every-tome · 2 years
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damnfandomproblems · 10 months
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Fandom Problem #4420:
I know people will disagree with me on this and that's fine. But since it's anonymous I'm gonna say it anyway.
I hate hate HATE when people have Headcanons and/or artstyle that drastically change a character.
I get it. Yall can do what you want with a character.
But it's so fucking annoying when people twist the character into something barely recognizable. You don't need them to be "trans-malewife-nonbinary-ace-chubby-darkshinned-vitiligo-pastelgoth-freckled-bunny_eared-rainbow_haired-vegan-slut" for them to be relatable in anyway.
If you think I'm exaggerating there I'm very much not. I've seen more or less that exact thing done.
While there's nothing wrong with these characteristics, it's just wrong to apply them all to an already established character. And often people who do this don't even delve into things that already make the character interesting.
Yall literally add this stuff just to seem "woke" and it's super annoying. They don't need these things to be relatable. You don't need to see yourself in a character. It's enough to just make them supportive of you even if they are different from you.
Idc about what anyone else says but there is nothing wrong or shameful about making an ideal self insert character and having an already established character loving them.
You don't need a character to be like you in order for you to be valid. And you might be thinking "why can't I do this anyway?"
I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying it's fucking annoying to see a bunch of fanart from 8-17+ entitled performative activists who think they are better than everyone else by "fixing" a character by over adding "flaws" and twisting the character for "woke points".
Please just learn to appreciate the characters for who they are because thinking they have to be "flawed" to be loved is no better than thinking they have to be "perfect" to be loved. Sometimes doing the polar opposite of something isn't a good thing and makes you no better than the "other side".
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neproxrezi · 10 months
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gotta show off my latest mech, FRENZIED ALACRITY / CRESTING DAWN, a super speedy pulse blade user i've had a lot of fun making decals for (more screencaps under the cut i couldn't pick one)
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look at my gradients boy the warning was gonna say HIGH SPEED ACTUATION but that's a long word to fit on the mech
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worked too hard on the mri scan decal for where i wound up putting it.... you really have to look for it
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quick balteus s rank to make sure i was happy with the build and the appearance :3 i am definitely still a reverse joint legs stan but i like how zippy you can get on the alba legs
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urmomsfavelesbian · 10 months
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it’s been a year
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muirneach · 3 months
we were all saying if stef and grisha lose in the same round then grigors rank is secure but the live rankings are very much displaying him at 11 and stef at 10. so why is that. alsoooo in the rankings hubi is likely gonna be taking andrey’s number six spot 👀
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mebleioswietlenie · 2 years
Jakość, funkcjonalność i innowacyjny design - krzesło A-4420 ICHO marki PAGED
Marka PAGED została założona w 2005 roku przez trzech projektantów - Nikodema Szpunara, Pawła Leszczyńskiego i Marka Czartoryskiego. Produkty marki są tworzone z myślą o klientach, którzy cenią funkcjonalne oraz estetyczne meble. Wiedzą, że wszelkie detale mają duże znaczenie dla całości wystroju wnętrza, dlatego w ich projektach dużą wagę przywiązują do precyzyjnej jakości wykonania. Przy projektowaniu mebli skupiają się na ergonomii, ale nie zapominają o estetyce. Starają się, aby wszystkie swoje produkty wyróżniały się funkcjonalnością, trwałością i innowacyjnym designem. PAGED wykorzystuje materiały najwyższej jakości - drewno, skóra, tworzywa sztuczne, metal. Różnorodność materiałów pozwala na tworzenie mebli na miarę potrzeb klienta. Przykładem takiego mebla jest krzesło A-4420 ICHO, które łączy w sobie ponadczasowy design i ergonomiczne wzornictwo. To wyjątkowo solidne i trwałe krzesło, dzięki któremu każde wnętrze nabierze lekkości. Podkreśli ono luksusowy charakter każdego wnętrza. Krzesło A-4420 ICHO to idealne rozwiązanie dla osób, które cenią sobie funkcjonalność i estetykę mebla. Jest to mebel, który będzie dobrze prezentował się zarówno we wnętrzach nowoczesnych, jak i klasycznych. Dzięki swoim wymiarom, możliwości sztaplowania aż do 6 sztuk oraz wygodnemu siedzisku, będzie on doskonałym rozwiązaniem ze względu na komfort i ergonomię. Dodatkowo, z łatwością dopasujemy go do każdej aranżacji, gdyż dostępne są różne warianty kolorystyczne i materiałowe. Marka PAGED dba o to, aby tworzone przez nią meble były trwałe i funkcjonalne. Stawia na precyzyjne wykonanie i estetyczną formę, z której każdy klient będzie zadowolony. Produkty tworzone są na indywidualne zamówienie, co sprawia, że klienci otrzymują idealne meble do swojego wnętrza. Krzesło A-4420 ICHO to świetny przykład doskonałej jakości i innowacyjnego designu, który będzie doskonale sprawdzał się w każdym wnętrzu.
