#25 days of outlander
renee-writer · 7 months
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February Prompts Day 25 Petroleum
He swears he didn’t mean to run out of petrol. There are blokes that do, on purpose to be stranded with their dates. He isn’t one for such games.
“This wasn’t intentional,” his hands go up, “I swear it.”
She laughs and the musical sound of it goes straight to his heart. “I know, Jamie. If you were the type that did that, I wouldn’t be out with you. Come. There is a petrol station a kilometer up the road.”
She takes his hand. That is the moment he knows that Claire Beauchamp will be his bride.
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dellalyra · 1 year
𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝘕𝘦𝘶𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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pixie says: this is my first foray into writing for genshin but neuvilette is too pretty to ignore and if you notice i am writing for another tall man with white hair no you didn’t.
The Chief Justice of Fontaine was an elusive man. Aloof, serious, logical. The air of grace and elegance that flowed from his body and being put the most beautiful of swans to shame. The way he carried himself with such poise and dignity, made it clear why he was so very respected throughout Fontaine. His air of unattainability was echoed by the ever polite, kind-yet-distant way he interacted with others. That, and the obvious - that level of otherworldly beauty. It was what first struck the traveller upon meeting Neuvilette - such beautiful features, graceful and sharp like the man himself. Hair as white as freshly fallen snow with those odd blue horns (it became quite clear to the traveller that they were horns - since there was no way in Celestia that the Iudex was not the Hydro Dragon).
Yet - that day, at the grave of Navia’s father - it was clear as day that there was a deep, painful, lingering sadness in those beautiful eyes.
Lumine hoped he wasn’t alone.
The life of a dragon can be a lonely one.
An invite to dinner had arrived for Paimon and Lumine, from Navia - a thank you for their help during the trial. Following the etiquette she had been picking up on in each nation, it was customary to bring a gift to the host in Fontaine which lead her to wandering the streets in search of a florist. Lumine may have been very adept at gathering flowers and plants - however floristry arrangements were never a skill an intergalactic traveler and the sword of Teyvat had ever picked up on.
The pale blue front of the flower shop was immaculately painted and decorated with gilded lettering ‘la gueule de loup’ - which according to Paimon meant Snapdragon.
What an odd name, she hadn’t seen a single snapdragon in Fontaine.
“Bonsoir! If you need any assistance, please let me know!” A cheerful voice echoed from the door behind the cream counter.
“Hello! We would like to buy a bouquet please!” Paimon responded - ever the duo’s spokesperson.
At that, a woman in a pale pink apron came around the corner. Hair haphazardly pulled up atop her head secured with a pencil and a dark blue ribbon - a cream, soft blouse tucked into a dark blue layered skirt atop white stockings and navy and gold boots, a n embroidered blazer sat atop a chair which matched the woman’s skirt. She smiled brightly at the pair in front of her - and Lumine’s breath hitched when the shining tone of her eyes caught the evening sunlight, an otherworldly quality to her aura.
“A bouquet? Well, good thing you’re in a flower shop! I might have some flowers we could piece together!” She said, giggling as she gestured to the sea of flowers engulfing the store.
Paimon smiled and laughed and Lumine followed suit.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lumine and Paimon - I was hoping I would get to run into you soon.” She said as she collected a basket to gather her supplies.
“You know us?” Paimon asks.
“Sweetheart, I think everyone in Teyvat knows you. The brave and beautiful outlander and her clever guide. However, my husband was in attendance at the most recent magic show and trial - so I became privy to all of the inside scoop.” She smiled.
“You did not attend? I thought all of Fontaine was there.” Lumine spoke up.
“Ah, I tend to not get involved with the trials, I am delivered a rundown of the days events in the evenings. Yet I have been to several of the twins magic shows, such fantastic entertainment! I do love them so. Such gentle children, too, Lyney and Lynette.” The woman’s eyes lit up and an air of an excited child permeated her face. Lumine quirked a brow at the woman calling the twins ‘children’ for she looked no older than 25.
“Now! What’s the occasion?” Hands placed on her hips, the woman smiled at the travellers.
“Miss Navia asked us to dinner this evening, and we’ve been told a gift is a Fontainian custom.” Paimon speaks.
“Ah! Well, for Miss Navia you will need some clematis - her favourites. Edelweiss for courage, which you have both shown in the past few weeks. Hydrangeas for understanding - blue, I think. Iris for trust. Nasturtiums for victory. Rosemary for scent and also for remembrance of her dearest father, with some added sweet pea as a thank for you a lovely time.” The woman says, mostly to herself as she wanders the store - quickly picking up bunches of flowers from the jars in which they lay. Paimon and Lumine’s eyes were wide as if the woman spoke in tongues.
“Wow! I didn’t even know flowers could mean all that! Lyney only told us a few! You sure know your stuff, Mrs. Florist!” Paimon squealed, amazed.
