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#INDUSTRIES#3E-Offshore Oil and Gas Industry#3E-Renewable Energy Industry#3E-Wind Energy Industry#3E-Environmental Agency Industry#3E-Construction Industry#3E-Gas and Electric Utilities Industry#3E-Politics and Policy Making Industry#3E-Manufacturing Industry#3E-Real Estate Industry.#VALUES#3E-Honest communication#3E-Accountability#3E-Responsible decision making#3E-Respect for stakeholders#3E-Transparency#3E-Objectivity#3E-Compassion.#TRAITS#3E-Analytical#3E-Objective#3E-Perceptive#3E-Thorough#3E-Curious#3E-Resourceful#3E-Knowledgeable#3E-Persuasive#3E-Logical#3E-Insightful.#TENSIONS
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#INDUSTRIES#3E-Healthcare#3E-Pharmaceutical#3E-Retail#3E-Community Services#3E-Tourism . VALUES#3E-Altruism#3E-Compassion#3E-Empathy#3E-Equity#3E-Integrity#3E-Innovation#3E-Respect#3E-Social Responsibility. / TRAITS#3E-Social#3E-New Movement#3E-Fringe Idea#3E-Gaining Steam TENSIONS#3E-Accessibility of Health Care#3E-Costs Associated with Health Care#3E-Funding for Social Prescribing#3E-Reliance on Pharmaceuticals#3E-Effectiveness of Social Prescribing#3E-Benefits of Social Prescribing on Mental Health#3E-Behavioral Changes in Healthcare#3E-Public Perception of Health Care Systems.
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Our Beloved Tiefling Headcanons and Canon facts
!! Rolan and Dammon headcanons. Canon History about Asmodeus Tieflings, Tiefling abilities, Arcana and Blacksmiths. Rolan and Dammon are both Asmodeus, which will be the only Tiefling bloodline we take a look into. More bloodlines linked in the Info Source: dnd5e.wikidot below !!
Info Source: World Anvil, Officialbeastiary Wiki, DND BEYOND, dnd5e.wikidot, Forgotten Realms Wiki, World Anvil, 5th Edition SRD Utilizes 5e, 1e, 3e, and 4e
What is Arcana instinct in Tieflings? Asmodeus Traits and History.
Differences in Devils, Cambions, and Demons and what to know about them.
𝕯 Cambion's are direct descents of evil beings, such as Raphael who's father is Mephostipheles. True Cambion's are half-fiends, who's one humanoid planetouched, and one who's Tana'ri. Succubus do not count as Tana'ri or Demon Lords, they cannot have a Cambion persay, though still half-fiend. The mortal mothers always die in childbirth. The most common terms for Cambion, is breeding between a mortal female and a Devil. Terms of what a Cambion are have changed over the years because of the spellplague, but this is the simplest breakdown. Their extremely bitter beings, for their societal rejection and potential orphanage or demon abuse. Their mothers die, abandoning them and leaving them in the Material Plane (orphanage) or The Abyss (demon abuse). They often seek out each other for companionship, or humanoids to create Tiefling offspring.
𝕯 Tiefling's blood is only slightly tainted with an evil being's blood and can be an array of alignments, but often end up in the "ghetto" of town as thieves and crimelords.. Mistrusted and feared on the streets of the Material Plane for their tainted lineage. Asmodeus being the most common bloodline. Tieflings are from human blood, they're basically humans with horns and tails, and darkvision. Different bloodlines will get slightly different looks and abilities.
𝕯 Demons are chaotic fiends who only seek to destroy, originating from the Abyss. "They were personifications of ferocity, vile perversion, and elemental devastation" without compassion or empathy, these are vicious creatures that only exist to sow strife and disorder through evil. Demons intend to cause the most pain in any situation, simple killing is too boring for them. Their wickedness knows no bounds.
𝕯 Devils are highly vindictive Lawful (Evil) beings who seek to control. Devils seek vengeance more than anyone for their misery, seemingly for no reason other than conscious relief. Devils will have vengeance even if in the long run it demoted them. they're lazy and lay their work onto others. They are always looking forward towards the rise to promotion, and changing the rules in their favor. They act on emotion if it's strong enough, ignoring their seek to avenge or potentially ruining their goals, even leading towards their death.
