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Verschleierungstaktik für Impfschäden!
Ein neues Phänomen hat Einzug in den Mainstream Medien gehalten. Frenetisch bemühen sich die Zeitungsschreiber derzeit, die Nebenwirkungen der Covid-19 Impfungen, hauptsächlich aber die von der Impfung ausgelösten Herzinfarkte und Schlaganfälle (Stichwort plötzlich und unerwartet verstorben) zu rechtfertigen, allerdings nicht mit der Wahrheit, sondern mit den abenteuerlichsten Begründungen. Der Fantasie sind hierbei keine Grenzen gesetzt und man will uns tatsächlich Glauben machen, dass ganz normale Alltagssituationen zum Herzinfarkt- und Schlaganfallrisiko mutieren. Hier wird uns eine bizarre Verschleierung der Realität vorgegaukelt, die unser aller Leben auf einen einzigen großen Risikofaktor reduziert. Wir begegnen auch hier wieder alten Bekannten: Angst und Panikmache, um die Menschen völlig zu verwirren und in die Irre zu führen. Wer Angst hat, ist bekanntlich leichter manipulierbar und offen für Dinge, die man sonst nicht so einfach hinnehmen würde. Einer anonymen Quelle zufolge, sollen die Journalisten ihre Artikel so verfassen, dass Infarkte nach Impfung mit unterschiedlichen Erklärungen welcher Art auch immer getarnt werden sollen und zwar so, dass sie nicht mit der Impfung in Verbindung gebracht werden. Wir wollen hier eine kleine Auswahl von solchen Erklärungen im Mainstream darstellen: - 1. Infarktrisiko bei Männern mit Erektionsproblemen - https://www.noticiasdenavarra.com/actualidad/sociedad/2022/04/11/hombres-problemas-ereccion-corren-riesgo/1249025.html - 2. Anzahl der Tassen Kaffee, die man täglich trinken muss, um das Herzinfarktrisiko zu reduzieren und gesünder zu leben - https://www.20minutos.es/salud/nutricion/las-tazas-de-cafe-que-tienes-que-tomar-al-dia-para-reducir-el-riesgo-de-infarto-y-vivir-mas-anos-4978469 - 3. Die Luftverschmutzung erhöht die Anzahl und den Schweregrad von Infarkten und Schlaganfall - https://cadenaser.com/2022/04/10/la-contaminacion-aumenta-el-numero-y-la-gravedad-de-infartos-e-ictus - 4. Der Klimawechsel erhöht das Risiko, an Herzkrankheiten zu sterben - https://www.infobae.com/america/ciencia-america/2022/03/29/el-cambio-climatico-aumenta-el-riesgo-de-muerte-por-enfermedades-del-corazon - 5. Mehr und schwerere Infarkte an Tagen mit starker Luftverschmutzung, speziell in Städten mit höherem Verkehrsaufkommen - https://www.epe.es/es/sanidad/20220407/investigacion-infartos-mayor-contaminacion-gravedad-13488971 - 6. Experten warnen vor dem Risiko von kardiovaskulären Problemen, Schlaflosigkeit und Adipositas aufgrund der aktuellen Kriegsthematik - https://www.larazon.es/salud/20220406/vfhaahulnvafpb7irs5554cdpm.html - 7. Übermäßiger Lärm und Luftverschmutzung führen zum Herzinfarkt: Bewohner von Ortschaften in der Nähe von Flughäfen, Bahngleisen und Autobahnen könnten einen Herzinfarkt erleiden. - eldiariony.com/2022/04/05/exceso-de-ruido-y-contaminacion-estan-causando-infartos-estudio-de-cardiologos-en-nueva-jersey - 8. Gefahr einer Herzerkrankung aufgrund mangelnder Flüssigkeitszufuhr - https://www.elespanol.com/ciencia/nutricion/20220404/peligro-corazon-no-beber-suficiente-agua-diario/661684304_0.html - 9. Klimaerwärmung zieht mehr Todesfälle durch Herzerkrankungen nach sich - https://www.consalud.es - 10. Unterschätztes Risiko: Infarkte und Schlaganfälle bei Frauen höher als bei Männern - https://www.elconfidencial.com/alma-corazon-vida/2022-03-30/afecta-enfermedad-cardiovascular-mujer-bra_3398537 - 11. Warme Sommernächte werden mit erhöhtem Sterberisiko bei Männern aufgrund kardiovaskulärer Probleme in Zusammenhang gebracht - https://www.abc.es/salud/enfermedades/abci-riesgos-noches-mas-calurosas-para-corazon-hombres-202203290050_noticia.html - 12. 3 Angewohnheiten führen zum Infarkt auf leisen Sohlen: mangelnde Zahnhygiene, wenig Schlaf, schnarchen und Stress - https://www.terra.com.mx/estilo-de-vida/2022/3/25/habitos-que-provocan-un-infarto-sin-que-te-des-cuenta-25205.html Es zieht sich wie ein auffälliger roter Faden quer durch den Mainstream und zwar weltweit. Einzelne Erklärungen mögen durchaus ihre Berechtigung haben, allerdings ist die in den letzten Wochen gehäufte Berichterstattung über Herzinfarkte und Schlaganfälle mit unterschiedlichen Erklärungsansätzen auffällig. So sollen die Menschen indoktriniert werden, dass sowieso alles zu solch schwerwiegenden gesundheitlichen Ereignissen führen kann und umso mehr dies ins Bewusstsein der Menschen dringt, um so weniger wird man es mit der Impfung in Verbindung bringen und Fragen stellen. Frei nach dem Motto: steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein. Und wieder ein Problem elegant gelöst, im Sinne einiger weniger natürlich. @JM https://der-schandstaat.info/unabhaengigkeit-der-bauern-beginnt-wer-sind-die-naechsten/ Read the full article
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Milan Records publica hoy 12, el nuevo álbum del prolífico compositor, productor y artista RYUICHI SAKAMOTO. Ya disponible en todo el mundo, 12 es el 15ºálbum de estudio de Sakamoto como artista solista y el primero de nuevo material en solitario desde que publicara async en 2017.
