bnstinhtu · 1 year
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The lieutenant of Paldea Navy, who has just been promoted recently after evolution. She syncs and pilots the Mighty Robo, a powerful family product.
A passionate, cheerful and friendly personality, adored by many people. A heroic and straight-forward heart. She used to be concerned about keeping the ideal image, but has been more reckless after evolution. Sometimes she drinks a lot, uses bad words and doesn’t mind pointing out other people’s wrong doing.
Just as the long-time rivalry between her race and Quaquaval race in Paldea Navy, Yangzi doesn’t get along with the current commander - Mr. Bravo. With Mighty Robo on hand, she dreams of being the first non-avian commander of Navy.
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For a long time, she couldn’t find a way to evolve and stuck in receptionist position at navy. The family’s guide was too vague - “Becoming a selfless hero”. As Yangzi was always good to others and they treat her well, she doesn’t know how to be even more selfless.
Yangzi’s will of breaking the tradition in army has synced with Chienpao, the Ruinous deity sealed in the shrine near her location. They often talked and formed a friendship.
When the seal was about to be broken, the residents around the area were worried that a dangerous monster will be released, and rock slide will cause damage to that area.
Yangzi decided to put her trust in Chienpao and managed to awake Mighty Robo to save both residents and the Ruinous. That’s her evolution.
While their friendship continues, the beast is interest in Yangzi’s robo and modern weapons, so it decided to stay by her side. Other people told her to be careful with the dangerous deity, but she only feels like keeping a pet.
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It's me again. If you don't mind at all, maybe some T!4loha and G!G0ggles? Comfort/Fearplay maybe? After a encounter with a mean squid. -shy goggles anon
i wasnt kidding when i said you'd be getting it tonight!!!!
again im so sorry it took me- checks ask date- holy shit almost 7 months to finish this D: i feel bad about that :sob:
regardless, here! way less fearplay way more fluff hehehe
technically a continuation of victory treats' "alternate" (saying it in air quotes bc its the canon ending DSBDJHS) ending
Word Count: 1033
I hope you enjoy!!!~
Aloha took a sharp breath as he found himself backed against a wall, glaring up at Emperor with fear shimmering in his eyes as the king knelt down. 
“Aww, what’s wrong, Aloha?~ Nobody around to save you this time?~” The tiny pink inkling pressed himself further against the wall, jamming his eyes shut as Emperor reached for him, tensing up as a hand wrapped around him.
“Hand him over, Emperor.” Aloha opened his eyes into slits as he heard another voice, relaxing a little at the sight of Goggles standing at the other end of the alleyway.
“And what can you do if I don’t, hm?~”  “I’ll tell Rider.” “Ah… I see.”
Aloha froze up a bit as he was lifted towards Emperor’s face, squirming as he remembered what happened last time he was in this situation, shouting at the giant holding him. 
“Let go!” The pink inkling yelped in fear before he was tossed into the air, closing his eyes tightly and bracing himself to land in Emperor’s maw. He felt a rush of air beneath him, hearing an annoyed sound from Emperor before the light seeping into his eyes vanished, landing somewhere wet and squishy. Definitely a mouth.
Aloha opened his eyes a bit, slightly relieved to see he was, in fact, not in Emperor’s mouth, instead finding himself in Goggles’ mouth. It wasn’t much better of a situation, but at least he felt safer, squirming slightly as he was licked at. 
Goggles’ eyes widened as Emperor tossed Aloha into the air, thinking fast and running over, shoving the yellow inkling out of the way and catching the tiny in his mouth, gently licking at him as he stepped away from Emperor, who was trying to stand.
“Oh you little-” The blue inkling turned, narrowing his eyes as he quickly swallowed Aloha, ducking down and rolling out of the way as Emperor attempted to pin him to the wall. Goggles mumbled a quick apology to Aloha before standing, his eyes narrowing as Emperor turned to glare at him.
“Later, loser!” The blue inkling grinned, before grabbing onto a slightly loose brick on the wall, taking a second to position himself properly before throwing himself upwards, jumping between the walls until he was on the roof of one of the nearby buildings. 
“...You alright in there, Aloha?” Goggles murmured once he caught his breath, letting out a relieved sigh as he heard a quiet ‘Yeah’ from the pink inkling, before starting to run along the rooftops.
Aloha winced as he was swallowed, grimacing at the constricting walls of the throat squishing and squelching around him and becoming a bit nervous as he felt the world shift. He heard Goggles mumble an apology, sighing softly as he slipped into the blue inkling’s stomach. 
