#4chan user
sparknightdrawing · 6 months
a character in relation to a character of @xx-the-cringest-ever-xx
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This is kekan,
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He uses 4chan
he is a proficient /f/ user
he is also a piece of shit
He would be an incel if not for his girlfriend
Who both me and @xx-the-cringest-ever-xx believe is too good for him
if only he hadn’t gone into that part of the internet, he would be a soccer champ!
if not for his genetically yellow teeth, maybe he would smile more
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mandemindisguise · 3 months
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months
Malleus looking at everyone else being happier than him:
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elbiotipo · 10 months
Oh, I just realized why there's not so much trolling in the internet lately, or rather, it's something people are unfamiliar with; signing up to websites is hellish, and they ask for all your personal data. Every fucking popular website asks you for your phone number, real name, double check identification, and all sorts of intrusive information to sign up. The other day I was configuring a new phone for my aunt and she would have been lost without me, there are jobs that ask for less background check than a fucking Gmail or Youtube account (which you need to use the Playstore), let alone instagram, or all sorts of stuff. Electronic banks have asked less verification from me than social media.
You can go through the hassle once (even though we shouldn't but it's a systemic issue at this point) but to open up an account for trolling and saying bullshit is too much of a hassle, unless you commit to it. There's also the fact that everything tries to be connected to your real name (it was such a process to make an alt Twitter as El Biotipo internet guy, not my real name) and real face (TikTok) now, and generations have grown expecting that, so the idea you could be some guy in the internet posting bullshit with no consequence just to rile up people and the fact that it could be fun, without the hassle of making new accounts, is lost.
So everyone thinks that when someone is posting absolute crap, they think they are being sincere (because why would you make an account on the internet just to lie???), when a few years ago, it would be just trolling.
Interesting this leads to a few places where the ancient art of Lying On The Internet For Fun is still alive; Reddit (ALL AITAs ARE FAKE, just so that you know), comment sections, and obscure forums. More interestingly, technically tumblr should be a place for that because it's one of the few places where you still can be mostly anonymous, but the average tumblr demographic is... como dicen los gringos? theatre kids? in a way, too nerdy and 'nice' to troll because that's lying and lying is bad you know
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incelq · 11 months
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can a 4chan user fall in love with a reddit user
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1nkdr1nker · 5 months
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Men who haven’t showered in years >>>
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ur-fav-is-a-killjoy · 6 months
What is pepe was a killjoy?
pepe is a far-right hate symbol, so no
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Ya know, if reddit was thing in Re-Animator you bet that Dan would've made one of those innocuous seeming AITA threads titled something like "Am I the asshole for not kicking out my roomate despite my fianceé asking me to?", and then spills the beans about EVERYTHING (including reanimation).
He's voted the asshole.
100% Dan would’ve turned to Reddit in a desperate attempt to get constant reassurance that he is a good person only it to continually backfire. I could also see Reddit being entirely unphased about the Reanimation because let’s be honest Reddits definitely seen worse
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daily-pokemon-trivia · 2 months
A nuzlocke is a well known challenge amongst Pokemon fans. The rules can vary but the basics are to release a pokemon that faints (because it 'dies'), only catch the first pokemon in every route and nickname them to be more attached.
The name is a mix of nuzleaf and fictional character John Locke from the tv show Lost. This is because the original creator of the nuzlocke made comics about his experience, and a prominent character was a Nuzleaf who looked like John Locke.
Nuzlocke also wasn't actually the original name of the challenge! It was just pokemon hard mode, and nuzlocke was simply a screen name the comic creator used. But over time the challenge itself got called a nuzlocke
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sleepii247 · 26 days
Femcels make me cringe because half of you use fucking 4chan
And you're just kinda cringe
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blushft · 5 months
do people associate trans men with 4chan...??
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mandemindisguise · 4 months
Ok femcel
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tako-cafe · 3 months
This is really niche but how would you guys like a genuine real web blog where I post as Cater Diamond live blogging the game events. There would be a chatbox on it so you can leave little comments and interact with him. It would definitely be a passion project but I think it would be cute to do.
Can delve deeper into his issues this way too because I feel like his mental health while ik is more apparent in the manga not the game is still important to me
I can make little posts and draw things from him hanging out with others, expand on him more. Idk I want to explore the psychology of Cater more and in a way I find fun
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touchlikethesun · 5 months
i mentioned to my brother that i was watching (direct quote) "some popular chinese anime and i don't really understand what's going on" and he was like "oh with lan zhan and wuxian? about cultivation?" and i started glitching because yes that's exactly what i'm talking about, but how did you guess that and how do you even know what that is???
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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the exclusion of little fang is, in practice, because i googled little fang map and the result was three years old and because i couldn't actually stay on any page for very long (like i said the entire poll got deleted and had to be retyped if i ever clicked off too long) i just Assumed it was actually only three years old. which sounded wrong but i've never been great with time
turns out that's a reupload, the original is 9 years old and deleted of the internet
but also like i wouldn't have included it anyway bc i hate poll sweepers, i would've just titled the poll "what's the third most iconic warriors map bc one and two are five giants and little fang"
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