#30+ inch wigs
luvnoirs · 7 months
Hiiii this is the anon that requested the KK headcanons 🤎🤎
Literally perfect omgg thank youu
*going off the hair one* I bet you five bucks and some fries that KK has definitely worn her gf's wigs (if she wears them) for shits and giggles. If her gf doesn't wear wigs, then KK is definitely playing in her hair products, to the point where her girl gotta lock her shit up for her own peace 😭
she's so sneaky with it like, "guys, i did my edges today. how do they look?"
and you're always getting on her about using your hair products (cause they're expensive asf for no reason) but you lowkey think it's cute. she offers to buy you some more anyways.
and if you wear wigs she she definitely begs you to install one on her too just out of curiosity. she'll be walking around with a 30 inch buss down with a dumbass smile on her face.
she'd love watching you do your wigs in general tho. like going off of my one hc with the hair tutorial, she'd be asking you a bunch of questions or offering to help you flat iron in places you couldn't reach by yourself :p
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visenyaism · 3 months
Am i the only one who finds it refreshing that this week’s worst wig award goes to a stark man for once?
what was going on there cause unlike the targaryen bleach blond 30 inch middle part half up half down look brown hair can actually grow from peoples heads and it doesn’t have to look like that or be a bad wig
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Found the inbox, i think😅 could you please make a shortstory with aegon/tom the actor? Where yn is a co actress playing a servant/love interest for aegon, and they are supposed to kinda film a feisty makeout scene (on aegons bed🙄) . Anyway it’s kinda awkward so ofc Tom is gonna be a crackhead and try make yn laugh as well as being fliirtyyy (and dirtyminded). That’s it that’s all I’ve got. If this made some sense at all and you would be so kind to use your time and talent on this, I will be blushing and screaming for a week!!
A Total Babe
Tom Glynn-Carney x Actress!Reader
Summary: Aegon is yucky but Tom is baby (confirmed.)
Word Count: >800
Warnings: fem!reader, tom being super cutie and annoying T_T, set shenanigans, i have never actually been on set so im making stuff up as I go, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: hello lovie im giving you an express pass (even though its not as express but trust me it's express lololol) because youre new here and im sure youre super panicked that i havent replied yet lol i btw combined your req with another one (i actually thought you were the anon that sent that) because they're quite similar. btw nonnie, i didn;t want to redo the matt smith fic, so i changed it up a bit <3 i hope you both like it <3 Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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"Cut!" the director calls.
Tom, who was hovering atop me from the bed we were laid upon, pulls back, pressings his lips into a line, and rolls off, landing on his back.
I, who had been making out him for about 30 minutes, prop myself up on my elbows and eventually sit up. I suck in a breath, willing the haze that comes in the aftermath of kissing. I catch sight of the incoming stylists, ready to retouch our makeup and readjust our wardrobe.
I straighten up as the makeup artist redoes my foundation with her brush. I turn to the artist that goes up to Tom and I point a bit worriedly, "I think I accidentally messed with his wig."
Tom, who's stylist immediately check on his platinum hairpiece, turns to me, chuckle, "her fingers were two inches away from snatching it off."
They all laugh at his sentiment. I, in particular, snort and frown playfully, "fake news. You're such a drama enticer."
"What?" Tom chuckles, "I'm not kink shaming," he raises his hands, "but you can't just snatch my wig, baby."
I scoff, rolling my eyes, holding back my grin. I turn to the the stylists, absolutely humored and enamored by Tom's English drawl and smooth talking, "he's such a dweeb."
Tom pulls his upper lip up in faux annoyance, "I'm offended you think so little of me."
Once our makeup was retouched and ready, Tom and I go back to our spots on the other side of the set. He extends a hand out to help me up, although I didn't need it, and I take his hand, allowing him to lead us back to our marks. Totally normal. Totally no butterflies in my stomach.
Tom and I face each other, waiting for our queue. We absentmindedly look around the set. There are distant voices of crew members conversing behind the camera.
It turn to Tom when he pushes back hair behind my ear.
I give him a look and he gives me a narrow eyed smirk, as if nonverbally saying he did that just to mess with me. I ignore him and the tightening of my chest.
The next moment, the intimacy coordinator walks up to us with the director, the latter of the two says, "great shot guys, but I'm thinking wilder."
"Are we ok with that?" the intimacy coordinator asks, looking between us as she raises a thumb up with her questioning gaze.
