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INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR TOLERANCE - 16 NOVEMBER Theme: Fostering mutual understanding among cultures and people This day was created to encourage mindfulness and faith in human rights – in order to encourage equality and diversity across the world, the UN introduced The International Day for Tolerance. #DayforTolerance #Bekind #2020InternationalDayofTolerance #Toleranceday #TorelanceForAll #HumanRights #InternationalDayofTolerance2020 #DayforTolerance #2020DayforTolerance Ref: #UnitedNations #UN ____________________________________________ #STaSS Provides Support For People Infected/Affected With #HIV #Hepatitis & #MentalIllness and Creates #Awareness With Focus On #ReducingSTiGMA #SocialGood #CommunityOutreach #ThinkMahoganyCSR #St4ss #STaSSGhana https://www.instagram.com/p/CHp3DCmJDdY/?igshid=3zi07877u2s2
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INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR TOLERANCE - 16 NOVEMBER Theme: Fostering mutual understanding among cultures and people “Tolerance is respect, acceptance, and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human.” It’s @UN international day for tolerance. As you start the week, take a moment to respect, appreciate and accept the diversity of the world’s cultures and all the ways that we are human. #DayforTolerance @UNHumanRights #2020InternationalDayofTolerance #Toleranceday #TorelanceForAll #HumanRights #InternationalDayofTolerance2020 #DayforTolerance #2020DayforTolerance Ref: #UN ------------------------------------------- #SickleCellDiseaseAwarenessGhana is a nonprofit project which educates on #SickleCellDisease (#SCD) and focuses on the need for support for treatment in #Ghana. #SickleCell is an inherited condition that currently affects many lives worldwide. #SCDAwarenessGhana because it matters❗️ __________________________ A #CharisJadlen #SocialImpact Project (#SIProject), a #ThinkMahoganyCSR . #SickleCellAnemia #ILoveSomeoneWithSCD #SDG2 HealthAndWellbeing #BecauseItMatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CHplLvPjK55/?igshid=30d36t0620tp
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INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR TOLERANCE - 16 NOVEMBER Theme: Fostering mutual understanding among cultures and people Its International Day for Tolerance! It is respect & appreciation of the rich variety of our world's cultures, our forms of expression & ways of being human. Tolerance recognizes the universal human rights & fundamental freedoms of others. #2020InternationalDayofTolerance #Toleranceday #TorelanceForAll #HumanRights #InternationalDayofTolerance2020 ##DayforTolerance #2020DayforTolerance Ref: #UN -------------------------------------------------- The ongoing mission of "CHANGING LIVES 1 PLATE AT A TIME" is to contribute to the wellbeing of the vulnerable via giving them access to safe, healthy and nutritious food, ENDING HUNGER! And advocating to develop poor communities, ENDING POVERTY! With your donation and support, you can help provide a meal for a person in need and support the operations of #EndingHunger #EndingPoverty with #ZeroHungerGhana Zero Hunger Ghana (#ZHG) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization contributing to the wellbeing of the Vulnerable (mobilised beneficiaries) in society (#Ghana, West #Africa). -------------------------------------------------- DONATION CHANNELS FOR ZERO HUNGER GHANA Online Donation Via Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/zerohungerghana Mobile Money Donations: MTN MOMO PAY – 610872 ZERO HUNGER GHANA or MTN MOMO NUMBER - 0247 239 702 Reference: Kindly State Your Name Bank Deposit in Ghana: Account Name: ZERO HUNGER GHANA Account Number: 0100191581900 Bank: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Branch: INDEPENDENCE AVENUE BRANCH Products/Nonmonetary Donations, Contact Lillian on +233 54 012 2720 _____________________________ A Charis Jadlen #SocialImpact Project and a #ThinkMahoganyCSR #ZeroHunger #ZeroHungerGhana #EndHunger #EndPoverty #SDG2 #FAO #UNFAO #FAOGhana #WFP WFPGhana #ZHGPartner #ZHGWeMove #ZHGCelebrates2ndYear #ZHGWorldFoodDay #ZHGWorldFoodDay2020 #WorldFoodDay https://www.instagram.com/p/CHpipRgJaWO/?igshid=1qmmph45i7y2t
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INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR TOLERANCE - 16 NOVEMBER Theme: Fostering mutual understanding among cultures and people Today is International day for Tolerance 2020 and it helps us to remember that we need to treat people with consideration, #respect and appreciation, regardless of their position, #nationality and culture people #leadership equality and diversity #2020InternationalDayofTolerance #Toleranceday #TorelanceForAll #HumanRights #InternationalDayofTolerance2020 #DayforTolerance #2020DayforTolerance Ref: #UN ---------------------------------------------------- The Tidy Desk Project Delivers Seamless Paperwork Workflow, Providing Accountable Procedures For Organized Information Through Personalized Administrative Systems For Professionals In The Creative Business Industry _______________________________ A #CharisJadlen #BProject - The #TidyDeskProject #TidyDesk #PaperWork #BusinessPaperWork #BusinessProcess #BusinessStartUp #BusinessTraining #WorkFlow #ServiceQualityManagement #VirtualAdmin #Accountability #HumanResource #CustomerService BusinessGrowth ClericalWork BusinessAnalysis Audits #Accounts #QualityAssurance #CreativeBusiness Documentation BusinessRules BusinessRegulations Procedures #CreativeBusiness StaffTraining CharisJadlenConsultancy CharisJadlen CJConsultancy https://www.instagram.com/p/CHph2FOpHzS/?igshid=19hk2t3d9bj65
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INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR TOLERANCE - 16 NOVEMBER Theme: Fostering mutual understanding among cultures and people This day was created to encourage mindfulness and faith in human rights – in order to encourage equality and diversity across the world, the UN introduced The International Day for Tolerance. #DayforTolerance #Bekind #2020InternationalDayofTolerance #Toleranceday #TorelanceForAll #HumanRights #InternationalDayofTolerance2020 #DayforTolerance #2020DayforTolerance Ref: #UN ---------------------------------------------------- Charis Jadlen Consultancy's objectives are to help small businesses (#BProject) and social impact organizations (#SIProject) keep their vision fulfilled and to provide solutions for individuals seeking to grow their careers (#IProject) #CharisJadlenConsultancy #CharisJadlen #CJConsultancy #CareerGrowth #SMEs #SocialImpactOrganizations #BusinessStartUp #BusinessTraining #TransformationalLeadership #Employability #TransformationalEntrepreneurship StrategyImplementation ProductMarketing ServiceMarketing StrategicBusinessPlanning TailoredTrainingProgramme CompetitiveAdvantage CorporateRepresentation ServiceQualityManagement Vision Goals Mission Values SocialImpact SocialGood NonProfit https://www.instagram.com/p/CHphUgspni5/?igshid=1u62h3hzt1nw6
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