#31st SEA Games
carlocarrasco · 1 year
Mangrobang wins 2023 SEA Games Women’s Duathlon gold medal for the Philippines!
Welcome back my readers and sports fans! This morning at Kep in Cambodia, Kim Mangrobang proved once again that she is still Southeast Asia’s reigning queen of duathlon (run-bike-run) as she won the gold medal in the Women’s Individual Duathlon event of the 32nd Southeast Asian Games (also referred to as SEA Games and Cambodia 2023). The gold she won was the 10th gold for the Philippines in the…
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bitchb0ybunny · 5 months
COD FANS, PRO-PALESTINIAN PALS, LISTEN TO ME FOR A SEC. I know this might be crazy, but hear me out. Just for a moment, I promise it'll be worth while. I thought for like 5 minutes on whether or not I should post this, but I say fuck it. My account isn't big, I'm not popular, but I know this will at least get on one persons page and get one persons attention and that's what matters.
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COD besties love him, some people might not know who he is. His name is Johnathan Price, he's a fictional character played by Barry Sloane in the Modern Warfare 2 Remaster. Friends, take a close look to that thing around his neck.
Some of y'all think it looks familiar, right?
Me too. I might be slow on this, some people might've pointed it out on different platforms already, but I'm bringing it to attention anyway. It looks like a Kuffiyah. (Kuffiyeh? Kuffiya? Keffiyeh? I'm still a little confused on which spelling of the name is correct, so I'm using all of them). I might be crazy here, but it looks like one to me. If you don't know, a Kuffiyah is a Palestinian garment that, in very simplified terms, symbolizes their culture and freedom. I'm sure everyone already knows that that freedom has been threatened and that the people of Palestine are currently being slaughtered like cattle, no matter their age, sex, gender identity, etc. It's pure bloodshed of innocent people, a genocide, a holocaust if you need more terms.
I have a very simple theory that I don't think is hard to believe, but first let me show you what a Kuffiyah looks like for those who don't know.
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Protesters at University of Michigan in the US, this month. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images
The black and white garment these people are wearing is a Kuffiyah. You can find numerous videos on TikTok and other platforms showing up-close images and videos of a Kuffiyah and explaining what the pattern symbolizes.
Now, if you need a second look at that scarf-like garment Captain Price is wearing around his neck, you can scroll back up. There also should be a video below, a clip taken directly from the game, that shows that same garment at different angles if you need a better view.
Now back to that talk of a theory.
Farah Karim, another Icon from the Modern Warfare games. Again, some of you might not know her, here's an image of her.
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She's an occupant to a made-up Arabic country called Urzikstan that is located near the Black Sea. She's a solder, and leader, of the Urzikstan Liberation Force, which is an army that fights against the occupation and invasion of her country. In this case, Russia. Farah Karim and John Price are close and, in the games, team up to fight common enemies often. If you look at the country of Urzikstan on the map, in the COD universe, I believe it looks like the same area Palestine should be located on a map if it weren't for Israel's 70+ years of occupation and colonization on Palestinian land.
According to the games lore, the invasion and occupation of Urzikstan from Russia started in 1999, and I'm not sure if its confirmed but I believe it's at least once it's alluded to Price having helped the ULF (Urzikstan Liberation Force) fight off the Russian occupation and free the country.
By this point, I'm sure at least one of you incredibly intelligent people reading this post have figured out what my theory is exactly:
Urzikstan is Palestine in the COD Universe. Or, at the very least, is modeled after and has its history inspired by the very real horrors Palestine has been facing since around 1947 when one of the first/the first attack(s) on Palestine took place on December 31st (Here is an article you can read about that, and there are plenty of similar articles from that outlet). Some of you probably have stopped reading, or think I'm crazy, or something along those lines, but hear me out for a second.
That Kuffiyah that Captain Price is wearing, remember that? People who are in support of Palestine are buying and wearing those to help financially aid Palestinians who can still sell their goods and show their support. I believe that is exactly what Price did, and why he's wearing it.
Now, I raise a question to those who weren't in support before. If Captain Johnathan Price can do something so basic is show support for a population and help fight for a countries freedom, why can't you? It's not hard to reblog a post, or sign a petition, or attend a protest in your area, or at the very least educate yourself on the matter. So, if you aren't, why? If someone who I know most, if not all, of the COD community here on Tumblr loves can do it, can go to war and fight for it, then why can't you do something that's real?
Free Palestine, and have a nice day/night to those of you who actually read all of this to the end.
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exactlycleverpirate · 8 months
What happened to Lemuria and Rafayel?
A mix of facts and theory. I try to quote where I got stuff from in the game, but let me know if something is unclear.
This is a monster. For TLDR, jump down to the bold words, as this sums up the general idea of this post.
SPOILERS for Main Story, Anecdote 3, and some Memories.
(MS stands for Main Story)
What we know:
Rafayel is Lemurian (Ebb and Flow and MS Chapter 7)
As a child, a long long time ago*, he lived in a Lemurian community in the ocean, specifically in the Deep Sea. He would sneak away from his home to explore the ocean and the surface world. (Nightly Stroll, Whalefall Lament,  Ocean At Night).
*(What is a long, long time ago? 10-15 years? 800 years? He says his age is “24…probably” (promotional video). What does that mean? Has he forgotten exactly when he was born or is he alluding to the fact that he is much older? He made his vow to MC when they were both children (MS Chapter 7.11). Was that current MC or a previous reincarnation of her? If current, then he must be actually around 24. If a previous life of MC, then he could easily be 800 or more.)
Lemuria was believed to be mythical, and/or to have disappeared thousands of years ago. It was confirmed to really exist when, on December 31st, 2034 (the same year the Deepspace Tunnel appeared and the Chronorift Catastrophe occured), a tsunami and earthquake southeast of Linkon opened a rift in the ocean, revealing an ancient Lemurian city (MS, in-game article, and promotional video). When asked how he can be alive today if Lemuria disappeared thousands of years ago, Rafayel says to think of him as “a lost pearl that washed up on the beach”.
Other Lemurians are still alive. Rafayel’s Aunt Talia appears to be a Lemurian herself (his only remaining family) as she has known him a long time, knows about Lemurian ceremonies and other Lemurians, etc. In 2047, a Lemurian named K died. Rafayel attended his Seamoon Ceremony (essentially a funeral of sorts, returning him to the ocean to pass on and return to the water from whence he came), as did other remaining Lemurians (Anecdote 3). 
Now that we have that foundation to work with, let’s start with Louis’ Tale in Anecdote 3. 
For the sake of argument, I am going to assume that Louis got most of the story right, since Rafayel doesn’t contradict him on most points, aside from dismissing him in general, which I feel was to downplay how close Louis was to the truth.
They are discussing the opera Rafayel just performed in, particularly, the Siren’s Ballad. In the opera, the siren is a woman and the human is the man (played by Rafayel). Louis says they got this wrong. The Siren was “a charming, handsome merman”. Presumably this Siren is Rafayel.
Simple enough so far, but now it gets confusing.
The Siren (Rafayel) “met a woman on the beach, but she took his tail and cut off his scales”. This sounds similar in some ways to MC, but opposite in others. MC was a child, not a grown woman. And Rafayel got stranded on the beach (No way out, no hope, and waiting to die) and MC rescued him from death, rather than taking his tail and scales. 
However, if we assume Fragrant Dream was a memory and not just a dream (Rafayel acts as though this dream is significant somehow), Rafayel gave a scale, his blood, and his voice to save MC, and ultimately sacrificed his life for her, in some past life. The perfume (bitter like fermented aquatic plants, the same description as the potion in the dream) that brings the possible memory to MC’s mind is from Your Fragrance. Rafayel has some very strange lines in Your Fragrance when he is under the apparently intoxicating effect this perfume has on him. He says the perfume smells familiar, then goes on to say:
“It must be an allergic reaction. This isn’t perfume. How dare they use such underhanded methods to trap me…”
“Who gave you the perfume?”
“Are you trying to run away again?”
“I’m not going anywhere. You’re gonna lock me up again… You’re with them, I just know it. Don’t think I’m unaware of what you’re about to do. (MC name), I won’t fall for it again. Not this time.”
This all implies that Rafayel was trapped and locked up in the past. And that on at least some level, he feels like MC played a role in him getting tricked. (Which might explains why he considers abandoning her when she is drowning in MS Chapter 7.11. See an alternate theory for this here.)
Back to Louis’ story, he describes the fate of the woman. The Siren is on the verge of death, and he sings the Siren’s Ballad. (Later, we learn this portrayal of the Siren’s Ballad is inaccurate: ““Siren's Ballad” isn't a song of revenge. It's an elegy sung for Lemuria”.) According to Louis, “Ultimately, the woman on the shore passed away with a smile as he sang.” Obviously, MC is currently alive. Did Louis get this wrong? Was this a past life? A different woman?
Louis then describes what he believes those who die by the Siren’s song experience. 
“People lured by the siren's ballad don't die peacefully. Their smiles are just a mask bestowed by the Siren. Instead, as they near death, they witness bizarre visions as they're plunged into endless torment.” 
