#2020 eyesight meme
batsdotjpg · 5 years
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theoldtaylors · 5 years
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elle-smells · 4 years
Listen even though we all know Im obviously the edgiest bitch on this site, I’m gonna get a little sentimental for a sec. This year has been a train wreck but you were part of the reason why it was bearable
@suburbanenigma carmen we were mutuals for like 5 minutes and we were sending memes and being chaotic ksjdjsksks bro I can't believe I've only known you for less than 2 months. You literally listen to every single one of my breakdowns and I love seeing your crack posts on my dash. Thank you for being the edgy energy I need 😌❤️ I love you bitch 🐔(thanks CL)
@lesbeanfatou bitch I remember at the start of the year I kept wondering who this person was that was liking all my posts and it turns out it was a one direction obssesed girl that would become my favourite Les🐝an with the best memes on the internet skdnskdns (you were like my first mutual I think) Anygay- I love you bitch and I hope we get to share more tipsy stories in 2021 (drink responsibly kids)
@kieumyfatous SAMMM I LOVE YOU AND OUR LOVE FOR MUSICALS. Josie and Penny are canon in our hearts 😌💓. You're literally a drop of sunshine and fuck timezones bcs I don't get to see you as often but when I do it's the best time and I love you.
@helmtaryn Aurore thanks for caring about my sleep schedule and my eyesight skskdjdjdjdj dude being your diary is so much fun skdndndn your GIFs are so creative also fuck Skam fr colouring and Photoshop 😌😌you also listen to every one of shit posts and I love you for it ❤️
And here's to every other mutual in the tiktok skdnsks
@cr1spyy Fernanda I wanna be you when I grow up no joke you're awesome ksnddjk (ps sorry you have to deal with Skam on your dash skdndj) // @alexiaugustin Viv your hot takes are the best things on these site, istg everytime I'm 👁️👄👁️ // @sassy-sara bro you're always here and it's such a fun time I love it // @robbesdriesen seriously your fics were one of my favourite parts of 2020 (the talent-) thanks :) // @engelkeijsers mareee bro honestly you fill my dash with joy // @sundaymorninghangover I just see your posts and go "same" and it's amazing // @feeling-kinda-so-so ok I know you're leaving and I'm :((( but still thank you for making my dash a great place to be in <3 // @theflowerisblue we don't really talk but I appreciate you and your posts anyway :) // @ghosttotheparty and @earthling-isa same thing as the previous one, I really do appreciate any interactions we've had <3
Edit: @wilsonsmercer ok OK I SCREENSHOTED YOUR TUMBLR, it was in my camera roll but then I must've lost it bcs it's not in the tiktok but anyways, I'M SORRY, thank you to you too for providing amazing content and for being absolutely amazing Ily ❤️
And Honestly so many more ppl that I'm probably forgetting and sorry if I did but this blog and you have made this year so much better you have no idea. Thanks for listening to me scream into the void that is Tumblr, I don't even remember what I did with my emotions before this blog skdjdkdjdb but anygay- Let's hope for more character development in 2021 😌✌️
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
:00000 tis super duper pfirsichkuchen answering time!! :00 anyways once you have the time to get to it- questions from the most recent ask game except I just copied random questions so I don't know the numbers of them-
Notebooks or journals? Why?
Favorite obscure tumblr humor/joke/meme?
Favorite thing you learned about in science class?
If you were a vegetable which would you be?
What do you find "cute" that others do not?
Which fantasy race do you wish you were the most?
Top 3 favorite colors and bottom 5 most hated ones
IT IS le time for me to ~answer~ and ~cleanse~ the inbox and drafts from 2020 XD 
There are sooo many things I’ve been tagged in and I have yet to make a dent in the number of drafts XD 
1. Notebooks or Journals? 
Notebooks. Not a big fan of journals?  I’d rather do like journalling on my notes app on my phone XD 
I’m a sucker for notebooks though. I would love an endless supply where the paper is just nice and smooth to write on and the pencil and pens don’t stain on it, and highlighters don’t ruin the paper, it’s just a dream that will never be fulfilled :’) 
2. Favorite obscure tumblr humor/joke/meme? 
Uhh... I got loads, honestly... the very prominent one is the, do you love the color of the sky? and just random like tidbits around the dash where funny things happen, stick bug, the rick rolls, and just funny stuff XD 
Funny animal pictures is great as well 
The random puns? 
