#2032 teaser
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maskednerd · 2 years ago
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littlewritingmoon · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday arbeitest gerade aktiv an einem Oc der an Stories? Teile etwas mit uns darüber? #sharewhatintheqieks #ffmmff #workinprogress #fanfiction.de
Und weiter geht’s! Ich sehe ein, ich bin sehr langsam, aber es ist immerhin Mittwoch und ich schätze das zählt irgendwie?
Generell würde ich gerade echt gerne an OCs arbeiten, ich bin momentan wahnsinnig motiviert was das Schreiben von Steckbriefen betrifft (vielleicht auch weil ich was meine Storys betrifft seit Ende August etwas in einem Kreatief hänge) und bin deswegen auch immer zurzeit dabei zu schauen, was es neues gibt und wo ich mich denn bewerben könnte! 
Wir wollen jetzt mal nicht generell darüber reden, wie viele Ideen für MMFFs ich noch rumliegen habe, zu denen es nie mehr kommen wird. Aber es gibt doch zwei Projekte, an denen ich immer wieder etwas arbeite. Das wären einmal lost in seoul, woran ich mit der lieben @dundunduuuuuuuuuun sitze, und das andere ist meine Story Blutspuren im Schnee. Ich würde sagen, die Geschichten sind beide in etwa gleich weit? So World Building und Cast und so weiter sind abgeschlossen, bei lost in seoul ist die Webseite etwas weiter (was hauptsächlich daran liegt, dass ich da ein hässliches Konzept hinhauen kann oder abwarten und @dundunduuuuuuuuuun macht währenddessen eine schönere Webseite daraus, als ich es jemals könnte) und bei Blutspuren im Schnee bin ich was die Prologe betrifft weiter (und ich will hier erwähnen wie ich motiviert für jedes Haus in jedem Jahr und jeden Lehrer extra Stundenpläne entworfen habe, es hat mich circa 3 Stunden gekostet und ich war so kurz davor allen Zeitumkehrer zu geben und das passt schon zu sagen – da hat es jemand direkt bereut das er dachte motiviert noch zusätzliche Unterrichtsfächer erfinden zu müssen). 
Trotzdem wird es bei beiden noch dauern, bis sie endgültig bereit sind hochgeladen zu werden, allerdings hier mal kleine Teaser zu den beiden Geschichten!
romance | soulmates | actually every single soulmate trope that ever existed
« i don’t know what i am missing so bad but it is hurting like hell »
Um die ständig sinkende Geburtenrate zu bekämpfen und zu verhindern, dass das eigene Land ausstirbt, hat die koreanische Regierung im Jahr 2032 das Soulmate Project gestartet. Wenn man schon einen perfekten Partner hat, was soll dann einer glücklichen Zukunft mit Kindern noch im Weg stehen?
Zuerst war das Projekt auch sehr erfolgreich. Aber wie meistens, wenn Menschen Gott spielen wollen, dauert es nicht lange, bis sich die Grenzen zeigen, an die man stößt, wenn man in die Natur und das Schicksal eingreifen will. Die zweite und dritte Generation des Soulmate Projects sollten die Nebenwirkungen in den Griff bekommen, stattdessen führten sie zu vielen unvorhergesehenen Verkettungen und so entstanden neue, gravierende Probleme. 
Nun, knapp 200 Jahre später kämpfen immer noch viele junge Erwachsene mit den Konsequenzen des Projekts und versuchen, irgendwie ihr eigenes Glück zu finden, während das früher als Segen angepriesene Programm in vielen Fällen eher zu einer Qual geworden ist.
« sometimes these strings bind us and sometimes they set us free »
coming of age | friendship | romance | mystery | crime
« all of you have no clue how powerful the blood of a wizard really is. »
Die Himalaya Mayika Schule für Hexerei und Zauberei ist eine Zauberschule versteckt im Himalaya Gebirge, die talentierte junge Zauberer und Hexen im asiatischen Raum auf das Berufsleben vorbereitet. Die zukünftige Elite der asiatischen Zaubererwelt stammt zu einem Großteil von dieser Schule. Es handelt sich um eine Prep School, um aufgenommen zu werden braucht man also einen Abschluss von einer Zauberschule. Die Ausbildung dauert 3 Jahre.
Gegründet wurde die Himalaya Mayika Schule für Hexerei und Zauberei erst vor 9 Jahren. Der Hintergedanke war, dass man eine unabhängige Schule hat, die talentierte junge Hexen und Zauberer gezielt auf die Berufswelt vorbereitet, ohne dass die mächtigen Zaubererfamilien der einzelnen Länder zu viel Einfluss haben. Außerdem soll die internationale Zusammenarbeit gefördert werden.  
Seit Anfang des Jahres kommt in ganz Asien immer wieder zu Zwischenfällen mit einem alten, schwarzmagischen Orden, die schon einige Tote gefordert haben und immer mehr für Unruhe in der Gesellschaft sorgen. Nun, kurz vor Beginn des neuen Schuljahres, hat die Vertrauenslehrerin für Taiwan mit den Worten das sie dieses Jahr nur über ihre Leiche zurück an die Schule kommen würde gekündigt. Und es dauert auch nicht allzu lange, bis es im abgelegenen Himalaya Gebirge zu seltsamen Vorfällen kommt, bis die Schüler schließlich anfangen zu verschwinden.
« your screams will echo from the mountains, but they will never find you. only a trail of your blood in the snow. »
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ucoolcamping · 4 months ago
Top Games & uCool: From Collaboration to Super Bowl
Top Games Inc. teamed up with Apple Original Films and Sony Pictures to launch the groundbreaking Evony x Napoleon collaboration.
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This partnership seamlessly blended the worlds of gaming and cinema. The collaboration had two phases, taking place on December 1, 2023, and January 26, 2024, bringing players into the era of Napoleon. Players could experience the heroic deeds of Napoleon and other famous generals, participating in historically significant battles and strategic scenarios that mirrored the narrative of the Napoleon movie.
David Guo, the CEO of Top Games Inc., emphasized that such collaborations enhance user experience by offering immersive, educational, and entertaining content. This collaboration attracted not only existing players but also a large number of new ones, increasing the player base by 41.6% and boosting revenue by 23.56% during the event. Napoleon's influential wife, Josephine, also appeared in the game, providing players with a more nuanced perspective of historical events.
David Guo’s Vision for Innovation in Gaming
David Guo, the visionary CEO of Top Games Inc., believes in improving the gaming experience through innovation and data-driven strategies. With over 25 years of experience in game development, network security, and user experience, Guo is committed to creating games that are not only fun but also meaningful to players. Under his leadership, Top Games has succeeded with titles like Evony: The King's Return and has diversified its product lineup by exploring other game genres to cater to both casual and hardcore players. Guo actively explores emerging technologies to drive innovation in game development and enhance user experience and preferences through tech-driven UX improvements.
uCool’s Success and Approach to Game Development
Aside from Top Games Inc., independent developer uCool has also achieved remarkable success. Founded in 2012, three years before Top Games Inc., uCool initially focused on developing browser-based and social media games. The company gained a significant fan base with popular titles like Tynon, Commanders of Evony, Evony: Age I, and Evony: Age II. These games stood out for their engaging gameplay and impressive graphics. With the rise of mobile internet, uCool quickly shifted its focus to mobile gaming, successfully launching popular mobile titles such as Heroes Charge, Heroes Arena, and War and Wit.
Similar to Top Games Inc., uCool places great emphasis on goal orientation, responsibility, and self-driven motivation among its team members. The company's culture highlights the concept of entrepreneurial spirit, aiming to assemble a team of talented and efficient professionals and foster a positive work environment based on mutual respect.
Heroes Charge on Super Bowl XLIX
In February 2015, uCool’s Heroes Charge aired a teaser on NBC during Super Bowl XLIX. This fantasy RPG allowed players to join multiplayer online battle arenas with friends, collect and train heroes, build teams, enhance abilities, and take on over a hundred quests. This high-profile Super Bowl ad brought uCool significant attention and a solid player base, further strengthening its position in the mobile gaming market.
The Future of Mobile Gaming and Strategic Partnerships
The mobile gaming industry is rapidly growing, with the market size expected to surpass $775.69 billion by 2032. Top Games Inc. is at the forefront of this expansion, exploring not only traditional game genres but also venturing into innovative areas like blockchain gaming and wearable technology. In contrast, uCool focuses more on game development quality and reaching a broader user base. By developing various types of mobile games, uCool aims to bring more fun to players of different age groups, further expanding its influence in the mobile gaming market.
Complementary Strategies in a Dynamic Gaming Industry
In conclusion, Top Games Inc. and uCool represent two different yet complementary strategic directions and are riding the Waves of the Gaming Industry. Under David Guo’s leadership, Top Games Inc. continues to blend history with modern technology, enhancing player engagement and interaction through collaborations with major film studios. Meanwhile, uCool focuses on optimizing game quality and attracting a wide player base. Both companies will continue to play crucial roles in the ever-evolving gaming industry.
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asobu-x · 1 year ago
Diciembre 19 de 2023
Texto elaborado por: Luis García.
Han pasado precisamente 7 días desde que Insomnia Games sufrió de un delicado ataque tipo ransomware por parte de un grupo de hackers que lograron secuestrar información confidencial de la empresa y datos personales de sus empleados con la intención de revenderlos a precios exorbitantes. La única condición para evitar la liberación era pagar 2 millones de euros en menos de una semana. Poco tiempo después, Sony emitió un comunicado a la prensa como respuesta a esta situación, asegurando que ya se estaba investigando el problema y que de momento no había motivos para creer que PlayStation o Sony se hayan visto afectadas.
A pesar de ello, los días continuaron avanzando y el silencio perduró hasta que ocurrió el peor escenario. Lamentablemente, el tiempo de Insomnia Games ha terminado y la amenaza por parte de ransomware se terminó cumpliendo. Alrededor de 1.3 millones de documentos sensibles sobre la empresa fueron filtrados, equivalente a 1.67 TB de data que incluye información sobre sus planes a futuro hasta el año 2032, así como el arte conceptual, historia, actores y gameplays de Marvel's Wolverine, junto con documentos confidenciales relacionados a ventas y planes que involucran a Sony. La compañía ha quedado expuesta por completo de una manera cruel e insensible, siendo una situación que será recordada como el día más oscuro de Insomnia Games.
