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Blue haired Tan Jianci wasn't on my list of things to obsess over today, but here we are.
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2024/07/15(月) 18:56:05 Replying to @hayato_s11h 浅川隼人選手、あなたのゴールで私たちを奈良で歴史を作ることに導いてくれた、これからも奈良クラブのレジェンドであり続けるでしょう。 でも、今年は奈良のライバルとしてゴールすることはできませんよ
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奈良クラブ @naraclub_info 2024/07/15(月) 18:11:00 ◤SUMMER LIMITED UNIFORM◢
2024シーズン サマーリミテッドユニフォーム着用とコンフィットシャツ先行販売のお知らせ
詳細はこちら 🔗https://naraclub.jp/archives/58450
#奈良クラブ #NARAの夜 #さらなる高みへ
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2024/07/16(火) 18:05:39 本日、21時よりオフィシャルオンラインストアにてコンフィットシャツの先行販売を開始します🛒 https://store-naraclub.jp/SHOP/10060.html
※お一人様FP・GKどちらか1枚まで #奈良クラブ #NARAの夜 Quote 奈良クラブ @naraclub_info · 2024/07/15(月) 18:11:00 ◤SUMMER LIMITED UNIFORM◢
2024シーズン サマーリミテッドユニフォーム着用とコンフィットシャツ先行販売のお知らせ
詳細はこちら 🔗https://naraclub.jp/archives/58450
#奈良クラブ #NARAの夜 #さらなる高みへ
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2024/07/15(月) 18:11:08
2024シーズン サマーリミテッドユニフォーム着用とコンフィットシャツ先行販売のお知らせ
詳細はこちら 🔗https://naraclub.jp/archives/58450
#奈良クラブ #NARAの夜 #さらなる高みへ
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音良林太郎, MD, PhD @Otola_ryntaro 2024/07/14(日) 22:13:08 科学がどうやって発展してきたか、分からない人向けに教えてあげるね。ちなみに、アメリカがどうやってイノベーションの最先端であるのか、日本がどう失敗したのかにも軽く言及するよ。
科学は数学、化学、物理学、生命学といった普通にはどう言う意味を持つかわからない、基礎的な実験や定理の証明によって、『原理』を積み重ねていくことから始まる。 この段階では、それぞれの結果が実世界に影響を及ぼすような変化は起きない。 しかし、一見関係のなさそうな・ベクトルの異なる『原理』同士が「実は関係がある!」とわかったとたん、科学は爆発的に進歩(イノベーション)する。
例えば遺伝子操作として有名でノーベル賞もとったCrisper-Cas9という技術。最初に発見されたのは、単なる大腸菌で起こった現象のひとつでしかなかった。 しかし、その後、細菌内で外敵に対するDNA切断に利用されていることがわかり、それをゲノム編集技術にもちいることを試行→確立され、現在ではマウスの遺伝子操作に必須の技術で、ヒトの遺伝子治療にも用いられつつある。 これがイノベーション。そりゃノーベル賞もとるってもんよ。
・すぐに世界に役立つような技術や結果ではなく、むしろ基礎的な研究を盛んに行ない、人数を増やす ・異なる分野の基礎的な研究者同士が触れ合う機会を増やす ・基礎研究からベンチャー企業を作ることを積極的に補助する
なのです。 これをたくさんお金をつかってやってきたのがアメリカ🇺🇸 分かりやすい医学、薬学、機械工学よりもむしろ、化学、数学、物理学、生物化学に予算を割いてきたわけ。
わかります? パッと見、あまり役に立たなそうな基礎研究にこそ宝が眠ってるってこと。これはまさに国家の投資なんだと。これが分からなかったから日本の没落を招いたんだと。 そういうことです。
Quote 橋下徹 @hashimoto_lo · 2024/07/13(土) 23:18:00 Replying to @hashimoto_lo なんで学者ってこうも偉そうなんや。 何の役に立つかも分からん研究をいかにも意味があるように装って研究費を引っ張る学者が世の中に多数。 こういう輩も立派な詐欺師や。 Readers added context 研究費について誤解を招く可能性が高い投稿です。「多数」の学者が「詐欺師」のように不当に研究費を得ているという主張は、研究費の審査方法など���照らすと現実的ではなく、事実に基づくものではありません。
例として、主要な公的研究費である科学研究費助成事業においては、複数の審査員の合議によって審査が行われ、交付されたのちには成果の事後評価が行われます。 https://www.jsps.go.jp/file/storage/kaken_0103_shinsakitei_g1571_1/hyoukakitei240301.pdf
また、公的研究費の不正使用は文部科学省によれば令和4年度には4件であり、多い年でも十数件程度です。 https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/kansa/houkoku/1364929.htm
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奈良クラブ @naraclub_info 2024/07/15(月) 18:11:00 ◤SUMMER LIMITED UNIFORM◢
2024シーズン サマーリミテッドユニフォーム着用とコンフィットシャツ先行販売のお知らせ
詳細はこちら 🔗https://naraclub.jp/archives/58450
#奈良クラブ #NARAの夜 #さらなる高みへ