3. Favorite thing you learned about in science class? 
CURRENTLY, as of yesterday, I learnt about the s, p, d orbitals in the subquantum thingy thingy... Idk. It’s just... crazy how only Chromium and Copper are the exceptions to the s,p,d rule, and it’s messing with my brain. 
The bus analogy? For filling the quantum shells and orbitals is my favorite as of right now. 
4. If you were a vegetable which would you be? 
I wanted to say carrot... hmmm... 
Potato, as much as it make sense is kinda overused? 
Carrot because ironically my eyesight is really bad. Also I like to eat baby carrots :D So maybe that? 
Also carrots are kinda long/tall, so I like it (coz I like to feel tall?) 
5. What do you find "cute" that others do not?
That’s a hard one... 
I don’t know honestly... 
Oh intelligence? 
I mean other people might not find it cute, but I personally find being smart, really cute. Like afjakdlfadf cute. 
6. Which fantasy race do you wish you were the most?
Definitely a mermaid :) 
I like the idea of just not having to be tired for gasping for air underwater and Idk, it just seems fun 
Would I have noses? Maybe. What’s the point though? I have gills! :D 
7. Top 3 favorite colors and bottom 5 most hated ones
This is hard. 
Top 3: 
- Orange 
- Yellow 
- Dark Green 
Top 5: 
- Neon Pink 
- Neon Purple 
- Neon ORANGE 
- Magenta? (It’s not a real color. I refuse to like it) 
- Neon Blue
Yes they are all neon. I do not care if those aren’t actual colors? They hurt my eyes. The only neon I can tolerate is neon red XD 
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james-master · 4 years
Bah Humbook… books I don’t recommend
Bah Humbook… books I don’t recommend
At the beginning of the year, I had such high hopes. I think most of us did, especially when all those eyesight memes were being shared on Facebook. While most of my hopes and goals for the year were dashed with seemingly endless amounts of horrible horridness, there was one goal that I ended up attaining. At the start of 2020, I wanted to read 45 books. As of Christmas Eve (when I’m writing…
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dramanomikata · 4 years
“Last Hope”
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Title: “Last Hope” Genre: Medical Season: Winter 2013 TV Station: Fuji TV Theme Song: “Calling” by Arashi Starring: Masaki Aiba, Mikako Tabe, Seiichi Tanabe, Eiko Koike, Yukiya Kitamura, Fumiyo Kohinata, Masahiro Takashima Date Finished: June 11, 2020 My Personal Reason for Watching: Aiba, of course! Also, I started watching it during my last months living in Japan and never got around to finishing it.
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(^^ Dr. Aiba, let’s go!)
“Last Hope” is a medical drama, set at Teito University Hospital. The drama focuses on department of translational medicine at the hospital and the team that has been gathered to cure the “incurable,” using cutting-edge technology. Coming from various backgrounds and all walks of life, these six team members come up with ways to save their patients together.
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(^^ We’re trying to save someone here! No time for 3 p.m. snacks, Hatano!)
When I first heard Aiba was going to star in a medical drama, I thought: 1. “Aiba as a doctor? How would that work?” and 2. “Medical dramas are kind of boring. Not sure if I would be interested in this.”  After watching the drama, I can say that it definitely wasn’t boring (although the medical jargon used in each episode is spoken very fast and sometimes, it just goes way over the viewer’s head).  Each week, there would be a new patient and you would end up rooting for the success of the team to save that patient. 
The back-stories of each doctor provided a great twist to the same old medical dramas.  The backstory of Dr. Komaki (Kohinata) losing his son was the most heartbreaking but they were all pretty tragic.  Each of these doctors had a painful past, which is brought up throughout the series.  It definitely keeps you interested, wanting to see how their past concerns and troubles are resolved in the present.  As for Aiba being a convincing doctor...*awkward silence*  Just kidding. He played the part of Dr. Takumi Hatano (or “Machisha” a.k.a. “Private Doctor) well and they definitely tried to bring in some comedy with his character, always having a 3 p.m. snack at the worst possible timing.  I must say, those snacks looked delicious!