𝕯 Succubus/Incubus and a male mortal can have Alu-fiend offspring. Female offspring were seductive in their manners, had sharp teeth and a set of wings, and had high sexual proclivity. Males struggled were seen as only half-fiends with similar traits, which destroyed any sense of gender hierarchy. Alu-fiends are incapable of long-time shapeshifting. Naturally deceptive, dexterous, and charismatic, a race of "social butterflies" not only in sexual encounters. They crave interaction, don't kill their prey, and don't go after their prey's spouses, their cravings for any social activity makes them incredibly gullible. They can have a charming aura without people noticing their presence.
𝕯 The difference in an Incubus and a Succubus is the sex of the victims. Often Succubi are feminine forms seeking male victims. Incubi are often masculine forms, seeking female victims. Their abilities are the same. What is something that fucks both? I don't fucking know. A Bincsubus. That's made up. That's not real.
Tinkerers or Tin-Smith? 𝕯 A Tinkerer is a possibly class, is a master crafter, repairer, manipulator, and creator in the engineering world, ancient and new techniques.
𝕯 "Many tinkerers explore how magic and engineering mix, developing complex powers of item imbuement and mastering crafting- and mechanics-related spells. Others eschew magic as a cheap trick that ignores the brilliance of pure engineering and crafting, or focus on constructs and clockwork or alchemical weaponry, or train to get more out of their tools and magical devices, or kitbash and juryrig what they need when they need it. " - 5th Edition SRD
𝕯 A tin-smith, can also be referred to as a "White-Smith" which an umbrella term, means they specialize in light metals like tin or pewter. It can fall under Adamantine or Mithral, which falls under the specific term "Bright-Smith"
𝕯 Adamantine can only be found in hot magma-producing areas. It's brittle which makes it delicate to work with, it's high in cost and requires a strict process with high temperatures.
𝕯 Adamantine can be used in weapons, armor, spell-casting, and constructs.
𝕯 Tin-Smith's can work with tin, silver, bronze, and pewter alloys. It requires a low-melting point, and can easily be manipulated.
𝕯 I ask this question, just to make you think about Dammon, this could leave to any kind of headcanon you want about him.
What happened to Elturians during the Descent? I'm way too tired to go over the history of Elturel again.
"Kreeg coaxed Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard of Baldur's Gate to come to Elturel to resolve several disputes that had troubled the two cities for some time. After greeting the Baldurian delegation, Kreeg escaped Elturel in secret, shortly before the Companion changed into a black orb that tore the whole of Elturel and its populace from the Material Plane and spirited it away to Avernus, first of the Nine Hells, with only a crater left behind"
"Over the next few days, hundreds of refugees, both citizens who'd escaped Elturel or been outside at the time, and folk from wider Elturgard, made their way to neighboring Baldur's Gate, with some blaming Elturel's rival for the city's loss. However, they were barred from the city and the resident Flaming Fist began arresting Hellriders on sight, fearing they would cause trouble, but this only led to fighting."
"Torn from the land, the city was fractured in twain along the ravine that ran through the city. The black Companion still hung malevolently over the city, raining down lightning that raised ghouls, ghasts, and zombies. While devils besieged the city, demons attacked them in another battle of the Blood War, and the surviving Elturians fought off both or simply hid in the ruins. Many people died in the devastation, to the demons and devils, or to thirst and starvation. With the city's leaders lost, none other than Grand Duke Ravengard rallied the defense. The High Hall was the center of the defense effort, and also the focus of the devil assault."
Sorcerous Sundries and Razamith's Tower
Small Note: "Elturian wizards, meanwhile, were safer in the saddle, being skilled at attacking from their mounts. They were much more capable of avoiding or resisting attacks while mounted than they on foot, being less able to react fast enough"
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Public use version of Grace of the Syndics, a homebrew artifact breastplate made for @keirangoldenwatch 's Getimian, Ushara, using art by @keirangoldenwatch. It draws heavily from the 2e Compass: North depiction of the Syndics, as they're represented as much darker figures in 3e. PDF Version
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honestly can't wait for 3e infernals or at the very least for this edition's equivalent to Compass Malfeas. i remember laying in bed in my uncle's house in california when we were visiting for christmas, losing my shit over the agatae and the fuckin, abscissic binding plates. coolest shit to 23 year old me
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Le meilleur moment pour 🙏 réalité spirituelle 🔥🔥🔥
Temps de prière est divisé en 4
1e vielle = 6h à 9h am 18H à 21h pm
2e vielle = 9h 12h am 21h à 12h pm
3e vielle = 12h à 3hpm 00h à 3h am
4e vielle = 3h à 6h am 3h à 6h am
Présentation de l’offrande 15H 🕒
Psaumes 119:147-148
Je devance l'aurore et je crie; J'espère en tes promesses.
