#30 days of Buddy Daddies
asdfghjkdfgh · 1 year
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30 Days of Buddy Daddies: Day 1 Favorite Protagonist
Day 1 of the 30 day challenge by @yuraamar, I posted this technically on April 2nd but I drew this on the 1st so I like to think it counts!
But yes my favorite protagonist is our favorite niece miri <3. Not only is she totes adorable, but she's literally helping our boys heal so you got to give her 10s. (Also props if you recognize what ep the dress is from)
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yuraamar · 2 years
30 Days of Buddy Daddies
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📆Date: 1 April
Day 1. Favorite protagonist (Miri, Kazu or Rei)
Day 2. Favorite secondary character
Day 3. Character you DON'T like
Day 4. Moment of Miri
Day 5. Kazuki moment
Day 6. Moment of Rei
Day 7. Favorite scene
Day 8. Funniest scene
Day 9. Scene that caused you anguish
Day 10. Favorite part of the "Opening"
Day 11. Favorite part of the "Ending"
Day 12. Favorite quote/phrase said in the anime.
Day 13. Favorite fanfics
Day 14. Favorite artists
Day 15. Favorite official illustration.
Day. 16. Character with whom you most identify.
Day 17. Character whose story you would like to know more about.
Day 18. Theories or Headcanons
Day 19. What would you write in the Moms' Chat.
Day 20. Scene/moment that you would have liked to see.
Day 21. A Post from Kazuki's instagram.
Day 22. Favorite drawing from Miri's diary
Day.23 Which actor/actress would you have liked to have voiced the characters?
Day 24. Crossover
Day 25. Things you would like to see in future projects of Buddy Daddies.
Day 26 Playlist
Day 27. What made you watch the anime?
Day 28. What would you change about the story?
Day 29. What message would you leave to the creators and all the anime staff?
Day 30. Free day
Sources/pages to use:
🖌️Miri's Diary
🖼️ Kasuki Instagram
🐦Cheerleader Yurie Oohigashi's Twitter
⚠️ 𝐍𝐎𝐓E: In case of using fanarts or edits, check that the author allows reposting and give corresponding credits.
Version en Español
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aarthurdyes · 1 year
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Day 12
Family portrait 🥰
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dizzybizz · 2 years
kazuki and rei walking back to the car at the end of ep10,,,, kazuki looks down at his empty hand,,,
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dk-wren · 1 year
Week 3 - 30 Days of Buddy Daddies
Welcome back to Week 3 of me responding to the 30 Days of Buddy Daddies prompts! Thank you for all your support on the previous two weeks' posts. I've been having a lot of fun answering these prompts. Anyways, without further delay, here are my responses for days 15-21!
Day 15: Favorite Official Illustration
Massive fan of Lily's work, so here are my favorites (was gonna say top 5, but even that was hard to narrow down)
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I mentioned it last week, but these two pieces of Kazuki, Rei, and Miri in kimonos are some of my favorites, so definitely gotta include them here too.
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Bonus: Since it came out after the 15th, but I’m so love with it I have to include it because Rei (and Miri) finally got their cat!!!
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Day 16: Character Whom You Most Identify With
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Trait-wise, Kazuki is probably the character I identify with the most.
I like to make sure my friends or whoever I am with is taken care of, which has lead to me being referred to as the "mom of the group" on multiple occasions. I generally try to keep a positive external attitude, even if that's not reflective of how I actually feel. And I always try to lead with love.
Definitely not to the same severity as Kazuki, but I also have a tendency to sometimes let past memories or mistakes influence current decisions. It's those moments where I might want to do something or try a new thing, but a lingering memory just pops back into my head and I psyche myself out/decide to longer move forward.
Also, a lot of what I do for my major (and hopefully in a future career) is research-based, obviously though in terms of historical or biographical information and not how to take out someone quietly and efficiently.
Day 17: Character Whose Story You Would Like to Know More About
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I would love to know more about Kyuutaro.
I really enjoyed his character and the way he kinda teetered between sides. I was asking myself, will Kyu help Kazuki and Rei or Ogino or is he gonna encourage the duo to be a family or warn them about getting too close with Miri. Things like this made me wander what is his history with the organization, let alone how he got involved with the organization.
The audience is really never shown anything about Kyu's life outside of Yadorigi, so I'm curious does he have a lifestyle outside of the cafe that's like what Rei used to have (very isolated and shut-in), did he have a past partner like Kazuki, I don't know, what is he like when away from the organization/giving out assignments.
There's a brief glimpse into when Kyu assigned Kazuki and Rei a mission together for the first time. Like, I just want to know what were his interactions with each of them beforehand and what other reasons motivated him to pair those two together. Also, the dynamic that is hinted (?) towards with Kyu telling Miri Kazuki is a comedian and Rei's a Middle Eastern Oil Baron, as well as his little smile in the finale telling Kazuki and Rei that he's no longer gonna run errands for them as he drives away, he clearly is fond of or enjoys Kazuki and Rei's company. I would've been so excited to see this side of their relationship explored more.
Again, there's a lot of mystery around Kyu so I would love to know more about him.
Day 18: Theories or Headcanons
I did a few head canons about a quarter or halfway through the series, so here's some more based on the second half of the season and epilogue!
Because Kyu will occasionally watch Miri at Yadorigi, he keeps a private stash of her favorite snacks behind the counter. Kyu even lets her create a "reserved for Miri" or "save for Miri" sign that he hangs on the draw or box where they're kept. This remains their little secret for a while, but eventually Rei or Kazuki notices the sign and asks Kyu what's behind the sign that says "reserved for Miri," which he just brushes off by saying toys/coloring supplies. Eventually, Kazuki realizes it's a secret snack stash and Miri's been having more sweets while staying with Kyu then what he allows her to take/have, prompting Kazuki to tell Kyu to stop giving Miri extra treats. If Kyu listens to Kazuki's request is up for debate though.
In ep. 11, Kazuki and Rei are shown watching one of Miri's shows that presumably she forced them to watch in the beginning, and then probably began to enjoy on their own (or they just associate that show with her). I imagine as Miri begins to grow up, they keep watching this show or another one of Miri's favorites even after she loses interest. She at first thinks they are still trying to treat her like a child or don't want her to grow up, but then realizes whenever Kazuki or Rei turn it on, they don't even refer to it as "her" show anymore or ask if she wants to watch it. This causes Miri to eventually ask why they still watch that show and if they realize she's no longer into it. Kazuki and Rei are not oblivious to the fact that she's grown up, so they share a laugh and tell her that they just enjoy watching it still.
Around Christmas, it becomes an annual tradition to go on a fun family outing to Marinoa City and go on the Ferris wheel, share a crepe, and maybe do a little holiday shopping. I don't know when or how Kazuki and Rei will tell Miri that her mother has passed, but I feel like once they do, they would take Miri to visit her grave on the same day so that it really feels for Miri like she gets to spend the day with her whole family. They'd probably start this tradition the year after the main storyline ends, but depending on when Kazuki and Rei reveal the truth to Miri, that would be incorporated into that day's plans later.
