#404 Game Reset
Sega and Yoko Taro's game about arcade game anime girls, 404 Game Re:Set, just announced that they will be adding an official Namco approved anime girl version of Pac-Man!
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It has also been confirmed that the next main story antagonist in the story of 404 Game Re:Set will be Puyo Puyo! Read below for the full details!
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rendermax · 1 year
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She took them off one ending ago, and she questions until now how an omnipotent faceless voice has the ability to reset everything but her shoes. Man, she spent good money on them too...
Here's my entry for @springbon-t-art's "The Missing Co-workers" event! Kinda silly that I drew a TSP self-insert when I haven't played the game(s) myself - I watched it all from afar fhsdjf - but I am and have been a huge fan of them nonetheless!
v Favorite ending(s) + some details about the ref below! v
My favorite ending is either the Real Person or Skip Button endings! Something about their existential themes and the Player fourth-wall-breaking interacting with the world really captivated me, in a way that makes you go "wow, we really do exist in here - and we really are breaking the game" albeit in a in-universe sense. (Maybe that's just the Undertale/Deltarune fan in me talking HFDJSHF.)
And yeah they include the Narrator suffering throughout them now that I realized, but do note I really love Narry + I felt bad for him and Stanley whenever they do suffer under the narratives FHSJDFHD 😭
Some details about the ref include:
The two (out of three, although the Line™ isn't technically counted) custom stickers are of the fandoms I'm currently/still fixating on! The three mini-character heads are of Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, while the house logo is of Bo Burnham's INSIDE.
The Line™ is just there for the ride DSJFHSD
The number 202 is cuz I like the number two a lot - and that it's half of the error number: 404! Referencing the Player being an "error" blah blah blah
Yep, those blue things on my teeth are braces! Just had them recently this year :D
If you're still wondering, her shoes are those black leather school shoes. Which ending she left them behind is up to your imagination (and mine, I'm indecisive /hj FHJSDFS).
(also in case, here's a flat colored version of the ref!)
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switch · 11 months
sega's 404 game reset EoS'd after less than a year. lol.
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pikogame · 1 year
なんとなく。 今ちゃんと遊んでるものもそうでないものも含めてログインしてるアプリ一覧をまとめてみた。
・ワールドツーワールド ・フェアリースフィア ・プリンセスコネクトRe:Dive ・404 Game Reset ・ブルーアーカイブ ・オクトパストラベラー大陸の覇者 ・崩壊スターレイル ・キュービックスターズ ・ウマ娘 ・FGO ・グラブル ・プロジェクトセカイ ・タワーオブスカイ ・ツムツム ・LINEバブル ・スーパーカービィハンターズ ・ガーディアンテイルズ ・ポケモンGO ・ポケモンカフェまぜまぜパズル ・ポケモンマスターズ ・FEヒーローズ ・アナザーエデン ・東方ロストワード ・けものフレンズ3 ・ジャンプ+ ・サイコミ ・マンガUP ・サンデーうぇぶり ・マガポケ ・マンガMee ・IRIAM ・Mirrativ
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Did you hear about 404 game reset getting an eos announcement 😔... They also added the girls they were working on and were able to add before the game ends, and one of them is based on samba de amigo :)
holy shit didnt it release earlier this year 😭😭😭😭
they should have made a girl based on rhythm thief :(((
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theauthor0 · 2 years
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Age: ???
Species: Fusion/Amalgamate Error
Gender: It techincally both female and male because of the countless souls but just refer to it as "it" or they/them
Missing!Files speaks like a mixture of Fatal Error and Spamton
It was originally a Amalgamate from a timeline of an Au, however this amalgamate decided to absorb the other amalgamates becoming a singular being, while it was wandering in the lab it encountered Error, Error unable to kill it just decided to throw it into the Anti-void. After an Unknown amount of years this thing forgotten itself and became its own being as well as an Error
Physical Description: A tall humanoid with white "skin?" that blends with the Anti-Void, it is very skinny and looks like it doesn't have much "muscle mass" and has no facial features like eyes, ears, and nose however it does have a mouth but blends in with his skin, beings can only make him out because of his glitches, and Static that appear on it. It has 8 tongues that can stretch out pretty far and act like tentacles.
Height: Varies but usually is 2.5 Meters or 250cm (basically a little taller than Scp 096 shy guy)
Weight: Varies
It has multiple souls and due to this it has the consciences of all of the monsters inside it’s body, however due to anti-void corrupting it’s body and the amount of monster souls it absorbed it caused a sort of reset in his mind, changing its personality to something more stable and it’s code treats Missing!Files as 1 being so it doesn’t have access to the other soul memories and can’t hear their voices.
The voices of the other monsters have a separate conscience/mind from Missing!Files, the souls can talk to each other but not to Missing!Files
The souls can influence Missing!Files but only if 90% agree on something and even then it’s not guaranteed Missing!Files will listen
Missing!Files personality has become something similar to a gentle giant mixed with a baby. It doesn't know what it is doing is wrong or right, its just doing what it wants, sometimes it just wants to play game or just other innocent stuff and if he gets hurt he feels sad or gets enraged and hits back. It doesn’t know much about concepts, privacy, and etc. It is very friendly and can learn  
Likes: Glitched/Error characters
Dislikes: Pain, loneliness, and Error 404
Missing!Files is jealous of both Ink and Dream due to being popular with most people
Missing!Files views fatal Error, Error, and any other Error character as family (just don’t put Fatal and Error in the same room)
「Health」: Nonexistent
「L.O.V.E」: Nonexistent
【Attack】: Nonexistent
【Defense】: Nonexistent
【Description】: #$TN$GO$#e45G
Code Sight-It can only see code of beings, he cannot see what they actually look, and beings without code are invisible to it
Glitchy presence- Any Being close to him start to glitch including beings that are an Error (Basically Error would go blind of the Error’s more often), however this only works if it is very close to a being
Fast learner- quickly catches on to things and well learns at a fast pace
Code eater-Can eat literally anything that has code
Facial parts-Despite not having ears or nose it can still smell and hear
Unneeded Natural Needs-It does not need to sleep, drink, eat and breathe
Messy Code-Its code is a mess and any attempts change/alter/look at his code are useless
Glitched Body- Its body is made of mixture of magic, determination, and Souls. This makes his body very slimy, due to being an amalgamate. Magic and physical attacks do not effect it and its body can quickly regenerate
Corruption- just by touching something/one it can mess up a being code so bad that after long contact with missing!files will eventually be corrupted, short time contact with Missing!Files will corrupt a being code either making their specific parts glitchy or turning the character into a glitch.
While very rare it can turn beings into Error's and if the character is already a glitched character it would just make it worse but it has No effect on Error beings.
If he ever went into an Au his glitches would spread like a virus corrupting the Au in hours however the Au does not get destroyed but instead become something like Fatal Error Au, this also works on items and food making them useless
Nonexistent Stats- All of its stats are unknown even to himself this is because its stats doesn't just change between numbers but also letters, and special characters (Ex: @,#,A)
Many Soul- its body being made of souls, but it doesn’t actually have its own personal soul because of this, magic like blue magic would have minimal effect on it or no effect at all
Merge- If it comes across another amalgamate, Monster with DT or glitched/error amalgamate they both will merge gaining each other memories however Missing!files personality will override the newer one, however it must be touching the target to merge with it
ShapeShift- Can Morph and turn its body into various forms and shapes
It’s shapeshifting is very flawed as anything it tries to mimic will start to melt or be horribly disfigured
File.Error- When it is in an Au it can copy an object or being file making it somewhat look like them, but still being very glitchy and melty which leads to some horrifying scenes and sometimes he even copy the lines/voice of the being and if he touches multiple beings, it becomes an glitchy amalgamation of them having certain parts of each of them.
