#2020 mercedes-benz gls-class interior
mysite2050 · 1 year
Mercedes Benz GLS 2020 interior & Price & Specs
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Mercedes Benz GLS 2020 interior & Price & Specs Mercedes Benz GLS 2020  will come in four models, GLS 350, GLS 400, GLS 450 and GLS 580 They used V-6 and V-8 dual-turbo gasoline engines across board, together with a mild-hybrid system Some of the main competition of the 2020 GLS involves Lincoln Navigator. BMW X7 and the Cadillac Escalade Also, the new GLS 450 should cost about $76.000 while the GLS 580 should be around $98,000 Mercedes Benz GLS 2020   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUZJ0JJcKMA Interior Interior krestina emil Mercedes Benz GLS 2020  will come in four models, GLS 350, GLS 400, GLS 450 and GLS 580 They used V-6 and V-8 dual-turbo gasoline engines across board, together with a mild-hybrid system Some of the main competition of the 2020 GLS involves Lincoln Navigator. BMW X7 and the Cadillac Escalade Also, the new GLS 450 should cost about $76.000 while the GLS 580 should be around $98,000 Mercedes Benz GLS 2020   Interior Interior design with Mercedes Benz GLS 2020 is one of the best in the world of luxury SUV Also, the GLS is processed with top-class interior Read the full article
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
Mercedes Benz ने लॉन्च की दो नई SUV, जानिए क्या है इनकी खास बातें
Mercedes Benz ने लॉन्च की दो नई SUV, जानिए क्या है इनकी खास बातें
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पढ़ें अमर उजाला ई-पेपर Free में कहीं भी, कभी भी।
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लग्जरी कार के लिए दुनिया भर में मशहूर Mercedes Benz (मर्सिडीज-बेंज) ने भारत में दो नई एसयूवी लॉन्च की है। पहली है जीएलएस एसयूवी की तीसरी जेनरेशन द न्यू GLS (जीएलएस) और दूसरी है GLE LWB (जीएलई लॉन्ग व्हील बेस)। मर्सिडीज-बेंज की इन दोनों एसयूवी ने लॉन्च के साथ ही भारतीय…
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soccomcsantos · 5 years
Novo GLS equipado com motores 6 e 8 cilindros híbridos que oferecem dinâmica excecional
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Não é apenas exterior no interior que o novo Mercedes-Benz GLS deslumbra. Com motorizações de seis e oito cilindros híbridas, sistema 4MATIC e suspensão ativa E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL a agilidade na estrada e o desempenho superior fora dela também estão garantidos.
As elevadas aspirações do maior SUV da marca da estrela têm consonância com a nobreza da gama de motores que estão ao seu serviço. Por outras palavras, potentes propulsores de seis e de oito cilindros proporcionam um conforto dinâmico e elevada potência, apropriados às características deste luxuoso modelo. Todos os motores a gasolina integram um motor de arranque/alternador e o EQ Boost.
 Logo após o lançamento do modelo, no New York International Auto Show (EUA), a introdução do GLS 580 4MATIC (consumo de combustível em ciclo combinado: 10.0-9.8 l/100 km; emissões de CO2 em ciclo combinado: 229-224 g/km) marca a apresentação mundial do novo motor V8 a gasolina eletrificado com sistema elétrico de bordo de 48 V e motor de arranque/alternador integrado.
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 O motor debita 360 kW (489 CV) de potência e produz um binário de 700 Nm, mais 250 Nm de binário e 16 kW/22 CV de potência disponíveis através do EQ Boost durante curtos períodos de tempo.
 O motor de arranque/alternador integrado (ISG) é responsável pelas funções híbridas como o EQ Boost ou a recuperação de energia, que permitem economizar combustível a um nível que anteriormente só era possível com recurso a tecnologia híbrida de alta tensão.
 O ISG elimina a necessidade de uma correia de acessórios na dianteira do motor, reduzindo desta forma o seu comprimento total. O design elegante do motor de cilindros em linha, juntamente com a separação física entre a admissão e o escape, cria espaço para a instalação do sistema de pós-tratamento dos gases de escape junto ao motor.
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 O sistema elétrico de bordo de 48 V serve não só para os consumidores que consomem uma elevada quantidade de energia como a bomba de água e o compressor do ar condicionado, mas também para o motor de arranque/alternador integrado (ISG) que também fornece energia à bateria através da recuperação altamente eficiente de energia.
 O Mercedes-Benz GLS 450 4MATIC, equipado com um motor de seis cilindros em linha eletrificado com tecnologia de 48 V, só está disponível para mercados fora da UE. As suas prestações: 270 kW (367 CV) e 500 Nm, mais 250 Nm de binário e 16 kW/22 CV de potência disponíveis através do EQ Boost durante curtos períodos de tempo.
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 Diesel: motor de seis cilindros para a Europa, Rússia e outros mercados
As duas versões diesel do modelo GLS são equipadas com o OM 656, o motor de seis cilindros em linha da atual família de motores. Está disponível em duas versões de prestações, em função do lançamento de mercado: a versão GLS 350 d 4MATIC com 210 kW (286 CV) e 600 Nm (consumo de combustível em ciclo combinado: 7.9-7.6 l/100 km; emissões de CO2 em ciclo combinado: 208-200 g/km)[3] e a versão GLS 400 d 4MATIC com 243 kW (330 CV) e 700 Nm de binário (consumo de combustível em ciclo combinado: 7.9-7.6 l/100 km; emissões de CO2 em ciclo combinado: 208-201 g/km)2.  
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Em ambas as versões, o potente motor já cumpre a norma Euro 6d- (Fase 2 do RDE - Real Driving Emissions), que só irá entrar em vigor a partir de 1 de janeiro de 2020 para os novos modelos e um ano mais tarde para todos os veículos, mesmo nas mais exigentes condições de condução. 
Sistema de tração integral 4MATIC: agilidade na estrada, superioridade fora de estrada
Em todas as variantes do novo GLS, a potência é transmitida pela caixa de velocidades automática 9G-TRONIC. O escalonamento da caixa de velocidades com nove relações permite reduzir claramente a rotação do motor e é um fator decisivo para os elevados níveis de eficiência energética e de conforto de condução.  
O modelo também está equipado de série com uma caixa de transferência com embraiagem multidisco controlada eletronicamente. Esta permite a transferência totalmente variável do binário de 0 a 100 por cento (binário em função dos requisitos) entre os eixos. 
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Outra novidade e disponível como equipamento opcional é a caixa de transferência especialmente configurável para as características de condução fora de estrada. Além da embraiagem multidisco controlada eletronicamente com transmissão de binário em função dos requisitos, também integra uma caixa redutora para a condução fora de estrada. Também para a condução em estrada pavimentada e particularmente em curva, as duas caixas de transferência totalmente interligadas, com função de transmissão de binário em função dos requisitos, permitem uma melhoria adicional do comportamento e da agilidade ao influenciarem especificamente o grau de aceleração em torno do eixo vertical do veículo para produzir sobreviragem ou subviragem. 
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Suspensão pneumática AIRMATIC de série
O GLS está equipado de série com o aperfeiçoado sistema de suspensão pneumática AIRMATIC com Adaptive Damping System Plus. Esta configuração utiliza sistemas de sensores e algoritmos extremamente complexos para adaptar em tempo real as características de amortecimento às condições da estrada e a situação de condução.  
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Todos os componentes foram aperfeiçoados comparativamente à geração anterior, enquanto os apoios da suspensão foram otimizados para maximizar o conforto de condução. Além disto, a suspensão pneumática mantém o veículo à mesma altura ao solo, independentemente da carga transportada. 
Suspensão excecionalmente inteligente: E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL
Conforto de condução e agilidade ainda melhores, as funções totalmente novas como o modo de recuperação são fornecidas pela suspensão opcional E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL, que é agora combinada com a recém-desenvolvida suspensão pneumática AIRMATIC. Atualmente, este é o único sistema no mercado com capacidade para controlar individualmente as forças de compressão e de retorno da suspensão em cada roda. Isto significa que não só contrariam o adornamento da carroçaria como também a oscilação vertical e o afundamento.  
