#3rd year uni is wild
Hi Vani !!! Been too long since we talked how's it going :)
omg hi kai<3 it has been!!!!!!!!!!!!
its goin :3 it is the weekend so im chillin. gonna play p3re till late <- does that anyway
also my cousin is coming up to tour a uni right near mine so we're gonna meet up and get dinner together :3 sushi, kai. i get SUSHI.
ANYWAY. howre you!!!
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martinluvrr · 5 months
⋅˚₊‧ paige x fem!gf!reader
⋅˚₊‧ summary: y/n and paige experience what it means to be in a long distance relationship, but with the distance between them, can they overcome it?
⋅˚₊‧ warning : secret relationship, angst (kinda) ,long distance.
⋅˚₊‧ duayaps: first post🥳🥳🥳.
⋅˚₊‧ inspired by flatline by justin bieber.
⋅˚₊‧ nav ||
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"I'LL MISS YOU" paige muttered against her neck.
"it'll go by before you know it" y/n said pulling away from the hug. When college applications started being filled, she took a big risk and applied for Politecnico di Milano, a fashion uni in Milan, Italy. She had already said goodbye to her parents, thinking that was the hardest goodbye she could imagine, but the tears in her eyes from saying goodbye to her girlfriend right now, told her she lied to herself a while ago.
Paige and y/n had always had a rocky side of their relationship, for one, it was a secret waiting to bomb the world, two, they always knew that long distance was going to be a thing for them. With Paige going to Uconn and Yn going to PDM, 'it was already doomed' said by most people. But overcoming the rocky side of their relationship, there was the fairytale side. The one where they in love, where they supported each other in everything, where they took each others first kisses, first everything. They were each other's lifelines in a way, they didn't go a day without speaking to each other.
They both hoped that these future 4 years, weren’t going to change their feelings of each other.
Lately you've been busy, wondering if you miss me
Why did you go against me? I just wanna know
How come you act so different? Talk to me, I'll listen
All the love I'm giving, don't act like you don't know
“…leave a message after the tone” y/n sighed as she hung up the phone. It was 7am and her alarm had just gone off, Paige was most likely asleep. It’s 1am at Storrs.
If you put the time difference aside, they were doing well. Both of them spent at least 2 hours everyday on the phone and haven’t had an any problems yet.
But it’s only been 5 months. 7 months and 3 years to go.
Y/n was glad Paige settled in great, she got along with her teammates and had a great support system there. Paige became a media star, with that came many fans. While y/n wasn’t the jealous type, these fans were wild.
She opened her instagram app, and slowly started to scroll through stories. When she stopped, went stiff. “Oh” she muttered, her girlfriend’s teammate, Aaliyah, had posted a story with the Uconn women’s basketball team having fun ,at what she would guess, a bar. Paige is in the background , a girl sitting next to her, whiles shes on the phone. Y/n quickly checked when the story was posted,10minutes ago.
‘Okay so she could’ve just posted this when she came home’ y/n quickly assured herself. Paige wouldn’t just ignore her calls, especially on a night out, right?
As those thoughts filled her head, a notification sound came from her phone.
pb 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
gm baby. can’t talk, tired, going to bed.
y/n didn’t think anything, she couldn’t. She just typed ‘sweet dreams💗’ and hit send.
no i love you, no ily, not even an emoji.
‘Stop, don’t overthink this ,shes just tired’ she told herself. She shut her phone off and got out of bed, leaving her thoughts about P in her comfy bed.
It had been a month since the bar incident, and everything seemed normal, until a week ago.
Y/n just got out of work, a small intern job to help her graduate early. It was 6pm in Milan, and 12 in Storrs.On her way home, y/n called P.
The phone rang, 1,2,3 times before she hung up. Tried a gain, 1,2,3. User is busy.Paige had hung up on her, she didn’t think much of it. ‘She’s probs busy’.
That was 6 days ago.
While they exchange texts, no calls were made this week. Paige was busy, like really busy, But not busy ‘not go out with her friends for the 3rd time this week’ busy. Y/n got it, freshman year, new teammates, she had to have fun. She also knew that their relationship was on the down low. Even though she assured Paige that it was okay to tell her teammates, P reluctantly agreed. ‘I don’t know, i’ll see’ She muttered to y/n, 2 weeks ago on their normal facetime call.
Y/n didn’t want to think much of it, she didn’t want her overthinking to brew a fight. The last 2 years she was back home, her and paige had never gone a day without speaking to each other, but so what it stopped now?, it was common sometimes to not call. So she let it be, but Paiges text became more and more rare,more dry and definitely more weird.
But y/n knew, paige was just busy.
Girl you always catch me at the bad time (Bad time)
When I know you probably think it's a lie (A lie)
I know I told you last time was the last time (Last time)
How could you pull the plug and leave me flatline?
On the other end of the phone. Y/n hit the red button, and ended the call. She hit her head on the wall behind her in frustration, thankful that the call wasn’t on facetime and Paige could see her sad face.
Y/n had called in sick at work so she could watch Paiges game in peace, her boss gave her an earful, because it was one of the more busier seasons in the fashion world, but she let her be ‘sick in bed’. She was proud of Paige, and was the happiest for her.
But the mood drifted when she heard the voice tell her they need her. ‘I need her too’ Y/n thought. This was the first time in a month that Y/n heard Paiges voice. Her heart clenched when she heard her sound weird, it sounded like she was frustrated. Frustrated with who though, with y/n?.
As time went quick, it felt like Paiges texts were more rare, and even more dry. And Y/n didn’t know if Paige was aware of the way she was acting, she also didn’t know if she should say anything, Paige was a freshman in college having fun, alone,without Y/n next to her.
If Y/n were to say anything, she didn’t want to seem like the bitchy jealous girlfriend that only wanted Paige to spend time with her, she just wanted Paige to spend some time with her.
It felt like their relationship was a bomb, and their time was running out quickly.
How could you pull the plug and leave me flatline? (Flatline)
Cause when I hit you, you don't even reply (Reply)
How could you pull the plug and leave me flatline?
Not breathing, what is it I'm not seeing
Said she's leaving, damn I can't believe it
It's like my heart's bleeding knowing that you don't need me
Shut my heart down, now I don't know what Imma do now
“… i just need some space y/n” Paige said with frustration, a sigh coming after. Y/n’s heart dropped.
It all started an hour and a half ago.
Paige went out with her teammates after a late night practice, forgetting that y/n was waiting on her phone call that she promised she would do after practice.
After she came home, she was bombarded with messages from Y/n. 8 to be exact.
hey did you finish practice?
- 8:15PM
you ready?
- 8:18PM
- 8:20PM
- 8:30PM
- 8:35PM
pls tell me u didn’t forget
- 8:45PM
paige are you fucking kidding me
- 9:45PM
it’s our anniversary
- 9:45PM
call me when you get home and make sure you’re not busy
- 9:50PM
And when she called, the yelling happened. It was the first fight they’ve had in a while. While Y/n finally exploded demanding to know what’s happening with her, Paige only had one thing to say.
“I think we should take a break”
“What?” Y/n whispered after a long pause.
“i’m not ready to be in a relationship Y/n/n, i’m still questioning what i want, and i don’t know if its you yet.” Paige said. “I’m sorry, i just need some space Y/n”
Y/n heart dropped, she didn’t know what to say or think. While Y/n knew that not everything lasted, Paige was a sure thing. Paige was her lifeline. What was she going to do?.
Y/n gulped and said the only thing she knew she could say “It’s okay”.
‘It’s okay?’ Paige was taken back. Had Y/n want to breakup before?, and then Paige shockingly felt hurt in her chest, her stomach slightly dropped. Why was she feeling like this? why isn’t she feeling relief?. This has been on Paiges mind for the past 3 months, wasn’t this the solution?
