#4c arg
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coffeegnomee · 2 months ago
4C arg time! shoutout Saph @heartcircus for liveblogging it and letting me know the streams from the subathon are actually restarted every game (more or less). So far the main thing is the signs that spelled "PRISM" (one letter per sign, scattered throughout the room) and the spruce door at the end.
From the top:
On 12/24/24 4c ends his stream by revealing a room of flowers presumably from Zam's flower garden, and places the one he stole this day in the center back of the room
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1/10/25 4c steals another flower from the flower field and around 37:40 adds a block of grass surrounded by spruce trap doors OUTSIDE the flower room, by where the secret door is.
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the next day, 1/11/25, this flower is gone.
After talking to Pangi he steals another flower from the field and eventually at 1:32:50 he shows the flower room once more.
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This is the day the PRISM signs were revealed, but more importantly, that line of flowers in the center is new.
The room used to just have the parts of the dirt that are surrounded by trapdoors: the U and the one block by the door.
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He places the stolen flower on the only open block: the one on the end.
There is also now a spruce door that is in line with this line of flowers, which is also in line with that first flower he stole and placed down on stream (all, interestingly, one block apart)
now the conspiracy:
There are 6 floating center blocks. After the first day of this, 4C has logged onto lifesteal 6 times: 12/28 for the roast of lifesteal, 1/4, 1/6, 1/9, 1/10 and now, 1/11, all on the subathon. None of those days showed him going into the flower room besides the days I screenshotted above.
Since he placed the second stolen flower outside the room on its own block, and then that flower disappeared, this could imply that each of these blocks signifies one day of being online and stealing flowers.
However that time he put it outside the room he did surround it with trapdoors, and now they are not surrounded. However there are already trapdoors around the U of the room and you can't add more around each middle block.
The door lines up with this row of blocks, and could very well easily have a massive hallway of more flowers stolen, 4C has since logged on on 1/12, 1/13, 1/17, 1/18, 1/19. And has yet to show the room again though at some point he mentioned he would soon.
this brings in PRISM: the door could reflect the room back, or scatter it like prismatic rays. no idea how you would do that in minecraft.
Prisms are shapes that have two bases that are the same as each other, and any number of sides that are also the same as each other.
"A prism is a solid shape that is bound on all its sides by plane faces." interesting phrasology there first-article-i-clicked-on-google
They look like this for anyone else who also forgot what a prism looked like:
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I immediately think of 4c's dilemma of being bound to these mysterious players he chose at the start of the season. Knowing too much and being unable to decide how to intervene.
The sides are identical, the top and bottom are identical. the shape is defined by the top and bottom.
ok now it's sounding more like zam and 4c being the top and bottom and defining the shape. A shape 4c keeps trying to keep up with with more and more flowers.
but i'm also just yapping at this point.
also interesting and probably not important: a cube is a prism.
More importantly, and classically, a prism is the thing used to refract white light into all the colors of the spectrum. It reveals that which is unable to be seen, but always there.
"prisms also can reverse the direction of light by internal reflection, and for this purpose they are useful in binoculars."
Which is just hilarious.
It's also interesting that the letters of PRISM are capitalized, much like the FOCUS team name.
When I first saw the signs before the final letter was found (R), I thought it was names of the people 4c is bound to. P= Princezam M= Mane R= rekrap S could be Squiddo.
But who is I? Or is it just "I" like I, me. 4C stuck in the middle of them.
Or is it like the FOCUS team name and sections of PRISM mean different people. PRI, SM? but who could SM be. But the letters are all on their own separate signs.
4C has implied that there are at least 3 people he is bound to. Before knowing he was going to talk to Zam during WASTE (12/7, the day kab listened in on their convo), on his stream, he explains how he is forever loyal to FOCUS, but:
45:00 4C: “A few months ago i thought up a few people who i liked what they were doing and i thought it would be interesting to be loyal to them as well. And they don't know it.”
It could be 2 if he was being hyperbolic and choosing to not say "a couple". Or it could be 4 or more. I've always been a fan of Zam, Mane, and Rek at minimum though.
a "few" months was also, technically, AFTER the start of the season. unless streamer's perception of time, like every streamer's perception of time, is skewed. And who knows which direction it could have been skewed. Season started 7/6.