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Em conjunto com o ROAD SURFACE SCAN e a função de inclinação em curva CURVE, o E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL permite um excecional nível de conforto e sustenta a pretensão da Mercedes-Benz na construção da suspensão mais inteligente de um SUV a nível mundial. 
O sistema E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL opera com uma tensão elétrica de 48 V e está disponível como equipamento opcional. Em superfícies de estrada em mau estado de conservação, o sistema tem até capacidade para recuperar energia, reduzindo os requisitos de energia aproximadamente a metade quando comparados com o sistema anterior equipado no Classe S. O sistema hidropneumático gera forças dinâmicas que se sobrepõem às forças da suspensão pneumática e suportam e amortecem ativamente a carroçaria do veículo, por ex., durante uma aceleração linear e lateral ou quando o veículo circula em estradas de piso irregular. 
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As funções de todo-o-terreno incluem o modo de recuperação: se o GLS ficar atolado numa duna, por exemplo, o modo de recuperação pode ajudar a libertar o veículo mais facilmente em muitas situações como esta. Se possível, a altura da suspensão automaticamente aumentada e reduzida várias vezes, o que permite variar a pressão dos pneus aplicada ao solo e desta forma melhorar a tração – o GLS consegue libertar a si mesmo. 
 A atuação individual das rodas é outra função para a condução fora de estrada. Isto permite regular individualmente a altura em cada roda através do ecrã multimédia, melhorando desta forma o alinhamento do veículo em terrenos irregulares, por exemplo, quando uma roda se encontra presa numa vala ou quando a suspensão de uma roda se encontra totalmente comprimida. Isto também ajuda a aumentar a tração e o binário na roda. 
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O E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL no GLS também integra a função de inclinação em curva CURVE: tal como um motociclo, o GLS inclina-se para o lado das curvas e, portanto, permite curvar em três fases praticamente sem força centrífuga. Se o GLS estiver equipado com uma câmara multifunções estéreo, a função ROAD SURFACE SCAN torna-se possível: a câmara lê continuamente a superfície da estrada, enquanto a suspensão responde antecipadamente a quaisquer ondulações antes de o veículo passar sobre as mesmas, compensando-as substancialmente. Desta forma, o GLS melhora a perceção de conforto de condução.  
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stiridinromania · 2 years
Cele mai bune SUV-uri de la Mercedes-Benz
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Portofoliul de SUV-uri Mercedes-Benz este foarte variat. Mercedes a construit unele dintre cele mai bune SUV-uri de pe piață în ultimul deceniu, cu specificații și tehnologii impresionante, dar poate cea mai importantă caracteristică a unui Mercedes Benz SUV este confortul și luxul de la interior. Categoriile de preț variază de la €50,000 până la €250,000 și peste dacă luăm în considerare linia Maybach. În ultimii ani, la categoria de SUV-uri Mercedes s-au mai adăugat și modelele electrice. Dar totuși, care sunt cele mai bune SUV-uri Mercedes Benz? Haideți să trecem prin cele mai importante modele, de la Mercedes GLA la Mercedes GLC sau G-Wagon.
Top SUV-uri Mercedes-Benz din ultimul deceniu
Mercedes-Benz GLA250 4MATIC (2020)
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Mercedes GLA este un SUV de lux subcompact lansat în 2013 la Salonul Auto de la Frankfurt. Este, practic, echivalentul SUV al Clasei A și cel mai mic SUV comercializat de Mercedes. În prezent, acesta se află la cea de-a două generație, anunțată în 2019, dar produsă începând cu 2020.   Mercedes GLA este propulsat de o gamă de motoare în 4 cilindri pe benzină sau diesel și este disponibil fie cu tracțiune față, fie cu tracțiune integrală (4MATIC).  Denumirea de “GLA” se aliniază cu tiparul de denumiri a Mercedes-Benz, astfel încât GL vine de la Geländewagen (care înseamnă vehicul de teren în germană), iar A desemnează locul modelului în gamă, în acest caz, cel mai mic (Clasa A).  Versiunea de GLA pe care dorim să o scoatem în evidență în acest top este GLA250 4MATIC (2020)– un automobil versatil, cu performanțe foarte bune pentru clasa sa. Fiind un SUV de lux subcompact, acesta este dotat cu o mulțime de caracteristici de înaltă calitate. Sub capotă avem un motor pe benzină, de 2.0 litri cu turbocompresor, care dezvoltă 208 CP, iar sistemul all-wheel drive își face bine treaba.  În ceea ce privește siguranța, GLA250 4MATIC a primit 5 stele și este considerat un model fiabil la un preț accesibil pentru clasa lui. Mercedes GLC
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Mercedes GLC este un SUV compact de lux lansat în 2015 ca înlocuitor pentru modelul GLK și ca echivalent pentru Mercedes C-Class.  Chiar dacă este clasificat la categoria SUV compact, acesta are dimensiuni medii și se face remarcat prin performanțe, design și lux.  La interior veți găsi un ecran tactil de 10,25 inci, funcționalități CarPlay și AndroidAuto, instrumentar de bord digital și spațiu generos pentru pasageri.  Prima generație de Mercedes GLC a fost produsă între 2015 și 2022. În acest an a fost lansată a doua generație. De aceea, cu puțin noroc, puteți găsi un Mercedes GLC din prima generație la un preț bun și cu puțini kilometri. În ceea ce privește gama de motorizări, aveți la dispoziție propulsoare pe benzină, diesel, dar și Plug-in Hybrid.  La capitolul Diesel, GLC vine în versiunile 220d, 250d și 350d. Pentru primele două, SUV-ul este propulsat de un motor de 2.2 litri, cu 4 cilindri, 16 valve, care dezvoltă 170 CP, respectiv 204 CP. În versiunea Diesel de top (350d), îl puteți achiziționa cu un motor de 3.0 litri care dezvoltă 258 CP.  La capitolul benzină și hibrid, aveți la dispoziție modelele GLC 200 (2.0 litri, 184 CP), 250 (2.0 litri, 211 CP), 350e (2.0 litri, hybrid, 320 CP), 300 (2.0 litri, 245 CP). La acestea se adaugă modelele AMG 43, 63 și 63S, cu propulsoare de 3.0, respectiv 4.0 și puteri cuprinse între 367 CP și 510 CP.  Modelul Mercedes GLC poate fi achiziționat în varianta cu 5 uși, sau Coupe. Mercedes GLE (2019 – prezent)
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Mercedes-Benz GLE este echivalentul modelului E-Class, dar în varianta SUV. Are o istorie bogată, fiind lansat pentru prima dată în 1997, sub denumirea de M-Class. Începând cu generația din 2015, poartă numele de GLE. În ceea ce privește gabaritul, se situează între GLC și GLS, iar rivalul său principal este BMW X5.  Mercedes-Benz GLE vine cu detalii și caracteristici de lux, fără a sacrifica la capitolul practicabilitate și spațiu interior. Are atât de multe configurații și personalități, încât este aproape o linie de vehicule în sine. În primul rând, îl poți configura pentru cu 2 sau 3 rânduri de scaune (5 sau 7 locuri). Puteți alege dintr-o gamă variată de motorizări, începând cu GLE350 (2.0l, 4 cilindri, turbo, 258 CP), la GLE450 (3.0l, 6 cilindri în linie 367 CP) sau GLE580 (4.0li, V8 biturbo, 489 CP).  Cei ce își doresc sportivitatea absolută pot alege modelele AMG 53, 63 sau 63S, cu 435CP, 571CP sau 612 CP. Toate AMG-urile sunt oferite atât în versiuni de caroserie cu 5 uși sau Coupe.  Indiferent de configurația aleasă, Mercedes GLE oferă un confort sporit, sentimentul de lux, cu materiale interioare de calitate și spațiu generos pentru pasageri, dar și bagaje. Mercedes-Benz GLS (2020)
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Mercedes-Benz GLS este omologul prestigiosului S-Class. Vorbim despre un SUV de lux de dimensiuni mari, produs pentru prima dată în 2006 și care își îndeplinește cu success rolul de navă amiral a gamei de SUV-uri Mercedes-Benz.  Aflat la cea de-a treia generație, Mercedes-Benz GLS (2020) are un caracter practic aparte, pe care sedanul nu îl prea poate egala. Cu excepția versiunii Maybach GLS600, toate celelalte versiuni Mercedes GLS pot fi comandate cu 3 rânduri de scaune și nu ai avea de ce să nu o faci.  În ceea ce privește dimensiunile, Mercedes GLS (2020) este cam cel mai mare SUV din segmentul său; este chiar mai lung decât Clasa S sedan sau rivalul BMW X7. Ampatamentul, adică distanța dintre axe este de 3,135 mm, cu 60 de mm mai mult decât la generația anterioară. În ciuda acestor dimensiuni uriașe, mașina este foarte bine proporționată. Este impunătoare fără a fi greoaie sau grosolană. Având în vedere că este o “navă amiral”, Mercedes-Benz GLS vine cu echipări standard de ultimă generație, precum farurile full-LED cu tehnologia Multibeam, unde fiecare far are 112 matrice. Mercedes G350d (2016)
