#2025 Lincoln Aviator
techedu24 · 7 months
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autoexplored · 8 months
The 2025 Lincoln Aviator Sets New Standards in Style, Technology, and Performance
Lincoln Motor Company has taken the wraps off its latest masterpiece—the 2025 Lincoln Aviator. This three-row midsize SUV promises to redefine luxury with its bold design, cutting-edge technology, and stellar performance. Bold Design: A Striking Presence on the Road The 2025 Lincoln Aviator boasts a bold new face with an updated grille and headlamps, making it a truly eye-catching presence on the…
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molecars · 18 days
2025 Lincoln Aviator SUV: Better than a Cadillac Escalade??
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sonycartv · 18 days
New 2025 Lincoln Aviator | SUV! Finally Revealed | SonyCarTv
The mid-size SUV, now the only Lincoln model in the lineup, is a direct descendant of the iconic Town Car. It maintains the Town Car's reputation for comfort and power, while adding a touch of modern sophistication.
Sonycartv #cartv07 #Lincoln #Aviator #2025
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lincolnofwindsor · 1 month
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Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade to the 2025 Lincoln Aviator
The 2025 Lincoln Aviator is poised to redefine luxury SUVs, combining cutting-edge technology, sophisticated design, and powerful performance. If you’re considering an upgrade, here are the top five reasons to make the 2025 Lincoln Aviator your next vehicle.
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blogueericdescarries · 5 months
Lincoln Navigator 2024 et la fin du Ram Classic
Le 2 mai 2024
J’ai toujours été un amateur de Lincoln (c’est pourquoi j’en ai deux!), cependant,  plus des automobiles que des actuels VUS. En effet, Lincoln, la marque de luxe du constructeur américain Ford, ne propose plus de berlines de la marque en Amérique du Nord. Il en offre une belle sur le marché chinois, la Zephyr dont les dimensions seraient un peu plus imposantes que la défunte MKZ mais pas aussi grandes que celle de la (défunte aussi) Continental. Elle ne viendra probablement jamais chez nous mais c’est rassurant de savoir que cette belle auto a survécu à son extinction nord-américaine.
Par conséquent, vous ne trouverez actuellement que des VUS sous l’enseigne Lincoln, du plus petit Corsair récemment révisé en passant par le nouveau Nautilus (bientôt chez nous via la Chine où il est construit), l’imposant Aviator (qui sera révisé sous peu) et l’encore plus imposant Navigator dont il sera question ici cette semaine (au moment d’écrire ces lignes, il faut souligner que les ventes de Lincoln ne sont pas glorieuses, le marché étant très dur pour ce genre de véhicule.
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Le superbe VUS Navigator de Lincoln est reconduit pour 2024. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Ford du Canada m’a permis d’utiliser le Navigator que vous voyez ici alors que cette version 2024 ne présente que très peu d’améliorations ou de changements cette année. Toutefois, sachez que les concepteurs et ingénieurs de la marque travaillent actuellement à nous préparer une version améliorée de ce grand VUS toujours livrable en format régulier ou en format allongé L (tous deux pour sept ou huit passagers).
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Le Navigator vu d’arrière n’a rien de banal. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Mais alors, pourquoi persister à offrir ce grand véhicule sur notre marché? Aussi ironique que cela puisse paraître, même si les ventes pourraient être plus fortes, il reste une clientèle spécifique pour ce genre de camionnette dont le marché met plus en vedette des véhicules comme le Cadillac Escalade (bientôt livrable en version tout électrique) ou encore BMW X7 ou encore Land Rover Range Rover. De plus, pourquoi pensez-vous que Toyota continue de proposer des Lexus LX600 et Nissan des Infiniti QX80 ? Ces grand VIUS demeurent toujours en demande. Même si des photos-espion de Navigator 2025 ont déjà été dévoilées, on ne sait pas encore si ce grand VUS basé sur une architecture semblable à celle des pick-up F-150 (surtout au point de vue mécanique et technique) sera alors proposé en version hybride ou tout électrique (comme l’Escalade). Ce sera donc un dossier à suivre.
D’autre part, les Navigator sont des véhicules plus recherchés par les agences de transport par limousine que par les usagers privés. Dans le cas de mon véhicule d’essai, sa superbe couleur Perle Céramique métallisé le destine plus aux balades en campagne que s’il était tout noir, comme la plupart des version « commerciales ».
Donc, ne cherchez pas de différences entre ce Navigator 2024 et ses prédécesseurs de 2023 ou même 2022. Il n’y en a pas (sauf pour le marché américain qui perd sa version à propulsion seulement alors que pour nous, au Canada, les Navigator sont, comme dans le passé, tous à traction intégrale ou, comme on le dit maintenant, 4 x 4 permanent…comme les Land Rover Range Rover !).
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Le tableau de bord très élégant incorpore un grand écran! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Vu que le Navigator que vous voyez était de la finition Reserve un peu plus poussée, son emblème au centre de la calandre était illuminé de nuit. Mentionnons que dès que l’on approche du véhicule, ses marchepieds se déploient automatique et, de nuit, une illumination se produit autour du véhicule. Quant à l’intérieur, inutile de vous dire qu’il était à la fois très vaste et aussi très luxueux.
Le tableau de bord ayant été modernisé au cours des années, il demeure élégant et très pratique avec toutes les commandes à la portée de la main. La console centrale est très large (avec ses petits compartiments de rangement). Notez l’absence du levier de vitesses. Il est remplacé par des touches électriques au tableau de bord. On est souvent très sévères concernant la finition intérieure des véhicules américains mais dans le cas du Navigator, il est plutôt difficile d’y trouver des défauts, même en ce qui a trait au choix des matériaux. J’ai aimé le fait que le volant soit relativement élégant avec un nombre moins évident de commandes redondantes qui remplissent habituellement toute la façade du volant. Ah oui! Comme d’habitude, j’ai apprécié la réflexion du compteur de vitesse dans le pare-brise ! Et le grand écran permet des informations si facilement lisibles. Le tableau de bord contient aussi la commande rotative pour la marche arrière du véhicule avec une remorque attachée! Génial!
