#3D&T Victory
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vtrwriter · 7 months ago
Ídolos de Aço - Parte 1
— Nós vencemos, droga! O que mais você quer? — o guerreiro disse.
— Quero continuar vivo — o cientista respondeu.
— Não vamos nos extinguir, seu paranoico! Agora sem a Dama…
— A Dama mantinha a paz.
— Ela ia matar todos nós!
— Heh. Irônico, não é? Com ela, morreríamos, sem ela, mataremos uns aos outros. Dois séculos de paz, e sem a Dama, voltamos a ter assassinatos e brigas de gangues a céu aberto. Falta pouco para termos guerra. E com a nova tecnologia que temos hoje em dia… Bem, vou nessa.
— Vai aonde? Vai ser se aqueles seres são melhores que nós? Eles também têm máquinas de guerra.
— É, e ainda assim colonizaram mais de um planeta. Melhor que nós.
Com o apertar de um botão, a porta da nave se abre. O cientista entra e se ajusta na câmara de suspensão espacial.
— Então é isso? — o guerreiro se apoia no batente da porta da nave — Vai simplesmente abandonar tudo pelo que lutamos?
— Sim. E um dia, se for esperto, vai entrar em uma das outras naves que fiz e dar o fora também.
Pressionando um botão próximo, o cientista fecha a porta da nave, iniciando o processo automatizado que iria lhe induzir ao sono. Tudo estava nas mãos da máquina agora. Se satisfez por não ter colocado janelas ou câmeras externas. Não queria correr o risco de olhar pra trás e se arrepender.
Constelação do Sabre, ano 1863 do Calendário Espacial
A humanidade desbravou o vácuo do espaço, terraformando planetas, mapeando sistemas solares, avançando na ciência e tecnologia. Mas com o avanço, muito ficou para trás: o próprio planeta Terra foi esquecido da história, sequer sendo uma lembrança distante. Até onde se sabe, a humanidade sempre explorou o espaço.
Mas os humanos não vivem em harmonia nessa era. Apesar dos esforços do Imperador Silas Falconeri em unir os dezenove mundos da Constelação do Sabre sob um mesmo ideal, nobres conspiram uns contra os outros pelo poder, riqueza e pobreza são desproporcionais, e mercenários lutam em guerrilhas e operações de silenciamento envolvendo vilas e cidades inteiras.
Para proteger e servir o povo, Falconeri criou a Brigada Ligeira Estelar, um exército composto de diversos e bravos soldados, escolhidos por uma rigorosa seleção, para servir os interesses do povo acima que qualquer coisa. A Brigada possui inimigos poderosos, como a alta nobreza, que enxerga na Brigada uma ofensa e uma ameaça ao seu poder.
Ainda assim, existem nobres que não esquecem que o seu propósito é justamente liderar o povo, e alguns até mesmo se alistam na Brigada para mudar essa imagem manchada. Em um cruzeiro, na rota planetária de Inara-Montalban, uma jovem nobre recém-alistada na Brigada é um desses exemplos.
— … E não precisava ter mandado meu hussardo pra cá. A Brigada providencia seus próprios robôs — Sunna conversava no celular com seu pai.
— É que você está mais acostumada com o Lenda de Ouro. Você aprendeu a pilotar com ele.
— Como é que eu vou ser reconhecia por meu esforço se você continuar me mimando? Nem sei como a Brigada autorizou isso. Você chegou a perguntar para alguém se isso é permitido?
— Eu mexi alguns pauzinhos, pedi alguns favores, só isso. Eu só quero que esteja segura, filha. Desculpe minha cautela.
Sunna fechou seus olhos azuis em frustração.
— Tudo bem, pai. Eu vejo o que eu faço com ele depois. Só me promete que vai me avisar antes de fazer esse tipo de coisa.
— Prometo, filha. Apenas se cuide. Eu te amo.
— Também te amo, pai. Tchau, até mais tarde.
A jovem desligou o celular. Soltou seus cabelos pretos e os reajustou em um rabo-de-cavalo.
— Não sou uma criança, pai — resmungou em voz baixa.
Em um alto-falante próximo, um som de microfone sendo levemente batido lhe chamou a atenção. Após ajustar seu uniforme branco e azul, ela abriu a porta do corredor de manutenção para retornar ao salão principal. Havia um trabalho a ser feito.
— Saudações, meus ilustres passageiros — um homem de elegantes roupas verdes com detalhes dourados falou a todos pelo microfone, sua voz demonstrando firmeza e confiança. Seu cabelo castanho médio e barba bem aparados, mais seus olhos verde-claro passavam a imagem de alguém independente e nobre. — Uma coisa que meu pai sempre dizia era que nunca se devia pedir desculpas pelas suas ações. “É um sinal de fraqueza”, ele falava. Nunca concordei com ele nessa questão. Não se desculpar, para mim, era um sinal de ego inflado, nada mais e nada menos. A força está no que o indivíduo faz, não no que deixa de fazer. Dito isso, peço sinceras desculpas pelo atraso. Um pequeno erro de contagem de suprimentos, alguns tripulantes a menos devido ao feriado, passageiros de última hora, enfim, o que tinha que dar errado deu errado.
O homem então acenou para dois tripulantes próximos de uma porta de serviço dupla, que as abriram para deixarem passar diversos garçons e garçonetes empurrando carrinhos de bebidas diversas.
— Peço então que aproveitem os sucos e refrigerantes que estamos oferecendo a todos os interessados, conheçam novas pessoas, passeiem um pouco pelo cruzeiro — o homem elegante continuou. — Qualquer dúvida ou necessidade, dirijam-se à tripulação. Em caso de problemas maiores ou mais graves do que ‘preciso ir ao banheiro’, podem se dirigir ao meu amigo de longa data, Capitão Patrick James, da Brigada Ligeira Estelar, à minha adorada esposa e chefe da segurança, Leona Silveira Calatrava, ou a mim, seu anfitrião, Tauno Flavius Calatrava. Obrigado pela atenção.
O nobre entrega o microfone a um tripulante e o agradece antes de se juntar aos convidados.
Embora tivesse o nome de “cruzeiro popular”, não havia se economizado na estética do cruzador Inara-Montalban. Enfeitado com tapeçarias vermelhas, candelabros e corrimãos dourados, e muitas, muitas luzes, o salão principal era acolhedor e seguro. Os que entravam pelo corredor de acesso eram surpreendidos ao olhar para uma gigantesca janela para o espaço, gradeada por grandes e espaçosas vigas douradas, dando a ilusão de ser um pássaro cósmico preso em uma gaiola chique. Para os que quisessem ver o espaço mais do alto, ou talvez descansar na viagem, três andares com passarelas encontravam-se no lado oposto, cada um deles contendo centenas de elegantes portas levando a quartos particulares.
O imenso salão principal estava abarrotado com centenas de pessoas de todas as classes sociais. Apesar do salão aberto e sem divisas, os grupos geralmente tinham seus “cantos” preferidos, clubes exclusivos cujas paredes eram os próprios corpos de seus integrantes. Poucos ousavam sair de seus locais de conforto para visitar o território de outras classes, e menos ainda eram bem-vindos. Ainda assim, apesar destes continentes hostis, haviam ilhas de paz, onde indivíduos diferentes encontravam coisas em comum para conversar, uma troca de ideias aqui, uma conversa ali, e até mesmo novas amizades duradouras.