He felt the walls around him churn a bit as he entered the organ, muttering something under his breath as Goggles shouted something at Emperor, before apparently jumping between walls. Aloha steadied himself a bit as the movement came to a stop, looking up as he heard Goggles’ voice.
“...You alright in there, Aloha?” The pink inkling sighed in relief at Goggles’ concerned tone, moving to pat the wall next to him as he responded, “Yeah.”
Aloha let out another sigh as he relaxed into the wall behind him, the ebbing adrenaline starting to make way for drowsiness, slowly closing his eyes as he began to drift off, his breathing slowing as he settled into a comfortable sleep.
Goggles relaxed a bit as he finally walked down the stairs from the roof of another apartment, keeping an eye out for Emperor as he walked towards his and Rider’s house, letting out a relieved sigh as he opened the door, greeted by the sight of Army pacing back and forth on the coffee table. 
“You’re back! Where’s Aloha, is he alright?” The blue inkling couldn’t help but laugh softly at Army’s worry, closing and locking the door behind him as he walked over and sat down in front of the coffee table. 
“He’s with me. Someone else found him before I did, but I got him away from ‘em. They were being… Less than kind.” Goggles mumbled the last part, deciding on the spot not to mention Emperor by name. It’d get relayed to Rider somehow. He hadn’t quite noticed Army moving backward, flinching when the shrunken orange inkling jumped onto his hand.
“Hey!- Don’t do that…” He sighed, wrapping his hand around Army in an attempt to stop him from doing anything else stupid. “Go on, then. Either let him out or let me in.”
Goggles rolled his eyes at the orange squid’s words, before slipping Army into his mouth, almost laughing at a seemingly shocked movement from the tiny. He carefully coated the orange inkling in saliva, ignoring the squirms as he swallowed Army into his throat with a smirk.
The blue inkling traced the small lump in his esophagus until it reached his stomach, moving to get into a comfortable position on the couch as he felt drowsiness begin to take hold. “Hehe… That’s why you don’t challenge me~”
Army rolled his eyes at Goggles’ teasing words, grimacing as he was squeezed into his stomach. He thought about complaining before shaking his head, sighing with a soft smile as he moved to rest beside Aloha, who was fast asleep. He leaned against his fellow S4 member, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to relax. It wasn’t long before both he and Goggles joined Aloha in sleeping.
Rider unlocked the door to his home, closing and, once again locking the door behind him. He glanced over at the couch, laughing quietly as he saw Goggles sleeping with a hand resting over his stomach, clearly able to tell what’d happened.
He sighed softly as he walked over, carefully wrapping his arms around the blue inkling and moving to carry him to their room, getting him to bed before going to look for Skull and Mask. Rider smirked as he saw the two trying to sneak over to Goggles, just nodding softly when they realized they’d been spotted. 
It’d been a long, eventful day. They all deserved some rest.
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badlydrawn-mituna · 2 months
kankri is taking terrible care of his grub ;-;
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"GRU8 G0773N"
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"17 7H15 P01N7 1M M4K1NG 4N 4RMY!!"
"..4ND 1LL T4K3 B3773R C4R3 0F 7H3M H3H3"
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donating-stags · 8 months
About this blog and its purpose
Howdy! So, as my description says: this here blog is for gathering charity posts into one place. For ease of finding, should anyone want to get involved. This blog is not for posting news. Only charities.
I accept submissions to this blog for charities others have found and would like to archive here. However, there are guidelines to what is accepted:
Only charities meant for a good cause such as-
Supporting the Queer Community
Supporting Civil Rights
Supporting Access to Healthcare (including Abortion)
Supporting Access to Education and Books (this includes Libraries)
Supporting Relief Causes/Medical Aid/Food Aid/etc for Victims of War and Genocide
Charities from any country or territory can be submitted
This blog will not post, reblog, or accept submissions for-
Individuals as they cannot be properly verified
Art Commissions. Although more trustworthy, these belong on art blogs
Anything supporting hate groups and bigotry. I shouldn't have to explain this (this includes Aut1sm Sp34ks and S4lvation 4rmy)
Anything found to be a scam
Kickstarters for video games and the like
Asks are to be reserved for questions about this blog and clarifications
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seokmins · 2 years
So sending this on anon to not like completely dox myself lol but I’m from a country (not Korea) that has mandatory military service and like it’s really not as deep as 4rmy are making it seem like I guess I can’t fully speak on the experience in Korea but in my country celebs that are doing their service do like office jobs not going out to war idk maybe I’m biased but I just like don’t see what the big deal is lol, like yeah it sucks for fans that they can’t promote but it’s not like they fall off the face of the earth we still see male idols during their service occasionally
You're exactly correct, it really isn't that deep. From what I've gathered, a lot of armies speaking abt it have 0 idea how any of it works and a good majority have gotten so codependent upon the group that they don't know how to function and instead seem to be lashing out or smth. Really it's truly mind boggling to me! Like, I'm not invalidating anyone's sadness or even disappointment but for me, it's the being malicious to other groups and even the country/what is life going be like now kind of mentality that bugs me.