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奈良クラブ 営業部 @naraclub_sales 2024/07/15(月) 10:13:09 おはようございます🌞 #奈良クラブ営業部 です👔 三連休、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 本日は遂に!サマユニイベント当日です🙌スタッフもワクワクしております☺️ #イオンモール大和郡山 に皆様お集まりいただき、奈良クラブな1日を過ごしましょう🪢 18:00〜お待ちしてます♪#奈良クラブ Quote 奈良クラブ @naraclub_info · 2024/07/02(火) 18:06:27 // 📣 2024サマーリミテッドユニフォーム発表イベント開催のお知らせ \\
7月15日(月・祝) イオンモール大和郡山にて2024シーズンのサマーリミテッドユニフォームの発表イベントを開催します🙌✨
詳細はこちら 🔗https://naraclub.jp/archives/58244
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2024/07/15(月) 13:00:51 お昼食べました🕐 起きてました☁️ おはようございます😊
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Lost You Forever 2 animated short, possibly to be serialized? From Tan Jianci's Weibo. Spoilery through LYF 2 ep 6.
#Lost You Forever#长相思#Lost You Forever 2#长相思 第二季#Tan Jianci#檀健次#Xiang Liu#Fangfeng Bei#Xiao Yao#Wen Xiaoliu#cdrama#spoilers#ab-TJC-mine#weibo#20240715
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Love and Deepspace 2.0 Live Overview
Okay so the live ended about 20 minutes ago and I watched (and recorded) the entire thing! We have confirmation that this will be released on July 15...so we have a little over a week! So here's the biggest highlights of the live...however first the new codes!
DEEPSPACE2 - 200 Diamonds, 20,000 Gold, 200 Energy
20240715 - 10 Empyrean Wishes
Portrait Mode
We're getting a new photo mode over in the Photobooth! Portrait Mode will be featuring:
Ability to move the camera around out characters. We can finally have more angles and full body shots.
We can move the posed characters around the screen so they're not right next to one another. This means we get to make cute little scenes guys and I am so hyped over this one.
Dynamic lighting and clothes! Not only can we choose were the light source in the photo is as well as the tones of it, we also have clothes that move with the wind directions that we can choose from!
More backgrounds, and from the looks of it the backgrounds will also be dynamic and move!
Premade photo templates will be available in case you're not super creative or good with photo booth modes, and we can also make our own templates to use later.
Abyssal Chaos
We're going to be getting an entirely new mode over in the "battle" section and oh boy does this one look super interesting (and a little complex to explain for me). This is word for word how the kitties explained the premises of it:
"The Abyssal Chaos is a site hidden in the corners of the internet, it focuses on selling information and commissioning bounties. It's the most secretive and anonymous trading platform on the dark web right now!"
Selectable Companions - So unlike the other battle modes where we pick and choose from several of our cards, we choose one of the companions we have available to go through the battles with. Memories in the Abyssal Chaos will use virtual data so the companions will be Level 80. You'll also only be able to choose one companions per period to team up with, as well as the weapon for these trials.
Wontony - The Admin AI the Abyssal Chaos features that gives us these commissions. It'll show us the algorithms and maps to complete the commission.
