#4x18 the monster at the end of this book
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orpheustiel · 2 years ago
sam king of hell in 4.18 the monster at the end of this book is so real
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shirtlesssammy · 10 months ago
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Dean and Cas every day not often enough -- 9/?
Supernatural 4x18//The Monster at the End of this Book
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jellybracelet · 6 months ago
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spn20rewatch · 2 months ago
Season 4, Episode 18: The Monster at the End of This Book (January 7th)
Sam and Dean meet a writer who has visions about their lives. -Super-wiki
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Originally aired on: April 2nd, 2009
Written by Julie Siege & Nancy Weiner. Directed by Mike Rohl.
Fun fact: Several characters in this episode are named for the writers on the show. Sera Gamble said in this interview that "[there] are characters named after everyone on the staff."
These include:
Sera Siege, the owner of the publishing agency, named after Sera Gamble and Julie Siege.
Dan Dabb, the comic book clerk, named after Daniel Loflin and Andrew Dabb.
Carver Edlund, Chuck's pen name, named after Jeremy Carver and Ben Edlund.
Enjoy the watch and tag any posts with #spn20rewatch!
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bewrongandgetusedtoit · 17 days ago
4x18 The Monster at The End of This Book
the making fun of samxdean i can’t
the way that chuck wrote them coming to his house, then then they came to his house and he was like “u must be fans” yes chuck gaslight gatekeep girlboss
why did that mom let her daughter put bandaids on some random dude that she though she killed
dean says screw you and cas looks like he wants to kill himself nooo my shayla
did sam not read the part right before he sleeps with lilith where he makes the deal?? im so
all this miscommunication PISSES me off
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locke-esque-monster · 1 year ago
There are many things I love about SPN's 4x18 "The Monster at the end of this Book".
But the Chuck of it all is fascinating in retrospect. Now to be fair, I haven't finished the show yet, but I know about the God reveal. And I know that there's some debate over if Chuck was ever Chuck, or if he was always God.
I would love for Chuck to be goofy, anxious human Chuck. But I've doubted it before, and re-watching it today just reinforced that.
Here's what this episode looks like if you consider Chuck might already be god:
Because if Chuck's himself, how does he not recognize Sam & Dean from his visions? From the choppy bits we see, I know his publisher is there, so he can see people.
The case at the start of the episode with the comic book store is dropped with no explanation or reference to again. That says to me someone with questionable writing skills used that as a lazy plot device to get our characters here to meet Chuck. Who would do that but Chuck?
He has no recollection of the story he was writing until the characters ask what he's working on. Weird when he was just writing it before they arrived. Maybe understandable with the drinking/headaches. But the way he remembers only when asked, seems more like he's only giving out information when the story calls for it (think a questionable mentor type, like Dumbledore).
He says to Dean when he shows up at the end to kidnap him that he didn't write this. But if that's the case, how was the tryst with Lilith and Sam supposed to end? Bad writing for the show? Or is Chuck surprised Dean broke out of his plot and isn't expanding on details because he thinks he can steer Dean back on course? (Sidebar - I think Lilith's deal was legit, at least from her end. It'd end the apocalypse if Sam & Dean were dead, especially with no confirmed descendants. I just don't think God would allow that to play out.)
If Chuck is god, he takes a chance to throw it out to them that he is powerful so they dismiss it (hoping they won't call his bluff). And then when they do, he's confident enough they bought it to take the chance apologize to them for what he put them through. Sam's trying to make it something he's seen, like psychic abilities, and Dean's playing down the trauma/injuries are probably exactly how Chuck knew they'd react.
The wording of Sam's "wish to god I could stop" conversation with god, and Chuck saying he's still doing it is too uncanny. He's literally wishing in front of god for help, and god is putting it back on him that he's not really stopping, nor does he want to.
Then Chuck in that whole conversation with Sam. He's different in this scene than any other this episode. He doesn't play up his fears or anxiety like he does with Dean, he acts like a writer who not only knows the story, he KNOWS where it's going and is trying to steer Sam a certain way without looking like it or saying too much. His responses are very deliberately worded. It reminds me of Ben Linus manipulating people in Lost.
He says to Sam "I know it's a terrible burden - feeling that it all rests upon your shoulders." How would Chuck know that without the responsibility of God?
