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bero2024 · 1 year ago
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mychlapci · 7 months ago
Cybertronian used to give birth standing or sitting on their knees, letting gravity go it’s job. Then, some rich fuck decided he wanted to see how sparkling were born, and forced many poor bots to give birth on their backs, leg spreads. It soon got popular in the richest circles and now, it’s almost common practice (for all the wrong reasons)
ahsghasj you don’t even need to provide that link i know Exactly what you’re referencing. And that perverted king who made all the robots give birth for him? That was me.
no, just kidding, squatting, on the knees, standing up is hotter.
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pastlivesandpurplepuppets · 5 months ago
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The K-ration was the daily, individual food supply for American soldiers during World War II.
On D-Day jump, each men carried, amongst all the other million things, four K-rations and three D-rations with them.
And yeah, that chocolate bar was quite hated. Apparently "the D ration bar was said to have tasted “a little better than a boiled potato”. The bar was bitter, extremely dense, and since it was meant to withstand melting (it was heat-resistant to 49°C!), it was nearly impossible to bite into. Soldiers had to shave off pieces with a knife to chew, or dissolve into a cup of boiling water." https://cocoarunners.com/chocopedia/weapon-of-choice-chocolate/#:~:text=Hershey's%20followed%20the%20instructions%20too,nearly%20impossible%20to%20bite%20into.
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coeluvr · 2 years ago
Romeo and Juliet anon, I meant the Cartoon animated one where everyone's a silly lil gnome my bad. Basic summary is that two gnomes from different "groups" fall in love and everyone see's it as something forbidden especially Juliet's dad and he tries to stop it once he realizes Gnomeo and Juliet like each other, Anyways here's a link to the wiki :
I can't stop laughing at this GNOMEO AND JULIET 😭😭😭
I'm the frog!!
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nugget--daddy · 2 years ago
HOLY CRAP- GUYS, I REACHED 20FOLLOWERS. I'll start working on something today.
@moogus-online @v3lvetc4k3 @rockys-world @nyxus-nyx
@sammy-star @chrollosbiggeststan @sargelovesfandoms @lovecherryzoldyck @cloverydreamertt @zimandturtles (sorry for bugging you guys)
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ajmakoko · 1 year ago
PSA: Kratom can cause liver damage and multiorgan failure. It is not safe like cannabis is!! At the least if you are taking it, you should have your liver values monitored!! Be careful and stay safe! This is exactly how ableism disadvantages us and can kill us!!!!
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otenvs3000f23 · 1 year ago
BLOG PROMPT: Who are you to interpret nature through art? How do you interpret “the gift of beauty”? (Your readings – specifically Chapter 5 of the textbook – will be helpful for this!)
Hello all, I hope you’ve gotten a chance to get outside and enjoy the sun!
Typically, when I think of ‘art’, my mind always goes to paintings and such – which I personally don’t have much of an appeal for, or in the least, not the eye for. But if we take a look at what art really encapsulates and consists of (because it’s certainly more than just paintings), I have forever been drawn to photography and film.
What captivates me most about it is the power a single photograph or film can hold. Photographs can open people’s eyes to things they didn’t know existed or was a problem, or even simply display the beauty of whatever their subject may be. I can think of many instances where photographs and films have changed federal policies, raised thousands of dollars, brought awareness, and captured the hearts of millions. Displaying and highlighting the interconnectedness of us all, we bring people together to take fastidious care of our world and our fellow beings. Just one of many examples, ‘The Terror of War’ (aka., ‘Napalm Girl’) (pictured below), has become a defining photo of the war in Vietnam. The image was seen around the world and had become a symbol for anti-war and American occupation in Vietnam. Or even think of documentaries such as Blackfish, the film that changed the face of an entire industry; opening viewers’ eyes up to the cruelties of animal entertainment companies such as Marine Land and SeaWorld. Following the release of the incredibly moving documentary Blackfish, SeaWorld saw an 84% decrease in income and lost thousands upon thousands of attendees. Protestors took to the streets of Canada and demanded that displaying dolphins, whales, and porpoises be made illegal, resulting in a federal bill to be passed that banned the use of these marine animals for entertainment purposes.
By informing audiences of controversial topics, climate disasters, ethical dilemmas, war-torn countries, species extinctions, and even just the world around them, we can provoke thought and meaning-making to all viewers and audiences. Art of all kinds has the potential to elicit an emotional response to the interpreter’s subject. Opening the hearts and minds of audiences through illustrating our beautiful planet and the marvel of human resilience, we can create radical change and unite people across the globe.