Je devance les veilles et j'ouvre les yeux, Pour méditer ta parole.
Romains 12:1
Je vous exhorte donc, frères, par les compassions de Dieu, à offrir vos corps comme un sacrifice vivant, saint, agréable à Dieu, ce qui sera de votre part un culte raisonnable.
Matthieu 26:41
Veillez = wacht = connaitre le meilleur moment pour se positionner pour la prière,
3 e heure
Luc 12:37 -39
Trouvera veillant = veiller
Heureux ces serviteurs que le maître, à son arrivée, trouvera veillant! Je vous le dis en vérité, il se ceindra, les fera mettre à table, et s'approchera pour les servir. Qu'il arrive à la deuxième ou à la troisième veille, heureux ces serviteurs, s'il les trouve veillant!
3e veille mise en application des plan , détruire les oeuvres du diable.
Le temps ou l’ennemi prépare ses plans
Verset 38
Qu’il arrive à la 2e ou 3e vielle
1e vielle = 18h
4e vielle de 3h a 6h
Matthieu 14:25
Matthieu 14 :25
A la quatrième veille de la nuit, 3h am , Jésus alla vers eux, marchant sur la mer.
Jésus a attendu à la première, ni la deuxième, ni la troisième, mais la quatrième heure de la nuit.
4e vielle est l’heure des miracles
Genese 32:24
L’aurore = jusqu’à 6h du matin
Verser 26 laisse moi aller,
Persévérance dans la prière
Promotion ton nom ne sera plus Jacob mais Israel .
1 Roi 18
Élie connaissait les vieilles , il attendait la 4e vielle
Verst 27 à midi
Offrande du soir = 15H
Verset 36
Au moment de l’offrande
A 15h c’est le temps de Dieu
Matthieu 27:45-53
Depuis la 6e h jusqu’à 9e h
6e H c’est midi jusqu’à 15h
Ténèbres sur toute la terre
Tenebre le diable travaille.
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7/3 CHEEBA CHEEBA CHEEBA ALL GENRE あなたのお気に入りの曲、クラブで大音量で流しませんか? ルールは簡単!ムズカシイことぬき!飲みながら延々Back to Back(一曲ごとにDJが替わる)で音を流しましょうというイベントです。普段DJをしない方にも大音量で音楽を流して頂きたい!そんな思いで毎月第1水曜日に開催。一見さん大歓迎! プレイしたい音楽メディアに縛りはありません! ・スマホや携帯の音源!・MP3プレイヤー!・レコード!・CD!・その他音の出る機械、楽器! お気に入りの音楽を持ってきて下さい!音楽ジャンルは問いません。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/4 TOURISM TECHNO/HOUSE GUEST DJ: mukuro-jima / RAV-TUNE DJ: 本間本願寺 デトロイト、シカゴ、デトロイト、デトロイト。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/6 COLORFUL ALL GENRE GUEST DJ: MAICO / CRAZY-YUMI DJ: GAPPE / SUGAR-G / SA-ME / EBA / 安田晋一郎 / しゅわっち / 3E / YASUDA FOOD: つなぐごはん OPEN 19:00 ¥2000/2D
7/12 BAR STYLE OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/13 ゆうまワンマンLIVE2024「成長」+誕生日会 LIVE: ゆうま OPENING GUEST LIVE: hy4_4yh DJ: DJ HYO-E MC: Menow Act OPEN 16:30 ¥2000/2D
7/14 knot 14th Anniversary “NO ONE LEFT BEHIND” LIVE: SANGA SKYE (COMPASS) RAP MARUYAMA (SOUL JAMAICA) DJ: IYOTA (T.O.P.E.) 火星人から来た�� (PONDER) GAKU ”sue” IN (JUPITER) glico (NATURA-RHYTHM) gocci (BA・BAR営業) SIMBA (X群) JUNYA (T.O.P.E.) TAKKY fr. Pegasus Movement 天敵 (MEMORY GLASS) ni-ro 肉汁萬太郎 (木印Pro.) ぱっぽん HIDE (BA・BAR営業) PINO (SOUL JAMAICA) BOW (木印Pro.) POG (S.C.N.R.) MAKOTO KINGSTON (キッズウォー) MACHIKUN (PONDER) MATUSUI (南天BOYS) めぐみ a.k.a だきしめ亭くれ代 Ringino (JUPITER) YASUDA (COLORFUL) 安田晋一郎 (膀胱破裂) WATARU (COYOTE) (五十音順) FOOD: MADCHEF by OSAGARI OPEN 17:00 ¥2000/2D
7/18 JUPITER ALL GENRE GUEST DJ: FUKUDA (vaya!sabor!) DJ: GAKU”sue”院 / Ringino / レイモンド・ヤノ / TOMO / WATANUKI/ YUSUKE OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/19 膀胱破裂 ENDLESS B2B GUEST DJ: BLANC=CHANG DJ: 安田晋一郎 / BABY-MAR / BASHIMELLOW / あゆみ / 大山のぶ夫 金曜の地獄谷!恐怖のENDLESS BACK 2 BACK!! OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/20 NATURA-RHYTHM ALL GENRE GUEST DJ:伸 DJ: YASUDA / SA-ME / しゅわっち / BOW / 川上亮 / 大山のぶ夫 OPEN 20:00 入場無料
7/21 PEANUTS CAFE JAZZ/SOUL/FUNK/ROCK/LATIN/AND MORE GUEST DJ: 伊藤多実子 / TAEKO /SENGOKU DJ: ハカセジャズオ / TIGER / 鳴海 / Mitsman Groove / Ringino / 大山のぶ夫 OPEN 18:00 入場無料
7/26 BA・BAR営業 ALL GENRE ゲスト婆:SNOW 選曲: MATSUI / gocci / あゆみ / めぐみ / HIDE / showhow / 大山のぶ夫 お茶請け: 有賀 / 城戸 / 松井 / 大山 ババアのバー営業、ババー営業。世話焼きババアと釣りじじいがお茶請け持って寄り合いだ。 注)当日、全てのババアは敬老価格ドリンク100円引きとなります。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料 ※別途フードチャージ 男性500円 女性400円頂戴致します
