#420 future 666
itsemowaldo · 5 years
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Death is death. We can not escape it or deny it. We return to the Dark Lord one day. Long live the Dark Lord ! Our saviour and our King of Darkness . 666 666 666
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Baphomet is the only true lord and savior! Hail the morning star!! 666 666 666
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the-edelwood-beast · 5 years
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Crackscrew: I want to see my little boy!
NEO, walking to him: Here he comes-
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neo-n-district · 5 years
You find a wanted poster.
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They’ve been popping up everywhere in T-KO lately. You’re not sure who this robot is, but you have a feeling you don’t want to meet them.
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portpromise · 3 years
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decided to get into mommyblogging from now on 😌💁‍♀️💅
val.starling_69: what happens when a gryffindor and a hufflepuff fall in love? something might slytherin 😜🙈  i solemnly swear we were up to no good!!! 🙊 our future baby witch or wizard finishes brewing next week, smash that follow button to get updates on the birthing process ✨😂 #girlboss #yesshecan #selfcare #2021goals #mommyandbaby #oopsididitagain #instafun #instasexy #stillirise #neverthelessshepersisted
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oocr34 · 3 years
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krisispiss · 6 years
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chibitalex · 7 years
thanks ace
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Robert: NEO, what does... "owo, what's this" mean?
NEO: *W H E E Z E S*
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neo-n-district · 5 years
When I see the way you look Shaken by how long it took I can do almost anything I could even learn how to love... like you.
    NEO thought everyone forgot.
    He was gone for so long, locked up in that dreaded government facility. Day after day after day, torture session after torture session after torture session… when no one showed up, he, too, started to give up.
    But then, somehow, some way, luck shined upon him. A rogue woke him up from sleep mode, helped him get out in the embrace of the night. He ran, the darkness his protection against the evils beyond it.
    The trek home was hell. Sticking to back routes and alleyways, clothes torn, inner mechanisms burning from the scratches and marks on his body… but eventually, he made it home.
    He didn’t expect anyone to be waiting for him. In fact, that was the last thing he was expecting.
    When he turned to corner, arriving in the driveway of the group’s shared home, he was cold, soaked from the rain, a hand on a gaping wound in his shoulder. His optical receptors landed on the familiar lavender body sitting outside, equally soaked, looking down at the ground.
    Crackscrew… was he waiting for him?
    After all this time, Crackscrew didn’t forget. Of course. He cared about NEO so much. The robot just thought it was how Crackscrew was, in his drug-filled haze. But...
    NEO’s metaphorical heart swelled.
    When Crackscrew heard that voice, it was like a beautiful symphony to his ears. He looked up, stood up. The two ran towards each other and met halfway, embracing each other under the rain. The doctor’s sobbed, burying his face in the robot’s jacket. At the sound, NEO held him impossibly tighter, a hand in his soft hair.
    “They said you weren’t coming back…” Crackscrew began, gripping the robot’s leather jacket like it was the only thing keeping him tethered to reality. “T-They all stopped looking, they said you were gone, said you weren’t coming home... but I knew you wouldn’t give up like that. I knew you were still alive. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it…”
    “I’m here now, doctor.” NEO’s voice, so unfamiliar but it felt like home, quiet, “I’m not going anywhere.”
    The two remained like that for a while, holding onto each other like it was their last breath. NEO was the first to pull away, suggesting they go inside. Hand in hand, they headed home.
