#2x01 and 1x14!!
the-powerofthree · 2 years
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charmed challenge 🔮✨ favorite bromance           ↳ darryl morris & andy trudeau
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Sam Winchester Whump | Supernatural THE HOLY BOOK (S1-S15)
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1x01 Stabbed, car crash, pinned, emotional 1x02 Emotional 1x04 Insomnia 1x05 Eyes bleeding, guilt, pain 1x06 Knocked out TWICE, restrained TWICE, beaten, choked 1x07 Arm cut, thrown 1x09 Choked unconscious, pinned, emotional 1x10 Possessed, nose bleeding, punched x2, unconscious 1x14 Panic, painful visions x2, scared 1x15 Kidnapped, hunted 1x16 Clawed, bleeding, retrained, emotional, knocked down 1x17 Choked 1x18 Pinned, life drained (flashback and present) 1x19 Pinned aggressively 1x20 Choked 1x21 Painful visions, emotional 1x22 Tackled, beaten, weak, pinned, emotional, car crash
2x01 Car crash, panic, emotional 2x02 Emotional 2x03 Kidnapped, restrained, arm sliced 2x05 Painful visions x2, knocked down 2x09 Attacked, sliced, "infected," emotional 2x10 Punched multiple times, bleeding 2x11 Drunk/emotional, hungover 2x12 Bank hostage 2x13 Passes out????????????????? 2x14 Possessed, knocked out, burned 2x15 Mood swings 2x17 Clawed, heartbroken, emotional 2x21 Kidnapped, manipulated, spine stabbed, literally dies 2x22 Dead, acting weird, pinned, emotional
3x03 Cursed, trips, (25:05), knocked himself out, restrained, beaten, shot 3x07 Hunted, thrown, beaten 3x08 Sad childhood, choked, knocked out, restrained, sliced, fingernail taken, punched 3x09 Pinned, weak 3x10 Restrained & beaten 3x11 Mentally tortured, emotional 3x13 Missing, restrained, bleeding 3x14 Knocked unconscious, restrained, bloody wrists 3x15 Drugged unconscious, restrained, HIS EYE 3x16 Punched, emotional, betrayed, pinned, crying
4x02 Manhandled, beaten, pinned 4x03 (40:55+) 4x04 Punched x2, knocked unconscious, beaten, bleeding 4x07 Pain, beaten, choked, painful exorcism, nose bleeding 4x08 Struck by lightning, unconscious 4x09 Thrown, jumps from window, bleeding, flashbacks (grieving, beaten) 4x10 Choked 4x12 Restrained 4x13 Bullied childhood, nards kicked, punched, guilt 4x14 Neck bleeding, poisoned, Dean fistfight 4x15 Scared (40:40+) 4x18 Manipulated 4x19 Manipulated, knocked unconscious, sliced, bleeding out 4x20 Betrayed, trapped 4x21 Intense withdrawl, hallucinations (tortured, manipulated, emotional), seizures, restrained, angst, emotional pain (39:20+) 4x22 Manipulated, panic 5x01 Guilt, emotional, choking, (hated the whole episode) 5x02 Knocked unconscious, captured, guilt, scared 5x03 Guilt, manhandled, manipulated, scared 5x04 Possessed 5x05 Choked, knocked unconscious, restrained 5x06 Pinned 5x08 Nut "cracked" 5x09 Thrown, restrained 5x11 Manipulated, drunk, restrained, guilt/angry 5x12 Freaky friday, tranquilized, restrained 5x13 Stabbed, dies 5x14 Addicted, withdrawal 5x16 Killed 5x18 Thrown, hemorrhaging 5x19 Choked 5x21 Nausea, collapse, bleeding, tackled 5x22 Unconscious, possessed, scared, "dead"
6x03 Annoyed, acting strange 6x06 Acting strange, knocked unconscious, restrained, sliced, beaten unconscious 6x07 Restrained, bleeding, pain, diagnosed 'soulless', choked, 6x09 Beaten, bleeding 6x10 Biteas himself, bleeding 6x11 Worried, knocked unconscious (x2), leg scraped, bleeding, restrained, panic, pain 6x12 Emotional, guilt 6x13 Guilt, restrained, collapse, convulsing, Hell 6x14 Unconscious 6x17 Threatened 6x21 Knocked unconscious, dragged 6x22 Scared, comatose, (10:15), hunted, weak
7x01 Weak, (02:50), bloody nose, collapse, hand bleeding, hallucinating (Hell; hanged, manipulated torture), (23:50) 7x02 Hallucinating (choked, manipulated), freakout, hand pain, panic/confused, hand bleeding, knocked unconscious, head trauma, seizure 7x03 Unconscious (03:50), hallucinating, flashback (punched), punched 7x05 Pain, choked 7x06 Framed, interrogated, feels betrayed, angry 7x07 Angry 7x08 Missing, mind controlled/drugged, withdrawals, headache, knocked unconscious, restrained, choked 7x11 Choked, bitten unconscious x2, restrained, poisoned, weak 7x14 Clown phobia, scared as hell, punched x2, bleeding 7x15 Head hit, hallucinating (tortured) 7x16 Insomnia/torture, spacing out 7x17 Insomnia/torture, hit by a car, hospitalized, hallucinating, passes out, electrocuted, pain 7x18 Buzzed, knocked unconscious
8x01 Knocked down, arm sliced 8x03 Thrown, choked 8x06 Berated, beaten, bloody nose, heartbroken 8x08 Heartbroken 8x09 Manipulated, heartbroken 8x10 Angry, choked 8x11 Choked 8x12 Thrown 8x13 Poisoned, dying, unconscious 8x14 First trial, pain 8x15 Thrown, paralyzed 8x16 Coughing blood, thrown, pinned 8x17 Coughing blood, beaten, bloody noose, (23:25-24:20) 8x18 Knocked unconscious (38:20), restrained 8x19 Punched, arm sliced, thrown/pinned, second trial, pain 8x20 Exhausted, dizzy, punched, shoved, (33:40), punched x3 8x21 Tinnitis/resonating, delerious, fever, passes out, angry 8x22 Coughing, upset 8x23 Manipulated, emotional, crying, extreme pain