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Why do you? I have many things to say about this, if you're willing to read. I'll split this in 3 comments. 1)CULTURAL IDENTITY Eilistraee&people who follow her do have a cultural identity, that predates Lolth coming in (at least in FR). Remember that they hail from a nation that had become one of the biggest centers of arts and magic during the First Flowering, and that was subsequently destroyed by Sun Elves. Their cultural identity is about these principles: a)A journey of constant self-improvement: followers of Eilistraee are encouraged to travel around (even larger distances at least once a year) to build new relationships and at the same time hone their skills and crafts. They learn new sword techniques, about new plants, recipes, new crafting techniques, songs, legeneds, etc... That's big in their lore. They're also encouraged to pass on their learning. It's very similar to bards, and I find this to be beautiful. Eilistraee herself is a deity that actively encourages and blesses artists and crafters, as said in her lore, and more importantly, she subtly provides practical help to the drow (even those who don't follow her) on their path to self-fulfilment. Moreover, she's very careful to not force choices on her people, because she does indeed want them to forge their own life. She's an enabler, even empowerer, in this sense b)Beauty, in the wider sense: followers of Eilistraee are encouraged to nurture, spread AND teach arts, as well as bring hope and joy especially in places or to people who are in dire situations. They work to show the metaphorical silver lining, the way out, and do so not only by bringing their own arts, but also practical help, food, cures, etc... Multiple instances of this in canon. Eilistraee herself is a goddess of beauty because bringing hope to people trapped in a vicious cycle, and showing joy in times of pain, is what she does. She delves into the metaphorical dark to help people out of there, and I guess this is how she deals with her own sadness and with the sense of loss that afflicts her (thought this latter statement is mine, and not canon), and there's tons of insight about her as a person that can come out from that (can discuss, if you want, but this is delving in non-canon territory). Overall, I like to think about Eilistraee as a "beauty in the broken" kind of deity. c)Compassion&acceptance, which is linked with the principle of beauty: Eilistraee/people who follow her value finding the spark of beauty and the possibility of flowering in everyone, and to spare a life and give second and further chances, unless forced not to. Eilistraee herself is said to have a soft spot for outcasts, and she encourages cosmopolitanism and acceptance.
d)Tight-knit, cooperating communities: this is a consequence of how their communities form, mostly, but the loose hierarchy, everyone being able to questions decisions (see 3e Faiths&Pantheons), as well as people with particular expertise in a field being tasked with being the main decision makers in that field (as per Ed Greenwood) is quite particular. e)A positive example of women in power: Eilistraean society usually sees women holding position of power, but they are to act as an extension of Eilistraee's role as a mother to the drow. They are to be teachers, protectors, diplomats. So, we have a positive model of women in power, as a foil to the wifebeater's idea of how women in power are that is represented by Lolth. continues->
“Why does Eilistraee in practice bother me?” I ask, having a special interest in religion in the context of cultures and having very specific pet peeves as a result of that special interest.