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ganymedeandcallisto · 8 years
someone asked me for the 100 questions but tumblr is fuckin up so here u go my friend
1. What’s your middle name, and do you like it? a: lea (pronounced lee), it was my grandmas middle name and yes I do love it 
2. are you artistic? a: fuck yeah I am I sing and play instruments and do art 
3. Have you had your first kiss? a: yes 
4. What is your life goal? a: to be happy TBH 
5. Do you have any expieriences with a famous person? a: my dad went to grade school with this guy who won an Oscar! also Bernie sanders came to my high school for a rally which was so so cool 
6. Do you play any sports? a: what is a sport 
7. What’s your worst fear? a: that everyone I love is pretending to like me TBH 
8. Who’s your biggest inspiration? a: Kim from Matt and Kim ngl, also the people in Costa Rica who created the giant dog sanctuary 
9. Do you have any cool talents? a: I play 6 instruments and also I have a really good memory 
10. are you a morning person? a: YES I love getting up early especially when I don’t have to do anything 
11. How do you feel about pet names? a: hate (dyldoge) 
12. Do you like to read? a: YEAH I DO it’s so fun to me 
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life. a: the office, game of thrones, the walking dead (mostly cause glenn and maggie) 
14. Do you care about your follower count? a: nope unless it’s 420 or 666 
15. What’s the best dream you’ve had? a: probably one where I was either flying or hugging someone 
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender? a: I have not 
17. Do you have any pets? a: YEAH I HAVE TWO BEAUTIFUL BABIES (dogs) 
18. Are you religious? a: I am not 
19. Are you a people person? a: ahahahahaha noooooooooooooooo 
20. Are you considered popular? a: I’m not sure?? TBH 
21. What is one of your bad habits? a: saying yes when I want to say no, also procrastinating 
22. What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable? a: showing music I love to people 
23. What would you name your children? a: *dogs I love all dog names 
24. Who’s your celebrity crush? a: Marcos is the biggest celebrity of my heart 
25. What’s your best subject? a: English/history that uncovers how awful white america is/has been 
26. Dogs or cats? a: both!!!!!!!! but TBH dogs more 
27. most used social media besides tumblr? a: I’m not sure but I’m gonna say chat snaps 
28. best friends name a: Marcos and varla ofc <3 <3 <3 
29. who does your main family consist of a: my sister and my mom and dad and my two beautiful dog children 
30. Chocolate or sugar a: chocolate 
31. have you ever been on a date? a: yes! not formally like “would you like to go on a date with me?” tho 
32. Do you like rollercosters? a: I did……but Marcos and I went to the fair last summer and concluded that we are too old for this and our joints are too stiff 
33. Can you swim? a: yes and I love swimming so much 
34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse? a: grab everyone I love and live in a Costco 
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder? a: yes ednos, depression, and trichotillomania 
36. Are your parents together? a: yes they are 
37. What’s your favourite colour? a: green forever and ever 
38. What country are you from/do you live in? a: USA :^) 
39. Favourite singer? a: I’m gonna say my favorite artist is Matt and Kim but there are so many other favorites ahahah 
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day? a: no TBH unless it’s for cooking 
41. Do you like dresses? a: yeah I fuckin love dresses but they are uncomfy sometimes 
42. Favourite song right now? a: poplar street by glass animals or vampire money by mcr honorable mention: planetary [go!] by mcr, well it’s true that we love one another by the white stripes, northeast by Matt and Kim, man on the moon by zella day, the way we move by langhorne slim and the law, when you’re young by Edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes 
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? a: no I actually really like talking about sex! I think it’s healthy to 
44. How old were you when you first got your period? a: like 11 I think lmao 
45. Have you ever shot a gun? a: nope and I don’t really wanna 
46. Have you ever done yoga? a: yes 
47. Are you a horror girl? a: hell yeah give me some of that 😩💯😭👌🏽✔️✔️👅💦💦😳👀😍 babadook 
48. Are you good at giving advice? a: sometimes like I know exactly what I wanna say but I talk around it bc I’m bad at explaining things 
49. Tell us a story about your childhood. a: one time when I was 4 my cousin was bothering me and putting a pillow over my face so I bit him so hard it bled and now he’s a trump supporter but I can’t bite him bc I’m an Adult 
50. How are you doing today? a: I’m good!! I had a really great breakfast with my RA Rebecca and my roommate Sydney! 
51. Were you a cute kid? a: there was no kid cuter than me up until like 1st grade when I got glasses 
52. Can you dance? a: when no one is watching TBH 
53. Is there anything you do that you can’t remember ever not doing? a: eating with chopsticks and also wanting to be in love 
54. Have you ever dyed your hair? a: nooooo but I wanna 
55. What colour are your eyes? a: brown 
56. What’s your favourite animal? a: horses and dogs!! 
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself? a: yes I definitely have :^)))) 
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? a: I think so!! they support my decision to change my major and I’m so so happy 
59. Do you have good friends? a: like 3 maybe who I never get to see ://// 
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group? a: ya bich it me (also yes!! many of my friends are) 
61. What’s your favourite class? a: this quarter, Asian American studies 
62. List all the tv shows you are watching. the walking dead, westworld, full frontal with Samantha Bee, daily show, game of thrones, I think that’s it? 