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ravivarma700rv · 2 years
Check Ashok Leyland 4420 AVTR Truck price in India with specifications, GVW, mileage, pictures and reviews. Find brand new Ashok Leyland Trucks at TrucksBuses website.
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sexylonestar · 1 year
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Nylon # 4420
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annaraebananawriter · 1 month
Day 1 - Stars
Hello all! I come bearing a new fic for a new ship week. This one (created by @starsanspolyweek) (which is also me) is for the Star Sans Poly ship! It's so fun to explore how much they mean to one another, and I thought about doing a ship week for them a few years back, but only got the courage and motivation to start it last year. So sorry about not posting anything for that one--I honestly just didn't get anything written. But this year I have!
I will try and update daily, though today is the only full day I have pre-written. The others are mostly a handful of words, or a blank page. We'll see how it goes.
Without a further ado, happy reading!!
Fandom: Undertale, but specifically UTMV
Characters: Dream (Who belongs to Joku), Blue  (Who belongs to P0pcornPr1nce) and Ink (Who belongs to Comyet)
Pairings: Star Sans Poly/Pre-Star Sans Poly
Warnings: None, actually, now that I think about it. Let me know!
Summary: "Dream is not mortal. His brother, Nightmare, is also not mortal. They are both gods. An incident in the past involving both of them forced the hand of the other gods to create a new rule: Mortals and Gods are not to interact, let one infect the other with knowledge they should not possess.
This rule becomes a problem when Dream becomes infatuated with two mortals, Ink and Blue."
Word Count: 4420
I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen:
The tree was always Dream’s favorite place to watch the stars. Nothing beat climbing up to the furthest branch, using skills built upon centuries of practice to get up with the ease and grace as a nimble forest animal would naturally have, using the same skills to balance there on a branch that would’ve cracked had he been anyone else.
Being so high up got him so close to the sky, so close he could almost feel the twinkling lights kissing him. He could spend hours there, crouched in the tree, staring up at the wonder most didn’t think twice of.
Correction: he has spent hours there. He often got so lost in the beauty of things that he forgot to return home, and so his brother would be forced to come and retrieve him. Though he’s often said to Nightmare to just let him be, and though his brother often agrees to do so, forever annoyed at having to leave their house for any reason, he is often going back on his word, there at the base of the tree to call him home before sunrise without fail, every night.
Tonight, it’s still early enough that he knows he has time to watch. He settles in, leaning against the trunk, eyes searching the sky for anything and nothing at the same time. If he were an artist, his fingers would itch with a drawing. If he were a writer, it would be a story or poem instead. He is neither, however, so instead all he does is look.
That is enough to content him.
He does sometimes wish he were more creative. Sure, he can sketch something and have it end up half-resembling the original idea, and he can string together a short story with a simple theme, but they both end up crude and childish. That’s not a bad thing overall, it just leaves him unsatisfied, forever envious of those who can do them.
It’s funny, really, that in all the centuries he’s been alive, he has never mastered the art of art. So many other things he can do with his eyes closed. Never art. The closest thing to it is baking, maybe gardening, both things he can do well enough. Healing might be considered an art in itself, but it’s not paint and words and colours and metaphors. It’s not something people will look at for years with awe, not something people will hang up on their walls or in galleries. It’s simply a skill to help others, as is his duty and job—the only thing he is ever frustrated by.
