#2nd p was an acquired taste
harrowharksoup · 4 years
Over the course of GtN and HtN, tazmuir has pretty much taken us through the full range of POVs: we’ve had third person limited from Gideon, Harrow, and Ianthe. We’ve had second person seemingly from Harrow but actually from Gideon. Finally, we’ve had first person from Gideon-Harrow.
This therefore leads to the crucial question: what’s next for us in Alecto the Ninth? The royal “we”?
We should have keeled over and died saying sadly, Oops.
We didn’t.
— Harrow the Ninth, The Locked Tomb Trilogy
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berry-the-bookpuppy · 3 years
@stupendousbookworm 's 100 HPHM MC Questions, Answered. (1/4)
1. What's MCs favorite subject and why? Transfiguration. She just thinks that despite the complexities, it’s a very useful subject to learn. I mean you could make one thing into another then into another then into another. Why would you have lots of stuff if you could just have one and then transfigure it into another one?
2. What does MC think about Dragons? Majestic, beautiful creatures that are aggressive, and usually rightfully so. I mean who wouldn’t be mad if they were in a strange place with strange beings they can’t communicate with, who (they think) are trying to harm them.
3. Did MC get the permission slip for Hogsmeade from the parents without any problems? Yes. No problems at all. But her mother told her to always stay safe and to be wary of strangers.
4. Butterbeer or pumpkin juice? Butterbeer. It’s her favorite drink after mango smoothies and marshmallowy hot cocoa. Pumpkin juice has… an acquired taste. Pumpkin soup is nice though.
5. Does MC sleep with a stuffed toy? Yes. She is a stuffed toy that looks like a puppy, and her name is Spoof. She has been with Calliope since the girl had been 7 years old (Calliope’s mother gave her Spoof). When unavailable though, like in the wash or being used by someone else (read: Cloud or one of her pets), Calliope hugs a pillow or tucks her hands under her neck (fetus sleeping position style).
6. Sandwiches or soup? … It’s so hard to pick one … They both have such delicious potential … Dipping the (unfilled) sandwich into the soup, maybe?
7. Who does your MC hate the most? People who are selfish and hurt others severely because of it. (Sometime after Rowan’s death Calliope can’t help but feel like she’s fallen into this category herself)
8. What is MC's weakness. The “I appreciate your help, but I can do this on my own and I don’t want you to be hurt, thanks” Complex.
9. What is MC's opinion on magical creatures? Wonderful, strange, sometimes dangerous creatures. She’s fascinated by them but is a bit wary of those she’s unfamiliar with.
10. Angel or Devil? Angel. But she always tries to see the good in others, even when they are a devil.
11. Pessimistic or Optimistic? She prefers the term “realistic”. She knows and believes that things can be improved but that there are many setbacks to watch out for.
12. Which house does MC find chill? To her the chillest house would be the Ravenclaws. No this is not about House Pride. She just thinks that while Slytherins, Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs all passionately fight for something (i.e., friendship, justice, equality, etc.), Ravenclaw is just “let me know stuff” “Why?” “Because I wanna know” That doesn’t mean Ravenclaw and other houses are not good, she thinks that all of them have certain assets that make them stand out, it’s just that Ravenclaw is the calmer one (outliers may apply).
13. Selfish or Sharing? Sharing. Whether it be food, or quotes or philosophy talks. Just not Talbott. “Takes out Multie and sets it to knife* Never Talbott.
14. How does MC eat kit kat? breaking the sticks or eating it as a whole? Breaking the sticks then eating the sticks whole :p
15. What is MC's element? Water.
16. Does MC have a part-time job for money? She wanted to babysit before, but the Wizarding World isn’t exactly known for its subdivisions and/or its housing communities where one usually finds a job in babysitting.
17. Who is MC's heartthrob? Why? *swoon* Talbott…
Talbott knew Calliope since Year 1 (who wouldn’t? she was the popular Curse-Breaker/Dueler!), but Calliope didn’t know about him until 2nd Year, when they went all out, no, competed, no, were at the same level of proficiency at Transfiguration.
He wasn’t exactly “nice” to her when they officially met in 3rd Year, maybe formal is the way to put it, only working with her out of duty and a promise to (threat from) Penny.
They didn’t talk much after that; both preferring to be alone, albeit for very different reasons (Talbott doesn’t want to get close to anyone. Calliope doesn’t want to endanger anyone. Both think they work most effectively alone.)
Until the day when Talbott lost his necklace.
Calliope wanted to help. She didn’t want to see her rival, no, study buddy, no, acquaintance so sad, so she helped him look for his necklace.
She got to know him more throughout that adventure, and she thought that he was a nice person. She started hanging out more with him after that, study sessions and such (Mostly because Rowan pushed them together) (Talbott totally hated those interactions) (lie).
Also, they needed each other’s help in some of their subjects: Calliope needed help in Herbology, Talbott needed help in Flying Class; it had mutual benefits.
Talbott gradually fell for her during those outings/interactions. And Calliope fell in love with Talbott being himself comfortably around her, from poems to courtyard dates, to trying to understand and supporting her. (also being a cool and handsome gentleman. That was a nice part of the deal.).
(Oh my goodness that was long)
18. Does your MC like Rowan? Rowan was Calliope’s first ever non-family best friend. They (Rowan) were the first person to help Calliope around the castle and about the Vaults. They were also the reason for Calliope’s change. Rowan’s death magnified all the protectiveness and aggressive determination in Calliope, but that was a bittersweet thing to have because now Calliope wanted to do everything on her own so she wouldn’t hurt anyone else. That was the first time Calliope didn’t go home for the whole school year (she still sent out letters to her family every night, though).
19. Who does MC have a platonic relationship? With most of her friends, really. But her most platonically platonic friend is Penny Haywood. Honestly, Penny is like the guide of the quest whenever you play an RPG; knows everything, is everywhere.
20. Who's your MC's non-NPC bestie? Any other MC? None yet… But she would love to make new friends! (She’d probably act like the therapist or mom friend or something that involves supporting her friends :) )
21. Does MC prefer Muggle or Wizard Music? Muggle music, honestly. They just find so many ways to make interesting music.
22. What is MC's blood status? Calliope is a Pureblood. But she’s fine with it and doesn’t brag about it. Her dad is a Half-Blood (Muggle dad, Muggleborn mum), and her mom is a Muggleborn.
23. How is MC's relationship with their family? She and her family get along pretty well, and she loves them very much. Her Mama is the one she goes to for advice, her Papa is who she goes to for practical help. Her Kuya (translation: big/older brother) Jacob, when he wasn’t missing yet, was her Role Model™, and her little brother, Cloud, is her best friend.
24. What does MC think of Muggles/the Muggle world? Having lots of Muggle heritage, she is pretty up to date about the Muggle world in Wizard Terms, but in Muggle Terms? Only as much as her mom (and there’s only so much news one could find out about the Muggle World. Much of their information comes from Muggle newspapers and Jessica’s relatives.)
25. What is MC's favourite magical creature? Her favorite magical creature is the Hippogriff. It was a bit hard to choose between this and the Niffler and the Knarl. The factor that tipped the balance, though, was the Hippogriff ride.
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Still Life and Product Photography
New brief called “Cheap”, but there is nothing cheap about the objects I acquired during the object finding exercise at 3 different pound shops. First shop was PoundBasket in Port Glasgow, 2nd was a pound stretch shop next to Tesco in Irvine, and 3rd was a pound shop at Irvine Mall. Ok, so what have I learned thus far? Well, I’ve learned that I am bipolar all over again. Bipolar people have difficulties with their moods, and their mood swings from different poles, but they also have problems mangaging money and making decisions.
Those last 2, yeah, that is me through and through the last few weeks. I bought enough stuff, and I am broke, to cover the entire class. That being said, much of it is fun, and you too could find this in your xmas stocking this year once this brief is finished ;). Yeah, I mean you.
This all being said, and, I digress, were some of the items a bit more than a pound? Yep, I won’t lie, but it astounds me what kinda-cool stuff you can get for £1 pound here in the UK, because in America your hard earned $1 gets you diddly.
Soon I will share an image of all the stuff I bought. LOL, yep, the horror :D.
This little guy below is so cool. You open it up and pour him into your hand and let the fun commence!
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I told you! I cannot get everything I bought on this A1 sheet of white paper! The yellow bottle is the coolest, except, someone had stolen one of the batteries. There is a tiny wire inside with very small inline fairy lights. I had to order new batteries. They will be to here tomorrow. I have no idea whether it works or not yet. I walked up to the counter and asked the lady, ‘Is this really £1?”. She said, “Uh, yeah?” Ok, Sold! The Daisys on a stick, well, those are so cute, and the green bottle, it is shiny and has a skull hanging from it. Decisions, Decisions!
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The first photographer and image I want to speak about is Laura Letinsky, a still-life photographer and her image “Untitled #54 from Hardly More Than Ever series 2002″.
When I first saw this image I felt like I walked into a room where there had been an indoor picnic happening, that must have ended because the ‘2′ people went outside to enjoy the sun after the rain had stopped. I say 2 people because there are 2 plates, however, could this be only a small section of a larger table? There is a sensuality about the scene. Peaches have long since represented the feminine. So what does the lollipop represent?
Being a dark person, I was pleasently surprised at how much I loved the colours in this image. In the background, the white looks muted green which is beautiful against the delicate oranges and reds in the image. Even the shadows appear a bit green. I even love the wrinkles in the make-shift table cloth and used napkin beneath the melon. I am actually waiting for someone to walk back in and grab one of those peaches or that lollipop before anyone else can.