Marvel's Wolverine, el próximo gran exclusivo de la empresa, fue evidentemente el título más afectado. Como lo dije hace unos momentos, los hackers liberaron una decena de gameplays tempranos que nos dejaron ver a detalle algunas mecánicas en su sistema de combate, animaciones, secuencias cinemáticas e información relevante sobre su historia. Incluso, muchos usuarios en Twitter aseguran que Marvel's Wolverine está fuertemente inspirado en God of War y que sus gráficos no eran lo que esperaban. Aunque al ser un juego en etapas tempranas de desarrollo, las imágenes filtradas no tienen la calidad final. De ninguna manera podemos atrevernos a criticar un trabajo que está en continua evolución.
Si tienen la curiosidad de observar los videos filtrados en Twitter, pueden encontrarlos sin problemas. La pesadilla de Insomnia Games no termina aquí; esto es tan solo el comienzo. Entre los documentos confidenciales, también encontramos los planes a futuro de la compañía con una línea del tiempo que llega hasta el año 2032 y en la que pudimos conocer seis nuevos proyectos ambiciosos, de los cuales se cree que solo tres de ellos llegarán a la actual generación de consolas.
Según este documento, veremos a Marvel's Venom a finales del 2025, un juego que hasta el momento no ha sido revelado, pero dadas las circunstancias, es posible que en la primera mitad del 2024 lo veamos. Un año después llegará el esperado Marvel's Wolverine, un título que ya había sido anunciado con un potente teaser en 2021, confirmando su ventana de lanzamiento hasta finales del 2026. De hecho, todo apunta a que este será el primer capítulo de una serie de juegos de X-Men planeados para el año 2030.
Regresando un poco, en 2028 veremos el tercer capítulo de Marvel's Spider-Man 3, y en 2029 se espera un nuevo juego de Ratchet and Clank. Por último, para el año 2031 y 2032, Insomnia Games tiene planeado revelar dos nuevas IPs. La manera en la que conocimos el futuro de esta gran compañía fue de la peor manera posible, pero viendo el lado positivo, los juegos que vienen en la próxima década lucen verdaderamente espectaculares, dejando atrás los próximos lanzamientos de Insomnia Games. Los documentos filtrados también nos dejaron ver algunos detalles sobre las ventas de sus últimos juegos. En específico, hubieron dos datos que me dejaron totalmente sin palabras. Resulta que Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, a pesar de haber vendido 2.2 millones de copias, PlayStation terminó perdiendo alrededor de 8.8 millones de dólares, tomando en cuenta que tenía un presupuesto inicial de 81 millones de dólares. Además, se revelaron algunas de las condiciones a las que Insomnia Games Está sometida para continuar trabajando junto a Marvel, teniendo como objetivo principal vender más de 6 millones de copias en los próximos juegos de Marvel para que su acuerdo no termine. Aunque parece que no tienen muchos problemas para superar dicha cantidad.
La filtración masiva de Insomnia Games también abarcó una serie de documentos que involucran a Sony de la peor manera posible, revelando que la compra de Activision Blizzard por parte de Microsoft amenaza gravemente a la industria de los videojuegos, junto al mercado de las consolas y suscripciones.
Hablando de este último punto, Sony asegura que a partir del momento en que los juegos de Activision aterricen en Game Pass, Microsoft aumentará las suscripciones considerablemente, dejando atrás a su competencia, que vendría siendo PS Plus. La conclusión es sencilla: Sony debe expandirse e impulsarse para tratar de competir con Microsoft. Su modelo actual de ventas no funciona, incluso lo llaman anticuado.
Este documento nos deja claro que Sony tiene un panorama bastante complicado y que lo único que puede hacer es evolucionar su visión. Teniendo en cuenta que Game Pass la romperá en 2024 con la llegada de Call of Duty a su catálogo y el resto de las franquicias de Activision.
La situación que está viviendo en estos momentos Insomnia Games no se le desea a nadie. El secuestro de datos es un verdadero peligro para todos los grandes estudios de videojuegos y 2023 ha sido un año que lo ha dejado bastante claro.
Lamentablemente, esto arruina las sorpresas y el trabajo de miles de personas se ve perjudicado por completo, ya pasó con Microsoft y sus planes revelados a futuro con GTA 6 y ahora este año remató con Insomnia Games. Me gustaría hablar más del tema. Ya que en realidad hay tanta información delicada que para nosotros, como creadores de contenido, podría ser realmente peligrosa si no se maneja de manera adecuada.
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nightshade-minho · 4 years ago
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Warnings: Nothing much for this chapter. Scenes of mild violence. Future smut. Please view the teasers before reading this part.
Word Count: 2.9k
Hyunjin x fem! Reader, Minho x fem! Reader, Jisung x fem! Reader
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A rainy summer’s day. 
Oxymoronic, yes...but what was Neos, if not a city of oxymorons? 
The larger part of the city was crammed with skyscrapers, packed atop each other. The streets were filled with rich cyborgs and their androids, chatting away on their neodisks and living their glamorous, expensive lives. 
The rain definitely wasn’t affecting them too much. Water-resistant metal plating and advanced technology made it possible for them to live their lives as usual, despite the heavy downpour.
However, things were different out here. The outskirts of the city were a lot quieter, the streets empty and deserted. There were no skyscrapers here, just sad-looking buildings and dilapidated abodes. Here, nearly everyone was made of junk and scrap metal dating back to 2032- the rain was a huge inconvenience for most.
As you walked down the street, you made sure to wrap your cloak around you tighter. You couldn’t afford any repairs at the moment. 
Though that would change soon, once you finally manage to earn your Phantom license. You smiled as you thought about the crescents you’d win with each bounty. You’d finally be able to buy a new arm...
Two fingers in your right arm had stopped working years ago- you’d made do with it till now, but being a Phantom meant that you would need your bionic arm to be fully functional, since it was your dominant one. You’d learnt to use your left hand to carry out most tasks- though it was flesh and bone, and weaker than your right, it was definitely more reliable. It never glitched out on you. 
Sometimes, you wished you were entirely human. Being one of the 98% of Xaliens who were technologically advanced definitely had its perks- but it was also expensive. You were glad for Mr. Han’s discounts. 
You continued walking, the icy cold air biting at your skin, and making you shiver. It was supposed to be summer. You sighed, humming a tune to yourself as you made your way to the shop.
That sound could only mean one thing. You paused, the low beeping resonating in your head as you inhaled deeply.
You swivelled around, slipping your dagger out from your waistband in the process and swinging it at the spindly-legged automaton that had been creeping up on you. As soon as the knife made contact with its large, blue eye, it started glitching, convulsing for a few seconds before dying.
Your chest heaved, eyes wide as you stared at the dead machine. Inching closer, you ripped your knife out of its metal, tucking it back into your pants as you crouched to inspect it closely. 
Your suspicions were correct. You pulled your neodisk out of your pocket, scrolling through the news. It only confirmed what you already knew. 
It was a Zenx, though it seemed to be a newer model...it looked a lot more advanced than the ones you'd seen photos of. The arrival of the mysterious, hostile androids had been all the news were filled with, recently. Nobody knew where they came from, who was controlling them or what their purpose was. The royal family had offered the people in the poorer areas of the city a generous amount of crescents if they caught the Zenx and sent them along to the palace for observation. The ones who would sign up were to be called the Phantoms.
It was the very reason you were walking down the street to the workshop, despite it being past curfew. Tomorrow, the applications to be a Phantom would have to be filled and submitted. If you wanted to be a cyber-assassin, you’d have to have two fully functioning arms.
You flipped the machine over onto its side. Unlike most androids, these weren’t humanoid. They were strangely creature-like. You took note of the numbers and symbols on its plated metal belly, mentally jotting them down. Wrenching the plate off of it, you pocketed it with a groan. Maybe Jisung could take a look at it, tell you what you needed to know.
You stood up, sighing as you turned around- only to be met with a dark figure standing right in front of you.
Your eyes narrowed, tilting your head at the hooded man and rolling your eyes.
"I know it's you, Minho."
He let out a grunt of frustration, whipping the hood of his cloak off. "Its unfair, really. You're literally scared of nothing...you sure you're a cyborg and not an android?"
"Hmm...You had your hood on. Maybe I would have been scared if you'd shown me your face."
"Har di har." Minho chuckled. "You know you like my face, baby."
You wrinkled your nose. "Don't call me that. And I don't...like your face-" You stammered a little as he came closer, nose almost brushing against yours.
"Yeah? Why are you blushing, then?"
Your eyes widened as you tried to keep your composure. "I am not blushing." You put your hands on his chest and pushed him away slightly.
He shrugged, looking past you at the upturned machine.
"Woah. Is that a Zenx?"
"You killed it? Alone? Without any government issued weapons?" He asked incredulously.
You glared at him. "Why is that so hard to believe?"
"It's just a little surprising, that's all." He smirks at you. "You're a bit of a badass, hm? But all I have to do to get you flustered is lean a little closer."
You frowned at him. "That's not true." 
Your watch suddenly let out a beep, and you grunted, standing up and scowling at him.
"I have somewhere to go. Leave me alone." You started walking away from him, sighing as you heard his footsteps follow you. Whipping around, you crossed your arms.
"Honestly, do you have nothing better to do? Are you stalking me or something?"
"You wish, princess. I just happen to be in the same places you are."
You pressed your lips together, rolling your eyes and turning away again, walking a little faster...but he was still right next to you, strolling along beside you as he hummed under his breath.
You stopped, making him stop as well.
"Fucking leave."
"No can do. You think I'm just going to leave you alone, especially after you just got attacked? These streets aren't safe." There was no teasing lilt to his words anymore, and his voice was firm as he looked at you. "I'm walking you to wherever you're going."
"No you're not." You said, trying to keep your tone chilly. "I can take care of myself, okay? I don't need you. I don't need anyone." You snarled.
"Calm down."
"You're lucky my middle finger isn't working." You grumbled under your breath, turning away and walking as fast as you could. 
A minute later, you looked behind you, but he was gone. You pushed down the slight disappointment in your heart, and continued on your path.
