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sleepsucks · 9 months ago
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honjitsuno1mai · 2 years ago
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#3376 @ 神奈川県横浜市旭区鶴ケ峰(帷子川)
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Most Beloved AEW Wrestler Tournament 2
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harveyphotography · 30 days ago
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Nel cuore di Vietri, tra vicoli e colori, la bellezza di un piccolo borgo si mescola con l’infinito azzurro del mare.
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tvbtv · 9 months ago
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vanillastopbath · 2 years ago
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3376 Chicago, IL 03/30/2023
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exotic-indians · 3 months ago
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partsfeca02 · 9 months ago
Montague 3376-6 Thermostat BJWA , 3/16 X 11-5/8, Cap 48" | PartsFe
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Order Montague 3376-6 Thermostat BJWA , 3/16 X 11-5/8, Cap 48" today! Shop Restaurant Equipment Parts & Accessories at PartsFe with same-day shipping, available at the best prices.
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restaurantequipment007 · 9 months ago
Montague 3376-6 Thermostat With/Dial BJWA, 3/16 X 11-5/8, 48 | PartsFe
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Order Montague 3376-6 Thermostat With/Dial BJWA, 3/16 X 11-5/8, 48 today! Shop Restaurant Equipment Parts & Accessories at PartsFe with same-day shipping, available at the best prices. Dimensions Length: 13.75 In Width: 4.25 In Height: 3.5 In Weight: 1.3 lbs Product Notes Viewed From Rear:See Addl Image "Outlet Positions" [ Bjwa Kit W/ 3/16" Cct Pilot [ Temp 250-550 ] [ Bulb 3/16" X 11-5/8" ] [ Cap 48" ] [ Out 1/4" Fpt "A,B,C,D,"] [ Rotation 0 Degrees ] [ Includes Dial & Bezel, Stem Adapters, Gasket, Screws ] Wide Flange.
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deepwaterwritingprompts · 6 months ago
Deep Water Prompt #3376
Moth venom is useful for its temporary blinding properties. Light is magnified, even the smallest hint of it overwhelming. A flickering candle may as well be a strobe. 
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oneterabyteofkilobyteage · 4 months ago
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original url http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Drive/3376/ last modified 2008-08-12 07:21:33
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3liza · 7 months ago
Subclinical magnesium deficiency: a principal driver of cardiovascular disease and a public health crisis
James J DiNicolantonio1,
http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3376-5822James H O’Keefe1 and
William Wilson2
Correspondence to Dr James J DiNicolantonio; [email protected]
researchers have been banging on about this for like ten years at this point: most americans are low on magnesium, cant have their magnesium levels tested by blood test, and should be taking magnesium pills. magnesium deficiency is responsible for so many different kinds of symptoms i wont bother trying to list them all. chances are you have magnesium problems and dont know it
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islandtarochips · 5 months ago
Farmer!Ghost x Female!Reader
Arhtur's Note: I apologize for taking so long to post this everyone. It takes a while for me to find a good story to it and I was busy helping out with my family and work. So I hope this is worth the wait. Let me know if I miss anything or which part that doesn't make sense and I'll re-edit quickly! Thank you so much for your patience! And also, I have added the names of you guys having two friends. Just in case you get mixed if you thought they were part of the COD universe. Thank you! And enjoy!
Words: 3376
Halloween is tonight and everyone in town is busy preparing for this fun event. The mayor in town had already planned on making the best Halloween Festival YET!
There will be some foods, drinks, games, fun rides-
EVERYTHING that is on the list. And you were quite excited!
You even volunteered to help out with the food vendor. Along with your friends as well.
You were in charge of the food as you made sure that the orders will be delivered on that exact date in time. And you also offered your own cooking and baking for the little kids. The leaders of the committees agreed to it and will send someone to deliver EVERYTHING that you needed for the food preparation.
Which you don’t mind. So you and your friends are at the big hall, in the kitchen, busy cooking.
