#5 days left until backdraft!!
biueprint · 2 years
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his flawed sense of justice had come back to bite him in the ass.
5 days left! really excited
i will NOT stop making fun of him for having twitter blue.
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cajunandfire · 2 years
Ten Random Lines Tag.
Rules: Pick up to ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Thank you for the tag, @diana-fortyseven @myth-blossom and @issytheamateurnerd!
Skeletons of the Past (Mature): His gloved hand absentmindedly traces over his jaw line, where she had placed her kiss. He sighs and has no idea how he's going to survive the next few days. He’s always been able to keep himself together around her but this time he’s silently unravelling. Everything that has led up to this point threatens to break through his genetically enhanced dam of controlled and composed emotions. He shuts his eyes and lets the sunshine wash over him.
See the rest under the cut!
2. Non posso vivere senza di te (Mature): They stop at a medium sized painting. It's a bit like a Cezanne, a landscape with many small stout strokes. It looks like a field of purple flowers, on large green stocks, overlooking a villa against a sunset. She squints her eyes and the recollection of the landscape gently wisps through her mind. It’s the view from the winery in Mendoza. She reads the little display card next to the painting and sure enough it’s painted by him, titled Non posso vivere senza di te.
3. A Private Show (Teen): She stands at the metallic dress rack with her eyes cast upon the garments. The dressmaker explains to her some of the work he’s done to them. He asks which she wants to try first, and she smiles, tapping the thick wooden coat hanger holding a black gown. The dressmaker removes it from the rack and guides her to the changing room. Before pulling the curtain shut, she locks eyes with 47 and says, “enjoy the show” with a cheeky little smile.
4. I see magic in what’s left but I forget the things I’ve seen (Mature): He can't describe the sensation because before it even starts, it feels like it’s over. Like a sudden backdraft of flames in a 5 alarm fire, it explodes over him consuming him in an instant. It feels like a thousand jolts of white hot electricity searing every cell in his body but it lasts as long as a single grain of sand falling through an hourglass. It's a partial memory, an ounce of familiarity, something torn from the deepest grottos of his mind. The wet bathroom tile, the sound of broken glass, the feeling of holding a dainty, soft hand and deepest blue eyes looking right into his.
5. Love me like you do (Mature): In that moment Diana Burnwood felt her blood run cold. She knew that sometimes their targets had children of their own yet having a child or a family did not absolve one of their misdeeds or corruption. Delivering justice to those who wronged the world meant sometimes making sacrifices, ending lives and ruining families. They weren't paid to think anything of the latter.
6. Cathedrals of Nature (Explicit): He was standing inside the cabin at the kitchen window, when he laid eyes on her. She was out back, leaning against a tree, cigarette in one hand with the two-way radio pressed against her ear, giving him a small wave. He rushed out to hold her in his arms and she burrowed her face into the crook of his neck. They were together once again.
7. The Agent (and The Handler) (Explicit):She spots the street performer from afar, watching as he does his usual stint, juggling until he drops the balls and slips on them, causing a group of children to roar with laughter. A small smile graces her lips at the ridiculousness of it. After not being able to find 47 this far, perhaps she found herself in the right company, deciding to walk over to him.
8. Follow the White Rabbit (Mature): He can hear the line close, followed by nothing but silence on the other end. She's right, he does need to keep it together. If he lets these emotions flood him any further, he'll end up snapping the aide's neck by the end of the night. Eliminating a non-target doesn't bode well for a new agency, just starting to establish themselves. He needs to stay focused on the mission, but it's hard to do so when she's here.
9. Soulmates - Ch.7 - Tell me about your childhood (Mature): He comes up behind her, holding the umbrella over her head while he continues to be rained on. The sound of the rain drowns out her murmurs and he can't pick up what she's just said. 'You'd like him mother' goes softly unheard.
10. Soulmates - Ch.11 - Are you jealous? (Mature): She saw it then too, but didn't realize what it was in the moment. She watched as 47 had clenched his jaw and practically scowled once she said the words to Lucas. She had chalked it up to an unpleasant memory, but everything was as clear as day now. The change in his demeanour had only happened once she paid Lucas or Olivia a compliment.
Tagging a few folks if they are interested in participating, but otherwise it's open to anyone! Give it a go if you'd like. @cicaklah @postalninja @air-tuna-art @glass-of-malbec @excellentwork47
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Anyone watched The Society?
Grizz was unconcerned by Sam being late — it was hard enough to get out past curfew without a newborn. It was a shame they'd get a little less time together, but he didn't hold it against him.