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(^^ Why isn’t anyone taking Hatano’s snacks?? I want one!!)
Some scenes were definitely made to pull at the heartstrings, especially the story about the last patient where his estranged son agreed to the lung transplant (which definitely made me cry).  Other times, they would go over the top and play for the dramatics.  I know Asian dramas are, at most times, very overacted and over-dramatized, but when your boss just collapses all of a sudden mid-sentence, do you just stand there and watch?? That was one scene that actually made me go “WTF?” out loud.
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(^^ He’s falling in slow motion…should we do something? Um…you guys are doctors, right?)
In summary, “Last Hope” defies the “boring medical drama” trope with intriguing storylines and sympathetic characters.  However, my one gripe: do they really have to say the drama’s title in every episode?  It’s like when a movie character says the name of the movie in the movie and you go, ‘Hey! That’s the titleofthemovie OMG!’ *insert Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme here*
Favorites: Favorite Character: I guess, Hatano? Although Komaki comes as a close second.  Favorite Episode: Personally, I liked episode 6 where they had to decide whether to save a patient or obey the patient’s request for him to see again even if that meant sacrificing his life.  My grandma also suffers from macular degeneration like the patient so it really hit close to home for me.  It just goes to show that eyesight is such a precious thing we take for granted and having it taken away is a cruel fate to live with.        Favorite Scene: Obviously, the 3 p.m. snack times XD
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(^^ A photo of the doctor who learned that the patient’s wish is most important)
“Last Hope” Rating: Story: ✭✭✭½ (a solid storyline with a clear ending) Acting: ✭✭✭ (Aiba convincing as a doctor, who knew?  But I got to give it up to the supporting cast!) Theme Song: ✭✭✭½ (Not my favorite Arashi song, but a catchy one nonetheless!)
Total: 10/15
Next Up: Maybe “99.9 Keiji Senmon Bengoshi”
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(^^ “We’re your last hope.” WE GET IT!)
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tammywammyy · 4 years
In-depth analysis of star public chain Close to: Ethereum killer? Or is it everyone?
Looking in the most important event within the blockchain sector in 2020, as well as the BTC halving, you'll find nothing a lot more than the main breakthrough of the underlying Layer1 this year: ETH upgrade 2.0, Polkadot, NEAR, etc. on the mainnet. Because of the poor performance and high cost of Layer1, many of the fundraising projects in 2017-2018 could not be applied, not to mention the realization of industrial closed-loop; the barriers to making use of infrastructure are usually too high, and the experience is too poor, leading to blockchain applications. Many real users are turned aside. It could be said that the functionality troubles of the underlying Coating1 are a significant reason for the two-year downturn in the industry. As the utmost powerful projects in Layer 1 are launched on the mainnet, or major updates are created, it may bring opportunities for the entire blockchain industry. __ Blockchain investment fund D1 Ventures divides the underlying public chain Layer1 into two categories according to its style architecture: "DApp chain" and "cross-chain platform". There is no absolute distinction between the two types, which are suitable for different scenarios. The representatives of "DApp Chain" are ETH2.0 and NEAR. Its eyesight is to enable all DApps to build on a common Layer1 and share the protection and efficiency of the underlying chain. DApps do not have their own independent chain, therefore you don't have to take into account the security and safety of the chain. Governance. ��Cross-chain platform�� implies that each DApp added to the cross-chain platform has its chain. The DApp is responsible for the protection and governance of its chain. Several chains carry out cross-chain communication through the hub supplied by the platform. Mind projects include Polkadot, Cosmos, etc. This in-depth report on NEAR just released by D1 Ventures, Lianwen has drawn out the essence of this content for you, and released the Chinese version exclusively. D1 Ventures believes that NEAR is one of the most competitive gamers in the "DApp Chain" path. It has apparent late-comer advantages, an improved sharding scheme than ETH2.0, and world-class engineering capabilities; but the drawback can be that it is definitely Lack of community support. Recently, the activity of NEAR has more than doubled. In response to inquiries from a lot of sector insiders, Linkwent compiled