#58 works? dang!
rallentando1011 · 8 months
Somnambulant Soulmates (rise Donnie x gn reader)
rise Donnie x gn reader
Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Word Count: 4873
Content: movie night, fight scene, brief text messages (it was a doozy to write but still really fun!)
Chapter Artwork: Here
Waking up before noon was a chore. 
Not necessarily because you stayed up late, also not because you forgot to set an alarm, but the combination of the two made last night’s sleep enticingly prisonlike. 
You only awoke when your bedroom seemed suspiciously bright, your rest suspiciously long. Having work at noon and not wanting to miss it, you shot up in bed, frantically padding for your phone in its place beside you.
Checking the time revealed that it was a comfortable while away from when you had to be at work, not even eleven yet.
Checking your telephone also revealed numerous notifications filling up the screen.
Not that it was odd for you to wake up to a bunch of text messages, but yeah, it was.
When you opened your phone, you saw that the group chat that had been made at April’s birthday party was the culprit.
Shoot. You’d almost forgotten that it even existed. Outside of the pictures from April’s party and a few memes, not much had been sent.
That was, until last night, apparently.
You scrolled to the top of the new messages, getting to work on reading through the slew of them awaiting you.
Today 1:58 AM
Leo: so I recognize that we’re all busy people/yōkai/mutants/unspecified, but we’ve got some free time tonight if you guys would be game for a movie night?
Mikey: Yeah baby! I’m SO down!
Leo: …
Leo: we’re the ones inviting people over so this was more for everyone else, you know?
Mikey: oh. right. knew that.
Today 3:17 AM
April: I’m game! After like seven because your girl has work :))
Donnie: Aren’t you on your fifth job this week?
April: Isn’t your forehead on its fifth inch?
Raph: f
Leo: f
Mikey: f
Today 4:23 AM
Casey: *SNAKCN.
Sunita: You can do it Cass
Casey: **SNACKS!!!
Sunita: It’s a yes from me btw
Casey: Your sarcasm is not appreciated, goopy one.
Casey: Junior is with me right now. I hope you find it suitable that I have invited him along.
Leo: wait, Jr’s not in here? lemme add him rq
Leo added an Unknown number
Maybe Junior: A movie night sounds great! I’m assuming we already have plans to get pizza? If not, I’ll gladly pick some up.
Mikey: You /know/ we’ve got pizza covered, baby! All you need to do is show up
Maybe Junior: Sounds great!
As you caught up on the conversation, you thought about your schedule for the day. Sure, you had work, but only until six, and you didn’t have anything the next day. Some social interaction sounded nice, even if all of the people you were hanging out with all seemed to stay up until ungodly hours.
Today 10:48 AM
You: gosh dang are all of you nocturnal?
You: also yes, I’m absolutely down for a movie night! where at?
April: Remember that one patisserie we ate at in SoHo? Just meet me outside of there and I’ll lead you the rest of the way ;)
You: bet
With that, you rolled yourself off your mattress, slapped on some jeans, a shirt, beanie, fanny pack, boots, snagged some breakfast for the road, and started off on your way to work.
The day at work proved drudgerous.
Thankfully, nothing terrible happened, and you didn’t have many bad interactions with customers, but it was so painfully dull. It had been insipid, realistically, since April had left, but it provided a steady pay and got you by. Such is the life of a retail worker.
The boredom you experienced at work was quickly warped into excitement as your shift ended and your walk to meet with your best pal began.
After a brisk journey, you landed in front of the patisserie that you and April had visited only a few weeks prior. You scanned the area, grinning as your eyes landed on her leaning against the brick wall by the building’s entrance. No sooner than you noticed her, she did the same with you.
“Hey!” April waved you over.
“Hey!” you responded as you walked over to her, taking in the familiar area around you. Coffee shops, hot pot stops, standard commercial buildings and advertisements galore, but not many residences.
“Hey April, where do these pals of yours live anyways?” you asked, still surveilling the nearby edifices.
“Oh. About that…” she started, and you looked at her. 
She seemed nervous, almost.
“It’s fine if they live a while away. I could use the exercise.” 
She clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth anxiously. So it wasn’t that.
“What is it?” you asked, the smile you had slowly draining from your face.
“It’s nothing bad, just- let me show you.”
April slipped around the corner and into a dim, adjacent alley while you trailed her like a confused sheep. When she stopped abruptly and looked at the ground, you came up beside her and followed her gaze.
You started rethinking everything that had brought you to this point as you both stared down a slightly ajar manhole.
“The sewers.”
“The sewers,” she confirmed grimly.
“No, you’ve got to be kidding right now. Wherever the hidden cameras-slash-film crew are, they can come out now…”  You paused. You didn’t truly expect anyone or anything to happen, but it sure would’ve made you feel better if it did. However, after a moment filled with the distant sounds of cars and people, you met her eyes again. “We’re really going in there?”
“Does it not smell like, I don’t know, sewage?”
April snorted. “Oh, no. There are measures put in place to spruce the lair up. We’re talking industrial-grade air fresheners. I helped Donnie put ‘em up years ago.”
“... So it did smell?”
“Man, just get in the sewers!”
With that impetus, you cautiously helped her kick the cover askew, then open, and tentatively placed yourself on the first rung of a ladder built in a wall. Before you continued your descent, you narrowed your eyes at your companion.
“If this is some kind of trick, I swear-”
This time April didn’t indulge you with words. One sight of her deadpan sent you carefully yet swiftly working your way down into the sewers.
Despite being underneath the ground, it was still bright enough to see in front of you, see the rungs methodically moving up as you went down. You attributed your ability to see to the light creeping in through the entrance above, so when April followed you down and worked the cover back in place, you were immediately plunged into darkness.
“Woah, it’s, uh, a bit dark down here,” you called, definitely not clinging desperately to the ladder.
“Oh, right! You’re not really used to this,” April laughed lightly.
“You could say that.”
“Here.” After a moment, a bright light shone from above you. April’s flashlight. In the now illuminated cement structure, you looked up to see her flash you a smile. You mustered up an uneasy one back at her and crept the rest of the way down.
You almost collapsed in relief at being back on solid, albeit sewer-water-dampened, ground. At least it didn’t smell like sewage, just like she had said.
April landed beside you swiftly, giving you a nudge before bounding down a tunnel. “Come on. It’s this way!”
You sighed before coming up beside her.
“Once again, I feel I just need to ask for legal purposes, this isn’t an elaborate hoax or scheme for my demise, right?”
“I promise! Look, just relax.This’ll be fun!”
You two meandered through the tunnels in a comfortable silence, the only sound coming from the echoes of your steps and the constant drips of faraway water. With how many chambers you had moved through, you contemplated confirming that she knew the way, but the confidence with which she walked convinced you well enough.
Eventually, a light came into view at the end of the passageway, and you could faintly discern the sound of indistinguishable chatter.
“Right here,” April exulted, jogging up to the exit and stepping out into the light. 
You tailed her. As you drank in the scene around you, it was drastically contrary to what you would expect of a sewer dwelling.
The room had the spaciousness and height of a gothic church, though the decor was certainly less ornate. In lieu of flying buttresses or stained glass, the architecture in the lair consisted of graffitied walls, string lights and drainage pipes, which presumably led to more rooms. For an underground home, it was very bright and comely. The most notable feature of the room, however, was the huge skate ramp in the center of the room, the deck almost reaching the ceiling.
“See? Not a slaughterhouse.” April grinned.
You playfully raised a brow. “The night’s still young.”
You took to surveying the ground floor for anyone else.
Off to the side of the grand atrium stood Raph, Casey, and some kid who you’d never seen before. You could only presume him to be that ‘Junior’ character from the group chat.
Well, maybe you weren’t giving him enough credit. He wasn’t a kid, per say, as his built physique and the stubble on his chin made evident, but his bright eyes and how exuberantly he spoke to Casey accentuated his youthful appearance.
“Hey y’all!” April called as you walked over to the three.
Raph and Casey both greeted you with enthusiastic grins, Casey additionally giving you a light slug on the arm.
The new one, however, had a much more interesting reaction. His eyes widened upon seeing you, but maybe he just wasn’t expecting to see a new person. Reasonable, you supposed.
You decided to put your best foot forward, offering a hand shake and your name.
After a moment of just staring at you blankly, he blinked himself back into the present and shook your hand firmly.
“Casey Jones. Nice to see- or, meet, you,” he smiled widely.
“So you’re Casey?” you looked Cassandra mischievously. “And you’re Casey? Are you two related or is that just a coincidence?”
All ongoing conversation stopped for all of them to exchange a look.
April cleared her throat. “Well, about that-”
They proceeded to tell you the craziest story you’d heard in your life. They detailed how when, a couple years back, the Krang invaded and ransacked the city, the kid before you had been portaled from the future by older versions of your current turtle friends. The icing on top of the cake? Casey, the new one, is Cassandra’s son.
“What in the back to the future- you’re from the future?! Dude, you are from the future. That’s the most- I don’t want to say ridiculous but- it’s the wildest thing I’ve ever heard. Did you know me? Ooh, am I cool? I hope I’m cool. Also, no pressure to answer anything, just know that this is literally the most excited I’ve been all day.”
“Yeah, I knew you,” he nodded exuberantly with a bittersweet gleam in his eye. “The coolest commander I ever knew, aside from Commander O’Neil.”
“Commander?! Man, that’s wicked! Sorry if bringing this stuff up is weird or sad.”
“It’s fine,” he reassured. “It is odd seeing you, but I’ve gotten used to it. And it’s sort of nice.”
You smiled warmly at him just as the others’ conversation caught your attention. Casey mentioned something about everyone already being in the projector room, then April brought something up about getting this movie night on the road. You couldn’t agree more.
“So, should we head over there?” you proposed.
“We’ll grab the snacks and meet up with you!” Raph flashed you a toothy grin before smirking at Casey. Original Casey, not Jr. “Race you to the kitchen!”
“You’re going down, reptile!”
The two bounded off. You, April, and other Casey stood stupefied.
“Us too, future boy!” April challenged before breaking into a sprint after Raph and Casey. Casey Jr. shook his head lightheartedly before racing after them.
Just as you thought you’d be left standing like a deer in headlights until they returned, two giggling figures emerged from the sewer tunnel you’d come through, one blue, one orange.
“Hey Mikey, Leo!” you waved
“What’s up?” Leo smiled.
“Not much- woah!” you exclaimed. Mikey had already ran up to you and was currently squeezing your ribs in a tight hug.
“Hi,” he said, grinning widely.
“Hello.” You patted his back once, twice, awkwardly. “I think everyone’s either grabbing snacks or already went to the projector room, wherever that is.”
“We’ll show you the way!” Mikey was practically bouncing. “We’re gonna watch that new JJ movie! It’s a sequel to Pluto Vacation Part 77, but a prequel to Part 4,” Mikey explained exuberantly as he all but dragged you toward the projector room.
“Arguably the worst JJ movie, but let’s not delve into that right now,” Leo muttered.
“JJ?” you slanted your head.
“Jupiter Jim!” Mikey clarified. He let out an audible gasp and stopped walking when he saw you were still confused. “You don’t know Jupiter Jim! Omigosh! Wha- How? I thought I knew you!” The box turtle shook your shoulders.
“Easy, Miguel,” Leo moved Mikey’s hands off of your arms. “It’s not their fault they’re uneducated.”
Your stupefied expression soured. “I was about to thank you for coming to my defense, but I think you just made it worse.”
“Shhh, it’s alright. Don’t you fret, we’ll get you fixed up in about 800 films, reboots, and comics. Onward!” The two brothers started back up on their way to the movie.
“What? How many?” you asked, exasperated. You did not have the time nor attention span for that.
Leo and Mikey continued walking with you tagging along. The red eared slider just shrugged. “Chill, we’re not getting through all of them tonight. We’ll marathon as many as we can, though. I think the one we’re starting on works well enough chronologically.”
“I’ll take your word on it.”
You entered the projector room. The only person who was currently there was Sunita, though you almost didn’t recognize her in her yōkai form at first. You’d only seen it one other time at April’s, and you had lost your mind when she turned into a sludgy green puddle of googlyschmootz. You’d thought that she’d spontaneously combusted, but nope. That was just her insanely cool true form.
She was seated on the ground, eagerly staring at the projection of the menu screen of the Jupiter Jim movie on the wall. Behind her sat an orange, worn out sofa, and to the right of it was a gray bean bag chair.
“Sunita!” Mikey exclaimed, ran up to her, and took a seat beside her while Leo covered himself with a blanket on the couch and scrolled on his phone. “How long have you been watching the menu screen?”
“An hour,” she said nonchalantly, still not daring to take her eye off of it. “The score is just so good! I physically cannot look away.”
You squinted. “But you don’t need to look to hear the- nevermind.” You settled down in front of the bean bag, using the chair as support for your back.