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Nu puteam încheia acest top al celor mai bune SUV-uri de la Mercedes-Benz fără a vorbi despre Mercedes G-Wagon, off-roaderul legendar pe care Mercedes îl produce de decenii aproape în aceeași configurație de design.  Modelul cel mai “trainic” pe care îl propunem în acest top este G350d echipat cu un motor diesel V6 de 3.0 litri.  Construcția robustă, orientată către off-road este completată de niște detalii de interior care te fac să te simți într-o mașină ce poate supraviețui apocalipsei. Comportamentul pe șosea nu este la fel de confortabil precum la un GLE sau GLS. Totuși, G-Class 2016 este construit pentru scenarii de off-road, acolo unde cele 3 diferențiale blocabile își pot demonstra într-adevăr măestria. Pe scurt, Mercedes G-Class are o personalitate puternică și o carismă aparte care te cuceresc din prima. Farmecul său retro, acel pocnet inconfundabil când închizi portiera îți dau siguranță și o satisfacție aparte. Daca ești în căutarea unui model Mercedes-Benz, atunci dealerul auto BCCH Auto Switzerland te poate ajuta în tot procesul de achiziție, de la alegerea modelului perfect, la cea mai buna varianta de finanțare și până la livrarea la orice adresa din Romania. Read the full article
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deanndotson · 4 years
Highly anticipated new Mercedes-Maybach GLS SUV to start from $160,500
The Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC represents a new top-of-the-range option for U.S. customers to gravitate to in the incredibly popular luxury SUV segment, and extends the portfolio of the Mercedes-Maybach brand by combining the body design and technical basis of the GLS with the luxury of a top-class sedan.
This luxurious new model showcases myriad Maybach-exclusive features, including the distinctive grille with vertical chrome louvres, standing Mercedes-Benz star on the hood, which is a first for an SUV, fully retractable electronic running boards, 22- inch multi-spoke light allow wheels and refined finishing details such as Maybach emblems and lettering and additional chrome trim elements.
  The Mercedes-Maybach GLS is the all-new, highly anticipated addition to the Mercedes-Maybach lineup, expanding the Maybach product portfolio with its first-ever SUV. Offering refined spaciousness, unparalleled comfort, and powerful V8 performance, the Mercedes- Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC represents the absolute pinnacle of SUV luxury for the Mercedes-Maybach brand in the U.S. market. Arriving in the U.S.  in late 2020, this exclusive new model will be priced from $160,500.
Standard-equipped technology highlights in the modern and sumptuous interior include dual 12.3” digital display screens with touchscreen, the revolutionary and intelligent Mercedes-Benz User Experience (MBUX) infotainment system, Augmented Video for navigation, Smartphone Integration and the incredible Burmester® High-End 3D Surround Sound System. The suite of standard active and passive driver assistance systems in the Mercedes-Maybach GLS help to support the driver and thus enhance comfort and safety. For example, the vehicle can utonomously maintain its speed and the distance to the traffic in front as well as stay in its lane on multi-lane roads, and reduce the vehicle speed autonomously according to the traffic situation. The extensive driver assistance systems, as well as the sophisticated crash sensor systems, enable PRE-SAFE® to recognize a likely impact in even more situations than before, ensuring that the Mercedes-Maybach GLS upholds the highest levels of safety and sophistication.
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2021 Mercedes-Maybach GLS (Euro Spec)
The Maybach GLS boasts generous interior space and a unique arrangement with its 4-seat configuration with two individual executive rear seats, a center armrest and available folding tables. All seats in the Maybach GLS are heated and ventilated and offer active multicontour adjustment with massage functionality for enhanced comfort.
Thoughtful interior elements include heated and cooled cupholders and wireless charging in the front and rear, extended ambient lighting in the roof liner, leather embellishments that expand to the Nappa leather roof liner and a comprehensive suite of ENERGIZING Comfort modes for enhanced relaxation or rejuvenation. The Air Balance cabin fragrance system also includes a signature fragrance for the Mercedes-Maybach: the light and floral white osmanthus blossom, rounded off by gentle notes of leather and spicy tea.
The Mercedes-Maybach GLS further differentiates the experience for rear-seat passengers with additional luxuries including a 7-inch MBUX tablet, heated and ventilated rear seats, 4-zone Executive Climate Control, comfort headrests and a wooden parcel shelf that separates the interior from the spacious luggage compartment
For further exclusivity, the Maybach GLS offers extensive customization options and appointments, including elegant Maybach-exclusive features such as two-tone paint and two-tone Nappa Leather upholstery options, designo trim with yacht- inspired flowing lines and 23” multi-spoke forged wheels. The GLS 600 4MATIC can also be equipped with a refrigerated compartment and custom champagne flutes and built-in holders.
Equipped with a 4.0-liter V8 biturbo engine with EQ boost and a 48-volt onboard electrical system, the Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC boasts effortless and efficient power to meet even the most discerning standards. This sophisticated powerplant produces 550 hp and 538 lb-ft of torque and is capable of rocketing the full-size SUV from zero to 60 mph in just 4.8 seconds. The integrated starter generator can also generate up to 21 hp and 184 lb-ft of torque for short periods. The intelligent E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL suspension features a camera that automatically scans the road ahead to proactively counteract bumps and dips for a supremely smooth ride, and it will even lean into curves for more dynamic handling. An additional Maybach-exclusive feature is the Maybach DYNAMIC SELECT drive program that focuses on the ride comfort for rear passengers by ensuring body roll is minimal while riding in the executive seats. Another comfort feature that demonstrates a thorough attention to refined detail is the ease of access and egress: when the doors are opened, the suspension slightly lowers the vehicle for added convenience.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
2020 Mercedes-Benz GLS भारत में लॉन्च, मिलते हैं कमाल के फीचर्स, जानें इसकी खूबियां
2020 Mercedes-Benz GLS भारत में लॉन्च, मिलते हैं कमाल के फीचर्स, जानें इसकी खूबियां
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पढ़ें अमर उजाला ई-पेपर Free में कहीं भी, कभी भी।
70 वर्षों से करोड़ों पाठकों की पसंद
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नई GLS को कंपनी के चाकन प्लांट में स्थानीय रूप से एसेंबल किया जाएगा। लॉकडाउन के दौरान यह मर्सिडीज-बेंज इंडिया का तीसरा मॉडल है जिसे डिजिटल प्लेंटफॉर्म के जरिए लॉन्च किया गया है। इससे पहले कंपनी ने AMG C 63 (एएमजी सी 63) और AMG GT R (एएमजी जीटी आर) को वर्चुअली लॉन्च किया…
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magtop22 · 4 years
New Post has been published on Top Auto Magazine
New Post has been published on https://topautomag.com/cars/toyota/2020-toyota-land-cruiser/
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser
The 2020 Toyota Land Cruiser is a large luxury SUV offered in two trim levels: base and Heritage Edition (HE). The Toyota Land Cruiser has a legendary CV as an off-roader, but the current model is more luxurious than adventurous. Land Cruiser is not as luxurious as its corporate counterpart, the Lexus LX, and the Land Cruiser is equipped with an abundance of luxury features in an effort to justify the rising sticker price. The 2020 Land Cruiser is a big luxury SUV for some things, but for many other reasons, it’s not that good.