“Go be a superstar but don’t expect me to wait for you while you figure out what you want to do” Y/n said, her voice sweet. Not even a slight tone of bitterness.
Y/n still wasn’t able to move from her spot on the kitchen counter. Tears were streaming down her face, and before a sob sound could come, she hung up the phone. All Y/n knew was Paige, but know she didn’t even know that.
She had literally left her clueless, without her lifeline. now flatline.
Paige stood there, watching from her afar.
“That’s her?” a croatian accent asked. She felt Nika sit beside her. “Yeah” Paige answered still in awe of her.
“She’s really pretty” Nika said. Paige nodded agreeing with her. She was wearing a flowy white short summer dress with cowboy boots.
It was Drews birthday today, and as the team had some off time, Drew invited them to his barbecue party. And the weekend before his birthday, he ran into Y/n. Of course the boy was oblivious to the breakup and while he asked still asked Paige for Y/n, she didn’t have the heart to tell him that they broke up.
So when Drew begged Y/n to come to his birthday party, Y/n didn’t know what else to say but yes. He could literally get whatever he wanted out of everyone.
At first, Y/n debated if she should just call Paiges stepmom and cancel, or she should just go and pray that Paige couldn’t make it.
Well, Paige had come. And so did the rest of the huskies. When Y/n saw them, she sighed. Although she was friends with Azzi, she didn’t know the rest of them, but by the look on their faces when she came in, she knew that Paige had told them her history.
Azzi, being the sweetheart she is, excitedly came running to Y/n and hugging her tight. The whole party they caught up with each other, with Azzi telling her about Uconn and Y/n telling her about studying abroad. For the past 30 minutes they’ve been talking, not once have either of them mentioned Paige.
Y/n turned, meeting Paiges eyes. The two of them made eye contact with each other again. Y/n then heard Azzi laughed, when she snapped her head to look at her friend. She saw a small teasing smile on her face. “Don’t even start” Y/n said, glaring at her. She got up and made her way to the other side of the backyard, where there was no Paige in sight.
“Y/n/n” she heard a child scream. Drew was suddenly hugging her legs. “Hi Drewsky” she laughed, beginning to tickle him. She felt the boy starting to laugh, and start to kick her hands away, while Paige and her were together, Drew became a big part in their relationship. Paiges parents often made Paige babysit Drew, and Y/n just tagged along. Through that time, Drew and Y/n became close, Y/n considered him as a baby brother. She would miss him.
“Paigeyy help me” Drew screamed laughing. Y/n became stiff, the hair behind her neck stood. She could feel her ex behind her as she let the little boy go and stand up.
Paige and Y/n stared at one another. Paige was thankful her teammates weren’t around right now, they would be on her ass all day after this.
“Hi” Y/n whispered, looking away from her and to the ground.
“Hey” Paige said back. “How’ve you been-“
“Paige please no small talk, what do you want?” Y/n cut her off. This was already awkward enough, no need to make it even more.
“Uh” Paige stuttered, a sigh coming after. “I missed you” Paige admitted. Y/n’s blood boiled, now she missed me?
Paige could sense Y/n anger, she placed a hand on Y/n elbow, tugging her from leaving. “Please just wait” Paige pleaded “I’m sorry, i just didn’t know what to do i kept having all of this kind of feelings and i know i was busy but i swear just one more chance-“
“Paige” y/n cut her off
“- and i’ll promise i’ll try harder-“ paige continued
“-stop-“ she tried to stop her
“please just give me one more chance”
“-okay” she agreed. Paiges eyes went wide, she didn’t think she would get her to agree that easy.
“I only needed you to apologize P, i only want you to make some time for me thats all. And if were really trying this again you have to be sure you want this because i don’t know if i can handle loosing you again” She said still looking at the ground.
Paiges heart dropped hearing her voice break. Although she knew how Y/n felt, Paige had been nothing but moody,grumpy and miserable these past few months. Seeing Y/n today, brought her hope that she had a second shot with her.
Y/n slowly picked up her head, and looked up at Paige. Paige was jaw dropping hot, and she knew that, her head couldn’t get any bigger by her ego.
Paige reached a hand towards her waist, pulling Y/n towards her. When she did, she slowly dropped a sweet kiss on her girlfriends lips, when she pulled away, her forehead dropped to Y/n’s.
She felt like she could finally breathe, her chest no longer hurt. She had her lifeline back.
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foreigndistance · 2 months
6 Years of Mirishita Anniversary Rankings. (event log/memorials & retrospective)
Ah yes, the yearly Million Live! Theater Days anniversary event. You pick a girl to grind event points for, try to reach the top 1000, and the rest is history. Or maybe you just want to gather all 52 event cards with that new sparkling outfit so you don’t have to dump a ton of rocks just to collect all of them.
Since 2019, I’ve chosen to partake in the yearly battleground of trying to gain as much points as possible. The more popular the idol (or if they are in the key visual), the more painful your ranking experience would be. Or you could just go for Ami, Mami, and/or Ayumu with mostly dumping auto live tickets.
I was only getting into IM@S when the game’s 1st Anniversary dropped, but only started Million Live! Theater Days (Mirishita) after the event happened, so there was no 1st Anniversary event memorial. Hearing stuff about several people that actually got admitted into the hospital and one EmilyP running on bonito stock was wild.
For the game’s 7th anniversary, I’ve decided to compile and release the memorial messages posted onto the Million Live! Discord server, written after getting the event results from the 2nd up to 7th Anniversaries.
2nd Anniversary: UNI-ON@IR!!!! (2019)
Rank: #4352 (Kotoha) & #1717 (Iku)
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I knew the anniversary event was going to be crazy... and I was right. While my ranking wasn't as high as the others (due to real life circumstances, school, and Internet issues on the last few days), I did all I could... until I ran out of tokens on the last hour and had to get more of these. Oh, what a mistake I've made. I've done all I can for Kotoha and Iku (mostly the former)… I'll redeem myself next year~
Looking back at the 2nd Anniversary event feels weird. I was a noob at event ranking back there, my highest ranking was reaching around the Top 30,000 players during the “Datte Anata wa Princess” event. It was back during a time where I didn’t take intense event ranking very seriously back there (and also when I had a social life outside of mobile games).
I will say though, the free pulls gave me Kotoha and Iku’s most recent SSRs (at the time) at least. They’ve become my tantou idols within ML! by then… whatever the definition of a “tantou” was to me before I rediscovered and became S.E.M’s producer at the end of 2019.
3rd Anniversary: CHALLENGE FOR GLOW-RY D@YS!!! (2020)
Rank: #1189 (Kotoha) & #907 (Iku)
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as a kotohaP and an ikuP and a s.e.mP who had to rank somewhere else right before anniv started, that was the worst 21 days of nonstop tiering i've ever done. it was the hardest [mirishita] event i've ever done after nearly 2 years of playing. this year, i dared to tier for two despite one of them having the highest t1 borders of the event until 18 hours of refresh kicked me in the butt and borders proved to be too high. i did manage to redeem myself from last year's failure though. i don't know if i'll ever tier again for kotoha next year… or if parade d'amour will be a mess like how this event was, but i've done my best for my tantous and i think that's enough. otsu, everyone.
Part of the original “14 days of non-stop event grinding” phase I had back in 2020. I was just trying to get top 1000 for Jiro’s wedding event SR in LIVE ON ST@GE! (RIP), and right as the event ended, there I went for trying to dual rank for both of my tantous—only for me to get top 1000 for Iku but failing to do the same with Kotoha. I wanted to do both but uh… I messed up with the refresh timing back there on the last day. (Let’s not get started with the bugs that occurred during that event.)
It was my first time trying to properly do duo idols for this event, so it was quite challenging. It was also through this event where I first started properly called myself an IkuP.