He doesn’t hate doing his job. No, he does enjoy helping people. It makes him smile when he can dry a child’s tears with some warm magic on the knee, or when he grants a miracle to a family who now needn’t worry about the cost of a funeral for someone so young. In fact, he prides himself on doing good, spreading laughter across the world. He loves the stories told of him, the kind way they portray him in artwork, and he’s flattered by the statues of him in temples. It’s all something he enjoys.
That doesn’t mean he can’t find it uncomfortable at times.
One of the very first things people decided about him was that he was never selfish. He was always working in favor of others, always, no matter the demand or price. As the people have sway over how the universe works, he is bound to this fact. He can never act for himself, not without it also benefiting others. In the beginning, he hadn’t minded this, naïve to there being a different way to live, but when he found out he was the exception to the general rule, he couldn’t help but find it unfair.
Yes, he is not mortal. That shouldn’t mean he cannot be as free as them.
He should not have to bend to their whim, pick up after their messes, make every tiny wish come true. He should not have to heal all their scraps, paper cuts to broken bones, and he should not have to drug them to feel happiness, his aura meant to be something soothing and helpful in a crisis, not something to get addicted to.
Through the years, he’s grown so irritated that the common belief about him is that he enjoys being seen as a slave. It is simply not true at all. He enjoys helping people, yes, but he does not enjoy how it is half of what people see when they look at him. He is so much more than that. He is the sun and the stars and the light of your home, the lightness in your chest. He is the pleasant morning breeze against your flushed skin as you close your eyes and bask in it. He is the relationship you have with your closest friends and family, the way they know you better than yourself, that unspoken trust that they will be there to hold you when you fall.
He is so much more than a helper.
Dream is a God.
Yet, the laws of the universe dictate that he never speak about his wants, for that would be ‘—blasphemy for suggesting that we have free will like the mortals. We do not. We serve Fate, and Fate tells us to serve the mortals, to act the part they want us to play.’
Nightmare is a stickler for the rules. He never used to be. He was once as dissatisfied with the role mortals gave him while he had not been able to see what he meant, too wrapped up in the glitz of attention. Time has seen that their roles flipped over. Now, Nightmare insists he remember the laws, remember the role he plays, the one both of them play. What happened all those years ago changed him so much…
Ah, but he rambles. As he always does when watching the stars.
It’s time to clear his mind, lean his head back against the bark and fall into his trance. Crickets are abound on the grassy floor of the hill below, providing a symphony as he follows his own instructions, stretching his leg out along the branch. On a whim, he plucks an apple out of the air, biting into it, letting the juice fill his mouth.
It makes him sigh, this simple act of savoring what he eats, especially since it’s not needed. It is something he wanted, and so it was something he did.
A small rebellion, if you wish to call it that.
Closing his eyes, he took another bite.
He should eat more often. It’s a pleasant experience, and the taste is amazing. This apple was just one of the many edible things out there, too. Perhaps he should try an orange next, or maybe one of those sweets he’s heard about. Something to consider the next time he comes to the tree to watch the stars, that’s for sure.
When he opens his eyes again to look at the sky, he finds himself looking at a face instead. Freezing like a deer caught in the hunter’s gaze, Dream looks at the face in front of him, eyes wide.
It belongs a skeleton monster, that much is obvious, and it’s eyelights do a curious thing he’s never seen before. They change. Shapes and colours, they change as the monster blinks, making him fascinated. He’s never met a monster whose eyes change colours. It’s intriguing to watch, and he wants to ask this monster how his eyes work. Does he pick the colours and shapes? Or do they just happen? Does he know his eyes change, or will the news surprise him?
And then he remembers the new law, instilled after Nightmare’s incident: Mortals and Gods are not to interact, let one infect the other with knowledge they should not possess.
Remembering it, and realizing this would count as a violation of the law, makes his eyes widen even further, something in his stomach churning uncomfortably. He starts to panic, thinking of the repercussions of this act is found out, how it will affect Nightmare, since the universe is much more willing to blame any fault of his onto his brother.
The apple slips from his hand as his grip loosens.
The mortal catches the apple before it falls too far to salvage. “Hello!” The mortal says, grinning. His eyes change again, distracting Dream from his panic for a few moments. There’s an ink splotch on his cheek. Is he aware of it? “What brings you all the way up here?”