Truly, it is a mystery.
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Ohhh i love this little dumb thingss.
*Trying very hard not to say Compass or Malark*
Ace 3e, Azure 2d orrrrr , Mata-shali a5 (u choose)


Ace is absolutely delighted by this ask
Azure? Decidedly less so
#you are literally so smart and sexy#this outfit choice#my god#ace#azure#doodle#ask game#outfit ask game#ask answered#my art#my ocs#artists on tumblr#trans artist#queer artist#art#dnd#d&d#original character#dungeons and dragons#wizard#sorcerer#drow#dark elf#genasi#air genasi#dnd character#dnd art#digital art#digital illustration#digital drawing
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לכה דודי / Lecha Dodi par Yossi Azulay et Enrico Macias
- Sympathique version -
Extrait de l’album “ Andalous “ - Jewish Sephardi Prayers : Ici
Le Lekha Dodi, composé à Safed au XVIe siècle par le Rabbi Chlomo Halévy Elkabets est chanté à la tombée de la nuit le vendredi soir pour accueillir la « fiancée chabbat ».
♥ ♥ ♥
Refrain Viens, mon bien-aimé, au-devant de la fiancée, Lechah dodi likrat kallah לכה דודי לקראת כלה Allons accueillir le Chabbat. Pnei Shabbat nekabelah פני שבת נקבלה
1er couplet « Observe » et « Souviens-toi » : c’est en une seule parole, Shamor ve-zachor be-dibur echad שמור וזכור בדבור אחד Que le Seul et l’Unique Dieu nous fit entendre Hishmianu E-l hameyuchad השמיענו אל המיחד
(Suite des paroles non reprises dans la chanson) L’Éternel est Un et son Nom est Un, Adonai echad ushemo echad יי אחד ושמו אחד A Lui Honneur, Gloire, Louange ! Le-Sheim ul-tiferet ve-li-t'hilah לשם ולתפארת ולתהלה
2e couplet A la rencontre de Chabbath empressons-nous, Likrat Shabbat lechu ve-nelechah לקראת שבת לכו ונלכה Car il est la source de toute bénédiction. Ki hi mekor haberachah כי היא מקור הברכה Consacré dès les temps les plus lointains, Merosh mikedem nesuchah מראש מקדם נסוכה Clôt la Création, mais pensé dès l'origine [par le Créateur]. Sof ma'aseh be-machashavah techilah סוף מעשה במחשבה תחלה
3e couplet Sanctuaire du Roi, Ville royale, Mikdash melech ir meluchah מקדש מלך עיר מלוכה Debout, relève-toi de tes ruines ! Kumi tze'i mitoch ha-hafeichah קומי צאי מתוך ההפכה Trop longtemps tu es demeurée dans la vallée des pleurs. Rav lach shevet be-eimek habacha רב לך שבת בעמק הבכא Mais voici que Lui éprouve pour toi de la compassion. Ve-hu yachamol alayich chemlah והוא יח��ול עליך חמלה
4e couplet Secoue la poussière, relève-toi ! Hitna'ari me-afar kumi התנערי מעפר קומי Revêts, Mon peuple, les vêtements de ta splendeur ! Liv-shi bigdei tifartech ami לבשי בגדי תפארתך עמי Par le fils de Isaïe, de Bethléhem, Al yad ben Yishai beit ha-lachmi על יד בן ישי בית הלחמי Mon âme voit s'approcher d'elle le salut. Korvah el nafshi ge-alah קרבה אל נפשי גאלה
5e couplet Réveille-toi, réveille-toi ! Hitoreri hitoreri התעוררי התעוררי Car ta lumière est venue ! Lève-toi, resplendis ! Ki va oreich kumi ori כי בא אורך קומי אורי Dresse-toi, dresse-toi, entonne un cantique ! Uri uri shir dabeiri עורי עורי שיר דברי Car la gloire de l’Éternel resplendit sur toi. Kevod Ado-nai alayich niglah כבוד יי עליך נגלה
6e couplet Ne sois plus humiliée, et ne sois plus méprisée ! Lo teevoshi ve-lo tikalmi לא תבושי ולא תכלמי Pourquoi soupirer, pourquoi gémir ? Mah tishtochachi u-mah tehemi מה תשתוחחי ומה תהמי Chez toi les pauvres de mon peuple trouveront refuge, Bach yechesu aniyei ami בך יחסו עניי עמי et voici que la Ville sur ses ruines sera rebâtie. Ve-nivnetah ir al tilah ונבנתה עיר על תלה