Para garantir a tranquilidade de todos, os seguranças estavam bem equipados e bem atentos a todos os possíveis suspeitos e causadores de distúrbios. Estava presente também, além de Sunna, alguns outros integrantes da Brigada Ligeira Estelar, embora os jovens soldados estavam menos preocupados em estarem atentos e mais engajados em conversar e tirar fotos com admiradores.
Uma das mais populares naquele momento era Cassia, amiga de infância de Sunna. Apesar de Cassia ser um animal de companhia, geneticamente modificada para ter inteligência humana, ainda era um pônei de 1,20m, o que chamava a atenção da criançada. Mais ainda por sua pelagem azul-claro, com crina e rabo de um azul-esbranquiçado.
Em um andar acima, Sunna esfregava o indicador no corrimão enquanto olhava para Cassia. Ambas fizeram os mesmos testes no mesmo dia para entrar na Brigada. A pônei apenas fez o teste por pedido do pai da humana. Cassia era praticamente sua irmã, cresceram juntas, e Sunna ensinava para Cassia tudo o que aprendia na escola. Então como Cassia havia se saído tão melhor nos testes? Como ela havia conseguido de cara o posto de segundo-tenente, enquanto Sunna ficou como alferes, um posto abaixo?
Não era como queria se sentir, mas como poderia evitar? Entrar na Brigada era o sonho de Sunna, não de sua quase irmã. Por que as coisas acabaram dessa forma? O que ela fez de errado? Ou foi algo que não fez? Mas o que mais poderia ter feito?
— Novata? — seu superior, Patrick James, lhe chamou a atenção. Ele era um homem de porte mediano, com cabelo loiro perfeitamente aparado e brilhantes olhos azuis. Apesar de estarem em serviço, seu capitão segurava um copo do suco grátis como alguém em um ambiente informal.
— Capitão Patrick, senhor! — Sunna prontamente bateu continência ao seu superior – Nada fora do normal a relatar.
— Olha, não precisa me chamar de “senhor”, isso faz eu me sentir velho. Só Patrick está bom. A não ser que estejamos em uma base ou quartel, daí eu tenho que manter a aparência de hierarquia.
— Mas senhor…
— Não não não. Ordens são ordens.
— Hã… Tudo bem. A propósito, já falei com meu pai sobre meu hussardo. Assim que chegarmos em Montalban, vou achar algum serviço de frete para levá-lo de volta.
— Bom saber. Sabe, eu posso não ser pai, mas meio que entendo o seu. A constelação é perigosa, e gente como nós quer que todos estejam seguros.
Patrick olhou para baixo, na direção de Cassia. A oficial pônei se despedia de uma criança com a qual havia tirado uma foto. Notando o olhar dos dois no andar de cima, Cassia acenou para eles. Sunna fez um leve aceno com a mão, e Patrick brindou com o copo.
— Sabe, – o capitão continuou – nada impede você de estar lá embaixo com sua amiga. Não estamos “exatamente” trabalhando hoje.
— Eu sei – Sunna respondeu. — Mas acho que ela merece celebrar um pouco sem mim. Não são muitos que conseguem fazer o que ela fez.
— Celebrar, é? Não é outra coisa?
— Senhor?
— Mesma casa. Mesma educação. Mesmo teste. Uma se torna alferes, a outra, segundo-tenente. E você não está junto dela para que ela comemore?
— Eu… não sei o que o senhor…
— Você está raspando o dedo no corrimão. Notei que você faz isso quando está nervosa. E quando mente também. Não gosto de segredos na minha equipe, Sunna, e sou muito bom em encontrá-los.
A coluna da jovem gelou.
— Por favor, não conte para ela. Cassia sente um pouco de culpa por ter sido melhor. Não quero que se sinta mais culpada ainda.
— Não se preocupe, também sei guardar segredos. Só não quero que isso atrapalhe a dinâmica do grupo. Animais de companhia são programados para proteger seu dono. E oficiais superiores às vezes põem seus comandados em risco. Não quero que essa situação gere conflitos.
— Estou ciente, senhor. E me preocupo muito com isso também. Não farei nada que possa prejudicar nossa relação ou nossos postos.
— É o que eu queria ouvir — Patrick começou a ir embora, mas deteve-se — Ah, e você me chamou de “senhor” três vezes sem perceber. Tô de olho, hein?
— Oh, perdão se… se… certamente não vai se repetir.
— Bom saber – o capitão dá um gole no seu suco, e imediatamente faz uma expressão de repulsa. — Credo. Agora sei porque o Tauno não perde dinheiro com esse cruzeiro. Já comi plástico com gosto melhor.
Patrick jogou discretamente o suco no lixo e dirigiu-se para as escadas. Sunna decidiu interrompê-lo.
— Patrick. Acho que eu deveria perguntar. Por que estamos aqui?
— Um dos grandes mistérios da vida, não é? Por que estamos aqui? Somos frutos de uma coincidência cósmica, ou há um propósito maior? Os dançarinos das estrelas dizem…
— Por que estamos de serviço nessa nave, capitão? A nave já tem sua própria força de segurança. Parece um tanto redundante estarmos garantindo a segurança de algo que já está seguro. E você diz que não estamos “exatamente” trabalhando, então o que estamos…
— É sempre importante questionar, novata. É um traço admirável. Mas se preocupar com tudo não faz bem.
O capitão acena e começa a ir embora.
— Divirta-se um pouco, Sunna. Dê uma volta. Tire umas fotos. Beba um suco, ou seja lá o que for esse negócio colorido. Deixe esse assunto pros “de cima”.
Sunna respirou frustrada.
— Eu não sou uma criança – falou em voz baixa.
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laxmiree · 3 months ago
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien - Strategy Game Date - English Translation (1/2)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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"Wow, if you remember someone, they must be really impressive!"
"Not at all. In fact, on most of the days we've played, he couldn't even win a pack of biscuits."
"So, about the same level as me then~"
"But MC is special to me. Whether it's ‘biscuits', 'candy', or even 'unreasonable requests', you always manage to win them over in another way."
Translation under the cut!
[T/N: Before reading the date, I highly recommend you all to read this R&S: Regarding What Book Doesn't Say (and while at it read The Victim Who Disappeared too~). This date contains important references to that R&S, and I would like to analyze this date later in comparison with it at the end of this date🥺 There's also some reference to S1 chapter 23 but I'm gonna assume that y'all already read it u.u.]
If you want to follow along with the voice, you can follow it here.
[Call- On The Way Home from Work]
Lucien: I just saw your missed call, what's wrong?
MC: [worriedly] I was just wondering why Professor Lucien, who clearly got off work an hour ago, still hasn't come home yet.
Lucien: [chuckles softly]  Sorry, I was held up a bit by something.
Lucien: If you're not too busy, could you bring a trolley and come pick me up at the small park outside the complex?