And you're right! No one really goes to combat from my understanding anyways and either Baekhyun or Shownu or both or someone else just did the public service kind of duties. And like some of that is for health reasons while others DO wanna do the whole physical training thing. To each their own! Like istg bts aren't going to be dropped on a deserted island for 2-3 years w/o any outside contact 😭 it'll just be quieter and slower for them which I think is actually gonna be really, really healthy for everyone involved.
And just imagine like being an office intern/worker and Namjoon walks in and says hi 😭 ALSO A PSA FOR INTERNATIONAL ARMIES TO JUICE AND OIL THEIR BRAINS AND NOT ROMANTICIZE ANY OF THAT PLS 😭 I beg of u. I'm actually gonna start being scared when army catch on to how tasty men are in their natural state 😩
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jeonwonwoo · 2 years
so many 4rmy anons yet not a single one mentioning the things you pointed out in your original post. come on now! refute it!!!
RIGHT like im not here to go after the tannies im here to say stop bring racism into fanwars!! and stop losing ur morals over kpop men
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zea9love · 1 year
Wait, let me get this straight. 4RMY’s stay telling people in other fandoms that they can’t use certain nicknames cuz a BTS member “oWNs tHe niCkNaMe”, but once Hottest told them that Capta!n K*rea is Taecyeon’s nickname, 4RMY’s had a bitch fit and started a fanwar with Hottest?
Then some hating ass 4RMY said Taecyeon was built like a fridge (idk how that’s a drag when he looks like he does, but ok), he made a few jokes about it today, and now 4RMY’s are talking shit about him, calling him a flop, and saying HE started the fanwar between 4RMY’s and Hottest???
And all of this over a NICKNAME that 4RMY’s are mad they can’t use even though they stay telling non-4RMY’s that they can’t use certain nicknames?!
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hackgit · 2 years
[Media] ​​DARKARMY
​​DARKARMY A Collection Of Penetration Testing Tools, you will have every script that a hacker needs. https://github.com/D4RK-4RMY/DARKARMY @HackGit
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zukkas · 3 years
i will never understand the level of obsession some fans have with celebrities/content creators. that shit is so unhealthy
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dmumt · 3 years
imagine being an elsa without acknowledging that minseok is the ace not only of exo but also kpop
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markwan · 4 years
y’all need to stop dickriding bighit pls i beg of you
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I wouldn't mind the story being answered in an ask -shy goggles anon
Alright then! I hope you and your friend enjoy the story (Feel free to send a followup ask if youd like!), sorry it took a while to get out!
Enveloping Voretex
Characters: t!al0ha, g!$kull (4rmy and m4sk are mentioned towards the end)
Warnings: Vore obviously (Willing, soft/safe for the first part, unwilling soft/fatal(for the pred, also is not a main character) for the second), fearplay (? kind of??)
Word count: 1177
Notes: Bit of vore-ception in this one, if you will. skull noms aloha, then skull gets nommed by something else.