7e couplet Et tes ennemis à leur tour seront foulés aux pieds, Ve-hayu limshisah shosayich והיו למשסה שאסיך Tous tes oppresseurs seront chassés. Ve-rachaku kol mevalayich ורחקו כל מבלעיך Ton Dieu Se réjouira enfin de toi, Yasis alayich E-lohayich ישיש עליך אלהיך Comme le fiancé de sa fiancée. Kimsos chatan al kalah כמשוש חתן על כלה
8e couplet À droite et à gauche débordera ta joie, Yamin u-smol tifrotzi ימין ושמאל תפרוצי Et le Seigneur tu révéreras. Ve-et Ado-nai ta'aritzi ואת יי תעריצי Grâce à celui qu'on nomme le fils de Péretz Al yad ish ben Partzi על יד איש בן פרצי Nous nous réjouirons et nous exulterons. Ve-nismechah ve-nagilah ונשמחה ונגילה
9e couplet Sois la bienvenue, toi, couronne de ton Époux; Boi ve-shalom ateret ba'alah בואי בשלום עטרת בעלה Viens, dans la joie et l’allégresse, Gam be-simchah u-ve-tzahalah גם בשמחה ובצהלה Au milieu des fidèles du peuple élu, Toch emunei am segulah תוך אמוני עם סגלה Viens, ma fiancée, viens, ma fiancée! Bo-i chalah boi chalah בואי כלה בואי כלה
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#INDUSTRIES#3E-Religious/Spiritual Organisations#3E-Wellness/Healing Arts#3E-Immigration/Multiculturalism#3E-Indigenous/Tribal Affairs#3E-Politics/Advocacy#3E-Youth-oriented Industries.#VALUES#3E-Respect#3E-Equality#3E-Fairness#3E-Dignity#3E-Empowerment#3E-Intersectional Justice#3E-Non-Discrimination#3E-Inclusivity#3E-Tolerance#3E-Compassion.#TRAITS#3E-Creativity#3E-Open-Mindedness#3E-Curiosity#3E-Compassion#3E-Healing#3E-Acceptance.#TENSIONS#3E-Opposition to witchcraft as a valid spiritual practice#3E-Intolerance of immigrant and indigenous American cultures
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#INDUSTRIES#3E-Retail#3E-Food and Beverage Industry#3E-Manufacturing#3E-Environmental Services#3E-Construction#3E-Transportation#3E-Energy#3E-Technology. . VALUES#3E-Environmental Responsibility#3E-Sustainability#3E-Community Building#3E-Political Awareness#3E-Social Sensitivity#3E-Reducing Consumption#3E-Growth of Greener Habits / TRAITS#3E-Commitment#3E-Compassion#3E-Collaboration#3E-Creativity#3E-Forward-Thinking#3E-Hope#3E-Problem-Solving#3E-Positivity#3E-Resourcefulness#3E-Responsibility#3E-Selflessness TENSIONS#3E-Environmental effects of plastic#3E-The case for systemic environmental change#3E-Personal lifestyle changes as a component of green activism
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FINALLY got a ref done for my boi 🥺
Fahjoth is one of the protagonists of my Morrowind fic - which can be found here!
(character bio under the cut!)
— Fᴀʜᴊᴏᴛʜ Vᴇᴛʜᴀʀʏs —
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Dunmer
Height: 6’2”
Date of birth: 16th Evening Star, 3E 404
Birthsign: the Thief
Class: Rogue
Personality Sociable | Upbeat | Friendly | Laid-back | Open | Moral | Non-confrontational | Pushover | Loving
The most sociable of the twins by far, Fahjoth is an upbeat young mer who tries to keep a positive outlook. He’s friendly to almost everyone he meets, and his laid-back nature makes him relatively easy to get along with. Fahjoth is very much an open book, wearing his heart on his sleeve and unafraid to show his emotions, whatever they may be. Despite his background, he has a reasonably strong moral compass and strives to do things according to what he believes is right. He prefers to solve matters without hostilities, being extremely non-confrontational and a people-pleaser almost to a fault; his keenness to help others, as well as his willingness to avoid altercation — whether physical or verbal — makes him a bit of a pushover. Ultimately Fahjoth is incredibly loyal and loving, and would do anything to ensure the happiness of those close to him.