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2020 Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Series Interior
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser Heritage Edition
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser Interior
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado
Toyota Land Cruiser v8 ZX 2020
Toyota Land Cruiser 2020 V8
Toyota Land Cruiser 2020 Pakistan
Toyota 2020 Land Cruiser
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser vs Lexus LX
Toyota Land Cruiser with four-wheel-drive vehicles is one of the most capable off-road vehicles you can buy, and you can tackle the beaten path in a mostly well-appointed and luxurious interior. With the Land Cruiser’s muscular V8 engine, there’s plenty of power on the crane. This Toyota has a comfortable ride on sidewalks, but its old-school-on-the-frame construction and heavy steering may not be for you. The Land Cruiser is also not the easiest vehicle to navigate through tight street streets and suburban parking lots. Passenger space in the third row is limited, and although the second-row seats are spacious, they are not very comfortable.
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser Interior
Inside, the Land Cruiser cabin quality is excellent, and knobs and switches move with a weight that conveys quality. The front row offers comfortable accommodation and charming sightlines. There is a lot of space in the second row, but the third row is best suited for children. With the standard eight-seater seating arrangement, the Land Cruiser offers 16 cubic feet of cargo space behind the third row and 41 cubic feet behind the second. There is more cargo space in competing models like the Lincoln Navigator, which offers about 20 cubic feet of space for your belongings behind the third row.
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser Inside
The Toyota Land Cruiser 2020 is loaded with a myriad of enticing technical features. Standard Bluetooth connectivity facilitates hands-free phone calls when you are behind the wheel. All models are loaded with wireless devices and an integrated navigation system with a 9.0-inch touch screen. Satellite radio is standard, as well as a 14-speaker JBL audio system. On the list of options, there is an entertainment system for rear seats with a pair of wireless headphones and two 11.6-inch screens.
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser Engine
The 2020 Land Cruiser is powered by a 5.7-liter V-8 engine mated to an automatic gearbox. This setup generates 381 horsepower and a torque of 401 pounds. The full-time four-wheel drive is standard. With ride quality that is smooth and well-planted, the Land Cruiser delivers comfortable driving dynamics. However, the steering feels light, and there is a fair amount of body roll. Competitive SUVs in this price range offer handling that is more rewarding. Despite its meaty exterior, the Land Cruiser is off the line relatively quickly.
2020 Toyota land Cruiser v8 Diesel
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser ZX
Toyota’s huge dimensions take up a large amount of fuel consumption. According to the EPA, the Land Cruiser achieves a gas mileage of only 13 mpg in the city and 17 mpg on the highway. Therapeutic such as the Lincoln Navigator (up to 16/22 mpg city/highway) and Mercedes-Benz GLS class (19/23 mpg city/highway). The Land Cruiser we tested earned 17 mpg on our real 200km highway.
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser Safety
The Land Cruiser did not pass a crash test by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) or the High-Speed ​​Insurance Institute (IIHS). However, each model is standard with a lot of driver assistance technology. Important safety features include the standard warning for pre-collision and automatic emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, and 2020 Toyota Land Cruiser blind-spot monitoring.
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mitsubishifever · 4 years
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Mitsubishi Pajero 2020 Review
There are no assurances the  Mitsubishi Pajero 2020 is the very last one we’ll see, but further updates for Mitsubishi’s long-runner are off the cards.
With a lineage that stretches back to the first-generation Pajero, revealed at the 1981 Tokyo motor show and sold in Aus’ from 1983, and four generations over the years that followed, the Pajero has earned icon status.
In fact, the current generation alone is something of an icon in itself, arriving in 2006 and given its current styling revisions in 2014. It’s no spring chicken, then, but the best off-road legends tend to have long unbroken runs – think first-gen Mercedes Benz G-Class (40 years and counting) and Land Rover Defender (at 33 years).
For the 2020 model year, Mitsubishi has made a few changes. Most significantly, the previous range-topping Exceed variant has been dropped, leaving a two-model range that starts with the Pajero GLX from $49,990 drive-away, and tops out with the GLS The powertrain is unchanged, meaning the long-running 3.2-litre four-cylinder turbo-diesel engine continues with 141kW at 3800rpm and 441Nm at 2000rpm. Only one transmission is available, a five-speed automatic, sending power to Mitsubishi’s Super Select II four-wheel-drive system.
Official figures suggest mixed-cycle fuel consumption of 9.1 litres per 100km. 
Underpinning the Pajero is an ‘integral frame’ monocoque chassis – not typical of most hardcore 4x4s that use a separate ladder frame, but able to blur the lines somewhat between passenger car comfort and off-road ruggedness. The result is a sizeable four-wheel-drive that, even given its age, is thoroughly pleasant to drive.
Acceleration is leisurely, but for a car with the Pajero’s capabilities that’s fine. There are also hints of diesel soundtrack depending on engine load and conditions, but overall the 3.2-litre engine is muted and smooth for its age.
The IVECS II (Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control System) transmission smarts aren’t at the cutting edge of control technology compared to the era in which the system debuted. Adaptive logic and the ability to ‘learn’ driver patterns mean Mitsubishi’s five-speed auto responds favourably to driver inputs without hunting for the right gear or swapping cogs unnecessarily.
For drivers who would rather mete gear changes themselves, a floor-mounted manual mode allows gears to be held as required, which is handy in some off-road situations or when towing.
On the subject of towing, which is a primary purchaser consideration, the Pajero claims a maximum 3000kg tow rating. It pays to keep in mind, however, that up to 2500kg the Pajero carries a 250kg ball limit, at 3000kg the ball limit drops to 180kg – limiting flexibility somewhat.
Unlike most recreational 4x4s such as the Toyota Prado, Isuzu MU-X and even the slightly smaller Pajero Sport, the Pajero runs on fully independent suspension. That helps give it a more settled and stable feel over smaller blemishes in the road surface, more in line with 4x4s like the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Land Rover Discovery.
While the Pajero legacy (in more recent times, at least) is forged on its simplicity and dependability, those same provisions cost it points on presentation.
On the inside, the fourth-gen Pajero looks every bit its age. The dash design – one massive tombstone of black plastic – makes no attempts to position itself as a premium product. It’ll survive spills, scuffs, moisture, dust and dirt no worries, but won’t be mistaken for a luxury product.
The newest part of the Pajero’s interior is its 7.0-inch touchscreen infotainment system loaded with features like DAB+ radio and smartphone mirroring for Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, but lacking in-built sat-nav or a CD player, which seem like oversights given its propensity for remote getaways.
The driver faces analogue instruments with no digital displays. The darkly shrouded two-dial gauge cluster can be hard to clock at a glance.
Ahead of the driver, there’s no trip computer info or digital speedo readout; however, an LCD display in the centre stack offers some additional info, like barometric pressure, fuel monitoring, time and temp.
Ergonomics aren’t always on point, like the (admittedly minor control) switches hidden from view on the lower dash to the left of the steering column, plus limited seat adjustment (powered upfront) and lack of steering wheel reach adjustment mean the Pajero may not be an ideal fit for all drivers.
Despite generous external proportions, the interior may be less spacious than expected. There are no issues upfront, but adult passengers in the second row will find the seat base undersized with a lack of under-thigh support, though there is an adjustable backrest.
Getting into the third row is relatively simple, but once there, the tiny dimensions rule the rearmost seats out for all but the most compact passengers. A small, low seat, lack of toe and knee room, and no ability to slide the middle row forward force an awkward side-skewed seating position.
Comfort and convenience are covered by features like single-zone climate control, rear booster controls and overhead ventilation to all three rows, power windows with auto up and down for the driver, cloth and ‘synthetic leather’ seating surfaces, Bluetooth connectivity, heated front seats, auto lights and wipers, self-dimming interior mirror, HID headlights, and remote central locking with key start.
Items that have gone missing with the removal of the higher-spec Exceed model include a sunroof, leather trim, and sports pedals – but the GLS also gains Rockford 12-speaker audio, an alarm and auto high beam, while also coming in at more than R160K under the old range-topper, which seems an agreeable compromise.
With all three rows of seats in use, there’s barely enough space left to handle a couple of grocery bags. The final row of seats can be stowed flat in the boot floor, which is a fiddly multi-stage process.