The man, Mr. Fallon, who died during the opera is described as having died of no obvious cause with a smile on his face. After singing during the opera that Mr. Fallon died watching, Rafayel goes backstage. 
“A searing pain throbs in his throat, pulsating in tandem with his heartbeat, rapidly stimulating his nerves. As he touches his Adam’s apple, he pulls out a new tie from his leather briefcase, a smooth satin entwined between his fingers. The cool texture gradually envelops his neck. It’s like sheathing a blade.”
This strongly implies that Rafayel used his voice for something more than singing, hinting at it being a weapon. I think it is safe to assume Rafayel somehow killed Mr. Fallon man with his song, presumably in the way Louis describes.
Another interesting thing of note in this part of Louis’ description is: “A blue pattern, representing the Siren, appears on their chests. It's a constant reminder of the sins they committed against the sea.” At first, I thought this may be the pattern we see on Rafayel’s chest in Chapter 7.11, implying he sinned against the sea, but on rewatching it, I realized that the mark is red, not blue. So I am inclined to go with my first impression that Rafayel’s mark is related to his bond with MC (since it responds to her calling out to him).
So, now that we are thoroughly confused about what has taken place between Rafayel and MC, let’s move on to the next part of the story. This is when everything takes an even more heartbreaking turn.
“The Siren returns to the sea, believing everything has ended. But he discovers his underwater kingdom has turned to ruins, soaked in blood. His people have either vanished, turned into bloody foam, or were kidnapped. His homeland has turned into a silent, deserted city overnight. Oh, and as for the name of this underwater kingdom - Lemuria.”
(Interesting side note: After this part of Louis’ story, Rafayel’s meal is served: “a fish laying amidst white rosemary”. Rosemary symbolizes fidelity and remembrance.)
Later, in his memories, Rafayel adds to this scene for us.
“The young boy sits alone in the middle of the coral reef, softly humming “Siren's Ballad.” Waves lap the shores, staining it dark red. The color blends almost seamlessly with the bloody setting sun in the distance. Those who deceived him have long since sailed away on their massive ships, laughing all the while. “Siren's Ballad” isn't a song of revenge. It's an elegy sung for Lemuria.”
He also remembers:
“The dying cries of his people echo in his ears, fizzing and crackling like a broken record that's been ground into pieces.”
“In the darkness, the shadows of those he personally laid to rest emerge and drag him down, lower and lower into the depths.”
Now, let’s talk about the painting Raymond bought from Rafayel. 
But first, let’s talk about Raymond. He is a former patient of Zayne’s with a congenital heart disease. In his mansion, he has a giant fish tank with no water in it. Instead, it has a dull and pale skeleton. (MS Chapter 2.2-2.3)
“Fin-like bones protrude from its pelvis. This skeleton lacks legs, its spine extending like a long string. Its pose is ominously beautiful, resembling a girl sitting cross-legged.”
I think it is pretty safe to say this is a real Lemurian skeleton. 
Additionally, Zayne notes that “According to the Akso remote monitor, your vital sign data has improved. The equipment also determined your age to be far younger than what it actually is.” In other words, Raymond’s health has improved, and he is unnaturally youthful for his age. Raymond even suggests he should be dead by now and asks Zayne if he is curious as to why he is not dead. Zayne admits to initial curiosity, but then moves on.
Before K died, he said “They took away my scales and drew my blood. Over and over again. I’m no longer Lemurian.” The doctor told Rafayel that K had endured “such agony”. This appears to be something many of the Lemurians on land are facing or trying to hide from.
In Rafayel’s Myth (Chapter 3), it says that the humans of that time believed:
"Every Lemurian was blessed with beauty. Their tears turn into glimmering pearls, their voices brought dreams of wonder, their blood made one live forever or could even resurrect the dead. Once you tamed a Lemurian, they were the most loyal, powerful servant. They listened to every command, even if it cost them their life."
Even if only parts of this are true, it shows that Lemurians are considered highly desirable as slaves or for parts. And the part about the blood seems to have at least an element of truth, given Raymond's health.
It seems reasonable to conclude that Raymond has been harvesting something (scales, blood, etc) from Lemurians to unnaturally lengthen his life and make him younger.
Now enter Rafayel’s painting. 
He used blood red coral, infused with Metaflux, from the ruins of Lemuria for this painting.
When MC resonated with the painting in Raymond’s house, this is what she experiences:
“A stunning oil painting hangs on the wall opposite of the sofa. It depicts a brilliantly blue sea with cascading white waves. Each brush stroke feels alive as if countless fairies are jumping out of the water.
At the edge of the sea, the water is gradually stained crimson like something is being torn apart, swallowed, and coalescing into a blood clot.
The gloomy weather, the sound of the ocean - a salty humidity slowly creeps into my hair.
A girl by the shore, the lower half of her body submerged in the water. Strange. It's almost like she’s crying and laughing at the same time.
The swirling fog carries a faint, ethereal melody on the sea breeze. It sounds like a song, yet is also a lament.”
Mermaid Song plays in the background while MC is resonating with the painting. The translation of it is: 
“A fish in your hand. Please burn with passion. Nets of moonlight. With coral, a prison. When waves kiss the morning sun. The scent of roses pierce. With a fish in your hand. Blood. Blood. Blood covers the sea.”
When MC visits Rafayel’s art gallery, we learn a bit more about this painting.
“When I was a kid, I had dreamed I turned into a fish.
I swam and swam and swam from the deep sea, seeking a place beyond the water's surface. Only to end up in blood-red seawater.
It was the first time I ever saw such a color. Who knows how many years I've spent trying to recreate it. But I never really could get that same shade of red.
It was always a slightly different hue, you know...”
All of this put together paints a scene along these lines for us:
A young Rafayel returns from an encounter with a human woman on the beach (MC?). He finds that Lemuria is in ruins and empty. He swims to the surface. It is nighttime on a coral reef. There is a smell of roses in the air. As the sun rises, he sees that the water is filled with blood. Perhaps there is a Lemurian girl there singing mournfully, or the girl in the painting is representative of Rafayel’s experience and the experience of other survivors. (Perhaps it is even her skeleton in Raymond's home). Some Lemurians are dead or dying in the water or on the beach. Rafayel hears their dying cries and returns those dead on land to the sea to become one with the water. He then sits alone on a coral reef, surrounded by bloody water, singing an elegy for Lemuria as the sun sets. He knows he was deceived and that his deceivers have already sailed away. Some of the Lemurians have been kidnapped and taken away with the deceivers.
("A fish in your hand" from the Mermaid Song seems to refer to the Ocean Emissaries (little blue fish) that come from making a Lemurian vow (though Rafayel also seems to be able to summon these on command). Is this a reference to the promise between Rafayel and MC? How does that play into the rest of this scene?)
Given how vulnerable Lemurians are on Ebb Day, I think it very likely that this occurred on Ebb Day. (Perhaps this vulnerability was revealed to those who killed the Lemurians by MC or Rafayel himself. Did one or both of them trust the wrong people with this information? This also might be why Rafayel was stranded on a beach in the first place when he met MC.)
So now we have some kind of a picture about what happened to Lemuria. Is this ancient or recent history?
Either way, Lemurians still live and are still being harvested for parts.
Louis concludes his story by asking Rafayel, “When the Siren returns to the beach…How does he exact his revenge on those responsible for Lemuria's destruction?”
To which Rafayel responds, “I think he’d first learn from them. He's gotta study their wits and cruelty, you know.”
Which brings us back to Mr. Fallon dead with a smile on his face at the opera. And also Raymond drowned in his bathtub after carving fish scales into his body. The painting has vanished from his home. (MS Chapter 7.3)
I think this is why Rafayel has a bounty on him, since those participating in harvesting Lemurians are being killed by him, but can't exactly go to the authorities about it.
I also think Rafayel is not solely motivated by revenge. He tells Aunt Talia “Not every Lemurian survivor can wait.” Somehow, what he is doing is supposed to prevent other Lemurians from ending up like K.
Talia notes that Rafayel has changed "After that incident in Lemuria." He seems unrecognizable. Past Rafayel was like a blazing flame, whereas he "now resembled a reef battered by relentless waves - outwardly cold and hard, yet riddled with cracks, vulnerable to crumbling from the next wave." Talia is helping Rafayel gather information for his goal, but she isn't convinced that they are doing the right thing.
What are your thoughts? Was this helpful? More confusing? Is Rafayel ancient or young? What the heck happened between Rafayel and MC? Let me know your thoughts!
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its-knifewife · 4 months
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Memorial Day Weekend is the biggest sale on mattresses of the year
so of course I am doing a donothon for a new mattress the following Friday. Friday May 31st - join me on Twitch for a donothon for a new mattress because my back f&%king hurts and I really want to sleep comfortably. *First 5 people to donate $100 in a single donation get a custom made fragrance bundle, which includes a soap, candle, perfume/cologne roller, room/linen spray and air freshener - We will work together to make something custom for you and it will be sent to you with FREE shipping. USA only, due to shipping restrictions for perfume. You have to be comfortable giving me your address. PO Boxes also work, but please let me know your PO Box dimensions.
