#55 Words
niraff14 · 3 months
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Curiosity saw her cast out from home. It drew her far across the sea to a land full to bursting with Aether Her kindess called to the wild rose, and they brought her into the fold Adventure beckoning, with each quest bringing her closer To the mantle of Warrior of Light, and a new family
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curseddogsdesign · 10 months
The smell of smog stung the half-demon's nose, two years had passed since he moved to Krakow. Winter was the worst season, he couldn't get anywhere. For others, the snow-cleared roads were salvation, for the demon it was a great inconvenience. This morning, when he wanted to go to work, he burned himself on a salt dam, so he went back home to look at the flora on the balcony.
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mauveflowers · 11 months
I have read Geunseo's author commentary and other translator's translation notes so I know for a fact that the way Yoojin and Sung Hyunjae interact is more akin to a perfunctory customer service dialogue and that can't be translated over to english as seamlessly BUT
Being an english reader it is actually hilarious trying not to read into their interactions. They just go off the rails all the time and say and DO things that are questionable at best. And I know there's supposed to be a level of distance in their social hierarchy (respecting people older and in better standing that yourself?) but WHY does SHJ act like that.
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mattysmarvel · 10 months
Charles and Carlos via The Today Show’s Tiktok
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The Last of the Wine, Mary Renault
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emilyprentiss-ily · 7 months
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happy birthday to the absolute love of my life❤️there is no one in the world i’m more proud to look up to more than her and i love her with everything that i am. i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her <3
just going to cry for eternity about how much i love her and how very important she is to me🫶🏻😭
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annestie · 7 months
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The elders in Ao’nung’s clan always said that losing one’s mate is as terrible as death. He used to believe them when he was younger and naiver. He thought it was that simple.
However, living through it now, Ao'nung knows it isn’t. It’s worse. For at least death would have a little mercy in it.
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wiirocku · 4 months
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Isaiah 55:11 (NIV) - so is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
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chillidumplings · 26 days
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📸 | via Carlos insta story
Where you go, we go 🫶
Forever team 55
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muldersfingers · 3 months
For the WIP guessing game: eyes
“I don’t know anyone called-”
Mulder spun around. There, standing in front of him, rubbing his eyes sleepily, was unmistakably Frohike. An old man, now. But it was Frohike.
Frohike narrowed his eyes, peering at Mulder. Jacob handed him a pair of glasses.
“It can’t be!” Frohike said once he slipped on the glasses. “Is that you, Fox?”
“It’s me. How are ya, Frohike?”
Mulder clapped him on the shoulder, but Frohike pulled him in for a hug.
“You’ve got so big and handsome.”
“Thanks, Grandma.”
“Let me look at you.” Frohike pulled away, eyes still narrow. “How old are you now?”
“Oh, I’m about to be forty.”
Frohike glanced over at Jacob, pointing at Mulder. “This guy. He used to come here on the weekends to hang out. Guy called Byers gave him that procedure scar.”
Drop a word in my inbox and I'll post a sentence paragraph containing it from my WIP!
Thank you <3
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walkswithmyfather · 7 months
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‭‭1 Corinthians 15:54-57 (ESV‬‬). “When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
On Feb. 21, 2018, Billy Graham went home to be with Jesus.
Billy Graham will always hold a special place in my heart, because I went forward at one of his worldwide evangelistic tours, many years ago. That was the day I became a follower of Jesus. 🙂
Here is a link to a Will Graham Devotion: “When My Grandfather Entered Heaven.” Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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t4tcecilos · 5 months
losing my mind over shakespeare a little
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dont-leafmealone · 1 year
Im actually so excited to watch TGWDLM again this year because I watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers for the first time last night (the one from 1955 with Carolyn Jones 😍😍) and my GOD the inspiration from that to TGWDLM couldn't have been more clear, but at the same time TGWDLM is its own great unique thing, but so many moments feel enhanced by that inspiration. And also I LOVE that throughout the show you think Paul is Miles when actually Paul is Becky and EMMA is Miles.
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desperatepleasures · 7 months
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major W for the mpreg wip just now
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justrambles · 1 year
(Beauty and the beast steddie)
No.6 — Stay
As Erica stated, the kids are nerds — surprisingly, even Erica herself.
