#26th january
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For Australia, 26th January is invasion day, and that's literally it.
Today is a horrifically sad day in Australian history. Invasion day.
That's literally all it is.
Please please please do not join in the chorus of racism wishing anyone a "Happy Australia day" on the 26th of January
We can, have and are moving forward together as a country,
But we cannot truly do so if a celebration of our country and identity is held on the literal anniversary of the brutal and long-standing invasion, massacre and occupation of Australian aboriginals, the first peoples of Australia.
This invasion and subsequent violent Colonisation was full of many horrors that lasted well into the late twentieth century, and the long-standing repercussions of which have lasted to this day.
The stolen generations , in which generations - multiple generations of young aboriginal children were literally stolen by white colonists from their families, sent to missions, (detention boarding "schools ") , in which they were converted to Christianity and prepared for menial jobs, punished if they ever spoke their own languages, and subsequently put into the service of white families, with the intention to be bred out, never to see their families again. Never to be educated about their home, their families, their land, their culture, their languages, their history; they are the oldest continuing culture on earth. The last of these missions were in effect until 1969. By 1969, all states had repealed the legislation that allowed the removal of Aboriginal children under the policy and guise of "protection".
The indigenous health, longevity and poverty gaps still exist. Access to medicine, medical care, healthcare, a western education, all things we deem human rights by law, are not accessible to many rural communities still. They are provided, but in western ways, on western terms, with a gap of understanding how best to implement those services for an entirely different culture , that we do not have a thorough understanding of - that was what the referendum was about: , how best to implement the funds that are already designated to provide those services, because it's not currently working or usable by those communities. Our aboriginal communities are still not treated equally, nor do they have the same access we all enjoy to things like healthcare services, medicines and western education.
It is horrific and insensitive to therefore celebrate that day as our country's day of identity, because it's literally celebrating the first day and all subsequent days of the invasion, the massacres, the stolen generations, the subjugation and mistreatment, the inequalities that still persist today. It celebrates that day, that act committed on that day, of invasion , violent brutal massacres of Aboriginal people, as a positive, 'good' thing. As something that defines Australia's identity and should define an identity to be proud of.
That's nothing to be proud of.
Our true history is barely taught in our school curriculum, in both primary and secondary school. Not even acknowledged.
It needs to be.
We cannot properly move forward as a country until that truth is understood by every Australian, with compulsory education.
January 26th is Not 'Australia day'. It's Invasion day. It's a sorrowful day of mourning.
Please do not wish anyone a "happy Australia day " today.
It's not happy and it's not Australia day.
Australia day should be at the end of Reconciliation week that is held from the 23rd May to 3rd June.
A sentiment that is about all of us coming together as a shared identity within many identities, accepting and valuing each other as equal, a day that actually acknowledges Australian aboriginal peoples as the first Australians - because they are.
This is literally about acknowledging fact - that is the truth of Australian history. Aboriginal cultures should be celebrated and embraced, learnt from, not ignored, treated as invisible and especially not desecrated by holding celebrations of national identity on anniversaries of their violent destruction.
Australian aboriginal peoples, cultures and histories, should be held up as Australia's proud identity of origins, because it literally is Australia's origins.
That's a huge, foundational integral part of our shared identity that must be celebrated and acknowledged.
Inclusivity, not offensive exclusivity. Australia day used to be on 30th July, also 28th July, among others. Australia Day on the 26th January only officially became a public holiday for all states and territories 24 years ago, in 1994. It's been changed a lot before. It can certainly be changed so it can be a nonoffensive , happy celebration of our shared Australian national identity for everyone, that respectfully acknowledges and includes the full truth of our whole shared history, not just the convenient parts.
There is literally no reason it can't be changed, and every reason to change it.