Tom and I turn to each other, nodding softly as we purse our lips and mutter agreements.
"Ok," the director points, motioning over to the bed, "I think in this part, where you push up her skirt, you have to make sure the camera can see your hand on her thigh, Aegon."
Aegon's actor nods as we walk over to bed.
"Should we practice it?" I apprehensively offer.
"We can," Tom says, turning between the three of us, raising his hand out to me. I grab his hand and place it on my hip, hiking my skirt, placing up the bunched up fabric in Tom's hand. Much like a while ago, I place my hands on Tom's shoulders, leaning back a bit. His hand goes to my waist, and I huff, ignoring the washing machine turns in my stomach.
"Are we good?" the intimacy coordinator asks again, coming near us, placing a hand on our shoulders. Both Tom and I turn to her and agree. She smiles and nods, stepping back, "okie dokie.
The director steps forward, adjusting our form, turning over her shoulder, "how are we looking?"
One of the assistants calls, "looking hot!"
"Nice," the director grins, turning back to us. She turns to me, "you're good with whining out his name?"
"Tom?" I catch myself, "I- I mean-" but it's too late.
Tom, the director, the intimacy coordinator, and everyone else who catches my questioning tone, breaks into a giggle.
I bare my teeth in a tight grin, straightening myself up, pulling my hands away from Tom, "I meant Aegon," I weakly say.
Tom chortles, loosening his grip on me as he looks off to the camera, "for the record, she did not."
The director chuckles, slapping Tom's shoulder playfully as she turns to me, correcting, "Aegon!"
"Aegon," I nod my head.
"Aegon," Tom grins, as he says my character's name sequentially.
I roll my eyes at him, "yes but Aegon keeps forgetting her name."
"Fine," Tom says, continuing with my name as he throws a lopsided smile.
"Enough," our director, chastised lightly tapping Tom's nose, "if you two screw this up I'm making you do 600 push ups."
Tom gasps, pulling his hands away from me altogether, to hover his them by either side of his cheeks, "not corporal punishment."
I cross my arms, scoffing in amusement, turning to the director, "please actually make him do 600 pushups if he messes up."
Tom laughs loudly, "aha," he tilts his head, "and what should I do to you for calling out my name on," he raises his two fingers and wiggles them " 'accident', sweetheart?"
"Quit being annoying," I raise my brows at him, pursing my lips.
"That means you find me distracting," he retorts victoriously, wiggling his eyebrows next.
"Alright," the director raises her hands in front of both our faces, "that's enough flirting. On your marks."
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squeakadeeks · 1 year
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How I made my glowing stardust cookie wig with translucent spray paint and button battery LEDs
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I started with a pure white arda wigs jaguar that was already fully styled since you will need all the shapes to be set before adding color. To style it, I did the classic "heat the fibers upside down, tease via backcombing, brush them out, heat and tease again, brush out...again" method that is formally outlined in my karna tutorial. You dont have to have your shapes perfectly locked in before adding in color since you will be brushing it out once more, but you will need all of your teasing and heat training to be done before adding color.
Stardust Cookie's wig involves leaving the bangs pure white and the back sections blue. There are a million ways to do this (start with a blue wig and add a white bang front, airbrush color, dye wefts and sew them together, etc) but the method that was the most economical for me involved using krylon translucent spray paint. I know using spray paint on a wig sounds scary and i would not use an enamel or fully opaque spray paint on a wig, but the krylon translucent spray paint is shockingly soft, flexible, and goes on in light coats.
To keep the bangs white, I pinned down some cling wrap all around the bangs and made sure the line was snug. at this point I very gingerly began applying spray paint to the back sections of the wig. I did this in very light coats at a distance of about 18 inches from the wig. Honestly right after spraying, the fibers were still soft and the coverage was as good as i was expecting to get, but i did take a hog bristle brush and thoroughly combed out the fibers after this stage. This helps break up any strings and more evenly distributed the color.
This method works well if you want a soft color that does not need to be perfectly uniform. And I knew since I was adding lights below, that the color coverage itself didn't matter a whole lot, so long as it was translucent, didn't have any major streaks or clumps, and light could get out smoothly.
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To add lights to the wig, there are 4 button-battery 30-LED fairy light packs glued into the underside netting of the wig. Always be sure to check if your LED wires can withstand hot glue heat before application (but most standard LED packs can withstand a low heat setting.) I did not have any problems with the heat of the wig + my body heat causing problems with the LEDs after being worn for several hours. These lights provide a diffuse, background glow throughout the wig and can be seen through the blue color. the below image of the wig only has lights underneath the netting (only one pack on for that image).
