#5 Red Flags When Hiring Digital Marketers
bizperfect · 3 months
5 Red Flags When Hiring Digital Marketers / Website Designers
Digital marketing and website design interchangeably is that websites are really part of digital marketing. want a website to expand your business and increase.
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valkyrayn · 2 years
hello juhl, i was reading your about and had a question but please don’t feel pressured to answer if you think it’s too personal. i recently graduated after studying marketing as well and got an entry level job and quit 6 months later because it was so stressful and made me really sad, so i wanted to ask what field of marketing you are in? ideally i just want to earn a lot like you (not assuming, just from reading your about page) but i know that takes time. thank you so much i know it’s not a tot qs but after a lot of job rejections i feel so directionless
hi hi! no dw that’s totally fine ☺️ also heads up this is gonna be a long reply lmao
i am in digital marketing, specifically as an Operations Manager. we don’t work with traditional marketing media, so we do mostly ads on social media. and tbh, my degree is in Communications. I learned like 10% of Marketing in uni, most of my knowledge came from working at the company I’m in now (for like 5 years now).
honestly, i’ve received questions like this a lot—about what kind of work they should venture into to earn a lot of money. and while I can give you suggestions like ‘digital marketing’ and etc, it all really comes down to two things—your attitude and finding a workplace that appreciates your effort.
which essentially means you don’t need to be in a field that you think you’re supposed to. i graduated thinking i should look for a job in a communications field—and i did that, in a magazine company but the hours and pay were shit so i quit after i landed my new (current) job.
i applied, with little to zero knowledge about marketing. but i was hired for my attitude—my willingness to learn and to prove to them that i can excel in that role; 5 years later i’m so good at what i do, i’m now promoted to manager. and now, i am too in charge of Hiring and tbh, we look for attitude first more than anything. so if i can suggest anything, find a company that values attitude first before skill. of course companies like these are unicorns, hard to find. but you can almost always tell by looking at the job vacancy they posted.
so here’s a checklist that i go by on companies that you should avoid when i look at job vacancies (entry level—not manager positions):
- are they hiring you for a single focused role or is it something like Graphic Designer/Data Entry. if it’s the latter, it’s a no from me. cus you’ll end up doing a 5-person job
- are they asking for your degrees and says you must have a 3.8 gpa and above? goodbye. unless they’re hiring you for professions like doctor, engineer etc then okay but for marketers, not necessary. 3.0 above is good enough.
- are they listing the role and responsibilities clearly or is it very vague? if it’s the latter, you can try asking them at the interview. if they can’t be fully transparent, red flag.
i also actively avoid companies that say—we are a family. that’s my #1 red flag lmao. we’re not supposed to be a family.
tldr; try other fields—you might be surprised that you’d end up doing something entirely different than what you plan to. i gotta be honest, when you’re looking for a job initially it will be about wanting to get the best pay; that’s totally understandable. and tbh, you’d be lucky asf if you’re able to find that but don’t be scared to settle with little first as long as you know that company can appreciate your effort and give you salary raises in the years to come. give them 2 years, by then you’d be able to know if it’s worth for you to stay or ditch the company. but of course if they’re toxic, leave within the 1st year, don’t waste your time if it takes a toll on your mental health.
and attitude wise, i can go at length about this but maybe another time. but really, this is the game changer for me. once i shifted my mindset and removed my ego, tendency to self-pity but not doing anything about it and stopped blaming others but OWN my mistakes, failures and success—i did nothing but strive at my work and life overall. and the abundance just kept coming for me, monetary and other things.
cliche but i truly believe in manifesting for good things as well. manifesting AND doing something to achieve it. and if you ask me what’s my secret to success—attitude and mindset. fix these first and the rest will come easy.
gosh this went to so many places. became a whole ass motivational speech too lmao i’m sorry but i hope that helps!! 🥹
and i’ll manifest for good things to come to you!! and that you will soon find a job that you enjoy that also pays you good money 🫶
edit: i just realized i probably only half answered you. but before i go into details of what field in marketing that might suit you or skills you might need, i gotta ask—what part in your previous job that stressed you out?
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angelchecks · 2 months
Common Red Flags In Employment Background Checks and What They Mean
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In today’s competitive job market, employers in Malaysia and around the world are
increasingly relying on employment checks and screening to make informed hiring
decisions. Background checks have become an essential tool for companies to verify the
information provided by candidates and assess potential risks.
This blog post explores the common red flags that may arise during employment
background checks and their implications for both employers and job seekers.
Common Red Flags in Employment Background Checks
1. Discrepancies in Employment History
One of the most frequent red flags in background checks is inconsistencies in a candidate’s
employment history. This may include:
● Unexplained gaps in employment
● Conflicting dates of employment
● Positions or companies that cannot be verified
These discrepancies can raise concerns about a candidate's honesty and reliability.
Employers may question whether the applicant attempts to hide negative experiences or
embellish their work history.
2. Educational Qualification Misrepresentations
Another area where red flags often appear is in educational qualifications. Some common
issues include:
● Unaccredited institutions or diploma mills
● Falsely claimed degrees or certifications
● Exaggerated academic achievements
Such misrepresentations can seriously undermine a candidate's credibility and may
indicate a willingness to engage in dishonest behavior.
3. Criminal Record Concerns
While having a criminal record does not automatically disqualify a candidate, certain
offenses may be incompatible with specific job roles. Red flags in this area might include:
● Recent or repeated offenses
● Crimes related to the position's responsibilities
● Failure to disclose a criminal history when asked
Employers must carefully consider the nature and context of any criminal records
regarding job requirements and company policies.
4. Financial Instability
For positions involving financial responsibilities or handling sensitive information, signs of
financial instability can be a significant red flag. These may include:
● Poor credit history
● Bankruptcy filings
● Substantial unpaid debts
Such issues could potentially increase the risk of fraud or theft in the workplace.
5. Professional License and Certification Issues
In regulated industries or for specialized roles, problems with professional licenses or
certifications can be critical red flags:
● Expired or revoked licenses
● Disciplinary actions by professional bodies
● Failure to maintain required certifications
These issues may indicate a need for more professional commitment or competence in the
Candidate’s field.
6. Inconsistent or False References
Reference checks can reveal several red flags, such as:
● Inability to contact provided references
● Contradictory information from references
● References who are unwilling to provide substantive feedback
These issues suggest that the candidate has something to hide or has fabricated their
professional relationships.
7. Social Media and Online Presence Concerns
In the digital age, a candidate’s online presence can also raise red flags:
● Inappropriate or offensive content on social media
● Inconsistencies between online information and provided details
● Evidence of unprofessional behavior or poor judgment
While employers must be cautious about privacy concerns, publicly available information
can offer valuable insights into a candidate’s character and professionalism.
Implications for Employers and Job Seekers
For employers, these red flags are essential indicators that warrant further investigation.
They highlight the need for comprehensive employment checks and screening processes to
make informed hiring decisions.
On the other hand, job seekers should be aware of these potential red flags and take
proactive steps to address them. This may include:
- Ensuring accuracy in all application materials
- Being prepared to explain any gaps or inconsistencies in their background
- Addressing potential issues upfront with honesty and transparency
The Bottom Line
By understanding common red flags and their implications, both employers and job
seekers can navigate the recruitment process more effectively. Ultimately, a transparent
and comprehensive approach to background checks in Malaysia contributes to building
strong, trustworthy professional relationships and fostering a positive work environment.
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ourjobagency · 1 year
 How to Check If a Job Offer Is Fake or Genuine 
In today's digital age, the job market is teeming with opportunities, but it also presents a breeding ground for scams and fraudulent job offers. It's essential to be vigilant and cautious when considering a job offer to avoid falling victim to scams that can jeopardize your financial security and personal information. In this blog, we will guide you through the steps to determine whether a job offer is genuine or fake.
1. Research the Company:
Start your investigation by thoroughly researching the company offering the job. Look for an official website, check if they have a physical office location, and verify their contact information. Legitimate companies will have a professional online presence, including a company website and active social media profiles. If the company doesn't appear to exist or if the website looks suspicious, proceed with caution.
2. Verify Contact Information:
Check the contact information provided in the job offer. Ensure that the email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses are legitimate and match the company's official contact details. Beware of job offers with generic email addresses like Gmail or Yahoo and mobile numbers instead of office lines.
3. Interview Process:
A legitimate job offer typically involves a well-structured interview process. Be cautious if the company offers you a job without conducting an interview or if the interview process seems overly simplistic or informal. Scammers often try to rush the hiring process to prevent you from having time to conduct proper due diligence.
4. Job Description and Responsibilities:
Carefully review the job description and responsibilities outlined in the offer. Fake job offers may promise high salaries for positions that require little to no experience or expertise. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Legitimate job offers provide detailed information about the role, including qualifications, responsibilities, and expectations.
5. Request for Personal Information:
Be wary of job offers that request sensitive personal information, such as your Social Security number, bank account details, or passport information during the initial stages of the hiring process. Legitimate employers typically request this information after you have been hired and completed the necessary paperwork.
6. Verify References:
Ask for references from the company, and be sure to contact them. A reputable company will readily provide references, and you can use these conversations to gain insights into the organization's legitimacy and work culture.
7. Check for Red Flags:
Be alert for red flags, such as job offers that contain spelling and grammatical errors, unprofessional communication, or high-pressure tactics to accept the offer quickly. Scammers often use these tactics to manipulate job seekers.
8. Search for Online Reviews and Complaints:
Look for online reviews and complaints about the company. Websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn often feature reviews and comments from current or former employees. Pay attention to patterns of negative feedback or warnings about potential scams.
9. Trust Your Instincts:
Ultimately, trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right or if you have doubts about the legitimacy of the job offer, it's better to err on the side of caution. Take your time to evaluate the offer and seek advice from trusted friends or family members.
