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doingbad · 1 year ago
Watson writing The Three Garridebs, published in 1924: "For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain."
Sherlock Holmes, who has been taking Watson out to concerts, dinners, and vacations since 1881: "What the fuck?"
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tremendously-crazy · 7 months ago
me: youre reading sherlock holmes? thats so cool!
in my mind: just wait till you get to the three garridebs... just wait till you get to the three garridebs...
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desiccatedthyme · 5 months ago
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8th October
It was worth a wound - it was worth many wounds - to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask.
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fruitviking · 1 year ago
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This is how it went, right
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whitemagewithcoco · 1 year ago
Happy "It was worth a wound-it was worth many wounds..." day to all who celebrate!
The full quote like Oh My God!!!:
"You’re not hurt, Watson? For God’s sake, say that you are not hurt!” It was worth a wound–it was worth many wounds–to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask. The clear, hard eyes were dimmed for a moment, and the firm lips were shaking. For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain. All my years of humble but single-minded service culminated in that moment of revelation. “It’s nothing, Holmes. It’s a mere scratch.” He had ripped up my trousers with his pocket-knife. “You are right,” he cried with an immense sigh of relief. “It is quite superficial.” His face set like flint as he glared at our prisoner, who was sitting up with a dazed face. “By the Lord, it is as well for you. If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive. Now, sir, what have you to say for yourself?"
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dailyholmes · 10 months ago
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"Une figure inquiète avait surgi soudain de l'ouverture, avec une expression de dépit et de rage, qui fit place à une grimace de confusion devant la menace de nos deux revolvers braqués." The Adventure of the Three Garridebs. Published in Dimanche Illustré. G. Dutriac, 1930
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stephensmithuk · 1 year ago
The Three Garridebs
Originally published in 1925 and part of the 1927 Case-Book collection.
Refusals of honours are fairly common in Britain - some find the whole thing silly, some these days object to being in something called the "Order of the British Empire", some have political disagreements and others may hold out for something higher.
The South African War refers to the Second Boer War. This is going to get its own post at a later date.
"Britisher" was a contemporary term for British people; most people now use "Brit".
The "wheat pit" in Chicago refers to the Chicago Board of Trade Building, where wheat futures were traded. The building on the site was demolished in 1929 due to structural issues and replaced by the 1930 Art Deco building still on the site today.
Tyburn Tree refers to the former public execution site at Tyburn, near where Marble Arch is located today, which had a three-legged triangular gallows used for mass executions. The last execution was carried out there in 1783, before executions moved to Newgate Prison, now the site of the Old Bailey. A plaque marks the location.
Sotheby's and Christie's are two famous London auction houses.
Sir Hans Sloane was an Anglo-Irish physician, naturalist and collector, whose personal collection was bequeathed to the British nation on his death in 1753, forming the basis of three of London's major museums.
An artesian well is a well that brings water to the surface without pumping as it's under pressure below.
This was a time when the political machines were very much active in Chicago.
"Queen Anne" refers to the Baroque style of architecture popular during her reign from 1702 to 1714. There was a Queen Anne Revival style going at the time, which is somewhat different. Neither should be confused with the American style of architecture of that name.
The Bank of England is the sole printer of banknotes in England and Wales. Seven banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland are able to print banknotes there, but these are technically not legal tender and will generally be refused in England.
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geeoharee · 1 year ago
thinking about how this is their love confession (as if they needed one, at this point, it has been twenty years) and it isn't in dialogue it's in narrative, Watson says "I saw that he loved me" and makes that love part of the world
the privileges of the narrator - who addresses the audience directly in the opening paragraph to say "Well, you shall judge for yourselves."
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eirinstiva · 1 year ago
After reading The Adventure of the three Garridebs and see how the spelling of plough/plow was a important clue, I had to look for my edition in Spanish of Todo Sherlock Holmes.
In Spanish plough is translated as arado, but as far as I know we don't have an alternative spelling any dialect, so the translator used aradora, and that's why the first time I read it I just feel something was wrong.
Also, look at this announcement! Nice edition ✨
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doingbad · 1 year ago
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whitemagewithcoco · 1 year ago
Hooray! It's Three Garridebs time on Letters from Watson! I remembered nothing about the plot, I'm just waiting for The Scene in the next email :D
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tremendously-crazy · 7 months ago
Relationship envy except I envy the bond between iconic fictional characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
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geeoharee · 1 year ago
So, first of all: doing this would be legal. It's public domain, and belongs to you and me. Hooray for the expiry of the copyright! The police do not care what you do with this Sherlock Holmes story.
'Does AO3 want you to do this' is a different matter. Part IV clause H of the Terms of Service, 'Illegal and inappropriate Content', states that: "AO3 is a place for fanworks. Content may not be uploaded to OTW's servers if it ... consists entirely of ... non-fanwork content, including non-fanwork creative work (refer to the ToS FAQ). Uploading such Content is a violation of the ToS."
Clicking through to the FAQ ("Can I archive original fiction?") makes it clear however that they are quite generous about their definition of what you CAN upload. The part that interests us is this clause:
"[We allow] types of original fiction and quasi-original fiction produced within a fandom context. Examples include .. genres such as Original Slash, Original BL ..."
So by a strict reading of the rules, I think you can ONLY upload "The Three Garridebs" to AO3 if Holmes and Watson are gay.
Could you just. Upload the Sherlock Holmes stories to AO3? They’re in the public domain. Could you put “The Three Garridebs” on there, tagged as Hurt/Comfort?
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yurisupernova · 5 months ago
wanna contribute to whumptober but im not very good at following prompt lists n stuff,, kind of tempted to like. illustrate stuff specifically for certain holmes cases idk???
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geeoharee · 1 year ago
Merry Three Garridebs
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keepthemacramesecret · 2 years ago
ive been trying for weeks to come up with an explanation for watson's departure to the q. anne st flat bc it comes out of nowhere but i somehow only just now noticed that it happens immediately after three garridebs... so heres where ive landed:
watson is much more severely injured in 3gar than his published account implied, at the very least getting shot in the same leg again exacerbates his older injury; whether he has to spend significant time in a hospital or just steps back from active case work (esp in three gables, why would holmes accept mrs maberley being guarded by her equally feeble lawyer friend and not just send watson?) its just easier to write that the reason hes less present in that block of cases is bc hes not at baker street for them?
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