He sat down on the edge of the curb, feet in the dry gutter, thinking distractedly about what he needed to do the next day. Mundane things that didn't really fit in this isolated town of dread, but were necessary nonetheless.
The night was quiet, quieter than it had ever been back home, no cars charging along the roads, no midnight strollers, laughing against the moon. Nobody but him.
So the footsteps surprised him, he thought it must be Sam at first, so lifted his head, and there in the orange glow of the streetlight stood Lexie.
Grizz stood, "What are you doing?"
"I could ask you the same question."
"Fair enough," He nodded. "Its a rendezvous."
"A what?"
"I'm meeting someone." He clarified, "Now what are you doing? It's past curfew."
"I wanted to go see Allie." She took a step towards him.
"Couldn't you do that while the sun was still up?"
"I could." She acknowledged, taking another step, "But I didn't."
She was close enough now he could take her in, her jacket open despite the cold. And, tucked into the belt of her jeans, an unmistakable black hilt.
"Is that a gun?"
"No!" She wrapped her arms around her stomach.
"Shit. You're not gonna- You can't shoot Allie."
"Oh? That one of her rules? She shot Dewy."
Whoever shot the killing bullet, he knew she was telling the truth. "He killed Cassandra."
"She violated me! Im fucking terrified, we all are. She deserves to feel scared, too."
"You think she isn't? This will only make anything worse."
"Look, Grizz, just let me go."
"Or what?"
She pulled out the gun and pointed it at him. He remembered throwing up when he was asked to help with the execution. How could she hold it so casually?
"First rule of gunmanship." He instructed. "Don't point at anything you won't shoot."
"I know." She said coldly, not changing position. "Maybe this will do more, one of the Guards, shot because he was out past curfew"
"Lex-" He took a step forward and suddenly, so suddenly, she shot.
It was a simple enough deduction: there was a bang, and she stumbled backwards from the backdraft, and his left ear hurt more than anything had In a long time. Didn’t feel real, though.
She said something, but he couldn't hear it over the ringing, the echo from the bullet. His hand went up to his ear and it felt hot and wet.
She looked around, eyes widening like she heard something, then took off, and still he could only hear ringing, and only feel the sting.
Sam came into view, and Grizz hadn't really realised how bad it was until he saw his shocked face.
"Sam..." He tried to say, but he even couldn't hear his own voice. He thought he might be able to hear his heartbeat but it could just be the pump in his ear. He took his hand away and it was covered in dark blood.
Sam ran forward and caught him just as his legs collapsed.
He was meant to be the wonderer, and the stoic, and he was meant to be ok even if the worst happened, but he wasn't ok.
Sam was saying things urgently, lips and hands moving fast, and Grizz couldn't understand a word of it.
"I can't-" He tried to explain and was only hit again with that terrifying feeling of not hearing his voice.
"You can't hear?" Sam signed slowly.
He shook his head.
He woke up in one of the hospitals beds, and Sam was in the chair next to him, neck cricked to one side, holding his hand in broad daylight. He squeezed it and his eyes flew open.
"Shouldn't you be with Becca and Eden?" He asked, and that ringing was still there, quieter but still replacing everything else. His own words included.
Sam shrugged. "You are more important."
"Important?" He signed back the unfamiliar gesture.
"You need me more." Sam rephrased.
Grizz smiled. "Thank you."
Gordie came over. "You're awake?"
Sam translated.
"What happened?"
"Lexie was going to... she was going to try and shoot Allie. She shot me instead, or tried to and misfired." Speaking was disconcerting.
"Is Allie ok?" Sam asked.
Gordie shook his head slowly. "I don't know."
Grizz shut his eyes, so he couldn't hear or see anything. 2/5 senses gone. At least he could still smell that stark hospital smell and taste some coppery blood on his tongue... and feel Sam tracing on his palm, circles and letters that he couldn't place. He opened his eyes again.
"Can I go home?" He asked, knowing that this disrupted his whole image and lost Gordies trust, but he didn't care. He wanted to be somewhere but here.
Gordie nodded. Sam stood up.
"Sam... you can go, I don't-"
"I'm taking you home."
"Okay." He was too tired to argue, and anyway it was kind of nice to be cared about, when he was usually the one looking after everyone else. Especially by Sam.
"I'm scared," Grizz admitted, sat on his bed with his back against the headboard.
"I know," Sam replied.
"You can help teach me sign language, and  I can... fuck. I don't even- I know its not fair to be upset when you-" He was stumbling over his silent words.
"No. Losing is the worst part."