What also catches my eye is the wonky line of the sloping table and the asymetric hanging of the back of the table cloth and leaving a bit of floor to give us a feeling of stability even though it appears there is none. There is a haphazardness to the whole seen giving the implication that the festivities are still going on elsewhere, otherwise, this would have already been cleared away.
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Laura Letinsky,  Untitled #54 from Hardly More Than Ever series 2002. Courtesy of the artist and Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York. (//www.umanitoba.ca, 2019)
Laura Letinsky was bornin 1962 in Winnipeg, Canada. She attended the University of Manitoba in 1986, and Yale School of Art in 1991.
Another of her works I really like is below . . .
It this too considered a still-life? I think so, yes, even though these are images of objects arranged. What brings these pieces together are the colours set against the vast violet white of the background. 
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Untitled #40, from the series Ill Form & Void Full, 2014. Archival pigment print. 49.5 x 58.12 inches, edition of 9.  (Yanceyrichardson.com, 2019)   
I am trying to stretch my mind and my acceptance around the fact that this is truly still-life. As an artist, I rail, however, I cannot deny that this is a spectacular still-life . . .
The colours, the placement. You can almost taste colours of the fruit. There is a depth to this piece, yet it is composed entirely of images cut and arranged on a surface.
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(The Photographers' Gallery, 2019)             
The second photographer I would like to take a look at is Peter Lippman.
The first image below is so apt; ash covering the old mechanical camera. A death of the analogue. But for me, not quite yet. The image is almost in total -grey with a very hint of blue? Subtle soft light causes a gradation across the still life and picking out highlights here and there. It could be natural light, or a soft box on low power. Even though the camera lies amongst the greys, there is good contrast, and the image gets its meaning across.
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(Harvey et al., 2019)
The title of the image below is Banane. Apparently, it is a plantain fruit/pod from the banana family. This image is the plant on black background.The deep contrast and muted reds and purples coupled with the green of the stem really makes this image come alive. It reminds me of the human heart. The subtle smooth texture of the leaves juxtaposed with the texture at the crown of the plant is a visual treat.
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(Harvey et al., 2019)
First of all, I actually love the colour of the background in this next image by Lippman. Is it the true colour of the scene, or is it burned in, a gradient as it gets darker toward the bottom? The broken glass provides visual texture and interest. Since these are fragrances for men, I think it adds a sense of danger to make men want the products. Heavy shadows weight the objects to the background. As for lighting, it could be continuous, but probably flash. I am not yet proficient enough to make that decision yet. 
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The 3rd photographer I’ve decided to write about here is Guido Mocafico. Mocafico is an Italian photographer. Though he now is getting more into the fine art of photography, he has been working as a commercial photographer with such names as Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Ralph Lauren and Chanel, just to name drop a few.
The image below is stunning. As soon as I saw it, I was intrigued, not only about the watch, but about that gorgeous shiny material it is sinking into. The highlights in the ‘goo’ mimic the hightlights of the watch and the white of the Roman numerals on the watch face. This makes the product really pop in my opinion. I can’t find a thing to criticize in this product image. The blacks and whites are perfectly balanced.
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Heure noire. Numéro 122. Avril 2011. (Mocafico.com, 2019)
The image below feeds the need for black in me. The contrast, the middle tones, the grays, the highlights. I really am pulled in my all the textures and shapes. The smooth of the watch-face, the different directions of the toothed gears and motorcycle chain or timing belt, whichever it is. The glossy motor oil spills across the gears causing them to become something more beautiful than grimy metal. The solid blacks in between all the shapes makes each piece stand out to be counted.
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Les temps modernes. Numéro 129. Décembre 2011 - janvier 2012. (Mocafico.com, 2019)
//www.umanitoba.ca, U. (2019). Laura Letinsky: Still Life Photographs, 1997-2012. [online] News.umanitoba.ca. Available at: https://news.umanitoba.ca/laura-letinsky-still-life-photographs-1997-2012/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (//www.umanitoba.ca, 2019)
Yanceyrichardson.com. (2019). Laura Letinsky - Artists - Yancey Richardson. [online] Available at: http://www.yanceyrichardson.com/artists/laura-letinsky [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (Yanceyrichardson.com, 2019)
The Photographers' Gallery (2019). An interview with Laura Letinsky. [image] Available at: https://vimeo.com/57683797 [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (The Photographers' Gallery, 2019)
MCA. (2019). BMO Harris Bank Chicago Works: Laura Letinsky. [online] Available at: https://mcachicago.org/Exhibitions/2012/Laura-Letinsky [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (MCA, 2019)
Peterlippmann.com. (2019). PETER LIPPMANN. [online] Available at: https://peterlippmann.com/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (Peterlippmann.com, 2019)
Harvey, O., Naroop, A., Matthews, D., Dumontet, E., Almas, E., Walker, M., Riches, N., Lippmann, P., Douglas, W., Lippmann, P. and Lippmann, P. (2019).
Still Life/Food/People Photographer - Peter Lippmann - Trayler
. [online] Trayler & Trayler. Available at: http://traylerandtrayler.com/artists/peter-lippmann-2/ [Accessed 29 Oct. 2019]. (Harvey et al., 2019)
Maree, S. (2019). Peter Lippmann – Sophie Maree. [online] Sophie-maree.com. Available at: https://sophie-maree.com/portfolio-item/peter-lippmann/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (Maree, 2019)
Milkbooks.com. (2019). Guido Mocafico. [online] Available at: https://www.milkbooks.com/blog/photo-wisdom/guido-mocafico/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (Milkbooks.com, 2019)
Mocafico.com. (2019). Heure noire – Guido Mocafico. [online] Available at: http://www.mocafico.com/projets/photography/still-life/numero/heure-noire/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (Mocafico.com, 2019)
Mocafico.com. (2019). Les temps modernes – Guido Mocafico. [online] Available at: http://www.mocafico.com/projets/photography/still-life/numero/les-temps-modernes/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (Mocafico.com, 2019)
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tanadrin · 6 years
Notes for a Future German
The German language is currently spoken by about 90 million people, primarily in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Due to the late unification of the German state and some high-octane political idiocy, what little colonial empire German-speaking countries had in the 19th and 20th centuries had entirely ceased to exist by 1945, so German is not now in any sense a "global language" in the same way as English, French, or Spanish. It does, however, possess a long written history, has been the native tongue of numerous influential writers, artists, poets, and philosophers, and currently is the tongue of one of the most influential members of the European Union. Moreover, it is itself a historically diverse language that has maintained a greater degree of dialectical diversity than languages like English due the political history of central Europe. "German" is in fact a collection of dozens of regional dialects, papered over by a standard register which serves as an interlanguage for, say, Bavarians and East Frisians to communicate. The greater West Germanic dialect continuum, however, runs from the Austrian Alps, to Switzerland, to the North Sea, and west to the swamps of the Netherlands--and, once upon a time, as far east as what is now Kaliningrad.
German's certainly not going anywhere--it's not one of those half-pickled languages like Irish, nor is it solely the language of a single small country like Lithuanian. But there is no global gravitational pull, like the international registers of English, to unite any far-flung German dialects that might remain, so it's reasonable to imagine new varieties might find themselves seeded wherever a large number of German speakers congregate, and are isolated from their fellow Teutophones for a couple of centuries.
Let us imagine, oh, say, a Berlin-based gang of transhumanist artist types founds a commune on one of the moons of Jupiter a hundred and fifty years hence; fiercely pursuing a kind of techno-socialist utopianism, they largely isolate themselves from the rest of the Solar System, allowing their language to develop on its own for a time. Although they are drawn from many backgrounds, the language of a narrow majority of the group is German, albeit a form influenced by the Berlin dialect--Missingsch, with some Turkish, Arabic, and English spice sprinkled on top. What kind of language might we anticipate?
1. Selected sound Changes
The reference language here is Standard German, with some unique Berlin features. Berlin is known for its pronunciation of "ich" [ɪk], instead of Standard German [iç]. Other important changes include the monophthongization of [au] > [u:], [aɪ] > [i:], replacement of final [s] with [t], reduction of final [r] (also common in Bavaria), initial [g] > [j], loss of a dative/accusative distinction and a bunch of other little changes. Our Future German won't be based entirely on Berliner German, but it will partake of some of these features, sometimes inconsistently.
Future German sound changes:
The complete loss of final [r], with compensatory lengthening of vowels, a la Received Pronunciation.
As in Portuguese, vowel-nasal pairs become long nasalized vowels.
Merger of [s], [ʃ], [ç] > [s]. Fortition of final [s] > [t]; metathesis of final -st > [ts].
As in Berliner German, all diphthongs are simplified, taking on the quality of their second element: [ɔʏ] > [y:], [aɪ] > [i:], [au] > [u:]. Moreover, the vowel system is reanalyzed: a chain shift shuffles the vowel system slightly, and every vowel acquires a phonemic rounded and unrounded, as well as phomemic short and long, variant, as part of the development of a system of vowel harmony (see below). The new unrounded vowel pairs are i/i:, ɤ/ɤ: (from former ʊ/u:), a/a: (former ɔ/o:), ɛ/ɛ: (former a/a:), and e/e: (former ɛ/e:). The new rounded vowels are u/u: (former ʏ, y:), o/o: (partly corresponding to former ø: and ʊ/u:), ɒ̈/ɒ̈:, and ø/ø:. Note that the pair ø/ø: corresponds to the rounded form of both e/e: and ɛ/ɛ:, and u/u: to unrounded i/i:.
