nightseeye · 9 months
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Silly rocket riding practice thing i did
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last time i was on a hiking trip i wasn't in great shape for it, and i struggled but i DID make it up a 1500ft mountain (with the help of my dog pulling on his leash) and now two years later i'm in better shape, i've been going on regular hikes and runs and bike rides, i've gotten back into weightlifting, and you know what? i think i could do that 1500ft mountain again and it would be much more enjoyable!
anyway i'm not doing that. i'm doing a 3100ft mountain instead. without my dog pulling me up the whole way. i'm gonna die :)
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nearly succumbed to the terror of the huge peak black and huge today but i pulled through in time to take silly photos on the summit trig point thankfully
blá bheinn, isle of skye, 11.04.2023
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Problems with being Californian is that I keep forgetting "dude" and "guy" are masculine terms bc i use them for literally anyone and anything.
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cornsobsessions · 1 year
going backpacking this weekend but i haven’t gone on any big hikes so far this summer so i’ve been trying to run once a week, and yesterday i decided to do a big run after not running for a week or two and now my legs are So Sore
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venusianphase · 10 months
Did the biggest elevation change climb I've ever done and boy are my arms tired
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i need this as an enormous poster
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wolverinepng · 2 years
at 9 am this morning it was 45 degrees, then it lowered to 39 at noon, and now its 33 degrees. wtf is happening lol
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mutant-distraction · 1 year
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Giuseppe Pezzoni ll
Supermoon from Toroweap Overlook, at 910m (3000ft) above the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA
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Train fact: the longest* train ever
like all things to do with railways, you can get pretty granular and pedantic with this one, so this is likely to also be the longest post ever. Sorry, but actual facts (and pretty pictures) under the cut!
The longest passenger train in regular service is Australia's 'Ghan, a luxury tourist train that runs between Adelaide and Darwin, and averages 774 m/2,539ft in length. that's twice as long as the Empire State building is tall.
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The reason I say "in regular service" is because the longest passenger train EVER was run by the Rhaetian Railway in Switzerland, to celebrate 175 years of Swiss railways, and that was more than twice that long at 1,910m/6266.4ft. Almost an entire Kentucky Derby worth of train! It had to go incredibly slowly, maxing out at 35km/h, to avoid overloading the electric systems of the railway and local power grids.
[Video desc: a youtube video from CBS news of the recordbreaking passenger train. The train is made up of several red electric trains coupled together, and moves through alpine landscapes of mountainds and coniferous forest. It is so long that it is visible only in coils, like a snake. Some shots show the train leaving one tunnel while entering another, or driving under a viaduct while the tail end crosses it, and several shots show people watching and taking photographs.]
But, the thing with passenger trains is that they have a lot of rules and regulations applied to them that freight doesn't have to follow. So freight trains get HYUGE.
The average American freight train (I consider the USA to be freight trains' natural habitat because there is a whole bunch of wide open space for for them to crawl around) is 5400 feet long, and the standard in Europe is around 3000ft. That's a 10-20 minute walk at average adult walking speed, just to go from end to end. You know when you stop at a level crossing, and a train goes by, and it seems like it's going by forever? That was probably one of these.
But the average frieght train is peanuts to mining trains. Trains came from the mines, and they still dominate there. The biggest trains in the world are consists of ore and coal, run by tiny crews from extraction point to export. This has always been true.
For example, the Datong–Qinhuangdao railway in China runs coal trains daily that are 2.614 km/8576 ft long. That's more than 1.5 miles, or three times as long as the burj khalifa is tall. And that's the standard for that line.
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But that doesn't break any records.
The longest production train, running regularly, is the Sishen–Saldanha railway line's maganese/iron ore train. These trains are four kilometers long. 4,000 meters, almost half the height of the highest peak on earth, in wagons full of metals. Too long to be seen in a single photograph- the one below was stitched together from four separate pictures, taken from the air:
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and that's still not the record!
The record for longest frieght train is held by BHP, an Australian mining company. It was made for the record, but the capacity is still there. This train ran on june 21st 2011, and was 682 wagons long, over seven kilometers. Almost twice the length of the Sishen–Saldanha's, and a quarter the height of Olympus mons. If you stood this train on its end, it would be taller than Mt Denali. If you started at the front of the lead locomotive, and ran as fast as you physically could, you wouldn't reach the last wagon for an hour.
There are entire branch lines shorter than this train.
Unfortunately, there are no good photos, because nobody in space had time for railfanning that day, but there are plenty of pictures of other BHP trains!
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beemovieerotica · 4 months
tumblr user beemovie erotica me and a few friends figured out how to get my aarakocra(a bird humanoid) with a swimming speed of 120ft to have over 3000ft of movement from rings of swimming, the dm let us use them as if they added 40ft to a characters movement and we all agreed that since the race description says the wings have little thumb like things and the feet can be used as hands thats right 30 rings of swimming means 1200 feet of movement from the rings alone giving me a total of 1320ft of swimming movement, then if i dash that doubles it and if i take 2 lvls into rogue i can double it again but if i get haste casted onto me that puts me at 2640ft which can be doubled 3 times in a row because haste gives you an extra action
INCREDIBLE... @animentality can you send this to our DM
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ask-tadc-infection-au · 5 months
Okay, I’m rebooting this AU a bit.. because nothing right now makes sense.