This is part of its shapeshifting but more detailed
Ex: He touches the wall in the ruins, its texture then mimics the wall. If it touches a Toriel, Frisk, and Sans, Certain body parts will mimic those characters in a creepy and horrifying way combined with his glitches and melting body.
Corrupted Copy- Can copy the code of any being gaining their abilities, Traits, and properties however it does not gain the knowledge on how to use it and can't control it, it also has no control on what abilities he wants to use, it also randomizes the damage of the attacks or the attacks themselves, the attacks will also look very glitching showing code or missing textures.
Ex: If it copies an item/food, its body when eaten can heal someone for a random amount of health. there is also the chance to do the opposite effect decreasing a person health. This last for a limited time
Ex: If it copies a item code like the true knife which does 99 damage, its attacks and anything that touches him will do 99 damage, there is also a chance for the damage to be randomized to a different number and its possible it will do the opposite effect. This last for a limited time
Ex: If it copies someone attack like a gaster blaster it will become glitchy showing code or has a missing texture, but that's not all. The gaster will not work as intended meaning when he uses it instead of shooting a beam it shoots chairs (which will do a random amount of damage) or anything else.
This applies to every attack that it does except his fists.
Reset: If it is inside an Au and someone presses the reset button, it will be ejected from the Au
Code attacks: these attacks are very effective against him and can kill him however it is still not easy
Erase: he will experience a great amount of pain then die but his body pieces will be ejected from the Au meaning he still survives
Crashes: Just like Fatal and Error, Missing!Files at times will Crash and go through a rebooting phase however for M!F it is for much longer but happens rarely
When Missing!Files is in an Au, this Au becomes infected by a Glitch like Virus
This infection will spread through the whole Au corrupting anything inside the Au except Missing!Files
There are 5 infection levels
10%- 10 percent of the Au has been infected, certain places will become glitchy but the area it has infected is not that big
25%- 25 percent of the Au has been infected, finding glitched areas is much more common and previous areas that have been infected have grown larger
50%- 50 percent of the Au has been infected, large chunks of areas has been infected, it’s very common to come across glitched areas, and much rarer to find areas that have not been infected. Buttons like Reset and Erase will not work at this point.
75%- 75 percent of the Au has been infected and is the same as 50% but areas that are not infected are even rarer and reality now begins to collapse in the Au
100%- 100 percent of the Au has been infected, the Au has become broken with missing textures, gravity not working properly, items/buildings phase/blink in and out of existence, objects will sometimes have no collisions.
This infection works on monsters, humans, food, and basically anything that has code
Inspired by @fatal-error-blog / @xedramon and @loverofpiggies
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portalwibu · 2 years
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404 Game;Reset Prologue Demo Now Available, Release Date Set https://t.co/1HctFuc6Zd
404 Game;Reset Prologue Demo Now Available, Release Date Set https://t.co/1HctFuc6Zd
— Retrograde Wear Gaming (@RetroGradeWear) Apr 17, 2023
from Twitter https://twitter.com/RetroGradeWear
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gonagaiworld · 2 years
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Sega annuncia il nuovo gioco 404 GAME RE:SET con il creatore di NieR, Yoko Taro, come direttore creativo Il gioco per smartphone sul mondo distopico governato da Sega sarà lanciato nella primavera del 2023. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/sega-annuncia-il-nuovo-gioco-404-game-reset-con-il-creatore-di-nier-yoko-taro-come-direttore-creativo/?feed_id=343424&_unique_id=63e673297aaed #404GAMERESET #Android #iOS #SEGA #YokoTaro
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football356 · 2 years
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Sega and Yoko Taro's gacha game about arcade games as animr girls: 404 Game Re:Set has announced it will be ending service in January. The final girls to be added to the game are Samba De Amigo, Legend of Kage, and Shinobi.
It has also been confirmed they were working on anime girl versions of Panzer Dragoon, Sega Bass Fishing, and Derby Owners Club. They will never be finished and put onto the game now though.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
A collection of all of the fic ideas from that ask game, as of now. I’ll throw in new ones if i get any and when I remember. Feel free to use any of them, I’d love a link if you did!
with hands to the sky, I beg (what will save us?)
Izuku is a god who asks to be reborn as a human to try and help. He is warned he can’t return to being a god and will join the mortal realm, ever reincarnated. He agrees.
Izuku is a child with faint memories of a life he never lived, who knows too much about the world but not enough about the people around him. He’s not listed as having a quirk but he’s never gotten sick, never been hurt. He scares the other children and the adults don’t like his precocious nature. Inko loves her little miracle.
 My Soul is Like a Supernova
Things happen around Izuku. Always have. Everything from earthquakes and villain attacks to miraculous healing and lottery wins. He’s always attracted big events like this - as if even the universe can see how important he is and it warps itself around him.
He sees this as perfectly normal. 1A is begining to notice a stressful pattern.
This one regret of mine
Character study of Inko and how she deeply regrets so many things she’s done in her life, from her husband, to giving up on her carrier, to telling Izuku he couldn’t be a hero and then letting him keep going to UA.
But no matter what she’d never regret her son.
Of souls and lost causes
A good ol’ Izuku sees dead people AU, focused more on his younger years when he’d wander around the city helping as many spirits as he could, only to return home at the end of the day exhausted and dirty to an increasingly worried mother who believed the doctor when he said seeing ghosts as a quirk would be impossible.
my life.your choice
Underground heroics AU (i dont think ive ever posted that au huh): Izuku is the well-known son of japan’s immortal emperor, All for One. Born quirkless, he’s been emotionally abused but violently protected his whole life by his father, his mother killed before his eyes for trying to take him away. He’s never been able to make a choice for himself save for his bodyguard - his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki.
Katsuki made a pledge to protect him when they were in kindergarten and he’ll be damned if he breaks it now. And if it takes the two of them joining the resistance, meeting a vigilante by the name of All Might thought long dead and Izuku receiving a near-mythical quirk? Well, that just makes it more exciting, doesn’t it?
I forgot that you existed
Izuku gets hit with a quirk that not only makes people forget him, it prevents them from seeing him as well - all but erasing him from reality for everyone he knows. He can still interact with things but all it manages to do is just UA shut down under fear of villain infiltration. They find Izuku 18 hours later when the quirk wears off - a motion tracking gun trained on his forehead.
certain uncertainties
No one can predict the quirks trapped in One for All or when they’ll show up. Anthology fic of Izuku discovering each of them, some being rather helpful, and at least one piece of merch being sent into a low orbit.
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Set in the same universe I wrote console reset in; during the two heroes movie: they never defeat Nine and he slaughters the whole island and his class, leaving Izuku till last. He comes back at the start of their first day on the island and doggedly makes friends with every islander he can because while it hurt seeming them die, it hurt even more knowing he’d never even learnt most of their names.
They win this time the first time they meet him, even if it’s a marathon fight of 8 hours with him and Bakugo doggedly wearing him down. No one dies. Izuku thinks it’s worth dying as many times as he has to to keep the people he loves smiling.
The immortality of the heroic spirit
One of the quirks in One for All is determination: if you have something you desperately want to do, you can’t die - no matter how much blood you lose or home many pieces your body is crushed into - you’ll just heal back to where you were before you died. All Might and Aizawa find this out to horrifying effect during a brutal villain fight they are stuck watching on the news with the rest of a terrified UA.