Wrapping up
In conclusion, while the job market offers numerous opportunities, it's essential to remain vigilant and cautious when evaluating job offers. By following these steps and conducting due diligence, you can protect yourself from fake job offers and make informed decisions about your career. Remember that a genuine employer values your skills and qualifications, and they will respect your need to verify the legitimacy of their offer.
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moremarketresearch · 2 years
New Visa Fraud Report Finds That Even Savvy Consumers Get Tripped Up by the Language of Fraud
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New Visa Fraud Report Finds That Even Savvy Consumers Get Tripped Up by the Language of Fraud 'Winning,' 'free gift,' 'exclusive deal,' 'act now' are among top language traps cited in Visa’s 'Fraudulese: The Language of Fraud' report. SAN FRANCISCO, November 16, 2022 - It's not your imagination. Digital scams are everywhere in our daily lives. And as the holiday season approaches, fraudsters are counting on you to let your guard down and take the bait. Whether in the workplace or on the go, we're peppered by phone, text and email with offers for "free gifts" and traps to "act now" to supply personal information before a vital service gets cut off. And this barrage of “fraudulese” is working. A new research report out today from Visa, in partnership with Wakefield Research, “Fraudulese: The Language of Fraud,” brings to light that when it comes to spotting scams, cybercriminals are finding vulnerabilities among even the most tech-savvy consumers. While nearly half of the population are confident, they can recognize a scam, 73% are likely to miss the requisite red flags in digital communications. From a spoofed service notification from your electric company to an email alerting you that you’ve won products from your favorite store, or even job postings that make it seem like you’ve been hired by a top-tier company, scams hit almost every touchpoint in our digital lives. In the last year alone, Visa has proactively blocked $7.2 billion in attempted fraudulent payments across 122 million transactions before those transactions impacted clients. “Understanding the language of fraud is increasingly essential in our digital-first world. Scammers have reached new heights of sophistication in both language and variety – no one is immune,” said Paul Fabara, Chief Risk Officer, Visa. “Education around the language of scams is an integral part of our consumer protection, and highlighting the commonalities in the language of fraud helps prevent crime globally.” Earlier this year as part of Visa’s efforts to empower consumers to learn about the language of fraud, the company commissioned a first-of-its-kind linguistic analysis by researchers in the U.K. revealing how language can be used by fraudsters in short messages. The study revealed that solutions inviting consumers to engage with a problem or offer are the most common fraudulent message, occurring in 87% of the scam text messages, while problem statements that provoke action from the recipient were the second most common. “By highlighting the communicative strategies, words and phrases used by fraudsters, we hope people can more easily spot the language of fraud as it stands today, which ultimately helps to protect them,” said Dr. Marton Petyko, from the Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics, which conducted the U.K. research.
A Disconnect Between Awareness and Action
Falling victim to cyber fraud is costly. In 2021, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported a record number of complaints, with potential losses exceeding $6.9 billion, up from $4.1 billion in 2020. According to Visa’s new report, which surveyed 6,000 adults in 18 markets worldwide, scammers appear to be thriving in the gap between consumers’ awareness of the language of fraud and their actual behavior. Among the top findings: - We think others are more susceptible to fraud than we are. While consumers feel confident in their own vigilance, the vast majority (90%) are concerned that friends or family members may fall for potential scams that include emails or text messages asking people to verify their account information, asking about overdrawn banking accounts and notifying them about winning a gift card or product from an online shopping site. The most enticing clickbait messages capitalize on consumer excitement, and fraudulently tout “winning,” “exclusive deals” or “free gift,” the survey found. - Is it legitimate? More than 4 in 5 (81%) respondents check the wrong details to determine the authenticity of a communication, focusing on features scammers can easily fake, including the company’s name or logo (46%). Individuals can better protect themselves from fraudsters by checking details that are harder to fake, such as account numbers or details about their interactions with the company. - Overlooking telltale signs. Only 60% of people reported looking to ensure a communication is sent from a valid email address. Fewer than half (47%) look to ensure words are spelled properly. - Crypto users proceed with caution. Crypto users are more likely to identify the right kind of verifying elements of a potential scam than non-crypto owners. For example, they are more likely to check their account information (49% vs 37%) to confirm the validity of digital communications.
Take a Few Extra Moments to Decipher Fraudulese
Consumers can better protect themselves by taking a few extra moments before clicking, including taking time to understand the way fraudsters use language. Among simple, but effective best practices: Keep personal information to yourself. Don’t click on links before verifying they’ll take you where they say they will. Turn on purchase alerts, which provide near real-time notification by text message or email of purchases made with your account. Call the number on corporate websites or the back of your credit and debit cards if you are unsure if a communication is valid – don't just call the number possibly provided by the scammer in their text or email.
Protection Is Visa’s Top Priority
While cybercrime persists in an increasingly digital world, Visa is mission-driven to protect consumers and mitigate fraud. Over the past five years, the company has invested more than $10 billion in technology, including to reduce fraud and increase network security. More than a thousand dedicated specialists protect Visa’s network from malware, zero-day attacks and insider threats 24x7x365. In fact, over the last 12 months, Visa’s real-time monitoring has proactively blocked over $7.2 billion in fraudulent payments, preventing many from ever knowing they were at risk of a potential fraudulent transaction. Learn more at https://usa.visa.com/run-your-business/visa-security.html Read the full article
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theshulergroup · 2 years
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7 Tips to Maximize Your Home’s Sale Price
Over the past few years, a real estate buying frenzy bid up home prices to eye-popping amounts. However, as mortgage rates have risen, buyer demand has cooled. Consequently, home sellers who enter the market today may need to reset their expectations.
The reality is, it’s no longer enough to stick a “for sale” sign in the yard and wait for buyers to bang down the door. If you want to net the most money possible for your property in today’s market, you’ll need an effective game plan and a skilled team of professionals to implement it.
Fortunately, we’ve developed a listing strategy that combines our proven approach to preparation, pricing, and promotion—all designed to help you get top dollar for your home. But you will play an important role in the selling process, as well.
Here are some crucial steps you can take to set yourself up for success as a home seller in this market:
Make Strategic Repairs and Improvements
When you sell something, it’s important to consider what your customer wants to buy. And according to the National Association of Realtors, only 6% of today’s buyers report that they are looking for a DIY fixer-upper. The vast majority want a move-in-ready home, which means that any outstanding repairs or dated features can be a major turn-off.
Before your home goes on the market, we’ll conduct a thorough walk-through to identify any problems that could prevent it from selling. In some cases, we may recommend a professional pre-listing inspection. Finding and addressing issues like leaks, rot, and foundation problems up front can pay off in the final sale price. Plus, it prevents sales from falling through because of a red flag on the home inspection, a scenario no seller wants to face.
Beyond repairs, we’ll also help you identify the simple upgrades that offer the highest return on your investment. For example, new paint can give your home a fresh look at a reasonable cost. However, it’s important to choose the right colors. One study found that painting your bathroom light blue could lead to a 1.6% increase in the offer price! Similarly, minor landscaping improvements can pay off in a major way. A healthy lawn offers an estimated 256% return on investment.
Declutter and Depersonalize
When buyers look at a home for sale, they’re trying to envision themselves living there. That’s hard to do if it’s chock-full of the current owner’s family photos, children’s artwork, and souvenir collections. Plus, cluttered homes look smaller, and older items can make them feel dated.
Decluttering before you put your home up for sale will help you in the long run—after all, you’ll need to move all your things to your new home eventually. Now is the time to shred, digitize, or organize old documents, donate old clothes, or move bulky furniture into storage. At a minimum, you’ll want to pack away excess items neatly before potential buyers view the home. Remove personal photos and other trinkets to create a blank slate that viewers can imagine decorating with their own prized possessions.
If you feel overwhelmed by this process, we’d be happy to make recommendations or refer you to a local service provider who can help.
Stage Your Home for Success
Just as you take care to dress professionally for a job interview, you should always ensure your home looks its best for potential buyers. Home shoppers today are used to scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest, and they want to see the same wow factor when touring a home.
The process of making your home look its best and appeal to potential buyers is called staging, and it can be a game changer. According to the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, an average priced staged home sells 5 to 11 times faster than its unstaged counterpart. Even better, the majority of staged homes sell for 4% to 20% over list price!
Some sellers hire a professional stager, who may bring in furniture and decor to increase the home’s appeal. Others choose to stage their homes themselves. We can help advise you on which route to choose and how much to invest in the process.
It’s also important to consider what buyers in your neighborhood are likely to be looking for in a home. We can help guide your staging choices with our local market insights. For example, in neighborhoods where a large share of residents work from home, it may be effective to stage one room as an office space so potential buyers can envision their day-to-day routine.
Prep for Each Showing
Most of us don’t live picture-perfect lives, and our homes reflect that (sometimes messy) reality. But when your home is on the market, it’s important to ensure that it is always ready for viewers, even on short notice. A missed showing is a missed opportunity to sell your home!
Before your home hits the market, it may be worth hiring professional cleaners to get in all the nooks and crannies. After, try your best to keep things spic and span. Just a few minutes a day wiping down counters, sweeping the floors, and vacuuming can make a big difference.
It’s also worth noting that most buyers will open cabinets, drawers, and closets—so try to make sure everything is as neat and organized as possible. Keep toiletries and small appliances off countertops, and secure valuables and sensitive documents in a safe or off-site.
Want help finding a cleaning service to make your home shine for buyers? Reach out for a referral!
Price Your Home Correctly From the Start
In the past few years, you may have seen homes in your neighborhood sell for shocking amounts and wondered if you could get a similar price for your property. The temptation to list your home on the high side can be strong, but it’s best to be realistic from the start. Even in a hot market, some homes will sit for months. And the longer a property is listed, the more buyers worry that something is wrong with it.