#oc: fahjoth#tes#tes art#morrowind#morrowind oc#nerevarine#dunmer#dunmer oc#elder scrolls#elder scrolls art#tes iii: morrowind
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[In her research into Imperial-funded overhaul events, Meryse contacts the Nerevarine. This probably isn't canon. Unless]
3E 432
Meryse set up a sound wall around the projection room she had booked for the afternoon. She wished she could do this somewhere more private, like her own home, but even the "modern-style" projection that many mages made use of was still a little ways beyond her current skill level, and so she was stuck using a device at her local Mages Guild.
It was a dangerous game, she knew, doing research that could be considered anti-Imperial in an Imperial-funded facility, but she was fairly confident that she knew how to take the appropriate precautions. Besides, if the rumors could be trusted, the person she was going to be talking to was at least nominally considered a friend of the Empire, and so even if the projection could be tracked, she should be safe.
In their brief exchange of letters, they had provided each other with a pointer gem, a tiny crystal infused with a small amount of magicka, to make it possible to target each other with a projection. When the designated time came, Meryse placed Ildari's pointer gem in the device's slot and powered it up with a bit of her own magicka. She sat at the desk in the rune on the floor and set her notebook down in front of her while the device whooshed to life and sent its projection to what she imagined was a fabled mushroom tower all the way in Morrowind.
A few moments later, a translucent form appeared in front of her of a Dunmer woman with hair flopped to one side of her head. She had heard that the Nerevarine had been young, but she was still surprised to see that this mer barely looked older than she. Of course, it was hard to gauge an age from a projection, especially of a mer. Maybe she was older than she looked, or maybe Meryse was really just older than she felt.
As they exchanged introductions and pleasantries, Meryse noticed a ring on Ildari's finger decorated with Azuran symbology. She had heard of that ring, Moon-and-Star, in her studies when preparing for this meeting. It was said to give Nerevar, and only Nerevar, a substantial boon in interpersonal abilities. She wondered whether Ildari was wearing it for symbolic reasons, or if she was just as nervous to be interviewed by a stranger as Meryse was to be conducting the interview. Either way, Meryse wished she had a ring like that, though preferably one that wouldn't kill her.
"So, I'm studying some of the major events that the Empire has seemed to have a hand in, as part of a larger research project, and I wanted to talk to some of the key players in those events," Meryse said. "You were employed by the Emperor himself to fulfill your Nerevarine prophecies, correct?"
"Ah...not exactly," Ildari said. "The Emperor selected me, yes, and tried to get me into his service, but I never even ended up talking to the guy the Empire wanted me to go to."
"Oh," Meryse said, her pen hovering above her notes. "Can I ask why?"
"Someone intercepted me outside the Census and Excise office and gave me a better offer if I would take the orders they'd given me to his boss instead of the Imperial contact I was told to meet. His boss was on the council of House Telvanni, which I wanted to connect with anyway, being my ancestral House, and it gave me the option not to work for the Empire, so I took him up on it."
"And the Empire was fine with you not following their orders?"
"'Fine' would be a stretch." She laughed. "Let's just say that when I visit my mom in the Imperial City these days, I stay clear of Green Emperor Way. They probably know better than to mess with me, honestly, but I also know better than to dangle myself in front of them."
Well, that was a deviation. Maybe this was more dangerous than Meryse had anticipated, if this Ildari was less of a friend of the Empire than she had previously believed. On the other hand, it might mean that her answers would be more useful than she expected, as long as any of the questions she had prepared still applied. She probed her wards to make sure they were holding up, and then glanced down at her notebook to decide where to go next.
"You were still initially set on your path by the Emperor, right? Do you know how he picked you?"
"Oh, Uriel absolutely orchestrated my involvement, even if I broke away the second I had the chance," Ildari said. "Certain entities have the ability to identify 'Heroes'—agents of prophecy. Gods can do it. I suspect Moth Priests can, too. Something about it being written in the Elder Scrolls. I assume an emperor has connections and probably makes it his business to keep tabs on any Heroes that pop up.
"Here's the thing, though: they did have to mess with my life to make it work. They killed my parents before I was old enough to remember them, because the prophecy said the Nerevarine has to have 'uncertain parents.' And they made up the charges that landed me in prison, because apparently being in prison is important to trigger the start of a prophecy, at least according to my friend Vivec. That tells me two things. First, they identified me as a Hero early on, long before the prophecies were actually set to be fulfilled. Second, they're willing to force a prophecy's conditions to be met, if it suits them."
