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sourpatchsquids · 9 months ago
Hi I talk about In Stars and Time again!!!
Hi it's been like a week since i posted the last transcript! I am simply keeping the train rolling and going right into the next piece from the In Stars and Time OST that I wanna talk about: "We're With You!"
Just like last time, I'm gonna allude to/discuss the events of the game in moderate depth, so reader discretion is advised. Spoilers below the cut.
"We're With You" will play during moments such as Mirabelle's speech before leaving for the House of Change and a few other places where the focus is on Siffrin and how he relates to the party. Keep this in mind as we go forward.
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As we open the piece there is already plenty to talk about! A small orchestration of Piano, Plucked strings and a plucked bass perform just about the strongest tonic harmony you could ask for. The figure in measures 3 and 4 where the left hand supports the right in the stepwise ascension to E is the first time I've ever thought to call a phrase of music adorable, and it really creates this air of togetherness and joy. You're with your friends! They're here to support you! Hey what's with that leading tone in the bass
The next chord to enter the progression is a iii7, which is a motion that I would best describe as Noncommittal. Essentially, putting a iii7 after a root position tonic chord is like splitting the tonic into its two neighbors. Things feel more or less the same, but it's like you've lost something that was keeping you grounded. Now that the quality of the chord is minor, it all comes together to creating this tender, vulnerable feeling. You aren't on sure footing, but it's okay. This is further elaborated when the line from the previous phrase's left hand returns in measure 7. The same support from the beginning is still here, your friends are still here.
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As we continue, we move down to a ii7. iii7 -> ii7 is a nice mellow stepdown progression that doesn't shake up the harmony too much. As a predominant chord, it's setting us up for an expected dominant to take us back to the tonic and resolve this uneasy tension that has built up in the last phrase, and it delivers on that front. It takes the phrase from the first 4 measures and brings it down by a step, while keeping a little bit of that tension by having the left hand of the piano jump from the 5th to the 7th of the chord, as opposed to a simple arpeggio like last time. From here, the line repeats the beginning phrase and begins a nice gentle stepwise descent to set us up for that nice E major to make us feel all nice and happy hey what's going on here,,,,,
This isn't a dominant chord that will bring a satisfying resolution to the harmonic tension and take us home, this is a Neapolitan chord in 2nd inversion! To break this down a little, a neapolitan chord is a fancy name for a major chord built on the flat 2nd scale degree. Because of how much it can warp the harmony around it, it's typically used for very strong moments in music with a lot of emotional weight. Which is to say that compared to the choices in progression made previously, this is very potent. To make things even more jarring, the chord plays with the 5th in the bass, which is the most unstable voicing this chord could have. Even with the motion of the previous line, it still is striking when the Bb plays in the melody.
Because the strings have been following the same pattern this entire time, as well as the melody slowing down after this chord change, we are able to rest a bit as listeners while we adjust to this strange new harmony while we wait to be taken to the next section.
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In the last measure of this 4-bar phrase, we get an Ab that pops in right before the change back to the tonic. This Ab turns the bII64 into a dominant 7th chord, which has a few implications. Namely, this chord becomes a secondary dominant into the key of Eb, which is a full tritone away from the original key. We have had a sudden jarring change to the harmony, and now we are about to go as far away from where we started as possible. So what do we do? We go back to the beginning of course! The V7/bV resolves to a I7 chord in a way that would make my old theory professors' skin crawl, but works perfectly.
See, dominant 7th chords like to resolve certain ways. The 7th wants to resolve down by step, the root wants to resolve to its tonic, etc. This chord resolves in such a way as to break those rules and more. Every pitch resolves to A, with the exception of the top voice, which resolves to E. This leads to multiple direct octaves, a phenomenon that occurs when multiple voices resolve to the same pitch across different octaves, which is typically frowned upon because it can sound as though the orchestration has lost voices. Perhaps we can make some connections to a certain main character failing to see his party members as people after a little progression through the story.
Regardless of how we got there, we are back at the beginning of the loop, so onwards we go!
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Now that we are retreading old ground, we're gonna primarily focus on the things that have changed. Hey! The supporting friend line has moved to the melody now! Hey! The material that this line was supporting is no longer playing! I'm not sure how I feel about the implications there! Now that the right hand is playing what was in the left hand, there is new material in the left hand: A melancholy descending line with a strong focus on the 7th, which adds a new extension to the tonic that wasn't as pronounced in the first passage. Because the right hand is only playing the figure it took from the original passage, there's a couple measures where this line is able to ring out unimpeded.
First, we hear it as A-G#-C#, a nice way to add the leading tone into the bar to turn the old major tonic chord into something new and interesting. I could belabor the point here and talk further about how putting the leading tone in the first measure of this passage really digs into Siffrin's feelings of wanting to find home with his family, but I think you understand by now. What I really wanna belabor is how in the second measure of this example, the left hand's line changes to G#-E-C#, the triad for the following chord. The music is beginning to anticipate the changes further in the loop. The melody is skipping ahead to complete the motions of the last loop in the hopes of getting something different this time, just as Siffrin returned to the beginning of the loop and used his knowledge of his friends to try and make them stronger, more able to tackle the challenges of the House. But what if things still don't work out this time?
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To our surprise, the left hand still plays their supporting line this time! Even when they think they know everything, Siffrin still can show new vulnerability, and their friends will still be with him in support. However, this little joy isn't enough to defeat break the loop. Despite the right hand's best efforts to change the momentum of the line in this second iteration of the ii->bII64, the change still comes. Once the line is forced back into the stepwise motion to Bb, the right hand makes no more effort to continue playing. This isn't how it was supposed to end, so the only option is to go back and try something different.
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And oh boy do we go somewhere different! We have accepted that the key change is happening. We are thinking about how if things do not change from their predetermined course, we will end up going as far away as possible from where we want to be (home) (the place we feel safe and secure) (the place where we feel happier than we have ever been before). Hey look! It's the main theme of In Stars and Time making an appearance in the left hand! Hey look! That means the supporting line that I mentioned feels like it's helping the right hand light itself up has been lost! God I love music and its ability to tell you the themes of a story without saying a goddamn word!
