#22 year old slave girl
jabbaandslavecarley · 2 months
Lady Revan, Queen of the Sith turned Dark Side Bikini slave
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Revan unmasked
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I like to play KOTOR as a Female cause I thought would make Revan more darker, I would also play the Dark Side ending More.
Story behind this
After leaving Canderous to die in the Outer Rim, Revan crashed on Na Shadda, she was brought before Vogga the Hutt, stripped of her robes, lightsaber but was allowed to keep her Mandalorian mask, Hood and Cape, she was made to wear a skimpy Golden metal bikini that revealed most of her body, her former lover Meetra Surik was captured too and made a Bikini Slave as well, now together they embrace their new lives, Marrying Vogga and made his wives and Queens of the Hutt Empire.
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cakelitter · 2 months
Between Me and You Major Leon x Fem Reader !one shot!
summary: Leon catches feelings for new apprentice
content: slight NSFW, mentions of masturbation, age gap, reader is 22, death island Leon
words: 2.2k
a/n: longest one I've written so far, don't really plan on it being a series but we'll see. Not my proudest work though.
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It’s October 7th, one of the many days that Leon dreads. Why? Cause a new batch of trainees come waltzing through the doors of the DSO after applying to be here. Why is that such a big deal? Cause he was assigned to be their major, their coach, their superior, whatever you want to call it. You can write that title in a cursive font in pink and decorate it with pretty bows and pearls and he’d still fucking hate it.
Seeing these eager young men and women willingly sign themselves up to work in this field is practically suicide. Most of them walk in here wanting to be a cool agent the way they are portrayed in shows and movies, you know blowing shit up, saving the day and picking up a hot new chick on the way. Bullshit.
The process of becoming an agent is usually the training period which takes about 12 to 15 months, then when the trainee is ready they get sent to sign the DSO contract as the final step of the way. Reality is, the minute that contract is signed and you are assigned your first mission, is the minute that most trainees realize what they signed up for. Pain, suffering, and restless nights are all part of the job. Most rookie agents regret going down this path but by then it would be too late to turn back, not like that’s an option.
Every year it’s the same song and dance, he argues with the higher-ups over this position the same way he did 6 years ago, and of course he never succeeded at winning those battles. “The DSO’s Golden Boy” more like their bitch, his only way of escaping this hell is to reach the age of retirement, or maybe they’ll keep slaving his old ass till his heart eventually gives out only to be replaced by someone else 20 minutes later.
The sound of his boot’s echoes through the hallway as he makes his way to the gym where this year’s victims await. His hand holds the folders of trainees for this year which he never bothered to look through beforehand, why ruin the surprise? The door opens and he is greeted by a sight he’s seen too many times, trainees standing in a straight line waiting for him. He takes a deep breath and walks in.
“Sorry for being late, had a few things to take care of”
The tension in the room only seems to increase as he starts making his way to the first person in line while opening the folders. He checks the name enlisted then looks at the face of the person in front him, studying their face and body language before making mental assumptions of whether this person has it in them to make it to the finish line, a game he likes to play to make things more fun, for him at least, and so far each year he always guessed it right.
Everything is going the way it normally does, nothing out of the ordinary till he reaches the last person in line. A girl’s name, interesting hadn’t had a female trainee in a while, that’s a way to spice things up for this year. He looks up from his folder to your face.
You poor thing.
Puppy eyes looking up at him is an understatement, how could such a sweet thing as you end up here? You’re pretty, a little too pretty actually. Shoulders tensed, hands fidgety, lips practically trembling, this process must feel so scary for you. The light coming from the nearby window alluding your soft features, you just might be the most angelic thing he’s ever seen and you’re expected to kill bioweapons? Your lips look so- he’s staring. Fuck.
Your tense expression turns into a confused one as he studies your features before snapping back from whatever planet he was on and walks away to stand where he could be seen by everyone before beginning to give them the same speech he gave to hundreds before them.
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Two months have passed since then and he would be a liar if he said you weren’t the one catching his eye the most. He assumed your elimination would be easy, l mean look at you, you look like you don’t have it in you to kill a fly. But he fell for the oldest rick in the book and did the biggest mistake of underestimating his opponent, you managed to pass your first monthly evaluation with flying colors, and still doing great so far. Sure, you have some weak points, but you excel in knife skills and defenses.
He watches the way you behave, your expressions, movements, your habits, you’ve become more of a lab rat to him to analyze, a cute rat at that though, maybe a guinea pig. What the fuck is he even talking about.
Albeit he spent the past two months studying you, you still manage to make moves leaving him perplexed on how you even managed to think about that. It’s like you have a trick up your sleeves each time that he genuinely can’t predict. You manage to take on men twice your size and come out unscathed, then without fail, after each match you win, you give him that stupid smile which is full of pride and that screams  “Did you see that!”
You’re so desperate for his approval it’s adorable, the way your face lights up when he compliments your strategy and technique, the way you memorized and learned some of his signature moves and incorporated it into your work, and the way you take note of his comments and work on improving your self instead of throwing a tantrum like the rest.
Ok fine maybe, perhaps, possibly he has favorites, but someone like you surely deserves the special treatment. So what if you did a mistake that could’ve gotten your entire team killed? So what if you were 15 minutes late a couple of times? Would he have lost his shit of someone else did that? No doubt, but it’s you so it’s fine.
He knew that he had a problem when once you were going up against one of your fellow trainees and they ended up going too far and hurting you, he almost kicked him out of the program on the spot. The injury wasn’t severe, a cut on your thigh, nothing a few bandages couldn’t fix, a wound that he decided to treat himself when there is a whole infirmary upstairs...
“Does it hurt?”
“Squeeze my hand if it burns too bad”
“It’s okay, you’re okay”
Is all he can remember whispering to you, as tears brimmed in your eyes from the burning sensation of the alcohol making contact with the open wound. Afterwards you were limping like a kicked puppy for a couple of days. Maybe if he kissed it better it would’ve healed faster? Get a grip Kennedy.
Once you had a knife move you were struggling with so he offered to spend a few hours extra to help you with it. He demonstrated the way it’s done but you still got it wrong, so he walked behind you grabbing your hand which in turn was holding the knife. His back was pressed against yours as he bent down a bit to reach your level making his mouth dangerously close to your ear. The calloused skin on his hand was juxtaposing the soft one on yours while the scent of your shampoo filled his nostrils, his voice was husky as he spoke softly to you as if you were made out of glass.
“You need to do it more swiftly, no need to be so stiff with it.”
You nodded eagerly, as he guided your hands once more. In the past 6 years of training, he has never even once spoke this sweetly to one of his apprentices before, hell he never even offered spending extra time after his shift to help them.
“Got it?”
“Yes, major.”
Yeah, he jerked off after that. Felt extremely guilty afterwards, he could hear Claire’s voice calling him a creepy old man, a crib robber, disgusting, the list goes on, before chopping his dick off. Like there is only a 16 year old age gap it could be worse… That’s a sentence he never thought he would say.
He sat on his couch staring blankly, you’re giving him a mid-life crisis without even knowing it. And so he made the decision of pushing you away, that means no longer letting you get away with things by simply batting your eyelashes at him, no more giving you extra praise, no more giving you extra attention. And you know what, for the first 3 days he was doing great, treating you like the others and being the major he’s supposed to be from the beginning, cold and professional, just like the man that trained him. The look on your face when you flashed him your bright smile and he didn’t reciprocate like usual made him want to die right then and there, but it had to be done.
Everything was going according to plan…that was until he was in his office doing paperwork when you knocked on his door asking to speak. You walked in and sat on the chair in front of his desk as he watched you.
“Major, is everything okay?- Like did I do something wrong?”
He took in a deep breath and sighed, how is he supposed to tell you why he’s doing this?
‘No, I just have a massive crush on you at my prehistoric age’ this is getting ridiculous.
“No, why would you think that?” Playing dumb, a classic.
“Well ,I don’t know, you just seem like you’re upset with me. Is my performance lacking?
God, you’re dense, totally clueless on what’s going on, either that or you’re also playing dumb and now you’re both clowns in this circus, except this circus sucks and it’s also on fire.
“No no, you’re performance is fine I just uh-“
You tilt you head to the side raising your brows a bit.
“I’ve just been having a couple of rough days is all, you can go back now.”
You nod and smile before thanking him, he nods back and smiles slightly and just like that you leave. Great job Leon, congrats on coming up with the worst lie in history and sending your self back to square one. He doubts that he even thinks anymore when he’s around you, maybe he should get put down, that way hopefully in his next life he can fall in love with someone his age, have a kid or two, and work a normal nine to five job.
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A couple months have passed since that day, and his feelings for you are still going strong. You had him on his knees every night praying- no, begging god for the ability to simply move on, when the last time he stepped into a church was back in high school. Do you have that effect on every person that has ever liked you or is it just him that’s losing his moral compass?