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Les places arrière sont invitantes pour de longs parcours. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Quant aux sièges, il faut vraiment monter à bord et expérimenter les diverses commandes d’ajustements de ceux-ci à l’avant. À l’arrière, les deux sièges baquets devraient rendre un long voyage très plaisant à ses occupants. Disons qu’ils sont plus confortables et plus conviviaux que plusieurs sièges d’avion de classe affaire que j’ai expérimenté.
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Il y a de la place pour les bagages dans un Navigator. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Et plus encore! (Photo Éric Descarries)
La plus belle qualité de ce Navigator est certes cette troisième rangée de sièges escamotables qui est généralement serrée et peu accueillante. Dans le cas de celui-ci, l’espace pour les jambes y est généreux et l’environnement plus agréable. Ah oui! Il y a aussi des systèmes de divertissements arrière qui peuvent occuper les temps morts des passagers lors de longs voyages. Car un Navigator, c’est fait pour de longs voyages.
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La troisième banquette, tout à l’arrière, est une des plus accueillantes de ce créneau de VUS grand format. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Évidemment, même avec les sièges en place (ils se replient et se déplient par commande électrique), il y a suffisamment de place pour certains bagages ou articles dans le coffre. Et vu que c’est si facile de baisser les dossiers de ces sièges, l’utilisateur de Navigator peut se retrouver avec un véritable fourgon de livraison!
Une mécanique éprouvée
Il n’y a rien de surprenant sous le capot d’un Navigator. Vu qu’il est issu de la gamme F-150, son moteur (le seul disponible au catalogue) est un V6 DACT turbocompressé EcoBoost de 3,5 litres. Toutefois, il s’agit ici d’une version autrefois réservée au fameux Raptor, un bolide hors-route basé sur le F-150. Il développe donc 440 chevaux et 510 li-pi de couple, ce qui n’est pas peu dire! La seule boîte de vitesses disponible demeure la maintenant légendaire transmission automatique à 10 rapports de Ford combiné à un boîtier de transfert automatisé à deux rapports qui transfert la puissance aux roues arrière ou avant selon le besoin identifié par l’ordinateur.
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Le seul moteur disponible sous le capot du Navigator est un V6 de Raptor de 440 chevaux! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Quant à la suspension, c’est là que le Navigator perd des points.  Autrefois, celle-ci, en configuration pneumatique, dépassait celle de plusieurs concurrentes surtout que les éléments d’arrière étaient indépendants (la plupart des grands VUS de l’époque avaient un pont arrière rigide). Aujourd’hui, ils sont presque tous indépendants à l’arrière. Quant au freinage, il est à disques aux quatre roues. Toutefois, on le dit très robuste! Les pneus équipant mon véhicule d’essai étaient des Yokohama d’hiver mais d’origine, ils devraient être des Pirelli Scorpion Verde 285/45 R-22.
Sur la route
Il faut le dire tout de suite. Le Lincoln Navigator n’est pas pour tout le monde. Je le dirais plus axé vers l’industrie du taxi de luxe et de la limousine. Cependant, il y a de nombreux amateurs de caravaning qui choisiront le Navigator pour non seulement sa capacité de remorquage de 8700 livres mais aussi ses capacités de contrôle des remorques et, bien entendu, la fonction Pro Trailer Back-up Assist qui permet de reculer facilement avec la remorque comme décrit plus haut.
Une chose est certaine, je n’aime pas le son du V6, surtout à l’effort (à ce chapitre, Ford aurait pu développer un système d’échappement plus silencieux) mais j’en aime les performances! Passer du point mort à 100 km/h demande moins de sept secondes ce qui est impressionnant pour un VUS de plus de 6000 livres! La boîte de vitesses est à la fois douce et surtout précise avec presque pas d’hésitation mais il faut savoir la respecter pour éviter certaines hésitations. Il est possible d’en passer les rapports manuellement grâce aux palettes au volant. Sachez, par contre, que ses capacités de reprises sont impressionnantes.  Le Navigator n’a pas été créé pour des excursions hors-route mais sa traction intégrale est un atout d’importance sur routes glacées ou enneigées, voire même mouillées.
Petit bémol ici, mon Navi d’essai avait cette option Blue Cruise qui permet la conduite (presque) autonome. Ayant essayé ce genre de système sur certains véhicules dans le passé, permettez-moi de vous dire qu’il ne m’intéresse pas! Je conduis depuis plus de 50 ans donc…Désolé, je n’ai rien à vous dire à ce sujet concernant le Navigator. Peut-être plus tard…
Dans des conditions urbaines, le grand Lincoln n’est pas très à l’aise, comme pour tout pick-up ou VUS de ce calibre. Mais, en cas de manœuvres de stationnement, le système de caméras à 360 degrés de (Ford) Lincoln est très utile! Je l’ai expérimenté et ce fut très impressionnant!
Comme je l’écrivais plus haut, le Navigator n’est pas un « sports car ». Surtout que sa conception technologique commence à dater. Mais il est quand même stable sur la route et rassurant à conduire. Soulignons que c’est surtout un véhicule de grand-route pour de longs voyages, En ce qui a trait à la consommation, j’ai inscrit une moyenne de 17,3 l./100 km (alors que l’ordinateur de bord indiquait 16,2) surtout en déplacements urbains. EnerGuide Canada annonce une consommation de 15,2 en ville, 13,2 en moyenne.
Combien en coûte-t-il pour un tel bahut de luxe? Mon véhicule d’essai affichait un prix de base de 118 500 $ (une bonne moyenne si on le compare à ses concurrents comme les Cadillac Escalade, Jeep Grand Wagoneer, Range Rover et autres) auquel il faut additionner 12 300 $ d’options dont l’ensemble de luxe (comment, il manquait de luxe?) de 5000 $, la fameuse taxe du climatiseur de 100 $, la peinture Perle Céramique de 950 $ , l’ensemble de remorquage de service dur de 3000 $ le chauffe-moteur de 250 $, les carpettes de 250 $, les jantes spéciales de 1250 $ et le transport 2395 $ (et j’en passe), on se retrouve avec une facture totale de 133 195 $. Coûteux? Certainement! Mais il ne faut pas oublier qu’elle a des fonctions spéciales. Un peu « outdatée »? Peut-être. Mais alors, il faudra attendre la version 2025!