“Um…” Dream says, and then his panic returns, engulfing his line of thought. Automatically, he tugs at his magic, giving it the order to teleport him out of this interaction before he gives away more than he should.
Unfortunately, he does think of a destination along with the order, so he blinks and finds himself falling, having only teleported below where he was sitting, in a space without any branches to catch himself with. The beginning of a scream escapes him before he manages to wrench his mouth shut. It’ll do no good to draw even more attention to himself, not now. The best he can do is keep quiet and begin to teleport again.
Before he can give the order, he is caught, his hand instinctively clenching the fabric of a shirt. Blinking once, then twice, he breathes heavily as it sinks in that if he was caught that means…he looks up at the face of another mortal, another skeleton monster at that, who is looking down at him with concern, checking that he is alright.
Then, his face changes, jaw clenching, and the mortal looks up at the tree. “Ink! You were supposed to ask him why he was up there, not scare him into falling!” The mortal shouts up at the other one.
Ink, Dream thinks. How fitting, considering the splotch of the substance on his cheek.
The mortal who caught him does not have the changing eyelights of his companion, but that does not mean they are any less fascinating. They are blue, a bright blue that almost seems to glow, contrasted by the darkness that surrounds them. It’s a trick, he knows that—and really, the only eyelights that can glow are his own, a tell that he is not as mortal as everyone else—but it still makes his heart skip a beat.
Sounds of leaves being shaken come from above their heads, and they watch the other mortal—Ink—hop down. At first, the height he jumps from makes Dream panic, a feeling echoed from the mortal whose arms he was still in. Or maybe that feeling came first and he was the one that echoed it. Emotions were vague, that way. Landing perfectly fine, though with a bit of a stumble, Ink does not feel regret for making them worry, instead just laughs at them.
“I didn’t mean to, honest!” Ink says, grinning first at his companion, then looking down at Dream, blinking. His eyes change again: two question marks, different colours. “I gotta say, it’s weird that you got down here so quickly. I mean, I know you fell, but still. I didn’t hear any branches break or anything. The only leaves on the ground are from me.”
He’s observant. How terrible. Not only will he have to scramble for an excuse to leave as soon as possible, praying that he makes it home before anyone can get suspicious, he will have to find a way to avoid these questions.
The companion answers before he finds any words. “Don’t be silly, Ink, he just fell. That’s it. There’s nothing different about him.” He says the words pointedly, as if referring to something only the two of them understand. What were they talking about?
No, no, don’t ponder that!
Just go home.
Except he’s still in the mortal’s arms, and now he’s been in them so long, it feels too awkward to ask him to set him on his feet. That is the only reason he hasn’t moved, he tells himself, and nothing to do with the fact that it’s comfy here.
Ink scoffs, throwing Dream’s apple in the air and catching it. He takes a bite out of the other side, opposite from where his marks were. For whatever reason, the fact that this mortal is eating his food makes his cheeks burn. “You don’t know that. I’m telling you, there’s something off about him! Something…magical.”
His companion—he really must discover his name—shakes his head. He feels exasperated. Obviously, they have had many conversations like this. “Magic doesn’t exist.”
Unable to stop himself in time, Dream flinches. To proclaim that magic does not exist in front of a God, a being comprised of and birthed from the rawest form of magic, knowing you were in the presence of one or not…well, that hurts. It’s like someone denying a piece of you exists, no matter how much proof is written down, how many times you explain it to scholars and historians. It’s like they shake their head, telling you that you are the uneducated one, and referring you to a handful of resources that provide all the reasons as to why, exactly, you’re wrong about yourself.
Ink sees this flinch. “Ah, but he flinched when you said that! Why would he flinch unless you wounded him personally?” Grinning in triumph, he walks closer, standing in front of them with his hands on his hips. There is a small bit of apple stuck on the corner of his mouth. “Perhaps it’s time to ask the man himself. What say you, Magician? How do you explain traveling such a distance in such a short time?”
As the mortals wait for an answer, Dream swallows.
The only way to get out of this is to lie, which goes against everything that he is; God of Honesty and all that. Which is different from truth, yes, but it still holds the same restrictions. He cannot lie here, not fully. But there are many ways to lie and perhaps he can use that to his advantage by taking a page out of Nightmare’s book: avoidance and omission.