#Always Was Always Will Be
#Australia#26th January#Invasion day#Important#Morality#Ethics#Australian aboriginal peoples#Always was always will be#Truth#Psa#Indigenous Australians#Indigenous Australia#Aboriginal Australians#Aboriginal children#Aboriginal people#Australian history#Australia day#Australian national identity#Inclusivity#Shared#Auspol
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26 जनवरी के दिन लाल किले के बजाय संसद की ओर ट्रैक्टर मोड़ देते तो बांग्लादेश वाला हाल होता; राकेश टिकैत
Delhi News: ���िसान नेता राकेश टिकैत ने बांग्लादेश में हुए तख्तापलट पर बात करते हुए भारत में भी ऐसा हाल होने की चेतावनी दी। उन्होंने कहा कि बांग्लादेश जैसा ही हाल तो यहां भी हो रहा है। मीडिया की ओर से बांग्लादेश को लेकर सवाल पूछे जाने पर राकेश टिकैत ने कहा कि वहां 15 साल से जो सत्ता में थे, उन्होंने विपक्ष के सारे नेताओं को जेल में डाल रखा था। अब वो लोग बंद हैं, उन्हें भागने कहां दिया गया। यही हाल…
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75th Republic Day of INDIA
On the historic day of January 26, 2024, India stood tall and proud, celebrating its 75th Republic Day
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Celebrating the colors of unity, freedom, and pride this Republic Day! ✨🎉
Stay tuned for captivating animal feed machine designs at https://www.cremach.in/
#happy republic day#26th january#republic day 2024#farmers#agriculture#animal feed#cattle feed#india#fish feed#pellet mill#cremach#manufacturing
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𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐃𝐚𝐲 🇮🇳
𝑾𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒗𝒊𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝑹𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒄 𝑫𝒂𝒚! #HappyRepublicDay #ProudIndian #26thJanuary #IncredibleIndia #RepublicDay2024 #BcogentCoworking
#india#republicdayindia#republicdaycelebration#happy republic day#proud india#bcogent coworking#26th january
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আপনাদের সকলকে প্রজাতন্ত্র দিবসের আন্তরিক প্রীতি ও শুভেচ্ছা। ৭৫তম প্রজাতন্ত্র দিবসের প্রাক্কালে পূর্বাঞ্চল প্রতিদিন এর বারইগ্রামস্থিত মুখ্য কার্যালয়ে ভারতীয় জাতীয় পতাকা উত্তোলন করার মুহূর্ত। 'আসুন আমরা আমাদের দেশের সোনালী ঐতিহ্যকে স্মরণ করি এবং ভারতীয় হিসেবে গর্ববোধ করি।'
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You little beauty!!!
Celebrating the Nation!
26th January
Enjoy ... Misha
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Republic Day 2024 Weekend: गणतंत्र दिवस 2024 के मौके पर घूमने के लिए बेस्ट हैं भारत की ये ऐतिहासिक जगहें

जैसा कि भारत 26 जनवरी, 2024 को अपना 75वां गणतंत्र दिवस मनाने के लिए तैयार है, विस्तारित तीन दिवसीय सप्ताहांत देश के समृद्ध इतिहास और विविध सांस्कृतिक विरासत का जश्न मनाने का एक उपयुक्त अवसर प्रस्तुत करता है। यह लंबा सप्ताहांत भारत के कुछ सबसे प्रतिष्ठित ऐतिहासिक स्थलों, प्रेरणादायक प्रतिबिंब और राष्ट्रीय गौरव की एक नई भावना के लिए देशभक्तिपूर्ण तीर्थयात्रा पर जाने का मौका प्रदान करता है।
Republic Day 2024 Weekend: राजधानी नई दिल्ली में गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह की भव्यता का गवाह बनें, जहां राजसी 'कर्तव्य पथ' (जिसे पहले राजपथ के नाम से जाना जाता था) जीवंत रंगों और सांस्कृतिक प्रदर्शनों की जीवंत झांकी में बदल जाता है। देश की सैन्य शक्ति का प्रदर्शन और विभिन्न राज्यों और क्षेत्रों की समृद्ध विरासत का प्रदर्शन करने वाली लुभावनी परेड को देखें। राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराते ही देशभक्ति की लहर महसूस करें और संविधान की प्रस्तावना के प्रेरक शब्द हवा में गूंजते हैं।
Republic Day 2024 Weekend: हड़प्पा और मोहनजो-दारो के आकर्षक सिंधु घाटी
सभ्यता स्थलों का दौरा करके भारत के प्राचीन इतिहास के केंद्र में उद्यम करें। जब आप उल्लेखनीय रूप से अच्छी तरह से संरक्षित खंडहरों को देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हो जाते हैं, तो आप बीते युग के रहस्यों को उजागर करते हैं, जटिल शहर योजना, परिष्कृत जल निकासी प्रणाली और हजारों साल पहले इन शहरों में रहने वाले लोगों के जीवन की एक झलक दिखाते हैं।
