she wore around her neck. The more she looked the more she realized there was no sign of any personal touches. It was like the office did not belong to anyone. Deciding to sit, she placed herself on the arm of the loveseat and waited. Unbeknownst to her, Ashton was watching her carefully through the camera. His driver, Calum, had informed him that y/n was waiting in his office for the interview. So while Calum drove, Ashton pulled up the live security footage on his phone. He hadn’t planned on watching her for long, he just wanted to know what he would be walking into. She just seemed to captivate him, even through a phone screen. 
Walking towards his office, he noticed a nervous Mike. he shot him a look before nodding at Luke, who stood in front of the door. He walks in and watches as she turns to look at him.
“y/n clifford?” he asks, though it was quite clear she was Michael's sister.
“That’s me. You’re Ashton” for someone who had no idea what he looked like, her sentence came out as a statement rather than a question.
“That’s me.” he smirked at her, looking her up and down. He wasn’t going to hit on her, but it was hard to deny she was gorgeous.
“So, you’re who they warned me about?” she questioned, she wasn’t trying to seem unimpressed, but it seemed as if she was. 
His face contorted as thoughts of people speaking ill of him entered his brain. “What do you mean?” He asked, his voice harsher than before. He walked by her and sat in his chair before motioning her to sit properly on the love seat.
“Nothing personal, i suppose. Though you are the boss of a Mafia.” y/n didn’t move from her spot, instead her eyes drifted to the guns Ashton was placing on the desk. He chuckled, she had a point. Her eyes stayed on his hands as they went to his tie. He loosened it, but once he realized y/n’s eyes were on his hands, he made it a point to tap his fingers on the desk. Peeling her eyes away from his hand, they drifted to his eyes.  “Shall we get started then?
After the interview, y/n was hired on the spot. She filled out some paperwork and it was official.
Unfortunately for Ash and Y/n they soon fell for each other. This meant that y/n could be a target. Specifically for Harry styles. He was known to be one of the nicer Mafia bosses, but Ashton had hurt his sister’s feelings and Harry made it a goal to hurt Ashton back. 
Ashton knew the risks of getting emotionally involved with y/n, but he couldn’t help the feelings that he had for her. 
So here he was walking to his office, where he asked y/n to meet with him. It wasn’t unusual for them, it was common for the pair to have a meal together. So common that the chef Ashton has started to bring two plates up for lunch everyday. 
Y/n pushed open the door, seeing as the man (who she grew to know as Luke) was at his lunch break. As she walked in, the chef walked out. The room smelled amazing, the scent familiar put she wasn’t able to pin it down. Ashton walked in behind her and slid his arm around her waist. The two looked at each other, both wearing smiles. The whispered ‘hello’s then Ash kissed the side of her head before leading her to the small table, which he had placed in the room especially for them. Sitting down, y/n fiddled with the ring Ashton gifted her on her birthday. Revealing the food, y/n was surprised to see y/f/m. It's not that Ashton hated the meal, but he wouldn’t be able to eat it everyday like y/n. Sharing glances as they began to eat, Y/n noticed Ashton seemed nervous. It was weird, he was never nervous around her.
“You ok Ash?” y/n questioned. She could see he was hesitant to answer.
It was clear that he was in fact nervous as he stuttered through his response. “Yeah, I just have a question for you.” 
“Shoot!” y/n responded happily. 
He grabbed his drink and took a big sip. He lost all nervousness as he began to talk “I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date?” y/n laughed, like laugh so hard it hurts your stomach. Ash’s face turned red, neither were sure if it was from embarrassment or anger.
“Ash, you can’t be serious-” y/n cut herself off when she noticed the tight line he had forced his lips into. Changing direction of her question, she spoke again. “We’ve practically been dating since the week you first hired me. I’ve just been waiting for you to make it official.” 
Most of his face went back to normal, his cheeks still red as he blushed. “Why haven’t you?” he reached over and put a strand of hair behind her ears. “Tried to make it official, I mean.” he added.
“It affects you more than me. You’re the boss, maybe you didn’t want people to think you’ve gone soft. Or have a burden of protecting me on your shoulders.” her face burned up, she avoided eye contact by looking down.
“y/n, what are you talking about?” Ashton’s eyebrows frowned. “You’re the only thing that matters to me.” she looked up to see him already looking at her eyes, a smile formed on both their faces. “Plus, i already have that burden. Can’t lose my translator, now can i?” he joked. His cheeks rose to his eyes as he watched her laugh. 
It’d been almost two years since then. Their anniversary was coming up and Ashton had left to deal with some business. The business was with Harry, so it made y/n anxious. Mostly because wherever Harry was, Gemma, Harry's sister, was too. it wasn’t usual for Ashton to be away for so long. in fact it wasn’t usual for Ashton to leave home without Y/n, but there’s a first for everything. right?  like the past six days of the week, y/n spent her day cleaning. She had no idea when Ashton would come home, but like the pleaser she was, she had to keep the home he had bought for her spotless. she knew he only spoiled her if she promised to take care of her things. 
as more hours passed y/n grew restless. she read a book, neatened Ashton’s office, took a walk, played cards with Luke (her now personal guard), and even ironed Ashton’s suits for the third time that week. She cooked herself and Luke dinner once she received Ash’s message stating that he was in fact not coming home today.  
Once she had finally managed to drag herself into bed, she stared up at the ceiling and traced the tattoo that dragged itself from her wrist to the side of her thumb. she eventually switched from the tattoo to the (y/f/c) knife that Ash gifted her for their first anniversary. while tracing the tip of the blade for the third time, y/n hear a vibration coming from her bedside table. technically it was Ashton’s bed side table since she currently resided on his side of the bed. she found comfort in the smells his pillows radiated. closing the blade, y/n carefully picks up the phone and to her surprise see’s a text from Michael. When y/n and Ashton became official, Michael was the least excited. As much as he trusted Ash, he knew Ash’s history with Gemma, he didn’t want his little sister’s heart to be broken. 
The message was rushed but practically just stated that he, Ash, and Calum were almost to the house and that Ashton wanted her in the living room. He had a surprise for her.  So y/n got up and dragged her small fluffy blanket before dragging herself down the stairs. With Luke, who stood in front of her bedroom door, following closely behind. Once downstairs, Y/n sat on a loveseat and had Luke sit across from her rather than to stand next to her. They sat in silence for a while before they heard a car pull in. Luke opened the front door, greeting Ashton and Michael before going to help Calum with anything in the car. She watched as Michael assisted Ash with carrying a large crate with a blanket over it. They placed it in front of her and Ash leaned over to press a quick kiss to her lips.
“What is that?” she asked, curiosity getting the better of her. 
“Wow, no hello-” Michael started
“No, you lied and said you wouldn’t be home tonight” she interrupted. Then nodded towards the crate again. Ashton smiled and lifted the blanket to reveal a german shepherd. y/n squealed and jumped up to open the crate. She placed the dog, who was not small to say the least, on her lap. He seemed tired, but he still managed to lick her hand. She noticed the tag. It read “kiefer”. Ash explained how he was left behind by a cop who clearly abused him. Michael adds that this was the reason it took so long to come home. The dog needed to be washed and loved before being handed over to y/n. The night was then spent with y/n obsessing over the animal and Ashton promising that the dog was not her only anniversary gift, and that she would still be spoiled on their special day.
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
Amnesia - Richie Tozier (part four)
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word count: 1785 warnings: swearing, conflicttt summary: loosely based on Amnesia by 5sos + (part one) + (part two) + (part three) ___
[ if what we had was real, how could you be fine? cause i’m not fine at all ]
Derry, Maine, 2019
Now that he was standing here, Richie was fairly certain this was idiotic.  This was a bad plan, and maybe even a bit stalker-ish.
Bribing and lightly threatening the hotel clerk to give him the information of the room (y/n) was staying in was a bit over the top, he’ll admit.  But he’d had a few drinks to give him the courage to finally get the closure that he desperately needed.
So, he knocked on her door.
“I don’t need room service,” (y/n’s) kind voice called from inside.  “But thank you-”
“It’s not room service,” Richie said.  “Unless this is a porno, then this is the sexiest room service you’ve ever experienced”
(y/n) opened the door, giving him that look, the one he had grown so accustomed to seeing when they were kids, but she was smiling, which he considered a win.
“How did you figure out what room I was staying in, Richie?” She asked, more curious than annoyed.
“G’evening to you too, babycakes,” He grinned back at her.  “Let’s just say I have my ways-”
“Did you threaten the poor man downstairs?”
“Well not a serious threat-”
“Oh my,” The woman sighed, and rested her palm to her forehead.  “Well, what’re you doing here?”
“I just wanna talk,” He said, and raised his hands innocently.  “Honest”
Her eyes assessed him for a moment, unsure if that was such a good idea.
But she’d never been good at saying no to that face.
“Alright,” She murmured, and stepped aside to let him in.  “Come on in then”
She shut the door behind him, and was quick to grab her hoodie to cover the still-healing marks on her arms.
Richie sat on the side of her bed, while she hovered at the counter.  It was then that he realized her coffee machine was running.
“Are you drinking coffee right now?”