What really gets me about this passage is that it feels far more natural than the Bb -> A progression, despite being so far from the previous tonic. It feels less jarring to confront the thoughts than it is to stew in them. This key changes carries such an immense weight because it represents the little voice in the back of Siffrin's mind. (They don't want to see you again.) (They'll go back to their homes, without you) "We're with you!" (But for how long.)
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The variations continue in the left hand as we approach the next loop point. Now that we have changed keys, the lines are becoming more chaotic. Previously, the left hand would hold a pitch on the last measure of a 4 bar phrase (other than the first ii->bII64 in measure 12), but this time it is wildly jumping around in contrast to the strange ascending line in the right hand. We have looped many times now, and it is beginning to wear us down. Siffrin is failing to remember his lines, and perhaps in desperation is trying anything new to make headway against the time loops. No such luck yet. I should also note that while i didn't mark it in the example image, the same voice leading errors occurred as in the key of A. Despite all the changes, when we loop back into Eb it carries the same feeling of suddenly being snapped back, rather than any kind of a satisfying end.
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Finally, we have reached the end of the piece. I only have 2 things i want to discuss here. First is the circled pitch cluster in the bass. I haven't talked much about the bass in this analysis because after the first loop, it runs as an ostinato for the duration of the piece, until right here. It plodded away exactly as it needed to the entire time, providing a wonderful, grounding figure to help warm up the instrumentation and balance out the harmony as it took us around to the strange places it did. So when I heard this the first time I was a little shocked.
At first, I thought it was an error that managed to slip under the sound team. However, after thinking about the piece, I am confident that this was a 100% intentional choice by Studio Thumpy Puppy. Up to now, "We're With You" has shown a slow, progressive decline in stability to represent Siffrin's growing anxiety about the end of his adventure with the rest of his party. Little things hiding away in a happy, tender piece meant to play when their family is together and enjoy each other's company. While Sif has always shown doubts about how genuinely everyone cares about them, it is undeniable that they have given him their full support and care for their entire time together. So, what if he made a big mistake?
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One that really made them withhold their support, if even for a second?
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Next, I'd like to talk about the final measures of the piece. We are treated to an unbelievably sparse harmony. All E's, then a lower E in the base, and finally E-B-E to close out before relooping to the very beginning. There is no sudden jerk back to the loop, we have to sit with this empty, transitional feeling.
When I was first learning to play piano, I had a very bad habit. Whenever I would make a mistake during practice, I would always leap back to just before I made the mistake, rather than simply allowing it to happen and moving on. In my frustration, I would end up playing the lead up to where I made the mistake, unbelievably slowly, as though I were trying to grind the failure out of my body.
My mistake was not in redoing a section that I clearly hadn't perfected yet, practice is important after all. My mistake was that I treated it like a blemish. That because I performed incorrectly, there was no point in continuing with the piece until I could perform correctly. The thought of making a mistake in front of those whose opinions of me were so important filled me with dread. This is what goes through my mind when I listen to the very end of "We're With You!" When faced with the prospect of losing their family, Siffrin's reaction is to go back and do it right this time.
Every time.
Only took me a week to get this one out :3 This was a way bigger write-up than I thought it was gonna be! This music has themes in it y'all!
As always, if you haven't supported Studio Thumpy Puppy yet, go do that. They make good music!
And if you haven't played ISAT yet, then uh,,, I warned you at the top about spoilers, go buy it and learn why I love it to death :>
I won't promise a time for the next one, but keep an eye out for my next transcript, stardust :)
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corvarrow · 2 months ago
2024 Books/Games Wrap up and 2025 Art Goals
Aaand its time once again for the stuff lists! I honestly don't think I'm gonna add anything else to the Books Read or Games Played lists this year so I may as well post now. Overall: productive year! Last year's list is here for reference.
Things I’ve read since Jan 2024
Heaven Official's Blessing 1 by MXTX
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
Death in the Dark Woods by Annelise Ryan
Long Exposure vol 2 (Graphic Novel)
Heaven Official's Blessing 2 by MXTX
Heaven Official's Blessing 3 by MXTX
Heaven Official's Blessing 4 by MXTX
Heaven Official's Blessing 5 by MXTX
Heaven Official's Blessing 6 by MXTX
Heaven Official's Blessing 7 by MXTX
Heaven Official's Blessing 8 by MXTX
Babel: An Arcane History by R.F. Kuang
Haunted Hallways anthology (Outland Entertainment)
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Dead Detectives Society anthology (Monstrous Books)
Animus Mundi anthology (Outland Entertainment)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #1 by MXTX
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #2 by MXTX
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #3 by MXTX
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #4 by MXTX
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #5 by MXTX
To Root Somewhere Beautiful anthology (Outland Entertainment)
SCP Foundation: Red/Yellow/Black Journals (Parabooks) (These are basically a selection of about 100 SCP articles published into 3 books with a lot of nice illustrations)
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson
Dragons Rising by Alisha Klapheke
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
Delicious in Dungeon manga 1-14 by Ryoko Kui (full series)
Comments: Yeah...there was definitely a theme here. My favorite book this year was the entire TGCF/Heaven Official's Blessing series. The characters are all SO good, though Xie Lian is my favorite <333
Also this is the first time I've read any of Brandon Sanderson's stuff... overall I think they're pretty good! ALTHOUGH, I will say, I started with Yumi and the Nightmare Painter because I knew it was a standalone book and that was almost a mistake. For whatever reason he uses so many parentheses right off the bat - that's fine in a text post but in a novel I actually find that Quite Annoying so I almost gave up on it early. Glad I didn't though! Ended up liking it and was inspired to try some of his other books, which I enjoyed even more.
Currently Reading: Godkiller by Hannah Kaner. I don't think this is a very long book but I don't have the bandwidth required to finish it in the next couple days
2025 Book Goals: If you can believe it I have more danmei novels waiting in the wings lol. I am probably going to also read more Brandon Sanderson books but he has so many that I've just been checking them out at the library. I'm at the mercy of "whenever it comes in", and just read whatever in between.
