#24 hours power supply
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preetisinghuniverse · 1 month ago
Electricity Grievance: UP Residents Demand Accountability
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0080640Grievance Concerns ToName Of ComplainantYogi M. P. SinghDate of Receipt09/11/2024Received By Ministry/DepartmentUttar PradeshGrievance DescriptionMost respected sir there is a breakdown in the supply of electricity for 5 hours since the morning. Concerned accountable staff are not picking up their close unit group mobile numbers…
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probablyasocialecologist · 5 months ago
The economic indicators speak of nothing less than an economic catastrophe. Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel’s credit rating was lowered, Israeli bonds are sold at the prices of almost “junk bonds” levels, and the foreign investments that have already dropped by 60% in the first quarter of 2023 (as a result of the policies of Israel’s far-right government before October 7) show no prospects of recovery. The majority of the money invested in Israeli investment funds was diverted to investments abroad because Israelis do not want their own pension funds and insurance funds or their own savings to be tied to the fate of the State of Israel. This has caused a surprising stability in the Israeli stock market because funds invested in foreign stocks and bonds generated profit in foreign currency, which was multiplied by the rise in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the Israeli Shekel. But then Intel scuttled a $25 billion investment plan in Israel, the biggest BDS victory ever.  These are all financial indicators. But the crisis strikes deeper at the means of production of the Israeli economy. Israel’s power grid, which has largely switched to natural gas, still depends on coal to supply demand. The biggest supplier of coal to Israel is Colombia, which announced that it would suspend coal shipments to Israel as long as the genocide was ongoing. After Colombia, the next two biggest suppliers are South Africa and Russia. Without reliable and continuous electricity, Israel will no longer be able to pretend to be a developed economy. Server farms do not work without 24-hour power, and no one knows how many blackouts the Israeli high-tech sector could potentially survive. International tech companies have already started closing their branches in Israel. Israel’s reputation as a “startup nation” depends on its tech sector, which in turn depends on highly educated employees. Israeli academics report that joint research with universities abroad has declined sharply thanks to the efforts of student encampments. Israeli newspapers are full of articles about the exodus of educated Israelis. Prof. Dan Ben David, a famous economist, argued that the Israeli economy is held together by 300,000 people (the senior staff in universities, tech companies, and hospitals). Once a significant portion of these people leaves, he says, “We won’t become a third world country, we just won’t be anymore.” 
19 July 2024
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thethief1996 · 1 year ago
700 Palestinians were killed in the last 24 hours and the airstrikes are more violent each night. Gaza's hospitals have fuel left for two more days. Israel only allowed aid into Gaza on the condition they didn't carry fuel. The Indonesian hospital has shut down already, because doctors have no supplies and no choice but to let the wounded die. They're calling it a collapse but the term doesn't do it justice.
Over a 100 incubator babies are at risk. There are 50.000 pregnant women in Gaza right now, and 5.500 due to give birth this month. Menstruating people are taking pills in order to stop their periods, because they do not have pads or water to maintain hygiene. Surgeons are operating without anesthesia. Water is not reaching Gazans because there's no electricity or fuel for water pumps.
There's no excuse for this. Israel justifies the airstrikes by saying they want to destroy Hamas infrastructure and release the hostages, but they have refused to negotiate for their release. Hamas informed Israel they wanted to release two elderly women without anything in return, and Israel refused. Netanyahu said they wouldn't take their own civilians back because it was "mendacious propaganda." When the hostages were finally released, Netanyahu prohibited the hospital from giving press releases. Yocheved Lifshitz went behind their backs and talked to the press anyway, saying she was treated very well by Hamas, but the government abandoned them. They're being used as straw men. Israel is conditioning the entry of fuel to the release of hostages and yet, according to The Wall Street Journal, when Hamas proposed to exchange 50 hostages for fuel they denied. IDF officials have said they fear the release of more hostages because that might withhold the order to their ground invasion. They do not care as long as they can use the hostages as a pretext for their slaughtering.
There's a turning tide for Palestine in public support. Support for Israel was built through decades of propaganda and we are making a dent into it. Zionists are desperate, holding zoom meetings to promote zionism, but we have to do so much more. We have to shame people in power into supporting the Palestinian cause.
Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices, looking to inform yourself from the sources. Palestinians have asked of us only that we share, tweet and post, over and over. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Al Jazeera
Anadolu Agency
Boycott Divest Sanction Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement
Mohammed El-Kurd (twitter / instagram)
Al-Shabaka (twitter / instagram)
Mariam Barghouti (twitter / instagram)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Motaz Azaiza (instagram) - reporting directly from Gaza
Take action. You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting (don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. Only boycott additional brands if you can):
Ahava cosmetics
Israeli fruits and vegetables
Push for a cultural boycott - pressure your favorite artist to speak out on Palestine and cancel any upcoming performances on occupied territory (Lorde cancelled her gig in Israel because of this. It works.)
If you can, participate in direct action or donate. Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London. Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN GERMANY: Here's a toolkit to contact your representatives by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN IRELAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN POLAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN DENMARK: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN SWEDEN: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA: Here's a toolkit by Stand With Palestine
FOR PEOPLE IN CANADA: Here's a toolkit by Indepent Jewish Voices for Canada
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Global calendar
USA calendar
Australia calendar
Here are upcoming events:
CANBERRA/NGUNNAWAL, AUSTRALIA – Wed Oct 25, 11 am, National Press Club. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyh1xy1BMrU/
OXFORD, ENGLAND – Wed Oct 25, 12:15 pm, Cornmarket. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CykroKeInz3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
SMITH COLLEGE (US) – Wed Oct 25, 12 pm, Chapin Lawn. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CymT8f5vnHN/?img_index=1
ST CATHERINES, ON ( CANADA) – Wed Oct 25, 6 pm, 61 Geneva St Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/889319005528757/
TORONTO, CANADA – Wed Oct 25, 5 pm, Sidney Smith Hall. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyjVbpGvva8/
SANT CUGAT, CATALONIA, SPAIN – Thurs Oct 26, 6 pm, Davant l’Ajuntament. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CynL834tgg9/?img_index=4
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct 27, 7 pm, Federation Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyhyd0vhP8t/
LIVORNO, ITALY – Sat Oct 28, 2:30 pm, Piazza Cavour. Info https://www.instagram.com/p/CyiWJ06MXpM/
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (US) – Sat Oct 28, 1 pm, Lake Street and Minnehaha.
ROME, ITALY – Sat Oct 28, Rome. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyi7ey-MMs1/?img_index=1
ROME, ITALY – Sat Nov 4, Rome. Info TBA: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyndKUitnMU/
WASHINGTON, DC (USA) – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, White House. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyiecRtr9-B/
Wollongong: Rally at Crown Street Mall Amphitheatre on 21 Oct at 1 PM
Melbourne: Blak and Palestinian Solidarity Rally at Victorian Parliament House Steps on 25 Oct at 6 PM
HOUSTON: Thursday, October 26th, 5:45PM, Rice University, Central Quad
VANCOUVER: OCT 28 at 2PM, Vancouver Art Gallery
KITCHENER: Wednesday October 25th at 5 PM at CBC Kitchener
SANTA ANA: 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701, October 25th at 5:30 pm
TORONTO: WED. OCT 25 at 7PM at Queen's Park
[CAR RALLY] WASHINGTON D.C: Wednesday 10/25 outside the US State Department on the 23rd Street side
Feel free to add more.
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vorestarr · 1 year ago
ascended astarion and vampire spouses
so I've been reading the dnd 2e manual "Van Richten's Guide to Vampires" for fic/game inspiration, and there's this really interesting chapter on vampire brides and grooms. after reading it, it's very clear to me that Astarion didn't turn Tav into a typical spawn, but into a vampire spouse, which are two very different rituals with very different outcomes.
the typical vampire spawn creation process is exactly what Astarion describes happening to him: a painful death, a painful rebirth into undeath, fighting his way out of his own coffin, and Cazador's complete control over him. this is described pretty clearly in the guide to vampires:
According to most related tales, a vampire can create another simply by killing a mortal either with its life-energy draining power (draining all the character's experience leveIs) or by exhausting the mortal of his or her blood supply. If the victim's body is not properly destroyed, it arises as a vampire, under the control of the creature who killed it, on the second night following the burial. [...] Most vampires remember the instant of their death and the nature of their killer, and understand immediately their new nature. Certainly their new hunger gives them a good idea of what they have become. They must immediately free themselves from their grave. either by breaking it open from within or by assuming gaseous form and diffusing out.
so that's definitely what happened to Astarion, but that's not what happens to Tav. after ascended Astarion turns Tav into a vampire, they can ask him what happened, and he describes the following:
Astarion: You are so beautiful... And you will be beautiful forever. Thank you for trusting me. Player: What exactly happened? Astarion: You were drained dry, and at the height of your delirium, I granted you one drop of my own blood. Things will be a touch different for you than they were for me when I was a spawn. I'm imbibed with unfathomable new talents. I am fairly certain I can extend Mephistopheles' blessings unto you. Player: Does that mean I need not fear the sun? Astarion: You need not fear anything. You will be stronger, swifter, sharper, but you won't be different. You were already perfect before. It's hard to improve.
