scaraisferal · 5 months
”am i annoying or are you just distant?“
warnings: delusion, nsfw topics, friend-full y/n to friend-less y/n, possessiveness, stalker scara, yandere scara, somewhat modern au, NOT proofread
notes: more so head cannons than an actual fic don't ask for the word count cause I don't know either
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scaramouche had never been a jealous person. if he wanted something, he’d just take it with no hesitation.
but he had a peculiar case. something—someone didn’t want him. they didn’t take any bribe, money or gifts, no punishment nor threat seriously. they’d just laugh in his face and wave him off. no one waves him off, let alone laughs in his face, at him.
but to say that the situation wasn’t enthralling was a lie. scaramouche liked the chase, the game between cat and mouse to get your attention and make you his. it’s not like he can’t live without you but everything else in his life is worthless compared to you. everything that he used to enjoy, like tormenting others, gaming in his own villa, or manipulating others to do his bidding wasn’t… entertaining anymore.
he felt empty, lost and pitiful if he didn’t use up his very important time following and stalking you, trying to make you lay your precious and glamorous eyes on his pathetic ones.
and when you finally do— oh my god. his heart flutters and he feels himself get excited. he freezes wherever he is, whether he’s in public or just roaming around a shared space you two have. his eyes practically latch themselves onto you, your figure, your features, your whatever.
you have the scaramouche following you around like a possessive little thing now! he'll tell you he's a good guy for protecting you from all those worms chasing you around, all the unwanted pests, as he calls them, already tied and being corrected by his mother's previous military friends. she saved their live so they owe her a lot and she's been acting like a pretty bad mom :( if she wants to make things up with her only son, she'll let it slide!
all your previous friends don't want to hang out anymore! such a shame, is it not? but it's okay, don't cry—scaramouche'll be there for you, he'll teach them a lesson for making you cry.
the more time he spends with you the more hostile he is. he doesn't like it when your eyes aren't on him, his perfect figure, his handsome face, him. can't you see all the time and effort he's been putting into his looks for you? you like blonde guys? his hair's bleached the next day. you like softer guys? he lets his guard down around you, letting you do whatever to him but all that sweetness turns bitter real quick when you pay attention to anyone else.
he might ignore you, ghost you for a couple of days before clinging back to your side, obviously blaming his disappearance on you. "if you didn't act like a fool, maybe i'd see you worth my time", "my fault? please, you were basically begging me to go", "i should be good enough for you. aren't i?"
it wasn't his fault! you obviously hated him now! he'll just go die in a ditch he supposes. if you want to make it up to him, you'll have to prove it to him.
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spacefrontier · 2 months
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Space Shuttle Challenger races off the pad during STS-51F/Spacelab 2. July 29, 1985.
During Challenger's ascent to orbit, both of center engine's two high-pressure fuel turbopump turbine discharge temperature sensors failed, causing a shutdown of the engine. This was the only in-flight failure of an RS-25 engine. The failure of the engine resulted in the only Abort to Orbit of the Space Shuttle program. The ATO led to the Shuttle being in a lower-than-planned orbital altitude, but the Spacelab mission was still able to proceed.
The primary module aboard the Shuttle was the European Space Agency-developed Spacelab. The main mission of STS-51F was to verify performance of Spacelab systems and its interfacing with the Shuttle, with additional experiments covering life sciences, plasma physics, astronomy, high-energy astrophysics, solar physics, atmospheric physics, and technology research.
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The Plasma Diagnostics Package, at the end of the Remote Manipulator System, used to study natural plasma processes, orbiter-induced plasma processes, and beam plasma physics.
Perhaps the most publicized payload on STS-51F/Spacelab 2 was the Carbonated Beverage Dispenser Evaluation, which was an experiment in which both Coca-Cola and Pepsi tried to make their drinks available to astronauts using experimental dispensers. Ultimately, neither brand was the victor. Commander Fullerton remarked, "we had no desire to drain the cans."
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Mission Specialist Tony England drinking a Coke during STS-51F.