*Donate a total of $50 and I will put your Sim through the Death Gauntlet. If you don't already have a Simself, I will make you one based off vibes/pfp. Death Gauntlet stream will be announced TBD.
*Cheap Crowd Control Day: The game is TBD later, but we will do a cheap crowd control day where everything will be soooo cheap for you to torment me (and possibly my friends) . Community will vote on the game and I/we will play it.
*Highest (total) donor will be an NPC in a one-shot that I will run with my friends. We will stream the one shot, and I will be DMing. I will work with you to determine what kinda vibe you'd like the NPC to be, and I will put them in the one-shot with a guaranteed appearance.
$100 - Final Fantasy 6
$250 - Modded Left 4 Dead with the homies
$500 - Cheap Crowd Control Day
$750 - Darkest Dungeon
$900- Dragon's Dogma 2
$1200 - Hades
$1500 - Sea of Thieves
$2000 - D&D Oneshot
$2250 - Chat creates a dnd character with me - this is a separate NPC that will appear in the oneshot, and it will be voted on what type of character it is, including lineage, class, subclass, personality, etc.
$2500 - Face Cam in Crow Kigurumi
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horrorgorewhore · 8 hours
31 Days of Halloween 2024
This year is going to be a little different with adult ingredients so some nights I will have a queue up in the discord with the movies playing while I have class or am not home but here is our list for the year. I live in Texas and the movies usually happen starting in the afternoon or evening my time but I usually post on here to let everyone know we are starting and post corresponding gifs. Everyone is welcome to join and glad I get to keep this tradition up with yall still after all these years ❤️ if the queue system works well i might just put spooky themed media up during the day too if people are interested.
As always, tradition means we watch hocus pocus and Halloween on the 31st ❤️
1. Gremlins/ Gremlins 2
2. Paranormal activity 1/2/3
3. Wrong Turn 1/2
4. Psycho 1960
5. Abigail
6. Werewolf by night / Wer
7. We are the night / Kiss of the Damned
8. Final destination 1/2/3
9. Geralds Game
10. Scream 1/2/3
11. Eden Lake
12. Fresh
13. Friday the 13th
14. Ginger snaps/ Howl
15. The Ring / The Ring 2
16. Saw 1/2/3
17. Splinter/ Laid to rest
18. Dracula (1931) / The mummy (1932) / Frankenstein (1931)
19. Martyrs
20. Susperia / Funny Games
21. X / Pearl/ Maxxxine
22. The menu
23. Resident Evil/2/3/4
24. Would you rather/ Ready or not
25. Alien/ Aliens/ Alien 3/ Alien resurrection
26. Deep blue sea/ Under Paris / Jaws
27. The platform
28. Wolf Creek / Vacancy/ High tension
29. 13 Ghosts/ Nightbreed / Near Dark
30. Silence of the Lambs/ Hannibal/ Red Dragon
31. Hocus Pocus / Halloween 2007/ Halloween 2 2009/ Halloween 2018/ Halloween kills/ Halloween ends
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theoneprecioustome · 14 days
Aikoto Moments Masterlist: Episode Aigis
This list will focus on the remake. To see how it fares in comparison to the original, check this post.
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Since Makoto isn’t actually in the game, most of the list will focus on Aigis' side of their bond as well as the little things that connect them.
There will also be third party quotes about Aigis’ bond with Makoto.
I bolded the most important moments.
The post is image heavy & contains spoilers for the entire game.
When that person died, there was nothing she could do to bear the pain. The machine girl found herself thinking that she had no use for a heart that did nothing but let her feel pain. And thus, the girl's heart became a blue butterfly, which took flight, and the pain in her chest disappeared. However, in its stead, there was now a large, gaping, empty hole in her chest. The emptiness in her chest didn't hurt, but it also did not let her feel anything. She wasn't alive anymore. Nothing but an empty shell, devoid of emotions, cursed to stand still in time where she was forever with no place to move forward to. — Episode Aigis Epilogue, Persona 3 Official Fanbook. Translation by Nenilein.
✤ The Key Visual of Episode Aigis features Aikoto. What's more, it reveals that Makoto in the original P3R art was meant to be looking at Aigis all along, like two halves of a whole.
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✤ Soejima released an illustration to celebrate Episode Aigis. The illustration features Aikoto & Metis.
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✤ The First Edition of the Episode Aigis soundtrack comes with a double-sided Aikoto box featuring the Key Visual and their AOA attacks. This is what Lotus Juice had to say about it:
"In the cover, you see P3HERO and Aigis looking at each other... if you open it, they'll be separated... like they're almost within reach of each other, but aren't. I wonder if that feeling gets across to fans as well? It's very beautifully done."
✤ SEGA Korea welcomed September with an Aikoto Calendar featuring the Episode Aigis Key Art (alternative link).
✤ HINEMOS released two more Aikoto Sake bottles to commemorate the release of Episode Aigis.
✤ Episode Aigis features an exclusive opening & song focused on Aigis' feelings after Makoto's loss. Full lyrics here and Analysis in the post linked above!
(Lost without you) But little things like the scent of his cologne Is a painful remindеr that he’s gone It feels like my heart is suffocating How do you make amends when you’re gone from me? Even though with a win, how come I feel so lost? Nothing makes sense to me I’m so numb, so lost without you
✤ The new Battle Song, Don't, is also from Aigis' POV. While it focuses on Aigis' feelings through her conflict with SEES, it also has references to her feelings towards Makoto. Full lyrics here!
Already lost my keys to the door wide shut Only had one wish now it’s never gonna come true Trapped in time Forever in remorse How could I ever be in peace when nothing else matters to me?
✤ In the menu, Aigis is shown holding a blue butterfly who flies away from her. According to the old devs, blue butterflies are used to symbolize Aigis' heart, which is the perfect imagery for Episode Aigis. Curiously, blue butterflies also often used in relation to Makoto, which carries very meaningful implications they're soulmates your honor.
✤ P3R's UI is meant to represent "the Protagonist's Sea of Souls", and it reflects their psychological state. True to form, Aigis is shown looking sad and lonely in hers, which is how she has felt since she lost Makoto. In the Equipment menu, we can even see her reach out before sadly retreating into herself, as if she were trying to catch someone who is now long gone.
✤ During the anime cutscene, we see a new rendition of Makoto's and Aigis' last moments together.
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✤ Aigis is the one who kept Makoto's Evoker after his passing.
✤ Aigis says that the one thing she feels certain of is that Makoto wouldn't have blame any of them for what happened, showing how well she understands him.
✤ Junpei comments that he’s glad Aigis has been “hanging in there” (spoiler: she isn't) because "It really seemed like you cared about him more than anything in the world."
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✤ Aigis reveals that she remembers her last moment with Makoto whenever she closes her eyes. Depressed, she kept having the same dream over and over again: running after him, calling his name but never being able to catch up.
✤ She also recalls the promise she made him during the rooftop scene: "I promised to protect him, and I made that my reason for living. But now... that promise can never be fulfilled."
✤ Aigis says that one day, her sadness "mysteriously" left her. She stopped dreaming and requiring sleep. Unbeknownst to her, this is the event that draws The Abyss of Time to the dorms.
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✤ When Aigis is scared of losing more precious people, she sees Makoto walking away from her and desperately tries to reach out to him. Then, Athena metamorphoses into Orpheus. It's interesting to notice that the effect used when Makoto disappears is the same effect used when Orpheus appears.
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✤ Aigis and Makoto have the exact same Velvet Room and Aigis can even access his entire Compendium. In other words, they must share the same space “between dream and reality, mind and matter.”
✤ Elizabeth also explains that a Persona "represents one's heart and soul." Aigis can use Makoto's as if they were her own. Let that sink in!
✤ When Aigis thinks that reaching the Answer to Life may lead to her death, she is surprised to "discover how little the possibility bothered me." With Makoto gone, Aigis has lost her reason to live. It's to the point that when Aigis believes that she may die if she loses her key, she says: "If I did, then that would be fine..."
✤ During one of the activities with Metis, she comments on how fulfilled she feels whenever Aigis trusts her with something. If the player lets Aigis say "I think I understand", Metis will say: "Then you must have someone in your life who's just as important to you as you are to me." Which is quite big, because Aigis is literally Metis' everything lol
✤ Aigis getting Makoto’s power means she "inherited" something from him.”
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✤ Aigis says early in the game that normally, people have a reason to awaken to their Persona, but that for her it was backwards. She had a persona and then she gained a reason (protecting Makoto). Later, we discover that the reason for her awakening to the Wild Card was that with Makoto gone, she has lost her purpose and her reason to live.
✤ The door that lies in the deepest part of The Abyss of Time leads to Aigis’ past and the moment she awoke to the "Persona abilities" Makoto had. In here we see Aigis' dream, the one where she runs after Makoto, trying to reach him in vain. We also find out that she was in so much pain and so lost after his passing that she wished she could go back to being just a machine again.
It was so painful losing him... I couldn't bring myself to do anything, so... I just hid in my room. For a while, I did nothing but chase after him in my dreams...
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✤ Aigis' trophy is called "The one who dreamt", after her dream of Makoto.
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✤ After the fight with Shadow!Makoto, he disintegrates into blue butterflies as Aigis desperately reaches out for him.