4th Anniversary: Reach 4 the Dre@m! (2021)
Rank: #95 (Iku)
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[3rd anniversary] was the hardest [mirishita] event i've ever done after nearly 2 years of playing. - me, nearly a year ago why the hell does this game keep pushing me to my limits? this was the hardest event i've ever tiered in over 2 years of me sticking around the theater. here it is, the event that forced me to drain all my stamina drinks and memorial items, awaken all of my remaining cards, and use up more than half of my memory piece stash. 4th anniv can finally join in the ranks of my other mobage in the "events that drained (nearly) all of my resources" gang. lately i've been having mixed feelings over the game itself and its recent updates, but Harmony 4 You! ended up being my 2nd favorite anniv song (i'm still sentimental towards UNION!! tho) and i consider it to be the best part of this anniversary. that, along with the limited auto live passes and increased cap for normal ones, those were a life-saver. events like this are crazy every time but tiering this year was a blast, tbh. not gonna lie, being an ikuP is an interesting experience. i became quite emotional two hours after the event ended, seeing what is possibly the highest feat i can go for my tantou. i try to go hard with my main tantous as much as i can but running with iku was genuinely fun and enjoyable. i don't i wanna try this stunt ever again but that was fun. at this point i can say that i genuinely consider her as my top idol in the theater. so... now what? i'm not sure if i'll be sticking around the theater as much as i used to, given the current circumstances (and an upcoming game to look forward to). hopefully the anime and mts will bring in new amazing songs that keeps me staying for a little longer. maybe one day i'll reach t1 in more events with my tantous in them once more. congrats to those who tiered, regardless if they made it or not. see you soon, twinkle rhythm. お疲れ様でした、プロデューサー!!
I pressed too many buttons and there came my first top 100 in an event. I made a whole Twitter thread documenting my journey through this. It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work—even when my tantou’s event ranking borders are in the lowest quarter of the cast’s.
I may have overslept a bit on the last day, with my rank almost dropping below T100. Glad I still managed to pull that one off despite several things.
5th Anniversary: Watashi-tachi no R@inbow! (2022)
Rank: #136 (Iku)
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"What happened to you retiring?" Nothing shows how stubborn I am with this damn franchise and especially towards the branch that fully brought me into hell more than tiering in the yearly anniversary event. The past year has been somewhat of a mixed bag, with several highs and multiple lows throughout. If anything, I would’ve actually retired as I hinted/said in the past, but in truth I ended up coming back to this stupid game for one reason or another. Or maybe because I care for my daughter(s) too much to fully leave. I did get some of my highest accomplishments (most recently, t1 for Kotoha just a month before this). So, yeah. I realized how much I give too many shits between my 765 tantous, especially Iku. I hope your knives are ready, I guess. To Iku, to Kotoha, to TIntMe!, to Haruka and Chihaya, thanks for the bullshit you’ve brought me into for the past few years. Otsukare y’all. (P.S. I want to try doing a t100 Iku + t1000 Kotoha stunt next year, but who knows really.)
Months before that event, I said that I was about to retire from Mirishita for a while after Iku’s last ranking PST. I had started drifting away from Mirishita because I wasn’t satisfied with what happened in its 4th year. I’m personally glad things are (mostly) okay within the ML! sphere nowadays.
Clearly, I did not fully retire due to various events I’m still waiting for. The memorial for that year says it all.
Event ranking thread for this one goes here.
6th Anniversary: R@ise a Good Sign! (2023)
Rank: #621 (Chizuru & Iku)
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"I want to try doing a t100 Iku + t1000 Kotoha stunt next year, but who knows really." (me, last year) big fucking sike. a more melancholic reflection this year, but honestly i don't know how to process things properly since that day... my anger towards a certain company (after shooting down my main branch) has made me throw out all my mirishita event plans for the rest of the year, made me fall off both mirishita (and shinymas) for a while, and went out a revenge arc somewhere in another production for the sake of my tantou units. semi-related, but i became a chizuruP back in january (months before everything fell apart). i didn't tier for any of her events before that so uh... yeah. between this and a night pool party coming up, dunno what is it with me and wanting to "prove" myself as a producer. me tiering this anniv was essentially me fucking around and finding out what to do with all these event auto-passes, event stamina drinks, and a slacc event happening in the other side. i currently deal with three grown ex-teachers and two drunk ladies with top tier seiyuu outside of the franchise. it only took me a couple weeks to accept that chizuru could actually end up as tantou since seeing her seiyuu's collier de perles performance during ml 9th... and i sincerely regret that i didn't become her producer sooner. before everything else started falling apart. i don't know how many more events i have left until i can call myself "retired" from the game instead of the "semi-retired" status i've had for a while now. there's at least two more events i want to rank in, and i don't think i can fully retire until i got closure on that part.
even if i were to visit the theater less than ever before, i'll still consider myself as iku, kotoha, and chizuru's producer. as always, congrats on the 6th anniversary.
on a less melancholic note, i find it funny how i got 315k and 283k pts (certain numbers for certain branches) and somehow got the same exact rank LOL my last-minute tiering got me trying to aim for 315k pts for chizuru, but not 283k for iku. enjoy the clown compilation (from yours truly) from before the event:
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Last year’s resolution clearly didn’t go well. Easily the most melancholic among my memorial messages because a Certain Small Indie Company (TM) decided to shut down three IM@S games within the same year, leaving a branch where one of 765Pro’s rivals would start a new life elsewhere without a game.
Reopening old wounds aside, I didn’t initially plan on tiering the anniversary event again until I started casually dumping tickets and tokens onto Chizuru—a tantou I had spent less time with compared to my two legacy ML! girls. I didn’t realize that there were custom unit titles for Mirishita anniversary events now too, so I wasn’t even able to grab the second title due to insufficient event points. I still think it was funny how I snagged the title for both idols and got the exact same points rank for them.
With this event though, it gave me a bit of confidence that I can potentially do a successful dual T1000 run for two idols. Which leads me into...
7th Anniversary: 7D@ys Smile!! (2024)
Rank: #254 (Kotoha) & #478 (Iku)
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If anyone ever asked who my top 5 overall IM@S idols were four years ago, you’d get a slightly different answer. Looking at my idol sorter results between the FIVE STAR branches at the start of this year though, guess who was 6th and 7th? Yeah.
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Last year’s run (along with watching the ML! server Ps do their own multiple T1000 runs over the years) gave me the confidence to potentially pull off a dual T1000 myself. With a better mindset compared to last year, I tried to pull off my 5th Anniversary resolution again with Kotoha and Iku—while there was no T100 (due to lack of resources and college), I managed to pull it off my biggest revenge from previous Anniversary events.
Started grinding for Kotoha in the first half, then added Iku during the second. Grinded for tokens so hard to try getting Kotoha to 1,000,000 points and Iku to 315,000 points that I have accidentally overkilled my token count to ~284,000 tokens by Day 9. Ended up spending the last 4 days of the event burning my tokens until I reached the points park because clearly I didn’t want to grind anymore in the last several hours. The last 6 hours had me chilling (while procrastinating on my assignments again).
I couldn’t decide what funny numbers as a target at first, all I knew was who to rank for. Then I remembered that this event would end right before SideM’s 9th STAGE this weekend, leading into the branch’s 10th Anniversary a few days later. Going from Million Live’s 10th anniversary → SideM’s 10th anniversary will be fun to see.
So I put into work added an additional 31,500 points beyond Kotoha’s original target, ended things off with ~81k unburned tokens on hand and:
Kotoha: 1,031,500 pts (10th anniversary & obligatory 315)
Iku: 315,765 pts (315Pro & 765Pro)
Not much melancholy from me this time, and a lot of things happened over the years. Kotoha and Iku are still in my overall IM@S top 10, and I really just can’t trade my time with them for anything else.
I give these two thanks for everything, as my first “true” tantou idols. (Now where’s my HELLO, YOUR ANGEL♪ and Give Me Metaphor events?)