The woman threw her head back in laughter.
“Y/N is fine, sweethearts. A book could be told in flowers alone. Flowers are nothing but truth, they exist for beauty and healing - and I admire them greatly.”
“You knew Miss Navia’s father?” Lumine asks, gentle voice contrasting Paimon’s outburst.
“I knew him well. A very good man, loyal endlessly and thought of Navia as his entire world. A life taken too soon in protection of his child - I lay flowers on his grave every month, mortal lives are so fragile - they must be treated with respect, no matter the circumstances.” She says, hands deftly manoeuvring the flowers into a piece of sponge.
Lumine quirked a brow.
“A state in which neither of us reside, Miss Lumine.” The woman responds with a wink and a smile.
It was logical that Lumine was not mortal, yet the explanation of this woman before her also not being so seemed to make many things far more understandable.
Just then, a patter of footsteps outside the store came trotting in through the front door.
“Mama!” A small voice called.
“Liath! Hello, sweetling!” The woman pauses her arranging and comes around the counter and leans down. Lumine spins and expects to see a child - perhaps with the florists hair.
What she didn’t expect was a Melusine.
“Papa wishes to know if you’d like to have a picnic together this evening, when he is finished at the Palais.” She asks, picking a small rose and placing it in her mother’s hair.
“Tell him that sounds wonderful, I am closing the shop soon and I meet him at the office. Thank you, Liath. Come here, let me fix your ribbon.” Y/N smiles and adjust the ribbon on the lapel of the melusine’s lapel.
“Thank you, mama. Bye bye!” She says, kissing her on the cheek and skipping out the door.
“Mama?” Lumine asks.
“Ah - not biologically. Yet, my and my husband’s nature has led us to a parental standing with the melusine’s. They are all our children, regardless of what soil they grew from.” She says, wrapping up the bouquet in a swathe of blue ribbons. Lumine wonders if by nature, did she mean they were both parental figures by nature or something to do with her not-mortal being. Perhaps her husband also was not human.
Lumine decided to press on the matter no more. Everyone deserved their privacy, after all.
“Et, voila! One bouquet for Miss Navia.” Y/N says, handing the bouquet to the traveler.
“How much do we owe you?” Lumine smiles, the bouquet truly was something exquisite, a talented woman indeed.
“Nonsense, lovely. You have done Fontaine a great service, consider this a small thank you. Miss Lumine, please take these peony roses also - they are a symbol of happiness, which you make me as I have heard you show great kindness to all of my children, for which I am so very grateful. For you, Madame Paimon, some purple Iris - meaning respect and intelligence for the Outlander’s clever guide.” She hands them all of the flowers, and winks at Lumine when she addresses Paimon, knowing that such words would fill the floating pixie with glee. True enough, Paimon squeals and dives to hug the woman who chuckles and kisses her cheek.
“Thank you so so much, Miss Y/N! We love them so much - Lumine, you could put it in your hair with your Inteyvat! I’ll put mine under my tiara, then we can match!” Lumine smiles and does as suggested.
“May I ask where you are meeting Miss Navia?” Y/N asks.
“Café Lucerne, however I’m not quite sure where that is.” Lumine responds.
“Ah! Well then I can walk you, if you wish?”
Just as she speaks, the door opens with a jungle of the bell as Lumine secured the flower in her hair she sees Y/N smile and walk around the counter.
“Hello, mon ange. I thought I was meeting you at the Palais.” Ah, must be her husband, Lumine thinks and she sees Paimon turn and freeze.
“Mon trésor, I am taking you on a picnic so it is only right that I collect you myself.” The deep rumble of a voice makes Lumine freeze too.
“YOUR HUSBAND IS MONSIEUR NEUVILETTE?!” Comes a squeal from Paimon.
Lumine spins on her heel and sees the owner of the familiar voice. Y/N’s hand is pressed to the far taller man’s cheek in a tender display of affection she would not have associated with the Chief Justice.
The gentle smile on the man’s face as he looks at his wife with such love is one she figures the melusine’s learned from him.
“Miss Lumine, Miss Paimon. A pleasure to see you. I see you have met the Madame Neuvilette.” He nods his head toward them.
“MADAME NEUVILETTE?!” Paimon seems on the verge of a meltdown at this information.
“Indeed. Apologies, I got so caught up in making such a wonderful bouquet I didn’t even introduce myself properly. Do forgive my lack of manners.” She says, turning and removing her apron as she begins to shut down the store for the evening.
Everything clicked into place just then.
The wife of the hydro dragon would hardly be a mortal woman. She mentioned the Palais, his attendance at both the magic show and the trial and of course the melusine’s would view the hydro dragon as their father.
The logical side of it all did little to curb the shock of seeing the intimidating Ludex and Hydro Dragon of Fontaine, the man who had taken out Childe with a simple slap being so gentle and enamoured in the face of his wife.