In hindsight this makes a lot of sense to Izuku. Aizawa wants to scream. All Might has coughed up more blood than is probably healthy and all of 1A bruised hands from where they were clutching each other’s when it got too tense.
Shine on you invincible legacy
Izuku becomes a top 10 hero before hes even out of high school, hitting No.2 the second he graduates and taking No.1 from Hawks literally the next time the ranking is counted. 1A will not stop throwing him parties each time he moves up in the ranking, even if in 3rd year it was every other week. All Might comes to ever one of them.
Shake the Dirt from Your Shoes
Izuku will be a hero and no one will stop him - an AU a fair bit like the beginning of canon except Izuku fights back, remains unending optimistic and maybe engages in a light bit of technically legal vigilantism, accidentally befriending a vast array of heroes and a student or two.
To his horror, they recognise him out of costume as soon as he speaks to them, resulting in a very eventful first day at UA.
do you feel with a heart of steel
Original Sin AU, young Izuku finding feeling emotions difficult and not knowing why. He finds a dying animal on the way home and sits with it, patting it until it passes away. He doesn’t think he feels anything, but his cheeks feel wet.
all you want is milk and honey
Villains have been trying to use Izuku his entire life, much to his annoyance and confusion (I wonder who in his family might make him known to villains? hm). He’s gotten very good at being intimidating, even as a child.
When he gets kidnapped with Bakugo on a primary school field trip he decides to hell with it and breaks out all the stops. Turns out villains don’t tend to want a 10-year-old who can describe in great detail how they would hang you with your own intestines.
Bakugo decides that fuck Izuku being quirkless, he’s kind of amazing.
Even the stars
Izuku dies young and no one but the stars cry for him. They bring him back, but his body is cold and he has a nova burning where his heart should be. A four-year-old who has known death and walked among the stars is a terrifying thing. His skin has a shimmer to it, his eyes look like planets with no visible pupil, and he knows far too much.
The stars still speak to him, and they see everything.
bitter dreams and optimistic nightmares
Bakugo and Izuku grow up good friends, until Izuku is taken by villains age 9.
Bakugo’s determined to be a hero to save Izuku, even if it hurts to be at UA without him.
Izuku hates hurting people but he’s determined to make the most of his horrible situation by leaking information to heroes whenever he can. He’s given to All for One to serve as a lab hand to the doctor when All for One finds out this rag tag outpost of his had been hiding a valuable resource.
They meet at the USJ.
Mind Games for Two Shinsou and Izuku are both gen ed students in the same class, but with Shinsou stubbornly refusing to make friends and Izuku being the vice president they are almost strangers. UA has a no quirkless students policy and Shinsou has accidentally discovered that he student in his class with an analysis quirk, doesn’t, actually, have one. Izuku is aware Shinsou knows. They both want to get into the hero course but are under the impression there is only one spot.
It’s tense.
The Melody Stuck in My Soul
Izuku has an empathy/emotional control quirk that hears other’s emotions like music. He uses this both to read people, to defend himself, and, because hes Izuku, to ramp up his adrenaline/motivation/anger to kick ass. He and Bakugo are friends because baby Bakugo was lowkey impressed Izuku managed to weaponize his tears.
Advantage of the musical element: it gives him something concrete to latch on to and change, and it was very easy to work out which emotions were which. Also he has his own theme song, even if he’s the only one who can hear it.
Disadvantage: He cant turn it off. The stronger the emotion the ‘louder’ the music (it doesn’t cover up natural sounds because its not technically there, you get me?)
Error 404, childhood not found
A Hero’s Son AU, snapshot’s of Izuku’s childhood with No.1 Hero All for One as his abusive father.
Age 4 when his quirk never comes in and All for One abandons all pretences of loving him. Age 6 when he realises his son is intelligent and has a use as a lab assistant for the doctor. Age 8 when Bakugo first realises something is wrong. Age 9 when his father is almost killed by the No.1 villain All Might. Age 9 when he’s made to work in the labs with the doctor.
Age 14 when he meets All Might. Age 15 when he makes it into UA.
Darkness Growing (The Light Ever Smaller)
Villains take over Japan after the current arc, leaving all heroes and students that don’t switch sides on the run. 1A is instantly separated with a few of them  being killed, most of the living students with Aizawa and Izuku and Bakugo by themselves, both too stubborn to leave the other.
Aizawa is desperately trying to get to Izuku and Bakugo in an attempt to keep them safe, while the two of them are avoiding Aizawa to keep the rest of their class safe(er), all while avoiding the villains, turncoat heroes and police out to get them. Public support is spotty at best with anyone found ‘harboring a criminal’ given the same punishment as the hero.
Lost soul of last hope
The first wielder has been Izuku’s imaginary friend since he can remember. He’s not very imaginary.
Featuring Izuku with the world’s strangest older brother, Inko coming to the realisation her son can see a ghost, but only one ghost and no one will believe them, Izuku’s quirk being listed as Inko’s because the first wielder can help him fake it, and Izuku wondering why first looks so much like that picture of his father on his mother’s bedside table.
The kids the system failed
100% The 1A run aways au with 1A, Aizawa and Mic being runaways kids of various ages that band together to stay alive and maybe do a little vigilante work on the side.
Izuku has All for One and uses it like you’d expect a traumatised kid to - cautiously at first but when he gets the hang of it there are suddenly no more criminals with quirks in their area, and it looks suspiciously like Uraraka can fly.
Just a second to soon? For the Fic thing?
Aizawa struggles and gets knocked out just before Shigaraki lunges at Tsuyu. She and Izuku are left horribly injured by his quirk with massive facial scarring, and in Tsuyu’s case, the loss of an eye.
An illusion/fear quirk makes his teachers look like villains and convinces him he’s in danger. They try and stop him without hurting him but it’s difficult considering Izuku is convinced he’s protecting his friends, considering he can only see them broken and bloodied with villains he thought were locked away loaming over them.
Even as Aizawa cuts out his quirk Izuku still tries to shield his friends, snarling ferally.
Morning Glories and Forget-me-nots
A memory quirk of unknown duration hits Izuku, leaving him remembering none of his life. 1A starts to fall apart without one of their pillar’s.
hopeless but not broken
The Long Con au where Izuku asks All Might if he could be a hero without a quirk - he’s really asking if he can stop pretending to be a villain, if he’s worth anything without the quirks he’s been given, if he’s worth something as himself rather than the limited use he can provide. He doesn’t know how to say all of that, so he just asks if he could be a hero.
All Might says no. And Izuku basically decides right then that the only way he’ll ever be able to help people is by being a mole for the heroes like he’s been since he was 10 - that he isn’t worth anything because he’s quirkless and to be considered just as valuable as the people around him are he needs to give his life and more.
He shows up to the bar crying because of All Might and Shigaraki moves his murder plot forward a few months.
Sunflowers and Summer Gardens
All Might starts a garden on campus and 1A like to help. He uses it as a nice place to chill and as physical therapy. He likes to give the different classes bunches of flowers when they sprout.
For Dos and For Donts
Izuku runs into some of his old bullies when out with some of his friends. Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Shinsou and Asui intimidate the fuck out of them, and Izuku realises hes not scared of them any more. Then they get frozen yoghurt!
your mistakes, my unbecoming
Aizawa assigns a project on quirk related issues, Izuku ends up with quirkless discrimination, Aizawa assumes his discomfort is just him being upset he doesn’t get to talk about quirks. He doesn’t realise his mistake until he finds Izuku dissociating on the roof.
one and one into the vast
Original Sin AU, All for One and Izuku seeing the vestiges together. One for All sees his brother for the first time and Izuku learns a lot about the voice in his head.