Of course, you also don’t want to set your price too low and lose out on potential profit. That’s why it’s essential to work with real estate agents (like us!) who know the ins and outs of our local market and what buyers are willing to pay today. In a quickly-evolving market, comparable sales from a few months ago can lag the current market reality.
Fortunately, if you’ve owned your home for several years, chances are good that it’s worth much more today than you paid for it. That means you stand to walk away with a handsome profit. In fact, recent reports show that homeowner equity is at an all-time high.
Avoid Acting on Emotion
The past few years of over-asking-price offers with few contingencies have set certain expectations for many sellers. It’s only natural to feel hurt or even offended if an offer comes in lower than what you think your home is worth.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that those market conditions were unprecedented, and we are now returning to a more typical market. Home sellers who act rationally, rather than emotionally, are going to get the best results.
Remember: You can always counter a low offer. The same goes for repair requests and contingencies—everything is negotiable. However, it’s important to accept that the market is adjusting and flexibility is key. Keep your expectations reasonable, and remain open-minded. And you can rest assured knowing that we’ll be by your side every step of the way to help you navigate the process and negotiate a great deal.
Work With a Local Market Expert
The economics impacting mortgage rates may be national, but real estate markets are hyperlocal. That’s why working with a professional agent who understands your neighborhood’s dynamics is essential. Through our experience, we’ve gathered insights that can help us position your home for success in this market. Plus, we have the resources to connect with qualified buyers searching for a home like yours.
Working with a knowledgeable agent is also the secret to getting as much money as possible for your home. We have access to extensive data on recent sales in your neighborhood, which we will use to price and promote your property. That’s one reason why homes sold by agents draw much higher prices than those sold by their owners alone. While for-sale-by-owner homes went for a median price of $260,000 in 2020, the median for homes sold by agents was $318,000.8 That’s a difference of $58,000—and money you don’t want to leave on the table.
Selling a home in a fast-changing market can be stressful. You’re likely to hear conflicting advice and opinions from people in your life, and decisions like what color to paint your front door or how much to list your home for can be overwhelming.
That’s where we come in. The market may be adjusting, but it’s still highly advantageous for sellers—and we’re here to help you make the most of it. We’re listing experts in our area, and we know what steps you need to take for a smooth, profitable transaction.
If you’re considering buying or selling a home, we invite you to reach out to schedule a free consultation. We’re happy to talk through your specific situation and goals and help you identify your next steps.
The above references an opinion and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be financial, legal, or tax advice. Consult the appropriate professionals for advice regarding your individual needs.
1.    Yahoo! Finance -
2.    National Association of Realtors -
3.    Zillow -
4.    Angi -
5.    International Association of Home Staging Professionals -
6.    Washington Post -
7.    Realtor.com -
8.    National Association of Realtors - https://www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports/highlights-from-the-profile-of-home-buyers-and-sellers#purchased
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The Shuler Group
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28northgroup · 2 years
7 Tips to Maximize Your Home’s Sales Price
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Over the past few years, a real estate buying frenzy bid up home prices to eye-popping amounts. However, as mortgage rates have risen, buyer demand has cooled.1 Consequently, home sellers who enter the market today may need to reset their expectations.
The reality is, it’s no longer enough to stick a “for sale” sign in the yard and wait for buyers to bang down the door. If you want to net the most money possible for your property in today’s market, you’ll need an effective game plan and a skilled team of professionals to implement it.
Fortunately, we’ve developed a listing strategy that combines our proven approach to preparation, pricing, and promotion—all designed to help you get top dollar for your home. But you will play an important role in the selling process, as well.
Here are some crucial steps you can take to set yourself up for success as a home seller in this market:
Make Strategic Repairs and Improvements
When you sell something, it’s important to consider what your customer wants to buy. And according to the National Association of Realtors, only 6% of today’s buyers report that they are looking for a DIY fixer-upper.2 The vast majority want a move-in-ready home, which means that any outstanding repairs or dated features can be a major turn-off.
Before your home goes on the market, we’ll conduct a thorough walk-through to identify any problems that could prevent it from selling. In some cases, we may recommend a professional pre-listing inspection. Finding and addressing issues like leaks, rot, and foundation problems up front can pay off in the final sale price. Plus, it prevents sales from falling through because of a red flag on the home inspection, a scenario no seller wants to face.
Beyond repairs, we’ll also help you identify the simple upgrades that offer the highest return on your investment. For example, new paint can give your home a fresh look at a reasonable cost. However, it’s important to choose the right colors. One study found that painting your bathroom light blue could lead to a 1.6% increase in the offer price!3 Similarly, minor landscaping improvements can pay off in a major way. A healthy lawn offers an estimated 256% return on investment.4
Declutter and Depersonalize
When buyers look at a home for sale, they’re trying to envision themselves living there. That’s hard to do if it’s chock-full of the current owner’s family photos, children’s artwork, and souvenir collections. Plus, cluttered homes look smaller, and older items can make them feel dated.
Decluttering before you put your home up for sale will help you in the long run—after all, you’ll need to move all your things to your new home eventually. Now is the time to shred, digitize, or organize old documents, donate old clothes, or move bulky furniture into storage. At a minimum, you’ll want to pack away excess items neatly before potential buyers view the home. Remove personal photos and other trinkets to create a blank slate that viewers can imagine decorating with their own prized possessions.
If you feel overwhelmed by this process, we’d be happy to make recommendations or refer you to a local service provider who can help.
Stage Your Home for Success
Just as you take care to dress professionally for a job interview, you should always ensure your home looks its best for potential buyers. Home shoppers today are used to scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest, and they want to see the same wow factor when touring a home.
The process of making your home look its best and appeal to potential buyers is called staging, and it can be a game changer. According to the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, an average priced staged home sells 5 to 11 times faster than its unstaged counterpart. Even better, the majority of staged homes sell for 4% to 20% over list price!5
Some sellers hire a professional stager, who may bring in furniture and decor to increase the home’s appeal. Others choose to stage their homes themselves. We can help advise you on which route to choose and how much to invest in the process.
It’s also important to consider what buyers in your neighborhood are likely to be looking for in a home. We can help guide your staging choices with our local market insights. For example, in neighborhoods where a large share of residents work from home, it may be effective to stage one room as an office space so potential buyers can envision their day-to-day routine.
Prep for Each Showing
Most of us don’t live picture-perfect lives, and our homes reflect that (sometimes messy) reality. But when your home is on the market, it’s important to ensure that it is always ready for viewers, even on short notice. A missed showing is a missed opportunity to sell your home!
Before your home hits the market, it may be worth hiring professional cleaners to get in all the nooks and crannies. After, try your best to keep things spic and span. Just a few minutes a day wiping down counters, sweeping the floors, and vacuuming can make a big difference.
It’s also worth noting that most buyers will open cabinets, drawers, and closets—so try to make sure everything is as neat and organized as possible. Keep toiletries and small appliances off countertops, and secure valuables and sensitive documents in a safe or off-site.
Want help finding a cleaning service to make your home shine for buyers? Reach out for a referral!
Price Your Home Correctly From the Start
In the past few years, you may have seen homes in your neighborhood sell for shocking amounts and wondered if you could get a similar price for your property. The temptation to list your home on the high side can be strong, but it’s best to be realistic from the start. Even in a hot market, some homes will sit for months. And the longer a property is listed, the more buyers worry that something is wrong with it.6
Of course, you also don’t want to set your price too low and lose out on potential profit. That’s why it’s essential to work with real estate agents (like us!) who know the ins and outs of our local market and what buyers are willing to pay today. In a quickly-evolving market, comparable sales from a few months ago can lag the current market reality.
Fortunately, if you’ve owned your home for several years, chances are good that it’s worth much more today than you paid for it. That means you stand to walk away with a handsome profit. In fact, recent reports show that homeowner equity is at an all-time high.7
Avoid Acting on Emotion
The past few years of over-asking-price offers with few contingencies have set certain expectations for many sellers. It’s only natural to feel hurt or even offended if an offer comes in lower than what you think your home is worth.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that those market conditions were unprecedented, and we are now returning to a more typical market. Home sellers who act rationally, rather than emotionally, are going to get the best results.
Remember: You can always counter a low offer. The same goes for repair requests and contingencies—everything is negotiable. However, it’s important to accept that the market is adjusting and flexibility is key. Keep your expectations reasonable, and remain open-minded. And you can rest assured knowing that we’ll be by your side every step of the way to help you navigate the process and negotiate a great deal.
Work With a Local Market Expert
The economics impacting mortgage rates may be national, but real estate markets are hyperlocal. That’s why working with a professional agent who understands your neighborhood’s dynamics is essential. Through our experience, we’ve gathered insights that can help us position your home for success in this market. Plus, we have the resources to connect with qualified buyers searching for a home like yours.
Working with a knowledgeable agent is also the secret to getting as much money as possible for your home. We have access to extensive data on recent sales in your neighborhood, which we will use to price and promote your property. That’s one reason why homes sold by agents draw much higher prices than those sold by their owners alone. While for-sale-by-owner homes went for a median price of $260,000 in 2020, the median for homes sold by agents was $318,000.8 That’s a difference of $58,000—and money you don’t want to leave on the table.
Selling a home in a fast-changing market can be stressful. You’re likely to hear conflicting advice and opinions from people in your life, and decisions like what color to paint your front door or how much to list your home for can be overwhelming.
That’s where we come in. The market may be adjusting, but it’s still highly advantageous for sellers—and we’re here to help you make the most of it. We’re listing experts in our area, and we know what steps you need to take for a smooth, profitable transaction.