He’s now sitting in a meeting room with the higher-ups as they discuss the status of the trainees so far. Being completely honest, he isn’t even registering a word they are saying till he suddenly heard your name being said and that was enough to draw his attention. They are now discussing you.
“We’ve been looking recently at her performance and she’s doing great. Isn’t that right Mr. Kennedy?”
“You can say that yes, but there is still some improvement to be done in some departments”
“Well, her skills are certainly developing very quickly considering the short period she’s been here. We’re considering giving her another week or so before considering her ready. Some other organizations have also seen her files and performance and are actually requesting her to transf-“
“She’s not ready”
His voice interrupts one of the higher-ups. Transfer? Leaving the program? A week? He won’t see you anymore?
“Training period should be a minimum of a year and she’s only been here for six months. I-”
“That’s not up for debate Mr.Kennedy. We already made our decision.”
You’re more than ready, he knows that. He simply just doesn’t want to accept the fact that you’re gonna be gone soon. You’ve just recently started getting closer to each other, spending some time alone practicing together, you’ve gotten so good at combat you’re almost as good as him. He even starting telling you some of his stupid jokes.  And now you’re leaving? He’s been so distracted with what he was feeling and forgot about how your time together is limited, that one day you’re going to leave to do what you always planned on doing. He’s in too deep and doubts that he’d be able to move on easily, but at the same time he can’t just confess.
The more he thinks about it the more he realizes how much this situation is a lose-lose no matter what, he can either, never tell you and watch you walk out that door, or he could tell you and have you be absolutely disgusted with him and then walk out that door. Unless… no, no way.
He lets these thoughts marinate in his head as he decides his next move. And a few days later, he decides to bite the bullet and tell you. He’d never forgive himself if he found out later on that he had a chance but lost it. And so as you were walking down the hallway you hear a familiar masculine voice call out to you.
“My office, we need to talk”
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sneakerguybln · 11 months
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22 year old bisexual Massimo is living as a slave since three years. He's owned by his personal trainer Martin and Martin's husband Andreas. Massimo met Martin as he was in search for a personal trainer after he turned 18 and wanted to shape his body.
He couldn't afford to pay the training so he offered Martin sexual services after Martin had told him that he's living in an open gay relationship. Martin accepted that offer if he'd serve Andreas, too. Over the time of a few months Massimo became their toy boy. It seemed to be a strange group: The 18 year old Massimo who stopped having sex with girls as Martin and Andreas took over his life. He enjoyed it. Martin was 40 year old man at that time and very well trained. He was a physiotherapist but moved on and made his money as personal trainer and hypnotherapist. Andreas was 24 at this time and worked in a PR company. He knew Massimo for some time as Andreas's younger sister was the first big love of Massimo. She broke his heart with Massimo's best friend.
One month before Massimo's 19th birthday the couple married and they chose him as one of their best men. Before the marriage they offered Massimo to move into their house to do house sitting while they were on their honeymoon. Massimo accepted. Their condition was that Massimo has to wear a chastity device over that time. He reluctantly accepted. And that he won't bring a woman into their house while they encouraged him to sleep with other guys. With the chastity device it wouldn't be clever to pick up a woman, Massimo thought. They even told him that a friend has interest in fucking him but he could choose if he want fucked or not. They had already given the guy Massimo's number. Massimo accepted after he realised that the guy was well trained.
After the honeymoon Martin and Andreas started to finish off Massimo's independence. Massimo had got a deep trust into them. They offered him to be their slave in his free time while they pay his time at university. He had to cede control over his daily life to them, including gym routine and nutrition. He could live for free with them and didn't have to pay for food and so on. On his 19th birthday he signed a slave contract for one year.
In this year Martin and Andreas made Massimo's dependency deeper and deeper - not only his economic dependency but his mental dependency too. And then the hardest plan for connecting him to them started without him knowing. They let him made a full laser depilation of his crotch area - one thing he always wanted as he hated the hair always. On his 20th birthday he signed his new - now permanent - slave contract.
It was based on his one year contract but included an article about distribution of Massimo's income when he's earning money. The money is split between a pension fund for Massimo, an monthly allowance for Massimo and a sum for the couple to cover their expenses for Massimo.
Another new article was about body modification. It was Massimo's idea and this was totally in the couple's plan. Massimo ceded the right to do body modifications too Martin and Andreas. They included in his contract that he has to undergo a vasectomy within the first two weeks after he signed the contract. Massimo wasn't keen to get children and signed the contract. Three days later he had an appointment at a doctor and it was the guy he serviced sexually while his owner's honeymoon. He never realised that he paid off for his own vasectomy with sex.
Two weeks later Massimo and his owners went to a tattoo parlour. Massimo got that day his first two tattoos. On the back of his neck: "La mia vita è servizio" (My life is service.) and just over his dick in his smooth pubic area: "Vasectomy - 23 Nov 2021 as sign for his submission to his two masters Andreas and Martin".
As Massimo read the fresh ink over his dick it was the first time he had regrets. But Martin was manipulative enough to take away all regrets from Massimo.
Martin and Andreas decided to develop Massimo's tattoos. They started with the legs and are now on the back. As Martin as a big fan of mythology his "half" of Massimo's body shows stories from greek mythology. Andreas's half is mostly blackout with a few geometrical elements. So his entire left leg is black as his left arm will be later. Massimo will change - without a way back. He's wearing his chastity device 24/7 and had jerked off the last time at the doctor for a sample to check wether his vasectomy worked or not. The size of the device was decreased over the time and now Massimo has only a tiny nub. Since that day Massimo's dick was only touched by Martin and Andreas with latex gloves and he hadn't felt human skin on his dick.
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You're spreading the old "Dalai Lama had slaves' lie to justify CCP genocide against Tibet. And also we haven't forgotten the disgusting anti-black remarks you made about Haile Selassie.
"In old Tibet there were small numbers of farmers who subsisted as a kind of free peasantry, and perhaps an additional 10,000 people who composed the “middle-class” families of merchants, shopkeepers, and small traders. Thousands of others were beggars. There also were slaves, usually domestic servants, who owned nothing. Their offspring were born into slavery. [16] The majority of the rural population were serfs. Treated little better than slaves, the serfs went without schooling or medical care. They were under a lifetime bond to work the lord’s land — or the monastery’s land — without pay, to repair the lord’s houses, transport his crops, and collect his firewood. They were also expected to provide carrying animals and transportation on demand. [17] Their masters told them what crops to grow and what animals to raise. They could not get married without the consent of their lord or lama. And they might easily be separated from their families should their owners lease them out to work in a distant location. [18]
As in a free labor system and unlike slavery, the overlords had no responsibility for the serf’s maintenance and no direct interest in his or her survival as an expensive piece of property. The serfs had to support themselves. Yet as in a slave system, they were bound to their masters, guaranteeing a fixed and permanent workforce that could neither organize nor strike nor freely depart as might laborers in a market context. The overlords had the best of both worlds.
One 22-year old woman, herself a runaway serf, reports: “Pretty serf girls were usually taken by the owner as house servants and used as he wished”; they “were just slaves without rights.” [19]"
-Friendly Feudalism
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100 Random Prompts
1. “I fucking hate you, but I don’t hate fucking you”
2. "I get so hard when I'm around you. I've tried fucking other people and pumping my cock every night and yet my body craves you."
3. “How did you manage to hurt your hand this badly?” “Well I’ve never punched someone before, I didn’t realise how hard peoples faces are.”
4. “I love you and I hate you all at the same time.”
5. “Yeah, sometimes I get sad, but then I look into your beautiful eyes and it’s all better.”
6. “You like when I call you ‘princess’? Will you be my good little princess?”
7. “If you do this, I’ll show you my boobs”
8. “Has the fire revealed any secrets in the 15 straight minutes you’ve been staring at it?”
9. “Please don’t leave.”
10. “I’m here, it’s okay, no one will ever hurt you like that ever again”
11. “Guess we’re the only two idiots in the whole city stupid enough to go to a museum in the middle of a thunderstorm”
12. “You deserve to be looked after.”
13. “Give me a kiss, and everything will be alright.”
14. “I just want to die”
15. “We’ve got to hide!”
16. “Scream my name so everyone knows who fucks you this good”
17. "I'm sorry." "You have nothing to apologise for, darling.”
18. “Bend over, slut”
19. “Ned i postog a nin, ni bant” (When you lie beside me, I am complete)
20. *gets insulted* “aawww thank you.”
21. “Le i velethril nîn” (You are my love)
22. “A warrior out there, but in here, in this bedroom, you’re nothing but a little weak whore.”
23. “I just feel so drained.”
