irhabiya · 6 months
hey could I ask where I could learn more about the arab spring? I can’t find many resources and most of them are very American. I’m asking partially because my parents mentioned a massacre that happened at a mosque around that time, but I can’t find much of that? They used to study in Egypt which is why they were horrified to hear about the brutality those years ago. Sorry if this sounds disrespectful you can ignore it if so. I just want to better understand the unrest in Egypt that I assume is still ongoing today with Sisi
hi sweetheart <3 this isn't disrespectful at all don't worry
unfortunately i don't really have any specific resources i can point you towards that aren't riddled with usamerican propaganda or leave out key details but i remember reading this article from a while back and it was pretty succinct. read it with a discerning eye and lmk if you have any further questions about the points they raised
the massacre your parents are referencing is probably the Rabaa massacre which happened in august of 2013, the biggest massacre in modern egyptian history. military and police forces killed an estimated 1000 protestors, most of whom were supporters of the muslim brotherhood, some others were simply opposed to the military regaining power.
the main key points you need to understand about egypt's modern history, contemporary history, and the arab spring as a whole, are the following:
egypt had been effectively ruled by a military ruling class since the 50's. nasser's presidency oversaw anti-imperialist policies and policies favoring the working class, but he basically laid out groundwork for 70+ years of military dictatorship
anwar al saddat's presidency involved lots of dramatic changes to our domestic and foreign policies, namely privatization of many sectors, introducing neoliberalism to the country, signing the camp david agreements with israel
mubarak's presidency was essentially a 30 years long continuation of sadat's neoliberalism and corruption, things got worse by the day for your average working class egyptian
the 2011 25th of january revolution in egypt was sparked due to worsening living conditions, and protests igniting many of the neighboring countries. namely tunisia, where street vendor mohammed bouazizi self immolated in protest of harassment he had been receiving from government officials.
it's important to note here that even before the protests in tunisia, there had been dissent from the egyptian working class, many factory workers went on strikes in protest such as in mahalla
the 2011 revolution was not ideologically coherent, in the sense that everyone, from all different political ideologies joined in, from the Muslim brotherhood to leftist coalitions. this will be important for understanding why it fell short of achieving long term goals. it managed to force hosni mubarak to step down
the MB's candidate, mohammed morsi won the 2012 elections, which sparked a lot of upheaval from leftists, liberals and religious minorities such as copts.
in june of 2013, mass protests broke out against his regime demanding that he step down from power, the us-backed military hijacked the protests and enacted a coup which reinstalled the military regime with sisi as president. protestors of the new regime, whether in support of morsi or not, were massacred in Rabaa and other locations leaving an estimated 1000 protestors dead
it's important to note here that it was later revealed that certain groups which were involved in the 2013 counter-revolution were funded and backed by gulf states (mainly the UAE iirc, i need to fact check that though). there was a marked increase in organized violence from these groups (tamarod was one of them) out of nowhere and it all played out in the military's favor in the end, which isn't a coincidence considering who are their biggest allies in the region. i don't think this was covered in the article above
there has been unprecedented efforts of censorship in the country since then, a complete crackdown on dissent. journalists get jailed for tweeting things opposed to the regime all the time. egyptian prisons (which aren't exactly known to be the most humane) are filled with political prisoners. this current regime is the one the US and their gulf allies backed and endorsed, we get billions of dollars in military aid from the US in exchange for carrying out their imperialist interests in the middle east. as for living conditions, it only gets worse by the day for your average egyptian. most major cities are riddled with slums, inflation is through the roof, unemployment is high, most people can barely afford basic necessities, our infrastructure is in desperate need of maintenance and renovations, our economy is almost entirely financed by the US (even putting military aid aside), the UAE, and saudi arabia. and we're drowning in debt. we take imf loans like, every other month lmfao it's bad
a lot happened within the span of 3 years, this is all not to say that the MB were good, not in the slightest. but the US once again interfering with a foreign country's domestic affairs to secure their interests has resulted in nothing but devastation for the overwhelming majority of the people living here.
as for the arab spring as a whole, i think it's disingenuous when people dismiss its entirety as western backed conflict. even though a lot of it is exactly that (see: libya), especially in countries where the revolutions kind of bled into them rather than already having brewing tensions from working class people suffering worsening conditions. in tunisia and egypt, there was already a lot unrest within their populations over material conditions, which is why i mentioned the mahalla strikes. it's a shame our revolution didn't have more coherent, stronger socialist organizers, it's a shame it was killed and hijacked before we ever got to reap its benefits
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Rampage No. 15. The Defenders cover by Gil Kane and John Romita Sr (originally used on The Defenders No. 16, 1974).
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areejabdel-muttalib · 2 years
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يـُحكى أنّ . أنّ إيه؟
شعبنا مسك النور بإيديه.