If you’re considering buying or selling a home, we invite you to reach out to schedule a free consultation. We’re happy to talk through your specific situation and goals and help you identify your next steps.
The above references an opinion and is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to be financial, legal, or tax advice. Consult the appropriate professionals for advice regarding your individual needs.
Yahoo! Finance
National Association of Realtors
International Association of Home Staging Professionals
Washington Post
National Association of Realtors
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auxesisinfotech · 3 years
Improve Your Sports Website’s ROI With A Perfect Email Marketing Copy
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Email marketing is an outbound marketing technique that many businesses follow to engage with potential customers and persuade them to visit your website. Like other businesses, sports websites too can reach out to their targeted audience via emails and persuade them to visit your website and take action. One may as well avail email marketing services to write a striking email copy that can help them generate more return on investment. 
A sports website may have occasional news offerings to various sports fans, may offer different sports merchandise for sale, and other user engagement plans. In any case, an engaging email copy sent to the right audience can help them generate more income. Investing in such digital marketing practices can help a sports business owner significantly. 
But, the problem is when you try to write an email copy for your sports online website yourself. There are numerous things that you have to keep in mind, such as - 
How to make it concise?
How to engage users?
How to get users to open the email?
How to persuade customers to take action? 
The answer to all of these questions can be unraveled if you read further! 
Write A Pitch-Perfect Email Copy For Sports Online Website 
You can either learn how to write a genuine yet engaging email copy by following these tips, or you can simply invest in email marketing services for the job. 
1. Choose an intuitive email template 
If you want your audience to notice your emails that land in their inbox, you must use the right template. With the right email template, your emails will get the desired recognition and more leads will follow through. For that, we have curated a list of the latest and popularly used email templates. You can also customize the designs or send personalized emails to qualified leads as a digital marketing tactic. 
Email octopus. 
Campaign monitor.
ZOHO Campaigns. 
Colorlib, etc. 
Companies providing email marketing services use the best of these tools and customize the templates for even better results and create a personalized copy for your sports enthusiasts. 
2. Study your target audience 
Most companies providing email marketing services make sure to study the targeted audience of your sports brand. You might have a sports website that specifically caters to the latest news of cricket. In that case, your targeted audience will be limited to cricket fans only. Whereas, that’s not the case if your sports online website has different categories of sports and also shares news regarding the Olympics. So, learning and classifying targeted audiences is the first step you have to take. 
3. Grab attention with the subject line 
Getting users to open your email is a challenging way in itself as most people tend to ignore emails that they find unnecessary. What’s worse? They could be deleting it or reporting it as spam. Be sure to write the subject line catchy that can solve the pain point of your target audience and your job will be done. 
4. The preview should be persuasive 
If you are writing an email copy for your sports online website, you should know that sports enthusiasts will only want to open the email. And if the email preview doesn’t contain anything that can be of their interest, they might change their mind despite the subject line is catchy. So, it’s an important aspect to consider. 
5. No spammy content 
Enticing leads to visit your site is one thing and promising them with something you can’t offer is another! Your email can’t sound spammy, or the visitors will see red flags and never follow your sports website. Here’s what every email marketing service provider does -  
Make sure to sound as real and genuine as possible, 
Use active voice, 
Use short but impactful sentences, 
Write in short paragraphs, 
Don’t sound robotic or like a machine (your email should be able to stir human emotions),
Draw a prominent CTA, etc. 
6. Use psychological tactics 
Adding a sense of urgency, fear of missing out, etc. are a few psychological ways to create an intuitive email copy. Several companies offering email marketing services make use of these strategies. 
Email marketing is indeed a powerful tool for businesses that want to increase their return on investment by getting more leads. However, doing it right is a tough nut to crack! 
Those who are well-equipped with the nuances of digital marketing can easily help you out in this case. They will know how audiences think and what actions you must take.
While these are a few noteworthy tips that can help you plan an engaging email copy, hiring a professional digital marketing agency might be the dealbreaker. If you are thinking of such a renowned agency to hire, Auxesis Infotech might be the name that you have been looking for. The company provides exceptional email marketing services as part of digital marketing.
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securecheck360 · 5 years
Next Generation Employment Verification Facilitates Stage the Playing Field against Job-Hopping
While job-hopping portrayed as a negative term, its definition may no longer available in the current economy. Job hopping is defined as when someone who tends to move from company to company, and it was not viewed by human resource professional as a positivity since loyalty and longevity were the important values human resources looked for. At present, our economy is flexible, skilled and talented workers have many options. Employers are more open to contract work, outsourced work, part-time, and returning employees from maternity leave, which creates the traditional employee extinct.
Such workplace changes have also altered our perception of job-hopping, that resulting in more less of a stigma than within the past. On an average basis, we all spend less time in a job than we used to spend earlier, in fact, the average job duration in the United States is now lesser than 5 years. A drastic shift from the past 30 year’s attitude of the previous generation of workers. In addition to switching demographics and the rise of a casual workforce, the automation inside businesses has standardized the idea of moving from one particular job to another at a much quicker pace than in the past days. One potential outcome of job-hopping may eventually be the vogue activity, as the workforce may become more and more fluid. In the future, job-hopping may get a new name and the new term is given to those who choose to live their life experiencing and contributing to different companies instead of focusing on one or a two.
Employers View on Job-Hopping
Employees have a significantly more positive perspective on job-hopping. A recent survey conducted by New England district president of ‘Accountemps’, states that his company acknowledged 42% of workers in the United States thinks job-hopping can facilitate their career. However, human resource managers reveal that roughly five job changes in the tenure of 10 years can raise red flags.
One factor that may shape an employer’s view of job-hopping is the truth that a worker who chooses to leave speaks to lost speculation, which is the reason companies lean toward that representative’s wait. It takes a lot of time, resources and effort to find talented and skilled people to do great work, and when the employer finds them, they certainly do not want them to just pass through. Moreover, several short-term jobs for candidates may not be appealing to every employer, some companies appreciate the drive of job-hoppers to constantly grow and build their career, or the craving of past organizations to enlist them.
Benefits of Job-Hopping
According to our expert management, there are many benefits, including the opportunity to gain new skill-set and experiences, which can help advance an employee’s career. Benefits include the ability to take a new position with new responsibilities, and thus learn new skills to add weight to their resumes. This is most important because employees who remain in a single job for an extended period without gaining new skills or responsibilities can become complacent. Working for a long time is great, but not at the expense of building a more diverse skill set.
Moving quickly from job to job serves to quicken the time it takes for career enhancement. The more you increase your exposure to new opportunities, the more you can capitalize on those opportunities for skill-building, growth, and advancements. Compensation is one of the major advantages of job-hopping that this practice can increase a worker’s pay scale or provide an opportunity to gain more prominent responsibility in the workforce.
Competitive Employment Market
In recent years, the U.S. unemployment rate went from 5.3 percent to 4.9 percent, and the number of employed individuals rose by nearly 60 thousand (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Employers rejoice at the economic recovery the U.S. has made since the recession that erased nearly 9 million American jobs less than a decade ago. But as an employer’s view, we need to read between the lines of this data and understand what it means for better hiring practices.
Where many industries are facing significant talent gaps, a positive candidate experience can be between a company getting that new hire or one of their competitors getting the candidate. Candidates often express concern that screening seems like a mysterious behind-the-scene process over which they have no control.
Securecheck360 Next Generation Verification
Securecheck360 have step by step process to transform the screening experience for candidates to make screening easier, faster, and available round the clock. Our next-generation screening services are designed to provide workplace safety, and simultaneously allow you to make informed hiring decisions while minimizing legal exposure.
The next-generation of employment verification provides a transparent way for candidates to interact with Securecheck360 to speed up and simplify the screening process. It guides candidates step-by-step through the background check process, enables candidates to supply additional information, view the status in real-time as verifications are completed, and ask any questions directly to Securecheck360. We also help reduce data entry demands on the recruiter or candidate and this way eliminate unnecessary steps or errors by facilitating data controls from the candidate’s social profiles, such as LinkedIn, or by leveraging Securecheck360 with leading HR management and applicant tracking systems.
An applicant center can be employer co-branded so that it provides a consistent recruiting and onboarding experience for candidates. It can also be personalized with welcome videos that help the candidate learn more about the employer and its work culture. It is designed specifically for the mobile user and allows candidates to complete forms and upload photos or scans of documents that may be needed for the background screening, such as scholastic certificates, diplomas, or W-2’s, directly from a phone, mobile device, or a desktop. This capability is especially critical for digital natives and candidates around the world who use mobile as their primary device. Applicant Center includes intelligent design forms and dynamic help to provide extensive support for the candidate throughout the system. Since Applicant Center connects candidates directly with the background screening provider, the recruiter, hiring manager, and HR personnel do not have to manage the ongoing communication, which reduces their workload and improves efficiency, thus speeding up the entire verification process, resulting in faster time to hire rates.
Securecheck360 is a national and global provider of employment background screening solutions for companies across the globe. We help companies address employment background screening challenges by being a single-source solution for helping to detect potential risks in critical areas such as employment screening, extended workforce screening, and institutional admissions. Due to constant shifting in hiring laws and regulations and the ongoing concern of liability, HR leaders are challenged with managing risk and reputation while driving the hiring process with efficiency and accuracy. Our solutions enable our clients to mitigate their hiring risks and make sound and decisive hiring choices.