Once you were seated, the sound of footsteps fastly approaching signaled the arrival of more people. 
Casey ran in first, bags of popcorn tucked under her arms, followed by April, with chips, Casey Jr., soda that certainly wouldn’t explode once it was opened, and finally Raph, arms full of candy. All of them were out of breath; you inferred they raced here like they had earlier. Casey boasting about her superior skills proved your hypothesis.
Raph muttered something about having the most to carry as he sulkily plopped down on the couch. Casey landed between him and Leo, still smiling victoriously. 
Casey Jr. set down the ticking time bomb that was the carbonated beverages he had sprinted through the lair with on the ground beside him as he took a seat by Mikey.
April clicked a couple of finger guns your way and sat beside you. She also decided to use the bean bag chair to rest against.
You were about to propose starting the movie before you realized someone was missing.
“Wait, where’s Donnie?” you whispered to April.
“Probably in his lab. Push comes to shove, we send Mikey to sucker him out of his room.”
“Is the lab here?”
“Yep. Just on the other side of the lair.”
“I might be reconsidering my whole stance on the whole ‘living in the sewers’ thing.”
April laughed lightly.
Suddenly, you felt the bean bag you two were resting against gain another commuter, the action bouncing you both.
You tipped your head back, meeting eyes with a nonchalant Donatello resting behind you.
“Personally, I recommend it. Technically not tax evasion if the government can’t find you,” he shrugged.
“It also helps that they don’t know you exist,” April jabbed lightheartedly.
“For legal reasons, I’m gonna pretend I heard none of that,” you averted your gaze jokingly, slowly tipping your head back down.
You heard your companions snicker, then joined them in their laughter. 
Soon, once Raph saw that everyone was present, he hit the buttons on the projector until the movie started playing.
While the movie opened up on, you guessed it, Pluto, snacks and drinks began to proliferate throughout the room and even eventually made their way to you three on the bean bag.
The movie was fairly obviously made on a low budget, as the shoddy camera direction and presence of a boom microphone for five minutes showed, but it was self aware about its campiness. Sure, the lore and character relationships were an absolute cluster, but it was still entertaining. Plus, the prosthetics used for the aliens looked phenomenal, and some scenes were genuinely eerie.
All in all, it was an enjoyable watch, made even more so by April’s occasional humorous comment and Donnie researching behind the scenes facts when something seemed intriguing to him.
As the credits rolled, you took a big stretch.
“That was a bit creepier than I thought a Jupiter Jim movie would be. Consider my timbers, shivered,” you admitted.
“I thought we reserved ‘shivering timbers’ for nautical excursions, same as ‘ahoy,’” Donnie commented. Man, he could really work sarcasm into any conversation. It was impressive, really.
“Hey, you can just drop it now, Don-Tron… That ship’s sailed.” Leo smirked.
“Wow. Boat puns. Stooping low today.” Donnie crossed his arms.
“Please, if we were stooping low, we’d bring up your internet history,” Mikey jumped in on the shenanigans. “But I’d much rudder keep this civil.”
“Continuing on,” Raph changed the subject. “I guess Pluto Vacation IV makes the most logical sense?”
Donnie and April cheered. Mikey and Leo groaned. 
“Hey!” April exclaimed. “We agreed not to trash on each other’s favorites.” She then gestured to you. “Plus, they’ve never seen it, so we’re doing this. Got it?”
“Fine,” Leo and Mikey spoke unison, the former rolling his eyes as Raph placed in the DVD and started the film.
The film started, once again, with a killer score, just as Sunita had said. Maybe she had a point about not being able to peel your vision from the screen-
Suddenly, a horrendous beeping noise shrieked from right behind your head, causing you to snap your head around immediately. 
“What is that horrible- oh wait that’s me.” Donnie tapped on the tech gauntlet on his forearm and made the alarm cease. At the same time, someone paused the movie.
“What was that?” you exclaimed, cautiously uncovering your ears.
“Hmm,” the turtle hummed. “Seems like we’ve got a 2100-47 in progress.”
Somewhere in the distance, you could hear crickets chirp.
“Oh, right, no one reads the manual. Art heist, going on right now, Hudson Street.” 
You looked around the room, wondering what the heck any of that meant, but everyone else seemed determined, ready, like superheroes.
“Wait wait wait, what just happened? What was that look?” Silence met you. “Wait, you guys are trying to fight crime? Right now? Seriously?”
You looked to April, who only smirked in response.
“Dang you guys are not slash j right now,” you remarked, gaining a small laugh from the soft shell behind you. “Do I have to stay here or..?”
“I don’t think so,” April spoke up.
“There are plenty of us. What could happen?” Leo pitched in.
“Besides, in the future, you were always able to hold your own,” Casey Jr. beamed. Okay, if you had him backing you up, the guy who knew a future version of you, you couldn’t let him down.
“Alright. I’m ready. At the very least, I’ll be moral support,” you shrugged.
“That’s the spirit!” Casey shouted. “Now let’s go!”
Just like that, your peaceful movie night turned into all of you rushing through the main room of the lair, those with weapons and masks grabbing their respective tools, and climbing up to the surface.
Immediately, Raph, Casey, and Sunita began scaling the rooftops in the direction of Hudson. Leo used his blades to form an electric blue portal, leaving a tingling sensation in the air after he leapt through. Mikey took out a chained instrument and, after latching it to lampposts, swung through the night. The mechanical shell on Donnie’s back converted into a jet pack-adjacent piece of technology with a seat, allowing for him and April to whirl off in the direction of the fighting.
You stood still. You had nary a clue what to do or where to go or- just about anything, really.
You looked over at the only person still beside you and wondered how Casey Jr. planned to get over there.
He looked back at you brightly and stepped beside you.
“Hold on!” Before you could question why, the youth revealed a grappling hook-esque contraption on his wrist, tucked the other arm around you, aimed at a lamppost, and sent you two soaring through the air.
You instinctively clung to the poor lad, who was somehow managing his own and your weight. The wind lashed at your face harshly as you dipped and soared, swinging off of every suitable lamppost or rooftop you passed.
As soon as you started to feel ill, you two landed on solid ground in an alleyway. However, the dread from that was quickly replaced by what you saw there.
Numerous goons were there, some loading crates of presumably stolen items into a large vehicle. The others were already engaged in fighting off your friends.
Their faces seemed unnatural, borderline demonic, and the fact that all of the creatures  had the same exact face did not make it any less uncanny.
The Caseys and April were steadily beating them down with hockey sticks and a baseball bat respectively. Raph and Sunita had seemed to head straight for the truck to salvage the stolen art. Donnie, Leo, and Mikey appeared to be pure agents of chaos, distracting and fighting goons with any means necessary.
“Standard goons. We’ve so got this.” Leo confidently utilized his blades, trapping one of the enemy in particular in a loop of falling infinitely to dizzy them. You weren’t so sure. There were a lot of them, and you were almost getting taken out by your own side.
“Heads up!”
You barely had time to duck out of the way of Mikey’s weapon, a ball attached to chains that were literally on fire, as it whipped just over your head.
“Heads down would be more appropriate!” you called.
You stumbled forward in an attempt to catch your balance. You were barely able to prevent yourself from falling, but you managed to stay upright. No sooner than you steadied yourself, a low hum emitted from the space right in front of you. The air vibrated tensely; it reminded you of how Leo’s portal felt earlier, but that turtle in particular was already busy behind you.
Just as everything clicked in your brain, another portal tore through the air in front of you. This one was colossal, filling up the entire alleyway in its amber glow.
Your breath quickened as you cumbersomely took one step back, then another. Your wide eyes remained transfixed on the gateway in front of you.
Out of the otherworldly portal emerged a ginormous spider, about as tall as the portal itself, four legs acting as legs, the others similar to arms. Well, as similar as spindly spider limbs can be to arms. The arachnid’s six glowing red eyes bore deeply into yours, her jagged teeth curled delightfully into a wicked grin.
Perspiration permeated every pore of your being. Every limb went stiff, each muscle rendered taut. You probably would have screamed if not for fear of bile rising up your throat instead.
“Big Mama…”
“Oh, what a delectable surprise!” Big Mama delighted, her uppity, whimsical tone in such stark contrast with her imposing demeanor. “So many turtle-y boos, and- oh, this is pos-a-bubbly splendiferous!”
Her eyes narrowed in on you, but she didn’t take any action. She simply surveyed you, then the damage her lackeys had taken so far, then what all had been recovered, before they fell back on you.
“Come now, my minions!” The spider ordered coolly, almost excitedly. “We have far more pertinent prerogatives.”
Obediently, immediately, the identical servants ceased their fighting with everyone and filed through the portal behind Big Mama.
With one last nefarious smirk, she disappeared just as she had emerged: in a flash of auburn light.
All of you stood tensely. No one so much as breathed as if an action as insignificant as that would somehow summon the gargantuan spider and her lackeys again.
“So…” Leo’s lighthearted timbre cut through the atmosphere, “who’s up for Part 79?”
“Leo, not the time!” Raph corrected, and the two started to squabble.
“I think I’m gonna call it a night,” you said shakily.
“You okay?” April placed a hand on your shoulder
“Yeah. I’m all good! Just had enough excitement,” you shrugged coolly out of her touch, hoping that you were concealing your panic better than you thought you were. “I’m right around the corner so I can just walk over-”
“I could walk with you.”
You paused, looked at who had said that. Donnie. You tilted your head at him, fairly certain that everyone else was just as perplexed.
He retracted about as much as he could into his shell at the attention. “For safety, of course. Because, you know, that was a really oddly timed exit and they could be waiting nearby and-”
“I get it, I get it,” you reassured, sparing him from digging a deeper grave. “I’ll gladly take the escort.” You turned to address the rest of the bunch. “Thank you very much for having me over, guys, it’s been real. A-A little too real, maybe, but fun either way. Goodnight, gang!”
You waved goodbyes and exited the alleyway, a purple-clad turtle in tow. You walked silently, still hardly processing what you had just witnessed. His presence was still pleasant, even if no words were exchanged.
Only when you were about a block away from your home did you speak. “So, do you guys experience stuff like that all the time or is the physical embodiment of arachnophobia a special occurrence?”
“Yeah, that was pretty much the usual, but Big Mama’s just about the worst of them. It used to be Baron Draxum, the warrior-alchemist-sheep man who made us, but he’s been rehabilitated.”
“Pardon? Your dad’s a sheep man?”
“No, my dad’s actually a rat. Draxum’s just my creator, father at best.”
“Oh, okay.” You nodded along as if you grasped any of that. But if he was a turtle, then how would a rat or a sheep- oh, you were reading into it too much. It didn’t matter though, as you had already arrived in front of your complex. You walked up to the porch and turned toward him.
“Thanks for walking me back. I appreciate it.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t mention it.”
You two paused. Were you supposed to walk away? Have more conversation?
After a moment of just looking at him, you gave him a small salute. “I’ll see you around, ‘Tello-”
“Wait!” he said before speaking more quietly. “I made a prototype of the technology I told you about at the library, if you want to come over and check it out sometime?”
“Oh, would I?” you beamed. “That sounds wonderful. I’m free tomorrow morning, if that works for you?”
“Y-Yeah, tomorrow’s great.” He smiled brightly back. “Great!”
“Does eleven sound good?”
“Eleven works.”
“Cool.” He clicked his tongue, rocked back and forth on his heels.
“I’ll see you then.” You did finger guns, internally cursing yourself for it.
“I bid you adieu.”
“Right back at you. Goodnight!”
“Goodnight.” He finally made his way off the porch before shooting off into the sky with his battle shell, and you could finally head up to your place.
That was quite possibly the most awkward farewell you’d ever had. Very sweet, yes, but awkward nonetheless.
At the very least, you’d made it home in one piece. You couldn’t wait to see him- you meant, see his invention tomorrow.
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nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
I have many questions about Pryce and Cutter's backstory, but I mostly want to know more about their insecurities and failures. Also, do they have bones?
(Or my reaction to Episodes 55-58 of Wolf359).
Welcome back dear readers! Should I have reacted to more Wolf359 this weekend? No. I have work to do. But, like Doug Eiffel himself, I cannot just let a cliff hanger like that go unfinished. The events of the last two episodes have been spinning in my head for the last 24 hours and I need ANSWERS DANG IT. Will this lead me to an even bigger cliffhanger that I will surely regret later? Probably, but that's the risk we need to take. As Doug Eiffel said "a leap of faith".
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom @lovelyladylavie
Episode 55: A Place For Everything
Okay, before we start this episode, a few thoughts that have been going through my head:
Obviously Minkowski is brainwashed sadly :( BUT:
Is Jacobi brainwashed too because Kepler ratted him out, or is Jacobi playing as a double agent?
Did Pryce and Cutter brainwash Kepler too, or is he on their team?