Behind the second row, Mitsubishi claims a whopping 1069L to the top of the seats, meaning plenty of useful acreages to pack your luggage into, along with plenty of bag hooks and an included cargo blind. Drop the second row and there’s 1789L, with a load length of just over 1.4m.
On the safety front, Mitsubishi provides six airbags, ABS brakes, traction and stability control, plus three top tether and two ISOFIX child seat mounts for the middle row (positioned inboard and ruling out the use of the centre seat).
Against more modern competitors, the Pajero misses out on technologies that are fast becoming commonplace on much cheaper vehicles. Features like adaptive cruise control, attention monitoring, lane-departure warning, blind-spot monitoring and the autonomous emergency braking are nowhere to be found.
Mitsubishi touts a five-star ANCAP rating, but the assessment is dated from 2011, meaning the data is now considered out of date with the lack of crash-avoidance technology making the Pajero ineligible for a five-star finish under current criteria.
For buyers seeking simplicity, the Pajero’s more basic range of features appeals to staunch traditionalists, but as a flagship vehicle, it leaves much to be desired. Particularly amongst peers like the Ford Everest and Toyota Prado, which carry more safety and luxury tech, but also wear more expensive price tags.
Similarly, the way the Pajero GLS comports itself on the road feels much more like past generations of 4x4s and not the newest or most advanced. The engine can’t be rushed, and would rather dig into its torque reserves than fly through its rev range.
There’s around 2300kg of kerb weight to shift, so the Pajero is no traffic light Grand Prix racer. It needs a moment to really get rolling, but between 1500 and 2500rpm it feels almost unstoppable.
Steering is on the heavy side at low speeds, with an 11.4m turning circle making for a somewhat cumbersome feel in tight quarters, but head onto the open road and it is much more stable and secure as a result.
Ride quality also favours the open road. It’s absorbent enough to soak up jagged rural road surfaces and doesn’t jar or shock occupants.
You can also point it away from made surfaces, with the Super Select II 4x4 system accommodating on- and off-road use with shift-on-the-go ease. To keep fuel use trim in town there's two-wheel drive, and should conditions turn damp there's on-road four-wheel drive for added traction. Head into the rough stuff and 4HLC mode locks the centre diff, while 4LLC adds low-range gearing into the mix for heavy-duty work.
In factory form, there’s 225mm of ground clearance and up to 700mm wading depth should things start to get hairy. While the lack of rigid axles won’t work for rock-hopping traditionalists, the four-wheel independent set-up holds its own on moderate off-road terrain, as does the standard rear diff lock.
As a touring vehicle, travelling noise is low, engine and road intrusion are well managed, though wind noise can factor in depending on the conditions. The block-shaped Pajero isn’t necessarily the most aerodynamically efficient.
Now that the newer Pajero Sport has established itself, it's clear that buyers after a better-equipped, plusher, or more high-tech four-wheel-drive have an option. Be that as it may, there’s still a clear audience for, and plenty to like about, the Pajero.
Its amount of time on the ground imparts the perception of having proven itself (recent recall notwithstanding), and certainly, on the used market, there’s no shortage of examples of the current fourth-gen model with well beyond 300,000km on the clock.
Owners are covered by a five-year/100,000km warranty and capped-price servicing for the first three years or 45,000km set at $479 per visit, occurring at 12-month or 15,000km intervals (whichever comes first) inclusive of all fluids and filters described in the regular service schedule.
Because of their dedicated ‘heavy-duty’ focus, cars like the LandCruiser, Patrol, Prado and Pajero are unlikely to ever be part driving, easy to park, economy champions. For their target market that’s absolutely ideal, too.
While the sophistication and complexity of rivals continue to expand, the Pajero sticks to the ‘keep it simple’ mantra favoured by regional and remote buyers and carving out its own niche in the process.
No model can run forever, though, and with production scaling down for overseas markets. Mitsubishi tells us Pajero production will soldier on for a few more years but won't yet commit to an end date.
The Pajero’s future gets even murkier now that Mitsubishi operates under the control of Nissan. While past concepts have pointed to a next-generation Pajero, the need to scale down development costs has put plans on hold while Nissan and Mitsubishi clarify the direction for Pajero and Patrol replacements.
With sharpened pricing over the years (including the ongoing current offer) and a hard-won reputation, the Pajero makes sense as a sturdy rig for touring South Africa from corner to corner reliably and comfortably.
If you’re not swayed by bells and whistles, the Pajero could be just the thing. It won’t stick around forever, though, nor will it have you bristling with joy every time you get behind the wheel, but it will handle anything you can throw at it and come back for more.
Article from: https://www.caradvice.com.au/786021/2020-mitsubishi-pajero-gls-review/
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theautomotive01 · 5 years
Providing unrivaled comfort, and keeping your family safe. The Mercedes-Benz GLS is offered a 362-horsepower turbocharged inline six-cylinder or an available 483-horsepower Biturbo V8 engine.  It’s all-wheel-drive provides help drag during harsh weather conditions. Optional self-leveling height-adjustable air suspension provides a comfortable ride for passengers.
Mercedes-Benz GLS is a 60/40-split second-row which can accommodate up to 84.7 cubic feet of cargo. GLS offers outstanding connectivity with a smartphone app, Remote Start, and the in-car Internet,split-fold seats. It has the versatile interior of the GLS that goes from seating seven adults and 84.7 cubic feet of cargo capacity.
Key Features:
Standard 3.0L inline-6 turbo with EQ Boost and available 4.0L V8 Biturbo engine with EQ Boost and 9G-TRONIC 9-speed automatic transmission.
Available fully variable all-wheel drive.
Seven passenger seating capacity.
Power-folding 50/50-split 3rd-row seats.
Why Should you Buy the Mercedes-Benz GLS?
The 2020 GLS is an appealing three-row luxury SUV that deserves your shortlist, The Lincoln Navigator is a class leader largely because of its spacious, lavish cabin and cargo space.
If you looking for SUVs, you consider the G-Class. It having muscular engines, especially in its AMG variant, but it may not be as suitable for daily driving.
Strong engine.
Full Redesigned by Mercedes.
Balanced ride.
Roomy cabin.
Information controls take time to master.
Available in AWD Drivetrain.
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Toyota Sequoia rides along with an available 381 horsepower 5.7L V8 with up to 7,400 lbs of towing capacity. Trailer Sway Control (TSC) is made to apply brake pressure at individual wheels  A 120.1 cubic feet of cargo storage.
Key Features:
New Entune Premium Audio system with Integrated Navigation
Available leather-trimmed power 60/40 split, reclining.
Mileage 13 in city and 17 on the highway.
7-8 passenger seating capacity.
Optional Rear-seat Blu-ray Disc player with 9-inch display, two wireless headphones.
The safety feature includes Vehicle Stability Control. (VSC), Traction Control (TRAC), Anti-lock Brake System (ABS), Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD), Brake Assist (BA) and Smart Stop Technology (SST).
Why should you Buy the Toyota Sequoia?
There are plenty of reasons to buy, one reason is price its price tag is lower than the other, the Toyota available provides less price than other large SUVs.
It having Powerful engine capacity.
Three rows of roomy, comfortable seats.
Good cargo capacity.
Available in RWD/4WD drivetrain.
Updated infotainment system with additional standard features.
Outdated cabin styling.
Worse handling and ride quality than many rivals.
fuel economy, not good.
Average towing capacity.
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Source: https://allcarsonline.com/compare-2020-mercedes-benz-gls-vs-toyota-sequoia/
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perksofwifi · 4 years
One Week With the 2020 Lincoln Navigator: Still Impressing Us
I remember like it was yesterday, when I climbed inside the then-newly launched Lincoln Navigator at the 2017 New York Auto Show. It was one of the best in show with its modern and elegant exterior and a plush cabin with a new design language that we had only seen in the concept the year before. More than anything, the Navigator marked a new era in American luxury. Instead of copying what the European and Asian car brands were doing, Lincoln came up with its own formula.
The Navigator has been around for the past three years, but it seems like it hasn’t aged a bit. In fact, the small updates Lincoln adopted have helped improve its flagship SUV. It keeps impressing us with its astonishing cabin, technology and safety updates, and a new monochromatic package. There’s no doubt the Navigator continues to rule with authority.