For more information, call us on 855-955-4777
Or mail us on [email protected]
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Tips on Choosing the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Your Area
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There have been quite a number of benefits that many people who hire the services of digital marketing agencies enjoy in this present generation. For example, the moment you consider engaging digital marketing agencies, you can always be sure that that particular digital marketing agency can guarantee you that you will get quality marketing services. This is mainly because majority of digital marketing agencies may have specialized in different digital marketing services and therefore, they can guarantee you the best services. Important reason why digital marketing agencies can be very important is because they can enable organizations that may may not have professional digital marketers in their organizations to get access to digital marketing services thereby making them competitive. One thing that you need to understand is that sometimes, choosing the best SEO Marketing agency may not be very easy especially given that they may be a number in this present generation. This will always prompt you to consider following some very vital tips anytime you’re looking forward to choosing the best digital marketing agency that can guarantee you the best digital marketing services. This article is going to help you understand how possible it is for you to hire the services of a good digital marketing agency.
One of the most important things that you need to understand is that the specific digital marketing agency you are planning to engage must have the potential to deliver quality digital marketing services. Digital marketing is not very simple and therefore, you should only engage a particular company that may have a lot of experience when it comes to providing digital marketing services. Given that there is always changes in the digital marketing industry, you should always go for that digital agency brisbane that is up-to-date with the technological advancements. This simply means that you have to ensure that you look at the qualification levels of the specific professionals in that particular digital marketing agency. Looking for a particular digital marketing agency that has been certified to provide different types of digital marketing services can be very important. Only a professional that has undergone the right academic training and possesses the right skills can be issued with a license and this is the essence of choosing digital marketing agency that has a license. This will be a guarantee that that particular digital marketing agency has what it takes to guarantee you quality digital marketing services. For more information, click here: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/young-entrepreneur-council/5-red-flags-to-be-aware-o_b_10863284.html.
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ideaseatmarketing · 2 years
Five Factors To Consider When Hiring An SEO Firm In Chicago
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of improving your search engine rankings for keywords and phrases that are relevant to your site so more people can find them when they search those terms or phrases online.
This does not mean that you will see a rapid increase in your business's success. You will need to first Hire SEO Firm Chicago to improve your local SEO Chicago.
It is possible you are wondering what to look for in an SEO company and how to tell if they are qualified. While there is no one right answer, these factors will help you to determine the best fit.
SEO Knowledge OF Any Digital Marketing Chicago
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Although this may seem obvious to you, many people overlook it. It is important to hire a company to improve your website's SEO. Before you do this, make sure to conduct a Google search to verify their knowledge.
You can search for an SEO company or SEO marketing agency to see the number of times that company is in your area. Add the location tag to your keyword if you're looking for a local business. If you're from Chicago, search for "SEO Firm Chicago," "local SEO Chicago," or "Digital Marketing Company Chicago."
It's a good sign that the company ranks high on Google. If your potential SEO partner is unable to rank their website, this should be a red flag.
Reviews & Testimonials
Whether an SEO Marketing company in Chicago or a Chicago Social Media Company, they almost always have reviews on their website. This makes them easy to find. Be sure to only look for positive reviews and 5-star reviews.
Sometimes bad reviews can be a problem, no matter how great a company may be. A company with reviews between 3 and 4.5 stars is considered a good company. Avoid companies with many reviews within a short time.
Tools of the Trade
Ask them about the "Tools" they use to optimize your website. This doesn't mean you have to be an expert. It is important to ask them which "tools" you will use for your site. An excellent SEO-optimized website is a complex task. The best companies will be able to use all the tools necessary to make it work.
Tools are commonly used to conduct audits, complete tests, monitor rankings, competitor analysis, etc.
This is done to see if they are able to explain the tools to others and are willing to share their knowledge. Good companies know why they use a tool and make sure that their clients are aware of the effort they have put into the project.
Reports and Updates
An SEO agency that is experienced will give you detailed reports on your website and what needs to be changed.
This report contains traffic metrics, conversion statistics, SEO overviews, and current marketing strategy. It also includes summaries with incredible infographics! 
The report contains all stats in a clear format that is easy to understand. It is easy to understand even for those new to the field.
Cost of Service
SEO is not cheap. And it's not worth the cost to get a top-notch agency. SEO is an important aspect of your digital presence. You want it to be as great as possible.
Good SEO companies offer different packages, and the price depends on what they deliver.
You shouldn't choose one-size-fits-all packages. They won't help build your brand's unique identity. Be clear about what you get out of the deal before you sign it. A good company will always make it clear what services and results you'll be getting. For more information Click here
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sycriptouk · 3 years
Donkey Kong – King of APES DD – Uncovered Potential in DKNG
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Disclaimer: This is based on what I've researched and to the best of my ability. Do your own DD. Obligatory this is not an investment advice.
TLDR – Undervalued, unknown market potential (nobody is looking at the data in front of them), and getting crushed by shorts. Increase in institutional ownership over 100%, red flag for manipulation.
ƝƑŢs sales are huge, and the market has already rewarded other ƝƑŢ players handsomely, dapper labs, Sorare, Topps and others, with huge valuations, while DraftKings has been in the game for less than 70 days and is emerging as the 3rd best with a fraction of the inventory and users.
What's a ƝƑŢ again? It's a type of digital currency - usually run on Ether block chain - that's used to represent a unique asset and is valued as collectors' items. They are usually art, but can also be a meme, GIFs, songs, videos or items in video games. ƝƑŢs work like other speculative assets, where buyers hope that the value of it goes up, so it can be sold for a profit...
Stats: According to DappRadar, ƝƑŢ sales exceeded $10B in the third quarter of 2021, marking a 704% increase from the previous quarter
DraftKings is extremely aggressive when trying to capture market share, as you can see by their acquisitions in the past and currently, with ƝƑŢs its not different, they’ve bought Scarcity Labs and as per the below they are hiring and onboarding developers to grow their ƝƑŢ’s side to include art and videos to take market share from OpenSea and other ƝƑŢ marketplaces outside of Sports. All in all DKNG is taking everyone’s lunch with aggressive expansion.
Price Target – current price is a bargain/ manipulation by short sellers. Realistically including the growth business of ƝƑŢ’s and the blowout next 2 quarters with NFL, NHL and NBA combined, price should moon above $100+ a share. No analyst covering DKNG is including a ƝƑŢ marketplace valuation and has not scraped the data to even look into it.
Sales of ƝƑŢ marketplaces – Sports related only – 7 days’ worth
Source - https://cryptoslam.io/ as of 2021-10-10, Draftkings sales only cover secondary sales from Sept – 28 to Oct 8th, data file = https://github.com/jk100x/DKNG-Data , only event during this time was the Usain Bolt drop. .
The above data includes all sales for the top ƝƑŢ marketplaces except for DraftKing’s which is only the secondary sales from this activity feed (https://marketplace.draftkings.com/listings/feed) , I attempted to scrap the data but probably missed some in the process. Either way the numbers are shocking, with less than 70 days operating, a few users and around 70 something ƝƑŢs available to buy and sell, they have passed Topps and are averaging a higher price per transaction and per buyer then TOPPS, NBA Top Shot and Sorare.
Sample of top Secondary sales from Sept – 28 to Oct 8th , data file = https://github.com/jk100x/DKNG-Data , only event during this time was the Usain Bolt drop.
Dapper Labs has been in the forefront for sports ƝƑŢs and been in the game a long time, the valuation they received shows the market is rewarding them for their market leadership, ( https://www.ledgerinsights.com/analysis-dapper-labs-nba-top-shot-tops-100-million-blockchain-collectible-sales-nft/ and https://frontofficesports.com/dapper-labs-raises-250m-at-7-6b-valuation/ ). With a 7.6 billion dollar valuation and growing since February 2021, you would think they would have better revenue but they were around $12 to $13 million in 5 months according to the attached article. DKNG in comparision based on the 7 days’ worth of data on secondary sales alone, would of done around 20 million (roughly based on secondary sales alone, could be more), all things not being equal since NBA tops shots has had over 67,000 users 400,000 packs vs DraftKings in 5 months would have about 200 ƝƑŢs available.
Sorare, the second place ƝƑŢ sports marketplace has had tremendous success as well ( https://techcrunch.com/2021/09/20/sorare-raises-680-million-for-its-fantasy-sports-nft-game/ ) , a 4.3 billion dollar valuation based on 150,000 users, several more ƝƑŢs then Draftkings but only 3x the sales in the 7 day period, with 7 times the amount of users and 8 times the amount of transactions?
No analysts have factors these figures into their valuations of DKNG but predict a higher price target than the current level. With the valuations other ƝƑŢ marketplaces are getting, a marketplace like DraftKings should be flying right now with this type of impressive growth and on track to outperform NBA top shot and Sorare as the market leader in this space.
No analyst has probably even looked at the data on this and is just waiting for the Nov 2021 earnings report to get some indication from the Exec team on this.
Sky’s the limit as they move aggressively into this market, this is evident with the acquisition of Scarcity Labs this year (https://oziellaw.ca/canadian-based-scarcity-labs-acquired-by-draftkings/), these guys operate in the art space and since acquired, DraftKings has on boarded their employees and execs, including founders and aggressively started hiring more developers for this space. Buying Scarcity labs includes their art division, Ephimera.com as well as the core competencies their teams were working on, including video related ƝƑŢs , as per this employees GitHub, last updated 6 days ago (https://github.com/sesameJar?tab=repositories).
This acquisition of Scarcity Labs means Draftkings will go after marketplaces like OpenSea, ( https://venturebeat.com/2021/07/20/opensea-raises-100m-at-1-5b-valuation-for-nft-marketplace/) a 1.5 billion dollar valuation in July 2021, based on how much DraftKings accomplished in the past 60+ days with sports ƝƑŢs, and we should see revenue from the art space shorty. We see they are making the right moves as per the below hiring and employees they have in house now.
