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tolgagulen · 3 years ago
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Başlıyoruz... Yeni Eğitim, Öğretim yılı hepimize güzellikler getirsin... 🙏🏻🥰🎶🧿. #31082022 #Eğitim #Okul #SAJEV #ÖzelKüçükPrensLisesi (Sajev Özel Küçük Prens Lisesi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch6WUzaowNp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nootherlovegj · 3 years ago
Goodnight my honey wifey💤😪💤 Thank you for waiting for me and calling me today Even just few minutes talk it means a lots to me👩‍❤️‍👩 It’s been a long and exhausted day to you🥴 Please have good night’s sleep honey, see you later, I love you very very much🌻❤️💍💍❤️🐼🌈🥨🥗🍕🍻☕🥐🍦🍹🌭    
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The Morning Show (2019-)
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spl884 · 3 years ago
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Daily Visual
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ellayuki · 3 years ago
31082022 - BBC Merlin
a new chance at life (a millennia in the making)
It was morning when he woke up in a field of grass, stumbled onto a stone path, and nearly got himself run over by some infernal, horseless, carriage-like contraption. 
It was, by his (admittedly, somewhat dazed) count, just after noon when he grabbed an old man’s shoulder and was met with familiar blue eyes that immediately widened at seeing him.
Now, sitting in what seems to be the day room of a small, humble house, Arthur Pendragon looks out the window at the star-filled, blue-black sky, and wonders about everything he missed. Everything he lost. 
And the one, single, solitary thing that is still left to him, even now.
“It’s a lot to take in, I know,” Merlin says, coming in from the kitchen with a tray carrying tea and biscuits. He looks young again, is the only thing Arthur can think, looking at him as Merlin busies himself around the room. But there are so many more lines to his face now. “It’s been over a thousand years, so many things have changed.”
“You haven’t.” It seems to be the only comfort Arthur can cling to, the fact that, at least in looks and voice if nothing else, Merlin is still the same. He thinks if this one thing had been different, too, he wouldn't have been able to keep it together even as little as he does now. "You're still you."
Merlin looks at him and his lower lip trembles, ever so slightly. "I…" he starts, and then he swallows back the rest of that sentence. Arthur wants to know how it would have ended. Maybe he'll ask one day. Now, Merlin shakes his head, and a sad little smile stretches his lips. "You'd have been insufferable, had I changed. That's what you asked for, wasn't it? For me to always be me."
And it strikes Arthur then, like a bolt of pure lightning, exactly how much Merlin has always loved him, through thick and thin, through laughter and heartache and betrayal and despair and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. It leaves him breathless. It leaves him humbled. "I did say that, didn't I?"
Merlin nods. "You did."
Arthur breathes in, breathes out. 
His time as king is past. Camelot and Albion and Guinevere and everything tied to them is long since gone.
Only they remain.
So maybe it's time for something new.
"Thank you, Merlin."
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aricastmblr · 3 years ago
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Jin Weverse felicita a jungkook
hey jungkook, feliz cumpleaños si quieres escuchar más detalles/específicos llámame 
BTS_twt 31082022 Jhope felicito a Jungkook Happy birthday my bruhhh!!! Hope U best day everrrr��� -your hope- #HappyBirthdayJungkook #HAPPYJKDAY #정국_없이_못4니까_9년째_함께하는중
BTS_twt· video de jhope felicito a jungkook
💜💜 We love your groovyyyy 💜💜                                                                      #jungkookbirthday                                                                                                   #정국아태어나줘서고마워                                                                                       #누구보다_빠른_9월_남편_선점                                                                           Sorry for my fault in my # ...                                                                    #OurYouJungkook                                                                                                #정국이_곁이기에_감사해                                                                                    #정국도련님_만수무강_하시옵소서                                                                        #정국이도_무조건_행복해야해_앍겠지