2020 Lincoln Navigator: What Has Changed?
Lincoln added more standard features to the 2020 Navigator to make it more compelling. The base model now has the adaptive suspension and power running boards as standard equipment. The adaptive suspension is a big win for 2020, as it improves the ride significantly. On the technology side, Phone as a Key is now standard on Navigator, allowing the driver to literally use a personal smartphone as a key—locking, unlocking and starting the engine all from the phone.
2020 Lincoln Navigator: American Luxury
Open the doors, and a sea of black leather and wood will welcome you into the cabin. Everywhere you look and everywhere you touch, there’s a premium feel to the interior. From the floating screen to the full digital display in the instrument cluster, the 2020 Navigator delivers a first-class experience. Although I’m not a huge fan of combinations like black leather with brown wood, this interior is the exception. The chrome accents add to the clean look of the center console, and the blacked-out instrument panel adds to the affluent ambiance.
Our Reserve model sits between the base trim and the Black Label, but with the 30-way Perfect Position seats and the Revel premium audio system with 20 speakers, it ups the wow factor. These two features are part of the Luxury package, which adds $2,500 to the price, but every penny is worth it. The seats are extremely comfortable, and the audio system will have you singing your favorite songs without feeling embarrassed.
Compared to other models in its class, the Navigator really stands out. Although the 2021 Cadillac Escalade looks like it will give the Navigator a battle, the Lincoln is far superior to the Infiniti QX80 and the Lexus LX 570. Newer models like the BMW X7 and the Mercedes-Benz GLS give the Lincoln a good fight, but the Navigator stands out with its greater value and outstanding proportions.
2020 Lincoln Navigator: Ride and Handling
Handling is not a big priority for full-size SUVs, but the Navigator delivers. Powered by a 3.5-liter twin turbo V-6 that produces 450 hp and 510 lb-ft of torque, this big Lincoln feels healthy all the way around. Its 10-speed automatic is quick to downshift, and the upshifts are done smoothly. Press down the throttle and the engine will get the Navigator up to speed effortlessly. Despite its large size, the Lincoln feels confident and doesn’t disappoint when pressed hard.
Although we didn’t get to try it this time, our Navigator came equipped with four-wheel drive, allowing this beast to cruise through dirty trails. A drive mode selector makes it easy to choose the correct mode depending on the conditions you’re driving in. The modes include Slippery, Excite, Conserve, Deep Conditions, Snow, and Normal. Each mode is programmed to change the throttle mapping, transmission behavior, and the suspension and stability control responses. Our week in the Navigator had no rain, but we were able to test its performance off-road during our 2019 SUV of the Year program.
Our model was equipped with the 22-inch monochromatic wheels, which look excellent in the black trim. But there’s bad news: The ride becomes a bit busier with them. The broken pavement causes harsh impacts in the cabin when traversing poor quality LA freeways. Still, the adaptive suspension does a reasonable job isolating the cabin from the impacts the low-profile tires are sending it. On tight turns, the 2020 Navigator’s big body doesn’t feel as large; its chassis leans in nicely without disturbing the ride.
Although its steering is light, it still delivers a nice feedback of what’s happening on the road. You don’t feel like you’re driving a big body-on-frame SUV, and its relatively small turning circle will allow you to make most U-turns without backing up.
2020 Lincoln Navigator: Safety
With Lincoln Co-Pilot360, every Navigator comes standard with key safety technologies like adaptive cruise control with stop and go traffic, rear view camera, etc. But for 2020, Lincoln is adding auto high beams, blind-spot detection with cross-traffic alert, lane keep assist, automatic emergency braking, and a rear view camera washer to Co-Pilot360.
2020 Lincoln Navigator: Should I Buy It?
The Navigator keeps impressing us. Although it’s been around for three years, its style, driving manners, and value within its segment get our attention. As a family luxury SUV, the Navigator brings a ton of standard features that make it attractive. And with its mid-century modern cabin, premium leather, and spacious cabin, it’s an enticing offering.
2020 Lincoln Navigator 4X4 (Reserve) BASE PRICE $85,695 LAYOUT Front-engine, 4WD, 7-pass, 4-door SUV ENGINE 3.5L/450-hp/510-lb-ft* twin-turbo DOHC 24-valve V-6 TRANSMISSION 10-speed automatic CURB WEIGHT 6,100 lb (MT est) WHEELBASE 122.5 in L x W x H 210.0 x 78.8 x 76.3 in 0-60 MPH 5.9 sec (MT est) EPA FUEL ECON 16/21/18 mpg* ENERGY CONSUMPTION, CITY/HWY 211/160 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 1.08 lb/mile ON SALE Currently * Horsepower and torque values derived from 93-octane fuel; EPA fuel economy from 87-octane fuel 
The post One Week With the 2020 Lincoln Navigator: Still Impressing Us appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/cars/lincoln/navigator/2020/2020-lincoln-navigator-first-drive/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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mercedesdealer-blog · 5 years
Mercedes- The Undisputed King of the Automobile Market 2019
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Mercedes is considered an emblem of elegance and sportiness and was the architect of several revolutionary inventions that have improved driving standards and helped make cars safer. Prestigious brands. Used guaranteed. Presence on the territory. Attentive and professional customer service. These are the characteristics that make the company one of the leading realities regarding used Mercedes cars. Seriousness and professionalism are the key elements of success, translated today also through new technologies on the Web, with which we intend to combine transparency, efficiency, and convenience, aware as always that the comparison is our best advertisement.
Legendary Mercedes cars such as the 300 SL with "gull-wing" doors helped make the Mercedes star one of the best-known brands in the world. Opting for Mercedes used cars when you decide to make such an important purchase is a smart way to save money, but pay attention to the details. The purchase of used Mercedes cars has many advantages today, more than ever, thanks to the development of online sales portals that allow the motorist to find out about aesthetic and mechanical characteristics spending less than a new vehicle.
Buying Mercedes used cars by grabbing the Best Mercedes Lease Deals can reduce costs compared to new cars. Undoubtedly, there are many second-hand vehicles that guarantee excellent performance. Once you are ready to purchase used Mercedes cars, if you are not in a particular hurry, it is right to choose the best time to buy, as depending on the time of year the final price may vary, and the facilities may change about registrations.
Buying used Mercedes cars from the dealer, which adheres to the guaranteed used system, can be much more reassuring. The risk is lower, the guarantees offered more and it is easy to find used cars at 0 Km.
Mercedes, a world leader in the premium market for the 4th consecutive year
Even if there are still a few days left, the years seem to follow each other and look-alike for Mercedes, which continues to dominate the premium vehicle market. The German automaker is ahead of its BMW and Audi counterparts.
160,000 vehicles, here is the difference that there should be between Mercedes and BMW in the second half of 2019. A gap that will allow the firm with the star to confirm its position as a leader on the world premium market and this for the fourth consecutive year. A real performance. Two downsides to this good news, however: the double-digit years of growth, recorded from 2013 to 2017, are well and truly overdue to the downturn in the Chinese market and SUV sales are weakening despite the restyling of the GLC and the arrival of the new GLE. It is ultimately the compact models that ensure growth.
On the BMW side, the SUVs are in good shape. Their sales jumped 23% again to weigh 44% of the Bavarian firm's global sales mix, almost 7 points more than in 2018! And it is the same as Mini. As a reminder, BMW has seven SUVs in its range with the X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 and X7.
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In third place is Audi. The Escondido Mercedes Dealer sees its sales stagnate after having dropped last year. Small consolation, the sales of the four rings in Europe are better than those of its competitors. The renewal of the A3 next year should allow Audi to further improve its sales figures.
Mercedes Class A- the leader of Mercedes
If we take care of the models, the highest person responsible for the dethronement of Audi in favor of the Stuttgart-based firm is the Mercedes-Benz A-Class, since with 12,498 units sold so far this year it stands in the car most demanded by the customers of the company. It should be remembered that the fourth edition of the Mercedes-Benz Class A arrived at our dealerships in the middle of last year, so 2019 is its first full exercise and sales figures support success at least more than acceptable for this car.