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To light up the upper parts of the wig, there is one pack of LEDs threaded through the teased, textured bases of the spikes. Because these lights are on top of the netting and going through the textured sections, they scatter off of the teased hair and provide illumination to the higher parts of the wig. below is an image of the wig with only the single "top" lights lit.
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and that's how I made this wig! Other than that the rhinestones and other accessories were just glued on w/ hot glue. This wig looks nice in person and on camera and is stable. Granted its a little uncomfortable since you can feel the wires and the battery packs ngl but i've certainly worn worse. You can use hairspray on top of the translucent spray paint in small amounts, but in general i would proceed with caution since if nothing else, it may make the fibers look particularly stringy (which is why i highly recommend heat-set styles for this application over hairspray-set ones)
Believe me you can go pretty far with a "let me just slap some LEDs in there with a bit of glue" attitude when it comes to adding lights to stuff.
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britcision · 1 year
Alright I’m still alive a day later so LOOK! First pass of Taaco from TV! Everything but the hat and the cape came from the closet and the shorts say IDGAF on the butt but the cape covers them 😔
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My first magic trick of the day was taking off the bra I wore to drive down without taking off the corset or shirt
My second trick was applying kinesiology tape to bind the tiddies down again, without taking off the corset or shirt
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Success rates??? Not great, I’ll grant you, but I got a couple inches off and they stayed in place with no bouncing even when I ran for the 5 hours of con! So still better than the bra
(You are not supposed to tape the tiddies for more than 4 hours the first couple times you do it apparently and this was attempt 2 so even that was pushing it, especially in 30 degree heat. I go hard or go home)
These boots also have the highest incline from toe-to-heel that I’ve worn to a con, since all my taller shoes are platforms and reasonably flat which makes them super easy to run in
Only had one minor spill while chasing down a t-rex but those photos are all on the camera so they’ll live on Insta when the time comes
The ding dang bracer that closed fine at home on two magnets decided if I was gonna move my hands it now needs 3 to keep it in place, so I’m fixing that today
The criminal in question:
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Aaaand the purple and blue pouch I sewed at the con while waiting for passes, so I think I really had a very Adventure Zone day all around
The hat? The hat crushed it, 0 problems except one attempt to take flight on our way back to the car, which I caught by the curtain wire sooooo I gotta tighten the attachments on that before I put the curtain on cuz it pulled a lil bit
Worked like a charm though, held it above my head for the dealer’s room, weighed nothing (comparatively, hence taking flight), and for the first time in 4 years I spent most of a day outside without getting sun sick
For the first time I did need to bobby pin this wig, which I shoulda seen coming given the hat. It did also keep trying to eat my ears, the pin, my earrings, and anything else that came near my head though so she may also be getting rowdy
The cape jingled merrily all day so even if I was a lil slowed down no one had to worry about losing me! 😁 all in all………. Them boots ain’t coming to Yeticon I would PERISH on the hills, but I have a couple possible substitutes
I’m hoping to have the curtain on by then though! Soooo depending on some imminent updates, we’ll see if the hat comes to con again 👀
We also watched a truck hit a soccer mom ass van and crack the damn windshield in half literally right in front of us rather than wait for the van to move over another foot so it could get through, because some genius decided that if he had to get to the back of the con at 5pm on Sunday through THE MAIN PARKING LOT he didn’t have to show up early or anything
To arrive on time. At the end of the con. On the last day.
You could barely swipe a credit card between their bumpers with how close he was tailgating the van, and then when staff came to direct an opening to slide the truck down the middle he couldn’t wait 5 more minutes for the car to actually get out of the way, sooooooo hope he liked the extra 2 hours and insurance calls
Lucky for us, we could get out of the parking lot the other way and I warned everyone in line behind him that they’d had a crash blocking that lane so they’d have a chance to turn around
I’m never parking back there again I’ll eat the $15-$20 to park at the hotel across the street for Sunday and anyone wanting a ride home with me can chip in
We actually did alright though, only took us one hour to clear the parking lot, despite lots of assholes and some poor indecisive souls who all seemed to think indicating was a polite request, not a declaration of intent
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october-nightt · 1 year
spoiled (x black reader)
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warnings: cussing, mentions of sex at the end, angst but then fluff, hatin' ass ex.
you and jack have been together for almost 6 months now, but it only took him 6 seconds to realize how high maintenance you were.
you loved designer brands and you always kept you hair and nails done so when it was time for you to walk down the red carpet with jack next to you, he knew you wanted to show off.
he was ready to announce yall's relationship and tonight was the big night.