Kinger: Kinger is still as cowardly as he’s always been, he’s just forced into a brave and fearless role because Caine doesn’t have his powers, and bubbles just… Bubble. Kinger has no clue what’s happening, or how it happened, and he fears that him zoning out is the cause for that. This is the longest he’s ever been lucid, caine would celebrate if it weren’t a life or death situation. Kinger wants to find shelter above all else, mainly because he wants to have a panic attack in piece. Also, Kinger has no clue how to work a shotgun. He has vision loss due to his cracked eye, he isn’t half-blind, just a bit blurry on one eye.
Caine: He’s on the verge of having a panic attack himself. He’s scared (albeit, he’s never been scared before, being essentially God makes you feel safe). He just want’s everything to go back to normal, but he’s slowly losing hope. His rapidly declining hope scares him more then any infected Jax could do, he’s never felt this hopeless before. Covered in bandages, and unable to walk ten steps without chronic pain if you take away his cane, his missing eye is the main show. Abel dropped him from essentially 3000ft in the air AND bit him on the eye, the one that’s now gone with an X where it used to be. His code has been scrambled due to the attack and the fall, breaking apart his code and/or corrupting the most important parts. Only leaving him with the confetti_spawner as he gets hurt for the first time in his existence.
Bubble: still Bubble, but way more protective of Caine. Basically like a guard dog now.
Caine’s scrambled code: It isn’t ‘hallucinations’ in the usual sense, it’s just his code desperately trying to compensate for the missing eye. And the fact that his code is scrambled doesn’t help. The fact that he was beaten half-to-death and dropped from high up scrambled his code (brain damage in the human sense, not exactly, but a good example). Visual and auditory hallucinations is just his code trying to make up for lost senses, and his panic about everything going on only makes the visual hallucinations more… terrifying. Well, seeing things that aren’t there is pretty terrifying by itself.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Prompts for November 19th. @avaritia-apotheosis
My Masterlist of DP/DC Prompts.
Families Found:
The Waynes have gone missing. The Police (The good ones anyways) have been working tirelessly on the case and not a single trace of evidence has been found. It’s like they were just walking around and living their lives like normal one second and then gone the next. Tim was typing on his computer one moment, and then free falling into… whatever this place is. Looking around there is nothing in sight. Where the fuck is he. Jason was fixing his motorcycle in his garage when his motorcycle and himself got thrown into this swirling green hell of a dimension. Sucks that he’s alone but at least his bike works here. The rest of the Bats follow suit. Each one getting dropped into the GZ with no rhyme or reason. With no way to communicate and trying to survive in a realm they know nothing about, how do they find each other again?
(Figurative approach) Billy Batson never knew who his dad was. No name, no photo, no nothing. Whoever his dad was, he was pretty sure of two things about him: His dad didn’t want him and he wasn’t human. Billy noticed he could do things most boys couldn't. His electric core thrumming and keeping him warm on days so cold that the average person should have frozen to death. His teeth were far too sharp and he could tear through even the toughest materials with them. Sure his dad was a nobody, but his heritage DID have its uses. — Billy walks around Fawcett city, age 15, when he stops dead in his tracks. Standing in front of him, was a man that looked almost identically like Shazam. The man was frozen in position as well. The man blinked. He rubbed his eyes, and then he did something that Billy didn’t expect in the slightest. The man chirped. It was hopeful, full of longing, and absolutely oozing with awe and affection. The crackling ball of electricity in Billy’s chest seemed to resonate at a frequency that he never felt before but it felt right as a sound akin to the Shazam look-alike made its way out of his mouth. Billy couldn’t believe it. His dad was right in front of him. And his dad didn’t despise him. He wanted him to come home.
Wulf teaches Danny how to open portals. It does not go to plan:
Danny and Wulf fall directly in front of a bunch of League of Shadows members who are “training” (i.e. beating the shit out of) Jason. Wulf and Danny see red.
You ever create a portal 3000ft off the ground and you get too scared to Go Ghost? Yeah definitely hasn’t happened to Danny ever. Not a single time. Yeah he certainly wouldn’t oppose a local hero coming to catch him right now.
Families Found & Wulf teaches Danny how to open portals. It does not go to plan:
Hear me out. Werewolf!Jazz is trying to learn how to open portals alongside Danny and all of them portal directly in the middle of a massive gang bust the Bats are doing. 
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littlest-foxx · 13 days
Hey you! How’d the hike go?? Did you have fun? See some spectacular sights? Did lil Fawn make the journey with you? We wanna know! 💜🐾
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so sweet of you to remember my hike post <3
it was SO HARD like i knew we prob wouldnt make it the whole way but holy shit. we got half way and had to turn back lol
the whole hike is 6/8hrs, 3000ft incline and it felt like going up a stair stepper my thighs were like uhm hello bitch whatre we doing here 😂😭 but now im fixated on climbing this mountain so ill get there eventually !!!
Fawn however was having a Blast and then slept for like 24hrs straight hahaha
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Un hectare de chanvre produit 25 % d'oxygène en plus qu'un hectare de forêt et garantit un apport en cellulose environ deux fois plus élevé. Il pousse en 6 mois, tandis qu'une forêt pousse pendant des décennies avant d'être récoltée. En fabriquant du papier de chanvre, nous pourrions sauver des millions d’hectares de forêt chaque année. Il peut être utilisé dans la production textile, la construction et même comme biocarburant.
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3000ft of hemp produces 25% more oxygen than a hectare of forest and guarantees a supply of cellulose approximately twice as high. It grows in 6 months, while a forest grows for decades before being harvested. By making hemp paper, we could save millions of hectares of forest every year. It can be used in textile production, construction and even as a biofuel.
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briguysblog · 11 months
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Flash em Friday at 3000ft
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