He has an answer for Dean and a loophole to get out of going with him - the archangel. But Dean calls his bluff. Basically, if Dean shoots him, either Dean will get killed by an archangel as a threat, ruining his story. Or he gets the shot off and Chuck survives, revealing he's not just Chuck. Chuck had to let his story be ruined tonight to allow the rest to play out (lose the battle to win the war).
To jump off that last point, this episode also acts as a thesis statement for how each character looks at destiny and how Chuck reacts to them.
Sam's the "smart one" - but he's liable to think he knows better and fall into exactly the trap Chuck sets for him. Sam is out to break the system in a big way - Chuck can see it, and stop it.
Cas's rebellious streak always wins out. If his friendship with Dean is on the line, he'll find a way to fall out of line with Chuck's plan in ways Chuck could have never imagined.
Dean's stubbornness with authority, including destiny, knows no bounds. He'll fight and get creative. Dean knows better than anyone how to find a loophole with a strict father. These little rebellions are harder for Chuck to see and correct. And with Dean's persistence and creativity, those little rebellions add up to messing up the plan. This is both how this episode goes, and the apocalypse arch as a whole. Chuck thinks he can outsmart Dean, but in a way, Dean's less predictable than Sam even if it doesn't outright seem like it. So Chuck fails to do stop every time. And a couple of times is all Dean needs.
I want to be wrong. I want Chuck to be like Anna maybe, unaware of of his abilities and knowledge and it's leaking through as maybe a vessel of god. Or even that god is writing Chuck this way for the purposes of the story, as his stand-in.
Unfortunately, I'm not so sure. And let's consider a comment I've heard made on the episode before. The episode title arguably isn't just a funny reference, it's a guide to the show - much like Chuck's writing. The "book", or episode, ends with Chuck, much like the last big villain in season 15 is Chuck. So he's the "monster at the end of this book" all along. It's a better fit if Chuck is god.
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violetpurpleviolet · 6 months ago
Okay watching episode 4x18
Just started watching , they are LARPING??
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littlebluejaydraws · 2 years ago
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Cas + Faith Season 4 summary
ID: Six digital drawings of Cas from season 4 of Supernatural. Each drawing shows Cas' head within a circle, with a quote around the outside. The first drawing is from 4x07 with the quote "I am not a hammer. I have questions. I have doubts.". The second and third are from 4x16 with the quotes "I'm considering disobedience." and "You can't win, Uriel. I still serve Gd." respectively. The fourth is from 4x18 with the quote "What the prophet has written can't be unwritten.". The fifth is from 4x20 with the quote "I serve heaven. I don't serve man.". The sixth and final is from 4x22 with the quote "We're making it up as we go.". End ID.
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lavenderleahy · 1 year ago
The Monster at the End of this Book, the episode in which Dean and Sam meet Chuck, is WILD in light of seasons 14 and 15.
I mean I know this episode provides a lot of foreshadowing for the next couple of seasons and sets up the premise for team free will but just listen to this conversation.
Chuck: There's only one explanation. Obviously I'm a god.
Sam: You're not a god.
Chuck: How else do you explain it?... I'm definitely a god. A cruel, cruel capricious god. The things I put you through... I toyed with your lives, your emotions, for... entertainment.
Dean: You didn't toy with us Chuck, you didn't create us.
Chuck: I am... so sorry. I mean hooror is one thing, but to be forced to live bad writing... if I would've known it was real, I would've done another pass.
This is real dialogue in a real show called Supernatural in which Chuck is not only god but the cruelest, most capricious god toying with not only the Winchesters' lives, but with everyone's. And not for the entertainment of the masses but for his, personal entertainment.
This is who Dean and Sam and Cas and Jack were fighting against. It was always Chuck. And he just... won.
+ Bonus Destiel:
Cas: I admire your... work.
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spnyouresostupid · 1 year ago
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I admire your work
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deanstudies101 · 9 months ago
4x18, The Monster at the End of This Book
Critical theory: Fate/destiny. Quiet rebellion. Faith. Meta. 
Discussion point/question(s): Discuss the term we’ve [I’ve] been throwing around; “trapped in the narrative.” 