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zero-aid · 4 months
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zizos4all · 2 years
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ومسك ختام اليوم.... الحلم الجميل... #التحرير الذي كان.... #tarirsquare #25jan (at ميدان التحرير - مصر) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoX1dwXLODH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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singsofecho-misc · 1 month
Put in any reblogs the worst knowledge you could get from your birthday. Mine is I was probably conceived via birthday sex.
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gogmstuff · 6 months
1908 (25Jan issue) La Mode Illustrée - Robe en velours modèle de Drecoll - Photo by Henri Manuel. From bibliotheques-specialisees.paris.fr/;fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 1208X2122.
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vampireteef666 · 9 months
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🩸 basic stuff ,,
cw 4 blog :: sh ,, ed ,, gore
hii :: ive been on shedblr / twt for a few months now , this is js a new acc !
call me :: Bones / Zombie :3
age :: 3teen
bday :: 25jan
shedtwt :: b0nesz666
discord [ bmf !! ] :: zombieflesh69
shblr :: styros ,, sum beanz [ trying 2 get clean ]
🩸 edblr stats ,,
height :: 5'5
bmi :: 18.7
sw :: 57kg
cw :: 51kg
ugw :: 41kg
🩸 interests ,,
special interests :: fight club ,, johnnie guilbert
movies and tv :: fight club ,, saltburn ,, south park ,, breaking bad ,, adventure time ,, yellowjackets ,, mid90s ,, hereditary ,, the hunger games
music :: soad ,, korn ,, fob ,, ptv ,, slipknot ,, lifelover ,, cannibal corpse ,, mayhem ,, fiona apple ,, radiohead ,, nirvana ,, mitski ,, p!atd ,, asking alexandria ,, mcr ,, etc etc
activities :: sleeping ,, learning electric guitar ,, reading
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cybelle-jessy · 8 months
ولا نتوب عن احلامنا مهما تكرر انكسارها 🖤
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freakhouseresidents · 2 years
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Get 25% off the complete LORD HAWKESBURY'S PLAYERS trilogy at Kobo with the promo code 25JAN. Sale on until January 30th in Canada, UK, US, Australia and NZ. https://www.kobo.com/en/ebook/the-complete-lord-hawkesbury-s-players-trilogy
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yoobuyin · 2 months
How Luxury Bathroom Can Increase Your Profit!
Luxury Bathroom: Your perfect touch for your home
In the dynamic landscape of estate and property development, the minute details wield considerable influence. With an increasingly discerning clientele, the inclusion of well-thought-out amenities in bathrooms holds the power to significantly enhance the attractiveness and overall value of a property. In the following discussion, we’ll closely examine the impact of introducing a touch of opulence to bathroom designs through the utilization of Yoobuys’ offerings. This exploration goes beyond the surface-level aesthetics and delves into how this strategic approach not only boosts profit margins but also caters to the evolving preferences of prospective buyers. By focusing on the finer aspects of bathroom design, we aim to uncover the nuanced ways in which attention to detail and a commitment to quality can elevate the entire property development experience.
First Impressions Count:
In the realm of first impressions, there’s a widely held belief that you’re granted just a single opportunity to captivate someone’s attention. Traditionally dismissed, bathrooms have undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving into pivotal spaces that can sway the decisions of prospective homebuyers. A meticulously crafted, opulent bathroom possesses the power to etch an indelible mark in the minds of those who experience it, setting a profound tone for the entire abode. With Yoobuys’ extensive collection of bathroom fixtures and accessories, your homes are not just structures; they’re narratives waiting to unfold. Each faucet, every fixture, and every thoughtful detail collaboratively contribute to an ensemble that guarantees to resonate deeply with potential buyers, leaving an enduring imprint that transcends the ordinary.
Increased Property Value:
The worth of a home goes beyond its mere structural elements; it resonates with the warmth and character embedded in its fixtures and finishes. When prospective homeowners encounter the esteemed Yoobuy brand linked to a property, it becomes more than just a symbol of opulence—it transforms into a testament of a welcoming haven. This not only elevates the perception of luxury but also has a profound impact on the overall value of the property. It’s like adding a personal touch that speaks to the hearts of those who envision a life within those walls. In essence, this unique association doesn’t just provide you with a market advantage; it grants you the ability to offer not just a house, but a cherished home that resonates with the desires and dreams of potential buyers.
Enhanced Aesthetics:
Indulgent bathrooms contribute significantly to elevating the overall aesthetic charm of a home. When you explore the exquisite array of bathroom products from Yoobuys, you gain the freedom to infuse a personalized touch that resonates with the unique character of your dwelling. Whether your inclination leans towards the sleek lines of modernity or the timeless allure of classic and lavish designs, Yoobuy presents a myriad of choices that go beyond mere functionality, ensuring that your homes not only meet but exceed the expectations of discerning buyers in the real estate market
Elevate your bathroom with Yoobuy’s stylish and functional fittings, where precision meets elegance for a seamless experience.