"jack! I need help with my hair, I don't know what to choose" you whined.
jack leaned over your shoulder to look at the options you selected.
" baby you know I love you with your braids, or shit a 30 inch buss down would look good too" she smiled wide.
you frowned.
"fuck you know 'bout a 30 inch buss down?? that wasn't one of the options."
jack laughed and kissed you on your forehead.
"don't get fucked up jack" you said jokingly before booking an appointment to get the wig installed.
"you know I'm fucking with you baby, but it would look great. even tho yo natural hair is my favorite"
he said as he looked in the full body mirror sitting in the corner of the room you and jack shared.
after booking your appointment you slowly walked over to jack and put on your best begging face.
"you know what would go good with my hair?" you asked
'a new dress and nails, maybe some jewelry and shoes and new makeup!!"
jack turned to look at you.
" you was gon get that anyways mama" he responded.
you hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
"thank you baby"
after that yall finished getting ready in silence.
once you both were ready jack took you shopping. he wasn't worried about the price, he just wanted you to be happy.
but he also secretly wanted everyone to know how fucking fine his girl was.
you starting looking for shoes first, then your dress, and make up, and jewelry.
after shopping it was time for your appointment. jack didn't stay because he had to take care of something but you knew it would take a little while for your hair to get done so you didn't mind.
that was until his ex-girlfriend walked in.
she didn't see you at first but you damn sure seen her.
jack had told you stories about his ex. about how she only cared for herself and money.
you loved nice things but you weren't money hungry.
you decided to mind your business but she finally noticed you and had to start some bs.
" oh my god Y/N. you look beautiful" she leaned in for a hug but you moved away
"aww dont be like that, what? mad because jack was with me last night?"
you didn't believe her, you knew she would lie about anything to start some drama
"bitch please, my man left yo nasty ass long ago" you rolled your eyes.
you didn't have time for this hoe and her bullshit.
but then she pulled out her phone and showed you a picture of jack sitting at her house, and sure enough the time stamp proved it was from yesterday night.
you heart dropped
"just thought you should know" that bitch.. his ex said before walking away.
after your hair was done you immediately called jack
"hey baby, I'm right around the corner ill be there soo-"
"what the fuck were you doing with your ex last night?" you cut him off.
you heard his sigh
"y/n listen I was just over there because she needed me to help move her furniture into her new house"
you let out a spiteful laugh
"oh so when she calls, you go running huh? she's not your girlfriend jackman. I don't give a damn if she needed help she should've called someone else! and the fact that you answered when she calle-..."
you took a deep breath
"I don't wanna talk to you right now, ill find a ride. don't bother picking me up."
and with that you hung up. you felt like jack had you looking dumb. your own boyfriend was with his ex and now she's bragging in your face.
you called your best friend to pick you up and take you back to her house, you didn't wanna see jack.
you get ready at her house. even though you were mad at jack, you refused to let him show up to the red carpet alone.
you took an uber which arrived at the same time as jacks.
"Y/N?" he called out to you.
"can we talk?"
you simply nodded and you both walked somewhere more private.
"look I'm so sorry y/n. you're right, she's not my girlfriend and I shouldn't have picked up her call..shit I should've blocked her the day we got together but baby I cant be without you. she's blocked now and I know that doesn't mean much but I'm begging you to forgive me baby."
you looked up at jack.
"I forgive you jackman."
jack pulled you into a kiss and smiled as his arms wrap tightly around your waist
"now lets go mama, cus you look good as hell and once this is over I'm ripping that expensive ass dress off."
authors note: this is my firs time writing so please be nice! also feel free to leave suggestions on how I can write better or request for what I should write next. I'm not on here all day but I will eventually get back to yall. I will post everyone that I write for soon thank you so much for reading!! <3
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20dollarlolita · 7 months
Describing a couple more wigs:
I'm getting back into this topic because of one wig:
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This is the Dahlia from Sepia, and it's absolutely why we need more pictures of inside-out wigs on wig selling sites.
It's a nice long, layered cut with a center part. This is sold as a heat-resistant lace front wig. That's the only info they give you about it.