Kazuki's really good at making hand shadow puppets. Not something he intentionally set out to learn, but maybe one night Miri has a nightmare, there's a thunder storm that scares her, or a power outage, and she goes to Kazuki's room where he takes out a flashlight and begins to play around. He does really simple ones at first, but Miri is so fascinated by it, she keeps asking him to do more. So, after Miri is finally able to go back to sleep, he looks up how to do other animals for the next time Miri asks and learns that he's got a knack for it.
Still kinda a draft, but I was thinking about how Rei has very few "normal" experiences in life since he has spent basically his whole life under the eyes and rules of the organization. He's definitely street smart, but comes up a little short when it comes to book smart. So, what if Rei eventually decides to enroll in one of those online degree programs. Perhaps as Miri gets a little older and is less dependent on her papas, Rei has a bit more time on his hands (and perhaps also because Kazuki is still limiting his gaming hours per day). He does some poking around online and feels going to college/getting a degree is a fairly normal thing to do, leading him to just apply for an interesting sounding one. He would get accepted, and when Rei tells Kazuki, he breaks down crying because he's so proud of him and that he did it all on his own. Perhaps this would lead to Miri and Rei doing their work together at the dining table or going on trips to the library together so they can both work on their school work.
Day 19: What Would You Write in the Mom's Chat
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A) if this is true to life, I'd probably be quietly reading all the messages in the Mom's chat, reacting to some, and occasionally typing something
B) if I were to type something into the Mom's chat though, it would probably be something along the lines of "You think Kazuki will ever let us know when he's gonna do a stand-up night? I'm dying to see him perform. Not to be cheap, but do you also think he could get us in for free?"
Day 20: Scene/Moment that You Would Have Liked to See
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No idea where this would have fit in, but would have liked to see Kazuki and Rei tucking Miri in at night. Like let me see them read/act out a bedtime story, pepper her with kisses, and pull her blanket up high to make sure she's all snuggled in and nice and warm.
And like, how adorable would it be if Miri starts insisting Kazuki and Rei gotta kiss all her plushies good night too or she teaches them the smile spell, which she then makes them do for her every night.
Day 21: A Post from Kazuki's Instagram
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I’ve already written about the Ferris wheel scene being the scene that caused me (the most) anguish. But the way this post broke me and just made me so sad, even without a caption, is why I’m including this one.
Angst aside, the Instagram was so fun! Always looked forward to see what part of the new episode would be featured in the post. I doubt there will be, but hope there’s little updates every now and then.
Thank you again for reading this week's responses! Another very hectic and busy week, so I really did not have a whole lot of time to edit my replies (apologies for any errors or really long sentences). But, still glad I was able to step away from my work every now and then to work on these prompts! As always, had a lot of fun this week, even if some of my answers are on the shorter side.
Not that anyone cares, but also think I'm gonna hold off on posting the next round of responses until the end of the month so that there's not one post with like 2-3 days. Could change my mind, but that is my current plan.
See you again sometime soon!
-Dakota Wren
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sc098321 · 1 year
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i dont care a day has passed
somewhere on earth is still day 2 for me
30 days drawing challenge day 2!!!
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avenging-fandoms · 12 days
okay, i just got this angst at start but fluffy ending type of storyyy. can you do something where the reader is pregnant, and only hotch knows, so he’s panicky when he finds out they found where she’s at but calms down when he sees that she’s okay and only has a few scratches on her face? if not that’s fine but thank you for reading!! have a great day angel 🥰
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Yn only found out 3 months ago that she was pregnant and hadn’t told anyone yet, expect for Aaron. He was her boss and also the father but no one on the team knew that.
Yn and Aaron started to secretly see each other almost a year after Haley died. Slowly the two started to meet for breakfast, then he was making dinner, then Yn was meeting Jack.
“Oh my goodness, you’ve popped.” Yn stands in the bathroom mirror in her bra and underwear as she gets ready, Aaron holding Yn’s hips to make her turn. He hums and holds her stomach, kissing her neck. “I can’t believe this is happening, are you sure you want to wait to find out what it is?”
Yn chuckles and puts her hand over his. “I’m sure, hon. Don’t you love waiting until the day they come earth side?” She looks at him in the mirror and he smiles, kissing the side of her head.
“You’re right, get dressed. I’ve made french toast.” He mumbled against Yn’s ear lobe and she giggles, kissing him quickly before he leaves the bathroom.
A year and some months later, Yn sat on the bathroom floor while Aaron sat on the tub, Jack on her lap. “Can I look Daddy?”
Yn smiles at the idea. “Of course you can, buddy. If it has a smiley face, that means there’s a baby in Yn’s belly.”
Jack stands up and you grab Aaron’s hand, kissing it a few times when Jack grabs the test. “There’s a smile!”
Yn gasps as Aaron lets out all the air in his lungs. “We’re having a baby.” Aaron whispers, kissing his girlfriend softly. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, Aaron.”
Both Aaron and Yn were shocked the team of profilers hadn’t figured it out yet, but they had it all planned out, that was until the baby news arrived.
The team delivered the profile of the unsub, a man in his 30s kidnapping women at night. It was Yn’s idea to be used at a decoy, which Aaron shut down immediately.
“Come on, Hotch, you guys will be near, no? If anything happens you guys will save me.” The rest of the team nods and looks at Aaron.
“I still think it’s a bad idea. He’s very quiet, we might not be able to catch him.”
“We will, come on, I can do this.” Derek nods and rubs Yn on her back.
“I believe in you.” He reassures his friend and Yn gives him a small smile.
“Alright, let’s plan this out so we don’t miss him.”
Yn was dressed normal, no vest, just jeans and a jacket walking down the street, sitting on a bench in the dimly lit park. The only thing she could hear was her breath until the ear piece turned on.
“You can do this, Yn. Please, be careful.” Aaron spoke softly. “I love you.”
She does the sign for ‘I love you’ and looks around, hearing the snap of twigs and then everything goes dark.
“Hotch, she’s not here.” JJ spoke over the radio and Aaron steps on the gas pedal, bringing the car to a screeching halt when he gets to the park.
“Where did she go? Did he get her?” He looks around frantically, yelling her name a few times.
“We believe so, sir. I have Penelope looking at the cameras-” Aaron didn’t let Jennifer finish as he calls Penelope on speed dial.
“Garcia, tell me you have something on the cameras.” His tone was harsh, his eyebrows knit and JJ watches his behavior.
“All I got, sir, is Yn doing the.. rock star sign and a brown van and he’s.. oh my god. He threw Yn into the back of it.” Aaron bows his head and sighs, knowing it wasn’t the rock sign.
“Try and get that license plate, Garcia, we need to know who he is and where he’s going.” Aaron hangs up and gets back in his car, Derek walking over to JJ.
“Is he okay?” Derek asks as they both look at Aaron.
“He didn’t want to do this in the first place, he’s probably beating himself up for saying yes.”
Aaron’s phone rings and he answers it immediately. “What do you have, Garcia?”
“An address, sir.”
Yn’s head hangs as she was chained to a wooden pole standing up, hands strapped at her sides. “Hello?” She speaks groggily, gasping at a man sitting in a chair across from her.