Au tour des pick-up…
Après cet article de journal qui semblait fustiger les administrateurs municipaux qui avaient choisi des Mustang Mach-E électriques pour les patrouilles policières, voilà que l’on récidive avec les F-150 électriques pour les travaux municipaux. Malgré que je ne sois pas un grand fan de véhicules électriques, je comprends qu’éventuellement, il y aura plus de VÉs sur nos routes que de véhicules à moteur à combustion. Je comprends alors les administrateurs qui ne veulent pas se faire prendre les culottes baissées quand le moment sera venu d’entretenir des VÉs. C’est regarder plus loin que le bout de son nez. Les pick-up électriques (pour le moment des Ford mais bientôt des Chevrolet, GMC et Ram) envahiront nos marchés sous peu. Et ils auront encore plus à offrir incluant des prises pour outils électriques et la capacité de fournir du courant. Il faudra donc savoir les entretenir, eux aussi…Le pire, c’est que dans un grand journal montréalais (plus spécialisé dans le hockey et les opinions politiques déjà biaisées), on reportait les paroles d’un administrateur municipal qui prévoyait des problèmes de recharge en cas de panne d’électricité. Beau nono! S’il n’y a pas d’électricité, les pompes pour le ravitaillement des carburants ne fonctionneront pas non plus, même pas pour les génératrices…misère!
Bye-bye les Ram Classic
Stellantis Canada vient d’annoncer que les « vénérables » pick-up Classic de Ram (anciennement Dodge) ne seront plus offerts sur le marché canadien (ils le seront aux États-Unis et au Mexique mais que pour un certain temps) après plus de 14 ans de disponibilité. Ça vous intéresse ? Il reste encore quelques Ram Classic 2023 chez certains concessionnaires !
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Bye-bye Ram Classic! (Photo Stellantis)
À ne pas manquer ce weekend. Le Salon de l’auto sport de Québec et la tentative de rassemblement du plus grand nombre de Mustang de Trois-Rivières à Québec…à suivre!
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photos-car · 7 months
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daily-revs · 8 months
2025 Lincoln Aviator Reserve | Driving & Design Details Video !
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nowartic · 3 years
فورد تعزز الاستثمار في السيارات الكهربائية
فورد تعزز الاستثمار في السيارات الكهربائية
تنفق شركة فورد 30 مليار دولار على السيارات الكهربائية بحلول عام 2025. وتقول: إن 40 في المائة من أسطولها العالمي سيكون كهربائي بالكامل بحلول عام 2030. وتعمل الشركة على إنتاج نسخ كهربائية بالكامل من Explorer و Lincoln Aviator. كما تعمل على تطوير منصتين جديدتين للمركبات الكهربائية: الأولى لشاحنات البيك آب الكاملة الحجم، والثانية لنظام الدفع بالعجلات الخلفية والدفع الرباعي. وكانت الشركة قد خصصت في…
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isfeed · 3 years
Ford is making an electric Explorer, boosts EV investment by $8 billion
Ford is making an electric Explorer, boosts EV investment by $8 billion
Image: Ford Ford will spend $30 billion on electric vehicles by 2025, and says 40 percent of its global fleet will be all-electric by 2030. The company is working on an all-electric versions of its Explorer and Lincoln Aviator SUVs. And it’s developing two new electric vehicle platforms: one that will power full-size pickup trucks, and one that can easily flex between all- and rear-wheel drive to…
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Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machine Market Outlook and Development Status Review
Market Analysis
The global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market will grow at an 8.5% CAGR between 2019- 2025, states the recent Market Research Future (MRFR) analysis. The abrasive waterjet cutting machine, simply put, is a machine that is used to precisely and accurately cut metal parts in the manufacturing industry. Owing to its alluring features, it has wide applications in foam product cutting, fiberglass cutting, gasket cutting, ceramic/stone cutting, glass/metal art, and exotic metal and non-traditional material cuttings.
Various factors are propelling the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market share. According to the recent MRFR report, such factors include the global demand and sale of cars, demand for steel and other metals in different end-use industries such as automotive and construction, growing manufacturing sector, increasing use of automation, broad scope in emerging economies, growing automatic machine operations, and technological advances.
On the contrary, limited awareness, high cost, lack of skilled workers, high maintenance cost, and the current COVID-19 pandemic may limit the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market growth over the forecast period.
Get Free Sample Copy Report of Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machine Market@ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/8681
Market Segmentation
The MRFR report highlights an inclusive segmental analysis of the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market based on industry, application, and type.
By type, the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market is segmented into robotic waterjet cutting machines, micro waterjet cutting machines, and 3D waterjet cutting machines. Of these, the 3D waterjet cutting machines segment will lead the market over the forecast period.
By application, the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market is segmented into foam product cutting, fiberglass cutting, gasket cutting, ceramic/stone cutting, glass/metal art, and exotic metal and non-traditional material cutting. Of these, the glass/metal art application will dominate the market over the forecast period.
By industry, the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market is segmented into medical device, machine manufacturing, textile, food processing, aerospace, automotive, and metal fabrication. Of these, the automotive segment will spearhead the market over the forecast period for the booming automotive component industry and demand for vehicle gaskets.
Regional Analysis
By region, the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market covers the growth opportunities and recent trends across Europe, North America, the Asia Pacific (APAC), & the Rest of the World (RoW). Of these, Asia Pacific will have the lions share in the market over the forecast period. Rapidly growing construction and automotive industry, strong economic growth in Japan, India, and China, rising production of automotive parts and industrial parts, increasing government initiatives, China being the most preferred hub for manufacturing are adding to the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market growth over the forecast period.
In Europe, the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market is predicted to hold the second-largest share over the forecast period. Rising R&D, growing automotive industry, and adoption of advanced technology are adding to the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market growth in the region.
In North America, the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market is predicted to have healthy growth over the forecast period. Growing investments in glass industries, furniture, metal cutting, automotive, aviation, presence of key players, investments in developing advanced abrasive waterjet cutting machines, and developing end-use industries, a growing number of infrastructure development and construction projects are adding to the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market growth in the region.
In the MEA, the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market is predicted to have sound growth over the forecast period for the growth in production across different end-use industries like automotive, industrial, and construction.
In South America, the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market is predicted to have notable growth over the forecast period. Rise in building construction, machinery production industry, and automobiles, government initiatives in Brazil and Argentina, and rapid development in the automotive industry are adding to the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market growth in the region.