MC: I certainly can, but what happened?
Lucien: I was stopped by that old gentleman who often plays chess in the park, and he invited me to play a game with him.
MC:  Hmm? Why did that grandpa suddenly "abandon" his friends and come to you?
Lucien: Today, his chess friend stood him up, so he was searching the whole park for a "destined" person who could play chess.
Lucien: And on my backpack, I happened to have a chess pendant that you gave me.
MC: Oh~ But the Xianqi (Chinese chess) Grandpa plays and international chess aren't the same type, right?
Lucien: There are indeed quite big differences between the two, but luckily, I'm not too unfamiliar with the rules of Xiangqi.
MC: Judging by Professor Lucien’s tone, it seems like he has won~
Lucien: It was a narrow victory.
Lucien: However... I'm having some regrets now.
MC: Why?
Lucien: Things seem to have gotten a little out of hand after I won the game. He enthusiastically invited me to solve an endgame puzzle—
[Trivia: In chess, endgame refers to a chess problem where only a few pieces remain on the board, and the challenge is to find the best moves to win or achieve a draw.]
Lucien: And after I solved it, I found out that this puzzle has apparently been around for a few years.
MC: Wow! That's amazing...! So, doesn't that mean the brilliant Professor Lucien is going to become a big celebrity in the park?
Lucien: [sighs] ...But they're a bit too enthusiastic.
Lucien: [he sounds so helpless and dumbfounded it's cute LOL] To celebrate, that grandpa and the elderly watching the game gave me all the eggs, rice, and cooking oil they got from the supermarket.
Lucien: I couldn't refuse at the moment, so now I'm stuck here, overwhelmed by this weighty goodwill.
MC:  Pfft, hahaha~ So that's why you asked me to bring a trolley and rescue you!
MC: I think I see you! Hmm? Are you buying something?
Lucien: [chuckles] Mm, I just found a flower vending machine here.
Lucien: After all, I did ask my girlfriend to come rescue me, so I figured I should at least buy a bouquet of flowers as a thank you.
[Prologue-Surprise Journey]
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MC: You're going to compete against the world champion of 3D chess next week?!
When I arrive home from work and step into the entryway, the news hits me like a brick, leaving me frozen in place.
[Trivia: 3D Chess is a variant of traditional chess that adds a third dimension with multiple horizontal layers. It's different and more complex compared with classic 2D chess because besides being able to move horizontally, it can also move vertically between layers, and naturally, it has different rules compared to the classic (I tried to search the rules of one type of 3D chess and ended up being confused at it HAHA). Most ppl def can't easily learn it in one try unless you're Xu Mo]
Lucien calmly takes my bag and nods slightly.
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Lucien: Mm, the tournament organizers invited Carl to play a simultaneous exhibition.
[Trivia: In chess simultaneous exhibition means one player plays against multiple opponents at the same time]
Lucien: Besides me, there will also be many 3D chess players and enthusiasts participating.
MC: ...Wait a minute, Lucien, you haven't been scammed, have you?
MC: There are a lot of scams going around these days that seem to trick people with things like registration fees.
[gurl why would you think that the great and mighty™️ Professor Lucien would get scammed🤣]
Lucien: That possibility certainly can't be ruled out, but I've already confirmed it.
Lucien can't help but chuckle a bit and opens the official website of the International Chess Federation.
Following the movement of his fingertips, I quickly found Lucien's name on the shortlist.
MC: So awesome…
MC: You've obviously only been playing 3D chess for a month, yet you're already able to participate in such a competition.
Lucien: This type of game is actually not that difficult once you grasp the rules.
MC: ...That's precisely something a genius would say.
He winks a little smugly, smiles, and pulls me into his arms.
Lucien: So, would MC like to go together?
Lucien: I recall you don't seem to be very busy next week.
MC: Of course, I would like to!
MC: This is your first time participating in a chess tournament, so I wouldn't want to miss it.
Lucien: That's good to hear. Otherwise, I might have to repack my suitcase.
Following his gaze, I notice he's already packed some of my clothes in the suitcase and I can't help but laugh.
MC: You already knew I'd say yes.
Lucien: Mm, after all, it seems like MC can never bring herself to turn down my requests.
=[Part 1]=
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MC: The guesthouse you chose is so beautiful!
I lean out from the villa window and look outside; the warm breeze passes through the tropical orange trees, stirring sweet orange-scented ripples on the clear pool water.
MC: This garden is exactly like a scene from an American movie, I feel like a pool party is about to start any second now.
Lucien: [chuckles] After I finish my competition, we might as well have a pool party here too.
MC: Sounds good! Then I…
I spin around excitedly, but then my gaze is suddenly caught by a vibrant blaze of crimson, making me fall silent.
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Lucien is dressed in a cherry-red suit paired with an olive-green tie, giving off a bold retro vibe.
Complementing this look, a sleek leather belt with a ring buckle and a tilted round hat adds a touch of simplicity and style.
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Lucien: [teasingly] If you keep looking at me like that, I might actually get a little shy.
Despite saying so, he doesn't shy away and instead approaches me with a smile.
MC: It's just so stunning... Did this Great Chess Player pick this outfit specifically for the competition?
Lucien: There will be a lot of people at the competition, so maybe this will help me better attract the attention of a certain little lady.
[T/N: Great Chess Player (大棋手 - dà qíshǒu) is how MC teasingly and admiringly refers to him while little lady (小姑娘 - xiǎo gūniang) is Lucien's special term of endearment to MC. So yes, he's the one picking the outfit to attract her attention, just like male peacocks displaying their feather🤣 Please don't be harsh on his color choice because he literally can't see them🥲]
MC: [pouts] Humph, I want to protest~
MC: Even without any help, I can still instantly spot you in a crowd!
Lucien: [chuckles] Of course, I believe that. But I also have a selfish motive.
He gently pinches my puffed-out cheeks and meets my gaze with a smile.
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Lucien: [gently and sincerely] Just thinking about you watching me throughout the competition... it'll likely fill me with strength.
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In the vast venue, a hundred chess players are seated at their tables, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Carl, the world champion.
The audience seats are already packed with hundreds of spectators, and the broadcasting equipment, along with the commentators, is set up and ready to go.
Feeling the solemn atmosphere, I shrink back a little and quickly walk over to the family seating area within the venue to sit down.
Host: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the International 3D Chess Championship!
Host: Here today, we have chess elites gathered from all around the globe.
Host: They have emerged from fierce preliminary rounds and will face Carl, the champion of the International 3D Chess Championship, in a head-to-head battle.
Just then, on the large screen suspended above the venue, a refined-looking man is waving and greeting the crowd below.
Host: Following the classic tournament rules, each player will have 120 minutes to make their first 40 moves, after which they will have another 60 minutes to complete the rest of the game.
Host: To ensure fairness and smooth progression, a team of referees will supervise the entire match.
Host: Please remain quiet during the match so that the players can concentrate.
Host: We hope you all enjoy this feast of intellect and strategy!
As the match bell rings, the first game appears on the big screen.
Carl opens with a knight's jump, using the black pieces. Time flows in silence for a long while before his opponent finally makes their move.