And that’s all the Mirishita anniversary event memorials! Each had its own silly little memory surrounding it, but at the end: I tried my best for my silly little idols.
(Also please make sure to take care of yourself while ranking I’m begging you—)
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blu3berrydraws · 1 year
Blue you awake?? Blue what should I paint onto my pants?? I can’t think of anything except for stuff that has way too much detail to paint onto jeans
Ask tax and ideas that I’ve been nervous to say:
Collage AU : Katara goes to visit Sokka for a semester or does a transfer course for a few months or something (idk how schooling works half the time and I have a degree)
When Katara visits Sokka starts asking Zuko to host get-togethers more. Aang visits Katara cause he misses his gf and brings toph (idk what she does or where she met Aang) cause they became bffs over break.
Zuko thinks Sokka has a crush on Toph or a girl in a class they share and is stand-offish for *an amount of time* before Sokka is like “dude wtf?” And Zuko just yells at him and walks away. Some how Toph is close by and hears all of it cause that girl hears everything. She goes to Zuko and asks him what’s up and why he’s fighting with his “best friend”? He confesses cause he’s at the break lmao THEN She goes to Sokka later and try’s her damn best to tell/convince Sokka Zuko definitely likes him
Toph doesn’t go to university. She does those camps/work sites where folks replant forests so she can have her hands in the dirt all day
Sokka tries to sneak in a pet or wild animal into the apartment once every few months
I was NOT awake 4 hours ago :' )) have you painted your pants yet? Are you doing the whole pantlegs or just backpockets or what? I really love it when people make little renaissance scenes on their pants but that is a bit complicated. So Y2K flowers and stuff are fun too? Really depends on the vibes you're going for. I also like the idea of the flames going up the bottoms of pantlegs heheh
As for college au !!!!
heehhe yeesss Katara being a firstyear and Sokka and zuko being a 3rd year uwu, and Aang visiting for spring break! Sokka is a bit annoyed that Katara said she'd bring her boyfriend and now suddenly there's three people crashing at his place (ok, Zuko's place.. So he feels a bit guilty towards him, too..)
Aang and Toph's relationship is easy heheh they're still in high school together, so they have class together (their last year; Aang is about to go to uni, and Toph about to do her 'continued education is for suckers, peace out'.
Snrrk I don't think Zuko has to imagine Sokka having a crush on someone, because Sokka totally tells Zuko ALL ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME. Sokka thinks Zuko doesn't care anyway (because he's never enthusiastic or happy for him during these talks) and he is trying his hardest to get over his best friend himself. Zuko, of course, seethes any time Sokka even mentions half-liking anyone, nd yeah... maybe he just... explodes. Just a tiny bit. No biggie.....
Sokka never tells Zuko about any crush ever again.
Personally I don't think it's really Toph's place to try and convince Sokka that Zuko likes him. THOUGh it is FUN if Toph knows everything and can't even tell anyone. She's just out there with the knowledge for a few years, hearing these two idiots say the most SAPPy shit to one another, that no one thinks anything of, and she's just there like 'oh come onnnn'.
And of course when Aang breaks the news after Zuko and Sokka do get together, she's just like 'GOD, FINALLY'
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Hey, I'm going to uni this year but am stuck choosing Edinburgh (Literature) between Warwick (Creative Writing and Literature) but I don't know which one to pick. Edinburgh has a better lead on the world tables along with a fancy reputation in contrast to Warwick. Do I choose Edinburgh over something that has been burning for years (aka writing about stupid characters) or ya know...something more prestigious? It's really difficult because I don't trust the Creative Writing courses having the ability to give a good experience since they differ so widely and there really is no telling of how it goes.
And on top of that, a lot of my characters are HELLA QUEER and my conservative ass parents are going to be ashamed when they see me writing cute ass guys get along with each other. (Also what do your parents think about Lonan and Harrison in this context???)
So is it social security over passion?
I really am so lost, it's been months and my brain cannot think. I just think that if I have that degree, than it would give me the validation of being a decent writer. BUT like - I've always enjoyed essay writing? This is so bipolar😭
But the main question is, do you think your time in uni was worth the shot of just breathing author air and not giving a fuck about what other people think? (Sos if that sounds harsh, it's the artists attitude of being the wild cards of society).
(I'm in London btw, if you're wondering).
Hiii! Happy you're eating my writing HEHEHE! Okay lots to talk about here, but to answer your main question:
Do you think your time in uni was worth the shot of just breathing author air and not giving a fuck about what other people think?
Okay so, for me... My experience with my degree is complicated but I wouldn't necessarily say the experience was worth it in the ways I thought it would be. To be very fair, my education was VEYR interrupted by COVID (all of second year online, third year had a hybrid mix with some online classes and some on campus, fourth year is the only "normal" year I had besides first, which was interrupted toward the end by the pandemic--I started school in fall 2019). I want to say that because my experience is very much defined by that--I'm sure the culture of uni has changed since 2020, it just didn't change personally for me (i.e., I don't do social gatherings still, so I didn't invite friends over, go out with people, etc, just went to class then went home for 3rd and 4th year, which made socializing hard, more than usual LOL, for me--I'm sure folks who are doing those things had a different experience in my program).
Something you said is super intriguing to me: "I just think that if I have that degree, than it would give me the validation of being a decent writer."
If I can say something for relatively certain, a degree isn't going to give you the validation of whether you're a good writer or not (and I wouldn't recommend people go into a CW degree with that hope in mind--tbh, studying CW isn't "practical" and without a strong financial plan, etc, I would feel veryyyyy reckless/irresponsible on my platform to just go "ahhh yes! study creative writing!!")
If I can be honest, I was a good writer going into my program and I'm a better one coming out--but that isn't majorly because of the degree, to be upfront (I don't want people to think "ohhh rachel studied CW and she's such a good writer now, and she must be a good writer because she studied writing, and therefore I'm going to study writing to be a good writer"--I reaaaallllyyy want to be transparent with my audience about this because I know it's a privilege to study CW and I don't want to give people the wrong idea). I'm a better writer because it's been four years and I wrote 3.5 books in that time, ~20 short stories, ~20 poems, etc. Of course, some of that was for the degree but MOST was not (except for the poems). Hundreds of thousands of words.
How much you get out of a CW program depends on sooo many things like how the program actually functions (if you're not sure--I would ABSOLUTELY try to get that info from either an open house or some alumni if you can get in contact, I wouldn't go into a CW program at all without an idea of how the program runs--but that's just my advice!). Can also depend on your cohort for that year, whether there's a pandemic (looool), the profs, who's on sabbatical, who just got hired, etc, etc, etc. So I don't have concrete advice for whether you should study literature or CW, or if you feel you're in a position where you can choose passion over social security (that could be something to think about with an adult in your life!).
I also think it's important to know where YOU are in your writing journey. If I could go back in time and talk to seventeen year old Rachel, I'd probably advise her to go down a different path, to be honest. It's not that I found my degree completely hopeless, not at all, I met some AMAZING educators and writers who taught me SO MUCH (I worked with a writer I'd looked up to for years!!! like what!!! made some great writer buds, and would NOT be a poet without this degree), and I have great memories! But I also know myself now looking back, and I struggled in the early half of my degree to feel "settled" because I was in a different place than was typical for writing students.
I'm nervous to talk about this because I don't want it to seem egotistical, etc, but I'd developed a writing & editing process/style before I got to school, which isn't really typical for my program. I started writing and publishing extreeeemely young, and have been told by faculty that they don't really... see students like this in undergrad. When I entered my program, I was faarrrrr from a fantastic writer, and I was still "settling" into my style, but I'd found one (wrote a majority of Moth Work before my degree, for example).
My degree helped me with many things and I'm so grateful to have had a chance to study CW at the post-secondary level, but I also would've been fine without it (and I'm saying this NOT to dig at my program or school, not at allllll, but because I have an audience of young people who I *know* may be considering studying CW because I did it, and I want to be honest in saying that you can absolutely be a great writer without studying CW at all--and coming in a bit too defined might not make the experience the *most* useful, but that is just my experience ofc).