24. “What happened to you to make you so wise?”
25. “If I’m being mean to someone, I’m probably flirting.” “Is that why you’re always mean to (character)?”
26. “Thiol vae” (You look good)
27. “I just did it to make you jealous.”
28. “Stay nice and still for me, baby, just like that. Let me take care of you.”
29. “You know you sure do have a lot of teeth for someone so stupid.”
30. “They do realise I can understand what they’re saying, right?”
31. “Would you like to dance with me?” “only if you don’t get upset if I accidentally step on your foot”
32. “Fuck, I need you so bad!”
33. “I think it’s best I leave”
34. “I’ll never forget you.”
35. “How clever of an insult, and how quickly you thought of it. Very surprising for someone so dim witted.”
36. “I’m not afraid. Please touch me.”
37. “Of course you can stay.”
38. “I wish you well.”
39. “Come down here so I can kiss you!”
40. “Fuck, turn around for me, princess.”
41. “No gûn annin” (Bend over for me)
42. “You look so lovely on your knees, sweet boy.”
43. “You’re so pretty”
44. “What’s that?” “Trinket, I like trinkets”
45. “You deserve nice things”
46. “Our sweet girls pussy is so tight!"
47. “Take your shirt off!” “Why?!” “Distract them from the pain!”
48. “Darling I’m (hundreds/thousands) of years old, that isn’t vintage/old to me.”
49. “I’m doing this because I want to and not because you told me to”
50. “You belong here, in my arms, forever.”
51. “You lied to me”
52. “Borrow my jacket, keep it nice and warm for me”
53. “You look so divine when you dance.”
54. “You look lovely, Y/N.” “Please don’t lie or pity me so.”
55. “Le vaethor veleg” (You are a mighty warrior)
56. “Ni am gin anin lû hen?” (Can I be on top this time?)
57. “Stop fucking swearing”
58. “aran vuin” (Beloved king)
59. “I hope you don’t mind.”
60. "Those for me, sweet girl?" "Oh! It was gonna be a surprise but yes, yes they are."
61. “I love when you wear a skirt/dress, it’s so much easier to fuck you like this.”
62. “Life doesn’t feel so bad when I’m with you.”
63. “You don’t know a thing about me!”
64. “I failed them! They died and I failed them! It’s all my fault!”
65. “You’re such a little thing, and we can have you anyway we please.”
66. “Trust me, Y/N! (Character) likes you!” “Don’t lie to me!”
67. “Baby, tits arent supposed to be perky and perfect. They’re supposed to be soft and natural and beautiful like yours”
68. “I’m not your servant, I’m not your slave, but you could be mine if you like.”
69. “I know we don’t know each other very well but I’m really sick and I need you to pick me up from work, please.”
70. “It’s alright, my love, don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out together.”
71. “No, stay. You’re warm and soft”
72. “Trust me, I adore you.”
73. “Avo dharo!” (Don't stop!)
74. “You know I could kill you if I wanted to.” “Do it then, I really don’t care.”
75. “I might be little but I can still kick your ass”
76. “I just don’t know if I can do this anymore”
77. “Of course I will serve you, my prince/princess/king/queen/lord/lady.”
78. “You wouldn’t know anything about this (character), but it’s exhausting being this gorgeous, and I need a lot of sleep.”
79. “Its real cold tonight. You wanna come over and keep me nice and warm?”
80. “That sounded dirtier than I intended”
81. “You don’t have to be alright, you know”
82. “How can I love myself, when I’m so draining to everyone?”
83. “Please! I’ve been such a good boy/girl!”
84. “You just want to be used so fucking badly don’t you, sweet thing?”
85. “Please! I was a fool and I can not apologise enough! Please y/n…. Please….”
86. “Do you need a hug?”
87. “Come on, princess, hop on my back”
88. “What you makin’?” “Chocolate cake. You wanna help?”
89. “Don’t leave. Please?”
90. “Why do you always annoy me so much?” “Coz you’re sexy when you’re angry.”
91. “That’s better, isn’t it? You just needed to be filled with my cock”
92. “That’s the cutest sneeze I’ve ever heard.”
93. “Istog an challas perian maer” (You do know what hobbits are the right height for)
94. “Oh fuck, sweetheart”
95. “I’ll punch you in your stupid face!”
96. “Tonight I will be the powerful warrior, and you will be the tiny mortal beneath me. You will worship and praise me like the goddess I am.”
97. “Aaaaww! Aren’t you sweet!”
98. “Hey” “*flirting* Oh, heeeyy” “No! Absolutely not!”
99. “You don’t scare me.” “Yeh, but I bet I turn you on.”
100. “Are you going by to be good for me?” “Ye-yes.” “Good girl. If you do behave I’ll give you a reward.”
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lawvno · 6 months
Oc Crew infos!
Captain: Mayflower "Coco" Indaco / 22 years old [art tag] Doctor: 'Princess' Miso / 19 years old [art tag]
Infos under the cut:
Mayflower Coco: Her name is Mayflower Indaco, Coco for short and for friends. However, Indaco is not her birth name. At birth she takes is given the name Daisy. She spends her early years jumping from ship to ship with her mother, Mayflower Bluebell a pirate with many favors to cash in. Mother and daughter spend most of their time apart. Despite this, little Daisy becomes more and more like her mother, from appearance to behavior. This routine lasts until she is 6 years old when Bluebell decides to foster her daughter with an old acquaintance, Hibiscus. Hibiscus is not a pirate; rather, she has a home and family on a quiet little island. Although she and Bluebell are named after flowers, her children's names are also named after colors: Liliac for the girl and Lavander for the boy. Bluebell, knowing this characteristic of hers, presents her daughter with the name of Indigo (Indigo) to make the whole process easier. The child, already heartbroken by her mother's decision to leave her on the island, takes this as a real betrayal and cease to recognize the name 'Daisy' altogether. Those who knew Bluebell cannot help but see her in Coco, raising in her a level of disdain for her mother. At 14, a sailor named Jaw lands on the island, the two become great friends and decide to sail away from the island together, forming a crew of their own. Coco's goal in life is to surpass Bluebell, so that people would would stop seeing her mother in her. 2 years later Coco finds herself eating the devil fruit Becha Becha, gifting her the ability to use the ink on her tattos in various ways.
Princess Miso: After spening much of her life as a Celestial Dragons slave, she is rescued by the crew thanks to a fortunate turns of events. She joins in as the last member. She does not have a true princess title, it's a ongoing bit amongst the crew to treat her as one, so far so that it has become her official title on her wanted poster.
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whumped-by-glitter · 6 months
Meet My OC's
CW: Institutionalized Slavery
this list is and evolving work in progress, hopefully I'll have pictures and additional bios soon.
The Characters:
Princess Annika Lynn Baltair (17): she is princess and hair to the throne of Tallis. Her mother was the youngest princess of Cadmus, as a result, her skin is darker than most Tallisians, closer to Dasa’s tone, she is about 5’4” tall. She does still have the same bluish undertone as well as their white hair and icy blue eyes. She also has wings like all Tallisians, white with hints of blue and silver. Like many 17-year-olds, she can be self-centered at times and a bit naive. She has a good heart, it just takes a bit to find it under the teenage attitude. It also does not help that her father spoiled her to a disgusting degree.She is initially very pro slavery, but eventually softens as she gets to know Dasa and gets to see what he goes through in his day-to-day life. She loves animals and is actually just a lonely, scared girl who doesn’t want the burden she was born into.
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Jarek Torbin (27): he is assigned as the princess’s bodyguard. He is tall at about 6’3” and built like a bear, with brown hair and lightly tanned skin due to drilling outside so often. He was in a special unit before being assigned to the princess. He joined the military underage, lying about his birth date, to get away from his drunk father and to attempt to restore his family’s honor. His father was the general of the king’s guard when Annika’s grandfather was king and was blamed and disgraced for the king’s poisoning by his oldest son. Because of that incident being indirectly caused by a Drar, Jarek absolutely hates Drar and believes they deserve to be slaves at first. He eventually becomes very protective of Dasa, even then he doesn’t necessarily flinch away from Dasa being hurt if it can’t be avoided since Jarek is very duty bound. He is also constantly having to patch up Dasa after his self-destructive escapades, so that kind of lowers his sympathy for Dasa at times as well. None the less, Jarek and Dasa do become best friends over time (and maybe more). Due to his time training, unlike most of his race Jarek has developed the ability to use two elements at once, his favorite being coating his fist with bits of metal and charging it with lightning.