Access Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/abrasive-waterjet-cutting-machine-market-8681
Key Players
Prominent players profiled in the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market report include DARDI International Corporation (China), Waterjet Sweden AB (Sweden), AUTOPRO-UP Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Semyx (US), Koike Aronson (Japan), Hornet Cutting Systems (US), KMT Waterjet (US), Omax Corporation (US), Flow International (US), Lincoln Electric Company (US), and Colfax Corporation (US).
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.
Contact: Market Research Future 528, Amanora Chambers, Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar Pune – 411028, Maharashtra, India Email: [email protected]
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techfuturemrfr · 4 years
Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machine Market Analysis, Opportunities, Forecast, Size, Competitive Analysis
Market Highlights
Abrasive waterjet cutting machines are designed for various applications such as exotic metal & non-traditional material cutting, glass/metal art, ceramic/stone cutting, gasket cutting, fiberglass cutting, and foam product cutting. The abrasive waterjet cutting machine is used to accurately and precisely cut metal parts in manufacturing industries. The global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market is estimated to witness 8.5% CAGR during the forecast period, 2019–2025. The rise in the demand and sales of automobiles, increasing need for precise and accurate cutting of parts and components, growing industrial sector in emerging economies, and rising adoption of abrasive waterjet cutting machines in various end-use industries is further expected to drive the growth of the global abrasive waterjet cutting machines market during the forecast period.
The limited awareness, lack of skilled workers, high costs associated with abrasive waterjet cutting machines, and high maintenance costs of abrasive waterjet cutting machines are factors that are expected to hamper the market growth during the forecast period. However, the growing use of automation for monitoring abrasive waterjet cutting machines condition, technological advancement in abrasive waterjet cutting machine, rising automatic machine operations, and broad scope in emerging economies create opportunities for the expansion and growth of the market.
Get Free Sample Copy Report of Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machine Market@ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/8681
Drivers: Global Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machine Market
Market Research Analysis
In terms of region, the global market for the abrasive waterjet cutting machines is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world. Asia-Pacific is expected to hold the largest share in the abrasive waterjet cutting machine market during the forecast period owing to the growing foreign direct investments in the manufacturing sector and the developing automotive and construction sectors are expected to increase the demand and sales of abrasive waterjet cutting machine. Moreover, the region is home to one of the largest manufacturing industries for machine tools, automotive, electronics, consumer products, among others, globally. Furthermore, the presence of emerging economies, such as China and India, is also contributing to the market growth. On the other hand, North America is projected to witness significant growth for the abrasive waterjet cutting machine market. Growing investments in the aviation, automotive, and metal cutting, furniture and glass industries and the presence of major market players in the US and Canada, is expected to support the growth of the market during the forecast period. Furthermore, growing investments in developing advanced abrasive waterjet cutting machines, growing end-use industries, and the rising number of construction and infrastructure development projects in North America are expected to drive the demand for abrasive waterjet cutting machine market in this region during the forecast period.
The Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machine Market in Europe is expected to witness significant growth due to a rise in the adoption of advanced technology and the increasing expenditure on research and development by market players in the region. The rest of the world includes South America and the Middle East & Africa. The Middle East & Africa is an emerging market owing to the growth in production across end-use industries, such as construction, industrial, and automotive. The market in South America is expected to witness rapid growth due to an increase in the building construction, automobiles, and machinery production industry. Countries such as Brazil and Argentina are significantly contributing to the growth of the market owing to the government initiatives, which are pushing the rapid development of the automotive industry.
Scope of the Report
This study provides an overview of the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market, tracking three market segments across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a six-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume, and share for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world. The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next six years for each region. The scope of the study segments the global abrasive waterjet cutting machine market by type, application, industry, and region.
Access Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/abrasive-waterjet-cutting-machine-market-8681
By Type
By Application
By Industry
By Regions
3D Waterjet Cutting Machines
Micro Waterjet Cutting Machines
Robotic Waterjet Cutting Machines
Exotic Metal & Non-Traditional Material Cutting
Glass/Metal Art
Ceramic/Stone Cutting
Gasket Cutting
Fiberglass Cutting
Foam Product Cutting
Metal Fabrication
Food Processing
Machine Manufacturing
Medical Device
North America
Rest of the World  
Key Players
The Leading Players in the Global Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Machine Market include AUTOPRO-UP Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Waterjet Sweden AB (Sweden), and DARDI International Corporation (China), Omax Corporation (US), KMT Waterjet (US), Hornet Cutting Systems (US), Koike Aronson (Japan), Semyx (US), Colfax Corporation (US), Lincoln Electric Company (US), Flow International (US).
About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members. Contact: Market Research Future 528, Amanora Chambers, Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar Pune – 411028, Maharashtra, India Email: [email protected]
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nicholerestrada · 6 years
The 15 Craziest Cars and Futuristic Vehicles of CES 2019
There were a ton of sleek next-gen cars at CES, from snazzy luxury vehicles to eye-popping concept cars.
January 10, 2019 8 min read
This story originally appeared on PCMag
CES is a dizzying experience that takes over the entire Las Vegas Strip, but within the bedlam is a mind-bending glimpse into the future of transportation. This year we saw a slew of ;self-driving cars, new in-car ;mixed reality experiences, and even a new concept car with modular robotic legs that’s as close as we’ve seen to a real-life Transformer.
There’s a flashy tech product at CES for every kind of transportation scenario, from the most futuristic science-fiction concept cars to next-gen electric vehicles and even motorcycles, not to mention last-mile solutions like ;electric skateboards ;and ;scooters. Many of the snazziest concept cars were focused on high-tech amenities and interiors designed to keep humans comfortable and relaxed as their autonomous car cruises.
We also came across some other eye-popping smart vehicles, like a flying drone helicopter taxi and a smart yacht. We threw those in just for fun.
Nissan IMx Kuro
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PC Mag
Nissan’s IMx Kuro concept vehicle is a fully autonomous electric crossover with zero emissions. We likely won’t see it in production until at least 2020, but the Kuro’s simplified exterior and spacious interior wowed on the CES show floor; not to mention the car’s panoramic OLED display on its dashboard. A separate, wood grain-patterned display wrapping around the interior door trims bring an extra sense of zen to the in-car experience.