They way they looked at each other - that level of love had been a rare delight to find across her journey. Perhaps in how Zhongli spoke of Guizhong or Cyno and Tighnari - or how that certain someone looked at her and she at them…
“Neuv, we must show Lumine and Paimon to Café Lucerne on our way to our picnic.” Y/N says, ushering them all from the store before locking the door behind her.
The walk was short, as pleasantries were exchanged and Paimon and Y/N did most of the talking in the wake of the quiet counterparts.
“And here we are! I do hope you have a wonderful evening. My regards to Miss Navia. Do come and visit again soon, I would love to exchange tales of adventures!” Y/N smiles, before pressing a kiss to each cheek of the two outlanders.
“Indeed, the melusine’s speak very highly of you both - you must forgive the children if they become over zealous.” Neuvilette adds with a fond smile.
“Au revoir, enjoy your meal!” Y/N says, grasping her husbands arm and smiling at him. Lumine looks at them walk away toward the aquabus station entrance.
She could not quite believe her eyes when she sees the hydro dragon press a large pale hand to the smooth, undisturbed lower belly of his wife.
The sunset brightened ever so slightly.
Fontaine surely was full of surprises.
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agirlandherquill · 4 months
writeblr intro!
this has been a long time coming and i've finally gotten around to it after, what? 4 months of being a part of this delightfully and beautifully chaotic community known as writeblr,
so, about me - well, let's see, i'm A Girl and Her Quill - a moniker i'm adopting because who doesn't enjoy a little sense of mystery? now, what else is there to say about me? i love words, i adore stories, and i love books - my favourites are impossible to narrow down to a simple list so i'll just name a few off the top of my head: great expectations - shockingly fell in love and decided to study it for literature coursework (it paid off, 24/25 marks, best damn essay i have ever written), ready player one - this needs no explanation, the brilliance is clear in the title and i also love its sequel, and for the last of the few books i can think of i'm going to say outlander - i'm reading it at the minute and its beautiful (i've seen up to s2 of the show, so i will be rewatching once I finish the book, and start the second book probably, i just can't resist)
why am i here? - as aforementioned i love stories and i've been writing my whole life, (insert a respectful nod to the graveyard of childhood manuscripts long since abandoned) and i've been working on writing a novel for, well, about four years now? that novel being `Ruin's Reprisal, which has undergone one draft, a total rewrite, and now i'm on to edits - and that story has been with me through some of the most crucial years of my life and thankfully, it's almost done (small white lie, i'm editing chapter 20/roughly 40 at the moment, but i'm getting there); and as for why i'm on writeblr well, as the description of my blog states, it really was a dark night with rain battering the windows, and the mood of it so to speak gave me the courage to sign up to the wonderful world of chaos that is tumblr and to start sharing my writing with the world!
and speaking of sharing my writing, i signed up to ao3 as of this morning and i've been collecting all of the posts relating to my novel from tumblr on there, so if reading on ao3 is more your thing than Tumblr, you can find me as: agirlandherquill
so that's about it from me for now, if i think of anything else to add i'll update this post, and i just want to say a truly heartfelt thank you to everyone who has made me feel so welcome and enjoyed the little snippets i bestow from time to time (i do my best to post daily, reckon i've only slipped about 3 days in total so i'm rather impressed with myself)
signing off on the long overdue intro,
~ A Girl and Her Quill
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pensbridgertons · 2 years
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GIFTOBER 2022 • day 25: night
OUTLANDER | 1.01 Sassenach
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freckles-things · 2 years
Introduction / Masterlist
So, I guess it's finally time to introduce myself. It might be 7 years too late, but better late than never, right?
Julia | 25
Pan, so this blog is lgbtqi+ safe :)
This is my side blog, so I follow and like from @potterheadandsherlocked
I love writing, art and travelling. I also enjoy reading and appreciate photography and architecture.
I try to treat everyone I meet with kindness and respect, if you do decide to contact me, please do the same.
I am open to meeting new friends/mutuals and talking to others on a personal level. Please do not send unsolicited nsfw messages or content to me.
This blog might contain nsfw content, and is not suitable for users under the age of 18.
Asks: Go nuts! Question about my works? Yes! Request for a little drabble? Sure! Imagine requests? I will try, but I am a very slow writer. :’) 
Fandoms I write for: Criminal Minds; NCIS; BBC Sherlock; BBC Merlin; Harry Potter; Good Omens; The Sandman; Enola Holmes; Bridgerton; Outlander; the Black magicians guild; Top Gun; Supernatural
I also write for celebrities as long as they haven't explicitly stated that they're uncomfortable with it. If in doubt just message me and I'll let you know if I know who the person is and if I will write for them.
The same goes for fandoms. If there's a fandom not listed here you can always just ask. Chances are that I might know the show/film/etc. and feel confident that I might be able to write for the requested characters. The above list is just an indication for the fandoms I'm definitely comfortable writing for.