"I want to know something in sign language."
He took a deep breath. “How do you say 'I love you.'?"
"I love you." Sam signed back.
"Do you?"
"Yes. I love you."
"I love you?" He asked, eyebrows raised, checking he was doing it right.
"I love you." He confirmed.
"You never told me how to say 'kiss me.'"
"Kiss me."
"I love you. Kiss me?" It was unpracticed, but his eyes said it, too.
Sam kissed him.
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cathygeha · 3 years
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Up In Smoke by Annabeth Albert
Hot Shots #4
 This book left a smile on my face. It was a steamy-sweet romance between two men that so deserved to find happiness. No major drama for the couple though taking on the care of an infant baby girl was definitely not easy…but so much easier together than it would have been for either to do alone. It almost had a fairytale feel to it and was perfect reading for me the day I read it!
 What I liked: * That the backstories of the two men had commonalities
* That I felt both men were “equal” and brought qualities that would support the relationship
* That the two men communicated openly and maturely
* Shane: good brother, musician, loving uncle, has goals and dreams, a good person
* Brandt: firefighter, a bit of a rambler, professional, caring, team player, a good person
* The growth in both main characters
* How the two dealt with the situation they found themselves in
* That they were there for Jewel, the baby, and for one another
* That there was no major drama between the two men
* That it felt believable – mostly
* The fairytale feel of the story that might have been less believable but that was very nice indeed
* The happy ending
* Seeing/hearing about some of the characters from previous books in the series
* Wondering if there will be more books in the series
* That there was no “bad guy”
* All of it really except…
 What I didn’t like:
* Being reminded that firefighters have a tough life and that they sometimes die as a result of the job(s) they do.
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes
 Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin-Carina Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 4-5 Stars
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Up in Smoke by Annabeth Albert is available in eBook, mass market paperback and audiobook formats on April 27th!
  Book Description
Three Men and a Baby meets Backdraft with explosive chemistry and heartfelt feels.
 Freewheeling smoke jumper Brandt Wilder thrives on adrenaline. He’s never met a parachute he can’t repair or a dangerous situation he couldn’t wrangle his way out of. He’s popular and fun-loving and not at all looking to settle down or form lasting relationships. It’s a lifestyle that’s served him well…right up until the day he finds a baby on his doorstep.
 Shane Travis is used to putting his country music career—and his own happiness—on hold after his sister rolls through his life. Like last spring when she convinced him to try skydiving for his birthday—and she walked away with the hot parachute instructor.
 Now he gets to deliver the piece of news that will upend Brandt’s carefree life: he very well might be a dad.
 Shane’s niece is safe in Brandt’s strong, capable hands, but too many questions remain unanswered. Co-parenting while they sort it out leads to late-night talks, and soul-bearing confessions lead to a most inconvenient attraction. Still, Shane can’t leave this makeshift family behind—even if it means playing house with the one man he can’t resist.
Book 1: Burn Zone (available now!)
Book 2: High Heat (available now!)
Book 3: Feel the Fire (available now!)
Book 4: Up in Smoke (coming April 27)
  Read on for an excerpt from Up in Smoke.
 Brandt’s deep chuckle rumbled straight through Shane. Damn. This was torture. Then the other man wrapped an arm around Shane, positioning his muscled forearm where Shane could see his fancy-looking watch gadget. “Now this is my altimeter. It tells me when we’re at five thousand feet and ready to deploy the chute.”
“Got it.” Shane wasn’t about to study that meaty arm any more than he absolutely had to.
“Okay, it’s go time.” Dallas’s voice echoed though the room. Brandt quickly unclipped them, but as soon as he stepped away, Shane’s pulse kicked up. Maybe he couldn’t do this. Jump out of a plane? Who was he kidding? He was a ground dweller, through and through.
Right when he was about to turn away, though, Brandt grabbed his biceps. “Nerves hitting you? Trust me. You’ll be just fine. I haven’t lost a jumper yet.”
Shane barked out a laugh. “Not exactly making me feel better.”
“Listen, I can tell you all day about how awesome this is.” Brandt looked him dead in the eyes, gaze serious for once, all his charm turned to raw intensity. “But until you do it, you’re gonna think it’s all BS. Sometimes you gotta take a leap of faith.”
“Not very good at those,” Shane admitted quietly as he stepped free of the other guy’s grip. He couldn’t keep meeting his eyes either. Too much power there, like a shot with an extra kick.
“Okay. You want me to tell Dallas you want out?”