“It’s decaf, it sounded good,” She answered with a small shrug.  “So, um… what’d you wanna talk about?”
She felt like a teenager all over again.  Watching Richie while he watched her, and trying to figure out what was going on in his head.  She was almost always wrong.
“You, actually,” He said.  “Like… maybe why you… uh… stopped writing me?”
Her mouth opened, and then closed again, not knowing the right answer.  The truth wasn’t an option, but she couldn’t think of a good enough lie.
“I… I forgot… about-”
“Come on,” Richie said softly.  “Don’t lie, it’s alright, just tell me the truth”
He was being so quiet, and it troubled her.
She poured out her cup of coffee, and gestured as though to ask if he wanted a cup.
“(y/n),” He sighed, knowing she was avoiding the question.  “Whatever it is-”
“I couldn’t, okay?” She murmured.  “I couldn’t talk to you anymore, have you in my life, see you- I just couldn’t”
Richie’s brows furrowed, and his lips curved into a small half-smile.
“You couldn’t?” He asked, and she just nodded, and took a sip of her coffee.  “As in… you didn’t want to?”
“No- no not like that” She said quickly.
“Then… what?” He asked.
(y/n) stared down at her mug, wondering why she didn’t pack up and leave tonight.  She knew why.  She knew exactly why.  She couldn’t go back to Clayton, not now anyways.  He’d kill her.  She was lucky to have gotten out, to have made it here in the first place.
And now that she felt the need to leave… she wasn’t sure where to go.
“It’s hard to explain-”
“Maybe try,” Richie said, getting fed up with her dancing around the question.  “Look if you fell out of love with me that’s fine, (y/n/n), I get it, life happens, and it’s been a long time but… I just want to know the truth”
“Fall out of- no, Richie, it’s not like that either,” She sighed, and sat next to him on the mattress.  “I wanted to write, I really, really did, okay?”
“Okay… then why didn’t you?” He asked slowly.
It was obvious that she was holding something back.  Anyone with eyes could see that.  And that alone was breaking his heart, because there was once a time where she couldn’t hide something from him if she tried.
“I… I uh…” Her hands began to wring together, which didn’t go unnoticed by Richie.  “I did get your letter- well, letters, but I mean the one from uh- from when you moved out of Derry,” She took another deep breath, and stared down at her hands so she didn’t have to face him when she continued.  “Clay… he… uh, well, he didn’t like the idea of me flying out to see you… and then he didn’t like the idea of me keeping in touch at all… so…”
Richie’s brows furrowed, and for a minute, he didn’t believe her.  
But when she covered her face with her hand, and was trying to hold back tears, he realized she was telling the truth.
“I’m sorry, Rich, I- I really wanted to come” She said quietly, trying to hide the fact that she was about to burst into tears.
“It’s… it’s alright, at least I know…”
He didn’t know what to say.  He was pretty sure that Clayton was an even bigger dick than he’d originally taken him for.
She wiped her eyes to make sure they were dry before looking at him.
“What?” She mumbled.
His eyes wandered over her for a moment, her slumped posture, her eyes that wouldn’t meet his for more than a second, the carefully crafted neutral expression on her face-
He gave her a sad smile, before offering her his hand.
She made a weird face, but he just tapped his fingers to his palm to prompt her to do it.
“Just take my hand, babycakes,” He chuckled at her reluctance, but eventually she gave in, and placed her hand delicately in his.  “I missed you, you know?”
“I missed you too,” She nods.  “I would… uh, pretend to write you letters.  In my head.  When I really wanted to tell you something… or just really missed you on that particular day”
He laughed, because that was such a (y/n) thing to do.
“You know you could’ve… brought him with you,” Richie said.  “I mean, I might have murdered him.  But still-”
“No I-” She started, meeting his confused gaze for a fleeting moment.  “I don’t think that you understand,” She murmured.  “Clayton, he- well he made me, um…”
Richie’s confusion only grew the more (y/n) spoke.  And slowly, that confusion was warping into anger.
“He made me swear off my old friends,” She admitted.  “I know, it sounds-”
“-toxic? You do know that’s a bigass red flag right?” Richie cut her off, but she ignored the comment.
“He’s just sensitive.  He’s been hurt in the past, and just doesn’t want to be hurt again, you know?”
Richie frowned.
“I mean, I am too, you know.  Everyone has things they don’t want to repeat” She said it so quietly, she thought he didn’t hear her.
But the hurt look on his face told him that he’d heard her perfectly.
“And what aren’t you trying to repeat, (y/n/n)?”
Her eyes wandered between his for a long, silent moment.  And she surprised him when a soft smile spread across her lips.  And then a small giggle.
He couldn’t help but smile back, even though he wasn’t sure what she was doing or thinking at all.
“He just wants to be loved, Rich,” She hummed.  “I know he’s a little strange, but still-”
“Yeah,” Richie sighed.  “You’re right”
He felt uneasy about it still, but he could leave it alone for now.
(y/n) stood to dump the rest of her coffee down the sink, and then rinsed out the mug so she could use it again in the morning.  
“You’re leaving tomorrow?” He asked, and she nodded, casting him a quick glance over her shoulder.
“Yeah- yeah, I think it’s for the best,” She said dismissively.  “It’s not like you all really need me, and, uh, Clayton probably wants me to hurry up and get home-”
“Do you still love him?”
She spun around now, and scoffed.
“I mean, if you separated, why are you so worried about his feelings?” He asked.
She blinked, and he knew he’d crossed a line, but he didn’t retract the question.  Just waited for her to answer it.
“I- we were married Rich, partners.  That doesn’t just disappear as soon as he-” She stops herself, chuckling and shaking her head.  “That doesn’t just go away”
Richie stared at her for a minute longer, and his discomfort only grew.
“(y/n)...” He said her name slowly, and she knew that was his ‘just fess up’ voice.  She’d heard it a million times before, but that was a lifetime ago.
“I’m sorry if that’s not what you want to hear Richie, but fuck you’re just going to have to accept it-”
“(y/n),” He said again, this time more sternly, before he stood up, and crossed the room to stand with her.  “What is it?”
For a moment, she thought she would break down right there in front of him.  His eyes were boring holes into hers, looking all the way into her soul.  Her lip started to quiver, and she nearly started crying again.
No.  No, you’ll only make things worse.  Unnecessarily harder.  You don’t want that for yourself, do you?
“We were going to have kids, alright?” She lied right through her teeth.  “It’s hard to give something up like that”
He should’ve known she was lying.  But he was too heartbroken from the statement to think about it.
“Oh” Was all he was able to say.
He stepped back from her, looking her over, like he didn’t recognize her, and then stepped back further.
She tried to apologize for her harshness, but he shook his head, and made a beeline for the door.
“You’re right.  You can’t,” He told her.  “I hope you two figure it out”
The tone in his voice told her the opposite.
“Richie” She said, coming off a bit more desperate than she intended.
“Goodnight, (y/n/n)” He told her, and then promptly left her room.
Every bone in her body screamed go after him, don’t let him just walk away, go fix it!
But she couldn’t get herself to move.  She was frozen in place, glued to the ground, stunned completely to her core.
And he was gone.
xoxo ~ jordie
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Calum Hood/Michael Clifford/Female Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Content: Calum and reader take Michael on a cute little first date, lots of fluff, kisses and cuddles, a few sexual references. 
Trigger warnings: Strong language, alcohol, references to sexual activity
A/N: This is my contribution to the August/September 5sos fic writers collab. This time we decided to exchange gifts and I had the pleasure of writing for the lovely @malumsmermaid! I hope you enjoy this, Lauren, your whole form was an absolute treat, I could have written everything on it tbh! <3 
Thank you @h0tsos and @mermaidcashton for helping me as always!
The carpark outside the amusement complex seems about as busy as you’d expect it to be on a Friday evening.
As Calum pulls the car into a parking space as near to the entrance as possible, you check your reflection in your little compact mirror, trying to ignore the nervous butterflies in your tummy.
“You look gorgeous, angel.” Calum smiles encouragingly, turning off the car and unfastening his seatbelt. “And you know Michael will think so too, most of his messages include some comment about how beautiful you are.”
You shove your compact back into your handbag and turn to face your boyfriend. He looks as flawless as ever, the dying sunlight casting his handsome face in a golden glow. Most people would have taken his comment as an admission of jealousy but you know him too well for that. He’s not envious of Michael complimenting you, in fact he actively encourages it. Your boyfriend’s only insecurity is that your date might like you a little bit more than he likes Calum. Something that you find very hard to believe.
“He’s always raving about how gorgeous you are too, Calum.” You reply seriously. “There’s no way he’d have agreed to this date if he wasn’t attracted to both of us.”
“You really think so?” Calum asks, a rare bashfulness present in his expression as he searches your face for a sign that you might be lying just to make him feel better.
Nodding sincerely you reach out to take his hand. “Michael definitely seems to like a man who knows what he wants, doesn’t he?” You prompt, tilting your head questioningly. “Besides, how could anyone not think you were hot, Cal? Have you even looked in a mirror lately? You look more like an underwear model everyday.”
Calum laughs, a light blush rising his cheeks. “Shut up… I do not!”