Consigue 12 AQUÍ
Mira el vídeo de acompañamiento AQUÍ
El álbum contiene 12 temas seleccionados de una colección de bocetos musicales que Sakamoto grabó como un diario sonoro entre 2021 y 2022 durante su lucha contra el cáncer. Cada pista está titulada y secuenciada según la fecha en que fue escrita, dando lugar a una colección musical que ofrece una instantánea íntima de este periodo de la vida de Sakamoto. Junto con el lanzamiento de hoy se publica un acompañamiento visual especial de 12 que incluye el tema que cierra el álbum, "20220304", e imágenes del compositor en Tokio - míralo aquí.
Sobre el álbum, RYUICHI SAKAMOTO dice: "A principios de marzo de 2021, por fin 'volví a casa', a mi nuevo alojamiento temporal tras una operación importante y una larga estancia en el hospital. Hacia finales de marzo, justo cuando mi cuerpo empezaba a notarse un poco más ligero, me vi echando mano del sintetizador. No tenía intención de componer nada; simplemente quería que me bañara el sonido. Tenía la sensación de que tendría un pequeño efecto curativo en mi cuerpo y mi alma, tan dañados. Hasta entonces, apenas tenía energía para escuchar música, y mucho menos para tocar. Pero después de aquel día, empecé a tocar de vez en cuando las teclas del sintetizador y del piano, y empecé a grabar pequeños bocetos de sonidos como si escribiera un diario. He intentado elegir 12 de mis bocetos favoritos para este álbum. No hay adornos: los pongo tal cual de forma intencionada. A partir de ahora, hasta que mi cuerpo se rinda, probablemente seguiré llevando este tipo de "diario"".
Como adelanto al lanzamiento del álbum, Sakamoto estrenó hace poco un concierto especial de piano solista que se retransmitió por Internet a una audiencia de más de 60.000 espectadores de todo el mundo. El concierto, su primera actuación en directo en dos años, se grabó a lo largo de una semana en el legendario estudio 509 de Tokio y presenta al compositor durante una hora tocando nuevos arreglos tanto de su repertorio como de su nuevo álbum. Ya está disponible la grabación de Ryuichi de su clásico de 1983 "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence” de la actuación en directo – míralo aquí.
20220302 - sarabande
Sony Music Masterworks se compone de los sellos Masterworks, Sony Classical, Milan Records, XXIM Records y Masterworks Broadway. Para actualizaciones por email y más información, visita https://milanrecords.com.
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water's cycle
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I’ll never get sick of reading 42nd moon. It must be the fifth time I’m reading it and it still hurts just as much as the first time. I can’t believe it’s been so long since I first discovered this series… it really makes me feel emotions, the kinds that are really hard to bring out. Pain, sadness, agony and this weirdly hollow feeling… like I’m empty on the inside. Oh and I’m also crying 😭
But all that being said, it’s these emotions that are really hard to being out imo so the fact that I’m sobbing here (again) just proves how amazing of a series it is.
Thank you for writing it ❤️ it made me fall in love with jisung all over again…
Five times? Wow, thank you for liking it so much. It's my first (and so far only) big project that I published, so it holds a special place in my heart, so I'm really happy to hear it has one in yours too. I had a lot of fun (and pain) writing it. It really fulfilled a lot of my writing bucket list.
Excuse the shameless promo, but in case you haven't heard, there's actually a longer (but maybe not better HAHA) version of it on Amazon Kindle by the same name! It's free with kindleunlimited. If you don't have unlimited and want to dm me a junk email account, I can send you a copy ;). The names are changed, but it's pretty easy to figure out who's who, I think (except maybe IN).