“You’re with child.” The unsub spoke, looking at Yn’s bare stomach. He had cut her shirt off, leaving her in her bra with her belly clearly out, unprotected. “Do you know how special that is?”
Tears fall down Yn’s face as she nods slowly. “It’s my first.” She speaks weakly, chin trembling, barely able to look at the unsub.
“I hope it’s a boy.” He gets up from his chair, sauntering over and dragging a hand on her stomach which made Yn cry harder.
“Please..” She sobs loudly, trying to wiggle her way out but it was no use, the tip of the knife dragging along her skin, tracing a circle on her belly.
“FBI!” Aaron’s voice booms off the warehouse walls and the unsub picks up the knife to put to Yn’s neck and Aaron puts 4 bullets in his body, an extra one in the head. “Yn.” He holsters his gun immediately and rushes over to his girl.
Yn sobs as he holds her face, crying with her. “Let me out, please.” He unbuckles the straps and picks her up off the stand, Rossi draping his jacket over her shoulders.
“Are you okay?” His hand falls on Yn’s stomach and she sobs, holding his arm tightly.
“Take us home, please.” She keeps the jacket tightly closed as Aaron helps her out of the building.
Police and ambulances surround the building and Aaron take Yn to the nearest one. “She’s pregnant, help her, please.” He puts her on the gurney and the team’s eyes widen behind him.
“She’s.. pregnant?” Emily asks and Aaron looks at them, hand on the door to step in the ambulance with Yn. Emily’s eyes narrow, studying his face and giving him a smile. “Congratulations, sir.”
The rest of the team finally catches on and some jaws drop, but every person congratulates him and wishes them good luck.
Aaron holds Yn’s hand all the way to the hospital, giving the doctor all of her medical history and following the nurses and doctor into a room.
For an hour they were constantly checking in on Yn, making sure her and the baby were okay. An OB came to check on them, bringing an ultrasound.
She puts the wand on Yn’s stomach, moving it around searching for a heartbeat. Yn squeezes Aaron’s hand during the silence, closing her eyes and opening them when she hears the most beautiful sound.
“A great heartbeat, your baby girl looks healthy.” Yn and Aaron look at each other with smiles, Aaron standing and holding her head as they cry. “I’ll let you two be, congratulations.”
They thank her softly and Aaron gets in the bed with her, stroking Yn’s hair. “A baby girl.” He chuckles and kisses her head.
“So much for waiting.” She sniffles and smiles. “I don’t care, I care that she’s healthy. I was so scared.. he..” Yn takes a deep breath and snuggles into Aaron, stroking her thumb over her stomach. “He said he wished it was a boy, and dragged the knife in a circle.. he was going to hurt her..”
“I know, I know.” He tilts Yn’s chin up and kisses her softly. “I think we need to take a vacation. Me, you and Jack. No stress, just relax.” Yn hums and closes her eyes, laying her head on Aaron’s chest.
“Is she sleeping?” Yn’s eyes open slowly as she hears Spencer’s voice. The two had been close the day Yn started so it was no shock he was here before anyone else. “Hey, Yn.”
“Hi Doc.” She sits up as well as Aaron, Spencer tucking his hands in his pocket.
“Are you okay? Is the.. baby okay?” His voice was cracking and Yn looks at her best friend.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He takes a step closer and she grabs his wrist.
“I’m sorry, Spencer. I just didn’t know how to tell anyone I was dating the boss, let alone having his baby.” The three share a laugh and Yn looks at him. “We were actually talking and we were wondering if you’d be our daughter’s godfather.”
“Of course, thank you.” Spencer squeezes Yn and she smiles, Aaron smiling at the two.
Yn recovered in a little over a week, and her, Aaron and Jack were off to Florida for a few weeks of sunshine, theme parks and no worries.
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wooziorgans · 2 days
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welcome to my first kinktober ever!
my kinktober will be a tad bit different from what you’re used to. since i’ve been exploring queer narratives, i will be splitting this 50/50. half will be gn/afab!reader and half will be male!reader.
each prompt will be used twice, once for the gn and m readers. but do not worry! each storyline will be different so i recommend reading each day.
i am not one to gatekeep my own work; sub uji makes many appearances this month w the m. reader prompts, so even if you are not the intended audience, you can still enjoy the whole event. just imagine they’re pegging fics or smn.
please be aware that some of these will contain fetish elements, and this is strictly 18+!
with all of that being said, have fun and enjoy!
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pairing: angel!woozi x m. demon!reader
pairing: angel!woozi x gn. demon!reader
pairing: rival mafia!woozi x m. reader
pairing: rival mafia!woozi x gn. reader
pairing: gym buddy!woozi x m. reader
pairing: gym buddy!woozi x gn. reader
pairing: geto cosplayer!woozi x m. gojo cosplayer!reader
pairing: levi ackerman cosplayer!woozi x gn. cosplayer!reader
pairing: piercer!woozi x m. reader
pairing: piercer!woozi x gn. reader
pairing: scientist!woozi x m. assistant!reader
pairing: scientist!woozi x gn. assistant!reader
pairing: eros!woozi x m. human!reader
pairing: eros!woozi x gn. human!reader
pairing: client!woozi x m. masseuse!reader
pairing: masseuse!woozi x gn. client!reader
pairing: roommate!woozi x m. reader
pairing: roommate!woozi x gn. reader
pairing: sugar daddy!woozi x m. sugar baby!reader
pairing: sugar daddy!woozi x gn. sugar baby!reader
pairing: sub!woozi x m. dom!reader
pairing: sub!woozi x gn. dom!reader
pairing: producer!woozi x m. musician!reader
pairing: producer!woozi x gn. musician!reader
pairing: figure skating coach mean dom!woozi x m. figure skater!reader
pairing: figure skating coach mean dom!woozi x gn. figure skater!reader
pairing: brothers best friend!woozi x m. reader
pairing: brothers best friend!woozi x gn. reader
pairing: bf!woozi x fuck machine and m. reader
pairing: fuck machine and bf!woozi x gn. reader
DAY 31: ????? PART ONE | ????? PART TWO
pairing: ??? x woozi x m. reader; ??? x woozi x gn. reader
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most prompts were submitted in my inbox! tysm
also if anyone would like to be added to a tag list pls lmk!
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octuscle · 4 days
Hey, support! So I’m Gus and there’s this really handsome muscle daddy at this marine research center I work at and I want to get him to notice me. He’s really into beefy, well-dressed himbos with nice facial hair and big pecs. Could you help me out please? I don’t want to be too dumb cuz I really want to keep this job, but you can change me however else within what would be his type.
Chronivac is currently experiencing a few technical problems. But I've heard about this tanning salon. “Magic sunbed”. Ask for sunbed 2. 20 minutes should be enough. Definitely no more. Otherwise I can't guarantee anything.
Bekim has had a shit day so far. The turnover isn't right, his boss has given him a telling off. You're only the second customer. He greets you like an old friend. Couch 2 is free. Special offer for today only and for new customers: 30 minutes for a surcharge of just 10 percent and the special lotion at half price. Bekim explains that 20 minutes is basically useless. The skin only tans after 20 minutes. A lot helps a lot, you think. You've never been to a tanning salon before. The staff will know what they're doing.