9x01 Comatose, dying, punched x3, manipulated, possessed 9x02 Beaten, knocked unconscious 9x03 Thrown, knocked unconscious x2 9x04 Passes out, mind controlled, knocked down 9x05 Sliced, seriously bleeding, knocked out 9x07 Pinned 9x08 Exhausted, thrown, unconscious, (38:00), confused 9x09 Concerned time skips, body held hostage 9x10 Hostage, knocked unconscious, restrained, probed/tortured, thrown, choked, weak, guilt 9x11 Grace extracted, extreme pain, reverting/dying, nose/eyes bleeding 9x12 Unconscious, restrained 9x13 Pinned, kicked, choked 9x14 Trapped 9x15 Tazed, restrained 9x16 Restrained, face/neck sliced, pinned 9x17 Punched to the ground x2, pain, choked 9x18 Angry (Gadreel) 9x19 Hit, blood drained, weak 9x23 Sobbing, greiving
10x01 Sling, knocked out, hostage 10x02 Tortured/beaten, pain, knocked unconscious 10x03 Manipulated, guilt, flashback (desperate), hunted 10x04 Choked x2, kicked down 10x06 Scared 10x07 Punched x2 10x08 Knocked down, weak, passes out 10x12 Thrown, weak 10x13 Tackled, choked 10x18 Choked 10x19 Manipulated, bleeding out, passing out, slapped, weak 10x20 Knocked unconscious, headbutted x2, punched 10x21 Scared 10x22 Guilt, desperate, thrown 10x23 Beaten by Dean, emotional
11x01 Hunted, infected, manhandled/choked 11x02 Infected, Hell flashbacks, dying, pain 11x03 Thrown 11x04 Bleeding 11x06 Choked, Hell flashbacks x2, collapse 11x07 Clown phobia, scared, choked, knocked unconscious 11x08 Guilt, glum, emotional 11x09 Manipulated, scared, trapped 11x10 Trapped, scared, manipulated, beaten 11x11 Insomnia, pinned, hand sliced, guilt 11x12 Hit x3 11x13 Pinned, cursed/choked 11x14 Pinned, threatened, extreme pain, collapses/unconscious 11x16 (27:10), Punched x2 11x17 Shot, extreme pain the whole episode, suffocated, "dead" 11x20 Collapse, pain, passes out, comforted 11x23 Shot (offscreen)
12x01 Shot, kidnapped, tortured (cold, burned, drugged/hallucinating), "dead", electroshocked x2, kicked, scared 12x02 Tortured (drugged, cut), bleeding, exhausted 12x03 Thrown 12x04 Knocked unconscious, trapped 12x05 Punched x2 12x06 Bruised, thrown 12x09 "Dead" 12x11 Painful tinnitus, bleeding, kidnapped, unconscious 12x12 Punch multiple times 12x18 Hit by sledgehammer x2 12x19 Thrown, knocked unconscious 12x20 Choked 12x22 Trapped underground, exhausted, suffocating
13x01 Knocked unconscious, manhandled, thrown, beaten 13x02 Choked 13x04 Therapy, emotional 13x05 Thrown 13x06 Thrown 13x07 Kicked, flashbanged 13x08 Punched, thrown, knocked unconscious 13x09 Punched 13x10 Knocked unconscious 13x11 Depressed, knocked unconscious, restrained 13x12 Choked, lucifer trauma, paralyzed, manhandled, choked 13x14 Burning alive (Jacks nightmare), attacked 13x15 Knocked unconscious 13x16 Slapped 13x17 Poisoned, passes out, weak, kidnapped 13x18 Attacked, thrown, choked 13x19 Passes out, restrained, pain 13x20 Choked, manhandled 13x21 Bit, bleeding out, collapse, dead, scared 13x23 Tinnitus, punched x2, missing, kicked, choked, pain, punched
14x01 Depressed, tired, thrown, manhandled, punched x3 14x03 Knocked down, 14x04 Knocked unconscious, halloween trauma 14x07 Worried, emotional 14x08 Emotional, grieving 14x09 Hit by bat, thrown, knocked unconscious, manhandled 14x10 Punched, pushed 14x11 Emotional pain 14x12 Emotional outburst, crying 14x13 Punched x3, emotional/daddy issues, choked, thrown, beaten, bleeding 14x14 Emotional, choking, blind, pain, tinnitus 14x15 Depressed, guilt, mind controlled, extreme pain, head almost explodes, emotional 14x17 Angry, guilt, beaten bloody, head trauma, dying, comforted, passes out 14x18 Emotional 14x20 Shot
15x01 Sliced, mysterious bullet pain, kicked multiple times, comforted 15x03 Crying, mourning/guilt 15x04 Demon Sam "nightmare", emotional 15x05 Lucifer Sam "nightmare", knocked unconscious, nightmare (beaten, choked, stabbed/killed) 15x06 Cursed, hemorrhaging, weak, kidnapped, stabbed (voodoo), extreme pain x2 15x07 Bullet pain, knocked unconscious, poisoned, dying 15x08 Kicked, choked 15x09 Restrained, bullet wound mangled, pain, manipulated (guilt, shot), (35:50), heartbroken 15x10 Unlucky, trips, sick, spicy pepper recovery, punched 15x12 Beaten 15x13 Thrown 15x14 Pinned, tortured (4 fingernails ripped off), thrown 15x16 Thrown, angry 15x17 Choked, punched, headbutted, emotional, crying 15x19 Beaten bloody, arm dislocated 15x20 Tackled, sobbing
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geronimomo-spd · 10 months
and there we go! the full Confidential Archive!
here are all the episodes, according to tardis wiki list, including all of the mini specials and chrismas specials and most if not all in good quality! the full list of everything is under the cut because yeah, its a longgg list!