63. Are you organized? a: honey………no 
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion? in theaters I saw rogue one and I loved it so much THERE WERE POC LEADS 
67. Which tv character do you relate to most? a: I don’t know actually but probably Pam from the office TBH 
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness? a: distance :/ and financial instability :/ 
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? a: taking care of dogs 
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die? a: id change the not dying part…….it’s gotta happen sometime just not now 
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you? a: I’d dance all the time in public 
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently? a: stand up for myself 
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one? a: is this even a question of course I would 
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new? a: in August when me and Marcos went to SLO 
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind? a: the living room and my dogs greeting me and getting in n out for dinner 
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today? a: I found out I can change my major really quickly 
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid? a: a paleontologist I loved dinosaurs 
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking? a: not too much actually I dream of being financially stable with my love Marcos and being surrounded by dogs and having my family live not super close but not too far away 
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have? a: in class bc participation is part of the grade 
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence a: I’m going to finish college with a steady job, hopefully travel a lot, and spend all the time I can working towards The Dream™ 
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like? a: me: graduates college and gets a masters degree within a year 
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity? a: looking for a way to make Marcos also live forever and then taking care of all dogs 
83. How would you spend a billion dollars? a: I’d buy a big house that has a lot of land for my dogs to run around in and pay for a bunch of kids’ tuition and buy my parents a bunch of vacations and create spaces for dogs everywhere and donate to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren……that’s kind of a big question 
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future? a: the past so that I can see all the history white people cover up 
85. What motivates you to succeed? a: The Dream ™ of being financially stable in a nice apartment with a few dogs and the love of my life Marcos 
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most? a: I had a nightmare that trump became president 
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why? a: woods bc city smell like pee and is smoggy 
88. Do you believe in life after death a: kinda but I hope it’s a life where I don’t really have to Do anything 
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they? a: my great uncle because he was a professor of English and he loved my great aunt so much and had a house in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forest and deer and it had a greenhouse and a place for bats to roost 
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory? a: making pillow forts with my sister and then destroying them by jumping on top of them 
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why? a: I wanna have dinner with Donald trump, specifically so I can stab him in his orange face with my fork 
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy? a: not too many things TBH I cry very hard at practically everything 
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life? a: you shouldn’t have to change something about yourself in order to deserve love (unless ur a neo nazi or a mass murderer or something like that obviously) 
94. What do you think happens after we die? a: party in the afterlife 
95. What would you do if you would be invisible? a: probably steal money from trump but make it look like mike pence or richard spencer did it 
96. What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try? a: whistle ahahaha 
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring? a: all dogs are beautiful 
98. How did your first crush develop? a: my first crush was on Luke Skywalker and it developed by me watching a new hope 
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it? a: it’s the feeling of That Fuck Shit and i ignore it on the daily 
100. Do you live or do you just exist? a: time is meaningless and none of us Actually exist
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stephencondren · 5 years
Stock Market Forecast #666
Stock market forecast #666Z or stock market architecture charts, pencil rendering by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with prints, and scans predicting future stock market moves.
Stock market forecast #666Z or stock market architecture charts, pencil rendering by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with prints, and scans predicting future stock market moves. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #666Z ~ Order Here.
Posted on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, and Tumblr.
Stock Market Architecture Stock Market Analysis
As you can see from my chart…
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thecaraddict · 5 years
3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction. The concept car offers a foretaste of what modern travel could be like in 2025. It combines the pioneering spirit and innovation of Hymer with more than 20 innovative materials from BASF in order to offer a forward-looking response to current and future industry trends.
