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#Fresh Start This day is a new beginning for me, and I embrace it with enthusiasm! No matter what has happened in the past--no matter what #crisis or disappointment occurred one moment ago or a day, a year or a decade ago--I can make a fresh start today. #23GG I begin by letting all thoughts and beliefs that do not contribute to the well-being of myself or my loved ones fall away. With a fresh start, I embrace all that enriches me in mind, body and spirit. #Aware of my Creator, and aware of myself as a creation of God, I see myself and all others in the light of divine love. This love blesses my relationships and #activities. With Spirit guiding and inspiring me, I am on my way to a new life that is #waiting for me. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-74u0LgYYB/?igshid=1p1byr04bttgh
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Экономика. Франция предлагает ЕС фонд восстановления на 150-300 млрд евро в год в 2021-23гг -- документ
Париж предложил Еврокомиссии выпустить облигации для финансирования фонда восстановления Евросоюза в размере около 150-300 миллиардов евро в год в 2021-23 годах, согласно предложению Франции, с которым ознакомился Рейтер. source http://news.digest.zone/ekonomika/franciya-predlagaet-es-fond-vosstanovleniya-na-150-300-mlrd-evro-v-god-v-2021-23gg-dokument.html
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#Clear #Vision I establish #peace, #love and #abundance in my #thoughts and in my life. #Just as I may allow clutter to #accumulate in a #closet or drawer, I may allow thoughts and feelings to accumulate in my heart and mind. Some of these thoughts may be useful, but some may be error thoughts that crowd out space for new ideas #23GG #Today I do not delay the task of #looking and seeing with #clear #vision #what #is #true and what is error. I hold my thoughts up to the light of the #Christ within me and claim only those thoughts that resonate peace, love and abundance. I discard and clear out any thoughts of fear, lack, disease or unworthiness. Clearing frees me. By establishing peace, love and abundance in my thoughts, I allow #God's good to fill my mind and heart. #Create in me a clean heart, O #God, and put a new and right spirit within me.--Psalm 51:10 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzonfKOg7BH/?igshid=1q5i57vanecb2
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#Clear #Vision I establish #peace, #love and #abundance in my #thoughts and in my life. #Just as I may allow clutter to #accumulate in a #closet or drawer, I may allow thoughts and feelings to accumulate in my heart and mind. Some of these thoughts may be useful, but some may be error thoughts that crowd out space for new ideas #23GG #Today I do not delay the task of #looking and seeing with #clear #vision #what #is #true and what is error. I hold my thoughts up to the light of the #Christ within me and claim only those thoughts that resonate peace, love and abundance. I discard and clear out any thoughts of fear, lack, disease or unworthiness. Clearing frees me. By establishing peace, love and abundance in my thoughts, I allow #God's good to fill my mind and heart. #Create in me a clean heart, O #God, and put a new and right spirit within me.--Psalm 51:10 https://www.instagram.com/p/Btw9SQ0AkXu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9kjudjkyf35v
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#Clear #Vision I establish #peace, #love and #abundance in my #thoughts and in my life. #Just as I may allow clutter to #accumulate in a #closet or drawer, I may allow thoughts and feelings to accumulate in my heart and mind. Some of these thoughts may be useful, but some may be error thoughts that crowd out space for new ideas #23GG #Today I do not delay the task of #looking and seeing with #clear #vision #what #is #true and what is error. I hold my thoughts up to the light of the #Christ within me and claim only those thoughts that resonate peace, love and abundance. I discard and clear out any thoughts of fear, lack, disease or unworthiness. Clearing frees me. By establishing peace, love and abundance in my thoughts, I allow #God's good to fill my mind and heart. #Create in me a clean heart, O #God, and put a new and right spirit within me.--Psalm 51:10 https://www.instagram.com/p/Btw5a_CgSgV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7degxc2uwd90
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I do not Own Music Rights.. Yet SOUL rights.. To Angeles!!!#Clear #Vision I establish #peace, #love and #abundance in my #thoughts and in my life. #Just as I may allow clutter to #accumulate in a #closet or drawer, I may allow thoughts and feelings to accumulate in my heart and mind. Some of these thoughts may be useful, but some may be error thoughts that crowd out space for new ideas #23GG #Today I do not delay the task of #looking and seeing with #clear #vision #what #is #true and what is error. I hold my thoughts up to the light of the #Christ within me and claim only those thoughts that resonate peace, love and abundance. I discard and clear out any thoughts of fear, lack, disease or unworthiness. Clearing frees me. By establishing peace, love and abundance in my thoughts, I allow #God's good to fill my mind and heart. #Create in me a clean heart, O #God, and put a new and right spirit within me.--Psalm 51:10 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJWxQmA9yS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x37rme3y7z68
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#Zeal I enthusiastically accept my good and go forward to achieve my purpose. My good comes to me in ways too numerous to count. Opportunities abound as I keep my mind, heart and vision #focused on God. With each opportunity comes the chance to do something meaningful, to be of service to others or to follow through on a #divine idea. #23GG #As I pursue the desires of my heart, #all I need is provided. I have the energy, the will and the #clarity to accomplish that which is calling me. I move forward in faith, and let God #do through me all #that is mine to #do. With #God as my guide, I am joy-filled, enthusiastic and excited about my life. I know #that all things are possible for one who believes, and with God, #I contribute in #positive and #powerful ways. #Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, #serve the Lord.--#Romans 12:11 https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWtFx2ggBN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mnjlltz4yg6z
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#Emergence #I am continually emerging as a #unique expression of God. A photographer carefully places a negative in a tray of developer and gently washes the liquid over the undeveloped picture. #Gradually, colors begin to appear and shapes come into focus until the finished product emerges from a seemingly blank piece of paper. #23gg I am #continually #emerging--#coming into #focus as a perfect image of #God. I allow the spirit of God to #wash over me and reveal the colorful expressions of my #life: #joy, #peace, love, #patience and kindness. #The #true #me #emerges with each act of #forgiveness, each prayer of thanksgiving, each loving thought. As the picture of my life comes into focus I become clearer to myself and to others. I am the #presence of #God in #expression. When God created the heavens and the earth, #the earth was a #formless void.--Genesis 1:1-2 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bph9flAHxL7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12gwk207ueiw7