A yes was right there on the tip of Shane’s tongue, but then he heard Shelby’s laugh ring out. She’d love it if he chickened out. Not only would she get bragging rights for all of eternity, she’d get what she’d wanted and get to go with Brandt. And for whatever reason, Shane hated that most of all. “Nah. I’m going.”
He white-knuckled his way out to the small plane, spared a nod for the female pilot, and squished his eyes shut until Shelby jostled him into looking at the valley underneath them, the green canopy of the national forest contrasting with the pristine blue sky. Random snippets of lyrics danced through Shane’s head, ways that he might try to describe this view. But then, right as he was settling into something resembling comfort, everyone started shuffling around, getting ready to go. The wind rushed in as the hatch opened, and a full-body shiver raced through Shane.
Then Shelby gave him and Brandt one last coy grin before she and Dallas were away, her whoop echoing across the sky.
“Ready? Here we go.” Brandt nudged Shane closer to the open hatch. Shane wanted to say no, wanted to drag their clipped-together bodies back inside the plane, wanted to both hurl and yell. But in the end, all he could do was nod. Only one way down.
His knees had locked up even as his thighs trembled. Behind him, Brandt was sure and solid. He could push Shane out the hatch pretty easily, but he didn’t. He was letting it be Shane’s choice. And somehow that patience and restraint gave Shane a jolt of courage. One step into nothingness. That was all it took.
Brandt was right behind him, smooth as if they were on a dance floor, not open sky. And now they were fall­ing. Falling so fast. Faster than a car on the interstate with the windows all down, faster than a dirt bike on a steep incline, faster than the whoosh down a water slide. There was no describing the feeling of the wind on his cheeks, the roar in his ears, the shout that probably be­longed to him, the adrenaline that crashed through him as he tried to remember what they’d practiced about po­sitioning. Damn. Hard to think.
Which was funny because that was the one thing he was good at. Shelby was forever teasing him about overthinking. But now, his brain couldn’t even pull two words together as they rushed through the air. Brandt yelled something, but Shane was too busy hurtling through the sky to focus on it. And then he was pulled backwards, a hard yank as the parachute deployed. No more freefall. And the oh-my-God-about-to-die adrenaline quieted enough that he could look down, really look.
“Oh my word. It’s… .”
“Beautiful isn’t it?” Brandt’s voice was deep and rich, like warm honey over Shane’s still jangling nerves. Now that the air wasn’t rushing so fast, he could hear him better. Almost too much better, because it felt like they were soaking up each other’s awe and wonder. Sharing something warm and tender and perfect.
“Nothing like it.” Brandt whistled low, a sound that hit Shane somewhere soft. “Never gonna get tired of this view.”
“Me either.” Shane almost didn’t recognize his own voice, up this high, this far removed from everything that usually weighed him down.
“Hey, Superman. You want a turn steering?” Brandt didn’t wait for Shane to reply, grabbing his arms, guid­ing his hands.
“Whoa. Wow. I’m doing it. Look at us.” They swooped gently from side to side, and it was quite possibly the best feeling Shane had ever experienced.
“Look at you. Didn’t know your smile muscles even worked.”
“Screw you. I can smile.” Shane was feeling so good that he had to laugh.
“Well, then get ready. The landing crew will snap your pic as we land. It’s your rock-star moment.”
“Feels like it,” he said right before Brandt took over and set them down softly in a clearing, barely even jarring Shane’s knees. “Damn. That was…”
“It was something.” Brandt was looking right at him, like he could see straight through Shane’s layers, strip him bare. And Shane held his gaze, held the moment as long as he could.
 Copyright © 2021 by Annabeth Albert
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 Buy Up in Smoke by Annabeth Albert
Harlequin.com: https://www.harlequin.com/shop/books/9781335484727_up-in-smoke.html
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Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/up-in-smoke/id1533416234  
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Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/up-in-smoke-27
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  About Annabeth Albert
Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in the open—no flashlights required! When she’s not adding to her keeper shelf, she’s a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer.
 Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights supporter.  In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two children.
 Connect with Annabeth Albert
Website: http://annabethalbert.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnabethAlbert
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annabethalbert
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annabeth_albert/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6477494.Annabeth_Albert
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meme-and-askbox · 5 years
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name?     Rae, and I don't hate it as much as I did when I was younger.  In fact, if I ever get published, my pen name is going to be Rae (redacted).