2024 Video Games:
Super Mario Wonder
Baldur's Gate 3 (and it only took 171 hours)
Iron Lung
Logiart Grimoire
Monster Prom
Atomic Heart
Trombone Champ (can't believe this has an endgame state lmao)
Dave the Diver
Last Call BBS
Animal Well
Still Wakes the Deep
Crow Country
Nancy Drew and the White Wolf of Icicle Creek (played before a LONG time ago)
Raging Loop (DNF - Visual Novel - got about 7 hours in before deciding it wasn't for me)
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Escape Simulator
Strange Horticulture
Comments: This was an interesting year for me because I finally burned myself out on FF14, which left me open to start playing other games instead. I had gotten to the point where I was going for Triple Triad/Jellytoast mount so I was working on getting cards, and I actually got most of them. HOWEVER, I then got roadblocked by Eureka and Bozja. You have to do their storylines to unlock the NPCs for cards. Now, Eureka you CAN mostly do solo, its a miserable grindfest even if you do manage to get in a party, but you can still solo if no one is around, and the story quests don't require other players, so I got through Euraka. Bozja...no. No not really. The story quests have events that do require other players, and I found it really intimidating aaand my FC didn't want to help x_x So I finally just stopped and started playing BG3. I do want to play Dawntrail at some point but I just got so tired. (and yeah for the record I don't have any dedicated groups to play games with so I do mostly play solo games... FF14 is very solo friendly actually, if you're willing to sometimes put up with roulette queueing, just not some of the side content lol)
ANYWAY. Getting through a "large RPG" was one of my video game goals from last year so I accomplished that with BG3...then I started really getting through my backlog! Obviously I like a lot of different genres. If I had to pick a favorite I would say....🤔 Maybe Still Wakes the Deep storywise, but I'll pick Escape Simulator for gameplay because it's REALLY fun. Puzzle rooms are absolutely my jam. Mouthwashing was also very good, storywise. I am not going to label that one "fun" though. LOL.
Game that I wish I could like more...Animal Well. I didn't know this in advance but this is a very pixel hunt & ARG heavy game as well as being a metroidvania. I LOVE metroidvanias, on the other hand pixel hunts & ARGs are not for me at all. You cannot get to the "true" ending of this game without messing around with all that, and the regular end is like, nothing. Metroidvanias are usually pretty light on story as the format is challenging, but this may as well not have a story at all. So, that's irritating. On the other hand, the game is freaking gorgeous, and is one of the most eerie games I have played in a long time. Love the atmosphere, wasn't thrilled about the other stuff (to those that like it though, you would probably love this!)
Currently Playing: Undecided. Right now I'm thinking either Signalis or Sorry We're Closed. But I also have a lot of Nancy Drew games I picked up from a sale so maybe one of those first instead.
2025 Game Goals: I am tempted to say I'd like to do another "Large RPG" game since I still have several in my backlog, but honestly I would like to continue just knocking smaller games out of the general backlog as its been very satisfying.
Other 2025 Goals/Art Goals
So this was an interesting year because I ended up doing a 365 landscape drawing challenge in my hobonichi journal...trying to keep up with this has been the ultimate test and has been really draining my brain since like June. However, I am almost done. My ability to doodle random landscape in pen has definitely improved. Am I doing another yearly challenge next year? ....No. Absolutely not lmao. Break now.
Anyway some general goals are:
Finish at least 1 sketchbook
Do/Post more finished pieces
These are copied from last year though I would like to note that I ended up doing all those refs this year instead. Which is fine! They were very badly needed and I'm really happy about them. However my brain has been so drained otherwise I didn't really do much regular finished pieces and now I feel out of practice. 🤔 Ideally I'd like to work on figuring out a coloring process that works for me since it has legitimately always been a problem. But, I think that's also going to be driven a bit by 'what kind of look am I going for', which I have an idea (I love really interesting lighting), so I think I have to explore how to get to That.
3. Finish designing a sona
I got partway through this this year and got sidetracked. It also occurred to me that I could make more than one 🤔 I really want to update my icon art (and like... make some banners) so I kind of need to finish this thought.
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rare-prism-s · 4 years ago
kith,,,for oberon ,,,,,
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jellykyunnie · 4 years ago
Hello hello can I request first date and first kiss with xiao and diluc? both of them need sum love, especially xiao his angst potential is too much QwQ anyway thank you have a great day!!
A/N: Hi Hi Chirumiii!! Tysm for the request </3!! And I really agree with u that these bbs need more love hnnn!! I hope u enjoy this hc:D Have a great day too hnnn!!
𝕏𝕚𝕒𝕠, 𝔻𝕚𝕝𝕦𝕔 x 𝙶𝙽! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖��: Fɪʀsᴛ Dᴀᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ Kɪss
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝕏𝕚𝕒𝕠˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ .
I tell you, Xiao was very serious when it comes to this. Well, of course he is, this is for you after all. He doesn’t want your first date with him to be very...Disheartening.
The adeptus did his research thoroughly, he even went so far as to ask Verr Goldett for help.
She was very pleased seeing him like this, for once- He wasn’t thinking about his dark memories or his job. He was thinking of someone very dear to him, seeing him like this made her hear sigh in relief.
When she gave her suggestions, Xiao managed to come up with a good plan.
Xiao was very stiff in your date, appearing at some point nervous. His mind constantly trailed with thoughts like ‘Am I doing this right?’ ‘Are They Enjoying this?’ ‘Is this how mortals do it?’ ‘Am I missing on something?’
Give your boy a comforting pat in the back, it’ll really help him feel a little more assured. 
When you’re both walking, Xiao matches your pace. He’s not a beat slow or fast. He is with you and Xiao wants you to know that.
 Don’t expect him to be too into skinship, it seems...Too awkward for him and he’s afraid of exerting the wrong strength and might end up with you being hurt because of his carelessness.
However, if your eyes are very sharp- You’ll see him trying to reach for your hand but ends up retracting it and clenches his fist.