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✤ Aigis can't decide whether she wants to go back to the past, or respect Makoto's sacrifice and remain in the present. Irritated by Aigis' predicament, Yukari accuses her of running away from her own feelings for Makoto.
✤ Metis explains that she would do anything to protect Aigis, because she is "all she has". This prompts Aigis to say that she, too, once felt the same way about someone.
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✤ Aigis being willing to lay down her life to not have to fight her friends makes Metis break down. She echoes all of Aigis' buried feelings at Makoto's sacrifice. "Why do you have to die? Why does it have to be you...? Why can't it... be me instead? Please don't leave me behind... I'll give my life for the key, too! And if that doesn't work... then I'm coming with you! So we can always be together... Please, don't leave me all alone!" 😭
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✤ Aigis realizes that she has been running away from her own feelings. Before going back to the past, she needs to know why Makoto did what he did—because she won't give up on what's important to her.
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✤ After that fight, Aigis finally acknowledges that she wants Makoto back, too, and explains that she needs to know exactly what he did before she can make a choice. Despite her own feelings, Makoto's come first to her 😭
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✤ Aigis screams "No!" as Erebus aims for Makoto. We also get two new shots of Aikoto's last moments together, showing Makoto smiling peacefully on Aigis' lap.
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✤ After the final fight, Yukari acknowledges her jealousy over Aigis inhering Makoto's power and says that just like Makoto, Aigis is the one who knows how to move forward.
✤ Aigis reaches the very same Answer to Life that Makoto did: Friendship and Bonds are what give people life.
✤ Metis tells Aigis that there's still a way for Aigis to keep her promise to protect Makoto, and that is by fostering connections with others, so that they may one day reach the same answer they did.
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✤ Metis is revealed to be Aigis' Shadow: the manifestation of the heart Aigis wished away after losing Makoto.
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✤ Once Aigis regains her heart, she breaks down crying at last, finally processing her grief at losing Makoto.
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✤ Before she fully fades away, we hear Metis' voice talking to Aigis and telling her how she can reach Makoto so he won't have to carry on alone anymore.
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✤ Aigis goes back to the rooftop for the final cut-scene. Just like that last day she spent with him, there are cherry blossom petals blowing in the wind.
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✤ The credit song, Brand New Days, is once again from Aigis' POV. It focuses on her feelings towards SEES and Makoto as she walks forward into a new tomorrow.
There are days when I tire of calling out the meaning of my life, and my head droops But still, in my heart (So look up to you) Is your smile
✤ During the credits, we see Aigis looking back over her shoulder as she walks through the Moonlight Bridge (the place that started it all for her and Makoto). Lastly, cherry blossoms once again welcome her when she reaches the school. Considering their meaning (Don't forget about me), I'd like to think they're yet another reference to the fact that Aigis will go on living—forever carrying her memories of him.
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✤ The Clear Data Save features Aigis' portrait over a cherry blossom background. If you beat the game on Heartless, a cherry-blossom-colored butterfly is added and placed over Aigis' heart.
✤ In Orpheus' myth, he descends to the underworld in search of his dead wife, Eurydice, but ultimately fails and finds his own death. Knowing this makes Aigis having Orpheus as her main Persona even more meaningful. Not only is Orpheus' Makoto's Persona—so it's like he's left a piece of himself with her, his own version of I'll Never Leave You—it also represents Aigis' plight during Episode Aigis: either moving forward or going back to the past in search of Makoto. Unlike Orpheus, Aigis is eventually able to move forward carrying her memories of her beloved with her.
✤ Aigis' Compendium is signaled by a bookmark with a red butterfly, while Makoto's is the same bookmark but with a blue butterfly.
✤ Two dictionary entries evoke Aikoto. The first is That Day, which mentions it's "the last day Aigis ever spoke to him." The second is Aigis' Past.
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✤ One of Elizabeth dialogues is "Do you posses the power to overcome any adversity as well? Just as he did...?" Another of her dialogues foreshadows Elizabeth wanting to ask Aigis to help her free Makoto's soul from the seal ("When the time comes, I may ask you to..."), just like in Persona 4 Arena.
✤ When Fuuka learns that Aigis may die if her key is taken, Aigis explains that she didn't want SEES to worry over her, too, when they're all "doing what they feel is best... for him..."
✤ Just like in The Answer, Yukari spends the game jealous of Aigis because she heard Makoto's last words and inherited his power—although this time she luckily handles it a lot better. This leads Mitsuru to explain that Yukari doesn't mean Aigis any malice; as she does so, she acknowledges Aigis' feelings and says that Makoto did no mean any less to Aigis than he did to Yukari. Later, Yukari herself ends up acknowledging Aigis' feelings and suffering over Makoto, strengthening their friendship.
✤ It's revealed that both Mitsuru and Yukari made promises to Makoto, or rather, to themselves after Makoto's passing. This bears mentioning because Aigis' promise to Makoto is never described in such terms in the game. At the contrary, in the original game, Yukari even goes as far as comparing them to say that unlike Aigis' promise to Makoto (あなたと違う), hers was one-sided (一方的に), highlighting that Makoto was there to acknowledge Aigis'.
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✤ Metis tells Aigis that "The souls of all living things are connected through a plane similar to a sea." The Seal of Souls is likely where Makoto & Aigis are shown together in the opening, and the storyboards even describe it as an "unexpected reunion" 😭
✤ Mitsuru decides to give everyone their Evokers back, so it’s fair to assume Aigis still has Makoto’s.
✤ The Persona 3 Official Fanbook holds a short story about Aigis and Metis (I included an excerpt of it at the top of this post) and a column on the symbolism behind Aigis getting Orpheus (Orpheus, just like Aigis, went to the underworld in search of his lost beloved). While it's not material that came out with this version of Episode Aigis, it's still as relevant (and touching) as ever, so I really recommend reading it.
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polyamships · 2 years
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Polyamships is hosting #MultiamoryMarch2023 💞
We’re happy to reblog any polyam creations for the month of March from any fandom or from original works. You can use the above prompts if you need a little inspiration, or you can create something in general for a polyamorous ship of any kind. We also have plenty of prompts from past years we’d still love to see fanworks for if they inspire you better. If you use a prompt, please make sure to let us know which prompt you're creating for somewhere on your post.
At us @polyamships and use the tags #MultiamoryMarch and #MultiamoryMarch2023 in the first five tags so we can hopefully see it. If you don’t see us reblog your post within a few days feel free to send us an ask to let us know, or submit it via our googleform here, in case we’ve missed your post or the tags/notifications are being weird.
All ratings are welcome but anything nsfw/triggery should be warned for and behind a read more, as should very long tumblr fic.
We also have an AO3 collection for the event that can be found here and the collection name is 'multiamory_march_works'.
We can’t wait to see what you create for the month, and please do spread the word about the event. ❤️♾️ QPR on the graphic is the abbreviation for Queerplatonic Relationship. And Sedoretu is a poly marriage invented by Ursula K. Le Guin in her science fiction story "A Fisherman of the Inland Sea," which you can find more out about over on its Fanlore page. All the prompts can also be found as text below the read more. Over the next month or two, we will also be doing a number of posts with expanded ideas for each prompt for anyone who needs a little more inspiration than just the one or two word style we have below.
March 1st - V relationship
March 2nd - Supernatural
March 3rd - Games
March 4th - Affection
March 5th - Awakening
March 6th - Pets
March 7th - Language
March 8th - Sick
March 9th - Declarations
March 10th - Convenience
March 11th - Wedding
March 12th - Cuddling
March 13th - Sharing clothes
March 14th - Sedoretu
March 15th - Adoption
March 16th - Sleepover
March 17th - QPR (QueerPlatonic Relationship)
March 18th - Together
March 19th - Art
March 20th - Grief
March 21st - Treasure
March 22nd -Bonding
March 23rd - Forest
March 24th - Apart
March 25th - Unlikely
March 26th - Argument
March 27th - Shadow
March 28th - Teasing
March 29th - Mark
March 30th - Pining
March 31st - Polyam is the norm AU
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mdscarlett · 2 months
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‎ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ WANTED ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ DEAD OR ALIVE
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ $500.000.000
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ author’s note at the end+picrew
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★ NAME: Monkey D. Scarlett (Scar)
— also known as: Scarlett the Witch, Scar-Scar, the Wicked Witch of the Sea, War Goddess Athena, the Ancient Weapon Mars
★ BIRTHDAY: October 31st (Scorpio | current age: 22)
— “The incarnation of Mars will be born on a dark, cold, eerie night in the Grand Line. It will be a full moon then, and the sea will be stilled as the Earth welcomes her spirit back; The World is not prepared her return.”
