#360 creative solutions
digitalvuilive · 22 hours
Perfect Your Digital Marketing Funnel with Akash Manchanda 
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Businesses must have a structured approach to guide their customers from awareness to conversion. This process is often referred to as a digital marketing funnel. Building and maintaining an effective digital marketing funnel is essential to capturing potential customers, nurturing them, and turning them into loyal clients. 
This blog will walk you through the steps to create a powerful digital marketing funnel that will bring sustainable growth to your business. We'll also cover how you can benefit from working with a professional digital marketing agency, like VUI Live, under the leadership of Akash Manchanda, for an all-encompassing marketing strategy. 
What is a Digital Marketing Funnel? 
A digital marketing funnel is a model that represents the stages a customer goes through, from the moment they first encounter your brand to when they make a purchase. Each stage serves a unique purpose, and different strategies are needed to move potential customers down the funnel. 
The key stages of a typical marketing funnel include: 
Awareness: Attracting attention to your brand or products. 
Interest: Engaging the audience with relevant content. 
Consideration: Providing valuable inforProvide helps them evaluate your offering. 
Conversion: Encouraging the audience to take action, like making a purchase. 
Retention: Nurturing the relationship to encourage repeat business. 
Advocacy: Encouraging customers to spread the word about your business. 
Step 1: Building Awareness 
The first stage of the funnel is about building awareness. You want to get your brand in front of as many people as possible. Here, a 360 digital marketing agency in Gurgaon can be extremely helpful. Agencies like VUI Live, under Akash Manchanda, specialize in creating comprehensive marketing solutions that cover every platform—Google, social media, email marketing, and more. 
Live marketing also plays a crucial role in creating awareness. This involves real-time interaction with your audience through webinars, social media live sessions, or even live chat support on your website. With the increasing use of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, live marketing has become an effective tool to grab attention and engage potential customers right away. 
Tactics for Awareness: 
Content Marketing: Blogging, videos, and infographics that provide value. 
Social Media Marketing: Building a presence on platforms where your target audience spends time. 
Paid Ads: Running Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or LinkedIn Ads to reach a wider audience. 
If you're overwhelmed by these steps, consider hiring a digital marketing agency. Agencies like VUI Live can help you craft campaigns that align with your goals and reach the right audience. 
Step 2: Capturing Interest 
Once you have your audience's attention, the next step is to generate interest in your product or service. At this stage, you need to offer them content that keeps them engaged and informs them about your brand's benefits. 
This is where 360 creative solutions come into play. Creative solutions involve producing captivating content, be it videos, blogs, or social media posts that make your audience want to learn more. VUI Live can guide you through this process with Akash Manchanda’s experience in creative marketing strategies. 
Tactics for Interest: 
Email Campaigns: Engaging content that nurtures the audience. 
Social Proof: Showcasing customer testimonials or case studies. 
Lead Magnets: Offering something valuable in exchange for their contact details (e.g., free eBooks or webinars). 
Step 3: Consideration Stage 
At this stage, your potential customers are evaluating their options. They are aware of your brand and may be comparing your offmaybewith that of your competitors. 
To stand out, you'll need to offer in-depth content that shows how your product or service can solve their problem. A digital marketing agency, like VUI Live, can help craft this content through case studies, webinars, and product demos. Akash Manchanda's expertise in online marketing ensures that these strategies are implemented effectively, pushing leads further down the funnel. 
Tactics for Consideration: 
Comparison Guides: Showcase how your offering compares to the competition. 
Free Trials or Demos: Allow potential customers to test your product. 
Case Studies: Provide real-life examples of how your solution has helped others. 
Step 4: Converting Prospects into Customers 
The conversion stage is where all your hard work pays off. The goal here is to make the sale or encourage the desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or filling out a contact form. 
This is where a well-crafted call to action (CTA) comes in. Whether it's through an email campaign, a landing page, or a special offer, you need to give your leads a reason to take the next step. VUI Live, under Akash Manchanda’s leadership, can assist in creating high-conversion landing pages and CTA strategies tailored to your audience. 
Tactics for Conversion: 
Optimized Landing Pages: Pages designed to convert visitors into customers. 
Special Offers: Discounts, promotions, or free trials to nudge the buyer. 
Follow-up Emails: Use email to remind users about products they viewed or left in the cart. 
Step 5: Retention and Building Loyalty 
A successful business isn’t just about acquiring new customers; it's also about retaining them. Keeping your customers satisfied will turn them into repeat buyers and loyal advocates for your brand. 