ALSO EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to know: I had a four year scholarship that paid for all of my tuition that I earned by stressing SO HARD in high school (my high school GPA was literally 99% which is actually so concerning to me now because the amount of stress I was under??? But I did it because I knew I needed that scholarship to study CW--the min. for this particular one at the time was a 96%, and I was anxious about not making that, hence the average). That scholarship was 26k in total, spread out at $6500CAD/year (which was the price of my tuition).
I had to work extremely hard in first, second, and third year to keep a particular GPA which was I think about an 83% to keep it--to be fair, I was so anxious about losing it that I went wayyyy above that which made me :) so stressed :) but I did keep up that scholarship, so I'm graduating without debt for tuition. I'd also won an external scholarship and bursary that paid for about 30% of my first year housing, and the rest was covered by my parents who'd had savings for my education.
I didn't work a typical job during my undergrad (in third year I did some diversity/equity/inclusion volunteer work that paid at a min. wage part-time rate for about a year though), and was extreeeemely lucky to have my parents' financial support for housing and food.
It is *sooooo* important to have a plan about finances if you're going to study CW, because this isn't going to be a field where you can look for a *particular* job after you graduate (and I know even that's complicated in other fields too, not to generalize!).
I hope this was helpful! Also not to scare you!!!! But I get some high school students asking me this question and I just really want you to have all the info about what my experience was like, because I know this is an impractical degree (I'm leaving with sooo many practical skills that fall nicely into the industry I want to work in, but still, I'm aware that not everyone can do this--so I want to be honest!).
Also to answer the last bit about queer characters:
And on top of that, a lot of my characters are HELLA QUEER and my conservative ass parents are going to be ashamed when they see me writing cute ass guys get along with each other. (Also what do your parents think about Lonan and Harrison in this context???)
My parents don't know much about my writing, haha (my mom reads my published short fiction/poems & my dad reads whatever I send him from LinkTree, but they don't read my personal projects because I would PERISH--they are very aware of the characters though, but not specific things). They sometimes ask me if Lonan and Harrison are dating (but I ask myself that question too lol--they've known about them since maybe 2018, so it's been a while!). They're LGBTQ+ affirming & always have been!
Anyway, I hope this was useful! Message me if you'd like more details, but it's critical to me that people are also aware that the experience CAN be multi-faceted.
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Things I've overheard in my 3rd year if uni:
"You got confused by the concept of a bus ticket...Londoners are weird."
"wait?! you boil your fucking chicken?!"
"I'm going to casually hate crime everyone this evening. It's okay when a gay guy does it right? It's almost charming" "it is as long as you're not being racist."
"are we saying the same thing?" "Don't worry, we're both as deaf as eachother." "Wait no, I'm actually deaf." "Holyshit i'm so sorry."
"You look energised!" "I'm not energised. It's just the nervous energy coursing through my veins."
"Wait you want to fucking hang me?!"
"no more bones for you!" "I am not a womennn" "NO MORE BONES FOR YOU!!"
"Mr blue?! why not Mrs blue?! Why not Mx blue?! WHY ARE WE GENDERING THE VAPES?!"
"what took you so long?" "I fell on my arse" "What?" "An old guy told me to go home" "Ew gross"
"Most heat escapes through our heads, that's why we have hair." "What about me? I have no hair." "Sucks to be you I guess?"
"shein Paul Mitchell tried to get me to give him a lift home and called me georgouus.... what the actual fuck."
"Freshers flu left me feeling sad with a sore throat." "Me after Saturday night's." "MATE! NO!"
"Is anyone an female woman?"
"Disabilities preventing you from being a simp."
"The problem with being a trans women, is that I love thigh high socks, so everytime I wear them I give myself an errection." "That's one way to turn yourself on tbf."
"Google maps says its 12 minutes, but I'm gay, so it will take me 8 right?" "Add headphones and it will take 5."
"I didn't have a minor panic attack when writing my review."
"The doctors took my asthma inhaler from me because I kept using it to placebo myself out of panic attacks!" "Wait, like that one scene in teen wolf?!" "Not so bullshit I found out..."
"The review is due in 11 hours and here I am playing god of war... I definitely am doing good right now everyone!"
"Mens existence ruining my outfit decisions"
"Discriminating against those with confused immune systems. Don't sit on the peanut table motherfuckers."
"I'm Mexican, I know how to survive in the wild!"
"the bottle is on your side tonight!"
"That's kinda gay, not gonna lie." "I am gay?"
"I don't love my sister enough to buy her paper chase wrapping paper. A kidney? Sure! Spending more than 1 quid on wrapping paper? Hell fucking NO!"
"You're 26?! You said you were 18?!" "I wanted to see if you'd belive me." "WHY WOULD I QUESTION YOUR AGE?! THATS FUCKIMG CREEPY" "i thought'd it be funny" "HOW IS IT FUNNY?!"
"I'll bring in a knife... and toilet roll?"
"This new year we will be preying for her nipples."
"I wanted an orgy!" "What?" "NOT WITH YOU GUYS. Obviously." "I was about to say..." "Yeah you know he's gay right?"
"STOP BURNING THE MARSHMELLOW! ITS BLACK THAT'S WRONG!" "HEY! what's wrong with black?!" "YEAH! Black is beautiful!" "NOT ON A MARSHMELLOW!!"
"I am the most British person here! Obviously." "Babe, not even your white half is British."
"My Unlce is half Jamaican." "Wait what?!" "It's quite obvious I'm not the Jamaican side of the family..."
"I had to explain to my sister she's not a quater Asian... Somehow noone told her about our biological grandma despite the fact she's named after her..."
"I have to stop eating gherkins when my heart starts beating really fast!" "Are you okay?"
"okay but why does that face give me 'moisurise me' vibes?!" "Thats what apartheid-era inbreeding does to a mf"
"Imagine actually talking to a bus driver, I pretend they don't exist and walk off." "What the actual FUCK is wrong with you you cunt. YOU SAY THANK YOU TO THE BUS DRIVERS, YOU WALNUT!"
"You've got like a bubblegum rock aesthetic going on." "Is that an insult?" "NO! it's cool!"
"No offense to either of you, but you both just gave me the gay gudgement face."
"I think gravity is acting on you and your boobs separately" "I mean issac Newton was a virgin when he discovered gravity."
"I have been resting my head on your lap for quite some time now, you don't have any boobs." "My dude, that's called a binder."
"allow me to tube my feet on the tesco floor."
"You felt my ribcage!" "It was certainly a bonding experience"
"My hand smells like it would taste so good." "Please don't eat your hand."
"FUCK THE WHITES! They have no rights." "Xbox or people?"
"I am real straight women""Yes of course you love that man sausage." "Okay, but why did that sentance physically pain me."
"Congrats, you got a new highscore in the ace test."
"I have the eyebrows in the relationship."
"I got flash banged by a whipped cream can on the weekend!" "What the fuck?!"
"Mc pickle pasta"
"I’m getting silly freaky weird tonight"
"YOU CENSORED YOUR TOES?!"Those are private." "Got to pay for those, do i?" "Yes, £5 per toe. " "Im good, respect the hussle. " "You'd get friends and family discount, Pinkie toes free with the whole set."
"Everyone is naked and dancing in your kitchen... this qualifies as a good party."
"Get back to your lesbian sex party."
"does an earthquake mean the world is jerking off with no pay off?"
"today is the rise of the tampon king. everyone rejoice."
"All my ex gave me was an STI scare and commitment issues."
"Lesbians all know eachother!" "Hello. I am a lesbian and you do not know me. Nice to meet you!"
"I will send you a titty pic when you finish your exam." "now I'm motivated mommy."
"I will be slayed and not in the gay way."