“Are you challenging me, Hood?” You ask, “Because we both know how that ended up last time.”
There’s no way that Calum can argue with you. Last time he’d denied how good he looked, he’d ended up pressed against the stall in the bathroom of a bar, fighting to keep his moans to a minimum as you sucked the life out of him. He seems to get lost in the memory for a moment but you snapped him out of it with a brief kiss to his cheek. “Come on, we can’t keep our date waiting!”
Calum nods giving your hand one last squeeze before he gets out of the car.
Your nerves only seem to multiply as you join Calum outside, taking his hand again and leading the way into the amusement complex. It’s not the sort of place you and Calum visit all  that often. You’d been to the Cinema here a few times but according to the sign at the entrance, there was also an amusement arcade, mini golf center, and an escape room attraction in addition to the bowling alley that you knew about already, because that’s where your date worked.
You’d found that little piece of information out when you’d first started talking to Michael a few weeks back. He’d nervously reached out to you and Calum when he’d joined the online ghost hunting forum that the two of you ran. After a couple of days of small talk, the messages had become a little bit flirty and Calum had suggested moving your conversation over to Whatsapp instead.
Despite being a bit nervous at first, Michael never seemed to be lost for words and he wasn’t completely hopeless at flirting either. He’d quickly integrated into your life and you’d found yourself discussing him with Calum in increasingly sexual and even romantic ways. After a while it seemed inevitable that you needed to meet him in person and see if this online ‘thing’ had any substance in the real world.
When you’d suggested meeting up for dinner, Michael had seemed incredibly excited, suggesting that you meet him after his shift at work so that the three of you could grab something to eat at his favourite burger place.
Heading into the building, you stuck close to Calum, trying to focus on your excitement rather than your nerves.
On the surface, Calum looks cool as a cucumber, slinging his arm casually around your shoulder as he glances around, taking in his surroundings. Underneath that calm exterior, though, you know that he’s a whirlwind of emotions, just like you.
You reach the amusement arcade first. It’s fairly busy, little clusters of families and groups of friends gathered around the various gaming machines. Their laughter and excited chatter brings a smile to your face. This sort of environment reminds you so much of the early days of your relationship with Calum, when he’d try to impress you by winning hundreds of tickets on the games or getting you a cuddly toy from the grabber machines.
Calum seems to have the same thought as his gaze drifts to the basketball game. “Remember how good I used to be at that?” He asks, smiling wistfully.
You nod. “You used to win so many tickets on that game.”
Your boyfriend’s gentle smile morphs into something a little more flirtatious as an idea occurs to him. “Maybe I should try and impress Michael with my skills… do you think he likes cuddly toys?”
“Who doesn’t?” You counter with a small giggle. “But if we don’t hurry up we won’t get a chance to impress him, he’ll think we’ve stood him up.”
Calum pulls you into further into his side as he quickens his pace, following the arrows on the overhead signs to the bowling alley. Not that it’s necessary, really, given that the unmistakable sounds of heavy bowling balls rolling over polished wooden floors and the clattering of plastic pins is loud enough to be heard over the beeping and blooping of the arcade games.
As the bowling alley looms in front of you, your eyes are drawn immediately to the welcome desk. There’s a young lady currently spraying deodorizer into a couple of pairs of the bowling shoes but Michael is nowhere to be seen.
“Hi there!” The girl smiles brightly, storing the shoes back on the rack behind the counter. “Is it just a lane for two, or are you part of a bigger group?” She asks, her brown eyes glinting prettily in the dim light.
“Oh, we're not here to play, sorry.” Calum replies nervously. “We’re just meeting someone here…”
“Oh my god! You must be Michael’s dates!” The girl exclaims, bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet. “He hasn’t stopped talking about you all day!”
The news that Michael has told his work friend about you helps ease your nerves a little bit. It confirms that he’s excited for the date at least.
“Really?” Calum chuckles, “we can’t wait to meet him in person…”
The girl leans over the counter, beckoning you both closer that she can talk in a lower voice. “He’s a bit of a dork and he’s really nervous, so please go easy on him!”
You nod, knowingly. “Yeah we gathered about the dork thing.”
“And we'll take care of him, we promise, won’t we babe?” Calum adds, squeezing your arm gently.”
“Of course!” You confirm. “He’s not the only nervous one, though.. we’ve never done anything like this before, either.”
The girl simply grinned. “Well, you’ve picked a good guy, I really hope tonight goes well, what’re your plans?”
Before you can reply, someone interjects. “You better not be ruining my good name, over there, Jas…”
You glance up to see Michael hovering awkwardly at the other end of the counter.
“Would I ever do such a thing?” Jasmine gasps dramatically. “I’m just making sure your cute dates know what they’ve let themselves in for, that’s all.” She aims a quick wink at you and Calum before heading over to tidy up the desk space around the computer.
“I promise I’m not as nerdy as Jasmine has probably tried to make you believe I am.” Michael chuckles, stepping a bit closer to you.
He looks even more beautiful in real life than he does in his photos. His green eyes have such depth to them, that you swear you could get totally lost in them for hours. His fluffy blonde hair is just begging for your fingers to be run through it and you can’t help but let your eyes drift over his simple, yet attractive outfit. The plain black button-up (done all the way up to his neck, unlike Calum’s…) and his black skinny jeans compliment his body perfectly.
“She didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know, dork.” Calum smirks playfully.
Michael blushes and curls in on himself a little, so you take the initiative to move the conversation on. “That doesn’t stop you from looking gorgeous, though!” You try, tentatively reaching out to touch his arm. “It’s nice to see that someone knows how to wear a shirt without flashing his nips at everyone.”
Calum huffs in mock offence at your comment, but Michael chuckles, his eyes lighting up gleefully with the gesture.
“Hey!” Calum grumbles jokingly. “Everyone loves seeing a bit of nipple now and again.”
“I agree, I think hot guys should always have their nipples out.” Jasmine interjects.
You notice the way that Michael bites his bottom lip as his eyes travel down Calum’s chest. “Yeah hot guys, definitely should…” he agrees quietly, as though he’s talking more to himself than anyone else.
“Well maybe after a few drinks we can get a few of your buttons open.” Calum smirks, reaching out his hand to stroke Michael’s arm, just like you had a moment ago.
Michael melts at the suggestion, his eyes burning into Calum’s as he swallows thickly. You know exactly how he’s feeling, you’ve been subject to Calum’s effortless flirting countless times. Your boyfriend is just a master at making people feel relaxed and incredibly wanted at the same time.
“Well I don’t know about that…” the blonde replies, his cheeks reddening under Calum’s gaze.
Despite his online flirting, you’re not entirely sure that Calum’s full-on approach is the best way to win Michael over. Making an executive decision, you interject, breaking the silence that’s descended over the three of you. “Trust Calum to start talking about your nipples before he’s even brought you dinner!” You giggle.
“Hey, you were the one that brought up the nipple conversation!” Calum argues, shooting you a smirk before turning his attention back to Michael “don’t let her convince you that she's innocent, Mikey. She’s far from it, I promise!”
Michael’s blush deepens a little further at the fond shortening of his name and the insinuation that you have a mischievous side. Knowing that Calum could easily turn this conversation into something far too cheeky for such an early point in the date, you decide to try and navigate a safer topic once again. “Stop traumatising the poor guy, Calum.” You sigh. “Are you going to take us for dinner before Christmas or…”
Calum’s smirk stays firmly on his face as he nods. “Sure, if Mikey’s ready to eat?”
Still looking a little shy, Michael scratched the back of his neck. “Sure, unless you guys fancy a game or two of bowling first?” He asks. “Because, y’know, I don’t have to pay or anything…”
Despite looking a little embarrassed about his suggestion, he also sounds somewhat proud of the fact he can show off something to them.
“Sounds like fun.” You reply, hoping to bolster his confidence a bit. “Although I think it’ll be a very unfair game! You probably get to practice a lot.”
Michael shrugs, “not a lot…”
“It doesn’t matter how much he practices, angel.” Calum smirks. “I’ll still beat both your asses.”
“I wouldn’t bet on that, Mr!” You giggle, slapping Calum’s arm playfully. “Let’s team up against him, Mikey babe, and show him how it’s done!”
Michael’s expression brightens at your use of the combination of his shortened name and the pet name Calum had used for him earlier. “You want to team up with me?” He asks, as though the news is somewhat of a shock. “I just thought…”
“Well if Mr I’ll-beat-both-your-asses wants to prove himself, we should teach him a lesson, shouldn’t we?” You giggle, gaining a little self confidence as you take his hand. “Let’s knock him down a peg or two, huh?”
Michael nods, closing his fingers around yours as he glances at Calum to make sure he’s not overstepping any boundaries.
“Well it’d make a change for you to knock something down, because you certainly never hit many pins….” Your boyfriend teases before squeezing Michael’s arm affectionately. “I hope you know what you’re letting yourself in for, teaming up with this one.”
“It’s just nice to be able to bowl with someone other than my dumb friend, Luke, to be honest.” Michael admits. “He’s a great guy but he’s clumsy as hell and he has the attention span of a gnat.”