Aaron Hotchner
Camera Roll Materpost
Criminal Minds
Losing the Shadows (Aaron Hotchner x reader) | part 1 | part 2
In the Eye of a Hurricane (daughter!reader)
Imagine Hotch comforting you (platonic)
Imagine embarassing Hotch in front of the team
Imagine giving Hotch a sassy answer
Imagine secretly dating Hotch and him always teasing you when the team is around
Imagine Hotch looking at you walking towards the altar
Signs of the Past (Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader)
Derek Morgan
Of Dates and Cases
Imagine Derek calming you down (platonic)
Imagine being best friends with Derek and pranking Reid (platonic)
Something Domestic
Spencer Reid
Imagine having a nightmare and calling Reid (can be read as paring or platonic)
Imagine meeting Reid and going to be his best friend (platonic)
You are Weird | part 1 (platonic)
Imagine Reid trying to save you from an unsub
Imagine surprising Spencer on a hard day and giving him a backrub
Imagine Dating Reid
David Rossi
Imagine bickering with Rossi
Out of Time (BAU!Team x reader) | part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Harry Potter
Severus Snape
Imagine duelling with Severus Snape
Draco Malfoy
The Beauty of your Smile (Draco Malfoy x reader)
Imagine Draco always sending you hidden messages
BBC Sherlock
James Moriarty
Imagine dating Moriarty
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock stopping work at crime scenes to answer your text
Imagine Sherlock telling you that he loves you
Imagine being Sherlock's and John's roommate
Stolen Love (Sherlock Holmes x Reader)
Fantastic Beats
Imagine having a pet niffler
Nightly Disturbance (Jenny Sherpard x Gibbs)
Anthony DiNozzo
Imagine being Tony's best friend and getting sassy with Gibbs (platonic)
Ziva David
Being best friends with Ziva would include
Abby Sciuto
Imagine Abby calling you in to help her with a computer problem to McGee's dismay (platonic)
The Joker
Imagine the Joker having a soft spot for you
Lucifer (TV)
Lucifer Morningstar
Rescued by the Devil
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
Outlander 31 Day Challenge: Day 25
Welcome to the Outlander 31 Day Challenge!
Today is Day 24: Favorite Red Jamie scene
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always-outlander · 1 year
The Outlander 31 Day Challenge: Day 25
Day 25: Favorite Red Jamie scene
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It would have to be when Jamie is in Ardsmuir, speaking so fondly and heartbroken about Claire to Lord John. I admired Sam’s performance in these episodes he spent in prison so much, his portrayal was perfect.
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raisedlikeaphoenix · 10 months
Raised like a Phoenix: A Dark Comedy Chima fanfic
What if the eight hero’s of Chima failed to complete the illumination? - It’s been ten years since the Hunters have won the war and have taken Chima as their own. All those who were able to survive now reside in the Outlands, away from the frost and snow. The only one who dares to venture into the frozen wasteland is Li’Ella and the lion beast, searching for anything she can retrieve for her people. Till she stumbles upon one of the heroes, and realizes there might be a way to bring them back…
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Tw: Blood, major character death, body horror
1. The End
2. A Sleepy Town Called Home
3. Right There Where You Left It
4. Slept Through a Storm
5. I May Fail But I Have to Try
6. Before We Go
7. The Determined
8. Together Again
9. The Generous
10. Recharge
11. The Ruthless and The Opportunist
12. Slipping Through my Fingers
13. Long Night
14. Reunion
15. Haunted Objects
16. The Eager
17. Ebb and Flow
18. The Dreamer
19. The Root of the Problem
20. The Plan
21. The Best Last Day Ever
22. Lavertus's Lament
23. Fight or Flight
24. Sword Fight
25. Now or Never
26. The Oracle
27. Flickering Hope
28. The Consequences Of Possible Paths
29. Siege Under Storm and Stress
30. The Loyal
31. The Guardians of Chima
32. Into the Light
33. Adventure is Out There
Sparks Fly - Prequel stories
Promises well try to keep
Thrill of it - Li’Ella and the Legend Beast
Found in the woods - Reegull and Dom de la Whoosh
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dragonstepp · 8 months
Other Outlander Actors
Tonight I watched for the second time the 10-episode series of Recipes for Love and Murder. It airs on Acorn. I first watched it a few months ago, then I found the book, read it, and decided to rewatch it.
It stars Maria Doyle Kennedy, and is situated in the Union of South Africa. I haven't looked her up, but I suspect she is a native of that country.
I often why Sam and Cait, Roger and Brianna, and David Berry get all the publicity. I wonder if Outlander actors ever get any publicity. Or is Outlander just a show for Sam/Cait fans, and they don't pay attention to the rest of the series.