This stage involves continued engagement through email newsletters, loyalty programs, and excellent customer service. Akash Manchanda, CEO of VUI Live, emphasizes the importance of post-sale engagement. Offering 360 creative solutions for customer retention, VUI Live ensures your customers remain loyal and continue to advocate for your brand. 
Tactics for Retention: 
Loyalty Programs: Reward repeat purchases. 
Customer Support: Offer excellent post-sale support through live chat or help centers. 
Exclusive Offerscentresyour customers engaged with personalized discounts or content. 
Step 6: Advocacy 
Once your customers are satisfied with your product, they may naturally turn into advocates for your brand. This is the final and most rewarding stage of the digital marketing funnel, where your customers begin referring others to your business. 
You can encourage advocacy by making it easy for your customers to share their positive experiences. Consider creating referral programs or requesting testimonials and reviews. 
Tactics for Advocacy: 
Referral Programs: Offer incentives for customers to refer others. 
Reviews and Testimonials: Encourage happy customers to leave positive feedback. 
Social Sharing: Create content that's easy to share on social platforms. 
Why You Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency? 
Building and maintaining an effective digital marketing funnel requires time, expertise, and continuous optimization. Working with a digital marketing agency can save you time and ensure that each stage of your funnel is working smoothly. A 360 digital marketing agency in Gurgaon, like VUI Live, can handle all aspects of your funnel, from generating awareness to converting leads into loyal customers. Under the leadership of Akash Manchanda, the agency provides a comprehensive solution tailored to your business needs. 
In summary, a digital marketing funnel is crucial to nurturing potential customers through every stage of their journey. Whether you're starting from scratch or optimizing an existing funnel, partnering with the right marketing agency, like VUI Live, will give you the support and expertise needed to succeed. 
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brandingbridge123 · 4 months
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" A brand is the personality of your business that resonates with customers. "
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tiger-advertising · 7 months
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beeBig Digital | Creative Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai, India We're an award-winning digital marketing & Social Media agency in Mumbai India. We offer 360°digital solutions that enrich your online presence. digital marketing company, digital marketing agency, digital marketing services, digital marketing agency, digital marketing company in Mumbai, digital marketing agency in mumbai, Search Engine Optimization Company, SEO Company, Social Media Marketing Company, Social Media Marketing Agency, Google Adword Company, Facebook Advertisment Company, Advertisment Company, Advertisment Agency,
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beebigdigital · 1 year
beeBig Digital | Creative Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai, India We're an award-winning digital marketing & Social Media agency in Mumbai India. We offer 360°digital solutions that enrich your online presence. digital marketing company, digital marketing agency, digital marketing services, digital marketing agency, digital marketing company in Mumbai, digital marketing agency in mumbai, Search Engine Optimization Company, SEO Company, Social Media Marketing Company, Social Media Marketing Agency, Google Adword Company, Facebook Advertisment Company, Advertisment Company, Advertisment Agency,
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What are the gangs favorite type of video games to play? Weather it’s Mario, Pokémon, sports, rhythm games, horror games, etc etc.
Poppy prefers tabletop games more, but she can be often caught playing or seeing someone else playing The Sims. She LOVES that game - Angel has The Sims 2 installed on their computer, and when they all move to a bigger house Poppy gets her own PC so she can play TS2 as much as she wants.
Kissy doesn't play much on her own, but she really loves 3D platformers and adventure games. Her favorites are the og Spyro the Dragon trilogy! I think she loves watching others play pokémon as well.
Huggy loves racing games. Get anything with a car and he's instantly in love with it.
I can Mommy Long Legs making super over-the-top stories on The Sims 2 as well, so she and Poppy often share news of what their sims are doing. They are both active in forums and are trying to make their own custom content for the game!
Bunzo is a pokémon guy.
PJ Pug-a-Pillar doesn't like playing games in general but he LOVES watching others play, esp if there's lots of cutscenes. It's like watching a movie!
Miss Delight falls in love with Portal 2 when it's released, but I think she's really picky with her puzzle games. She likes being a bit creative on her solutions! She's also really into RPGs. I think the Fallout franchise is her comfort game.
Catnap and Craftycorn are walking Silent Hill encyclopedias, but they LOOOOVE survival horror. Catnap's fav is the original SH1, while Craftycorn loves Haunting Ground (PS2) and SH3.