Yes, this will work. Or else he risks all of them being in trouble.
“Uh…” Dream says, swallowing again as he draws on his courage to raise his eyes to meet Ink’s. The changing eyelights are trained on him with unwavering attention. Clearing his throat, Dream tilts his head, pushing a curious expression to fall over his face. “Your eyelights change, did you know that? I’ve never met someone like that before.”
It’s a very clear avoidance, much like seeing someone you don’t want to talk to, making eye contact with them even, and deliberately turning and walking right back where you came from. Ink doesn’t call him out on it, though, instead just hums. “I see, I see. You want to keep your secrets. I guess I can respect that. A magician never tells, correct?”
“They’re very pretty to watch,” Dream continues as if he hadn’t replied.
Ink stares at him some more before shrugging. “Alright, Magician, keep your secrets. Maybe you’ll tell me your trick one day.” Now that his topic seems to be finished, he smiles, putting on a show of blinking and unveiling the brand-new eyelights. “Thank you! They are my second-best trait, if I do say so myself.”
Dream blinks. “Second-best?”
“Yes,” Ink laughs, eyes scrunching up. New eyelights appear. “They’re fine, but I’m used to them by now. It doesn’t excite me as much as it seems to excite you.” Sending him a wink, he reaches into his satchel, which is sat on the ground on a blanket he had been too preoccupied to notice before now. There are other things scattered on the blanket, a few snacks, and a telescope aimed up at the sky.
Finding what he’s looking for, Ink holds a notebook in front of him. “But these are much more interesting. I say this with modesty, of course. I would never proclaim myself one of the greatest artists of my generation.” With a hand on his heart, and a grin on his face to say how he really feels, he offers the notebook to Dream, who reaches out to accept the notebook but falters, remembering he is still in the arms of the other mortal.
Isn’t he tired yet? His arms must be aching by now. He is not a light God, certainly would not come across as a light mortal. But the mortal doesn’t appear to really notice him in his arms, content to stand as long as needed. Still, even knowing he wouldn’t mind holding him for a while yet, it feels like he’s being mean by taking a notebook to look through, lounging in the arms like it was his idea. Certainly, if he does this, he would come across as selfish, and as already established, this is something he cannot do.
But how to explain such things to a mortal…?
Ink seems to notice his dilemma, and he smirks at his companion. “Are you going to hold him all night, Blue, or are you going to allow him to stand on his own two feet again? I’m sure you’ve had plenty of time to make sure he was uninjured.”
His companion—Blue, Dream thinks to himself. How appropriate, with eyelights the essence of the word itself—jumps as if just remembering he is, in fact, holding someone in his arms.
“Oh, I am so sorry! I didn’t think to—I didn’t mean to—I’m so sorry.” He doesn’t seem to know how to explain himself, stuttering and starting over as he sets Dream on his feet. When he looks back at him, Blue is blushing, flushed from his neck up, the colour just as bright as his eyelights as it glows. Ink is laughing in front of them, not even trying to hide it.
Dream smiles, laughs a little himself, patting him on the shoulder. “If it helps any, your arms are quite comfortable.”
Blue’s blush deepens. “Thanks.”
Taking the notebook from Ink, he first runs his fingers over the cool sensation of the leather cover. He’s unable to tell what colour it is exactly, too much of the pigment sucked into the darkness that surrounds them—which reminds him of another problem. “It’s too dark to see your art.”
Ink looks up at him as he plops himself down onto the blanket. He’s still eating Dream’s apple. “Ah, right. Forgot it was night.” Laughing at himself, he shrugs. “I guess you’ll just have to borrow it and wait till morning to look at it.”
Blue frowns at Ink, having walked around Dream and is fiddling with the telescope. “You’re giving it away? You never give your sketchbook away.”
With those words, Dream’s hand stills, fingers hovering in the air, a hair width away from the cover. Never? What made him so special, then?
It seems that’s Blue’s question as well, the one not spoken aloud. Ink shrugs again, answering both of them at the same time. “I’m not giving it away forever. It’s not like he’s just going to keep it.” Pausing, he looks at Dream, appearing for the first time this night nervous. “Are you?”