Gameplay - This mode seems to have more than just combat in it. There will be a series of events and obstacles for the hunters to go through with their companions. From the looks of it there are mazes and memory games, but who knows what else we're going to be getting. These will most likely just work as mini games, in the preview it shows Zayne in a box after getting trapped and our hunter having to run to little boxes on the ground in a certain order for a memory game to free him.
Randomly Generated Nodes - Ya, you saw right...it's going to have randomly generated settings so we're going to be going through different things every single time we play (hopefully). Even the maps are randomly generated it seems. There's also three nodes (similar to branches that we're used to seeing in choice based games) that leads to different outcomes. It's a rougelike gameplay mode where after you make a decision you can't go back during that run, you live with the choices and consequences.
Node Refresh - When you complete the current node according to the map, the system will randomly refresh a few branching nodes and give you new options. They also correspond to different follow up missions. The situation will be different for every option you make. Which means who freaking knows what's going to happen during your playthrough.
Chats with Characters - From what you can see in the video itself, it looks like during these missions you'll have little pop up chat windows where our companions will be speaking with us. If we're lucky it might give us some lore, but most likely it'll just be random conversations about the Abyssal Chaos and possibly their suggestions on how to go about it?
Deduction - I'm not entirely sure about this one but I think the "deduction" is the space in between the battles were you chat with characters, get enhancement items, and choose which node to go to next.
Mission Rewards (Codes) - After completing a mission we'll be getting 'codes' which are basically just item enhancements that (from the looks of it) we get to keep. Looks like they're separated in categories as well: HP, Dodge, Summon, Shield, Negative, Combo, Charged, Active. There's also exclusive ones for your companions as well. There's a total of 9 types of codes right now. If it's all confusing then thankfully Wontony will be willing to tell you which codes he'd recommend you use.
Enhance Codes - As you work your way through this mode you'll be getting Enhance Codes and Special Items in order to enhance the power of your team. Since the characters will default to Level 80 these will be important since it's set levels. Aka it's all catered towards based 80 characters so we need these items if we want to stand a chance getting through these. Of course they're randomly given though so they can either be useless or super helpful. From what they're implying these items are only good for that round in the Abyss Chaos and the next playthrough you do you'll be starting from scratch, giving the mode more playability!
Combo Codes - It looks like by mixing and matching the codes you put on your companions you can unlock even more combos and just overall cool combat specials with your companions! We're going to be getting a major boost in power if we're allowed to move these codes over to Deepspace Trials, however from what I saw it's not 100% confirmed if we will be able to, or if codes are exclusive for Abyssal Chaos' Battle Mode.
Chaos Keys - This is like currency during the mode were you can buy or enhance your codes to help progress through the current deduction you're going through.
Factors - After each deduction you'll be getting things known as factors. There's general factors and companion factors. General Factors will increase the power of your team, while Companion Factors will strengthen just your companion's ability to fight in the Abyssal Chaos.
Reward Exchange - After completing deductions we'll earn points which can be exchanged for a lot of diamonds. Which means we might have another method of farming for diamonds before events, which is a very good thing judging by how the banners are increasing how many pulls you need to do in order to get a guarantee of the card you want (our last event was a whopping 200 Pulls for a reward box).
Sylus Available - Looks like from the start we'll also be able to use Sylus as a companion. He appeared in the exclusive category of the code section.
Sylus + Game Updates
As we all know, Sylus was revealed earlier in June, and went against the wishes of the team for Love and Deepspace. At the end of their livestream they went into detail about the regrets they had since today's livestream was supposed to be his introduction, and how such a reveal was stolen from us as an audience from people leaking information. However I personally think that in today's livestream they will did an amazing job in showcasing Sylus. They gave him a video and song to go with it, and it was honestly amazing. Not to mention we heard his voice for the first time (okay I know there were leaks on that too but still)
Sylus has still been officially revealed to us! After the update on July 15'th he's going to be unlocked as a roman cable candidate which means all the normal interactions will be available! Which means we get to have Sylus get us plushies and poke in Destiny Cafe! From what we're seeing he's not a totally evil guy (one of the livestream kitties mentioned seeing him on a roof and was picked up by his scruff. Sylus jumped off the building then gently places him on the ground. What a sweetie).