“Sounds like he’d get on perfectly with Calum, then.” You smirk.
Once you’ve all changed into bowling shoes, Jasmine allocates you a lane and wishes you luck. You don’t miss the little wink and thumbs up she gives to Michael before she returns to tidying up the shoe rack.
“Lane 5 is my lucky lane.” Michael announces, the hint of pride that he’d had in his voice when he told you he didn’t have to pay to bowl here, is back and you find it utterly adorable. “So it looks like we have a fighting chance of beating you after all…” He adds, turning to face Calum as he picks up a bowling ball in each hand from the rack.
“I hope you’re right, babe.” Calum grins. “It’s been ages since i’ve had some decent competition!” He aims a knowing nod at you along with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey!” You protest. “I’ve beaten you plenty of times.”
Shaking his head, Calum insists that you’re terrible at most things that could be described as a sport, no matter how loosely the activity might qualify.
“That’s so rude.” You huff playfully, linking your arm through Michael’s. “Come on Mikey, let’s beat his ass…”
Michael giggled excitedly. “I’m up for that bet.”
“Well I hope all your practice pays off, because the losers are buying nachos…” Calum winks at you both.
Before you Michael can reply, a thoughtful expression takes over your boyfriend’s face. “Unless you get those for free as well, Mikey?” He adds, “In which case we need a new bet…”
“I get them half price…” Michael laughs, the adorable sound making your heart melt a bit in your chest.
“We can get nachos next time anyway!” You interrupt, “I don’t want to ruin the nice meal you’re gonna buy for use later, Cal.”
Calum opens his mouth to respond but Michael interjects. “Yeah about that…”
For a moment you’re terrified that Michael is having second thoughts about the date. It’s obvious by the nervous look on his face that Calum shares your concerns.
Michael scratches the back of his neck anxiously. “I feel like I should be the one to buy dinner for you guys. I’m the one who should be romancing you both and stuff…”
Relief floods through you at Michael’s words, knowing that was his biggest concern about the night meant that you didn’t have to worry about him backing out. You have a whole speech ready about how Calum loves to be the one that treats his lovers to meals and gifts. It’s all part of how he shows his affections. You never get to say any of it, though.
Calum steps forward, cupping Michael’s cheek gently. “We’re the ones that asked you out, Mikey.” He smiles softly. “Let us take care of you and pay for the meal tonight, okay?”
Michael sort of melts under Calum’s gaze as he nods. You know from experience that when Calum turns on the charm like that, there’s no choice but to agree with whatever he’s saying. “As long as you’re sure?” The blonde replies, his eyes never leaving Calum’s.
“I’m sure, babe.” Calum insists, still holding Michael’s gaze effortlessly. “Hey, angel.” He adds to you without looking away, seemingly engrossed in Michael. “Would you be really mad if I stole the first kiss with our date.”
“Not if I get one right after!” You grin, stepping a little closer to the two men.
You can tell that Michael’s heart is pounding, that slight fear and panic that always engulfs you in the seconds before a first kiss with someone new, is painted all over the blonde’s pretty face. In an attempt to calm him and simultaneously feel more involved in the moment, you take Michael’s hand. He spares you a quick glance before Calum gently commands his attention once more.
“Are you happy with that, baby?” Calum asks, glancing down at Michael’s lips as he spoke. “We don’t want you to feel like you’re being passed around or anything.”
A tiny glint appears in Michael’s eyes that suggests he probably quite likes the sound of that actually. You make a mental note of that for when things hopefully do take a sexy turn a little further down the line. There’s no rush, though. Right now you're just excited to see Calum kiss your new date and then kiss him yourself.
“I’m more than happy with that.” Michael confirms, leaning ever-so-slightly closer to Calum. “I’ve thought about it a lot actually.”
Seemingly satisfied that he’s not pushing too hard, Calum pulls Michael’s face closer to his own until their lips meet. It looks like a soft and gentle gesture, their movements sort of hesitant, neither man wanting to come across as too pushy or eager.
It was strange that you’d been a bit worried about this moment on the run up to your date with Michael. Despite your attraction to the blonde, you’ve always had somewhat of a jealous streak and you’d been concerned that it’d rear its ugly head when Calum started showing Michael some romantic or sexual attention. However, now that it’s happening right in front of your eyes, the only thing you actually feel is excitement. It’s almost as though this moment marks the very start of a new chapter of your life, and it’s not nearly as scary as you thought it might be.
Watching Michael melt into Calum just makes you want to take them both home and explore this new thing alone with them. You know that it’s important not to rush, so you push those thoughts away for the time being, focusing on enjoying the moment.
When they finally pull apart, you waste no time in sidling between them, wrapping your arms around Michael’s neck. He looked even cuter up close; his eyes were such a pretty shade of green, you felt like you could lose yourself in them and if his lips feel as soft as they look, you don’t think you’ll ever want to stop kissing them.
Despite having just done this with Calum, Michael seems a bit nervous. The corners of lips twitch into a hesitant smile as he leans forward a little clumsily. You giggle softly, tilting your head a bit to make the angle easier.
Michael connects the kiss, his movements gentle and slow, giving you every opportunity to back out if you wanted to. That’s the very last thing on your mind, though. Michael’s lips feel every bit as heavenly as you’d imagined. You never thought that anyone could make your knees weak just with a simple kiss like Calum could, it seems you‘d been very much mistaken.
“God, you two are beautiful.” Calum whispers, his hand resting on your lower back as he hovers closeby.
A tiny hum escapes Michael, it’s almost a moan but he seems to catch himself before it quite develops into one.
You swallow it eagerly, sliding your tongue over Michael’s bottom lip to deepen the kiss.
“Looks like my angel loves kissing you as much as I do, baby.” Calum whispers, just loud enough for you and Michael to hear over the background noise.
The blonde man looks slightly dopey as he finally pulls away for air. “You’re both…” He breathes, seemingly trying to figure out the right words to describe you and Calum. “Uh, you’re both amazing, I…”
“We could say the same about you.” You reply, pecking one last kiss to Michael’s lips before snuggling into Calum. The contrast between the new exciting feelings you have for Michael and the deep, familiar ones you have for Calum make for the most wonderful combination. “Right, Cal?”
Calum hums in agreement, placing a kiss on your cheek and then Michael’s. “It feels like we’ve all hit the jackpot, doesn’t it?”
“Definitely.” Michael agrees, nodding enthusiastically. “I don’t know how I managed to get you this, but I couldn’t be happier about it.”
“Neither could we.” You confirm, stepping away from both men towards the keypad for your lane’s display monitor. “Now let’s whoop Calum’s ass so he can buy us burgers and cocktails!”
“The burgers and cocktails were always going to be my treat, but I wanna know what I’ll get when I win.” Calum smirks..
“What if the winner can choose any prize they want in the arcade and the loser has to get it for them?” Michael suggests. “I’ve had my eye on that cute little pumpkin keyring in the coin push machines for forever…”
You could tell by the expression on Calum’s face that he was already incredibly soft for your date. “Then you’d better win, hadn’t you?” He replies, pinching Michael’s cheek playfully.
“Calum’s terrible at the coin push machines, though.” You chuckle, “we’ll be here all night!”
“That’s okay…” Michael grins. “I get half off the nachos, remember?”
The first half of the game is mostly spent exchanging flirtatious banter and the three you of trying desperately to appear cool and sexy to the other two.
Even though you and Calum have lived together for quite a while now, and know pretty much everything there is to know about each other, you still find yourself trying to impress him as much you’re trying to impress Michael. You know that’s probably not the only surprising thing you’ll find about adding someone new to your relationship, and it’s a pretty exciting thought.
You try to imagine what other thoughts and emotions will be conjured up as time wears on and Michael becomes a permanent fixture in your life. Perhaps it’s far too early in your relationship for thoughts like that, but you can’t really help it. Although Calum has always been more than enough for you, Michael definitely seems like the perfect finishing touch to your lives.
“Yes!” Calum exclaims loudly, pumping his fist into the air as the final pin clatters over on the shiny wood of the bowling lane. “Looks like I just extended my lead even further.” He boasts, aiming a wink at you and Michael before ambling over to take a sip of his beer.
Jasmine had been kind enough to ask one of the waiters to bring you over a complimentary drink each. You’d insisted on paying but she assured you that she was allowed to give out a few freebies and it’d been a while since she’d exercised that privilege.
“Don’t get too comfortable in the top spot.” Michael retorts, ambling over to the ball dispenser and picking up his favoured green one. “I’ve made bigger comebacks than this in the past…”
You glance up at the scoreboard on the aging monitor hanging over your lane with a doubtful expression on your face. Calum has a considerable lead and you only had 4 goes each left. The likelihood of either of you overtaking him now is slim to none. Despite that fact, Michael looks pretty confident and you want nothing more than to encourage that. “Yeah, go on, Mikey! You’ve been heading for a strike all night.”
Michael beams over at you, obviously enjoying your enthusiastic motivation. He steps up to the lane, focusing harder than he has all night before taking a little run up and hurling the ball towards the waiting pins.
Watching intently, you cheer loudly, jumping up from your seat and clapping with excitement as all 12 pins are sent tumbling in every direction. “Yes! Mikey, you did it!” You shriek, running over to him and engulfing him in a huge congratulatory hug.