Hera is clearly fighting Pryce to warn Doug, but how much is she able to fight past her?
Can Pryce and Cutter even brainwash Lovelace considering she's an alien clone?
I need to figure out where everyone is. I need to know what happened. Was there a struggle or did Cutter just stroll in and snap his fingers?
Oh we're going back in time. Nice to see Minkowski, Jacobi, and Lovelace working together for as long as it lasts.
Okay so they are looking for Doug, and find Dr. Evil and her psychotic murder business man boyfriend instead.
It's nice that they're doing so much to rescue Doug though. But he really should have talked this through with them. And then they all should get the heck out of there before Cutter shows up.
Kepler. BE QUIET. Has he learned nothing? Does he have a death wish?
Kepler: "There are limits to the human body...I'm not talking about Eiffel. Give them a chance to catch their breath" Wow, such caring words from the man who risked the lives of his crew just to get a bottle of Whiskey back.
"Since when you are worried about pushing people too far." GREAT QUESTION MINKOWSKI.
Oh you "knew" Jacobi was on your side did you Kepler? "Maybe there's other things I've been wrong about." NOW? You're figuring this out now, Kepler? It took you that long? Is he awkwardly trying to grab a redemption arc too? I want to hope so, but something tells me he'll flip the second Pryce and Cutter show up.
"Just be wrong quietly" I love Minkowski
A shuttle? Shoot it. SHOOT IT.
Oh great Cutter has a message.
Wow, he even made a fake "We're not your enemy" message.
And what are they doing to Lovelace.
Does Kepler know it's them? Oh yeah. He and Hera know. Everyone knows now. Oh boy...
Yeah. Really really bad is an understatement. I hope you guys have a plan. A really really good plan.
Well here come the bad guys.
"Who's gonna come through those doors? High level SI-5?" Jacobi doesn't even know...oh Kepler you really kept them in the dark didn't you?
Um. What was that. Four people? Who are they?
Another Australian guy?
Oh is that Rachel Young? Ew. Why is she there?
Ah...there he is. Yes, Cutter they did have quite a party. Shame you're here to ruin it. "You look awful" don't insult Kepler, Cutter. That's MY job.
THEY TOOK OVER THE MINDS OF THE HERMES CREW? So that's why they're following them.
"This is just a formality, don't you Daniel? Just until you can be...processed." Okay, so he's gonna brainwash him.
And Cutter has been 100% listening in on EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. Who are you lying for? Those "reports" are probably just so he knows how much information you're willing to tell him.
And...there she is.
Oh Cutter named the AI? Interesting.
She said "no" Pryce, does she need to say it again?
Oh dear. They got Hera too now.
I'm surprised more people aren't freaking out about Pryce and Hera sharing a voice.
"Neither of them is my type" Then...who is Jacobi, also what do you think picking the lock will do?
Yep. Brainwashed Zombies.
"I'm an SI-5 agent in good standing..." Jacobi, that doesn't matter anymore.
"There isn't someone worse that still hasn't showed up" Oh...but you haven't considered the dear listeners.
Okay so we got Cutter, Rachel, Pryce, a black ops agent, some brainwashed zombies they picked up from Hermes, and...wait what's wrong with Pryce's eyes? Is she a cyborg?
Huh. Pryce would need to be 50 at least to have written the space manual. And Cutter would too, but did so under a different name. Oh this is a development. I assumed they were like in their 50s/60s being played by 20 something years old actors...but I guess they actually do look that young...
...I guess they have a great skin care routine? Diet? Biotech? Are they both cyborgs? Do they replace parts of themselves whenever they break down? And if so...just how old are they?
Oh Doug is back! Poor Hera. You can save him, Hera. I know you can.
"Hi Doug :)" Don't like that.
"The Sol" of course Cutter would name it after the sun. He sees himself at the center of the universe.
"Renee is fine. Healthy as a horse" shut it Cutter!
"Hera? Is that you?" I love that Doug is the one that picked up on that and Pryce, being mistaken for Hera is the biggest compliment you could ever hope to get.
"Why do you have Hera's voice?" Because Miranda is evil and likes to play god. Oh my gosh, they literally do think of themselves as gods. Not them quoting scripture too, I swear with each and every episode Cutter and Pryce make me want to vomit. You're not gods. You're just every other selfish terrible lazy parent who has a kid and thinks that they have a right to control the course of their life. Just because you make or create someone doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want with them!
"1,001 pains in my ass Pryce?" TELL HER DOUG! It's the least of her crimes, but we have to start somewhere.
The...the next you? What um...what happened to the real Carter?
Don't call Doug "good boy" ONLY HERA GETS TO DO THAT.
"You have not been doing a good job as communications officer." HE JUST CONTACTED THE ALIENS. He's the best communications officer you could ever hope to have. Sure, up until now he's done a terrible job, and openly neglected his duties, but this is what happens when you send random ex-convicts with known substance abuse issues and obviously ADHD up into space instead of, oh I don't know, rehabilitating them???
"4 months ago, you took a while to get up here." Exactly what I've been saying.
So they got to Hermes two months ago, but...oh the aliens kept them away! And now Bob let them in, oh no. See Doug, this is why you should have talked to the crew first.
"Go screw yourself" Tell them Doug. They deserve to hear it.
Oh Miranda's torture chair. Of course they have one of those.
"Too bad" it's so unsettling how much Miranda sounds like Hera.
Hopefully, Bob managed to give Doug's mind a little resistance.
It seems that Rachel and Kepler don't get along so well. Bit of a rivalry there?
"Deliver or you're off the team" I don't like that motto.
Oh hi Australian guy. I'm sure my mutuals will be more than happy to tell me more about who he is. But since he's evil and not that interesting, I don't really care.
"He makes you disappear, Warren" Rachel seemed way too happy about that. I always thought she and Warren were on the same level, but I think someone just got promoted and someone else might be getting demoted.
"It will take some time to uncouple it from all the Star Wars trivia" good work Doug, keep the hyper fixation noise in your brain.
"Do you ever get a little tired of hearing yourself speak?" Doug is asking the best questions!
"Defiant until the end. You gotta respect that." "No, you don't." It's interesting how much Pryce and Cutter seem to differ in that Pryce stays very guarded and cold while Cutter embraces a very fake pleasant exterior.
"I am never following your orders ever again." Doug...I love you calling them out, but please do not tempt fate. The more you push, they more they push back. They clearly have a thing for breaking people (and machines).
"That wasn't an offer. There's not an element of choice here." Yeah...saw that coming. Sorry Doug. :(
Hopefully Hera can save him and Minkowski.
Oh Jacobi's been dragged off. So did they get him too?
Ew Rachel's here too. Oh and they have a way to hurt Lovelace. But can they kill her if she's an alien?
"Critical system failure" you go Lovelace!
"I owe you a coke." So apparently Pryce and Cutter don't stay young by avoiding sugar.
New friends? Oh no, he's going to show Lovelace what he did to her friends.
UPGRADE TO THE FULL VERSION? Like Hermes? Deleting certain thoughts? Oh my gosh. Like it's irreversible? Do they want to make the whole world like that?
And also if they had that the entire time, why have they not used that on everyone at Goddard from the beginning? They wouldn't have so many problems if they did that from the beginning. But I suppose that if they can't do the full version right away, the tech is probably pretty complex and expensive.
Okay so Raymond is the name of Australian guy. (Got it from the credits).
Well. At least they didn't get Lovelace's mind. We have that to be thankful for.
Episode 56: Idle Hands
Once again, another episode with no opening credits they just take you right in don't they?
So...is Jacobi not brainwashed? He seems agreeable, but not as robotic as Minkowski.
"Don't push them too hard." "Well it's not like they feel it" "I only turned off their pain receptors. They still have bones, primitive things." Miranda, DO YOU NOT HAVE BONES? WHAT ARE YOU?
Great, now I have the bananas have no bones song stuck in my head.
"It's not like any of them are gonna be alive much longer" And perhaps neither will any of you.
"No need to speak. Just give me the sum." Interesting. Miranda really hates the sound of Hera's voice.
"What are you trying to accomplish with these attempts at resistance?" You designed her Miranda. You built and created her. She has your voice. You gave her a personality, presumably similar to yourself. You declared yourself her god. So here's an idea. Why don't you figure it out for yourself?
"My name is HERA...screw you" I'm glad Hera told her off, but the way that Pryce and Cutter scold Eiffel and Hera like they're disappointing children...you really do feel the age gap now.
"Things are going to be okay." Did they get Jacobi too? Oh they did.
"Just because they can't talk back doesn't mean they-" good point Hera. We understood what you meant.
Also: "I'll find a way to discipline her later." ... Well, well, well. Looks like someone slipped up there for a moment, didn't you Miranda? What happened to "not her. It?" All of a sudden Hera is a her now? And you talk about her like a disappointing child. But since you clearly just view her as an object, I have to wonder, is it hard losing an argument to someone who sounds like you? Someone who expresses a part of yourself that you perhaps, are a little insecure about? See, Miranda, that's the problem with the whole "playing god" thing. You can act all proud of yourself for making something in your own image, but if you don't like yourself, you might not like the image that looks back at you. Happens to real parents with children all the time. Happens to every human who spends too much time together and starts picking up each other's habits. I am going to enjoy writing some fic about you, Miranda /ominous.
"I'll get creative" I'm sure you will, Miranda. And so will I.
"She was always very persistent" "Watch yourself Warren. You don't want to sound like you admire it" well, it looks like RACHEL knows to refer to Hera as an it, and Kepler doesn't, so it seems Miranda really did slip up there. It's not a writer's mistake if they're being so intentional a few minutes later. Oh, this is going to be so fun for me.
"Pryce gets everyone sooner or later" And Hera was made in her image, Rachel. You might want to think about that.
"Pryce doesn't delete AI, she just corrects them" Oh, the AI that sound exactly like her? The ones that sound just like her? She finds their flaws and corrects them, does she? Not at all reflecting her own self-esteem issues I'm sure.
Replaced cranial architecture? Just because Miranda was bored? Wow, she and Cutter really are the worst.
Rachel is also the worst. Oh and Warren calls her "Miss. Young" while she calls him Warren...I guess they're not on the same level at Goddard or if they were...that's for sure over now and Kepler knows it too.
"I'm not worried about her." It's okay to worry about things other than Whiskey, Kepler. A little character complexity before you die won't be a horrible thing.
"Something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy." And it sounds like Rachel would wish a lot on her enemies. So...what is happening with Lovelace?
Cutter's playing Funzo with her? I assume it's Funzo, but they seem to be playing something. Oh Backgammon. 😂
So this is what Rachel was referring to. Oh the parallels between Cutter and Pryce and Doug and Hera just write themselves at this point.
Lovelace: "I don't eat with creeps" Cutter: 🥺 ...me?
Yes you, you evil creepy murder man.
"I mind every second that you exist." Same Lovelace.
Cutter is smoking? "We all have our vices" That is the LEAST of your vices Cutter. Also between the sodas and cigarettes, clearly Pryce and Cutter haven't been staying alive and looking young due to healthy habits.
"You seem tense" very observant Cutter.
What is it with this man and chai lattes? I've seen a few untagged posts about it, I thought people were exaggerating.
"Miranda and I don't agree on everything" "Tell me you're not about to make me do marriage counseling for you and your work wife" CALL HIM OUT ON IT LOVELACE. 😂 "Even for you that's too evil."
"Miranda is...wonderful. But she can be a little cold." Ah. I see. So you and work wifey disagree on how best to torture people. Luring them into a false sense of security vs. being unfeeling and dark from the start. I suppose that's why they work together, to strike that unhealthy balance.
"I don't wanna do that. It's messy. And that's not how I want to do that. We can be better." So they're doing the good cop, bad cop routine?
And something tells me Lovelace doesn't want a pony. I think she wants you dead.
"Compromise is the cornerstone of a good work marriage" so he doesn't deny it then.
Cutter really is an old man. The smoking, the board games, it's only a matter of time before he starts playing bingo, watching wheel of fortune, and talking about how it was "back when he was young whippersnapper".
I swear, if Cutter and Pryce try to drop their tragic backstories...
Who is asking for Unit 214? Oh Doug. This is so sad. "Thank you 214 :)" "Yeah whatever" "Is everything okay?" EVEN BRAINWASHED HE STILL CARES ABOUT HER. "Pryce is nice" No, she's not Doug!
What happened? HE CALLED HER HERA! DOUG IS BACK! DOUG IS BACK! Doug, you have to pretend, but this is good. He's back. Our boy is back. 💕 Did talking to Hera bring him back?
"I was alone" Oh...oh. Hera's I am alone monologue. :( 💔
Doug talk like a robot! You need it to be believable. Oh Doug, don't become an actor. Thankfully Australian guy (Raymond, whatever) doesn't seem to be the most perceptive.
"It could have been worse. It could have been Dr. Pryce" Yep. Way worse.