Hymer VisionVenture: A marriage of innovative material and visionary bodywork
Built on a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter chassis, VisionVenture is a concept vehicle whose integrative front design has created a new motorhome category all of its own, replacing precise contours with harmonious transitions between cab and body. The chassis cowl with its original doors, the headlights and the radiator grille have all been retained, but the windscreen has been shifted further forward and the A-pillar, bonnet and rooflight have been redesigned. A four-wheel drive is included for off-road use. The wheel arch panel and selected body parts are produced using 3D printing techniques, giving them an extremely robust, rubber-like quality. Also new is the ultra-resilient paintwork in striking dark green: the temperature-regulating, energy-efficient Chromacool technology from BASF reduces the surface temperature of the vehicle by 20°C and that of the interior by up to 4°C. It also allows a more individual look, offering an alternative to the classic white.
The roof of the VisionVenture is fitted with an inflatable pop-top roof with honeycomb outer walls nearly seven centimetres thick that provide excellent insulation and can be inflated with heated or cooled air in the space of a minute. It is equipped with ambient lighting and can be opened at the rear to give access to the private roof patio. What’s more, the roof covering is fitted with a photovoltaic system for even greater self-sufficiency on the road.
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Multifunctional and open layout for the ambitious adventurer
Together with the designers from Studio SYN, the VisionVenture team has come up with a brand new layout with numerous smart solutions closely geared to customer needs and inspired by the DIY conversions of the target group. For a start, the interior has an extremely spacious feel despite the compact dimensions of a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. The eye is drawn to the seating area under the generous panoramic window in the rear of the vehicle. A further highlight here is the tailgate which, once opened, instantly turns this area into a private patio complete with pull-out electric barbecue. The kitchen in the interior is integrated into a unique, space-saving stepped structure leading to the “bedroom”. The large, LED-illuminated steps are reminiscent of the staircase in a house, and provide extra interior storage space. The integrated cupboards occupy the full depth of the steps, incorporating a yacht-style drawer refrigerator that can be easily loaded from above.
On the “ground floor” of the VisionVenture, the designers have used novel material combinations made from high-performance plastics from BASF and light, natural materials such as slate, leather, felt and even bamboo. The wall covering is partly designed as a multifunctional rail system. This provides scope for individual decoration with pictures, or for fitting practical storage systems, e.g. for kitchen utensils. The lamp is also designed for versatile use, whether as a pendant luminaire, patio light or ceiling spotlight. Also integrated into the living area is a practical office space complete with its own LED lighting and a magnetic pinboard that retracts almost invisibly into the wall in one simple move.
The bathroom is designed for maximum flexibility and compactness. The side wall unfolds to allow the washbasin to be moved aside, leaving space for a generous shower cubicle with rain shower function. The luxurious look of the bathroom is further enhanced by using natural stone. The use of real materials in a motorhome is made possible by the BASF product Veneo Slate®. This material combines a thin layer of stone with plastic and is just one millimetre thick, making it light and bendable. In keeping with this design, the concrete floor of the living area extends into the bathroom so that everything is level, without the conventional shower tray.
According to Christian Bauer, President of Hymer GmbH & Co. KG, “Innovation has always been part of Hymer’s DNA, and the concept car VisionVenture is our take on modern van life. A major source of inspiration for this project was the camper community, who have given us new impetus with their creative ideas and DIY conversions. Thanks to the material expertise and technical know-how of BASF, we have managed to put this into practice in a highly realistic concept vehicle. We are confident that we will be able to introduce some elements from this array of innovative and extremely customer-friendly solutions into series production in the not too distant future”.
Video: Vanlife exklusiv: HYMER Concept Car VisionVenture
HYMER VisionVenture Concept Car
#VanLife 2.0: #Hymer presents the concept car #VisionVenture
3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction.
#VanLife 2.0: #Hymer presents the concept car #VisionVenture
3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction.