He giggles delightedly, wrapping you in a surprisingly firm embrace before kissing the top of your head.
The tiny contact sends butterflies dancing in your tummy as you melt into him, trying to prolong the hug for as long as possible.
“I told you!” Michael grins. “I’ve wanted that keychain for a long time, there’s not much I won’t do to get it.”
As you finally relinquish your hold on your date, you have a vision of him standing at the coin push machines, concentration etched into every inch of his face as he tries his absolute hardest to win the little pumpkin trinket.
“I might hold you to that, baby.” Calum smirks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “I’m actually tempted to just let you win if that promise stays on the table.”
“Pfft!” You huffed. “Let us win… wow Calum, I can barely hear you over the sound of your ego.”
Your boyfriend simply shrugs, a playful expression on his handsome face. “Hey, the numbers speak for themself, angel.”
It turns out that Michael’s strike was all that he needed to turn his luck around. After that he barely leaves a pin standing on each of his turns and easily ends up with the winning score.
“I think you lied about not practicing much.” Calum pouts, draining the last of his beer before leading the way back to the check in desk. “I think you were just holding out on us, to give me a fighting chance.”
A slightly guilty flicker in Michael’s eye suggests that there is possibly an element of truth to Calum’s accusation and you can’t help but laugh. “Oh stop moping and go get our boy his pumpkin keychain!” You command playfully. “I’ll decide what I want afterwards.”
Once the bowling shoes were all returned, the three of you headed towards the amusement arcade. Just like the rest of the complex, it was fairly busy. The delighted laughs of various little groups of people, the flashing lights and musical bleeping from the machines and the general playful atmosphere, wake up a childish excitement in you. It’s been a long while since you and Calum have had a date like this and you hope that Michael will help bring more of this element to your relationship.
Calum instinctively winds his arm around your shoulders and you notice that your date looks a little awkward, as though he’s perhaps feeling left out. To quickly remedy the situation, you reach out to tangle your fingers through Michael’s. He instantly smiles and relaxes, blushing a bit when Calum aims a fond smile his way. “So which machine do I need to defeat to win your prize, baby?” He asked.
Michael visibly appreciates the pet name, apparently he hasn’t gotten used to it yet. He points at one of the coin push machines in the center of the room. “The pumpkin keychain is in the one right on the end.” He clarifies. “I’m not sure how close to the edge it is, though.”
When the three of you arrive at the machine in question, both men examine it closely. Calum in particular appears to gauge the distance of Michael’s desired prize from the drop. “Well, it just so happens that I’m pretty amazing at these games, so it won’t take me long.” Your boyfriend states, his confidence returning with full force.
You know that Calum’s bravado is just a playful front, part of his way of flirting and simultaneously hiding his nerves. That doesn’t stop you from wanting to knock him down a peg or two occasionally. Smirking, you turn to meet Michael’s gaze. “Yeah, I hope speed impresses you, baby.” You giggle. “Calum’s kind of known for it in most areas…”
Collab Masterlist
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Tag list: @h0tsos @byxthexway @afuckingunicornn @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @loveroflrh @sexgodashton @megz1985  @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton  @fairyintheglass @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23 @sadistmichael @wildmichaelflower @wildfl0wer-meg @irwinkitten @cxddlyash @wildmalumflower @cashtonasff5sos @iovehemmings @lowpowermodex @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles @celticclifford @5-secondsofcolor @queer-5sos @Secret-Diary-of-an-Aquarius-blog @babylon-corgis @paradigmax @koalacal @treatallwithkindness​ @lovelybonesetc​ @morguleth​ @atlcalm​ @mantlereid​ @malumsmermaid​ @lashtonswildflower​ @mermaidcashton​ @mysticalhood​
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👴 PAPA 👴
Prompt: I’ve found this prompt online: “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m NAME, Y/N’s boyfriend” and decided to used it to come up with this little story
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: + 18, Jealousy, mentions of smut and violence, cursing and a very chaotic Papa
Tag: @ziasaph , @jibbles26 , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @lustyromantic , @nicolewoo
Notes: I miss my man people! So I needed to write something with him in it 😍 and this is what I came up with. It is completely written on Roman’s POV. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
I engage a very serious conversation about beer with Paul, my brother in law, when I see someone approaching Y/N. He engulfed her in a hug that was too tight for my liking, hands roaming her hips, smirking while whispering something in her ear making her laugh.
“Ugh, that asshole” Paul bitterly said
“Who’s that?”
“Nathan, Y/N’s fling from back in the days” He sips his beer
“Yeah, they were never an official thing, let’s thank grandpa for that! But she did sneaked out to meet him sometimes”
Y/N was very close to her grandpa, her dad could may not like a potential boyfriend and she didn’t give a damn. But grandpa Emir had to approve him, if not, you’re out son!
Thank God he had a soft spot for me.
“So they weren’t anything serious?” I ask
“Nope! But I must say, the guy is pretty insistent. I honestly don’t know how she has never succumbed to his not so subtle advances”
As I watched them, I understood why Papa Emir never liked the guy, he’s a fucking jerk! So pretentious, acting like he owns the place and owns Y/N. Not letting anyone get close or talk to her, he doesn’t even thank the waiter for his drink! He just behaves like everyone else in this backyard is below him.
“The wolf has tracked down the little pig, I see” Grandpa Emir says in his thick accent as he grabbed a plate with some appetizers from the table “Hello son” He pat my shoulder and I lean down to give him a hug and two kisses on the cheek
“Hey Papa, how are you?” I smiled
“I was good, until I saw that prick” His accent getting thicker with rage
“Papa, be careful with your heart” Paul said
“Ah shut up boy! Are you gonna teach me how to live now? Worry about your own damn heart! The audacity that this boy has, trying to mind my business. I’m 89 years old kid not 15 and you’re not my father so don’t tell me what to do” He opens a beer bottle, show it to Paul and give it a big gulp as Paul and I just chuckled
“What is he doing here anyways” Paul asked Papa
“He came here in the name of his family’s company” He huffed “Of course he has! We all believe that the bastard has no second intentions AT ALL, it’s all for business sake” Grandpa showed his middle finger towards Nathan’s direction
“If you’ll excuse me” I said to Papa and Paul
“Go on son” Papa hushed me with his hand
I approach Y/N and Nathan, hearing him asking her if she was seeing someone.
I walked up to her, grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to me and pecked her lips a little too long.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Roman, Y/N’s boyfriend” I offered my hand
“Nathan” He took my hand for a handshake and I may or may not have squeezed his hand a little too harshly.
“Boyfriend?” Nathan asks Y/N
“Yeah, boyfriend. Soon to be fiancé, then husband, followed by baby daddy” I smiled at him answering the question myself
“I see...I thought you were single” He says to her
“Meh, try again” I answer again
“Sorry, Roman right? No offense but I’m in the middle of something here with Y/N and-“
“Not taken” I interrupt him “But you see Nate” I spitefully said “You’re in the middle of ‘something’ with MY girlfriend for quite a while now and you see...I’m starting to wonder, what is so important that you can’t seem to get it solved?”
“Look man, we’re just talking-“
“Oh, I’m a man too Nate, so believe me when I say this: I KNOW the type of talking that you wanna do and I also know that it’s not gonna happen! So why don’t you roam around, have some laughs and stop trying to get inside MY woman’s pants. How about that?” I gave him a cold smile
“I’m not trying to-“
“You listen to me and listen very closely ‘Nate’, I would like to prevent us from causing a scene by my wrist connecting to your jaw, but trust me, I’ll have no problem to do so if you keep up with this little punk ass charm you’re trying to throw at MY woman. She’s taken! And if you have a problem understanding that I have no objections to make it clearer for you” I close the distance between us
“Roman, please” Y/N whispered “You’re gonna give Papa a heart attack!”
“Nathan, I think you should go now” She said
“Yeah” He mumbled and left to the front door
“What was that?” She said
“What?” I look at her expecting a furious look but found a turned on one
“Someone needs to show him his place Y/N”
“I would be lying if I said that you didn’t looked hot as fuck with this new ‘don’t piss in my yard’ attitude” She licked her lips
I smirked “Oh, I see you like it then?” I pull her closer to me
“Like it? That’s an understatement, I fucking love it” She giggles softly and kisses me
“You’ll gonna love it even more when we get home” I whispered in her ear
“Son, what the hell did you just do?” Papa Emir angrily said as he approached us followed by Paul
“Papa” Y/N warned
“What’s wrong Papa?” I ask
“Did you just let that prick leave?”
I shrugged
“Now that I had found the laxative to put it on his drink? Damn it son! I thought you were supposed to be on my team”
I laugh “Papa, if you had told me your plan I would had definitely distracted him for you”
“Did you at least punched him?” Papa eagerly asks
“Papa! You shouldn’t incite violence” Y/N reprehend him
“Violence my ass! If I punch you freely is violence, that jerk? He deserves it! Hell, I would punch him myself if my jab was as strong as it used to be”
Papa was a boxe champion, he gained a lot of medals (and trouble) in his younger boy years. The first thing he did when he met me was to threaten me with his jab if I ever hurt Y/N.