What is Pryce doing that has RACHEL of all people so rattled? I don't like those sounds.
Oh her eye? And I guess that looks pretty gross. And still needs routine adjustment too. Well, well, I think we found some more insecurity. My "ripping apart the villains" sniffer is sniffing out some good stuff here.
Oh yippie. Jacobi's here to help.
Performance review? Review of who? Kepler? Style is Marcus's department, that is very true. HOW BADLY DO YOU NEED JACOBI? oh Kepler is gonna be tested isn't he? Are they gonna make him torture and shoot a compliant Jacobi?
"Boring again..." you're one to talk Cutter. It's always the same with you people.
DOUG, HE CAN TOTALLY TELL. Oh good Cutter is preoccupied and leaving them alone. Just say "yes sir" in a monotoned voice Doug!
Phew. I guess Cutter isn't used to doubting his work wife.
"Wanna know a secret?" 😂😂😂
What's funny is that Cutter could totally make Doug do that to trick her. Oh it looks like Lovelace thought of that.
Doug be incompetent and make references. Not even Pryce and Cutter can fake that. See? She believed that!
Headache? What does that mean? Lovelace's blood? Oh.
So what I'm hearing is that we need to do a few blood transfusions.
"Dr. Pryce can see and hear everything" then you might need to leave Hera.
"I'm here to help! 🥰" Jacobi seems cheery.
Examination table? What are Pryce and Cutter doing to him?
"How old was Dr. Maxwell?" 28. That's...that's young, oh no. That's so sad. Cutter knows it's Kepler's fault too. He's never gonna be done getting tortured with this.
Oh right. His arm is gone, I keep forgetting. They're giving him a prosthetic arm? Well they could have been far less ominous about that. "Prove you belong here." Um...how? He's giving him reading homework? Well that was less ominous than I thought. Wayyyy less ominous.
Hearing Jacobi like this is so funny, I'm sorry. Hopefully, Doug got him the blood and hopefully Jacobi keeps his mouth shut.
Oh. Jacobi didn't make it. Doug you can't risk losing the ground you have. You don't have 10 minutes!
Oh no. It's not Jacobi is it?
Ah. Kepler /derogatory.
I don't know about that Kepler, but I think you might be drowning in Whiskey.
Episode 57: The Devil's Plaything
Nice of them to take us directly back to Kepler's "well, well, well".
"I'm done here" That's the most you've sounded like a robot all day Doug!
Oh and Jacobi is back!
I see Jacobi doesn't know about Kepler's new prosthetic upgrades.
"Putting an end to this. Blowing up the Hephaestus." I hate to say it, but that might be the only solution now.
Doug. Look. I know. I would never pick this solution. But think about your daughter.
Oh, Jacobi has plans to get them off. But um... WHAT ABOUT HERA? She IS the Hephaestus. Can you um...make her the sol? Oh, the sol can hold her consciousness? Well that's good, but Maxwell would be really useful right now. If only Kepler had been the one to go.
That is a good question Doug. Why didn't you get Minkowski first?
Oh gross. Doug. Doug. Do not talk to her. Don't talk to Rachel Young. Don't talk to Dr. Pryce.
"Are you there?" It might not be safe to speak. But Hera is always there, she said so herself.
Visual and thermal sensors? Good plan, but won't Pryce notice?
"As long as it's not Jacobi" *flashes to Jacobi*
"How are things?" Not the best time for small talk Jacobi.
Jacobi knew one of them? This is so sad. He's...yeah they're gone. No one comes back from what Pryce did. 💔 "What they did to them is what you wanted Maxwell to do to me" That was rough, but fair. Jacobi needed to hear that. I like his redemption arc. I'm glad to see it's finally going somewhere.
Rachel really hates Doug 😂
Doug please don't talk to yourself. And remember, you technically can't feel pain. Pretend it's an inconvenience. Why does Rachel sound like a schoolteacher yelling at a first grader while Doug moans and whimpers? 😂
"Oh hello Eiffel. You're bleeding." Indeed, Minkowski.
"Everything is going to be fine." Why do I feel like that might be a phrase Cutter and Pryce use to hypnotize them or something, they say it constantly.
"You just stuck a needle in my neck. That wasn't very nice of you" 😂 Please this is too funny.
"Everything is going to be okay." SEE? SHE LET HIM GO!
Oh no. He called her Hera. Pryce won't allow that.
"Why are you calling her that?" I knew it! Just come up with something... um...Cutter asked me to call her that for his amusement?
oh and even "it's all okay" won't save him now.
How did Minkowski get the walkie-talkie? Oh dear. She's been under the longest too. And she's a trained solider. Doug you should have shot the comms system faster!
"Commander?" "Not quite." "I'm putting the lieutenant on manual." PRYCE CAN JUST SPEAK THROUGH THEM?
"Don't delude yourself boy" It's little things like calling Doug "boy" that make me realize how old Pryce and Cutter really are. At first I thought they were boomers, but are they from the early 1900s because they seem even older than boomers sometimes just by the way they talk.
Oh dear what's happening now.
"Eiffel is sacrificing himself, what a hero" 😂 Jacobi, never change. Well, do change, but not your sense of humor. That can stay.
The airlock? She's making Minkowski leave out the airlock?
Oh Pryce is onto Jacobi too! "Go to hell" "not before the lieutenant does" Just because you're doing there doesn't mean everyone is Pryce.
Hopefully the alien blood protects them?
Gross. Rachel and Hermes zombies. The worst.
Minkowski! Come back! You can do it!
The Hermes crew went down! They did it! And yes! Punch Young in the face!
No. Not Minkowski. No. She needs to see her husband again!
"Have they hit you with a wrench before?" well, no, but they did try it. That's what happens when you lose Jacobi, Rachel. You get hit with wrenches.
Oh poor Hera. It's not your fault.
Alive or dead? Alive, if you can manage. Well at least that's good...I think...
"Only a set back" well let's hope not Cutter. Not interested in your idea of fun.
Episode 58: Quiet, Please
Is this episode about Kepler or Cutter? Because I need them both to be quiet.
Oh right, the plant monster. Good thing Minkowski set up all those weapon stations! Now let's go hunt the real monsters.
The new plan can't be the old plan. Hera told them everything. They know. It's not her fault Jacobi!
Hera, you have to realize that you can't hear this. You have to trust that they will get you off the ship. "Show that WOMAN some respect" YES MINKOWSKI. Very true. But also, you need to make sure they have no way to hear about your plans.
Cutter is also probably waiting on the sol for them in a big evil chair. He's likely practicing his evil speech right now.
This would be a great time for the plant monster to come back and kill Cutter. I wish they keep him around. 💔🪴
"As long as I don't have to be out there" *cuts to Doug out there*
"The only time you're getting visuals from one place" "It's weird I don't like it" Interesting. It probably does feel weird to Hera.
And there goes Doug. I just imagine Kepler telling Pryce "don't worry. I've been tracking them and I'm positive they're in storage, right behind this door" only for Doug to go screaming and flying past the window as Pryce stares at Kepler with a deadpan look.
Talking uses air. Good point. Perhaps they should all talk less. The good news is we haven't heard from Whiskey boy the entire episode. Perhaps he's giving Pryce and Rachel the Whiskey monologue as they go through the ship.
"You're other left" once again Doug is me.
As we listen to Doug go on this journey, I once again return to Kepler's prosthetic arm. I wonder if they can hack it.
Wait what's happening now? Oh the security system is active? Oh dear.
I'm just waiting for things to go wrong. There's no way Cutter Pryce and the gang aren't onto them.
Biometric or retinal... do they need Pryce's eyes? Oh she has spare eyes. I wonder what happens if they break. And how she lost her original eyes. 👁️
"Everyone in favor of going to the lab say "eye"" Lol, "the eyes have it" I love it.
I just know they're gonna show up. I know it. I'm just waiting for it.
There's no way Miranda would leave her lab this unsecured.
Oh...she has a lot of eyes does she? THEY MOVE? Ew. Well... I guess Pryce needs a lot of backups. If I were them I'd just grab one. What's so gross and unsettling about it? I mean, I get that they're eyes that move, but...they make it sound so horrifying. I guess this really must be Miranda's insecurity.
Did he drop the eye? Oh no. This just keeps getting worse. And why wouldn't you grab a backup and smash the rest? If Miranda needs backups, it must be for a reason! Make sure she can't see. It's like smashing someone's glasses or destroying their contact lenses. Get whatever upper hand you can!
Oh. Hi Raymond. Didn't expect you to be here. Um...what now?
An inspiring speech from Doug. Yes, give Hera a moment. I believe in her. 💕
Oh never mind it's Kepler. Gross.
Oh right, Pryce can see in the dark because of her eyes.
"I don't kill people. It's wasteful. I value all my workers highly" I hate Pryce. She's clearly mad about how they broke out of her restraints.
Recycle it! Good work Doug. Recycling and reusing is good the planet. Of course, we're in space, but...oh fire code. ♻️
Oh so Eiffel, Minkowski, Pryce, and Kepler are ejected in space?
Well. Um... that's an awkward group. Perhaps they can play a little Funzo?
Okay, now I REALLY can't listen to anymore. I've wasted way too much time procrastinating. But we're coming to the end now, which is exciting. See you (hopefully) soon everyone!
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tabieeee · 9 months
Totally agree with your response that Skibidi Episode 59 felt like the official return of the Titan Speakerman. He kinda cast off the sadness and anger from before and started working as a team player again. That comic of yours was absolutely beautiful and emotional! It also fit so well as much of the fandom (including myself) we’re under the impression the Speakerman were going extinct, and it seemed the TSM believed so as well. Amazing work!
TSM is probably my favorite character (right next to Titan Camera Boi) and he’s had some of the best moments. I guess I just loved the shorts version of 57 because the very slow reprise of “Everybody…” totally gave me chills. To jump onto what you were saying, the dramatic moment of his stupid yellow light turning bright red again and seeing him slowly look up was amazing! The episode was a really rollercoaster and it ended with their first real win against the G-Toilet.
Also gotta give props to episode 58. Seeing how overwhelmed the Alliance was and how desperate their situation became in the region… only for Big Speaker Boi to now be back for revenge! Again, chills. Again I’m totally in it for the “Everybody” theme in the shorts version so seeing what he was capable FOR his friends was sick with that blasting out again as their war cry. When I actually saw it the first time and I was amazed, but when he got surrounded by all the helicopter toilets I actually thought he was planning on dying right there and got worried. The break in the music, the puff of smoke… all made it seem like he was just in for revenge but then was gonna let himself get killed. All of this to be immediately followed with the “WE WILL FIND YOU” in the song before saving all the cameramen… ughhh. So good. There’s a comic worthy idea in my mind.
Sorry for the long spiel lmao. Speakerboi deserves so much!
This was so much fun to read
I'm happy you liked the comic!
The speaker's song is so dang epic, it just makes episodes feel awesome
58 was fun. Go rage speaker boi, you deserve it.
My fav atm is Titan Cam since recent episodes focused on him but Titan Speak was my fav first and I still like him lots
Thanks for taking the time to write this :D
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lorecatchup · 10 months
Back to lore: oh dang, Seth was 🤏 close to losing his title to Dean Ambrose, Dean won the match at Elimiation Chamber by countout and took off with Seth's belt
"not one of the best, THE best"
[sound on]
God seeing Seth's confidence slip, his tiny little "I don't?"