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for reference, this is how the guide to vampires describes the ritual for vampire spouses:
To actually create the bride, the vampire bestows what is known as the "Dark Kiss". lt samples the blood of its mortal paramour—once, twice, thrice—draining her almost to the point of death. This process causes the subject no pain; in fact, it has been described as the most euphoric, ecstatic experience, in comparison to which all ether pleasures fade into insignificance. Just as the subject is about to slip into the terminal coma from which there is no awakening, the vampire opens a gash in its own flesh—often in its throat—and holds the subject's mouth to the wound, As the burning draught that is the vampire’s blood gushes into the subject's mouth, the primitive feeding instinct is triggered, and she sucks hungrily at the wound, enraptured. With the first taste of the blood, the subject is possessed of great and frenzied strength (Str 18, if the character’s Str isn't already higher), and will use it to prevent the vampire from separating her from the fountain of wonder that is its bleeding wound. lt is at this point that the creator-vampire's strength is most sorely tested. He is weakened by his own blood loss, and also by his own rapture as the "victim" of a dark kiss. Overcoming the sudden loss of strength and the inclinations of lust, the vampire must pull her away from its own throat, hopefully without harming her, before she has overfed. Should the subject be allowed to feed for too long (more than 2 rounds), she is driven totally and incurably insane, and will die in agony within 24 hours. Once the subject has stopped feeding, she falls into a coma that lasts minutes or hours (2dl2 turns), at the end of which time she dies. Several (1 d3) hours later, she arises as a Fledgling vampire—and her creator's bride.
this to me sounds like what Astarion describes. he drains Tav almost dry, and at the very last moment, gives them a single drop of his blood. (also interesting reading this guide, the single drop avoids the problem of the vampire spouse being driven ravenous with hunger for the vampire creator's blood and attacking them. did Astarion know this and give them one drop on purpose to avoid that and Tav potentially being driven mad by it? or was he being selfish and this is just a nice but unanticipated outcome?)
i kept reading and there's a lot more interesting information about vampire spouses, but the most interesting thing I found related to the game was this:
Although there are some folk tales that describe the bride of a vampire as its slave, in much the same way that offspring are slaves, a bride is free-willed from the moment of her creation. The creator vampire does have great influence over the bride. however although this control is totally nonmagical. When a vampire is created in the traditional manner—that is, when a victim's life energy is completely drained away—the new fledgling instinctively understands much about the vampiric way of unlife, and about its own strengths, weaknesses* and needs. Not so the bride.
so basically, the vampire spouse is not tied to the vampire creator in the same way as a spawn (i.e., not able to be fully controlled) but is still extremely reliant on the vampire creator to teach them how to live as a vampire. the guide goes on to describe that some vampire creators may lie to their vampire spouse about the control or powers they have, in order to exert more control over them.
interestingly, if you ask Astarion if he can compel you the way Cazador compelled him, he doesn't give a straight answer, he just says this:
Player: Cazador could compel you - can you compel me? Astarion: Why would I need to? You're going to be wonderfully obedient.
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to me, all of this says that Astarion was telling the truth when he told Tav that they would be different from him as a spawn, and also in emphasizing that they are not a spawn but a consort. he didn't create a spawn, he created a vampire spouse. he married Tav, and because of this Tav also retains their free will.
of course, Astarion doesn't say this. if he knows, he withholds this information in much the way that this guide describes, as a way for the creator to maintain more control over their spouse. but still, extremely interesting implications for the ascended Astarion romance, imo.
other interesting facts about vampire spouses from the guide to vampires:
the married couple has telepathic communication that can span miles -- so Tav and Astarion can potentially have a telepathic bond even after the tadpoles are gone. (another note, this communication has to be consensual both ways for it to work, so you can't just dig around someone's mind if they don't want it.)
the vampire creator is extremely jealous and possessive. (yeah lol)
their life forces are linked, so one suffering a great deal is felt by the other.
the bond can be broken, but the ritual to do so has to be initiated by the creator. to break it, they both spill their blood on the ground and allow it to mix. this dissolves all aspects of the bond (i.e., telepathy and linked life forces), but the spouse stays a vampire.
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3liza · 5 months ago
"why do you hate progress so much???"
i dont! show me an apartment tower that houses 20 families and the rent is capped at $1/sq ft and i'll shut up! show me an office conversion like so many people have in Leipzig! airbnb condos and 5-over-1s with permanently-empty ground floors (or as we have in seattle, just regular apartments on the ground floor for some reason?? like looking right onto the sidewalk???) or as someone pointed out, always a fucking orthodontist, is not progress! no one is being additionally housed! rent never ever goes down! there is no shortage of suitable housing units for people who need housing, what's in short supply, and this is completely on purpose and will not change until it is forcibly and perhaps violently changed, is housing units people are actually allowed to live in!!! no one is moving that needle by building this dogshit and everyone keeps going whoaaoo but wee built so much Housing whered all the Housing go, we better build more Housing! no its ok you dont need to provide an elevator as long as you dont go over 5 or 6 stories, it'll be our little Deal for you to build more Housing because we need Housing so bad. i see you finished building the Housing but somehow nothing has changed. thats so weird, well, lets grade this stand of century-old fruit trees where the local schoolkids like to play in the shade and build more Housing and maybe it will work this time
every single time i walk past the blindingly white new condo block that has had uncurtained 24-hour-lit plate glass windows showing perfectly undisturbed model units (somehow theyre all model units??) with a big realtor sign outside right next to the permanent new private cop in his car which have all been there without Housing anyone for over a year (after bulldozing an entire apartment building) i think about all these stupid arguments ive had on tumblr about Why Do You Hate Building Housing and feel insane. you can just walk outside and see the effects. the effects are nil because housing poor people is not profitable and will have to be done at gunpoint if it's done at all. sorry
edit: but i stole the solar powered sidewalk lights right out of their barren chipped bark planters where nothing grows so hooray for the working class. hooray
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wandascrush · 2 months ago
Bruised, bandaged, kissed
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Female!Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Part 2 of my DIWK series
Summary: Natasha comes to you, and only you, for help. Wanda finds out about one of your little secrets. You were surrounded by blue all around you, limbs moving in slow motion...until you saw her. Dark brown hair danced in the water, a harsh contrast to the terror on her face. Eyes big as the moon, she stared directly at you. You tried to swim to her, kicking your tired arms as fast as possible, but you were too late. Wide and unblinking, she sunk down, down, down...lost to the sea forever.
You gasped as soon as you woke up, sweat covering your chest and neck. At HYDRA, Agents practically slept in dark, dusty cells with one huge bed in the middle and a desk off to the side. You were free to come and go as you pleased as long as you kept getting more info from the team and your burner phone was on you at all times. Of course you knew that with this privilege, some way somehow, they had somebody watching you 24/7. When you finally rubbed all the sleep out of your eyes, glancing at your phone, it was half past 6. Back at the Avengers compound, everyone woke up at around 8, latest, to start training, breakfast, paperwork, or meetings. It would take you at least an hour to get back to the compound, you hauled ass as you quickly threw your belongings into your black leather bag.
You tried to keep quiet along the corridors to not wake the other, less than pleasant, agents…they didn't particularly like you. It came to your surprise one day during training that one of the AIT'S, or agents in training, tried to suffocate you on the mat until you tazed them. Hydra had four levels of leaders: Captain, Commander, Supreme Hydra, and Imperial Hydra. Imperial Hydra, the leaders of everything, are four guys that no one has access to. The commander of the HYDRA branch you collected “intel” for took a particular liking to you, assigning you to the Avengers initiative that everyone wanted to work on. Your task: hack into the registry that contained personal information about all powered individuals. HYDRAS task: build a different type of super. Your morning luck ran out before you got to the security check, running into one of the most annoying coworkers you'd ever had.