He wants to hold you, as close as you can possibly be- But the fear of just hurting you haunts him ceaselessly. 
But it’s alright, it doesn’t mean he wont hold you. He’ll eventually build up the confidence and he’ll softly take yours with his.  Xiao’s grip was firm, it’s obvious in his hold that he is someone who has fought numerous battles and wields his spear alone. Maybe his touch will feel a little sad no matter how loving and careful it is.
He wasn’t used to this, walking peacefully with someone beside him. It felt unreal.
Years of never-ending bloodbath, years of always being on high guard- It changed him drastically to the anguish he now suffers alone with.
Xiao was used to being able to not call someone his own, the walls around built up to the point he is trapped in the tight space of darkness of his own grief. Entangled by the karmic binds, forever cursed in the ways of always on the hunt- Xiao walks alone in a path he paved himself, nothing but suffering awaits him.
But when you came into his life? He felt like he wanted to lay down everything of him and just offer it all to you. His heart swore a silent oath to protect and love you in discreet ways.
Xiao takes you to Qingyun Peak and brings you further up the the floating island. He softly pushes your shoulders down to have you sit and he follows beside you.
“Wait a bit” He says, his amber eyes trailing off to the scenery ahead.
You look ahead to see the sky painted in amber and gold, the traces of the blue sky slowly disappearing as the sun takes it’s rest. Your eyes glistened, gsping at how stunning it was.
But Xiao’s eyes weren’t looking at where your gaze wanders, his orbs only looked towards you. 
To him, this sunset doesn’t compare to the beauty that is sitting beside right now. With you, the Golden Winged King didn’t feel like he lived in eons of slaughter. 
It was as if you broke down the walls around him and removed the binds that tortured him, you presence felt like it was the sun itself to him. Your ascension in his life gave him a new light.
You were his flame, without you, Xiao won’t have his light. Where you are, is his guide to peace.
“Xiao this is-” He cuts you off, immediately locking his lips with yours. 
His eyes carefully shut as he brings you in closer, softly circling around your waist and maybe pulling you to his lap. 
His lips were warm, it was soft and it nibbled on yours lovingly.
When he realized what he had done, Xiao immediately pulled out- his face burning to the point even his ears were pinkish.
“I-I” He fumbled in his words, not knowing what to say. “I-I! I!”
Xiao tripped, humiliation flooding him and now he wanted to bang his head somehwere. HE EVEN PULLED YOU TO HIS LAP, HOW DID HE JUST LOSE CONTROL NOW?!
No doubt Xiao won’t be able to look at you straight in the eyes after his -ahem- fail in restraining himself
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝔻𝕚𝕝𝕦𝕔 ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ .
Who would have thought that the Head Of The Ragnivndr, who tirelessly rejected the proposals of many wealthy nobles who offered their beautiful daughters- Would eventually fall for someone and ask them out on a date.
A date with Diluc will no doubt be very luxurious (Well duh, this man is a walking wallet). This man might even dress nice, probably in a suit. 
Diluc isn’t used to something like this so expect him to be a little awkward at some point. But he’ll make ways to make this outing for the both of you entertaining. No one wants a date that is just bland, right?
He’ll take you to the wonderful sight in Monstadt. But expect him to avoid going inside as much as he can, Diluc doesnt want to deal with his annoying step-brother after all. He wants to save himself from the Cryo user who will probably wont let him hear the end of it.
He want’s this date to be perfect, he made a lot of efforts for this after all. When was the last time he fully devoted himself to something that isn’t about work or his nightly Darknight Hero agendas?
Who knows, but he doesn’t care. All that matters now is that he will please you, the person who he is willing to give his all to. 
He was always blinded by work, he never batted an eye towards anything else. He wasn’t interested a tad bit in romance, he believed he didn’t need it. He just needs to do what he needs to do. No need for that.
But when you came? Boy did he want to open his own head and check how much water had gone in. Maybe he wanted to smack himself and say ‘So, love is insignificant?’
When he fell for you, his heart burned with to desire to be wanted. He wanted to get your attention. 
The peaceful walk with you felt unreal since he was too used to being in front of piled papers or a blade in hand to slice down. Something serene like this.... Just felt like omething that he’ll only experience inside a dream.
His crimson orbs will always wander to you. Looking at you makes him feel cozy and his heart roared out bbecause he just wants to protect you. 
If he’s confident enough, he’ll softly interlace his fingers with you. He’ll even rub his thumb at the back of yours to have you know that he’s there and he wont be leaving you anytime soon.
Well, in fact... Diluc doesn’t even want to leave you alone ever. He wants to keep you by his side if you also want to.
Moments like this, precious time spent like this, he’ll cherish it closely in his heart.
After all, this might be the last time he’ll get to experience something as soothing as this. 
“Close your eyes” He softly says and you obey him, Diluc then takes your hand and leads you softly.
His touch, full of adoration. He steps were slow and steady, he even has his hand at your back to catch you incase you trip. 
“You can open them now”
The moment your eyes opened, the night sky painted with stars took your breath away. The wind softly blew, brushing against your hair and your strands now softly flew against the breeze. 
Diluc smiled at how you bright your face was now, seeing you this radiant made him feel as if he had been granted a wish of a lifetime.
This is all he wants. He knows this moment will eventually fade into a distant memory that he will no longer be able to ever reach, but it doesn’t matter. He’ll hold this as close as it can. It will now become a piece of his heart.
“Did you enjoy?” He broke the silence between you both.
“Yeah!” You cheered, turning your face that glistened it delight towards him. “This is too stunning, I want to see this every night!”
“That won’t be too hard to grant, I’ll bring you here anyti-”
His words were cut off when you suddenly pounced on him, bringing your lips together.
Diluc frozen in his spot, his orbs blinking in utter disbelief on the sudden move you made. He gulped, unable to function but he eventually returned the affection you were giving him, his arms snaked around your waist, pulling it closer to his figure. 
His heart raced at the contact your lips made, he locked it in for a second before lovingly kissing you even deeper.
Under the moonlight, two souls have united. The wind blew a soft breeze, as if announcing the fuse of two who were made for eachother. 