inner reports into posts for expressing, aiming to share D1 Ventures' long-term analysis and cognition on Layer1 and its own judgment on the darkish horse task NEAR. This statement is not meant as any investment advice. Written by: D1 Ventures, the capital raising institution focusing on the field of indigenous blockchain, facilitates the future development of the crypto economy by providing worldwide market insights, creating cross-market liquidity, supplying strategic consulting and Meme communication strategies. Key investment projects consist of NEAR, Polkadot, Ethereum, Handshake, and ecological native picture applications. _ Lianwen has been authorized to create the Chinese essence version of the statement. How to "gnaw" the hardest issue of the blockchain? In the face of solving the hardest problem of the blockchain, we horizontally compared the ideas and methods of Cosmos, Polkadot, Ethereum 2.0 and NEAR in solving data availability, finality, and cross-shard communication. Data availability In addition to Cosmos being responsible for reaching consensus and making sure network security, each chain can be responsible for storing their very own data. In case a chain is reorganized, it could encounter issues in resynchronization with various other nodes. Tezos Polkadot's sharding or parallel chain provides collators responsible for storing transaction information on each parallel chain. Fishermen have the effect of searching for lost data in a deal by tracing history and compiling data from proofreaders, and submitting a fraud evidence if you find a problem. Ethereum 2.0 runs on the Reed-Solomon erasure coding design to expand a small little bit of data right into a longer "extended piece"; the block needs to be submitted to the main of the extended data, and then the light customer will examine it in a probabilistic method , Whether the majority of the expanded data can be acquired upon this network. In the NEAR process, the chunk producer creates an erasure code for each chunk, sends a small little bit of the code to the verifier, and then creates a Merkle tree. The leaves of the Merkle tree will undoubtedly be sent to the verifier as a onepart message. Once all the details is received, the block maker will take the rest of the information and reconstruct the block. Finality Cosmos' Byzantine fault-tolerant Tendermint consensus provides instant finality for each block and can tolerate up to 1/3 of malicious nodes. In the event of a network split, Cosmos has no solution to recover, as the block producer does not understand which chain to continue building blocks on. Polkadot has a hybrid consensus model, GRANDPA, which separates block creation from finality by way of a chain development system and the finality gadget. This split allows rollbacks in the event of malicious transactions. The initial design of Ethereum 2.0 relies on Casper FFG as your final device and uses a proof-of-function (PoW) chain for block creation. Thereafter, Casper CBC will lead the full changeover to Proof of Stake (PoS). Casper CBC runs on the pounds of the final message received by the block rather than the fork selection guideline. The NEAR uNightshade consensus uses Doomslug and a finality tool to provide feasible finality after one round of communication, and complete Byzantine fault-tolerant finality after the second round of communication. Compared with Tendermint or Libra's Hotstuff system, the delay hasn't improved, however the throughput is doubled. Cross-shard communication All cross-chain communications in Cosmos go through the IBC process. Probabilistic chains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum cannot straight interact, but must interact through "anchor areas". It isn't its design objective to build native apps across chains. Polkadot users can submit a cross-parallel chain transaction to the proofreader, who generates the block on the exit, obtains a final receipt from the relay chain, and gifts it to another parallel chain. Some standard communication protocols have to be set up for these transactions. Ethereum 2.0 also depends on cross-shard transaction receipts to prevent cross-shard atomic failures. Its communication process uses "friends of buddies" model, that's, validators can route their messages through connected fragments. The research brought by Vlad Zamfir continues to be in the theoretical stage. NEAR dynamically adjusts the balance of network assets between shards, and randomly assigns validators to lead to different shards. It uses a receipt transaction structure similar to Ethereum and Polkadot, but integrates shards into chunks, which are usually then written into a individual blockchain, which decreases the price of cross-shard transactions. For decentralized protocols, Ethereum 2.0 is really a risky upgrade Ethereum 1.0 has already been one of the largest and most dynamic blockchain ecosystems, but its technology is outdated. Ethereum 2.0 promises to provide Ethereum with an Internet-scale complex foundation, but it has already been difficult to build a new blockchain, let alone improve a blockchain that already has a large number of users and different wise contracts . With the emergence of Ethereum 2.0, there are some concerns:
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Ethereum 2.0 focuses more on decentralization and scalability, as opposed to the sustainability of the ecosystem The transition from PoW consensus to PoS consensus appears to be the primary topic encircling Ethereum 2.0, however the new sharding design may expand Ethereum into an Internet-level basic blockchain. The advancement of Ethereum 2.0 hasn't yet centered on optimizing the ecosystem for third-party developers and projects. The look of Ethereum 2.0 is constrained by ETH 1.x Although Ethereum 2.0 has gathered the best developers in the industry, many of them are just focusing on transitioning Ethereum from 1.x to ETH2.0. Other brand-new blockchains have no historical conversion costs or technical financial debt. The specs surrounding ETH1, specifically the zero cost surrounding state and various ERC20 tokens, have restricted the options of researchers. Ethereum 2.0 also inherited the troublesome fee market of ETH 1.x. Furthermore, for present ETH 1.x smart contracts, the transformation to Ethereum 2.0 may require rewriting the contract. Ethereum 2.0 pushes state costs to the application layer Because the first-generation blockchain, there is absolutely no charge for hawaii on ETH 1.x, which also makes it bloated. In Ethereum 2.0, each shard forms a consensus around a Merkle condition tree (once they reach an contract on the shard transaction). Essentially, storage and storage costs are completely taken off the core contract. The submitted transaction must include witnesses, which are the history of most states necessary to comprehensive the transaction. The current assumption of Ethereum 2.0 is that off-chain relayers will store state and obtain paid for providing witnesses to users. In Ethereum 2.0, there exists a complex, off-chain, untested model for negotiating the specific price of providing condition between your relayer and the proposer. Storage and restoration of state can hinder third-party advancement on Ethereum Ethereum's idea that normal people can become validators through the use of laptop computers, and transfers the responsibility of state storage space to DApp designers, users or an unbiased relay marketplace. The developer sources of ETH 1.x have been dominated by the Gas optimization strategy. Similarly, building a project on Ethereum 2.0 may also mean that hawaii recovery strategy must be optimized. Ethereum's stateless client is a good thing for little validators, but for DApp developers, it means increased complexity. Cross-shard communication will affect composability The static sharding within Ethereum 2.0 has brought an unequal economic construction to DApps. The shards housing popular smart contracts will become overcrowded. In order to control transaction time and price, various DApps will collect together. For example, the shard containing MakerDAO will work the DeFi DApp built on the shard, and the brand new army in the DApp industry will face an unequal financial landscape. Ethereum's inflation plan is uncertain Ethereum lacks a coherent monetary policy. As the network shifts to PoS, staking and inflation returns will become a controversial governance topic. The number one public chain DApp growth ecological spectrum Cross-chain system: Universe of Chains * Requirements for configuration and customization * Possess protection, cryptoeconomics and governance * Useful for special use instances and traditional enterprises * Approximate to build preset hardware DApp Chain: Entire world of DApps * Standardized environment for developers * Configuration, existing safety, governance and encryption economy are low-end * Developers can use many equipment and infrastructure provided by other DApps to build products * Much like cloud deployment The expansion technology and sustainable ecological design of the NEAR agreement can empower the DApp economy In recent years, cryptography and blockchain research have achieved fruitful results. Especially the proof of stake and the fragmented blockchain. Both styles have undergone rigorous theoretical and practical development. In this context, the NEAR team launched the Nightshade consensus style. It has a novel cross-shard conversation method that may achieve Internet-level scale, composability, predictable gasoline prices, and economically effective cross-shard transactions. NEAR's Nightshade consensus assumes a