Now with Sylus' release here's what we have Story Wise:
New Story Chapter - Long Awaited Revelry will be unlocked soon
Main Story Branches - From September to December we'll be having main story branches for our love interests! Looks like those who said we'd have branching storylines for the boys were correct. So strap in and see how MC is gonna be when actually romancing these men in each of their branches (damn can't have a polyamorous relationship with all these boys RIP). Hopefully this will make the cards and memories easier to understand because main story MC barely knows these men, but all of us are seeing memories of MC tossing them on beds and tables. So we finally get to see how we got to that point.
Free Cards - After the update there will obviously be an event. In that we will be getting a 5-Star Memory of Sylus, as well as a 4-Star memory...for free. During the event we'll also be able to get about 20 Empyrean Wish Tickets, so if you pair that up with the free code, we're getting about 30 free wish tickets to help us collect cards on Sylus! There will also be a log in event for another 4-Star memory of Sylus so make sure you log in for those 10 days.
New Outfits: Do you guys recall those cards that we all looked at like "Where tf are these outfits?" You know, the one where Zayne is staring sexily on a chair, or Rafayel in that suit with like petals around him? Those outfits? Ya we get those during the events...for free!
5-Star Memory Event for Rafayel - We'll be getting a new 5-Star Card for Rafayel at the end of July, Heartfelt Gift, will be available as well as apparently another free 5-Star card for Raffie (or maybe the Heartfelt Gift Card is the free, their wording in the stream was a bit confusing). During the event we get a 10 pulls, 2,000 diamonds, and tons of materials for free.
Wish Update: We're getting an update on the normal wishes. We'll be able to choose 3 of the 5-Star cards in the wish pool to get a rate up boost for them (so we can finally start getting 5-star memories we don't have easier). You can also change the three cards at any time you wish.
Illusio: A new feature called Illusio will be available for kindled memories for a limited time (July 15th - July 31st). You can select different outfits for the characters the click the kindled version of a 5-star memory to see them in that particular outfit (and I am expecting all you guys who have the towel outfits to record ever kindled memory with them wearing it. I ain't playin frfr).
There will also of course be new events popping up in the series, one of them being over in August that's being called "Embroidered Silk Ball". So we have so much content coming our way with the 2.0 version!
Well I think that about covers it all! We have a lot of funs tuff happening in L&DS and I can't wait to see it all! I do apologize for any typos, I wrote this before going to work as fast as I could!
#love and deepspace#loveanddeepspace#lnds#l&ds#zayne love and deepspace#rafayel love and deepspace#xavier love and deepspace#sylus love and deepspace#l&ds sylus#lnds sylus#love and deepspace sylus
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It's simply not a want, but a carnal need. Sylus’ [No Defense Zone] ... on my hands and knees begging. Please come home. 😩😩😩
LIVESTREAM CODES : 20240715 for 10x Empyrean Wishes!! && DEEPSPACE2 for 200x 💎 + 100x ⚡️ + 20,000 gold *codes valid until 07/20 23:59 GMT+8 (server time).
#love and deepspace#love & deepspace#lnds#lads#l&ds#no defense zone#sylus#qin che#shin#jinwoon#sylus lnd#lnds sylus#l&ds sylus#lads sylus#sylus love and deepspace#love and deepspace sylus#秦彻#シン#진운#;codes
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奈良クラブ @naraclub_info · 2024/07/15(月) 18:11:00 ◤SUMMER LIMITED UNIFORM◢
2024シーズン サマーリミテッドユニフォーム着用とコンフィットシャツ先行販売のお知らせ
詳細はこちら 🔗https://naraclub.jp/archives/58450
#奈良クラブ #NARAの夜 #さらなる高みへ
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Shohei and Tyler giving Teoscar some advice during the HR Derby 2024 [20240715]
#los angeles dodgers#shohei ohtani#tyler glasnow#teoscar hernandez#dodgers#major league baseball#home run derby#AND HE WON
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