all in order, including some youtube videos and dvd rips hehe, all according the the tardis wiki list
1x00 - A New Dimension (a prolog to season one, narrated by David Tennant)
1x01 - (rose)
1x03 - (the unquiet dead)
1x04 - (aliens of london)
1x05 - (world war 3)
1x06 - (dalek)
1x07 - (the long game)
1x08 - (father's day)
1x09 - (the empty child)
1x10 - (the doctor dances)
1x11 - (boom town)
1x12 - (bad wolf)
1x13.1 - The Ultimate Guide (another little documentary right before
parting of the ways, about key aspects about filming the season)
1x13.2 - (parting of the ways)
1x14 - Backstage at Christmas (the nine minutes they gave us from some of behind the scenes of The Christmas Invasion)
2x00 - One Year On (a general preview for season 2, including the series 2 press launch, a lot more behind the scenes of The Christmas Invasion and some Torchwood stuff)
2x01 - (new earth)
2x02 - (tooth and claw)
2x03 - (school reunion)
2x04 - (the girl in the fireplace)
2x05 - (rise of the cyberman)
2x06 - (the age of steel)
2x07 - (the idiot's lantern)
2x08 - (the impossible planet)
2x09 - (the satan pit)
2x10 - (love & monsters) - (featuring the winning of the contest of designing a monster)
2x11 - (fear her)
2x12 - (army of ghosts)
2x13 - (doomsday)
2x14 - Music and Monsters (the behind the scenes of doctor who's first music show, including some behind the scenes stuff of The Runaway Bride)
3x01 - (smith and jones)
3x02 - (the shakespear code)
3x03 - (gridlock)
3x04 - (daleks in manhattan)
3x05 - (evolution of the daleks)
3x06 - (the lazarus experiment)
3x05 - (42)
3x06 - (human nature)
3x07 - (the family of blood)
3x08 - (blink)
3x11 - (utopia)
3x12 - (the sound of drums)
3x13.1 - (last of the time lords)
3x13.2 - Children in Need Special (the behind the scenes of the special where 10 meets 5, really cute stuff)
3x14.1 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 1 - the full version in less of a good quality i found on youtube, bless this youtube channel honestly)
3x14.2 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 2 - the shorter version that was up on iplayer)
3x14.3 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 3 - the version i edited to include the low quality parts that were missing with the good quality shorter version)
4x01 - (partners in crime)
4x02 - (the fiers of pompaii)
4x03 - (planet of the ood)
4x04 - (the sontaran stratagem)
4x05 - (the doctor's daughter)
4x06 - (the posion sky)
4x07 - (the unicorn and the wasp)
4x08 - (silence in the library)
4x09 - (forest of the dead)
4x10 - (midnight)
4x11 - (turn left)
4x12 - (the stolen earth)
4x13 - (journey's end)
4x14.1 - The Journey (So Far) (a documentary about the entire show so far)
4x14.2 - Confidential Christmas 2008 (behind the scenes of The Next Doctor christmas special)
4x14.3 - Doctor Who: Top 5 Christmas Moments (a sort of confidential behind the scenes clip show of all of the episodes set at christmas)
4x15.1 - At the Proms 2008 (behind the scenes of doctor who at the proms 2008)
4x15.2 - The Eleventh Doctor (the special they used to announce Matt Smith as the new doctor who)
4x15.3 - Desert Storm (behind the scenes of Planet Of The Dead)
4x16 - Is There Life on Mars? (behind the scenes of The Waters Of Mars)
4x17 - Lords and Masters (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part One)
4x18 - Allons-y! (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part Two. version 1 - full dvd version)
4x18 - Allons-y! (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part Two. version 2 - shortend higher quality version from iplayer, this version has a song in the soundtrack that is diffrent from the dvd version, this is the most accurate version to what aired on tv at the time)
5x01 - (the eleventh hour)
5x02 - (the beast below)
5x03 - (victory of the daleks)
5x04 - (the time of angels)
5x05 - (flesh and stone)
5x06 - (the vampires of venice)
5x07 - (amy's choice)
5x08 - (the hungry earth)
5x09 - (cold blood)
5x10.1 - (vincent and the doctor)
5x10.2 Monster Files: The Daleks (a little documentary about victory of the daleks/daleks in general)
5x11 - (the lodger)
5x12 - (the pandorica opens)
5x13 - (the big bang)
5x14.1 - Monster Files: The Weeping Angels (a little documentary about the weeping angels episodes this season)
5x14.2 - Monster Files: The Silurians (a little documentary about the silurian episodes)
5x14.3.1 - Monster Files: The Alliance (a little documentary about the alliance of monsters from the pandoica opens)
5x14.3.2 - Backstage at the Doctor Who Prom 2010 (behind the scenes of doctor who at the proms 2010)
5x14.4.1 - Charlie McDonnell - Runner (the first Charlle behind the scenes videos, pretty quiet - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos) - Charlie McDonnell - TARDIS (another Charlie video, she explores the tardis set this time -Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.4.3 - Charlie McDonnell - Decorating Bus (another Charlie video, she decorates the food place with christmas decorations, i liked them Charlie - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.4.4 - Charlie McDonnell - Christmas Presents (badger) (the famus Charlie video where she brings the cast and crew presents! this is where Matt gets his badger puppet - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.5 - Christmas Special 2010 (behind the scenes of A Christmas Carol)
6x01.1 - (the impossible astronaut)
6x01.2 - My Sarah Jane: A Tribute to Elisabeth Sladen (a special memorial for the late Elisabth Sladen 😭😭)
6x02 - (day of the moon)
6x03 - (the curse of the black spot)
6x04 - (the doctor's wife)
6x05 - (the rebel flesh)
6x06 - (the almost people)
6x07.1 - Charlie McDonnell interviews Neil Gaiman (Charlie interviews Neil Gaiman, appewrently causing some ruckes on Charlie's blog at the time hehe - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
6x07.2 - (a good man goes to war)
6x07.3 - The Monster Files: The Silence (a little documentary on the silence, thank god because i needed that)
6x07.4 - The Monster Files: The Gangers (a little documentary on the gangers, my beloveds)
6x07.5 - Charlie McDonnell Becomes A Dalek (the last Charlie video, released late because it had the 1-4 tardis set, also she gets to ride a dalek in this one - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
6x08 - (lets kill hitler)
6x09 - (night terrors)
6x10 - (the girl who waited)
6x11 - (the god complex)
6x12 - (closing time)
6x13.1 - (the wedding of river song)
6x13.2 - The Monster Files: The Antibodies (a little documentary on the antibodies from lets kill hitler)
6x13.3 - The Monster Files: The Cybermats (a little documentary on the little adorable cybermates because awww)
6x14 - The Nights' Tale (a little documentary on on the nights mini episodes! the last confidential stuff ever made rip)
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sammygender · 15 days
just know that if there was any justice in the world. metamorphosis (4x04) would be here. it didnt quite 100% make the cut but im sick over it. its on equal level to most of these but one had to go. swan song should be here also. But Whatever.
other people pls do this its so fun and tell me your reasoning in the tags/comments <333
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risingchaos · 3 months
In honor of me watching 2x01 with the iconic boob window shirt rip (taken from my notes), I’ve decided to reveal what I’ve been doing. I have been taking down each episode as I do a watch of TOS to see how many shirt rips actually happen out of curiosity. Here’s my season one statistics.