Bobby on the other hand prefers Resident Evil and Clock Tower 3, but when it's not horror it's definitely a more experimental game. She cries everytime she plays Shadow of the Colossus but she loves it.
Bubba, much like Miss Delight, is SUPER into RPGs and puzzle games, but pokémon and Ace Attorney have conquered his heart. He LOOOVES gushing about it!
Picky's favorite is Animal Crossing! It makes her feel safe and she loves just walking around her town. She made a really impressive one and everyone wants updates from her villagers, Picky loves giving them.
Kickin can't get enough of any FPS or action-adventure game, and he can and WILL ragequit if he's playing online and his teammates start being rude to him or each other. Thankfully he learned really quick how to deal with the more toxic players so now he can truly relax. Unfortunately doomed to become a League of Legends player when it comes out.
Hoppy also loves FPS, but 3D platformers and open-world games are her favorites. Anything that gives her plenty of freedom to move around or just be silly immediately catches her attention! I think she becomes a Team Fortress 2 player.
Dogday prefers to watch rather than play and he gets SO invested. I think Miss Delight likes playing puzzle games with him because they figure out solutions together, but if Dogday were to chose a game for himself to play it would probably be a rythimn game. It gives him the zoomies.
The other smaller toys all have their own individual preferences, so talking about them is more complicated!
Everyone becomes obsessed with Minecraft when it's released. Catch Catnap pranking everyone on their shared beta server by pretending to be Herobrine.
When Angel gets them an Xbox 360 they have many game nights where they play on the Kinect.
Speaking of which, Angel is down to play literally everything, but all the toys know they aren't very keen on anything horror-related. Not because it's scary, it's just that Angel finds them boring after surviving Playtime Co. They probably have an encyclopedia-level knowledge of pokémon, tho.
Prototype doesn't play videogames, but enjoyes watching the others play. Just don't put ANY war games in front of him and we're all good, otherwise he stops watching.
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hunniebunnietarot · 2 years
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Decks used as always: Ethereal Visions by Matt Hughes, Oracle of The Fairies by Karen Kay.
Feedback would be appreciated. Enjoy!
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Pile 1
3 of cups, wheel of fortune, Go outside, Flourish
Currently, you are facing the consequences of some kind of decision(whether  by you, a coworker, or client/customer) being made. One that caused or is causing a rift among you and another group of people. You could be using it as an opportunity of learning how to handle yourself better the next time something like that comes up. You could also be having trouble with balancing your work with other aspects of your life such as family, friends, school, hobbies, etc.
Queen of pentacles, 7 of pentacles, protection, come together
Within the next 3 months, you will do a complete 360. I don’t see you changing jobs or anything, but you will be more accustomed to your position and responsibilities. You will definitely have a better balanced life, while still being able to maintain a productive work life. You will be better at handling uncontrolled situations and bring about a solution/peace. There is a more “matured” energy and your efforts will be reflected in your pay if it wasn’t already.
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Pile 2
Page of pentacles, the hierophant, ask for help, flourish
Currently, You could’ve or will get an opportunity soon to make (extra?) money. Some may also be in school right now. The opportunity could be kind of out of your field of knowledge or something about it isn’t clear to you, so you have been seeking the guidance of an older person(to finally make a decision). This person could be also helping you review your resume or helping prepare you for an interview, if that resonates with someone. 
Page of wands, queen of wands, magical blessing, pure intentions
In the next 3 months, I see the interview going well and you getting the job. I see that maybe before you just wanted to pursue the opportunity for financial reasons, but you really grew to like the job. You could even develop a passion for that kind of work, and work very sincerely. You’re very enthusiastic about it, and for some this might cause you to have a change in major or career field.
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Pile 3
Death, the artist, wisdom, magical gateway
Your current energy is that you’re craving a change. Most of the people that picked this pile may be 20 and up. I feel like you have a pretty good and stable career/job that comes with benefits and such. You could be in a creative field right now, that you enjoy and let you have creative freedom(you could've been doing this for quite a while). Either that, or you lack freedom and crave that, because after all art is all about individualism. There’s a part of you that wants to quit and take a risk toward something else. 
Ace of wands, 2 of pentacles, solitude, pure intention
Within 3 months from now, you might actually go through with your idea of starting anew. There will be an opportunity that fires you up again, renewing your passion for what you do. You’ll be completely in love with how much control you have over yourself and your work. There will be a balance between collaborating with others and completing projects by yourself. This will be very different from what you were doing previously, so it might take you some time to adjust to the new environment.