This wig was my first lace front wig that I owned, and I had so much trouble making it look good. I assumed that lace front wigs were really difficult to wear, and that I'd trimmed the lace wrong and ruined the wig.
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In reality, it's hard to wear because they give you 1/4" of lace on the front and a piece the size of a postage stamp in the parting. Lace front. But just the very front. The absolute VERY front. I can assure you that this wasn't me overzealously cutting off too much lace. The wig only has that much hair on the lace.
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As you can see from the inside-out picture, the lace in the part is only about an inch wide and two inches long. In addition to this not being able to be moved, it really doesn't go far enough back to look like a natural part. There wasn't ever enough of a lace section to thin out the front, so the front edge of the wig goes from zero hair to full hair in the span of exactly zero space. If I had glued down the temple and taken off my glasses, it'd look a little bit more realistic, but I didn't feel like doing tape and glue when I was taking these pictures last night at 10pm.
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I believe I paid about $60 for this wig, because I had no idea what a lace front wig should be like and just went "oh yeah, it makes sense that it'll be expensive! It's a lace wig!"
I would not recommend paying extra money because "lace front," in this case. The sudden appearance of a full amount of hair looks a TINY bit more realistic than a front with no lace at all, but it's not great. If you can get this for the same price as a non-lace of a similar style, it's probably a little better. But I really don't recommend it.
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And that's because this wig was only 2/3rds the price of that wig, and it's way better.
The brand on this one is called BTWTRY and you can get it on Amazon in 30 different colors.
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The lace section on the front of this is about 2.5" wide, as opposed to the slightly less than 1/4" on the Sepia wig.
This wig is also heat resistant and so you aren't stuck with the super straight hair it comes with. The fiber is really nice. Don't judge it by my picture up there, since I didn't spend long untangling it and I store my wigs in paper grocery bags.
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So my background is in theatre, and in a theatrical context you really never have people closer to your actor's hairline than about 2.5 feet, so I'm not great at blending the lace. But unlike the blonde wig, I actually feel like the blending is possible.
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Again, I wasn't going to glue this down at 10pm, so here's a lovely picture of the lace lifting up. There is also a problem that I tend to run into, which is that my hair is a really different color from the wig's, and if the wig slides back then my hairline is really visible. If your hair color is similar to or darker than the wig, having a bit of your natural hairline show through is going to maybe make it more realistic. However, it's not a good look with neon pink on auburn. Also please just ignore that I was holding the lace I just cut in my mouth. I was going to try to crop that out but y'all can just know that I needed both hands to take this picture and forgot that I can put the lace down on the counter.
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I wanted to show that, due to the large (ish) piece of lace in the top, you can change the part without it looking strange. However, I just ended up looking like one of the Scene kids that my mom wouldn't let me dress like when I was 14. UwU.
Amazon link here. It's $41-$45 depending on the color. When I'm comparing this to the $60 Sepia wig, it's a significantly better value.
Anyway, that's about it. Found out that I bought an overpriced wig, spent a couple hours telling the internet about it. I've got a couple more that I want to describe just to get that info on the internet, but I bought them a while ago and I have to track down if they're still available and stock pictures of them.
Also one of them is a really long wig that I got in 2009, and I let it get SO tangled.
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gondwana · 3 months
Try not to cum when I order my 30 inch black wig and braid it like that beeyotch danaryuuys
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haganez · 7 months
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my friend has been missing all day and when we finally see him again he has a boob window and a 30 inch buss down wig
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I went to a doll show this weekend, and I did something I swore never to do - I begged Spouse to buy a doll for me.
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Dollmore Trinity Elysia.
No regrets - but I'll never do it again.
She wears a size 13-14 wig, but only size 20 mm eyes. She's a 1:2 scale and stands 110 cm/43 inches tall. She can't really stand on her own, and she has to weigh close to 30 pounds. Maybe even 40.
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highpriestofptah · 3 months
General Huy Headcanons
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Some Prince of Egypt head canons for my favourite sillyguy magical man informed by historical and literary accounts of Ancient Egyptian culture, the Tanakh, and apocrypha.
Huy's name is for the girls—and the boys. It’s unisex!
Hui or Huy was an ancient Egyptian name, frequently a nickname for Amenhotep. Famous bearers include: Huy, priestess during the Eighteenth dynasty, mother-in-law of Thutmose III; Huy, High Priest of Ptah during the reign of Ramesses II; Huy, viceroy of Kush during the reign of Ramesses II. [source]
Huy was actually a high priest of Ptah.