2. How old are you?     43, physically.  Emotionally, 3 or 300, given any particular day 3. When is your birthday?     15 October. 4. What is your zodiac sign?     Libra, and boy, am I ever. 5. What is your favorite color?     Purple, black, fushchia, aqua. 6. What’s your lucky number?     Don't have one.  I don't have luck. 7. Do you have any pets?     I have two.  Fucko and Harpo.  Actually, they're cats, named Sam (Samhain Murray) and Maggie (after Maggie the Cat in Gargoyles) 8. Where are you from?     North Carolina.  Lil bit outside Charlotte. 9. How tall are you?     It says 5'7 on my license, but.  It's probably more like 5'5 10. What shoe size are you?      Ladies 11 wide, Men's 8-9 depending on the shoe. 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?      5.  Two pairs of Sketchers, a black pair I keep for funerals, a pair of suede ankle boots, and a pair of Harley Davidson biker boots. 12. What was your last dream about?      Roxy the pink police poodle.  She's a recurring dream, and I'm working on turning her and her handler into a novel. 13. What talents do you have?     I don't suck at writing.  I have pretty phenomenal reading retention; I can't tell you page numbers or anything, but I can recall that I read article X, and in it, they said A, B, and C.  I'm good with most non-reptile animals. 14. Are you psychic in any way?     Occasionally I have dreams that come true later, and I get odd flashes of deja vu, in that I'm certain I've done this before but I don't quite remember when. 15. Favorite song?     At the moment, it's "Glitter and Gold" by Barns Courtney 16. Favorite movie?     Sleeping Beauty. I can watch it a million times. 17. Who would be your ideal partner?     oh, oi.  I have no idea, because I don't want a partner.  I guess my ideal would be someone who had the same interests as me, and who didn't mind being either fucked off and left alone, or attended to every whim as the need occurs.  I'd honestly like to have someone to talk TV/Movies/Books with, have a cuddle every now and again, then fuck off to your own thing. 18. Do you want children?     Fuck no.  But even if I did, I couldn't have 'em anymore.  All the lady parts got surgically removed in my 20s. 19. Do you want a church wedding?     Do you WANT me to combust on the spot? 20. Are you religious?     More than I'd admit to, but less than my fam would like me to be. 21. Have you ever been to the hospital?     For myself?  Yes.  For someone else?  Yes. 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?     Do speeding tickets count?  Cause I had a couple. 23. Have you ever met any celebrities?     I have!  I used to hit the Star Trek convention circuit pretty heavy and I met most of the TOS cast, and the TNG cast too.  My favorite is John deLancie. 24. Baths or showers?     Showers, please. 25. What color socks are you wearing?     White with purple toes and heels. 26. Have you ever been famous?     Christ I hope not. 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?     I'd like to be a Stephen-King level celeb, but not much more. 28. What type of music do you like?     80s and 90s.  I tuned out of music around 2000. 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?     Uh, yes. 30. How many pillows do you sleep with?     5.  Three for my head, one between my knees, one tucked under my hip. 31. What position do you usually sleep in?     On my side, but lately it's been 50%-50% side/belly. 32. How big is your house?     3br, 2ba modular home.  So maybe 2000-ish sq ft? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast?     I don't.  I hate breakfast.  But because I take insulin, I usually scarf down some yogurt or Lance crackers. 34. Have you ever fired a gun?     Yes.  I enjoy guns even though I don't really own any.  My uncles both have/had huge collections, and I got my love from them.  But I know myself well enough to know that with my temper and my past suicidal tendencies, having a gun in the house would not end well. 35. Have you ever tried archery?     Nope 36. Favorite clean word?       Fudgin'. 37. Favorite swear word?     Fuck.  It's so versatile. 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?     48 hours. 39. Do you have any scars?     Quite a few. 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?     Not a real one.  I thought I had one for awhile in high school, but it turned out to be a joke some of the guys on my bus route played on me. 41. Are you a good liar?     Depends on the subject.  In the small things, yes.  "Does this make my ass look big?"  "No, of course not."  But on the big stuff?  No.  I don't lie well. 42. Are you a good judge of character?     Nope.  I'd like to think I am, but I have a string of disastrous ex-friendships and relationships in my wake to prove that I am, in fact, a shitty judge of character. 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?      Not convincingly. 44. Do you have a strong accent?     Some people say I do.  I don't hear it, but then, I'm surrounded by it. 45. What is your favorite accent?     British, Scots, Irish, Spanish, Greek, Italian.  In that order. 46. What is your personality type?      INFJ, if I remember right. 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?       My Harley boots. 48. Can you curl your tongue?      Nope. 49. Are you an innie or an outie?     Innie! 50. Left or right handed?     Right.  My dad was a leftie, though 51. Are you scared of spiders?      Nah, not really.  If I see one, I just burn the house down and go about my life.  Yes, I'm terrified of the little ELFs. 52. Favorite food?     Chicken and rice.  