Republic Day 2024 Weekend: सेलुलर जेल देखने के लिए बंगाल की खाड़ी में एक सुदूर द्वीपसमूह
अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप समूह की यात्रा, जो स्वतंत्रता के लिए भारत के संघर्ष की एक स्पष्ट याद दिलाती है। इसकी उदास दीवारों में बलिदान और लचीलेपन की कहानियां हैं, जो उन स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के लिए एक मार्मिक श्रद्धांजलि है, जिन्होंने इसकी सीमाओं के भीतर अकल्पनीय कठिनाइयों को सहन किया।
Republic Day 2024 Weekend: दिल्ली में लाल किले
वास्तुशिल्प चमत्कारों की खोज करें जो मुगल साम्राज्य की भव्यता का प्रमाण है। प्रतिष्ठित लाहौरी गेट और दीवान-ए-खास सहित किले की संरचनाओं की जटिल नक्काशी और आश्चर्यजनक समरूपता की प्रशंसा करें, जहां एक बार मुगल सम्राटों ने दरबार लगाया था।
Republic Day 2024 Weekend:अहमदाबाद में प्रतिष्ठित साबरमती आश्रम का दौरा
राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी के जीवन और शिक्षाओं में डूब जाएं। उस विनम्र निवास से गुजरें जहां गांधीजी रहते थे और काम करते थे, और उनके अहिंसा और सत्याग्रह के सिद्धांतों के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करते थे।
साहसी लोगों के लिए,Republic Day 2024 Weekend पर हिमालय की बर्फ से ढकी चोटियों की रोमांचक यात्रा पर निकलें। लद्दाख की प्राचीन ��ुंदरता का अन्वेषण करें, जहां ऊंचे पहाड़, नीली झील��ं और प्राचीन मठ आपकी खोज का इंतजार कर रहे हैं। लुभावने परिदृश्यों के बीच अविस्मरणीय यादें बनाते हुए ट्रैकिंग, पर्वतारोहण और सांस्कृतिक पर्यटन जैसी रोमांचक गतिविधियों में शामिल हों।
जैसे ही आप इस देशभक्तिपूर्ण तीर्थयात्रा Republic Day 2024 Weekend पर निकलें, उन बहादुर पुरुषों और महिलाओं द्वारा किए गए बलिदान को याद करें जिन्होंने भारत की आजादी के लिए लड़ाई लड़ी। एकता और विविधता की भावना को अपने भीतर गूंजने दें और संविधान में निहित आदर्शों को बनाए रखने का प्रयास करें। इस गणतंत्र दिवस लंबे सप्ताहांत में, अपने आप को भारत के समृद्ध इतिहास और विरासत में डुबो दें, नए सिरे से गर्व और उद्देश्य की भावना के साथ लौटें।
#republicday2024 #india #bhfyp #photos #freedom #happynewyear #army #photoshop #mumbai #newyear #edits #lightroom #delhi #indian #picsart #snapseed #incredibleindia #editing #january26 #salute #independenceday
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Yet again kissing the betoota advocate writers on the lips
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Taylor Swift and the Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight were fighting for the ownership of Homestuck via lightsaber duel. Pure Vessel won and rebooted the webcomic.
#dream#text#January 26th 2024#taylor swift#pure vessel#hollow knight#fighting#homestuck#lightsaber#webcomic#queueueueueueueueueueueueueue
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Ending this day with a 🧵on Cass, sexuality, and the many love interests she's had in her twenty-six years.
I'll start by saying the Puckett/Scott run avoided this topic. Not so much Dylan Horrocks' run on the comic who confronted the issue head-on at the start of his run in Batgirl #39 with Tai'Darshan aka the Black Wind.
Now within the comic Babs, shrugs this off as an 18-year-old girl with what she's dealt with trying to find herself amongst her hormones, and Batman being Batman (at this time this was him going down the Bat-dickery phase in the book with it escalating with the fight Cass has with him in #50).
Enter the infamous bit of the issue, Babs making Cass wear VERY revealing bikini so she can have some rest and relaxation to "ease" her mind.
Enter love interest #2 being reintroduced to Cass's life within the issue, "Carl", aka Superboy aka Conner Kent.
The two had met prior in Superboy #85. There was a "spark" an interest at the end with Cass, and she did end up bonding with Kon.
And in doing so we learn the negativity of Cass being able to read body language. She knows Kon is thinking impure thoughts on her, and it makes Cass feel sick.
Yeah... I get the reasoning here. But Cass is just trying to find herself in this world. Struggle with her own thoughts and wants.