“I know you would Papa” I laugh
Two hours and three cans of beer later. Y/N leans on my shoulder and asks
“Are you ready to go home, big dog?”
“Yeah, Papa is already out” I laughed as I looked at him sitting in one of the chairs near the pool, snoring.
“He’s absurd!” She giggles “Thank you, for understanding him” She kissed my cheek
“Y/N, you don’t have to thank me baby girl. Your family is my family and Papa is quite a character. There’s no way I could not love him” I chuckled
“That’s why I love you, so much” She says leaning in for a kiss
“Eww, get a room you two” Paul states as he passed through us
“Shut up!” Y/N yelled “Although it’s not a bad idea, you know” She whispered
“No it isn’t” I get up from the chair and offer my hand to her “C’mon baby, let’s go home so I can fuck your brains out and show you who you belong to” I smirked
She chuckled lightly, eagerly intertwining our fingers as we make our way to the car
Please leave me some feedback? If you’re comfortable with it ❤️🥰😘
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malumsmermaid · 4 years
Summer Days
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Part of the 5SOS writer collab headed up by @h0tsos​ and @maluminspace​
Based on the prompt “I don’t know if you noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do.”
Camp Counselors Malum
Writing Collab Masterlist
Warnings: None! All Fluff
Word Count: 1.9k
After a semester of student teaching for one of their college courses, it was time for summer, and Calum and Michael had decided to stay in town and hold down the apartment for their other two roommates who were electing to go home. Once finals had wrapped up and they said goodbye to the classes they’d been working with they began looking for jobs. They were both sitting in bed together when Michael found an available job working a summer day camp. The pair talked about it for a few minutes before applying, assuming playing games and mainly supervising kids would be easier than lesson planning and having to actually teach things. Plus they were excited by the possibility of seeing some of their kids again, so Calum pulled out his laptop and they sat side by side as they applied.
After about two weeks it was clear that this was different. For one thing, due to low staffing, the kids were all split up into three groups instead of one group per grade level. So now, even though Michael and Calum recognized some of the kids in their group, some of those kids who were bearable during the school year now had some slight sibling drama. Then there were the parents, something Michael and Calum had yet to deal with. Half of them were fine, nice people who cared about their kids and were happy to hear about their day during pick up. The other half, however, was a mix of Karens and Beckys, some of them stay at home moms who were just getting the kids out of the house so that they could go have margs with their girl friends and have a spa day to wash away the stress of the thought of them actually being parents. Some of them even had Michael wondering if he should go to the pharmacy and get a second flu shot for that year. 
However, despite some of the parents they had to deal with and the occasional drama, both sibling spats and between groups of friends, Michael and Calum were really enjoying their summer job. They kept up their school year tradition of every other payday one taking the other out for a date night, whether it was as simple as going out to dinner and a movie, or a sunset picnic, or a nice night in the bowling alley. 
It was five weeks in, and even with kids coming and going with the weeks, some just disappearing for a one week vacation, others having other camps to go to, things had steadied. It was a rainy Friday at the start of the Fourth of July weekend, so attendance was low to begin with, some kids leaving early. A few of the kids who were there were upset over swim time being cancelled on account of the thunder, but Calum had run down to the gym, claiming it for their group as a replacement for the hour of swimming. 
Calum gone to set up the games and the crafts set up on the counter to dry until parents came, Michael and the other leader started a round of Heads Up Seven Up to keep things quiet and calm until Calum said he was ready. Finally, Calum radioed down that everything was ready and Michael got all the kids lined up, hovering to the back of the line as they made their way through the rec center to the gym. Once in the gym, the kids all gathered around Calum and he smiled saying, “Ok, since it’s a small group today, we’re doing stations. We’ve got two boxes of four square, two spots for basketball games, and then some jump ropes and hula hoops. I’m gonna put on some music and whenever it stops you have to move to a new station, alright?” The kids all cheered and Calum smiled continuing, “Alright, I’m going to give you each a number and that’s going to be the station you’re starting at, ok?”
Once the kids were all split up into groups and ready to start, Calum made his way over to the radio, pulling up a Kidz Bop only playlist on his phone that was already connected to the AUX jack and hitting play. The two men hovered around each other, eyes on the playing kids. After a few songs Michael hummed, “Can’t wait to go home and make dinner with legitimately any other playlist on.”
Calum smirked, hand coyly reaching up to rub Michael’s back, “Bold of you to assume that I won’t overtake the speaker and put this right back on.”
Michael shot his boyfriend a sharp look, filled with a threat that he couldn’t voice at work. Calum just bit his lip in response, pausing the music before a fifth song could play and calling out “Time to switch!”
They made it through three station changes before one of the kids from Michael’s class earlier that year came running over, “Mr. Michael!!! Come play HORSE with us!!”
Michael gave Calum a wide eyed stare as the other kids in the group came running over, grabbing him by his hands and dragging him over to their half of the basketball court.  He ended up making the first few easy shots, but then one of the kids made a shot from beyond the foul line. Calum could read the anxiety in his boyfriend’s face when it was his turn, silently begging the younger man to change stations early to rescue him. 
Calum, however, remained strong, knowing an army of upset kids was worse than Michael missing the shot. At least, until he watched the blonde’s feet slip out from under him as he shot, toppling backwards onto the floor as the basketball fell to the ground halfway between him and the hoop. 
Calum quickly jogged over, phone left on top of the radio. He helped Michael to his feet, the pair holding on maybe a second or two longer than necessary before Calum pulled away, “Need an ice pack?” he teased lightly as Michael rubbed the back of his head.
“Nah, I think I’ll live,” the blonde returned, smiling as the kids checked on him too. “Besides, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do, but especially with sports stuff.”
The kids all giggled at Michael’s response and Calum hummed. “Fine, I guess we can swap, then. Mike, you run the music and I’ll play HORSE. We’ve got until the end of this song before they need to switch again.”
Michael gave his boyfriend a teasing salute before going over to the music, tapping the screen to see how long until the song was over. He hummed as he saw texts from their group chat with Luke and Ashton. As soon as the song was over he paused the new one and made the switch stations call. Once the kids were all moving in the same direction, Calum getting pulled into four square, Michael opened the texts, using Calum’s passcode. He skimmed the latest line from Ashton, something about one of his plants. Michael just opened Calum’s camera, pulling the phone super close to his face for a picture. 
Can’t talk, working right now. Plant update t-minus 3 hours. 
As soon as the message sent Michael put the phone back down, watching on as Calum tried to take it easy on the kids, even if none of them returned the favor.  Calum ended up trapped at four square for the rest of the time in the gym, Michael jumping when he realized it was ten minutes past when they were supposed to be having afternoon snack. Calum gathered a kid from each group to help him get everything back in the equipment room, everything going away much quicker than it had come out, and soon enough they were back in the classroom.
Two hours later and there were three kids left out of all the groups, other leaders leaving Calum and Michael to wait with the kids in the game room while they cleaned the classrooms before clocking out. Calum was sitting in one of the chairs in front of a tv, a kid next to him in another chair as they played minecraft. Michael was sitting at the table with the other two kids, signout book by his elbow as he colored with them. Soon enough the two kids with Michael were going home with their stepdad and Michael picked up the crayons and extra sheets of paper. Once they were back in the closet he picked up the binder and meandered over to the xbox station.
Calum let out an exasperated sigh as Michael leaned up against the back of his chair, knocking down a stair block again. “Julien how do you get the stairs to go upside down like that dude?”
“You jus gotta fly over and like, plop a block and then aim for the top.” Julien explained.
“Oh gosh, I keep forgetting that we can fly right now...how do I do that again?”
Michael snorted and Calum spun around, giving him his best puppy eyes as he pouted, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do.” 
Michael chuckled softly as Calum repeated his earlier statement back to him. He shoved down the temptation to kiss the pout off of Calum’s lips, instead turning to look at Julien, “Are you enjoying explaining how to play Minecraft to Mr. Calum, Julien, or would you like some actual help with your treehouse?”
Julien’s face lit up as he looked up at Michael, “Please??”
Calum just shook his head in defeat, handing the controller over as Michael pulled up another chair, setting the binder in Calum’s lap as he leaned forward, listening as Julien explained his vision for the treehouse project.
Right as Calum was about to call the main office to let them know that there was still one kid at their site, Julien’s mom came running in. They chatted for a minute, Julien excitedly telling his mom about beating Michael at HORSE “because he fell down and Mr. Calum had to take over.”
Once Julien was sure he had all his stuff and they’d cleaned up, Michael and Calum went into the office, signing onto the tablet to log their hours for the day before making their way to the car. As they sat in their seats, Michael queuing up music for the drive home, Calum turned in his seat asking, “Does your head still hurt from knocking against the floor, Mikey?”
Michael hummed, glancing towards his boyfriend and then the ceiling as he pretended to think, “Maybe a little…”
Calum grinned, leaning over, gently pushing Michael’s head so he could smooch the back of it. “Better?” 