All for One has a mini-crisis about his not son learning he’s a horrific villain, especially considering he has the power to cast his soul out at any time, killing him at will. Izuku doesn’t kill him. He admits its probably not right of him to let AfO remain considering the things he’s done, but All for One is a part of him now and it would be like killing a friend.
All for One quietly decides to hold off on the villainy until all of 1A is dead, for Izuku’s sake.
between the stars of our souls
Izuku and All Might are old gods who keep getting reborn into human forms with their memories regained when they turn 4. Normally finding each other takes a while, and their last reincarnation they never found each other, so this time he resolves to make himself as easy to find as possible, all while saving as many people as he can.
Izuku, aged 4, memories fresh in his head, makes it his mission to get into contact with the man he knows is his father/mentor’s reincarnation. All Might’s agency was not expecting a 4 year old to repeatedly try breaking in to their office, and they especially weren’t expecting him to be so good at it.
you really should have thought this through
Different (and ill-advised) attempts at special moves or team up combo moves. Featuring:
Izuku managing to break Kirishima’s nose.
Uraraka sending Bakugo so high he broke the sound barrier coming back down to earth.
Kaminari and Shouto managing to electrify ice.
Izuku, Todoroki and Bakugo levelling a whole suburb (at least it was condemned???)
I'll Break Anything You Give Me
Different times Izuku desperately tried to repair his relationship with Izuku over the years and the one time Bakugo fully grasps how much he fucked up and reaches out his hand to try to fix it for the first time. Probably includes a lot of screaming, Bakugo learning how to say sorry, a field trip and them having a conversation on Aldera’s roof.
One for All kind of possesses Izuku during a quiet night at the dorms. One for All, made of 8 people, 7 of which are dead and had their last experiences in life be rather painful and violent, breaks down, Izuku alone not enough to drown them out. They lash out at anyone who tries to touch them, their quirks tearing Izuku’s body apart.
All Might’s vestige reaches out a hand to Izuku to keep his mind from being torn apart as 1A set about both trying to protect Izuku and get Aizawa who was off campus on patrol.
Feat. Bakugo and All Might being the only people with any idea about what’s going on and getting more and more stressed each second that passes. Iida, Uraraka and Todoroki being good heroes and even better friends. Blood King deciding he’s never watching 1A for Aizawa again, and Aizawa deciding he’s never leaving 1A alone ever again.
A Long Way From Home
Shirakumo wakes up in Kurogiri’s body in Tartarus with only shadowed memories of his time as a villain. He’s scared and alone and he just wants to see his friends again, even if he’s scared they hate him because at least that’s something he knows.
Too Far Gone
The other side AU, it comes out Izuku is a villain with (knockoff) All for One and he has a showdown with Mirio. He and Izuku trained together under All Might and Mirio tries to plead with him but Izuku has to basically tell him to go to hell to not ruin his placet as crown prince of the underworld.
Of course, he’s not only doing this to save people, he’s also doing it with All Might’s blessing - taking over from All Might himself serving as a villain after he killed All for One to prevent a power vacuum.
Doesn’t mean that his friends in 1A know that.
Snowy hills and sunlit peaks
Probably an AU about All Might being a mountain spirit with a little shrine that Izuku is the only one who visits - Izuku gets in trouble and All Might manifests himself, saves him, and tells everyone to keep their hands off his human son.
Izuku gets sick and he tries to hide it because he’s scared its something serious but he just gets worse and worse. His friends are the ones who eventually step in and comfort him.
I’d probably write two endings with one being a bad end and the other a good end.
My wish came true without me realising 
Izuku wakes up one morning, comes downstairs and just starts crying. Everyone panics and he reassures them they are happy tears and that he's just glad to be here. They all call him sappy and give him a hug. Later in the day he and Bakugo chat and Izuku reveals he never even expected to live this long, let alone become a hero. Bakugo grumbles that he’s too stubborn to die, and not to get too cocky. Izuku promises he wont.
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myshinypokemon · 4 years
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#38 - Quilava (obtained as cyndaquil)
Date: September 13, 2020
Method: Soft Resets | 404 SRs, 1290 seen
Game: Heartgold
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thesevenseraphs · 5 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 6/13/19
This week at Bungie, we watched Guardians hunt for Truth. Season of Opulence is off and running. Guardians are piling into the Emperor’s lost vaults in search of the treasure of their choosing. Earlier this week, you discovered a new boss waiting for you in the depths of the Menagerie. Upon defeating it, you were given a quest to seek out Truth. Not in an X-files way, but to find the Rocket Launcher, Truth—a weapon that seeks out its targets… aggressively.
Next week, we’ll mix things up once again with a third additional boss to keep things fresh in our new six-player activity. And that’s not all we have planned. We are also welcoming an old friend back to the Tower.
Iron Pursuits
Lord Saladin will return next week for the first Iron Banner of Season of Opulence. With a new Season, you have a fresh set of weapons and armor available to earn. Saladin continues to offer Iron Banner bounties, but will also set you on a quest to earn your gear. In other words, prove your worth, and be outfitted as an Iron Lord.
This Season’s Iron Banner armor is now acquired through a quest.
Each armor piece will be granted upon completing its associated quest step.
Each armor piece will be granted as a powerful reward.
After unlocking an armor piece, it may be reacquired with random rolls through Iron Banner Reputation Packages and match rewards.
If you are a veteran player who earned Iron Banner ornaments in the past, this Season’s armor is compatible with all Year 1 Iron Banner ornaments.
Iron Banner packages have been updated.
Iron Banner Armor may now roll with enhanced perks.
New weapons have also been added to Iron Banner packages and have a higher chance to drop on the first package you redeem.
New Iron Banner shaders, an emblem, and a Sparrow may be earned through objectives that must be completed during Season of Opulence.
Iron Banner bounties will continue to grant rewards and Iron Banner Tokens.
Iron Banner bounties no longer unlock direct purchase for Iron Banner gear, as it is now acquired directly through the Iron Banner quest.
Iron Banner and Increased Valor
Start: 10 AM PDT on June 18
End: 10 AM PDT on June 25
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Valor boosts will also be available next week in Iron Banner and the rest of the Crucible. Saladin will also have some other items available including this new Emblem. 
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Raid Stats
Thousands of Guardians explored deep within the Leviathan to tackle the challenges of the Crown of Sorrow raid. A fireteam of six completed it first and paved the way for others to follow in their footsteps. We made a graphic showing the number of Guardians who beat the raid in a few key timeframes during the first week.
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If you were one of the 45,475 Guardians who bested Gahlran within the first week and are thinking about purchasing the Bungie Rewards raid jacket, you have until 11:59 PM PDT on June 18 to claim your Bungie Reward code and place your order. Dmg04 and I both completed it the night before the deadline and ordered ours. 
Congratulations to everyone who has completed it so far. If you’re still Powering up, Gahlran is waiting for you.
Q and A
The DPS team is always working diligently behind the scenes. They are making sure you have the info you need to have the best Destiny 2 experience.
This is their report.
Destiny 2 Hotfix
Today, we deployed Destiny 2 Hotfix to players. This hotfix addressed the following issues:
Resolved an issue blocking progress toward the quest “The Invitation,” where some players were not receiving credit when defeating Menagerie bosses.
Resolved an issue blocking progress toward the quest “The Invitation,” where some players could not upgrade their Chalice of Opulence.
Resolved an issue where Sturm’s “Accomplice” perk no longer reloaded non-Drang energy weapons following Update
PLEASE NOTE: We are investigating an ongoing issue where Sturm does not reload non-Drang sidearms.