certain deal will involve multiple shards and can not price differentially across shard transactions. Conversely, if some shards go beyond the utilization and size of others, it'll re-shard or rebalance the network. Like any blockchain, condition is NEAR's most effective long-term resource. Spending money on state storage is essential to guarantee the security of any blockchain. The NEAR contract does not complete this fee on to programmers and customers, but instead provides incentives for on-chain storage space and developers having an easier deployment atmosphere. NEAR's sharding design works such as a single blockchain Unlike Ethereum, the NEAR protocol is a single blockchain, and each shard is rooted on it. Like a traditional blockchain, each block includes all dealings of all shards, but this information does not exist within a physical block; for that reason, each node does not need to shop all the data. On the other hand, validators only store the dealings of their specific shards, and the set of all transactions in the block is physically saved in the "chunks" of every validator in the system. This design can make sure that NEAR will not double invest in cross-shard transactions without sacrificing higher throughput. The "chunk" design and constant reallocation of resources enable Close to achieve more efficient cross-shard communication. The validator role in NEAR NEAR is really a PoS blockchain. Each node needs to pledge NEAR tokens to take part in the reward procedure for the network. Each epoch of the system spans several days, and NEAR randomly assigns nodes to have fun with the following roles in each epoch: * Block Maker: Download all the says of the specified shard at the end of the previous epoch, collect the transactions of the specified shard, and create these changes into the state. * Chunk producer: All chunk suppliers are block suppliers, but block producers do not necessarily store state or transaction data (only change state). The Chunk maker stores a listing of all dealings in the entire epoch of the specified fragment. * Fragment validator: in charge of verifying all transactions of a specific shard and publishing the Merkle root of the shard state. Verifiers are usually rotated and rebalanced between each epoch to ensure a straight distribution of system resources. The NEAR protocol treats all shards equally, enabling fast and efficient cross-shard communication Cross-chain communication Transaction information must be quickly delivered to all necessary nodes, and it must also end up being ensured that malicious dealings or double-spending transactions will not occur. For a cross-shard transaction on NEAR, following the earlier block is prepared, a receipt with each shard that should be interacted with will undoubtedly be generated. Within the next block, the chunk producer collects regular dealings in the shard for which it is responsible and transaction receipts for cross-shard transactions. Disputes and challenges Since the state in the NEAR protocol is not stored centrally, the protocol carries a robust challenge system to make sure validity. Any participant in the system who maintains a fragmented state can challenge the validity of a chunk simply by submitting a proof of an invalid chunk. As soon as an invalid deal happens, the chunk will undoubtedly be rolled back, and any block that contains the chunk will undoubtedly be considered invalid. NEAR's crypto economy creates the sustainable ecosystem for third-party developers cost * Calculation and bandwidth use a constant relationship, combining CPU instructions and bandwidth bytes into a transaction fee. Its description is really as follows: NEAR realizes the dynamic rebalance of resources between shards in the network, in order that each shard can maintain a stable cost structure. What is important is certainly that NEAR strives to ensure a predictable fuel price, not a low fuel price. If the gasoline limit used by the previous block exceeds fifty percent, the gas price increase slightly. Normally, the gas cost will drop. The adjustment of block by block retains the gas fee market stable. * The cost of storing blockchain storage space is high, and neither Bitcoin nor Ethereum may reasonably price it. Hawaii needs continuous storage, but the fee is charged for just one transaction. In the NEAR agreement, users can pledge NEAR tokens to lease part of the state. For instance, 10 MB of state storage space needs 1,049 NEAR tokens. A good contract or user must maintain the very least problem threshold to keep up a state. In addition to the NEAR token pledged to the validator, this model may also cause some deposits of NEAR tokens. Furthermore, this structure produces a symbiotic financing opportunity for projects that issue their very own tokens through pledge of NEAR tokens.