State of Star Trek Shirts - Season One TOS
Season Two’s Stats
1x01 - Perfectly intact but Kirk wears a slutty bed robe.
1x02 - Intact, but he is willingly shirtless for a scene.
1x03 - Kirk’s shirt gets torn at the end, shoulder and chest exposed.
1x04 - Somewhat willingly shirtless (and incredibly sweaty) Sulu! And Kirk shoulder rip, right at the end.
1x05 - Evil twin Kirk willingly shirtless.
1x06 - Everyone was intact!
1x07 - Unwillingly shirtless Kirk (technically unwillingly naked)
1x08 - Many shirt rips though nothing scandalous.
1x09 - Intact!
1x10 - Instantly shirtless and sweaty Kirk, opens with it. He fucking walks through the halls shirtless.
1x11 - No exposure.
1x12 - Double no exposure.
1x13 - Triple!
1x14 - Quadrouple! Shit’s getting boring.
1x15 - A Yeoman does get her uniform torn and has to hold up the top half for a while, and Kirk’s own shirt is torn all across the shoulder and chest, exposing titties. He gets all dirty and sweaty too, of course.
1x16 - Perfectly fine once again!
1x17 - Man, boring. Intact.
1x18 - Entirely fine despite a fight in the desert.
1x19 - Intact shirts. Sigh.
1x20 - Shoulder rip down the chest! Plus no undershirt so the silly cropped uniform keeps exposing him.
1x21 - Sigh, intact.
1x22 - Intact.
1x23 - Intact, ladies and gents.
1x24 - My stats are gonna be boring. Intact.
1x25 - I think people exaggerate. Intact.
1x26 - All good.
1x27 - Once again.
1x28 - Intact. Lame.
1x29 - He’s fine! So many shirts!
Keep in mind it’s possible I missed one here or there. Now, complied data.
Out of twenty-nine episodes in season one, only nine had a shirt rip or a shirtless Kirk. Now, that is a lot of shirt rips, but I am a little surprised at it.
That is ~31% of season one.
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I wanted to make a pie chart and will continue with this as I watch the remaining two seasons. If I’m missing an episode, please let me know and I’ll fix my data. Do with this information what you will I guess, I just wanted to track stuff. XD
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
The Rookie Reviews Season's 1-5 Master List. Will be Pinned To Blog for Easy Access. S6 In Progress seperate link at bottom of list.
Top Eps Listed Season's-1-4 Made a ranking list my fave eps for an ask. Wanted to include in this list.
Started: 5/13/23
Last Updated : 09/20/24
Works: 106
Season 1
1x02-Crash Course
1x03-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
1x04-The Switch
1x05-The Roundup
1x06-The Hawke
1x07-The Ride Along
1x08-Time Of Death
1x10-Flesh and Blood
1x13-Caught Stealing
1x14-Plain Clothes Day
1x17-The Shakeup
Season 2
2x02-The Night General
2x03-The Bet
2x04-Warriors and Guardians
2x05-Tough Love
2x08-Clean Cut
2x09-Breaking Point
2x10-The Dark Side
2x11-Day Of Death
2x12 Now and Then
2x13-Follow Up Day
2x15-Hand Off
2x16-The Overnight
2x18-Under The Gun
2x19-The Q Word
2x20-The Hunt
Season 3
3x07-True Crime
3x08-Bad Blood
3x10-Man Of Honor
3x11-New Blood
3x12-Brave Heart
3x13-Triple Duty
Season 4
4x01-Life and Death
4x02-Five Minutes
4x03-In the Line Of Fire
4x04-Red Hot
4x06-Poetic Justice
4x07-Fire Fight
4x08-Hit and Run
4x10-Heart Beat
4x11-End Game
4x12-The Knock
4x13-Fight or Flight
4x14-Long Shot
4x15-Hit List
4x16-Real Crime
4x21-Mother's Day
4x22-Day In The Hole
Season 5
5x01-Double Down
5x02-Labor Day
5x03-Dye Hard
5x04-The Choice
5x05-The Fugitive
5x06-The Reckoning
5x08-The Collar
5x09-Take Back
5x10-The List
5x11-The Naked and The Dead
5x12-Death Notice
5x13-Daddy Cop
5x14-Death Sentence
5x15-The Con
5x17-The Enemy Within
5x18-Double Trouble
5x19-A Hole in the World
5x21-Going Under
5x22-Under Siege
Season 6 Separate Post
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juni's x files liveblog masterpost
for those who love organization, you are in luck! here is a link to my thoughts on every single episode of the x files. i hope this is helpful for those who are new to my blog, want to relive certain moments, are watching along at their own pace, or any other sort of person who is interested. i'll be adding a link to this post to my pinned for convenience.
reminder that my first few thoughts were much shorter than my current ones, and they were posted on my main account. i even skipped note-taking on episode 2! i'll have to go back and rewatch someday. also, if an episode past the first few feels skipped over, it's probably because it featured content i felt uncomfy discussing in detail. you can read the post where i explained that choice here.
i'll update with more links each time i reach a season finale!
season 1:
1x01 Pilot
1x03 Squeeze
1x04 Conduit
1x05 Jersey Devil
1x06 Shadows
1x07 Ghost in the Machine
1x08 Ice
1x09 Space
1x10 Fallen Angel
1x11 Eve
1x12 Fire
1x13 Beyond the Sea
1x14 Genderbender
1x15 Lazarus
1x16 Young at Heart
1x17 E.B.E.