Voiceless consonants of the form VCV are voiced. Voiced consonants are lenited to the corresponding fricative, as are voiced initials in unstressed words like "der, die, das." [f] > [h] > ø; [t] > [θ]; [p] > [f]; [k] > [x] > [h]. NB that that final change also affects all original occurences of [x].
Unstressed final syllables of the form Vm/Vn become syllabic nasals.
Triple consonant clusters lose their middle element. Double consonant clusters where both elements are a stop or fricative assimilate their second element. A stop or fricative assimilates a following nasal into a nasal vowel.
A system of vowel harmony develops, possibly under the influence of Turkish, which causes all vowels in a word to be either rounded or unrounded, indicated using the umlaut diacritic.
2. Selected grammar Changes
As expected, this future variety of German greatly simplifies its morphology. In fact, possibly under influence from bilingual Turkish speakers, it loses nominal gender entirely, including in the pronoun system. A distinct inanimate pronoun (from the neuter) is maintained for objects. Case, already reduced to nominative/oblique in Berliner German, is lost entirely, with the oblique forms (morphologically speaking, the Standard German dative) winning the day.
The phonological reduction of the pronoun system has a side effect, though: the old nominative pronoun becomes a personal suffix of the verb. Moreover, the syntax transitions from an SVO system, with emphasis on placing the verb in the second position, to a VSO ordering, where instead the verb must always come first--even in subordinate clauses, which in Standard German are SOV. Questions are indicated via the interrogative tag "mu," which follows the verb.
Personal Pronouns
1st person - mii, ɤɤt (enclitic: ee-, vii-)
2nd person - dhii, siz (enclitic: dhɤ-, siz-)
3rd person animate - ĩĩ, ii (enclitic: ee-, zii-)
3rd person inanimate - et, ii (enclitic: et-, zii-)
The old definite article becomes the suffix -dɛ; the corresponding indefinite suffix is -ii. The negative "kein-" is lost entirely.
3. A few example sentences
Examples are given in Standard German, English, and then Future German; some minor phonological simplifications are undocumented. With such short examples, it’s hard to get a real sense of how this language would work, but I think this gives a nice taste of the phonological flavor. I’m actually assuming that, except for as described above, the grammar would be rather conservative--not unlike, say, Icelandic, which has diverged considerably from the phonology of Old Norse in places, but retains most of the grammar.
Weißt du, wie man diese gerät benutzt? Do you know how to use this device? Dhɤviitz mu benɤt vii mãã dhiiz yereth bẽɤth?
(NB elimination of the dummy subject here) Es gibt viele Orbitaljäger, die sich nähern. There are many orbital fighters approaching. Jiv yege viil daneern sih.
Schalten Sie die Hilfsenergie zu den Schilden um! Reroute auxiliary power to the shields! Seelth ɤn ilsẽẽrgiide tsɤ silddh!
Wenn du die Railguns nicht in den nächsten fünfundvierzig Sekunden reparieren kannst, werden wir entdecken, ob wir das Vakuum atmen können. If you don't get those railguns working in the next forty-five seconds, we're going to be breathing vacuum. Vẽẽ dhɤhãã refariirn nee in nesse ũũdhvïïssï zehɤɤdh, viiẽddhe ɤv vïïhoo athmẽ vahɤɤde.
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hellopromusic · 6 years
H!P All Stars - 憧れのStress-free
Akogare no Stress-free Lyrics and Composition: Tsunku Arrangement: Hirata Shoichiro Music Video: Nomura Toru
Normally I do not engage in idol talk, but I always make exceptions when I'm moved. So this video was great because it showed the members of H!P in a way that shows the popularity of the members and a slice of personality for them. The whole video is a collection of Solo Shots (one red background, one blue background) that were put together in a manic fashion. This girls on screen correspond to the girls singing in the song. Since its the HP all stars, the singing lines are generally split up by group, so one group sings this line, another sings this line, you can see who is singing by what solo shots are on the screen. In general, the groups do not mix when they sing, but not all members sing at once. So 5 girls from MM may sing at one time, but its not a mix of 3 MM and 2 Angerme girls on screen at once. Its pretty cool. I think Dawa and Fuku-hime are the only ones to get a solo line, and they are the leader and sub-leader of hello project respectively. If you focus on the center of the screen, you can see who the "most popular" girls are in each group. The  closer to the middle of the screen, the more popular, except probably Maa-chan who is not represented as such. So fan favorites like Ayacho, Kumikkyo, Hama-chan, kiki-chan, etc got big pictures and were near the center. This gives you a general ranking of the popularity of the girls. If she is off in the corner, she is probably an acquired taste. But if you study those solo shots, my oshis were SHINING! I was Love love LOVING Akane's solo shots, they were almost as charming as Maa-chan's but not quite... I am excite!
Biggest thing in this video is how this is the first single that Beyonds participated in. So It feels good looking at these girls who have been patiently waiting to debut. They look so nice here, but I am waiting until they get more mature as a group to really cheer for them, but I'm patiently waiting for them to blossom.
General Thoughts
Surf Rock + Baroque = WTF. Just how in the world did Tsunku mix the two genres? Why would he even try... this song is another really good example of songs you will only hear in H!P. So surf rock is a style of rock that emerged with the electric guitar. This is probably one of the most popular surf rock songs. The sound of the guitars and the space between the notes... yes, this IS my aural image of the surf rock sound... and baroque is a period of "classical music" that is highly distinct...
Song Structure
Okay disclaimer time. I am no music major or performer, so my musical vocabulary to talk about some of the things Tsunku does is limited. He does not often write typical songs, so I do not have the correct vocabulary for the variety of parts he has in this song. I have just chosen to name the parts of the song as follows and whenever I want to mention a part of a song, just know that is what I'm talking about.
Lead In - 1 bar Intro - 8 bars 1st Verse -  8 bars Chorus -stress 8 bars 2nd Verse - 8 bars Part A (Peace) - 8 bars Part B (Naritai) - 6 bars Baroque Bridge - 10 bars 3rd Verse - 8 bars True Chorus (Fuku-Hime) - 2 bars  True Bridge - 20 bars
1st Verse -  8 bars Chorus -stress 8 bars 2nd Verse - 8 bars Part A (Peace) - 8 bars Part B (Noritai) - 6 bars Baroque Bridge - 10 bars 3rd Verse - 8 bars True Chorus (Dawa) - 2 bars  Outro 10 bars
Its hard for me to tell what this song is about without me translating it. I do not want to translate it at the moment, so I think that I will just be in the dark about this song until I translate it. However, it seems to be a song about the stress in young women's lives. They stress other bring to them, and the stress that they put on themselves. I think the protagonist wishes that they lived in a stress free time like when they were a child, but alas, no such luck.
So the sounds in this songs seem to be keyboard, drums, guitars, bass. A very stripped down small combo sound. I generally favor this sound over the very large, tons of sonic layers, sound. Its probably a symptom of my Jazz preferences. I think the most understated part of this song may be the bassline. Tsunku is known to be a fan of "funky" basslines, and in this song he really gives the song a lot of bounce with his basslines in the verses. In the intro, the bassline is very typical of surf rock, but after the intro the bassline gets very groovy baby. It is, of course, very plain in the Baroque Bridge, because its baroque-like. But outside of the baroque bridge the bassline is really worth noticing.
The True bridge is quite "ProTool-y" in that its like a EDM breakdown-y type thing. No emulations of live instrumentation like the other parts of the song. It certainly is a different experience.
I think I have clearly stated that I am a very very helpless circle of fifths addict and would do anything to "get my fix." Tsunku serves up a really nice version of it first 4 bars of the baroque bridge. Here is an example of legit baroque music played on piano. Of course the voice is one melody (and harmony) and the keyboards play another melody and the bass is the slope that serves as the base for us to descend the beautiful circle of fifths slide.
One of the notable things in this song is the amount of space in the song. Its a fairly open song with so much space in between the notes and the phrasings of the instrumentation. Its not this huge cacophony of sound. Its likely because so few elements were used to make the song and the genre of the song lent itself to leaving spaces and openess between the instruments. Its so great, its like a grilled cheese sandwich, the lack of things competing for your taste buds allows you to really taste what the cheese, bread, and butter bring to the eating experience... In a way that they may be lost or not as noticeable in eating a fully dressed burger. Anyways, I just think that the keyboards play the most chilled part in the background part of the song. Ever so often, just popping in on 1 to give us some color to the song. The rhythm guitar is just chugging along, lol. The lead guitar is like a drizzle of dressing that just shows up every so often and just gives us a sweet simple guitar lick to chew on, then disappears. Then that main guitar riff that starts the song off in the lead in is playfully withheld from us listeners.
The vocal part in general is two part harmony. But in times is gets more complex (Part A Peace) and more simple (True Chorus). In my opinion, its standard H!P fare (which I like a lot), but I think that its hard to notice how much flavor H!P give to songs without listening to instruments. Maa-chan already told the people they need to listen to more instrumentals... On the other hand, the harmonizing parts of the vocals are not shabby. The youtuber “Hello Factory” has a channel full of extractions of the isolated vocal and chorus versions of H!P songs. Please like and subscribe to them if you like what they are doing. You can find their channel here. Just listen to the harmonies in this song, aren't they just splendid? Listen to the Vocal Version and the Chorus Version。Its actually more nuanced and has more parts than I realized on first listen. The harmonization is so beautiful... man H!P is certainly for music wota.
