world-of-wales · 1 day
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Kensington Palace released photographs featuring The Prince of Wales as he was filming in woodlands in Buckinghamshire for a special The Earthshot Project || 27 SEPTEMBER 2024
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8ightisfate · 1 day
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royalcyphers · 2 days
What happened to the 'need to be seen to be believed'?
A Prince of Wales having such low engagement numbers (not only this year, but generally), and a Princess of Wales doing engagements in private now.
The BRF is a public servant. One of their big points is highlighting other people and causes and events. Doing things in private is not really going to do anything, is it.
Do your jobs? Please?
(And yes, I get that Catherine is in remission, but this is not a new phenomenon. It just gets worse each and every year.)
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ultineeet · 2 days
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Daily Nagoriyuki 27092024
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belirtisiznesnee · 1 day
Sevgili günlük;
Öyle dümdüz hiçbir şey hissetmiyorum dedi ..
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rocasterum · 2 days
Dead Boys Detectives final thoughts
i finished the show last night at midnight and it left me buzzing! i loved every aspect of it, Crystal's dynamic with Charles, the slow build up of Edwin's coming into the understanding of who he is and who he loves as well as the confession, i havent enjoyed a confession this good in ages where yes it took a lot of courage to get his feelings across but it looked and felt so easy for Charles to understand it and take it all in as it is and accept him and his feelings for what they are ' have forever to figure out what this is between us' just paraphrasing it since everything is all jumbled is the best open ended rejection i've seen and it's so well delivered and would have loved to see them explore it in future seasons but we all know that won't happen sadly. i loved Esther as the final boss she is just so good at delivering her lines and straight up being evil for the sake of it! yes Cat king told us the why she became a witch but that really is just that, it doesnt absolve her of all the horrors she put people through and the pleasure she gets from it. i've missed a good villain who is just that, a villain and goddamn was she a great one.
i love how the show didnt shy away from giving Crystal something to think about other than being a mary sue with powers that just come in handy at any moment but actually make her a flawed character who wasnt really someone good in the past and used her powers for her own gains, that she learnt to accept her past and work on her present as well as showcase her struggle throughout the show in getting her memories, fighting off david and failing a lot of times as well as how she gained her powers back. I was one to hate on any Netflix female lead character because of how they would write them as all powerful righteous quirky female characters who do no harm but no Crystal did harm but she did as much if not more good as she did harm because she's just a teenager! they are all teenagers navigating a chaotic world. and i really love the actress's portrayal of her and just how she delivers her lines with raw emotions, loved her a lot!
this one is personal but call me prude i dont care however i really loved the minimal PDA and sexual actions in the show it really made it feel comfortable to watch and the kissing scenes were there to aid the narration, Crystal and Charles's relationship as well as Monty and Edwin's they werent just kissing scenes for the heck of it for the viewers to take pleasure in but for the characters to develop and grow
now to my favourite characters Niko! i kinda laughed at the understandable lack of proper manga and anime references due to liscening and copyrights issues but they did their best in showing her nerdy shut in style as well as make her a character who grows out of her hikikimori problem into someone who loves to help everyone despite failing at times, they didnt make her stupid comic relief but an actual smart awkward female character, a good friend to Edwin i honestly loved every scene of them both together.
the cat king was a fun watch whenever he came on screen and he had his own goals instead of just 'use him to progress the plot forward', he did what he did and he was the start of the main storyline of the show Locking the boys in the town as well as kickstarting Edwin's journey in self discovery. and his final interaction with Edwin was really lovely and sincere.
Am quite upset knowing that i will never see the cast again because netflix cancelled the show but in another hand am satisfied with this one season, they told everything they had to tell about the characters each one of them was given the spotlight they deserved even Tragic Mick and it ended well for a season. Aside from the ending where they show Niko and the dandelion folks who were funny to me btw, unlikely friendship haha, i could live with just one season.
i would love to see Niko come back and for Edwin to have his friend around, they make a great quadra team with their own respective personalities but i am satisfied with just this one season in fear that netflix would ruin the show like how they did with Umbrella Academy. Honestly if it werent for a tumblr post talking about Dead Boys Detective i would have never given it a chance or had this much fun watching it. Loved it to bits! ps: i also really like how all the actors are adults, they looked like teens so i had to google their ages considering the issue film industry is going through with child actors exploitation and all so am glad they hired adults to act in this. also didnt Finality? i forgot her name the one who came with the Night Nurse in the end to let the boys continue their work say the same sentence Tragic Mick told to Niko before they went to help out the boys at the witch's den? i really loved that tid bit, i loved the dialogue, gosh i love the scriptwriting of this.
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meduso-kaj-maro · 2 days
『⚝』 27092024 『⚝』
Pepper tastes good, smells good... Too bad it makes me sneeze. Had Pepper Steak for lunch, which was super expensive but it's Friday anyway and I haven't taken myself out for a meal for the entire month anyway.
Pepper is one of my favourite fragrances. My Top 5 fragrances are: Sage, Bergamot, Pepper, Frankincense, and Mint.