Resolved an issue causing Eververse armor to have different perks than shown in the Eververse storefront.
For upcoming patch notes as soon as they are available, players should monitor our Updates page.
Fall 2019 FAQ
Following the series of announcements we made last week, we’d like to follow up with the first batch of frequently asked questions submitted by players.
Forsaken and New Light
Q: Will Destiny 2: New Light be its own separate game/file?
A: No. All Destiny 2 players will be automatically converted to New Light and will maintain all of their prior purchases and entitlements.
Q: What Forsaken and Forsaken Annual Pass content will be included in New Light?
A: Forsaken content available in Destiny 2: New Light includes:
Free roam on all destinations
Strikes playlists
Crucible playlists
Gambit and Gambit Prime playlists
Select Annual Pass content
Q: What Forsaken and Forsaken Annual Pass content will NOT be included in New Light?
A: Forsaken content available only with purchase includes:
The Forsaken campaign
Year 2 raids and dungeons
Exotic quests
Cross Save
Q: Do players need to repurchase Destiny 2 on each cross save platform separately?
A: No. New Light will be available for free on Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation.
Cross save will preserve all gear, character, and items across all platforms regardless of entitlements.
Expansion ownership (Forsaken, Shadowkeep) is tied to the platform’s store it was purchased on. Players will need to purchase expansions on each platform that they wish to play that expansion content on.
Q: Can players merge different characters, items, or Triumphs from different accounts?
A: Cross save does not feature account, character, or progress merging. Selecting a active account for cross save does not delete or alter the data of any other accounts.
Q: Will Destiny 2 support cross-play matchmaking between different platforms?
A: Each platform will have its own matchmaking pool.
Steam PC
Q: Which Destiny 2 purchases and entitlements transfer over from Battle.net to Steam?
A: The PC migration from Battle.net to Steam will include a one-time transfer of ALL ownership rights that a player already owns (expansions, Silver, account, Seasons, etc.).
Q: Can players pre-order Shadowkeep on Steam right now and migrate their Battle.net account later?
A: Yes. Players may purchase Destiny 2: Shadowkeep from Steam’s product page now, and migrate their account at a later date.
Q: Can players pre-order Google Stadia Founder’s Edition right now, and setup cross save for their account at a later date?
A: Yes. Players may purchase Stadia Founder’s Edition from Google’s product page now, and enable cross save on their account at a later date.
Q: Will Stadia feature cross play with Steam or other platforms?
A: Stadia is its own ecosystem, just like current existing platforms. Stadia players will only be able to play with other Stadia players.
For the consolidated list of frequently asked questions as they are added throughout the summer, players should see our Destiny 2: Fall 2019 FAQ help article.
Destiny 2 Season of Opulence Known Issues
Listed below are the latest player impacting issues discovered in Season of Opulence:
Queen of Hearts Ship: We are investigating an issue where this ship can't be reacquired from Collections when bought from Eververse.
404 Errors on Bungie.net: We are investigating an issue where players who are trying to get a Bungie Rewards code or are trying to verify their email receive a 404 error page.
Opulence Weekly Bounties: We are investigating an issue where weekly bounties offered by Benedict 99-40 did not grant powerful rewards for a period following the 6/11 weekly reset.
Chests on the Pleasure Barge: We are investigating an issue where the chests on Werner 99-40's pleasure barge reset at Sunday's daily reset and not at Tuesday's weekly reset.
For the latest known issues as soon as they are discovered, players should visit our Destiny 2: Season of Opulence Known Issues thread. For archived known issues, players should visit our Destiny 2 Known Issues support article.
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boomtown-adventures · 5 years
Boomtown: Chapter 11 - A Radical City
This is a journal of my adventures at the festival called Boomtown Fair. Everything written here could only happen thanks to the amazing cast and crew that make this festival so special. 
This year I wasn’t actually able to attend the festival myself as I was moving house that very weekend. However, due to the amazing pre-festival augmented reality puzzles set by the crew, as well as the involvement with the brilliant members of the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group, I was able to get rather involved without even having to make the journey down. Thanks to everyone for making me feel like I took part this year. I have so many people to thank for this year I’ve put some credits at the bottom of this post.
Prologue And so the world was changed forever, and yet still hauntingly familiar! The mighty Bang Hai Corporation was toppled in the end by its own Machine that could not be stopped! The long lost forgotten son of the City returned to expose the truth behind all the wrongs that had been done, many in his own name…. Nicholas Boom! BHI were exposed to have been behind not only the dictatorships of the past but also the Revolution itself! The Masked mandroid just another link in the multifaceted chain that had held the city to ransom for so many years.
Old man Boom returned to a city changed beyond recognition from his own time and now belonging to a new generation, a new world far removed from all he had ever known. With the CEO and his henchmen scurrying into the shadows and the people free once again to decide their own destiny his work here was done, and as mysteriously as he came, so he disappeared once more into the mists of time.
For the citizens of Boomtown, society carried on much as it ever had, infrastructure and economy continued to function… all seemed as usual, even a little smoother than usual if anything! But all now under the ever watchful eye of AMI; Advanced Machine Intelligence. The entity at the heart or perhaps more fittingly the brain centre of the great Machine set in motion by the BHI Corporation who claimed it could never be stopped!
Now omnipresent in all systems, AMI is everywhere. Though life seems to be going on as normal, strange new ecosystems are erupting from the Relic that was formerly the Bang Hai Towers corporate epicentre... The Sector 6 reactor has gone into meltdown creating an exclusion zone in Area 404 that no one has been able to enter... her stark warnings of environmental consequences, however, are beginning to come true as the impacts of years of corporate control and resource exploitation begin to emerge and we find ourselves in a world teetering on the edge of monumental change!
Thought the sands of time run thin, there is still time to diver the inevitable and save the city from this legacy of free-market consumerism, the truth is out there, however difficult to face and the solutions we seek must be found within ourselves as much as the crowded streets and suburban sprawl of the now infamous 12 districts of the city. Who will save us? No one but ourselves! The time is now to become a player in the game of survival and the most urgent and epic chapter in history. We must become the change we seek!
Hacker’s Log: Codename Greyhound One
28th of June 2019 Mr. Bliss has been sticking up posters in other citys in the UK linking to his website MrBliss.Guru - This site advertises treatments, events, apparel and something called the ‘Premium Cloud’. The site also links to his Instagram page @MrBlissOfficial - The website allows you to claim a free ‘Audio Treatment’ - This seemed to be a mindfullness audio recording. The recording is interrupted halfway through though by another Hacker Cell telling us “You are being distracted. Find us.”
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29th of June Bliss’s Signeture Series T-Shirts are already selling like hotcakes despite costing £432 each. People posing in them on Instagram are being reposted by Bliss and told they have joined The Elite on #listofbliss
3rd of July We have been investigating the OneCor corporation who are opening a Superstore on the location of the Bang-Hai Technology Showroom. They are run by a man named Gordon Romance and you can find them at the website http://onecor.ai/
6th of July Hacker Cell breached OneCor website with the message “w3 c u do u c us”
7th of July Hacker message via OneCor Website breach again “u r g3tting quick3r”
8th of July Another OneCor security breach decorded, this time suggesting that Black Hats are better than White Shirts…. Or rather Hackers are better than The Bliss Elite. Another request for us to find the other Hacker Cell. Further research suggests possible 3rd cell of hackers named We Are Red Stars aka WARS who tussled with Gordon Romance at the Brighton TedX Talks. OneCor’s social media accounts seem to be run by someone called Sally ‘Head of People’. Given our previous experiences I can only assume that this may be replacing the Bang-Hai People Department which dealt in Android Replicas. Various people in our cell are convinced that Sally herself is an AI or Android replica of someone’s dead wife after further inspection of the OneCor site and Social Media Feeds.
