Colored in that Midna from last time.
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Midna with nipple bandaids

You got it anonymous Midna fan. Not sure she really needs them since she usually doesn't have anything to cover on my page, but it's still a fun idea.
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A quick festive Midna. Merry Christmas everyone.
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Quick Midna sitting on a poorly drawn chair. Also,

I forgot to post this one last time. It's the same Midna as last time but without the second Midna. I added the second one since it seemed kind of empty.
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Just realized all it takes to turn an F into an A is a single line and I think she has an idea how to earn that line.
Another attempt as I try and figure out that teacher Midna thing. I like Midna working odd jobs so it's something I'm hoping to keep doing every now and then.
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Another imp. This time I had seen a suggestion related to a school setting. I ended up remembering it wrong but I figured I should still post what I did.
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Business Midna hands the viewer a clipboard

Yeah, I like this one. The imp is already pretty bossy so an office style outfit feels natural for sure. Now I just need to learn how to draw clothes correctly but for now, here's an attempt. Thanks for the suggestion anon.
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Tried a few things differently in the sketch phase and the result was another Etna.
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Midna floating like she's sitting in a chair with her legs crossed while smugly looking down at the viewer.

I like this suggestion. Had trouble on the expression so I did two variants. Don't think I really hit the smug levels I should have but it's a start. Another one I'll have to revisit at another time.
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Anything with a non-negative-emotioned imp Midna makes me happy.

I like you anon. Here is a quick Midna since it's been a while since the last one. More soon enough, I promise.
Side note, I don't know if you're the dude sending all those asks or not but when ya suggest something don't be afraid to mention a pose along with it. I'll admit, I'm still not very good at coming up with poses so if you have a pose in mind that can kinda help.
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Also, quick Etna. I can never decide which outfit of hers I like most.
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Tatsumaki wearing Soifon's sexy black apparel. Tatsumaki is seductively licking across her golden fingered stinger weapon. Soifon from Bleach.

Good one anon. I happen to very much like Soi Fon and Tatsumaki. Unfortunately drawing hair is still tough for me and Tatsu's is uniquely difficult. Either way, here is a very rough attempt. I'll give it another, hopefully better, attempt later. ( I feel like I say that a lot.)
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Etna as a more sexualized Segunda Etapa form of Ulquiorra Cifer. His second form.

Gave it a shot but I sort of drew a blank on how to make it more sexualized. Unfortunately I think I ended up making it look like an OC instead of Etna. I still like this idea though. Kind of gives me Nergigante vibes now that I look at it. Definitely something I'll want to revisit.
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Etna in a cheerleader outfit.

Took a quick shot at this. Unfortunately I'm not too good at drawing clothes but it's fun to experiment. Etna is pretty cool so I definitely want to figure out drawing her better.
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Midna dressed as Rouge was suggested. I still think Midna with any amount of boobs is heresy but, I guess it has it's place.
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