Just happend lol .. 🤩😍🥰🤣😂😚🫠🐔🤪
uarmyhope instagramstories felicito a jungkook y le etiqueto
When we were young 
BTS_twt video V felicito a Jungkook
@-정국이 언젠가 한번 스파링하자 @-정국이 건강하구 행복한 한 해 보내자🥰🙋🏻‍♂️
BTS_twt Suga felicito a Jungkook
우리 막내 꾸기 생일 축하한다 행복한 하루 되렴 
#슈가형이야 #JUNGKOOKDAY #날씨좋네
Feliz cumpleaños a nuestra maknae, que tengas un feliz día 
#EsteesSugaHyung #JUNGKOOKDAY #El clima es agradable
rkive instagramstories felicito a jungkook.97 y le etiqueto
🐨 te deseo un feliz cumpleaños
idiota jungkook-ssi jungkook97
jimin weverse publico felicitando a jungkook
우리 동생 생일 축하했어요  
nuestro dongsaeng, te deseó un feliz cumpleaños  (feliz cumpleaños pero en tiempo pasado si eso tiene sentido)  
jimin weverse
막내 생일 축하해주는 호비형의 따스한 눈길  
la cálida mirada de hobi hyung que le desea un feliz cumpleaños a nuestro maknae  
comentario de jhope a jimin en weverse
< yo > parece que me estoy divirtiendo mucho, agradable ㄴ kekekekekeke ah nuestro guapo hyung kekekeke
publicaron al a misma hora un post
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liviaoktora · 3 years ago
Suatu nasihat mengatakan, "hiduplah hanya untuk hari ini".
Lalu, apakah yang terjadi kemarin tidak menjadi apa-apa, kemudian bagaimana dengan 'dulu pernah', sebuah hal yang lama. Terlalu lama sehingga menjadi pernah saja. Apakah yang pernah tersebut tidak akan menjadi hari ini, apalagi masa depan? Tidak menjadi bagian dari kemudian — kemungkinan?
Pesisir Barat, 31082022
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f-day · 2 years ago
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DAY #2617 - 31082022 - Stupid
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vanhaberleri · 2 years ago
Edremit işkur TYP isim listesi açıklandı
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İşkur TYP Edremit Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü bünyesinde alınacak personellerin isim listesi açıklandı. Toplum Yararına Çalıştırma programı kapsamında kura sonrası isim listesi için tıklayınız   https://edremit65.meb.gov.tr/www/iskur-asil-ve-yedek-listesi-31082022/icerik/800 Read the full article
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portfolioleticiasepulveda · 3 years ago
25 anos sem Diana: veja 7 teorias da conspiração sobre a tragédia que matou a princesa
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bibicuacham · 3 years ago
Hết 1 tháng nữa rồi . Nhanh ghê . Vậy là còn 4 tháng nữa là hết năm rồi .
Cố gắng tháng mới kiếm thật nhiều tiền để đi Hà Nội . Kkkk
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lenguadegatong · 3 years ago
thought #71. 31082022. 20:34.
i don’t really have anything to say but i wanted to write something about it for posterity. reflecting on how i view myself and my connection with others is one thing. but daaaaaaaaaaamn. that conversation was... i don’t know how to describe it.
he’s right though. it is an ego boost. could’ve boosted his ego too but well. i think we’re all aware of how much of a chicken i am. didn’t want to lie but it was awkward to say it. he has issues. i know that’s not something i want to pursue.
but what the fuck am i to do now that it feels like i swallowed a big bag of horny pills??? my libido is skyrocketing that it’s not even funny anymore. i guess that’s why people make wrong decisions when they’re horny. you want to put rational thinking and emotions aside just to chase that high.
i don’t know. it’s an interesting development, i guess.
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kupii · 3 years ago
hellow welcome back
long time ya,, masih gini gini aja, tpi lagi usaha buat nyelesain skripsi
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aricastmblr · 3 years ago
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bts_bighit twt  31082022