Mitsubishi Emirai 4
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PC Mag
Mitsubishi showed off the latest version of its Emirai 4 smart mobility concept car, which it has brought to CES with flashy new upgrades for each of the past few years. It’s got a heads-up augmented reality display with 3D mapping, as well as a half mirror with a diagonal LCD panel to give the driver 3D images of the environment. There’s an autonomous mode too, and plenty of other interior bells and whistles, like haptic feedback control, smart home and mobile payment integration, and biometric authentication.
Mercedes-Benz CLA
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PC Mag
The highest profile vehicle reveal for a car you can actually buy was the debut of the 2020 Mercedes-Benz CLA. The second-gen coupe comes with a bevy of digital features and in-car improvements, as well as Mercedes’ first semi-autonomous driving system with a hands-free mode, and the auto maker’s new MBUX voice control system. It also syncs with the newly announced Mercedes-branded ;Garmin Vívoactive 3 ;smartwatch. The 2020 CLA will go on sale later this year; official pricing has not yet been announced.
Mercedes-Benz Vision Urbanetic
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PC Mag
Mercedes also had a futuristic concept vehicle of its own, the Vision Urbanetic autonomous driving platform with switchable bodies. The vehicle’s Tron-like exterior houses a fairly simple urban transportation concept: it can be fitted with a passenger module with room for 20 people (8 sitting, 4 standing) as a sort of ride-sharing taxi, or a cargo module for transporting freight goods or package delivery. The base of the vehicle is the part that’s doing the autonomous driving; it also houses the electric batteries, motors, and the Urbanetic’s propulsion system. It’s an adjustable minibus (for either people or cargo) in a trippy body on a self-driving base.
Harley-Davidson LiveWire
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PC Mag
The maker of American muscle hogs has released its first-ever electric motorcycle. The ;Harley-Davidson LiveWire, built in partnership with Panasonic Automotive, has built-in GPS and LTE connectivity with up to 4G LTE speeds, as well as a 4.3-inch liquid crystal touch-screen display built into the dashboard with integrated navigation and music. The LiveWire bike itself has a muscular build and a lightweight body, and goes from zero to 60mph in under 3.5 seconds. It has a high-voltage battery with an estimated range of 110 miles per charge.
BMW Vision iNext
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PC Mag
One of our favorite concept cars of CES, the BMW Vision iNext is a ;sci-fi living room on wheels. The autonomous, electric luxury vehicle has hidden touch interfaces in wooden and cloth surfaces, an intelligent voice assistant, and screen projection anywhere in the chic interior. With an intelligent voice assistant built in, a roomy, carpeted back seat, and a smart wood coffee table that responds to touch gestures, it’s a palatial ;Jetsons-like experience for a future when humans are lounging in their cars instead of driving.
Waymo One
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PC Mag
Alphabet’s Waymo self-driving car service was showing off an autonomous minivan on the show floor, outfitted with Lidar arrays and a camera installation on the roof. The offshoot’s new ;Waymo One ;is the autonomous division’s first commercial self-driving service offered to hundreds of early riders who have been helping to test the technology.
Audi Aicon
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PC Mag
First unveiled in 2017, this electric autonomous vehicle was one of the sleekest we saw on the show floor. The concept car, which Audi hopes to turn into a production vehicle by 2021, has four motors and a range of 435 to 497 miles per charge. Audi said it can charge up to 80 percent in less than 30 minutes wirelessly. The interior showcases a fully self-driving future — there are no pedals or steering wheel visible, just luxurious indoor seating and a transparent roof.
2020 Lincoln Aviator
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PC Mag
Lincoln was at CES with the 2020 Lincoln Aviator, a 450-horsepower plug-in hybrid crossover. There’s a 3.0-liter twin-turbocharged V6 engine, and a host of tech improvements and smart user interface upgrades. Drivers can unlock the vehicle with their smartphones rather than a key fob, and the owners can tap into features like traffic jam assist, park assist, adaptive suspension, and drive modes like Conserve and Excite to add some automatic controls to the manual experience. It’s also got a 28-speaker Revel Ultima 3D audio system.
Nvidia Drive Autopilot
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PC Mag
Nvidia showed off a souped-up autonomous vehicle with its new Drive Autopilot system at CES. The graphic card manufacturer’s Xavier automotive-grade hardware can be integrated throughout the vehicle — including a heavy duty computer in the trunk — to enable Level 2 autonomy, meaning it has driver-assistance systems to control acceleration, braking, and steering to help out human drivers.
Byton M-Byte
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PC Mag
Tesla competitor Byton showcased two different autonomous, electric models this year. The M-Byte prototype, which debuted at CES ;last year, is the less expensive of the two, a $45,000 electric crossover that goes into production this year. It has a 48-inch touch screen stretching across the entire dashboard, a small touch display in the wheel, and an array of cameras all housed in a luxury SUV body.
Byton K-Byte
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PC Mag
The Byton K-Byte premium sedan is coming in 2021 with Level 4 autonomous driving, meaning it can drive without human oversight. The K-Byte features similar interior touch screens plus a digital grille on the exterior. Unlike other self-driving cars, the Byton’s side “LiGuard” sensors are retractable when it’s not in autonomous mode. Both cars will have Amazon Alexa integrated into the Byton OS.
Hyundai Elevate
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PC Mag
The ;Hyundai Elevate ;is the closest we’ve gotten to a real-life Transformer. The concept car can walk or climb over obstacles with extendable robotic legs on a modular, multi-use chassis that shrinks down into driving mode. The car can swap out different attachments, and is capable of climbing a 5-foot vertical wall or over a 5-foot gap while keeping its passengers level. By blending electric car and robotics technology, the Hyundai Elevate feels like a step toward sci-fi.
Bell Nexus Air Taxi
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PC Mag
One of the most unconventional, eye-catching concept vehicles at CES this year was the ;Bell Nexus Air Taxi, a massive flying hybrid of a drone crossed with a helicopter. Bell describes this behemoth as a rideshare in the air, and is testing it in Dallas, Dubai, and Los Angeles. The electric hybrid has a range of 150 miles, but don’t expect to see it flying around anytime soon. Bell hopes to release it in 2025. Sitting in the high-tech cockpit flanked by high-res touch screens and control sticks, the Bell Nexus feels like it’s dropped straight out of a futuristic fleet on its way to drop off a squadron of Darkseid soldiers.