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A few minutes later, you were finally there. You knocked twice on the shutter, tapping your foot impatiently.
Seconds passed by with no response. You couldn’t shout, since you were supposed to be inconspicuous. About four whole minutes passed before he finally opened the shutter.
“Finally! What the fuck, Sung? You knew I was coming at this time.”
He fiddled with his fingers, avoiding eye contact. “I know. It’s just...I feel like Dad’s getting worse. I was feeding him.”
Your glare disappeared, your expression softening. “Oh...sorry.”
Jisung looked up at you. “What are you apologizing for?”
“I just...feel guilty. I could have signed up earlier, if I hadn’t spilled coffee on my hand...I’m so fucking careless.”
“Y/n. You’re doing more than enough to help.” He met your eyes, sighing and looking away again.  “Seriously...you don’t have to do this.”
You shook your head firmly. “I will. Mr. Han’s the closest thing I’ve had to a father. I’m not prepared to lose him yet. Besides, once I become a Phantom, I’ll have more crescents than I know what to do with.”
You moved closer, slipping your hood off and brushing a hand through your hair as you gave him a soft smile. “I’ll have more than enough money to take him to the city, and get him admitted in one of the best hospitals. We can finally move out of this shitty neighborhood. I promise you.”
Jisung gave you a weak smile, watching you as you pushed past him, making your way to the reclining chair in the corner of the workshop and collapsing onto it. 
You held your hand out. “But in order to make crescents, I need to become a Phantom. And to do that, I need my hand to work right, and I need to be fully charged to pass all my tests tomorrow.”
He chuckled, rolling his sleeves up and flopping onto his chair, rolling over to you. He took your arm, turning it slightly and inspecting it closely. 
“Hmm, you really do need a new arm.” He hummed under his breath, grabbing his oculus from the table and peering through it. He held your arm with one hand, using his other to lift each of your fingers individually. 
“Hmm, okay. I think I have replacements for your fingers lying around here somewhere...” He rolled to his desk, rummaging through a drawer and pulling out a box filled with prostheses. He scoured it for a few minutes before finally pulling out the appropriate parts.
Coming back over to you, he cocked his head to the side.
“What’s wrong? You look...sad.”
He felt his heart beat a little faster as you looked at him, making eye contact with him. “I’m not sad...just a little nervous, that’s all.”
“You don’t need to be. You’re going to be great. I’ve never met someone so strong, powerful and badass as you.”
“Yeah? Well, I’ve never met someone as kind and funn-”
“Can you lovebirds get a room or something?”
You looked up, laughing as you spotted Jeongin enter, his apron streaked with soot. Jisung’s cheeks turned redder than a tomato, his grip on your hand loosening a little.
“Seriously, though. Jisung, you’re supposed to be working on her, not gushing over her-”
“Hey! Remember you’re supposed to be my a-assistant!” He stuttered. “So instead of running your mouth, come over here and hand me my tools.”
Jeongin smiled, walking forward and lifting the wire up from the floor. Plugging it into the socket, he handed the other end to Jisung.
Jisung stood up, gently brushing your hair behind your ear, heart jumping in his chest as he did so. Exposing the circular socket on your head, he attached the wires to it, turning to arrange his tools as you made yourself a little more comfortable. The whirring sound combined with Jisung’s humming had a calming effect on you, your eyes slowly closing. 
Jisung watched as you fell asleep, sighing as he got to work, detaching your arm with his screwdriver as gently as he could. 
“You’re so fucking whipped.” Jeongin called, handing Jisung the prostheses.
“Shut up.” Jisung growled, adjusting the oculus attached to his eye as he unscrewed your middle finger and thumb, attaching the new ones with some difficulty. Your arm was an old make- how he wished he had the crescents to get you a new one. 
You’ve always been his...guardian angel, for lack of a better word. He wished, for once, he could be the one to protect you. Jisung admired your strength, your tenacity and determination. However...sometimes, just sometimes, he wondered why he couldn’t be the same. 
“Seriously though, Hyung...you really need to stop giving her those heart-eyes and just confess, already.”
Jisung looked up at Jeongin, frown settling on his features. “It’s not that simple.” He glanced over at you, eyes still closed as the machine charged the processor embedded in your brain. “She’s not the type to be bothered with things like romance. We’re just friends. In fact, I’m pretty sure she once said I’m like a brother to her.”
Jeongin stayed silent, not wanting to say much more. 
There wasn’t really any point in protesting really, because what Jisung said was true, more or less. Love just wasn’t on your agenda. 
Jisung shook his head at the boy’s silence, affixing your arm back to you and humming as he did so. He stole glances at your peaceful face from time to time, his heart jumping in his chest.
Maybe one day.
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You blinked repeatedly, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the light in the room. Sitting up a little, your eyes landed on Jisung, his back facing you as he worked on something at his desk. You cleared your throat, causing him to turn around and look at you.
“Ah! I didn’t realize you woke up...” He came over, unplugging you. “How are you feeling? Fingers?”
“Yeah, I feel so much more refreshed now.” You lifted up your arm, moving your fingers and making a small sound of delight. “Thank you so much.” You smiled up at him, getting up to wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly. Jisung felt his heartbeat speed up, hesitating as he let his hands rest on your waist. All his senses were flooded with you...he almost forgot how to breathe for a second.
It felt too good to have you in his arms. It was scary.
When you finally pulled away, you went over to the corner to grab your cloak, fastening it around you as he felt his heart drop. He didn’t want you to leave yet.
“Hey...wait, let me walk you home.”
“Oh no, I’ll be fine, Sung. You don’t have to do that...besides Mr. Han needs you.”
“Um, Dad’s asleep. Please? Jeongin already left...and I just wanna talk. We haven’t had a proper talk in ages.”
You sighed, pausing. “Fine.”
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Jisung walked alongside you as you kicked a small pebble with your foot. The subway tunnels were long abandoned, and you often came here for some peace and quiet. It was also the safest place to take a walk, considering it was after curfew.
“So...how nervous are you? For tomorrow?”
“Just...a little.”
“Don’t be. I know you’ll do great. I can come watch, right?”
“Yeah, I think it’s open to the public...which is why I really don’t want to mess up. I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of so many people.”
“Hmm...don’t worry, it’s going to be a piece of cake for you. I’ve seen you train, Y/n. You’ll be able to handle any challenge they throw at you.”
Suddenly, you remembered the weight in your pocket, eyes widening. “Oh wait...um. I almost forgot to show you...before I came here, I crossed paths with one of them.”
“Them? What?”
“A Zenx. I killed it.”
“Wha...what!?” Jisung spluttered, shocked at the nonchalance with which you uttered those words. You pulled out the piece of metal from your pocket, handing it to him. He stared at it with wide eyes, hands trembling a little as he took it from you, turning it over as he inspected it. 
“Y/n...this looks so different from what I’ve seen online...”
“Yeah. They seem to be getting more advanced. I wonder who’s upgrading them...”
“Hmm, it doesn’t have to be a who...but it’s possible. Y/n, you really killed it alone? That could have been dangerous.”
You rolled your eyes. “Please. You’re the one who said I was capable enough.”
“Yeah, but...” He sighed. “I’m sorry. Just a little concerned, that’s all.” He smiled at you. “Now I’m even more convinced that you’re going to be amazing tomorrow.”
You smiled, looking at the floor as you continued along the tunnel.
“So?” You gestured to the plate in Jisung’s hand.
“I left my oculus back home.” He pocketed it, “I’ll inspect it at the workshop... I’ve been reading up on the Zenx lately. Very little information....not much to go off of, but I suspect that...”
You squinted a little as Jisung went off on a tangent, gesticulating as he talked...you tuned him out. Your eyes had noticed something. You blinked, wondering if it was a trick of the light. 
Something...was lying on the tracks. Humanoid, it was panting....you stopped Jisung with your arm stretched out, staring at the body that was a short distance away from you. Jisung looked at you with a confused expression, following your gaze and gasping as he noticed it too.
“What the FUCK is that-”
The figure was lying facedown, writhing a little as it struggled to get to its feet. 
You and Jisung shared a look, considering what to do. Putting a finger on your lips, you slowly approached the body, carefully trying your best to not make a sound. Jisung followed, trying his best to be quiet...but as he took another step with his heavy boot, the stones crunched beneath his feet.
The figure looked up, eyes landing right on you, who was closer to it.
Beautiful, onyx eyes..shiny hair and plump lips...you recognized it. Him.
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His face twisted into an expression filled with fear and confusion. “P-please...help me...” He begged, crawling a little closer. Jisung grabbed your wrist, trying to pull you away a little, but you stayed put, eyes trained on the man in front of you, brain going into overdrive as you tried to figure out what was happening.
“I- Y/n, he’s-”
“H-hwang Hyunjin.” The man choked out, his voice glitching a little as he collapsed right in front of you, eyes closed as he fell unconscious.
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dbhtychou · 6 years ago
Teaser for chapter 3 of Chicago
Chapter 3 is really going to start getting into the world building aspect of the fic. And covering the android nerd culture that we all know would exist if this happened in real life. All we saw in the game was those android owners who mostly treated their androids like a household tool. But there’s got to be other subcultures of android geeks. The modifiers. The collectors. The programing nerds. The custom builders.
I also wanted to touch on the unspoken rule we see heavily implied but never actually covered in the game where it seems androids are absolutely required to wear certain kinds of reflectors to identify them as androids. I tried to find any canon law or rule specified in the game, but I couldn’t find anything other than the game stating the American Androids Act forbids androids to carry or use any type of weapon. So I used some creative liberties.
Here’s an excerpt from the fic. Chapter three will be up on Thursday.
Samantha purchased the sweater as well. As Regina was ringing them up, Samantha asked, “Do you know of a place where I can get another suit for him? One similar to this?”
“There's a place here at the mall that's specifically to clothe androids. You can even bring in clothes to have the android reflectors added.”
“Really? There's places like that?”
“I told you, people really like their androids out here. They blow all sorts of cash on them. The store's called Silicon Valley. You'll find it on the south end of the mall.”
Following Regina's directions, the store was easy to find and exactly as she said. Everything from casual day wear to expensive evening wear sported the reflective indicators of an arm band and a triangle on the front and back.