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Dasa (22): Dasa is a quiet, very obedient Drar slave. He has shaggy black hair, and dark tan skin which his amber eyes almost glowed against. He stands about 5’8”, a little smaller than an average Drar male. This is due to the poison he is always taking, which also negates the quick healing Drar are usually blessed with as well. He was purchased at around the age of 2 when his master, Corvius, found out his childhood friend was trying for a child. He made Dasa consume small amounts of poison with every meal, working up a resistance to it, then as Dasa aged, he was taught to identify and neutralize them. Until he was given to Annika as a gift for her coming of age, he was actually never given a name, not even a temporary one like the other slaves Corvius trains. Instead Dasa was only called Dog or Mutt, or the like. Dasa is fiercely loyal and protective, due to a trauma he absolutely cannot tolerate seeing others hurt, which often causes him to take it on himself. Corvius was exceptionally hard on him and Dasa’s treatment growing up was definitely far worse than average, even at the hands of a noble, who are known among slaves for being particularly cruel. Dasa’s senses were developed more than most as a result of his training though, which makes him and amazing tracker, and although he is not as strong or tall as an average Drar, he is faster. He does have a few screws loose and a probably unhealthy fixation with broken bits of glass.
Corvius Atheris (47): Dasa’s first master. He was King Henrick’s childhood friend. He is about 5’6” tall, a tad shorter than Dasa, and often makes him crawl or kneel when the slave is near him due to the height difference and the amount of time Dasa is around him compared to the other slaves. he has silver-grey hair and piercing blue eyes, and the usual Tallisian subtle blue skin. He became distraught witnessing what happened to Henrick’s family, which is what caused him to start experimenting with poison. He killed 2 slaves by accident before successfully working up Dasa’s resistance. It was difficult because the Drar are so sensitive to toxins and magic, which Corvius theorized was why they evolved such keen senses in the first place. He is cruel and strict but not necessarily sadistic, his goal is to train functional slaves after all. His son, Balor, fiancée to Annika, however is sadistic and twisted, and Corvius often gives him too much freedom with Dasa.  
Taglist: @whumperofworlds, @wounds-seen-and-unseen
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Controversial origin of Halime Sultan
For many years the life of Halime Sultan had been a mystery. Not only her place of birth,but even her period in harem and tenure as Valide was unknown. Many thought the mother of Mahmud was killed along with him, some said she survived, but was banished. Even her Muslim name was unknown and was mentioned as fulane sultan for quite a long time, until it was found that she was called Halime sultan.
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Like almost everything about her life her origin was mostly a mystery, However today it is accepted that she was from Caucasia, particularly from Abkhazia. However, that doesn't make everyone clear about her ethnicity. Confusion mainly comes because the term "Abkhazian" might include several people: Native Abkhazians, who settled here in ancient times, there were two major tribes in Abkhazia ubykh-abkhazs(genetically closer to Circassians) and Georgian-abkhazs(almost genetically identical to western Georgians). However, the number of people in each tribe varied from time to time, however generally Georgian-abkhazians were more loosely-settled, mainly because during the rise of civilization during iron age,pre-classical and classical antiquity, when Abkhazia was part of first Kingdom of Colchis and then kingdom of Egrisi(lazica), both were kartvelian kingdoms, created after unification of native Kartvelian tribes that lived there, two kingdom covered teritories from todays Abkhazia to some parts of eastern Anatolia. Therefore, Georgian-abkhazs promoted that time. In 697, the kingdom of Egrisi devided, into the de-facto kingdom of Abkhazia from 697-780's and the official kingdom of Abkhazia from early 780's to 1008 that included not only modern Abkhazia,but whole teritories of modern eastern Georgia and parts of Turkey and Russia . The official language of the pre 780's kingdom was Georgian, was ruled by Georgian-abkhaz Nobel families and was almost entirely settled by Georgians. After the 780s it was even more dominated by Georgians and that was time, when on the territories of the modern days republic of Abkhazia along with Georgian-abkhazs and ubykh-abkhazs western Georgians actively started to settle. From 1008 to 1490's it became part of the united kingdom of Georgia. After the 1490s it was invaded by Mongolians and divided into western and eastern parts. That is a period when Circassians slowly started to enter Abkhazian territories. Now back to the topic, up until late sixteenth century Abkhazia was Georgian dominated land, in 1570's same time as ottomans, many Circassian tribes started infiltrating Abkhazia and unlike peaceful natives, started to invade homes of weakened Georgians and as a result during the climax of invasion in 1580-90's mass slave trade burst out and thousands of Georgian-abkhaz and mingrelian girls found themselves in ottoman slave market.
Halime sultan was born around 1568-70, therefore in 1580-90's she could have been anywhere from 10-12 to 20-22 years old, considering Mehmed III received his sanjak in 1583, Halime was likely gifted to him that or next year, at very least she was already favourite in 1586, so she was bought quite before that time. So perhaps she was freshly brought little Georgian in the Ottoman slave market? Everything in this theory fits, her age, statistics, fact that slave markets were flooded by Georgians suggest that when we say that Halime was Abkhaz, it means Georgian-abkhaz, not Ubykh-abkhaz and definitely not non-native Circassians.
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urcumslutgf · 1 year
hi hi <3 my name is lulu! welcome to my page. 20+ to interact (follow/like/rb), 21+ to interact and message <3 please read this post before interacting, and definitely before you follow/message me <3
if you are a minor (why are you on this side of tumblr!), or 18/19 and you are interacting, i will block you! it’s not to be rude but it is to set boundaries (also read people’s pinned posts!). if you’re 20 and messaging me, i will simply message you back to refrain from messaging me further! thank you <3
feel free to call me: lulu, babygirl, baby/babe, love, pet, compliments with cum (cumslut/cumwhore/cumdumpster). do NOTTTT call me little one, or little girl, or anything with little. huge big boundary.
couple things about me:
🏷️ 22
🏷️ Black
🏷️ agender and non-binary with THEY/THEM pronouns
🏷️ big tiddies, stomach, thighs, ass
🏷️ 5’5”
🏷️ very subby, very bratty
🏷️ into anyone who can use and abuse me (open to all genders)
and lastly and super important
🏷️ i am NOT your slave and i will not call you master/mistress
dni + limits
🏷️ i’m not opening any messages if your profile is boring and blank! too many messages come from men that message with no intention and just want to waste my time. no pfp, no response.
🏷️ NO MINORS OR 18,19 year olds ALLOWED! also please do not message if you are under 21! DNI if you are fatphobic, anti-Black, transphobic, ableist, homophobic, lesbiphobic, pro-ana/pro-ED, or a p3do.
🏷️ i will NOTTTT show my face on here, so don’t ask! i show my body from time to time but i won’t send any privately <3. if you want to see content like audios/photos/thoughts check the tags that start with urcumslut below! and also !! onlyfans.com/cocoaslutter
🏷️ no scat, no underage, no pets, no anal, no race play or any discriminatory play (misgendering etc).
for messages
🏷️ i will HAPPILY open messages from people who start messages with “hi lulu” or “hey whore” lol. i love conversing on here but don’t waste my time! be dirty, be consistentttt and be fun <3!
my interests (or as many as i can remember)
🏷️ bdsm, sub/dom, bondage, cnc, breeding (i just like the creampie effect … i don’t want a baby lol), choking, slapping, spanking
i can’t think of any more but i love kink and i have soft and alot of hard kinks. it’s better to ask what i’m NOT into lol (you saw the list above is short as fuck)
🏷️ okay that’s it! feel free to message me and send me dirty anons. i’m open to play time and also friends who wanna be mutuals!
🏷️🌶️🏷️as a disclaimer: i do not condone rap3 or kidnapping irl, just in kinks.
the bottom pic is me <3
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jabbaandslavecarley · 6 months
Jabba's pleasure Mandalorian Slaves Eaten by Tentacles
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Both of Jabba's Slave girls were taken to the Tentacle Pit to be Eaten, the tentacles came out of the rank water and devoured them making them both scream and squeak, as the Tentacles went under the two ex-Mandolorian's helmet to inject nero toxins into their mouths, they pulled Bo Katan and her fellow Nite Owl under to devour them more all while licking their outie belly buttons making them squeal.
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arvadthecursed · 10 months
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Miranda "Randy" O'Connell • 22 • she/her
Strength 3; Perception 5; Endurance 3; Charisma 10; Intelligence 8; Agility 4; Luck 7
I conceived of Miranda as a companion to a character in some future Fallout game. She's bi and would be romanceable :) but she's also very much so her own person.
Major major CW for her backstory, it involves the Legion and sexual abuse, slavery, suicidal ideation, etc.
She's supposed to have a large bull shaped brand on her left cheek, from her time as a Legion slave.
Miranda was born near the Colorado River in 2268. She had a relatively normal life, living with her parents at younger brother -- until the Legion arrived in 2280, killing her parents and kidnapping her and her brother.