My goodness, Billy Boyd, who plays Neil Forbes, Jocasta's lawyer, was big in The Lord of the Rings. And Jocasta is played by Maria Doyle Kennedy. There are others who I recognize.
Acorn has so many British (Scottish, Welsh, Australian, New Zealanders, and English) actors - so many that I really like. Great murders mysteries, and Sam is supposed to show up in one of the Midsomer Murders episodes sometime in the 130+ 2-hour episodes over 25 seasons. I don't know when since it does not list it, but it is among the many things Sam has been in according to his webpage.
So, Maria Doyle Kennedy plays a woman name Tannie Maria (pronounced Tunney), a woman working in a newspaper office as an advice columnist plus a woman of many recipes. The book lists a few of them at the end of the book (also has an index of Afrikanner languages). And we get to watch her put the recipes together. I want to try some of them, but the main dish meals are all built around lamb, lamb knuckles, or mutton (and what is the difference), and I don't eat meat. Not even sure where to buy it. I don't think my grocery store has lamb, but I may have to ask them if it is available.
Since I will eat fish, and sometimes (rarely, but sometimes) chicken, maybe I can substitute. She uses a large number of spices and herbs. The curry recipe sounds particularly delicious - just don't know how well it would fit with meat other than lamb.
Since my days of managing a merchant seaman's bar, I have made an effort to say "thank you" in nearly 100 languages, and Afrikanner was one of them (dankie, pronounced dankey A). Oh yeah, I bet you can figure out what "fok" is.
I also have a really good Scots recipes book, and I use it. I particularly like the cullen skink, fix it fairly often (uses fish, potatoes, onions, several herbs, and milk - makes a really delicious soup), and kailkenny (in Irish, colcannon), a veg dish using mash and fried cabbage, mixed, with butter (not marg). There is even a recipe using haggis, but it is pre-pared haggis, not one you have to make up yourself.
So if you like "Jocasta" and can get Acorn on your TV, give that one a try. She is a most beautiful woman, a good actress, and the recipes she shows in the episodes look really delicious. Next time around, I am going to write really fast and get the many ingredients down so I can try some not in the book.
Other Scots actors I like are Denis Lawson, Ewan McGregor, Robert Carlyle, and too many to mention.
There is more to life and pleasure than just Jamie - besides which it is really Sam Heughan I most like.
Carol in Austin
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renee-writer · 9 months
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Christmas Prompts 23' Day 25 Christmas
Three pairs of blue eyes look up at him. Even the baby, six months old, Fergus, seems to be paying attention. He sits by the tree, still sprouting out of presents, and opens the family Bible.
“In those days a degree went out from Caesar Augustus  that all the world should be taxed. Now Joseph went with Mary, his wife how was heavy with child…”
“Jesus!” Four year old Faith calls out.
“Just so Leannan.” He turns back to the Book, “While there, the time come for her to give birth and she brought forth her first born son, laying him in a manger, as there was no room for them in the inn.”
He read of shepherds and angel, wise men with gifts. After, the children receive their own presents.
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mareenavee · 1 year
First Lines Tag!
Thank you for the tag, @hannahcbrown!! :D In return, I'll tag back @changelingsandothernonsense, @paraparadigm, @thana-topsy, @thequeenofthewinter, @rhiannon1199, @friend-of-giants, @archangelsunited, @elfinismsarts, @saltymaplesyrup, @inquisition-dragonborn, @gilgamish, @snippetsrus, @rainpebble3, @oblivions-dawn -- and anyone else who sees this -- please feel free to join in!
Rules such as they are: Post the first line/paragraph of your current WIPS
I will share 3 otherwise we'll be here alllllll day lol. Below the cut!
1 -- The World on Our Shoulders:
Would it be easier just to forget it all, and run the other way? It was not the first time Nyenna had thought of this. It was how it had worked in the past. Life got difficult, so without a choice, she’d have to uproot and leave it all behind. All the other times, it was due to an external threat. This time, it was a situation she had purposefully created and made more complicated herself, against wiser advice. She thought maybe it had been inevitable, all the pain she was causing. It did not change the guilt that roiled around inside her like the shifting of fog on the marshes around Morthal.
2 -- Something More
(AU, Edit: Published!)
“I think he’s nice, actually,” said the Bosmeri girl to her companion. Teldryn didn’t miss the quick glance she threw in his direction, or the way her face and ears flushed. She nodded and lifted her mug of Sujamma, just barely, just for him to see. He mimicked the motion. Her smile was pretty, actually. Brought out the odd bright orange of her eyes. He wasn’t usually such an obvious eavesdropper, but she – well, she was attractive, at the very least, and therefore interesting. Raven Rock was devoid of interesting on a good day, anyway. It reflected here in the Retching Netch. It’d been different years ago, but now hardly anyone wandered through. The outlanders across the way stood out among the worn furniture and dusty bookshelves. Their voices carried now that it was close to last call and the locals had all wandered home, or else melted into the background like permanent fixtures.