Writing under the cut as usual!~ Hope you guys enjoy!!~
Skull held Aloha close to his chest as he ran through the forest, skidding to a stop at the edge of a slick, muddy slope and cursing under his breath as he turned, seeing the shadowgrasper coming out from the trees. He looked down at the tiny pink inkling in his hands, protective instincts suddenly flooding him as he lifted Aloha, silently asking him a question, relief in his eyes as his tiny friend nodded. He moved Aloha closer to his mouth before, in one well-trained motion, swiftly moving his mask down and slipping Aloha into his mouth before putting his mask back. Skull carefully pinned the smaller inkling to the roof of his mouth as he ran forward, jumping up as he moved through the air, landing on the slick slope and sliding down as if he was skiing. His eyes widened as the rest of the clearing came into view, allowing him to see that the slope he was going down led directly to a hole, and the slope was just part of a funnel-like mudslide towards the hole. He banked to the side, now circling the hole, though slowly geting closer to it, noticing that the shadowgrasper was remaining at the solid edge of the mud. ‘Shit.’ Skull thought as he drew closer to the hole, still a good distance away from it, but he was definitely getting closer. Of course, thats when he had to make the fatal mistake, stumbling a bit in his movements and falling down, accidentally swallowing Aloha in the process, cursing under his breath. “Fuck, man... You’ve got to be kidding me...” He huffed, trying to find his footing, just slipping back down, getting closer to the hole by the second. Skull braced himself as he drew nearer to the edge, unsure of how deep it was or what could be at the bottom, trying to stop himself from getting any closer, his eyes widening as the ground vanished beneath his legs. “Brace yourself, Aloha... I’m going in.” He closed his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth as he tried to hold on to the edge of the hole, before slipping off, freefalling into the darkness. And he kept falling, deeper and deeper, for what felt like ages. He couldn’t see anything, not even able to see where he’d fallen in from anymore. Then he landed, not expecting to have survived the fall, much less have landed on something squishy... and slimy. Why was it slimy? Skull got his answer after a few moments, when he felt... Whatever he was on top of, move beneath him, gasping as he felt himself beginning to sink into it, struggling in an attempt to escape, soon finding himself unable to move other than useless squirms, continuing to be enveloped by the strange entity.
Aloha hissed as he was tossed to the back of Skull’s throat, wincing as he was swallowed. He instinctively squirmed as he was dragged down his friend’s throat, stopping for a moment as he heard the larger purple inkling swear about something, probably about having accidentally swallowed him. He huffed as he slipped into Skull’s stomach, looking up as he heard his friend speak. “Brace yourself, Aloha... I’m going in.” Aloha blinked as he heard that, confusion shimmering in his eyes before he felt himself almost floating, quickly realizing that Skull was falling. “Skull?! Are you okay!?” He shouted, not getting a response as his friend continued to fall. Eventually he fell back down, noting that he could still hear Skull’s heartbeat and feel his friend breathing. Everything was calm for a moment, before he stiffened as he heard Skull’s heartrate pick up, feeling movement around him, concern welling up inside him as his friend’s breathing became quick and shallow, slowly reaching up and putting a hand on the wall of Skull’s stomach. “Skull...? You alright?...”
Skull closed his eyes tightly as the entity worked its way around him, quickly dragging him the rest of the way into itself. He could feel it on every side of his body now, completely enveloped by it, coated in a liquid he could only place as saliva. He realized how bad the situation he was in was, managing to move one of his arms and digging through his pockets until he felt metal, grabbing the canned Booyah Bomb and gripping it, thinking over what he was doing, completely unaware of the small amount of liquid pooling at the bottom of his slimy containment, nodding to himself as he flipped the tab on the can. Skull opened his eyes a bit as a dim purple light filled the small area he was trapped in, having to wait for the bomb to charge on its own as he didnt really want to talk at the moment, flinching as he noticed the slowly rising liquid inside... whatever this place was. He grimaced as he felt the area press in around him, squirming a bit before feeling the charge of the bomb solidify, tossing it upwards. He let out a sigh of relief as the bomb successfully went off, clearing away the liquid that had been rising around him and killing the entity, but... Now he was trapped, not just in the hole, but inside the dead creature. “...I really should’ve thought that through a bit more.” Skull mumbled, squirming as he tried to find a way out, effectively realizing that there wasnt really one. “Skull! I got good news, and I got bad news.” He blinked as he heard Aloha shout his name, kind of having forgotten he’d accidentally eaten the tiny in all the commotion of having been eaten himself. “Just spit it out, Aloha.” “The good news is Army and Mask are on their way, I sent them our coordinates, the bad news is, it’s gonna take them about a day to get here, probably more considering how much shit tried to kill us when we were just casually wandering around.” “You had your phone the whole- whatever, doesn’t matter anymore. Thanks.” Skull shook his head, smiling softly. He looked around, his eyes finally adjusting to the darkness, seeing that, as expected, his ink hadn’t stuck to the walls around him, and that he was, indeed, completely trapped. Something else he noticed, though, was that it was still.... warm, in here. Not suffocatingly warm, but it was just... Nice. He sighed, finally allowing himself to relax. “I’m gonna get some sleep, I’ve got nothing better to do...” He murmured, mostly to let Aloha know that he wouldn’t be responding, a yawn slipping out as he closed his eyes, hearing a response from Aloha, slowly falling asleep.