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STS-51F/Spacelab 2 crew. Astronauts C. Gordon Fullerton (kneeling center), mission commander; and Roy D. Bridges (kneeling right), pilot; are flanked by the payload specialists and mission specialists for the mission. Standing (left to right) are astronauts Anthony W. England, Karl J. Henize and Story Musgrave - all mission specialists; and payload specialist Loren Acton and John-David Bartoe.
STS-51F/Spacelab 2 spent 8 days on orbit, landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California on August 6, 1985.
NASA 1, 2, 4 LA Times CollectSpace 3
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lonestarflight · 6 months
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Reference guide of all the external changes made to the Space Shuttle Orbiter Challenger (OV-099) during her lifetime.
Date: 1983-1985
Documents by Alfonso X Moreno: link
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klaudia2646 · 4 months
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I have a nasty cold and had to get up super early to get David to the hospital. He’s going to get some small procedure in his knee. He still has to go under. I’ll leave for a little while to go to work. They’ll call me so I can come back to pick him up.
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waywardsculs · 5 months
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" To think it's this chilly tonight and my arms are without someone to cuddle ... "
Cordelia is just being dramatic.
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Me: just write words. Just dialogue. It doesn't matter if it's good. Forget the details. Put words down before they're all gone.
Also me: what was the low temp in this town in Colorado on September 17 2020
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redstonedust · 1 year
inspired by conversations with international friends:
by comfortable i dont mean your preference ie. ''i like when its cold'' i mean which one is not cold, but not warm either.
(also sorry about the kind of arbitrary groupings, conversion is weird and i have no clue how wide the range needed to be LMAO.)
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sreegs · 2 months
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WIBTA for continuing to scare my wife?
Hello, my wife (51F) and I (53F) semi-recently saved enough money to buy a new house. This has been like a dream for us, the place is lovely and has enough outdoor space for things like vegetables, fruit and flowers gardens.
This means that I have been doing lots of yard work. It is fun, good to connect with nature, and we get to enjoy eating the food or admiring the flowers when I’m done. However, I will often lie down in the grass after or during my work outside, which worries my wife when she looks out the window and sees me.
I do partially understand her concerns as I am not the healthiest individual, and we are starting to get older, but I also think she is maybe being a bit dramatic? It is sweet that she worries, but I am OK.
She says that when she looks out the window she gets worried I have passed out, or had a seizure or a stroke, etc. These are scary things to think, but I have told her she can just call out to me if she’s worried and I will reply so she knows I’m not in danger.
However, it would probably be kinder to not lie down at all, so she doesn’t have to feel worried at all. I do feel a little bad about this, and I am mostly lying down for selfish reasons, partly to rest but mostly just because I like lying down in the grass. It’s fun and relaxing in some strange way.
So, would I be an asshole to continue doing that, even though I could stop?
What are these acronyms?
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3y3-see-you · 8 months
AITA? I [20M] framed my closest friend [51F] in our cult parish group for the murder of our leader who wanted to sell us out and undermine everything we stand for? Also I’m trans and autistic and my special interest is turning people into crab saints if that helps <3
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Deliveries of the Su-57 to the Russian Air Force with second-stage engine "will occur in the near future"
Fernando Valduga
Russia's Rostec State Corporation is prepared to deliver Sukhoi Su-57 combat aircraft with the advanced Izdeliye-30 (Product 30) or second stage engine.
According to a Rostec statement of May 12, the Su-57 is currently in testing with the second-stage engine, with plans to deliver aircraft equipped with these new engines in the near future.
“The Su-57 is being tested with a second-stage engine. Deliveries of aircraft with new engines are planned for the near future,” the company said.
Although not confirmed, it is expected that all future Su-57 will be equipped with the Izdeliye-30 (AL-51F-1) engine, marking a crucial step to the full realization of the Stealth capabilities of the Su-57 in series production.
Since the end of 2022, the Russian Aerospace Forces have received several batches of Su-57 aircraft, some with the new engine, promising greater thrust and supercruise capabilities.
The Izdeliye-30 engine has a post-combustion thrust of 18,000 kgf and a maximum thrust of 11,000 kgf, resulting in a 1.2-fold increase in the thrust-to-weight ratio. This increases the ascent rates to 330-350 m/s and agility during maneuvers. It also raises the service ceiling and supersonic cruising speed to 2,150-2,200 km/h, with a maximum speed of 2,600-2,700 km/h.