Enjoy the sunshine people!
Talk soon,
The Terror of War or Napalm Girl (photograph by Nick Ut - June 8th, 1972)
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Ut, N. (2016). Napalm Girl. Times. photograph, Trang Bang. Retrieved October 2, 2023, from https://time.com/4485344/napalm-girl-war-photo-facebook/.
Soderberg, A. (2021, December 13). The continuous impact of ’blackfish. Medium. https://medium.com/@annika_soderberg/the-continuous-impact-of-blackfish-303eb5a20526#:~:text=In%20the%20year%20following%20Blackfish%27s,the%20impact%20of%20the%20documentary.
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Trump’s New Deal: 100 days to reverse the legacy of FDR
"The following year saw the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Communications Commission. In 1935 came the crowning glory of the New Deal: social security, the US equivalent of the state pension. To an extent that few people today appreciate, many of the distinctive features of the modern federal government date from FDR’s New Deal. Even the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the expansion of the exceptionally large US prison system date from the 1930s."
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sprunklingaskandrp · 2 months ago
(Busting as in "Busting for a Pee")
((OOC: Oohhh, tq tq))
((Had me concerned for a sec XD))
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bills-bible-basics · 2 months ago
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Me Thinks You Need to Follow the Links Some people don't realize that my graphics -- which are spread across eight social networks, and which can be found in many other places on the Internet as well -- are really just the icing on the cake. They are sort of like an appetizer, and are simply meant to get your attention, and to get you interested in my work for the Lord. To discover the real treasures of what the Bill's Bible Basics ministry is all about, you need to click or tap on any links that you see above, next to or below each of my graphics. If you do that, you will discover my many articles, KJV Bible Verse Lists, poetry and graphics on the Bill's Bible Basics website. That is where you will find the real meat of God's Word. So what are you waiting for? Following are two links to get you started: Bill's Bible Basics Blog: https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/ Bill's Bible Basics Main Website: https://www.billkochman.com/index.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/me-thinks-you-need-to-follow-the-links/?Me%20Thinks%20You%20Need%20to%20Follow%20the%20Links
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adelynmuljadi · 4 months ago
22 October 2024
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An art or design manifesto is a public declaration of the intentions or views of an artist's movement. For our class activity, we were split into groups and were assigned to create our own manifesto as designers. Our group's manifesto as a whole is to celebrate individuality and find authenticity in our design practices. We each wrote and included each of our own manifestos (whilst summarizing it into a sentence). As well as illustrations that highlights our own personality. This further shows that while we all have our own unique traits, we are still unified as a whole.
My written manifesto is that my art revolves around Nietzsche. Nietzsche's beliefs revolves around the fact that whatever our circumstances we should love our fate, whilst still recognizing that it has inevitably made us the person that we are, by accepting the world as it is and our circumstances amongst it. Most of the themes I explore are inspired by memories, metaphysical principles (juxtaposition between reality and existence) and relationships.
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If i had to write another manifesto it would be "Do or do not, there is no try". It is something quoted off Star Wars, however ever since I heard that statement I've always had it pinned at the back of my head. Don't try because if you “try,” you aren't even giving yourself the option of succeeding. For example, i'll either bind my own photobook for my specialist subject or have it professionally binded. I will not try to bind it myself if i'll half heartedly do so.
A change i would potentially love to do for the group outcome is to maybe come up with a more catchy and definite manifesto. For example "Design has to be human, honest and clever". The reason is because the manifesto we came up with is too broad and generic. Since our whole idea is to celebrate individualism and authenticity we could have formed a more unique statement.
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The most significant aspect of CTS-B for me was our walk to the National Gallery. I learned so much about Equator Art Society and Social Realism. I personally love learning about the many art movements, analyzing the different contexts and symbolism. There is a reason for everything and I love studying the different techniques and thought processes behind each artists and their paintings.
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When it comes to my design practices and modules, I often explore themes such as self discovery or the determination of finding meaning in life; bringing back my initial manifesto being "Art revolves around Nietzsche". My cube for Materiality and Techniques explores themes connected to Architectural Membranes. To speak metaphorically, a membrane is a potent site of the struggle to control identity. I think by exploring deeper philosophical and metaphorical themes, I get a chance to find connections between the people around me and their environments but also how I relate to them in return.
