#2022 fiction roundup
yvesdot · 2 years
yves. 2022 Fiction Roundup
Before I post my 2022 Year in Review, I'd like to compile all the new writing I've posted up this year: over 77,000 words of it! (That's roughly the length of the first entry in a certain disgraced magic school series.) Catch up on what you missed, remind a friend, or simply bask in a year well-read—and, as always, tell me your favorites in the tags!
HOUSE RAINIER (Discord writing crawl; fulltext on Patreon) | 13K
A Camp NaNoWriMo choose-your-own-adventure game in which participants wrote words to unlock various options while staying with the Rainiers for the summer.
Exhaustively (new edit) (Patreon -> Tumblr) | 9K
“This is not an optional question. Are you speed-stacking in my house?”
Everyone's favorite novelette about a college student, a golem, and a bad memory.
Something Weird I Heard About Rebecca (zine -> Tumblr) | 1.7K
“When you get older you have to do sex with guys and shave your legs.”
Rebecca is not going to be a little girl when she grows up. She is going to be a vampire. (Brooke has some concerns.)
Kay/Atlas college AU (KAY fanfiction) (Tumblr) | 3K
It’s the barest kiss—a kiss completely naked, without accessories or fanfare.
What if Kay and Atlas were in college instead of canon... and they were both girls?!
softball gf + goth gf AU (KAY fanfiction) (Patreon) | 6.9K
This puts a sharp spear through Kay, a little reef fish.
What if Kay and Atlas were in high school instead of canon... and they were both girls?!
Paper Tigress (Tumblr) | 3K
“Really?” Vidalia asked. “That doesn’t pass the Bechdel test.”
A cynical transgender woman enters a reality competition show.
An Impossible Thing (The Left Hand of Darkness fanfiction) (Tumblr) | 1.2K
I may remove this from my account. No doubt it is inaccurate, if not openly disrespectful, and I am not sure myself that I intend for anyone to see it.
A missing, very intimate chapter from one of my favorite books.
The Locked Tomb fanfiction (Houses I-IX) (Tumblr) | 3.2K, 4.2K, 13K
You have always been mine, my burden to carry, my villain to fight, my girl to envy.
Nine fics featuring various AUs, alternate paths, and ships.
Hallowdrabble 2022 (Tumblr) | 3.1K
“Oh, yes!” Mel had forgotten that the patch would have purchasable pumpkins. Perhaps primarily, per pumpkin patch particularization.
Mel and Jenny of Something's Not Right fame go to the pumpkin patch!
The Scar (Patreon -> Tumblr) | 750
Maybe that's my problem.
Horror flash piece about bystanding an abusive relationship.
Tragic Accident (Patreon -> Tumblr) | 650
I'm sorry for his loss. I'm sorry for mine, too.
W + transgenderism + girl in the walls haunted house flash fiction.
Long Line (yvesdotafterdark) (18+) | 14.5K
“You always come when I call.”
Two girlgamers start a long distance relationship, with many benefits.
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THANK YOU for another beautiful and successful year of reading and writing together! I can't wait to see what we get up to in 2023.
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sullustangin · 2 years
Flufftober 2022 Roundup Post
I managed more than 5 prompts, and given that I have had 5 academic presentations to write and present this month, along with my efforts to finish Yavin fic, I count this as a tiny win.  I’ll eventually archive these to the Shots and Chasers collected shorts fic; I don’t think I did enough to merit their own entry on AO3, compared to last year.
1.  Wearing Each Other’s Clothes: Koth/Lana
2. You’ve told your parents?:  Eva/Theron; Lana and Jace with Shan children
3.  Thick as Thieves:  Various Odessen personnel, with Theron coming in at the end with Eva
12.  You kept this?:  Eva/Theron.  @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, I think your ask prompted a headcanon about perfume awhile ago, and here it is in fic form!
23.  POV Outsider:  Lana, with Eva/Theron and Shan Children, cameo by Jace
26.  Blankets:   Eva/Theron
31.  Sweet Treat:  Jace and Satele, pre-relationship.  I’ve been thinking about writing a series of brief one-shots about these two and their pre-romantic friendship...because when they broke up it, it just undid everything they’d had for 15 years of friendship since Korriban. 
@ermingarden, since I’ve been posting randomly at bizarre hours and you like fluff <3
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autumn2may · 2 years
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It's that time of year again! Time to vote on the best books of 2022!
But please read the rules first! :D
Rules for voting: You have until January 31, 2023 to cast your vote in our Facebook group, on our Twitter, on our website, or our Instagram. Please only vote in one place. The top 50 books will be announced the first week of February.
Book must have come out in 2022. No reprints or re-issues.
It must be fantasy or science fiction. (Horror that hits one of these two marks counts too.)
It can be any subgenre. (Excluding erotica.)
You can nominate up to five books.
If you do vote for more than one, please put them in order from highest rated to lowest rated (according to you), so I can figure in scores when I finish the list.
Book must be novel length.
Book does not have to be the first in the series.
Rule 4 and 6 are not set in stone.
Happy Voting! Happy Reading! Happy Holidays! 🐉
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truetalesteam · 7 months
True Tales of the Illuminati needs YOUR help to fund a third season!
Big news! We just launched our indiegogo to crowdfund the third season of our show, True Tales of the Illuminati.
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True Tales is our full-cast audio comedy about conspiracies gone wrong, where a group of illuminati goons bounce haplessly throughout history snatching defeat from the jaws of other, weirder defeats.
In our first season (which you can listen to here or on your podcatcher of choice) , our gang of Illuminauts failed to keep the pyramids a secret. In the second, they failed to fake the moon landing so hard that they had to actually land on the moon. In the third, Beck and the gang will be going up against their toughest foe yet - the Enlightenment.
That’s right, reason IS the font of goodness, and it’s back to the 18th century to deal with the likes of Denis Diderot, Johanne Weishaupt, and Wolfgang Goethe. Can they match their scintillating wit? Create an objective test of intellectual acumen? Kiss?
We've been acclaimed by the AV Club on their Podmass roundup and made it to the finalists in the 2020 and 2022 Audioverse awards.