Hiring aggressively in the past month
Talent from Scarcity Labs
Block chain Developer at DraftKings Inc. - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-weinberg-270196153
Blockc hain Developer at DraftKings & Ephimera.com - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mehrad-kavian-39b58856 - Github this this developer, includes Video ƝƑŢ projects updated as recently as 6 days ago. Ephimera.com owned by Draftkings at this point at well. https://github.com/sesameJar?tab=repositories
Software Engineering Manager - https://www.linkedin.com/in/emma-ya-chih-hsueh-4565a264 - Scarcity labs co-founder and former CTO at Scarcity labs
Block chain Developer at DraftKings Inc. - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lijia-hou
High growth potential for DraftKings Marketplace
Less than 70 days operating and the sales are flying as we can see by this feed https://marketplace.draftkings.com/listings/feed and the feeds on each listing page https://marketplace.draftkings.com/listings/collectibles/aa2b32c65aab4614844df59a09f3eaae. But most importantly the nature of the trading in the market place is picking up because of the low barriers of entry, because this doesn’t involve special wallets at this time, we see traders like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFT8XxKl8Gc and several others jumping in the 10x their money on these ƝƑŢs, this is driving up the demand and several videos and traders like this exist on the platform as evident by the Autograph discord as well.
More public companies entering into ƝƑŢ space
Plenty of companies getting a boost in valuation based on this new and rightfully so if they can execute to the level of DraftKings
Celebrity Endorsements – Free marketing for DraftKings through Autograph partnership
Ownership Summary – potential manipulation
Bloomberg’s showing off the charts institutional ownership of this stock, a lot of smart money in this stock as one would expect. But with over 100% of the shares being owned by institutional investors we find ourselves in a similar situation as before with Gamestop - https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/le7syu/gme_institutions_hold_177_of_float/ , Shorts manipulating the current price. I chose this post because it’s from Feb 6th and GME was trading at $60, everyone thought the squeeze was over, and shorts were happy with that, few weeks later its trading above $200. We are seeing the same red flags with DKNG
Below are screenshots of other known high short stocks, if smart money thinks they are so shit, why do so many institutions hold them… has to be for shorting
Heavy short sales in Dark Pools - Over 40%
For those interested, shorts are piling on through dark pools. Potential exist to squeeze. The use of dark pools is very interesting as we know this is to hide the obvious intention to tank the stock but the level it’s reaching is becoming absurd.
Showing similar level of manipulation that exists in AMC and CLOV, known hedge fund manipulated stocks. DKNG showing sharp declines in price despite upcoming catalyst of state legalizations and during crucial sports betting half of the calendar year.
DKNG is showing the same level of dark pool shorting as NKLA a known fraud stock. This make no sense other than manipulation to pin down the price for market makers to make money on options expiring worthless.
Dark pools Explained - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq9waP7goSc
AMC type Dark pool shorting – video referencing this type of shorting from March 2020, pre- AMC Squeeze - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWQ183XbZPo
Reference to Raw Shorting files - https://www.finra.org/finra-data/browse-catalog/short-sale-volume-data/daily-short-sale-volume-files
DKNG - https://fintel.io/ss/us/dkng
CLOV - https://fintel.io/ss/us/clov
AMC - https://fintel.io/ss/us/amc
NKLA - https://fintel.io/ss/us/nkla
Sports market, NBA, NFL and NHL
Zack’s report forecast
Calling for revenue of $220.18 million, up 65.75% from the prior-year quarter
Revenues should be a lot more with the new states opening up, there still exist states where its legal to bet on sports but DraftKings has not entered yet, these figures don’t get calculated properly by analyst in this space but as you can see below, the potential is there.
Analyst ratings + price targets
All analyst covering this sector are almost entirely missing out on the potential of this stock because they didn’t look into the data available them and try to project ƝƑŢ sales, it’s difficult and depends a lot on demand which we only now know from scraping the data, the demand exist and is ramping up. Despite this, high price targets and buy ratings still come flying in as per below.
We see bull cases all time like the one below:
Overall Analyst ratings
Additional info –
Gamma ramping up
Call flow increasing significantly throughout the past few weeks, most likely to do with the start of NFL and NBA. Gamma Squeeze potentially if the share price can reach break a reasonable level despite all the shorting, a lot of out of the money call options are out there to gamma squeeze as well. Market makers are trying hard through dark pools to make sure these calls expire worthless.
digital Currency Catalyst Upcoming
Existing tech to use digital currency to gamble, this was revealed by an employee in to a short seller and included in the below report. The Tech exist and DKNG has its hands on it through the acquisition of SBTech. This should give them first mover advantage when it’s legal in the U.S, if they acquire Entain, they will use it where it’s legal in parts of Europe as well.
This was confirmed by the below short seller, whom is the most unbiased source in this case as their intent was to hurt the stock not help it. Having using this tech was illegal but after DKNG acquired SBTech, no illegal activities were perpetrated making the short report a moot point and since acquiring, DKNG has pass numerous due diligence checks by regulators.
Credit Suisse analyst Benjamin Chaiken defended DraftKings in a note, saying investors should use the stock’s drop as an opportunity ahead of potential gambling legalization in Canada and in New York. The analyst rates the stock ‘outperform’, with a price target at $85.
Entain Deal
From the above reddit post:
There’s been a good amount of posts lately with people seeming to be worried about dilution over a possible Entain acquisition and near term stock price reduction and I wanted to share some perspective on corporate acquisitions, having followed and worked on M&A deals.
First, any major acquisition will take a long time to complete - as in likely close to or longer than a year. Check out something like salesforce buying slack. Sports gambling is a highly regulated industry and there will need to be extensive diligence. There is also antitrust investigations by FTC and DG Comp in the EU, but that likely won’t slow this deal down because it only results in growing markets rather than mainly increasing market share in existing markets.
Second, there will need to be an understanding of how to unwind the MGM and Entain partnership before the deal is even accepted. That partnership also likely requires the solicitation of competing bids that must then be analyzed.
Beyond that, even if additional stock is required to be issued that doesn’t mean the price is going to tank. I think a lot of folks on Reddit are used to meme type squeezes, which often depend on low float. Professionally run companies often issue new shares, which result in a temporary drop of a few percentage points but then bounce back.
Finally the TAM for sports gambling in the US is between $15-$50 billion depending on how promise of you want to be and what stories you are reading. Global market is around 2x. So conservatively we are looking at $50billion global TAM. If DKNG can capture 20% that’s approx. $10 billion in revenue.
If we are conservative with a valuation and go with 5x then this is a $50 billion company post Entain. If you want to treat DKNG as a tech company and go with 10x revenue then you are looking at $100 billion and a stock price of around $160. And that’s without adding new revenue areas and with a somewhat conservative TAM.
A lot still needs to go right to get to that market share long term but my quick back of the napkin math has DKNG at a clear buy long term and an expectation that it gets back to $65-$74 post earnings if overall market remains stable.
In addition to this, with Draftkings established backend tech in block chain and digital currency casinos (attained through acquiring SBtech), a deal with Entain would allow them to use this tech in U.K, as per the link below, its legally permissible at this time to do so. This is just one of the numerous synergies that exist in a deal like this.
Entain's recent venture into the this space:
Current Position-
92 – Jan 21 2022 Calls $95
3 - Jan 2023 Calls $100
submitted by /u/54681685468 [link] [comments]
from wallstreetbets https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/qcvqdn/donkey_kong_king_of_apes_dd_uncovered_potential/ via IFTTT
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Business news live - The Hindu
Business news live - The Hindu
2:18 P.M.
Cairn accepts $1bn refund offer, to drop cases against India within days: CEO
U.K.-based Cairn Energy PLC on Tuesday said it will drop litigations to seize Indian properties in countries ranging from France to the U.S., within a couple of days of getting a $1 billion refund resulting from the scrapping of a retrospective tax law.
The firm, which gave India its biggest onland oil discovery, termed “bold” the legislation passed last month to cancel a 2012 policy that gave the tax department power to go back 50 years and slap capital gains levies wherever ownership had changed hands overseas but business assets were in India, PTI reported.
1:51 P.M.
Voda-Idea flags industry’s unsustainable financial duress
Ailing telecom operator Vodafone Idea has flagged the industry’s “unsustainable financial duress” in its latest annual report and hoped that the government would provide the necessary support to address “all structural issues” faced by the sector.
In the Chairman’s letter to shareholders, Himanshu Kapania cited persistent challenges in the operating environment, amid “unsustainable pricing” and “hyper-competition” during FY21. Kapania expressed hope that government will support efforts to generate reasonable returns on massive investments, according to a PTI report.
1:49 P.M.
Britannia says pandemic prompted shifts in consumer preferences
Retail giant Britannia Industries said the pandemic has brought significant shifts in consumer preferences and behaviours, including the growth of online business channels, which are likely to strengthen and present new opportunities for food business in future, PTI reported.
The company is well placed to sustain growth and is confident of addressing the evolving situation with its wide distribution network, intrinsic brand strengths, innovation and technology capabilities and cost efficiency programmes.
1:42 P.M
JSW Steel output grows nearly 5% to 13.77 LT in August
JSW Steel on Tuesday posted nearly 5% year-on-year growth in its crude steel output at 13.77 lakh tonne (LT) during August 2021, as against 13.17 LT steel in the corresponding month last year, PTI reported.
During August 2021, the company said production of its flat-rolled products fell by 8% to 8.99 LT, from 9.80 LT in August 2020. Its output of long-rolled products registered a growth of 30% at 3.01 LT, as against 2.32 LT in the year ago period.
1:28 P.M
Bank of India ties-up with MAS Financial Services for co-lending
State-owned Bank of India (BOI) has entered into a co-lending arrangement with MAS Financial Services for MSME loans, PTI reported. The tie-up comes on the occasion of the bank’s 116th Foundation Day.
The bank will leverage the reach of NBFC to build an MSME portfolio, MD & CEO Atanu Kumar Das said.
1:03 P.M.