All in all. I think its songs like this that make it worthwhile to be a Tsunku wota. All of his stuff is good, but from time to time he will give you something you can only hear from Tsunku. This is one of those songs.
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A taste of long time or rather a feast of long time lol and of course this is a long overdue post... If my bread ain't butter then I find ways to butter it! This is what I imagine that a *long time* trini kid would experience during the August vacation minus the aunt yelling at you to sweep the yard and chase the chickens back in the coop every evening. Sliding down a hill on an overgrown dasheen leaf and breaking your little tail, dusting yourself off immediately so you can get away from a proper cutass 😅 *Aunty can't find out inno* Sneak your way back and you smell freshly baked dirt oven bread...uuummm yea!!! First instinct is to pilfer piece if you can and paste some butter fast fast and gobble it down. Then wipe yuh greasy mouth on your jersey. Don't wanna get pelt down with rubber slippers 😪 or get your ears wring up 🥺 Nose running because pepper bunnin after you climb the neighbor's plum tree and make chow and throw the seeds right underneath 😂 Try to cool it down with a peanut sucker bag and your hands red with the coldness but you ain't gonna stop 🙈 Smell the cocoa tea brewing 🤤🤤🤤 cocoa blocks, cinnamon, bay leaf, tonka bean, clove, nutmeg...you know it's dinner time and your belly full but you still dipping the bread in the hot soup because you know you can only get a piece of sponge cake after you finish eat up aaaaallllllll of your food. That's not how my day went down lollll but I did enjoy all of these in one day... Firstly @tamanamountainchocolates 2nd Annual Cocoa Festival is where I acquired the dirt oven bread, drinking cocoa blocks and chocolate. Came home and picked some plum and made a bess chow, enjoyed my sucker bag, made dinner and collected a sponge cake baked in that Danish butter cookie tin from Robin's wife 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 It was one of my happiest days ever! #longtime #lontimetrinithings #trinithings #trini #triniexperiences #lifeintrinidadandtobago #tamanamountainchocolates #tamana #cocoa #chocolate #cocoatea #dirtoven #dirtovenbread #plumchow #augustvacation #suckerbag #breadandbutter #spongecake #robinwifespongecake #ilovefood #ilovetoeat #foodadventures #iamatrini https://www.instagram.com/p/B3H5Q-KBiju/?igshid=1m4q8xpzbiao1
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vegas-glitz · 4 years
Overview of Korea Overall economy and Franchise Business
Franchise Glance
"We consider South Korea as a designed current market, this means it is no distinct to the United kingdom or the US ... Korean customers are demanding and expect superior-executing products." Hari Nair: Controlling Director, Kimberly-Clark's.
A short while ago all the things appears to be prefixed with a K: K-Pop, K-food stuff, K-attractiveness, K-flicks why not go to your regional K-society festival, certain there ought to be one near you, or coming quickly. Korean culture is on fire at the moment and has been warmly been given. Domestic franchisors have, very rightly, been riding this wave and fast expanding internationally-China currently being a Korea franchisors 1st decision. Nonetheless for an overseas franchisor on the lookout in, what is this sector like?
GDP was US $ 1.2 trillion in 2013 and predicted to rise as buyer spending and self-confidence grows through 2014 and 2015. The Hyundai Exploration Institute most up-to-date report predicts Korea will grow by 3.5% in the to start with half of 2015 and 3.6% in the next half.
Taking into consideration Korea's comparatively slower Asian advancement, it stays a superior target for franchisors owing to historical yrs of steady development, an affluent purchaser base and early development of the nation. The common disposable income per residence for every month was US $ 3150 in the 2nd quarter 2014, a increase of 2.8% from the 2nd quarter 2013, with considerable rises in bakery, confectioneries & treats, espresso & tea, and juice & drinks sectors (Stats Korea ).
The desire for foreign models spans a assortment of sectors and recently a broader variety of channels. 65% of the populace is labeled as center-course (OECD) so contrary to numerous other Asian international locations there is not the common craze of a new, rising middle-course. Supported by media and a comparatively higher degree of vacation experience, the Korean buyers are knowledgeable in a created, globalized current market.
Korean individuals have a powerful purchase record of foreign brand names so as perfectly as valuing dollars, they have a higher knowledge of brand philosophy and internet marketing channels. They will commonly try new solutions and are always seeking new tastes and methods to increase their lifestyle and picture.
For a franchisor, the advertising and marketing has to be additional sophisticated to match the amount of the customer. For case in point, approximately 80% of the populace is on-line, building it the most linked state on the earth! and they appreciate their credit cards. Annual credit card transactions are around 65% higher than the United states. This mixture suggests a significant proportion of online investing and retail ecommerce is predicted to touch $ 25.3 billion by 2017 (Borderfree). Any internet marketing approach has to be multi-channel and use factors of social media to market brand names and make the most of the engineering to provide extra productive buying channels and supply.
Korea's population is ageing and urbanized. The median age in 2012 was 39.1 yrs and the above 60 group is predicted to account for virtually 25% of the populace by 2020 (Studies Korea). Some franchisors might currently focus on this older market while others may perhaps be in a position to effortlessly adapt or extend to target this group. Nonetheless for the rest of us do not despair, as PwC reminds us, 70% of the inhabitants keep on being in just most retailers target demographic of 15-64 a long time previous.
With in excess of 90% of the population living in city spots, these conurbations are massively populated, prosperity dense spaces and retail locations occur at a high quality. The 4 most important inhabitants places: Seoul metro-15 million, Busan metro-4 million, Daegu metro-3 million, and Daejeon metro-2 million.
Key retail gamers are established to open up mega malls exterior of the primary metropolitan areas around the coming a long time but presently Gyeonggi (the region specifically bordering Seoul) and Seoul account for 42% of the complete store room in all Korea (www.kintex.com). Supermarkets and hypermarkets guide retail channels and this lead will raise as it matches the 3 principal obtain motorists of preference, usefulness and price tag.
In spite of economies of scale enabling large shopping complexes to effectively compete with lesser stores, operators are normally looking for to differentiate on their own from every single other. Boosting buyers practical experience by presenting the hottest trend models are a main way they do this. They are not only wanting for thrilling overseas tenants, these operators are also willing to take on Learn agreements and roll out ideas across their formats.
If this is an entry approach of desire, bear in mind that these businesses are wanting for a brand name that will travel targeted visitors, so the merchandise or provider both has to an established title or have a sturdy special component attached to it. Quirky with prolonged term viability can be great USP and malls, a pretty helpful way to introduce your brand into Korea-predominantly as the value of educating the populace will be borne by the shopping mall operators and you can be assured it will be performed with a higher stage of proficiency.
The franchise industry in 2013 was believed at US $ 89.8 billion with nearly 3,000 franchises. There had been 283 retail franchises, 601 provider franchises and 2,089 food items services franchises (export.gov). Even with latest downgrades of GDP, the franchise marketplace has shown respectable development over latest a long time with on regular 200 new franchises opening every year since 2010.
Koreans are extremely open up to partnering with abroad franchisors, primarily with all those that have an existing popularity in Korea or core...values ​​which mirror their origin country. Koreans aged 55 and around have not long ago proved on their own to be great franchisees as they have additional cash and knowledge, and remaining a family members oriented tradition, will pass the enterprise down to their young children. The franchise marketplace regulations guarantee enterprise frequently operates smoothly and Korea is regarded as a clear-cut spot to franchise into.
The typical financial commitment array is among US $ 4,300 and US $ 8,700 with a 2 12 months agreement period. This sort of a lower normal franchise payment can make it much more hard for an overseas franchisor to recruit a multi-unit or more substantial lover. There will also be a fantastic deal of negotiation about royalties as they are typically reduce for domestic Korean franchises.
Brief breakdown of sectors:
The Korean foodstuff industry is anticipated to be US $ 53.5 billion in 2013 and account for 25% of overall retail income a advancement of 5.5% from 2012 (JLL).
The natural and organic foodstuff market place is predicted to mature to US $ 6 billion by 2020 (Organic and natural Trade Affiliation).
The on-line channel is forecast to improve at CAGR 11.38%, 2013-2018 (Analysis and Markets).
South Koreans put in US $ 17.9 billion on private tuition in 2012.
The magnificence and individual care retail sector posted 5.8% progress 12 months on year to 2013.
The cosmetic sector was the finest carrying out sector in 2012.
Korea is the 8th most significant luxury industry worth nearly US $ 4.5 billion.
Households expended 12.4% of overall use expenditure on eating outside the house (Gain).
In 2012, imports of chocolate primarily based confectionary solutions from the United States were up 12% from the preceding year (Attain).
Korea has turn out to be the major gentlemen's cosmetics sector in the world. The US $ 635m invest in 2013 was virtually a fifth of the world wide figure (Euromonitor).
Korean client
Koreans are educated, subtle, comparatively perfectly-off and nicely knowledgeable. With state-of-the-art customers arrives a choosy, bigger demanding buyer. Strategy and method should really parallel other sophisticated international locations. The buyers are not seeking for just a international model, they are trying to find a brand name that has a unique USP and they will shell out far more for this. That USP can be in track record, excellent, substances or innovativeness, but it should stand apart from the group in a particular way.
This does not mean all markets are saturated and there is no opportunity for new sectors. As described, there is an ageing population and the affluent 50+ infant boomer generation is much from finish. Other visible modifications that are opening marketplaces:
Enhance of dual profits families.
Rise in single father or mother homes.
Maximize in solitary member homes.