3 -- It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn
(Fic-universe Canon -- Varlais's POV on events surrounding World's chapters 23 and 25. Title pending, technically, but it is sticking.)
Canis root tea wasn’t the worst thing, despite how annoyingly prevalent it was on this Godsforsaken excuse for an island. Varlais sighed. It was going cold, of course, just like his fingers and toes. Mid watch…now that was the worst. Not only had he been woken up on far too little sleep, but a storm was coming in. He could feel the lightning in the air. Winter thundersnow was also the worst, to make matters even more bleak. His bones tended to ache in weather like this, as often as half of them had been broken at this point. 
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brian-in-finance · 10 months
Cait didn't think modeling was for her yet became Assets' biggest and most successful int'l model. Fun reading.
Thanks for the message, Anon. I wonder if this one is also yours? 🤷🏻‍♂️
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I received it after I wrote ⬇️ on 25 November:
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Luckily for Outlander and its fans, she chose to give acting another go. 🎬 On to your link:
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STAR SPOTTER | Irish fashion boss tells how he discovered Caitríona Balfe packing bags in Dunnes
Derek Daniels, is celebrating 30 years of Assets Model Agency.
Caitríona Balfe, Colin Farrell and Glenda Gilson have more in common than just being Irish and familiar faces on our screens.
They were all, at one point, part of Assets Model Agency. The man who found them, Derek Daniels, is celebrating 30 years of Assets, and looking back at the many lives he helped change.
“I remember interviewing our very first ever model when she came in. It was Emer O’Reilly-Hyland, who went on to become the editor of VIP magazine,” he tells Magazine+.
The second was actor Frank Kelly’s daughter, Ruth. “After that, the numbers get a bit fuzzy,” he adds with a laugh.
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For Derek, it was no mistake that he wound up in the fashion business.
“I knew when I was about 11 years of age, what I was interested in was the production of fashion events and I was always mystified by models and all the rest of it and I always had a great interest in it, so when it came about later in life, it never surprised me,” he remembers.
It’s fitting, then, that he has always had a very keen eye for what will work in the fashion world and beyond. It’s that finely tuned sense that has allowed him to discover many that we now consider household names, both at home and abroad.
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“The people I’ve met, the people I’ve worked with… they’re all only ordinary people, who knows what they’ll be later in life?
"All you’re doing is helping them pay their way through college or whatever it is they’re doing.
"Like, Caitríona Balfe is a prime example. I mean, she was packing bags on a till next to me in Dunnes in Rathmines, she was a drama student at the time,” he says.
“When I approached her about modelling, she looked at me like I was mad.
"She went on to be the biggest Irish export as a model ever, ever, ever. I mean, Dolce and Gabbana’s muse for six years, worked all over the world, and then of course, she’s a big actress.
"She had no interest in modelling, and didn’t consider herself suitable to be a model. “But it was a pure fluke that I went into Dunnes Stores to do my shopping that day. And that’s how I found her,” he explains.
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Colin Farrell, too, has Derek to thank for helping his face become one everyone knows nowadays. “Colin was only a young fella and I had him in a dance group. In the same dance group at the time was Stephen Gately, who went on to be in Boyzone and Cecilia Ahern, the (former) Taoiseach’s daughter,” Derek says. They went on to be actors, singers and authors, but have a shared history thanks to the ‘face finder’.
As Derek considers three decades of success, it’s clear he’s not calling time just yet.
“I achieved everything I wanted to achieve and continue to have that hunger for it. I’m fortunate that I can count on a lot of them still as friends of mine, and indeed many of them have their own children at Assets now. That’s the biggest compliment you can get, when people will come back to you with their own kids because they trust you and know you’ll help make things become a reality for them,” he smiles.
Sunday World
Remember… she went on to be the biggest Irish export as a model ever, ever, ever. I mean, Dolce and Gabbana’s muse for six years, worked all over the world, and then of course, she’s a big actress. She had no interest in modelling, and didn’t consider herself suitable to be a model. But it was a pure fluke that I went into Dunnes Stores to do my shopping that day. And that’s how I found her. — Derek Daniels
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scotianostra · 10 months
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Happy Birthday Scottish actor Alec Newman, born November 27th 1974 in Glasgow.
He may not be a household name, nor has he been in any real blockbuster films, but Alec Newman has quietly made a name for himself with roles in some very good dramas on both sides of the Atlantic.
Alec’s dad was in the Sandy, was in The Chris McClure Section, and since 1973 has been the lead singer and guitarist in Marmalade, Alec’s brother, John James Newman competed in the 2012 season of The Voice UK. Newman considered a life as a football player before breaking his leg playing for Wokingham Town as a youth.