So this is what androids had to wear. “I wonder why they all have to look like this,�� Samantha said out loud. To her it just seemed like a reason to charge more for clothes.
“It's because of Parson's Law, an addendum to the American Androids Act of 2029,” Connor recited from his memory banks as he followed casually behind her. “In 2032, Tom Parson of California jumped off a bridge to save what he thought was a human from drowning. The person he was trying to save was, in fact, an android and Parson drowned during his rescue attempt. Parson's Law states that all androids must be clearly identifiable from a distance when in public. A human life should never be mistakenly put in jeopardy to save an android.”
“Interesting,” Samantha said as she thumbed through the racks of clothes. “I can see the logic in that.”
“What most of the public is not aware of,” Connor continued, “is that Tom Parson was high out of his mind on a drug called Red Ice that night. The assumed victim was the remains of a deactivated android shell that never would have been mistaken for human to one who was sober.”
Samantha closed her eyes, laughing silently to herself. “Right idea for the wrong reason?” she joked.
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okashiras · 7 years ago
Summary: A comprehensive collection of online articles, magazine clippings, etc. documenting the dating history of pop stars, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura.
(AU in which the K in Kpop means 'Konoha.')
Note: Possible anachronisms are my mistake, and I invoke artistic license for things that may get too unrealistic. Thanks!
All persons and companies are fictitious and any resemblance to existing persons and companies is purely coincidental. Kinda.
Special thanks to @lilmikomiko​ and @hobok​!
ao3 link
KAGE is Konoha’s New Exciting Boy Group
Kage have emerged as an unstoppable force in the Konoha pop scene, and now the group is already on their way to take over the world. Its two main tracks, “Beasts” and “I’m on My Way” landed on the number 1 and 2 spots on all major music charts on Konoha and abroad, while the rest of the tracks on the album “Jutsu” are on the top 20. The group’s four music videos on their YouTube channel have already amassed nearly 200 million views and counting.
The five members—Hyuuga Neji, Sai, Inuzuka Kiba, Uchiha Sasuke, and Uzumaki Naruto—all helped write and produce the songs on their album.
Kage is KG Entertainment’s first idol group. The label previously specialized in hip-hop and more experimental soloists and groups, so the decision of debuting a pop group was met with either eyebrow-raising incredulity or feverish anticipation.
“There was certainly a huge amount of pressure from both sides—from the ones who anticipate because we don’t want to let them down, and from the ones rooting for us to fail because we want to prove them wrong,” said leader Hyuuga Neji. “But we simply channeled the anxiety and frustration into working hard to make an excellent debut.”
Kage’s debut also came at the most opportune time. Konoha’s pop music is on the rise and is being recognized all across the great nations. “I think it’s pretty cool that our music is reaching other countries! Kinda makes you realize what they say about music’s power to connect everybody,” shared Uzumaki Naruto, the mood-maker and the youngest of the group.
With a world tour currently planned, Kage really would be able to connect more with their fans. The group is set to visit 6 countries and play 30 shows. 500,000 people are expected to attend. Now, that’s something to look forward to.
In the meantime, see the profiles of the members below:
Real Name: Hyuuga Neji Role: leader, lead vocals, visual Birth Date: 3 July Sign: Cancer Blood Type: O Height: 184 cm Instruments: Piano
Real Name: Anbu Sai Role: vocals Birth Date: 25 November Sign: Sagittarius Blood Type: A Height: 176 cm Instruments: Flute
Real Name: Inuzuka Kiba Role: main dancer, vocals Birth Date: 7 July Sign: Cancer Blood Type: B Height: 173 cm Instruments: Guitar
Real Name: Uchiha Sasuke Role: rapper, songwriter, producer Birth Date: 23 July Sign: Leo Blood Type: AB Height: 182 cm Instruments: Piano, Bass Guitar
Real Name: Uzumaki Naruto Role: rapper Birth Date: 10 October Sign: Libra Blood Type: B Height: 180 cm Instruments: Drums
banana_dolphin · 8 years ago Nobody can rock a crop top like Sai does
uksem · 8 years ago sasuke put a shirt on. jk don’t
Vaccuum · 8 years ago I’m a dude but Neji is more beautiful than half the girls I dated
NaNaNa · 8 years ago NARUTO IS SO CUTE!!!!
crentist · 8 years ago Wonder what shampoo Neji uses
Catherine · 8 years ago Kiba is like a puppy who will bite you sometimes but it’s ok cuz u love him~
EMO_gee · 8 years ago I would die for Sasuke.
7 Facts You Didn’t Know About Uchiha Sasuke // PopFire
With the debut of KGE’s hot new boy group KAGE, you must be dying to learn more about the members! Let’s start off with the charismatic and dangerously sexy, Uchiha Sasuke. :*
Uchiha Itachi of the legendary 2nd generation group Akatsuki is his older brother. (Handsome bros <3)
He trained with Oto Entertainment for 2 years before transferring and debuting under KG.
The Sharingan Group is a conglomerate owned and founded by Uchiha Madara, Sasuke’s grandfather, making him an heir. (OMG!! Sounds like the beginning of a drama plot XD)
Sasuke’s family has also taken over the film industry through his cousins, Uchiha Obito, an up-and-coming film and music video director, and Uchiha Shisui, an actor known for his role in ‘Crows.’
He has said that if he wasn’t a singer, he would probably pursue a career in the arts. We may have an idea where this interest comes from. His mother, Uchiha Mikoto, is a renowned contemporary art curator and commissioner. (Probably a Mama’s boy ^^)
Despite his high-class background, according to interviews, his preferences are quite simple. His favorite food are tomatoes and fish flakes, and he loves camping.
He has also ventured in the underground rap scene in his teenage years under the name “Taka.” Among his colleagues are Sui, Juu5, and Karin who have appeared as contestants in popular rap competition “Show Me What You Got.”
KUNOICHI’s Debut: New KG Girl Group Makes Major Moves on the Charts
It has only been a month since Kunoichi debuted but they’re already slaying the charts.
See also: Kage’s Uzumaki Naruto names Jiraiya and Killer B as his major influences in Video Star episode
The quartet—consisting of Sakura, Ino, TenTen, and Hinata—made their official debut with two singles, “Bloom” and “Mindblower.” Both tracks debut on World Digital Songs Chart at numbers 1 and 2 respectively.
Kunoichi is only the fourth Konoha act to hit number 1 on World Digital Songs Chart, joining Akatsuki, Tsunade, and Kage.
Get to know the girls behind the chart topper hits.
Birth name: Haruno Sakura Nickname: Forehead Girl Position: leader, main rapper, vocalist, songwriter Birthday: 28 March Zodiac Sign: Aries Birthplace: Konoha Height: 165 cm Weight: 45.4 kg Blood Type: O Some Facts about Sakura:
Trained for 5 years.
Signed as a trainee in KG the same year as Kage’s Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.
Best friends with Ino.
Her favorite foods are syrup-coated anko dumplings, umeboshi, and anmitsu.
Sakura’s ideal type: someone really cool
Birth name: Yamanaka Ino Nickname: Ino-pig Position: main vocalist Birthday: 23 September Zodiac Sign: Libra Birthplace: Konoha Height: 164 cm Weight: 46 kg Blood Type: B Some Facts about Ino:
Trained for 6 years, the longest in the group.
Best friends with Sakura.
Used to part-time in her family’s flower shop during summers.
Her favorite foods are pudding and cherry tomatoes.
Ino’s ideal type: the type to survive on a deserted island
Birth name: Ten Ten Nickname: 1010 Position: main dancer, rapper, sub-vocalist Birthday: 9 March Zodiac Sign: Pisces Birthplace: Konoha Height: 166 cm Weight: 47.3 kg Blood Type: B Some Facts about Tenten:
Trained for 3 years in KG.
Before training in KG, she has appeared in various dance competitions.
Likes fortune-telling.
Her favorite foods are sesame dumplings, Fire Country delicacies
Tenten’s ideal type: a mature, sensible man
Birth name: Hyuuga Hinata Nickname: Hinata Position: visual, sub-vocalist Birthday: 27 December Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Birthplace: Konoha Height: 163 cm Weight: 45 kg Blood Type: A Some Facts about Hinata:
Trained for 6 months.
First cousin of Kage’s Hyuuga Neji.
Likes flower pressing.
Her favorite foods are zenzai and cinnamon rolls.
Hinata’s ideal type: nice and lively
Clau_Chi 7 years ago Ino can murder me and I’ll thank her REPLY
d-zine 7 years ago I can’t believe Sakura isn’t the visual cuz she’s so eye-catching with that stunning pretty face and that pink hair REPLY
pau_ 7 years ago tenten’s buns are adorable!!! so is her hair!!! lolol REPLY
KAGE Unveils Titles of First Two Singles of Comeback Album 04/04/2008
KAGE has finally unveiled the title of two tracks on their upcoming comeback album.
See also: Rock Lee on being the rookie to introduce trot music to the youth
To kick off their highly-anticipated return, it has been revealed that the group will be releasing “Will of Fire” and “Endure” this coming July 1, as seen in the brand new teaser posters for KAGE’s ROOTS PROJECT released earlier today.
Also indicated in the teaser posters are the personnel in the production of the tracks. KG Entertainment veteran Hatake Kakashi produce both tracks as he always does for Kage, while all the boys would take turns to write and compose, and the main rappers, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto would pen their own verses. This time however, one of the writers of the second track “Endure” is none other than Kunoichi’s Haruno Sakura, alongside the group’s primary lyricist Uchiha Sasuke.
Kage leader Hyuuga Neji says of Sakura’s involvement in their album, “Sakura-san was kind enough to gift us a song, to which we are grateful. Its style is unlike anything we have done before and it gears towards a different but interesting direction for us as a group.” Neji adds, “We hope the fans who have supported us up until now will continue to let us show them Kage’s new colors.”
Meanwhile, Kage will be gearing up to start their world tour on October 10 at Konoha Memorial Stadium which would include the tracks from the new album in the setlist. They plan to visit 11 different countries, hold 50 performances, and meet 1.2 million fans.
[+2032, -159]  Finally!!!! ㅠㅠ July 1 can’t come fast enough!!!!!!
[+1869, -324] KAGE!!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I miss them. Can’t wait for the promotions.