1x18 Miracle Man
1x19 Shapes
1x20 Darkness Falls
1x21 Tooms
1x22 Born Again
1x23 Roland
1x24 Erlenmeyer Flask
favorite scully moments + things we learn about scully in s1
favorite mulder moments + things we learn about mulder in s1
favorite duo moments
season 2:
2x01 Little Green Men
2x02 The Host
2x03 Blood
2x04 Sleepless
2x05 Duane Barry
2x06 Ascension
2x07 3
2x08 One Breath
2x09 Firewalker
2x10 Red Museum
2x11 Excelsis Dei
2x12 Aubrey
2x13 Irresistible
2x14 Die Hand Die Verletzt
2x15 Fresh Bones
2x16 Colony
2x17 End Game
2x18 Fearful Symmetry
2x19 Død Kalm
2x20 Humbug
2x21 Calusari
2x22 F. Emasculata
2x23 Soft Light
2x24 Our Town
2x25 Anasazi
favorite scully moments
favorite mulder moments
favorite duo moments
season 3:
3x01 The Blessing Way
3x02 Paper Clip
3x03 D.P.O.
3x04 Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose
3x05 The List
3x06 2Shy
3x07 The Walk
3x08 Oubliette
3x09 Nisei
3x10 731
3x11 Revelations
3x12 War of the Coprophages
3x13 Syzygy
3x14 Grotesque
3x15 Piper Maru
3x16 Apocrypha
3x17 Pusher
3x18 Teso Dos Bichos
3x19 Hell Money
3x20 Jose Chung from Outer Space
3x21 Avatar
3x22 Quagmire
3x23 Wetwired
3x24 Talitha Cumi
favorite scully moments
favorite mulder moments
favorite duo moments
season 4:
4x01 Herrenvolk
4x02 Home
4x03 Teliko
4x04 Unruhe
4x05 The Field Where I Died
4x06 Sanguinarium
4x07 Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man
4x08 Tunguska
4x09 Terma
4x10 Paper Hearts
4x11 El Mundo Gira
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shinelikethunder · 1 year
kripke: show creator; seasons 1-5 showrunner; wrote or co-wrote 1x01 pilot, 1x02 wendigo, 1x09 home, 1x16 shadow, 1x22 devil’s trap, 2x01 in my time of dying, 2x22 all hell breaks loose part two, 3x01 the magnificent seven, 3x16 no rest for the wicked, 4x01 lazarus rising, 4x07 it's the great pumpkin, sam winchester, 4x10 heaven and hell (story), 4x22 lucifer rising, 5x01 sympathy for the devil, 5x09 the real ghostbusters, 5x22 swan song, 6x22 the man who knew too much; directed 2x20 what is and what should never be, 4x22 lucifer rising
gamble: seasons 6-7 showrunner; wrote or co-wrote 1x03 dead in the water, 1x12 faith, 1x14 nightmare, 1x21 salvation, 2x03 bloodlust, 2x08 crossroad blues, 2x13 houses of the holy, 2x17 heart, 2x21 all hell breaks loose part one, 3x02 the kids are alright, 3x07 fresh blood, 3x10 dream a little dream of me, 3x12 jus in bello, 3x15 time is on my side, 4x02 are you there god? it’s me, dean winchester, 4x09 i know what you did last summer, 4x17 it’s a terrible life, 4x21 when the levee breaks, 5x02 good god, y'all, 5x07 the curious case of dean winchester, 5x13 the song remains the same, 5x21 two minutes to midnight, 6x01 exile on main st, 6x11 appointment in samarra, 6x21 let it bleed, 7x01 meet the new boss, 7x10 death's door, 7x17 the born-again identity, 7x23 survival of the fittest
edlund: wrote 2x05 simon said, 2x12 nightshifter, 2x18 hollywood babylon, 3x03 bad day at black rock, 3x09 malleus maleficarum, 3x13 ghostfacers, 4x05 monster movie, 4x08 wishful thinking, 4x16 on the head of a pin, 5x04 the end, 5x10 abandon all hope, 5x14 my bloody valentine, 5x20 the devil you know, 6x03 the third man, 6x09 clap your hands if you believe, 6x15 the french mistake, 6x20 the man who would be king, 7x02 hello cruel world, 7x09 how to win friends and influence monsters, 7x15 repo man, 7x21 reading is fundamental, 8x05 blood brother, 8x13 everybody hates hitler, 8x21 the great escapist; directed 6x20 the man who would be king, 7x21 reading is fundamental
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whumpystuffy · 2 years
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Whump list - Grimm (2011-2017)
Main character Nick Burkhardt portrayed by David Giuntoli.
Season 1
1x01 Attacked, kicked. Night terrors. Fight, slammed against wall. Thrown to the ground. Injected with poison, collapses, unconscious.
1x02 In hospital, toxins in his blood. Loss of family member.
1x06 Attacked, thrown out of car, bleeding head wound, pain in shoulder. Pushed to the ground.
1x08 Attacked, slammed against wall, thrown to the ground, holds torso, bloody bruised face, multiple punches, weak. In hospital, 3 bruised ribs, dislocated shoulder and concision. Night terrors, in pain, troubled breathing, coughing.
1x10 Under gunfire. Attacked, on the ground, palm of hand sliced, bleeding.
1x12 Threatened, manhandled, forced to fight for entertainment. Kicked to the ground, slammed against cage, head butt, thrown across the ring.
1x13 Under gunfire. Attacked, fight.
1x14 Attacked, pinned down, taunted. Girlfriend kidnapped, pushed to the ground, punched multiple times.
1x16 Attacked, pushed. Under gunpoint. Crying.
1x17 Furious, slams hand into door. Big fight, punched multiple times, on the ground, bleeding head wound, bleeding lip.
1x19 Attacked, fight.
1x22 Attacked, big fight, punched multiple times, kicked, bleeding.
Season 2
2x01 Fight continued, kicked, manhandled, bleeding hand. Emotional, crying. Bruised face.
2x02 Bruises from previous episode, attacked, punched multiple times, slammed to the ground, more bruises in face.
2x03 Bruises from previous episode. Under gunfire.
2x05 Attacked, fight, slammed against car.
2x06 Attacked, rolling down hill, kicked, punched multiple times.