And in doing so we learn the negativity of Cass being able to read body language. She knows Kon is thinking impure thoughts on her, and it makes Cass feel sick.
Yeah... I get the reasoning here. But Cass is just trying to find herself in this world. Struggle with her own thoughts and wants.
And these two various ends of boys (good boy with Kon and bad body with Tai'Darshan end up colliding with the next issue along with at the start of it Babs realizing Bruce set this all up for Cass to confront these emotions with Tai'Darshan.
Just he never expected Kon to be the WILD CARD in this.
Anyway, we learn stuff about Tai'Darshan, and Cass stops him and makes sure he lives. The issue ends with Cass getting her "first kiss."
Though to be fair, the comic is implying she's kissing Kon to get at Tai'Darshan. Not to mention going with what she's seen around her. The next issue follows up with Kon, with Cass seeking him out when learning Tai'Darshan escaped, and she's still not really sure of herself.
Thankfully, Cass decides to confront these emotions head on going to see Kon in Smallville. What we get is Kon trying to win her over with well being Kon and Cass just trying to figure herself out. Which she eventually does when an alien runs amok on their date and realizes why:
She attains her own thoughts and desires realizing it's better off that she and Kon remain friends. And the next issue, Bruce puts a stop to Kon ever seeing Cass again (cause bat dickery).
I think one of the long-lasting reasons why Kon has remained a love-interest still to this day with Cass is well it's Kon.
Save for having hormonal thoughts, and (not realizing it), he was ever the gentleman in these issues. The "good" boy compared to the "bad" boy in Tai'Darshan.
Save for having hormonal thoughts, and (not realizing it), he was ever the gentleman in these issues. The "good" boy compared to the "bad" boy in Tai'Darshan, who gets the next few issues ironed out more.
My final thoughts on Kon is that there's always potential for the two to keep being friends, but the only stuff we've ever gotten since is Teen Titans several years later with Kon meeting "Cass" (Rose in disguise), and a de-drugged Cass mourning Kon.
My final thoughts on Kon is that there's always potential for the two to keep being friends, but the only stuff we've ever gotten since is Teen Titans several years later with Kon meeting "Cass" (Rose in disguise), and a de-drugged Cass mourning Kon.
The true legacy ironically has been artist Rian Gonzales paying homage to this all-too brief relationship in her Batgirls covers twice.
As for Tai'Darshan, Cass would learn more about him, his country, and his origins, and confront her feelings/thoughts on him in the next few issues.
Unfortunately, just like the Kon subplot, Tai'Darshan ends short with him sacrificing himself after taking in a poisoned wind (thanks Doctor Death ya bastard🙃). Cass pays one final respect to him and mourns the loss.
In a way, I'm a bit surprised this relationship never caught as much on, but I take it more that well he's up against Superboy. There's the "why". Still, Tai'Darshan is memorable for well being the first male love interest, how he exited, and ironically--
--- his legacy possibly being the one who many years latter Cass would use his nickname for her new codename "Black Bat".
Horrocks would continue this theme of Cass trying to discover herself all the way into #50. Where we get probably the two love interests I don't think many want me to talk about but I feel I must: Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake.
Though, Horrocks isn't the one who originally began this Cass crushing on Bruce. Writer Scott Beatty over in Gotham Knights #35 was the first to broach this subject matter.
Just that at this point in his run, Bruce was treating Cass like a weapon (much like David Cain), and upon realizing this forced her to stop being Batgirl (while also indirectly taking out the male love interests in her life). So we get this screwed-up scene from #50 via Babs pov:
I didn't think much of this more of Cass's screwed up raising (which the issue starts out as). She wants Bruce's approval, but also his affection. Something she never got from David Cain. In the end of the issue she gets both.
Just that, listening to a podcast a few years back by Stella Ngwaci, made me rethink the scene differently and the "icky" implications it could also represent.
But I digress, these parts with Bruce begin and end here thankfully.
Tim on the other hand… 🫤
This is a thing that went on for a good chunk of years (just that Horrocks' run Tim briefly expresses interest in her with #45).
It's post-War Games era this is where it all springs from as creators (including co-creator of Cass Damion Scott) viewed the two as a couple just not accepting it (hey it was 2005 to 2008 that this lasted).
Perhaps the only great "positive" given how many HATED Cass's being evil (or later drugged) that the oversexualization with Tim forced other writers to be like, "Um no... this is bad. They're more like brothers. We have to STOP THIS."
So ironically you can thank writer Adam Beechen for stopping this and bringing back fully the brother/sister relationship the two had prior to all this.