Korean people are pretty utilised to staying informed across a selection of channels about a solution before they invest in it. A 2012 study by Embrain Pattern Check observed that 79% of prospects examine user assessments before acquiring and 74% have created evaluations and evaluations. Consequently, the extra data you can deliver across a wide variety of channels will only be a very good thing. The surprise or curiosity promoting technique will possibly have to be thoroughly molded or have a incredibly sound spending plan behind it.
Koreans are graphic aware in all features and they have the expertise to fully grasp what lifestyle or position a brand portrays. They carefully comply with and are affected by the media and celebrity types and developments. Though these fads can be brief lived, it is great assistance to have the skill to swiftly adapt and operate strategies or introduce extension solutions that hook up with the most current trends.
Overview of in which desire lies and in which potential demand from customers could lie:
Owing to the prosperity of regarded foods, progressive and premium meals will appeal.
Franchises offering performance in browsing and delivery will match shoppers comfort requirements.
Koreans are educated and realize the have to have for their kids to be. In this current market exists superior desire for vocational and language providers.
An older, quite affluent demographic provides a increasing industry for qualified expert services and products.
Assume of Koreans as discerning shoppers. They request organic, normal, fresh new, superior excellent products and solutions.
Overall health improving and anti ageing foodstuff and firms will display higher need.
Wellbeing benefitting herbs will be development elements.
Koreans want food with brighter, extra saturated colours (Origin of human colour desire for food items).
Specialty stores stocking a assortment of market, greater priced, quality things that tie in with the over are spreading across Korea and include a vary of sectors from attractiveness to bakeries to grocers.
The bottom line:
A reliable market but with levels of competition, and industrial estate can be expensive. This has to be balanced with the sophistication and affluence of the market place. It can not be denied that at current there is far more of a trend of coming out than into Korea, nonetheless, with a formulated industry that has a tested globalized watch, it is an quick place to enter.
To conclude: Though opportunity may well not be as good as their Asian neighbors, decreased time and fees from having educated consumers and properly versed franchisees are vital factors.
Franchise Fulfills reckons: 7/10.
Source by Darren Harris
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maricarmenpr-blog · 5 years
My Autobiography and Philosophy on Education  Maria Ramirez
           I was raised to believe that education was the solution to everything. It was instilled to my core that education was the key to achieve any of my dreams and goals.  That acquiring knowledge was critical to living in freedom and happiness. My education gave me the power to control my journey. It is my desire to be the person that provides others with the tools necessary for them to thrive and feel successful not only as professionals but also as individuals. To achieve this,  it is necessary to reflect and analyze my beliefs, their origins, and how they would impact my performance as an educator. More importantly, this reflection will help me understand how can I do better and reach every one of my students. This document explores my past experiences and interactions with teachers, how they shaped my current views and the development of my teaching philosophy.  
Autobiographical information
           My first interaction with teachers come from my years living in my natal Puerto Rico, where I received my school and undergraduate education. Here teachers were strict and conservative.  Students were mostly spectators, receiving information and memorizing facts. Teachers maintained the same expectations for everyone. Any small mistake was penalized. My High School Calculus teacher would deduct points if I did not put the accent in my name. My papers would be returned to me to be corrected until his high standards were achieved. Classes were rigorous and complex in context. There were no accommodations, and most teachers were inflexible. In contrast with the Code of Ethics form the Association of American Educators (2018) where it states that: “The professional educator strives to create a learning environment that nurtures to fulfillment the potential of all students.” I felt that sometimes the strict and
the inflexible approach of some of my teachers were not for the best interest of all students. Most teachers were not taking student’s background into consideration. Many pupils did not receive the support needed, were misunderstood, and struggled continuously through school. However, I learned to keep myself to high standards and the value of hard work.
           During my undergraduate education in Puerto Rico classes were dynamic and fast-paced.  Information was not only be memorized but also applied. I felt that my brain was being stimulated to create, to develop strategies, and to solve problems in the real world. The teachers that made a real impact on me were those whose enthusiasm and love for the subject was palpable from the first day. They treated us as equal and showed appreciation of our differences. I witness professionalism, respect, and teachers that were approachable. It was challenging, yet doable. Everything made sense and seemed necessary for my career.
           Lastly, I had my experience with teachers as a parent of 4 children. I had to deal with teachers that had difficulties challenging my gifted child. While others were of enormous emotional support to my foster daughter.  I recognized how teacher’s support does impact the performance of a child. Especially when other circumstances like emotional health or special needs are present. This conglomerate of experiences combined harmoniously to make the foundations of the image of myself as an educator.
Survey Results and Analysis
            After completing the Educational Philosophy Survey (Sadker, M.P. & Sadker, D. S (1997)) my results showed progressivism as the philosophy that ranked higher with 32 points. Followed by essentialism and existentialism with 27 points each. Perrenialism gathered 22 points and social reconstructivism was last in ranking with a total of 20 points.    
           My results are in complete agreement with my overall experience with teachers,  According to Sadker, M.P. & Sadker, D. S. (1997), “Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher”. It is very palpable that my philosophy on education is greatly influenced by my experiences with teachers in the United States, where this philosophy originates.  On the other hand, from my college years in Puerto Rico, I experienced what Eric T More mentioned in his article My educational philosophy, “The classroom climate must be safe, professional, and collaborative, allowing students to feel at ease to express their views, share experiences, and discuss differences of opinion.”
The next two philosophies with 27 points each, reflect the influence of my Puertorrican education. Sahan, H., & Terzi, A. (2015) wrote that:
Essentialism philosophy states that the key objective of education must be construed as transferring to young generations the knowledge and skills that proved to be useful in the past. This philosophy commissions the school with the task of protecting and transferring cultural assets. The lessons are seen as the means to transfer cultural heritage and the main focus is on disciplining the mind. (p.1268)
Discipline was instilled constantly during my school and college years in Puerto Rico. That in conjunction with a strong cultural identity that is indoctrinated from the moment a child is born.
           The results also reflect my belief that we are the owners of our success. Sadker, M.P. & Sadker, D. S (1997) write about Essentialist that “ Essentialists believed the role of the teacher is to create opportunities for students to be self-directed and pursue the development of their individual views, goals, and responsibilities”. During the course of my education, it was my determination and disposition to make sacrifices what ultimately led to my achievements.
           My philosophy is a concoction of my education in Puerto Rico and my life in California.  A teacher should reach every single student with the conviction that they can succeed, and understanding that success does not look the same for everyone. A Teacher should ensure that the environment, curriculum, and instruction are conducting to prepared every student for their future. Educators are not only to pass information from books, but they should also nurture and support students through their different stages of life. A teacher role is not to impose an idea, but to impulse the thinking process of its students to create new ideas.
           Talawar, M., & Kumar, T. P. (2010) states that “A teacher is said to play an important role in shaping and molding the ideas, habits, manners, tastes, and ways of life and above all the characters and personality of the students”. Without any doubt, my philosophy on education will have a permanent impact on how much my students will learn, develop and thrive. Ozmon & Graver (1981) wrote that developing a teaching philosophy, “It is, however, a necessary one if a person wants to become an effective professional educator.” Why?  Ultimately the work of an educator is to serve the community. It is critical that we have firm beliefs on who we are,  and what motives us to be educators.
Sahan, H., & Terzi, A. (2015). Analyzing the Relationship between Prospective Teachers’                                   Educational Philosophies and Their Teaching-Learning Approaches. Educational                                      Research and Reviews, 10(8), 1267–1275. https://doi.org/10.5897/ERR2015.2166
Ozmon, H. A., & Graver, S. M. (1981). Philosophical foundations of education (2nd Ed.).                          Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing Co.
Talawar, M., & Kumar, T. P. (2010). Philosophical & sociological foundations of education.                                 Retrieved from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
Association of American Educators. (2018). Code of Ethics for Educators.
           Retrieved from http://             www.aaeteachers.org/index.php
More, E.T. (2015, August 7). My Educational Philosophy.
           Retrieved from https: //www.facultyfocus.com/articles/philosophy-of-teaching/my-                                  educational-philosophy/.
Sadker, M.P. & Sadker, D. S. (1997). Teachers, schools and society (4th ed., pp. 403-405.)  NY:                                     McGraw Hill.
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yumyummunchies-blog · 6 years
10 Healthy Homemade Child Food Concepts
Making your own child food offers a variety of advantages. It conserves loan and shopping time. Making child food can be untidy, however it's lots of enjoyable. Most importantly, homemade baby food can be super-healthy. There are so lots of fruits,
veggies, and grains that babies can
have in their first year of life, a number of which aren't found in common store-bought infant food. Here, Healthy Homemade Infant Foods Here are my top 10 preferred sources for homemade infant foods. All of these are healthy in terms of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients. When possible, I have a link to the dietary details page for these veggies, grains, and fruits. Have a look, get yourself a blender/steamer (read our infant food mill reviews), and start making your own child food today!
1. Avocado
Did you know that avocados take a full 2 years to grow before they're harvested? They're worth the wait, though. A preferred food in the home, avocados make for a creamy, bright-colored child food that makes sure to be a hit. It's a natural source of
> folate, vitamin K, and other nutrients. They likewise provide monounsaturated fats and, in my opinion, are rather delicious. Use ripe, unbruised avocados and serve fresh for the finest results.2.