[+1575, -197]  Sakura must be really close with the boys or at least one of them ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sasuke, maybe?
[+1187, -108]  Which devil do I gotta summon and sell my soul to so I can listen to Endure right now
[+447, -321]  Why does Sakura have to be involved? It’s a Kage album... Why not let the other members write instead?
‘Idols Weekly’ Kage Episode Highlights 08/05/2008
Hey, guys! KageYah here. The video for part 1 is already up but it hasn’t been subbed yet. For those of you who can’t wait, here are some highlights of the episode. (Spoiler alert?)
It’s Kage’s second time as guests and hosts Hashirama and Tobirama (mostly Hashi) pretend to be emotional because they say the boys have grown up so well and will probably be really chic and cold now after their international success.
To celebrate this momentous occasion, the hosts said they prepared a red carpet only for Kage.
Finally, the boys enter one by one in the studio driving a toy car on the red carpet.
Kiba tumbled off the car towards the end.
Sasuke was blank-faced the whole time and everyone was laughing.
Hashirama tells the editor to pause a few times for Neji’s footage to give viewers a chance to screenshot him on the car while wind blows on his hair.
After introductions were made, Tobirama asked them what has changed with them in the past two years besides being recognized more. Neji said nothing much and that they are the same. “Yeah, we never learn!” Naruto interjected. Hashi beamed at this saying he was gonna make them talk shit.
Sai: “I was specifically instructed by our CEO to ‘stop talking shit.’ …  He didn’t like it when I said that he said he asks for malls to close so he can shop and that we have the same dermatologist among other things. He also didn’t like that I talk about peni—” The members had to cover his mouth for this, lol.
Hashi asked if they got themselves significant others in the past 2 years since they all claimed to be single last time. Neji said that it has gotten more difficult for them somehow because they’re so busy. “Speak for yourself!” Kiba said. He and Naruto were howling.
During a beat, Hashi asked Sasuke, “Sasuke-kun, how’s your grandfather?” Sasuke was all ‘what’??? [T/N: I don’t know either?? He asked this the last time, too.]
Naruto told Hashi to ask Sasuke if he has had a girlfriend. Sasuke replied no. Everyone in the room went crazy with this revelation. Sasuke said, “Nor have any of these guys. I don’t know why they’re celebrating.” [T/N: AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!]
Sasuke: “I take relationships very seriously, so I won’t start anything with anyone unless I feel something very deeply towards them.”
Tobi: “...Damn, suddenly we can’t make fun of him anymore.” Everyone laughed.
Hashi: “You’ll never get married, Sasuke!!!” Sasuke shrugged comically.
Then it’s time for Dancing at Random, where the boys have to dance to their own songs played on shuffle. Whoever is the least synced with the other members by the end will be hit by a toy hammer in the head. The songs played are: Will of Fire, Beasts, Believe It!, and Illusions.
[T/N: I have to say, Kage is at the point of their career where they really don’t give a shit anymore. In other words, they couldn’t remember most of their choreography.]
Despite not remembering their choreography, Kage is still very much synchronized with their idiocy. Except Naruto, the King of the idiot line. The rest of the members wordlessly conspired to betray Naruto so he had to take the hammer in the end.
“I CAN DO THIS!!!” Naruto said as he bowed his head for the hammer. He looked like he was close to tears. “IT HURTS!!!!!!!!”
Hashi and Tobi felt sorry for him and decided to give them a chance to dance to one more song. The plot twist was that it wasn’t a Kage song--it was ‘Bloom’ by Kunoichi.
Another plot twist: everyone nailed the choreography.
Hashi: “This is… really something, you guys.” Tobi: “Naruto, maybe you should ask to be transferred to Kunoichi instead.”
Naruto: “Maybe I should!! Those girls will never betray me!” Naruto said Sasuke would join him if he transfers to Kunoichi not because they’re friends but because… Naruto never got to finish what he was saying because the camera caught Sasuke glaring challengingly which made everyone laugh.
PREVIEW FOR PART 2: apple game, jumping rope??? Sai shows off painting skills??? Why is everyone yelling and bleating like goats???
lightsaver 6 years ago THANK YOU!!! Sounds like a fun episode!! Will be looking forward to the subs. REPLY
TheConspiracy 6 years ago Kage knows Kunoichi choreography but not their own -- priorites, amirite REPLY
miko 6 years ago ^even Sasuke knew the steps to bloom??? what a time to be alive!!! REPLY
belieeeeeeeve 6 years ago Neji is so beautiful!! Soft and bouncy haaaaaair~~ REPLY
saleholic 6 years ago Kage rarely ever does variety but when they do it’s always a riot jdklajfaklfa REPLY
Uchiha Sasuke releases a brand new single to mark first solo project.
See Also: Dosu-3 drummer Abumi Zaku breaks both arms in an accident
Fresh from the success of his group’s Roots Project and rap subunit SN, with member Uzumaki Naruto, the Kage rapper who is known for the dexterity of his words and dry wit, ditches radio-ready pop for a more experimental raw rock-funk-hip-hop hybrid in his solo debut album “Revolution.”
“Breathing Fire” is about a man’s obsessive pursuit for power that it ends up burning him. The music video is a single take of the camera zooming out to show an empire slowly burning to dust, providing a stunning supplement to an already captivating track.
The release of this single also kicks off a series of shows that Sasuke will be doing around Fire Country and abroad. Tour dates to be announced soon so keep an eye out for them.
In addition to “Breathing Fire,” Sasuke is also set to release a music video tomorrow for “Heavenly Hand” which features a vocal line from Kunoichi member Haruno Sakura who is also busy preparing for her own full-length solo album tentatively set to be released later this year.
Until then, check out the MV for “Breathing Fire” below, and be sure to stick around for more updates on your favorite artists and idols.
Source: KG Entertainment
All visual and audio media courtesy of KG Entertainment
Tags: Uchiha Sasuke, KAGE, Haruno Sakura, Revolution, Breathing Fire
usurat0nkach1 5 years ago WHAT AN AMAZING VIDEO!!!!! I consider it as art XD Hoe-kages are so proud of you sasu-chan!! REPLY
GirlType 5 years ago A Sakura feature!!! She seems to be working a lot with them huh. I’m glad she’ll be getting to do her own stuff..but knowing KG it’s probs gonna get delayed til next year. REPLY
TiraMisu 5 years ago this is so different from what he usually does in his group. makes me excited for what his solo album sounds like as a whole. REPLY
[4K] 090723 Sakura and Sasuke talk @ REVOLUTION Concert (+ENG SUB) 931,187 views
doraemin2 Published on July 25, 2009
Revolution concert held at Konoha Stadium Fancam by lala
1,435 comments (sort by)
Pinned by doraemin2 doraemin2 · 5 years ago
Here’s the transcript/translation. Enjoy!
Sasuke: Thank you. Sakura: Thank you, thank you. Ss: Introduce me to the audience. Sk: Everyone, this is Sasuke-kun. Please show him some love! Audience: (cheer) Ss: Thanks. Sk: Sasuke-kun! Ss: Yes. Sk: Do you remember this stage? Ss: Hmm… Sk: You don’t? Ss: Remind me. Sk: We did our first collab stage here. Don’t you remember? Ss: Is that so? Sk: We covered New Paths at the KGE concert! Sasuke-kun! Ss: Hmm… Sk: Gosh, I guess it was too boring that’s why you forgot… Ss: I’m kidding. Of course I remember. Audience: (laugh) Ss: I enjoyed it. Sk: Ah, I’m glad. Audience: (scream) Sk: Wow, this audience is so lively! And there’s so many of you! I’ve never performed in front of this many people. Ss: You’ll get used to it in no time. Sk: You would know, right? Ss: No, it’s my first time as a solo act, too. Sk: Really? You’re amazing. I mean— (inaudible) Audience: (scream) Ss: Not me, the audience. Sk: Both of you, then. Ss: You, too. Audience: (scream) Sk: Um, what else should we talk about... Ss: I should do the hosting since this is my show but it’s a skill I have yet to acquire. But you’re good at this, right? Sk: Well, I— What should I say? Ss: Just treat it as if it were your own. Sk: ‘What’s mine is yours, what’s yours is mine’ kind of deal… Ss: Aa. Audience: (screams) Sk: Everyone, what songs do you want to hear? Audience: (screams) Ss: Well, then. Since Sakura’s here, can we request one more song? Sk: I would love to. Audience: (screams) Ss: What song should we do? Sk: How about we do a Kage song? Ss: Which one? Sk: I can sing anything. I can do Naruto’s parts. Ss: Don’t. Sk: (laughs) Audience: (screams) Ss: Let’s just play one randomly. Sk: Yes! Let’s do it! REPLY 968
tuktuk · 5 years ago both of them…. LEGENDS. both got PAK in their own groups and now as soloists. talented…beautiful….amazing…singers…songwriters….that’s what fans need..=)) name a better duo ill wait..lol REPLY 290
iHartu · 8 months ago THE SEXUAL TENSION IS OFF THE CHARTS!!!!! REPLY 32
Eloise Mercy · 5 years ago both of them are my fave <3 your fancams are the best. thank you for your hardwork. REPLY 156
Adrienne · 3 years ago 1:56 Sasuke making a joke???? 3:47 ARE THEY REALLY FLIRTING OMG !!!!! 4:16 the proposal!??! Oh gosh these two are so cute i can’t REPLY 85
Woe Is You · 5 years ago HOW CAN A GUY BE SO AWKWARD YET SO SMOOTH AT HTE SAME TIMe?>.. gosh i can’t stop smiling.. REPLY 59
9:40 pm - 10/13/2009 JUST A QUICK BLIND ITEMS POST!!!
Top girl group member and rookie actress A is getting some criticism on her acting, with some fans attributing the drama’s failure to her lackluster performance. In addition, viewers are criticizing the circumstances of her debut, noting that while her other members trained for 4 years on average, her training period did not even exceed one year, which led fans to speculate that she was only able to debut due to her connections in her company.
Super boy group member B is rumored to be dating Top girl group member C. Since both are from the same company, their activities have overlapped in addition to having collaborations, leading to developments between the two. Reservations on making this relationship public stem from company pressure, and from B being very high profile, and C, despite being well-loved, is divisive and draws a lot of ire from the public, which could only worsen should the relationship become public.