(~483 words)
Hwang, Alvin. "Writing a Design Manifesto", Design for Mindfulness, 17 Apr. 2024,
Muo, Comicus. "Nietzsche’s Modern Manifesto", The Stand Up Philosophers, 10 May. 2024,
NAFA. "Scene of Bukit Ho Swee Fire",
Accessed 22 Oct. 2024
Bierly, James. "Existential Nihilism | Definition & Philosophers", Study.com, 21 Nov. 2023,
Minneapolis Institute of Art. "Carcass of Beef, 1926",
Accessed 22 Oct.2024
Muljadi, Adelyn. "In class documentation" 22 October 2024
Muljadi, Adelyn. "Time Stands Still" 2024
Muljadi, Adelyn. "Materiality & Techniques" 2024
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samarawalkermedia330 · 5 months ago
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Optometry Research:
The first of the women I will be interviewing on my Working Women podcast series will be an optometrist who has recent purchased her own practice and is a working mother to young children.
Below is my research on the profession and it's history as a male-dominated field.
Optometry has a rich history, dating back to the invention of the first wearable glasses in Italy during the 13th century. Key milestones in the field include Johannes Kepler's 15th-century discovery about how light enters the eye and forms on the retina, laying the foundation for understanding various visual impairments. This knowledge eventually led to the development of corrective lenses, such as concave lenses for nearsightedness and convex lenses for farsightedness. Benjamin Franklin's invention of bifocals in the 18th century further revolutionised the field by allowing individuals to see both near and far with one pair of glasses. In the 19th century, the ophthalmoscope was developed, enabling practitioners to see inside the eye, and the Snellen chart, invented in 1862, became a staple of eye exams. Glass contact lenses were first made during this period, though it wasn't until later that they became practical for everyday use. In 1910, Columbia University offered the first formal optometry courses, marking the beginning of the profession's academic and scientific evolution.
In New Zealand, optometry began to formalise in 1897 when Alfred Levi opened the first optometry practice in Wellington. The New Zealand Optical Association was established in 1912, evolving into the Institute of Optometrists by 1922, and in 1965, Auckland University began offering optometry courses. Over time, the profession became regulated, with the Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Act of 1966 making the term "optometrist" obligatory. Despite these advancements, women faced significant challenges entering the field. Gertrude Stanton became the first licensed female optometrist in 1899, but by 1968, women made up only 2.1% of optometrists in the U.S. due to societal expectations and discriminatory hiring practices. The situation began to improve when the number of women in optometry schools increased, especially after the 1970s, and by 1992, women became the majority of enrolled students. Today, women make up 61.3% of optometrists in countries like New Zealand, reflecting a shift in gender dynamics. However, traditional gender roles and societal expectations, particularly around childcare and family responsibilities, continue to limit career advancement for women, contributing to a persistent wage gap and underrepresentation in leadership roles.
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veale2006-blog · 5 months ago
But every day Liberals and even Republicans, don't know ANYTHING about President Trump, much less Laws and Orders and how they function and operate..
Meeting with a Foreign Leader as a "Former" President in an Election Year would be Election Interference to the sitting President, IF that was "Biden."
Obama and Biden hammered their own Director of Defense Intelligence Agency, 3-Star General Michael Flynn, with the Logan Act for a 'Private meeting with a Foreign Leader.'
IF "Biden" was president… and if Obama, Bush, the Clintons, "Kamala" and all of 'em were involved… 
They could invoke the 25th Amendment and charge him with Election Interference via Executive Order 13848, on President Trump for meeting with 7 Foreign Leaders, 8 times (sitting Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, twice).
That would be President Trump violating his own Executive Order 13848 with a National Emergency that he declared. 
If you believe that, over the Laws and Orders invoked and in place put there by the Man… you're too stupid to lose brain cells over.
There's certain powers that a President has that makes one a Wartime President. There's certain Laws and Orders that are invoked that separate the roles, duties, obligations, laws and orders of a Wartime President versus a President by the Constitutional norms.
Presidential Emergency Action Documents expand the power of a President and invoke the Continuity of Government / Operations. 
The Continuity of Government / Operations has National Essential Functions while the Constitution is suspended and the Military Law is implied and in force performing the tasks of which the Constitution was suspended.
Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2 of the Constitution is titled the Writ of Habeas Corpus, the Suspension Clause, that allows the President to suspend the Constitution for Rebellion or Invasion of Public Safety.
Covid was a biological chemical weapon that allowed President Trump to do so. As Fauci said on January 12, 2017, a Pandemic was going to plague this upcoming Presidency. How did he know?
"Biden" has made numerous quotes about President Trump being the sitting President.