Ok I forgot someone. ItzSubz_ is the only "I" username on lifesteal. But it's probably not him given idk if they've even ever talked ever and idk what 4c could have seen that he like what subz was doing. with zam it was clearly the pacifism, mane protecting the chunguses early season, rek being rekrap. But a Subz insert would be insane.
S could be Spepticle, Spoke, or SB as well. That would be really interesting if it was SB. But idk what he could have liked out of SB, he didn't log onto lifesteal for like multiple weeks after the start. I don't think 4c has ever liked what Spoke does? idk they've also never talked, and Spep is wonderful but he doesn't play the server. I would buy Squiddo because the team and it's the only S name he has interacted with. But then why not Cube. and he's already loyal bc FOCUS.
But I would take squiddo out since by this theory Zam is noted with a P like PrinceZam. Squiddo's ign is TheRealSquiddo.
Spep kind of makes sense and since he's never logged on he would never have asked 4c to do anything to know 4c is bound to him.
Or it's like PR, IS, M: PRincezam IS Manepear. lmao. idk man it's getting late.
I actually really like the I being stuck in the middle of the four other names. It feels like something 4c would also giggle over while making an acronym.
That's all my thoughts for now.
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heartcircus · 2 months ago
Saph is there still an arg going on with the 4C flower room or whatever? can you give a rundown of what is happening or is it just the brief PRISM signs thing from a few days ago?
hi gnome! i assume that the puzzle is still ongoing, though nothing in the room has changed since the last time we saw it. the most recent addition was the random signs scattered throughout the room spelling prism and a spruce door of which we haven't seen the contents behind it. 4c says he works on it while the subathon is paused so there will probably be a new piece to it soon? i'd suppose? the last thing he really said about it was that chat "wasn't paying close enough attention" to what had changed in the room (which i believe was a reference to the signs cause a lot of ppl missed them lol)
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freakinator · 2 months ago
man i wanna check out the 4c arg but unfortunately idk if i have the will to comb through subathons like that so i'll just watch other ppl having fun from the sidelines
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2-5-1-20-18-9-24 · 8 months ago
Hello im 2-5-1-20-18-9-25 most of this blog will be whatever i feel like im a fan of photography, literature, arg's, and gaming
Also I might talk about trans stuff from time to time
Edit* note I uhh, might hornypost on main sometimes, soooo uh do with that what you will
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xxswagcorexx · 2 years ago
big enjoyer of the egg arg. why 4c driving the bus all of da sudden . why is hatsune miku there . THERES DIMENSION JUMPING?!?! also copious amounts of conspiracy and murder but we don't talk about that
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mirrormania · 4 years ago
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ANONYMOUS ASKED: || ❝ 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 79 6f 75 74 75 2e 62 65 2f 39 38 39 2d 37 78 73 52 4c 52 34 3f 74 3d 31 32 33 ❞
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    [ OK. ANON. I am a big enough fan of ARGs to know this is hex code... but you are not sending me to a youtube video I was not born yesterday !! ]
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htpasswd · 7 years ago
Pythonista3でTumblr API。URL scheme経由でTumblrに投稿
TumblrアプリのURL schemeがいつの間にか使えなくなった
いつの間にか、TumblrアプリのURL schemeが効かなくなり、アプリの起動しかできなくなっていました。
以前は使えた投稿用URL scheme。
Textwellで作成した記事を、上記のURL scheme経由で投稿していたのですが、呼び出してもアプリが開くだけ。
仕方がないので代替策として、Tumblr APIを利用することにしました。
Tumblr APIの利用にはOauth認証が必要です。 そのため、Textwell → Pythonista3 を経由してTumblr APIから投稿します。
Tumblr media
Textwell 1.7.2 分類: 仕事効率化,ユーティリティ 2017/9/26現在の価格: ¥360 (Sociomedia)
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Pythonista 3 3.1 分類: 仕事効率化,教育 2017/9/26現在の価格: ¥1,200 (omz:software)
Pythonista3からTumblr APIを利用する
Tumblr APIの利用登録をする
以下のページから利用登録をします。 https://api.tumblr.com/console/
import requests as r; exec(r.get('http://bit.ly/get-stash').text)
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Pythonista 3にシェル、Dropbox同期・ダウンロード機能などAppleが許さない機能を追加する   MENU 価値ある情報をユーザー視点で発信するブログ  2016/07/05     2016/07/06iOS最強の統合開発環境Pythonista 3。開発言語はPython 3.5 / 2....