"Y/N. You're looking particularly awful today."
"Right. Well- it's always a pleasure," you gave her a sarcastic smile before pushing past her to the security check.
Finally you were out of there.
Back at the much more vibrant, and lively Avengers compound you quickly threw your bag into the embarrassingly large walk in closet that Tony had supplied you with. He was Marie Kondo at this point, decorating everyones room in the compound with the joy of a little girl in a toy store. It was funny to watch.
As soon as you walked out of your bedroom, you were met with the sight of a brunette, looking you up and down with a slightly tilted head. Something gave you the feeling that this Wanda Maximoff girl wasn't your biggest fan at all.
You nervously tucked your hair behind your ear before you spoke, "Hey Wanda-what uh- what's up?"
She didn't respond.
You cleared your throat expectantly. Her eyes narrowed, “Where were you off to so early this morning?"
Shit, she saw you come in.
"Nowhere, just had to grab a few groceries. I hate crowds so I thought I'd get there a little early," you let out a nervous chuckle and fiddled with your keys.
“You put your groceries in a leather duffel bag?”
“Hate to waste plastic, what can I say,” you shrugged. What a shitty excuse.
It seemed to suffice her, however, as she gave you a one up and walked away. It was hard not to notice her beautiful silky hair bounce off her back, but it didn't change the fact that you still didn't like her very much.
By 12 pm you had finished your weekly report to Fury about how you're adjusting to the Avengers initiative and how your last mission  went.
You liked Nick a lot to say the least.  He was stern but caring, and he would check anyone that pissed him off. He remind you a lot of Natasha, the girl that took a liking to you.
Her knock is what pushed you out of your dazed thoughts. She pushed open your door with her head down, trying to hide one side of her face but failing miserably. The first thing that caught your attention was the cut adorning her lips. The second was the large, blood stained bandage on her shoulder.
You knew better than to visibly show your concern, it would only make her upset. You posed a casual question instead, "How's the other guy look?"
You saw a glimpse of her secret smile, "Not too hot himself, actually."
As a double agent, you weren't supposed to catch feelings for anyone on either side, but there was something about that raspy voiced, careful Avenger that made you smile. You figured out how to help her without getting pushed away. Just ask.
You casually walked over to her and lazily motioned your head to your bathroom door, "Mind if I help you with that lip cut?"
"Tryna tell me I look bad Y/N?," she gave you her most judgemental one over that she could muster. 
"Not in my wildest dreams, Romanoff."
Sitting on her lap, you had to steady yourself with one hand on the counter to clean out her lip wound, dabbing hydrogen peroxide on it with a q-tip. Her jaw clenched each time, stinging her a little more.
As you shared a quiet moment with Natasha in the bathroom, you didn't even imagine that a certain witch was using her abilities to keep your bathroom door locked and search your room.
Nimble hands quickly explored every drawer within your wardrobe and finding nothing but a charger, melatonin, water, and a...special toy. Then she saw the black bag tucked into the corner of your closet. Her heart rate sped up a little as she approached the bag and grabbed the first file she saw, hidden under a jacket.
Later that night, as you thought about the way Natasha kissed you while you were on her lap and ran off, Wanda Maximoff would be in her bed, turning and tossing until she finally opened up the manila folder sitting in front of her.
Her eyes widened.
"I knew there was something off about you."
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artbyblastweave · 8 months ago
Random Parahuman Abilities I've been sitting on for a while:
Porting some of these from Reddit.
The Mule is a stranger who becomes increasingly difficult to detect in proportion to how much weight he's currently supporting. The use of extremely cumbersome body armor allows for undetectable, but extremely time-consuming, smash-and-grab jobs and assassinations.
Jawbreaker is a blaster who spits her own teeth as hypersonic projectiles; she can fire them one at a time, or all at once in a shotgun blast of enamel. Her brute secondary causes her teeth to slowly regenerate over the course of 24 hours. Coldcut is a shaker/striker who can imbue bladed weapons with a cryokinetic effect; any cuts he makes will begin to locally drain ambient heat, in a way that quickly stacks in a death-by-a-thousand-cuts way. While obviously an immensely unpleasant kind of injury to sustain directly, Coldcut's preferred fighting style is to funnel his opponents into enclosed spaces that he's had time to repeatedly mark as his territory with numerous scratches, such that anyone who lacks Coldcut's secondary immunity to low temperatures will rapidly succumb to hypothermia. He runs an extremely-low-overhead cold-storage business on the side.
Pincushion is a thinker who becomes smarter in proportion to how much discomfort he's in, resulting in a consulting detective rocking cenobite aesthetics.
Pitch is a telekinetic whose telekinesis sets whatever she's manipulating on fire.
Manslide is a shaker who can locally reorient gravity so that "down" becomes whichever direction he's running in.
The Centralian is (was) a blaster/shaker with the ability to drill Navidson-style non-euclidean impossibly-deep tunnels into any discrete surface; if large enough, these tunnels would begin disgorging incredible volumes of noxious smoke, and eventually, hundreds and hundreds of monsters of the exact variety you'd expect would get disgorged from an infinite-smoking hell tunnel. Upon the consumption of his recently purchased cauldron vial, The Centralian accidentally generated a pit the size of a football field directly beneath himself and fell hopefully to his death; the resulting disaster area was up for classification as a PRT exclusion zone before it was discovered that the corpses of the pit monsters and the sides of the pit itself were both laden with rare-earth minerals. Now the whole area is actually kind of a boom town for capes with turbolethal powers and tinkers with supply-chain problems.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Writing Notes: Bites & Stings
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References (Dog Bites; Cat; Human; Spider; Bee & Wasp; Snake; Jellyfish)
Bites and stings - puncture injuries inflicted by an animal that penetrate the skin.
A typical dog bite results in a laceration, tear, puncture, or crush injury.
Bites from large, powerful dogs may cause fractures and dangerous internal injuries. Dogs trained to attack may bite repeatedly during a single episode.
Infected bites usually cause pain, cellulitis (inflammation of the connective tissues), and a pus-filled discharge at the wound site within 8–24 hours.
Many infections are confined to the wound site, but some of the microorganisms in the mouths of dogs can cause systemic and possibly life-threatening infections.
Rabies is rare among pet dogs in the United States, most of which have been vaccinated against the disease. Tetanus is also rare but can be transmitted by a dog bite if the victim is not immunized.
The mouths of cats and dogs contain many of the same microorganisms.
Cat scratches and bites are also capable of transmitting the Bartonella henselae bacterium, which can lead to cat-scratch disease, an unpleasant but usually not life-threatening illness.
Cat bites are mostly found on the arms and hands.
Sharp cat teeth typically leave behind a deep puncture wound that can reach muscles, tendons, and bones, which are vulnerable to infection because of their comparatively poor blood supply.
This is why cat bites are much more likely to become infected than dog bites.
Also, people are less inclined to view cat bites as dangerous and requiring immediate attention; the risk that infection has set in by the time a medical professional is consulted is thus greater.
Humans bites result from fights, sexual activity, medical and dental treatment, and seizures. Bites raise the possibility of spousal or child abuse.
Children often bite other children, but those bites are hardly ever severe.
Human bites are capable of transmitting a wide range of dangerous diseases, including hepatitis B, syphilis, and tuberculosis.
Human bites fall into two categories:
Occlusional (true) bites present a lower risk of infection.
Clenched-fist injuries, which are very infectious and can permanently damage the hand, usually result from a fist hitting teeth during a fight.
People often wait before seeking treatment for a clenched-fist injury, with the result that about half of such injuries are infected by the time they are seen by a medical professional.
As a rule, people rarely see a black widow bite, nor do they feel the bite as it occurs. The first (and possibly only) evidence that a person has been bitten may be a mild swelling of the injured area and two red puncture marks.
Within a short time, some victims begin to experience severe muscle cramps and rigidity of the abdominal muscles. Other possible symptoms include excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and vertigo, as well as breathing, vision, and speech problems.
A brown spider’s bite can lead to necrotic arachnidism, in which the tissue in an area of up to several inches around the bite becomes necrotic (dies), producing an open sore that can take months or years to disappear.
In most cases, the bite simply produces a hard, painful, itchy, and discolored area that heals without treatment in 2–3 days.