— Monkey D. Alia (mother/status: deceased), Monkey D. Garp (grandfather/status: alive ), Monkey D. Dragon (uncle/status: alive), Monkey D. Luffy (cousin/status: alive), Portgas D. Ace (sworn sibling/status: deceased), Sabo (sworn sibling/status: alive)
— Revolutionary Army Cabin Girl/Apprentice (former), Loguetown Marine Base Commodore (former), Straw Hat Quartermaster (current)
SASAKI MEI — having been a trained kunoichi serving the Kozuki clan on the island of Wano, Mei found herself escaping right before the death of Sukiyaki and joining hands with Dragon. thanks to this, she also gained the cutest apprentice and so much more in regards of exploring. She’d write to her friends back home, telling them how fun her travels are, not minding the fact they’d never reply. A master of Ryou, she’d teach scar as much as possible, in a way a child should learn — as something she’d look forward to.
mentored scar when she was between the ages five and eight, and again between ages twenty and twenty-two.
during the time that the straw hat pirates were separated, Scar had randomly felt her presence on an island in the Grand Line, after sailing with Akagami for a while. she tells shanks that she will be leaving him and gives him and the crew her thanks, not without mentioning that they might see each other in the future. with a smile and many hugs, they see the girl off with a bright, hopeful gleam in their eye.
she meets her former teacher in a bar, a nostalgic feeling clawing at her chest alongside excitement. Mei matches these feelings, catching up with Scar with a big grin on her face. her cute apprentice has really grown into an incredible and dangerous woman.
Scar explains her situation — marineford, Kuma, her crew — and although Mei is a wanted criminal on a personal quest of hers, she immediately offers to mentor her. it’ll actually be beneficial to the both of them, the lonely feeling was slowly getting to her, so this was an act of fate. she’s sure Dragon wouldn’t mind, and neither would the ghost of the samurai that’s recently reached out to her.
MONKEY D. GARP — after Dragon had contacted him about custody of Scar, he immediately agreed: this was his deceased daughter’s child. he respected his daughter’s dying wish for Scar to be under Dragon’s watch, knowing that his son would eventually cause trouble and ask for his help. he was determined that she’d stay on Foosha Village forever for her safety, and so he taught her the basics to surviving.
“mentored” Scar when she was between the ages eight and seventeen.
when Dragon had told Scar that she would be under her grandpa’s care, she didn’t ask questions. if her uncle was sending her away from these people she trusted — family, at that — he must be sending her to someone else trustworthy and loving as them, right?
wrong. as Garp dragged Luffy into the wilderness to train him, she stayed home and studied. she respected her elders too much to ignore his strict rules, and decided to play him at his own game.
while he was under the impression that she was at home reading books World-Government approved, she was really snooping through his work desk and reading things that weren’t meant for the public, especially for a child who had been raised by revolutionaries.
on a regular occurrence — whether Garp was aware or not — she would follow the two and watch Luffy from afar. she learned Garp’s fighting skills and engraved his moves in her brain, and snuck away at night while the others were sleeping to practice: she wasn’t sure why she felt the need to be stronger, but after a few years with the Revolutionary Army and finding out what the World Government is really like, she thought it’d help her anyway.
through Garp’s harsh love, laziness and naïvety, he did teach her how to survive. but in the end, she had learned way more than what he had to offer.
AKAGAMI NO SHANKS — during his trip to marineford, he senses a strong presence in the middle of the ocean. utterly confused by this sudden presence, he peaks over the ship’s edge and is met with a familiar face he’s only seen in the World’s Economic Journal. her presence isn’t threatening at all. instead, it’s too vulnerable for a girl who’s currently swimming in the middle of a dangerous sea, during a dangerous time; the tears streaming down her face alerting him instead.
he’s read many articles of Scarlett the Witch, but to have finally met her in person makes him question who she really is. he’s amazed with not only her physical fighting abilities, but also her strong aura that seems to follow her around. he notices that she’s unaware of it, and is also confused, considering she was known for her amazing haki control.
after ten long minutes of soothing Scar’s sobs down, she allows herself to spill everything: what was happening on Marineford in the current moment, Luffy’s arrival, and how she was able to sneak away unharmed. he noticed she didn’t mention why and how she was there in the first place, but he didn’t want to pry. instead, he reassured her that the war would end soon, and allowed her to take cover and rest under deck in the meantime.
he feels his heart clench as he realizes just how much Scar resembled her.
Scar would wake up to heartbreaking news and some from her baby cousin — begging shanks to atleast allow her to voyage with him until she feels comfortable on her own again, promising a temporary alliance, knowing that eventually she’ll have an opportunity to become stronger.
Akagami was suddenly breathless as a familiar face flashed through his mind.
it took a lot of courage for her to ask Shanks how to master her newfound conqueror’s haki, and he gladly took her under his wing. although it was a temporary mentorship, he was glad to be helping the new gen of pirates that would run the world — even if it meant he was one step closer to being too late.
OBSERVATION HAKI — unlocked at age five, mastered at age eight.
— allowed scar to gain speed, a developed a deep and powerful intuition, and emotional intelligence/strength. she’s grateful for this, as it helped her understand and learn more about the world she lives in; allowing her to survive.
ARMAMENT HAKI — unlocked at age seven, mastered at age thirteen.
— was a bit harder for her to grasp since dragon wouldn’t let her engage in physical combat, but over the years she’d watch other users and take note. she gained physical stamina and strength pushing herself to learn more. (against Ace, she had won 45/50 of their “battles”).
CONQUEROR’S HAKI — unlocked at age twenty, mastered a few months after.
— the quickest of her to master, simply because she had already held a strong sense of will. shanks demonstrated how he’s able to use it to his advantage and manage it, and it was a shock to them both how bright scarlett’s aura was. she only uses this type of haki as a last resort or as an instinct (ex. when luffy tries stealing her food).
PHYSICAL COMBAT — a somewhat trained kunoichi, marine and definitely a pirate.
— although the two men in her early life told her no when it came to any sort of physical altercation, she still had eyes and haki to help her learn. Mei could never say no to her precious junior, secretly showing Scar “basic” kunoichi skills — claiming that everyone knew how to do those exact moves (which they didn’t, but the others never snitched because they were terrified of her). Scar vividly remembers Mei promising to take her to Wano and properly teach her, but sadly, the time hasn’t came yet.
— while in the Marines, she remembered all the information she had obtained thanks to Garp’s negligence. It allowed the transition to be easier on her, and unfortunately, that came with the consequence of becoming a commodore on Loguetown Marine Base. she knew she was strong — both physically and intellectually — but she never imagined her gaining a position of power she didn’t want. despite the mask she put on every morning, she let her grandfather take pride in her name during her time as an officer, because soon he would absolutely despise her (but she’s still family).
— before finding herself in Loguetown, Scar had nothing; only a boat filled with basic necessities (thanks Makino!) and her will to live, yet she was confident enough to know she’ll be alright wherever the currents lead her. she often found herself befriending villagers of the islands she visited; they offered her money, food, clothes, and a place to stay until her next move. though, it happened only after she’d scare away pirates who were terrorizing them. it was easy to defeat pirates in the East Blue, her proficiency in haki made her nearly ten times stronger than them, yet she lacked in combat. she’d learn from her opponents, always thanking them with a wink and smile, strutting away as they passed out in the grassy fields she found them in.
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author’s note: hiiii everyone! this is my lovely scar-scar :3 i’ve spent the last few months trying to find myself again and something i really liked about myself is how creative i can get. i read one piece (i thought back to a time where i was really into jjk & aot, and how it was such a happy time and keypoint in my life) & with every chapter i always just had fun little scenarios.
i’m in a healing period right now, but i feel so good. i love being able to have the free will to create and it brings me so much joy. i’m not sure if this is weird but after getting to the Water Seven/Enie’s Lobby arcs, i couldn’t help but see myself in miss Nico Robin. don’t wanna get deep but yeah <33 i figured i’d get back into reading/writing fan-fiction as a hobby, because it allows me to feed my creative side.
but what’s a world without sharing fun little bits and pieces of myself? Scar is very self inspired, and to me it’s like writing my own story in my own way. and i’m having so much fun! allowing myself to be a main character :3
the next post i’ll make about scarlett will be about her weaknesses, her relationships, and probably fun little random facts about her. if you guys ever want to ask about her, please send them through!! i love being inspired <3
if you’re coming from a drabble from my main sideblog (@luffysinterlude) this is inspired with bits and pieces of my earlier oc Cupid, but Athena and Scarlett, in my head are the same person. i might switch up sometimes and write in a reader’s perspective (especially for fluff and comfort scenes) because i feel like we all need a lil light in our lives :p
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starrysnowdrop · 5 months
Hali Aloke
Just the Basics
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Name: Hali Aloke
Nicknames: Little Star (Her family’s pet name for her) and Snowdrop (Aymeric’s pet name for her)
Age: 29 as of beginning of Dawntrail
Nameday: 31st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (April 29th)
Race: 3/4 Lalafell, 1/4 Hyur; Appears Dunesfolk, but has both Plainsfolk and Dunesfolk blood, along with 1/4 Midlander Hyuran ancestry
Gender: Female, Cis
Orientation: Bisexual/Biromantic, Male Leaning
Profession: Adventurer and Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Hair: Bright, rose pink in color, straight, usually looks somewhat messy in a wide variety of hairstyles
Eyes: Large, wide, expressive seafoam green eyes that shine in the light; glass-like Dunesfolk eyes
Skin: Fair, and absolutely will burn with direct sun exposure for long periods of time
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos; For scars, just small ones here and there over the years from battle
Parents: Father is Taito Aloke, a Plainsfolk lalafell aged 50 in ARR, and Mother is Lalani Lani, a 1/2 Dunesfolk lalafell 1/2 Midlander Hyur aged 48 in ARR. Both Taito and Lalani are researchers in Labyrinthos and members of the Sharlayan Forum.