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Pile 4
The hermit, knight of wands, wish wisely, flourish
Currently, you could be trying really hard to get a job. This may be stressing you out(relax, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You’re taking time apart from friends and family, because you feel like you have to take action in order to get what you want.
7 of cups, the sun, shine from within, journey
The months to come you will be working on loving yourself, recognizing that you are talented and deserve good things. You could be going on some kind of spiritual journey, or an actual trip somewhere to help you de-stress. Although I'm not getting much about your actual job, there is a possibility that you may get an opportunity or idea regarding work. In order for this to happen, it would probably benefit you to take some time to work on yourself and figure out what you want to do in life/your purpose.
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mepdigitalmarketing · 22 days
Let Our Big Eyes Roll Up in Your Social Media 👀🎯
Why stress over social media when you can let our big rolling eyes do the work? 👀👓 Stop rolling your eyes at low engagement and start seeing results! Book us, and we’ll take the pressure off your shoulders (and wallet!) while our 360-degree rolling-eyes find the best content and strategies to boost your sales. Ready to Grab a free 45-minute consult with us and watch those big eyes roll your business to success! 😎🎯
~Roll Up~
Welcome to Mise en Place, a digital marketing solutions agency. We believe that effort, creativity, commitment, knowledge, and continuous improvement are essential. With this approach, we are confident in our ability to enhance your online marketing outcomes. Our focus is on helping businesses establish a strong online presence and achieve their marketing goals.
Services provided by Mise en Place:
1.Business Strategy 2.Webste Designing 3.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 4.Creative Design 5.Logo Design 6.Content/Copy Writing 7.Social Media Marketing 8.Model & Product Shoots 9.Influencer Marketing
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satoshi-mochida · 6 months
Rusted Moss for PS5, Xbox Series, and Switch launches June 20
From Gematsu
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Physics-based grapple hook Metroidvania game Rusted Moss will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and Switch on June 20. Pre-orders for PlayStation 5 and Switch physical editions are now available in Japan for 4,400 yen at retailers such as Amazon and Biccamera.
Rusted Moss first launched for PC via Steam on April 12. As previously announced, the console versions will launch alongside a major update.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
This Metroidvania utilizes your grapple and weapons with a full 360-degree aiming system. The freedom created by these controls creates a smooth experience for users to feel in complete control of their character. Find creative solutions to flexible traversal challenges, and blast away witches and machinery with precise aiming.
Now for the Hook
The grappling hook is hard to learn yet rewarding to master. This unique physics-based elastic grappling hook uses your kinetic momentum to propel your character forward. Similar to rock climbing, there’s no set path through this melancholic abandoned wasteland. Latch onto any moss covered structure and swing your way through this rugged terrain.
Guns, Guns, Guns!
No more aiming in just eight directions. As a twin-stick shooter, Rusted Moss emphasizes tight and precise gunplay. Quickly switch between your arsenal of weapons to best suit your playstyle and situation. Get up close and personal with a shotgun before grappling away and pulling out a sniper for the killing blow!
Boss Fights
Push your gunplay and grappling hook skills to their limits! From powerful witches to machine monstrosities, each boss fight throws its own unique challenge at you. Dodge swords, avoid energy fields, and blast away at conjured spiders.
Journey across desolate landscapes drenched in melancholy; witness the remnants of humanity and their rusting iron inventions… Humanity is on the brink of collapse and will soon be invaded by faeries. In a desperate bid to survive, humans have empowered their own witches with stolen fae magic. But all is not lost, as the humans were deceived – for one of their own is not what she seems. The fae have stolen a human baby, and replaced it with something else… Raised by unsuspecting human parents, Fern is a changeling whose true loyalties have emerged. Alongside a mysterious shadow named Puck, she sets off on a journey to return fae to the world and end the Age of Men. Whose side will you choose—human or fae?
Key Features
Master the grapple.
Over 20 unique abilities to find!
Customizable strategy and gameplay.
Over six challenging bosses to defeat.
Eight distinct weapons to find.
Multiple endings.
Encounter humans and fae folk trying to find their way through the world. Speak to them and learn their stories.
Uncover lost shrines and abandoned computer stations to learn about old secrets and forgotten tales.
Beautifully melancholic pixel art. A retro vibe with a modern aesthetic, the world of Rusted Moss comes alive with moody pixels and stylish animation.