We've also had the following very kind words said about us:
"True Tales of the Illuminati is the wackiest, most ridiculous fun. Get swept away into a witty, space-time spanning rollercoaster ride of Looney Tunes hijinks and cartoonish comedy. It reminds me of my favourite audio fiction comedies, from Victoriocity and Wooden Overcoats to Oblivity and The Amelia Project. If you want your ears full of laugh out loud audio mayhem, please help bring this project to life!"
Ella Watts, BBC Studios, Doctor Who Redacted
"One of the funniest scripted podcasts out there, with brilliant characters and a wildly imaginative world. We need more!"
Tom Crowley, Wooden Overcoats, Victoriocity, Crowley Time with me, Tom Crowley
"True Tales is a fantastic, hilarious workplace satire, perfect for the post-truth era."
Henry Galley, Less is Morgue co-creator
Pretty good, right? If you're intrigued, if you like the show, if you want to help us make more, please head over to our indiegogo and drop us a few dollars. If you drop us more than a few, we even have rewards, like early access, stickers, pins, and more!
Oh, and did we mention that we're releasing 15-30 minute standalone minisodes as we hit our funding goals? The first one is already out for your enjoyment here, and we’ll be releasing new ones for every $3k raised. If we hit our $9000 goal, we'll drop a minisode by very special guest writer and performer, Tom Crowley! That’s right, the one from the pull quote! Tom’s one of our favorite writers and performers and he’s given us an incredible minisode, so as you can imagine, we really want to share it with you. So help us do just that!
Making this show is a labor of love, but we also need to pay our actors, our sound designer and rent studio space to make this as great as we can. Thank you so much if you decide to be a part of that. If you decide to donate, head on over to truetalesteam.com/crowdfund. We hope to see you there.
Illuminati, Ollominoto, The True Tales Team
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wizardsvslesbians · 20 days
You can read all these stories for free on the internet!
Miss Bulletproof Comes Out of Retirement: https://podcastle.org/2022/03/08/podcastle-725-miss-bulletproof-comes-out-of-retirement/ (or https://giganotosaurus.org/2020/08/01/miss-bulletproof-comes-out-of-retirement/) 
Selkie Stories are for Losers: http://strangehorizons.com/fiction/selkie-stories-are-for-losers/
Nuca: http://strangehorizons.com/fiction/nuca/
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marveltrumpshate · 5 months
April 2024 MTH fills
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Our AO3 collection (only has works posted to AO3; see "subcollections" for specific auction years)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type. 
Marc Spector
@newnewyorker93 - Scented beanbag sachet designed with Moon Knight's crescent moon emblem and hieroglyphs for @ruquas
Tony Stark
newnewyorker93 - Scented arc reactor beanbag sachet for llcupp01
Stephen Strange
newnewyorker93 - Scented beanbag sachet designed with Stephen's emblem and Time Stone for llcupp01
Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark & Sam Wilson
swtalmnd/@amysnotdeadyet - "Shaft" (Bucky, Steve, Tony & Sam movie night AU fic) for @saganarojanaolt and newtypeshadow (MTH 2022)
Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
George Henry/@dwarvishgeorge - "Honey, Sweetheart, Baby" (NSFW art of MCU Bucky, Clint, and Nat having sex in bed from buckybarnesdeservestobehappy's fic with the same name) for lou2
Bucky Barnes/Jason Todd
@carcrash429 - "don't stop, your bones aren't broken" (Bucky/Jason Todd MCU/DC AU fusion fic where Jason and Bucky get caught up in a mess after aliens invade New York in 2012) for @oper1895 and stillcentre
Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
swtalmnd/@amysnotdeadyet - "Shaft" (Bucky/Tony movie night AU fic) for @saganarojanaolt and newtypeshadow (MTH 2022) - "Suction" (Bucky/Tony PWP AU fic) for saganarojanaolt and newtypeshadow (MTH 2022)
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
@flightinflame - "The Possibility of Choice" (sunshine Charles/grumpy Erik AU fic where Erik meets Charles who works towards mutant/human coexistence) for E_Greer
Loki/Tony Stark
black_feather_fiction/@black-feather-fiction - "Material Fatigue" (post-2012 Avenger!Loki/Tony hurt/comfort fic where Loki gets cursed) for @lailyn
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
@iam93percentstardust - "Suburban Legends" (Steve/Tony AU fic where they're bitter ex-husbands who get trapped together at a vacation home during a hurricane) for @alwaysabrighterdarkness, @becci-chan, @betheflame, @crownofstardustandbone, @festiveferret, @gottalovev, gryvon, and @nostalgicatsea
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lok-repository · 8 months
New Korra picture book
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Based on Airspeed's last video, it looks like there will be a new Korra picture book coming in 2027 (!?) that will be along the same vein as the ATLA Heart of Hero picture books that have been coming out. Interestingly, the author for the upcoming Korra picture book seems to be a travel writer so not sure if they have the wrong author listed. Here's some more info from the listing:
On Sale Date: May 4, 2027
ISBN 9780316408110, 0316408115
Hardcover Picture Book | 
40 pages
$18.99 USD, $23.99 CAD
Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure Key Selling points:
THRIVING FANBASE: While Avatar has been off the air since 2008, and Korra since 2014, their fandom has continued to thrive—and GROW! This is in part due to the recent roll out of both series on Netflix. LASTING MEDIA ATTENTION: The shows continue to get lots of love in the media with frequent articles and inclusion in roundups:
Avatar ranked in both Vanity Fair’s and IndieWire’s respective 2018 lists of the best animated TV shows of all time
The final scene of Korra ranked in io9’s 2018 list of the “100 Most Important Pop Culture Moments of the Last 10 Years.”