He started out acting with National Youth Theatre aged 16, before enrolling in The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Straight out of there he began cropping up in stage shows and impressing in guest appearances in TV shows like good old Taggart, of course, Heartbeat, Peak Practice and Dangerfield.
In the year 2000 he landed a leading part in Frank Herbert's Dune a three-part based on the novel of the same name, this got him noticed in the US and guest roles in shows there included, Angel, Star Trek Enterprise and Tru Calling, Flitting between stay at home and in the states he has continued to appear in some of the top shows, at home and abroad. Outlander fans might remember him as Joseph Wemyss in Down the Rabbit hole two years ago.
Alec is probably best known at home for playing Headmaster Michael Byrne in Waterloo Road when the series decanted to Scotland. Judge, John Deed, Spooks, Call the Midwife and Casualty at home, 24 Live Another Day, Victor Frankenstein, Shetland Rogue and The Bastard Executioner among many others, as well as stage roles has kept Newman busy in a career spanning around 25 years. Add to that he has voiced numerous commercials, audio books documentaries and Video games.
More recently Alec starred in four episodes of the ITV crime drama Unforgotten, and in the Scottish detective series Karen Pirie, based on the books by Val McDermid. Alec is next on the big screen in The Boys in the Boat directed by Hollywood A lister George Clooney.
Alec Newman married production co-ordinator Heather Stewart after meeting on the set of Waterloo Road. They married in Ayrshire in 2014 and have a daughter together. Newman is a huge football fan and has indulged a love for the outdoors, twice trekking in the Everest region of Nepal.
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frauleiiin · 4 months
For the Swtor OC asks! 13, 25, 30, 43! For the OC of your choice. 💖
Thank you for the ask!! 💖💖 This will be about Zarsh'a my Jedi Consular (I've neglected her so much, forgive me).
13. Let’s see those outfits!
Only have one but it's an outfit I really love!
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25. Do they have any deep dark secrets?
Well, it's not THAT dark and the Jedi Council knows about part of the secret BUT not everything. Zarsh'a actually comes from a long lineage of Sith lords, including her mother. She was raised by her on Korriban. It's not something she mentions often, the Jedi Council knows but what they DON'T know is that her father is actually a Jedi. Zarsh'a herself didn't know about that until she found him years later. So yup, she was born out of a very dramatic love story that not many know about.
30. Do they like to boogie? Do they dance to that good old cantina band?
Oooh yea! You know, she likes being a Jedi but she doesn't take EVERYTHING to the letter (mostly because of her Sith past) so girly SURE knows how to have fun 👀 I'd say, she indeed likes to boogie. Ah I do love my unbothered queen.
43. The Outlander is destined to take the throne according to Valkorion, Satele, and Marr. How do they feel about that? 
So if Zarsh'a had to be the Outlander, she would first think it's bullsh!t and then she'd have no choice but to save the day. I feel like she loves to help people but not being responsible for every living thing in the universe. She wouldn't become the Empress nor the Commander, she would let it to someone else.
[Zarsh'a's RefSheet]
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years
Introducing: The Outlander 31 Day Challenge
With Season 7 fast approaching, let's spend the month of March preparing by looking back at our favorite moments from the first 6 seasons!
See below for each day's challenge. Feel free to participate every day, or as frequently as you'd like! Just use the hashtag #outlander 31 day challenge so we can all keep track!
We start on Wednesday, March 1. I can't wait to see your entries!
Here are the challenges:
Day 1: Favorite Season 1-3 Episode
Day 2: Favorite Season 4-6 Episode
Day 3: Favorite Murtagh scene
Day 4: Favorite Fergus scene
Day 5: Favorite Jenny *or* Ian (the elder) scene
Day 6: Favorite setting/location
Day 7: Scene that made you laugh the most
Day 8: Scene that made you cry the most
Day 9: Favorite character who only appears in 1 episode
Day 10: Favorite animal
Day 11: Favorite Marsali scene
Day 12: Most terrifying scene
Day 13: Favorite scene where the Gaelic language was spoken
Day 14: Favorite 20th century scene
Day 15: Favorite scene with Jamie and/or Claire and a villain
Day 16: Favorite Lord John scene
Day 17: Favorite Brianna scene
Day 18: Favorite Roger scene
Day 19: Favorite clothing/costume
Day 20: Favorite Jamie + Claire being badass scene
Day 21: Favorite Jamie + Claire quiet moment
Day 22: Favorite Jamie + Claire kiss
Day 23: Jamie + Claire scene that broke your heart
Day 24: Favorite Jamie + Claire being silly/adorable scene
Day 25: Favorite Red Jamie scene
Day 26: Favorite Jamie + Claire love/intimacy scene
Day 27: Favorite Jamie smolder
Day 28: Most romantic moment
Day 29: Most hopeful moment
Day 30: Most memorable moment
Day 31: Most quintessentially Outlander moment
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dykeravengard · 9 months
Tav masterpost
hi this is a masterpost where i'm gonna write every bit of info i have about my tavs so i dont lose it (and people are free to ask me about them aaaaaany time honestly), the characters are listed in the order that i've created them. warning that there is major spoilers for bg3 below
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Pronouns: she/her
Class: way of the elements monk
Background: charlatan wood elf
Age: 40-something
Love interest: Astarion
Native to the woods of the Sword Coast, when she was still young her father passed and her mother decided to relocate to Baldur's Gate. She grew up in the city, but since her mother didn't want her to abandon her roots as a wood elf, for a period of time she sent her to a monastery not far from the city, among monks that would teach her anything from how to fend for herself in the wilderness, to martial arts. This taught her to have perfect control of her body and senses, even though later in life she ended up only using her skills in tavern brawls and the like.