2x08 Attacked, kicked to the floor, punched.
2x09 Under water fight, held under.
2x10 Attacked, punched, head butt, black eye.
2x12 Fight, punched, kicked. Drinks potion, stomach pain, heavy breathing.
2x15 Blinded, needs support, in pain, bruised eyes. Fight.
2x20 Attacked, punched, bruised face, under spell, angry.
2x21 Bruises form previous episode.
2x22 Punched, slammed to the ground. Infected with poison, ‘dead’.
Season 3
3x01 Still ‘dead’. Fight, infected, not himself. Plane crash, bruises/cuts on face. Attacked, head butt.
3x02 Bruises from previous episode. Attacked, manhandled, hit in the head. Outnumbered, kicked/punched multiple times, antidote taken. Shivering, weak, handcuffed, headache, sore.
3x03 Attacked, punched, kicked, on the ground, thrown, bloody cut on face.
3x07 Colleague kidnapped, attacked, outnumbered, slammed against wall.
3x10 Attacked, slammed to the ground.
3x13 Attacked, outnumbered, slammed against wall, head butt, punched multiple times, thrown to the ground, bruised face, manhandled, strangled.
3x22 Loses his Grimm powers.
Season 4
4x02 Extreme headache, falls to the ground, in pain, screams, heavy breathing.
4x03 Aftermath of head ache, needs help walking.
4x06 Headache, in pain, grunting, heavy breathing. Grabbed, manhandled, dragged, hair pull, sweating, powers returned.
4x12 Bounty placed on him.
4x14 Kicked, fight, on the ground, crawling. Emotional, face grabbed.
4x18 Attacked, slammed against the wall, strangled, can’t breathe, on the floor, heavy breathing.
4x20 Magic forces him to point loaded gun on best friend, fear.
4x21 Heavy breathing. Screaming over loss of mother.
4x22 Crying, emotional, on the ground. Fight, punched multiple times. Thrown to the wall, thrown through window, punched.
Season 5
5x01 Manhandled, outnumbered, chloroformed, unconscious. Breaks down crying. Attacked, kicked. Kicked on the ground, punched multiple times.
5x06 Surrounded, outnumbered, fight. Attacked, on the ground, power play.
5x12 Falls down hole, dirty. Cuts finger on purpose, ritual.
5x13 Thrown to the ground and through door, struggling.
5x20 Son taken from him, furious, throws chair.
5x21 Fight, punched multiple times, thrown through window, bruised face, arrested, manhandled, thrown into cell.
5x22 Bruises from previous episode. Outnumbered, handcuffed, manhandled. Humiliated, taunted, interrogated, strangled with magic, tortured, screaming in pain, under gunfire. Shot in the back, crawling, big fight, shot multiple times, falls down, healed with magical stick.
Season 6
6x01 Bruises from previous episodes. Wanted by police, on the run.
6x03 Potion taken, in pain on the floor, body changes. In a fight but he’s a different person/character. Slammed across room, in pain, bruised face.
6x04 Dizzy, trembles. Fight, punched.
6x11 Attacked, ripped his arm, bleeding, being chased. Slammed with magic against stone wall.
6x12 Magic fight, pushed to the ground. Thrown out of portal, bleeding cut on hands. Magically healed. Slammed to the floor, thrown across room.
6x13 Unconscious. Loss of loved ones, emotional. Stabbed in hand for ritual, bleeding. Magic fight, loss of loved ones, strangled. Screams in emotional pain. Fight, punched multiple times. Bruised face, sad.
I really love the Grimm stories, not so whumpy but has some scenes. I didn’t include all the whump cause he has a fight in every freaking episode WITH NO CONSEQUENCES!? Thrown through a window? Nah not even a cut is shown.
Trailer for the series.
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thunderbirds-showdown · 7 months
Round 3 came and went and took with it some fan favourites. We're halfway through the tournament now, and there are only a handful of episodes left! It's time to get your bets in as to which one you think will win!
The episodes that have been eliminated this round are:
1x02: Ring of Fire - Part 2
1x09: Slingshot
1x21: Comet Chasers
1x23: Chain of Command
2x02: Ghost Ship
2x06: Up from the Depths - Part 1
2x23: Long Haul
2x25: Hyperspeed
3x24: Firebreak
3x26: The Long Reach - Part 2
Previous eliminated episodes:
1x03: Space Race
1x04: Crosscut
1x05: Fireflash
1x06: Unplugged
1x07: Runaway
1x10: Tunnels of Time
1x11: Skyhook
1x12: Under Pressure
1x13: Heavy Metal
1x14: Falling Skies
1x15: Relic
1x17: Heist Society
1x19: Extraction
1x20: The Hexpert
1x22: Designated Driver
1x24: Touch and Go
1x25: Undercover
1x26: Legacy
2x01: Earthbreaker
2x03: Deep Search
2x04: City Under the Sea
2x07: Up from the Depths - Part 2
2x08: Lost Kingdom
2x09: Impact
2x10: High Strung
2x11: Weather or Not
2x12: Fight or Flight
2x13: Escape Proof
2x14: Volcano!