Michael smiled, shaking his head no and tapping his cheek next, then his nose, and then his lips, each one following a new kiss from Calum in the previously tapped place. Michael sighed when Calum broke the kiss to his lips too soon for his liking. “More kisses when we get home, I promise.” Calum teased easily, finally pulling his seatbelt over his shoulder.
“I can live with that. Want me to teach you Minecraft after dinner, or were you enjoying Julien telling you what to do?”
“Maybe if you can properly motivate me I’ll learn it.” Calum said, wiggling his dark eyebrows at Michael.
“So long as you don’t forget afterwards,” Michael said, grin spreading his cheeks as he put the car in drive and began the route home.
Writer Discord: @cashtonasfuck​ @kingcals​ @koalacal @loveroflrh​ @goth5sos​ @irwinkitten​ @5-secondsofcolor​ @5sosnsfw​ @punkrockpreferences​ @gigglyirwin​ @fallinluke​ @calumcest​ @catearscliffo​ @mermaidcashton​ @spicycal​ @sublimehood​ @shal-pal​ @queer-5sos​ @mysticalhood​ @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​ @castaway-cashton​ @jae-writes-fanfiction​ @sexgodashton​ @vipclifford​ @adoringlrh​
Tag List: @calpops​ @wildflowergrae​ @empathycth​ @talkfastromance4​ @thesubtweeter​ @allier59​ @afihemmings​ @treatallwithkindness​ @theyorthemrecords​
Slash!Tag List: @tigerteeff 
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pixiegrl · 3 years
Baby I'll Never Leave If You Keep Holding Me This Way
Calum stops by the flower shop to pick up Michael for date night. 
Hello I'm back with more blurbs from the Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor AU even though I have not written the whole thing. This was for an anon prompt on Tumblr for "So, can we go eat" with Malum (which tumblr ate im sorry anon i hope you see this). @tigerteeff asked if someone would write a Malum fic for cozy hoodie Malum after the Twitter video today so I wrote this for them. Love you Heath, collector of Trans 5SOS. and thanks to @blackbutterfliescal for editing this for me love you!
on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29646975
Calum makes his way into Over The Rainbow looking for Michael. It’s late Friday afternoon and the only thing Calum really wants is to find the object of his affection, go get dinner, and go home. He’s been sitting all day, hunched over doing tattoo after tattoo. Every part of Calum hurts. Michael was supposed to meet him at Do Momento Mori when they closed almost 30 minutes ago and Calum still hasn’t seen them. Michael’s never on time, unless there’s food involved and the flower shop closed around the same time they did so Calum’s a little worried. He hasn’t seen Luke or Michael leaving the shop either, so Calum finally grabbed his hoodie and bag and made his way over.
Luke’s at the front counter when Calum comes in, counting out the money in the register, curls pulled back into a bun, humming along to the Taylor Swift song that’s playing over the speakers. He looks up when Calum comes in, surprised, glancing at the clock. 
“Aw shit, they’re late aren’t they,” Luke mumbles, straightening up. Calum can hear the sound of his back cracking from over by the door, wincing.
“Yeah. I was getting worried.”
“Michael wanted to take a nap before seeing your date tonight. I told them I’d wake them up in time, but well, clearly I got distracted with closing things too,” Luke mumbles. He’s flushed and clearly embarrassed. Calum smiles, shrugging as he crosses the store.
“Well, this way I get to surprise them. You should probably head out though. Ashton’s nervously fidgeting in the shop and he needs someone to go remind him to eat,” Calum says. Luke perks up, smiling at Calum. Calum rolls his eyes, fondly. It took far too long for Luke and Ashton to finally admit they liked each other and that they wanted to date and now that they’re boyfriends, they’re insufferable. 
Calum passes behind Luke, heading into the back room of the store. He finds Michael curled up on the couch they keep in the back. They’re curled into a tight ball, hands tucked under a pillow they’re using. Michael’s clearly fast asleep, chest raising and falling softly, fringe in their eyes. Calum drops his bag by door, crossing the room. He crouches down in front of Michael, ignoring the cracking sound of his knees to reach out and brush the fringe away from Michael’s eyes. They blink their eyes open slowly, startling a little when they realize that Calum’s in front of them.
“Am I late?” Michael mumbles, reaching up a hand to rub at their eyes. Calum’s hopelessly charmed by Michael’s too large sweatshirt sleeves, curled over their hands in sweater paws. 
“Only a little.”
“I wanted to be on time. Show you I was responsible,” Michael whines a little. They bury their face into the pillow. Calum chuckles a little.
“I can’t fault you for sleeping a little more. You deserve it if the dark circles mean anything,” Calum says. Michael turns their head, looking at Calum, wary.
“Still. I’m not a very good partner if I’m late to everything,” Michael mumbles. Calum shrugs.
“Well I snore and you’re late to everything. We all have our strengths and weaknesses,” Calum says. Michael huffs out a laugh, rolling their eyes. Calum stands up, nudging at Michael’s shoulders.
“Move. I wanna cuddle.”
“Why? Thought you wanted to get dinner together.”
“I’ve been sitting upright all day. Laying down sounds amazing right now,” Calum says. Michael sighs dramatically, rolling over slightly. Calum climbs over them, wiggling behind Michael on the couch. He curls up behind Michael, running his fingers through Michael’s hair. They hum lightly, leaning back into Calum’s chest. They lay there for a few minutes, breathing in sync so quietly that Calum thinks Michael might be asleep until they speak up.
“You’re warm,” Michael mumbles, leaning back into Calum. Calum smiles, keeps stroking their hair. There’s a lull until Michael speaks up again. 
“What are we?”
“What do you mean?” Calum asks.
“Like dating? Are we together? Casually seeing each other? I know labels are stupid or whatever, but I want to know before we go any further. I can’t get invested if you’re not serious,” Michael says. 
Calum pauses, thinking about it. If Calum’s going to be honest, he already assumed they were dating. He knows they’ve never spoken the words aloud, haven’t put the words to their budding relationship, Calum already considers Michael his partner. When Calum talks about them to his mum, he calls Michael his partner. He says it in stores and at restaurants when the check out people ask who he’s buying things for. Calum’s not sure what the feeling in his chest is whenever he sees Michael, when they burst into the tattoo parlor to bring Calum mid-day coffee or bring Calum food on longer days, when they sit with Calum while he sketches, asking questions about the art he’s making, the techniques he’s using. If Calum had to guess, he would say that the feeling in his chest is love. It’s pure, unadulterated love at its finest. Calum’s hesitant to put the word on something so new, but it feels right. The shape of the words on Calum’s lips, the idea of love is so close he can almost taste it. Calum fantasizes sometimes, when it’s late at night and he’s trying to fall asleep, what it would be like to have Michael with him all the time. What it would feel like to fall asleep with Michael, curled up around them, pressing close. What it might be like to wake up with them, make breakfast together, walk to work together. Calum knows it’s too early, but he wants a full life with Michael, for as long as Michael will have him.
“I want to date you. I want to hold your hand in public and call you my partner when we’re out. I want to go on date nights and kiss you at the movie theater and I just....I want to be your boyfriend Michael. If you’ll have me, I want to be your boyfriend,” Calum says.
“You can’t just hit me with that kind of confession while I’m comfortable and warm and cuddling with you. I’m emotionally compromised enough as it is,” Michael whines, covering their face with their hands.
“Well you asked! Don’t ask if you don’t want the answer,” Calum says, laughing.
“Terrible, terrible, terrible. I can’t believe my boyfriend is awful and mean and a dork,” Michael bemoans dramatically.
“So, does that mean you want to date me?”
“Unfortunately, I very much want to be your partner. I want to hold your hand and call you my boyfriend and kiss in public until Luke whines at me to stop.”
“Good. Glad to know we’re on the same page with embarrassing our friends with our relationship,” Calum says, laughing. They lay together on the couch for a few moments until Michael’s stomach rumbles. 
“So, can we go eat?” Calum asks, running his fingers through Michael’s hair. 
“No, cozy,” Michael mumbles, burrowing into Calum’s chest. Calum sighs.
“Come on Mikey. I won’t even make you eat a veggie. We can order pizza and cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.”
“But you’re warm and the couch is cozy,” Michael whines.
“It’ll be even warmer and cozier back at my place. I’ll make you pancakes in the morning since it’s a late shop day.”
“Chocolate chips?” Michael asks, cracking one eye open to gaze at Calum.
“Yes, I’ll even add chocolate chips.”
“Fine, I guess going home with my boyfriend won’t be such a tragedy,” Michael says dramatically. They wiggle out of Calum’s hold, rolling over to face Calum. Michael leans forward, pressing a kiss to Calum’s nose. Calum grins, leaning forward to press one to their nose.
“Glad to hear it. Love you,” Calum says before he can stop himself. He freezes, heart pounding, unsure of what Michael’s going to say in response to Calum’s sudden confession.
“Love you,” Michael hums back. They burrow back into Calum’s chest, head tucked under his chin. Calum knows they should sit up, get going, so they can get food and do this at his place under covers and warm, but right now, Calum’s content to just lay on this couch with Michael curled up in their love.
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taleofharrison · 4 years
Stuck | Michael Clifford
Summary: The boys try to do something special for the reader’s birthday while on tour but it might take a quick turn into something more.