“This is SO exciting!” One of your friends said in a chirpy tone while putting the pans of cupcakes and a pan of cake into the oven. “This will be the BEST festival yet!”
The other friend of yours nodded as she agreed. “Yeah! And hopefully it’ll be better than LAST year.”
You just smiled at your two friends, who are named Rebecca and Sally, talking about the festival. You started to cook some nice meals for the special events before giving a taste test.
“Hey, what are you gonna wear for Halloween? I’m going to be that sexy vampire!”
“Mine is just being a witch. I’m also bringing that big cauldron for apple bobbing!”
You gave them a smile before hearing them asking you what you’re going to wear. You shook your head as you went back to cooking. “I don’t have anything to wear for the festival. Just casual clothes.”
“WHAT?!?” The two friends of yours had made that horror expression as if they received the news of someone DYING.
Rebecca had started to walk over to you as she stood next to you. “What do you mean you have nothing to wear for the festival? Come on! It’ll be so cool and cute of you wearing SOMETHING!”
You just shrugged at them. “I wanted to. Really. But to tell you the truth. I didn’t have time to look for one. I was SO busy getting everything ready before tonight. So for this year only, I’m not gonna wear anything.”
The two best friends looked at each other before looking back at you with an unsatisfying look.
Sally had walked up towards you before gently taking your cooking ware away from your hands. Which you looked at her with a confusing look.
“Girl! You can’t just leave us hanging with the costume! We’ll help you to get one!”
The other one nodded with agreement as she smiled at you. “Yeah! You can worry about the food while the two of us find you a GOOD looking outfit!”
You shook your head as a small smile appeared on your lips. “No no no. It’s okay. I’ll just pass this year. Promise. I know how much you girls wanted all of us three dressing up! But please understand that I’ve been busy preparing all of this.”
The two girls pouted but sigh in defeat when you bring up your reason.
Rebecca shrugged a bit. “Fine. But NEXT year, if you’re busy then let us know. We can help you pick your outfit!”
Sally nodded in agreement. “Yes! Promise us that!”
You just giggled but agreed with the girls. “Promise!”
While the three of you continued cooking and baking, you heard a knock from the entrance in the front door.
“Special delivery!” A heavy Scottish accent called out through the door.
You walked over to open it and saw it was a young man. He seems to look like in his late 20s and has a mohawk on his head. Wait, a mohawk?
“Good day to ye, lass! Here to drop off these boxes of flour, butter, some seasoning and some fruits? Are you the one who orderit?” He asked with a genuine smile as you smiled back at him.
You nodded in response before stepping aside. “Yes! You can go ahead, bring it in and head to the back. The kitchen is right in there.”
He nodded before walking in. And then you saw someone else followed behind him with another box in hand. Another young man who has a cap on his head with a UK flag on it. He also looks like in his late 20s. The man gave his charming smile to you as he nodded in greetings.
You smiled and nodded back before watching him following the man who was in front.
And then to your surprise, you saw another man. A man who is taller than the first two that came in. A brown short hair, with brown eyes and is also wearing a black mask covering his mouth and nose. He looked down on you, seeing you with quite a surprising look.
“Madame.” His deep British accent had softly gone through your ears. As you weren’t expecting to hear that kind of tone.
You slowly nodded at him and watched him pass by as he followed the other two into the kitchen. You quickly follow as well before peeking inside to see your two best friends are talking with the two boys. It seems like that man with a mohawk was flirting with Sally while the man in the cap was just talking with Rebecca.
You just smiled a bit to see them getting along so quickly. So you stepped inside as you saw the tall man putting the boxes down on the floor. You were staring at him for a bit as you took a good look at him.
He stood up and looked at his buddies as he started to tell them to stop flirting.
You smiled a bit to see the two boys were just being embarrassed of how that dark brown hair man was calling them off. Before you noticed him looking in your way.