The introduction of the Izdeliye-30 engine is expected to improve game thrust, fuel efficiency and reduce weight and maintenance requirements.
A striking feature of the Izdeliye-30 engine is its exhaust nozzle that increases thrust efficiency, stability, maneuverability and reduces engine noise. The addition of chevron-shaped exhaust nozzles significantly reduces the aircraft's infrared (IR) and radar signatures, improving its stealth characteristics.
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The AL-51F-1 (Izdeliye 30) is an advanced turbofan engine with two-axis, low bypass post-combustion design. Notable improvements over its predecessor, the AL-41F1, include fiberglass plastic IGVs and convergent-divergent nozzles with serrated flaps to minimize radar visibility. The AL-51F-1 engine also shows a 19% increase in the thrust/weight ratio, a 6.4% increase in specific thrust and a 9% reduction in specific fuel consumption.
Tags: Military Aviationizdeliye 30RFSAF - Russian Federation Aerospace Force/Russian Aerospace ForceSukhoi Su-57 Felon
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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In terms of power, the thrust of this turbofan engine reaches 107.9 kN (24,300 lbf) without afterburning and 166.8 kN (37,500 lbf) with activated after-combustion. Equipped with a full-authority motor digital control system (FADEC), the AL-51F-1 ensures reliability in various operating conditions.
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scaraisferal · 5 months
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"you lost? don't worry, i'll help."
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you're an odd one, aren't ya'? (loser)
love is love, even at the craziest limits (yan)
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xoxo @scaraisferal 2024
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anstarwar · 9 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @marbled-polecat and @hawthornsword !
Last song stuck in your head: Baby it’s Cold Outside, but the vine version of the Eartha Kitt version
Favorite dinosaur: triceratops, it’s so pokey!
Fun fact - was once part of a Cirque du soleil show just as an audience participant but had to go onstage in front of all them people, just me and one other guy. It was awesome
Last mode of transportation: unfortunately a car, man I wish there was a functional train system near me :/
Fluff/smut/angst/crack?: smut and angst (as long as there’s a happy ending), fluff sometimes, crack nah
Pet status: dog, the most stubborn loveliest little mutt lady
Current temperature where you are: too damn warm for this time of year 51F
Emoji combo for your current state: 🤔🎄🍫✍️🛋️ 🎞️
Tags! @dahscribbler @frostbitebakery @chocomars @holding-hands-and-hearts @elismor and anyone else who wants to
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lonestarflight · 2 months
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"This illustration depicts the configuration of the Spacelab-2 in the cargo bay of the orbiter. Spacelab was a versatile laboratory carried in the Space Shuttle's cargo bay for scientific research flights. Each Spacelab mission had a unique design appropriate to the mission's goals. A number of Spacelab configurations could be assembled from pressurized habitation modules and exposed platforms called pallets. Spacelab-2 was the first pallet-only mission. One of the goals of the mission was to verify that the pallets' configuration was satisfactory for observations and research. Except for two biological experiments and an experiment that used ground-based instruments, the Spacelab-2 scientific instruments needed direct exposure to space. On the first pallet, three solar instruments and one atmospheric instrument were mounted on the Instrument Pointing System, which was being tested on its first flight. The second Spacelab pallet held a large double x-ray telescope and three plasma physics detectors. The last pallet supported an infrared telescope, a superfluid helium technology experiment, and a small plasma diagnostics satellite. The Spacelab-2 mission was designed to capitalize on the Shuttle-Spacelab capabilities, to launch and retrieve satellites, and to point several instruments independently with accuracy and stability. Spacelab-2 (STS-51F, 19th Shuttle mission) was launched aboard Space Shuttle Orbiter Challenger on July 29, 1985. The Marshall Space Flight Center had overall management responsibilities of the Spacelab missions."
Date: 1981
NASA ID: S81-13011
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klaudia2646 · 2 years
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They asked me if I could work extra hours today and of course I said yes. And good thing because it has been a very rainy day!!
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torsamors · 19 days
51F but feels like 39F🥰 welcome back fall
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