Furrion Adonis Yacht
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PC Mag
We had to include the yacht. The 78-foot Furrion Adonis towered over the CES show floor, showing off a high-tech luxury cruiser that Furrion calls a “smart yacht.” The Adonis has an onboard, voice-activated AI called Angel, who can control electronics, entertainment, kitchen appliances, the yacht’s facial-recognition camera system, and more. The virtual concierge can be summoned by saying “Hi, Angel” to order food from the kitchen, control music, get news and weather updates, or shop. The Adonis is also packed with smart interactive mirror displays throughout the yacht and cabins and Furrion Sense TVs with built-in soundbars. It’s even got a drone and drone port on the top deck. If PCMag gave out a Bougiest Tech at CES Award, the Furrion Adonis would be the runaway winner.
Source link
Source: https://hashtaghighways.com/2019/01/10/the-15-craziest-cars-and-futuristic-vehicles-of-ces-2019/
from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.wordpress.com/2019/01/10/the-15-craziest-cars-and-futuristic-vehicles-of-ces-2019/
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michaeljtraylor · 6 years
The 15 Craziest Cars and Futuristic Vehicles of CES 2019
There were a ton of sleek next-gen cars at CES, from snazzy luxury vehicles to eye-popping concept cars.
January 10, 2019 8 min read
This story originally appeared on PCMag
CES is a dizzying experience that takes over the entire Las Vegas Strip, but within the bedlam is a mind-bending glimpse into the future of transportation. This year we saw a slew of ;self-driving cars, new in-car ;mixed reality experiences, and even a new concept car with modular robotic legs that’s as close as we’ve seen to a real-life Transformer.
There’s a flashy tech product at CES for every kind of transportation scenario, from the most futuristic science-fiction concept cars to next-gen electric vehicles and even motorcycles, not to mention last-mile solutions like ;electric skateboards ;and ;scooters. Many of the snazziest concept cars were focused on high-tech amenities and interiors designed to keep humans comfortable and relaxed as their autonomous car cruises.
We also came across some other eye-popping smart vehicles, like a flying drone helicopter taxi and a smart yacht. We threw those in just for fun.
Nissan IMx Kuro
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PC Mag
Nissan’s IMx Kuro concept vehicle is a fully autonomous electric crossover with zero emissions. We likely won’t see it in production until at least 2020, but the Kuro’s simplified exterior and spacious interior wowed on the CES show floor; not to mention the car’s panoramic OLED display on its dashboard. A separate, wood grain-patterned display wrapping around the interior door trims bring an extra sense of zen to the in-car experience.
Mitsubishi Emirai 4
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PC Mag
Mitsubishi showed off the latest version of its Emirai 4 smart mobility concept car, which it has brought to CES with flashy new upgrades for each of the past few years. It’s got a heads-up augmented reality display with 3D mapping, as well as a half mirror with a diagonal LCD panel to give the driver 3D images of the environment. There’s an autonomous mode too, and plenty of other interior bells and whistles, like haptic feedback control, smart home and mobile payment integration, and biometric authentication.
Mercedes-Benz CLA
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PC Mag
The highest profile vehicle reveal for a car you can actually buy was the debut of the 2020 Mercedes-Benz CLA. The second-gen coupe comes with a bevy of digital features and in-car improvements, as well as Mercedes’ first semi-autonomous driving system with a hands-free mode, and the auto maker’s new MBUX voice control system. It also syncs with the newly announced Mercedes-branded ;Garmin Vívoactive 3 ;smartwatch. The 2020 CLA will go on sale later this year; official pricing has not yet been announced.
Mercedes-Benz Vision Urbanetic
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PC Mag
Mercedes also had a futuristic concept vehicle of its own, the Vision Urbanetic autonomous driving platform with switchable bodies. The vehicle’s Tron-like exterior houses a fairly simple urban transportation concept: it can be fitted with a passenger module with room for 20 people (8 sitting, 4 standing) as a sort of ride-sharing taxi, or a cargo module for transporting freight goods or package delivery. The base of the vehicle is the part that’s doing the autonomous driving; it also houses the electric batteries, motors, and the Urbanetic’s propulsion system. It’s an adjustable minibus (for either people or cargo) in a trippy body on a self-driving base.
Harley-Davidson LiveWire
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PC Mag
The maker of American muscle hogs has released its first-ever electric motorcycle. The ;Harley-Davidson LiveWire, built in partnership with Panasonic Automotive, has built-in GPS and LTE connectivity with up to 4G LTE speeds, as well as a 4.3-inch liquid crystal touch-screen display built into the dashboard with integrated navigation and music. The LiveWire bike itself has a muscular build and a lightweight body, and goes from zero to 60mph in under 3.5 seconds. It has a high-voltage battery with an estimated range of 110 miles per charge.
BMW Vision iNext
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PC Mag
One of our favorite concept cars of CES, the BMW Vision iNext is a ;sci-fi living room on wheels. The autonomous, electric luxury vehicle has hidden touch interfaces in wooden and cloth surfaces, an intelligent voice assistant, and screen projection anywhere in the chic interior. With an intelligent voice assistant built in, a roomy, carpeted back seat, and a smart wood coffee table that responds to touch gestures, it’s a palatial ;Jetsons-like experience for a future when humans are lounging in their cars instead of driving.
Waymo One
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PC Mag
Alphabet’s Waymo self-driving car service was showing off an autonomous minivan on the show floor, outfitted with Lidar arrays and a camera installation on the roof. The offshoot’s new ;Waymo One ;is the autonomous division’s first commercial self-driving service offered to hundreds of early riders who have been helping to test the technology.
Audi Aicon
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PC Mag
First unveiled in 2017, this electric autonomous vehicle was one of the sleekest we saw on the show floor. The concept car, which Audi hopes to turn into a production vehicle by 2021, has four motors and a range of 435 to 497 miles per charge. Audi said it can charge up to 80 percent in less than 30 minutes wirelessly. The interior showcases a fully self-driving future — there are no pedals or steering wheel visible, just luxurious indoor seating and a transparent roof.