A/N: Aiyaaa, I’m beat. I’m sleepy and tired, I still have homeworks to do tomorrow so I’m taking a rest now jasjsksg. Have a great day/night everyone! Hope you enjoy this headcanon! **IMMEDIATELY PASSES OUT AND SLEEPS**
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some random facts not for any reason haha
there are
20 full costume dresses for male servants in game as of august 2021 if you count astolfo and mordred (i do)
2 simple costumes for male servants (removes old man li's glasses in his first two ascensions)
5 male welfare servants (this includes kiichi hogen who is nb)
24 full costumes for female servants (albeit lostroom collab dropped 12 at once-max we ever get at once for men is 3 per summer event)
22 simple costumes for women (stuff like bb tan removal (?) shiki bunny ears, invisible air)
37 female summer servants including welfare
22 female welfare servants not including summer welfare
in the 2021 new years paid gssr they split it by gender
there were 47 limited female 5 stars
there were 20 limited male/nb 5 stars (notably douman, astolfo and qsh were included
since then they have released 5 more limited 5 star females+ 1 feminine 5 star
1 limited male 5 star has been released since january 2021
1 four star male has been released since january 2021
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prettycottonmouthlamia · 4 years ago
Illyasviel von Einzbern (Archer) Analysis
Finally, uncursed Prisma content
Illyasviel von Einzbern (Archer) Max HP: 10,914 Max ATK: 10,098 (Effective ATK: 9,593) Attribute: Man Star Absorption: 148 Star Generation: 8% NP Charge ATK: 0.63% NP Charge DEF: 3%
QQAAB Quick: 4 hits, Arts: 3 hits, Buster: 3 hits, Extra: 4 hits Quick: 2.52%, Arts: 1.89%, Extra: 2.52%
High Pressure! A Increases own Quick performance for 3 turns. (10 -> 20%) Increases own critical star absorption of Quick cards for 1 turn. (300 -> 500%) Increases own critical damage for 1 turn. (50% -> 100%) Cooldown: 7 -> 5 turns
Summer Vacation! (Children) A Grants self invincibility for 1 attack, 3 turns. Increases own NP generation rate for 3 turns. (20 -> 30%) Increases the attack of Children Servant allies for 3 turns. (10 -> 20%) Cooldown: 8 -> 6 turns
Regal Shower! B++ Charges own NP gauge. (20 -> 30%) Increases own critical damage for 3 turns. (30 -> 50%) 70% Chance to recover own HP by 500 every turn for 5 turns. Cooldown: 7 -> 5 turns
Magic Resistance A: Increases own debuff resistance by 20%. Independent Action B: Increases own critical damage by 8%. Unlimited Prana Supply C: Charges own NP gauge by 3% every turn.
PRISMA☆SPLASH RAINBOW Quick 5 hits Ignores Evasion for 1 turn. Increases own Quick, Arts, and Buster performance for 1 turn. (10 -> 50%, OC) Deals damage to all enemies.
Primary Role: Farmer, Looper Secondary Role: Crit DPS Situational Role: DPS Support
Prisma Illya arrives on the scene as a Summer servant, and shocks everyone by not being clear pedophile fanservice. All of her ascensions are actually cute and fine. This quota will be made up for later, unfuckingfortunately, but for now, let's look at see what our cute Archer daughter has in store for us today. Starting with her fundamentals, they're actually rather nice. She boasts a pretty solid ATK stat along with okay HP, it's a little on the low side but not too bad. Unfortunately, the dreaded Archer ATK modifier is in play, but she'll still end up hitting hard with fous. Her NP generation is pretty weighted towards her Arts cards, since they're a little above average, while her Quick and Extra are rather mediocre. NP Generation isn't a big problem for Illya overall though. Her AQA chain will generate about 35% of her NP gauge, but she also has multiple skills which help in this regard, which can pump it up to 46%. Her star generation is decent, since her best chains will generate about 19-20 crit stars, which is about all Illya needs to go full power.
Her first skill, High Pressure!, is a standard Quick steroid with a couple of additional effects attached to it. The Quick buff is actually quite low at 20% max, so this skill is best used in order to leverage some pretty hefty Quick crits, thanks to the increased star absorb and massive one turn crit damage buff. Getting the crit stars to align without having already used Illya's Quick cards can be a bit of a problem, but she'll hit very hard with this skill active. On a 5 turn cooldown, it will come up fairly often, but is definitely more for burst damage rather than sustained DPS.
Her second skill, Summer Vacation! (Children), is likely her best skill by far. It's one hit of Invincibility, an NP generation buff for 3 turns, and a Charisma buff for Children Servants. What's considered a...child or not is a bit strange, but it doesn't lower the efficacy of this skill. Illya will most likely be using this skill whenever it pops up for the latter two effects, since its hard to time the Invincibility buff for survivability purposes without oppurtunity cost. The NP generation buff gives a solid boost to her NP gain, putting it at a pretty nice level for her kit and making her more consistent in belting out her NP than before. Finally, Illya also benefits from her Charisma, giving her two steroids in her kit for her NP.
Regal Shower!...outside of being a rather unfortunately named skill, is also pretty good. A 30% NP charge on a 5 turn cooldown is always welcome, but this skill also comes packed with a 50% critical damage buff. For a combined total of 150% crit damage, Illya will end up hitting a lot harder than one might expect, especially with the right supports. The HP regen is weak, and honestly is probably just the excuse given to pair her with Chloe, but that means using Chloe and this buff is so minor its really not worth using Chloe's skill to boost its success rate.
Illya's NP...is honestly rather underpowered. It's great if you can stack overcharge and get those buffs to rather sizable numbers, but its questionable whether the Buster buff matters at all. If you can get her an Overcharge buff though, her NAA chain with her second skill and crits will allow her to loop her NP, which is rather notable. Generally though, you'll be using this in a NQQ chain, since it has the most overall benefits and is the easiest to get big power crits with. Without crits, Illya will generate, on average, 37% NP and 50 crit stars, and with crits, that will turn into 52% NP gauge, so getting crits is highly recommended. It's damage is also only okay against Sabers: against any class where she doesn't have SE, it'll do on average about 18k damage, which is rather weak.This is actually a pretty serious problems for Illya. For her good NP gain, her NP isn't the powerhouse it needs to be in order to do sustained damage. This primarily limits her NP as an enabler for her big crit turns, since it helps her to generate a ton of stars.