The bite may be accompanied by a fever, chills, edema (an accumulation of excess tissue fluid), nausea and vomiting, dizziness, muscle and joint pain, and a rash.
The familiar symptoms of bee and wasp stings include pain, redness, swelling, and itchiness in the area of the sting.
Multiple stings can have much more severe consequences, such as anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction that occurs in hypersensitive persons.
Venomous pit viper bites usually begin to swell within 10 minutes and sometimes are painful.
Other symptoms include skin blisters and discoloration, weakness, sweating, nausea, faintness, dizziness, bruising, and tender lymph nodes.
Severe poisoning can lead to tingling in the scalp, fingers, and toes; muscle contractions; an elevated heart rate; rapid breathing; large drops in body temperature and blood pressure; vomiting of blood; and coma.
Many pit viper and coral snake bites (20–60%) fail to poison (envenomate) their victim, or introduce only a small amount of venom into the victim’s body.
The wounds, however, can still become infected by the harmful microorganisms that snakes carry in their mouths.
Coral snake bites are painful but may be hard to see.
One to seven hours after the bite, a bitten person begins to experience the effects of the venom, which include tingling at the wound site, weakness, nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation, and irrational behavior.
Major nerves of the body can become paralyzed for 6–14 days, causing double vision, difficulty swallowing and speaking, respiratory failure, and other problems.
Six to eight weeks may be needed before normal muscular strength is regained.
Jellyfish venom is delivered by barbs called nematocysts, which are located on the creature’s tentacles and penetrate the skin of people who brush up against them. Instantly, painful and itchy red lesions usually result.
The pain can continue up to 48 hours.
Severe cases may lead to skin necrosis, muscle spasms and cramps, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, excessive sweating, and other symptoms.
In rare instances, cardiorespiratory failure may occur.
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References More: Writing Realistic Injuries ⚜ On Anatomy ⚜ Poison ⚜ Fight Scenes Part 1 2
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secular-jew · 1 year ago
From one of my Danish friends who works for an NGO in Gaza:
Every single day we hear from various humanitarian organizations that the situation in Gaza is catastrophic and that there is now only fuel, water or medicine for a day before the famous one diesel generator in Gaza stops, the lights go out and the sick can be treated due to a lack of medicines.
It must be remembered that these organizations have an interest in exaggerating and dramatizing the situation - to put it nicely. In fact, they often lie, and they must know that themselves, because they have their own representatives on site. One must also remember that there is no independent media in Gaza that could check the many exaggerations and lies. Hamas strictly controls what is published, and it is dangerous to question or correct Hamas' censors.
The Israeli defense has a special unit that deals professionally with the humanitarian situation in Gaza. The unit regularly receives information from international organizations that are represented in Gaza, and also builds on knowledge that is generally available. From this we see a more realistic picture of the conditions than what the humanitarian organizations provide:
There is NO shortage of food in Gaza, but sufficient stocks for several weeks' needs. As far as drinking water is concerned, Gaza is 90% self-sufficient. Only 10% comes from Israel through 3 water supply pipes. Israel has recently opened 2 more supply lines.
Hamas has full control over the distribution of medicine and hospital equipment and decides how much the hospitals will receive and when. (Hamas probably needs these things themselves now that they are suffering daily heavy losses given the targeted Israeli attacks on the terrorist organization's numerous military facilities)
Hamas' many rocket attacks against Israel, which continue, have destroyed several of their own electrical lines that supply electricity to Gaza from Israel - moreover, on a larger scale than the generator the media keeps talking about.
All hospitals in Gaza have their own solar powered electrical systems to supplement diesel generators. Other generators scattered across Gaza territory are controlled by Hamas, which also stores large quantities of diesel oil in the underground tunnels. Three weeks have passed since the hospital administrations in Gaza declared that they only had diesel fuel for the next 24 hours. But the hospitals continue to function because Hamas supplies them with fuel.
Hamas is interested in the hospitals functioning because Hamas has their military headquarters inside and under the hospitals, which they have thereby made part of the military infrastructure.
Red Cross employees in the Gaza Strip are from the Red Crescent, they are Palestinians, they protect Hamas. Their monthly salary comes from the organization.
The Red Cross in Denmark, for example, does not talk about the 239 Israeli hostages to which the Red Cross has not had access.
According to international rules/laws, the Red Cross must have access to the hostages, some of whom are babies and small children, others are young and elderly. The Red Cross does not talk about the lack of supervision of the Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip.
Wonder why?
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virgolixx · 1 year ago
Hi I know this might be a stretch but can I have from one piece how Luffy, Ace, sanji and shanks would take to the news of being told that they’re going to be fathers as their S/O is pregnant?
Head Cannon:
:How would these one piece men react to the news about becoming fathers:
Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Shanks
Theme: Fluff💕
⚠️Warnings: Slight discouragement/very worried op men, overall happy content.
(Note: Apologies for the late request response, I hope to try and get better at releasing more on a weekly schedule.)
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Is absolutely beaming has big ass smile on his face. Does not fully understand the whole concept of pregnancy other than another human will be born, so you teach him and answer all the questions he may have, and yes he has many silly questions. (He will totally ask questions like “Does it poop in your belly” 😂)
Would ask Sanji to make sure you are getting the food you need, and would have chopper constantly making sure your pregnancy is going smoothly.
Would be absolutely excited about buying the baby clothes but would have Nami or Robin with him to help him get the actual necessary supplies
Would be absolutely happy with either gender, just as long your baby is healthy and strong.
I feel like with anyone he meets, well the ones that are save to tell, he would boast about being a father. Would absolutely want ace to know 100%. (N if by following the anime, I feel like luffy would absolutely cry if you named the baby in the memory of ace)
Would spoil you with cuddles, would absolutely love to always have a hand on your belly just to feel your baby move.
Once in labor he would be by your side, letting you squeeze the hell out of his hand, while Robin is aiding chopper with the delivery and Nami is wiping away your sweat.
After you’ve had the skin to skin bonding and the first 24 hours with your baby. Luffy would have you sleep and rest while himself and the rest (Nami and Robin and Chopper) watch over the baby, as Sanji cooks some nutritional food for you and brook plays a soothing song.
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His heart is pounding the hell outta his chest and is in a shocked state, but once he has recovered he has heart eyes
I can imagine Sanji pick you up and spin you around and give you a loving kiss. Like this man is over the moon to know that he will father your child.
Will be at your beckoning call, he will get you anything you need, like he constantly wants you to rest and not harm your self.
Will cook for you all the nutritional foods you need and will of course make you all the cravings you may have.
Would absolutely gives you massages, back rubs, feet rubs he gots you, he wants you to feel as comfortable as you can throughout your pregnancy
I feel like Sanji would be the most educated in the concept of pregnancy and if very prepared for it. Sanji would ask chopper about your pregnancy, see how the baby is, how you are.
I feel like at some moments during your pregnancy Sanji would feel terrified at the idea of being a father what if he’s horrible at it..baby is absolutely scared.
Doesn’t care about the gender he just wants the baby to be healthy and absolutely filled with love.
Once your in labor Sanji is holding your hand while he’s wiping away the sweat on your face with a rag. Sanji is praising about how great you doing and that it’s almost all done.
Once your baby is out, chopper passes the baby over to Sanji, at this moment Sanji is in his own world looking at his son, with a few strands of blond and a smile just like yours, Sanji tears up as his son grips on his pinky. At this moment Sanji’s fears vanish and he knew that he would do anything in his power to be an outstanding father to his newly born son and can’t wait to grow old with you.
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This man is absolutely scared and can’t comprehend a little you or him is growing in you. Honestly he doesn’t think he deserves this much love from you or the idea of having a family with you. So the first 2 times I feel like he’d be kinda distant but only because he’s scared but absolutely craves the idea of being a family with you.
White beard would have a whole ass talk to ace about what’s to happen. Once understanding more ace looks for you to talk, but the moment he sees you in your shared room, how you’ve started to set up a nursery corner and humming while you slowly rub your growing bump. Ace feels at ease and filled with joy, he rushes over to you and hugs you while tearing up.
Ace would say how much of an idiot he’s been and will now be here for both you and the baby, how he’ll push through his fears and wants to begin a family with you.
From that day on ace has always given you cuddles, love, would always go fetch you your cravings and has always accompanied you to ship’s doctor for your pregnancy check ups.
I feel like you both would learn together about the pregnancy and how to better be prepared.
Gender doesn’t matter either to him, as long you and the baby are healthy.