SOCIAL REACH: The shows have over 6.7M followers across their social channels and almost 800K subscribers on Reddit. Their creators are also avid posters, and they frequently talk about their passion for and continued involvement with the brands. PERFECT TIMING: There will be a new live-action Avatar series likely coming to Netflix in 2022. Also, with 2020 being Avatar’s 15th anniversary and 2022 being Korra’s 10th anniversary, it’s poised to be the “The Decade for Avatar!” PUBLISHING: Avatar has a thriving reader fanbase, too! Dark Horse has been successfully publishing original graphic novels that target teens and adults since 2012 and has no plans to stop—in fact, The Promise, an Avatar graphic novel, recently hit #6 on the NYT list 7 years after its publication! The Kyoshi YA novels, recently published by Abrams, were each instant NYT bestsellers and continue to grab attention. In 2021 the publishing category will continue to expand to include a new Avatar YA series, a new Avatar MG series, and a new three-part Korra graphic novel series. CONSUMER PRODUCTS: Multiple lines of business are planning on ramping up their product, including more presence at mass, expanded collectibles, homeware, and retail initiatives at specialty stores like Box Lunch and FYE. Existing CP includes apparel, a trading card game, video games, LEGO sets, toys and stuffed animals, homewares, additional publishing, and home video that has generated over $18M since 2015 in DVD, Blu-Ray, and Steelbook formats. Avatar is a consistent top 10 item at both Box Lunch and Hot Topic.     DUAL APPEAL: With its eye-catching design and original content, we expect these titles to appeal to existing adult fans who want to collect and share with their children while also providing an entry point.
You can find the whole listing on the Edelweiss website.
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catty-words · 9 months
finally back home from my family's and ready to put last year to rest with the
2023 fic writing roundup
Total 2023 Word Count: 95,451 published words, but 116,360 words written for the year   Total 2023 Hits: 25,513 Other 2023 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 1,272; Comment threads: 198; Bookmarks: 252; Subscriptions: 158.
Total 2022 Word Count: 36,969 published words, but 132,549 words logged for the year Total 2022 Hits: 17,797 Other 2022 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 1,910; Comment threads: 111; Bookmarks: 259; Subscriptions: 20.
links and titles to 2023 works
[cw's nancy drew] couldn't help noticing the gold mines glistening in your skin (3,966 words) - a birthday gift for bethany! what if nancy and ace hooked up pre-canon?
[never have i ever] one more last try (4,323 words) - for the girlies* who were/are incensed that the nhie writers had the audacity to make bad benvi sex canon and then UNINTERESTING. *it's me, i'm girlies
[cw's nancy drew] first contact (849 words) - nancy and ace texting can be poetry if you hold my hand and just believe!
[never have i ever] answering machines & how your voice says it’s gonna get back to me someday (3,163 words) - devi and ben's relationship through their first year at university as told by the voicemails they leave each other
[never have i ever] a lie away from getting you into the mood (77,482 words) - i mean. how could i possibly sum this one up? d/b FWB, sure, but also so much more than that. bitty spark 'verse pt 2.
[never have i ever] to nestle deep into the safe-keeping (3,440 words) - in a now time-honored tradition, i wrote rose some smut for her birthday! d/b being soft and in love their first year of university.
[cw's nancy drew] it’ll hurt like a mother when your foot comes out (2,228 words) - drew crew hike to commemorate a real life hike! fun!
Favorite Fic: 'gold mines' is a strong contender, but. you know it's 'lie away'. how could it be anything else? i spent a year and a half writing it and i finished the fuck out of it despite the tornado that stirred up my personal life this year. i don't know that i've ever been prouder of a fic. almost certainly not.
Hardest Fic: also 'a lie away'. the amount of material that i wrote and then scrapped because it wasn't right was A Lot.
Do You Plan to Take Prompts in 2024? haven't done a prompt game in a while! think it might be time to pull out that song lyric one, i've been gifted some exceptional music that way.
that said, though, when i do have all day to sit down and write, i've found myself more interested in chipping away at something longer-form. then again, it's been a while since i exercised the prompt-filling muscle in my writer brain, and i don't want that muscle to lose definition entirely. we'll see, i suppose.
What was the best thing about 2023? I FUCKING FINISHED 'A LIE AWAY' I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT
What was the worst thing about 2022? woof. i sure did split from my partner of a decade. which has actually been incredibly good for me, but living through it was a bit fucky, as you can imagine.
which makes this a great time to nod at 'answering machines' for being perfect creative fun and getting me out of my head during the worst of the breakup. looking at the title alone can make my brain stutter, though, it's a time capsule from such a tumultuous period in my life. probably doesn't help that i used a song from my unofficial breakup album to title the fic. i love you, 'answering machines'. i cannot fathom rereading you at this time.
Any last thoughts for 2023? i am content. the year was good to me, all things considered.
Goals for 2024
fuck around with devi the vampire slayer
original fiction???
fall head over heels for another show
continue writing devi/ben even if the audience for it dissipates entirely
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jariten · 2 years
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Separating the long form and short form manga I read this year.   Some one-shot anthologies I read this year that I won’t forget are:
サバの夏が来た (Sava no Natsu ga Kita) by Yumiko Oshima [Hakusensha, bunko ver]
キャンディとチョコボンボン (Candy to Choco Bonbon) by Chiki Ooya [Shogakukan, bunko ver]
青い春 (Blue Spring) by Taiyo Matsumoto [Shogakukan, bunko ver]
SFマンガ傑作選 (SF Manga Kessakusen) edited by Kenta Fukui [Tokyo Sogensha, bunko ver]
天使も夢みるローソク夜 (Tenshi mo Yumemiru Rosokuya) by A-ko Mutsu [Shueisha, bunko ver]
鬼子母神 (Kishimojin) by Ryoko Yamagishi [Bunshun, bunko ver]
I want to jump straight to my personal highlight: Kenta Fukui has amazing taste because this is one of the greatest best-of anthologies I’ve read. With a special highlight on what he calls the golden era of Science Fiction manga, the 1970′s, this selection is a perfectly even mix of male and female artists of the time who made important contributions to the Sci-fi genre. There’s too many to list here as I find them all to be very noteworthy so please take a look at its anilist page for the full details. 