Huy was a High Priest of Ptah during the reign of Ramesses II. Huy is known from two shabtis (now in the Louvre) dedicated at an Apis burial in the Serapeum of Saqqara. The Apis burials are dated to years 16 and 30.[1] Huy may have served as High priest of Ptah from approximately year 2 to year 20 of the reign of Ramesses II. Huy was succeeded by Pahemnetjer. In pop culture, One of the advisors to Pharaoh in The Prince of Egypt (1998) is named Huy. [source]
Huy is based on the actual Egyptian magician in the Book of Exodus/Shmot who is named Jambres.
Jannes and Jambres, two legendary Egyptian sorcerers whose names appear in various sources as the adversaries of Moses. Jewish tradition seems to identify them with the sorcerers mentioned in Exodus 7:11... The names also appear in pagan Greek and Roman literature. Both Pliny (Natural History, 30:11) and Apuleius (Apologia, 90) mention the name of Jannes only, the former including him in a list of Jewish sorcerers the first of whom is Moses, while the latter names him immediately after Moses in a list of famous magicians. Both Jannes and Jambres… are mentioned and discussed in detail by Numenius, the neo-Pythagorean philosopher (quoted in Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica, 9:8; cf. Origines, Contra Celsum, 4:51). They are described as Egyptian priests who excelled in wizardry at the period of the "expulsion" of the Jews from Egypt and as having been considered by the Egyptians capable of rescuing their country from the disasters brought upon it by Musaeus (Moses). [source]
Huy was full-time as opposed to part-time since he was the high priest.
With the exception of the high priest, most priests worked only part-time.  The priesthood was divided into "hours" and served only one month out of every four. The rest of the time, they lived their normal lives in society, often working as mid-level bureaucrats. [source]
He lived in the temple complex.
During their religious service, priests lived within the complex of the temples of their deity. [source]
His beard is an accessory! He shaves completely every 3 days, but he can still wear hair as a fashion choice. Slay!
Oddly, though, they also retained a fascination for facial hair, or at least the appearance of having some. The Egyptians took shorn hair and sheep's wool and fashioned them into wigs and fake beards — which, even more oddly, were sometimes worn by Egyptian queens as well as kings [source: Dunn]. The fake beards had various shapes, to indicate the dignity and social position of their wearer. Ordinary citizens wore small fake beards about 2 inches (5 centimeters) long, while kings wore their phony whiskers to extravagant lengths and had them trimmed to be square at the end. [source]
His shoes were woven and made of papyrus.
Footwear was the same for both sexes. It consisted of coiled sewn sandals of leatherwork, or for the priestly class, papyrus. Since Egyptians were usually barefoot, sandals were worn on special occasions or at times when their feet might get hurt. [source]
Huy has his own apocryphon that was said to have been written by one of Pharaoh’s officials. Surviving fragments of this apocryphon tells of the adventures of him and his brother. He survives all the plagues, runs away with the Hebrews during the red sea adventure, and converts to Judaism. He has a sad backstory because he has to bury his mother and brother.
Jannes names Jambres as his successor and entrusts him with a secret document. He warns him not to accompany the Egyptian army when it marches against the Hebrews… The Egyptian army is drowned in the Red Sea while pursuing the Hebrews, but Jambres stayed away. Jannes's condition worsens and the family returns to their estate. [source]
All info in block quotes belongs to each respective linked source. A proper references page is on the way.
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btw idk this is embarrassing whatever but the only way i’ll ever have a wedding is if i can have it be in the middle of a forest and it be lotr elven themed like i wanna be an elf in lothlórien just ONCE in my fucking life idc and i wanna wear a headpiece like arwen’s and the most dramatic ass sleeves you have ever seen and a 30 inch black wig
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
See the thing is we're also being affected by styling. I've seen Cao Yuchen in other dramas and he is absolutely GORGEOUS but this particular get up for him was Not It. Wig styling unflattering, make up a lil off, and not a great color for him. I actually think the Jin color palette in general is pretty ehhhhh but JGY has the advantage of his outfits from his Nie and Wen, though this is balanced out by The Hat. Mustaches usually never do it for me but da-ge is my exception. I think Wang Haoxuan face wise is just absolutely next tier but I also think he's nerfed by his wig a little for me personally although I DEFINITELY wouldn't put him anywhere near the bottom, tf. In many ways this poll is a cross between a popularity contest and "who best survived the vaguely unflattering 30 inch wig" which for ME is WZC and his cheekbones.