John Bolton on CNN in February talked about how the Constitution bars President Trump from a 3rd Term… 
Which is False. The Constitution does not say anywhere that a President cannot serve more than 2 terms. Franklin Roosevelt was in his 4th term, 13th year when he died, elected by the people 4 times. 
The 82nd Congress of 1951 abused their powers by placing term limits on the President when Article 2 Section 1 Clause 1 of the Constitution says nothing about term limits, "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows."
A1S1C1:  https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S1-C1-9/ALDE_00013597/#:~:text=Article%20II%2C%20Section%201%2C%20Clause,%2C%20be%20elected%2C%20as%20follows.&text=U.S.%20Const. (https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S1-C1-9/ALDE_00013597/#:~:text=Article%20II%2C%20Section%201%2C%20Clause,%2C%20be%20elected%2C%20as%20follows.&text=U.S.%20Const)
February 29, 2024, on the Texas Border… the first appearance the Adjutant General makes on world TV is with the "former" President and the Governor of Texas?
The MSM told the world "Biden" was in Brownsville, TX, the same day… they just failed to tell you two C-32's with No Presidential Call Sign or tail numbers. 
Why wasn't the Governor and Adjutant General with "Biden?" 
The Adjutant General reports to the Governor UNLESS the National Guard are Federalized by Title 10. 
The only President who has Federalized the National Guard to Active-Duty is President Trump with Executive Orders 13912 invoking Title 10 Section 12302 and 13919 invoking Title 10 Section 12304 all under Title 50. 
And there was your Chain of Command, Rank Structure on February 29, 2024, for the whole world to see. Military Operation. 
If President Trump was a "Former" President… "Biden" wouldn't be saying "Trump is just trying to one-up me for the Presidency"…when asked about President Trump meeting with Foreign Leaders…
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interestingsnippets · 7 months ago
three things follow if a developer makes a model’s weights widely available:
A third party can customise outside the developer’s initial scope. Customisation techniques typically require significantly less technical knowledge, resources, and computing power than training a new model from scratch.
The developer gives up control over and visibility into its end users’ actions.
Users can perform computational inference (the process of running live data) using their computational resources, which may be on a local machine or bought from a cloud service. This localisability allows users to leverage models without sharing data with the model’s developers, which can be important for confidentiality and data protection (i.e. healthcare and finance industry)."
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bellaw4lker · 7 months ago
Yalta Conference: Yalta, Crimea
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The Yalta Conference, held from February 4 to 11, 1945, in Crimea, was a crucial World War II meeting where U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston D. Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin made pivotal decisions regarding the war and the postwar order. The Allied leaders convened with Europe’s victory almost secured but with uncertainty about the war in the Pacific. To gain Soviet support against Japan, Roosevelt and Churchill negotiated with Stalin, promising the Soviets a sphere of influence in Manchuria after Japan’s defeat. This included control over southern Sakhalin, a lease on Port Arthur (now Lüshunkou), involvement in the Manchurian railroads, and the Kurile Islands. This agreement was a key outcome of the conference. The discussions also covered the future of Germany, Eastern Europe, and the United Nations. They agreed on France’s role in postwar German administration and that Germany would bear some reparations responsibility. The U.S. and Britain accepted that Eastern European countries near the Soviet Union should be friendly to Soviet interests, while the Soviets pledged free elections in liberated areas. A declaration on Poland included provisions for Communist participation in its government. For the United Nations, the leaders approved an American plan giving veto power to the five permanent Security Council members, including France. Initially, the Yalta agreements were seen positively, symbolizing continued U.S.-Soviet cooperation. However, this optimism diminished after Roosevelt’s death on April 12, 1945. President Harry S. Truman’s administration soon clashed with the Soviets over Eastern Europe and the UN, leading to criticism of Roosevelt’s negotiations. Critics accused him of conceding too much to the Soviets, despite their own significant concessions. Now looking forward it has now become a museum. Each summer, it also hosts the traditional “Russian Ball,” organized by a Yalta historical dance club.
U.S. Department of State, n.d. https://history.state.gov/milestones/1937-1945/yalta-conf#:~:text=At%20Yalta%2C%20Roosevelt%20and%20Churchill,of%20influence%20in%20Manchuria%20following. 
Collector, Print. “Yalta Conference of Allied Leaders, World War II, 4-11 February 1945....” Getty Images, n.d. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/yalta-conference-of-allied-leaders-world-war-ii-4-11-news-photo/463899845?adppopup=true.
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iced-tea-and-horror-stories · 9 months ago
I’m reading the best article about saw
It’s amazing I love it
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