Further reading:
Quiet rebellion (@some-people-call-it-tragic)
Prevalence of in-universe Sam girls (@ilarual)
Kai, “I am so in love with Cas.” [I believe Iga’s words were “he deserves head for that.”] He’s not there much, he doesn’t have many lines, but when he’s there he pops off. Iga, he’s got insane tism rizz. Kai, he’s a little bit of a bitch. [Excuse me. He’s that bitch.] He’s an alpha bitch. 
[Iga is thinking.] Trying to think of something to say… but the episode is the analysis of the show. Can’t analyse it without just. Saying what happened in the episode. The writers either had a blast writing this or this was a cry for help. Screaming for help. 
“Trapped in the narrative.” Interesting to watch that happening in real time, especially after the recent discussion about destiny, and whether they have free will. So we’ve discovered that they don’t. Or, they can make choices, but it always ends in the same place. The environment was adapting itself to push them in the right direction (ie. the motel sign changing). 
[The motel name. I love that. Sam was doing that. Waving a lil red flag to draw Lilith in.] And that goes hand-in-hand with the last episode—Sam is very quick and willing to go with the narrative. He knew that if he was going to be with Lilith, there was going to be a reason, and he could try to use that. Dean tried to run. He’s scared. He’s been scared since hell, and Sam knows it, and he’s trying to protect him. It is sweet, the demon stuff is coming from a good place… but it’s not going to end well. He needs to be aware of that danger instead of repressing it, because then he’s much less likely to be drawn down the wrong path. He’s doing the demon stuff and justifying it with human reasons, but he needs to listen to both and find balance. He needs to acknowledge that demon Sam exists. 
Kai, every episode this season has been so fun. [It’s like I said. This season is banger after banger. Even the ‘weak’ episodes are still good. It is thee season. You meet thee gay angel.] And he is so sassy. [And this season changes the show forever. For better or for worse (both).] Kai, industrial action saved this show. Iga, it’s interesting to me that this is season 4, and we’ve got themes like the apocalypse and being trapped in the narrative. These are such strong and interesting themes. Compared to 1) where’s dad 2) what is evil / is Sam evil 3) fate. But now it’s bigger, it’s no subtext, they’re talking about it—they are trapped in the narrative. We kind of have free will, but do we? But it’s season 4 out of 15. Kai, yeah, these are showstopping themes [as in, these should be saved for the last season.] Iga, I’m nervous. Kai, well, the finale season theme is homophobia. Iga, this is an amazing show, and I’m confused why people say it’s trash… and then I remember there are 11 seasons left. [So I will say again. 4-5 are art. And I love 1-3. In terms of quality there is a dip after this, but. The seasons where there is a dip have their own merit, in a certain way. To me.] Iga, that’s okay, I’m excited to watch the fake show in my head. For the—I don’t want to say delusion to kick in, but for the second secret show. [Yeah, I love the second secret show. And I will say, when I watched this for the first time I did truly love 1-8 equally (that’s all that was out at the time). Season 6 admittedly stumbles, but that’s just because the end of season 5 would have been a great end to the show, and they weren’t really sure what they were doing. Season 6 stumbles, season 7 falls on it’s face, season 8 gets back up again, and season 9… they start wondering if they should’ve stayed on the floor. (this is all affectionate).] 
Re: Sam-girls. It makes sense—Sam was supposed to be the main character. Sam can’t be held back by Jared’s acting in the books. They’re barely meeting Dean, let alone getting an insight into his psyche. Dean was originally written as a douchebag, and Jensen brought him to life and gave him depth… so of course that’s not in the books. 
Notes: Kai, “These are showstopping themes.” [We’ll revisit.] 
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shirtlesssammy · 10 months ago
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Castiel every day so often -- 9/139
Supernatural 4x18//The Monster at the End of this Book
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thismustbefakeminespn · 6 months ago
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"What's a slash fan?"
favorite eps moodboard collection 13/?
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nyaningthroughlife · 1 year ago
I think I'm in love with Castiel, like holy crap, him helping Dean in that way made me fall in love even more (Sam's still number one though Cass is getting close)
Also, Sam and Lilith... jdjdhehehwja and Chuck entering the scene and the whole room going wild ahahshebshdjebdbe
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monsters-sinners-angels · 2 years ago
S4e18 I love you so much, too much one could argue.
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wispcherry · 1 year ago
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