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weboclimb · 1 year
Enhance Your Brand's Online Presence with Top-notch Social Media Marketing Services in Delhi
In today's digitally-driven world, a strong online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive and succeed. Social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools that enable brands to connect, engage, and expand their reach to a broader audience. For businesses in Delhi, capitalizing on effective social media marketing services has become crucial to stay ahead in the competitive market landscape.
Welcome to WeboClimb, your professional SEO company in Delhi. As a top-rated digital marketing company in India, we offer a 360° approach to enhance your online business. Our services encompass SEO, social media marketing, logo creation, creative graphic designing, and affordable website designing & development. With expertise in local SEO, email marketing, content creation, and PPC campaigns, we cater to service-based and e-commerce businesses in Udaipur and beyond. Partner with us for the best results-driven advertisement and strategic branding solutions.
What Are Social Media Marketing Services?
Social media marketing services encompass a range of strategies and activities designed to leverage the potential of various social media platforms to promote a brand, generate leads, and foster customer engagement. These services encompass everything from content creation and curation to targeted advertising, community management, and performance analysis.
Why Choose Social Media Marketing Services in Delhi?
Delhi, being a vibrant and thriving hub of businesses, offers a unique environment where innovation and competitiveness thrive. Choosing specialized social media marketing services in Delhi can provide several advantages for your brand:
Local Expertise: A social media marketing agency based in Delhi understands the local market dynamics, trends, and consumer behaviors. This localized knowledge allows them to tailor strategies that resonate with the city's audience, giving your brand a competitive edge.
Strategic Approach: Professional social media marketing services adopt a strategic approach. They conduct thorough research to identify your target audience, craft compelling content, and develop a content calendar that aligns with your business goals.
Engagement and Interaction: Social media is not just about posting content; it's about engaging with your audience. A skilled agency knows how to initiate conversations, respond to comments, and create a sense of community around your brand.
Data-Driven Insights: Implementing effective social media marketing requires continuous monitoring and analysis. Delhi-based agencies employ various tools to track key metrics, measure campaign performance, and refine strategies accordingly.
Multifaceted Campaigns: Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, a proficient agency can craft tailored campaigns for each platform, maximizing the impact of your social media efforts.
The Key Elements of Social Media Marketing Services
Content Creation: Engaging and relevant content is the cornerstone of any successful social media strategy. The agency will create a mix of text, images, videos, and graphics that resonate with your target audience.
Audience Targeting: Precise audience targeting is essential to ensure your content reaches the right people. The agency uses demographic, geographic, and psychographic data to refine your audience segments.
Social Advertising: Paid social media advertising amplifies your reach and boosts visibility. The agency designs and manages ad campaigns that align with your business objectives.
Community Management: Building a loyal online community requires consistent interaction. The agency will promptly respond to comments, messages, and feedback, fostering a positive brand image.
Performance Analysis: Regular assessment of campaign performance allows for adjustments and optimizations. The agency tracks key metrics, such as engagement rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate, to ensure your goals are met.
In conclusion, social media marketing services in Delhi offer an invaluable opportunity for businesses to establish a robust online presence, connect with their audience, and drive business growth. By partnering with a skilled agency that understands the local market dynamics, you can leverage the full potential of social media platforms and stand out in the digital landscape. With strategic planning, engaging content, and data-driven insights, your brand can truly shine in the realm of social media marketing.
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anjali1412skyvik · 7 months
Which Recent Trends in Smartphone Accessory Are Interesting to Look Into?
In today's digital age, smartphones have become indispensable tools for communication, productivity, and entertainment. With each passing year, advancements in technology continue to push the boundaries of what our smartphones can do. However, it's not just the devices themselves that are evolving; the accessories market is also experiencing rapid innovation. From cutting-edge chargers to innovative camera lenses, there's a wealth of exciting advancements to explore in smartphone accessories.
Portable Power Banks: As smartphones become increasingly powerful and feature-rich, battery life continues to be a concern for many users. Portable power banks have emerged as essential accessories for on-the-go charging, allowing you to top up your device's battery wherever you are. The latest advancements in power bank technology include fast-charging capabilities, high-capacity batteries, and compact designs that easily fit in your pocket or bag.
Smartphone Camera Lenses: Elevate your smartphone photography game with Skyvik's selection of camera lenses. Designed to enhance the capabilities of your smartphone camera, these lenses offer a variety of shooting options, including wide-angle, macro, and fisheye perspectives. The high-quality optics ensure crisp and clear images, while the easy-to-use attachment mechanism allows for quick and hassle-free lens changes. Whether you're capturing landscapes, close-ups, or creative portraits, Skyvik camera lenses enable you to unleash your creativity and take your mobile photography to the next level. Looking to enhance your mobile photography game? Explore our guide to finding the perfect mobile photography lens for your needs and elevate your smartphone photography to new heights. Click here to discover the lens that will take your photos to the next level.