Just as the unfamiliar and complex cross-layer moves are starting to make my head spin, the game reaches Lucien's table.
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Facing Carl's aggressive opening, Lucien doesn't panic. Calm and collected, he establishes his defensive formation.
I quietly note the position of his piece, trying to summon the knowledge I learned from playing classic chess with him in an effort to keep up with the game.
However, as the game progresses, I quickly become lost amidst the complexity of the situation.
Thankfully, that splash of cherry-red color always manages to blur out the world, allowing me to clearly see him every time I look up.
While waiting for his turn, Lucien leans back and intently watches the live screen, unlike the others who are engrossed in studying their own games.
[This passage implies that, unlike other players who are focused solely on their own games, Lucien is observing the matches on the live screen to study the world champion's strategies and gameplay. Also, this passage is an interesting parallel with how Lucien sees the world - to him, her color blurred the world around her, allowing him to see her clearly🥺]
Yet whenever it's his turn to make a move, he does it extremely quickly.
After a few rounds, players on the field are gradually eliminated and leave, but Lucien remains seated, his remaining time nearly equal to Carl's.
Most of the time, his expression remains calm, only occasionally does his brow and eyes curve slightly as if he's noticed some clever moves.
Even though he's far away, I feel like I can see that fascinating and captivating world through his eyes.
I gaze for a long time, so long that I only snap back to reality when Carl sits down opposite Lucien.
The stage is empty, and before I realize it, only that red figure remains.
The black and white sides are locked in a tense struggle, like a small battlefield. Pieces fell constantly, yet new attacks were relentlessly launched.
A hushed silence gradually spreads over the audience. Finally, the timer goes off, and the referee, who has been observing from the sidelines, rises to his feet.
He takes a step forward, waiting for Lucien to put down the piece in his hand, pick up a pen and write something, then seal the paper in an envelope.
As if on cue, the people around me rustle and leave. I instinctively get up as well, feeling puzzled, and head towards Lucien, who is also departing.
MC: Is the match over?
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Lucien: Not yet, it's just that the official match time is up. Now the moves are sealed, and the match will resume in an hour.
MC: I see. So, what do you think?
Lucien: Although the situation is a bit tense right now, I've more or less deduced the strategy he'll likely use.
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He narrows his eyes, looking like a smug little fox.
MC: Wow, I knew you were good, but I'm blown away that you've been able to hold your own against the world champion for so long…
Lucien: Would you mind holding onto that compliment until the 26th move and telling me again later, MC?
MC: Um?
I suddenly figured something out, and in that instant, I found the answer in those confident eyes.
Lucien: By then, I'll have won.
=[Part 2]=
Lucien wins.
At the 21st move in overtime, Carl topples his cornered king piece and concedes defeat.
It's not that I never thought he would win, but seeing Lucien standing on the podium, the clear reality of his victory washes over me along with the tide of applause.
I clap with extra force, wanting to convey all my heartfelt congratulations to him.
MC: Congratulations, grand champion!
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As the award ceremony ends, after waiting by the side of the stage, I step forward and greet the person before me with a big hug.
An icy chill clings to him, yet the voice that falls upon my ear is incredibly gentle.
Lucien: [chuckles] I received all of MC's congratulations.
Lucien: Even though you were a bit far away, the way you clapped so enthusiastically was especially adorable, just like a little seal.
MC: Of course! As your girlfriend, I can't let myself be outdone by anyone else…
??: Mr. Lucien, congratulations.
A stranger's voice suddenly interrupts the conversation as Carl, dressed in a suit, walks over in surprise.
Carl: I'll always remember this match, I hope to see you again on the competition stage someday.
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Lucien: Thank you, there will be a chance.
Lucien nods politely, and only after watching the other person disappear into the crowd does he speak, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
Lucien: Was that Carl?
MC: Hmm? Even a superbrain like you can have face blindness?
Lucien: Perhaps I was too focused on the chessboard, so I didn't pay attention to his appearance.
Lucien: Besides, his clothes seem completely different from what he wore this afternoon.
Seeing him explain earnestly, I can't help but laugh.
MC: [laughs] If I were Carl, I think I would be more hurt that my opponent, whom I faced for half a day, doesn’t remember me than about losing the match.
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MC: Speaking of which, you don't forget everyone you've played chess with, do you?
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Lucien: [stunned as if hit by a memory of someone from his distant past] …
It’s as if something leaps into the depths of those dark eyes along with my words, and they suddenly blink quickly.
Lucien: Not quite everyone.
MC: Wow, if you remember someone, they must be really impressive!
Lucien: Not at all.
Lucien: In fact, on most of the days we've played, he couldn't even win a pack of biscuits.*
MC: So, about the same level as me then~
I can't help but curve my lips into a smile, and it seems as though my rising smile also slowly melts that touch of indifference.
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Lucien: [chuckles] You're right, it's about the same level. But MC is special to me.
Lucien: Whether it's ‘biscuits', 'candy', or even 'unreasonable requests', you always manage to win them over in another way.
MC: [laughs happily] Hahaha, that friend of yours would probably think you're way too biased if he heard you say that!
Lucien smiles faintly as if my words allow him to vaguely picture that person before his eyes—
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Fuzzy... distant... yet somehow a little vivid.
Lucien: Perhaps, but all of those are just assumptions.
MC: Even if they are assumptions, aren't they still based on deductions from the past?
I hook my finger around his, gently swaying our hands together.
MC: Even if the past may be gone, isn't there still “something” from it that continues to run through your life in different forms;
MC: Accompanying you as you pass by and meet many amazing, yet lovely and warm people?~
Lucien: Of course, I have never denied that.
It was as though an imperceptible wound within those profound eyes had been quietly mended, allowing a trace of a smile to escape.**
Wanting to keep that smile lingering for a while longer, I wrinkle my nose.
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MC: But... I've clearly played chess with you too, and several different kinds! Yet the first person Professor Lucien thought of wasn't me!
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Lucien: …
Seeing his eyes widen slightly, I smile with satisfaction.
MC: Hmph, looks like I need to work harder! In that case, I'll start by learning 3D chess!
I take the prize chessboard from Lucien's hands, giving it a gentle shake.
MC: Please teach me, Teacher Lucien.
*: the biscuits!!! I'm sobbing ;-;, turns out Lucien still remembers Fan Zihang/Zack so clearly... I hope we'll get another mention of Fan Zihang/Zack on his birthday too huhu.
**: I'm taking liberties in translating this one 😂. The original line is “那双幽深的眼瞳里似有道小小裂隙被悄悄填上,终于泄 出一点笑意。” which if literally translated it will be “In that pair of deep and dark eyes, it was as if a small crack had been quietly filled up, finally revealing a hint of a smile.”. The 'crack' can symbolize an unhealed wound from the past. As it gradually fills, this wound is slowly mending, allowing him to release some of his past burdens and letting a hint of joy show through his eyes. Or, you can also think of it as a frozen lake that slowly melts and reveals a small crack, allowing the sunlight to fill in and showing what's in the water all this time (there's happiness from those past memories too).