You go into cabin 2, strip off and rub yourself with lotion. The lotion stinks. You look for an expiration date. Obviously still good for over a year. Then the smell of musk, sweat and sperm must be… Should you leave your underpants on now? Or take them off? To be on the safe side, you undress completely and lie down on the couch. You look for a switch to start the process. You are struck by lightning. It gets light, it gets warm. You close your eyes and try to sleep.
Sleep is out of the question. It's so hot. You're lying in a puddle of sweat. And the stench of the lotion is getting worse. So more intense… You don't actually find it bad any more. More like… Exciting. Your cock is getting hard. You start to wank. Your colleague from the lab in front of you. You can literally feel him running his fingers through your beard and pulling down your dungarees to suck your nipples on your monstrous pecs… Wait a minute! Dungarees? No, lab coat. Right? Never mind, your cock is almost bumping into the top shell of the tanning bed. Your balls are bursting. And then you shoot a geyser out of your cock. A fountain forms three or four times. And soon you're lying in a puddle of sweat and cum. Shit, you could have saved yourself the lotion…
The tanning process ends as abruptly as it started. Cold and dark. The upper bowl slowly rises. Shit, there's only the towel, which is far too small as always. But where are your things? “Yo, Bekim, where the heck are my clothes at?” you shout. Bekim knocks and brings you your dungarees, jockstrap, socks and work boots. The submissive pig couldn't resist wearing your clothes. You noticed he had a crush on you months ago when he started working here. You were one of his first customers. And then you became a regular customer. Shit, he was so excited, he did everything wrong. Well, today he's one of the old hands here. And somehow a buddy of yours. As long as the clothes are neatly laid out and not full of wax, it's okay if he lives out his fetish during your tanning session. Bekim wants to suck you off as a thank you. “Next time, Buddy,” you say. You have to go back to the lab. Your pager has already beeped four times. Some damn ventilation system isn't working as it should.
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Bekim is like, the top dude of all time. He's not just about making sure your tanning bed is always ready for your regular sessions. He also hooks you up with the good stuff so your biceps stay swole and your nuts stay juiced. That's how the guy at the Marine Research Center where you work likes it. He's a real muscle daddy. And he's into his dumb janitor hoe.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
What are Kazuki and Rei’s Options? - Buddy Daddies - Episode 10 - SPOILERS!
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In Japan, same-sex couples cannot adopt children:
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Text:  Adoption and parenting Same-sex couples are not allowed to legally adopt in Japan. Lesbian couples and single women are unable to access IVF and artificial insemination.
(From the Wikipedia page on LGBT rights in Japan, which will be linked in the comments.)
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However, fostering children is currently an option for same-sex couples:
Now, in another sign of increasing acceptance of the LGBT+ community, it’s come to light that the city of Osaka has awarded foster care of a child to a same-sex male couple. While city administrators confirmed the couple’s foster parent status on April 5, 2017, the pair, consisting of one man in his 30s and another in his 40s, were approved as foster parents back in December of last year. Foster parent certification falls under the jurisdiction of local authorities, but Japan’s central Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare says that it has no previous record of a same-sex couple being awarded foster parent status, so the decision by Osaka appears to be the first of its kind in Japan. The Ministry also confirmed that its guidelines regarding foster parent selection make no specifications barring or giving preferential treatment to same-sex couples.
(Source: All About Japan - “Same-Sex Couples Can Now Be Foster Parents,” full article will be linked below in the comments.)
This is basically what we see Kazuki and Rei do, as of right now, with Miri. They foster her for a year, and she has returned back to her birth mother.
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Now, what will happen next is unknown. There are options like Miri never returning to them/staying with her mom, one or both of them dying, etc. etc., but we aren’t going to be looking at those possibilities right now. Let’s look at ones where Miri is a part of their lives.
If they want Miri back in their lives then Kazuki and Rei will have to take care of the Organization and their connection to it, and then find alternative jobs to support themselves. Buddy Daddies takes place in modern day Japan, that is the setting, and they are treating the situations as functioning within the framework of what can and cannot be done in modern day Japan, in regards to childrearing, childcare, and so forth.
Unless they go the route of having Kazuki forge paperwork to be her birth father, since they look very similar:
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Of course, this option would be a bit more convoluted. He couldn’t take on Miri’s birth father’s actual identity because he was a mafia boss and is currently, very much so, dead. But, they might be able to change it so that Miri would be Kazuki’s daughter. Then, Kazuki and Rei would be able to raise her, since she would be Kazuki’s birth child. 
But, unless Misaki were to pass away due to her cancer (which is a possibility, especially since she mentioned that it was spreading), the end result would still be a blended family situation:
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Because even if Misaki had given Miri up for adoption or had abandoned her, the birth mother is still the legal guardian of their child. Unless the birth mother dies or goes completely MIA or the child isn’t put into the system at all (essentially just living on the streets), then there isn’t a way, in current Japanese society, for a birth mother to be completely divorced from their child.
That being said, blended families do exist in Japan, especially in the modern day when divorce, remarrying, and same-sex relationships being recognized are all becoming more common place. But, we rarely see blended families being portrayed in anime (specifically, I’m sure there is some exploration of this found in manga), and certainly not at a central level of any kind (like with what we have been seeing with Buddy Daddies and how it has been centralizing its focus on childcare and childrearing).
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An blended family ending would still be just as queer and progressive as before. This sort of family dynamic would exist outside of the norm, and outside of the nuclear family expectation. The framing has been interesting too, because Miri’s mother is the one that essentially has to prove herself to both Kazuki and Rei and to Miri. She was brought back into the picture because it was the safer option for Miri at this moment, not just because she is Miri’s birth mother.
So I feel like, if a blended family situation does end up happening in the end, they won’t approach it in quite that way. Though, I also think that would be a point of contention at times (especially between Misaki and Kazuki) that wouldn’t be that uncommon for a blended family situation. Navigating issues like that is very common, I see my friends who are step-mothers and step-fathers have to navigate those waters often. If it were depicted in anime, even if it were for a brief bit (or in more depth if there were a second season and this is the route the series ultimately goes down), then that would be pretty neat.
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Something else to note is that when Misaki states: “If you consider yourselves her parents as well,” she uses the word “parents,” 親 (oya), not guardians, 保護者 (hogosha) or other similar/related words. 保護者 (hogosha) does mean parent, but in a more inclusive way that is also referencing legal guardians as well. But she is acknowledging them as parents, the same as her.
Of course, there are some who are weary and skeptical of the integrity of Misaki. I think she is talking honestly and sincerely here, along with the rest of the episode, but if she’s not, then what will happen to Miri is that she will likely go to live with her grandparents or, like I mentioned before, the series goes a bit more of a convoluted and complex route with making Kazuki’s Miri’s “birth” father through forgery and the like. Or, they break the more realistic boundaries they’ve been working within so far, and make it so that Kazuki and Rei can just magically adopt Miri, but given the “realistic” mentions in a lot of the interviews with Uchiyama and Toyonaga, I don’t think that is likely.