Car Charger: Stay powered up on the road with Skyvik's EMBLO Dual Port Car Charger. This compact yet powerful charger features two USB ports, allowing you to charge multiple devices simultaneously while you're on the go. With advanced charging technology, the EMBLO Car Charger delivers fast and efficient charging, ensuring that your devices are ready to go when you need them. The sleek and durable design makes it the perfect companion for road trips, daily commutes, and long journeys.
Wireless Charging: One of the most significant advancements in smartphone accessories is the widespread adoption of wireless charging technology. Gone are the days of fumbling with tangled cables; now, simply place your smartphone on a wireless charging pad or stand, and it will begin charging automatically. This convenient and efficient method of charging has revolutionised how we power our devices, offering a clutter-free and hassle-free charging experience. Interested in optimising your iPhone charging experience? Explore the benefits of Wireless MagSafe Charging and discover how it can elevate your iPhone usage. Click here to delve into the convenience and efficiency of this cutting-edge technology.
Car Dashboard & Windshield Arm Mobile Holder: Keep your smartphone safe and secure while driving with Skyvik's TRUHOLD Car Dashboard & Windshield Arm Mobile Holder. This versatile holder offers flexible mounting options, allowing you to attach it to your car's dashboard or windshield with ease. The adjustable arm and 360-degree rotation capability ensure that you can find the perfect viewing angle for your device, while the sturdy construction keeps your phone steady and stable, even on bumpy roads. Whether you're using GPS navigation, taking hands-free calls, or streaming music on the go, the TRUHOLD holder provides a reliable and convenient mounting solution for your smartphone.
Screen Protector: Safeguard your smartphone's screen with the Skyvik Auto Apply Screen Protector Tempered Glass Guard. This innovative accessory comes with a built-in applicator that ensures effortless and bubble-free installation, eliminating the hassle of manual alignment and smoothing out air bubbles. The tempered glass construction provides durable protection against scratches, cracks, and impacts, while maintaining touchscreen sensitivity and clarity. With the Skyvik Auto Apply Screen Protector, you can keep your device's screen looking pristine and scratch-free with minimal effort. Ready to protect your smartphone screen with ease? Learn how to apply Skyvik Screen Protectors tempered glass at home and safeguard your device against scratches and cracks. Click here to discover the step-by-step process for hassle-free installation.
Gaming Accessories: The rise of mobile gaming has led to a surge in demand for gaming accessories designed specifically for smartphones. From ergonomic controllers to cooling fans and trigger buttons, these accessories aim to enhance the gaming experience and provide competitive advantages to gamers. With advancements in connectivity and compatibility, smartphone gaming accessories are becoming increasingly popular among casual and hardcore gamers alike.
In conclusion, the world of smartphone accessories is constantly evolving, with new advancements and innovations emerging regularly. Whether you're looking to enhance the functionality of your device, protect it from damage, or optimize your user experience, there's a wide range of accessories to explore. By staying informed about the latest trends and advancements in smartphone accessories, you can make informed choices that enhance your smartphone usage and keep you connected, productive, and entertained on the go.
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digitalvuilive · 3 months
Akash Manchanda's Blueprint for Creating Shoppable Social Media Posts
Creating shoppable social media posts is a game-changing strategy for modern businesses looking to enhance their online sales. Akash Manchanda, CEO of VUI Live Digital Marketing Agency, provides a comprehensive blueprint that combines high-quality visuals, influencer partnerships, user-generated content, AR and VR technologies, compelling CTAs, and continuous performance monitoring. These elements work together to create an engaging and effective social commerce experience.
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eliasrowan · 10 months
Creative Digital Marketing Agency in India
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We're one of the top digital marketing and social media agencies in India. Digital marketing agency in India offer 360°digital solutions that enrich your online presence. Our top-rated DSpace Digital Marketing Agency specializes in SEO, PPC, social media, graphic design, and more. Also, Our team provides proper guidance and give suggestion about your business. Contact us for more information. 