Before being abducted by the mind flayers, she used to take odd jobs around the city such as being a rich snob's bodyguard, transporting heavy cargo and, most commonly, beating people up for money. Now she has moved to the underdark where she is helping Astarion lead the 7000 vampire spawns they saved together, with the occasional visit to the surface when her mother invites both of them for dinner.
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Pronouns: she/her
Class: domain of tempest cleric of lathander
Background: alcolyte seldarine drow
Age: 50-something
Love interests: Astarion (former), Minthara
Born in the underdark, even as a youth Chiara rejected the violence of drow society, and eventually one night she packed her bags and simply ran away, without a destination in mind. She stumbled upon a temple dedicated to Lathander, where believers taught her the morninglord's doctrine, and where she lived for years before being abducted.
Throughout her journey to getting the tadpole removed, Chiara slowly fell to the corruption that power brings, learning more and more into it until one day where she promised Minthara that they would become the Absolute, together. Now she commands an army of Illithids, with the inted of taking over Faerun first, and then the rest of Toril.
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Pronouns: he/him
Class: wild magic sorcerer
Background: outlander wood half-elf
Age: 25-30
Love interest: Gale
Baelisar's mother was a wood elf, while his father was a human, he was born in the wild where grew up and spend the first decades of his life. Very early on in his infancy, it was clear that the weave flowed effortlessly through his veins, even though his grasp of it was less than ideal, he spent most of his life trying to understand the power he was born with.
Still traveling the Sword Coast, he hopes for the day he can find his way back home, tadpole-free and, hopefully, with Gale by his side.
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Fuli Qhavox
Pronouns: they/them
Class: domain of tempest cleric of talos (in lore cleric of umberlee)
Background: the haunted one, water genasi
Age: ???
Love interest: Wyll
Barely capable of remembering their name, Fuli woke up on the Nautiloid, and every moment after that they have spent trying to understand the urges and lust for blood that has been haunting them since the moment they awoke. There is no past for them to reflect upon, there is only now. Their goal is to get to moonrise towers intact and, hopefully, find answers there.
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Veleno di Lorenzo
Pronouns: she/any
Class: school of lore bard
Background: charlatan human
Age: 29
Love interest: Astarion (YES AGAIN)
Besides performing terrible music in taverns for a handful of coins a night, most of Veleno's adult life has been spent in most of the social spaces of Baldur's Gate, hidden by a cloak, pen and paper in hand, aching for the next scoop. A married noble walking through the door of Sharess's Caress, a politician making deals in a sketchy tavern, you know the drill.
She was kidnapped just as she was working on her magnum opus: a scathing article that would reveal to the public the shocking truth that the reclusive noble by the name of Cazador Szarr is a vampire. The whole almost-indoctrinated-into-a-cult thing might have set her back on her work, if it weren't for the fact that she now has one of Szarr's spawns in the palm of her very hand, and he so happens to have taken an interest in her.
Note: by this point Veleno di Lorenzo is a well established oc of mine, it felt only fair to put her into my favorite game too :3
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Medeia-Zaera Zenwyn Dryza
Pronouns: she/her
Class: oath of devotion paladin
Background: noble high half-elf
Age: 26
Love interest: Wyll
Medeia is the descendant of a family of elven nobles, and, despite only being a half-elf with a human father, she was still accepted by nobility due to her mother's good-standing reputation. The life of riches and power was not enough, though, as she had a hunger for advenutre, and the desire to protect the common people, punishing evils along the way.
The chance to prove her worth fell upon her when she found herself abducted and stranded in the middle of nowhere, now more motivated than ever to save Faerun from the biggest threat it has ever faced. Though, her world was shaken when she found a familiar face among the victims of the Absolute: Wyll, son of duke Ravengard, stands in front of her, proudly declaring his "Blade of Frontiers" title. He didn't seem that different from when Medeia met him nearly a decade earlier at a ball, and she naturally gravitated towards him as a trusted companion for the journey. Though, how much should she trust a man who has made a deal with a devil?
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