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Nanani Nani, Maternal Grandmother, a Dunesfolk lalafell aged 75 in ARR and Jovian Carraway, Maternal Grandfather, a Midlander Hyur, deceased by ARR. Nanani is a retired Gleaner living in Old Sharlayan and is a widow to Jovian, who was an Astrology Professor at the Studium.
In-laws and Other: All in-laws deceased; Hali has distant relatives in Thanalan that have no current contact with Hali’s close family
Children: None; Will have three children with Aymeric in the distant future
Pets: An alligator named Boudreaux who also serves as Hali’s mount, a crab named Beignet, and Aymeric’s black cat named BonBon.
Abilities: Astromancy, Divination, Dancing, Singing, Cooking, Fishing, and Botany
Hobbies: Cooking, Fishing, Botany, Swimming, Ice Skating, Going to the Theater, Attending Balls, Dancing, Singing, Reading fairytales and adventure books, and Playing card games
Most Positive Trait: Hali is hope incarnate. No matter how grim a situation might seem, she wholeheartedly believes that things will get better. She tries to have a smile on her face and spread her positive outlook on life wherever she goes. Hali thinks that her hope is probably the only reason she’s still alive after so many years on the battlefield.
Most Negative Trait: Hali sees the best in everyone except for herself. She’s very insecure about herself, especially in terms of her appearance and her self worth. She doesn’t see that Aymeric could ever possibly love her the way that she loves him, and she doesn’t think she could ever be good enough for him. Even after they are officially together, Hali still struggles with being kind to herself.
Colors: Midnight Blue, Lotus Pink, Pure White, Celeste Green, and Lavender Purple
Smells: Ocean breezes, salty sea air, scent of fresh fallen rain, flowers of any kind, and musky cologne
Textures: Rain and/or snow falling on her skin, warm water, fluffy pillows, warm blankets, soft plushies, and Aymeric’s hands and/or mouth on her skin
Drinks: Strawberry Lemonade, Fruit Smoothies, Boba Tea, Pink Drink, Hot or Iced Chai, Hot Chocolate with lots of marshmallows
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Only drinks wine and certain kinds of cocktails, but tries to only drink when she’s not busy with her Scion duties the next day, as she is a lightweight and gets drunk easily.
Drugs: Never
Mount Issuance: Hali was never given a chocobo, because she said she didn’t need one! She always used a magical umbrella that allowed her to float above the ground and fly her to wherever she needed to go. Later on, Hali found her pet alligator Boudreaux on her Island Sanctuary and she rides him most of the time now.
Been Arrested: Yes, Hali was arrested for being a fugitive that snuck back into Old Sharlayan after being banished for helping to bring Sharlayan Astromancy to the Eorzeans. She was found sneaking around Labyrinthos in order to discover the secret project that her parents were hiding from the public at large.
Tagged by: @eriyu @paintedscales @elliewiltarwyn @amalthea-felsblood and @zerelth Thank you all so much for thinking of me!! I apologize for taking so long in responding! 🥰
Tagging: @meepsthemiqo @traveler-of-light @reikatsukihana @mimble-sparklepudding @faerieearthangel and anyone else who hasn’t been tagged yet that would like to fill this out! Please tag me so I can read about your OCs!! 💖
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wekki-i · 2 months
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SAILOR ALICE: Alice at Sea 🛟⚔️ 【Open Beta】
Public Open Beta— from now until August 18th! (v. 1.b.2.2) For Windows and MacOS
An indie RPG Maker game about an elf and the climate crisis.
Check it out on itch.io!
“Sailor Alice: Alice at Sea is a nautical fantasy adventure made in RPG MAKER MZ. The story follows the shut-in elf Lilibet, after she sends off her apprentice to become the hero that saves the princess. Shortly after her student's departure however, the innocent request of a red skinned foreigner sets in motion a series of events. Something's . . . not right about the sea, is it . . . ?
In 200 years, the world's atmosphere will collapse. Bringing disasters such as extreme weather, this is known as the "mana crisis." An environmentalist of 2,000 years, Lilibet has long abandoned her hope. If she can recover all her memories, perhaps she'll find a person who's still fighting. A "hero."
Part of the game's purpose is to raise awareness to the climate crisis it parallels. Lilibet's world might be set to end in 200 years, but parts of East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia (the region the game's archipelago is based on) will become uninhabitable within the next 20 years.”
Hi, I’m a 17 year old Filipino American digital illustrator and UTAU developer! Recently I wanted to take a swing at game dev, so I’ve been working on my first game, SAILOR ALICE: Alice at Sea! With my age and the threat to my motherland, I’ve been pretty worried about climate change ^^u. It’s a short light-hearted 3 hour game with 6 chapters, and in those three hours, the player gets to spend time completing side-quests and talking to NPCs to build MEMORIA FLOTSAM. The 3rd ending can only be unlocked on a second playthrough.
It’s currently not in a stable state, and is still meant to be at a stage in development where I can still make some large changes. I would really love to hear people’s thoughts, feedback, and ideas on the writing/narrative/characters/etc. The stable version will launch before August 31st as a submission to SuNoFes 2024.
Any reblogs and support is highly appreciated….!! 🛟⚔️
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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Here you can find all the works created for this challenge hosted by me! (Link to the challenge)
I’ll be updating this masterlist gradually as the challenge progresses! (If you’ve created a work in the duration of this challenge and before the deadline - October 10th - and you can’t find it here, don’t hesitate to let me know!)
-> all works are explicit unless stated otherwise!
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█ DAY 1, AUGUST 27TH - Sexy Lifeguard
Ikemen Prince
Rescue Me - Jin x Reader - @aquagirl1978
I’m Not at the Beach, This Is a Bathtub! - Luke x Emma - @xxsycamore
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Your Life in His Hands - Victor x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Sengoku
Sexy to the Rescue! - Shingen x Reader - @writingwhimsey
█ DAY 2, AUGUST 28TH - Drops of sweat running down the body
Ikemen Prince
Salt on Your Skin - Keith x Reader - @nightghoul381
Sweat running down body (non-explicit) - Cyran x Reader - @violettduchess
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Ikemen Sengoku
Private Lessons - Keiji x Reader - @writingwhimsey
█ DAY 3, AUGUST 29TH - Private pool skinny dipping
Ikemen Prince
Privacy - Nokto x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Ikemen Sengoku
Summer Lovin' With The Boss - Nobunaga x Reader - @writingwhimsey
Let Me Put on a Show for You, Tiger - Shingen x Reader - @xxsycamore
█ DAY 4, AUGUST 30TH - Naughty revenge after beach sports games
Ikemen Prince
Lesson Learned - Chevalier x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Vampire
Naughty Reward (link leads to my reblog of her fic since her old tumblr got deleted!) - Leonardo x Reader - @princess-pray-a
Ikemen Villains
Ikemen Sengoku
Revenge is A Dish Best Served Wet - Masamune x Reader - @writingwhimsey
█ DAY 5, AUGUST 31ST - Picking swimwear together goes naughty
Ikemen Prince
Maybe, Someday - Yves x Reader - @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Don't Make a Mess - Napoleon x Reader - @xxsycamore
Ikemen Villains
If Looks Could Kill - Ellis x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Sengoku
Dressing Room Rendezvous - Motonari x Reader - @writingwhimsey
█ DAY 6, SEPTEMBER 1ST - Water fight results in a see-through shirt
Ikemen Prince
Lakeside Dalliance - Jin x Reader - @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Translucent - Harrison x Reader - @nightghoul381
█ DAY 7, SEPTEMBER 2ND - Quickies at the summer festival
Ikemen Prince
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Behind the Trees - Jude x Reader - @nightghoul381
█ DAY 8, SEPTEMBER 3RD - Sex in open sea
Ikemen Prince
Kink Satisied (link leads to my reblog of her fic since her old tumblr got deleted!) - Clavis x Reader - @princess-pray-a
Must Be Something in the Sea Breeze - Licht x Emma - @xxsycamore
Beneath the Stars - Licht x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Ikemen Genjiden
Hot and Bothered - Ibuki x Reader - @aquagirl1978
█ DAY 9, SEPTEMBER 4TH - Sunset to sunrise
Ikemen Prince
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Sing for Me - William x Reader - @nightghoul381
█ DAY 10, SEPTEMBER 5TH - Hot skin + Cold sensations
Ikemen Prince
Just a Taste - Leon x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Illusions of Hot and Cum (link leads to my reblog of her fic since her old tumblr got deleted!) - Alfons x Reader - @princess-pray-a
█ DAY 11, SEPTEMBER 6TH - A night too hot for sleeping
Ikemen Prince
A Night Too Hot for Sleeping - Chevalier x Reader - @xxsycamore
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
A Good Idea - Liam x Reader - @nightghoul381
█ DAY 12, SEPTEMBER 7TH - Riding the waves
Ikemen Prince
While At Sea - Silvio x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
█ DAY 13, SEPTEMBER 8TH - Forced to share a tent while camping
Ikemen Prince
Little Lies - Gilbert x Reader - @aquagirl1978
Pure Bliss - Rio x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
█ DAY 14, SEPTEMBER 9TH - Cooling off leads to discovering a new kink
Ikemen Prince
The Light of the Moon - Jin x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Villains
Ikemen Prince
The Drunken Disaster - Gilbert x Reader - @nightghoul381
Ikemen Vampire
Late August Night Tryst - Napoleon x Reader - @xxsycamore
Ikemen Villains
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theofficersacademy · 2 months
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When you agreed to come to this island two moons ago to help with its renovation, you didn't exactly expect this to be the outcome.