Once on labor ace would be by your side as you grip on his arm, as he’s absolutely concerned for your wellbeing, but once the baby is out and you have a whole sigh of relief he has also calmed, looking at the his daughter he notices his freckles scattered on her little face, feeling so much joy for his little girl ace uses his powers to warm his body temp to sooth the baby as he hands her to you, so you could have your skin to skin bonding moment.
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Man is utterly shocked, he can’t process it and fear sets in, he’s not ready, so the only logical thing he can process right now is to leave, and that he did.
Today marks one month since he left, the exact same day you’ve told him the news about becoming a father. The day you became completely alone, it’s been barely 30 minutes since you got home from you doctor check up, the baby is growing smoothly and is healthy.
You hear a knock at your door, opening the door your are confused until you look down until you see him, Shanks is bowing down fully to the floor slightly shaking, through sobs he tells you he made such a huge mistake and that he wants to fully be with you and the baby.
Angry that now he shows up but also very emotional cause of the hormones you kneel down to him and cry and he hugs you, you want him back but the day he left you so did your trust in him, so you tell him that you just can’t with out the trust.
Understanding you shanks does absolutely everything to win back your trust and that he did, after 6 months you two are absolutely happy together again. I feel like he’s the one who build the nursery room and has read up on pregnancy to better learn and take care of you.
Shanks loves to hold your belly and kiss it while talking to the baby, he always brings you snacks and foods you may need.
Once again doesn’t care about the gender as long the baby is healthy, but would absolutely adore to have a little girl
Once you’re in labor shanks is absolutely sweating, he’s watching you then the doctor then back to you, but the moment he hears the crying he look’s directly at his daughter who has his hair color, shanks is full on crying now not believing that he almost gave up the chance of watching his daughter grow.
Giving you the baby so you can have skin to skin bond he hugs you and kisses the top of your head and whispers to you, “I’m never going to leave and I will protect you and our daughter”.
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tempural · 2 months ago
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Started with this B/W sketchbook drawing. Got inspired by the look of the sketchbook spiral on the side, cuz it looked like film notches. Made me think of x-ray scans. Ended up doing the whole medical route on the final drawing.
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Coloring method was mostly pressing the "invert" tool to turn the canvas black. Then painting red/yellow with gradient maps. And then drawing the glowing blue lines, as well as typing the "medical" text, on an "add" layer.
Spoilers and long head canons and unlicensed medical talk under the cut.
The text reads:
Near total body disruption from explosive decompression
Complete dermal vascular system collapse
Severe radiation poisoning
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state
Muscle and bone cachexia
Single eye rupture
Chronic obstructive pulmonary
Testicular rupture
Severe leukopenia
Itchiness and dry eye
Administer intravenous therapy and catheter
Support neck and spine
Change bandages as supplies last
Orally administer paracetamol for pain
Turn and reposition patient every 2 hours to prevent bed sores
Create relaxing enviroment
Listen attentively to understand emotional state
Allow time for exercise and meditation
Encourage positive thinking
Brush teeth
Administer mouthwash
Of course none of the treatment is actually good. In the game itself, you give him paracetamol (TYLENOL) for pain haha. So I thought I'd go along with the bad medical advice. Including that universal medical advice you get to do "exercise and meditation" if you are in a bad mood :)
I think I spent about as much time looking up the medical stuff (specifically things in relation to explosion damage and radiation damage - thinking of the Byford Dolphin Incident as well as Hisashi Ouchi) as I did with the coloring! We don't know what exactly happened with Curly, but I'd just guess with my lack of medical knowledge that the ship crashed, something exploded, and he was exposed to intense radiation.
Realistically he wouldn't be surviving with the level of medical care they have available on the ship, so I drew a couple things I thought would help him... namely the IV and catheter haha. Also thought it'd be a fun time to introduce my favorite headcanon to gift cute characters: the gift of genital nullification. Yes, I drew this mostly to show off my not-buff and no-pp headcanons!!!!
I like Curly with no skin, no muscle, no hair. It's ok if he had those before. I probably wouldn't draw him "recovered" with perfectly functioning prosthetic limbs and magically regrown vocal cords and sexy 8 pack abs. That's just me. He could get a wheelchair, perhaps some sort of eye controlled assisted communication like Stephen Hawking (but Curly doesn't seem to be able to control his jaw or cheek?).
Thinking about ~da dystopian future~ and what support he would even get? His job ain't gettin him anything :P He doesn't seem to be in the sort of society with universal healthcare, they'd drain his savings and then put him in a dark room with a nurse that turns him over once every 24 hours... Well, that's if they find him. I think he's staying frozen for 20 years and then melting like Walt Disney once the power runs out.
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aynavaano · 3 months ago
Good boy
Kinktober ‘24 - face sitting/submission
Hunter × F!reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 2k
Summary: You're part of the Bad Batch for a while and the tension between you and Hunter is about to snap.
Notes: This is the first time writing sub!Hunter and I have to credit @bring-backup-99 for making me fall in love with the idea of Hunter subbing. This fic is also meant as a little gift for you, for treating us so well to now already over 50!!! chapters of Bad Choices, I hope you like it. Tags: mutual pinning, sub! and simping Hunter, face sitting, oral f receiving. This is one of a few shorter fics I wrote for Kinktober. If you have any special kink and clone you would love to see, my requests are open.
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It started innocently enough - fleeting glances, soft smiles exchanged when no one was looking - but it wasn't long before the tension between you and Hunter became impossible to ignore. He was always there, watching you with that quiet intensity, the unspoken need burning in his eyes. It drove you crazy, the way he hovered close, always attentive, always trying to make sure you were safe and taken care of.
But it wasn't just his protectiveness that got to you.
No, it was the way he looked at you.
Like he wanted to devour you. And that face - his strong, sharp features, that jawline, and his nose. The way his nose curved, slightly prominent and perfectly shaped. You couldn't stop thinking about it. How it would feel pressed between your legs, grinding against you while his mouth worked you over.
You'd fantasized about riding his face more times than you could count, imagining his tongue buried inside you, your hands tugging his hair while you used his nose to rub yourself to climax. His face, especially his nose, just looked so... rideable.
And the way he practically worshiped you with his eyes every time you were around, you knew he wanted it too. He seemed so desperate to please you.
Today the ship was quiet, the others out on a supply run, leaving just you and Hunter alone with not much to do. It had been a while since the two of you had been alone, and the silence between you had grown thick during the last hour, filled with the weight of your unspoken desires.
Hunter paced around the ship restlessly, pretending to do repairs. You watched him from your seat, biting back a smile at how worked up he was getting. He’d been trying to hide it for weeks, the way he looked at you, how his gaze lingered just a little too long. But you saw through him — you always did.
Finally, he stopped, running a hand through his hair he took a deep breath.
"I can’t do this anymore," he admitted, voice rough with frustration. His eyes were pleading, searching for any kind of relief.
You raised an eyebrow, acting innocent. “Do what, exactly?”
He turned to face you fully, swallowing hard before speaking.
“Pretending that there’s nothing happening between us. That I’m not thinking about you every damn second and slowly loosing my mind.”
The vulnerability in his voice made your heart skip, but you didn’t let it show. Instead, you crossed your legs slowly, watching his eyes flicker down to the movement, and you saw how his throat bobbed as he swallowed again.
“And what do you expect me to do about that?”
His shoulders tensed, you could see how hard he was holding himself back.
“Anything. Whatever you want,” he said, almost breathless. “Just—" He paused, his voice dropping into a desperate whisper, "I need you.”
You leaned back, allowing the power to shift in your favor. The way he looked at you, so raw and needy, sent a wave of heat through you. You had him exactly where you wanted.
“You need me?” you repeated slowly, savoring the way he hung on your every word.
Hunter nodded, his eyes wide, waiting, like a man on the edge, desperate for permission.
“Please,” he rasped.
You took your time, letting him sweat under your gaze.
A smile played on your lips as you stood up, moving toward him, savoring the way his breath hitched with each step. You stopped just inches from him, looking up into his beautiful golden brown eyes.
Hunter let his hands slide up your sides, gripping you like he was afraid you'd slip away.
"Want to see you fall apart for me," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear, inhaling your scent.
"Want to taste you," he breathed out, the words tumbling from his lips with no hesitation.
The thought sent heat straight to your core, but you didn't plan on making it easy for him. You leaned back, looking into his eyes, enjoying the way he seemed so desperate for your approval.