But this isn't the end of Horrocks and male love interests as I'll begin the path down the "nameless" ones. Male love interests Cass "had" but if I ask any fan I bet they'll only ever remember one.
First up, is the "Artist" from #51-52, a pawn in a scheme by Poison Ivy. Being that it is "2000s" Ivy, unearthing primal desires comes into play, and so the artist has the hots for Cass. Though her desire for justice is too strong for him.
That's all one can remember of him as it was obvious the only "desire" or interest Cass had was due to Ivy, not her own. So he's the first of many.
Another comes from Batman: City of Light. Where Cass's subplot is where we get nameless love interest #2, Javier (who's name I only remember due to rereading this AGAIN 🙃):
Then there is another exception to the nameless ones, Coldcast, from Justice League Elite #1-12. During her time undercover as Kasumi she gets to know her teammate quite well, and we get this exchange.
It's also this feeling and knowing of his kindness that Cass is the one who helps in eventually proving his innocence to the team (after being framed for murder).
I think the grand problem with Coldcast is it's only confined to this book.
We barely get an acknowledgment of the team in Batgirl later on (via Andersen Gabrych), and nothing on Coldcast. Much like Kon he's just regulated to a short run and that's it (ironically both relationships introduced by Joe Kelly).
So let's get the only "nameless" love interest out of the way that most remember from Gabrych's run, ironically named, Zero.
I still don't understand the character or Cass's interest in him.
For the beginning half of the run, Zero stalks Cass and she cutely entertains him even "rewarding" him with a kiss on the head after a mission. I think the reason for the attraction is Cass views him as an outcast.
Like herself and there in lies the attraction.
However, that's it. She returns his affection, and-- we really don't know much of him or why he's attracted to Cass. Enter WHY he's more remembered than most of the male love interests: he died in the final issue.
So I've talked about Cass's interest in Kon. Now THE OTHER big one. The one DC officially hasn't confirmed but well-- the evidence is just too much and that's Cassandra's feelings on one STEPHANIE BROWN.
I feel Gabrych's run is the best way to bring talk of Steph into this because it's obvious Cass was feeling loss but also unresolved feelings for Steph during this period.
You have that when Cass teams up with Tim not mentioning or going quiet when bringing her up. Or...
Plus the way "Ghost" Steph shows up when Cass is near death and we get these sorts of things. Cass casually touching Steph's face or HOW Steph holds Cass when at death's door the final time in #72.
But it isn't until "Future State" Batgirls story where we have the most frustrating bit between the two. As it was basically said by the creators (and editor of the story) that Cass/Steph WHERE in a relationship and it fizzled out. You get that in the various beats of the tale.
But it isn't until "Future State" Batgirls story where we have the most frustrating bit between the two. As it was basically said by the creators (and editor of the story) that Cass/Steph WHERE in a relationship and it fizzled out. You get that in the various beats of the tale.
I feel like that meme of "SO CLOSE TO PERFECTION" (though I digress remove the Nightwing being a dick subplot in part 2 of the story please) with this tale could've been something and it just falls flat.
We do get cute moments though...
I feel we were on the verge of it near the end of the Batgirls run. I mean literally, in Batgirls #14 we have Stephanie writing to Cass a love confession (along with Cass wearing a piece of Steph's Batgirl costume as a scarf).
And even after that tale, Cass was well VERY affectionate toward Steph at various points throughout the series going forward.
Just that again, it just feels like DC has cold feet in that regard. In ways it reminds me of Buffy/Faith from BTVS.
Though it was NEVER stated outright, the fans knew Buffy/Faith were in a relationship. Just like Cass/Steph. And I guess that'll be the way until DC gives the clearance one day...
So we're back to the nameless male love interests. Not the final (I mean there is one more, but the final there's a POINT to it. In a nice roundabout way), and that's Sal from Batgirl Vol. 2 (aka Redemption Road).
At the very least like Coldcast, Cass shows interest and you could understand the WHY (cause there's depth). Just unlike Coldcast, we don't get much time with Sal save a brief history lesson.
He has a reading disorder and was taking ESL classes with Cass.
That's just a problem writers have with a character like Cass. It just doesn't fit the character to have just a random male love interest. You gotta give them more details and give a reason WHY Cass would be interested.
Which leads to our final one which is more a lampshaded moment from the DC Festival of Heroes: Asian Superhero Celerbration #1 in the tale "Sounds" with Dr. Shin.