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If the series does go the route of having Miri go to live with her grandparents or mother and Kazuki and Rei aren’t brought into the family in a blended family way, but more so kept out (maybe with only the occasional visit or something). Then another possibility, especially if they do end up leaving the Oraganization and kind of “starting over” with new jobs and the like, is them becoming foster parents in general. 
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Miri would be the first and the most precious one to them, but then they find a “normal happiness” with each other and become foster parents to other kids in the future. It would be a nice way to really show them changing right, in the sense of, instead of taking human lives, they would be caring for and fostering children - the future, and hopefully helping them turn out to be good people. That’s always a possibility, especially if there is some kind of large time skip in the last episode. 
Of course, the series could instead go in the direction of criticizing the cruelty that same-sex couples cannot adopt and therefore are basically only left with the option of fostering, unless they have a blood-related child through natural means of birth. That is always a possibility as well, and is something that I feel they do kind of hit on a bit in Episode 10, especially with Rei’s line here:
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(Rei: “To say that after we’re all attached...it’s cruel.”)
But yeah, thinking about it, when it comes to positive outcomes, in the sense of Kazuki, Rei, and Miri living and Kazuki and Rei being able to escape the Organization, then I think the ending options are going to be one of the above. Everything in this post is pure speculation, since the series is anime original, we don’t know for sure what direction it will ultimately go in.
But these options here are the ones sticking out the most to me at the moment (once again, if we only look at potentially happy endings, rather than any potential overly tragic/bad end ones). It’s also possible that they may be critical of something (like with Rei’s words on the cruelty of it all), while also still painting an option, like Kazuki and Rei deciding to become foster parents, as something that is still an overall good and positive change for them, specifically. 
I like there is a potential messiness to the situation and overall premise that is presented in Buddy Daddies, because it makes it feel like the series is properly exploring the realities of the situation and the options that are open and available to Kazuki and Rei. It’s bleak in some ways, hopeful in others, and I am intrigued by what direction they will ultimately go in.
As always, feel free to add your thoughts to this as well! :D I always love reading them! <3
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marcarella-pizza · 1 year
Buddy Daddies Drama CD Vol 1 – When one Door Closes, Another Opens (Full Transcript/ Translation)
Due to Tumblr's formatting (and the fact that I haven't slept in 2 days lol), I will be sharing a PDF File of the transcript and translation. It will be colour coded and correctly formatted for sake of ease.
Click HERE for the Buddy Daddies Vol 1 Translation!
Disclaimer: I’m not 100% fluent in Japanese, and so, there will likely be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I’ll correct them!
I wanna thank my friends for helping me listen over and over to various segments! None of them are on Tumblr but I appreciated it very much! <3 (I was embarrassed when asking for their help lol)
(Rei’s voice was so deep and tired that it took me literally 30 minutes of looping “Curry Amakuchi” to figure out what he was saying. Mild Curry. I am a fool.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Okay, thanks for reading, enjoy!
-          Marcella
(I'm gonna sleep lmfao - I'll answer any questions or concerns when I awaken!)
Want to read the other drama CDs?
I have compiled the dramas into a folder on my Google Drive! When/ if I translate the the rest of the dramas, they'll also be there.
You can find it here.
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asdfghjkdfgh · 1 year
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30 Days of Buddy Daddies: Day 6 (Favorite moment of Rei) & 7 (Favorite Scene)
Very late and rushed post! But here are my Day 6 & 7 pieces. My favorite Rei moment was from episode 2 when Kazuki first hands him Miri and she messes around with his games. I just really love his expression it's so fun to look at!
As for my favorite scene, it has to be from episode 5 when Kazuki and Rei come back from doing a job and Rei is carrying Miri. I think this is my favorite because I loved how domestic they look, and it was funny because the whole time Kyu-chan could tell something was obviously up.
But yeah will try to do day 8 & 9 posts tomorrow, I do not know if it will be a drawing just because I have been busy recently, I'll try to post a simple sketch if anything.
As always credits to @yuraamar for the challenge
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
young veterans au - POV you’re on gale’s phone, dad!gale version
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liked by brady00, willquinn, meatballonig and 45 others
buckyegan_ Last time feeding the ducks as a 4 year old. Read a quote the other day about your kids being your heart beating outside of your body. I knew exactly what they meant.
crozbee Yep. ❤️❤️
cbiddick They gotta figure out how to keep kids little forever. One of Gale’s academia buddies working on that?
galecleven17 I sure hope so.
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liked by jean_crosby, cbiddick, alexjeff_art and 30 others
galecleven17 with buckyegan_ Just in time for her birthday, an old babysitter recently contacted us to share a baby picture she realized she had of our girl.
I wish so bad that we knew you then. But we found our way to each other, and I thank God every day that he chose us to be your parents. Daddy loves you the stars, Josie Belle. I think 5 is going to be the best year yet.
alexjeff_art Those little baby cheeks- how cool you guys got that photo. Happy bday Josie!!!
rosenthal_ She has the best parents in you two. Can’t wait to see you guys!
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plussizefantasia · 11 months
Good Punkins
Flufftober Day 21: Pumpkin Patch
Steve Rogers x f!mom!reader
Word Count: 2.7k (actually the longest fic I've written to date)
Warnings: reader is a mom in this one, she is referred to as Mamma several times so if that's not your jam don't read this.
AN: Holy crap this went way beyond my original plan but I just love Steve and little man so much now. This story does have a part two coming later (on day 30). Feedback and reblogs are always encouraged! Thank you for reading.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Steve was an amazing husband. The two of you were married six years ago and within a year you were expecting. Nine months later, Caleb James Rogers was born and you realized something amazing. Steve was an amazing husband, but he was an even better father.
Little Caleb wanted for nothing, but he wasn’t spoiled. He was adventurous and kind and everything that you could ever want in a child. Even as a baby, he wasn’t very fussy. When he was all it took was Steve lifting him into his large arms and cooing at the infant to get him to calm down. At first, you were a little jealous that Steve seemed to have the golden tough when it came to your son, but you couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings of adoration for your husband every time you saw the two of them together.
Caleb was an extremely curious child, he also didn’t like being left out. When you had driven the two of you home last week after picking him up from and he had seen the new decorations your neighbors had put out for Halloween it was no surprise when he asked, “Mamma, why dey have punkins?” You dread the day when he’s able to say the word pumpkin.
“Why do you think they have pumpkins, baby?” You returned.
“Dunno Mamma, but they gots faces in them.” 
“Some of them do yeah,” you opened the door to your house and watched as Caleb climbed up the singular step that led up to your door. You don’t know who designed it, but your little tyke has tripped on it more than once and you’ve made sure to be very watchful every time he tries again.
At the sound of the front door opening, Steve made his way towards the entryway of your home. He looked soft, as he usually did nowadays and you couldn’t love it more. Steve had hung up the shield when Caleb was born and since then he let his hair grow out, and bought a few more pairs of sweats and at your insistence shirts that fit him. He didn’t have abs anymore but that didn’t mean the strength had gone away, just that he was more worried about his family and being there for every moment than staying in peak shape.