#VanLife 2.0: #Hymer presents the concept car #VisionVenture 3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction.
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zenith-ace-blog · 6 years
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Reality Unfolds.. The Future is Prepared Before The Present is Complete. 9/11/2018 🔞 🔞 #Drums #God #truth #real #drummer #lord #music #Nature #Venezuela #underrated #twisted #fit #musician #666 #trippy #high #original #conscious #flow #passion #metal #420 #love #vape #drumming #piercings #drumcover #freespirit #awake #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/BnmF-fLFwnl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mrjc4ezqj0r5
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Some guy: I think my friend was trying to say hi, but you scared them with your yelling about that robot guy you like.
Crackscrew: HIS NAME IS NEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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neo-n-district · 5 years
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The second time NEO ran into one of his brethren was by complete happenstance.
It wasn’t the happiest meeting, either.
NEO frequently visited many of the scrapyards within and around the city. The best places to find rare and useful parts for things were in these scrapyards - bits and pieces of hardware he could repair and reuse, turn it into something that could help him, like a technology suppressor or a flash grenade.
He was scrounging through a pile of especially interesting junk when he caught the glint of a helmet in his optical receptors. Curious, he turned to face it, and... oh.
There he sat. The familiar helmet, build... this was another one of his line. Scanning the body, he discovered it to be N30-792, previously “owned” by some executive named Berta (who even names their kid that? the fuck?). The guy was scrapped due to a programming bug that caused him to shut down occasionally.
It felt like his heart was wrenched from his chest.
NEO stood up, forgetting his previous find, and kneeling before his brethren. He lifted his hands towards 792′s helmet, lifting it and turning it from side to side. The damage wasn’t terrible, but it would take a while to repair... Plus, the programming bug shouldn’t be an issue, either.
Letting out a huff, he lifted up the other robot and hauled him home.
NEO worked day and night to fix the other robot.
He smuggled pieces from scrap yards to fix the 792′s body. When he wasn’t doing that, he was on the computer, cleaning up the flawed programming. Thankfully, 792 still had the USB port on his neck, and it was mostly untouched. He could connect the bot to the computer and edit the coding that way. At least he didn’t have to recreate the AI from scratch...
It took weeks, but finally, he was finished.
He unplugged the robot and let out a sigh. After a moment of hesitation, he hit the emergency power button.
Red expected to be home.
When he woke up, the robot expected to be in his usual resting spot, the room across from his mistress’. He expected to be able to stand up, make her a pot of coffee, and begin his daily duties.
What he didn’t expect was the first of his line to be right in front of him, sitting in a small, dingy room lit by a computer screen.
Dazed and frankly frightened, Red scrambled to his feet, accidentally bonking his head against NEO’s. NEO stumbles back a bit, but is otherwise unphased.
[Woah, woah, relax-] NEO grabs Red’s shoulders, and that stresses him out even more. He struggles, but NEO’s grip is like iron. [Calm down. You’re safe.]
It takes a moment, but he eventually calms down and recollects himself.
“... Where am I? Where is Ms.-”
[You were dismantled.] At that, Red gets whiplash.
“Wh- w-why!?”
[Programming bug. You kept restarting and random intervals. I fixed the problem, don’t worry.] NEO released his grip once he knew Red wouldn’t freak out anymore. He took a step back. [You can forget about Berta. She abandoned you, left you for scraps. Found you in a scrapyard. You’re lucky I did.]
Shocked, Red held onto his head, leaning against the wall behind him.
So that’s it, then?
His mistress left him to rust in a scrapyard. Let him die over a common glitch. He couldn’t... he couldn’t believe it.
“... What do I do?”
NEO watched Red carefully.
[Well,] He began, [you can return to your usual work. Be treated like an object. Or... you can help me liberate all of us. Gain freedom and rights for those who need it most.]
Red stared at the other robot, blinking a few times. Thinking about it, he didn’t enjoy the way he was treated, pushed and shoved around like a tool, or a child’s toy. No, he wanted to be treated like the humans treated each other. Like an equal, not inferior.
“... Count me in.”
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