The point of him (even though via the art we see Cass has an interest) it's more the battle of her disability that's the crux.
And which is why the "payoff" to Cass getting her only line of dialogue is special because it just works. Likewise the snarky look. Cause the interest is not about Shin, we get anything we need to know.
The focus is ALL on Cass.
But the problem isn't just all males, we do have one female character who Cass has an interest in, and it's never really touched on EVER again.
To whom I'm speaking is Christine Montclair from Detective Comics #950-956.
And this is the pivot Cass gets in characterwise when reintroduced to the DCU in 2016. I feel Christine probably deserves to be talked about first given well she fits the nameless male love interests in the past.
Though, I think unlike the prior it's more due to writer James Tynion IV having A LOT on his plate to wrap up his Tec run, and Christine got tossed to the wayside.
Just that there's A LOT of Christine to unpack and you could see WHY Cass has an interest in her. She's a ballet dancer (and Cass LOVES ballet), and it's more a crush in that she's probably the best ballet dancer in Gotham. Cass REALLY wants to learn from her.
Not only that but later on in the story she aids Cass by addressing her wounds after a disastrous encounter with Lady Shiva, and gives her the peptalk needed to take on her mom (though ironically as readers we find out it's from a book by Carolyn Wu-San, Cass's aunt/Shiva's sister).
I have to say there is still potential here to this return to this character (paging Tate Brombal). Though I doubt we'll ever see this character again. I get that given the Phantom of the Opera homage was deep in the tale with Cass being Eric/thePhantom to Christine's um Christine.
Which leads me to circle back to the original female Cass was quite interested in when reintroduced to the DCU-- Harper Row.
Harper is the main character of the series Cass returns in, Batman & Robin Eternal (which also serves at the time as the character's exit from the Bat Books for the most part). Cass's interest in Harper is well to protect, but also have her assist in investigating the conspiracy of Mother & Orphan.
Besides that, we get the cliche reveal that in this new universe Cass murdered Harper's mom Miranda, and THAT was what turned Cass into being a hero. It does add a few layers.
Though I do get WHY some aren't fond of it also takes away Cass's own precedence.
And yeah, the story goes with those cliche when she comes to realize just how extraordinary Cass is. And well, the scene still 💛💙 (along with establishing Cass's passion for ballet).
But much like Steph, DC just doesn't really have Cass commit to Harper (save in the story here). After a few issues in Tec Tynion just drops the character altogether. Which I think is a loss cause Harper did add some interesting layers.
That's it for all the mainline DCU (though one COULD make a case for current BoP member Cela (like I was REALLY tempted to put her in here, but I'm gonna let that story still play out).
So instead, I'll end this thread with the final love interest Cass has shown EXTREME interest in, Eric from Shadow of the Batgirl.
Now it's interesting to me how writer Sarah Kuhn frames Eric like many of the nameless male love interests in the past. Except HERE we pathos on why he's interested in Cass, why he's at the library, and most importantly why Cass is interested in him.
In other words, Eric feels like an character who also contributes to the story at large within Shadow of the Batgirl. You take out any Zero, Sal, and Javier you'd not even notice a change AT ALL.
Eric is key to Cass's path of discovery within the graphic novel.
Likewise, Cass is Eric's path of discovery to himself as well. She lays it quite clear to Babs WHY he's there midway in the novel. He's into poetry and love stories though is being afraid to open up to others.
Hmm.. that sounds familiar just in her own interests also is terrified in opening up to others.
Likewise the payoff to this all is just as rewarding. Eric being the final voice Cass needs to hear on who she really is before confronting her father.
Cue that George Lucas gif of "poetry".
Cue another reason why Shadow of the Batgirl is just THE Cass comic for new readers. It takes everything in the past and just gets EVERYTHING right.
But that's Cass her love interests and history of sexuality in general in main DCU with that brief tour to one universe outside it.
I hope you enjoyed it.
#cassandra cain#dc comics#cass + love#i wrote this at the start of january 26th but this got complicated and deep. sorry about that
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Today’s beanie of the day is Chip the Cat
Birthday- 1/26/1996
#chip the cat#beanie babies#beanie baby#ty beanie babies#stuffed animals#kidcore#toywave#nostalgia#90s toys#stuffies#y2k#beanie baby of the day#beanie of the day#January 26th
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I’m sick

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MOONZY: *holds prawn horizontally*
RANBOO: what the fuck is wrong with him ?! 😭
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