He talks a big game but he's really just a lil guy who yearns to be praised
That's how Randy got him isn't it, just said nice things to him and Seth MELTED
(Wait, that's how Cody got him too lol, back in the day when Cody was someone Seth saw as higher on the ladder than him, he just showed him respect publicly and probably said something nice in the locker room)
Tumblr media
Hi Chelsea
Seth lost his match with J&J because Dean baited him with his belt, but then Dean hit him with a finisher and took the belt back, Seth is suffering humiliation after humiliation, and I'm just picturing him texting Cody like telling him to meet him in his room, obviously Cody has a spare room key, and just like, walking in and not even saying hello or anything just immidiately like, taking off his belt or something as he rages about Kane and Dean and J&J and Roman and all this shit he's being put through (none of it is his fault, obviously) and just like undressing while he complains and finally notices Cody's just sitting there and is like, "what are you doing? come on" and Cody gets up and is like yeah this isn't going to work for me and Seth's like, wait man where you going? Or something, like he's so self absorbed he doesn't see an issue with it At All but then he can convince Cody to stay by apologizing and being Seth Sincere (tm) or something
[@joanofarcisdead: "also oh my god imagine this with stardust though like stardust is literally new to earth and he doesn’t understand humans or human emotions a lot but he knows he likes seth and he doesn’t like seth being sad"]
Because you /know/ it's happened more than once lol Cody being like, you know what? you deal with him so it's just plain clothes, no face paint Cody sitting there with red eyes and a big smile lmao, also Stardust is delighted by violence and anger, so like, him completely missing the reason Seth is undressing and instead misinterpreting it as anger time, yay! Maybe Seth punches a wall or something while he's venting and Stardust just like, throws something like 😀
another thought: but also to your point about Seth being sad, if he ever like, got vulnerable enough to shed a tear in front of Stardust?? Like Stardust wiping it from his cheek and being able to empathize with him on an emotional level because he's expirienced it through Cody's sadness, but still being curious, sorry to keep relating him to a kid but literally like a child being like, what's wrong, why are you sad? Like they know what sad is, they've felt it but they don't totally understand it
But if Stardust can experience Cody's sadness and stuff, if he can /feel/ what Cody feels, although maybe not totally feel it for himself (yet, it would probably come with enough time) that would mean he would have access to the ~feelings~ Cody has for Seth that he keeps hidden, he would know Cody's secret~ (that he's kinda in love with Seth even though he won't admit it and pretends he's not) but wouldn't be able to understand /why/ Cody feels these things, just that he feels something specific toward Seth
Also also also, Cody and Seth experiencing being "in love" in two different ways? Like Cody's a romantic little guy, he feels things deeply and falls fast, but he's had his heart broken so many times and never had a good, healthy relationship that lasted* so he's closed himself off to it as much as he can? And wants to keep things with Seth casual because he knows Seth's just going to end up hurting him BECAUSE Seth doesn't know how to love in a healthy way? Like, he's very self absorbed and assumes Cody knows how he feels about him, how could he not? Seth shows up, doesn't he? there is zero communication between them about stuff, Seth thinks they're good and Cody knows he loves him, Cody doesn't think Seth's into him beyond a casual thing (which is how he wants it to stay, regardless of his feelings, so why would he bring it up?) ((which is why Cody just dips without saying anything))
(*outside of Eden/Brandi, and while I think their in universe marriage came about Very Quickly and seemed like something they both jumped into without really knowing each other (and started out as a very like, marriage of convenience sugar daddy/trophy wife, sort of thing after Cody's traumatic breakup with Damien, but I think they quickly became friends and eventually like, started an actual romantic relationship and I think they both love each other very much and she's the only healthy and lasting romantic relationship he's had, even if he was seeing other people on the side (at least Seth, idk about the indy/aew years), but that's something she knew going into the marraige and relationship and she supports him fully (I don't know much about Brandi's character outside of the ring announcing and stuff on the JBL show but she also might be seeing people on the side, we'll see (again, this is all In Universe, I'm not speculating on the real people's marriage at all)
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Hiiiii I was just wondering if you have any songs that remind you of any of the hee leads because their vibes are on top!
Also just wondering if I could be known as Em Anon?
Cant wait for the next chapters though and keep up the good work!!!!
yes of course! you are my Em Anon!
hehehehehe *smirks* so the other anon ask that asked for the same thing, I included the metal songs that screamed and helped made me create each hee-lead. for this one, i will include other genre's that scream their names ;)
NOTE: for some reason tumblr stopped me from attaching the song links....for some reason. it wouldn't save my post or let me actually post the dang thing whenever i had the remaining song links attached so in the middle of talking about heedam's and heelers songs, if you dont see the links that's why. but be sure to look up the songs on youtube or spotify and listen to the lyrics bc you'll see why those songs become their vibe. lol.
Heethan: brooooooo....this dude......just listen to these lyrics and the songs because it really does scream him so effortlessly and accurately.
OneRepublic - Secrets (yo......this song just replays in my head everytime i draft his moments of love for reader...dont know why)
Meatloaf - Good Girls go to Heaven (Bad girls go everywhere) Idk why, but this song kind of makes me think of his thoughts whenever he helps readen, teaching her life lessons, and his outlook on Readen and Eden.
Justin Bieber - Anyone (........the lyrics....like this song just ecompasses his love for reader.)
Heelel : heelel has got this.....like dark and smooth vibe. there are so many songs that remind me of him.
Crazytown - Butterfly (this song was playing when i drafting some parts of SE7EN, after the part where he brought realena to Hell with him.)
Polar Notes & Mentum - Right Now (the lyrics and and beat of this song, it SCREAMS heelel's feelings for realena. I play this piece every time i think of heelel bc if there was ever a song that reflected his feelings for you, it's this one.)
Troye Sivan - Angel Baby (another piece that reflects his loving beauty for his realena. this one and the song above are just *chefs kiss*)
Heebros : yooooo so many songs to reflect heebros.....
Air - Sexy Boy (so...believe it or not, this song was playing when i was drafting the chapter where reader meets the heebros for the first time. Literally, the thought of the both of them standing side by side, arms crossed, looking very intimidating and hungry as they watch reader walking in the gallery of the restaurant looking so fine and they just be watching her...this song was playing and i just had to include it.)
Robin Thicke - Make U Love Me (Heeseung)
Robin Thicke - Rollercoaster (Heejeong)
Heedam: "make him whistle like a missile"
Blackpink - Whistle (this song makes me think of him when he met re
Miguel - Adorn ("just let me love you" ....yeah...heedam lol. especially reflecting the latest MT chapters)
Trippie Redd & Skye Morales - Took my Breath Away (listen to the lyrics...the part of how "I love you like how Adam loved Eve"....yeah...this be heedam song)
Heeler : not to spoil....but heeler obviously has some dark edges but among that he's got this (much like the other heeleads...) he's got just such great sexual appeal to his rough lines.
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Enhypen - Chaconne (honestly...i love this song. It makes me think of Ethan or Heeler)
Joan Jett - Crimson and Clover (cover) yoooo...the original version of the song was playing when i drafted the part of when he first saw reader but the cover done by Joan Jett really just....it just adds that sort of breathless and yearning vibe that i love so much. i would be wrong to not add this song bc when it was playing during that scene at the coffee shop when reader walked in.......it was so perfect i can't begin to tell you. listen to the lyrics "now i dont really know her...but i think i could love her...crimson and clover."
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trumpwashere · 1 month
The Constitution of a Bull
The guy has to be worn out from all the harassment he's been dealing with from DemocRats for the last 8 years now. I couldn't stand the guy, but after his third year in office I would never condone what DemocRats did to this country, burning businesses and taking the lives of police officers. It's astronomically amazing that he can raise his own kids and grandchildren with smiles, when he's being attacked by shameful degenerate people day after day. The guy has the constitution of a bull. He deserves to live a Life in Peace. After all he's one of the greatest President's of the United States of America. No I've never voted in 58 years and I would've voted Hillary in 2016, but when he was President I turned off the TV in horror. Only to turn it on every few months to see what was happening, and every time I turned it on, he was doing the job. Day after day he did his best, brought the country to a height that it will never reach again in our lifetimes. He is a born leader. That son of a gun sure knows how to run a business. Not all of his businesses are perfect and some have failed. Just like all of us, he has failures. But dang that guy can out work anyone on Reddit or any DemocRat alive. Any President in history would've folded up like a cheap suit if they had to deal with what he has to deal with. As you can tell I was a registered Democrat for 58 yrs but last year I changed to Independent. You guys are nuts and I would never want to preach hate to my children which is all DemocRats do these days. God bless Donald J. Trump. Namaste
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hazelplaysgames · 9 months
last fight for Gladion!
Crobat be his lead. Nuzzle it, switch to Cery, Crobat got wings. Cinnabar to come out, and... he switches into Lucario? don't see the game do that often. and it's easy to see why, that's uh. that's a sweep from there.
all right, jump right back in. Cinnabar lead, this is mostly a test for the Lucario... seems like it's gonna be 149 speed? faster than all but one, so... i think i have a Chople Berry... yep yep, put that on Vermilion. while i'm here, give Cerulean a Soft Sand, i think this'll do now.
third verse, same Cinnabar start, aaaand he doesn't switch out his Crobat this time. i spent too long trying to make it work, but calling it early.
fourth up. lets try a Viridian lead for Cotton Spore. she can get some good hits in before going down, NOW Cinnabar, Spore- he switches into Lucario now. i got no mementum to switch, so... Energy Balls until KO. Vermilion can come out and Nuzzle it comfortably with a Chople berry. 30 HP left still, good lord, Struggle Bug and no para. Cerulean to come out and EQ it... no KO, no para, but Cerulean does live the Aura Sphere here! and it can Quick Attack for the KO too. no paras at all, unlucky. Saffron can come out, and her Earth Power can finish it off for the first time, but the team is on its last legs.
Silvally, too, outspeeds the Smeargle left, and it's new fire Multi-Attack overpowers whatever is left. dang. Gladion's tougher than i expected. his AI is actually good too, so this is particularly rough. i think... unfortunately, no, i don't think my Smeargle, as they are now, can take him on actually. this is what Lusy could've done to me if her Bewear didn't have Pain Split. if he led with the Lucario, this'd be doable. if he switched in Lucario on Viridian, not Cinnabar, this'd be doable, but i think it's just a little not in my favour to win.
a disappointing spot to end tonight on, especially when i only need to grind, you know, three or so levels for half the Smeargle anyways for a reasonable re-evaluation, if Vermi was level 61 instead of 58, this could be different. oh well i guess. more grinding the axes known as Smeargles for me. my laptop got some updates to restart over, i don't want it to do that during fest and all. speaking of, have a good fest this weekend, y'all!
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tagged by @feeisamarshmallow 💖
Name: Renee 
Fandoms: B99 baby 🚨  
Where do you post your fanfiction? AO3 🙌🏼
By kudos most popular one-shot: Suddenly (I’m in love with a stranger): 313
By kudos most popular multichapter: Brooklyn, with 584
Personal favourite: This changes so often, it’d be hard to say.  After the Audit was where it all started for me, so for today I will choose that.  (Tomorrow?  Who knows.)
Method for titling fics: A large portion of the time it’s a song lyric, but sometimes it might just be a line that works best with the theme.  I wish there were rhyme or reason to it, but there really isn’t! 😅
Work I am nervous about posting: Truthfully, I'm nervous every single time I post a fic.  Especially lately, because I know I've been a little absent and maybe my audience is gone now?   Smutfics particularly, because they can be so personal and it’s hard to know where the line is drawn in the sand for everyone (ie, how far can I push things before I enter Squick Town?)
Do you outline your works or just wing it? Ehhh, it’s like an outline in my head that usually manifests itself as a series of paragraphs in a blank Pages doc that eventually I have to piece together ... not unlike Hansel and Gretel finding their way home, only sometimes I get hella confused with where I planned to go, and where I actually end up.  😬
Are you excited about any of your upcoming works? I am!  I’ve been working on a couple of really good ideas, that I hope you guys will love.  When things are less manic at my job (ha!) I hope to be able to really dig in and write my butt off.  I know we’re being starved for new content at the moment, and this last week brought the sucky news of their cancellation, but there are so many more stories to tell!!!
AO3 statistics:
Works: 58 User Subscriptions: 279 Kudos: 8262 Comment Threads: 903 Bookmarks: 1659 Subscriptions: 279 Word Count: 362354 (yikes) Hits: 162920
I’m not sure who has/hasn’t done this yet .... throwing some names out to the room, feel free to ignore if you’d rather not! 💗 @letsperaltiago, @fezzle, @amyscascadingtabs 
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marshmallowgoop · 3 years
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Next Episode Preview | "The Holmes Freak Murder Case (Part 2)"
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gales-boyfriend · 2 years
90% on anatomy lecture exam :/
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zwei-rhunen · 2 years
I love the way monk moves 🥰 so much violent, flashy kicking and spinning 🥰🥰 esp dragon kick - the horizontal and vertical kick combo is very cool
Too bad I'll probably have to use a different job for heavensward, to avoid wasting exp gains 😭
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VoicePlay: Wicked Medley review
Before I get into the actual review, I want to say that when I first heard this medley I wasn't really familiar with Wicked at all. Then a while ago, I listened to the official soundtrack so I could get more context for VP's arrangement, and. Holy crap guys. Having that context gave me SO MUCH MORE appreciation for it (you'll see what I mean if you keep reading). I would highly recommend listening to the original Wicked soundtrack, if not for the extra context then just because it's just an amazing musical in and of itself.
Now, enough about that. Let's get to the review:
0:00 - Cesar did not have to put this much soul into this first song but he did and I'm eternally grateful
0:27 - Same goes for Eli, like DANG
0:36 - Ooh those harmonies!! I freaking love it when harmonies go from being relatively simple to complex like that
0:38 - Emoni coming in clutch with her lil solo, man I missed her so much lol
0:44 - Love the vocal painting on the word "lonely", as in how Geoff and Layne drop out to make the word literally sound lonely 🙌
0:55 - Ok Geoff, I hear you with that subtle double octave jump in the background there 👀
1:07 - Nothing like some awesome runs to kick off a new song, amiright??