Dream shakes his head. “Of course not! I understand how important your art is to you artists. I would never steal it from you.”
“Right.” Gesturing at Dream, Ink continues talking to Blue, “See? I’m not giving it away. I’m letting someone borrow it.”
“Yes, but you never do that either.”
“There’s a first for everything.”
Silence rings in the air as both companions fall silent. He cannot help but feel that an unspoken conversation was just had with those few words, a conversation he is not even somewhat aware of. Like Ink said—a first for everything. What did they talk about? Was it about him? Must’ve been. Was he really that important to them?
Oh no, he didn’t interrupt anything, did he? Is he ruining something by lingering here? Well, he is, but is he ruining something for the mortals, too?
It’s best he leaves, quickly now, before—
“Are you going to sit down, Magician?”
Blinking out of his worries, Dream clutches the book to his chest. “Pardon?”
Ink tilts his head back, looking at him upside down. “Are you going to sit down, join us? I promise you; we don’t bite.” Another pause. “Not unless we have to.”
Blue smacks his arm. “Ink!”
Ink laughs, the sound beautiful, filling the quiet as if it was always meant to be there. “What? Just telling the truth. You really have nothing to be afraid of, I swear it. We’re out here to test run Blue’s telescope, that’s all—he built it himself, you see.”
Mouth opening in surprise, Dream draws closer, inspecting the telescope. It’s true. It’s made out of a mixture of wood and metal. If he reaches a hand out to touch the barrel, he runs the risk of getting a blister. Despite this, it is pretty, the rough wood a nice texture, the cool metal that frames the edges, that makes up the legs and the viewing port a nice difference, a good compliment. He cannot see too many details—again, too dark—but he can tell that a lot of work was put into it.
Shifting his gaze, he finds Blue’s gaze. “It’s amazing. How did you build it?”
Shrugging, gaze dropping back to his fiddling, Blue mumbles. “It’s nothing special, really…just wanted to make something to look closer at the stars…”
Beside him, Ink groans. “Don’t be silly, Blue.” Scooting over, he leans against Dream’s back, his breath warming the side of his skull as he whispers into where his ear would be if he was based on a human. “I keep telling him not to be so modest. It never sticks.” Getting louder, he leans forward even more, pointing at Blue and his telescope. “You built it to prove to your classmates that you didn’t get into school by chance. You built it because you knew you could. You built it with your heart, with determination—that’s how you built it.”
It seems Blue is unused to so many compliments in a row, the flush creeping back in, but Dream can tell that this is a proud flush, not an embarrassed one. “Bit more to it than that, but I suppose…and I can tell that I need to change the glass—I don’t think this was the correct cut. I need to change other things a bit, too, as it’s not zooming in as much as I want it to…” The longer he speaks, the more confident he gets, the more relaxed. He is in his comfort zone now, talking about his telescope, about the intricacies of it.
As he rambles, Dream glances over his shoulder to Ink, finding him looking at Blue with a smile far gentler than his grins were. This one, he can tell, is only used for moments like this, looking at someone he loves. Oh, how much he loves Blue…the emotion is like flying up into the sky, being among all the stars, all the lights, and closing your eyes and letting yourself fall, the euphoria in letting go.
It makes Dream’s essence pulse in tandem, like a heart skipping a beat.
However, in doing this, it reminds him of how different he is to these mortals. Why he puts them all in danger the longer he stays.
If Nightmare were to catch him like this…it would not be worse than the others, but it would mean being on lockdown. He would not be able to go anywhere without his brother breathing down his back, watching his every move, through his own eye or one of his familiars’. His brother is paranoid, afraid of what the others have done. If he sees this, he will worry that the others have as well, that the same thing that happened to him will happen to Dream…
He should leave. He should leave, right now.
Tuning out of the conversation, Dream looks down at the book in his hands, runs his fingers over the leather, feeling an indentation where Ink has carved his name.
Ink has given him his sketchbook, obviously a weighted responsibility with the way they were talking earlier. Then there’s Blue and his telescope, which he built from the ground up with his own two hands, and the way lying in his arms was so comforting—he wants to know everything about them both. Why build things? Why draw things? Why create things?