“Then get on your back,” you said softly, watching the way his body tensed with anticipation, his eyes widening at the command.
“And take off your shirt”
He hesitated for only a second before obeying, stripping the top part of his blacks and lying down on one of the bunks, his eyes never leaving yours. His chest rose and fell rapidly, the anticipation making him tense in every part of his body.
You’ve seen him topless before but he looked even better now, so eager for you, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on his caramel skin emphasizing his tattoo running down his chest and you noticed he was already sporting a prominent bulge. His blacks did a poor job at hiding it and you had to bite back a groan. The outline of his cock looked promising.
His broad form was sprawled across the narrow mattress, hands resting casually behind his head and his dark brown locks were slightly tousled but there was a tension in his jaw and the barely-restrained hunger in his gaze was impossible to miss.
You started by pulling your shirt over your head, your skin tingling under his intense stare. His breath hitched, though he stayed silent, watching.
You teased him, unbuttoning your pants slowly, sliding them down inch by inch until they pooled at your feet. Hunter shifted, his eyes trailing down your body.
Your fingers reached behind to unclasp your bra, letting it drop to the floor. The weight of his gaze was almost too much to bear, heat building low in your belly as you felt exposed in the best way.
Finally, you hooked your thumbs into the sides of your panties and slipped them down your legs, standing before him, completely bare.
Hunter didn't move right away, but the look in his eyes said everything - pure, raw need.
You relished the way his eyes darkened with desire, his control slipping as he took in every inch of your exposed skin. The cold air of the Marauder’s ventilation made you shiver, your nipples hardening from the sudden chill. It felt good to have such an effect on him.
With one step you closed the gap between you and reached behind his head to loosen his bandana. Before he could react you snatched it and with one swift motion you ran it through your soaked folds and threw it to the floor.
"Kriff," he growled dangerously, sitting up, reaching for you. "Please…"
“Please what?”
"I want you."
The desperation in his voice, the way he hung onto your every word, made you bolder. You pushed him back down and climbed onto the bunk, straddling his chest, your knees on either side of his head. You could feel the tension radiating off him, his hands hovering near your legs but not quite touching.
"Is this what you wanted?" you teased, leaning down slightly, your pussy hovering just above his mouth.
You could feel the heat of his breath on your skin, his anticipation building with every second but not daring to touch you, not yet.
"Yes," he groaned, his voice thick with need.
His nose brushed against your inner thigh, and you shivered, your body responding to the feeling of his sharp features so close to where you wanted him. And you would get there, but you wanted to drag this out, make him wait a little longer.
“Such a beautiful pussy", he whimpered.
You couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to grind down on him, to ride his nose and make him watch as you used him for your own pleasure.
"I know you've been thinking about it for weeks, devouring me with your eyes", you murmured, running your fingers through his thick, curly hair, tugging slightly and earning a moan from him in return.
"Yes," he gasped, his hands twitching at his sides, "…been dreaming about it too... please, I need you."
“What is it that you want Hunter? Use your words.”
“I want you, want to touch you…to taste you, want to bury my cock in your pussy…I…I…anything…just let me make you come”
“So desperate” you said softly, “If you’ll be good Hunter, maybe I’ll let you fuck me. But first…”
You smiled, your heart racing as you finally lowered yourself onto his mouth, feeling his lips part eagerly and he licked a slow, deliberate line up your folds. His tongue was hot, wet, and perfect, and you let out a shaky breath as the sensation sent a jolt of pleasure through your body.
"Just like that," you whispered, your voice trembling slightly.
Hunter groaned against you, his hands finally coming up to grip your thighs, holding you in place as he devoured you like a man starved. His tongue flicked against your clit, teasing and circling as he sucked and licked, his nose pressing firmly against your mound. The feel of it, the pressure of his nose grinding against you as he worked his tongue deeper, was everything you'd imagined.
“Good boy”, you whimpered and earned a moan from him in return.
You started to move, grinding your pussy down against his face, riding his tongue and nose as he eagerly took everything you gave him. His moans vibrated through you, and you could feel how much he loved this - how much he loved being used, being under you, pleasing you, worshipping you with his mouth.
"Yes," you moaned, lewd sounds falling from your lips, your fingers tightening and tugging his hair as you moved faster, feeling the tension coil tighter in your core.
"You're doing so good, Hunter... so good for me."
His grip on your thighs tightened, his breath coming in heavy pants between licks as he worked harder, desperate to make you come.
"Please come for me," he mumbled, his voice barely audible against your wetness. "Please... let me make you fall apart."
The sound of him begging, his tongue buried inside you, his nose grinding perfectly against your clit - it was delicious. Your hips moved faster, chasing your release as you rode his face, using him for your pleasure. You could feel the tension in your body snap, your orgasm crashing over you as you ground down hard against his mouth.
“Don’t hold back mesh’la, make a mess of me”
"Fuck, Hunter," you gasped, your body trembling as the pleasure surged through you, wave after wave of ecstasy. You could feel him groaning beneath you, his tongue continuing to work you through your orgasm, drawing out every last bit of pleasure.
Before overstimulation settled in you pulled back slightly, still high on dopamine and out of breath. When you peeked down at him he looked absolutely beautiful. His face was glistening with your juices, his lips and chin soaked from devouring you. His eyes were half-lidded, his expression completely blissed out, like he'd just tasted heaven and couldn't get enough.
Your thighs still shook around his head when you slowly came down from your high and lowered yourself onto his chest. You leaned back reaching for his cock, he felt good, big and with a nice girth, you shuddered thinking about how good he would fill you, but you were pulled out of your thoughts when your felt something wet. You glanced down, surprised to see a dark stain spreading across the lower part of his blacks, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he panted beneath you.
He'd come.
He'd come just from eating you out.
You smirked, sliding off of him, watching as he blinked up at you, his cheeks flushed, his lips swollen and glistening with your arousal. You settled in beside him resting your head on his chest.
"Looks like you enjoyed yourself," you teased, brushing a hand over the tip of his cock and the wet spot on his pants. Hunter groaned, slipping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. You nuzzled his neck with your nose, he smelled heavenly.
"I couldn't help it”, he admitted, his voice rough. "You're just... you're so everything I ever wanted."
You smiled, leaning up to kiss him softly.
“Who would have thought you could be so obedient, Hunter”, you murmured against his lips, letting your fingers trail through the soft hair on his chest.
"Maybe next time... I'm going to ride you properly, I bet that dick is going to feel so good."
His eyes darkened, a satisfied smile curling at the edges of his lips.
“Give me twenty minutes and I’ll show you what that dick can do.”
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willtheweaver · 10 months ago
‘Something’s not right’ writing prompts
•’Last time I checked, horses had flat teeth and only two eyes.’
• The hotel was only three stories tall. So why does the elevator go to the twentieth floor?
•The lights in your living room come on when you flick the switch. The only problem? The storm knocked down the power lines and the company said it would take a week to get the electricity back on.
• ‘These trees have eyes.’
‘They’re aspen. They only look like eyes. But they are just scars leftover from where there were branches.’
‘Then why did one just wink at me?’
•Character is in hiding. They have someone deliver supplies to their remote cabin every Monday. It’s Tuesday, and the delivery is 24 hours late.
•You just hooked a 12 ft. long shark. You also are fishing in an artificial lake, completely landlocked, and with no connection to the sea.
• “I heard you were having an open house today. May I come in?” Said the well mannered gentleman who did not cast a shadow.
•You run out to the fairy ring deep in the forest. When you get there, all you find is one very confused walrus.
•With its walls made of matte black stone, lack of windows, narrow hallways with body sized niches, and musty smell of decay, the building didn’t look like a hospital. It looked like a tomb.
•Closing time at the Cairo Museum. The security guard escorts the last few stragglers out. From one of the display cases comes a voice.
“Thank Amun-Ra for that. Those last few tourists were so annoying, trying to claim that my great temple was the work of extraterrestrials.”
•Character looks up at the sky. They see the words Are you sure you want to delete this file?
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cathkaesque · 1 year ago
Statement on Israel’s Use of Starvation as a Weapon of War in Gaza by the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Palestine
For five days, Israel has attacked Gaza with the aim of total destruction, and the situation is at an unprecedented level of urgency. Israel’s actions have amounted to a humanitarian catastrophe of unfathomable proportions. At the time of publication, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reports 1,055 martyrs and approximately 5,184 injured.