That's what's painted on a wooden archway at the dock when you disembark from your boat. With lumpy, irregular letters and dried drips of paint, it looks like it might have been painted by someone's kid. Maybe that rich guy you were working for has one? You really have no idea. Nevertheless, the church says it wouldn't hurt to entertain the client, but you get the feeling that testing the attractions you and your colleagues pitched in to build was a hidden part of the contract. Might as well get this over with. At least you won't have classes for a month, right?
Whether you've been here working for the last two months, or you're arriving for the first time, your HAPPYLAND ADVENTURE starts at this ramshackle pier, the sun and the glimmering sea at your back and a white, sandy shore separating you from the steamy, overgrown jungle up ahead. You've been allowed to pack like you're on vacation, so you haul your luggage (there are no attendants here, you lament) up to the welcoming archway.
"WELCOME TO HAPPYLAND!" a mechanical bird sitting on a perch next to the sign says over and over again. "RIGHT THIS WAY."
Rocks have been laid in the sand in the shape of arrows, you realize, so you and the rest of your bewildered allies follow them...
What’s Going On?
Welcome to Happyland, the fifth anniversary event for the Officers Academy! Please continue reading below for information and rules.
The event this year is vastly different than past years. While every muse who signed up has been assigned to a team, teams will NOT be assigned a mod to preside over them or be physically separated from other teams. Instead, muses can mix and mingle across the island however they like. Backstabbing and forming new allegiances are all allowed, but your team's score will be what matters in the end. Keep this in mind as your muse chooses where to spend their time each week.
Additionally, there will be a high level of elimination each week, beginning from the first week. Once eliminated, your muse will not be able to participate in event games and objectives for the rest of the month. You will still be able to interact within the setting in order to obtain the grand prize, but this will require you to be more proactive about your own participation.
The Affluence mission board will be extended through the end of this month, but no new missions will be added. If your muse is sitting out of the event or you find yourself with nothing to do, use this month to catch up on past threads or thread together about your classmates and colleagues who have left for the event.
Happyland General Rules
Signups are closed and will not be reopened.
Find a list of the teams and housing arrangements here.
You may only start Happyland threads between August 1st and August 31st. Event threads may be continued after the event, but no new ones may be started. Likewise, only IC posts made between 8/1 and 8/31 will count toward prizes.
While we still encourage you to make choices based on what your character would do, this focus of this event is on interacting with one another instead of exploration.
Outside of your muse's chosen objective, you may interact within your location for the week however and with whomever you like. However, your muse's chosen objective should be your priority. Please plan your load accordingly.
Please tag all event-related IC posts with #toahappyland2024.
Happyland Schedule
August 1st - 4th: Getting Situated
August 5th - 11th: Week 1
August 12th - 18th: Week 2
August 19th - 25th: Week 3
August 26th - 31st: Week 4
Instead of team threads this year, our event channels will be separated into locations. Your muse can only be at one location per week (with the exception of the first few days), and therefore can only interact with others who have chosen to go to that location. Interactions will be a mix of dash threads, asks, and chatplays, and we will allow chatplays that have been compiled into docs and word counted to count for thread masteries at the end of the month as long as your muse has contributed at least 400 words.
Prizes and How to Get Them
Two sets of prizes will be awarded for the Happyland event.
All muses entering the event automatically receive one of these prizes upon participating. You may message the masterlist as soon as you have made your first event post.
Canon Lord characters: You are granted access to your exclusive promotional class. This class will have mastery requirements of a Master Tier class and will also require rank A in Authority and a drabble. Please message the masterlist to claim it. To see muses that qualify and their corresponding prizes, please refer to the fourth page of this sheet. You will also be granted your Personal Skill. Please refer to the section below.
Characters who have not claimed a Personal Skill: You will be allowed to claim your Personal Skill. Please refer to this sheet for examples and guidance on crafting one for yourself. Characters who already have personal skills in their respective games will receive their canon skill, so you do not need to design one. If you need help designing your skill, please ask for advice in the personal skill workshop channel in the Discord server. All personal skills must be submitted to the masterlist’s inbox for final approval.
All others: If your character participated in past lore events and has already received all participation prizes that they are eligible for, you may claim an additional ability that you qualify for from the ranking chart.
If you prefer to hold off on choosing your participation prizes (i.e. waiting on skill points, etc.), you may do so until the grand prize claim period after the event. However, keep in mind that you may only feature any new abilities in threads after claiming them.
This will be awarded at the end of the event to any muse who reaches a minimum of 12 IC event posts. Contains:
One free skill point
Two choices from an event-limited selection of prizes
And a third prize — unknown for now
More information on that will come at the conclusion of the event, so for now, simply enjoy what Happyland has to offer!
And as always, feel free to message the masterlist or use the Discord if you have any questions.
- The House Leaders
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exactlycleverpirate · 8 months
Rafayel's Timeline Redux Part 3
Spoilers below.
See Part 1. Part 2. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
2024 (...probably (Rafayel literally says probably about his age in his interview…)) Rafayel born March 6th (Promotional video, in game profile)
2026-2027 MC born. (This age comes from chapter 5.1. The letter she gets from Grandma says she was 7-8 when they started experimenting on her, and she was adopted by Grandma after the Chronorift Catastrophe in 2034.)
?? Child Rafayel studied under a Lemurian art teacher. He showed him photos of the surface world, but Rafayel wanted to see the real thing. He was grounded, but later allowed out on his birthday. He used this opportunity to sneak away and swim to the surface where he dared to stick his hand above the water. (Unforgettable Adventure)
?? Child Rafayel likes escaping to explore the ocean. On one or more of these excursions, he sees a human floating lantern festival and puts out their lanterns. (Ocean At Night)
Rafayel would be 10 at this time. (If his birth year is correct.)
Deepspace Tunnel appears
Chronorift Catastrophe
MC (age 7-8) now has Protocore Syndrome in her heart, is adopted by Granny, and has little memory before this event.
On December 31st, Lemurian ruins are discovered, after a tsunami southeast of Linkon city, when a rift opens up and reveals it.
?? Child Rafayel is given a Whale Call as a means of protection, in case something happens on one of his escapes from Lemuria. However, he never uses it, because he never escapes again after this, and sometime later he buries it in the Lemurian city. (Whalefall Lament)
Sometime before 2038, MC goes on a field trip to Hat Island (possibly when she meets Rafayel?).
?? Pinkie Promise as children. (MS Chapter 7.11) At some point in MC and Rafayel's childhood, Rafayel visits the surface world but gets trapped on the beach on his return trip (on Ebb Day?) (Perhaps during her field trip to Hat Island?) (A summer day by the seaside involving seashells? (Anecdote 2)) She saves him, and they make a pinkie promise. Rafayel says if she doesn't return, he will chase her to the ends of the earth. (Nightly Stroll) (Most likely this life. See Rafayel's Birthday Card Thoughts.)
Rafayel: “It’s settled, then. If you don’t return, I’ll…I’ll chase you to the ends of the Earth.”
?? Lemurians Slaughtered. Some survivors go into hiding living on land among humans, including his Aunt Talia and K. (Anecdote 3) (See What Happened to Lemuria and Rafayel for a detailed breakdown of this. Most likely this life. See Rafayel's Birthday Card Thoughts.)
Rafayel's Anecdote 3 immediately precedes Anecdote 2 (See 2044-2047). 
Rafayel is an Opera singer in Verona going by the moniker “Mo”, hunting down and killing people, possibly as revenge for the destruction of Lemuria and slaughter of his people. 
He is being investigated by a private detective named Louis. 
He is not painting at this time. 
Rafayel's only living family on Earth is his Aunt Talia, also Lemurian. His Aunt Talia is also in Verona. Talia thinks Rafayel of the past was like a blazing flame. But ever since the incident in Lemuria, he is like a battered reef - cold and hard outside, but inwardly riddled with cracks, vulnerable, and on the verge of crumbling. She remembers he used to like painting. 
He also recently attended a Seamoon Ceremony for another Lemurian, K, who dies and is returned to the sea (after having his scales and blood taken). Lemurians are hiding amongst humanity, but being hunted, tortured, harvested for their scales and blood and killed. It is suggested that Rafayel is trying to accomplish something to save the Lemurians, saying, “Not every Lemurian survivor can wait.” It appears the longer he takes to accomplish his goal, the more of the Lemurians die in the meanwhile. 