So obviously the kids get interested in Eddie's stuff, the fantasy books and Dungeons and Dragons manuals and more (turns out they have been big fans of Lord of the Rings since the 50s). And now Eddie is indulging them in the world of fantasy within and beyond Lord of the Rings — that means, he's started to recount his memorable Dungeons and Dragons campaigns to them in the living room. He loves introducing dnd to kids, loved it when he ran the Hellfire club. He wonders if he can play it with these kids. Hopefully.
Eddie thinks he's got the time for it anyway. The storm is still evergoing, painting the world in a gray hue. He didn't expect to be staying here—for two days already— but he guesses it's nice. The kids. Nancy. Steve.
Steve. Since last night's talk, he already feels close to the guy. Eddie feels curious, about why he won't come out, and he nearly gets bitten by Erica when he spaces out thinking about Steve.
That's when a crow runs in.
It's a weird thing to say in your head. Why is it not flying? And how does a crow look so excited? But the kids all act like this is a normal occurrence, so Eddie decides to stay chill, too.
Not having noticed Eddie yet, (which is surprising because he is the biggest lump there) the crow urgently asks,
"Is the Eddie guy still here?"
And quickly finds him herself.
"Good, you're still here. You're staying. I mean, I'm not forcing you to stay, but I'd really like if you did. For a bit longer. You're like, a crazy good thing that's happened to us. Those dorks love you, Nance likes you okay too, And Steve, Steve likes you, he's in a good mood and that's—"
The crow's rambling is only stopped by Steve's voice yelling from upstairs, and Eddie is honestly impressed. He's never seen anyone talk so fast, without control. The crow, Robin, only turns her head towards the stairs and shouts, "Shut up, dingus! I'm trying to do something here, for all of us!"
That causes Steve to grumble, very loudly, from upstairs and shut the door with a bang. Robin doesn't even flinch and turns back to Eddie.
"So, will you stay? With us, for a while?"
Eddie makes a pondering gesture, as if he's thinking it through thoroughly. The kids twitch beside him, waiting for his answer.
"I mean, I couldn't have left if I wanted to right now—not that I want to anyway— but yeah I'll stay, under one condition. That is, only if you answer this question."
Eddie turns his expression serious, as if he's asking the most difficult question to ever exist.
"Why are you not flying?"
He doesn't know how it's possible, but Robin gives him an incredulous look.
"Have you-, have you tried flying? It takes up more energy than you can imagine. Like, I flap my wings a bit and they get really tired, it gets sore for days after, so it's best if I walk. Or hitch a ride from Steve and Max."
And that... kind of makes sense, okay. So Eddie shrugs to show he's satisfied with the answer.
"Alright, guess I'll be staying then."
"So," Eddie begins, leaning his head on the doorframe.
"I guess I'll be in your hair for a while."
Steve's voice comes from behind the door, maybe as close to it as Eddie is right now.
"I guess you will be."
They are talking with the door between them again, Eddie and Steve. This is the fourth time it's happening, because Eddie couldn't stay away after last night and just came back to the door whenever he could. He kind of likes talking like this, he's never talked through doors and somehow it feels more private, more intimate.
"Eddie, about what Robin said—"
Eddie hums, recalling the talk from before.
"Don't-, don't feel pressured to stay, okay? We, uh, the kids love you here but that doesn't mean you have to stay for us. Do... whatever you want. Go wherever you want."
Eddie gives another hum.
"You know, Steve, thanks for the offer but I like it here. Don't have anywhere else to go, anyway. I was only moving out of Indiana because I finished high school and had nothing to do and nowhere to go. Had no place in mind, actually."
Maybe this is where I was supposed to end up.
"So... yeah. I'm not staying only for the kids but for me, too."
There's a pause.
"Yeah?" It's a soft question, looking for affirmation.
"Yeah," Eddie answers.
And then he hastily adds, "And for you, too— since you like me sooo much, Stevie," just because he loves being a menace.
Eddie hears Steve's groan slip out through the crack and cackles.
"Well, don't worry— I like you too, man."
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seaweedstarshine · 8 months
Humanity was able to colonize the galaxy with the iron fist of the Great and Bountiful Human Empires because of the Doctor disproportionately saving the Earth several times a year. Humans aren't special, but they did have an ageless, eldritch entity who made them its hobby in those early years as a spacefaring species... the other developing planets never stood a chance.
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