Israel has declared a total warfare stance on Gaza, imposing a ruthless blockade that denies over two million Palestinian residents of Gaza access to electricity, water, food, fuel, medical supplies, and any humanitarian aid. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant explicitly stated this strategy on 9 October 2023, saying: “We are imposing a complete siege on [Gaza]. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel – everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly.”
Israel’s deliberate use of starvation as a weapon of war demands the international community immediately respond with unwavering urgency and resolve.
Israel is indiscriminately decimating hospitals, schools, mosques, markets, and entire neighborhoods. Further, Israel threatened Egypt that it would bomb humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza, prompting Egypt to withdraw its aid convoys. The Rafah Crossing into Egypt, the sole international exit from Gaza, has been bombed by Israel three times in a 24-hour period. This calculated assault severs Gazans’ only means of escape from ceaseless bombings or access to essential humanitarian aid. With Israel cutting off Gaza’s source of electricity, the only source of power was the Gaza Power Plant, which has just run out of fuel. In the case that it receives more fuel, Israel has threatened to attack the plant.
Israel’s assault is deliberately destroying any infrastructure that allows Gazans to support themselves. Vital agricultural and fishing infrastructure, crucial for food production, have been mercilessly attacked. Fisher folk cannot access the sea, into which sewage is spilling. The seaport is damaged, and tools are obliterated. Farming areas, often near the fence, have become vulnerable targets in Israeli airstrikes, and farmers whose land has not been destroyed cannot access it for daily agricultural practices. The Ministry of Agriculture reports that the bombing has done immense damage to agricultural areas and poultry farms, but the conditions make it impossible to precisely assess the situation in the field. There is a catastrophic decrease in food stocks, with shops across Gaza reporting severe shortages. The land and sea will face unimaginable environmental damages following these attacks, further preventing efforts to rebuild livelihoods.
Israel’s strategy aims to ensure that those who survive the bombs are condemned to a future without sustenance.
OCHA reports that the assaults have disrupted the UNRWA food operation, impacting at least 112,759 families. The poultry and livestock sectors are on the brink of collapse due to the severe shortage of fodder, endangering the livelihoods of more than 1,000 herders and affecting over 10,000 producers. This jeopardizes the provision of animal protein and the availability of meat and fresh sources of protein for Gaza’s entire population. Transportation of poultry to markets has virtually halted, and dairy cattle milk cannot be refrigerated nor marketed to factories, resulting in an expected daily spoilage of 35,000 liters of milk. More than 4,000 fisheries are at risk due to the closure of the sea. Gaza’s agriculture, poultry, cattle, fish, and other products are suffering from a lack of refrigeration, irrigation, incubation, and other machinery due to electricity cuts, causing spoilage.
Israel’s use of these tactics is not new by any means. Before Saturday, around 65% of the Gazan population was food insecure. More than 46% of the agricultural land in Gaza was inaccessible, and the fishing industry was severely struggling since fishing off the coast of Gaza has been restricted by Israel to 3 to 6 nautical miles.
Food insecurity is a human-made crisis, and Israel is manufacturing a mass starvation of the Gazan people.
It is the moral and legal obligation of the international community to intervene and end this crisis immediately. Food, as a basic necessity, must be allowed to reach the people of Gaza, and the deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure must cease without delay.
We call upon the international community to take immediate action to stop Israel’s massacre of the Gazan population, demand the lifting of the siege, and establish humanitarian corridors for entry of aid.
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fickle-fixations · 1 month ago
Do you ever just have your brain turned to absolute mush by a character and then you hear a concept and then your brain just smashes the two together for no apparent reason? Yeah.
Behold my first completed and published """"work"""" in years:
Imagine being a manager at a strip club, where Anselm only has eyes for you
warnings: inaccurate depiction of sex work, mention of public sex, me being out of practice/bad at writing, possible poor characterization of Anselm bc he's so hard to hear and there's so little to go off of
Special thanks to all the Moon Knight/Oscar Isaac writers on Tumblr who introduced me to him, especially @iolaussharpe-24
Anselm is bored one day and goes to a strip club with his men
He’s not really into the strippers
You’re like the handler? Of the girls. You’re not in charge but it’s your job to take care of them - providing them with supplies they need, negotiating services like private dances with clients, roaming the shadows of the club and reporting patrons to security when they engage in untolerated behavior
You notice Anselm hanging back, sipping a drink and politely shoo-ing girls with a wave of his hand, as his men revel in the performances
You knew his type. The way he felt no need for attention in a place designed to give men attention. He was a man who wanted for nothing.
You strike up a conversation with the man
“It’s not often we get one of you in here - someone who’s not interested in the dancers. My girls are the best in the city.”
Anselm had to admit, the club was very high class and the girls were putting on quite a show, but he just wasn’t interested
“I’m a powerful man miss,”
you offered your last name
“Miss L/N. If I wanted women all over me, I would have them. I would have any woman I want.”
 He went on. “I simply felt incredibly and uncharacteristically generous tonight and decided to indulge my men.”
He gestured to the group of men, all in black suits, who were crowded around the main stage
You were starting to see dollar signs in the glint of the colored lights as it refracted in his whiskey glass. You were going to turn this man into a regular client
You leaned against the arm of the seat next to him
“That is quite generous of you, but I’m still surprised you’re not having any fun for yourself, even if it’s not with them, Mr?” 
“You can call me Anselm.”
“You know watching isn’t cheating, Anselm.” you smiled playfully. There had to be another reason he wasn't throwing money at the girls himself. No one could resist your girls. “I take it you have someone special back at home?”
He grinned, more like a predator bearing its teeth than a smile
“No, I don’t Miss L/N, but like I said…”
He looked you up and down, his gaze lingering on your hips. You’d never seen a man look with so much lust at a woman in a button down shirt and dress pants while in a room full of naked women.
He continued, “I can get anyone I want.”
You tried to move past the comment and make conversation with him. You talked for about an hour. You hadn’t meant to ignore the rest of your job and spend that much time on him, but he was fascinating, in a way. You spent much of the conversation listening to him tell you funny stories about his men and how incompetent they were. His stories were accented by some tangents about his obscure interests, and some remarks about current events in the city, about which he would ask your opinion and listen attentively. Any passerby who didn’t know you might have thought the two of you were on a date - the way you laughed at his anecdotes and seemed intrigued by nearly everything he said. You were caught off guard when the topic shifted to you and he asked you some questions about your work. Even your longest standing, high-class clients had never even thought to get to know the person who supplied their entertainment. It made you suddenly realize you weren’t on a date, and had work to get back to. 
You stood, and took a business card from a small case in your pocket
“It’s been lovely chatting with you, Anselm, but I should go and check on the girls.”
“Ah, of course. And likewise, Miss L/N.”
You offered your hand for him to shake, but he just took it lightly in his own for a moment and nodded before letting go.
“I hope we’ll be seeing you and your men back here soon.” you said, and handed him your card. 
He tucked it into a pocket on the inside of his suit and patted it gingerly.
“Yes,” he said, “You’ll be hearing from me.”
He called you two weeks later, asking if you offered any in-home services for private parties. 
You’d been surprised to hear from him directly. You hadn’t expected him to call at all, and high-rolling clients usually had assistants make such arrangements for them.
You told him the price and the rules, including that some members of your own security would have to be present. 
He didn’t hesitate at the price, and said that he would deal with his men himself if they got out of line, though he eventually consented for you to have two of your security staff present “Only because I like you Miss L/N.”
At the party, he again paid no attention to the dancers, or even his guests, and just sat talking with you in a corner, away from the lights but close enough that you could still keep an eye on things
“Are you sure you don’t want a drink?” 
He’d asked about three times now, and you again reminded him that you were working and couldn’t
“Well we’ll just have to do something about that, won’t we? How about we get a drink tomorrow, without all these lovely ladies present. You can leave Miss L/N at home; I would like to get to know [your first name].”
“I’ll check her schedule.” you said, keeping your professional tone though you couldn’t fully stop yourself from smiling
“I have a feeling she’ll be free, Miss L/N.”
He rose, and walked behind where you sat, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Like I told you,”
He leaned down until his beard brushed your cheek and you felt his warm breath on your ear as he whispered: “Anyone I want.”
After your first date you couldn’t get enough of him, and he seemed to feel the same, as he hired your girls several more times in the next few months, holding extravagant parties and spending an overwhelming amount of money, seemingly just to spend time with you.
After a few of these parties you made arrangements to take your own car the next time he hired you.