Miranda was taken to Cottonwood Cove, separated from her brother. The young girl was placed with the other female slaves to be sold. There, she met a woman named Carla, who comforted the little girl in spite of their shared horrible situation. In the short time she knew Carla, Miranda grew close to her, until the older woman's untimely demise.
In the chaos that ensued after Carla's shooting, Miranda was snatched up by an older Legionnaire, and made into his slave. Miranda spent many years with the man, though she is unable to remember his name in the present day (2290). Unable to do anything but serve, Miranda's spirit was broken.
The Legion began to fall apart three years later, and Miranda's owner took her across the Colorado River. In the distance, she would sometimes see roaming traders, raiders, and settlers. For the first time since she was enslaved, Miranda thought about freedom, and how she craved it more than anything else.
When she was 16 years old, Miranda and her owner were staying at a small shack. She found a rusty knife out in the yard, and she realized that the knife was her only way out. She could stay with her owner, trapped, abused, afraid, and alone; or she could take her fate into her own hands. Miranda hid the knife under her pillow.
One night, her owner came home in a drunker stupor and demanded she service him. Seeing her chance, Miranda agreed -- so she could get close enough to earn her freedom. Getting onto the bed, Miranda feigned admiration. Then, she grabbed the knife from under her pillow and stabbed her owner to death.
Adrenaline rushing through her veins, Miranda fled into the night, not knowing where she was going or how she was going to survive. It didn't matter to her. If she died -- so be it. She would, at the very least, die free.
She finally collapsed outside of a small town, where a kindly super mutant named Jim took her to the local doctor and saved her life.
Miranda elected to stay with Jim, affectionately calling him "Pops" after a year of being relatively mute. The young woman managed to grow a small garden, and sometimes sells her flowers in Jim's general store.
Miranda has slowly opened up to her fellow townspeople, though it took more than two years for her to utter more than a few words to anyone who wasn't Jim.
Despite her horrific past, Miranda has remained kind-hearted and warm, truly believing in the goodness of others. She is quietly intelligent and has a strange, soft charisma that compels others. With a gentle word, Miranda can soothe or convince others of a cause. If one were to have Miranda at their side, they could pursue their goals through speech and conviction alone.
Her physical strength diminished greatly, and she is not particularly strong or fast, and she's not the best with a gun, usually missing her targets. Despite her lackluster physical performance, Miranda knows the plants of the Wasteland, making her useful with medicine and survival skills.
Still, several years on from her torment, Miranda carries a weight. She feels disconnected and lonely, and like her life means very little in the grand scheme of things; if she disappeared, she thinks, nothing would change.
My general idea was that she would be recruited by whomever, and she'd join the person ostensibly to "see the world." Miranda's true motivation, however, was that she was horribly depressed but "too afraid" to commit suicide, and she did not want to hurt Jim by killing herself. She secretly hoped that she would die in the Wasteland, taking care of her own problems while not being a burden upon the man who saved her life. Miranda also has complicated feelings regarding this, as she feels her suicidal thoughts are selfish, since Jim and the doctor tried so desperately to save her.
Gradually, she would come to see that her life does still have value, and there is goodness in her, too; she can take her goodness and make the world a better place. Miranda eventually comes to see that there is hope for her yet, and her story isn't over.
One of the goals is to find her brother, who she hasn't seen in a decade. Her brother was 8 at the time of their kidnapping, and was taken into the Legion and raised as a soldier. After the Legion's fracture, he fled east with a small group of his fellows. Eventually, Miranda finds him, and through her compassion and understanding, her brother turns his back on the Legion and swears to do better. He goes to Miranda's town and she arranges for him to become a security guard for the doctor who saved her. While it will take a long time to fully undo the Legion brainwashing, both Miranda and her brother are hopeful for a better future
Her last quest would be going to the Colorado River and planting one of her rose bush transplants there, to symbolize hope. While many of her fellow slaves perished, there was a hope and a fire in them that couldn't be destroyed by anyone, Legion or not.
Anyway that's Miranda, I put. Way too much thought into this and I love her so so much. I might try and write something for her here soon ...
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ae-neon · 1 year
Reading Throne of Glass (13-15)
You already know, if you don't, read the previous entries into this series.
Recap for the girlies who haven't read tog (this one's a little long cause it's the first but I'll include little recaps from now on)
Celaena Sardothien is an 18 year old assassin who has spent the last year of her life in a slave mine after being betrayed and arrested.
Training her to take part in the competition to become king's champion is Chaol Westfall - 22 year old captain of the royal guard.
The person who bailed her out is Dorian Havilliard - 20 year old crown prince of Ardalan. A charming prince with a rebelliousness that's putting him at odds with his father.
Dorian's father - Dorian Senior - is the King of Ardalan and lives in a glass castle. Ten years ago he burned Celaena's homeland to the ground as part of his quest to conquer the continent and all its kingdoms.
The world is inhabited by humans, faeries, Fae, witches, shifters etc. But somehow, 10 years ago, the King of Ardalan not only banned magic but actually erased it from the world.
Chapter 13
I like that Chaol is referring to Dorian by his first name, shows he's really relaxing around Celaena. He tells her she stinks but doesn't make fun of her vomiting after the run. When she asks questions, he answers without provoking her and they fall into easy conversation.
Chaol is, as usual, climbing the ranks by being a decent person. Future SJM will forget love interests can do that
The following dawn, (...) Chaol Westfall stopped short when he found the assassin dangling from the beam of the bedroom doorway, repeatedly hoisting herself up to touch her chin to the wooden bar. Sweat soaked her undershirt and ran in rivulets down her pale skin. She’d been exercising for an hour already. Her arms quivered as she lifted herself again. Though she might pretend to be in the middle of the pack, there was no reason to train like it. Even if every repetition made her body scream for her to stop. She wasn’t that out of shape—after all, her pickax in the mines had been heavy. And it definitely had nothing to do with her fellow competitors walloping her at the race yesterday. She already had an edge on them. She just needed it to be a bit sharper.
She didn’t pause her exercising as she smiled at him, panting through her clenched teeth. To her surprise, he smiled back.
I like when Celaena is who she says she is (the irony in this statement, lolol, but you know what I mean)
Also, Chaol's little actions are so attractive.
...a lovely lilac silk dress with pale pink lace accents and pearl beading. If anyone has Celaena fanart in these dresses please link or tag me
Kaltain Rompier!!!
The assassin would have grimaced, but she forgot all about Kaltain as her eyes fell upon her companion. It was an Eyllwe woman. Okay love at first sight
(for the girlies who haven't read the books, most of the slaves in the mines where Celaena had been are people from the country of Ellwye. They are black people.)
She was stunning, long and lean, each of her features perfectly formed and smooth. Her loose white dress contrasted with her creamy brown skin, and a three-plated gold torque covered much of her chest and neck. Bracelets of ivory and gold glimmered around her wrists, and her feet were sandaled beneath matching anklets. A thin circlet comprising dangling gold and jewels crowned her head.
The Eyllwe girl was a princess.
Not sjm tryna make Kaltain look racist just so Celaena looks good. Eww.
Chaol bowed low. The princess nodded... Form an alliance, my dear darlings
Celaena knew the name - she had often heard the Eyllwe slaves in Endovier boast of Nehemia’s beauty and bravery. Nehemia, the Light of Eyllwe, who would save them from their plight. Nehemia, who might someday pose a threat to the King of Adarlan’s rule over her home country when she ascended to the throne. Nehemia, they whispered, who smuggled information and supplies to the rebel groups hiding in Eyllwe.
Poor baby has the weight of the world on her shoulders. I wish the only black character wasn't saddled with the "save my people from slavery" plotline.
Celaena dropped into the lowest curtsy she could give without falling and said in Eyllwe, “Welcome to Rifthold, Your Highness.”
Princess Nehemia smiled slowly, and the others gaped. (...) “Thank you,” the princess replied, her voice low. “I imagine you’ve had a long journey,” Celaena continued in Eyllwe. “Have you arrived today, Your Highness?” Nehemia’s guards exchanged glances, and Nehemia’s brows rose slightly. Not too many northerners spoke their language.
What if...I immediately ship this????? (Also low voice Nehemia? I'm instantly seduced)
“What do you make of the castle?”
“It’s the most foolish thing I’ve ever seen,” Nehemia said, EXACTLY
Again, I'm not here for sjm making Kaltain racist just to make Celaena look good, idc
How do you know how to speak Eyllwe so well?” “I”—Celaena thought of a lie—“studied it for several years.” “You use the intonation of the peasants. Is that taught in your books?”
Again, things like this stand out to me so much because not only is it proof that sjm really fleshed out this world and story but also because it's stuff I personally found missing in acotar.
Trying to flesh out the mortal lands in my rewrite had me making languages and even realising that Nesta and Feyre would speak quite differently from each other given their education differences.