1:14 - Rachel's acting is amazing! Going into this I didn't know what character she was portraying, but she really sold the innocent eagerness of Elphaba at this part. In other words, I could understand the story perfectly without actually knowing the story 😂
1:41 - Ok Eli, go off with that crazy riff!
1:58 - Geoff's subharmonics will never get old 😏
2:12 - Layne's fills will also never get old 🙌
2:20 - I have no idea how they coordinate the ritardando (slowing down) to transition, but MAN they make it sound effortless
2:22 - Emoni puts *just* the right amount of sass into Glinda's solos, I love her so much
2:38 - Cesar 🥺
2:41 - Layne 😂
2:51 - I'm pretty sure Layne's ingressive phonation here (i.e. the weird sound he makes) is taken from VP's ACA Top 10 Broadway, which is a great callback! You can really hear how much he's improved since then 😁
2:52 - Love the addition of One Short Day in the background!
3:03 - Boom, crash, bam boom! Kidding! (iykyk)
3:11 - YESSS, go off, Emoni!
3:14 - And now, Geoff's audition for an over-the-top happy-go-lucky Broadway character 😂
3:16 - Eli. Sir. You are a high tenor. HOW ARE YOU DOING THE BASSLINE. (He's so underappreciated smh)
3:25 - Maybe it's just me, but that "bum bum bum" has big Mr. Sandman vibes and I absolutely love it
3:37 - VIBE CHECK (this whole part is an absolute bop, especially compared to the original. Not to say the original isn't good, because it's awesome, I just mean stylistically lol)
3:43 - Cesar are you actually ok 👀
3:45 - Seems like Geoff is wondering the same thing lol
4:05 - LOVE how they used lyrics from Defying Gravity as a transition, it's not in chronological order and it's not even the next song in the medley, but it works so well in the narrative they're telling in their version, and it's just so creative
4:12 - I freaking love bell tones 😭 (the "dm dm dm's")
4:20 - Love how everyone decrescendos into silence for Emoni's solo, sometimes less is more and this is definitely one of those times. You don't often hear silence from everyone but the soloist in a cappella (except at the very beginning of a song), but here it's really effective because it lets Emoni's words really hit home
4:33 - I love Cesar's tone here so much, I can't really describe it but it's so good 😭
4:40 - THEIR BLENDDDDD ugh they sound so good together
4:56 - Ok maybe I'm reading WAY too into this, but I love how Rachel and Emoni start the line in harmony and end it in unison, because it parallels Elphaba's and Glinda's unlikely friendship - starting off not really liking each other, but growing to become best friends. Idk if that was the intention arrangement-wise, but if so it's absolute genius 🙌
5:30 - You cannot convince me that Cesar and Geoff aren't singing that line directly to each other. You Cannot
5:34 - Ok, again, I'm probably reading way too much into this lol but whatever. I freaking LOVE this transition, because unlike before, the line starts in unison and ends in harmony, showing how Elphaba has changed as a person and is actually very different from Glinda. And then that's followed by the lyric "I have been changed". And both of those things make for a PERFECT transition into Defying Gravity, which is all about how Elphaba has changed and is starting a new chapter in her life, so to speak. So yeah idk if that was intentional but it's how I'm interpreting it and I think it's absolutely amazing
5:47 - these HARMONIES!!! Ugh they give me chills every time lol
6:05 - Ok, Defying Gravity might be one of my favourite VP songs ever (or parts of a song, in this case). The arrangement is so energetic and complex, and there are so many awesome little details, and Rachel is such a freaking powerhouse, it just fires me up so much 🙌
6:12 - Love Geoff's subharmonic followed by a cool little riff!
6:35 - Those staggered "dm's" (idk what else to call them lol) that everyone's doing are SO impressive. Everyone has to have perfect timing, especially if they're on the off beat, and it's so fast and tight and sounds completely effortless, it's amazing
6:43 - Sure, go even higher than the already-very-high original. Because Rachel can just Do That
6:55 - Love the contrary motion (i.e. some people go up and some people go down)!
7:05 - Nice callback to the beginning of the medley!
7:13 - EPIC final chord progression, not to mention the crazy range of the very last note (Db1 - F5)!
Final Thoughts:
Eli really outdid himself on the lighting for this one!! I think there was something different for all 8 songs, not including the bubbles during Popular. Idk how he does it but he does it so well 👏
Normally my favourite VP songs are the more theatrical ones where they dress up and everything, but I have to say, this arrangement and performance is SO AMAZING, it’s in my top 5 favourite VP songs ever. The fact that it only has about 300k views is an absolute crime - Geoff didn’t spend LITERAL YEARS on it for it to get this little attention 😭 so if you feel so inclined, please go give it some love!
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technofantasia · 4 years
Rise of the TMNT Timeline
Alright, by piecing together some clues from the show and making some educated guesses, I’ve put together a tentative chronology for Rise!
(Note: not all episodes are included, just a couple that either have timeline evidence or are somehow plot notable. This is assuming the canonical episode order is also chronological order.)
[EDIT] Added some more information (namely Splinter’s birthday month).
1600s-ish: The Shredder was created and sealed away September 1960: Splinter was born 1966: Splinter’s mother left (Finale part 1 flashback) 1979: Splinter left for America (Finale part 1 flashback) 1980-1984: Splinter became an action film star, dated around 1984: Splinter started dating Big Mama 1987: Splinter’s “Hot Soup: the Game” was released 1989: Splinter proposed to Big Mama, was imprisoned in Battle Nexus November 2002: April was born April-August 2003: (Presumably) Raph was born April-August 2004: (Presumably) Leo and Donnie were born April-August 2005: (Presumably) Mikey was born October 2005: Splinter and the Turtles were mutated February 2014: The first Lair Games was held 2014-2016: Donnie made his first battleshell, goggles, and tech bracer Early 2018: Piebald was flushed August 2018: Mystic Mayhem (the series begins), Down with the Sickness September 2018: The Turtle Tank was created (The Fast and the Furriest), Bug Busters, Hypno part Deux October 2018: Bullhop,  Evil League of Mutants, Shelldon was first created (Smart Lair), Shadow of Evil November 2018: April’s 16th Birthday (Warren and Hypno), April meets Sunita (Operation: Normal) December 2018: Snow Day January 2019: S1 Finale February 2019: The sixth Lair Games was held (Lair Games), Repairin’ the Baron March 2019: Air Turtle April-May 2019: S2 Finale
(Reasoning below the cut!)
So. Assuming that the episodes occur in chronological order, we can reasonably assume that the course of the show proper takes around or slightly less than a year.
In Hypno Part Deux, April is going to a homecoming dance; homecoming dances happen usually around the beginning of the school year, in late September or early October. Since she is canonically 15 at the time (she says she’s 16 in Always Be Brownies, which happens after her birthday) and has a birthday that comes after homecoming, that would likely make her a high school junior! That’s not important, just a fun fact. Placing the beginning of the series around August makes sense, then, since it’d be before April started school and during flu season, giving Splinter a good reason for catching the rat flu in Down with the Sickness.
The other solid time marker we have is Snow Day, which obviously takes place during snow season in New York (which is usually December to March). It’d likely be closer to December, since I’d like to imagine that they would have gone out to have fun in the snow as soon as they could have, potentially even at first snow. Since Lair Games comes chronologically after Snow Day and confirms the year as being 2019, we can assume that most episodes that happen before Snow Day happened in 2018 while those after happened in 2019.
Another, slightly more tenuous time marker is Bullhop, where a calendar is shown that says the 21st of the month was on a Sunday; by our previous assumption, this is 2018, so a calendar shows this must have been during the month of October, which falls in line with the rest of our timeline here! Neat. The 2018-2019 NBA season went from October 6 to April 10, so, since Air Turtle presumably showed a late season game with potential for turnaround, early March seems like a fair bet. All of those episodes combined give a pretty good sense of time throughout the series, spanning from probably around August 2018 to Mid-2019. The finale could have happened any time after March and before June (when high school would end, meaning Sloppy Joe wouldn’t have had to be working Draxum’s kitchen). Because there were quite a few episodes that should have happened before the finale, though, I’ll split the difference and say the S2 finale happened in or around May.
Fun detail: by this timeline, April’s birthday is sometime between October and December/January, likely November (seeing as it comes after Bullhop but before Snow Day, and judging by the fall colors of the foliage in Operation Normal which comes directly after her birthday episode.)
As for the brothers, we can assume that they might have different birthdays judging by how in Lair Games, Mikey says that one of his favorite days is “my birthday”; if they all shared a birthday, he might have been more likely to say “our birthday”. They were mutated sometime close to October, but since they didn’t seem to see the date of their mutation as anything special in ELoM, we can assume they don’t celebrate it as their birthday. We know that at the beginning of the show, Mikey is 13, Leo and Donnie are 14, and Raph is 15; at no point during the show do any of them have a birthday, which leads me to assume that they are the same ages by the S2 finale. They COULD have had a birthday offscreen, but since birthdays are a pretty big thing for teenagers, I’d think that if one of them had a birthday it would be pretty noteworthy. I’ll just guess and say they didn’t have one. If that’s the case, then all of their birthdays would be some time between April-ish and August-ish. By the time the show starts, then, they would have already had their birthdays, confirming for us their (probably only guessed anyway but whatever) birth years as 2003, 2004, and 2005. Realistically, Splinter probably didn’t know how much older Raph was from any of the others or anything like that, but the years are still somewhat important for age calculation purposes. I could try to guess their birthday months by saying they might all have wanted a unique birthday month, but that would be complete conjecture on my part (as compared to the rest of this which is just mostly conjecture), and would honestly be more headcanon territory than an educated guess? So for the timeline I’ll just say that their birthdays are between April and August.
Now, reaching further backwards to figure out Splinter’s life timeline!
In Splinter’s memories in E-turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, we see a clip of a teenage Splinter. Said “teenage splinter” looks to be on the older side of teenager, as he seems to have his own apartment and just looks older besides, so I’d place him at either 18 or 19 (leaning towards 19). Additionally, taking a look around his room, it looks like he might be using a Sony Walkman (first made in 1979), and has what looks to be a Star Wars poster on his wall (1977). Additionally, he has a TV in his room that looks to be a Toshiba Blackstripe model that was popular in the mid-to-late 70s. While I can’t tell if he does actually have a walkman or not, I’d probably place this scene as being 1978 or 1979 anyway, so let’s just say it’s 1979. If he was 19 in 1979, that would place Splinter’s birth year as 1960, which is nice and even so I’m keeping it. That would make Splinter 58-59 during the course of the show, which seems to track! He has a birthday in Mascot Melee (the turtles are buying him a new robe as a birthday present), which, according to my episode timeline, puts his birthday around early September.
The flashback of Splinter as a kid is a little bit tricky, since he looks to be about five or six judging by how he acts in the scene? But he’s also holding a Kamen Rider doll, and that show didn’t exist until 1971. I nonetheless place the scene in 1966, since this is a cartoon and hey, maybe the Kamen Rider equivalent came out a few years earlier in this world, who cares. The bottle flip challenge already apparently happened in 2014 here, why not move some other stuff around? This exercise has already had me comparing calendar days, I will not be deterred
In Many Unhappy Returns, the clapperboard for the film “Crouching Shrimp, Hidden Tiger Prawn” in Splinter’s flashback shows that it was 1984 when he first met Big Mama, meaning that he was not only Lou Jitsu by then (at just 24 years old!), but that he had been making movies for at least a few years. After all, he and Big Mama were supposedly inseparable after meeting, and in The Shadow of Evil, it’s shown that Splinter did date around a bit as a star. Assuming that rat dad isn’t the cheating type, that would have had to be before meeting Big Mama. In Fists of Furry, Splinter mentions that he hasn’t seen any of his dojos in thirty years; while he may not have meant literally thirty years on the dot, assuming he’s at least close, that would mean that he was first abducted around 1989 (age 29). At that point, he and Big Mama would have been dating for around 5 years, which seems like a reasonable amount of time for him to wait before proposing. He also would have had time to build up quite a bit of fame as a movie star; the game he had of him looks to be on a system similar to the Atari 2600 and in fact looks pretty similar to the real life game “Kung Fu Master” that came out on Atari in 1987, a year which would have been the prime of his career. Sure, that date works as well as any. After that point, we know he was imprisoned in the Battle Nexus until Baron Draxum kidnapped him in order to use his DNA to mutate the turtles 13 years before The Evil League of Mutants. That would have placed his kidnapping and their mutations at around October of 2005, judging by the monthly timeline of the show. So, Splinter would have been around 45 when he adopted the turtles, after having been imprisoned and forced to fight for ~16 straight years. Dang.
Finally, I figured that the whole deal with Shredder and Karai would have happened at some point in the 1600s as it was 18 generations ago, judging by the number of “greats” in Karai’s grandma title, and if you average out a generation to be about 20-25 years, that lands you in the range of the 15th century. That works especially because Ninja apparently first started becoming a thing in the 15th century, so the timing checks out well enough.