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#Innovate New solutions are #revealed to the challenges at hand. As the saying goes, "Necessity is the mother of invention." When supplies #appear limited, it is our nature to become inventive.During the #Great Depression, women used scraps of old fabric to make quilts and rag rugs--keeping their families warm and their feet cushioned. #23GG #God has given us the tools to outwit any dilemma. Seeing a challenge in a new light, I approach it differently and find a creative solution. To #prepare myself for innovation, I take a #moment to acknowledge my blessings, such as the love of family and friends, #physical health and my own mind and creativity. New ideas flow freely when I am #grateful and open to the inventive good that lies ahead. #23rdbirthday #From this time forward I make you hear new things, hidden things that you have not #known.--Isaiah 48:6 https://www.instagram.com/p/BpRTAfUApxO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2jj2hempq1ab
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#Giving I give the gifts of Spirit to people in my community. #Just as I cultivate my relationship with #God, so I can cultivate my connection with others. This, too, is part of my spiritual path. In the vast network of people I know, I have an #opportunity to give of myself spiritually. I think of all the people who might appreciate my patience, #gentleness, acceptance, understanding, generosity and more. #23GG #God has given these gifts freely to me, and I am blessed as I pass them on to others. I vow that, starting today, I will reach out to the #people #in my #network. #I wit5#pray #for #them and show up with thoughtful help at the right moment. The love I give will be the love I receive. Together we can move through any challenge with God and each other. #This #is #my #commandment, #that #you #love #one #another #as #I #have #loved #you.--John 15:12 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnu2clSlgNc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mupsq5kzf0j0
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#Relationships I #am blessed #by the people #in my life. I interact with many people #each day, from friends, family #and co-workers to sales people, fellow drivers and #passersby. While some #relationships #may not seem especially significant, they provide opportunities for #me to #positively #impact the #lives of #others. #23GG I might #be the only one #to show another person #kindness or consideration today. A simple #caring #gesture or acknowledgment can bring light to their day. I !choose #my words carefully and let my connection with others be #a blessing in their lives #and mine. We all share this life experience together. #1LOVE Through my #relationship with others, I also #nurture #my relationship with God. Because God #is in all, I #choose to #see #God #in all #people #So then, whenever we have an opportunity, #let us #work #for the good of #all. #Galatians 6:10 @yellabeezy214 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnohke3HSNz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e3g4xxa996o1
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#Zeal I enthusiastically accept my good and go forward to achieve my purpose. My good comes to me in ways too numerous to count. Opportunities abound as I keep my mind, heart and vision #focused on God. With each opportunity comes the chance to do something meaningful, to be of service to others or to follow through on a #divine idea. #23GG #As I pursue the desires of my heart, #all I need is provided. I have the energy, the will and the #clarity to accomplish that which is calling me. I move forward in faith, and let God #do through me all #that is mine to #do. With #God as my guide, I am joy-filled, enthusiastic and excited about my life. I know #that all things are possible for one who believes, and with God, #I contribute in #positive and #powerful ways. #Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, #serve the Lord.--#Romans 12:11 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9t-N8gjEY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l53k06uzwyk1
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#Zeal I enthusiastically accept my good and go forward to achieve my purpose. My good comes to me in ways too numerous to count. Opportunities abound as I keep my mind, heart and vision #focused on God. With each opportunity comes the chance to do something meaningful, to be of service to others or to follow through on a #divine idea. #23GG #As I pursue the desires of my heart, #all I need is provided. I have the energy, the will and the #clarity to accomplish that which is calling me. I move forward in faith, and let God #do through me all #that is mine to #do. With #God as my guide, I am joy-filled, enthusiastic and excited about my life. I know #that all things are possible for one who believes, and with God, #I contribute in #positive and #powerful ways. ♏❗ #Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, #serve the Lord.--#Romans 12:11 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9AuPEARo3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8qycvuvl66of
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#Divine Order. My life is balanced and in order, and all is well. Like the ebb and #flow of the tides, my life is balanced and in order. Though at times storms may arise and waves may crash against my shore, I know they are temporary. The #storm will #pass. #Order will be restored. The challenge will be resolved. Again I will experience serenity like that of the rolling tides--gently washing in and out from the great ocean depths. #23GG I am part of the grand design of the Universe, and even the difficulties in my life have purpose. If I wonder why a particular challenge #has shown up, I can instead ask myself, What is the #best way to respond? What can I learn about myself from this? Every #experience offers a lesson or a gift. My life has purpose and order. #The good person out of the good treasure of the heart #produces good.--Luke 6:45 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo57HX5gOY6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5hm3dvolciz0
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#Love My life #is a reflection of the love of God. When Jesus spoke of love, he used one of four words. Translated into Greek they are: storge to describe familial love, philia to describe love for a friend and eros for sensual love. The word he used most often, though, was agape--#God's love--the highest form of #love. #23GG God's love is my foundation, the source from which I draw my strength, and the power that enables me to live #each day in an awareness of God's presence. I may experience many types of love, but it is agape that gives each experience meaning and substance. #When I pray for others, I express agape. When I #rest in God's presence, I experience agape. God's love #empowers and completes my #life. #nomeat #Now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.--1 Corinthians 13:13 https://www.instagram.com/p/Boq4k2BAVI9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dk7ehi8jqrlt
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