"Day one of guessing what time you come out of the shower." "Fail. I'm fully clothed."
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hotchfiles · 4 months
omg whattt congrats on passing the bar!! it’s such a huge accomplishment, i also don’t plan on working in the law field, i’m just getting my degree/taking the bar exam as a plan B, just in case my main goals aren’t accomplished 🫠
but yay love us for being law baddies like law uni is HARD i swear i thought ab dropping out at least 6 times this year. congrats again bb!
FINALLY !!!!!!!! i always feel kinda guilty when i talk about it bc everyone is so excited about getting their degree and practicing law lmao ((what are your main goals im curious if you dont mind sharing
no fr i almost dropped out several times i distinctly remember checking psych books out during the 3rd semester because i was like no i cant do this anymore i have to switch to something else
but i kinda knew no matter what i studied i wouldve been unhappy because i didnt know what i wanted to do with my life so i just kept going lmao
but thanks!!!!!! the bar was a wild ride, i did mine in constitutional law back in 2019 (im an old hag) but i still recommend it!!!
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bbina · 6 months
for context I'm in my 3rd year of uni now and this happened in like 10th grade or something
and yes this was gay
so what happened was that I liked this girl I met through my friends and we became friends
I had already found her really cute so when I found out she was friends with my friends and she started hanging out with us I was like YEAHHHHH
anyways so she liked one of my friends so I decided to step back to not get in their way but my friend didn't like her back
so I told the girl I liked, let's call her m, I told m she could fake date me to help herself get closer to or get over my friend WHICH IS WHY BTL IS QJDHJSHDJE cus it's so similar to something that actually happened. she agreed and atp my friends knew I liked m and so everyone was really excited when we started "dating"
it also made me the first person in the friend group to have a significant other. things in the fake relationship went well and both of us started liking each other, hard launching each other, flirting, cuddling even in group settings and stuff, CONSTANTLY talking. but it was getting confusing so I told her we needed to talk abt our situation and she kept putting the conversation off.
eventually we ended the fake dating shit but an actual situationship blossomed. I then found out that one of my friends was texting m to help out our relationship and to that friend m admitted she liked me but wasn't ready for an actual relationship. which I understood vus honestly same the concept was scary I mean I was like 14 or 15 at the time. my friend told me and stuff but I acted like I didn't know. so we got closer and the tension between us grew.
BUT THEN heres the kicker
she started telling me abt a girl in her class who was really cute and gave her hugs everyday amd stuff so I was like ?!?!?! what's going on but I didn't day anything to her
and what happened then
"I'm not ready for a relationship" my ass
anyways I still didn't say anything for some reason. probably cus I was a people pleassr at the time and I was too down bad. AND THEN m would send me updates and pics of her and the gf doing cutesy things and I'd be like
"awwww that's so cute" (I'm dying on the inside)
THEN m and and the girl broke up cus it turned out the girl had crushes on amd was dating multiple other people and m came to me to talk abt it which I didn't realise how toxic it was until after it was all over.
so my friend who had been talking to m was using her fake account on Instagram that she uses to stalk people for us. and she tried to tell m off but m didn't like that. a month later m's friends who I DIDNT KNOW started texting me saying I was running the account and trying tk force m into dating me and then sent me r@pe threats and porn and whatnot. idk why I stayed silent at the time when I could literally get them expelled for it but idk my judgment was clouded.
m's friends eventually did the same thing with my friend that m liked by sending her r@pe threats after her and m had a friendship breakup. and she told our friend who then asked me and were like wy didn't u tell us?!?! and I wonder why DIDNT I tell u cus I genuinely didn't know either
eventually we called them out but it was after highschool ended
ruined dating for a while tho
wild experience
imma need a few days to process this because this is one hell of a ride....
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH M?????????????????
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soft yohan icons?
This ask was ages ago I’m sorry AHEJSJ but here it is 🌱
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jihoonluvarchive · 6 years
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ltbarnes · 3 years
Last Updated: March 3rd 2024
🔞Most works contain explicit content and are not meant for minors, therefore my entire blog is 18+. Minors do not interact!
Please reblog, like and comment! It makes me very happy when you leave thoughts and notes on my work, even if just to leave a mindless comment. Enjoy my mostly self-indulgent fics!
My to-read-list where I reblog things I plan to read in the near future: @thingstwantstoread
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Please feel free to send in any ideas and I’ll see what I can do <3
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Back to December | Part 2 | angst, smut NEW!
[ex!Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader]
Your new job as an assistant for the CEO of a big, shiny company was supposed to be a good thing. Instead your ex from uni who completely ghosted you out of nowhere several years ago happens to be one of your superiors. It doesn’t help that he’s only gotten more handsome over the years. But you hate him for leaving without an explanation, and he seems to hate you too. Everything is just fucking great.
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Webs of Opacity | fluff, angst
[Peter Parker x Rogers!reader (adopted, of course), Steve Rogers x sister!reader]
On the eve of the annual Stark Halloween party, you’ve managed to gulp down too much alcohol and tangled yourself into intricate webs of trouble. Even glittering fairies can’t escape the drama, and handsome 80’s film characters can’t always save them from sleazy boyfriends and hangovers.
My Blood Turns Into Alcohol | fluff, angst
[bartender!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader]
Bucky Barnes doesn’t step out behind his trusted bar counter, no matter what goes on out on the floor. Until you, that is—the town newbie who stumbles inside the lanky old bar and won’t stop showing up in your pretty dresses and with that shy smile. Bucky is infuriated. Maybe that’s why he won’t let you pay for even one of your drinks, or why his coworkers won’t stop bothering him about you.
Braces Are Breaking | angst, fluff
[Peter Parker x sister!reader, Bucky Barnes x reader]
Peter Parker does not have much family left, and the small part he has he protects fiercely. When he suspects someone is dating his sister, he’s determined to find out who it is. What he doesn’t expect is to do so under such dire circumstances.
Barefoot in the Wildest Winter | angst, fluff
[Steve Rogers x agent!reader]
Being hopelessly in love with Steve Rogers does nothing to help you in your massive fight after risking your life on a mission. Steve Rogers being hopelessly in love with you might just help save your life when the heat goes off in your reclusive safe house in the midst of wild winter.
You Flower, You Feast | smut, angst, little bit of fluff
[Bucky Barnes x fem!reader x Sam Wilson]
Ever since you began your work as an agent, John Walker has treated you like shit and you have no idea why. Sending you to watch over Sergeant Barnes and his work should have been a punishment—turns out it was anything but.
Sweet Spot | smut, fluff, angst
[Steve Rogers x fem!reader]
Fed up with being the only one who can’t relate to the seemingly mind-blowing sexscapades everyone seems to be experiencing, your superior and great friend Captain Steve Rogers offers to help you with your problem. You should have never agreed to it.
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Resurrection Masterlist ON HIATUS!
[brother!mafia!Bucky Barnes x adopted!sister!reader, mafia!Thor Odinson x reader, mafia!Loki Odinson x reader, eventual Steve Rogers x reader]
Bucky Barnes was only nineteen when the lives of his parents and little sister were taken right in front of him by the ruthless members of the Odinson mob. His father’s mistakes have turned Bucky into a vengeful and cold shell of the charming boy he once was, now deeply rooted in the criminal lifestyle of the Stark mafia. Sudden attacks ignite the conflict between the two forces of the city, refueling the rivalry that has been rather tame for years. Nine years since Bucky’s life fell apart, he finds it shattering once more when what was supposed to be long dead returns to the living.
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Anachronism Masterlist COMPLETED
[slightly feral Bucky Barnes x fem!reader, Steve Rogers x fem!reader]
Sprained ankles, snowstorms, blood-thirsty wolves and feral super soldiers. What was supposed to be a peaceful walk in the woods surrounding the cabin you're staying in with your best friend Steve quickly turns devastating, forcing your path to cross with a mysterious and burly man who can't seem to grasp social cues and the concept of privacy. His past is a puzzle that can't seem to be solved and your feelings for the sweet and giant man quickly develop from friendly gratitude to something neither of you can't quite grasp.