Speaking of the 1970′s I was able to make even more time for some of the women who got their start during that era. Such as A-ko Mutsu, who immediately captured me with “Tenshi mo Yumemiru Rosokuya”. By far her most memorable stories and a perfect introduction to the fantasy-like world she creates in all of her manga from the 70´s-80´s.  Similarly I got to dive even deeper into the world of Yumiko Oshima and it was her autobiographical work in the Sava series that truly cemented her perspective and worldview to me. In a world full of manga about nothing, the  stories that in all honesty portrayed a luxuriously quiet and uneventful life deeply moved me. Chika Ooya made the switch to the more lucrative career as an illustrator early in her career, but the manga she made before leaving the manga artist life behind is so good varied and this bunko selection really captured that range. With everything from screwball comedy to drama to surreal experiments. On the opposite ends are the unnerving and grotesque stories of Ryoko Yamagishi. This newest best-of compilation themed around toxic mothers includes some of her well known stories like Yasha Gozen, Blue Roses, and Cosmos.
Blue Spring I was able to squeeze in at the end of the year and I already love this rough (in every sense) early years Matsumoto. Truly hope Viz decides to give this one a rerelease.
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golmac · 1 year
Time for a New Pinned Post
Hi, I'm Drew Cook. I'm probably best known for my long-form criticism of 1980s text adventure games by a company called Infocom. They made thirty-five games in total, and are probably best-known for the Zork trilogy of games. My interests as a critic are mostly cultural and historical. For instance, I choose to look at Zork through a post-colonial lens.
My work has been featured at Critical Distance many times, including their "2022 Year in Videogame Blogging" roundup.
When I stick to my posting schedule (every two weeks), I get around five hundred unique visitors a month. That's pretty large for such a niche topic. Reactions to the site have made me very happy. It's called Gold Machine. Come pay me a visit!
I have also collaborated with Callie Smith on a few podcast episodes about Infocom games. It's called Gold Microphone. Unfortunately, we haven't had time to update it in a long, long while. We still want to get back to it. Last time I checked, it was on all major podcasting platforms.
I also write parser interactive fiction. My first game, Repeat the Ending, is a work of speculative metafiction about grief, mental illness, and the second law of thermodynamics. I tried to resist the tendency of parser games to be about things, focusing instead on narrative, psychological portraiture, and lots and lots of paratext. In fact, one of its themes is concerned with the limitations of parser-based narratives. It's been well-received so far, and earned ribbons for Best in Show, Best Art, and Best Writing in Spring Thing 2023. You can check it out here (linked below) and read some nifty extras, including the source code. Note the "play online" button at top right, and don't forget to save your game!
Feel free to ask me anything about game criticism, RTE, or even my work in progress. Or something else, it's cool.
I'm considered disabled due to the severity and prognosis of my mental illness. I'm not going anywhere with that; I'm just saying.
If you enjoy any of my projects, including my recently started posts about Inform 7 for beginners, consider telling your friends about it/them, or even rating Repeat the Ending at IFDB if you felt it was worthwhile. I do all of this for free, and always will, so knowing people find value in my work is what motivates me.
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jmrothwell · 9 months
2023 Fic Round Up
Number of Fics: 81 New Fics; 3 Prompt Collections, 2 Continued Fics,
Most of the writing done this year was prompt fills (71 stand alone prompt fics).
Also have the We Run Together series on tumblr that I have yet to transfer to AO3.
2022 Roundup
(Tumblr disliked my original draft so I had to significantly cut down the information in the list)
Prompt Collections:
Chemicals React (Chapters 57-68)
Round Robin (6+ Sentence Fics) (Chapters 11-29)
3 Sentence Fics (Chapters 18-29)
Deep in My Bones (G, Julie & Carrie, Julie/Reggie, Part 1: 2023 Prompts)
Furby (G, Alex/Luke/Reggie/Willie/Bobby, Part 2: 2023 Prompts)
The Stage is Set (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 3: 2023 Prompts
You are Not Alone (G, Alex & Reggie, Part 4: 2023 Prompts)
Still Come Back to You (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 5: 2023 Prompts, Part 7: Kiss Kiss)
Clocks Move Forward (G, Trevor-centric, Part 6: 2023 Prompts)
Stranger Than Fiction (G, Julie & Alex & Reggie, Part 7: 2023 Prompts)
Glitter on the Highway (T, Reggie/Flynn, Part 8: 2023 Prompts)
To Follow Where You Are (T, Reggie/Carrie, Part 9: 2023 Prompts)
Not All Treasure’s Gold (M, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 10 2023 Prompts)
Cold as Ice (G, Reggie/Willie, Part 11 2023 Prompts)
Want This to Last (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 12: 2023 Prompts, Part 10: Kiss Kiss)
Like Never Before (G, Reggie/Luke, Part 13: 2023 Prompts)
With a Taste of Your Lips (G, Alex/Willie, Part 14: 2023 Prompts)
Keeping a Moment (T, Alex/Luke/Willie, Part 15: 2023 Prompts)
Leave All This to Yesterday (G, Julie & Reggie, Part 16: 2023 Prompts)
Let the Rain Pour (G, Julie/Reggie/Flynn, Part 17: 2023 Prompts, First Published: February 2023, Completed April 2023)
So Close And Still So Far (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 18: 2023 Prompts)
Dream to Me (G, Reggie/Will Byers, Part 19: 2023 Prompts, Stranger Things Crossover)
A Hold of Me (T, Julie/Reggie, Julie & Alex & Luke & Reggie & WIllie & Bobby, First Published: March 2023, Completed: March 2023)
Kiss it Better (G, Alex & Reggie, Part 20: 2023 Prompts)
Come Up for Coffee? (T, Alex/Willie, Part 21: 2023 Prompts)
So I Don’t Lose You (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 22: 2023 Prompts)
But I'm Livin' (T, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Part 23: 2023 Prompts)
So I Whisper Now In Your Ear (T, Julie & Alex & Luke & Reggie, First Published: July 2022; Chapter 7 published: March 2023)
Here With You (T, Julie/Reggie, Reggie/Luke, Part 3: Hanging by a Moment)
The Devil Searching For Redemption (T, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 24: 2023 Prompts, Part 1: Devil Searching for Redemption)