2x15: Power Play
2x16: Bolt from the Blue
2x17: Attack of the Reptiles
2x18: Grandma Tourismo
2x19: Clean Sweep
2x21: Inferno
2x24: Rigged for Disaster
2x26: Brains vs. Brawn
3x01: Chaos - Part 1
3x02: Chaos - Part 2
3x03: Path of Destruction
3x04: Night and Day
3x05: Growing Pains
3x06: Life Signs
3x07: Rally Raid
3x08: Crash Course
3x09: Flame Out
3x10: Deep Water
3x11: Endgame
3x12: SOS - Part 1
3x14: Signals - Part 1
3x15: Signals - Part 2
3x16: Chain Reaction
3x17: Getaway
3x18: Avalanche
3x19: Upside Down
3x21: Break Out
3x22: Buried Treasure
3x23: Venom
3x25: The Long Reach - Part 1
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macgyver2016-bracket · 3 months
1. 1x06 vs 3x11 - TIE, ROUND 2 UNDERDOG*
2. 2x06 vs 4x02
3. 2x10 vs 4x13
4. 1x17 vs 3x22
5. 2x13 vs 3x17
6. 2x14 vs 2x21
7. 2x12 vs 2x19
8. 5x02 vs 5x14
9. 1x19 vs 2x08
10. 3x18 vs 4x08
11. 1x01 vs 3x15
12. 4x01 vs 5x07
13. 1x13 vs 5x05
14. 5x10 vs 5x12
15. 3x19 vs 4x11
16. 1x14 vs 3x21
17. 1x18 vs 3x12
18. 1x10 vs 4x05
19. 3x14 vs 5x09
20. 2x07 vs 2x23
21. 1x15 vs 5x15
22. 1x02 vs 1x12
23. 2x01 vs 2x04
24. 3x06 vs 3x10
25. 1x08 vs 3x08
26. 2x02 vs 3x03
27. 3x05 vs 5x08
28. 5x03 vs 5x04 - TIE, FLASH ROUND RUNOFF VOTE*
29. 2x09 vs 5x06
30. 1x11 vs 1x21
31. 2x22 vs 3x13
32. 3x20 vs 4x03
33. 4x07 vs 5x13
34. 2x15 vs 3x16 - 100% SWEEP
35. 1x07 vs 1x09
36. 3x09 vs 4x06
37. 2x18 vs 4x12
38. 1x03 vs 2x20
39. 1x04 vs 2x11
40. 1x05 vs 4x04
41. 2x03 vs 2x16
42. 1x20 vs 5x01 - 100% SWEEP
43. 3x02 vs 3x07
44. 2x17 vs 4x09
45. 3x04 vs 5x11
46. 1x16 vs 3x01
47. 2x05 vs 4x10
*Quick note on the two ties! Match 1 had double the number of votes as Match 28, therefore, both episodes from Match 1 will be automatically put through to Round 2: One as the Match Contender and the other as the Underdog. Which episode goes where will be determined by the randomizer.
Match 28 will have a 24-hour flash round rematch to determine which one will go on to Round 2.
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goodwhump-temp · 7 months
Jake Green Whump | Jericho (2006)
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IM BACK. 1x01 Pilot - Emotional, car crash, leg injury, bleeding, limp, weak, ambulancia 1x02 Fallout - Climbing/leg pain cont., limp, shot at 1x03 Four Horsemen - Limp cont. 1x04 Walls of Jericho - Slight limp 1x05 Federal Response - Confronted by Eric, mysterious knowledge, begins to talk about past 1x06 9:02 - Mitch lore, angry, knocked unconscious, punched, thrown, held back 1x07 Long Live the Mayor - Jonah lore (🥵), manhandled 1x08 Rogue River - Shot at, flashbanged, held at gunpoint, Iraq lore, hospital invaded 1x09 Crossroads - Spaced out (beginning), shot at, suicidal 1x12 The Day Before - Flashback; Afghan/Iraq/Contractor lore, wanted, friend dying, 1x13 Black Jack - Voluntold LOL (04:50), shoved, gut-punched w/ stick, pain 1x14 Heart of Winter - Truck flipped, leg pinned, bleeding, pain, slowly freezing to death, hypothermia, tired x3, comforted, guilt, confesses PTSD, emotional pain (+dad bonding), crying 1x15 Semper Fidelis - Hypothermia recovery, limp, betrayed, confrontation, held at gunpoint, knocked unconscious 1x16 Winter's End - Limping 1x17 One Man's Terrorist - Held at gunpoint, hostage 1x18 A.K.A. - Pinned, held at gunpoint 1x19 Casus Belli - Angry, worried, arrested 1x20 One if by Land - Hostage, interrogated, knife put to throat, shot at/surrounded 1x22 Why We Fight - (Flashback; POS/family drama), shot at, sobbing x2
2x01 Reconstruction - Manhandled, angry 2x02 Condor - Tackled, scared, angry 2x03 Jennings & Rall - Aggravated, more Jake lore! 2x06 Sedition - Surrenders, manhandled, [tortured; restrained, isolated, sleep deprived, heat exhaustion, dehydrated], coughing, hallucinating, weak, jolted awake
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perlukafarinn · 1 year
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asexualtuckerfoley · 2 months
Prue Halliwell Appreciation Week Day 3 - Favorite Outfit/Colors
I, like a lot of people, have always associated Prue with purple, but as I was looking for times she wore purple, I more often found this baby blue color. Maybe it's because Paige ended up being the more obvious "blue" sister. In fact, I think Piper and Phoebe actually wore purple in the first three seasons more than Prue ever did, having stuck to more blacks and browns and greys as the "mature one." When she did wear color, it was usually that baby blue or red or even this lime green. Once she quit the auction house, she gained a lot more colors and patterns in her wardrobe, but still not much purple.
Still, I can't shake that purple relation and ended up tracking down all her purple outfits (ngl about a third of them are debatable and could just look purpleish based on the lighting), listed below:
Season 1 (6): 1x03, 1x07, 1x09, 1x12, 1x13, 1x14
Season 2 (5): 2x01, 2x04, 2x12, 2x20, 2x22
Season 3 (5): 3x06 (this is primrose empath and I think it's part of why I associate her with purple; that fight scene is iconic), 3x10, 3x13, 3x16, 3x20
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Lloyd Garmadon Whumplist (Ninjago: Dragons Rising)
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Character: Lloyd Garmadon (voiced by Sam Vincent)
Age Rating: TV-Y7 (FV)
Show available on Netflix
Genre: Children's Animation, Action, Adventure, Superhero, Fantasy, Found Family
Synopsis: A few years after an apocalyptic event called the Merge combined the realms, the ninjas team up to fight new threats.
Notes: This is a spin-off of the original series, and the animation quality is a huge step-up. Lists will be updated with new episodes/seasons when they release!
TW's: Non-graphic death/violence, mental health (panic attacks, PTSD)
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~ = a scene break
-- = an episode i missed/forgot to list, will be filled in at a later date (most of these episodes contain minimal to no whump for the character listed)
season 1:
1x01: none
1x02: fought ~~ (flashback: knocked out, scared, emotional reunion) ~~ rough landing, fought, infused with energy (?), screaming, glowing eyes, heavy breathing 
1x03: stressed 
1x04: fought, emotional reunion ~~ choked up 
1x05: trapped 
1x06: fought 
1x07: stressed, fought 
1x08: fought 
1x09: hit by explosion blast, ringing ears, dazed, groaning, half-collapsed, brief panic attack (?) 