The main claims for which the Mercedes-Benz Class A opted in its last renovation were its exterior design, with a more determined aspect and focused on capturing a younger clientele, a digitized interior and loaded with technology inherited from the S-Class, in addition to a triple premiere of engines and the incorporation of a 7G-DCT dual-clutch transmission.
An agitated 2020 to continue stepping on the accelerator
However, Mercedes-Benz wants to continue stepping on the accelerator in the market and for this, it already contemplates a road map in which electrification gains weight. In fact, by the beginning of 2020, the offer of models will grow with the inclusion of the plug-in hybrids Mercedes-Benz A 250e, B 250e, GLE 350 de, GLC 300e, in addition to the renewal of the GLB, GLE Coupé.
Later, in spring, it will be the turn of the GLA (including AMG 35); and in summer, the EQV, a new electric van with 204 hp, 405 km of autonomy and up to 8 seats to be manufactured in Vitoria; and the GLS Maybach, AMG GLE 63 Coupé, E-Class (Saloon and Estate, AMG 53 and 63) and AMG GLA 45.
Finally, in autumn, the lively 2020 year of Mercedes will complete the E-Class Coupé and Cabrio (including AMG 53), AMG GT Black Series, S-Class, AMG GT 4-door EQ Power, and S-Class Maybach.
All this, encompassed in a strategy through which the company has committed to all European factories of Mercedes-Benz Cars and Vans and Daimler Trucks & Buses produce by 2022 with a neutral CO emissions footprint, something that is holy and Sign of the German installations of Sindelfingen since the beginning of its activity.
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carpostnet · 5 years
Mercedes-Benz Debuts the all-new 2020 GLA SUV!
The new 2020 Mercedes-Benz GLA comes with extra know-how, extra consolation, enhanced styling and extra energy than earlier than as properly. There can be plug-in and electrical variants in the future too.
Mercedes-Benz have unveiled the second-generation 2020 GLA internationally. The unique GLA was launched 5 years in the past, and nearly 1,000,000 items have been offered globally since then. The new mannequin packs in lot extra know-how, extra consolation and can also be extra highly effective than earlier than. With this technology replace, the GLA will rekindle its rivalry with the BMW X1 and the Audi Q3.
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Mercedes-Benz has revealed the all-new 2020 GLA
Just like its predecessor, the 2020 GLA can also be closely primarily based on the A-Class. Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Kallenius describes the second-generation GLA as being “better in every respect, with more convenience, more safety and more efficiency.” Mercedes will debut the new GLA with two variants at launch – the  entry-level, front-wheel-drive GLA 200 and the four-wheel-drive Mercedes-AMG GLA 35. A plug-in hybrid and full electrical variations of the GLA have additionally been deliberate for the future.
The GLA 200 can be powered by a 1.Three liter, turbocharged petrol engine with 163 bhp. Meanwhile, the Mercedes-AMG GLA 35 can be powered by a 2.0L, turbocharged unit that produces 306 bhp. The GLA 200 comes, which comes with a normal 7-speed dual-clutch computerized gearbox, can do 0-100kph in 8.7sec and hit a prime pace of 211kph.
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The new GLA comes with extra tech, extra consolation and extra energy as properly.
Further down the highway, there can be EQ branded GLA 250e which can be powered by a 1.3-litre petrol-electric plug-in hybrid with 218 bhp. This will use the identical 15.6kWh lithium-ion battery as the A250e EQ Power, offering it with an official electric-only vary of greater than 64km.
Visually, the new GLA is an evolution of the earlier design. The floor clearance has been raised by 9mm and it now stands at 143 mm. Mercedes has given the new GLA smoother surfacing this time round with rugged parts making for the particulars of the new mannequin. It will get plastic cladding round the wheel arches and bumpers. The wheel arches themselves are bigger and may now home as much as 20-inch wheels. The base variant will get 17-inch wheels. Design head Gordon Wagener claims it “combines muscular off-road genes with our philosophy of sensual purity.”
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This is the Mercedes-AMG GLA 35
The AMG mannequin will get distinct AMG bumpers with the panamericana grille, a brand new roof spoiler and completely different tailpipes. The new GLA is 4,410mm lengthy, 2,020mm extensive and 1,611mm excessive, making it 14mm shorter and 2mm narrower however 104mm increased than the previous mannequin. It’s primarily based on the second-generation model of Mercedes’ MFA platform, with a transverse engine mounting, and has its wheelbase prolonged by 30mm to 2,729mm and its monitor elevated by 46mm, entrance and rear.
The cabin has been utterly revamped although and it’s now in keeping with different newer Mercedes fashions. The dashboard is adorned with free-standing digital show panel. It consists of the two 7-inch screens for the instrument console and the infotainment display screen. There’s an non-compulsory widescreen model with two 10.Three inch screens as properly. The shows are operated through Mercedes’ MBUX working system, which helps each, touchpad and voice management. A color head-up show can also be out there.  
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2020 Mercedes-Benz GLA interiors
To additional emphasize on the crossover nature of the 2020 GLA, Mercedes has positioned the entrance seats 140mm increased than in the A-Class. There’s 22mm extra headroom up entrance than in the unique GLA, however rear headroom has been lowered by 6mm. The new GLA will also be opted with rear seats that supply 140mm of fore-and-aft adjustment, giving as much as 116mm extra leg room than earlier than. Because the rear backrest can now be set at a steeper angle, boot capability has elevated by 14 litres, to 435 litres. The width of the boot aperture has additionally elevated by 85mm, at 1,272mm.
Also Read : British Sportscar Maker McLaren is Planning to Enter India!
The 2020 Mercedes-Benz GLA relies on the Mk2 MFA platform and it makes use of McPherson struts up entrance and both a torsion beam or multi-link association at the rear. You can even go for Variable damping management as an non-compulsory further. The four-wheel drive fashions will also be had with an non-compulsory off-road bundle. While the off-road bundle doesn’t do something to the experience peak, this provides an off-road headlight perform and a further off-road driving mode known as Downhill Speed Regulation.
Also Read : Mercedes-Benz Announces Price Hike for All Cars Effective from January 2020.
The new GLA will go on sale in worldwide markets in the second quarter of subsequent yr and will also be anticipated to reach at our shores by the finish of 2020. The oncoming yr appears to be a busy one for Mercedes-Benz India, with the automaker slated to launch a bunch of latest and up to date fashions, together with the A-class sedan, GLE and GLS. 
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from Carpost https://www.carpost.net/mercedes-benz-debuts-the-all-new-2020-gla-suv/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mercedes-benz-debuts-the-all-new-2020-gla-suv
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soccomcsantos · 5 years
Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC: luxo levado ao limite!
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O novo Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC abraça uma nova dimensão de luxo no segmento SUV. A combinação de exímio conforto, elevada tecnologia e excecionais performances, obtidas a partir de um motor V8 de 410 kW (558 cv), está pronta para satisfazer até os mais exigentes utilizadores.
O Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC expande o portfolio da marca Mercedes-Maybach, combinando o design da carroçaria e a base tecnológica do GLS com o luxo de uma limousine de elevada classe. O seu interior espaçoso com materiais de excelente qualidade e um isolamento de ruído efetivo criam um ambiente elegante, agradável e acolhedor. Os passageiros podem regular as cortinas de proteção solar elétricas dos dois vidros laterais traseiros.
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A suspensão AIRMATIC, incluída de série, ou a opcional suspensão totalmente ativa com E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL filtra efetivamente as irregularidades da estrada. Pela primeira vez está disponível um programa da transmissão dedicado da Maybach que assegura ainda mais o conforto no compartimento traseiro e que se estende a toda a cadeia cinemática, oferecendo em particular aos passageiros dos bancos traseiros, regulações que proporcionam o derradeiro conforto de condução.