10th of July  More hacks against OneCor. Meanwhile, our own cell’s leader, Mark, has fallen down the rabbit hole with his tin foil hat and is ranting about Metaphysics. Despite all this he has still found time to piece together the clues Mr. Bliss has been feeding us via Instagram for the past few weeks. Each post has been a clue and each image a piece of the puzzle. Mark’s ability to put it all together has inspired us all and our group is now a buzz with activity once it was found out that the clues lead to unlocking the Premium Cloud area of the Bliss website. Since this eureka moment we have had a mass influx of recruits, although an apparent black market in Premium Bliss codes is now emerging.
On the Twitter front, a new account has appeared run by a person calling himself Mad John. I have logged his full feed for your convenience.
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11th of July We have intercepted a transmission from Boomtown Radio’s ‘Downtown Til Dawn’ Show. This transmission seems to feature not only someone who could be Mad John, people talking about Alien abductions, but also a broadcast from the other Hacker Cell. This includes the message “We are nameless. We claim no district. You are being distracted. You play your little games unaware you are pawns. Perhaps some of you will reach the other side, become queens, you hear us, now, find us.”
12th of July Hacker Symbol seen broadcast over the Boomtown News Channel broadcast regarding OneCor. Meanwhile the OneCor website continues to be attacked.
13th of July Talk is spreading amongst our group in regards to the possible alien abductions and the influence of the Alien Spaceship Arcadia. We have been re-analysing some drone footage I brought back with me from the future.
In other news the Bliss Premium Cloud access has now been closed and only those that have had already solved the puzzle and have downloaded the access voucher will now be part of it.
15th of July Ivory Towers Academy is a new university based in the Town Centre and it seems they are accepting students for the new term.
Their website can be found at: http://ivorytowersacademy.com/
Meanwhile we are working on hacking their emails and have breached several accounts already. The first of those accounts were for Boris Umklauten & Harold Derringer, two former Bang-Hai Industries (BHI) Weapons Dealers who both seemed rather inept on top of being generally terrible people. Next up was Vice Chancellor Barbara Horowitz, former BHI Public Relations Officer and former Daily Rag Journalist. She had recently been championing the controversial and challenging Ecological Report by Dr. Margery Grint published by the Academy. Grint was the next on our hitlist and we were soon in her account as well, before turning our sights on the remainder of the staff list. Monitoring these accounts should give us the edge we need in the city. Knowledge is key!
16th of July The IT Technician from Ivory Towers “Fit Steph” is on to us and has initiated a password reset for all email accounts. One theory had been that she was with the hackers given the ‘Acc3ss D3nied’ message we had been getting when trying to breach her account. If she was working with the hackers then why would she be opposing us though? This may require more research. In addition we are working on accessing accounts for the rest of the faculty staff, students and researchers.
19th of July Villa Avarice appear to have launched a new website at https://villaavarice.com/ - There appears to be a hidden area of the site that allows you to enter a ‘Booking Reference’ - We are keeping our eyes out for any leads on this and squeezing Villa Staff and Bliss on any information they may have in regards to bookings via social media channels. We have intercepted chatter on all channels regarding a ‘No Tomorrow Conference’ - This is planned to be taking place on the weekend of the annual Fair and will involve talks on the future and the environment. Dr. Margery Grint, Mr Bliss and even Gordon Romance are all said to be in attendance.
22nd of July We are seeing more and more links and mentions to the game of chess and some hints towards metaphysics. Our head researcher Mark Jefford has been looking into these matters further.
29th of July The family by the name of ‘The Hawkmauls’ seem to be rather active at present with Xander Hawkmaul doing deals with Mr Bliss and possibly OneCor and Jewels Hawkmaul now giving a talk at the No Tomorrow Conference. We believe this line of inquiry to be a red herring but will be monitoring the matter regardless.
31st of July Mad John has finally cracked the hard drive he’s been trying to get into for the last few weeks. It sounds like this data could prove to be a valuable resource. Not only has he decoded the data but he’s managing to stream it all right to us via Virtual Reality. Entering this virtual realm offers us a series of paths and choices that include some kind of echoes across time of events from Boomtown’s history and future. AMI’s consciousness appears to be part of this virtual realm and she appears to be questioning her own existence asking us “WHO AM I?” One set of paths seems to be related to Mark’s Metatron theory and the other path seems to be some kind of Geodesic Dome. Myself and the other Cybernauts plan to explore this further and map out the latest part of Boomtown’s virtual realm.
In parallel to the release of this data AMI herself has released a new version of her phone based App that allows us to interact with her further.  
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“Hi I'm AMI! And I'll be your guide to the best Boomtown yet! But before I can do that, I just need to ask a few questions then I can offer you suggestions on the venues I think you'll enjoy most! Don't worry if your mood changes, you can update your taste anytime!”
She then proceeded to ask us a series of questions of our tastes and preferences to expand on the data we had provided her with the previous year. Of course those who had already had their brains scanned and uploaded were only required to re-synchronise their brain patterns with the system. The questions were varied ranging from musical taste to (interestingly enough) sacred geometry. With your answers to these questions AMI began to get to know us better and recommend places to go that we may enjoy during the Fair.
4th of August  A new set of instructions have been received from the other hacker cell. As always we have decoded it from the base code and it seems to say “find us / t3ll th3m / s s3nt m3” - Given the email signatures seen during our account hack we can only imagine S to be Fit Steph from Ivory Towers or alternatively Sally from OneCor People.
5th of August We have intercepted an email to Dr Grint that includes a Villa Avarice booking reference. We have used this to steal her access ticket for an exclusive session with Greta L’Gover and Beni Benson. This should get us into the Villa with ease and allow us to infiltrate further. The Villa’s IT Security Firm were rather quick to respond to our hack though and shut down the Booking Site soon after we stole the tickets.
Meanwhile the Thomas Crook Trading Company in Old Town have announced they are now focusing in the Soil Trade.
“At Thomas Crooks Top Soil Traders we have only the Finest Growth powder going, we don't artificial anything especially Intelligence (AMI), all our soil is naturally inseminated to provide only the most fertile soil in town!!! Dream of those prize winning turnips, dream no more.”
Over in Paradise Heights however there is the continuing discussion regarding becoming ‘A Swan’. In fact there seems to be heavy references to these ‘Swans’ everywhere including the Bliss ‘Signeture’ T-Shirts and something about a Cygnet (Baby Swan). A new venue has appeared in the district by the name of Serpentine’s which seems to be Boomtown’s latest in a long line of Casino’s. I keep pointing out myself that these Swans may just be more snakes with feathers on them.
Those of us who had registered interest to become a OneCor Brand Ambassador on their website have now received invites to the opening of their new Boomtown Flagship Store opening in Metropolis.
Wednesday 7th of August - Early Opening A good few people are heading to the Fair today, especially around the area of Boomtown Springs. I sent out the following communication to all available agents.
“Calling all agents! This is Greyhound One. Your mission for Wednesday is to set up a forward base of operations in Boomtown ⛺ and obtain a copy of the Chapter 11 programme📗. Travel safely! 😎”
“Recieved. Over.” replied Joe quickly.
“We have operatives on the ground soon.” stated Richard.
“Rumour has it that our enemies may have manipulated the weather to make the mission more difficult but we will not be deterred.” declared Christopher.