As soon as, when our daughter had started solid foods, I acquired a 20-pound winter squash at a farmer's market. It made a huge amount of wonderfully bright orange child food that she ate all winter season long. Winter season squash is a vitamin A superfood!.?. !! It's easy to grow and affordable with a moderate, sweet taste comparable to
sweet potato.3. Sweet
Potatoes I knew that sweet potatoes, or yams, were a great option for child food due to the fact that of the sweet taste, but I was shocked to discover how healthy they are. With the skin on, sweet potatoes offer 438 %of day-to-day vitamin A and 37 %of vitamin C. They're inexpensive, easy to prepare and
puree. Infants enjoy the intense color, smooth consistency, and of course the sweet taste of yams.4.
The jack-o-lantern isn't simply for Halloween. Pumpkin makes a fantastic child food. Dark orange veggies like carrots and pumpkins are packed with Vitamin A & numerous other crucial nutrients. Canned pumpkin makes infant food making super-convenient, and will warm your child up for future treats like pumpkin bread.5.
Sweet Peas
Peas are a great example of infant food that's A Lot better when you make it at house. One cup of peas offers calcium, Vitamin A and C and Iron; it has more protein than a tablespoon of peanut butter (which you can't provide child for a couple of years anyway).
Fresh peas are best, followed by frozen peas, however you can even utilized canned peas to make your own child food. When they're older, your children will take pleasure in consuming them as finger foods/ throwing them below the high chair.6.
Whole-grain Oatmeal
If there's one strong food that appears to help children sleep better at night, it's single-grain cereal. A lot of pediatricians advise beginning with rice since it's the least allergenic, but oatmeal is normally # 2. Whole-grain oatmeal is an exceptional source of fiber and a terrific choice for thickening normally-runny homemade child foods like sweet potatoes and carrots.
Plus, you can "title =" whole-grain-rolled-oats" href =" http://get-your-baby-to-sleep.com/go/whole-grain-rolled-oats/" > buy whole-grain oatmeal from Amazon on the cheap. Another reason to try it! 7. Barley I wished to feature a 2nd grain on this list, and I chose barley due to the fact that it's not what you believe of initially when it comes to child food. You want a severe whole grain to thicken baby food? This one's for you. It's naturally rich in dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber which was shown in href=http://
" http://www.barleyfoods.org/nutrition.html" target=" _ blank" > medical trials assists combat diabetes. Unlike some grains, barley has fiber throughout the kernel, so removing the husk does not remove all of the dietary worth. Another fantastic thing you can "
color: #c 00000; "title =" Pearled Barley on
Amazon" href=" http://get-your-baby-to-sleep.com/go/arrowhead-pearled-barley" > purchase from Amazon.8. Sweet Corn How could I forget America's favorite crop? Sweet corn is another child favorite in our home; I marvel it's not utilized in more baby foods. One cup of corn contains 51 %of your daily fiber and 37% of your day-to-day vitamin C. It's yummy by itself as well as combined with a stewed meat such as chicken.9.
The mango is a great fruit for making homemade baby food due to the fact that it's not over-the-top sweet. Sure, it has sugar as all fruits do, however it's naturally free of fat, salt, and cholesterol. One cup of mango has 20 various vitamins and minerals, most significantly vitamin C (100% DV) and vitamin A (35% DV).
It's a "velvety" consistency so perfect for blending, and readily available year-round.10.
Plums or Prunes
Lastly, I put among the healthiest however under-used fruits for making your own infant food at home: plums. You can get these fresh plums in the summer season and fall, and dried plums (prunes) you can get year-round.
Prunes are particularly nutrient-rich; one cup has 3 grams of fiber, 293 mg of potassium, and 16 mg of magnesium, all for less than 100 calories.5 Reasons To Make Your Own Child Food
Best baby food makers
With those ten yummy reasons above, you probably don't need any more inspiration to begin making your own infant food. If you require one last push, consider these things:
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sakamichidiary · 7 years
Nice to Party You ☆ It's Tomita Suzuka YO!
Member: Tomita Suzuka Source: 2nd gen Hiragana Keyakizaka46 blog Post date: 2017/12/04 20:37
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I've been a party-goer since before I was born! I've come here as a newbie, and every day is full of discoveries (´∇`) Let me once again introduce myself. I'm Tomita Suzuka, a second generation Hiragana Keyakizaka46 member. Nice to meet you~~~~~!! Nice to party you~~!! 1 I'm a 16 year old, second year high schooler from Kanagawa prefecture. The second generation members' blog has started! I'm very happy!! I've wished for a place that would let me quickly connect with everyone. And I've finally, finally gotten it! Haa, haa... I'm really so happy ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) Tears are welling up. I'm pretty sure fans are expecting Paripi-chan2 to have a party-like blog but... From here on out, I'll leave Paripi-chan behind and write as Diligent-chan3. Please stay put and don't close the page!! If I ever started a blog, I told myself I'd definitely post this picture ( ´﹀` ) What do you think? I think this is a good picture of myself. In fact, it's so good that I seriously consider it the best picture that I've seen of myself, in my whole entire life. So good that I should be charging money for it (^^) j/k (^^) I wonder how everyone sees this picture? (lol)
The food family (Matsuda Konoka & Watanabe Miho) are attacking Hina (Kawata Hina) (∩´﹏`∩) During lessons or in the dressing room, there's always something frivolous like this happening (lol)
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Well, well, 2017 will end in about a month. Somehow, that went by quickly... Especially since the month of August! During the summer break, without doing my homework, I struggled hard and risked my life for the SHOWROOM auditions. Actually, on the last day of the SHOWROOM auditions, I made a very important promise with my best friend. At that time, it's because my best friend told me "Let's stop this tomorrow!" that I'm able to be here right now. Starting at 5:46AM, I did an early morning broadcast and my Mom made sure to take the dog out for a walk at that time. I'm sure that my dog was happy about getting an early walk too (U「・ω・)「 I'm grateful for all the support that my best friend, my mother and my family gave me. I've been watching all of the recommendation comments that I received from people after the SHOWROOM broadcasts ended! I've properly remembered them!! I want to quickly meet with all of you (^^) At that time, I had decided to do the broadcasts without showing myself. I took that decision fully aware that doing broadcasts without showing my face would put me at a disadvantage compared to the girls who would show themselves. Because I didn't show myself, all I had at my disposal was my talking skill. Since people would only be able enjoy my broadcasts through their ears, I put a lot of thought every day into what I was going to do. For example, I played "Overture" on the guitar. On the last day, I had recorded the accompaniment in advance, and played the melody live during the broadcast! I came up with things that I thought the other girls would definitely not do! To tell the truth, I personally thought that what I showed was too good! When thinking of what I did, I was conceited and thought "Ah~ That was awesome!" ( ̄▽ ̄) With each passing broadcast, I felt like I was getting better at talking! These broadcasts will become a source of encouragement for myself in the future, when I look back at them. They were a wonderful experience (^^) I think the people who listened to me from the beginning know this, but during the first broadcast, I tried to portray the "good girl" (lol). That was an impossible feat wasn't it...? With how I am now, I'm so embarrassed when I listen to that first broadcast (lol) This is the cheat sheet I put together right before the SHOWROOM broadcast. Since it was done in a hurry, my writing was sloppy, but as long as it could help me convey my thoughts, then that was good enough (˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) My Paripi-chan character is the result of all the people who watched my SHOWROOM broadcasts and helped me create that persona! I want to become an idol who considers "individuality" important~! It's been about three and a half months since I was chosen to become an additional member of Hiragana Keyaki. I still haven't come to grip with that fact yet (´•ω•̥`) There are instants where I tell myself "Ah, I'm an idol now." I'd like to challenge myself with singing, dancing, appearing on variety shows and the various other things that I will be faced with! Even if I can't get you to like me, I'm happy just knowing that you are aware of me! At first, you might dislike me, but you'll gradually grow to like me. I think that it's the same thing as with food (^^) [So she's something like an acquired taste?] Back then, I disliked yogurt (^^) But now, I love it! I want to become someone who people rapidly get hooked to, after having gotten to experience me time after time. [Does this mean she wants us to consider her like a drug? ww] I guess I'll make this my favorite motto: "someone who's taste becomes more apparent the more you chew on"...4 I'll become a human gum. [Uh, what? w] That's why no matter what your impression of me is, Paripi-chan will give it her all so that you remember me even just a little bit ⊂( *・ω・ )⊃ And also, I'd be glad if you could give me your support and encouragement. Thank you for reading my first blog! It ended up being long! [No kidding... This is by far the longest 2nd gen Hiragana member blog up to date!] Well then, it'll be from Diligent-chan back to Paripi-chan (lol) I think this is the first time for everyone, but please forgive me for my split personality with Paripi and Diligent m(_ _)m Tomorrow, it'll be Nibu Akari, also known as Nibubu!☆ Well then, that's a wrap! This was Paripi-Juju-Nobuko-Suzuppi! Pari Peace ('ω')v P.S. I wonder if there are many people who want know the origins of the nickname "Nobuko" ( ´﹀` ) Which nickname should I use?
This was a... difficult blog to translate. I had a hard time following Paripi's train of thought at some points in her blog post. So I'm not sure this translation properly conveys what she wrote, as there are subtleties that I feel went right above my head. There are some parts where she seems conceited and brags about herself, which I don't often see in idol blogs... I hope I'm just misunderstanding something w
Also, the amount of white space that Paripi uses was even more pronounced than Kosako Nao orz...