“Sorry ‘bout those two. They can be VERY addicted to seeing pretty ladies. Mostly my very dumb friend named Johnny over there.” He said as he pointed at the guy with a mohawk behind him.
You giggled to hear the mohawk man calling out to him.
“OI! I am NOT dumb!”
“You are. With your LAME pick up line.”
“Like you can do any better, Si?”
“I can do 10 times BETTER than your corny ass line.”
You couldn’t help but giggle so much and even your two friends also started giggling and laughing with you. While the man with the cap just sighs and shakes his head before walking over to stop the two.
“Hey hey hey! Not in front of the ladies. That’s a very bad first impression AND bad luck, you know?” He turned to face you and your friends as he started to rub behind his head. “Apologies ladies, we’ll be heading out now.”
Rebecca looked saddened all of a sudden when he said that. “Aaaaw…already?”
He smiled a bit at her and nodded. “Yeah. We still got more deliveries to take care of.”
The two girls looked sad to hear that they’re going to leave. Until that man named Johnny had an idea.
“Hey! I know that we just met. But the boys and I are free tonight. Do you want to join us?”
You glanced to see the girls were looking excited as you smiled a bit. So you looked at him and shook your head. “Sorry. I’m a bit busy tonight since I’ll be serving the food.” Then you started to walk towards your girlfriends as you placed both of your arms around their shoulders each. “Buuuuuuuut my friends are available tonight. Right girls?”
The two ladies looked at you in shock as you had lost your MIND.
“Uuuh…WHAT are you doing?” Sally whispers to you.
“Yeah, don’t you need our help? There will be LOTS of people coming to your booth.” Rebecca also whispered to you as she agreed with her friend.
Which she is not wrong. Yes, there will be BUNCH of people coming over for food but you handle this before. You're sure that you’re okay with this and it is fine for your two friends to have some fun!
So you started to whisper to them back. “Don’t worry! I got this! You two can go ahead and CHARM your way with these boys while I’ll handle the booth.” You gave them a reassuring smile and a wink. “I’ll be fine. Promise.”
The two girls looked at each other again but with more worried looks on their faces. As they could see your warm smile, telling them that it’s alright, they finally gave in and turned to look at the boys.
“Yeah! We’re available!” Sally said as she smiled at Johnny.
The mohawk man smiled at her with glee. “Awesome! We’ll see you tonight at…?”
You raised your hand a bit. “Our booth will be next to the Ferris Wheel! You’ll meet them there!”
The man with the cap nodded and smiled at them. “Alright then, we’ll be there and…are you sure you don’t want to come?” He asked you as you can see that he’s feeling a bit bad.
You nodded as you gave him a thumbs up. “Sure I’m sure! Someone HAS to take care of the food booth!”
He smiled a bit as he nodded and tipped his cap. “Alright then and also, I apologize for not introducing ourselves. I’m Kyle. Kyle Garrick. But most of them call me Gaz.” Then he put his arm around his friend’s shoulders before patting his chest. “This is John MacTavish.”
He nodded at you and the girls. “You can call me, Soap.”
Sally snickered when she heard that name. “Soap? Why do they call you that?”
“Aye, cause I cleaned up nicely.” He said with a wink.
“Not with your room you’re not.” The tall man with the mask had said while rolling his eyes.
“Just trying to save her from going out with a dumb Scots like you.”
Everyone started to laugh before settling down as the girls introduced themselves to them before exchanging phone numbers with the two boys. But your eyes had caught onto the tall man who was just looking at the four.
You slowly crossed your arms while rocking back and forth a little on your feet. Before looking at him. “So um…what’s YOUR name?”
He glanced down at you. Looking at you for a good minute before he looked back at his friends and yours. “Simon. Simon Riley.”
“Are you also dressing up for tonight?”
He shook his head. “Not into these Halloween things. Just want to walk around the festival. So I don’t think I’ll be going with those guys. Might make me a 5th wheel with them.” You giggled at that last response. “Ah. I see. Well, if you want. You can hang out with me at the food booth if you’re not going with them. Buuuuut I might be busy.”