Improved Resale Value:
Yoobuys has garnered a stellar reputation not just for the sheer quality and elegance of their products but also for the lasting impact they have on the overall living experience. When it comes to homes adorned with Yoobuy bathrooms, it’s not just a purchase; it’s an investment in a lifestyle. The allure of Yoobuy’s premium amenities transcends mere functionality; it becomes an integral part of the narrative that makes a house a home. In the realm of real estate, properties boasting Yoobuy bathrooms become coveted gems, holding a distinct appeal that translates into tangible resale value. Potential buyers are not just acquiring a space; they’re embracing a lifestyle choice that comes with the assurance of exquisite design and lasting quality. The intrinsic value of Yoobuy products transforms a simple transaction into a meaningful investment, as homeowners recognize the enhanced quality of life that comes with these top-notch amenities.
For property developers, choosing Yoobuy is not just a decision; it’s a strategic move that pays dividends in the long run. The upfront investment in Yoobuy products proves to be a catalyst for increasing property value and desirability. Homebuyers, recognizing the thoughtfulness and sophistication embedded in every Yoobuy design, are willing to pay a premium for the promise of a home that goes beyond bricks and mortar—it’s a sanctuary of comfort and style. In essence, Yoobuys’ impact goes beyond the transactional and ventures into the realm of enhancing the human experience of living. It’s not just about purchasing products; it’s about investing in a lifestyle that resonates with individuals seeking a home that reflects their values and aspirations.
Positive Brand Association:
Embracing Yoobuy in your real estate ventures goes beyond the aesthetic enhancement of luxurious bathrooms; it’s a strategic decision that offers tangible benefits for property developers. Yoobuy becomes your partner in creating not just visually appealing spaces but homes that resonate with a sense of indulgence and comfort. The brand’s commitment to elegance and excellence becomes your own, as you collaborate to elevate the living experience for potential homeowners. Yoobuy offers a comprehensive solution to turn properties into luxurious havens with high-quality materials and designs that integrate functionality and aesthetics seamlessly. Choose Yoobuy for durable and efficient bathroom fixtures and fittings that are visually stunning.
Beyond the physical aspects, Yoobuy’s reputation becomes an asset for your real estate endeavors. Associating your properties with a brand synonymous with sophistication and top-tier quality adds a unique selling proposition to your projects. Potential buyers recognize the value of the Yoobuy name, and it becomes a symbol of assurance, signaling a commitment to providing unparalleled luxury. Moreover, Yoobuy’s commitment to customer satisfaction aligns seamlessly with your goal of creating homes, not just houses. The brand’s support extends beyond the initial purchase, offering a sense of security for homeowners. This holistic approach to customer service not only adds value to your properties but also contributes to long-term customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.
Incorporating Yoobuy into your real estate projects transforms your properties into unique, luxurious homes. Yoobuy becomes an integral part of your journey, ensuring that your properties offer an exceptional living experience that resonates with discerning buyers.
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irhabiya · 1 month
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the stillborn, arwa salih
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Warlord No. 592, dated 25 January 1986. Back from the Dead cover by Jeff Bevan. DC Thomson.
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superturtleenemy · 8 months
No, but seriously
primark (pillows)
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zero-aid · 4 months
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limologic · 1 year
Cheers to new beginnings 🪪🇦🇪
I've finally secured my UAE Residence Visa! I'm starting to feel settled and taking a moment to catch my breath.
The past few years in Egypt were extremely challenging, both personally and as part of a generation who shared intense emotions towards the country. I never considered leaving Egypt or moving to another Arab country, or Europe - not before or after the 25JAN revolution. Despite Egypt's struggles, I have always been captivated by its ability to deliver something surprising and inspiring even in the darkest times and most unexpected moments.
But Lately,…
I have started to feel that staying in Egypt is becoming a real threat to my mental well-being for various reasons that are too numerous to mention. Many of the things I loved turned into toxic relationships as if they were drugs that merely helped me divert from darker emotions and fears that I did not want to confront within myself. My focus waned, my connection to my work started heading in a direction I did not desire, and those I turned to for support began disappearing one after another - some traveling, others carrying their own burdens, unable to offer any help amidst the pressures from all sides.
And that's why I'm embarking on a new journey in a new place, eager to connect with a different reality. This new path comes with its own set of fears, pressures, challenges, and rewards. I'm excited to see what this experience will teach me about myself and the harsh world we live in.
I'm also launching a new startup and reviving an old one that did not thrive in Egypt. The support I am receiving now were absent back home.
Ahead of me, lie challenging days, but I know they will bear fruit. The hard work won't go to waste, and I won't find myself sprinting in my place or discover that I have regressed, just as it happened to me during the last 6 years in Egypt. No more running in place; it's time to move forward.
#NewBeginnings #UAEAdventure #MentalWellBeing #FreshStart #UAEAdventure #PositiveVibes #MindsetMatters #GrowthOpportunities #AdaptAndThrive #NewGoals #DreamBig #AdventureAwaits #NewVentures #MovingForward
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