2020 Lincoln Aviator
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PC Mag
Lincoln was at CES with the 2020 Lincoln Aviator, a 450-horsepower plug-in hybrid crossover. There’s a 3.0-liter twin-turbocharged V6 engine, and a host of tech improvements and smart user interface upgrades. Drivers can unlock the vehicle with their smartphones rather than a key fob, and the owners can tap into features like traffic jam assist, park assist, adaptive suspension, and drive modes like Conserve and Excite to add some automatic controls to the manual experience. It’s also got a 28-speaker Revel Ultima 3D audio system.
Nvidia Drive Autopilot
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PC Mag
Nvidia showed off a souped-up autonomous vehicle with its new Drive Autopilot system at CES. The graphic card manufacturer’s Xavier automotive-grade hardware can be integrated throughout the vehicle — including a heavy duty computer in the trunk — to enable Level 2 autonomy, meaning it has driver-assistance systems to control acceleration, braking, and steering to help out human drivers.
Byton M-Byte
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PC Mag
Tesla competitor Byton showcased two different autonomous, electric models this year. The M-Byte prototype, which debuted at CES ;last year, is the less expensive of the two, a $45,000 electric crossover that goes into production this year. It has a 48-inch touch screen stretching across the entire dashboard, a small touch display in the wheel, and an array of cameras all housed in a luxury SUV body.
Byton K-Byte
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PC Mag
The Byton K-Byte premium sedan is coming in 2021 with Level 4 autonomous driving, meaning it can drive without human oversight. The K-Byte features similar interior touch screens plus a digital grille on the exterior. Unlike other self-driving cars, the Byton’s side “LiGuard” sensors are retractable when it’s not in autonomous mode. Both cars will have Amazon Alexa integrated into the Byton OS.
Hyundai Elevate
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PC Mag
The ;Hyundai Elevate ;is the closest we’ve gotten to a real-life Transformer. The concept car can walk or climb over obstacles with extendable robotic legs on a modular, multi-use chassis that shrinks down into driving mode. The car can swap out different attachments, and is capable of climbing a 5-foot vertical wall or over a 5-foot gap while keeping its passengers level. By blending electric car and robotics technology, the Hyundai Elevate feels like a step toward sci-fi.
Bell Nexus Air Taxi
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PC Mag
One of the most unconventional, eye-catching concept vehicles at CES this year was the ;Bell Nexus Air Taxi, a massive flying hybrid of a drone crossed with a helicopter. Bell describes this behemoth as a rideshare in the air, and is testing it in Dallas, Dubai, and Los Angeles. The electric hybrid has a range of 150 miles, but don’t expect to see it flying around anytime soon. Bell hopes to release it in 2025. Sitting in the high-tech cockpit flanked by high-res touch screens and control sticks, the Bell Nexus feels like it’s dropped straight out of a futuristic fleet on its way to drop off a squadron of Darkseid soldiers.
Furrion Adonis Yacht
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PC Mag
We had to include the yacht. The 78-foot Furrion Adonis towered over the CES show floor, showing off a high-tech luxury cruiser that Furrion calls a “smart yacht.” The Adonis has an onboard, voice-activated AI called Angel, who can control electronics, entertainment, kitchen appliances, the yacht’s facial-recognition camera system, and more. The virtual concierge can be summoned by saying “Hi, Angel” to order food from the kitchen, control music, get news and weather updates, or shop. The Adonis is also packed with smart interactive mirror displays throughout the yacht and cabins and Furrion Sense TVs with built-in soundbars. It’s even got a drone and drone port on the top deck. If PCMag gave out a Bougiest Tech at CES Award, the Furrion Adonis would be the runaway winner.
Source link
from RSSUnify feed https://hashtaghighways.com/2019/01/10/the-15-craziest-cars-and-futuristic-vehicles-of-ces-2019/ from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.tumblr.com/post/181908752229
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ellinahussey · 4 years
Industrial Machinery Market Size & Share, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Growth Trends, Key Players and Competitive Strategies - Forecast to 2025
Industrial Machinery Market is valued at USD 563.0 Billion in 2018 and expected to reach USD 797.5 Billion By 2025 with CAGR of 5.1% over the forecast period.  
Industrial Machinery Market report is segmented on application and by regional & country level. Based upon application, industrial machinery market is classified into Agriculture, Construction, Packaging, Food Processing, Mining, Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Get Sample of This Report@ https://brandessenceresearch.com/requestSample/PostId/494                            
Market Analysis of Industrial Machinery-
Industrial machinery is equipment used by manufacturer in the manufacturing organization. Industrial machinery is a device or machine which uses electrical and mechanical energy to accomplish work. Industrial machines include heavy machines which are used in construction, production, agriculture, mining and others. These industrial machines reduce the human efforts and increase the work efficiency and speed of work done. The technological advancement and increasing urbanization is gaining traction over the period of time.
Key Players–
Some major key players for Industrial Machinery market are Deere & Company, Caterpillar Inc., AO Smith Corp, Terex Corp., Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc., Manitowoc Company, IBM, Astec Industries, Toyota, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung Electronics, AGCO Corporation, Alamo Group, Illinois Tool Works, Ford, Siemens, Lindsay Corporation, Hitachi, and General Electric among others.
The regions covered in this Industrial Machinery market report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. On the basis of country level, market of Industrial Machinery market is sub divided into U.S., Mexico, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, India, South East Asia, GCC, Africa, etc.
Market Segmentation –
By Application
Agriculture, Construction, Packaging, Food Processing, Mining, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Technological advancement coupled with changing regulatory norms is the key factor which helps Industrial Machinery Market to grow.
There are various factors contributing the growth of industrial machinery market over the forecast period some of the factors include technological advancement. The technological advancement has led to the increase in the efficiency of existing machines coupled with increased safety are expected to increase the demand for industrial machinery. Moreover, increasing automation has also led to the increase in the demand for industrial machines. Furthermore, increasing urban population and increasing demand for better infrastructure has led to the increase in construction industry which is expected to promote the growth of industrial machinery market. There are various favorable regulatory policies about infrastructure tax benefits are also expected to support the growth of industrial machinery market. There is an constant increase in earth moving vehicles from the past few years which are expected to create opportunities in the industrial machinery market. However, risk associated with the equipment handling and high costs of the machines are expected to hamper the growth of industrial machinery market.