He shrugged a bit as he looked at you with his brown eyes. “I don’t mind.”
You couldn’t help but find his eyes a bit intimidating but yet quite kind at the same time.
So they all agreed that they’ll meet at the food booth.
Tonight is the night of Halloween. And every child in town is running around, taking a look at these fun events. Along with their friends and families.
While you and the girls on the other hand were REALLY busy selling those goodies that you guys have made. Everyone really enjoys your cooking and baking goods. Not a single person has been missed with their orders.
After a few while, the crowds had started to die down a bit. Which you three had FINALLY taken a break for a while.
“Damn…It almost feels like you have put a magic charm on these foods! I mean, did you SEE how many people just came?” Rebecca, who is dressed as a Witch, said with an exhaustion tone in her voice as she leaned back against the counter.
“I KNOW! Fuck man…what is your secret recipe though?” Sally, who is dressed as a Vampire, asked as she looked at you. “The whole TOWN can’t stop buying these!”
You smiled tiredly as you giggled lightly from your friend's compliment. “Well, I do want the people to ENJOY it. And it’s no secret at all! Just a bit of love and viola!”
The two girls just look at each other with an unamused look and look back at you while crossing their arms.
“Bullshits.” They said in unison before laughing with you.
Then you noticed the three boys that you’ve met earlier this morning had walked over.
“Good evening ladies. Don’t you look extravagant.” Kyle, who is dressed up as a wizard, said with a smile to see the three of you. Before he looked over to Rebecca seeing that she’s a Witch. “Ah. I see that you’re ALSO a magical person here.”
Rebecca just giggled. “Indeed I am, my pretty! But we ALL know that a Witch has the powerful potential of cursing anyone in her path!” Saying in her witch voice as she cackled with laughter.
The two just laughed at this.
Soap, who dressed up as a werewolf, then just smirked to see Sally in her Vampire costume. “Awooo~ A vampire is ya?~ Micht wanna be careful with me, lass. Ye know how vampire an werewolf are~”
Sally smirked back at this Scottish werewolf man before leaning in as she poke his chest. “Oh I know~ And I’ll take the risk~”
You rolled your eyes as you saw the two flirting before seeing Simon looking at you. You smiled at him before waving at him softly seeing him just wearing his black hoodie and blue jeans with shoes on.
He waved back a bit before seeing Gaz was nudging his arm. He just rolled his eyes seeing his smirk before walking up to you. He took a look around your booth before leaning on the counter. “Not too shabby. How’s the business going?”
You just smiled while still prepping the food and desserts into the display case. “It went VERY well. And I see you’re not wearing anything?”
“Like I said, not into these Halloween things.”
Before you two continued to talk, you felt a hand on your shoulder as you saw it was Rebecca.
“Okay! We’re gonna go! Now, are you SURE you can handle this? We can still stay.”
You nodded at her before touching her hand. “I’ll be okay. Besides, I have my extra helper over here!” You pointed at Simon.
Your friend saw him nodding at her as she smiled a bit before calling out to him. “Try to help her out will ya?”
Simon just nodded as a response and gave a thumbs up.
Soon the four already walked away. Leaving only you and Simon alone. The two of you don't talk much except just making and selling your food. 
Simon was busy mixing the batter before taking a glance at you. You were just giving out some candies to the trick-or-treaters and handing them a bag of goodies. Seeing your sweet smile had really caught his eyes for some reason.
Why does he feel that towards you? You two just met and he also doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable either. He looked back at what he was doing before you finished giving the kids their treats.
You had started to bring out another tray of desserts before looking at Simon. “Hey, you wanna taste this?”