Warnings: No just the friends to lovers prompt and rusher!reader because I love BTR (me? including Big Time Rush in yet another one of my works? I bet no one saw it coming).
Requested: No
Word Count: Around 1500
A/N: IT’S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY! so this kind of a request I did for myself, the original idea for this was to write 5sos x platonic!reader but it became friends to lovers with Michael. The BTR songs I mention can be found here, here, here, here and here
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” four voices exclaimed waking you up in a quite abruptly way making you forget you were in a bunk in a tour bus hitting yourself with the bunk above yours.
“Ouch sorry” Ashton said “anyways happy birthday to the best tour mom ever”
“Yeah and don’t tell my mom Ash said that” Luke chirped in making you smile.
Even though every time your four best friends had to go on tour begged you to come with them sometimes it just wasn’t possible for you but this time you managed to make time for this tour and whenever it was possible for you to join them you looked after them, stopping them from getting too drunk after a show in case they had to do interviews or something important the next morning or making sure their show outfits were ready before or during soundcheck. You loved and cared for them and they loved and cared for you it was the most beautiful friendship you could ever have.
“Thanks guys” you smiled again with a sleepy voice “how come you woke up before I did?”
“Well we wanted to do something special and surprise you” Michael explained “we can stop near a bakery and buy you a proper cake but for now you’ll have to settle for the last package of Oreo we have”
Calum handed you the package it had a piece of paper pasted to the envelope it said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” with markers of different colors and their signatures it was the sweetest thing they could’ve done for you.
“You don’t have to buy me anything seriously this is enough” you replied opening the package.
“But we want to” Michael spoke again “You do so much for us”
For a second you lost yourself in his eyes, you had fallen for one of your best friends and after months of denial, thinking it was a stupid crush and it would fade, two weeks ago you finally admitted that you had fallen for him and how could you not? He was sweet and dorky and everything you’ve ever wanted.
“Uh you know what I’m going to get ready for today” you put your Oreos on your bunk “you can eat some if you want”
You left them and went to the back of the bus you closed the door the sound of Big Time Rush began to come from where you were now. Michael smiled of course you were listening to BTR when getting ready he thought it was sweet.
“I think the best birthday present you could give to her is telling her how you feel” Ashton suggested taking a cookie and putting it in his mouth.
“I-what?” Michael gasped “how do you guys know?”
“Mate you’re not very good at hiding your feelings we all noticed” Calum chuckled “don’t worry she’s just as oblivious as you are”
“Can you guys speak lower?” Michael whispered “I can’t have her hearing this”
“She has Big Time Rush sounding as loud as possible from the bluetooth speakers” Ashton laughed “she must be too busy enjoying herself dancing like crazy right now. She’s not going to listen to any of this”
Michael nodded he had a point the song playing was If I Ruled The World and it was your favorite BTR song and by now they had it memorized too “Do you really think I should do something about it?”
“Yep” Luke quickly answered “I can’t stand another conversation with her and about you”
“She told you?” Michael questioned again eyes wide open.
“Dude you know we are close” Luke shrugged “remember that I introduce you guys to her. Of course, she told me!”
Luke was the only one who knew about your crush on him you begged him not to tell the other boys but of course they found out by themselves and nobody had to tell them everybody around you knew but Michael. Maybe they were right it was time to do something about it.
“I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while now” Michael said “maybe we could add a song to the setlist tonight just for her birthday”
They didn’t allow you in the soundcheck which was weird they always wanted you there to be their number one during every rehearsal you immediately brushed it off “Maybe they are planning something silly for my birthday” you thought and kept playing with your phone and listening to music in the tour bus.
By the time of the concert the boys surprised with a cake singing happy birthday to you as funny and as out of tune as they possibly could making you laugh and smile.
“We told you we’d get you a proper cake” Michael smiled “now blow your candles and make a wish”
“Thank you, guys, so much” you said before blowing the candles.
“What did you wish for?” Michael asked.
“Not telling” you smirked “not going to come true if I tell”
“Well let’s eat some cake we have to get to the stage in around half an hour” Luke said.
After your small, improvised party the guys rushed to the stage you of course stood by the side of the stage watching your best friends having the time of their life.
“Cause I’m really not fine at all” they finished amnesia it was followed by the deafening sound of the fans screaming.
“Hey guys” Michael spoke “so tonight it’s a pretty special night because Y/N’s here and it’s her birthday today” and the fans screamed even more. They loved you and even considered you the fifth member of the band because of how pretty your friendship with the boys was.
“She’s a big fan of a band called Big Time Rush and she’s been begging us to do a BTR cover for a long time now” you rolled your eyes at Mike’s comment you weren’t begging you just told them it’d be pretty cool if they did just one song “and since today’s her birthday we are going to surprise her by finally singing one of their songs”
That’s why you weren’t allowed in the soundcheck “Put your lights in the air and please sing this if you know it this is Stuck”
“But I just keep getting…” Mike sang looking at you.
“Stuck, stuck” the boys joined him with harmonies his eyes never leaving yours.
“But I’m never giving…” Michael face went back to the crowd this was the first time in the whole song that he took his eyes off you.
“Up, up” the boys joined him again for the last part of the song “Thank you guys!”
Again, the fans were screaming a lot of them may not know the song, but the song was basically a Michael solo with beautiful harmonies, and it was something they couldn’t experience live every day.
“The next song it’s from our new album CALM” Luke said to the microphone as Michael changed guitars and the iconic sound of Easier filled up the place.
“Can’t sleep?” You asked Michael he was sitting on one of the sofas at the back of the tour bus.
“What are you doing up?” he questioned.
“I can’t sleep either” you sat next to him “great show tonight by the way I really enjoyed the cover section today…thank you”
“Well the four of us wanted to do something special for you…”
“I knew it was your idea” you interrupted him “I could tell it was your idea. It just screamed Michael to me”
“Yes, it was my idea” he said smiling at you “it was nothing I know how much you love those guys I just had to do it and I know someday they’ll get back together and we will collab with them and you can finally meet them then”
“What choice of song” you changed the subject “when I ‘begged’ you to cover a song I told you guys would do a great version of Shot In The Dark or Til’ I Forget About You not Stuck”
“I know that Stuck is one of your favorite songs and I know that you think it’s underrated because a big part of the fandom only recognize Boyfriend as a love song” he explained finally looking at you, you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes shine in the darkness “I know because I listen to you complain about it and this song had a message I really wanted to give to you that’s why I chose it”
“Michael, do you really feel that way about me?” you asked looking down.
“Yeah I do for quite a while now” he answered with a breathless laugh “and I-I think you feel the same?”
“Did Luke tell you?”
“No, he didn’t” he said “actually Ashton told me to do something about it”
“Ashton knows!?” you screamed whispered.
“Apparently everyone knows” he chuckled “but us”
You thought you had been careful and not too obvious about it and of course Luke hadn’t told, you could trust him with your life.
“Can I kiss you?” Michael questioned after a moment of silence.
You just nodded and when his lips touched yours it felt like a thousands fireworks in your stomach it was magical, it was perfect and even though you birthday ended about 3 hours ago it was the best present ever.
“Sorry it took so long” Michael breathlessly said once you pulled apart.
“It was worth it” you smiled leaning to kiss him again. 
Guess your wish came true
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(GIF not mine) 
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burstingsunrise · 3 years
P, R, and X from the fanfic asks 💖
thanks mandie! 💜 P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
don’t know how i feel about these words BUT i am mostly a gardener. sometimes i have a basic idea of major plot points and the order of them but generally i just go with it and see what happens. as a result, sometimes i end up writing and deleting big chunks of stuff but i like the freedom of being able to do what feels right in the moment. like with the anna and the french kiss au, i had a general outline based on the progression of the book, and i felt like it was limiting me a lot in my writing and making it kind of boring, so i smashed the outline and just made sure to hit important milestones in the relationship without worrying about the circumstances around them until i started writing those parts.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
this is an interesting question, because “influence” can mean a lot of things. however, there are a handful of writers who were my gateway into 5sos fic in the first place, and i want to talk about them. helen, bella and meg ( @calumcest, @clumsyclifford, @kaleidoscopeminds) were some of the first writers i read within the 5sos fandom and i would say all of them have had an influence on my writing, but especially in terms of characterization.
they also all have a fairly snappy style (particularly with dialogue), and are amazing at tension and balancing humor and levity with real human emotion. i think hope you can see those influences in my writing.
there are also fic writers i admire a TON who write in a way i don’t think i ever could, and it impresses me greatly. writers i WISH could be my influence, is what i’m saying. ​(if you’re reading this, i’m probably talking about you.) X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
slkfjsldfjsd i should have expected this question from you mandie. 😌
i don’t know about enjoy, but i project onto luke a lot, as you know, so he bears the brunt of the suffering. i don’t know why it’s so easy to plug my issues into fictional luke’s brain; i guess he just seems like the one most likely to get caught up in his own head. amanda pointed it out that in both the lashton “let me fix it” prompt fics i did for her, ashton was the one fixing something for luke. let’s just say i didn’t do that on purpose.
fanfic ask game
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