These are VERY good points. The one who got nerfed the worst by their styling is Li Bowen, IMO. Many of the other dudes all look like Just Some Guy out of costume, and then there’s Li Bowen, who looks SO MUCH BETTER.
For me, what makes me ambivalent to CYC as Jin Zixuan is like… he’s not fun to watch? He’s simply not very expressive. I don’t know how much of that is misdirection and how much of that is him being new to acting, but it makes Zixuan unhandsome to me because his face doesn’t have anything interesting going on. He is symmetrical and has the traits of an Attractive Face(TM), but without the face journeys, he’s the Cdrama equivalent of a CW man. (On the flip side, even though Feng Cong as Su She is checking fewer Attractive Face(TM) boxes, I consider him more attractive because his expressions are doing the MOST, so he’s fun to watch even though his styling nerfed him as badly as poor Li Bowen.)
The Jin gold is so bad tho. The dark, rich gold that Jin Guangshan sometimes gets to wear is soooo much better and I feel like him getting to wear jewel tones while his children are all washed out in that awful creamy color is accidentally symbolic.
I LOVE how polarizing Nie Mingjue’s mustache is. Some people hate it SO MUCH! It definitely makes him look older, so suspect that mustache opinions vary based on the beholder’s proximity to 30. (Personally, I like that one photoshoot where they let him have a full-on beard and not just the mustache. LET DA-GE BE RUGGED.)
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
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It feels like ages since I last posted an update for my Rhaenyra cosplay for Dragon Con 2023, but the last four weeks has been nothing but attaching the narrow trim to the seamlines of the overdress -- a tedious and fiddly process that had to be done by hand, and the trim had to be sewn down on both sides despite how narrow it is. I made good progress on it day to day, but the pictures were rather boring and similar week to week.
The nine vertical seams that have trim (no trim at center back, per the screen-used costume) come to a total of 447 inches. Sewing down each edge of the trim doubles that to 894 inches, or just under 25 yards of handsewing just to get the trim attached. At 7 or 8 stitches per inch, I figure that's something like 7000 itty bitty invisible stitches. Plus another two yards or so for basting the center front trim to make sure it was really centered once sewn down.
No wonder it took me four weeks, lol.
I still need to put the narrow trim on the edges of the sleeves, and I might get started on that today while watching Fourth of July movies (Independence Day and Hamilton at a minimum, maybe a few others), at least do the ironing to curve the trim slightly and baste it in place if nothing else. We're going to a friend's place for dinner and fireworks tonight, and while I certainly don't want to haul the entire (silk!) dress out of the house with me, taking one or both sleeves to sew on the ~30 minute drive over might not be a bad idea.
Besides getting going on the sleeve trim, now that the narrow trim is finished on the dress itself I've also been able to shift gears and start focusing on the wide neckline trim. I did a whole series of pinned tests to figure out what I wanted the center front to look like, how to make the pattern come together in the most visually pleasing way, and Jack helped me pick out the best option. Yesterday I trimmed the first two pieces to length and carefully handsewed the center front seam so the pattern matches up exactly:
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The raw edges are currently just tucked under and pinned, and I need to figure out how much extra I want to leave -- enough so it won't fray or unravel, but not so much that the center front is weirdly puffy or stiff. This trim is at least partially polyester so I have been able to singe the cut edges to keep everything in place. I might be able to carefully do that on the center front edges, too.
After thinking about it overnight, I think I'm going to do this same treatment at center back, that mirroring of the pattern, and then just let the shoulder seams be whatever. The wig will mostly cover the center back, but eh I'd rather have the symmetry there.
So the next major task is getting all this neckline trim cut and placed, handsewn to the neckline of the dress and frayed ends all tucked safely away. It's going to be a bit tedious, especially at the shoulder seams, but hopefully it won't take me weeks and weeks like the narrow trim did!
Getting that wide trim in place is the last thing blocking getting the grommets in, so I'll be heading straight into that once the trim is even just mostly applied. There are things like the hem and the question of needing a modesty panel at center back that I can't even start on until I can lace the whole dress closed. And if it comes right down to it, I can cut corners on things like beading and the styling of the wig, or sewing a little bag to carry my stuff in. But the dress absolutely must have closures, or it's not really a dress, lol.