Of course, the million dollar question on everyone's mind when we have a Quick AoE Noble Phantasm is: Can Illya loop in DSS? The answer is yes, although she's less consistent than Atalanta is. She'll need Fragment of 2004 to boost her NP generation on NP 1, and needs 6 hits of overkill to get to 50% NP on Saber classes, which is about 70k HP. She can use her NP charge turn 2 to guarantee the 3rd NP regardless of overkill, which is nice. It also requires a Superscope, since you can't use the Mage Association MC to charge her NP gauge.
Support Options: Skadi, being the penultimate Quick support, is the obvious one, especially given her great synergy with Illya's first skill, granting extra Quick card crit damage, as well as enabling Illya to loop. Other Quick supports like Osakabehime and Scathach can also be useful, as well as any good crit star generator such as Himiko or Jinako. Special attention should be given to a couple of Child Servants too. While Illya's buff is not especially strong, Beni-Enma, Alexander, Hans Christian Anderson, Miyu Edelfelt, Wu Zetian, and Paul Bunyan are all pretty notable examples of Servants who not only benefit from the attack buff, but also provide back to Illya as well. She can also boost DPS Servants like Chloe, Elice, Illya Caster, Jack, Wu Zetian, Kama, and Sitonai, but she's not great in this role, since the only thing she brings is a Charisma buff.
In startling return, Summer BB is also rather notable for helping to guarantee multiple turns of access to Illya's Quick cards, allowing her to use them for star generation and for dealing big crit damage.
Command Codes: Illya likes having extra damage on her Quicks, especially extra crit damage. Star-Eradication Wicked Holy Sword, Inexistant Phantasmal Horse, Chibi Nobu (CC), and Majin-san are all great options for this reason. Mini Cu-chan and The Reason of Creation are also options if you want added utility. Her Arts and Buster cards can be extra sources of NP and crit stars to help with consistency.
Craft Essences: Outside of the obvious Superscope for looping, a normal K-Scope is also a decent option for instantly NPing if you need it. CEs that give starting NP charge and additional effects are always good options, like Knight of Marines or Holy Night Dinner. Demonic Bodhisvatta is a bit of a gimmicky option, but it does allow you to potentially loop NPs under the right situations, so it can be considered. Golden Carp can be used to help to guarantee big damage windows thanks to the 20 crit stars it gives.
Pros: -Very high crit damage for a turn, allowing for high burst potential -Second skill gives Illya quite good NP generation -30% NP charge on a 5 turn cooldown -NP generates enough refund with effort to loop with DSS
Cons: -Survival option is weak and has strong conflicts with the rest of her skill, meaning she'll often be out of a survival option in a fight -Buff to Children Servants is rather minor, limiting which Servants she can be deployed with -NP is quite underpowered, with very minor effects and low damage -Sustained damage as a result is rather low, putting most of her viability in looping and burst crit damage
Overall, Illya is a bit of a mixed bag. She had pretty good skills that give her a good amount of consistency, but her low damage NP doesn't help with sustained DPS. She's good with looping and farming, which is her primary niche, and pretty solid with Crit DPS as well, and its enough to make her good and usable. You won't find another Archer with the same set of characteristics, and Illya's defining bits are also rather good.
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radiantresplendence · 6 years ago
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Big Grill in Little Chaldea - Review
Overview: KP is the best unit of 2019 and she was released back in March. Also it’s only May. 
Kingprotea is the Alterego G of the Sakura Five, a High-Servant composed of multiple Earth Mother Goddesses, particularly everyone’s favorite Beast II, Tiamat, as indicated by her final ascension. 
KP’s kit is unique, encouraging a lot of creative and non-conventional team building due to the versatility of the Alterego class and KP’s own kit. In a lot of ways, she’s self-sufficient out of the box, boasting a power level that is essentially unchallenged by other units in the game, without even taking into account her active skills or Noble Phantasm. I consider her the best Alterego in the game, at least for most situations. 
Generally speaking, her kit is pretty simple almost deceptively so when you take into account her unique self-buffs, widely-varying in length cooldowns, and situational buff procs. Essentially, she’s a bruiser-type unit who can take and deal significant amounts of damage. 
Under the Hood: Kingprotea is a Buster unit, boasting two single-hit Buster cards, two triple-hit Arts cards and a lone triple-hit Quick card. Her extra attack hits six times. She has a Buster Noble Phantasm that is area of effect and shares some level of similarity to Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm in that it has a low scaling, but regardless can deal serious damage. 
Generally speaking, KP fits in well with almost any Buster team, although, I would personally discourage the choice to use her with Osakabe. 
Kingprotea’s stats are monstrous. She boasts the second-highest attack stat in the game, a whopping 13835 at level 90 with silver Fous. She’s no slouch in terms of HP either, with a 14338 pool at level 90, but that starting point is largely negligible for our headpat goddess. 
Generally speaking, all of KP’s cards are awesome, save for her lone Quick card, which honestly isn’t even that bad. 
Passive Skills: KP is honestly overloaded in this department. In my opinion, she has the best set of passives currently in game. Every single one, roughly equates to a relatively generic Craft Essence of decent potency.
Mad Enhancement A+ is starting off extremely strong. An 11% Buster up for free on a Buster unit makes most Merlin targets jealous. This is most often found in Berserkers, who balance their offensive power with a certain level of frailty, KP doesn’t share that general weakness.
Independent Action B is probably KP’s weakest passive. An 8% free boost to critical damage really isn’t a bad boon at all, as we’ve been in a crit meta since Merlin was released, but KP really isn’t a crit unit. With that in mind, she totally can take good advantage of this, depending on your team. 