“Buddy! How was school?” Steve got down on one knee in order to intercept the charging little boy.
“It was so funs Daddy! I got to play on the park and Mrs. Hilly gave me two gold stars today.” Steve lifted Caleb off the ground and cradled him against his hip. He began walking the two of them towards the kitchen.
“Two stars? That’s great bud.”
“Yeah and on da way home I saw punkins on the ground. Mamma says some of them face faces.”
“Yeah, it’s October buddy, that means some people have started decorating.”
“Decorating for what Daddy?”
“Decorating for Halloween.”
“Can we decorate for Halloween?”
“I don’t see why not, do you want to get a pumpkin and put a face on it with me?” Steve smiled at his son and shifted his eyes towards yours.
“Yes! Can we go gets one now Daddy?”
“Not now baby, we can go this weekend though.” You interrupted, noticing the look on Steve's face. He had a hard time saying no to Caleb and you knew that he was about to go put his shoes on and drive thirty minutes away to the nearest pumpkin patch just to see his little boy smile.
‘But I wants to go now, Mamma.” Your little boy whined.
‘I know baby, but if we go now we won’t have enough time to do all the fun things there. Don’t you want to be able to do all of the things they have?”
“What else do the punkin people have?”
“Um, well they usually have a corn maze and tractor rides. They might have a big ol’ room of corn that you can play in as you do at the park. And they might even have animals you can pet.” You said, thinking back to your childhood memories of going to pumpkin patches with your family.
“They have all of that?” His eyes had gotten wide.
“Yeah baby, they have tons of stuff but if we go tonight we won’t have time to do any of it. But if we wait until Saturday we’ll be able to spend the whole day there.”
‘I want to spend forever there!” 
“I don’t know about forever buddy, you still have to go to school but we can spend the whole day on Saturday how does that sound?” Steve asked the little boy.
“Sounds good Daddy.”
And so, three days later your little family of three loaded into the SUV all bundled up for a cool day at the pumpkin patch, and made your way further out of town and towards the fall-themed activity.
Your little boy was in the backseat singing along to the songs on the radio and occasionally asking nonsensical questions to either you or Steve. And both of you tried your best to answer them as seriously as you could.
Half an hour later you pulled into the farm and Steve rolled around the dirt parking lot looking for an open spot. It wasn’t too busy which you were grateful for, Steve may not exactly be Captain America anymore but that didn’t mean that he doesn’t still get recognized.
Steve parked the car and jumped out before you could start unbuckling Caleb. You rounded your way to the trunk to grab the backpack you had packed full of some extra snacks, a light blanket in case anyone got cold, and a hat and scarf for Caleb in case he needed it. Your husband and son joined you a moment later, Caleb holding onto Steve’s hand and practically bouncing in place.
“Alright baby, we need to go get our tickets to get inside and then we can do whatever you want.”
“Otay Mamma.” 
You passed through the ticket line with ease and without much time passing at all, you were inside. You checked your phone for the time, 10:30. 
“Alright baby, what do you want to do first?” You asked, looking towards your son and patiently waiting for him to make his decision. Caleb scanned his surroundings taking in all there was to do and weighing his options carefully. His eyes landed a little ways away at a large pile of hay that several other children were climbing on top of and running up the side.
“Look, Daddy! A mountain of straw!”
“I see buddy, you wanna go play?” Caleb screamed his assent and grabbed his father’s hand pulling him towards the miniature mountain. You followed behind them and took a seat on a nearby bench to watch your boys have their fun.
Steve would lift Caleb into the sky so he could get to the top and then the little boy would count down and push himself down the hill like a slide. Several times, he would just run straight at the pile and bury himself in the looser straw on the surface. At one point Caleb, convinced Steve to climb to the top of the pile and all at once all of the children playing tried to push him off. You laughed loudly and took pictures the entire time.
Eventually, though your baby boy got a little tired and made his way towards you. He was breathing heavily and his entire body was covered in straw. You pulled a few stray pieces from his hair and offered him one of the juice boxes you had packed.
Steve too came towards your sitting place, also covered head to toe in straw. When you arched a single eyebrow at him and looked him up and down, a small plush, and sheepish expression crossed his face and he looked down at his shoes.
When Caleb’s breathing returned to normal you asked him what he wanted to do next and he immediately perked up.
“You said there would be animals to pet Mamma?” 
“Yeah, baby I think they have some goats if you wanna pet those.”
The rest of the day followed similarly. Caleb running from activity to activity. Sometimes you joined in, sometimes Steve, sometimes both of you. He was having a blast and you were so happy he was getting to make these fun memories like you had. 
Caleb played in the corn pit for a little while, he fed the goats and took a ride on the mini-tractor coaster for the kids. He also had his face painted and the three of you had your photo taken next to the sixteen-foot-tall scarecrow. You all had hotdogs and apple cider for lunch and Caleb insisted that he wanted to go play on the hay pile again.
“When can we get out punkin Mamma?” Caleb said after his third yawn of the last hour. Your little man was fading and fast.
“Right now Baby, let's go get in line for the tractor ride and then we can go out and get our pumpkins. Caleb turned towards Steve and lifted his arms at his father, asking without words to be picked up.
Steve hoisted your son into his arms and the three of you made your way to the actual line to go into the patch. It was nearing time for dinner and you wanted to be able to get your pumpkins and go home before Caleb completely conked out.
One short tractor ride later and the three of you were immersed in the sea of orange gourds. Caleb seemed to perk up when he saw all of the pumpkins and began excitedly running from row to row inspecting them.
Steve and you strolled hand in hand along with him, both of you with soft smiles on your faces as you watched the little man you created having a wonderful day.
“Thank you.” Steve had said, breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you.
“For what?” You laughed.
‘For this” He gestured towards Caleb, also lifting your intertwined hands and placing a kiss on the back of yours, “I never thought I’d get this, so thank you.” You leaned in and softly kissed him, taking your time to let him know through your affection that you’d do just about anything for him. 
“Well then, Thank you too.” You said as you pulled back. 
“Mamma! Daddy! Come on, come look!” Your attention was drawn to your son, jumping up and down next to a couple of pumpkins he seemed to have lined up.
“What did you find bud?” Steve asked when the two of you got close enough.
“Good punkins, we can put faces on dem.” he pointed at the three pumpkins he had lined up. You had to admit, it seemed like Caleb had a knack for picking pumpkins. The ones he had grabbed were practically perfect, with only one of two spots on them.
“Good job, baby these are great ones.” You ruffled his hair. “Alright, we gotta bring them back to the tractor so we can take 'em home. You wanna grab one?” He just nodded and went to grab the biggest of the three.
“How ‘bout Daddy take this one and you can take that one,” Steve said pointing toward the other pumpkin on the ground.
“Otay Daddy, but if you need help let me know.” You both softly laughed at how sweet your little boy was.
“Sure thing, buddy.” Steve hiked the largest pumpkin onto one shoulder and went to grab the stem of the one in his arms.