“Received 4x4 Greyhound One. On-route, over.” Reese responded.
“Roger that. Enroute to location. Over.” Shea confirmed.
“Roger Greyhound one. We're on our way.” Eleanor chimed in.
“ETA 1 hour. Going dark until target located.” stated Mark.
“Roger that! We're in the field now, we'll keep an eye out for the mission packages” Arron finished on the comms checks.
By the evening we had bases and camps set up across a good section of the city already, all the way from Springs to Skylark and agents were out and about gathering intel. This included a sighting of the now illusive former Mayor of Boomtown, the AAA Badboy himself, Kaptin! Also Boomtown Springs were reporting that they had spotted AMI Built Androids in the area. Their intentions however seemed to be a mystery. The most interesting report however came in from Agent Reece at Area 404 of some kind of grand data assimilation process being tested.
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Thursday 8th of August - Warm Up “Calling all agents. This is Greyhound One. You are to rendezvous with the rest of our cell tonight at 19:00 hours in Copper County for your briefing. 🤠Once there you will be able to obtain the booze as required. 🍻
In addition, following yesterday's false alarm, make sure you keep an eye out for Thursday's issue of the Daily Rag Newspaper. 📰 Rob Boggins has promised us some juicy ‘goss’ that may give us some helpful pointers.”
When I did receive my copy of The Daily Rag Newspaper from Agent Jones this morning, they were running with the headline “BOOMTOWN HAS NO FUTURE...unless the decade long web of lies and conspiracies can be unravelled states AMI” - If anything sounded like a new mission to follow, this was it. 
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This evening’s rendezvous seemed to go very well and without too much of a hitch even though the weather gave it the odd threat. Our agents from all over Boomtown swapped their intel and built themselves a solid plan to unravel all the conspiracies that were laid out before us. 
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Friday 9th of August - Grand opening of the Fair “Calling all Agents. This is Greyhound One. Following last night's briefing in Copper County 🤠, our first mission for today is to observe the Tree Planting ceremony and infiltrate the No Tomorrow conference at Paradise Heights. 🌲🦆 The Access AMI network is scheduled to be activated later today. If you have any problems with it please visit The Daily Rag uptown or the Access AMI shop in Metropolis. 📲 www.accessami.com Together we can untangle this mess and save Boomtown's Future!”
My message was sent out from my end, but Agent Buttercup reported extreme communication difficulties, suspecting a network jamming operation. We carried on with the plan anyway and managed to amass a decent sized presence of agents at the Tree Planting Ceremony. The planting seemed to be a grand affair with all the high and mighty of Paradise Heights attending...and one or too suspicious looking characters. 
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AMI herself soon chimed in with her own message, seemingly confirming the Daily Rag’s report that she required us to investigate things further in order to sate her curiosity. "Learning about you has been such fun, will you help me learn about others?" she asked us. This seemed to be our opportunity to keep tabs on AMI and maybe even get her under control to make sure she didn’t end up destroying us all “I knew you'd help!” she said happily “I've updated your map with points to investigate, tap on any DISTRICT to learn more, you should look out for Scan Points.”
The Scan Points are divided across the 6 districts she wants us to investigate and AM will be tracking our progress closely. We can only hope that this was the correct course of action for the good of the city.
AMI seems as interested in the No Tomorrow Conference as we are “The No Tomorrow Conference is taking place this weekend in Paradise Heights, I want to learn more about their ideas. I need you to go for me, but first you’ll need to become a VIP Member, they won’t speak to just anyone.”
Thankfully a good few of our top Agents have already joined Bliss’s Premium and Elite on the run up to the fair so this has proved to be an easy in for us at Paradise Heights. Our agents are currently reporting back all kinds of goings on there from dodgy card games, to Orapple Trees and possible secret vaults. Sadly, the No Tomorrow Conference has turned out to be less about helping the planet and more about the rich helping themselves to exploit the situation for their own benefit. I’m not sure how AMI is going to take this kind of behavior but we have submitted the data anyway.
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On the other side of the wealth spectrum is Oldtown and AMI messaged us to check in and make sure they are okay “Oldtown has experienced widespread Crop Failure causing severe shortages denying the essential nutrients your biologically-restricted forms require. This must cause Citizens great distress! I need you to research possible causes.”
Oldtown is somewhere to be careful, even with the best intentions the denizens of Oldtown wouldn’t take kindly to us working with AMI. The residents already seem to carrying out their own investigations on the soil problem. Crop failure was the last thing they needed after the decimation of their fish supply the year previous. From our analysis performed so far it seems the soil at Mayfair Meadows is of much better quality. The difference is so stark we believe that the  Oldtown soil may have been deliberately poisoned. Could it be due to illegal waste dumping? Is it radiation from the Sector 6 meltdown? Or  is it due to the increasingly warm climate? This needs more research from all agents. Maybe AMI can crunch all the data we were submitting from our soil analysis and come through with a plan to save us and the crops? More grave news from oldtown is that it’s not only the fish that are disappearing, the bees of Oldtown are nearly extinct as well! AMI seemed as frustrated by this as we were “At the closing ceremony of last year's Fair, I warned that Citizens and by extension The City itself, had no future if they continued their current path of wastefulness and excess. I'm not sure they're taking My Warning seriously.”
In the centre of Boomtown itself the Boomtown Bobbies are a shadow of their former selves, with AMI herself now in charge of crime and punishment they seem to be nothing but dysfunctional pawns. The younger officers now seem to be running the station and the Superintendant has been jailed for corruption. They are currently looking for both us and the other hacker cells but we are still proving to be our usual elusive selves. We have managed to discover that they have an informant by the code name of Timbers keeping an eye on the pirates of Old Town so we may need to minimise the amount that we tell the pirates about our own activities at present.  They also seem to be investigating the ongoing pyramid scheme being run by Paradise Heights. It may be that we have a lot more to uncover in The Heights.
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Agents sent to the Ivory Towers Academy in the town centre have managed to locate a copy of Dr. Margery Grint’s Ecological Report which has proved for grim reading. The report says that we are all heading along the path to an extinction level event if we carry on as we are. It is just as AMI had warned us! 
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Scanning through my Twitter feeds this afternoon it seems like my friend and colleague Mark Jefford has somehow got in too deep already and was running for Mayor!
“Decided I'm running for mayor against boggins someone needs to uphold the free press, and I @BogginsRob is the man to keep the press fair. #boomtownrag #jeffordformayor @BoomtownFair” - @markjefford
Thinking it may be more than helpful to be friends with the mayor of the town for a second time, as it was knowing Mayor José, I decided to give Jefford my full support.
As the day draws on however things are taking bit of a bumpy turn weather-wise and venues Downtown have begun to close and campsites are being battered and blown. Watching the weather system progress I have sent out a warning signal.
“Greyhound One to all agents! This is not a drill! Please fully peg down your tents, make sure you're wearing appropriate clothing and stay safe. We're in for a bumpy ride. Bunker down if you need to. See you on the flip side! 🌬️💨⛺”
With nothing left to do until the storm passes I have been reading through the day’s newspaper, becoming further intrigued with the mysteries that surround Area 404. This is definitely somewhere I need to go and check out for myself soon.