Cook the rice in chicken broth, simmer the chicken in with it, throw in a can of cream of chicken soup, stir, simmer until hot, and serve.  Best thing EVER. 53. Favorite foreign food?     Chinese.  Cashew Chicken, Orange Chicken, Sweet & Sour Pork 54. Are you a clean or messy person?     Messy.  Cluttery.  Two Steps Away From Hoarding.  Take your pick. 55. Most used phrased?     Some variation of "fuck."  Lately, "fuck me." 56. Most used word?      See above, re: fuck 57. How long does it take for you to get ready?     If I'm showering first, about twenty minutes.  If I'm just getting dressed, about ten. 58. Do you have much of an ego?     I'd like to say no, but yes, I do. 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?     Suck, baby. 60. Do you talk to yourself?     Sometimes I'm the only one who listens to me. 61. Do you sing to yourself?     Constantly, especially in the shower or when I'm cleaning. 62. Are you a good singer?     Fuck no. 63. Biggest Fear?     Snakes. 64. Are you a gossip?     Sometimes, especially with my besties. 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?     Backdraft.  "You go... we go!" 66. Do you like long or short hair?     Shooooooooort. 67. Can you name all 50 states of America?     At one time I could.  But thanks to Yakko Warner, I can name all the countries of the world. 68. Favorite school subject?     Creative writing and physics.  I failed physics at the time, but I can tell, now that I understand most of it (thank you, Mythbusters!) that I would have loved it. 69. Extrovert or Introvert?     An extroverted introvert.  I don't MIND being around people, but I really would be happier with my own company.  But, when I am with other people, I am gregarious to the point of obnoxious. 70. Have you ever been scuba diving?     Nope. 71. What makes you nervous?     Practically everything. 72. Are you scared of the dark?     Nope.  Not since I was like, seven. 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?     They don't call me Grammar Nazi for nothing... 74. Are you ticklish?      I refuse to answer on the grounds it might be used against me. 75. Have you ever started a rumor?      Nope, but I've certainly helped pass them along. 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?       Yep, I used to be manager of my office.  Hated it. 77. Have you ever drank underage?       Yep. 78. Have you ever done drugs?       Nope.  I don't like needles, and I don't have the cash. 79. Who was your first real crush?        Wayne E.  He looked so handsome in his ROTC uniform, and he was always nice and friendly with me and my BFF JC.  We both had huge crushes on him, but he was a few grades ahead of us, so I don't think we registered except as friends.  But that was okay. 80. How many piercings do you have?    Four.  Two in each ear. 81. Can you roll your Rs?     Thanks to Sra. Iglacia, yes.  Took her two whole semesters, but she got the whole flaming lot of us Southern kids rolling our Rs. 82. How fast can you type?    80ish WPM, last time I took a test. 83. How fast can you run?     I think a snail outpaced me. 84. What color is your hair?     A nice chocolately brown, with highlights trending a little auburn. 85. What color is your eyes?     Cornflower-type hazel. 86. What are you allergic to?     Mobic, IV contrast dye, Ciprofloxacin, medical-grate latex, ragweed and oak pollens, dumbasses. 87. Do you keep a journal?     Not in a few years, no.  I stopped when my dad died, idk why. 88. What do your parents do?     My dad's passed away, but before he died he was disabled, and before THAT, he was a computer systems programmer and analyst for Piedmont Natural Gas and Bank of America.  Mom's retired and disabled now with back problems, but she was an LPN before that. 89. Do you like your age?     No.  I hate being a responsible grown-up.  I want to be ten or eleven again, old enough to know things, but young enough not to be responsible for anything other than basic chores, and I still got allowance. 90. What makes you angry?     Practically everything, at some point.  My family puts it as I have a wild hair across my ass and it'll go off anytime. 91. Do you like your own name?     It's not a bad little name, but I always liked Daphne better. 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?    Fuck no.  Ugh. 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?     NEITHER.  I want cats.  or dogs.  or fish.  or a bird, I think I could love a bird.  or a turtle. 94. What are you strengths?    I'm loyal to a fault; if you're my friend, I am always in your corner and I will 100% throw hands with the first motherfucker who looks at you wrong. 95. What are your weaknesses?    Impulsive, careless, stubborn 96. How did you get your name?     My Dad's uncle (Kelly) and my mother's father (Ray became Rae).  Can you tell they were expecting a boy and got me? 97. Were your ancestors royalty?     Christ, no.  They were poor Irish. 98. Do you have any scars?     ...didn't we just answer this?  Yes. 99. Color of your bedspread?     Flowered. 100. Color of your room?    White walls, burgundy carpet.
from @evilwriter37  and @marcymakemagic
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voppzy · 7 years
2018 Copenhagen System Open
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So, my first system open. As I live in Stockholm getting down there is pretty easy and cheap so me and two friends went down. I wasn’t quite sure what to fly and ended up using this list. I had had pretty good success with it and variations of it so I thought I might have an ok chance, it turned out it had some pretty big flaws but I’ll go over those later.