I Could Be The Monster (M, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Part 2: Devil Searching for Redemption)
A Lovely Night (G, Julie/Reggie, First Published: October 2022 Completed: November 2023)
Getting Carried Away (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 25: 2023 Prompts)
Do You Want? (T, Alex/Luke, Part 26: 2023 Prompts)
I'm Here I Promise (G, Ray & Luke, Part 27: 2023 Prompts)
He Once Was a True Love of Mine (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 28: 2023 Prompts)
Someone You'd Call Your Enemy (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 29: 2023 Prompts)
A Feeling Running Through Our Veins (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 30: 2023 Prompts)
Someday I'll Wish Upon a Star (G, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Part 31: 2023 Prompts)
A Line Without a Hook (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 32: 2023 Prompts)
I Would Waste My Time (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 33: 2023 Prompts, Part 3: Feats of Crimson)
Pain Relief (G, Reggie/Luke, Part 34: 2023 Prompts)
We'll Make Sure You're Okay. (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 35: 2023 Prompts)
Over and Out (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 36: 2023 Prompts)
Cherry Blossom Kiss (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 37: 2023 Prompts)
Miss You (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 38: 2023 Prompts)
A Matter of Time (T, Julie/Reggie, First Published: June 2023, Completed: October 2023)
Competitive Baking (G, Rose-centric, Part 39: 2023 Prompts)
You Got the Keys (G, Julie & Reggie, Part 40: 2023 Prompts)
Jump Then Fall (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 41: 2023 Prompts)
Glasses (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Julie/Reggie/Flynn, Prompt 42: 2023 Prompts)
PokéPlush (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 43: 2023 Prompts, Part 6: Kiss Kiss)
Maybe I'm Your Love (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 44: 2023 Prompts, Part 11: Kiss Kiss)
Always Find My Way To You (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 45: 2023 Prompts)
What A Time (T, Reggie/Carrie, Part 46: 2023 Prompts)
Would You? (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 47: 2023 Prompts)
Only Thing To Say (G, The Greater Polyphantoms Polycule, Part 48: 2023 Prompts, Part 1: Kiss Kiss)
fearless // good night (G, Julie/Reggie)
A Damn Cold Night (G, Julie & Reggie, Part 2: I'm With You)
Take Me by the Hand (M, Julie & Reggie, Part 3: I'm With You)
Misspeak (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Part 49: 2023 Prompts)
'Til We're All Alone (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 50: 2023 Prompts)
Unexpected (G, Julie & Willie, Part 51: 2023 Prompts)
Cygne Noir (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 52: 2023 Prompts)
A Beauteous Flower (G, Julie/Reggie/Kayla, Part 53: 2023 Prompts)
Keep Asking Why (T, Bobby-centric, Part 54: 2023 Prompts)
Happily Ever After...So Far (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 55: 2023 Prompts)
Missing You (G, Julie/Reggie)
Complete Now (G, Julie/Reggie/Luke)
Rained In (G, Julie/Reggie/Kayla, Part 56: 2023 Prompts)
There For You Till the Very End (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 57: 2023 Prompts)
Dream Ripped at the Seam (M, Julie/Reggie/Luke, Julie & Alex & Reggie & Luke, Part 3: Devil Searching for Redemption)
(All I Really Want is) Something Beautiful to Say (G, Julie & Alex, Part 58: 2023 Prompts)
Come Take Me Home? (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 59: 2023 Prompts, Part 4: I'm With You)
Homework and Teddy Bear (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 60: 2023 Prompts)
Until the dice roll five or eight (G, Julie & Reggie & Luke, Part 61: 2023 Prompts)
A Needed Hug (G, Ray & Reggie, Part 62: 2023 Prompts)
Dangerous Hands (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 63: 2023 Prompts)
Long to Hold You Tight (G, Reggie/Luke, Part 64: 2023 Prompts)
Connections (G, Luke & Carrie, Part 65: 2023 Prompts)
"That's My Side." (T, Julie/Reggie, Part 66: 2023 Prompts)
Caramel Macchiato (G, Flynn/Carrie, Part 67: 2023 Prompts)
Save Me From Tears (G, Reggie/Carrie, Part 68: 2023 Prompts)
Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love (G, Reggie/Luke, Part 69: 2023 Prompts)
'Cause you asked for it (G, Julie/Reggie, Part 70: 2023 Prompts)
Photos or It Isn't Real (G, Flynn/Carrie, Part 71: 2023)
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fuckruarychallenge · 2 years
Fuckruary 2023 Stories
Welcome to the Fuckruary 2023 Lucifer fanfiction roundup!
This post compiles all of the adult stories published between the 1st and 28th of February in alphabetical order. 19 authors wrote and posted 231,000 words on AO3, and 4 artists shared 9 art pieces!
Show these creators some love through sharing/RTing this post and their works, commenting, bookmarking, and/or kudosing!
As Certain Dark Things Are to Be Loved by matchstick_dolly
Better Than Fiction by morningstars_x
Bringing Up Baphomet by MoanDiary
Burning Edges and Scars and Stars by LucisAdvocate
Date Night: The Penthouse by Kat_d86
Devious Dance (Devil Devil) by cjdecker
Evidently Slippery by devil_boy
The Exchange by Allicat9
Halcyon by owlish_peacock
Hot Neon Night by MRHSfan
i feel you in my brain (i can feel you well) by SomeTing
If the Shoe Fits by matchstick_dolly
i've no language left to say it (but all i do is quake to her) by SomeTing
Love Me Tender by back2writing
May I Have Another? by back2writing
Need by cjdecker
Oh Baby! by devil_boy
One Night Only by MoanDiary
Our Mojo...And a Bit More by MRHSfan
Prima Nocta by Allicat9
A Proper Lady by back2writing
A Proper Lady (D/s version) by back2writing
Rebound to You by matchstick_dolly
A Reminder by tellemonstar
Someone Stepped Inside Your Soul by TheWillowBends
the smutty miscreant's Fuckruary 2023 siren!Chloe series
Songs of Innocence and Experience by rellyjean
Sweeter than macarons by back2writing
Take My Breath Away by devil_boy
Those Who Favor Fire by matchstick_dolly
The Ties That Bind by MoanDiary
Trope Springs Eternal by MoanDiary
Twin Kink by Mary_S7100
Upsy-Daisy by back2writing
With the Fume of Sighs by owlish_peacock
The Work of Our Hands by awinedarksea
Worshipping by tellemonstar
Worshipping Temptation by VioletArroyo
Calia Lynn: Fanart for the smutty miscreant's siren!Chloe series
MrMidnight: "Our Mojo" Cosplay
SomeTing: Chloe from Hot Tub High School
VochtXenia: Feb 5, Feb 8, Feb 11, Feb 13, Feb 14, Feb 15
Don't forget previous Fuckruary events!