~ ad.gold
#crispy-chan#ask#20220404#i can also get copies for the first 4 other people who msg me within a week of this post :D#US only
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April 4, 2022: King Felipe inaugurated the International Food and Beverage Exhibition, “Alimentaria 2022”, and the International Exhibition of Equipment for Hotel Catering and Collectivities, “Hostelco 2022”
#King Felipe#King Felipe of Spain#King Felipe VI#King Felipe VI of Spain#Official Event#20220404#April 2022
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#Life Episodes#Season 136.4#20220401#20220402#20220403#20220404#20220405#20220406#20220407#20220408#20220409#20220410#PJD 2459671-2459680#4/10#5/10#6/10#I-20#I-44#I-49#I-70#US-54#US-69#US-75#IL-203#NM-392
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Remember You Are Accountable To God
You are accountable to God for your own actions. You cannot control what the other person does, but you can control how you respond. They too will be accountable for their actions, but not to you. They are accountable to God. God will hold you responsible for the way you act towards them. Paul admonishes us in Romans to realize that we are individually responsible for our actions and to not intentionally cause others to stumble and fall before the Lord.
Pray For Them
The book of 1 Corinthians is a book of conflict. Paul was having to deal with problems in the church. But he starts the book by saying he is praying for them. He certainly gave them the correction they needed, but he began with prayer. He then closes the book by asking for God’s grace on the Corinthian believers.
1 Corinthians 1:3, 4 “ Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ;”
1 Corinthians 16:23, 24 “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.”
Matthew 5:44, 45 “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”
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digital king
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おはよう☀ #おはよう #鹿児島朝活 #茶畑跡 #定点観測 #定点撮影 #20220404 #06時40分 #鹿児島 #kagoshima #ig_kagoshima #igで繋がる景色 #鹿児島の空 #なにげない日々 #自然のあるくらし #風景写真 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb54ThhPBAr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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April 4, 2022: King Felipe inaugurated the International Food and Beverage Exhibition, “Alimentaria 2022”, and the International Exhibition of Equipment for Hotel Catering and Collectivities, “Hostelco 2022”
#King Felipe#King Felipe of Spain#King Felipe VI#King Felipe VI of Spain#Official Event#20220404#April 2022
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“It’s just not gonna happen…;I can’t betray my SOUL” lol I felt that! There’s a lot more ‘official’ representation these days but in the past, so many f/f ships were entirely based on subtext or the show was actively queerbaiting, so most of my ships weren’t canon. And there’s always the thing of shipping two women who click just for whatever reason that I’ve kept up even now, when one character ends up being gay or bi and gets a partner. That’s me now with New Amsterdam, I always loved the idea of Bloom and Sharpe together and even seeing all the setup for Sharowin from day 1, I was in denial ha. I love Lauren and Leyla but BloomSharpe will always own a piece of my heart, ‘real’ or not :,)
(Note: I actually did start answering this in April and then left it till now so this’ll be somewhat disjointed as I finish off my older thoughts.)
The subtext vs canon discussion is always super interesting, right! Sometimes it’s a question of which dueling ship from the various current fandoms is the one that wins the most attention from a smallish community but it’s really interesting when there’s friction between subtext and canon ships in the same show, though that happens less and less so now. I feel like the mid '10s will remain the peak of that, as media began to include canon f/f more regularly and a large part of fandom followed, while others stayed with subtext. Glee was a great example, since both ships were so huge, but you see that behavior in SC vs Alex's canon ships too, or, less so because Red Kansas or whatever could hardly compare, but SQ as well. I do remember when New Amsterdam started and idly noted the two female characters who actually interacted and had a friendship and wouldn’t have minded shipping them but Helen/Max seemed set up from the start and I wasn’t in the mood to battle that. [Me adding months later: It’s ironic now, whichever one was more popular, both Sharpe and Leyla are gone. :x]
But it was super interesting to see who was drawn to Faberry and who to Brittana, then the two combined for Clexa, and then split again into Sanvers and SC, for example. It seems to me that it really depends on people's individual engagement with ships, what is it they get invested in specifically. The subtext group essentially goes for the “ideal” pairing, usually main characters with rich backgrounds and histories and well-defined, multilayered relationships, deciding that romance makes the dynamic even better, or clearer. Even now you have KCFH and HotD offering scope for that. The canon group will usually, just as a matter of statistics, not get the main characters, but to them the romance is already the source of the richness, and they can add the rest of the character and relationship work.
Neither way is better or worse and there’s no hard rule, there’s lots of overlap, most people will switch back and forth, or like both. I myself am a character-first person and so you’d expect me to be more subtext but I’ve pivoted more into canon lately for sure. I was just telling my friend the other day about how on Peacock’s Vampire Academy, the two leads are SO ready-made to subtext ship, but so much time and energy was spent on their respective m/f relationships, as with Helen/Bloom above, I just didn’t have the time or energy for that fight. Or interest, to be fair, I suppose, if I was really into it, I’d make it work.
Whichhhh, I do have the time and energy and interest to make J/7 work. No other pairing for either of them can compare for me. You had four full 26-ep seasons developing this extremely pivotal mutually transformative relationship that changed both of them and the constantly influenced Voyager plots, I cannot move on from that.
#replies#femslash related stuff#sent on 20220404#Anonymous#5#I say I don't ship subtext that much anymore but why'd I gif abby and kate from walker independence#do patty and allison still count as subtext...#I mean I still have them#bobbie/chrisjen and una/la'an and georgiou/michael etc etc#I dunno :o#I did read a ton of fics for subtext ships over the summer#star trek voyager#j7#fandom meta
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