     /)/)                                                                                                                           ( . .)                                                                                                                           ( づ♡                                                                                                                 ┏ ♡♡♡  ┓                                                                                                         ┏  970901 ┓                                                                                                           ┏ 전정국생일 ┓                                                                                ┗━━━━♡━┛                                                                                                  #JungKook #전정국 #아기전하 #쩨케케이크
# 아기전하 = bebe su/su alteza 
# 쩨케케이크 = pastel jjaekae
en imagen-foto lado derecho
-la capa exterior de crema batida [desprende la] sensación de un bulto morado con joyas pegadas/incrustadas en él 
-para esto, solo la mermelada de arándanos
-[desprende la] sensación de joyas, arándanos
en imagen-foto lado izquierdo
-púrpura claro 
-azul cielo claro 
-púrpura claro
-[desprende la] sensación de una combinación de púrpura claro y azul cielo claro 
en imagen-foto abajo 
-< en ing > siempre gracias al amor más grande, ARMY
Fotos polaroid - Bts Global Official Fanclub 
Septiembre 1, 1997 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘒𝘰𝘰𝘬
2022.09.01 (dibujo de pastel JK)
para ARMY
¡Un mensaje de cumpleaños y una selfie de JUNG KOOK!
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kakikecik · 3 years ago
Sebaknya hati ini hanya Allah aje yg tahu...
Mana aku nak lari kalau perasaan aku tak ada yg nak jage...
Kecewa sangat...
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lithium-battery-service · 3 years ago
Herstellung von Lithium-Ionen Zellen Virtuelles Seminar - 31.8-1.9. 2022
Shmuel De-Leon Energy. Ltd 31. August, 2022: Batterie-Grundlagen, wiederaufladbare Batterien, Lithium-Ionen Zellen Design und Herstellung (Grundlagen) 1. September 2022: Univercell (Deutschland) Lithium-Ionen Zellen Design und Herstellung (Fortgeschrittene), Solith (Italien) - Automatisierung der Herstellung von Lithium-Ionen Zellen (Automatisierung der Prototypen- und Massenproduktion), Keysight-Präsentation über Lithium-Ionen Zellen Formentwicklung. Inhalte des Seminars:
    •    Batterie Grundlagen - Referent; Shmuel De-Leon    •    Wiederaufladbare Batterien - Referent; Shmuel De-Leon    •    Design und Herstellung von wiederaufladbaren Lithium-Ionen Zellen (Grundlagen) - Referent; Shmuel De-Leon    •    Univercell (Deutschland) - Herstellung von Lithium-Ionen Zellen - Referent: Herr Stefan Permien    •    Solith (Italien) - Solith Pilot- und Massenproduktionsanlagen für die Montage von 
Lithium-Ionen Zellen 
Referent: Herr Yves Doessant    •    Keysight (USA) - Lithium-Ionen Zellen Formentwicklung - Referent: Herr Bob Zollo Das Seminar findet auf Englisch statt. Lesen Sie hier mehr über das Seminar, Anmeldung und das Programm: https://www.sdle.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Li-Ion-Cells-Manufacturing-Seminar-31082022-Virtual-Ver-2.pdf Wir stehen Ihnen mit unseren Checklisten und unserem Fachwissen zur Seite, wenn Sie Gefahrguttransporte mit Lithiumzellen oder Lithiumbatterien haben, die nach ADR, IMDG-Code und ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR durchgeführt werden müssen. Wir von LITHIUM BATTERY SERVICE haben uns auf Lithiumzellen und Lithiumbatterien spezialisiert und können Ihnen die richtigen Checklisten für alle Straßen-, See- und Lufttransporte weltweit zur Verfügung stellen. Denn wenn Sie Lithium-Zellen und -Batterien transportieren oder verschicken müssen, gibt es in den Transportvorschriften Regeln zu beachten. 
Jede Lithium-Zelle und jede Lithium-Batterie, ob klein oder groß, muss nach dem in den Transportvorschriften beschriebenen Qualitätsmanagementprogramm hergestellt werden, auch Prototypen.
 Was dieses Qualitätssicherungsprogramm beinhaltet, finden Sie hier: https://www.lithium-batterie-service.de/de/qualitaetsmanagement-programm Jede Lithium-Zelle oder Lithium-Batterie, die kein Prototyp oder eine Kleinserie von bis zu 100 Stück ist, muss die UN-Testreihe 38.3 erfolgreich durchlaufen haben. Die UN-Testreihe 38.3 umfasst folgendes: https://www.lithium-batterie-service.de/de/un-38.3-test-reihe
Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihren Transport sicher auf die Straße, in die Luft oder auf See zu schicken. 