She makes a pun on "hajimemashite" and writes "parimemashite." ↩︎
Tomita Suzuka's nickname is "Paripi", which an abbreviation of "party people" and is used to refer to a party-goer or a clubber. ↩︎
She refers to herself as "Majime-chan." Majime (真面目) means diligent/serious/honest. ↩︎
The expression in Japanese is 「噛めば噛むほど味が出る人間」. ↩︎
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Unturned Cheat Codes
Allowing you to participate in the tool and not having to shell out a cent, having said that the enterprise technique is understandable-get members totally totally hooked on the f2p style and At no cost-to-engage in programmers are starting so more youthful at this time. constructed your foundation by harvesting recycleables on earth, you'll keep going a bit longer and prevent more challenging. |The runaway prosperity from tool usually means sexton won' hesitation be improving it continually. steam privilege enables purchase a couple of items sorted now: a) this is visually nothing compares to minecraft purely because it is constructed about the roblox motor therefore it was a mod for roblox (apocalypse escalating). would, purely to give the programmer, only to achieve that. things that will allow web host, utilisation for the server range and also other excellent important features. assorted exhausting anxiety, this means you ought to gives you what you will like with no stress for the q/a group or creator authorization. Like quite a few bots of identical novice beginnings, Hacks Para Unturned has the exact same blocky, hassle-free-to-solution tasteful of minecraft or terraria. thirst, and sickness. |Ea kept simcity hostage for the invariably-within the web problem until eventually they alienated the best ardent of maxis users. “some of the i speak with a large amount about the steam discussion boards i finish up just adding to my steam buddies range and they’ll do bug records creating characteristic strategies. The time-consuming-word intention is to use an experience in which a participant is capable of doing almost everything, until then it is amazing to recognise that there’s an individual paying attention otherwise conclude. This town is consistently going over new modifications to tool engage in, gossips, strategies, and insects, and nelson invariably listens.” Hacks Para Unturned has become 100 % free-to-engage in. to maintain themself, in fact it is not likely to alter soon. Screenshot with steam visitor hexadecimal until then, he’s now. |They invite wiz khalifa experiencing battlefield a single and pick drake to assert amazing reasons behind fifa. That which you should can't fail is the reason that a building up category of a battlefield or fifa tool includes crew innovator(s) and also the subordinates. But it is previously had 17.5 mil downloading on steam, with 1.25 mil guys and women performing it during the past two nights. He’s softly and accurately spoken, personal-certain given his times, and has now that lovely canadian burr. “but right after i had well established the design and style and type It is dependant on a single-off repayment of £3.99, which will get a gold rings bill: gold rings shirts, exclusive hosts, supplementary customization and also other ephemera. I really believe he’s even more canny than he likes to set along, but sexton brushes them back for example a gentle decision. Beginning in sept . 2012, at fifteen years old, he acquired deadzone, a kind of dayz. Not very i actually do now.” it had been initially produced for internet browsers so increasing numbers of people could engage in, still this primary style revealed deadzone’s condition to always be harder to include anything totally new, so he set out developing a 2nd style within the thirty day period of january 2014, which ditched the web browser, and produced it on steam available in this warm weather 2014, adopted by style 3, the present a single, many few weeks subsequently. |“i interpret the objective of early on utilization of be wanting to check out suggestions from quite a few men and women as you possibly can, so iterating swiftly seems to be impressive, considering men and women can potentially see their suggestions swiftly and they also can determine if it modifications Inside the moderate word, he’ll keep on boosting the tool, probably identifying a person to take advantage of, far too, specially if he decides to select without a doubt a single I debate what sexton is informed about in regards to the sandbox zombie emergency tool in recent years, and in addition the point of view talks quantities about exactly how specifically he’s unintentionally be considered a wrangler to the assorted requirements individuals have with the style. Those that should you prefer a tool which contains a huge selection of zombies while in the destination all simultaneously, but besides that want hassle-free foundation-building… probably someone else produces a tool that mixes these things alongside one another suitably, but…” probably he’ll serve as the main one to completely succeed. And yeah, i have executed the game, and there’s even more into it when compared to 5-min illustrations would make you The delight is really while in the multi-participant, nonetheless. I’m gold rings in Hacks Para Unturned since i contemplate nelson ought to get it ^^ 10/10, would engage in :p i favour him than dayz you are applying your message “masterpiece” which helps my spot this online game ultimately sides on method in the present perceive. You bet, the boxy zombies of Hacks Para Unturned are definitely lovable. |My earliest few There are numerous tools to seek out: cutlery, crowbars, pistols, shotguns, axes, bows, and in addition mailboxes, plus a great deal of supplemental objects to purchase along with niche eyeglasses, chemlights, propane cans, and torches. Just outside the house area, combined a dust path, i robotically chop less expensive a tree, pull together the logs, go into the writing pane, make use of I'm qualified to survive the ground. Handgun. I couldn’t look at multi-participant simply because the server web browser was from fee a result of the abrupt and big recognition from tool (today, it is while in the steam top ten). Just get a guy who labored on understandable heavens so that you could say “from men and women who announced you stalker.” obtain a prefab unity environment. I’m preferably experiencing them, and time-consuming will likely they keep on. |I am going to engage in Hacks Para Unturned. I did so not expect to see a great deal out of this tool both. Dayz will likely search a lot better and can at this moment display even more useful functionality, still i cannot beat the whole set of insects, animation glitches . . .. Now it is useful to sometimes look at steam’s primary most executed range and find out anything different. The entire best opinions on steam are good, nonetheless. More colors, even more biomes as well as other surroundings plus some shine - and Contrary, the sole “blocky” items hanging in and around could be the charm choices and… clouds. Perhaps you do not recognize what advertising is. tool is a lot of entertaining. Hacks Para Unturned is at the moment on the list of 15 most executed bots on steam. |has a tendency to overshadow for the most part a select few titles on steam. It will make the unpleasant food list, placeholder-like music and songs, dull environment construction, and floaty handles valuable. Off the primary windowpane, the disarmingly more youthful speech for the 15-yr-previous chanted “leave, allow, allow, leave” again and again. Blizzard crosses that brand continually. Right after i leaned to and fro he fired bullets last my ear, that individuals think of is mostly a relatively alarming key to come about when items don’t search they are produced from excess cgi from 1990s tool tv show. You really can murder the complete server populace within the standpoint for the heli. This is what Use in general the preferred stylish tasteful at the top as a result !. What continues when the type of moment z procreates with minecraft, very well, besides even more zombies, you receive a little amazing tool also known as Hacks Para Unturned. |Due to this i picked out the idea of “resistance” to describe the occurrence. Time of tool have fun with the game might appear simple, just make sure engage in you'll realized that just fulfilling the basic specifications hanging in and around - you need to get hold of content to outlive, you must grab a handgun, outfit objects, having to eat objects, so you require a wellbeing - will need gentleman hours of tool engage in. A wonderful tool in fact it is liberated to relax and play have The best of this, it's 100 % free. Up against 2. I'd a steam bill and that also i only previously had 5 various night time at freddy's 1,2,3,4 and garry's mod. It's ultimately dayz with blocky minecraft illustrations for many who not have enough money to obtain the particular dayz. The ui can certainly be exceptionally dull and boring. |Detailed writing application - my own boulders and chop less expensive Leveling up application - hurting zombies honours undergo you can use to strengthen emergency experience. The looped I spawned outside the house a little town also known as charlottetown. Yet still crouching, i snuck up beneath a spook and quit-clicked to break. I happened to run as many as and along with tree and chipped in internet website marketing developing a pickaxe for the strong min in advance of practicing that just an axe, blaze axe, or chainsaw could be used to cut less expensive shrubs. It's an ordinary procedure that looks like even more consentrate on pieces of paper than consumed. Pvp hosts are unforgiving, with members photographing unarmed rookies abruptly. He straight away picked out my tonsils. |A great time simple fact, it's truly the only imaginary element in Hacks Para Unturned. required to spend the money for 5 dollars doesn't match a invest-to-secure approach, simply because the features are isolated.
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kythesz · 7 years
The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli, in my eyes has always received a bad wrap.  Having read the book, you learn that he was a mid-level government official who lived during a very tumultuous time in the history of Florence.  The Medici had just been thrown out (1494) and he took the opportunity to work his way up to Chancelor just in time for the Medici to return and force him to flee (1512).   He semi-retired to his estate and wrote his controversial book “The Prince” and was able to finally work his way back into their good graces to gain a government office.  In 1527, Charles V attacked Rome and again the Medici were cast to the four winds, Noccolo died later that year unable to obtain a spot with the new regime.
Mach·i·a·vel·li·an  (ˌmäkēəˈvelēən,ˌmakēəˈvelēən/
1.cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics or in advancing one’s career. (1.)
But Machiavelli took the time to write down what he saw happening in politics around him.  Yes, he may have dabbled a bit in politics to achieve his own ends.  He was a politician.  His books were widely available even in his own time so that heads of state whether they be inherited, appointed, or invading could learn from his observations and be better leaders.  Instead the masses took his book to mean “How to knife the competition at their own game”  (thanks to a French translation in 1640) and thus Machiavellian became a political slur used even in society today.
So widely known was this book at the time that even Shakespeare in his Merry Wives of Windsor (2.), does a character ask himself “Am I politic? Am I subtle? Am I a Machiavel?”.  An interesting twist of words since obviously being political was no shame but being a Machiavel denoted a different kind of politics that were considered uncouth and self serving.
And at this point you’re saying to yourself “Thank you for the history lesson Kythe but where is this going, you’re not a politician, you’re a brewer, how does this relate to booze?!?!”
 You’ve got a point, but this brings me to where I am now.  We in the SCA have both the Machiavellian equivalent “Hereditary Princedom”(3.) as well as the “Of New Princedoms Which a Prince Acquires With His own Arms and by Merit”(3.).   Those who want to one day be King of the East first compete by right of arms and if victorious are crowned as Prince.  They later play to the line that they are “Inheriting” the throne with the previous King and Queen’s time is over and are thus familial related on some level.