Given that, I think the order of operations is more or less: neckline trim, then grommets at center back and armscye/top of sleeve. Then hooks and eyes at the wrists, and a hem for the dress. Wig styling is probably the next highest priority, then the bag to carry stuff with me since the dress has no pockets. Then finishing the underdress, sewing on the large beads at waist and wrists, and then the tiny beads over the neckline trim. I've got one or two little adjustments to do to the jewelry that should probably come before the little seed beads on the neckline, but hopefully I'll be able to get to all of it in the next 8 weeks (!!) until I need to pack for Dragon Con.
I've also gathered basically all the components for my Harley Quinn cosplay, just waiting on one length of lining fabric to arrive -- but I'll talk all about that in its own post sometime soon here.
Eight weeks feels like hardly any time at all, especially given that I spent the last four weeks on what ended up being just one check mark on my rather long to-do list. But I am thrilled with how the dress is looking, and the narrow trim was definitely worth doing. It makes the dress look so much more like the screen-used costume.
Hokay. Time for movies and sewing. Here's hoping I can get through that to-do list in the next 58 days!
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chipperadams · 10 months
I was in full sissy mode, sequined jacket, mini skirt that was just long enough to hide my caged clitty, stockings and heels, cute wig, the qhole nine. My friends decided to go to the karaoke bar. It was about 10:30 pm and the internet said the bar closed at 3. We weren't there long when one my friends wanted to go home and get high. Well we were in my car and i didn't want to go, so i gave him my keys and he went. It was about 11:15 and ordered another drink. Before i was finished with it they started giving last call. Turns out the internet was wrong, they close at midnight. So i called my friends to come get me they ssid they'd be right there. Well they weren't and soon i was all by my self, a sissy faggot, on the sidewalk in front of the bar, waiting and waiting. I was a little tipsy and a homeless guy was comin down the street, iwas getting horny, and when he got to where i was i lifted my skirt up showing him my caged clitty. He just stopped and looked at it. Neither of us said a word and i almost immediately got on my knees and took his cock out, and it was beautiful, about 9 inches and fat, and i started sucking it right there on the sidewalk. He was loving it so there was the end of the bars patio just sticking out beside of the building with a wood railing. I stood up and took him by the hand over to the railing and i just bent over it and pulled up my skirt and pulled my plug out and spread my cunt open for him. He wasted no time slaming his cock up my moist hole and fucked me right there, traffic going by honking and yelling, us not caring, untill he violently came deep in side of me, zipped up his fly, and just went on down the street. I quickly put my plug back in to keep that big load in and waited till my friends finally showed up. I don't think me and that guy ever said a word, but it was just about the hottest fuck i ever had.
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nerdtronica · 1 year
horrible tmbg yaoi
guys please i don't wanna post this on ao3....also this was just for funsies i dont actually ship the johns
"i look like an absolute whore, john." linnell mumbled. he DID look like a whore. his skimpy red dress that had lace trim made his chest, arms and legs highly exposed. his nails and toenails were both painted a crimson color. a curly blonde wig was on his head, strands of his natural hair peeking out. he wore red heels, which he struggled to walk around in. his face was made up, his eyelids had a light blue eyeshadow on them, his cheeks were covered in a light pink blush, his eyelashes were coated in mascara and his lips were covered in red lipstick. his hands were on his hips and he looked highly agitated.
flans sat on the couch, dressed like a lumberjack. he wore a black beanie, black jeans, his usual sneakers and a red and black plaid shirt. "well, i think you look great, babe." flans smiled.
"we're in our 30s, we can't be doing shit like this anymore." linnell mumbled as he grabbed a sad-looking cigarette from the ashtray on the coffee table. he lit it, sat down with flans, and took a drag. flans wrapped an arm around linnell and gave him a kiss on the cheek. linnell inched away from flans. "what's wrong?" flans asked. linnell ignored him. 
*spongebob narrator voice* 10 minutes later......
linnell was still wearing his wig and makeup and was on top of flans. they were both in their underwear (flans insisted on linnell wearing women's panties) and they were making out like slobbery dogs. flans gripped onto linnell for balance as linnell grinded on his erection, panting. linnell pulled away. "you're so good at this shit~" flans said in a breathy voice. linnell rubbed his eyes and mumbled to himself. flans wrapped his arms around linnell and smirked as linnell collapsed onto his chest, falling asleep.
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