The languages or at least the dialects of "modern" humans should be indecipherable to Fae. 500 years is so so so long in language that two people speaking the "same" language would not understand each other.
Back to tog
“If I’m fortunate, I’ll only be here until spring. Unless my father decides that a man from Adarlan might make me a good consort, and then I’ll be here until that matter is settled.”
(...)“Whom would you marry? Prince Dorian?” But Nehemia just clicked her tongue. “That pretty boy? He grinned at me far too much—and you should only see how he winked at the other women in the court. I want a husband to warm my bed, and my bed alone.”
If anyone knows a Dorian and Nehemia political marriage au, let me know
"...in Banjali, the sun burns up everything. And my father’s river palace smells like lotus blossoms.” I want to go there
Nehemia looked toward a rain-splattered window. “Most of our books were burned five years ago, when Adarlan marched in. It didn’t make a difference if the books were about magic”—her voice quieted at the word, even though Chaol and the councilman couldn’t understand them—“or history. They just burned the libraries whole, along with the museums and universities . . .” A familiar ache filled her chest. Celaena nodded. “Eyllwe wasn’t the only country where that happened.”
Okay this is the perfect place to put what I've been thinking: During this talk with Nehemia, Celaena's disassociative habit has disappeared. She has done or said nothing vain, arrogant or distracting. She is being as genuine with Nehemia as she is with herself in her most contemplative moments. Meaning she feels safe.
"Now, most of the books we receive are from Adarlan..." This is called soft power colonialism and it's something the USA actively tries to do in Africa through textbooks.
I really like that Nehemia isn't a perfect, polished, model A princess on the inside. She's pouty and irritated and struggling and frustrated. So human. It's almost insane to think about where SJM is gonna take her.
My rebel princess.
Nehemia said, her eyes bright. “Peace be with you.”
“And with you,” the assassin murmured, watching her leave.
Nehemia and Celaena are Muslim. Ramadan Mubarak to those who celebrate.
After that, she’d sworn never to trust girls again, especially girls with agendas and power of their own. Girls who would do anything to get what they wanted. Sarah, girl, just say you hate women and go
Okay so the king has left on his mysterious journey without any of the guards Chaol suggested and without telling anyone where he's going. Very mysterious.
Not to mention the fact that a few of the royal hounds had gone missing, only to have their half-eaten remains found in the northern wing of the palace. HELLO WHAT THE FUCK
Celaena disparaging women who gossip. This is a friendly reminder that gossip empowers women in their communities, creates networks of information and literally saves lives. Gossip culture in the Philippines is one of the top reasons they have the least serial killers in the world. Know your neighbours, let them know you, know the dangers in your community, protect each other, gossip.
“I just prefer a certain type of woman.” it's me y'all, I'm Chaol's type
There was something great and deadly concealed within her, and he didn’t like it. It's trauma, Chaol, she's traumatized
Chapter 14
Celaena during group training: I will play the middle ground, just enough to not get dissed by Brullo and not good enough to get praise like Cain
Also Celaena: I hate Cain. No one pays attention to how good I'm doing in training. No one is telling me how perfect my form is.
Nox Owen from Perranth, which is in Terrasen where Celaena is originally from, I knew he would become an ally.
A large ring of black, iridescent stone glimmered on Cain’s finger... Isn't the gargoyle clock tower thing made from black stone too?
So one of the champions is found dead, ripped open, like the hounds I think. I know who, it's obvious, but whyyyy
Chaol and Dorian are childhood besties, cute. Chaol is from a place called Anielle by some Silver Lake that guards against "hordes" from the White Fang Mountains. (Cain is from here)
Celaena spends so much time thinking about how horrible the genocides committed by Ardalan are, she's literally living with trauma from it. But suddenly she's thankful the people of the White Fang Mountains were among the first wiped out 10 years ago so that Chaol and his people don't have to fight the "hordes" ...Sarah...
The kingdom of Eyllwe has Banjali. The kingdom of Ardalan has Rifthold and Anielle. The kingdom of Terrasen has Orynth and Perranth.
It's not that I'm overly impressed, it's basic worldbuilding really, it's that I'm actually flabbergasted at how she got away with doing nothing in acotar. Like how do you submit a blank map to an editor or publishing house and then even to readers and you're still taken somewhat seriously??
The manor in spring is called The Manor.
The court under the mountain is called Under the Mountain.
The land where mortals live is called The Mortal Lands.
The village where the main character comes from has no name.
On the fan wiki notable places in the mortal land include the barn in Feyre's village and the post office in Feyre's village.
The country shaped like the great British Isle is called Prythian (a name taken from another series but also) after the Welsh - Prydain - the name of the Great British Isle.
The island nation in the place of Ireland aka Hibernia is called Hybern.
The Continent in place of Europe is called the Continent.
I've done a post where I went through all of these lazy names so I won't go on but the icing on the shit show cake is always the Illyrian Steppes:
Steppes are a flat, un-forested grassland. The Illyrian Steppes are a forested, mountainous area.
Back to tog
Chaol has a brother, to whom he abdicated his title.
There was a ghost of a smile on his face as he watched the sky melt into a smear of tangerine. I suddenly understand how sjm brainwashes her readers into falling for these men, why is this so dreamy
Celaena had to break her own right hand to learn to swordfight with her left, she has been through so much. She doesn't need to be Queen, she needs to retire to a small town and get regular therapy
The actual first test is tomorrow. The competition is finally starting.
Chapter 15
Okay, so the first test is archery but all the sponsors are sitting up in the mezzanine, including the crown prince. One troll or criminal bought off by rebels or a scheming courtier could change the future of Ardalan with an arrow through Dorian's neck
They're making fun of the youngest assassin Pelor for not being strong enough to draw a longbow and he says he's more specialised in poisons. Brullo laughs.
Irl Giulia Tofana killed over 600 men in less than 20 years with poison she sold to their wives. She would never have been caught if one of them didn't rat her out.
Pelor is probably one of the most proficient killers in that room.
Celaena is surprised by Nox Owen's skill but he literally told her he was better at archery than knife throwing during their practice. Poor information retention on her part.
Cain has to be on something. We're given the impression the men from the White Fang Mountains are brutes but he's basically a super soldier.
Celaena is upset and goes in on the archery, doing best in the hardest shot, showing off a little even though she knows she shouldn't.
It's interesting how sjm plays with Celaena's arrogance. It's not actually arrogance at all. Celaena is bothered when she isn't recognised or given attention for her skill and talent because that's what she survived on. It's what kept her alive. Without the name Celaena Sardothien and all it carries, she will be forced back to that hopeless, homeless child who watched her family die.
Celaena knows she can't stand out or participate to her full abilities but it scares her and she reacts with anger and bravado. Internally cursing that these men don't know who she is and repeating to herself "I am Celaena Sardothien"
Again, none of this came out when she was with Nehemia - even when Celaena talked about her past.
Overall, I enjoyed it as usual.
Glad I finally got to meet Nehemia.
Like I said in my first few chapters read throughs, I know the overall story spoilers but I don't know anything about these characters or the plot details. So it was very interesting to learn Nehemia's unexpected personality. I like her. Honestly I like all of them. These core 4.
It makes me a bit worried, knowing the quality of the series declines with time but for now, I'm happy
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offmychest-official · 2 months
I can’t help but hate Gen Z’s bsession with humbling people. I spent my entire life being treated like a walking joke by everyone for having a physical handicap and being stupid.
My roommate is Gen Z, but just barely. She’s three years younger than me. Ever since I met her she he’s been obsessed with “humbling” me by reminding me that I am old, unappealing to men, nothing more than a washup who peaked in high school, and over the hill. As if I don’t look in the mirror every day already repulsed by what I see.
She tells me that it’s time for me to move over and give up on my dream of completing college and just resign myself to a life of being a lonely, spinster forever trapped, working a retail job I hate that makes me want to kill myself so that the younger generation can take my place.
She says it’s time for the older generation to die off. I resent being treated like I’ve got 1 foot in the grave already by people literally 2 to 3 years younger than me.
She acts like I’m some ex queen bee, who still thinks she’s 20 who doesn’t realize her day in the sun is over. As if I’m not painfully goddamn I hit the wall at 22 when my fiancé at the time who was 7 years my senior me ditched me for a freshly-turned-eighteen-year-old girl after telling me that he deserved a young healthy woman instead of some old hag.
As if I’m not already aware of how painfully mediocre and stupid I am compared to people who are born in the later half of the 90s. as if I haven’t felt ugly, old and undesirable every day since that happened. As if the entire world doesn’t remind me that I’ve already reached my maximum potential as a person and can’t possibly become anything more than some old hag who never accomplished anything with my goddamn life. As if I don’t hate myself enough!