Anyways I got down to copenhagen and met up with my friends and had a nice meal and two games of X-Wing, I was hoping for a good result but even if I failed I sort of saw it as a practice System Open before Krakow two weeks later, and besides you get loads of nice loot!
Main Event
(I forgot to write down all the names, so sorry to those I forgot)
Game 1 Phil Gc Guri, Dalan Oberos, Prinze Xizor
This game was very fun, Phil played super well and he seemed to know where I would end up all the time, unfortunately my Quickdraw had a bad roll on his range 1 double tap and I think that was pretty much the game, if I remember correctly he had 2 StarVipers left in the end. Even though I lost it was a super fun game as both of us played very fast and we got alot of rounds in, but I learnt to never underestimate the maneuverability of a PTL StarViper.
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StarVipers are scary in the hands of someone who has flown them alot.
Game 2 Poe Dameron, Dash Rendar
First round of combat I got an ion on poe and all his shields down in exchange for 2 shields from quickdraw, next round I managed to perfectly block his Poe with my gunboat and got a range 1 + target lock with both Quickdraw and Ryad. Quickdraw shoots first and kills him, so he of course shoots back, he manages to roll 3 hits and 1 focus (he still had his focus from last round). Quickdraw blanks. At this point this game was pretty much over as my Ryad doesn’t do enough damage on her own and the gunboat won’t help much, and that was indeed the case, eventually he knocked the stealth device off with the HLC and then did about one damage per turn while not getting shot back.
Game 3 Bo mortensen 4 A-Wings, 3 with PTL + Juke and 1 with PTL + Swarm Leader
Very fun list and looked pretty scary in the first joust, but I managed to survive it with all ships and then chased them down one by one and won it without losing anything. Sadly A-Wings just don’t have enough damage. Awesome paint job by Bo though!
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A-Wings doing their best to run away.
1-2 after the first 3 rounds meant I was out, so time for hangar bay! I only brought one list for this which was this one again maybe not the best list, but it is so much fun to play! Besides it’s hangar bay so I don’t really wanna bring the most competitive list in the world.
Hangar Bay
Game 1 Kylo Ren + 2 Harpoon gunboats
I got to choose the initiative and of course gave it to him, first round of combat his kylo ends up range 1 in front of my TIE Fighter and my Kylo, all 3 with focus. He shoots first and rolls all naturals, I blank and have to blow the title and still end up taking two damage on Kylo. I only do two damage in return. At this point it is obviously looking pretty bad but I don’t remember exactly how it kept going but I think Ryad tanked a Harpoon without taking damage and eventually I chase him down, if I remember correctly I only lose the TIE Fighter in the end.
Game 2 Magnus Olsson Rey, Lowhhrick
This was one of the guys I travelled down with and I had beaten him before so I was feeling sort of confident, It was quite even until I got way too confident and did a stupid move with kylo and ended range 2 of both his ships. I died. Ryad died eventually as well. Well played Magnus!
Game 3 Quickdraw, Countess Ryad (with PTL), Omega Leader
This game worked exactly as I wanted my list to work, my Ryad went in straight at him and didn’t take any damage, meanwhile my TIE Fighter came in to annoy him and Kylo came from behind. Kylo took out Omega Leader really fast and then my Academy Pilot manages to block his ryad several turns in a row, so I kill her and eventually Quickdraw follows.
So I ended 2-1 in hangar bay, and 3-3 overall that day, pretty happy with that and most of the games were very fun, besides I remembered how much I love flying Kylo, but more on that later...
So, regarding my main event list, it struggled with the fact that every good opponent realised they could just go for quickdraw first without getting punished at all, sure Ryad just doesn’t die but she also doesn’t do much damage, and Lone Wolf makes her a pain to fly. So for the hyperspace qualifier I decided two things: 1) I'm REALLY want to fly Kylo more, I haven’t had this much fun since Whisper was good. 2) I’m not flying Lone Wolf in a 3-ship list anymore, It’s way too much effort. So after alot of bad ideas (including Kylo+Ryad with a 16 point bid) I ended up deciding on flying this. I wasn’t expecting of doing super well but even if I lost I would at least have a great time! Hyperspace time!