“What are you doing?” You asked him as he lifted the pumpkin from your hands.
“What was the point of marrying a super soldier if you don’t take advantage of the strength.”
“I didn’t marry you for your strength, I married you for your rugged good looks.”  You responded and he let out a large guffaw followed by a smaller stream of laughter laughter.
Without your arms full you were free to take pictures of the father-son duo carrying their pumpkins side by side toward the tractor. You helped Caleb load his pumpkin up into the wagon that the passengers rode in and watched as he climbed up the steps into the wooden structure. Steve followed after you and the three of you in the corner with the pumpkins at your feet.
When the wagon started moving it began sort of rocking side to side, lulling your little boy closer and closer to sleep. You were sort of impressed that he had lasted that long and pulled him into your lap so that he could be more comfortable. Not even five minutes later he was asleep with his head rested against your shoulder and his arms around your neck.
The tractor pulled back into the main area of the farm and you had to disembark and grab your pumpkins so that other people could have their turn.
Before you could even start to get up with your sleeping son in your arms, Steve had taken him and lifted him onto his shoulders. He had one of Caleb’s legs on either side of his head and the torso of the little boy was leaning on his head, his little hand resting on Steve’s forehead. 
Since he had taken the boy you went to go grab one of the pumpkins but Steve had beaten you to that too. In some miracle, Steve had managed to hold onto not only the sleeping little boy, but all three pumpkins and get off the wagon without jostling any of them too much.
“Steven Grant, let me carry a damn pumpkin.” You chased after your husband, attempting to relieve him of at least one of the decently sized pumpkins. 
“Let me think about that.” He kept walking.
“Steve seriously, I look so mean making you carry everything.”
“You’re not making me do anything Honey, I’m doing this of my own free will.”
“Well, will your free will at least let me grab Caleb.”
“He’s comfy up there”
“Yeah mamma, comfy” a little sleep-riddled voice replied from your husband’s shoulders. And Steve let a smirk of victory cross his face.
“Whatever.” You huffed. Following next to your husband and hoping that nobody else thought you were some kind of nightmare woman who made your husband carry everything.
It was a short trek after that to the car and you began to increase your pace so that you’d be able to open the door for Steve to be able to transfer Caleb back into his car seat, but Steve matched your pace easily and you watching as his smirk continued to grow.
He got to the car first and instead of depositing the pumpkins in the trunk, or going to put Caleb in his seat, Steve opened the passenger door for you and gestured for you to get it.
“You’re kidding.” You deadpanned.
“I got this Honey, just get in the car.”. You didn’t argue just shook your head with exasperation and climbed into the car. Turning the heat on and getting the directions home pulled up on your phone.
Meanwhile, Steve, who you’re now convinced was a juggler in a previous life is opening the hatch of the trunk and placing all three pumpkins plus your backpack that you didn’t even realize he had into the space. He pulled Caleb down from his shoulders and placed a kiss on his head. Closing the trunk, he made his way around to Caleb’s door and opened it without moving the sleeping boy an inch. Steve flawlessly deposited him into this seat and buckled him up with astonishing speed and you had to admit to yourself that watching Steve do all of this was turning you on more than you thought it would.
Finally, Steve opened his door and climbed into the car, starting the engine and looking to you for the go-ahead to leave.
You just leaned across the consul and placed a large kiss on his cheek. Making him smile like a schoolboy.
“I love you.” You had said.
“I love you too.” He had replied before shifting the car into reverse and beginning the half-hour drive home.
You looked into the back seat at the tuckered-out boy in his car seat and thanked the universe and Steve all over again for giving you such an amazing little gift.
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Could you please do one where Joe Burrow takes his baby and his wife to his game?
Joe Burrow - #1 Fan
Jordan continued to wail loudly as he sat on his cooing grandmother's lap. His mom had stepped out to use the restroom and he was left in the suite with his doting grandparents.
"Oh, Jordy, don't cry my baby! Daddy's going to be playing soon." His grandma cooed.
Jordan continued crying until he heard his grandpa say, "look! Mama is back. There's mama!"
Within moments his crying stopped at the sight of his grinning mama. He reached up with grabby hands towards her, his baby blue eyes filled with tears as his lower lip stuck out with a pout.
"Oh, baby." His mom cooed at him as she lifted him. "I just went potty my silly boy." She tickled his belly which made him leave out a shrill giggle. At 10 months old, he was a pretty big baby. He had a head full of blonde hair that matched his dad's from childhood photos and the cutest chubby cheeks.
This was his first game this season, missing the few months last season due to COVID and Joe's fear of him getting sick.
The second Jordan Lee Burrow was brought into this world, his dad turned into a hawk, always having an eye on him when he was home, and when away, he checked in multiple times a day. It got to the point that his wife broke down and installed cameras throughout the house so Joe could access the live feed on his phone when hundreds of miles away.
At times he drove his wife crazy with his constant hovering, but she understood that it was out of love and fear of the unknown.
Funny how women are the ones painted as the over concern first-time parent, when that was Joe 1000% of the time.
While pregnant and taking her pregnancy one step at a time, Mama Burrow was enjoying her time in preparing for the delivery.
Joe? Started nesting the house within weeks of them finding out. He had a crib set up and was buying all sorts of things.
The amount of Bengals memorabilia had increased tenfold with Bengals-themed baby gear everywhere.
-- Earlier --
Finally, when Joe was preparing to come to the stadium today, he wrung his hands nervously and kept checking his watch. "So, we play at 4:30."
"I know, hun." His wife said.
"Maybe come at 3 to avoid the hecticness? I'll have someone meet you guys at the back gates where the players park."
"I know." His wife smiled at him as he went over to pick up Jordan. "I promise everything will be ok, hun. Just play your best and we'll be there cheering you on."
Joe pressed a kiss to his sons forehead. "Is that right, Jordy? You're going to come see dada play?" Joe lifted him in the air like an airplane before bringing him back down against his chest, his son giggling loudly. "I love you, buddy."
-- Now --
Jordan was well behaved throughout the game. He suckled on his pinky and cuddled into the blanky his mom had draped across the two of them. By the time his dad finished playing, he had finished his bottle and was sleeping soundly on his grandpa's lap, his blanky held tightly in his small hands.
After speaking to the media, Joe rushed his way up to the suite and felt a rush of emotion hit him. The love and happiness he felt at the sight of his parents with his wife and son was unimagineable.
He first approached his wife who greeted him with a kiss and a hug. "I'm so proud of you guys, baby. Good job."
Joe kissed her again, "Thanks babe. I love you." He gave her another squeeze before releasing her to give his mom a quick peck on the cheek and a hug.
Finally, he got to the one person he'd been waiting on hours to see. His son was napping peacefully on his dad's lap, his eyelashes fluttering as he continued to suckle on his binky peacefully.
"Hey bud." Joe whispered as he gently scooped his son up, careful to not wake him. "Hey dad." Joe said sheepishly at his dad, almost forgetting to greet him.
"Good game, son." His dad said in return with a smile.
"Thanks." Joe said as he turned towards his wife. "Ready to go home, babe?"
His wife smiled at him. "Yeah, let's go home."