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Stark U Masterlist
[college!Steve Rogers x fem!reader, college!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader, college!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader, college!Sam Wilson x fem!reader]
Five people crammed into a loft just outside of the Stark University campus might have been a bad idea. Concussions, breakdowns, asshole hook ups and secret pining are everyday occurrences. Nobody is normal and chaos is constant, but what would you ever do without them?
You’re Gonna Go Far
[older brother!Steve Rogers x sibling!reader]
You’ve been acting different for weeks now and Steve is not having that at all. His little sister is his world, and sitting crying in your room without telling him why? Unacceptable.
Wildest Dreams
[Bucky Barnes x reader]
Song fic!! Based on Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
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studying-with-k · 2 years
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It's the start of preps and then finals and I'll be a 3rd year student which ngl scares me but at the same time I'm excited to see what happens in the future regarding what I wanna take as my higher studies etc
Also my copy of Fanon's wretched of the earth came in and I'm about to make it everyone's problem 😌✨ ngl kinda waiting for the exams to get over so I can read more non fiction and Phil again 👀✨
Regarding my monthly reading list since March and possibly April are gonna be weird times I might just combine March, April and possibly may's reading list into one depending on when my uni announces the exam timetable
Lately I've been so exhausted but at the same time when it comes to exams/papers relatively calmer than usual which ngl is very different to what usually happens i.e I have a complete like breakdown 💀 and feel like I can't remember a thing lol
So yeah it's gonna be a wild final year and then on hopefully I'll be able to be more active in my own interests like writing more stuff lol.
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lovemeian · 3 years
eighty percent with goshiki.
[ 6:28 pm ]
this wild + highly suggestive! fluff + established relationship, inspired by the heat of this day good lord + alludes to sexy times but that’s it + merriest birthday to messy bangs hehe !
+ wildly unedited. wrote original draft on my notebook at 1am then tried to write it throughout the day afterwards.
wc: 1,149.
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oh, you were going to send him to an early grave.
and what’s worse is that he knows you weren’t doing it on purpose.
but your tongue continues to flick on the green popsicle stick— real melon flavour! proclaimed the packaging sticking out from the bin in his peripheral vision, one goshiki was heavily glaring at — humming sweetly, unconsciously, at the small purchase of happiness a sweet cold treat do on an unbearably hot day.
winds that come in are sparse and hot, and they irritate rather than help. all the windows are forced open, even that tiny one in your kitchen that you never even gave it a try, was pushed for the sake of air circulation. every fan in the house is on full blast, and yet, it isn’t enough.
but the heat was barely touching his nerves. it was you who was going to kill him.
the grip on his pen could not get tighter. but it’s okay, he thinks, blinking at the sweat gripping his lashes as he tries to comprehend the textbooks in front of him. you eat fast, and the heat is sweltering enough that it is melting the popsicle between your sticky fingers faster. he can white knuckle it.
he thinks.
he forces to manifest.
his hair, sticky bangs have been pressed on his forehead; the accumulated sweat on the back of his neck is absolutely annoying; and if he continues to picturing that one time in high school, in the locker room, when he and Tendou-senpai had accidentally touched butts whilst trying to get dressed in a hurry for a jogging punishment— if he focused on all of these instead, he might ignore how tight his shorts were getting.
might. might is the strongest word he’s trying to hold onto.
doesn’t mean he doesn’t slip, because despite the fact that his eyes are trying very hard to concentrate on the work he needs done, his eyes flicker back to you, eighty percent devoured the treat you had won against him for finishing your summer assignments and duties a month before the first day of your 3rd year at uni, a bet the both of you had shook on before second year finished—
and now he can focus on finishing his, giving you an almost relieved smile when you met his gaze.
he’s been dating you for two months now. pining after you for really a year. both of you are still in that level of honeymoon newness where everything is fresh and exciting, but still very fragile. kisses are still shyly initiated, smiles are dopy and eyelids at half mast.
he cares about you so much, so afraid of taking any steps— that the most you two have done have been making out on your apartment’s couch. at most, second base.
he wants to treasure every new milestone with you, and he wants all of it perfected enough to scrapbook and show future generations this is how it’s done. smug and unbothered.
god, he’s a simp. he’s done for. he’s always know that, you put him to rubbles and mush. he’s not going to let his imagination and damn near pre-pubescent acting horniness get in the way of re-telling this love story for others to know and groan about.
“you’re working too hard, ‘tomu.” he freezes at your voice, turning to blink at you when you he was so sure he had gone down from the hell that was you devouring a popsicle stick beside him. your eyes, lids sticky with sweat, smile sticky with ice cream and red from the cold, and goshiki can’t stop himself from staring— “you’re going to pass out from the heat before the summer reading bores you to death— oh, shit.”
it goes in slow motion. it devours the last thirty percent of his sanity. you pout at the last remnants of the cold green that managed to slick across your fingers and onto his arm. your tongue darts out, the sorry slowed in his head as his mind quiets the moment your cold tongue a light shade of green, touches his skin, and the pen in your boyfriend’s finger snaps. completely.
you blink at it, too astounded to react until you meet his clenched jaw and red face. he can see the gears in your head turning— and you check, because you’re you, he’s been in love with you for a year, he knows you best — tilting your head only slightly to see the tightness in his shorts and your clamp your lips backward, holding onto the delighted laughter for his sake.
he groans, closing his eyes as he runs his palms across his face, forehead, and slicking his hair back. he meets your gaze, voice deadpan, already very well caught. “having fun?”
it’s a little hard to function, because slicked back goshiki, his dark hair wet and pushed back, his face a little red but his expression stormy and actively turned on because of you— it’s a sight for sore eyes.
you swallow the sudden want in his your veins, because your boyfriend is very good looking and right now, very delicious, and opts to smile innocently.
“a little bit? is that bad?”
“a little bit,” he copies, mouth turned down  as he sighs, lying back down and closing his eyes. trying to remember tendou-senpai and his pale ass. “i still haven’t finished my summer work.”
you’re sneaky but you know your boyfriend to well. you’ve listened to his story, knew his personality. you crawl to where he is until he can sixth sense your movement, and you lean down on him like a cat. he’s stiff as a board, but a shy hand reaches for your cheek, brushing against your hair.
you lean down further, trying to reel your smile in as you brush your lips against his. his head reaches forward, but you settle him back down with a hand on his chest. he can smell you, the artificial melon flavour, and can hear nothing but the whirring of fans and his own heart hammering against his chest.
“if you manage to get it done quick, ace,” you smirk as he groans, brushing against your lips insistently a little more until he could taste sweet melon and salty sweat. your tongue teases him a little and you pull, igniting a further fire that burns brighter than the heat from today.
“then i’ll give you your reward. what do you say?”
he sits up so fast, you’re only left squealing in surprise as he pulls you to his chest, damn the heat, and pulls the table closer to the both of you as you laugh.
“fuck it, we’re doing this.”
“it’s hot, ‘tomu!”
he kisses the top of your head, bending down to blow at your ear as he whispers, “if you keep still until i finish, might reward you.”
you grin. “you’re on.”