There’s been a lot of controversy surrounding large company CEO D for trying to recruit already-established stars from other companies, even going as far as extortion.
Tags: blind item
MoMo 13th-Oct-2009 9:45 pm (UTC) God I love blind items but I’m so bad at them. I can never figure them out. reply | thread | link
beauty_mind 13th-Oct-2009 09:48 pm (UTC) A is [Spoiler] reply | thread | link
pineapple 13th-Oct-2009 09:51 pm (UTC) ^was gonna say the same thing lol reply | thread | link
mmmmugz 13th-Oct-2009 09:54 pm (UTC) ^^I’m her fan but I can’t deny this XD reply | thread | link
fixit_felix 13th-Oct-2009 10:01 pm (UTC) Are these really blind items? These are all so obvious… reply | thread | link
Tea_Gardner 13th-Oct-2009 10:05 pm (UTC) 1 I’ll give you a HIN T 2 pink eyeshadow 3 Not sure who this is but ssssssoundssss like a Ssssssnake~~~ reply | thread | link
oystersauce9 13th-Oct-2009 10:06 pm (UTC) ^YESS!!!! I was waiting for you to comment!! Thanks for always coming thru Queen T. reply | thread | link
LavaCake 13th-Oct-2009 10:09 pm (UTC) ^oh b, i knew it. everyone knows c. a is obvious just from watching their live performances alone lol. reply | thread | link
Kwik 13th-Oct-2009 10:15 pm (UTC) ^wait, who’s b??? sasuke sakura??? reply | thread | link
[MV] Sakura _ Silently, Strongly (Feat. Sasuke) 58,381,034 views
KG Entertainment Published on March 27, 2010
29,871 comments (sort by)
KitKat · 4 years ago The short hair suits her so well!! Looks pure REPLY 988
yangming · 4 years ago what an amazing collab! i’m gonna be looking forward to sakura’s solo stuff from now on <3 REPLY 875
Light L · 1 month ago WHO’S WATCHING THIS IN 2014 REPLY 32
Rawrr · 4 years ago Is it me or do thier voices blend well togetrer.? I think they can be a cutie couple XD REPLY 532
[INTERVIEW] 100923 KoKo Magazine: Sakura Throughout
We catch up with Haruno Sakura on her journey as an artist, and beyond.
Q: It’s very difficult to get an interview with you. We wanted to know more about you. Sakura: I like doing interviews but I don’t get that many opportunities to do them. Maybe it’s because my company thinks I thrive in easy-consumption type of media. (laughs)
Q: But you’ve been all around this year and prior. You released your first solo album, you’ve been featured in a few tracks by different artists, and you’ve gotten songwriting credit for a Kage track. What was that like? S: It was a mixture of tenacity and luck. Before debuting, I was insistent that I wanted to write or at least contribute to writing our own material, to the point where I think I annoyed our company. Our CEO said they would only agree if I made a song that they determined would be a hit. So I wrote and wrote every single day, two track ideas at least. Luckily, I got a few songs in and they allowed me. But then I’m left with a heap of material just waiting to be worked on, and counting! It was really just luck that I went to the KG Studios when Kage were throwing ideas around for their comeback. Naruto asked me—maybe as a joke, now that I think about it—if I had anything lying around, and I said I did. I’m just glad they liked it enough to work with it and took a risk even if it sounded different from what they did. That became a starting point where our company decided to take a chance and make me release my own album.
Q: Your album Love Throughout had really good reviews. What did you think about that? Were you expecting it? S: Not at all! I still couldn’t even believe that it exists sometimes, and that I was allowed to do it. I’m really thankful of the warm reception. It makes me want to work harder and better. I hope they’ll let me do it again.
Q: Your collaborations with Kage’s Uchiha Sasuke were also well-received. S: I was honored that Sasuke-kun asked me because ‘Heavenly Hand’ was a lovely song. He was nice enough to return the favor with ‘Silently, Strongly’ on my album. Next time, I’ll be the one to return the favor, and then this exchange will go on forever. Hopefully the fans won’t get tired. (laughs)
Q: What do you wish to do next? S: I would really like to try my hand at producing. I’m currently taking a few courses in music theory and production at KUA (Konoha University of the Arts) because I want to take this seriously. I’m not actually producing anything at the moment but I’ll be ready when it comes. (laughs) If it doesn’t, well, I’m having fun learning, at least.
Q: You seem to be a very disciplined person to manage studies in between activities. In what other ways are you strict towards yourself? S: In many aspects. As a public figure, I’m obligated to maintain an image so I watch my weight and take care of my hair and skin and all that. I’m most strict towards myself with making music. My pre-debut habit of making two song ideas before the day ends has carried on to this day. I have set high standards for myself. I’m pretty sure I have put off some people with how intense I am. (laughs) But I think of being here as a gift and that it’s my duty to work hard to show that I am grateful and worthy of it in return.
Q: Lastly, this question begs to be asked: any news on Kunoichi comeback? S: At the moment, we’re all very busy doing individual activities. I have promotional activities and school at the moment. Ino is working on her own solo album to be released next year which I’m looking forward to. Sprinting Sisters variety show has gotten even funnier since TenTen joined as a member. Hinata’s doing her drama. I still keep in touch with them, especially Ino, and they’re all really pleased with their accomplishments, as I am. We are all looking forward to come back as a group in the near future but in the meantime, we hope Kuchis will support us in our individual endeavors.
Source: KoKo Magazine
Flower Power Wow, she’s out of the KG dungeon for once. She doesn’t get enough interviews? That’s bullshit. She seems very smart and well-spoken. Like · Reply
Girly Tam Lovely, one of a kind gal...please come to Kumo.. Like · Reply
Koneko Nori I’ll never get tired of Sasuke/Sakura collabs!! Please keep them coming. Like · Reply
Kim Ame Thanks for sharing this!! Keep working hard Sakura-chan! We’ll support you! <3 Love, Kuchi Like · Reply
Azumi Kiyo It would be ridiculous of KG to not allow her to have another solo given the success of this one. But it seems she’s not confident of it happening again, which is too bad. Like · Reply
Hana Hime Probably an unpopular opinion, but I prefer Sakura solo than Kunoichi XD Like · Reply
DanDan Soi @Hana Hime no, i feel the same. Like · Reply
Uehara Yu love you.. Like · Reply
Tsunade Talks About Experience Working with Sakura Thursday, 2011 May 20
In a recent interview with local news outlet K-Daily, Tsunade discussed her thoughts and feelings about working with Haruno Sakura (Kunoichi) on her much awaited comeback album after a 5-year hiatus following the death of her husband, Kato Dan.
See also: SuMu Siblings Wrap Up Music Video Shoot in Wind Country
When asked, “Is there a reason you decided to work with Sakura of all the more experienced producers?” the legendary singer commented, “I only met her personally last year but her career has been one of the few that I’ve truly followed and anticipated. When we met, she mentioned that she’s trying to branch out into producing so I invited her to work on my album, and the rest, as they say, is history.”
Tsunade also adds, “She is very comfortable to work with, and it didn’t feel like she was a beginner at all. She has a clear vision of what she wants, and puts her heart into achieving it.”
Even before her comeback, Tsunade’s first single, “Rebirth” got a lot of attention for being written by Kage’s Uchiha Sasuke and composed by Sakura herself. Regarding this, Tsunade reveals she initially didn’t know about the song’s origin when it was brought to the studio.
“I had no idea it was Uchiha’s track and only found out about the fact while working with Sakura. I told her I wanted to have a song that commands and has a lot of energy, the kind that makes you think, ‘Oh! The baddest bitch is back.’ Then when we returned to the studio the next day, she looked like she pulled an all-nighter, but she had the perfect song for me,” Tsunade reveals.
Tsunade says she has yet to meet Sasuke in person, “We haven’t met but the recordings would go back and forth, and he would give notes through Sakura on the kind of feeling that would go with so and so part.”
With the success of ‘Rebirth,’ Tsunade hopes to collaborate again with Sakura and Sasuke in the future.
Source (1, 2)
schwifty · 3 years ago rebirth was by sasuke?? i knew it had his style the moment i listened to it i felt it lol :P +5 | -0
KawaiiFemalePunk · 3 years ago Tsunade, “The baddest bitch is here.” OMG! Excited for this comeback~ +4 | -1
nuuie · 3 years ago sasuke and sakura pulling aan allnighter??? this is only fueling the dating rumors omg!! p.s. plz do more collabs!! +5 | -3
Anonymous · 1 year ago who the hell does sasuke think he is not coming to meet tsunade in person when she's like 20 years older than him ㅋㅋ you can smell his rotten personality from here. sakura jjang don't hang out w/ trash like him too much~ +1 | -8
Kage member Uchiha Sasuke is this month’s cover artist for K-D magazine. The editor sat down during the photoshoot for an in-depth interview. Check out the translation below.
Q: You look pretty tired even though it’s still morning. Is the photoshoot too early for you? Sasuke: No, it’s fine. I’m just a bit jet-lagged is all.
Q: This photoshoot is highlighting a different side of you—a softer, more natural concept than the ones we normally see you in. Does looking like an idol make you feel uncomfortable? S: No—well, I am an idol. This is the path I have chosen so I should be able to get past any sort of discomfort I would feel on my own. Also, I was told fans seem to enjoy this kind of thing.
Q: Tsunade’s ‘Rebirth’ which was released this year got a lot of positive feedback. What did you think about it, as the one who wrote it? S: It did? That’s great. Tsunade’s distinctive voice has been something that I regarded highly as I was growing up. The song wouldn’t have worked as well had it been sung by anyone else, in my opinion. It’s an honor to have my song sung by her.
Q: You said, “It did?” as though you don’t pay attention to charts. S: I don’t. Not about stuff I did myself at least. Or rather, when I was told that Tsunade liked it, and when I heard the results and was satisfied with it, then that’s all that matters. Not that it’s surprising that it did well; this is Tsunade after all.
Q: That was a cool thing to say... S: Anyway.