Next: Part 3 & 4-> [Here]
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thedepressedweasel · 4 months ago
Here are the theme songs for the characters in The Super Mario Bros. Movieverse:
Mario: "Sweet Victory" by David Glen Eisley
Luigi: "Gotta Be" by Des'ree
Princess Peach: "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera
Toad: "Motion" by Vandelux
Toadette: "Live It Up" by Kathryn Ostenberg
Becky Koopa: "Meadows of Heaven" by Nightwish
Yoshi: "Watermelon Wormhole" by Lane 8
Donkey Kong: "DK Rap" from Donkey Kong 64
Diddy Kong: "Holding On" by Y.V.E. 48
Cranky Kong: "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC
Dixie Kong: "Deeper Grounds" by Jan Blomqvist ft. Mahri
Rosalina: "A Sky Full of Stars" by Coldplay
Princess Daisy: "Kernkraft 400" by Zombie Nation
Carmine Koopa: "Claire du Lune" by Claude Debussy
Bowser: "Bowser's Fury" from Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
Kamek: "Love Comes Again" by Pascal Jr.
Koopa General: "Losing Self" by Jay Aliyev
Lt. Jasper "Eyepatch" Koopa: "Seven Miles" by Roudeep
Bowser Jr.: "Bad to the Bone" by George Thurgood
Wario: "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore
Waluigi: "Sexbomb" by Mousse T. ft. Tom Jones
Lumalee: "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day
Penguin King: "Snow" by Zach Bryan
Mayor Pauline: "One Up Girl" from Super Mario Odyssey
Ludwig von Koopa: "Ode To Joy" by Ludwig van Beethoven (Ironic, eh?)
Roy Koopa: "I Want You Bad" by The Offspring
Wendy O. Koopa: "Good Time Girl" by Sofi Tukker ft. Charlie Barker
Morton Koopa Jr.: "In the End" by Linkin Park
Iggy Koopa: "He Blinded Me with Science" by Melissa Lefton
Larry Koopa: "Aura" by Avoure
Lemmy Koopa: "Hello" by Karmin
(Note: I will add more if necessary.)
(Edit: I decided to add the Koopalings for now for some reason.)
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veebs-hates-video-games · 1 year ago
Let's see if I can sort out what to say about Fire Emblem Engage yet, which might end up with a bit of commentary on other games in the series, which I guess is appropriate since it's basically an anniversary game. The short version is that I feel like a lot of the hate for it from The Gamers is extremely exaggerated, and even though it's not perfect it's probably my favorite Fire Emblem game at this point.
Like most people old enough to have been around at the time my main introduction to Fire Emblem was through SSBM, although in my case I didn't really care about the characters in that so much. Specifically it was the inclusion of Together We Ride in the soundtrack that got my attention. I still have an mp3 somewhere that I recorded from the game by hooking up the line out of my GameCube to the line in on my laptop.
I didn't actually play the GBA games because I never had a GBA of my own, so I started with Path of Radiance instead and have played a decent number of the games since then at least part way through. Still need to get around to Shadows of Valentia one of these days, but it'll probably be my next FE/3DS game when I do.
Up until now I'd say Awakening was my favorite of them. It was pretty satisfying mechanically without being overly complex like Fates (which was great if you really like planning everything out and min-maxing stuff, but it's all a bit much the first time through playing casually), it had a bunch of fun characters and supports, the music is frequently excellent, and the story is completely ridiculous in a fun way.
In a lot of ways Engage felt very similar to Awakening to me, which was great for me. I don't think I could convincingly argue that any other game in the series is anywhere near as fun for me in terms of gameplay. It's incredibly flexible in terms of what you can do with your units and what kinds of team compositions will work, especially on lower difficulties, but it manages to achieve that flexibility without being overly complex in an intimidating way, and a lot of the map design is excellent too.
It does a great job of encouraging you to try different things out by the way the maps are structured and enemies are placed and various different gimmicks on them and is full of moments early on that demonstrate the value of different units and abilities without directly telling you what to do. There's a lot of stuff set up in ways that don't just hand you a victory and have multiple ways to approach them, usually more than one of which makes you feel very clever for pulling something fancy off.
And the Emblem abilities that are restricted in use by being situational and on long cooldowns let them give you some truly ridiculous stuff that would be broken in any other game but feels perfect here, and it lets you do some absolutely bonkers stuff once-ish per map as a result. A lot of it gets balanced out by giving bosses multiple health bars though, which solves so many design problems and stops you from just warping a single unit there to burst them down instantly. That and sometimes having multiple bosses on the same map really forces you to use the ridiculous emblem abilities and take advantage of your whole team you've deployed a lot more often.
I know there are some people who don't love it aesthetically, and that's fine, but just on a technical level it's easily one of the best-looking games on the Switch. Seeing clips of Three Houses again after playing Engage for a while is rough. It feels like looking at a PS2 game running in an emulator, and Engage feels easily at least two full console generations ahead in terms of the tech it uses and the results they get out of it. Plus I actually love the art style too, with all the bright colors and overdesigned characters and stuff, and the combat animations are probably the best the series has ever had.
And I suppose the big thing that the most people complain about is the writing and story. You know what? They're fine. As far as I'm concerned the series has never had top tier writing (sometimes it's pretty decent like the Tellius games or Three Houses, but even those have some issues), and if that's really what I'm in the mood for I have plenty of other options for that. Just from stuff I've played this year there's been Future Redeemed, 13 Sentinels, The House in Fata Morgana, and probably some others I'm not immediately thinking of.
It's not like a story or its characters have to be super deep to be fun or interesting or serve their purpose in a piece of media either, and for me Engage managed to do that for me in the same way Awakening did. I genuinely enjoyed spending several dozen hours with a lot of the characters, and the story's a bit silly sometimes but did what it needed to to bring a bunch of random characters together and through an adventure together.
And something unprecedented for me for a Fire Emblem game (and pretty uncommon for games in general) is that I immediately wanted to play it again right after finishing. Usually I want to see more of the supports and any optional stuff I might've missed (e.g. optional recruits and stuff), but that's not enough of a motivation to play through the whole game again, especially not right away. This time though in addition to that the game mechanics are so satisfying that I wanted more of that too, especially with all the units I never really used and all the new silly build ideas I started coming up with toward the end of the game as I understood how everything worked better. I've been holding back from actually doing it yet because there's so much other stuff I'm trying to get through or finish up, but there's a pretty good chance I'll start over again at some point in the next few months, maybe after SoV and/or going back and finishing my replay of PoR I started earlier this year before getting distracted by this game.
Engage is almost definitely my favorite Fire Emblem game at this point and easily in my top five games I've played this year, probably in the top three. I think it's probably number one for gameplay, with 13 Sentinels for story and Future Redeemed for all aspects combined overall, and Unpacking is an honorable mention for general vibes.
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remy2fang · 2 years ago
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A special mod I made back in December 2021. F.A.N.G in traditional Puerto Rican attire.  This was for Puerto Rico Esports Representative & F.A.N.G main extraordinaire Mono (twitter.com/Monopr). The idea initially came from Ryanverse's fanart where F.A.N.G wears a Pava : (https://twitter.com/Monopr/status/1471302520899317761?s=20 ). I decided to try my hand on this idea.  The pava hat was made from scratch since there's no 3D model of it online.  