These two mortals are the first ones he’s spoken to in a long, long time. Since before Nightmare’s incident and the law was fashioned. He wants to know how things have changed from last time, how much progress they’ve made as a society—he has heard of an Industrial Revolution, would like to know about it from the eye of mortals, maybe even see the changes it had made for himself. He longs for it, an ache in his bones that he cannot ignore any longer, has so many questions and two people able to answer these questions sitting so close to him.
It's dangerous to stay…but it would be terrible to leave.
The mortals deemed him selfless, to never act for himself. They might have had good intentions at first, but they quickly grew greedy with their order and wishes, and the gift turned into a curse, a prison. He has spent so long behind these bars, watching mortals grow close with one another, watched the others dictate the laws of the universe like they were the only deciding factor of it. He has watched mortals revolt tyranny all on their own, watched them write into their laws time after time some version of free will, that everyone has the right to be who they are, all of themselves, without judgement, without prohibition.
Perhaps the same can be true of a God…
Perhaps the same can be true of him.
There is a first for everything, and so Dream decides to try and be selfish, sitting down on the blanket to stay in the mortals’ company for a little while longer.
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frenchcurious · 3 months
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Jean-Pierre Jabouille (Renault Alpine - Alpine A442 #4420) 1000 km de Monza 1975. © LAT / Motorsport. - source Carros e Pilotos.
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damnfandomproblems · 10 months
Responding to #4420
A lot of people, me included, project headcanons that may contradict canon onto a character cuz they identify with that character such as trans and nb headcanons.
It really just sounds like you don't want trans people and poc to identify with characters you like which is kind of bigoted dude
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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pan-cakes-makes · 8 months
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The island is getting groovy in today’s Animal Crossing speed build. We’re building Shep a funky fungi farm to perfect his chill dude lifestyle. This retro build has a mushroom farm filled to the brim with shrooms of all varieties & Shep’s house is so saturated with cozy vintage 70s vibes, any hippie will feel right at home here. So stock up on some munchies, settle into a comfy seat, & let’s take a trip into this groovy mushroom forest.
Dirt Path: MA-4147-2454-4020
Swamp Path: MA-9123-2344-9524
Crochet Pattern: MA-3271-3867-8667
Mushroom Pattern: MA-6151-7610-0522
Mushroom Sign: MA-9678-8973-9542
Greenhouse Windows: MA-1244-4757-3826
Cobblestone Path: MA-1170-1047-2974
Eyebrows: MA-1409-5733-1266
Mush Tank: MA-6332-4420-8347
Eyebrows: MA-1409-5733-1266
Get the full scoop on YouTube here
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nomsfaultau · 20 days
Went through my inbox for the past 4 days, figured out which ones are verified, donated to those I could. If you send an ask with proof of donation I can do doodle or drabble requests. Please help these poor Palestinians trying to save themselves and their families. Donating a little goes a long way for boosting the visibility of a campaign.
Vetted--to my knowledge, looking for rb and spread sheets from known vetters. Also by association.