Q: You’ve always written your own stuff, and now, aside from collaborations, you’ve started writing songs for other people. How do you know which songs to give away, which songs to use for Kage, and which ones for your solos? S: They aren’t premeditated decisions. When I work on a project, I work with the mindset that I have at that moment so the output would come organically. Although, when I work with Kage, the decisions would be informed by the opinions of the members and mass appeal. When I’m on my own, as I said, I’m less concerned about whether it would chart or not, and more about releasing content that currently speaks to me, or that I’m curious about. There would always be ideas and tracks that wouldn’t work so they’d be put in the back burner until an opportunity arises, which was the case with ‘Rebirth.’ And then there would be songs that would never see the light of day—the ones I keep for myself or for certain people.
Q: Like a significant other? S: Sure.
Q: The last two years have been very eventful for you especially as a solo artist. I heard that not only did you produce your album, but you also participated in its visual concept and direction. What prompted that decision and what was it like? S: It seemed like a natural course of things since I wanted the album to show facets of myself I haven’t shown before. Up until then, we’ve been making decisions as a group and we’ve always trusted Neji’s aesthetic sensibilities in terms of the direction of our visual concepts. It was just something I wanted to try on my own. In working solo, I wasn’t so much worried about looking cool as I was about showing visuals that would effectively complement the tracks. It was like problem solving so I thought it was enjoyable.
Q: Also in the last two years, you have been a featured artist in various tracks from a whole range of artists—there’s ‘Retrieve’ with Shino A; and then there’s ‘Silently, Strongly’ with Sakura with whom you also collaborated on Tsunade’s ‘Rebirth;’ and then if you consider your subunit with Naruto— S: I don’t.
Q: Oh, alright. And then you’re also set to feature on a track on Troublesome’s new album. My question is, is there a reason you do all these features? S: You say it as if I have done so many, but it’s not nearly as much as the featuring offers I’ve gotten. I’m rather selective on which tracks I feature in. I would always consider if I can really be of help to make the song better, if my current mindset matches the tone of the song, and also if I can offer and learn something different from this collaboration. It must be a give-and-take, in my understanding. Shino has an interesting turn of phrase in his lyrics; Troublesome has a unique eclectic sound; Tsunade, I’ve already mentioned; and Sakura is incredibly talented and I’d be a complete idiot if I said no to her. It’s burdensome to turn people down but I’d rather be thorough than half-ass these things.
Q: You’re very particular about where you lend your talents to that’s why it always yields good results. Now I understand why people consider you a top idol rapper. Who do you think is your current competition? S: Naruto told me that if I were to encounter a question like this, I should answer his name. So my answer is no comment.
Q: Are you at all competitive? S: With rapping, not anymore. There’s a prejudice against idol rappers that they’re somehow less legitimate than those in the underground scene, so they’re upheld to a different standard anyway. It’s futile to compete. Frankly, I’m not interested in it. As it is now, rapping is just a means to an end for me. I’m more concerned about making good music that reflects who I am, what I care about.
Q: Ever since you debuted, you have been compared with your brother Itachi of Akatsuki. What is your opinion on this? S: I knew it would be inevitable from the start even if I tried to distance myself and debuted in a different company. The admiration I feel for my brother even from before he debuted remains, so I’m not resentful at all. But I think our directions are different. Itachi has surpassed being a musician to being an icon. His influence extends to fashion, lifestyle, art, business, and such. I’m just trying to make good music. I’m flattered by the comparison but I would prefer to be viewed in a different light.
Q: Lastly, any hopes for the next 2-3 years? S: Be more courageous.
Source: K-D
Tags: Uchiha Sasuke, KAGE
susan00 3 years ago Thanks for translating and sharing !! I got a copy of this issue on Konoha Airport but I haven’t read ;; Thanx so much !! ^^ REPLY
eyelids 3 years ago “Q: Like a significant other? S: Sure.” DID HE JUST??? ADMIT HE HAS A S/O???? REPLY
yacchaU 3 years ago ^maybe he was being sarcastic? I can never really tell with his tone….. REPLY
Fantasy 3 years ago I love how he doesn’t give a shit. REPLY
ROOT_BABY 3 years ago when he said he can’t say no to sakura,, XD REPLY
mandrake 3 years ago ^MAN SHUT THE FUCK UP REPLY
KG Entertainment CEO Danzo laughs off Sasuke and Sakura dating rumors. 2012-02-15
Photos recently surfaced on various social media sites of what appears to be Uchiha Sasuke (Kage) and Haruno Sakura (Kunoichi) in a grocery mart, in an attempt to spark up dating rumors.
Despite the fact that these dating rumors would usually fizzle out after a few days, KG was quick to dismiss them with an incredulous scoff. CEO Shimura Danzo himself spoke to various news outlets: “It’s utterly ridiculous. The reports are merely unfounded rumors.”
A representative from the company spoke of the photos, “Kage went to Wave Country last year for a world tour and Sakura was a guest performer at the time. They had a free day and decided to go out as a group, including PD’s and managers. ” They added, “Our company prides itself in having talents that treat each other as they would their families and friends. Rumors like this would only hurt that.”
[+876, -681] Can’t these people go out without having everyone all up in their business? Gosh, let them be.
[+765, -469] KG was quick to dismiss the rumors. A little too quick if you ask me… ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+519, -145] He seems to treat her like a younger sister. I doubt this is romantic. It’s probably weird for them to date within the company.
[+202, -347] Whatever, I still think they’d be cute together.
[+194, -431] Great! Now when is he gonna confirm NaruSasu ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[ARTICLE] What does KG mean to Sasuke?
“We’re a family… is what I’m supposed to say contractually. In reality, it’s just a workplace.”
SOURCE: KonohaAll via punnie
[+619, -13] I know Sasuke’s joking but it felt refreshing to me as a fan ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+534, -19] Even if he was joking, you know what they say, jokes are half-meant
[+268, -8] I wonder if Sasuke being petty like this has anything to do with Danzo not letting him and Sakura date by dismissing those rumors immediately ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+153, -3] KGE used to be nurturing with their artists but it became all business once Danzo became CEO
[+42, -5] Hul… Then just leave the company if you think it’s such a chore ㅋㅋㅋ not like you need the money since you already have your trustfund
Are Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke dating? August 21, 2012
Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke are longtime friends and songwriting partners, but could their relationship be blooming into something more?
Fans are determined to prove it.
KG representatives have previously denied the existence of this relationship which seemed to quiet the rumors down for a while, but they were sparked anew after Haruno Sakura uploaded a photo on her Instagram. The photo is taken in a park and featured a blurry man’s pair of legs. Seems innocuous, right? It could be anyone!
However, a few minutes later, Uchiha Sasuke uploaded a photo that looks like it was taken on the same park. Fans kept noting the similar bench, light posts, and trashcan, and deduced that they must be together. Some more meticulous fans even went as far as zooming in on one of the trashcans to reveal what was supposedly the reflection of two people who are believed to be Sasuke and Sakura. Almost immediately, Sasuke removed the picture which only added more fuel to the fire.
Back in March, Uchiha Sasuke discussed being in the middle of relationship rumors in an episode of Video Star: “There are pros and cons to admitting. Because I’m a celebrity, being in a relationship with me would potentially do more harm than good. Although the public has a right to know whether or not I’m dating someone, I have no obligation to disclose anything.”
So it looks like we won’t be able to have any kind of confirmation (affirmative or negative) anytime soon.
“There’s nothing to confirm because there’s nothing going on. If that blurry blob of whatever really was them, then so what? They could be just hanging out. It’s not impossible for a man and a woman to just be friends/workmates,” reasoned one K-netizen.
On the other camp, fans are going wild.
“ok am i thE ONLY ONE WHO WANTS THIS TO BE TRUE?!?!?!! i’ve seen their stages and i think they’d be a cute couple!!!! #confirmthisrelationship #please,” another K-netizen exclaimed.
More evidence? Back in 2011, when Sakura collapsed after Kunoichi’s concert in Konoha Arena, Kage were in the middle of promotional activities in Earth Country, but the day after, Sasuke (and Naruto) were already back in Konoha. Some people even claim spotting Sasuke bringing a pillow to Konoha General Hospital where Sakura was confined. In addition, recently Sakura has been spotted visiting the Leaf Gallery where Uchiha Mikoto (Sasuke’s mother) is a director. The two seem to be very friendly based on the photos Mikoto posted on her Instagram page.
But for all we know, this could all be just a huge coincidence and that they really are just friends.
What do you guys think?
lililala · August 21, 2012 I think people need to mind their own damn business.
TeaTime · August 21, 2012 obviously, the real reason as to why he took the post down is because it messes up his ig feed aesthetic.
Lee_Ann > TeaTime · August 21, 2012 lol tru!!
GumGum3x · August 21, 2012 This rumor has gone on for too long for it to not be true. But yeah, we need to leave them alone and let them confirm it if they ever decide to.
fabcat94 · August 21, 2012 WHAT NOOOOO!!!! SASUKE X NARUTO FOREVERR
avvkvvard · August 21, 2012 He wouldn’t have deleted it if it didn’t mean anything
FrannyZ · August 21, 2012 Still praying this is true tbh~
REVIEW: Sakura’s Courage braves into more adventurous sounds, more intimate songwriting angles 31-Mar-2013
Up to this point, the Konoha pop scene has often been disregarded for producing fluff pieces that would always shy away from hard-cutting themes. Sakura’s appropriately titled sophomore offering Courage is a bold example of stepping up to the challenge by baring her doubts and vulnerabilities, and finding comfort in the person underneath it all. With the sonically diverse musical styles experimenting with folk, electronica, R&B, and classical music, Courage’s sound echoes the complexity of the artist within Sakura.
When Sakura softly sings, “Women have to be strong in order to survive,” on the title track Courage, even with a distinctive, almost tremulously emotive voice, it was no soft declaration, and it sets the tone for the rest of the album.
Having debuted as one-fourth of Kunoichi, KG Entertainment’s first girl group fresh after the overwhelming international success of its flagship group Kage, she has been thoroughly judged by the public through a microscope since she was 19. In the years following their debut, she was often mocked for her appearance and presentation, and their group’s success was often questioned as only riding on the coattails of the boy group before them. Moreover, she is involved in an ongoing “dating scandal” with a member of said boy group.