If you've missed their works, you can always find them on AO3 under the following tags:
Fuckruary 2022
Fuckruary 2021
Fuckruary 2020
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doorplays · 2 years
2022 Roundup of Games
Hello! This is Doors. I haven't written here in a while and now I am going to fix that by writing a bunch about the games I played this year!
By my best count, I played about 28 games this year, with 7 of those being games I didn't finish. I’ve enjoyed them to varying respects though, and now I’m here to talk about 17 of them with as little spoilers as possible!
This roundup of games is not ranked, I just listed them haphazardly. I put up a short review for each game so you have an idea of what you’re getting into, and have a rating for each! Most of these are games I very much enjoyed, and if you find yourself playing them, go ahead and message me! I’d love to hear peoples’ thoughts on these games.
This is also something I want to start doing every year, and the best time to start anything you want to start is, well, now! And thus:
Let’s get to it!
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I'd describe this game as "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater except Tony Hawk was a photographer". You are dropped into various levels and environments and, within a time limit, you have to achieve the objectives set out by the game. This usually consists of you taking pictures depicting specific things and taking a picture at a certain vantage point.
What I like about this game is its environmental storytelling. And well, really, that's the only way this game tells its story. It's all around the levels just waiting for you to see and take pictures of them. You find memorials, posters, people, all instrumental in telling the grim story that the game has.
I enjoyed experimenting with lenses that I unlock as I progress through the game, and experimenting with various filters! I feel like the game captured my imagination enough for me to enjoy it.
Door Rates Umurangi Generation: 4/5
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Supergiant never misses. From Bastion with its gripping story, and Transistor with its lovely aesthetic, to Hades with its frenetic roguelike gameplay, they always know their stuff. They know their style and they flourish in it, unafraid of experimentation.
With Pyre, I'd say that they experimented too much. The gameplay felt a bit clunky for me, though that may be because I stubbornly played on mouse and keyboard instead of controller. The gameplay loop revolves around you undergoing rituals, which are more accurately described as sports games. You play fantasy soccer, essentially!
Despite my gripes with the gameplay, I was so enamored by the story, the art, and the worldbuilding. I've grown to love and care for most, if not all of the characters, and I was really rooting for their success. I even found some antagonists charming and hoped that they find success as well.
In the end, I enjoyed it a lot. Supergiant are really good at making games, and with Hades 2 looming, I'm hoping they produce another knockout game.
Though despite my issue with them experimenting too hard here, I do hope they experiment more with their next games. But that's a subject for another post...
Door Rates Pyre: 4/5
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This game is a sort of choose-your-adventure type game. At the start you get to describe your character's background, their competency, etc. Then when you're shipped out to do the job, you discover that there's more to the job than you expect.
I am always enamored by sci-fi, and am even more enamored by fiction that has something to say about the divine, so when this game mixes the two of them I completely and utterly fucked with it. This shit? Absolutely up my alley.
You can also interact with your workmates here and discover more about them, but I find that the divine part of the game is what really pleases me. I only wish that there was more story to see and read!
Door Rates That Which Faith Demands: 4.5/5
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I started this game very early in 2022, and let me tell you I did NOT expect it to shoot up to my most played game on Steam. There’s just something about this game that just drags you in easily with its wacky randomness and fun mixups and somewhat cute aesthetic.
You start out choosing one of four possible characters, then in typical roguelike fashion you do run after run as you unlock more guns, more accessories, more characters, and even more areas to explore! It is a very fun game where you can just go pew pew pew at everything.
Door Rates Enter the Gungeon: 4/5
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You are a bird. And you have an urge... to skate. It’s a cute little game with cute little birds! You can change up their feathers, their fashion, and do some neat skateboard tricks. My biggest issue with this game though is that the controls are very clunky. But from the short time I played it I found it very amusing.
Door Rates Skatebird: 3/5
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A friend of mine gifted this to me years ago, and it only took me like... half a decade or so to finally finish it! Heck yeah progress.
Anyway, this game is a nice Metroidvania. I found the aesthetic very nice, dark yet welcoming. I couldn’t have imagined making a world full of bugs work out to be cute! The music is also wonderful and the worldbuilding is great.There’s much to discover and a variety of areas. The story is also great (though I imagine my enjoyment was a bit diminished after I spoiled myself a bit lol). I enjoyed it a lot.
Door Rates Hollow Knight: 4/5
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Another friend recommended this to me, and I instantly fell in love with a concept. Sci-fi archaeology! Learning about dead languages! Good worldbuilding! All of these tick so many boxes for me it’s amazing really
I liked the artstyle too, a mix of 2d and 3d, 3d for the environments and 2d for the character sprites. I adore it, something similar was done too for Paradise Killer, another fave of mine.
I really enjoyed the story of this game and its vibes. I replayed it some more trying to unlock more of the language since language knowledge persists between playthroughs, but my save got deleted at one point and I didn’t continue. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly recommend this game!
Door Rates Heaven’s Vault: 5/5
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A simple survival game/roguelike/bullet hell of sorts, and yet it’s so addicting. A friend gifted me this game and it got me in a vicegrip instantly. In this game you go and kill enemies, get experience, and level up to get various weapons and items so that you can kill more enemies. You accomplish achievements so you can unlock more characters. You get more gold so you can upgrade your stats. It’s basically a distillation of “number go up” and how much we enjoy it! Big damage big effects. It’s like rolling up a snowball and watching it get bigger and bigger and eventually it becomes an avalanche and massacres an entire village of ghosts. Sure you crash and burn sometimes but it’s still fun building it up!
The game is very cheap and has recently released an expansion, and is even free on iPhone/Android! Go try ittttt
Door Rates Vampire Survivors: 4/5
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I played Zero Dawn years ago and enjoyed it very much, and I’m glad to report that now that I’ve played the sequel, I still enjoy it a lot! The gameplay feels the same for me, and the graphics are still very breathtaking, though I didn’t have as much opportunity to take pictures here as opposed to in Zero Dawn. I enjoyed the story a lot too. I have nothing much to say about it other than it being a solid sequel, and I look forward to more entries to this series!