1x10: fought ~~ infused with energy (?), glowing eyes, screaming, terrified ~~ glowing eyes, concern for him, collapsed, unconscious, carried ~~ waking up, blurry vision, scared, in pain, confused 
1x11: stressed
1x12: fought
1x13: none 
1x14: none 
1x15: stressed 
1x16: none 
1x17: stressed ~~ rough fall
1x18: fought 
1x19: fought, stressed
1x20: concern for him, frustrated, glowing eyes, collapsed, groaning, briefly unconscious
season 2:
2x01: concern for him, exhausted, collapsed ~~ nightmares, terrified, out of control ~~ panic attack/flashback, terrified, knocked down, shaky voice, concern for him
2x02: gagging (comedic) ~~ panic attack/flashback, fought
2x03: frustrated, glowing eyes, vision, screaming, collapsed, terrified, concern for him ~~ scared, screaming ~~ fought
2x04: anxious
2x05: anxious
2x06: worried
2x07: stressed
2x08: extremely stressed, painful vision, half-collapsed, gasping for air, terrified, concern for him ~~ stressed
2x09: painful vision, collapsed, shaking, concern for him
2x10: worried ~~ fought, extremely worried ~~ painful vision ~~ emotional
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This article was a very interesting read. Anyone else spiraling and wondering in which episodes or moments in season 1 and 2 the writers’ minds went straight to… and Tim And Lucy kiss?
To kill time, if anyone wants to participate and offer their thoughts or ideas, please feel free to comment here, reblog, or create your own posts. You can tag me it you wish.
These may require some more thought and analysis, but here are some that come to mind for me:
Season 1: This is so hard, because there are so many tension filled scenes, but Tim and Lucy were just getting to know each other, Lucy was getting over her situationship with Nolan, and Season 1 Tim would NEVER. I couldn’t really think of a moment or scene that could’ve led straight to a kiss, but maybe the episode as a whole:
1x07 (Lucy confronts Tim outside of Isabel’s). I know, definitely too soon, but that tension and angst between them in that moment… GAH 🤤. You can’t convince me there wasnt a shift.
1x11 (Lucy gets stuck with a used needle; Thank you! For What? Doing my job?). If Lucy was as bold and confident then as she was in episodes 4x22 and 5x01, she would have sought comfort from Tim by kissing him.
1x14 (Plain Clothes Day)- The banter, Tim in plain clothes 😍, Tim’s discreet protection, loyalty and trust. I wouldn’t have blamed Lucy. I probably would have skipped her in line.
1x18 (Chenford paintball date)- their first unofficial date. A trophy kiss for their Team winning.
1x20 (Tim gets infected with deadly virus)- nothing like a NDE (Near Death Experience; any OA fans out there?), and fear of death, to put things in perspective. Their mutual comfort was chef’s kiss. The closed door being a literal barrier between them. Their last looks at each other, like no one else was in the room (a callback for episodes 5x03-5x04). I could see them running to each other embracing and kissing, a la Sydney and Vaughn (Alias).
Season 2: Oh this one was definitely much more easy. There are so many. This post is getting too long, so I’ll just name 6. I can do a part 2, for second half of the season
2x01 (Lucy confronts Tim about his mistreatment of her so far along; suicide ideation) - Lucy is at her best when she is assertive and stands her ground (🔥) -I could see a Tim apology that leads to a confession and 😘
2x02-(Lucy records audiobook for Tim): the time and thought Lucy put in, on top of the 8-12hr work shifts. That alone warranted a kiss of gratitude. Bonus: Tim was breathing, sleeping, eating, showering, exercising, and working with Lucy’s voice in his head, 24hrs a day. Some say he still listens to the audiobook, you know as a refresher course to being Sergeant 👀
2x03: (betting Lucy couldn’t find a partner for Tim; Lucy’s short sleeves victory): The flirting and invasion of each other’s personal space (boundaries non existent). 📢GET A ROOM📢
2x06 (missile crisis, end of the world): they chose to spend their last moments on earth with each other. Let’s end it with a kiss.
2x08 (Tim wouldn’t have gotten that stupid plaque if Lucy didn’t have his back; Thank you! For What? Doing my job? Part 2): She saved his picture on her Lock Screen! The first thing she sees when she goes to unlock her phone. They breathe each other’s air on that bench. Tim leaned in to her, while drinking his beer. Just kiss her!
2x10 (Introduction of Rosalind Dyer; Lucy meets acolyte Caleb): if Tim had offered to take Lucy out for that drink with another human, the sequence of events that followed never would have occurred, and the night would have ended with a kiss.
2x11 (Lucy’s Rebirth/ Reawakening )- including this because technically there was a kiss. A kiss of life. I could also see their hospital scene ending with a kiss if they weren’t interrupted and talked a little more.
2x12 (Tim keeps tabs on Lucy and gives Lucy her ring back): Both scenes had so many unspoken feelings/ unresolved, good tension. I can imagine if they hugged, it would have ended with 2 kisses.
Bonus: I won’t elaborate, that is unless you are not over this post and care to know more
Season 3:
3x06 (Lucy goes undercover as Nova, the first time)
3x09 (Lucy “fake” feelings confession, and Tim, heart eyes 😍, will miss riding with Lucy)
3x14 (Lucy undercover as Nova Part 2; Tim asks Lucy to Save him a Dance)
Season 4: Before 4x22
4x01: (Their first on screen HUG)
4x07: (first undercover together (please correct me if I’m wrong); Lucy 🎤 Tim up with wandering eyes, all the way down and up)
4x09 (Tim’s day of validation/ reflection/ retribution/ and Lucy’s Hug of Life)
4x12 (Lucy and Tim’s Date with 3rd and 4th wheel, Chrispy and Ashy; Personal Space, into the VOID you go)
4x18 (The collection of a debt that was owed… THE DANCE)
Season 5: Manifesting First REAL Kiss:
5x08 (Lucy and Tim riding together again for the first time, after a long hiatus, pun intended)
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