This preface is a necessary evil because as we now arrive with Courage, we recognize that Sakura’s declaration is no small feat. Sakura addresses the frankly, oddly obsessive level of hatred directed at her in the tongue-in-cheek and drone-like, “And all I do is cry, and all I do is cry, and all I do is cry” hook of Useless repeated ad nauseam, sandwiched in between verses that are a litany of her supposed faults. In addition, the chill-inducing restraint as she sings in a silky voice, “Smile to ease out of a situation / Even if it’s fake,” in Fake Smiles gives the audience a glimpse of what’s underneath the glitter and glamour of the star: a human, working through the anger and hurt all the while having to appear pristine and perfect.
Maturity is certainly a theme in Courage, and in the time between this and Sakura’s debut solo album Love Throughout, she has undergone relationship rumors and scandals. The veracity of these rumors notwithstanding, heartache can be found in Courage, specifically with the songs 181 and Maybe Next Time, about distance and pining. Softly sung with Sakura’s gentle and emotive voice, like a secret—they’re infinitely intriguing.
With Courage, Sakura isn’t afraid to show moments of self-doubt, insecurity, and loneliness. An album like this proves the importance to have musicians explore deeply into themselves and express themselves in compelling ways, to show the humanity underneath all the glossy production, and gorgeous visuals.
Watch: Sakura talks pre-debut + shares songwriting and life advice with a lucky fan
On the June 25 webisode of “The Road of Life,” Haruno Sakura visited a fan who has a dream of becoming a singer-songwriter.
See also: Shino A.’s much buzzed-about collab with indie band Troublesome already in the works
The episode began showing the daily routine of Moegi Kazamatsuri, the fan. Sakura surprised her with a basket of goodies that she handpicked herself, moving Moegi to tears.
Once she had calmed down with Sakura’s words, the two quickly became comfortable with each other, with Moegi saying that she’s usually shy around new people but she felt immediately at ease with Sakura. Moegi began to explain the inferiority complex she feels and how hard it is to break into the industry. “It’s like no matter how much I try to raise myself up, there’s always going to be another wall that I need to overcome,” Moegi said. “At the moment, that wall is the feeling of never having anything good or important to say. People who want to get in the industry all have unique voices and stories to tell. But I don’t even know what I’m trying to be, let alone who I am.”
Hearing Moegi’s words, Sakura empathized because she said she has felt that way at some point, and that she still does every now and then. She began to talk about the rejections she had faced before she was finally signed as a trainee. “I can’t even count how many companies I have tried to audition for,” she laughed. “It was definitely a lot for a 12-year-old. I kept wondering if there was something wrong with me, if maybe people who make it innately have something, and that perhaps I’ll never have it—whatever it is.”
Sakura added, “But performing and writing was something that I have always enjoyed. My mom says I’ve been making up songs ever since I learned how to speak. Being able to express my thoughts is a good release for me. I’m sure you know that feeling.” Moegi agreed.
“As for them being good or important, those standards are too ambiguous and arbitrary. You can never please everybody, so you might as well just do what you think is you—your thoughts, your experiences. You are the only one in the world who is you, so that alone makes you and whatever you say important. I think if there’s at least one person out there who listens and finds something compelling in what I do, then that’s how I know I’ve chosen the right path,” Sakura said.
The conversation took on a lighter note when Moegi started to ask Sakura about her creative process and how she finds inspiration. “I do try to write from experiences, although not in a literal sense,” Sakura explained. “I wrote about “Tearfully pleading in the middle of the night/ Don’t go” in my previous album, but I have never really experienced that when I wrote it. It was more about my hopes at that time. Not that I hope to tearfully plead to someone! (laughs) I mean, I guess I hoped to feel that kind of all-encompassing love towards someone.
“So while Love Throughout was about my hopes, I tried to be as genuine as I can in Courage. The songs here really are my own experiences and thoughts. I tried to be personal and vulnerable in this album, and then tried to find strength in that vulnerability. I think that’s what I was going for,” Sakura added.
This revelation prompted Moegi to ask if the story behind Sakura’s hit ballad “Maybe Next Time” from her latest album really happened to her. “Were you really in mutual pining with someone?” To this, Sakura blushed, “I guess I dug my own grave here! (laughs) It was a situation where we weren’t in the position to pursue anything even if we both wanted to, not at the moment at least.”
As the night ended, Sakura posed for a photo with Moegi before walking her home. The two shared a big warm hug before saying goodbye.
Watch the full webisode here: [LINK]
Hansum · 226 posts Posted 28 June 2013 - 4:08 AM just from the text, it seemed like a deep and insightful conversation especially from an idol. I love what she said about being good and important, speaks a lot abt her as a person :’>
nyaachu · 8,045 posts Posted 28 June 2013 - 4:10 AM (Edited by nyaachu 28 June 2013 - 4:29 AM) Sakura is Amazing. An Angel. Nation’s First Love. EDIT: who’s willing to bet she was talking about Sasuke in the end
uranusas · 156 posts Posted 28 June 2013 - 4:08 AM i always wonder how real is the road of life ? i mean how she can act surprised and not notice when she can see the camera all around the room . seems scripted ..
RockLeeLuvr29 · 3,101 posts Posted 28 June 2013 - 7:59 AM She’s so wise&mature,for someone her age.Hope that fan had a lot of fun w/ her ^^ @nyaachu, u think??
Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura Caught Up in Dating Rumors Once Again + Affiliates Respond
Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura are caught up in dating rumors once again, and sources close to the two idols finally respond.
On an online community, one exchange student reported that Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura were spotted together in Snow Country. Haruno Sakura was there from February 9 to 12, while Uchiha Sasuke was seen on February 13. Some outlets reported seeing the two together in Kazahana, before returning to Konoha separately with a three-day gap between their flights.
On February 20, Haruno Sakura’s affiliates stated, “Haruno Sakura had promotional activities for the movie ‘The Strong 100’, where she is set to appear in. The schedule was tight and it would have been impossible to meet with Uchiha Sasuke. The two are not dating.”
Uchiha Sasuke’s camp also denied the rumors stating, “Mr. Uchiha went to Snow Country for a project, not to meet Ms. Haruno.”
This is not the first time that dating rumors about Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura have surfaced. However, while rumors in the past have been denied by their label KGE, this is the first time that sources from the two idols have outright denied it.
Source: (1) (2) (3)
theorem 1 month ago Well, there goes the dating rumors. I don’t think Sakura’s people would cover it up but they really outright denied it this time. REPLY
BINGOOO 1 month ago a project?? could it be *wedding bells* they only said they’re not dating because what if they’re actually already engaged lol XD i can dream right oTL REPLY
DoritoLocoLover 1 month ago Keep denying it and date in peace. REPLY
Mind-Blown 1 month ago maybe they really were dating all this time but then they broke up in Snow that’s why they announced that they weren’t dating anymore TT.TT REPLY
bitter_queen 1 month ago god, leave them alone. they should start suing whoever starts these rumors. REPLY
Pessimiss 1 month ago Still hoping it’s true… Silently and strongly… REPLY
March 30, 2014
The two debuted as members of groups Kage and Kunoichi under KG Entertainment and have since gone on to work as solo artists.
Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura are to be married on November 5 later this year according to the statement released by their agency.
Below is the full translated statement:
“Greetings! This is KG Entertainment. We would like to extend our gratitude to the fans who have shown a lot of love for our own Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura. Moreover, we would like to ask for everyone’s understanding as we announce the news of their engagement. They will be having a wedding on the 5th of November this year and it will be a private affair between two families and some of the couple’s closest friends. The best gift we can offer the new couple in their upcoming union is to respect their wishes. As always, thank you for your understanding.”
The engagement has been a huge trending topic since it was announced yesterday. The two have since left messages on their respective fan pages.
Sakura writes: “I have known Sasuke-kun since we were young and even as trainees, I’ve carried such deep respect and admiration for him. It was a huge honor to grow alongside him, not only as a colleague but also as a friend after all these years, and it makes me look forward to spending the future together with him. As nervous as I am at the moment, I still hope your support and love for me up until now will extend to my soon-to-be husband—I still can’t get over the thrill of saying this—as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Sasuke writes: “The last five years have been the most tumultuous of my life, but Sakura has been there to ground me, as she always has. I have been wanting to speak about our relationship earlier but out of courtesy to Sakura and her family, I had to proceed with caution. It’s not just about me anymore, and there’s no one else I’d want to continue this journey with other than Sakura. With this news being made public, I trust everyone’s understanding and support, if not for me then for my future wife. Thank you.”
Twitter went wild with the news, making #SasuSakuCouple trend worldwide with happy reactions about the engagement.
Check out some of the best responses about the pair’s upcoming nuptials. Congratulations, Sasuke and Sakura!
Kimmy @gh0ulfriend When you expected a dating confirmation but you got a wedding confirmation #sasusakucouple 6:38 AM - March 30, 2014
cool anna @mrsucuzinu me: *logs into twitter* news: uchiha sasuke and haruno sakura are getting married me: *dies* 7:23 AM - March 30, 2014
Bad Little Girl @byungie I can’t believe Sasusaku invented Marriage and ended all idol couples :)))) 7:23 AM - March 30, 2014
hayzzze @takataka I don’t even think i’m gonna be this excited for my own engagement 8:05 AM - March 30, 2014
kage_facts @KAGEFACTSS WE’RE ALL GETTING MARRIED!!!!! 8:12 AM - March 30, 2014
294 notes · View notes
astoundingbeyondbelief · 8 years ago
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters press release from Polygon, via Tokyo Lives. Here’s the important part:
Servum A sub-species of Godzilla discovered by the Earth landing party, given the name "Servum". Cellular analysis shows a 97% similarity to Godzilla, when compared to data collected during a nuclear attack on that beast in 2032, before the escape from Earth. Like Godzilla, it has extremely metal-like body tissue, but despite this can generate a strong electromagnetic charge. Two varieties of Servum have been observed, the flying type, and another worm-like kind which burrows in the ground. The flying type prey on the worm type, and the worm type preys on further smaller types, creating a food chain.
161 notes · View notes
dodostars · 7 years ago
BKK2032_Trailer_NEW from Tony Rungsawang on Vimeo.
0 notes
oursnowboarding · 9 years ago
Tumblr media
Scott Stevens | 2032 Teaser “In The Future Everyone Will Snowboard”
245 notes · View notes