Aloha sighed as he heard and felt Skull’s breathing settle into a slow, steady rythm, smiling softly. He reached up, gently stroking the walls of his friends stomach and giggling quietly as he heard the quiet purrs from the larger purple inkling. “Sleep well, Skull...” He hummed, closing his eyes and resting his arms on his chest as he drifted off to the sounds around him.
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H3y, T00th D00d.
U R r34lly v1b1ng h4rd 4ll 0v3r t3h pl4c3, th3r3, mai gai, 4nd g3tt1n' n3rv3z 4nd zw34t 4ll 0v3r 3v3ryth1ng. U 0k, d00d? U'r 3v3n m0r3 t1r3d 4nd n3rvy th4n th4t 4rmy d00d u'r w1th wh0 h4sn't zl3pt, l31k, 3v3r. Ai gu3zz.
Wai R th3r3, l31k, FOUR 0f U? N0, w41t....0n3. N0w 4n0t3r THREE 4g41n. B4ck t0 FOUR.
D00d, pull urs3lf t0g3th3r! Ur m4k1n' m3 D1ZZY!
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s-lay-ing · 2 years
How to be supportive to your 4rmy friend and at the same time get absolutely railed celebrating this "indefinitely" peace and quietness to come @ yahoo answers
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ka-go-me · 3 years
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    WHAT a trip yo! :O
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     I’ve hit 6,000 followers! It’s taken 8 years and some odd months...but I cannot believe I’ve reached this milestone~! Though I am fairly certain a good chunk of them are now fairly dead blogs--lol. Oh well. I still appreciate each and every one of you from the bottom of my very soul!! And I want to thank everyone! Especially those who have stuck with me and interacted with my sad attempt at Kagome. lmao.
➳・💕 тнє נєωєℓѕ σƒ му ℓιƒє       These are the people I’ve RPed with and have kept Kags company~      Muns and Muses I love and will always play with again till the end of      forever!
@loneinuyasha / @inunotaishou, @dokusedai (even tho she’s kinda gone), @ncohi / @senpujin, @greensunsct, @lifelesspriestess, @thecursedpriestess, @archeracrosstime (and ALL her blogs), @kaigashi, @adversitybloomed, @barbaricdragon, @xthesparequeen, @gainsborro (new as yu ar-I luv yu already!), @dxmxnpriiincxss, @bellscul, @amethyst-noroi, @slayerled, @slaheir, @windxdancer, @theunknownmasks​, @bldnce​, @bravxryy​, @the-weaver-of-dreams​, @shirokodomo​ / @puppet-slayer​, @withagentleheart​, @mcuntainbcrn​, @inkxpapers​ (EVEN THO WE HAVEN’T PLAYED 2GETHER IN A WHILE I STILL  ♡ YU SERGY!! lol ), @demon-slayer-kaiden​, @kanketsubitch​
➳・💕  α∂мιяє∂ ƒяσм αƒαя    These people are the RP blogs I follow–but haven’t had the chance    or the ideas or the guts to play with yet~Or that I just admire, cause    we’d probably never play due to mutual only rules.. But maybe some    day I will!!
@ceruleanferocity​, @halfdcg​, @redratrobed​, @izayohime​, @tnsga​ / @inuyaksha​, @ironreaversoulstealer​, @ofhigurashi​, @mamahigurashi​, @jakotsutowielder​, @youkaishowl​, @hokoriri​, @lonekey​, @chxmpionofjustice​, @bravedfate​, @glacies-tempestatem​, @giseihana​, @doublexedged​, @greatinu​, @quarteryokai​, 
➳・💕  ηση-яρ     This speaks for itself. x3 The few blogs I follow that are not rp blogs~     they may be  fandom  oriented  or  personals.  But  they  are  fuxing     awesome! I know a bunch of these aren’t following me-but Idc. xD  I     follow them and they’ve helped make my dash.
@rpmusings-galore​, @traditional-japanese-collection​, @kaze-ranna​, @inukag​, @doctorhawkeye​, @fypoedameron​, @inuyasha​, @one-woman-4rmy​
I think that covers it? Though, let’s be real here... I’m sure I’m missing people…xox;; And –If I am missing people-I’m sorry! I love every one of you! And thank you everyone for making my time here extraordinary!  💕 💕
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ttosaurus · 3 years
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@kimknightwalker @asongofsansastark @cloudyybean @koffeepreeto @the-sun-will-come-up @muutual-blog @one-woman-4rmy @wake-up-in-wonderland @breathingkpopforever @hyoyesn 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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