Territory Creation EX is extremely strong. Honestly, most units would kill to have KP’s passives up to this point. A 12% boon to Arts performance at all times, turns KP’s Arts cards from “good” to “very good.”
Divine Essence A is KP’s defensive skill. 25% debuff resistance makes her just a little more robust and reliable and 250 free damage on every attack is nice, even if it largely won’t make too much of a difference at high-level content. I guess at least it adds up over time?
Active Skills: At first glance, KP’s actives are odd, but upon closer inspection, they are both potent and grant good synergy with the rest of her kit. 
Huge Scale C is one of KP’s id_es skills. This grants her a unique “Infinite Growth” buff that grants her stacking max HP buffs with a permanent duration every turn. These buffs start at 2000 HP and at max level reach 3000. KP can stack up to 10 of these for a max boon of 30000 HP. This acts as faux-healing of sorts and it also fuels some of her other abilities. It has a 10 turn CD. 
Infantile Regression C is KP’s internal engine of sorts. It eats her “Infinite Growth” buff and any stacks that she has acquired in order to give her a turn of skill haste and grant her NP charge based upon the number of stacks she consumed. The NP charge ranges from 10 to 20% per stack, resulting in a maximum NP charge effect of 200%. It winds up with a 5 turn CD. 
Monstrous Strength EX is an excellent self attack buff. 40% for 3 turns on a 5 turn CD is nothing to scoff at, especially with a skill haste effect. With certain compositions, it becomes possible for two of these buffs to be active at once, granting our headpat goddess a nightmarish 80% attack up atop the unit with the second highest attack stat in the game. This is without taking into account other party members, as this can be easily achieved with KP and the Atlas Academy Mystic Code. (Oh pardon me, I’m getting ahead of myself.)
Noble Phantasm: 
Airavata King Size: The Colossal Figure Coming Out From The Ocean of Life
E Rank, Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
KP headpats the enemy party. If they’re not dead, she consumes her stacks and pats them again. If she needs a little more oomph, she waits a turn after the consumption. 
This attack is a 5 hit Buster NP. It increases own Buster performance between 20 and 60% depending upon overcharge and if KP has so much as a single stack of growth when activated, it grants her an additional 20% Buster buff. Both of these buffs last the turn and KP is capable of Buster Brave Chaining. 
This Noble Phantasm is very very good and provides perfect explanation for KP’s surface level weirdness. 
Bond 10 CE: 
These Are, Both Arms of Full of... is a perfect CE for KP. Depending on your choice of usage of her, it may not always be optimal but, no matter how you use her, it is quite potent. This CE increases her Buster performance by 20% and additionally increases her attack by 20% if she has at least one stack of growth. With this CE equipped and without any additional party members, KP can Buster Brave Chain with an 100% attack buff and a 71% Buster performance buff while boasting base attack second only to Alterjeanne. 
Tips and Tricks: 
KP is incredibly hard to claim a definitive means of use for. She can solo, she can be a primary damage-dealer, she can be a crit unit, she can be an NP spammer... honestly, she can fill a lot of roles. Consequently, claiming a best CE for her can be tough, as it depends on what you want her to do. In general, her bond CE probably has the best effect for economy, challenged only by The Black Grail (especially if you want her to NP spam.)
I like to use her to fight Riders, who can sometimes discourage conventional support-type units. A typical comp includes Florence (shout out to @acclerated-railgun) and some sort of tank, typically her sister-Alterego Passionlip. A very good argument could be made for Leonidas, especially if you happen to have his Bond CE. Essentially, Florence and the Tank keep everything running smoothly while KP winds up to give headpats of destruction, powered by Angel’s Outcry and sometimes with a nice bounty of crit stars. Mashu is also an excellent choice. 
With Merlin and Tamamo you can create a potent NP spammer that is entirely overloaded with buffs. Tamamo’s party skill haste and KP’s own haste skill enables the 80% attack up (or 100% with Merlin) that I mentioned earlier and you can combine that with The Black Grail’s NP damage boon, with the demerit all but entirely mitigated by infinite growth. The result is a KP who can consistently hit like the Beast she is partially derived from and with party upkeep and defense options that resemble a dedicated stall team. 
Waver and Andersen legitimately go with anything. If the only rare unit that you happen to have is KP, Andersen + Merlin is a top tier Buster-Crit support set up that will enable her. 
If you’re really going for broke, Shakespeare isn’t a bad unit to pair her with, although the previously mentioned units are all better picks. 
She works decently well with fellow Sakuras, Passionlip and Summer BB. Where Passionlip tanks and heals and Summer BB controls and enables broken KP Buster Brave Chains. 
In terms of Mystic Codes, Fragments of 2004 is an excellent choice, particularly in tandem with her Bond CE and/or a Leonidas tank for optimal application of the stars from Thermopylae Enomotia. 
The Atlas Academy Uniform freely enables the attack shenanigans that I mentioned before, I’d recommend it when trying to solo with a CE like Duke of Flames or Demonic Bodhisattva. (Less optimal for that regard is Before Awakening and even worse at that is Steel Training.) 
The Arctic Chaldea Uniform is a great choice for general application, though it is the hardest Mystic Code to level.
KP is weak to buff removal, so running her with Tamamo and Tropical Summer can help mitigate that. 
The Chaldea Combat Uniform, New Years and Chaldea Uniform are also viable for less niche reasons. Also Anniversary Blonde, because Buster. 
Recommended CEs: 
Her Bond CE and The Black Grail are probably the most optimal. Throwing a Crit CE if you’re trying a crit build with likely be beneficial. I would personally recommend Knight’s Pride as she has more than enough HP to offset the defense demerit. 
I personally think you should try and focus on NP damage, as her NP scaling is low and you want to fire her NP as often as possible when trying to do damage, even in crit-focused teams. 
With that in mind, anything that buffs Buster or attack in general is likely at least usable on her. 
Any CEs I mentioned earlier are also good choices, especially in the context I mentioned them. 
Conclusion: If there was ever a Servant to Grail for gameplay, KP is it. She can literally make the most of any base attack increase with her own absurd self-buffing. 