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tiger-advertising · 7 months
Importance of Using Pop Culture in your Marketing
When you hear the word “Pop Culture” what comes to your mind? Do you associate pop culture with movies and TV shows? However, Pop Culture is even broader than that; it encompasses music, art, literature, fashion, memes, games, cyberculture and everything else that holds the attention of the vast majority of the population. 
Memes, as a form of popular culture, serve as an endless source of inspiration for brands. In 2017, the ever-present fashion house, Gucci decided to embrace the trend and launched a meme centered campaign called #TFWGucci. TFW means “That face when …..” ,a popular expression that is often accompanied by a relatable image referencing a humorous situation. On Instagram, these campaigns reached a total of 120 million users with a commendable engagement rate of 0.5%.
Utilizing Pop Culture can elevate your marketing campaigns from average to viral, but it requires careful planning. You can’t simply jump on a trend and tie it to your brand; it's crucial to assess whether the trend aligns with your brand’s message.
When done correctly, incorporating pop culture helps your audience establish a connection between the cultural reference and your brand. Here are the benefits of integrating pop culture into your marketing campaigns:
Helps Capture Increased Attention - If executed correctly, it can attract more audience and drive substantial traffic to your website. 
Customers Relate to your Brand - When you stay true to your brand values and incorporate pop culture in line with those values, your target audience can relate to your content on a deeper level. This, in turn, attracts more customers and enhances loyalty amongst the existing customers. 
Adds a Personality to your Brand - It helps make your brand feel human, with a soul, personality and built-in values. This approach makes your brand more approachable, in contrast to the top-notch corporate companies solely interested in monetary gains. 
Opens up Avenues for Soft Sales - It enables your brand to share engaging content that your audience genuinely wants to consume, opening new avenues for soft sales. 
Provides Motivation to Understand the Customers - To use pop-culture trends effectively, you must comprehend your customers’ preferences, lifestyles, goals and interests to use the pop culture trends effectively. Your pop culture campaigns motivate you to learn more about your audience and optimize your marketing strategy.   
How to Incorporate Pop Culture in your Marketing?
Identify your Brand Values - Decide what your brand stands for and create marketing strategies that resonate with those values. Look for ways to display those values through the use of pop culture. 
Understand your Audience - You need to comprehend your audience, find out what interests them and determine which pop culture references they are familiar with. 
Hire the Right People - Assign this task to responsible individuals, particularly those who enjoy and follow the same pop culture as your target audience. 
Show that you Care - Be responsive to current issues and demonstrate that your brand cares about causes that strongly resonate with your audience. 
The major advantage of leveraging pop culture is that it makes customers feel that your brand is one of them. It adds personality and soul to your brand and not just a mere business entity! This makes the customers relate to you and actively engage with your business.  Tying marketing to pop culture is a skill that can be mastered with practice. If you are seeking a creative agency in Vadodara, Tiger Advertising can help you. For more information about our services, visit https://tigeradvertising.in/
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Gsource Technologies stands at the forefront of innovation, offering high-end Virtual Reality Design Services that redefine the way we experience architecture and design. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, Gsource Technologies transforms concepts into immersive virtual environments, allowing clients to explore and interact with their projects in unprecedented ways.
Their Virtual Reality Design Services provide a seamless blend of creativity and technology. Gsource Technologies crafts detailed, lifelike virtual spaces, enabling clients to visualize architectural designs, interior layouts, and landscapes with remarkable realism. This immersive experience not only enhances the design review process but also aids in making informed decisions about aesthetics, functionality, and spatial arrangements.
What sets Gsource Technologies apart is their attention to detail and commitment to creating highly interactive and visually stunning virtual environments. Their team of skilled professionals uses advanced software and techniques to ensure a high level of accuracy and realism in every project. Whether it's architectural walkthroughs, interior design visualizations, or urban planning simulations, Gsource Technologies delivers unparalleled Virtual Reality Design Services tailored to meet the unique requirements of each client.
By choosing Gsource Technologies for High-End Virtual Reality Design Services, clients are not just presented with static images; they are immersed in dynamic, 360-degree virtual worlds. This transformative experience not only impresses clients but also streamlines communication among stakeholders, leading to more informed and confident decision-making. Gsource Technologies' dedication to pushing the boundaries of design through virtual reality makes them the go-to choice for those seeking innovative and immersive design solutions.
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ear-worthy · 1 year
Pod-Alization: Freakonomics ESP on ESG; Idea Generation; Russian Oligarchs R.I.P.