OPEC+ keen to keep oil prices at $65-$75 a barrel, Lukoil chief says
The head of Russia’s No. 2 oil producer Lukoil said that oil prices of $65-$75 were “comfortable” for consumers and that the OPEC+ group of leading oil-producing nations was striving to maintain that price range by regulating output, according to a Reuters report.
Vagit Alekperov said curbs on oil output would depend on market conditions.
“For now, September 2022 will mark a milestone when the restrictions should phase out. The company has up to 90,000 barrels a day of idle production, which we hope will be needed by the market.”
12:52 P.M.
Toyota to spend over $13.5 bln to develop EV batteries and supply systems by 2030
Toyota Motor Corp said on Tuesday it expects to spend more than $13.5 billion by 2030 to develop batteries and its battery supply system.
The world’s largest automaker by volume uses a range of battery types in its vehicles and is also considered the front runner to mass produce solid-state batteries, a Reuters report noted. If developed successfully, they could replace liquid lithium-ion batteries.
12:29 P.M.
IPO fund outperforms India benchmarks in bumper year of listings
An Indian fund that invests only in recently listed stocks has outperformed the nation’s benchmark indexes in 2021 despite skipping a majority of the initial public offerings in what’s shaping up to be a record year, Bloomberg reported.
The fund run by Edelweiss Management Ltd. has returned 46% this year, according to the firm, beating gains of 24% for the NSE Nifty 50 Index and 22% by the S&P BSE Sensex Index, which still lead the Asia region among country benchmarks, the report noted.
12:14 P.M.
BlackRock’s China investments likely to lose money, Soros says
Billionaire investor George Soros said BlackRock Inc investing billions of dollars into China now is a “mistake” and will likely lose money for the asset manager’s clients, according to an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal.
Soros said  BlackRock has drawn a distinction between the country’s state-owned enterprises and privately owned companies that is far from reality, as per the opinion piece.
Last month, BlackRock became the first foreign asset manager to operate a wholly owned mutual fund business in China tapping the fast-growing $3.6 trillion retail fund market, a Reuters report noted.
12:01 P.M.
Hyundai to offer hydrogen fuel cell versions of all commercial vehicles by 2028
Hyundai Motor Group said on Tuesday it plans to offer hydrogen fuel cell versions for all its commercial vehicles by 2028 and will cut the price of fuel cell vehicles to battery electric levels two years later.
The group, whose only other fuel cell vehicle on the market is Hyundai’s Nexo SUV, will develop fuel cell vehicles for Kia and its premium Genesis brand, which could be launched after 2025, according to a Reuters report. It did not mention specific targets for fuel cell versions of passenger vehicle models.
11:52 A.M.
JSPL steel output grows 6% in August; sales up 4%
Steelmaker Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) on Tuesday said its steel production increased 6% year-on-year to 6.6 lakh tonne in August. Its sales volume also increased by 4% y-o-y to 7.1 lakh tonne during the month.
Notwithstanding subdued construction activities due to the ongoing monsoons in August, the company has maintained strong momentum in sales and production, a PTI report noted.
11:46 A.M.
Flipkart founder files to launch vehicle to invest in Vanguard ETF
Navi Mutual Fund, the fund unit acquired by Sachin Bansal, co-founder of Flipkart, is set to make a Vanguard strategy available in the country through a new fund-of-funds scheme, the Financial Times reported.
The Indian fund group, which was previously branded as Essel Mutual Fund, is currently seeking the regulator’s approval to roll out six funds, one of which is the Navi Total US Stock Market Fund of Fund that feeds into Vanguard’s US-listed Total Stock Market Index Fund exchange traded fund, according to the report.
11:35 A.M.
Healthium Medtech files draft papers with Sebi to raise funds via IPO
Healthium Medtech has filed preliminary papers with capital markets regulator Sebi to mop-up funds through an initial share-sale, PTI reported.
The initial public offering (IPO) comprises fresh issuance of equity shares worth ₹390 crore and an offer-for-sale of 3.91 crore equity shares by existing shareholders and promoters, according to the draft red herring prospectus.
11:25 A.M.
Bitcoin becomes legal tender in El Salvador
El Salvador on Tuesday became the first country in the world to adopt bitcoin as legal tender, a real-world experiment proponents say will lower commission costs for billions of dollars sent home from abroad but which critics warned may fuel money laundering, Reuters reported.
The plan spearheaded by the country’s President Nayib Bukele is aimed at allowing Salvadorans to save on $400 million spent annually in commissions for remittances, mostly sent from the United States, the report noted.
11:12 A.M.
L&T Construction bags order for water effluent treatment business
Larsen &Toubro (L&T) on Tuesday said its construction arm has bagged a significant order for its water and effluent treatment business in India.
It has won an order from a state-utility organisation to implement rural water supply projects, providing functional house tap connections under the Jal Jeevan Mission, according to a PTI report.
The business was entrusted to implement rural water supply projects to provide potable water to 800 villages.
11:01 A.M.
Copper falls as China’s August imports hit over 2-year low
London copper prices fell on Tuesday as August imports of the metal in top consumer China fell to their lowest since June 2019, as high prices and sluggish economic growth hit demand, Reuters reported.
China’s copper imports declined 41% year-on-year in August, falling for the fifth straight month to 394,017 tonnes, customs data showed.
Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange fell 0.3% to $9,421 a tonne, while the most-traded October copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange eased 0.1% to 69,310 yuan ($10,738.41) a tonne.
10:48 A.M.
Global crypto exchange CrossTower enters India despite policy uncertainty
U.S.-headquartered digital currency exchange CrossTower has set up a local unit in India and launched a trading platform to capture the growing domestic crypto market even though the fate of cryptocurrency in India is still unclear, Reuters reported.
CrossTower India has already hired 35 people and plans to increase headcount to 100 in six to nine months, the company said.
As a late entrant to India, the company plans to increase its market share by providing competitive pricing and relying on advanced technology infrastructure, CrossTower co-founder and CEO Kapil Rathi said.
10:36 A.M.
Rupee slips 7 paise to 73.17 against U.S. dollar in early trade
The Indian rupee slipped 7 paise to 73.17 against the U.S. dollar in opening trade on Tuesday, tracking a strong American currency in the overseas market and muted trend in domestic equities, PTI reported.
At the interbank foreign exchange, the rupee opened at 73.12 against the dollar, then fell to 73.17, registering a decline of 7 paise from the last close.
10:24 A.M.
Passenger vehicle retail sales increase 39% in August: FADA
Automobile dealers’ body Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) on Tuesday said retail sales of passenger vehicles (PV) in August increased by 39% year-on-year to 2,53,363 units, as against 1,82,651 units in August 2020.
Two-wheeler sales rose 7% to 9,76,051 units last month, compared to 9,15,126 units in the year-ago period. Commercial vehicle sales surged 98% to 53,150 units last month against 26,851 units in August last year.
The total sales across categories increased by 14% to 13,84,711 units in August as against 12,09,550 units in the same month last year, according to a PTI report.
10:15 A.M.
Edelweiss Financial Services raises ₹400 crore through NCDs
Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd (EFSL) Monday said it has raised ₹400 crore through issuance of non-convertible debentures (NCDs).
The company said the issue has seen significant demand in the retail segment with a total collection of ₹279.106 crore. Almost 50% of the total issue size got subscribed for five-year and 10-year tenure, according to a PTI report.
10:07 A.M.
Council to mull capacity-based GST on sectors seeing evasion
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council is likely to consider a ministerial group’s report on introducing a differentiated regime for sectors where tax evasion is very high, such as brick kilns, sand mining, and gutkha and pan masala production, even as tax experts have urged caution about such carve-outs.
9:53 A.M.
Murugappa’s turnover rises 9.5% ₹41,713 crore
The turnover of the Murugappa Group has risen 9.5% to ₹41,713 crore for FY21 while net profit surged by almost 53% to ₹4,500 crore.
Profit after tax, excluding profit from stake sale in group companies, grew by 26% to ₹3,713 crore.
9:42 A.M.
NMDC slashes iron ore by ₹1,000 a tonne
Mining major NMDC has reduced prices of iron ore Lump and Fines by ₹1,000 a tonne respectively.
Effective September 4, the new prices are ₹6,150 per tonne for Lump Ore and ₹5,160 for the same quantity of Fines, the company said in a filing.
9:34 A.M.
Indian benchmark indices open higher
Indian indices opened higher on Tuesday. BSE Sensex opened at 58,418.69, up 121.78 points, while Nifty opened at 17,401.55, up 23.75 points.
In Tuesday’s early trade (at 9:32 A.M.), Sensex fell 114.1 points or 0.20% to reach 58,182.81, while Nifty dropped 27.30 points or 0.16% to reach 17,350.50.
On Monday, the BSE Sensex settled 166.96 points or 0.29% higher at 58,296.91, while NSE Nifty climbed 54.20 points or 0.31% to its new closing record of 17,377.80.
9:11 A.M.
Oil wobbles as demand woes stalk market after Saudi price cuts
Oil prices were wobbly on Monday as investors grappled with demand concerns after Saudi Arabia’s sharp cuts to crude contract prices for Asia, Reuters reported.
Brent crude futures for November rose 0.1%, to $72.26 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude for October was at $68.88 a barrel, down 0.6%, from Friday’s close.
9:00 A.M.
World shares at record high as investors count on Fed largesse
Global stocks inched higher on Tuesday to a record high for the eight straight session as investors wagered the U.S. Federal Reserve is likely to delay the start of tapering its asset purchases after the soft U.S. jobs data, Reuters reported.
Japanese shares extended their bull run. Tokyo’s Nikkei rallied as much as 1.3%, moving past 30,000 for the first time since April. Mainland Chinese shares were little changed in early trade while MSCI’s ex-Japan Asian-Pacific index was down 0.1%. U.S. S&P 500 futures were 0.1% higher from Friday’s close after the U.S. holiday on Monday.