She’s also an adorable giant headpat goddess with a completely distinctive sprite. 
Also her kit is so unique that using her feels completely different from every other unit in the game. Even other high damage units or AoE Alteregos don’t feel anything like Kingprotea. 
In a lot of ways, you can really just try stuff with her, a lot of it works a lot better than you’d think it would on the surface. 
She’s really good fun honestly, and I can’t recommend her enough. 
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fgodestinyawakenings · 6 years ago
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I hereby declare dead week for myself because I refuse to grind any further. All to save the remaining golden apples for the coming CCC hell for BB. Besides, I got Heaven Feels Part 2 movie today so a much needed break from grinding is welcomed. Aside from shitty grinding to get currency, it’s not bad for material wise
Going to start off with Edgelord with him finally ready and added into the Support roster. Jeanne is switched to all category if you’re looking for her, but if you prefer Lobo, this will take a long while
Lobo while stats maxed out, he’s only at his third ascension. But unfortunately, going to grind slow on him because coming CCC exp card will all be given to BB first
Other ascension including Drake, Nobunaga and Beowulf have been working on. Currently going slow on them
Medusa reached bond level 6! Thank you for blessing me with your 1 SQ XD
Chacha has been long completed few days back. Her copies and ascension material all taken... Hopefully she’s done before next year rerun, since she’s right after Cu Alter to work on
And for the CQ...
The only thing that’s hilarious and WTF at the same time, Vlad died at Hijikata’s third HP bar before breaking into his final hp bar
Vlad got crit to death with his NP full, because I can’t find the fucking right time to use it
But the whole fight is easy if you actually put all CE Wolves of Mibu... Except Herc-chan as usual for me, with his Bond CE remained there
But I still feel taunters are more needed. Just make sure you got 2 DPS with 1 for backup, 1 support and rest is to keep his NP away from them
Buff remover is more than fucking welcome against a berserker crit fest
Servants to bring:
Enuma Elish
Gorgon sister (those 3 or 2 definitely worked in hilarious charm-locked combo)
David for skill seal NP to prevent stacking of crit buff
Cu Chulainn for DPS and good survival, especially this event gives him extra damage buff
Wolves of Mibu: With MLB from support or your own + 5 other non-mlb ones, this should make the fight the most easiest of all
NP seal: especially on his lowest HP since that’s when his NP becomes most lethal
Kiyohime CE & Holy Shroud of Magdalene
I’m fucking done until CCC... I’m grinding for SQs, QP and completing overdue strengthening quest!
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atomicdinosaurdonut · 4 years ago
Automotive Alloy Wheel Market 2021 | Synopsis and Highlights, Key Findings, Major Companies Analysis and Forecast to 2023
Market Synopsis:
Alloy wheels for automotive are made from different types of materials such as aluminum, nickel, or a magnesium material. The casting and forging method is used for manufacturing alloy wheels. On the other hand, forged wheels are lighter and stronger, but also cost more than cast alloy wheels. Alloy wheels provide greater strength, better heat conduction, and cosmetic appearance as compared to steel wheels. Hence, consumers prefer alloy wheels for external styling of vehicles and good riding quality.
The survey conducted by Market Research Future (MRFR) has suggested that the global automotive alloy wheel market is likely to register a 5% cagr during the forecast period. Factors attributing to the ascension of the global automotive alloy wheel market include the snowballing demand for vehicles in Europe as well as Asia Pacific and the mounting growth of the automotive industry. Further, a rise in the vehicle customization and upscaling disposable income is likely to accelerate the growth of the global automotive alloy wheels market.
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Market Segmentation
The global automotive alloy wheel market is segmented by finishing type, wheel type, vehicle type, sales channel, and region. Based on finishing type, the global automotive alloy wheel market is segmented into polished alloy wheel and two-toned alloy wheel. The two toned alloy wheel segment is estimated to upscale at a fast pace over the forecast period. This can be owed to the growing demand for SUVs.
Based on wheel type, the global automotive alloy wheel market is segmented into compact size, mid size, and full size. The compact-size segment is likely to project growth at a substantial rate over the forecast period due to a mounting demand for lightweight wheels which are stronger.
Based on vehicle type, the global automotive alloy wheel market is segmented into passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The passenger car segment is likely to account for a  dominant share of the market owing to the growing demand for the same in both, developing as well as developed countries.
Based on sales channel, the global automotive alloy wheel market is segmented into OEM and aftermarket. The OEM segment is projected to be the dictator of the automotive alloy wheel market over the assessment period. This can be owed to the presence of various OEMs in the developed regions, and the presence of a larger consumer base in these regions. Furthermore, OEMs are more inclined towards the expansion of automotive wheel manufacturing facilities in developing nations such as China, India, Mexico, and Brazil.
 Browse Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/automotive-alloy-wheel-market-3931
 Detailed Regional Analysis
The global automotive alloy wheel market is segmented into the regions of North America, South America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is estimated to hold the most prominent share of the global automotive alloy wheel market during the assessment period. This can be accredited to the growing production and sales of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, especially in the developing nations such as China, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia. North America and Europe are likely to undertake second largest and third largest shares of the global automotive alloy wheel market over the forecast period. Growth in North America is attributed to the increased preference for external styling and customization of wheels. Further, upscaling use of alloy wheels in vans, pickup trucks, and utility vehicles from the US and Canada is also fostering the growth of the regional automotive alloy wheel market.
Key Players
Some prominent players in the global automotive alloy wheel market include Euromax Wheel (US), MHT Luxury Wheels (US), Status Wheels, Inc. (US), Wheel Pros, LLC (US), Fuel Off-Road Wheels (US), SOTA Offroad (US), Enkei Wheels India Ltd (India), Ronal AG (Switzerland), Uniwheels (Switzerland), and BBS Kraftfahrzeugtechnik AG (Germany).
 Key Questions Addressed by the Report
What was the historic market size     (2020)?
Which segmentation (Product/     Capacity) is driving market?
What will be the growth rate by     2023?
How are the key players in this     market?
What are the strategies adopted by     key players?
 About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Edibles.
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