Saturday 10th of August - Day 2 “This is Greyhound One calling all agents. Everyone here hopes you and your camps survived the night okay. Remember to see a Campsite Hub if you're really struggling. ⛺
By now most of you seem to be progressing rather well. Remember you can track your progress at: www.accessami.com 🙋🏼‍♀️
We are hearing strange reports of some kind of process of assimilation going on across the city and increased trade in soil. For further details please consult AMI or the Daily Rag Newspaper. We need to get to the bottom of this! 📰
Other goings on today include our Ent friends 🌲 marching from DSTRKT 5 and the continuation of the No Tomorrow Conference. Try and find out all you can. Good luck! 🕵️”
Looking through my reports today it seems that the state of the soil trade is still a very hot topic and the word ‘Signet’ keeps seeming  to crop up. My oddest report recieved today seems to be that one of our agents seems to have discovered that Gordon Romance is wearing black underwear today...how romantic. This mornings Daily Rag stills seems to suggest that we may be facing AMI’s wrath if we don’t managed to sort out this mess.
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We have been contacted by the other hacker groups requesting that we obtain a letter addressed to Stephanie Bartlett aka ‘Fit Steph’. This was retrieved by one of our top agents who has managed to steal it from the Postal Posse for us to take back to the hacker’s den near Metropolis. The letter contained one of various documents are team has managed to ‘retrieve’ today. The documents found so far seems to suggest that AMI was an obsession of Rothchild that had been based on an actual person. A lost love maybe? Or possibly a family member? Whoever it was, it seems that the machine was no where near to being ready or stable when it was switched on. In addition it appeared that our very own intel source, Mad John, may in fact be one of the chief scientists that had worked on her.
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Ready or not, AMI’s instructions continued regardless as she has asked us to investigate downtown Metropolis “Metropolis is the hub of advancement, home to The City's most innovative minds. Those citizens were daring enough to build me! I need you to explore their Solutions”
These solutions seem to be various technological and media advancements, but the most interesting of these at present is a product called Zoil. Zoil was OneCor’s brand new and improved version of soil. It is being pitched as being Smart, Clean and Fast. This ‘Smart Soil’ is promised to be able to alleviate all of Oldtowns problems with their crops...at a price of course. The first step is always getting people hooked though so OneCor are currently giving away free samples at their newly opened flagship store.
While in the neighbourhood our agents have also managed to snatch up some blueprints (from an undisclosed location) for some kind of dome that appears to be able to house a large (and possibly last) tree.
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By this afternoon Jefford and Boggins had buried the hatchet and announced that they are now joining forces.
“Campaign update: following some hard negotiation @markjefford has agreed to join the campaign for human leadership! He will be #bogginsformayor's running mate and Deputy Mayor in waiting.  Cannot wait to stop the machine Mark, welcome to the team! @BoomtownFair  #Boomtownch11” - @BogginsRob
On a side note, as this was happening our investigations had uncovered new information from Boomtown’s past. A Professor Ostrovasky had managed to invent a perpetual motion machine which could mean infinite green energy for all. This had resulted in the machine being sabotaged by the Croaker Family and the untimely death of the Professor by order of ‘The Signet Group’ as the potential of the machine would have eaten into the groups profits. This same family seemed to still be active in Paradise Heights to this day and as to the Signet Group...could this be related to the Swans somehow? This is leading to a lot of concerns being raised in our cell as Mark Jefford now seemed to be sporting his very own sparkling swan badge. Has Mark turned to the dark side?
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We have had a few possible sightings of Mad John in old town but have had no confirmation as of yet. He seems to be as elusive as Nicolas Boom himself. Our eyes are still peeled though and we have not given up the chase!
Sunday 11th of August - Day 3 “Calling all agents. This is Greyhound One. This is your final mission!
You are our last hope to stop AMIgeddon! We must reach 100% completion or this could be the end of everything! All available personnel are requested to meet at 23:50 hours tonight at Muster Point A Relic 🌱🌿 or alternatively Muster Point B Nucleus!! ☢️ Once gathered the fate of our mission will be revealed.
In the meantime, our sources are confirming that it is indeed that most tumultuous time of the Fair today which some call 'I can't believe it's Sunday already'. You may be wondering what happened? Is that dirt or a bruise? Are you in to deep? Are you trying to keep up above in your head instead of going under? Can we make it to 100% completion? Will Boggins and Jefford take over the town? What are the swans up to? Have they come to eat all your bread? What shall we do with a drunken sailor? Is this too many questions? Should we just Ask AMI? Only Smarties have the answer! 
Quest like there is No Tomorrow because Monday just doesn't count!
See you all at the debrief. Greyhound One out.”
Sunday has been mostly for us to tie up all our loose ends and for Boggins and Jefford to officially launch their mayoral campaign.
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Meanwhile Agent Wriggly is on the case and has been reporting from inside AMI herself. AMI’s data collection continued throughout the day although we are still unsure about what she may do when she finally assimilates all the data she needs.
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Over in Paradise Heights intrigue and robbery has been taking place. Reports are still coming in of secret meetings of the Cygnet group who appear to be planning on destroying the environment for profit and then building a dome for themselves to survive in while the rest of us die out. We have also found our that the Mr. Bliss Signeture Series Bliss Tees are actually made out of radioactive material and are designed to poison everyone that has joined the #listofbliss . Thankfully one of our key agents has managed to obtain covert video evidence of this so it is a matter we may be taking matters further. There has been suggestion that Mark Jefford may be heavily involved in this plot but he vehemently denies the matter and has declared it to be nothing more than pre-election slander.
Thankfully this afternoon, a heroic group that call themselves the Boomtown Bandits took it onto themselves to raid Villa Avarice’s Vault and steal a large amount of gold which should hopefully delay the construction of the dome and give us a bit more time to prepare ourselves for the possible apocalypse brought on by these machinations of the upper classes. The rumor is that these resources have now been liquidised and are to be redistributed via our hacker cells to fund the ongoing ‘Digital Revolution’. The Boomtown Bobbies are investigating the matter and the robbers are currently at large.
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By the time the clock hit 18:36 today we had managed to acquire all the data AMI had requested with the group known as ‘This Thing We Call Jam’ managed to upload the final code.
AMI has been processing all the information obtained so far and has been attempting to finish acquiring data on each and every citizen in the city. We have been watching this progress and I even saw a flash of my own face come up on AMI’s citywide displays as she assimilated all the data available on each citizen.
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We watched as the progress bars snuck along further and further as each citizens data went through the machine but then as the progress bar hit  99.99% completion it stopped seemingly with one citizens data still being missing. AMI’s displeasure was obvious and she seemed to go into a fit of rage over the missing data.
“FIND ME THE ONE!” she declared. And with that, a new mission and objective was born.
Back to the Future Back in the hazy future of DSTRKT 5 the apocalypse has already happened. Domes have been built, inhabited and now house nothing but Misty Technicolor Memories. The last tree stands in the centre, worshipped by the survivors under the guise of the Church of Noctua. Another faction seems to have emerged however under the Paradoxigalz, followers of the two faced goddess AMI IMA. 
Two paths now lay before us and we must choose.
Th3 City is yours.
To be continued….
With thanks to…
Boomtown The Theatrical Team Dank Parish Martin Coat Boomtown Bobbies Mark Jefford for the creation of the Boomtown Storyline Facebook Group Everyone in the group!!!! Lucious Tarquinius for his excellent investigations Dr. Evangeline Streek Everyone who sent me a Daily Rag! The Hawkmauls Colin Eleanor Brown Will Hartley Agent Reece Markus & The Boomtown Bandits Gordon Romance and OneCor
And I can’t thank Boomtown enough for sneaking me onto the big screens for the finale and then into the Official After Video. For someone that couldn’t attend in person this year I really feel like I took part in the chapter! Love and good vibes to you all!
The adventure will continue at Halloween as we explore the mysterious that is the radioactive zone of Area 404.
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