余談ですが、参考にしたサイトにはDropbox同期のための DropboxSyncv2.py DropboxFilePicker.py も紹介されてます。これもインストールしておくと便利です。 ただし、バグがあります。 バグ取りには以下の記事が参考になりますよ。
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iOSの最強無敵なプログラミング環境 Pythonista 3 を使えるようにした - a.sueの日記 はてな版 Pythonに興味を持ってから、いろいろ本を見たりネットを調べたりしてたんだけど、iOSのアプリPythonista 3が凄いらしい。Pythonista 3を App Store でiOS上で動作す...
Pytumblrは、Tumblr API操作用のパッケージです。
API | Tumblr Pytumblr
pip install pytumblr
site-package 以下にpytumblrというフォルダが生成されます。 Pythonista3で動かす場合には、以下の作業が必要です。
Python2で書かれたコードをPython3にする。 pytumblrフォルダ以下のファイルに対し、「Python 2 to 3」を実行し、Python2から3に変換します。
request.py を一部書き換える。 このままですと、JSONロードでエラーが出るため一部変更します。
data = json.loads(content)
data = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
これで、Pythonista3からTumblr APIを利用する準備が整いました。
PyTumblrのReadmeを参考にしてプログラムを作成します。 PyTumblr
import pytumblr import sys import webbrowser args = sys.argv #Authenticate via OAuth client = pytumblr.TumblrRestClient( '', '', '', '', ) blogName = '' #Creating a text post(下書きとしている投稿) client.create_text(blogName, state="draft", title=args[1], body=args[2])
TextwellからURL Schemeで呼び出して使いたいのでsys.argvを使いました。
例えば、上記のプログラムのパスが /Menu/tumblr_post.py の場合、これを呼び出すURL Schemeは以下の通りです。
Import Textwell ActionPost with Tumblr App
と、ここまで書きましたが、 Tumblr APIの操作用ライブラリは、javascript用も用意されているので、Textwell単体でも何とかなりそうですね。
追記 Tumblr Appのjavascriptライブラリですが、ドキュメントにはブラウザのみで使う用のライブラリじゃない(クライアントサイド用ではない)と記載されてました。残念。 サーバーサイドでnode.js使うみたいです。
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coffeegnomee · 2 months ago
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two new flowers, why is the right one on a moss block.
immediately makes me think of the tunnel rats moss block that leads to the lower levels but this is bedrock level.
he also stared at the door but didn't go in.
i dont think anything else is different.
but notably my last guess about him adding a block and flower every time he's been online (regardless of going to the base) is not holding up if there's only two new flowers. It should have been 8 more by now.
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coffeegnomee · 2 months ago
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I hate that RI could be them. 4C liked dirtica.
But he didn't like how Red killed him about 5 minutes after this screenshot. He doesn't like random killing at all. And he didn't like how Red was against the peace trials.
So it's just a conspiracy. But one I look wistfully at.
But like P, RI, SM. zam, red and subz, squiddo and cube
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coffeegnomee · 2 months ago
soooo wanna team up and go through the entire dictionary to figure out what 4c typed to vortex together? no but fr i'm so curious i really want to know exactly what word he sent
i already have parts typed out and was gonna make a post but i dont know where to take like any of it
i think it's 5 letters. maybe 6. been trying to figure out what 5 letter word could be difficult enough that a lifestealer would have to potentially google a definition. a dictionary would work LMAO
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coffeegnomee · 2 months ago
Bro I love a good mystery. I love analysis. Who will zam become? I'm noting down every movement. What does mapicc really think? I've got a conspiracy board and red string ready. Was the orbital canon capable of firing a nuke shot? I'm off learning redstone mechanics. 4c arg? perfect distraction
And I love reading analysis. shoutout everyone on here who analyzes lifesteal. i love you all.
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freakinator · 2 months ago
just woke up wdym 4c got an arg/puzzle for chat
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