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Características do equipamento: luxo, revestimento em pele e bancos reclináveis
Desde a transmissão de potência, a suspensão até à tecnologia dos faróis, os sistemas tecnológicos do Mercedes-Maybach GLS correspondem pelo menos ao nível de equipamento mais confortável dos SUVs Mercedes-Benz tecnologicamente comparáveis. Partindo deste princípio, o valor acrescido típico da Maybach é sempre um resultado extra. Por exemplo, no habitáculo, o isolamento do ruído foi otimizado através da instalação de uma divisória rígida e de gôndola fixa atrás dos bancos traseiros, separando o interior do compartimento de bagagens. O sistema de ar condicionado separado para os bancos traseiros é um equipamento de série e inclui saídas de ventilação e aquecedores adicionais com os quais o controlo da temperatura é ainda mais rápido e livre de correntes de ar. Com o MBUX Rear Tablet de série na consola central ou o apoio de braços entre os bancos traseiros, as extensas funções de conforto e de entretenimento também podem ser intuitivamente controladas a partir dos bancos traseiros.
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Ainda no luxuoso interior, os dois bancos individuais traseiros do Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC podem ser eletricamente reclinados. O teto panorâmico elétrico com uma cortina de proteção solar opaca, bem como os bancos climatizados com função de massagem, são equipamentos de série. A consola central fixa, disponível como opcional, transforma o veículo num espaçoso modelo de quatro lugares, cujo compartimento traseiro é tão apropriado para trabalhar como para relaxar. Esta consola está disponível com mesas extensíveis e até com um frigorífico com espaço para garrafas de champanhe. Os adequados copos de champanhe em prata estão disponíveis a partir da gama de acessórios.
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Para perfumar ativamente o interior foi desenvolvida uma fragrância específica para o Mercedes Maybach GLS, incluída no opcional pack AIR BALANCE.
O acesso e a saída a partir do veículo também se processam de forma extremamente confortável, através de estribos eletronicamente extensíveis e que se iluminam automaticamente quando as portas se abrem. Nessa altura, a carroçaria também é ligeiramente rebaixada para facilitar o acesso ou a saída do veículo, aumentando o índice de conforto e segurança.
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As superfícies em alumínio combinadas com as faixas de borracha preta, iluminadas quando em condições de baixa luminosidade natural e particularmente largas na zona das portas traseiras, conferem ao modelo um visual especial extremamente apelativo. Quando se encontram recolhidos, os estribos ficam ocultados atrás dos painéis de proteção das embaladeiras laterais. 
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Se uma porta traseira for aberta, o estribo no respetivo lado estende-se automaticamente para a posição de apoio do passageiro em cerca de um segundo. Esta predefinição pode ser alterada utilizando um menu especial no sistema de informação e de entretenimento MBUX. Com o objetivo de proporcionar um espaço mais amplo no compartimento traseiro, o Mercedes-Maybach GLS só está disponível com banco traseiro de dois lugares.
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Potência e performances excecionais
Mas o Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC também alia o exímio conforto e luxo a um dinamismo fora de série, com clara responsabilidade a recair no motor V8, de quatro litros de cilindrada, que produz uma potência de 410 kW (558 CV) e um binário de 730 Nm. Trata-se de uma versão do motor desenvolvida exclusivamente para o Maybach, onde não falta o sistema elétrico EQ Boost de 48 V, que confere ao modelo prestações dignas de muitos automóveis desportivos.
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As jantes de 22 ou 23 polegadas foram desenvolvidas exclusivamente para este modelo. Os elementos de revestimento das ponteiras de escape com uma pequena nervura transversal enfatizam a identidade do modelo como um membro da família Mercedes-Maybach. O mesmo se aplica à insígnia da marca, que foi posicionada em vários pontos, como no pilar D. Como característica específica da Maybach, a pintura de duas cores está disponível em sete diferentes combinações elegantes de cores.
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 O Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC será lançado no mercado no segundo semestre de 2020.
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autofeast-blog · 5 years
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2021 Mercedes-Benz GLS 600 Maybach • Stuttgart/Guangzhou. The Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC (combined fuel consumption: 12.0-11.7 l/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 273‑266 g/km)[1] represents a new form of luxury in the SUV segment. It extends the portfolio of the Mercedes-Maybach brand by combining the body design and technical basis of the GLS with the luxury of a top-class saloon car. Its spacious interior with the highest-grade materials and extremely effective noise insulation creates a stylish, cocoon-like feel-good atmosphere. From their pleasantly elevated seating position, thanks to electrically operated roller sun blinds on the two rear side windows, the passengers can decide for themselves how much of their surroundings they want to see. The AIRMATIC suspension included as standard or the optional, fully-active suspension with E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL effectively keep the road bumps at bay. For the first time there is a dedicated Maybach drive program that ensures even more comfort in the rear. Access and egress are also highly convenient: when the doors are opened, the vehicle is lowered slightly, and an illuminated running board quickly and silently emerges on the access or egress side. The running boards are made of anodised aluminium. The V8 engine with a displacement of four litres, which can develop 410 kW (558 hp) and 730 Nm of torque, is an engine variant developed exclusively for Maybach and moves the car discreetly and powerfully. The engine is combined with the 48-volt system EQ Boost. The Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 4MATIC will enter the market in the second half of 2020. #mercedes #gls #maybach #blacklist #carswithoutlimits #amazingcars247 #suv #rangerover #audigramm #cars #allroad #quattro #carporn #audination #turbocharged #supercar #hybrid #carsofinstagram #mazdamovement #itswhitenoise #japanesecars #luxurycars #coupe #mercedesbenz #gls600 #4matic#autofeast (at Burj Khalifa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IhuXhJmlC/?igshid=132ojven59cbz
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onwheelsxyz-blog · 5 years
Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 arrives to rival Bentley Bentayga Mercedes-Benz has extended its Maybach line-up with the unveiling of a plush new 550bhp flagship version of the third-generation GLS at the 2019 Guangzhou motor show in China. Lining up alongside the S-Class-based Maybach saloon, the top-flight SUV is planned for UK delivery in 2020 as a rival to the likes of the Bentley Bentayga and Range Rover, featuring a series of unique styling cues, a mild-hybrid drivetrain and an upgraded interior. The new model invokes many of the styling elements seen on the S-Class Maybach to help distinguish it from the standard third-generation GLS. Included is a distinctive chrome grille featuring vertical louvres, chrome highlights within the side window surrounds and along the sills, standard 22in (and optional 23in) wheels, an optional two-tone exterior paint scheme in eight different colour combinations, electrically extending running boards and chromed tail-pipes with a signature cross-rib. Speaking about the new model, Mercedes-Benz’s head of product management, Martin Hülder, said: “SUV vehicles have a major advantage for the luxury segment: the high seating position. In combination with the running boards, this makes access and egress easy and convenient." Inside, the 5202mm-long Mercedes-Maybach GLS sports an upgraded interior with nappa leather upholstery and unique trim elements. Among the long list of options for UK customers are reclining rear seats with a massage function and a fixed centre console with folding
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autodeals1-blog · 5 years
Which luxury SUV you can buy in 2020, our top pick uncovered. See which SUV best speaks to outstanding worth, predominance in its group and had the most effect on the new SUV scene.
Lincoln Navigator
The Lincoln Navigator is one of the best cars in the luxury large SUV class. Lincoln’s new Navigator is just about the ideal approach to spend your income in the full-size SUV space.
It has an ample, rich interior and gives lots of space. A punchy motor and peaceful ride further concrete its grand status.
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Lincoln Navigator specs »
Transmission: Automatic Drivetrain: Four Wheel Drive 3.5 L/213 MPG: 16 City / 21 Hwy Engine: Twin Turbo Premium Unleaded V-6 3.5 L/213
It has a Strong engine It gives us a relaxed ride Best Lavish, roomy cabin Lots of cargo space
It has some dull infotainment graphics
New for 2020 Lincoln Navigator
More standard safety features instead of other SUV Simplified trim lineup with better features
Price: $75,825
Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class
When we think about luxury SUVs, the Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class is the leader of the class. The Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class is king of the mountain. Powerful engine, sober ride, Smooth handling, better driving experience and a gracious cabin help it to become top of luxury large SUV.
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Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class specs »
Transmission: Automatic Drivetrain: All Wheel Drive 4.7 L/285 MPG: 14 City / 19 Hwy Engine: Twin Turbo Premium Unleaded V-8 4.7 L/285
It has sufficient engine power Confident handling and a comfortable ride It has an upscale cabin Three rows of spacious seats
Opponents have more standard features
New in Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class
No major changes
Price: $75,200
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