That night you wore a dress that was shorter and had a lower neckline than usual. It was still all black, to keep you out of sight in the shadows.
“The entertainment is here, Mr. Vogelweide.” one of his staff told him
He turned to greet you, but as soon as he saw you he froze. He in-took a sharp breath, his posture straightening, and his mouth opened ever so slightly on its own accord. He rarely got to see you in anything besides your very conservative outfits, which were designed to not pull any attention to yourself that could be going to the dancers. 
He placed a hand on the small of your back as he walked you further into his home.
“I didn’t realize clients were allowed to see you like this, Miss L/N.” he said in a hushed tone
“It's only because I like you, Mr. Vogelweide.”
When the last of the girls were leaving, Anselm rose to walk you out, but instead you went to the bar and got a drink.
“I thought you couldn’t drink while you were working.”
“I’m not anymore.”
"You little minx."
From then on, his hands didn't leave your body for the rest of the night
You soon ended up on his lap, instead of your usual place by his side, with his hands roaming your thighs and his face buried in your neck as you played with his hair.
“I hope your other clients… don’t get… this kind of service.” He said, his words punctuated by kisses along your neck
Your hand cupped his cheek, guiding him away from your neck, and smiled, shaking your head before you leaned in to kiss him.
Throughout your career at the club, you’d worked almost every night because you didn’t trust anyone else to watch out for the girls, which left you with little time to spend with Anselm outside of his parties. After he had hired your services a few more times you had eventually been able to convince the owners to promote one of the dancers who wanted the job to be your second. The exorbitant tips that Anselm left after every party didn’t hurt your case.
Now that you had her help, you spent most of your free nights with Anselm. And most of those mornings. And many of your days.
He invited you into his world; his secret kingdom within this city, whose reach stretched throughout the world
When you found out what he did for a living, it didn’t much faze you, and you knew that was because you were so blinded by your love for him. You could deal with the moral implications in hell. 
He rarely threw his extravagant parties anymore. He had never much liked the parties themselves, only the woman who came with the hired entertainment. 
The few times he did, it was for the thrill of taking you, as you sat on his lap in that shadowy corner that was fully yours now, just like he was. It was where you had spent so many hours in conversation - where he had first given you his heart.
I may get rid of this later and make it better but idk it really made me feel like posting something for once
thanks for reading 😘
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halfbakedideas · 1 year ago
The full list of rules the Bat Family has, for both their civilian lives and their night lives.
It gets a little out of hand. Just a little.
A.P.: Alfred
B.W.: Bruce
D.G.: Dick
C.: Cass
J.T.: Jason
T.D.W/T.D.: Tim
S.B.: Steph
D.T.: Duke
D.W.: Damian
No tampering with any of the coffee machines. —A.P.
Master Tim is to be limited to a maximum of two shots of caffeine every 24 hours. —A.P.
‘Dealing with Damian’ is not a valid excuse to ignore the above limit. —B.W.
Only regular-strength coffee is to be kept in the Manor at any time. —B.W.
Not even after off-planet missions? —T.D.W.
‘At any time’ includes after off-planet missions, Tim. —B.W.
No speedsters and/or Kryptonians are to bring in any as an ‘emergency supply’ —B.W.
Master Bruce is banned from having any coffee at or after 12 a.m. —A.P.
Not even decaf? —B.W.
Why would you even bother drinking coffee then? —T.D.W.
Mayonnaise is not to be put on hamsters. —T.D.
Lucius has threatened to quit if it happened again and he sees it. —T.D.
Rule 11 applies to non-Family members too. —B.W.
Master Jason is not to bring any guns into the Manor. —A.P.
Not even the rubber bullets one? —J.T.
Especially not that one. —A.P.
Hugs are mandatory. —D.G.
Proposed revision: Hugs are recommended. —D.W.
Proposed revision: rejected :D — D.G.
Glitter is to be kept and used only in designated areas. —A.P.
The ballroom is not a designated area. —A.P.
Neither is the kitchen. —A.P.
Vigilante uniforms are not to be worn nor taken into the Manor. —A.P.
I am not allergic to emotions. —B.W.
Proposed revision: Bruce is allergic to emotions. —J.T.
Proposed revision: rejected. —B.W.
Nor am I emotionally constipated. —B.W.
Green hair dye is banned from the Manor. —D.G.
In all shades but especially neon. —D.G.
Excluding Bruce, attendance at galas isn’t mandatory. —C.
Except for the annual Wayne Foundation one, attendance at that one is mandatory for everyone. —B.W.
For every missed gala, you must make one (1) public appearance in that same month. —B.W.
A ‘public appearance’ does not include a trip to Walmart. —B.W.
No more murder attempts, Damian —T.D.W.
Proposed revision: Murder attempts are allowed on Drake. —D.W.
Proposed revision: rejected. —T.D.W.
No poison is to be put in hot chocolate. —A.P.
Why does that even have to be a rule?? —D.T.
Dick is to be kept away from any and all redheads. —J.T.
Including the one that he is currently dating. —D.W.
Whenever I ask any of you to bring me one of the spare Batsuits, I never mean the rainbow one. —B.W,
It’s Vigilante Bingo not Trauma Bingo. Stop being so concerning. —D.T.
If you’re up before 8 a.m. and you wake someone else up, you have to take their worst patrol shift. —T.D.W.
Only Alfred and Jason are allowed to actually make anything in the kitchen. —B.W.
Shower as soon as you get back from patrol. —A.P.
Just because you got cuddle pollen’d, doesn’t mean the whole family needs to be. —S.B.
Richard is not allowed to pick the movie for Movie Night. —D.W.
Unless Movie Night falls on the 29th night of February. —D.W.
Everyone has to clean their own rooms, do not make Alfred do it. He already has enough to do —B.W.
No going into each other's rooms without permission or a valid reason. —B.W.
‘For a prank war’ is not a valid reason. —B.W.
Rule 50 especially applies when the person is sleeping, Damian. —T.D.W.
A minimum of three people have to go with Alfred to do the grocery shopping. —B.W.
The BatComputer is multi-million dollar equipment and is not to be used to watch movies. —B.W.
No tie-dying your siblings, or their clothing, three hours before a gala. —B.W.
No using books as balance beams. —J.T.
Looking at you, Dick. —J.T.
No going to Jason for help with math; you must come to me. —D.G.
Ladies do not start prank wars, but they can finish them. —S.B.
So beware :) —C.
Stop doing monumental things in the hallway because I don't need to see that. —D.T.
Remember: I have POWERS. —D.T.
No stealing Damian's art supplies. —D.W.
If you do, I will disembowel you. —D.W.
Master Damian, no disembowelling your siblings. —A.P.
Cookies are to be eaten before dinner ^-^ —C.
Cookies are not to be eaten before dinner, unless one is recovering from a life-threatening injury. —A.P.
Does that mean I can eat cookies before dinner since I lost my spleen? —T.D.
YOU LOST YOUR SPLEEN????????? D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: —D.G.
Seconding. —S.B.
Thirding ^-^ —C.
Tt, of course, you have lost a major organ and failed to tell anyone. —D.W.
I will disembowel more of you if you touch my art supplies. —D.W.
Damian, you can't take more of Tim’s organs. He can't regrow them. —B.W.
He can if it's his liver —J.T.
Damian, you should take out part of Tim's liver so he can regrow it and then sell it on the black market and get rich. —S.B.
He's already rich, though. *raised eyebrow* —D.G.
Then he’ll get richer. —S.B.
Are we all just ignoring how Tim doesn't have a spleen now? —D.T.
That's how things work here. —J.T.
Bedtime for anyone under 16 is 10 p.m. on non-patrol nights; and 2 a.m. on patrol nights. —B.W.
12? —D.W.
10. —B.W.
11? —D.W.
10.30. That’s final. Or you have to take Condiment King next time he makes trouble. —B.W.
Tt. Fine. I will accept 10.30 p.m. —D.W.
Toasters are not to be taken out of the kitchen. —A.P.
‘For science’ is not a good nor valid reason, Master Tim. —A.P.
No dye is to be put into the pool. —B.W.
Just because we have the money to replace the tiles afterwards, doesn’t mean you should do it. —B.W.
No climbing on the Tyrannosaurus rex statue in the Cave. —D.W.
Pizza-store pizza is only to be brought into the Cave under specific circumstances. —A.P.
If pizza-store pizza has to be brought into the Cave, please use a napkin. —A.P.
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