Shut up, Charlotte! I hope old age hits you like a freight train. Also pay your portion of the rent and stop making me do all the housework. Just because you’re young and pretty doesn’t mean the fucking world revolves around you. I am your roommate NOT your personal slave!
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justinewt · 2 months
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Do not use my character without my consent thanks <3
warning: any arts and pictures you’ll see are not mine (I found them on pinterest or used AI) and I also chose Spanish actress Inma Cuesta to portray my oc, Aldea is a character 100% created by me, Justine but the style of the bio has been inspired by bios made by director Guillermo Del Toro <3
words: 2.2k
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ALDEA CORSI bio by me <3
NICKNAME: the Spaniard princess (by Scorpus)
DATE OF BIRTH: sometime in 56 AD
AGE: around 24yo (AD 79); 20yo (AD 75 - when she first got to Rome)
SEX : Female
ORIGINS: Spanish (Baetica // Andalusia)
OCCUPATION: farmer (formerly); slave (formerly)
STATUS: low-born // plebeian
HOBBY: anything to do with horses (from riding to tending to them), caring for her little brother
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PARENTS: Her parents are unnamed, but her father is alive, while her mother died in childbirth. The siblings also lived with their grandfather but she doesn't know if he's alive or dead at this point.
SIBLINGS: She had three brothers, the youngest, Elia, aged 20, Fonsoa, her fraternal twin, aged 25 1/2, and Andria, the eldest of the four children, aged around 28. (ages as of summer 79 CE)
LOVER: Unnamed Andalusian boy from her village (71-72 CE // same age as her so 16-17); Roman sailor, Aelius (74- july 75 CE // aged 21-22); Tenax (january 76 CE-??) // also, not related to their relationship but I headcanon him as being in his mid 30s in 79 CE, he says Felix is him "20 years ago" aka in 59 CE after he escaped the fire and reached Rome when he was his age, and Felix is around 11 or 12 (age range 32 to 34) so he was around 28-30 in 75 CE)
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(Aldea, aged 17-20 on the picture, just ignore the bangs alr XD)
EALRY LIFE: Aldea was born sometime in AD 56 in the south of the Baetica region, after two brothers, Andria, the eldest, born three years earlier, in AD 51, Fonsoa, born just a year and a half before her, in AD 54, and their younger brother, Elia, born in AD 59. Unfortunately, their mother died giving birth to her youngest son. Only Andria was old enough to remember her well and after she died, he had even more responsibilities that fell upon him. He had to help his father around the farm and care for his younger siblings, but he never complained. But as he was always off with the horses, it fell to Fonsoa and Aldea to take care of their younger sibling. He was especially spoiled by Aldea, who became his sole mother figure. They lived a modest life, with these 5 mouths to feed, along with their grandfather, but they made do with what they had, living in the middle of the hills, and were quite self-sustaining with their crops and horses, sometimes riding to the nearest town to sell some things at the market, and buy others.
As a young child, Aldea wanted to do everything like her brothers. The siblings were an inseperable group. One couldn't go anywhere without the others following suit. Her father, having lost the only other woman in the house, had no idea how to deal with a girl so for most of her life, he didn't really treat her any different than his sons and though he wasn't especially desmonstrative in his affection, he loved her and his sons a great deal. She grew up around horses and came to know everything there was to know about those beasts. Her father saw his wife in her and was very protective of her, always repeating to the boys to protect her whenever they were going to town. She, overall, had a modest but good and happy childhood. She was very lucky in that sense.
At the age of 14, in AD 69, she bled for the first time and was terrified. She thought there was something wrong with her as she had no idea this was something that happened to all women. Luckily, she didn't bleed through her tunic and her period was rather light and she realized it only lasted a few days. She would use a wrapped cloth and figured out a way to make it stay in place and would attempt to wash it at night. She hid from her father and brothers for half a year but eventually he found one of the bloody cloth and confronted her about it, thinking she had gotten hurt or something like that. He was as clueless as her when she told him she began to bleed every month but she assured she could deal with it on her own and he trusted her. He had no other choice anyway. People in the village also began telling him to marry her off, saying she was grown enough but he wouldn't do it.
From the age of 16 to 17, AD 71 to 72, she had a teenage romance with a boy from the village and his father began to wonder whether to marry them or not but one day, the teenage boy fell from his horse and got trampled, dying less than an hour later. Then, two years later, in AD 74, as they were doing business in town as usual, she ventured around the port and saw a great ship moored there, with over two dozens sailors busying themselves around the docks. She asked about it and was told that it was the ship of a Roman merchant. It got her thinking of Rome for the first time. She had never given it a second thought before. She crossed the gaze of a young sailor, probably just a couple years older than her and he came to talk to her before she left. She returned to see him a couple times that week but then one day the ship was gone. She was told he had gone back to Rome. So she waited, hoping they would return and they did, a little less than a year later, and there he was. They saw each other again during another one of her trips to town, in AD 75, with her brothers, and then one night, she took a horse and ran off to see him. He was there, standing on the docks, waiting for her. He sneaked her on the ship's deck and they watched the stars, eventually sharing a kiss and sleeping together.
Eventually they actually fell asleep, cuddling in a corner. They woke up abruptly, a bucket of water thrown at them, as they still slept in the shadow of piled up crates and sacks but they had been caught together by other sailors and the merchant. They were upset to see this unknown woman on their ship, which was already moving, going back to Rome. All she could think about was her family, who would be looking for her everywhere. She begged the merchant not to throw her off board, and after she asked if he could take her back and he refused, she affirmed she could be of use until they reached Rome. She didn't have in mind the same use as he did, she thought she could help fixing things around the ship etc. The merchant, towering the 20-year-old girl, asked what she would even do when they reached Rome and why he should agree to give her a free ride just because she happened to be there. She said she would do anything to be useful until then and she didn’t understand what king of devilish contract she signed when he agreed to let her stay. He later asked if she was intact, and she didn’t understand at first but he rephrased it and she understood and lied, telling him that she had never shared a bed with a man. He asked about the sailor, and she lied again, and said they only watched the stars. It seemed she was good at manipulating the truth as he always seemed to believe her, or maybe she wasn't and he just didn't care that much.
He told her she would sleep in his cabin and she was almost relieved because she didn’t want to stay with the dozens of sailors under deck. All those foreign men intimidated her. But that night, and almost every single one of the 8 nights until they reached Rome, he forced himself on her. She tried to fight him at first but after he hit her so hard he broke her clavicle, she was rendered helpless and in utter pain. The trip lasted about 9 or 10 days. She could barely move her arm and her shoulder looked out of place and drooping, as if she was dragging along a ballchain, but she was never given anything for the pain and had to endure. She cried and thought only of her family. When they arrived to Rome, the merchant, who had no further use for her, sent one of his men to sell her at the market. She could only hide her pain so much, and gritted her teeth to keep her composure. She had this defiance and anger in her gaze as she glared at the crowd, and even tried to get out of the seller’s grip but he unknowingly grabbed her bad shoulder and she pressed her lips, closing her eyes shut for a second, letting out a low groan of pain as she was forced to stay still. Some bidders were uninterested in her because of the fact that she wasn’t intact, as well sexually as physically but to her luck, a man who owned one of the betting taverns in the city, happened to walk across the street, stopped by for a second and crossed her gaze as she glared at him but he got intrigued, seeing an anger-fuelled strength in her eyes and bought her to get her off that stage. He had more compassion and sympathy for her that he cared to admit.
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(AI depiction of the kind of clothes she might wear during the story)
PERSONALITY: Aldea was always a good-natured girl, ever since she was a child, she had always been sweet and well-behaved. Her brother, Fonsoa, wasn't even 2 years older so they were extremely close in age, while Andria was already 4 or 5 when she was born (the three children were mostly taken care of by their mother while their father and grandpa worked with the horses). By the time he was 6, Andria began working with the horses as well and Fonsoa helped his mother take care of his little sister. She was, obviously, very relient on Fonsoa in the early years of her life and they shared a very close-knitted bond. She followed him everywhere for the next 4 years, until Elia came around, their mother died and their 8-year-old brother, always away with the horses, left them to care for the newborn. She was a "natural", incredibly maternal with Elia, probably subconsciously copying her mother as she took that role in Elia's life, creating an kind of "mother-son" bond with him.
This serious role she took upon herself at such an early age and for the rest of her life definitely shaped her into the woman she later became. An empathetic and caring young woman, who contented herself with what life gave her and she was happy. She's also somewhat of a "woman of her time", meaning she took in all the codes of conduct of the women she encountered, 90% of those mannerisms coming from her mother, meaning even if she doesn't like it, she "stays in her place" in certain situtations where she is ought not to speak her mind, unless in private settings. If she feels as though she is supposed to stay silent, she will. She's also incredible patient and resilient, the latter of which was exacerbated after she was basically traffiked to Rome and sexually/physically abused. She was already this way and it didn't make her any stronger but it forced her to "push through it" in order to survive, which goes on to show she's the embodiment of resilience.