Door Rates Horizon Forbidden West: 4.5/5
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This game is by the same people who made VA-11 Hall-A, and is set in the same world and a few years before it. It’s a visual novel with a lot to say about technology, consciousness, and people. I loved the pixel art and I loved the writing! I grew to care for the characters, which was something I did not expect. I recommend this game!
Door Rates 2064: Read Only Memories: 4/5
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I played Return of the Obra Dinn and enjoyed it so much that I thought I should check this game out as well. Both were made by Lucas Pope. And both are pretty cool in their own way! Return of the Obra Dinn had a focused story and a straightforward objective, but Papers Please had you living life as a simple border control officer and it really shows. Day by day the difficulty ramps up as you have to look out for more potential mistakes in peoples’ requirements. And in the meantime you still have to provide for your family.
While all of this is going on, life continues, and there will be world events that surprise you. I love how this game weaves its simple gameplay into a good narrative. It is a very solid game.
Door Rates Papers Please: 4/5
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I started this in 2021 but only finished it early 2022. I haven’t played the original so I’m glad to play this with updated graphics! In fact it’s a huge overhaul even.
It’s lovely to see these characters in high definition. Barrett is fuckin STACKED and it’s lovely to see Jessie and Aerith. Tifa looked lovely in a dress! And it’s nice to see Biggs and Wedge having actual personalities here.
Gameplay was snappy enough and I have no complaints about it. And I enjoyed enough how the story was told. I’m looking forward to part two!
Door Rates Final Fantasy VII Remake: 4/5
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I like this game.
It’s a sci-fi RPG. You arrive at the space station named Erlin’s Eye, where many people have made a home of. You learn of its history, its people, and most importantly, how to survive in this place. While it presents itself as sci-fi, it tells a familiar tale of trying to survive in a new frontier.
The way it plays is that every in-game day, you get a certain number of dice, already pre-rolled. You have to manage these dice in order that you get to use them succeed in the tasks you need to succeed in. In a sense, it’s a mix of RPG and resource management, which is very interesting to me.
I enjoyed the story and the characters. It is a surprisingly familiar story that resonates, and the gameplay is chill enough, along with the music. It has my Seal of Approval
Door Rates Citizen Sleeper: 4.5/5
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The same friend who recommended me Heaven’s Vault told me of this game. I got it on the Xbox Game Pass and fell in love with the aesthetic. Each frame looks like an art piece you can hang in a museum!! It reminds me of like. The Bayeaux Tapestry. Idk why that specifically came to mind but. Yes.
In this game you play as journeyman artist Andreas Maler. You are contracted by the Kiersau Abbey in the village of Tassing to make art. Through Andreas’s eyes you get to know the village’s history, mingling with the village folk, breaking bread with them even!
This game... this game is not just about history, not just about choices, this game is also about you living with your choices. Andreas’s regrets, successes, and the butterfly effect of his presence on the people of Tassing are told with great import. If you play this game, I urge you not to savescum or make a new save when things don’t go your way.
It’s one of my top games of 2022. Go play it!
Door Rates Pentiment: 5/5
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I’ve been playing this game ever since it came out, and it continues to be a treat. It was only in 2022 though that I actually played the Expeditions. And it is very nice to see how fellow explorers just help people along through them by making bases, planting markers, and just putting up some messages! I’ve enjoyed this game for years because of its variety and beauty, but it’s only now that I felt how rich its community is. I look forward to exploring it more in the coming years!
Door Rates No Man’s Sky: 4.5/5
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2022 was the year I wrangled together a static, which is essentially an 8-person group dedicated to clearing certain content in FFXIV. We were out here trying to clear the new Savage Raids, Pandaemonium Tiers 1 to 4. It was my first time being a sort of raid leader, and it was honestly an interesting experience! It was rough at times, but I nonetheless formed lasting friendships and strengthened some current ones. And it was very enjoyable suffering playing together with friends :)
As time went on though, I had to drop my subscription because of IRL responsibilities. But this game will always be important to me because of the friendships I have made and continue to make.
Door Rates Final Fantasy XIV: 5/5
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I have a love/hate relationship with this game.
On one hand, the game itself. Magic: the Gathering. It’s honestly enjoyable! My favorite format is Historic Brawl and I enjoy brewing decks for different commanders and just playing out matches conveniently!
On the other hand the economy SUCKS and it does a lot of things to make you feel that FOMO feeling.
I’m honestly waffling between uninstalling it and not uninstalling it and I probably should uninstall it? But I have to admit I do still enjoy the game...
Either way: Magic the Gathering is a great game. MTG Arena? It’s a good way to play the game, but it’d take you a while to collect the cards you want, so jury’s out on that one.
Door Rates MTG Arena: 2.5/5
That’s a lot of games!!! I played some others but I didn’t have the time to include them here, but I enjoyed most of them all the same.
I enjoy the unique experience of playing games because you are not just... reading the story, you aren’t just watching an event or anything. You are an active participant in these experiences! May it be a story-rich game, a game with fun mechanics, or even a game as simple as Wordle, you are more in charge of your experience. And I find that cool!
I’m gonna try and continue to write more reviews as I play games! I’ll make this my New Year’s Resolution sure let’s go with that. Take care dear readers!
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marveltrumpshate · 1 year
April 2023 MTH fills
Wow, can you believe it’s been half a year since the auction ended? We love all the works that have come in so far and are looking forward to more fills over the next six months.
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Our AO3 collections: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (only has works posted to AO3)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type. 