I made this mod some time after Mono’s 1st place win at CEO 2021. His victory was a big deal and placed him on the spotlight, especially for using a character like F.A.N.G to do so. And of course, the entire FANG GANG rejoiced.
I’m happy Mono enjoyed this mod. Every time I see him streaming SFV on PC, he always use this mod. I’m so honored!
Also, long time F.A.N.G fan and amazing artist KAAD made a few fanarts based on my mod:
B-Day present to Mono: https://twitter.com/_kaad_/status/1522849396462743552?s=46&t=iEGeYIIN_aP028wRnoVcUQ
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With Neco Drop’s Poison Tongue: https://twitter.com/_kaad_/status/1645289041611620353?s=46&t=iEGeYIIN_aP028wRnoVcUQ
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A mix between my Summer Swimsuit FANG mod and him wearing a pava hat. This is also a shirt design for First Attack 10th Anniversary, also hosted by Mono 💜💜.
Also also, Mono wore this during Halloween time. Awesome!
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VIDEO PREVIEW: https://youtu.be/kpN6XvfsSzI
DOWNLOAD MOD: https://www.deviantart.com/remy2fang/art/F-A-N-G-Puerto-Rico-Costume-Mod-Street-Fighter-V-901451680
Thanks for reading! 💜💜
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starbeat-cherkasy-life · 2 years ago
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Shanter - Resurrection https://www.mixcloud.com/ClusterBPM/shanter-resurrection/ https://soundcloud.com/starbeatwaves/shanter-resurrection
Culture is a great thing for every nation. Resurrection of Ukrainian culture starts new way of ukrainian people in Europe.   This fresh hot mix for our great people  of independent nation. Stay strong, keep fighting!
"Ukrainian Squad" in the international project "Rendezvous Under Rockets" in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
We believe that with our project we will be able to convey through music the emotions that arise in people when they hear sirens and the sounds of explosions, the pain of war and the joy of approaching victory over the aggressor.
Support the Initiative of the President of Ukraine: the UNITED24 project https://u24.gov.ua/ Thank you for your support in a difficult time for Ukraine!
The season of patriotic mixes on the STAR BEAT platform was created with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund https://ucf.in.ua
STAR BEAT http://starbeat.cherkasy.life Ukrainian culture Cluster.
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alexesguerra · 2 months ago
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The Greatest Speeches of Donald J. Trump: 45th President of the United States of America The Greatest Speeches of Donald J. Trump: 45th President of the United States of America with an Introduction by Presidential Historian Craig Shirley - Two Rivers Contributor(s): Trump, Donald J (Author) , Shirley, Craig (Editor) Publisher: Humanix Books Physical Info: 1.02" H x 11.02" L x 9.61" W (2.47 lbs) 288 pages A collection of President Donald J. Trump's speeches and words to the Nation, from his Campaign Announcement at Trump Tower to his surprise Presidential Victory Speech, to his speech to the People of Poland in Warsaw, to his Salute to America at Mount Rushmore and his Farewell Address to the People of the United States and the World. CRAIG SHIRLEY is the author of Reagan Rising, Rendezvous with Destiny, Reagan's Revolution, Last Act and the New York Times bestseller December 1941. He is a regular commentator throughout the media and a contributor to national publications, and was hailed by the London Telegraph as "the best of the Reagan biographers." He is the Visiting Reagan Scholar at Eureka College, Reagan's alma mater, and lectures often at the Reagan Library and the Reagan Ranch, the founder of Shirley & Banister Public Affairs and was chosen in 2005 by Springfield College as their Outstanding Alumnus. Shirley, a widely sought after speaker and commentator, appears regularly on many network and cable shows including Newsmax, FOX News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC. CBS, CNBC, C-SPAN and others. He has also written extensively for the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Newsmax magazine, the Washington Examiner, the Washington Times, the Los Angeles Times, Town Hall, the Weekly Standard, Politico, Reuters and many other publications. He and his wife, Zorine, divide their time between Ben Lomond, a three-hundred-year-old Georgian manor house in Essex County, Virginia, and Trickle Down Point on the Rappahannock River in Lancaster, Virginia. They are the parents of four children, Matthew, Andrew, Taylor, and Mitchell.
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christianityoriginal · 4 months ago
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*#timesofrestoration #originalgospel #goodnews #ChristianityOriginal #twoguysonabus* There are some things that all humans long for in their lives: 1) A longing to *once again see their loved ones* whom they'd lost to death. 2) A desire for the atrocities that happen on the Earth to come to an end and for the establishment of *a fair and just world.* 3) A wish for the hatred and wars that destroy the planet to cease, and for *love and peace* to prevail. All these longings of mankind will surely be fulfilled. God makes way for that through Jesus Christ. Yes, Jesus gave himself as Adam's ransom to rescue all of Adam from the inherited punishment of death [1Tim 2:6]. Amen! *#Allmankind* - believers and non-believers, Christians, Muslims, Hindus and peoples of all faiths, agnostics and atheists, males, females and transgenders, seniors, adults and children, the rich, the middle-class and the poor, all humans of all races - every one of us - will be redeemed from death when Jesus returns! For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive [1Cor 15:21-22]. *All families shall surely reunite with their loved ones again.* What a comforting promise!! *#kingdom* "Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. *He will reign over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice* and righteousness from that time on & forever. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, *nor will they train for war anymore.* When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness." Isaiah 9:7; 2:4; 26:9. What will be the reward for those who truly follow Jesus in their present lives? They would get a *#specialsalvation* with the privilege to reign over the resurrected mankind with Jesus & help uplift them by teaching them goodness in his 1000 year Kingdom [Rev 2:26-27; 3:21; 20:6; Isaiah 26:9]. This is the glorious *original good news* of the Bible! God will destroy the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death in victory; and the LORD God will wipe away tears from off ALL faces (Isaiah 25:7-8) And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away (Rev 21:4). Next question: If all these wonderful Scriptures are true, then what exactly are hell and the lake of fire?
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progiftreview · 6 months ago
Path Of Exile Video Game 3D All Over Print T-shirt, Gift For Game Lovers
Unleash Your Inner Exile: Show Your Path of Exile Pride with This Unique T-Shirt For the dedicated Exile who lives and breathes Wraeclast, this isn't just a t-shirt, it's a statement. It's a declaration of your love for the intense action, the endless loot, and the never-ending challenge that is Path of Exile. This 3D all-over print t-shirt isn't just a wearable piece of art, it's a conversation starter, a badge of honor, a way to connect with fellow Exiles in the real world. Imagine: You're at a convention, surrounded by fellow players. You're not just another face in the crowd, you're a beacon, a recognizable symbol of your passion.Fellow exiles see your shirt, their eyes widen, a knowing smile spreads across their faces, and you've instantly found common ground. This t-shirt isn't just an outfit; it's a passport to instant camaraderie. But this isn't just for conventions: Wear it with pride to your local game night, to the pub after a grueling raid, or even just out and about.Each time you wear this unique shirt, you're reminding yourself and the world of the exhilaration, the frustration, the thrill of the hunt that is Path of Exile. More than just a statement, this t-shirt is a reminder: A reminder of the hours spent grinding, the countless deaths, the epic victories, and the unwavering commitment to conquering Wraeclast. It's a testament to your dedication, a symbol of your passion, a physical manifestation of your Exile spirit. Don't just wear a t-shirt, wear your passion. Wear your Exile pride. This shirt is more than just a piece of clothing, it's a statement, a connection, a reminder.It's your way of shouting to the world: "I am an Exile. I am a Path of Exile player. And I wouldn't have it any other way."