Hyperspace Qualifier
Game 1 Rasmus Svensson Rear Admiral Chirenau (Adaptability, Palpatine, Kylo), “Blackout”
His highest PS was 9 and I of course got to choose initiative so I gave it to him, He managed to do decent damage at the start but didn’t get the Damaged Cockpit crit on Kylo, so I managed to wear him down and get a few nice blocks with academy pilot in the process.
Win 100-0
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Empire on Empire violence!
Game 2 Jacob Boersma Gunboat (Harpoon), Backdraft (Cruise Missile), Quickdraw (Harpoon)
I Sacrificed the Academy Pilot as a distraction and in the next turn I managed to call his 4 forward to fire the cruise missile and landed right in between Backdraft and the gunboat with my Quickdraw while Kylo was flanking, Backdraft died on this turn and in the rest of the game I did a great job dodging Quickdraw with Kylo, His Quickdraw died and eventually the gunboat as well.
Win 100-12
Game 3 Robert “Tobert” Wagman Ten Numb (Mangler, Bombs, Trajectory Sim), Nym (Bombs, Trajectory Sim, Genius)
This was quite scary as he had 2 PS10s with bombs, which is a problem for Kylo, again this game my Academy Pilot just went in and died as a distraction, meanwhile Quickdraw approach from one direction while kylo came from the other, so he had to choose which to go for, he decided on Kylo. I managed to just fly around and dodge with kylo and put a few damage in while quickdraw was hitting really hard from behind, 1 agility ships take alot of damage. The B-Wing dies first and then I eventually get a Damaged Cockpit on Nym and he dies soon after.
Win 100-12
Game 4 Chopper , Lowhhrick
A really close game, my academy pilot goes in and creates some chaos in the start and even do a few damage to the ghost, Quickdraw does alot of damage on the doubletaps and kylo slowly creeps in from behind. Quickdraw eventually dies to TLT and at that point the ghost has 3 hull left and both Kylo and Lowhhrick is on full. I look at the points and realised I'm 4 above him if the ghost dies, unfortunately this is complicated by a damaged sensor array on Kylo which takes 3 turns to clear, but in that time I manage to do a talon roll and kill the ghost, with only a few minutes left on the time I make a attempt to kill Lowhhrick but realise it’s never gonna happen, but then time is called. Very tense game with some clutch maneuvering, fun!
Win 52-48
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Kylo trying his best to blend in.
Game 5 Lasse Kiilerich 4x Z-95 (Harpoons),  Resistance Bomber (FCS, Targeting Synchronizer)
At this point I was pretty surprised to be undefeated and I fully expected to face the dreaded Fenn + Ghost list, but when I get to my table I see 4 Z-95s and a Resistance Bomber. My first thought is that this should be an easy game but then I look at the list and get worried, there’s alot of damage there. Anyways I manage to approach with all my ships from a different angle so he has to pick one to go for, and as I thought he pick Kylo, he gets hit with one harpoon and next round the guy who fired it goes for a block, which I luckily dodge by a millimeter, and manage to run away. Meanwhile Quickdraw comes in from the side and starts hitting really hard, basically guaranteeing one dead Z per turn if he chooses to fire at Quickdraw. But behind his entire squad, my MVP of the match, the academy pilot. It goes in, blocks and creates chaos, but it also doesn’t roll a single blank for the rest of the game, and almost one crit every turn. I pick of more Zs, Kylo comes back around but I get way too greedy and spend my focus on the attack and ends up dying, but I eventually win and with my opponent only firing one torpedo. I think my Academy Pilot has earned a promotion!
Win 100-47
At this point I unfortunately had to drop to catch a plane home, but I got my shield tokens and had a surprisingly good result so I’m happy! I also really like the list and I will try it next weekend in the Uppsala Regional and if it goes well there I’ll bring it to the Krakow System Open as well!
Here is the List Juggler page for the Hyperspace Qualifier.
And finally some shoutouts! Thanks to Magnus (who beat me in Hangar Bay) and Johan (who flew a ship off the board) for being great travel buddies and to once against having to wait for me in the final rounds of the tournament. Also big thanks to the organisers for a great event and a final shoutout to all the great people I met and played against for making the tournament fun!
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Goodbye Copenhagen!
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