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ya-killin-me-smalls · 1 year ago
2BHankmos headcanons like I promised last night
had stuff going on today so didn't get to this until now
under the cut <3
it's like that one meme about dad not wanting a dog but then dad and the dog
except dad is hank and the dog is a clone
starts out as just 2BHank but Doc gets attached fast
doesn't help that Deimos has a massive crush on both on top of being a Hank fanboy
Hank doesn't care at first because it's not like him and Doc are dating dating (they are), but Doc keeps him in the loop regardless
the turning point for Hank? Doc seems happier. he's more relaxed, smiles more often. him and Deimos connect on an emotional level that Hank can't always keep up with but seeing his partner happy makes him happy
that fondness extending towards Deimos is only natural, and eventually Hank corners him in the hallway to inform him that he is now their shared boyfriend. the flustered excitement is contagious and it leaves Hank's hands shaking even though he does his best to play it cool
as with any relationship, it takes them a little time to learn how to navigate each other. they all have different boundaries and love languages but having Deimos in the mix now helps to pick up where the two were previously lacking
Doc feels less neglected with how his and Hank's lines of work keep them separate so often
Hank enjoys having someone that talks to him constantly out in the field and is always excited when he gets back to base after being gone for a while. he hadn't even realized how lonely it was out in the desert sometimes
Deimos feels secure with the two of them. both offer opportunities for growth physically and mentally while still grounding him and bringing a little peace to his chaos
conversely, Hank's quiet presence is always appreciated in Doc's lab. possibly the only person that can sit for hours on end and not say or more importantly touch anything. Deimos is allowed in too but he is On A Timer because he is Distracting
sleeping arrangements were difficult at first. they tried Hank in the middle first, which ended with one of the other two draped over his torso to reach the third by morning. Doc simply does not want to be in the middle because it's claustrophobic in the dark. and Deimos is a stomach sleeper so that on top of having two grown men on either side was smothering
the solution? Deimos sleeps partially on top of Hank and Doc. which works out great because Nevada is cold at night and Deimos is a walking space heater
there are arguments. almost always about something stupid. Hank breaks things up by just picking up whoever is getting the most heated and moving them to another room. Doc keeps a spray bottle on hand (for mostly comedic purposes). Deimos has no skin in the game and will switch between who he backs up depending on what makes the least amount of sense
they have an unending game of tag going on between them. Hank and Deimos take it beyond seriously but Doc will kiss one of them on the cheek and politely inform them they're It. safe zone is the bedroom because sleep would complicate things
there are two ways to show affection: 1) tender, gentle touches. chaste kisses. praises whispered between them like they're afraid of someone eavesdropping. warmth and safety and peace. 2) sparring matches that leave someone with a limp and the other spitting blood. over-the-top, exaggerated displays of brutality that paint cities red as an act of devotion. constantly putting oneself in harm's way to protect the other two. teeth and claws and violence
Hank likes to listen to Doc and Deimos argue about nerd things
in The Bedroom it's always a battle of wills. Deimos more often than not loses said battle, but it isn't rare for Hank to somehow have even less patience at times. Doc, unwavering, has willingly conceded only a handful of times
I can elaborate more on The Bedroom in another post if people are interested but I like to keep mature topics separate for the most part
Deimos is a clothing thief and getting things back from him is like herding cats. he's lucky he's cute
Hank handles Deimos and Doc like they're made of glass whenever they're having a moment. he'll hold their hands or caress their faces so gently and kiss them until they're flustered and out of breath
Doc flusters easily, possibly more so than Deimos, the difference being that he goes out of his way to not get caught in those situations. it's an unspoken game between Deimos and Hank to see who can get him blushing and stuttering the most before getting shooed out of his office
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n1ckelpistol · 1 year ago
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2B has a soft spot for Dei. He's so good at hiding it and almost noone can tell except for hank. Perceptive little shit. Someone pass me a 12 gauge slug to swallow
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 1 year ago
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tumblr ate this ask when I saved it as a draft but I screenshat it so we're good. anyway
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spicy 2BHankmos headcanons under the cut
- it goes unspoken that anytime all three of them are on base at the same time, they spend the night together
- Doc almost always takes the lead, in part because he gets flustered way too easily otherwise, and in part because he likes watching his partners get each other off
- between Hank and Deimos it's always a battle of wills via heated makeout, a battle that Deimos usually loses but it's not uncommon for Hank's impatience to get the best of him
- Deimos gets passed back and forth like a blunt at a party, Hank determined to make him cum as hard and as fast as possible, and Doc content to edge him for an entire hour at times before turning him back over to Hank. poor guy can't catch a break
- as rough as he is, Hank is actually very affectionate during the act. he likes to hold his partners as close as possible, nuzzle his face into them, gentle lovebites
- Deimos has the praise kink of the century and Doc exclusively cashes in on this when Hank already has him mid-orgasm. is it mean? maybe. unfair? for sure. worth it every time? absolutely
- when Hank does end up on the bottom he tries his damnedest to keep quiet and not make it too much fun, but Doc knows all his tells and Deimos has an ever-growing score to settle, so his resolve only really lasts so long
- Doc tends to be a little more hands off, enjoying the show far too much sometimes. he's a kinky fucker though and knife play happens to be a favorite. it's rare but there's nothing he likes more than having Hank and Deimos bound and on their knees, letting him trace every scar, every ridge of muscle, every soft area with a blade, only ever breaking the skin when someone squirms too much. it leaves Deimos a sweaty, shaky mess and Hank more often than not doesn't need any other stimulation to cum, the knife enough to bring him over the edge
- there has been exactly one time where Deimos begged, and pleaded, and bargained, and made the most extravagant promises in order for Doc to bottom. exactly once. he ended up taking both of them at the same time, an absolute mess between them, louder than Deimos ever was. Deimos tapped out first surprisingly but still put his mouth to work, determined to get everything out of Doc that they could. if one of them brings it up Doc will insist it never happened, no clue what they're talking about, going as far as checking Hank for head trauma just to prove a point after he mentioned it near other SQ members
- of course, they aren't always together all at once
- Hank and Deimos, adrenaline junkies at their cores, spend more time doing it in places they absolutely shouldn't than the actual bedroom. missions, stakeouts, and anywhere on base that's secluded enough to get away with it. it's fast, hard, and always ends with either Hank's hand over Deimos's mouth to keep him quiet or an arm around his neck in a chokehold, whatever is easier in the moment
- when it's just Doc and Deimos, the praise kink comes out in full swing and Doc would swear Deimos is insubordinate the other 98% of the time just so he can all the more be told how good he is. and he is, willing to let Doc do anything he pleases as long as he gets what he wants. Doc made him cum seven times in a night once, and even though his legs were jello and he couldn't walk properly the next day, every gentle kiss and "good boy" whispered in his ear that night just made him want more
- Hank and Doc tend to take things slower with each other, enjoy each moment for what it is. this is in part because Hank is usually on recovery, grievous injury seemingly the only thing that can bring them together for any substantial amount of time. as soon as he's able to walk without ripping any stitches though he pulls Doc away from whatever silly computer thing he's doing and kisses every inch of his body
- Deimos has debated nipple piercings on and off. Hank is 100% on board but Doc likes to remind him that those can and will snag and can definitely be ripped out if he isn't careful. and he isn't. someday
- Hank has bit both of his partners hard enough to leave a scar. he hasn't said it out loud but it's his own little way of marking them as his
- there is not a surface in Doc's office that hasn't been defiled by one of them
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 1 year ago
2bhankmos, that is all
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