Habib and their 4 kids trying to get out of Gaza https://www.gofundme.com/f/b3pgr-help-save-my-childrens-lives?attribution_id=sl:3e08d450-cb3a-4b95-98a1-ba1b128acf73
Noureddine trying to get his babies vaccinated and safe, verified by 90 ghost and roadimusprime. https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
Ahmed is verified by 90 ghost and association, and their kid Walaa has diabetes https://www.gofundme.com/f/reunite-us-with-our-beloved-4-kids-stuck-in-gaza
Safaa has been by multiple sources, trying to get husband and baby out. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-safaas-quest-to-get-her-family-to-safety?lang=en_US
Falestine and her family, vetted by el shab hussein and nabulsi https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-palestine-and-family-survive-the-gaza-crisis?attribution_id=sl:27efd885-d33d-4200-8eb1-c538d2b5a596
Mohammed Shamia and his large family, vetted by el shab hussein and nabulsi https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-a-med-student-his-family-evacuate-to-safety?lang=en_US
Hashem Al-Shawish and their 8 family members, verified by 90 ghost according to the notes https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-baby-omar-and-his-family-survive
Eman is 17 and is trying to get her and her mother out, vetted by multiple sources https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-eman-and-her-mother-evacuate-for-urgent-medical-treatme?attribution_id=sl:bf50c6a7-abbb-451b-a03b-414b9c0fd286
Heba Al-Anqar is a university student trying to get their family out of Gaza. Vetted by 90 ghost https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-heba-and-his-family-to-survive-their-life?attribution_id=sl:a765f7a3-db3e-4356-98b3-52ac21332aa9
Mohammed Hijazi, who is very close to having enough to save him and his parents. Verified by paper Mario wiki https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-mohamed-and-his-elderly-parents-from-genocide
Abed Rahman El-Shaer, trying to get basic needs for his family. Verrified by el shab hussein. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-abeds-family-survive-and-escape-war
Israa Al-Tawel trying to get her family out, vetted by association https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-israa-and-her-children-to-evacuate-gaza
Amina Yasser and her children, has had 7 total donations. Vetted by Association. https://www.gofundme.com/f/helpaminayasserandchildren
Maryam and her family. Vetted by Association. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-my-children-to-evacuat-gaza?attribution_id=sl:7f807785-2f9b-48ad-a07a-c52f1de03a56
Alaa trying to save her daughter, close to her 5k goal. Vetted by Association. https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-my-daughter-to-leave-gaza?attribution_id=sl:fdf7343e-4094-45bc-b9f5-966a1c5da1e6
Not verified-- to my knowledge; I tried to check notes and blog for ones that looked legitimate but hadn't the luck of getting verified.
Ali's Family, very little donations https://www.gofundme.com/f/t2du3-helping-my-family-get-out-of-gaza?lang=en_US
Shaima and Ibrahim, they are not vetted, reverse image search clear according to notes https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-shaimas-family-get-out-of-gaza?attribution_id=sl:21ce6984-0b87-4420-81a7-f2fc4933584f
Najah Al-Haila and their husband and four children, not vetted but donation protected according to notes https://www.gofundme.com/f/jtrbdq-help-us-to-survive?attribution_id=sl:5ceac81f-397e-4a1b-92bf-fe3507a3e5c8&lang=de_DE
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ryanthedemiboy · 2 months
I'm reading Agenda47
Page 7:
Republicans will secure the Border, deport Illegal Aliens, and reverse the Democrats’ Open Borders Policies that have driven up the cost of Housing, Education, and Healthcare for American families.
There are no open borders policies and that hasn't driven up the cost of anything because it doesn't exist?
Literally just double-checked, this page has 13 (though admittedly I didn't click through a single one) https://www.wthr.com/article/news/verify/immigration/no-the-biden-administration-does-not-have-an-open-border-policy-donald-trump-fact-check/536-ff0e6532-1b2c-4420-a076-9f8c41766acf
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hollowslantern · 19 days
I could manage 4420 but 4421 is just taking it too far
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phasianoidea · 21 days
I've gotten an influx of messages from people in need of help, so I am going to be compiling them on this post.
Nour (@noorabd1992) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza , currently at $15,039/$45,000 as of the time I'm writing this post.
Fidaa (@fidaa-family2) https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-fidaa-and-her-children , currently at $23,799/$30,000.
Hana (@heno-blog) https://www.gofundme.com/f/evacuate-yousef-and-his-family-from-gaza?attribution_id=sl%3Ae524ea42-9aa6-49ae-9a37-d2b14f07d89f , currently at £15,720/£50,000.
Salwa (@salwameq20) https://www.gofundme.com/f/jtrbdq-help-us-to-survive?attribution_id=sl%3A5ceac81f-397e-4a1b-92bf-fe3507a3e5c8 , currently at €1,365/€80,000
Mohammed (@mo-shamia) https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-a-med-student-his-family-evacuate-to-safety , currently at $62,935/$70,000.
Doaa (@dodoomar12345) https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-my-son-to-live-a-normal-live , currently at kr187,145/kr300,000.
Aahed (@aahed-family) https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-ashed-and-his-family-get-through-this-war-in-gaza , currently at €1,345/€40,000.
Shaima (@shaimaasblog) https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-shaimas-family-get-out-of-gaza?attribution_id=sl%3A21ce6984-0b87-4420-81a7-f2fc4933584f , currently at €1,648/€50,000.
Please help these people and their families if you can.
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