Get it here : Path Of Exile Video Game 3D All Over Print T-shirt, Gift For Game Lovers
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://progiftreview.tumblr.com/post/722540631880318976/personalized-winnie-the-pooh-piglet-honey-pattern
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giftsforus · 8 months ago
Winning Wears Green Bay Packers Hawaiian Shirt
The Green Bay Packers, one of the most successful teams in NFL history, have a massive fan base spread across the United States and beyond. The team's iconic green and gold colors are synonymous with their enduring legacy of victory and excellence. For Packers fans who want to express their passion and support in a fun and fashionable way, the Winning Wears Green Bay Packers Hawaiian Shirt is the perfect choice. The Green Bay Packers Hawaiian shirt is a unique and stylish piece of clothing that combines the tropical feel of a Hawaiian shirt with the iconic branding of the Packers. Made from high-quality materials, it features vibrant green and gold colors, along with the team logo and name prominently displayed. The shirt comes in both men and women's sizes, ensuring that every fan can find a perfect fit. One of the great things about the Winning Wears Green Bay Packers Hawaiian shirt is its versatility. It can be worn on game days, tailgate parties, or any casual occasion where you want to show off your love for the Packers. Its eye-catching design is sure to turn heads and spark conversations, making it a great icebreaker and a fantastic gift for any Packers fan. Furthermore, the Hawaiian shirt is available in a variety of sizes, ranging from small to 3XL, making it suitable for people of all body types. It is also made from lightweight and breathable fabric, ensuring comfort even during the hottest summer days. With its loose and relaxed fit, it offers a laid-back and casual look that is perfect for embracing the spirit of the Hawaiian islands while proclaiming your allegiance to the Green and Gold. The Winning Wears Green Bay Packers Hawaiian shirt is an excellent gift option for both men and women. Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or any special occasion, this shirt is a thoughtful and unique present that will undoubtedly bring joy to any Packers fan. It allows them to proudly display their love for the team while showcasing their sense of style. What sets this shirt apart from other Packers merchandise is its unconventional design that combines the tropical aesthetic of a Hawaiian shirt with the iconic Packers brand. It's a refreshing departure from the standard t-shirts and jerseys typically associated with sports fanwear. The Winning Wears Green Bay Packers Hawaiian shirt allows fans to express their support in a fun and fashionable way, setting them apart from the crowd. In conclusion, the Winning Wears Green Bay Packers Hawaiian shirt is a must-have item for any Packers fan. Its vibrant colors, comfortable fit, and unique design make it a versatile piece of clothing suitable for any casual occasion. Whether you're cheering from Lambeau Field or watching the game from the comfort of your own home, this shirt allows you to showcase your unwavering support for the Green Bay Packers in style. It's a truly special gift that will bring joy to any Packers fan, regardless of gender or age.
Get it here : Winning Wears Green Bay Packers Hawaiian Shirt
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://giftsforus.tumblr.com/post/717624615289192448/unisex-3d-a-busy-fishing-day-of-otter-hawaiian
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kingjain · 11 months ago
South Sydney Rabbitohs T-Shirt Win Lose Or Tie Rabbitohs Until I Die Personalized Name 3D T-Shirt, Gift For Nrl Fan
The South Sydney Rabbitohs T-Shirt with the iconic slogan "Win, Lose, or Tie, Rabbitohs Until I Die" is a personalized 3D t-shirt that has become a favorite among NRL fans around the world. This unique t-shirt is not only a statement of one's dedication to the team but is also a great gift for men, women, and any true Rabbitohs fan out there. The Rabbitohs, one of the oldest rugby league clubs in Australia, have a rich history and a strong following. Their distinctive red and green colors are proudly displayed on this t-shirt, creating a striking visual impact. The personalized name feature adds an extra touch, making it a perfect gift for any fan who wants to show their support in a personal and unique way. What makes the South Sydney Rabbitohs T-Shirt so special is the slogan that embodies the passion and loyalty of true Rabbitohs fans. "Win, Lose, or Tie, Rabbitohs Until I Die" is more than just a catchy phrase; it represents the unwavering commitment to the team, regardless of the outcome of any game. It serves as a reminder that being a fan is not just about celebrating victories but also staying loyal through the tough times. This slogan has become a rallying cry for Rabbitohs fans, uniting them in their love for the team. The 3D design of the t-shirt adds depth and texture to the Rabbitohs logo, making it eye-catching and visually appealing. The high-quality materials used ensure durability, making it a long-lasting and cherished item for any fan's wardrobe. Whether worn at the stadium, during a game night with friends, or even as casual streetwear, this t-shirt is sure to make a statement and spark conversations with fellow fans. The South Sydney Rabbitohs T-Shirt is a versatile gift that caters to both men and women. Its unisex design makes it suitable for fans of all ages and sizes, making it an easy choice for those who want to show their support. It can be worn with pride during NRL matches, at social events, or even as everyday attire, allowing fans to display their passion for the Rabbitohs wherever they go. In conclusion, the South Sydney Rabbitohs T-Shirt, with its personalized name and powerful slogan, is a must-have for any NRL fan. It represents the dedication and unwavering support fans have for the team, making it a cherished gift for both men and women. Whether as a personal purchase or a surprise for a loved one, this t-shirt is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to show their love for the Rabbitohs in style.
Get it here : South Sydney Rabbitohs T-Shirt Win Lose Or Tie Rabbitohs Until I Die Personalized Name 3D T-Shirt, Gift For Nrl Fan
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://kingjain.tumblr.com/post/719631225474760704/tito-crocs-for-women
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etsyee · 1 year ago
New Era Chicago White Sox T-Shirt
Unmatched comfort, chic look with new era chicago white sox T-Shirt, the Chicago White Sox are a team rich in history and tradition. From their early days as one of the founding members of the American League, to their electrifying World Series victory in 2005, the White Sox have captured the hearts of baseball fans all over the world. And now, with the dawn of a new era for the team, comes the perfect way to show your support – the new era Chicago White Sox t-shirt.
Buy now: New Era Chicago White Sox T-Shirt
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More Post:
4th Of July Independence Day Memorial America Nurses Are My Saviors 3D Hoodie
The Yak St Mooktrick's Day T-Shirt
Visit Store: https://etsyee.com/
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Nick Saban Announces Retirement after 17 Seasons at Alabama
Saban expressed his deep connection to The University of Alabama, describing it as a significant and cherished place for both him and his wife, Terry. Over the course of 17 years as the head coach, he not only relished the victories and faced defeats but also embraced the essence of building a legacy with integrity. The emphasis was always on doing things the right way, with a primary focus on helping players enhance their future value, maximize their potential on the field, and attain success beyond football. Saban considers Alabama not just a workplace but a home, emphasizing the lasting impact it has had on both of them.