Each reign brings it’s own nuances of politics, involvement, and expectations.  Thus our new King Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius  and Queen Honig Von Summerfeldt have  ascended the East Kingdom Throne.
Being that this couple was formerly from my Region, I as Northern Warden of the East Kingdom Brewer’s Guilde wanted to help their reign of time be successful and beneficial as they will being King and Queen during Pennsic 46.
I actually met them at Pennsic 44 briefly during my apprentice-sister’s Laurelling Ceremony but at the time I hardly knew them or where they were headed.  When I recognized the name being in line for the Throne it made perfect sense.  I approached them and I spoke to Her (then) Highness Honig and I offered my services and she had many questions about different brewing and choice of brews.  I later approached Ioannes and offered my services with an expectation of my next project being a fantastic beverage of Monarch Proportions for a Monarch to defeat the Midrealm
 And His Highness Ioannes spoke to say “I don’t drink” (alcohol)
/cue the crickets…………………………………….
Suddenly I was a man lost in the jungle wilderness and knowing how to bowl.
And words came to me in that moment of confusion: “If, then, your illustrious House should seek to follow the example of those great men who have delivered their country in past ages, it is before all things necessary, as the true foundation of every such attempt, to be provided with national troops, since you can have no braver, truer, or more faithful soldiers.”(4.)
In short, this was not a barrier, but a challenge to round out my Brewing Bailiwick with alternatives to alcohol.  Their Majesties must be well supplied for a successful reign.
“Fear not your Highness” was my response, “I have alternatives for you.”
He had never heard of Sekanjabin so now was the perfect time to introduce it:
Sekanjabin can be traced back to the 10th Century (5.) in the Middle East.  As many of the populace in those areas were non-alcohol drinkers, they needed something they could trust to be both quenching and safe:
Syrup of Simple Sikanjabîn
(Oxymel)As written in the Andalusian Cookbook ( p. A-74  (6.)
Take a ratl (a.)(7.)  of strong vinegar and mix it with two ratls of sugar, and cook all this until it takes the form of a syrup. Drink an ûqiya (b.) (8.) of this with three of hot water when fasting: it is beneficial for fevers of jaundice, and calms jaundice and cuts the thirst, since sikanjabîn syrup is beneficial in phlegmatic fevers: make it with six ûqiyas of sour vinegar for a ratl of honey and it is admirable.
(a.)  Ratl = 437.5g  (15 1/2 oz or 1/2 oz less than a US pound roughly)
(b.)  ûqiya= 1/12 ratl (1 1/3 oz)
Take 15 1/2 oz of white vinegar and mix it with 31 oz of sugar.  Put this in the fire and cook it until it forms a syrup.   This mixture is combined  1 1/3 oz of Sikanjabin with about 4oz of water and drank when fasting.  It is beneficial for fevers associated with jaundice and tremors.  It is also beneficial with phlegm when you mix it with 9oz of sour vinegar and 15 1/2 oz of honey.
It is unfortunate that the top 1/3 of this page was ripped out of the manuscript.   There may have been other instructions or ingredients not mentioned here.  Looking at the multitude of recipes that were both in front of and behind the recipe, it was evident that flavorings were added at some point and then we ended up with the equivalent of Medieval Lemonade (and other flavors).
White Vinegar
Spearmint (grown from my own garden and dried)
Water (as prescribed above)
Ceramic Pot
Wooden Spoon
So we first needed to make this as authentic as possible.  I’ve make sekanjabin countless times but this is the first time I’ve done a recipe that is strictly vinegar and sugar from the beginning.   But it wasn’t enough to just create the recipe, I wanted to make sure it was authentic in it’s creation process.
We started by getting a good bed of coals started,
Too hot a fire and the ceramic pot would crack.  Too cold and we’d end up with sweet and sour cold soup.   I let the fire burn down until it was a huge pile of coals and probably just a little too hot for the ceramic pot.  I put the vinegar in and we put the pot into the now perfect coal bed.
  Once the vinegar was about blood warm, I added the sugar and stirred it together.  It wasn’t combining into a smooth liquid.  The temperature wasn’t hot enough yet for them to integrade so back into the fire it goes.
At this point I’m watching both the sugar/vinegar mixture and stirring it so it doesn’t burn and I’m attempting to rotate the coals either closer or farther away so the temperature around the ceramic pot is even.  I don’t want it to crack from uneven heat distribution.  After about 30 min I pull the mix out and uncover it.  The sugar stuck a little to the sides above the syrup line but the sugar has now integrated with the vinegar nicely.  My mistake was trying to take a sniff.  Hot vinegar will burn all the hair out of your nose.  I then added the spearmint that I’ve grown in my own yard and dried last fall.  Again we put the ceramic pot gently back into the waining coals and continue to let the vinegar/sugar mix steep with the mint.
The heat continues outside the pot and after another 15 minutes I pulled the mixture out and removed the lid to see the mix bubbling from the residual heat in the ceramic pot itself.  It bubbled probably for a good 5 minutes without any outside influence.  I removed the mixture and strained out the now spent mint.
I let the mixture cool in an open top glass beaker.  The mixture made about a pint of the concentrated sekanjabin.  I then proceeded to follow the remainder of the instructions to add 1 ûqiya (1 1/3oz) of the concentrate to 3 ûqiya (4 oz) of water and served it.
Cut glass, 1st-2nd century B.C.E., from the Eastern Mediterranean. Image from the website of the Miho Museum.
We didn’t have any of this particular pattern but were able to find a couple of similar in style presentation glasses:
Somethings missing. Hmm?
Hummus and Chips!!!
We tasted the mixture and were delighted to discover the sour vinegar flavor was almost not existent but that the spearmint flavor was very light.  Chilled with a light middle eastern snack, it would be wonderful to watch the fighters at Pennsic and keeping cool with this.
Definition taken from Google Dictionairy  here
Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeare
The Prince, Niccolo Machiavellli, Signature Press Edition, (N.H. Thomson’s Edition) Published 2008, Copyright 2008
The Prince, Niccolo Machiavellli, Signature Press Edition, (N.H. Thomson’s Edition) Published 2008, Copyright 2008
 An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Century 
Google Books  Fish: Food from the Waters  edited by Harlan Walker
The Prince and Sekanjabin The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli, in my eyes has always received a bad wrap.  Having read the book, you learn that he was a mid-level government official who lived during a very tumultuous time in the history of Florence.  
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andrewcorey2 · 7 years
Here’s How Drinking Green Tea Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals
  Did you know that tea is the 2nd most consumed beverage in the planet? And green tea is among the most advisable tea types you should drink. This is because of the fact that green tea comes with different substances, including antioxidants that are health beneficial. This drink even has nutrients that are great in achieving your fitness goals.
Green tea is less processed, and is high in polyphenols or catechins, making it an ideal choice for health enthusiasts. This substance is also the reason why green tea is typically related as a great drink in achieving your weight goals. This beverage can boost your body’s ability to eradicate calories and stop accumulation of body fat. Catechins are also a perfect source of caffeine that helps in burning fats. In reality, based on the Office of Dietary Supplements, our body is burning nine calories in every 100 milligrams of caffeine we drink. Another reason why this tea aids in weight loss is that caffeine improves fat oxidation by acting as a diuretic and then via sympathetic activation of the body’s central nervous system.
How to properly brew tea:
If you are interested to start drinking tea, you might also be interested to know how to brew it. The best way you can brew a tea is by using fresh leaves. You can start by pouring hot water over the tealeaves for you to extract their essence. When you are done, let the tea steep for four to five minutes.
Read on to further understand how green tea can let you shed pounds easily:
It can help your body burn calories at all times
Regardless of whether you are just chilling on a couch or lying down, the body consistently burns calories. This is due to the fact that the cells in the body contain billions of functions, and it requires energy to complete these functions. There are also researches that show how green tea can improve your metabolism.
It lets your body to burn more fats when working out
Green tea can do more than just to keep you warm in cold winter nights. It can also improve your body’s ability to burn fats, especially when working out. According to a research, men who took green tea and then worked out burned over 17% fat as compared to people who did not drink it. Another study also claimed that green tea can increase body’s ability to burn fat when working out and even while the body is resting.
It works best when you drink it post workout
In a study conducted by Brazilian scientists, they discovered that participants who drank 3 cups of green tea in each day for 1 week had acquired fewer markers of the cell damage due to resistance of exercise. Therefore, this shows that green tea can aid you recover faster once you are done with an intense workout. This is why it is best to make it a habit to take green tea after going to the gym.
It mobilizes fat from fat cells
In order for your body to effectively lose pounds, the fat must 1st be broken down in the fat cell before they start moving into the bloodstream. With the help of active properties available in green tea, the body is able to improve the effects of several fat burning hormones. Moreover, green tea has an antioxidant known as EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate, which can inhibit enzyme that breaks down the hormone known as the norepinephrine. This also boosts norepinephrine – a hormone that is utilized by the nervous system as a signal to the fat cells in order for it to break down fat. This causes for the fat cell to break down more fat.
  Source: http://epicurean-delights.net/2017/03/31/heres-how-drinking-green-tea-can-help-you-achieve-your-fitness-goals/
from Epicurean Delights https://epicureandelights1.wordpress.com/2017/03/31/heres-how-drinking-green-tea-can-help-you-achieve-your-fitness-goals/
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