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Freakonomics has ESP about ESG
Leave it to the geniuses at Freakonomics to ask a politically divisive question and come up with an answer that doesn't satisfy any side, but does accomplish something political opponents have seemingly forgotten. How to find solutions to our current climate, social, cultural, and economic problems.
This week's episode of Freakonomics Radio asks "Are E.S.G. Investors Actually Helping the Environment?"
Answer: Probably not. The economist Kelly Shue argues that E.S.G. (environmental, social, and governance) investing just gives more money to firms that are already green while depriving polluting firms of the financing they need to get greener. But she has a solution.
The show also hears from the CEO of a so-called "brown" — that is, the opposite of green — company
Listen and find a script at freakonomics.com or wherever you get podcasts.
Idea Generation's All Angles highlights brands iHeartMedia and Will Packer Media have announced the debut of the new iHeartPodcast IDEA GENERATION’S All Angles. The show will debut on June 22, with new episodes airing weekly on Thursdays.
Listeners can tune in to the official trailer here.
IDEA GENERATION’S All Angles is a twelve-episode co-produced series highlighting brands from the fashion, food, media, and music industries that have helped shape and define today’s culture. Hosted by Noah Callahan-Bever, former Complex Chief Content Officer and founder of IDEA GENERATION – an independent media brand dedicated to the education and inspiration of tomorrow’s creative entrepreneurs – the unscripted series steps behind the curtain and talks with a variety of company leaders to uncover the crucial role that team chemistry has played in the making of the most popular culture-creating brands today.
On each episode, the show will feature an oral history format that weaves together a bevy of insider voices, culminating in a 360-degree narrative that tells the story of each brand. Utilizing the voices of key players and teammates, the show will discuss the ins and outs that helped take the company from an idea to an empire.
In the two-part debut, Noah Callahan-Bever will chat with entrepreneur Steve Rifkind, founder of Loud Records—the 90’s hip-hop record label responsible for developing acts like Wu-Tang Clan, Mobb Deep, and Big Pun—as well as his co-founder, Rich Issacson, legendary artist and repertoire (A&R) representatives Matt Life and Sean C, and Mobb Deep's Havoc.
“This new podcast with Noah will give listeners the opportunity to hear never-before-told stories about the trials and tribulations of transforming a brand,” said Will Pearson, President of iHeartPodcasts. “In today’s world, we’re seeing more and more aspiring entrepreneurs looking for their breakthroughs, and this podcast gives listeners a behind-the-scenes look into what goes into making a successful brand and how the people surrounding you can help champion your ideas.”
“There is a greater intensity in interest around not just the ‘who’ but the in-depth answers to the ‘why,’ ‘how’ and ‘when’ of American success stories,” said Will Packer, CEO Will Packer Media. This podcast gives listeners that specificity they crave.”
"Since the days of Henry Ford and Walt Disney the founder myth has been a foundational part of how the media has framed success in business," said Callahan-Bever. "But creating a great brand takes more than just one person's ideas or efforts—they're born out of the confluence of a founder's vision and the executional and operational expertise of their partners. And along the way there's going to be both collaboration and conflict, steel sharpening steel, and from that process excellence can be achieved. Our goal with All Angles was to capture that magic, and show aspiring entrepreneurs that there are so many crucial roles and crucial steps—and sometimes even crucial fights—that have to happen to build a culture defining brand."
Russian oligarchs are "Putin" mortal danger
SAD OLIGARCH from iHeart Media is hosted by independent journalist and documentary filmmaker Jake Hanrahan. The show explores the unexplained and suspicious deaths of more than a dozen of Russia's wealthiest businessmen. From frog venom to axes, window falls and more, each episode of SAD OLIGARCH will take listeners through the mysterious deaths of these oligarchs and explore Kremlin corruption and Russian political influence worldwide. Tune it in today.
Since January 2022, more than 12 of Russia's wealthiest oligarchs have been found dead. One was poisoned with frog venom. One was found hanged on a handrail, with his wife and children killed with an axe. Several fell out of high windows.
All the deaths are, of course, suspicious. Russia says most of them were coincidental suicides--that the oligarchs were simply depressed. I don't think so.
Sad Oligarch is a modern true-crime style investigative podcast series that looks into each Russian oligarch death in 2022/2023, unraveling a dark tale of Kremlin corruption and Russian political influence across the world.
I'll admit that it's difficult to generate much empathy for a group of corrupt one-percenters who achieved their position of wealth and power by subjugating so many others. But then there's Vladimir Putin. And then I do feel sorry for them, and the fate he imposed upon them.
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