His extensive coaching career spanned 28 years, including roles at Toledo, Michigan State, LSU, and Alabama. Saban's illustrious track record boasts seven national titles, with the initial triumph at LSU in 2003 followed by six championships at Alabama (2009, 2011-12, 2015, 2017, and 2020). Additionally, he briefly coached the Miami Dolphins for two seasons (2005-06).
Alabama Director of Athletics, Greg Byrne, hailed Saban as one of the greatest coaches in any sport, underscoring the university's fortune in having him lead the football program for 17 seasons. Saban's coaching legacy extends beyond the football field, marked by seven national championships, 11 conference championships, 312 victories, and a remarkable 49 NFL first-round draft picks—an NCAA record. Byrne also acknowledged Saban's influence as a mentor and leader, impacting lives not only through football but also through his philanthropic work with the Nick's Kids Foundation, leaving an indelible mark on the community and the state of Alabama. While Saban's coaching tenure has concluded, his legacy is expected to endure, commemorating a truly remarkable career.
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limoteethw · 1 year ago
Sportiqe Miami Heat Waycross Comfy T Shirt
Sportiqe Miami Heat Waycross Comfy T Shirt
There’s a Sportiqe Miami Heat Waycross Comfy T Shirt that is true in Kaushik’s answer, but it glosses over the important difference about where trees are planted. Trees planted in temperate climates may not curb climate warming, but tropical planting certainly does. Planting the right types of trees in well-managed tropical agroforestry projects has a hugely positive effect. We are losing about 14 million hectares of forest each year (2006 figures), most of it in tropical latitudes. That is around 28 billion trees lost each year (assuming 2000 trees per hectare – estimates vary between 1000 and 4000). That’s a lot of trees to replace each year. Deforestation is the second most important cause of global warming, a few percentage points less than the most important cause: the increasing use of fossil fuels. It shouldn’t be a case of either/or; we need drastically to reduce our use of fossil fuels, but so long as we do nothing about replacing the trees we are losing each year, the chances of succeeding in combatting global warming are unnecessarily slim. A single tree sequesters about 6 kg of CO2 per year over a 30 year lifetime (after that the amount sequestered declines considerably). Trees grow remarkably quickly in tropical countries – they can produce fruit after 3 or 4 years and attain great height at least twice as fast as would happen in a temperate climate. The presence of trees as screens, firebreaks and field boundaries can triple crop yields and this also contributes to carbon reduction.
Sportiqe Miami Heat Waycross Comfy T Shirt
There’s a Sportiqe Miami Heat Waycross Comfy T Shirt that is true in Kaushik’s answer, but it glosses over the important difference about where trees are planted. Trees planted in temperate climates may not curb climate warming, but tropical planting certainly does. Planting the right types of trees in well-managed tropical agroforestry projects has a hugely positive effect. We are losing about 14 million hectares of forest each year (2006 figures), most of it in tropical latitudes. That is around 28 billion trees lost each year (assuming 2000 trees per hectare – estimates vary between 1000 and 4000). That’s a lot of trees to replace each year. Deforestation is the second most important cause of global warming, a few percentage points less than the most important cause: the increasing use of fossil fuels. It shouldn’t be a case of either/or; we need drastically to reduce our use of fossil fuels, but so long as we do nothing about replacing the trees we are losing each year, the chances of succeeding in combatting global warming are unnecessarily slim. A single tree sequesters about 6 kg of CO2 per year over a 30 year lifetime (after that the amount sequestered declines considerably). Trees grow remarkably quickly in tropical countries – they can produce fruit after 3 or 4 years and attain great height at least twice as fast as would happen in a temperate climate. The presence of trees as screens, firebreaks and field boundaries can triple crop yields and this also contributes to carbon reduction.
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Buy It Now:Sportiqe Miami Heat Waycross Comfy T Shirt
Elvish Circle Ugly Christmas Sweater 3D Printed Christmas Sweater
Hockey Mom Leopard Messy Bun Game Day Mothers Day Meaningful T Shirt
Indianapolis Colts Antigua Victory Crewneck Pullover shirt
Official the Last Podcast On The Left Vicious Love 2023 shirt
Gingerbread Man Delivery Service T shirt
Home Page: Limotees
Buy It Now:Sportiqe Miami Heat Waycross Comfy T Shirt
Elvish Circle Ugly Christmas Sweater 3D Printed Christmas Sweater
Hockey Mom Leopard Messy Bun Game Day Mothers Day Meaningful T Shirt
Indianapolis Colts Antigua Victory Crewneck Pullover shirt
Official the Last Podcast On The Left Vicious Love 2023 shirt
Gingerbread Man Delivery Service T shirt
Home Page: Limotees
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starbeat-cherkasy-life · 2 years ago
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Leader of the general trend of Ukraine this Sunday and #edm #chillout #deephouse charts!
Our congratulations! Наші вітання!
II believe that my music can serve as a source of strength and inspiration for you.
Stay strong, keep fighting, and believe that we can overcome any challenges that come our way.
"Ukrainian Squad" in the international project "Rendezvous Under Rockets" in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
We believe that with our project we will be able to convey through music the emotions that arise in people when they hear sirens and the sounds of explosions, the pain of war and the joy of approaching victory over the aggressor.
Support the Initiative of the President of Ukraine: the UNITED24 project http://starbeat.cherkasy.life
Сезон патріотичних міксів на платформі STAR BEAT створений за підтримки Український культурний фонд https://ucf.in.ua
Ukrainian Culture Cluster.
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alexesguerra · 2 months ago
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Letters to Trump Letters to Trump Hardcover – April 25, 2023 by Donald J Trump (Author) ---Brand New--- "Before President Donald J. Trump created the most significant political movement in American history, he had already achieved tremendous success as one of America's most prominent real estate moguls and acclaimed media personalities. LETTERS TO TRUMP reveals part of the incredible private collection of correspondence between President Trump and the countless world leaders, celebrities, athletes and business leaders who shaped the United States, and the world!"-- About the Author Donald J. Trump launched the most extraordinary political movement in history, dethroning political dynasties, defeating the Washington Establishment, and becoming the first true outsider elected as President of the United States. His inspiring, groundbreaking campaign proved pollsters, pundits, prognosticators, and the corporate media spectacularly wrong. He mobilized voters with massive rallies, reached America's hearts and minds with his vision for national rejuvenation, and overcame virtually every entrenched power structure--political and financial--and achieved a decisive victory, winning states no Republican presidential candidate had won in decades. The forgotten men and women of America were forgotten no more because we finally had a President who put America First. Publisher ‏ : ‎ Winning Team Publishing (April 25, 2023) Language ‏ : ‎ English Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 320 pages ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 9781735503752 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.05 pounds Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 10.6 x 1.2 x 11.1 inches
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