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the Industrial Machinery Market.
North America is expected to experience the moderate rate closely followed by Europe in terms of growth. There regions are well developed and have well developed infrastructure coupled with various safety norms such as quite operation, reduced emission and others. However, Asia Pacific is expected to account for the major market share due to the presence of developed economies such as India, China and Others. These economies are growing significantly due to the increase in urbanization and industrialization and due to the cheap labor and easy availability of raw materials have increased the factory setup in the region. Furthermore, increase in automation to fulfill the demand of constant increasing population the demand of industrial machinery has increased drastically over the forecast period. Latin America is expected to follow the Asia Pacific in terms of growth and expected to develop moderately. Africa and Middle East is expected to develop at ac considerable rate.
Full Research Report @ https://brandessenceresearch.com/heavy-industry/industrial-machinery-market-size    
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Automotive In-Cabin Air Quality Improvement Solutions Market – Industry Analysis to Witness Significant Growth 2021
The report "COVID-19 Impact on Automotive In-Cabin Air Quality Improvement Solutions Market by Product Type (integrated HVAC system, air purifier/ionizer, ozone generators, Cloud-based Air Quality Monitoring System), Vehicle and Countries - Global Forecast to 2021" Post COVID-19, the Automotive In-Cabin Air Quality Improvement Solutions Market size is projected to reach USD 1,218 million by 2021, from USD 1,083 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 12.5%.
The major factors driving the growth of the Automotive In-Cabin Air Quality Improvement Solutions Market include increasing demand for HEPA and activated carbon cabin filters from HVAC system manufacturers and OEM adoption of mask level cabin air filtration systems.
Some of the major players in the Automotive In-Cabin Air Quality Improvement Solutions Market are Bosch (Germany), Denso (Japan), Valeo (France), MAHLE (Germany), Marelli (Italy), MANN+HUMMEL (Germany), Eberspächer (Germany) among others.
Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=30204275
Post pandemic demand for superior cabin air filters, cabin air filtration systems, and sterilization devices
Post pandemic, the demand for virus and bacteria protection inside the cabin will be more prevalent in the passenger car segment. OEMs and tier 1 manufacturers are working closely to develop products/systems that can sterilize the cabin air. Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp (SAIC) unveiled two new products based on deep ultraviolet (DUV) technology, which can be installed inside the vehicle. The first product, developed by Sanden Huayu Automotive Air-Conditioning, is a DUV device that can be installed inside an air conditioning system to filter and prevent viruses and bacteria from entering the cabin. The second product, developed by Yanfeng, can be fitted on the roof to sterilize and disinfect the cabin. These products will be equipped in the upcoming vehicles from SAIC Motors. Another Chinese OEM, WM Motor, planned to upgrade its cabin air filtration system to add UVC cabin cleaning function. Lincoln introduced its Aviator SUV with fully integrated interior air monitoring and air cleansing systems in China. According to the OEM, the system features a PM 2.5 laser sensor to monitor the air quality inside the cabin and engages the filters to clean the cabin air. More such adoption form major OEMs would fuel the demand for multi-layer HEPA and electrostatic cabin air filters. In addition, rising environmental pollution in urban areas and health concerns would also encourage vehicle owners to opt for premium cabin air filters. Cabin air filters are meant to be replaced after 10,000 km. However, consumers usually replace with cheaper aftermarket alternatives. Post the pandemic, consumer awareness towards a healthy car environment would surge the demand for superior cabin air filters in the aftermarket as well.
Higher penetration of multi-layer cabin filters with additional functionality
The ongoing innovations and OEM initiatives are likely to drive the demand for multi-layer cabin filters. Major Chinese OEMs already launched vehicles with mask level cabin air filtration. All future vehicles from major Chinese OEMs will have these features as an option. Cabin filters manufacturers are also quick to launch and upgrade their products with multi-layer anti-microbial and anti-bacterial capabilities. Manufacturers such as MANN-HUMMEL, Valeo, MAHLE all offers multi-layer cabin air filters with a virus, bacteria, and allergen protection. MANN+HUMMEL offers FreciousPlus cabin air filters that block PM 2.5 particles. The manufacturer developed a multi-layer cabin filter with additional biofunctional coating along with particle filter layer and premium activated carbon layer. The biofunctional layer is made of polyphenols and has an antiallergenic and antimicrobial effect to protect occupants from allergens, bacteria, and mold fungi. MANN+HUMMEL claims that its FreciousPlus cabin filters help people breathe easily who are suffering from allergies. These manufacturers are working closely with HVAC system manufacturers and OEMs to offer complete HVAC systems with built-in N95 certified multi-layer cabin filters. Due to the pandemic, more consumers especially people with allergies would adopt vehicles with cabin sterilization capabilities. Vehicles with such a filtration system would surge the penetration of premium cabin air filters in upcoming years.
Request for Sample Pages @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=30204275
The US is expected to hold the largest market
The North American automotive industry especially the US, is one of the most lucrative market for automakers. However, the automotive industry in the US is going through a dire situation due to the outbreak. Major automakers such as Ford, GM, Toyota suspended production in the North American region including the US. Few of them are enforced to extend the suspension due to increased infections in the country. However, the dominance of light commercial vehicles in the country will be a major growth driver for the in-cabin air quality improvement solutions market. OEMs are increasingly incorporating cabin comfort features in pickup trucks to provide a similar experience as passenger cars. The US is one of the worst-hit countries among others due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Post pandemic, heath and medical awareness towards healthier in-cabin features would fuel the demand for in-cabin air quality improvement solutions in the country. The US will hold the largest share in the automotive in-cabin air-quality improvement solutions market. The growth in the US will primarily depend upon how quickly the production resumes and vehicle sales recovers.
Browse Related Report:
Automotive Filters Market by Type (Air, Fuel, Oil, Cabin, Coolant, Brake Dust, Oil Separator, Transmission, Steering, Dryer Cartridge, EMI/EMC, Coolant Air Particle), Air & Cabin Filter Media, Fuel & Vehicle Type, Aftermarket - Global Forecast to 2025
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Contact: MarketsandMarkets™ INC. 630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA: 1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected] Research Insight: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/ResearchInsight/covid-19-impact-on-in-cabin-air-improvement-products-market.asp
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