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dk-wren · 1 year
Week 2 - 30 Days of Buddy Daddies
Welcome back! This week was a lot more hectic, but I somehow managed to find time to respond to the next seven prompts. Hope you enjoy reading through my responses!
Day 8: Funniest Scene
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I have these screenshots from a previous post just saved onto my computer. I really did not have a specific reason as to why I saved them after finishing that post, but glad to see they came in use again.
Overall, I think the zoo episode is the one that made me laugh out loud the most. This moment in particular just caught me so off guard the first time I watched the episode because of how serious Kazuki's tone is when he says it. Like yes, "Love is Blind" and Kazuki is example A.
It definitely took me a second to register what he was saying, and also that it was part of the script given Rei's response rather than a wonky translation, which then made me instantly die again. This man loves his family with his full heart, and this is one of the comedic ways that he showed it.
Day 9: Scene that Caused You Anguish
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The Ferris wheel scene.
That's it. That's my response.
Okay, not really, but ahhh this scene! Even if Kazuki and Rei believe they didn't change, I feel the whole conversation they have while riding the Ferris wheel disproves that.
While their points and conversation is underlined by the feeling that they are not adequate or can safely take care of Miri, now with the organization on to them, everything they have done to provide for Miri's well-being and to allow her to have a happy childhood in that previous year proves they did change.
It made me so sad to see them defeated and feeling like this was their only option. Also, seeing Rei for what may possibly be the first time stick up for this family and not wanting to let it go adds to why I'm choosing this scene. Plus, seeing how this yearning to hold onto their little family explodes over the last few episodes adds to my anguish over this scene serving as the breaking point for the trio (until they all reunite in ep. 11 after some more anguish). The dialogue, the music, the solitude created by being in one of the ride vehicles as well as the lighting decided it was going for the kill in terms of what would leave me an emotional wreck.
Day 10: Favorite Part of the Opening
Just gonna leave the whole opening here and timestamp a few of my favorite parts since 1) it’s a bop and 2) I love love love the opening.
0:22 = I’ve always loved this little section of Rei and Kazuki holding a giant photo frame with Miri, Miss Anna, and her friends from daycare walking behind it. I've never really thought of why I liked it so much though. One possibility is this is the first time (in the opening) we see the three of them together, in their casual clothes. With Rei and Kazuki holding the photo frame while Miri and the people she's close to at daycare in the background, laughing and visibly happy, I feel like this might symbolize the "slice of life" aspect of this show. These frames show the viewer a snapshot into their life, which for the most part, revolves around Miri, Kazuki, and Rei's daily life, which doesn't always mean having an assignment. I've also always loved taking pictures to keep as memories, so the associations of a picture frame and wanting to capture their happy little family could be another reason why I love this part of the opening so much.
0:37 = Really I'm just a sucker for this transition between Rei riding his motorcycle (which there should have been more of) and Ogino. Thinking about it now, perhaps another reason I loved this part of the opening was due to the foreshadowing of Ogino following and watching Rei (and by association Kazuki and Miri).
1:11 = Another transition I really liked, but I feel the reason I liked this one is due to the symbolism behind it. In seeing the back of Kazuki and transition to Yuzuko in the hydrangea field, it seems to convey the idea that Yuzuko will always be with him or in his heart. Despite his fears, this part of the opening seems to suggest that Kazuki will not forget about Yuzuko, even if he changes or moves on with his life. And while she is facing away from the viewer, so we cannot see her facial expressions, I feel there is a tenderness or bittersweetness in seeing her at the hydrangea field where she and Kazuki first met, rather than on a city street, which has dominated a fair bit of the opening.
Also, gotta love when the three run across the title-card with Dorothy, Carol, and some hitmen running after them, as well as the three of them in front of the Ferris wheel at the end of the opening.
Day 11: Favorite Part of the Ending
First things first, Miri looks so adorable in all the outfits she wears in the ending. For this first, low-quality screenshot, I just loved how whoever dressed Miri (my guess is Kazuki but idk) made sure the color palette matched the flowers around her.
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Beach day! Honestly, what's not to love about this part of the ending? Kazuki and Rei being dorks in the background, Miri with her big sunglasses and hat, and the family going on a fun outing together.
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This is technically the only time Miri is shown wearing a kimono in the anime, so yeah, I'm obsessed. I've seen the handful of illustrations Lily has shared on Twitter, with the whole family wearing kimonos, and those are some of my favorites. I don't even know how long ago this was, but as someone pointed out before, also love how the fishes seem to represent Kazuki, Rei, and Miri. Can't say for sure, but I think I can reasonably assume this might be from a family visit to an Obon or Hanamatsuri like festival. Since I have fond memories of going to these festivals (and also sometimes winning a fish or two at the carnival games), this is probably the reason why I love this part of the ending.
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Just THEM!!! Love how Miri is holding both Papa Rei and Papa Kazuki's hand and will always love the ending illustration of the family taking a midday nap altogether on the couch.
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Day 12: Favorite Quote/Phrase Said in the Anime
I'm gonna share two since in a way they are connected (also I'm taking the quotes from the subtitles, so apologies if they are not exact)
"'Papa' is the person who saves you when you're in trouble" (Miri, ep. 3)
"We have to protect her. Think. What can we do to help Miri?...We can change. This time, we'll make Miri happy" (Rei, ep. 11)
The second quote to me is one of the pinnacle moments showcasing Rei's growth throughout the series. I loved how in this moment, the roles were reversed and Rei is the one who needs to convince Kazuki that they can be a family together. He is finally expressing all his emotions that perhaps he had been suppressing inside of him or perhaps didn't know how to express until this moment. By this point in the episode, Rei had essentially turned his back on this father/boss, who sadly and in a very twisted way, was the only family he had known before Kazuki and Miri came into his life. But, Rei has a new family now and I love that he's gonna stop at nothing from having it be broken apart.
The first quote by Miri all the way back in episode 3 could be the motto of this show since Kazuki and Rei stop at almost nothing from protecting Miri and looking after her well-being. I also loved how this was Miri's response to Rei asking her why she calls Kazuki "Papa" when they had only known each other for no more than a month. It doesn't matter to Miri who is related to her by blood, only that they are there to "save" and love her.
Day 13: Favorite Fanfics
Here are two of my favorite Buddy Daddies fics! There are a few others I’ve read and really liked, but I unfortunately could not recall their titles (to leave a link to here on this post) or they were shared on a post which is now buried in my “likes.”
Day 14: Favorite Artists
First things first, I want to give a huge round of applause to all the artists who have created art for this anime. I am not an artist so all your pieces and ideas blow me away. The talent here is literally insane and I've really enjoyed looking at all your pieces!
Want to give a shout-out though to polimollykart, splenderai, wrendraws, zsdopaminecave, queerblueberry, rialen-art, and theunfairmaiden as some of my favorite artists.
Thank you again for reading my responses for Week 2 of the 30 Days of Buddy Daddies tag!
If you are one of the artist I listed and would like to be tagged, please let me know! I'd love to, but just didn't want to randomly @ people.
See you again in a week!
-Dakota Wren
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