"Wow, I...didn't realize they would go that far. Not that it's surprising, exactly. I guess I just didn't know they had the resources and the drive to act on prophecy so long before it's relevant."
She took a moment to consider the implications for her own research, and jotted a few notes down. She looked at her next question. It would sound strange, she knew, but Ildari seemed open-minded enough. Clearly, she was already aware of the implications of prophecy; she might not balk at a question about the nature of time and the aurbis.
"Did anything...strange happen while you were fulfilling your prophecies?" she asked. "I know that's broad. Anything that's hard to explain or understand, maybe relating to the flow of time?"
"That's very broad," Ildari agreed. "There was the part where I got all my memories back from my past seventeen incarnates' lives. That was strange and somewhat relates to the flow of time. But that's pretty specific to me. Probably not what you're looking for." With half a smile, she asked, "So, you're studying the Warp in the West?"
"Ah...yes," Meryse said with a nervous laugh.
"Don't buy the idea that it was a miracle from the Divines?"
"Not exactly," she said. "Not even a little bit, really. I want to figure out what really happened. Everyone sort of waves their hands around what happened, and no one seems to remember it. I do, sort of, but I was a kid, so no one believes me. I want to know what the Empire is hiding, and what else they might be hiding—who else they've hurt."
"Well, if you're looking for people the Empire has hurt, you've come to the right place," Ildari said dryly. "Be careful, though. The Empire doesn't always look kindly on its opponents, much less on people trying to uncover its secrets. I can say what I want, within reason, because quite frankly, I have power—both politically and in terms of combat ability. If you can't say the same, you should take care who you say these sorts of things to."
"Oh, I am careful, don't worry," she said. "I've got wards set up right now, I obscure my notes, and I keep my exact research questions largely to myself."
Ildari nodded. "That aside, though, you said you remember the Warp? The whole thing?"
"I remember three distinct days, when everyone talks about it being one or two. And when it was over, we were bending a knee to Uriel, and suddenly everyone was talking about the Nine like Talos had been there all along."
That seemed to interest Ildari. She paused, brow furrowed, and opened her mouth a few times as if to talk, but changing her mind each time.
After a few moments, she finally said, "I wonder if you're a Hero."
That was, somehow, not what Meryse was expecting.
"Me? I doubt it. I'm not strong or powerful or...special in any particular way, and I've never noticed the Empire messing with my life specifically, like you say they did with yours." She shrugged. "I'm just a mage, a researcher."
"So was I, before they shipped me off to Seyda Neen."
Meryse considered it for a moment longer. "I don't know. If that's all it is, it just feels like such a disappointing answer. And even if it is true, I still want to know how it happened. I guess I'll keep researching until I know better."
"Good idea. I'm sure there's plenty that the Empire is hiding; you being able to tell that they're hiding something is more of a compass than a solution," Ildari said. "Still, you might want to consider picking up some survival skills, maybe learn how to use a sword or armor, just in case you get tossed on an adventure without warning."
"Yeah, couldn't hurt," Meryse said. "Well, thank you for taking the time to talk to me. This has been...enlightening, really, even if not in the ways I expected." She added a small laugh at the end.
"Research is never boring, is it?" Ildari said. "I hope you find what you're looking for. And if you publish your work, I'd love to read it."
"I will be sure to send you a copy. Thanks again, Ildari." She waved awkwardly and disconnected the projection.
Once the projection device was back to its inert state and she had taken Ildari's pointer gem out of its slot, she glanced down at her notes one more time. There was not much there, but she still felt like she had learned a lot, and come out with more questions than she had entered with. Naturally.
She added one more note about picking up some new skills, and then passed an encryption spell over the page. When she was satisfied that her notes were sufficiently obscured from prying eyes, she closed her notebook, slipped it into her bag, lowered her wards, and headed back out into the Mages Guild as though her concept of the world had not just been shaken.
#meryse#ildari#razak's ocs#this is pre-hok meryse ofc#and pre-eso ildari#this is one of those things where its like#its not particularly great or compelling but i wanted to write it so i might as well share it#it has some hero lore if you're into that sort of thing
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7/4 キッズウォー ALLゆとりミュージック GUEST DJ:クックヨシザワ SUPPORT DJ:松森モヘー/もちこ(Pop up) DJ:しゅわっち☆/かなつ/マコトキングストン/よしとき/ARATA/けだま OPEN 20:00 入場無料
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7/14 TBA
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OPEN 17:00 ¥2000/2D
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