(and, just as an extra fun note for the timeline, the lair games was said to have been going on for 6 years as of early 2019, meaning it must have started in 2014. We see that, in 2014 (year 1 of the Lair Games), Donnie doesn’t have his goggles or battleshell and is instead wearing glasses. In 2016 (year 3), though, he looks about the same as he does in the present, meaning he must have created all his tech that he wears on him (battleshell, goggles, tech bracer) between 2014 and 2016.)
So, the above timeline is a guesstimated and shoved around compilation of all this totally meaningless investigation, typed in a form that makes some kind of chronological sense! I hope that someone finds it useful, or just fun to think about :D
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limitless-shadows · 4 years
Picking up gofushi crumbs from the manga pt. 3
Disclaimer: Beware of anime/manga/fanbook/light novel spoilers. This is just me commenting on the manga with the lenses of a gofushi fan. So... it’s just my opinion.
This section runs from chapter 26 to 79.
About character developments, gofushi first meeting, “Oh, nothing <3″, and others.
[Chapter 26]
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Bless Yuuji’s imagination creating gofushi material LOL
[Chapter 32]
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Megumi’s disappointed and nonchalant face when others connect “that moron” to Gojou www :surprisedpikachu: it’s even more funny when it’s Megumi who says that.
[Chapter 33]
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Megumi being sharp at noticing changes in Yuuji. If he’s that keen, would he have sensed anything different on Gojou after Getou’s death?
[Chapter 45]
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“You really can tell even with that guy’s drawing” Dang it, now I have to add great artist to my list of type standards.
Well, Gojou can do almost anything as stated in the fanbook, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that he can communicate well with art as a medium. Ack, is that why Nobara said he had high standards.
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I like how fast Megumi is able to dial Gojou’s number here www
[Chapter 55]
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If Megumi never tells them anything, what do they think about the gofushi dynamic? Domestic feeling? lolol
Especially Yuuji, who can be perceptive (when he noticed that Junpei was being bothered by his teacher).
[Chapter 56]
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Knowing Gojou’s schedule again.
[Chapter 58]
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Aaah it implies that Megumi doesn’t usually ask Gojou to train him :(
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"Is it that annoying? To ask me?"
...either doesnt want to ask him because he is annoying and/or because he doesn’t want to feel more indebted to him ;-;
I like the face that Gojou makes here haha like: eeeeh~ why is that? what’s wrong that you don’t want to ask me
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Did Gojou realize Megumi’s self sacrificing tendencies from just the bunt? or did that already confirm previous suspicions? I liked the anime adaptation of it~
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Of course Gojou would be so angry at that that his finger flick made Megumi's forehead bleed. Megumi who isn't growing up in the correct way to be strong enough as was asked from Gojou during their first meeting:
“You better get strong, don’t get left behind.”
And also Megumi throwing away his life in such a manner after Gojou protects him so much ;-; Gojou knows Megumi has plenty of potential but isn’t tapping on it effectively. Disappointment.
Then follows it up by asking him to be selfish so he can grow up strong (it's ok to ask your sensei for training! ;-;). Megumi freeing himself from the chains that bind him to a lesser self valuing is such an amazing character development.
Adding to it is that this flashback was used as the base for Megumi’s change aaaah
I also wanted to add that Ep23 was released 1-2 days before this post and it was such a great adaptation of this chapter with the sunset, the shadows and if that wasnt enough gofushi food, they went with the jujusanpo and and violinteacherhomewreckersformationbgaaah
what is formation a??? or c??? the gofushi interpretation of megumi’s gomeeeeeeeen?andsorrythatepisodewastoogoodImenjoyingthenewgofushiviolinarts
[Chapter 59]
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A suspicious dude with white hair who is tactless.
Yaaay way to go with first impressions :D It's funny how Gojou hasn't changed and is still disrespectful in his speech XD
[Chapter 79]
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Gojou guessing that Megumi already manifested his cursed technique...
While the fanbook said that he wanted to recruit a talented person, I also fancy believing that Gojou didn’t want Megumi to grow up under a harsh Zen’in training.
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Ah. I like how Gojou kneeled down to talk to him about his father’s death. Imagine a 190+ cm tall stranger coming to you, a 6 year old, and telling you from that high up that he killed your father lololol
At this height, Gojou is near Megumi’s stature or at least close to seeing him eye to eye. That pose is also less threatening and even seems childish in Gojou manner lolol but that’s sometimes how Gojou approaches serious things: in a joking way.
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Gojou has such a similar reaction where he doesn't say what he is thinking directly, but masks it. In the chapter where Todou says that they should continue with the exchange event, he questions Todou’s age XD and here he asks if he really is a first grader.
That right panel tho... what was going through his mind in that moment? Surprise? Pity? This kid is not normal.
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Akutami-sensei Q&A mentioned that the one to tell Megumi about his father was going to be Gojou... and I wonder how it’s going to go? also, Gojou getting out of the box? aaa-
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I wonder how it must have felt for Megumi... when the suspicious dude with white hair actually did take care of things. The fanbook with the following Q&A for Fushiguro:
Q: How did he become so insightful?
A: Maybe it's because he has negative thinking and doesn't just trust people.
Source: JJK Official Fanbook (fan translation)
Oof, his own upbringing made him like that. Especially with how he regards himself...
When it says that he “doesn’t just trust people”, Megumi then probably didn’t expect much from Gojou after their first meeting and is surprised when Gojou comes back :(
His father and mother leaving him, but Gojou coming back... although the situation doesn’t get better when later on Tsumiki goes into a coma and Gojou is sealed...
He will take care of things after a hehe~  ;-; 
Oh, yeah and:
Q: Has he known Maki and Mai even before entering the school?
A: Yes. When Gojo was working on Megumi and the Zenin clan issue, he took him to the Zenin house, so I think that's when they first met.
source: JJK Official Fanbook (fan translation) (same as above)
Seems like the Zen’in house is in Kyoto? Because of Maki and Mai’s birthplace not to mention Naoya’s kansai dialect. So... did they go on a trip to Kyoto? :D
Then, Gojou counting on shotagumi to work extra hard.... so he can be strong ;-; and maybe become part of his nakama group to change Jujutsu's society huhuhu
On the topic about being granted a choice, I only came to realize it after reading this excellent work, Close Your Eyes (To See) it’s a lovely soulmate fanfic, please consider reading it if you haven’t ^^. Megumi usually goes on about unfairness randomly granted on people, so to be given a choice about going to the Zen’ins or not is quite big. Particularly when it comes to how the Zen’ins would have treated Tsumiki, a non sorcerer. It’s too good.
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The look when he says that ;-; counting on Megumi to get strong enough to rival Gojou? Then Gojou wouldn’t be the only one going against the conservative higher ups.
When Gojou closes his eyes, it seems to convey regret/resolution where he sets in motion his plan to reform the Jujutsu society so that no more sorcerers go stray or overwhelmed by duties following a rigid doctrine ;-; as if preventing them becoming like Getou. And thats so aaah because while I knew what Gojou's wish was, I didn't know the why behind it, and that would be a great reason. Megumi has been with Gojou since the start (or near the beginning of it), so it’s even more beautiful.
That transition from closed to eyes to the present where the 1st year trio wakes him up. Was he recalling all those events during the nap?
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I- I just love Megumi's pouty face here. But it's still not that angry looking, more like, he is used to it (as always). Then my gofushi brain telling me that there is a hint of concern in Megumi's look- its almost affectionate. Could it be concern because he is worried about how much sleep he gets.
About Gojou’s sleep:
Q: How many hours does he sleep?
A: Seems like only for a short while.
source: JJK Official Fanbook (fan translation)
And Megumi being aware of his tendency to eat sweet things:
“When he’s busy, Gojou-sensei tend to eat more sweets like these, after all…”
source: JJK First Light Novel - Chapter 1 (fan translation)
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Gojou lifting his blindfold to look at Megumi with his left eye because Megumi is on his left side.
Wait... it’s the same left eye from the second opening of the first season.... is that a hint.
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The legendary “Oh, nothing <3″ with the heart~
Is he being fond of Megumi because of dreaming about their first encounter or because Megumi did get strong, or, or, both of those. aaaah what if it was from recalling everything that happened in the 9 years they've known each other? Calm down! Probably because he got strong comrades now! ;-; i-it’s not just because of Megumi! ...but I like how he has his body turned to Megumi only...
It's a "Megumi has been with him all this time (9 years) while he is trying to achieve his dream and he became this strong"
They... they just look so good together ;-; my gofushi feelings... Chapter 79 is special grade.
[Part 4]
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facets-and-rainbows · 4 years
Blue Exorcist 10th anniversary book Q&A session
The 10th anniversary book has a section where Katoh answers 100 questions submitted by fans on Twitter, so here they are translated/paraphrased! May contain manga spoilers up to the recent flashback arc, so be warned.
(Note that I’m playing it very fast and loose here because there are A HUNDRED OF THEM, so not exact wordings, but it should capture the gist. Lemme know if there are any you want elaborated on)
1. Katoh likes the feel of traditional drawing more than digital but is impressed with how far digital has come
2. Meph THOROUGHLY ABUSES spacetime to watch all his shows and ensure that he gets all the merch he wants
3. Did the girls take all of Yukio’s school uniform buttons in middle school? Yes, they did (apparently it’s like A Thing for girls to ask for a button from their crush at middle school graduation, based on some sad movie from the 60s where a guy who got drafted as a kamikaze pilot gave a girl one of his uniform buttons to remember him by)
4. Rin's tail is about a meter long
5. There are tons of servants working at Mephisto's mansion. Belial is in charge of them
6. Katoh borrows from all sorts of neat real locations when making settings
7. Katoh identifies with pretty much all the characters the most! Except Lucifer.
8. Demon designs she's proud of include the impure king and hachirou, pretty much anything that was the main one in an arc
9. Katoh lists a bunch of her favorite musical artists/music she’s listening to recently: King Gnu, Official Hige Dandism, Kenshi Yonezu, BAD HOP, Sakanaction, Keyakizaka 46, Hypnosis Mic, Aimer, B’Z, Queen Bee.
10. Awww the rabbit manga that characters are often reading isn't just Robo to Usakichi, it's an even older one that she drew as a little kid
11. She likes industrial style interior designs
12. Rin and Yukio alternated who got the top bunk growing up, because they couldn't agree on it lol
13. Katoh cares a whole lot about panel layouts and speech bubble positions, might even be her favorite part of the process (it shows!)
4. Katoh does NOT have a mashou, lol
15. Rin has probably been practicing in secret so he can learn to carry stuff with his tail
16. Izumo probably got into shojo manga around 1st grade, her mom had some around the house
17. Specialty dishes: Rin - lots of stuff but especially nabe Yuri - stuff you can throw together quickly Shiro - stuff he learned from Yuri and/or cookbooks, alongside teaching Rin Yukio - Does. Not. Cook.