Kerr Avonsen/@kerravonsen - Moon Knight fingerless gloves for @yersifanel
Embroidery by Rebecca/@embroid-away - Needlepoint watercolor mixed media embroidery of 616 Kobik and Steve telling Bucky they’re going to him from Secret Empire #10 (2017) (MTH 2021)
@not-madder-red - “For the Interim” (MCU Matt & Peter meet-ugly fic) for @spagbol99
geeky/@geeky-writes - “Project: Pathfinder” (MCU fic where Peter tries to fill Steve’s shoes as an unofficial Avenger when Steve goes missing and Steve tries to make his way home) for @spagbol99​
Nix - Art of 1872 Clint sitting on a bed, being held and kissed by Bucky and Natasha for lou2 (also on AO3)
finiorian - Art of Bucky and Zemo holding hands in front of a fire on a night with a full moon for @ruquas
Eustacia Vye/@eustaciavye28 - “Heart Full of Bullets” (MCU Bucky/Nat TVA fix-it fic featuring Kate and Yelena’s friendship) for @drivingyelenabelova
ArielT and NickiB - “Second Time Around” (Clint/Coulson post-breakup undercover mission fic) for @winter-angst
Ravin/@shadowravin - Podfic of “Food Is Love - Chapter 3: Natasha Makes Tacos for Dinner," a domestic post-TWS Clint/Coulson/Natasha fic where Natasha cooks dinner and Clint helps for E_Greer
CorinaLannister - “practice does indeed not make perfect" (Lincoln/Daisy undercover mission at a BDSM club fic) for @cassandrasfisher (MTH 2020)
black_feather_fiction/@black-feather-fiction - “Your eternal sunshine versus my spotless mind” (MCU Loki/Thor amnesia fic) for Mech
@artgroves - Art of 616 Tony tying Steve's bowtie as they get ready for a formal event for @nostalgicatsea, @betheflame, @captainneverever, @hundredthousands-art, @ishipallthings, @jules-of-the-crown, @magicasen, @massivespacewren, @sabrecmc, @sineala, and @t0nystark1er
geeky/@geeky-writes - “Project: Pathfinder” (MCU Steve/Tony fic where Peter tries to fill Steve’s shoes as an unofficial Avenger when Steve goes missing and Steve tries to make his way home) for @spagbol99
@gyrhs - “Alpine Glow” (Noir Steve and Tony having an intimate moment camping in the Swiss Alps during WWII) for @magicasen and @nostalgicatsea (also on AO3)
@onlymorelove - Podfic of “Breakwater," a post-TWS canon divergent Steve/Tony hurt/comfort fic where Steve drowns in the Potomac and comes back as a changed man for @becci-chan​
finiorian - Art of Steven solving a Rubik’s Cube while lying down on Marc’s lap for a1668320
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imakemywings · 2 years
2022 Fic Roundup
Tagged by @illusivesoul​! Fics are listed in the order they were written
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Total Words Published at end of year: 47, 826. It’s a huge drop from last year which was over 100k, but I also discovered kink meme writing last January and went absolutely nuts, including writing a single fic that was almost half my entire wordcount for this year, so that’s not surprising.
Additional Words Written: I’m not counting those
Fandoms: Tolkien with a sprinkling of Mass Effect
Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments):
Hits: A Difference of Interpretation, A Similarity of Intent (429)
Kudos: A Difference of Interpretation, A Similarity of Intent (63)
Comments: Secrets of a Princess’ Boudoir (9)
New Things I Tried:
Not really much this year; school kept me very busy. I wrote a few “flash fiction” pieces although I usually avoid pieces shorter than 1k just because I decided I’d rather write something short than nothing. These ones are difficult because you have to be so economical with the words you do use. I’m not sure I pulled them off as well as I’d like, but it’s something to work on.
Fic I Spent the Most Time On:
It was probably An Endless Tide on Endless Shores, just because that’s far and away the longest thing I wrote this year.
Fic I Spent the Least Time On:
A Promise.
Favorite Thing I Wrote:
I’m still fairly pleased with United We Stand. I really enjoyed poking at those character dynamics although I do still pick over it and wonder if I could’ve gone deeper.
Favorite Thing(s) I Read:
A King, Uncrowned (A King, Enthroned) by HewerOfCaves is an absolutely fantastic look at Maedhros and Fingolfin’s relationship.
A loss of something ever felt I by arriviste is an excellent Finarfin-centric piece.
Wintering in Thargelion by Lady_Gavroche is a delightful look at Celebrimbor’s relationship with his uncle Caranthir.          
Greensleeves by bravelittlescrib is a heartbreaking exploration of Nerdanel’s personal relationships.   
loving them for their uselessness, not wanting to be saved by Dialux - Maedhros assigns lands to his brothers after his rescue. They do not make it easy.
The Other Things We Never Knew About Frodo's Soulmate by Tozette is an insanely good exploration of a prompt where Sauron is Frodo’s soulmate. It’s unfinished, but still so worth reading.
Little Tenderness by batshape is a deliciously angsty instance of frustrated long-distance fea sex between Feanor and Nerdanel during Feanor’s exile in Formenos.
You throw away your sadness, but you are still left with your hands by mornen is a wonderful wonderful look at the end of Maglor’s life before the end of the First Age.
But Daeron in his heart's delight/Now lived and played by starlit night by am_fae was written for me <3 <3 <3 We need more Daeron/Thingol in this fandom!!!
Better a Holy Discord by clothono is the Valar perspective on the First Age.
The One With All the Birds by clothono is a fantastic “Elwing in Valinor” fic with some of the best reflection by Elrond on his time with Maedhros and Maglor that I’ve seen.
You Are Coming Down with Me by TheLionInMyBed is a wonderful and imo more realistic look at the “kidnap family” where Maedhros is dysfunctional and Maglor wants to play pretend.
A King is He That Can Hold His Own by iddump is a steamy Maedhros/Thingol fic with lots of political machinations and lots of handjobs.
Writing Goals for 2023:
As usual the last couple years, being able to write anything is all I can hope for, with how busy school keeps me ORZ
@meadowlarkx​ @lesbianhaleth​ @irisseireth​ @polutrope​
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yvesdot · 2 years
Things which are happening in the next few days:
Year in Review 2022
Reading Roundup 2022
roundup of fiction posted in 2022
Patreon Newsletter for December 2022 (when the above are done)
Things which are happening a little later:
January 2023 $1 Patreon Post (on the 8th, not the 1st)
rough roundup of articles I read in 2022
ditto, for short stories
announcement & execution of January themed stream with OHHOW: Editing!
Please be patient with me and I shall have the year's end postings with you soon! (-ω-ゞ
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