Rafayel leaves Verona and moves to Linkon city. He has a picture of MC in his pocket, likely given to him by Louis, who gave Rafayel a new lead. Rafayel burns papers in a file before he disembarks the ship. He has a business card with relevant information. (Anecdote 3).
Sometime between 2043-2045 MC (17-18) begins attending University of Linkon. (School year usually begins in September.)
Continue to Part 4.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 3;
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Calista Jane 'CJ' Anne Hook, the 16 year old (at the time of d3) daughter of Captain James Hook. Younger sister of Harriet and Harry Hook. Possible half sister of Ginny Gothel and possible twin of Ally Riddell.
She's a sassy, sarcastic, vulgar, lone pirate with a sweet tooth and a rowboat.
She doesn't really have a crew unless you count Freddie Facilier, Ylza, and Zevon—who don't want to be pirates—and the two little Smee twins who have taken to following her around when Harriet and Sammy are busy.
She likes swinging around on a rope and pranks, and she sleeps in her rowboat between Yzma and Dr Facilier's houses because she doesn't get along with her dad, and because her friends' parents allow her to do so.
She's terrified of crocodiles because of the history between Tick-Tock and her dad but denies it when asked.
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Harriet Alice Hook, the 21 year old daughter of Captain James Hook. Older sister of Harry and Cj Hook.
Captain of the Queen's Fury and member of Diego's band—The Bad Apples.
She likes sword fighting, sailing, reading, playing cards, singing, dancing, sparring, and croc wrestling.
She is one of the most responsible people on the isle and is constantly taking kids in while keeping her friends and siblings out of trouble. She won her ship in a croc wrestling contest aganist a pirate captain.
She is dating Anthony Tremaine.
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Ginevra 'Ginny' Flower Gothel, the 21 year old daughter of Mother Gothel and Younger sister of Cassandra. Younger foster sister of Rapunzal. Possible half sister of the Hook siblings.
Member of Diego's band—The Bad Apples —and Harriet Hook's crew.
She feels resentful and a bit homicidal towards those of Auradon for how they threw them all away.
She likes daggers, crocodile wrestling, ransacking things, gossiping, potions making, and magic of any kind and she loves her friends more than anything. Even if she has a funny way of showing it sometimes.
She is dating Clay Clayton.
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Skipper and Sterling—Sqeauky and Squrimy— Smee, the 10 year old (by d3) sons of William Smee and First mate Mollie.
They love sword fighting, coloring, playing games, sailing, climbing on things, making origami sea animals and ships, playing with mud, playing with their pet fishes and dog (all named after pirates), and eating cake/ice cream/candy.
They're painfully shy and fearful of being separated. They also admire their older brother, even though he's short and scrawny.
They want to be the best pirates ever like the sea three, Harriet, Cj, and Sammy.
They live on the Jolly Roger with their dad and help out at the Hook inlet every so often.
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Samson 'Sammy' Smee, the 20 year old son of first mate Mollie and William Smee. He's Harriet's first mate and a terrible swordsmen but he's great at long range weapons.
He's also the peacemaker of the group (and the isle) and a bit of a messagener for the isle. He's the most educated and responsible of the group behind Harriet and Anthony. Plus he had a better temperment than Anthony and Harriet, which is why he is 2nd in command.
He babysits his little brothers often.
He is an inventor and causes a lot of accidents with them, but they are a wonder to the isle. His favorite weapon is a sling shot. He's also multilingual. He knows everyone's secrets and he is like a little brother/cousin to Harriet, who has made sure that everyone knows that he is off limits. No one messes with him.
They know it's a bad idea to. He is Harriet's favorite. He is seen as irreplaceable and he lets his little brothers help him with his inventions. He's also a sarcastic little crap. And he's shorter than average, which amuses everyone and earned him his nickname 'Little Sammy Smee'.
He is dating a Gaston the 3rd/Bronze.
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Cecaelia "Celia" Jacqueline Facilier, the 13 year old daughter of Dr Facilier and Ursula, and the younger sister of Freddie Facilier and Uma. Bestfriend of Dizzy Tremaine.
She was born on October 31st and is very good at voodoo and shadow magic.
She has a sweet tooth just like her sisters but also likes spicy food and sea food.
She has a pet frog named Bane, is great at card stacking, and loves mimicking, pranking, and conning people.
She's a student at Auradon Prep and a shop keeper at her dad's Arcade and Voodoo shop.
She doesn't remember her brother all that well since no one really talks about him and she wonders if he was ever really real at all.
Being around Hades reminds her that he was though, which is why she hangs out with him and runs errands for him to begin with.
She also switches shifts at her dad's shop and Arcade with her sister while also running errands from him.
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Frederique 'Freddie' Asherah Facilier, the 18 year old daughter of Dr Facilier and Urusla. Uma's twin. Cousin of Jonas and the sea witch. Older Full sister of Celia and Francis Facilier. Bestfriend of Yzla, Lil Yaz, Cj, and Zevon.
She's a voodoo queen with a sweet tooth haunted by the death of her younger brother, Francis.
She's a student at Auardon Prep and a shop keeper at her dad's Arcade and shop. She's also an unofficial pirate in Cj's extremely small crew and knows how to work Cj's rowboat.
She fits in well at Auardon Prep, despite her mischievous side and deeply held resentment of Auardon.
Her brother died of Malnutrition when he was 3. She still has his old Voodoo doll. These headcanons are inspired by @dragoneyes618 — Francis is also their oc—who came up with them and allowed me to use them.
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Anthony Francis Tremaine, the 21 year old son of Anastasia Tremaine and Jacob Lathyn. Grandson of Lady Tremaine and step nephew of Cinderella and Kit Charming, and step cousin of Chad Charming. Nephew of Drizella Tremaine and Hans Westergaard, and cousin of Drizella's seven daughters. Brother of Aaron, Anya, Amara, Colombe, Francis, Felix, and Elizabeth (last four are @idontliketomatoesleavemealone 's ocs).
He is apart of Harriet's crew and works at Curl up and Dye.
He likes baking, sparring (even if he's bad at it), reading, cooking, and photography.
He also has a cat named 'Lord.'
He is dating Harriet Hook.
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Drizella 'Dizzy' Sophia Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles, the 11 year old (by d3) daughter of Prince Hans Westergaard and Drizella Tremaine. Niece of Anastasia Tremaine. Granddaughter of Lady Tremaine. Cousin of Anthony Tremaine.
She likes making bracelets, listening to music, painting, bright colors, and sweets.
She is a very energetic and sweet young girl who loves her friends, her family, and pets very much even if they aren't the best to her at times.
She is single.
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Madeline 'Mad Maddy' Meraxes Mim, the 21 year old granddaughter of Madam Mim. She is apart of Harriet's crew and Diego's band, the Bad Apples.
She loves doll, going to the slop shop, collecting potion ingredients and spellbooks, all types of magic, parties, astrology, and exploring and has a soft spot for children, dolls, pigs, dragons, her friends, and chickens.
She has a pet chicken that breaths fire that she named 'Draco' and she's still really sensitive about what Mal did to her hair and her dolls. She's also willing to fight anyone who calls her 'Mad Maddy' whether it's to her face or not.
She and Rick Ratcliffe are dating.
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lucigoo · 9 months
WIP Tag Game
Ohh this is such a fun game, thank you for tagging me @sunnyrosewritesstuff, @hobbityalse, @loopyloo2610, @lordoftherazzles and @a-gay-cryptid. I appreciate you all so much ❤
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So, I have 53 Wips, all with completed words of different lengths so I will share 10. My "working" titles are odd and nothing like what the final one will be lol.
Are They Married?
Dwarrow hugs
Gollum's Song
King of Azkaban
Sea foam
Still Married
The 31st
Where's Frodo?
Let me know if you want a summary, a snippet or both?
Passing this on to (no pressure and sorry if youve already been tagged) @brandileigh2003, @brigwife, @tickles-ivory, @jayssafespace, @@multiimoments, @stars-of-a-wolf, @thorinsvirginity, @shantismurf, @conkers-theficwriter, @thorinoakenshieldds ❤❤❤
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ghostlycombee · 8 months
Hi, I'm Latula, or Bee, or... Just pick a girl name and I'll go with it. She/it. 19 but wow does my brain disagree with me on that.
Sometimes I'm not that at all and my brain decides to be a kid named Veevee. It's weird. My brain's messed up
Apparently, I'm stuck in one of my favourite games but... I can't remember what's going to happen.
Update: as of the 26th of March, I can go anywhere and any time, as Giratina's thanks for kicking Volo's ass. I'm also technically a noble pokemon???
I got turned into an eevee hybrid for some reason on the 11th of February.......... And then unwillingly a leafeon hybrid on the 12th of March................ And then willingly vaporeon on March 31st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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As of June 14, I have a bracelet that also let me appear as a full vaporeon, a full eevee, or a young eevee hybrid
....... I remember a lot more now. Not everything, but more.
I feel like I should say something about pelipper mail, but it hurts to think about...
My Team, I guess:
Soda the Alpha lopunny
Valjean the luxray
Pinky the west sea gastrodon
Desponia the vespiquen
Ness the sylveon
Dante the dusclops
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