18. Can't pick a favorite place she's been on research, but there's no place like Japan
19. Kinzou's band isn't currently meeting because demons, but he's probably still thinking of new songs
20. Hardest characters to draw: anyone with detailed flowing hair. Hardest to write for: Lightning and Gedouin. She had to go read books about serial killers specifically for material for Gedouin, lol 
21. Suguro actually gets a dorm room to himself, though allegedly Yukio is technically assigned as his roommate, lol. Didn't end up that way what with Yukio being a teacher and also Rin’s whole...situation
22. Shiemi makes some of her own hair accessories! Cute
23. Katoh doesn't mind if you include stuff with fan letters but check with the editor first
24. Time for making each chapter: Planning/storyboarding: 1-5 days. Sketching: 3-5 days. Drawing/inking: the rest. Just...the rest of the time
25. Neither Suguro nor Izumo have dated before and neither is currently dating. But that's probably just because things were hectic for them! It could happen
26. Yukio breaks 5 or 6 pairs of glasses a year, someone get this kid a strap or something
27. How many spare glasses does Yukio have? Check the fanbook lol it's in there (dang it Katoh)
28. The demon she wants us to pay the most attention to is Lucifer. Because plot.
29. What's under the Order's big meeting table? It's a BOTTOMLESS PIT and if you fall in it you DIE that's what makes it COOL (laughs)
30. What are the job requirements for the angelic legion? Literally just Arthur liking you and inviting you to join
31. She WANTS to do more character profiles but just hasn't gotten to it
32. Rin's tail feels like a cat tail, texture wise
33. The "red Assiah fire" is literally just actual fire nothing special
34. Rin's current hair color is light blue fading to white at the ends
35. Thoughts on Rin's growth: she likes that he stays positive in awful situations and she also thinks it's very main character of him to face the past instead of avoiding it
36. Mephisto didn't purposely surround Rin with stuffed animals when he woke up after going crispy. Mephisto's bed is just Like That
37. Kurikara was based on a cool sword she found in a sword book, but that one was technically just a ceremonial sword. The symbol on it us a Sanskrit letter kaan (sp?) associated with Fudou Myouou
38. Kuro can communicate with normal cats and hangs out with them often
39. Sometimes Shiemi's skirt is extra fancy around the hem what's up with that? Apparently it's an optional accessory that comes with the skirts help I haven't noticed this and don't know any fashion terms in any language
40. When coloring, Katoh always tries to have an overall theme in mind ("emphasis on blue" etc) so it comes together in the end
41. Yes the twins are genetically related to Shiro because of Goro (she says they're like his nephews but I say GENETICALLY at least they'd be indistinguishable from his children)
42. Strongest mom of all the strong moms around here? Yuri! Did you SEE her give birth??
43. Are you careful about your own health Katoh-sensei? Not particularly! Her mom has had to bring her food at work sometimes! Don't do this at home kids
44. At the dating events Shura goes to, does she drink cocktails in moderation? Yeah, she probably downplays her normal drinking habits at these things. But normally she's down for just about any kind of drink
45. Lucifer just really likes oysters okay
46. How many pages of manga does Katoh draw in a day? If she's being good about self-care: three. Maximum number ever: TEN
47. Mephisto is one of those folks who can eat like a garbage compactor and never gain weight. Possibly because his body resists that sort of change the same way it resists aging etc
48. First food Rin cooked: fish burger type patty. Yukio's favorite things Rin cooks: fish simmered in soy sauce, yellowtail with daikon radish. It's fish all the way down
49: Did Rin ever get more monthly allowance from Mephisto? It doubled! He gets TWO 2000 yen bills now (rip) [T/N: That's uh, that's USD $37.26 a month or 33.10 euro]
50. Why isn't Rin more popular with the girls? He gets nervous talking to them, plus he's too oblivious to notice even if he DID have some fans
51. Why change Suguro's hair? She gets bored with keeping everything the same, and she wanted a visual representation that he was getting serious and going into kind of a training arc
52. Things Katoh pays extra attention to when drawing: trying to capture the feel of whatever she's drawing (like "that looks warm and soft" or "I bet that guy stinks" cough Lightning cough)
53: Does Rin take after Yuri more? (He's got her eyes!) Katoh tried to draw Yuri so she looks like both twins. Personality, too - Yukio has her smarts and Rin has her optimism
54: Do you ever wanna be like Mephisto? Well she'd like to be able to get away with just ANYTHING EVER, but no, let's not be like Mephisto
55. Konekomaru not only carries around a cat toy in case he meets any cats, he MAKES cat toys to carry around based on what he thinks the cats would like
56. How'd you come up with Shima? Go read the fan book!
57. Do the kids have Twitter/Instagram accounts? Rin - probably not. Konekomaru might be on some social media. Paku and Izumo are totally on instagram
58. Is there something Rin makes that you wish you could try? All of it! That's the whole idea! He's good at cooking!
59. Will we ever have a (G-rated) reveal of what ALL of Mamushi and her family's tattoos look like? Maybe! She'll think about it
60. Does Arthur have a repertoire of different hairstyles? Not really, he just puts some of it up on the top. Heck he might even have people to do that for him
61. If you wrote a shojo manga what would it be about? She'd have to do a lot of research before even coming up with a story, since there are so many style differences between the genres aside from just the subject
62. The other two of Mephisto's top 3 favorite foods: Cup ramen and....f-fried bubblegum?? Is that a THING???
63. Where do you start when drawing a character? Usually the outline of their face but if it's a complex pose/composition she'll start with whatever's in the foreground (like hands)
64. If Katoh could have a familiar, what demon would she choose? Mephisto. As the all-powerful author, she might actually be able to command him as a familiar!
66. If you swapped Yukio and Rin's relationship around what would change? not much, you'd pretty much have Rin going to the Illuminati and Yukio going to the past
67. Top 3 foods/souvenirs to try in Kyushu? Well she doesn't know what’s good CURRENTLY but when she was there she always used to like burdock tempura udon, hakata torimon (a kind of manju with white bean paste inside), and Chikae style cod roe. today I learned Katoh went to high school in Kyushu
68. Katoh listens to music a lot while she's storyboarding, then when she and the assistants are all drawing and inking they put various videos/movies and stuff on in the background
69. For all his hitting on girls, is Shima actually popular with the ladies at all? He's got enough girls in his life that he probably COULD find a girlfriend if he really wanted, but the double agent thing tends to get in the way. He still wouldn't be as popular as Yukio though (side thought/translator’s note: Shima would be proud of being number 69.)
70. Katoh has the ending planned out in a big-picture way, but there are still a few details here and there that she's fretting over
71. It's cute when the boys put their ties over their shoulders when they're working on something! Where'd that come from? She just figured a tie might get in the way and that seemed like a realistic way to get it out of the way
72. Looks like Yukio is getting some facial hair! What about Rin? They're both about the age for it, but maybe Rin can't grow a beard yet. Maybe a little peach fuzz here and there
73. Katoh's favorite blue exorcist merch? There were some exorcist licenses a while back, and the exorcist pins. Basically it's really cool that these little accessories she drew ACTUALLY EXIST NOW, LIKE YOU CAN HOLD THEM IN YOUR HANDS
74. Okay realtalk how long do we have left, I don't want the series to end yet? We're solidly in the second half by now but it's not, like, ABOUT to end yet
75. Katoh would be a Knight meister, based on what characters she likes to play in games and such
76. How many people in the whole exorcism cram school? More than you think! She doesn't give a number but apparently licensed exorcists also attend classes for new meisters, etc, so there's a wide age range attending
77. How's Arthur feel about, like, studying Taming on the way to becoming Paladin? He's at least mostly accepted that you have to use demons to fight demons effectively
78. Konekomaru started wearing glasses in his first year of middle school, so like 7th grade (more recent than I thought!) He has one spare pair, in contrast to Yukio lol
79. Katoh's current obsessions? Ghost/scary stories! She's even been going to live readings of them recently
80. Media Katoh consumes for inspiration? A wide range of foreign teen drama, horror/suspense, shojo manga, light novels, anime, etc. Special focus on things where two boys are in conflict or there are brothers involved
81. If they weren't exorcists what jobs would they have? Rin - chef. Yukio - doctor. Shiemi - uh, florist?
82. Inspiration for the design of True Cross Town? Katoh and her assistants gathered up a bunch of references, picked out stuff they felt matched the tone, and mashed them all up together
83. Did you use any references etc for the school/exorcist uniforms? She says she probably should have but she just kind of made them up before publication
84. Favorite part of drawing? For color pages, picking out a color scheme. For black and white, drawing in all the little details (though she doesn't always get time to lately)
85. Once again confirms the demon kings' weird hair is a representation of their horns. ADDS THAT PEOPLE WHO CAN'T SEE DEMONS CAN'T SEE THE WEIRD HAIR
86. Now that Yukio's at the Illuminati, where's he gonna get his Jump SQ and spare glasses? Well he probably never planned to stay for long, but hey it's a big ship and they might have an optometrist and/or newsstand there
87. Do you base the demon characters on any references etc? Not really, she just gets a general idea of popular demon designs and then makes up her own in her own style
88. Merchandise Katoh personally wants to have made: stuff that an adult could just use in their day to day life. Also, it's not gonna happen, but if her favorite figure brand made AoEx figures she could die happy
89. If Beelzebub's host body was a beautiful woman, how would Shima react? Would the womanizing win out over the bug phobia? Katoh replies that Shima would probably just faint from being near a girl that pretty, before the bugs even got involved
90. Will the twins ever get to smile and eat dinner together again?? We'll just have to wait and see!
91. What do you check at a "scenario check"? what's a scenario check man I dunno They check for people being out of character or the setting feeling off. They had a lot of these checks for the anime, but they also do them for the drama CD, games, and all that other stuff where multiple authors are involved
92. Why does Shura use baldy as an insult for people who are clearly not bald? She feels like they have some kind of metaphorical, mental kind of "baldness" and she's calling them out on it. Whatever that means
93. After Blue Exorcist ends, what do you want to draw next? She has SO MANY IDEAS, SO MANY
94. Did Katoh make up the Shinto chants that, for example, Izumo used against Gedouin? They're assembled from bits of actual Shinto prayers according to what feels right in the scene
95. Yukio reads the Jump SQ, right, and, just hear me out here, he likes gag manga, right? Does this mean he reads Salaryman Yukio? It's something he would read, but let's say that in the AoEx universe there's just a very similar manga that he finds oddly relatable
96. What do Yukio and Shima do in their free time on the Dominus Liminus? oh my god you guys this ship has so many amenities.  Yukio probably spends time reading in the library, which they totally have. There's also, like, a gym, and a movie theater, and a THEATER theater, all of which are free. Shima probably hangs out at the pool (!) and goes to the movies, and hits on illuminati girls, lol
97. Easiest character to draw? The ones with boring simple hair, lol. Lightning gets an honorable mention for ALSO not having eyes in most shots, but Rin wins--he was specifically designed to be easy for Katoh to draw because that's what you want in your main character
98. How do demons understand gender? They just possess whatever feels like the best match to how they feel in Gehenna, whether that's a man, or a woman, or a rat, or whatever
99. Where do you start when you're coming up with a story? She starts with character design and how the characters relate to each other. Currently she's just continuing an existing story, so she works on splitting up the overall plot into episodes and fleshing it out with scenes and information about characters
100. When do you feel most happy? She honestly feels like she lives a very happy life overall. Mentions noticing a lot of little things, like how nice her cats' heads smell when she cuddles them or taking a nice cold refreshing drink of water. There's happiness in everything. aww.
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lilacofficial · 2 years
JWRI: Riptide Episode 54 2.0 Part 2/2
-"This is a fucking comedy show and I'm living it."
-Who is, Charlie?! You, Gillian or both of you?! Who is about to become The Joker?!?!?!
-"But wait. There's more!"
-Gillian's face just gets sliced like the Thomas The Tank Engine GMM clip. Lmfao.
-Great detective work Gillian
-Gillian's Big Day. I would watch that filler episode. 😆
-Oh no. What did Charlie say that made you do that Grizzly?! What's about to happen?
-Particulary kooky. That's a new one.
-He is built different. So true King.
-Gillian's expensive armor gifted to him by Jay. o7
-"Thank goodness it's not my turn anymore. Good luck." That would literally be me if I were to play D&D.
-Grizzly vibing at 1:27:58. Me too man. 💃
-"Big man."
-"If I "die" I'll just come back later." Reincarnation basically
Okay. I've paused for a second. This is were I got to last time before the post didn't save. I've had to go back and rewatch almost all of this episode and try to remember what I was originally thinking and typed out. My head hurts a little bit. Anyways, I'm finally back to the rest of the episode that I didn't get to watch like an hour ago. 😅
-"It's a one shot. For me." DANG MAN. 😂
-Lol bye Jay. Enjoy your short swim to the door m8.
-"I don't know the physics of this situation." Me neither. I never took physics. 😅
-Oh yeah like in Minecraft with a bow and arrow underwater. I see.
-I saw a thing saying that happening in the movie was basically what would happen in real life even though he only slightly moved back.
-*About opening the door* "Yeah you do it. Its definently locked." So she DIDN'T do it. 😂
-A, "We're fucked" smile. Oh no.
-Man's vibing with the water AND the goo lol.
-Oh yeah. Good point. That's a long time to go with no lock picking.
-Oh yeah. The windows.
-0 tools is the new name of the campaign guys
-He can't even pick it! NO!
-The tools are floating away. Hold on to them king! 😂
-Charlie's eyes when he hears that it's going to come crashing down. Yeah. That seems like the right reaction my dude. Oh my gosh.
-Aw. He's trying.
-What no give it back!!
-"You break that you die." That's fair.
-Spirit guardians?! 😮
-Aw dang. A reminder of the people who used to be his crew that are now trying to kill him. Sad.
-Is that little dog on top of Grizzly's Slimecicle plushie his merch or something? It's very cute.
-Yes! Goblet weapon!
-"Drinks on me!" I love his one liners.
-"Okay?" Lol sorry Grizzly
-Is it sentient?
-Oh. So it's not sentient.
-Not again man! With the goo pushing!!
-SHe really did show him up and in something he’s supposed to be good at. OOF.
-Good thing there’s water to cushion the pushes
-I though tfor a second he was going to say, MORE DOORS! That would have been funny. A big problem but funny nonetheless.
-Charlie rolls die like I do lmfao
-Yeah.... somewhat I guess.
-I like the swords behind JoCat
-I don’t love the spider pumpkin behind Charlie
-Be gone black ooze!
-You mean swim
-Lol ayyyy
-Oh that’s the end?
Lol it’s bed time for me. Goodnight. 
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