Wenn Sie große oder kleine Lithiumbatterien versenden oder entsorgen müssen, bieten wir Ihnen Checklistenartikel für Ihren Transport nach ADR, IMDG-Code und ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR inklusive Quellen.
 So können Sie prüfen, welche Vorschriften zu beachten sind, wie Sie richtig verpacken, kennzeichnen und dokumentieren.

 Sie erhalten Muster und ausfüllbare Dateien für alle notwendigen vorbereiteten Transportdokumente für Ihren Transportfall (z.B. Transportdokument nach ADR, IMO-Erklärung, Versendererklärung).

 Den entsprechenden Checklisten-Artikel finden Sie in unserem Portal unter "Checkliste finden und kaufen". https://www.lithium-batterie-service.de/de/checklist?tab=1 Und folgende technische Anforderungen müssen alle „großen“ Lithium-Batterien erfüllen:
 - Jede Lithium-Ionen-Batterie muss eine Sicherheitsentlüftungsvorrichtung haben oder so ausgelegt sein, dass ein gewaltsames Bersten     unter normalen Beförderungsbedingungen ausgeschlossen ist.

 - Jede Lithium-Ionen-Batterie muss mit einem wirksamen Mittel gegen äußere Kurzschlüsse ausgerüstet sein.

 - Jede Lithium-Ionen-Batterie, die parallel geschaltete Zellen oder Reihen von Zellen enthält, muss mit einem wirksamen Mittel (z.B.   Dioden, Sicherungen) ausgestattet sein, um gefährliche Umkehrströme zu verhindern. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie alle notwendigen logistischen Informationen vom Hersteller oder Lieferanten erhalten, haben wir ein Formular für Lieferantenanfragen erstellt.
Seit dem 01.01.2020 muss z.B. eine UN 38.3 Testzusammenfassung vom Hersteller und jedem nachfolgenden Lieferanten auf Anfrage zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
 Wir haben alle erforderlichen Angaben der UN 38.3 Testzusammenfassung in unser Formular zur Lieferantenabfrage aufgenommen.
 Unser Formular hilft Ihnen, alle notwendigen Informationen für die Logistik zu erhalten. 
Sie finden es hier: https://www.lithium-batterie-service.de/de/downloads-gast Und natürlich können Sie bei Lithium Battery Service auch Seminare zum Versand von Lithium-Zellen und Lithium-Batterien besuchen: https://www.lithium-batterie-service.de/de/weiterbildung/
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Li-Ion Cells Manufacturing Virtual Seminar - 31/8-1/9/2022
Shmuel De-Leon Energy. Ltd presents a new Seminar 31 August, 2022: Battery Essentials, Rechargeable Batteries, Li-Ion Cells design and manufacturing (Basics) 1 September, 2022: Univercell (Germany) Li-Ion Cells design and manufacturing (Advanced), Solith (Italy) – Li-Ion cells manufacturing automation (Prototype and mass production automation), Keysight presentation on li-ion cells forming. Topics oft the seminar: Battery Essentials – Speaker; Shmuel De-Leon Rechargeable Batteries – Speaker; Shmuel De-Leon Li-Ion Rechargeable cells design and manufacturing (Basic) – Speaker; Shmuel De-Leon Univercell (Germany) – Li-Ion Cells Manufacturing – Speaker: Mr. Stefan Permien Solith (Italy) – Solith Pilot and Mass Production Equipment for Li-Ion Cell Assembly – Speaker: Mr. Yves Doessant Keysight (USA) – Li-Ion Cells Forming – Speaker: Mr. Bob Zollo Read more about the seminar und the program here: https://www.sdle.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Li-Ion-Cells-Manufacturing-Seminar-31082022-Virtual-Ver-2.pdf We are at your side with our checklists and consulting knowledge if you have dangerous goods transports with lithium cells or lithium batteries which have to be carried out according to ADR, IMDG-Code and ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR. At LITHIUM BATTERY SERVICE, we specialize in lithium cells and lithium batteries and can provide you with the right checklist items for all road, sea and air transport cases worldwide. Because if you need to transport or ship lithium cells and batteries, there are rules to be observed in the transport regulations. 
 Every lithium cell and every lithium battery small and large ones must be manufactured according to the quality management program described in the transport regulations, including prototypes.
 What this quality management program includes, you can find here:

Every lithium cell or lithium battery, that is no longer a prototype or a small series of up to 100 pieced, must have been successfully passed the UN test series 38.3. The UN test series 38.3 includes the following:

We help you to send your transport case safely on the road, in the air or at sea. Or to dispose.

 If you have to ship or dispose large or small lithium batteries, we offer checklist articles for your transport case according to ADR, IMDG-Code and ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR including references.
 So you can check, which regulations have to be observed, how you pack, label and document correctly.

 You receive samples and fillable files for all necessary prepared transport documents for your transport case (e.g. transport document according to ADR, IMO declaration, shipper's declaration).

 You can find the relevant checklist article in our portal under "Find and buy checklists".
And the following technical requirements have also to be fulfilled by prototypes of large lithium ion batteries:

  Each lithium ion battery incorporates a safety venting device or is designed to preclude a violent rupture under normal safety conditions.
   Each lithium ion battery is equipped with an effective means of preventing external short circuits.
  Each lithium ion battery containing cells or series of cells connected in parallel must be equipped with effective means as necessary to   prevent dangerous reverse current flow (e.g. diodes, fuses etc.).

To ensure that you receive all the necessary logistics information from the manufacturer or supplier, we have created a Supplier Inquiry Form.
Since 01.01.2020, for example, a UN 38.3 Test Summary needs to be provided by the manufacturer and any subsequent supplier on request.
 We have included all required details of the UN 38.3 Test Summary in our Supplier Inquiry Form.
 Our supplier inquiry form helps you to get all necessary information for logistics. 
 You´ll find it here:
And, of course, you can take seminars, how to ship lithium cells and lithium batteries at Lithium Battery Service. 
At the moment we are working on “Knowledge on demand” for the different topics. Once we´ve completed it, we´ll inform you via newsletter and blog.

 But we offer you Online-Seminar Recordings:

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