. Source link
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freshleadprovider · 3 years
Key takeaways from the C3 Conductor Conference 2021
Hey there, Last week was the online version of this year's C3 Conductor conference, and I asked my team members who attended to compile the brief notes around the small workshops that happened. So, without further ado, here are some key takeaways from the conference, session by session: Video 1- Introduction to the conference Video 2- Elements of a perfect pitch with Daymond John The key take away- 1. Prioritize your customers Learn about their goals Hear your client's requirements and find ways to save their time, energy, and money Focus on the target audience of your client Offer results and make sure that you deliver what you promised Compensate when required Research your client and try to find common ground to connect with them Give power to your clients and make them feel important while you listen carefully to their instructions Build a story around your products so that they resonate with the audience Be warm, friendly and make everyone feel comfortable enough to reach out to you for discussion Offer knowledge to clients Design a pitch that influences the core value of the audience and resonates with the cause Check up on your customers and value their feedback Video 3- Content and collaboration with team SEO Do your SEO oriented research before starting a content piece Use SEO tools in content creation Write H1 Tags, description, and headings before you start a piece, and follow it strictly Content must resonate with the clients and have relevancy Use workspaces to see how the SEO crafted content is performing and track the performance Have defined KPIs- e.g., driving traffic to the site, client conversion rate, etc Perform competitor's research Give credits where it is due in the team and openly communicate where you can perform better Have open communication about the goals from the content with all the teams Share the impact the content has across the site Be transparent about the revenue generation to everyone in the firm Use tools like Google Analytics to keep track of performance Analyze user behavior Analyze global traffic data and have an insight into it Video 4- Evolving Organic Marketing Focus content upon what people are searching on a local and global levels Focus on producing performance-based content that drives organic traffic, sales and generates leads Create content that resonates with the audience and answer the queries typed in search engines Have your employees understand the complete process and impact of organic marketing, topics, and keywords. It will help to perform content that satisfies the viewers' demand sitting on the other side. Include data in your content strategy and keep updating it periodically to create significant results. In case of doubts, go back to the basics- • Explain to clients what you are doing and why you are doing it • The benefits of the process • Involve other experts and focus on how the results will affect the brand image and how this content is adding value Video 5- Adapting SEO to customer evolution with Agility Consumer behavior changes over 2020 pandemic • Fluctuated demands of goods • Increased standards and bars of online shopping, for e.g., introducing product trackers, better user experience, quick deliveries, etc. • User behavior changed as customers ensure that the essential workers are wearing proper gear for protection. • The companies noticed the shift in the demand for seasonal products and other things which were not very popular earlier. • Companies are more focusing on the visual aspect to create content as per the status of their surroundings. An example of this will be adding images that involve masks and social distancing. • Be available for customer support to show that you are here to help if things go wrong with your products. Provide a simple DIY solution to the applicant as well. • Be willing to change your plans and adopt a new strategy. Also, be quick to act on the new plans. Video 6- Content predictions 2021 Key takeaways about the content in covid struck time Increase of- • Up to 70% in web browsing • 61% on social media consumption and • 30% in the online purchase was observed during covid Increase in content consumption as people are constantly present on the digital platform How to design your content? Research for keyword competitors as well as business competitors before you work on a strategy Work on creating authoritative content reviewed by the subject matter experts Mark the impressions of content and learn the pattern about how people are engaging with the content, what are the breaking points, how many people are completing the videos etc Google rewards educational long-form guides References are helpful in posts Engagement should be your number one priority Have different metrics to measure success, like engagement, revenue, conversion, organic traffic, and more Have a brief SEO optimized structure at the beginning of the article Have a streamlined process among all the teams helping in content generation and present your content in a committed fashion among the audience Keep changing with the customer's needs and provide value Provide specific guidelines to the writers about the type of post you want Content prediction for 2021 Hub And Spoke Approach • Mark a core content and make other copies supporting and revolving around the same content, including social media posts, email, podcast, video, etc. • Use tools like answer the public and repurpose the content that proves beneficial for viewers. • Add different multimedia and go beyond the texts to reach your client and gain more visibility. Focus on different ways the audience can consume the content. Strategist shift mindset • The content should be focused on your brand and justify your services. • Create the audience persona if you are writing for B2B or B2C audience Content credibility The credibility of the authors is required to ensure that the content is of high authority. You must be hiring subject matter experts to write technical content for the viewers. Remote work and more opportunities Online dependability has opened more opportunities for talent, and employers have access to this talent pool. Red flags *Disconnected and inefficient content production from different teams provides no value to the audience *Having tons of content does not immediately mean success *Avoid having to optimize your content once it has been written. *Rather have a complete research framework on your table before you start writing the content *Not giving enough time to publish the blogs *Divide the work as per the expertise, and avoid doing everything on your own Video-7 Core web vitals update What is Page Experience update about? • It will be launched mid-June and will end by august • It will have 3 core web vitals apart from existing search metrics • The update will be applicable for mobile searches • A visual indicator with great page experience will be added to the page, but the valuable content will still be the most valued component over page experience signals • Apart from the pre-existing signals like mobile browsing, safe browsing, HTTPS no intrusive interstitials, another 3 core web vitals ( loading, interactivity, and visual stability) are added Loading (LCP-Largest Content Paint) • Time required to load the main content of the page, be it text or the image • Time taken should not be more than 2.5 seconds Interactivity (FID-First Input Delay) • Time required by the browser to open a link the user has clicked upon. The delay could be because of Java scripts or the involvement of the browser in other things. • Time taken should not be beyond 100 milliseconds Visual stability (CLS- Cumulative Layout Shifts) • It refers to the stage where you click on a link but jumps from one page to another page you don't want to see • The time allotted for this is 0.1 sec which implies it should not happen ever and leads to a bad user experience Page experience affects your performance The increase of page speed from 1 sec to 6 sec increase the page bouncing rate by 106% Websites fulfilling the core web vitals criteria make it 24% less likely for anyone to leave the website Optimizing web vitals lead to an 8% increase in sales Although it will not kick you back in the search engine results, it is still going to affect your rank, especially if you are ranking in the top SERPs What can you do? Track the KPIs you are ranking for and keep an eye on your competitors' ranking just after you. Use Google search console to get the data for indexed pages and page experience reports. Use Page speed insight tool to get breakdown results for mobile and desktop and work where the improvements are required. Use Deepcrawl to get multiple page metrics and get them categorized. Also, get the issues reported with HTTPS pages in config and issue reports. Perform an audit for your site to fix as many issues as you can. submitted by /u/randomvariable10 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/n1th09/key_takeaways_from_the_c3_conductor_conference/
0 notes
5 Questions You Should Ask from Your Hiring Creative Agency
Considering hiring a creative agency to further expand your business while contributing to brand value? If yes, then this article can help you to come up with the right set of questions that aids you to choose the right creative agency for your project. 
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Your chosen creative agency has the potential to bring huge success if it’s perfectly achieving marketing goals. Obviously, digital marketing agencies have essential information required to target your audience.
They not only determine how effective are your launching campaigns but also identify & track imperative metrics across marketing channels. 
With them, you can get clear insights on every minute detail starting from web traffic to how your followers are increasing. But, wait a moment! How would you know that a hiring company is good for your business?
Or Do they really capable of bringing optimum results? To know this, ask some most important questions from your creative agency. If you are fully satisfied, then only proceed. Otherwise, it’s good to move back.
Who will always be in my contact?
Marketing is a moving process that involves several people from strategy making to content creation. There are a lot of people involved doing different work and you can’t connect with them at once.
So, make sure you are in contact with a single person all the time that will let you know everything throughout the process. That person must consolidate feedbacks, facilitate communication, keeping an eye on deadlines, and so forth. 
How much will be produced by staff vs. outsourced?
Some works can’t be performed in-house or there may be cases where the hiring company outsourcing some works from reliable partners. No doubt, in the end, you want your results, but it would be good if you know who is responsible for what. 
What is the suitable way to communicate?
Since, you are going to hire a creative advertising agency for your brand promotion. Don’t forget to talk about communication. Be clear about what goes perfectly with your requirements.
Find out what is more preferable for you - conference calls over emails or slack instead of Skype meetings. Whatever suits you, communicate with your hiring agency and start with the process.  
What are common pitfalls or roadblocks that can be avoided?
One of the best benefits of hiring a creative advertising agency in Delhi is - it knows what can go best for your business and whatnot. They are possessed with years of experience and knowledge about the field; hence they exactly know what issues can delay or derail a particular project especially those that are under the control of the brand. 
Note -Though, there could be any hiccups or unexpected issues that a creative agency faced while dealing with a previous client. But they shouldn’t talk about it straight ahead. If they do so, it's another red flag for you to stop there.  
What material do you require from us?
A partnership runs long if efforts are done from both sides. Isn’t it? Well, it would be great if you ask your hiring whether they require any asset or material from your side or not. We bet your hiring agency will love this question to be asked from you.
It’s a clear sign that you are a considerate and proactive partner. When it comes to partnership, there is no issue to walk a few steps from your end. So, these were the five most important that you shouldn’t skip while hiring the company. Now, if your concern is where to find the best advertising agency in Delhi? Then, the answer is clear. 
Promodome Communications is a one-stop destination that can truly stand on your expectations and work as per your choices. This company blends creativity with technology in such a way as to come up with quality and timely results. So, don’t make any delay and hire as fast as possible!
About the Author
Promodome Communications is one of the leading marketer writers in the industry. After being in the market for more than 5 years, she has learned several ways to merge her knowledge, and experience with writing skills to create some of the most iconic pieces of information in the form of blogs and articles. Feel free to read more of her content on Promodome today!
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