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world-of-wales · 1 day
Kensington Palace released photographs featuring The Prince of Wales as he was filming in woodlands in Buckinghamshire for a special The Earthshot Project || 27 SEPTEMBER 2024
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world-of-wales · 1 day
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Kensington Palace released photographs featuring the Prince of Wales as he shot for a special Earthshot Project || 27 SEPTEMBER 2024
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world-of-wales · 1 day
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Kensington Palace released photographs featuring The Prince of Wales as he was filming in woodlands in Buckinghamshire for a special The Earthshot Project || 27 SEPTEMBER 2024
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8ightisfate · 2 days
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jurnalweli · 2 days
Ketika Anak Mengenal HP
Aku dan suami telah membicarakan tentang penggunaan HP untuk anak kami. Meskipun belum mendetail, tapi di usia anak kami yang sekarang yaitu menjelang 1,5 tahun kami sepakat untuk tidak memberinya HP dalam artian tontonan atau screen time. Untuk televisi, sejak awal lahirnya anak kami, suami meminta ijin untuk menjual televisi atau dipulangkan saja ke rumah mertua karena bagi kami adanya televisi tidak memberikan manfaat lebih bahkan mungkin sebaliknya. Selain itu agar tidak memenuhi ruangan meskipun sebenarnya menempel pada dinding. Di antara aku dan suami sebenarnya aku yang memungkinkan untuk menggunakan televisi lebih banyak karena memang aku suka menonton televisi sejak kecil. Kalau suami mungkin televisi hanya akan menyala untuk menonton bola. Aku menyetujui untuk tidak ada televisi di rumah kami dan aku mampu melewatinya sampai detik ini, hehe. Sebelum anak kami, kami hanya ingin menjadi teladan yang baik bagi anak kami dalam memanfaatkan elektronik seperti televisi ataupun HP. Kami juga ingin anak kami lebih mencintai buku daripada HP.
Aku sadar, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang merasa menghabiskan banyak waktu dengan rutinitas yang sama sering membuat jenuh. Sejujurnya buku merupakan tantangan bagi diri sendiri yang tidak seenjoy itu membacanya. Meski begitu aku ingin membiasakan bersama-sama dengan anak kami. Maka tak jarang, jika sudah mulai bosan aku akan scrolling dan barangkali itulah yang terekam dalam memori anak bahwa inilah kebiasaan ibunya, bahwa HP itu sepertinya menyenangkan sekali. Aku sering sadar tapi aku juga sering abai, astaghfirullah. Ketika bersama anak, aku akan mengusahakan untuk mematikan HP atau menjauh terlebih dahulu atau menggunakan ketika anak sedang asik bermain sendiri. Ah, payah! Aku menggunakan HP bersama anak kami hanya ketika video call dengan kakek neneknya yang berbeda kota dengan kami. Ketika masih bayi tentu ia hanya melihat layar saja, belum paham benda apakah itu.
Seiring berjalannya waktu dengan seringnya video call kakek dan nenek, ia yang mulai mampu memegang HP sendiri, ia yang melihat orang tuanya sering memegang HP maka tiba saatnya ia mulai mengerti dan menangis apabila tidak diizinkan memegang HP. Sekalipun video call, kami sebenarnya tidak menginginkan ia memegang HP sendiri. Mulai terasa secepat itu ia menangis. Mulai terasa apa yang diinginkan harus terwujud. Mulai terasa bahwa inilah dampak dari melihat orang tuanya yang belum bisa bijak menggunakan HP. Ia juga mulai mengerti ketika HP menyala dan mati. Meskipun menyala tapi jika dikunci dan tidak sedang digunakan video call, ia juga akan menangis. Hiburan paling mudah adalah dengan membuka kamera maka ia merasa HP sedang menyala dan ia sedang video call.
Yang telah terjadi mungkin masih terbilang kecil tapi bagi kami jika terus-menerus akan berdampak kurang baik. Ini masih tentang video call, belum lagi jika akhirnya memilih screen time. Ah, semoga kami bisa mendampingi, membersamai, menemani anak bermain dengan bahagia dan penuh cinta tanpa screen time.
Dewasa ini, banyak orang yang melakukan aktivitasnya hanya dengan HP. Bahkan untuk mencari uang hanya bermodalan HP. Tapi bagi kami, waktunya belum sekarang. Meski ada beberapa dampak positif yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan HP dalam hal ini memberinya tontonan salah satunya adalah perbedaharaan kata yang bertambah.
Ternyata memang tidak mudah tapi aku yakin masih bisa diupayakan. Berdasarkan yang sudah terjadi evaluasi bagiku pribadi adalah untuk lebih bijak dalam menggunakan HP sepenting apapun urusannya. Yaitu dengan memberi waktu memegang HP atau tidak benar-benar di depan matanya. Jika anak menangis, fokuslah pada memenuhi kebutuhan emosinya dan jangan mudah luluh dengan memberi sesuatu yang membuatnya cepat diam.
"HP tidak selamanya buruk, tapi tidak sekarang ya, nak."
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