When it comes to her relationship with Tenax, all her personality traits shine through her behaviors and how she interacts with him. She stays on her guards at first but she's observant and quickly realizes she can trust him, so it doesn't take much time for her to let herself rely on him in her everyday life. She sees through him and his façade and especially so when she meets the orphan that he took under his wing. She has taken care of a child since she herself was one - she knows that if those children look up to him so much, there's a reason and she then sees the way he cares for them. Again, she's quiet but observant and speaks her mind when they're alone. In more serious situations, she can tell when it is not her place to speak, because she shouldn't undermine Tenax's credibility in front of others by cutting him off or questioning him (especially as a woman in a machist/patriarchal society that is ancient Rome). She's also extremely patient, even more so when she knows and trusts the person with whom she is being patient. If there's something she doesn't understand right away and she's not in a place where she feels she can just straight up ask Tenax, she'll watch and wait for him to give her the answers to her questions, without her asking anything and then they'll talk about it in private.
APPEARANCE: i'm too lazy to write a paragraph lol just look at the pics (only comment i'll make is she's the spitting image of her mother)
For most of the story, except flashbacks, she wears a light beige stola and tunic held together by a brown leather belt and regular sandals, and a toga or cloak around her shoulder held with a brooch, but she also wears a specific necklace (see description in one of the prologue chapters). At some point, later in the series, she begins to wear all black atire.
Published (07/27/2024) by Andrea
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gaymer-hag-stan · 10 months
Inspired by fistsofcarnage's post found here:
I decided to share my own opinion on the Tekken 8 base roster while we wait for its release!
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A more detailed ranking:
1. Nina Williams - My Queen since c. 2005
2. Jun Kazama - I really really missed her
3. Lili - Crazy rich girl? Love it
4. Zafina - Weird spider / scarecrow / praying mantis Egyptian lady? Of course I love her
5. Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo - La Reina del cafe is looking GREAT
6. Jin Kazama - Him and Hwoarang have been my main "men allowed on the upper tiers" for a while now
7. Ling Xiaoyu - My love for Xiao is a relatively more recent development but she's a queen alright
8. Hwoarang - Angery kick boi. You love to see it
Love (?) Is a strong word to describe my feelings for the following but I like them alright and maybe even played as them in past Tekken games
9. King - I mean it's king
10. Shaheen - A huge downgrade over his Tekken 7 design, still cool
11. Asuka Kazama - Asuka had tons of potential for me but her one-sided rivalry with Lili and them being positioned as the main female rivalry of the series for a while now (I wonder if it has anything to do with them being teenagers~) has kinda damaged her characterisation a bit for me. She's kinda there for Lili to have something to play with nowadays rather than being her own character. I still like her but nowhere near the amount I liked her in her Tekken 5 era.
12. Steve Fox - Steve is cool. He's okay.
13. Lee Chaolan - This is such a weird redesign... Lee is so extra and fun but I can't stand the new look.
14. Yoshimitsu - Yoshimitsu is Yoshimitsu
15. Reina - Kinda basic but cute
16. Leo Kliesen - Kinda basic but cute
17. Lars - Kinda basic
Neutral / Dislike - My phone and also Tumblr only had an orange-y yellow marker so I merged these two together
18. Victor Chevalier - French James Bond Ninja Noctis Samurai looks kinda cool
19. Raven - I liked Master Raven more
20. Claudio Serafino - I liked him back when he was revealed but he ultimately became too forgettable for me
21. Devil Jin - Edgier Jin. Whatevs
22. Alisa Bosconovitch - Sex slave robot modelled after an old man's dead teenage daughter that a middle-aged man has the hots for will never not be creepy
23. Leroy Smith - Meh
24. Kuma - Even bigger meh, and I'm also still mad that both him and the other fucking bear keep taking up TWO slots but Christie being playable alongside Eddy in Tekken 7 was such a ludicrous idea for Namco
25. Marshall Law - I liked his Tekken 4 / 5 moustached look more. Him gulping all the fucking steroids in the world between Tekken 7 and 8 was not a wise choice
26. Panda - Read Kuma's entry. She's lower than him because she looks weirder now and I think both look weird when they put clothes on them but she looks weirder this time
27. Kazuya Mishima - Too boring
28. Bryan Fury - Too ugly, boring and loud
29. Paul Phoenix - Too ugly and boring, and also he looks his worst in this redesign
30. Sergei Dragunov - Too boring and ugly but at least he's fun to play with
31. Feng Wei - Too ugly and loud
32. Jack-8 - It's a JACK unit... All these redesigns and upgraded models and Jane still hasn't figured out how to not make him look fucking ridiculous
I'm still missing Anna Williams, Christie Montero and (mum) Kunimitsu. I hope Anna at least fucking makes it as Christie is probably gonna be left out in favour of Eddy again and since they introduced a younger, cutesier and more boring version of Kunimitsu in the form of her daughter I don't think we're ever seeing her again.
I wouldn't mind seeing Katarina return either, Miguel's chest is always nice to look at and I'm DEFINITELY on the Lucky Chloe did nothing wrong camp! I also think that over the years I've grown more fond of Forest than Marshall but unless his dad's liver stops working from all the extra steroids he took I don't see him making it back until the next Tag Tournament
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dilutedh2so4 · 3 months
gay bible: part 2! apocrypha edition
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- Artemisia Gentileschi's "Judith and her maidservant" my girls look so confused in this lmao
Context: > Judith's city of Bethulia was besieged by the Assyrian army. > The leaders of her city were planning to surrender to them. > Judith, some rando widow, was like: lol no
"You cannot plumb the depths of the human heart or understand the workings of the human mind; how do you expect to search out God, who made all these things, and find out his mind or comprehend his thought?" -Judith 8:14
So, Judith and her maid set out alone to go and girlboss these Assyrians. Alone... With her maid...
Perfect date night!
This maid goes with Judith on this dangerous mission to assassinate the enemy general, even when literally everyone else has given up.
"Stand at the town gate tonight so that I may go out with my maid, and within the days after which you have promised to surrender the town to our enemies, the Lord will deliver Israel by my hand." -Judith 8:33
Then; > Judith rizzes up the enemy general Holofernes. > In his sleep, she and her maid cut off his head. > The Assyrian army freaks out and runs away!
"Judith went out and gave Holofernes’s head to her maid, who placed it in her bag. Then the two of them went out together, as they were accustomed to do for prayer." -Judith 13:9-10
^ Helping out the wife ^
You're telling me they were accustomed to going out in the dark together? Alone? At night? Hmmm...
Once they are back in Bethulia, everyone celebrates being saved. Judith rizzes up some ladies (Judith 15:12) and never remarries (Judith 16:21-22) despite every single person she interacts with finding her hot (Judith 8:7-8, 10:7, 10:14, 10:19, 10:23).
"Judith went to Bethulia and remained on her estate. For the rest of her life she was honored throughout the whole country. Many desired to marry her, but she gave herself to no man." -Judith 16:21-22
She lives with her maid on the estate for the rest of her life, unmarried, to the age of 105!
At her passing, she gives freedom to her maid, despite passing all her other property (like servants) onto her relatives. This seems to be in gratitude for the help all those years ago, but why not free her back then?
There was something else going on hmmm...
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-Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi me and the gf hard at work
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-Judith and Her Maid, artist unknown, German origin c.1600
Judith does appear to love her deceased husband though, mourning deeply for him as seen in Judith 8:6, so I vote her as bi or pan ;)
It could be a cover/excuse for her not remarrying but you can decide that for yourself
Judith remained as a widow for three years and four months at home, where she set up a tent for herself on the roof of her house.
She put sackcloth around her waist and dressed in widow’s clothing.
She fasted all the days of her widowhood except the day before the Sabbath and the Sabbath itself, the day before the new moon and the day of the new moon, and the festivals and days of rejoicing of the house of Israel.
She was beautiful in appearance and was very lovely to behold. Her husband Manasseh had left her gold and silver, male and female slaves, livestock, and fields, and she maintained this estate.
No one spoke ill of her, for she feared God with great devotion.
-Judith 8:4-8
Many desired to marry her, but she gave herself to no man all the days of her life after her husband Manasseh died.
She became more and more famous and grew old in her husband’s house, reaching the age of one hundred five.
Before she died, she set her maid free. She died in Bethulia, and they buried her in the cave of her husband Manasseh.
-Judith 16:22-23
^ the language is very male-centred and focused around her husband (who plays no role in the story) as might be expected from a text coming out of a male-centred society ^ it still points out she gave herself to *no man* afterwards soooo yk (she was too in love with her gf)
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