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made by lavi <3
taglist: @asaitashi, @omiikeii, @sakusasimpbot, @iworshipyelena, @jesssobs, @uhhkims, @fiona782​, @sxturn-stars​, @roanniee​, @bbyhaji​, @ebiharachan​,
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reallyhardy · 3 years
went through the goes-wrong-verse playbills/programmes - that is, ‘the play that goes wrong’ and ‘peter pan goes wrong’ (thank you @cornleypolytechnicgoeswrong​ !) trying to piece together each society member’s career within the society PLUS if possible whatever it was they were doing at the polytechnic (university) course-wise, along with whatever other character snippets they give. this is mostly to inform me when writing but i thought it’d be useful for other mischief/goes wrong fans!
chris bean:
as of TPTGW is the ‘newly elected’ head of the drama society, and is known at the university for his charitable & philanhropic work. he has six acting credits within the polytechnic to his name.
i was going to presume his choice of course at the uni was acting or directing, but his PPGW bio states that his ‘dacting’ (directing and acting) is all self-taught, so who knows. maybe he’s just in the society because of his aforementioned charitable work.
robert grove:
has starred in 40 productions with the society since 2002 (when he began work at cornley polytechnic as a caretaker - i’m taking this to mean he was never actually a student there.) anyway wow explains why they call him a “veteran actor” lol.
he offers acting lessons (reacting, gesturing, emotioning and acting) and can be contacted via twitter @robertgoodactor. i’ve looked this twitter account up and it does exist it’s just not been used since 2017 - that said there are some in-character photos of henry lewis as robert and nancy zamit as annie on there and plenty of tweets.
he runs an extremely dubiously safe cornley youth theatre program and can be contacted at his email [email protected] (membership fees are non-refundable.)
trevor watson:
in TPTGW is arbitrarily from ‘the north east’ (rob falconer’s portrayal, whereas chris leask’s portrayal is firmly and specifically scouse.)
he has a twitter account (rob falconer’s portrayal) @trevtechie, with i think probably the most tweets of the cornley twitters. stopped being updated in 2017.
his participation in haversham was to complete an electronics module - as the light and sound technician i’d assume his course was in this kinda field.
he states that after haversham he wants to never work with the cornley drama society again, but as of PPGW he’s “following in his parents footsteps” and has pivoted to possibly actually studying stage management. (his PPGW bio states that he’s in his final year at the uni for the 3rd time running. so it could mean his staying on with cornley is like partially due to failing his course?)
dennis tyde:
in his TPTGW bio it states that he joined the drama society after failing to get in to any other societies.
he didn’t live on university campus and commuted in from his parents’ house. he mostly just wanted to make friends - he’s interested in snooker and wants to meet like-minded people.
in his PPGW bio he still wants to make friends and says you can reach him via twitter @dennistyde. i checked this account too and again it does exist but hasn’t been used since 2013, and there are only 3 tweets so its much more bare-bones than the others. i like his one tweet about drinking a mug of bovril to calm his nerves before a show.
as of 2021 in promotional vids we learn that dennis and robert now live together.
max bennett:
in TPTGW bio it says he was a first year studying human geography and crime which i was surprised about but sure okay. it also says here that he happily donated “a large portion of his recent inheritance” to the society to help fund it.
at the bottom of TPTGW’s cast page it states that the west end performance of the play is “made possible by a generous legacy from claude bennett” who’s presumably max’s grandfather? or just father? idk
his TPTGW bio also says his favourite movie is the legend of bagger vance which i’ve never seen but is apparently a will smith golf movie.
his hobbies as listed in his PPGW bio are chess, cooking & hanging out with friends and fam. he also dedicates his performance in PPGW to his grandma claire, which is sweet.
annie twilloil:
as of TPTGW she’s designed, built, painted, costumed & stage managed every cornley show for the past 3 years. in the PPGW bio, it states she’s studying cognitive behavioural therapy and pottery, and has taken up life drawing at the student’s union (as the model.)
after haversham, she apparently had an internship lined up at the bolton octagon.
she has WILD backstory in her PPGW bio that says she dedicated her performance to her estranged husband julian who she hoped was in the audiance and two children frangipani and ylang-ylang. not sure if the kids are with her or with the husband but either way, wild. nuts. pretty funny but also pretty tragic.
she’s also got an ad out looking for a new bloke (i suppose if her husband isn’t in the audience) apparently she’s been left by boyfriends previously for an air hostess, a stripper, and a coal miner.
she also enjoys knitting and playing the banjolin (an instrument she made herself.) her email address is [email protected].
she has a twitter account that again hasnt been used since 2017 (@annietwiloil). a couple tweets chronicle dave hearn’s shoulder dislocation but as max so i guess its canon that max also dislocated his shoulder, but he did it while trying to open a twix? lmao
sandra wilkinson:
in her TPTGW bio it states that haversham manor is her 11th production with the company. idk how frequently they put on shows.
she won some kind of local kids beauty pageant in 1998 and did some modelling for a local restaurant (the sunam balti house, which apparently the cornley crew frequent? or have at least been to - seems they struggled with spicyness levels there, especially dennis.)
nothing on her course at the university, i might just take a stab and assume she was actually doing acting, since her bio is mostly about her being a performer.
she’s a big fan of jeremy irvine, they mention him in both of her bios.
jonathan harris:
is a total health & fitness guy. his course at the uni is in physical education and he’s also a model, though who’s to say what for. in PPGW this is expanded and he’s moved on to being a combo model/actor/photographer/lifecoach.
he loves his outdoor sports: mountain biking & kayaking are noted.
he had a bath salts advert out and he hoped it was gonna go national.
lucy grove:
her surname IS grove! i wasn’t sure, but that’s confirmed. not really much about her in there, because the bio is written by robert and he just used it to gas himelf up.
can’t tell if she’s a student at the university or just in the society through robert. genuinely there’s just not a lot to go on when it comes to lucy.
another note is that the murder at haversham manor and the version of peter pan that the cornley crew perform are both written by ‘susie h. k. brideswell’ who i guess either chris knows or chris is a big fan of?
other notes... they try so hard to make out like the characters aren't all the same age like implying that robert is genuinely older than most of them etc etc but ofc the cast featured in the TV broadcasts are all visibly the same age... ofc all this is just comedy innit so you can take it or leave it
also i realised that the american version of TPTGW calls it “the cornley university drama society” since i guess you guys dont have polytechnics over there. a polytechnic is like... a university that offers the arts (among the classics you know science law what have you) basically. by 2021 in promotional videos etc. shields in character as chris has dropped “polytechnic” altogether from the group’s name (but varies between calling it ‘the cornley drama society’ and ‘the cornley amateur dramatics society’) i assume to reflect how much time has passed since the group put on their first production under chris’ leadership - and that now they’re simply operating unattached to the university because they’ve become a real family. love love love, sillyness and love.
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papertownsims · 3 years
get to know me
🌟 tagged by @swagsimsfairy 🌟 thank you so much,it's so nice to feel like a part of the community 💕
rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
favorite color: I'm currently really into beige/camel colour,but my all time live is definitely emerald green.I love it to the point that my friends tell me that they associate me with this colour.
currently reading: "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, "Brave new world" by Aldous Huxley, "The five love languages" by Gary Chapman.
last song you listened to: "fleabag" by yungblud. It came out not long ago and i really enjoy listening it.
last series you watched: I've been watching this show for the past month and its the "Community".I'm on season 4 out of 6.
sweet, spicy or savory: I have a sweet tooth,so sweet for sure.
craving: balish, which is national tatar food ( one of the nationalities that live in russia) it's basically like a pie with meat and potatoes 1000000/10
tea or coffee: I haven't had coffee in a month but I drink it almost every day,when I have it at home or go to uni.
currently working on: getting back into studying process.It was my fist school day and I've started my 3rd year at the University.
tagging: @softpine@kouzeesim@sojutrait@tsunflirty@fernw00d@dustyhogg@hitmypeakatseven@amoebea@melody-n
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grandmaspierre · 2 years
Folks, University is a wierd, wild and confusing place, I'm in my 3rd year, coming out the pandemic and finally getting face-to-face classes after all of my 1st and 2nd year in a computer.
Is scary, confusing, and I'm even redoing 2nd year topics
But is okay, this is what uny is, so, to anyone out there, feel lost, down worry, we all do, do not listen to the other's opinion, they are not the ones on your shoes ❤.
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