The tall man looked at your direction, seeing you showing the cupcake in your hand. He stopped what he was doing and started to walk over to you. You watched him take it as he pulled his mask down a bit before he took a bite. You were curious about why he was wearing that mask but judging by how quiet he was. You know that he doesn’t want to talk about it which you understand.
“So? How was it?” You asked him with a warm smile feeling excited of how he’ll respond to your baking expertise. But you saw him paused for a moment and he just withdrew the cupcake away from his lips as he stared at it for a bit. “Simon?”
He kept staring at the cupcake for a while as if something had made him feel...familiarize with this dessert. Soon he snapped out when you gently touched his arm. You gave him a worried look as he cleared his throat and pulled his mask back up. “Sorry, your cupcake is delicious. I bet the REST of your desserts are wonderful as well.”
You slowly nodded as you appreciated his words but you still felt a bit concerned for him. “Thank you…but are you alright, Simon?”
The British man was silenced as he kept staring at the cupcake before putting it down. “I’m alright. Just…remembered something.”
“Oh? What is it that you remembered?”
Simon was just looking at you with a loud silence between the both of you. The sound of people chattering and the children’s laughter had clouded out of your hearings. You know something that he wanted to share but is too afraid to even speak. So you just slowly walked over and stood in front of this man.
“......I don’t want to bore you. And also, it’s just a burden that I have to carry.”
“Do you…wish to talk about it?”
You just gave him a small reassuring smile before taking his cupcake and gave it to him. “Then we don’t have to talk about it. Since I know we just met but I am here to listen.”
Simon had seen you handing his cupcake as he accepted and just stared at it. He sighed before starting to speak. “Your cooking…reminded me of someone that I know so close.”
You just nodded to let him continue.
“She had always made me great treats and it was…delicious.” He said softly before pulling his mask down again and took another bite from the cupcake. He proceeds on talking with you. “That’s all I could tell you. The rest…it’s for me to bear.”
You understood what he was saying and that last sentence had made you feel even MORE sympathy for him. “Of course, I understand. But…it will be better for you to let something out of your chest.” Then you place your hand on his back as you could see him looking at you with his brown eyes.
Damn. You can’t even help but to feel mesmerized by his brown eyes. You cleared your throat as you glanced away. “IF you’re ready to talk about it I mean.”
The two of you were just standing there in silence before you saw Simon was just staring at the cupcake. You then had an idea as you grabbed another cupcake for yourself.
“Hey, I’ll make you a deal. It’s not that kind of deal of you TALKING your problems to me.”
You saw that you caught his attention when he looked at you again.
“And that is what?”
“I can make you any kind of treats or food that someone of yours can make. IF you helped me to make some great buffet for thanksgiving next month.”
Simon just blinked at you when he listened to your offer. He started to chuckle deeply. “Oh love, I don’t know if your cooking skills are HALF as good as someone that I know of.”
You huffed as you crossed your arms. You’re going to make him EAT those words. “I can! And I will! Would you accept these deals?” You started to extend your hands towards him to shake on.
He looked at your hand and then looked at your eyes. He could see that you’re determined to make this for him. He sighed and reached his hand out and shook on yours. “Deal.”
You smiled as you nodded at him. “Alright then! Shall we begin discussing the food that you require?”
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kloofspeaks · 2 months ago
Omg, she really came through and wrote the oneshot! Here is Stomach Pains. It's a Ximena focused one-shot I cooked up based off of this tweet by WildFlowerLevi!
Status - Completed
Words - 3376
Summary - 48 hours after the collapse of everything in Ximena's life. She was tasked with one of the second hardest duties that she had to do besides bury her 30 year-old husband with her son gripping her hand. She had to empty out her son's old lab where his entire life had been built with a deep burning hatred for his former partner that assisted him in his sought after dream.
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exotic-indians · 3 months ago
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weirdsatellites · 2 months ago
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Dispatch #3376 from GPS III-SV05 (TOP SECRET) 1. Dank Salmon 2. Library of Emerald Nerdcore 3. Trailers of Bladee
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