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reward The rewards for network participants are distributed in each epoch, as long as the roles of block/chunk producer and validator are assigned. New networks usually need to incentivize early participants, such as subsidizing dealings by issuing additional native tokens. The NEAR design also allows validators to end up being rewarded from extra issuance, but only if the regular transaction fee does not reach the prize threshold. Its annual inflation rate focus on is 5%. Its reward construction is defined by the next formula: Network inflation based on transaction volume and pledge amount NEAR pledge portion, source: D1 Ventures NEAR's position in the highly scalable blockchain matrix How does the top blockchain assistance ecological development? We horizontally compared the respective strategies and methods of Cosmos, Polkadot, Ethereum 2.0 and NEAR at the brand name positioning, financing, and ecosystem funding and protocol degree funding levels. Brand Positioning Cosmos is aimed at the multi-chain future, focusing on "sovereignty" and "interoperability." Additionally, there are a variety of but related brand names under its umbrella, such as for example Tendermint, ATOM, IBC and Cosmos. It has a solid army of avid designers and has attracted the participation of large institutions (such as Binance), but it hasn't yet attracted enough companies. When Polkadot appeared, the blockchain was incredibly eager for growth and interoperability. The Polkadot architecture will pay more attention to scalability, but nonetheless emphasizes a multi-chain long term in its marketing strategy. Gavin Wood has brought excellent credibility to it, but also for new designers who don't understand its past glory, new techniques are essential to catch the attention of them. Ethereum 2.0 itself is really a brand advertising plan that packs a number of upgrade plans for Ethereum, like the change to PoS consensus and sharding technologies. Nevertheless, this branding plan is mainly aimed at existing communities. Furthermore, Ethereum is still using the "global pc" narrative proposed by Gavin Wood at the Ethereum Basis. However, this brand positioning is slowly becoming refined to, for instance, the DeFi economic field, to meet the requirements of market segments through interoperability. The NEAR brand is simple and clear. These four letters are not only the title of the contract, but additionally the name of the building blocks and token. It offers good brand acknowledgement. For the prevailing neighborhood, NEAR is known for its sophisticated sharding technology, however in marketing outside the blockchain, NEAR targets the concept of "open system" and combines itself with the TCP/IP protocol and Amazon Cloud (AWS). ) On par. Grants and ecological funding The Inter-Chain Foundation (ICF) raised US$17 million in April 2017, and as of November 2019, its funds reach US$104 million. Cosmos may not pay very much focus on the funding of worth ecology, and prefer a liberal-style funding strategy, which is consistent with its safety and economic model. In 2019, 63% of its funds originated from service contracts, 27% originated from grants, and 10% came from equity investment. In October 2019, Web3 and Polychain announced a Polkadot Ecosystem Fund with an quantity of "huge amount of money" that will directly hold equity. For the payment of community infrastructure, Polkadot should not have any monetary pressure. They're mainly focused on attracting projects similarly to Block.One and EOS. All research and funding for Ethereum 2.0 comes from the Ethereum Foundation, which holds 0.6% of the funds. Ethereum also offers Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Ethereum Local community Fund, MolochDAO and Gitcoin matching grants (Grants). However, the focus is on public goods, not on attracting business owners. There is no equity. NEAR came out earlier than another three, nonetheless it was only recently that Open up Web Collective has been established to help entrepreneurs raise funds and build projects on NEAR. Its ecosystem mainly focuses on developers and technical support. During the genesis block, the NEAR Basis managed 47% of NEAR tokens. Protocol level funding Cosmos does not have a treasury on the chain. It utilizes token voting indicators as the main governance system. These indicators will not be executed on the chain. Like Bitcoin, these signals should be executed by validators. Polkadot has an on-chain vault, which mainly comes from transaction charges, fines and invalid pledges. There is a detailed governance process to control these money and their positioning, whether it is infrastructure development, or marketing and advertising activities. On-chain funding is one of the most controversial issues inside the Ethereum community, also it does not seem to become a reality. The solution (see the previous item) has been released, but none of the solutions justify the establishment of a financing agreement foundation. There have always been disagreements between core developers and the wider community. NEAR guides 10% of the benefits inside each epoch to end up being allocated to a good on-chain protocol vault, so that development can be funded without affecting the inflation rate. Its long-term objective would be to manage these money by a decentralized governance process. NEAR financing and token distribution Past financing record Investment agency NEAR token distribution details * $0.32 (locked for 12 months after mainnet launch) * $0.29 (locked for 2 24 months after mainnet launch) * $0.25 (locked for 3 years after mainnet launch) _ Proportion of NEAR token distribution, resource: D1 Ventures_ in conclusion Because the emergence of the "blockchain" concept, experts have been trying to propose new blockchain designs to attain scalable global network throughput without sacrificing decentralization and avoiding the formation of monopoly. With the upcoming launch of Cosmos, Algorand, Blockstack, Solana, Polkadot, NEAR, and Ethereum 2.0, the period of the Internet-level basic layer blockchain offers begun. The query is how to design the very best, which public chain will ultimately win? Five years ago, sharding was still a computer science problem. Proof of rights is not completely tested, and smart contracts are ineffective... Nowadays, although Bitcoin continues to be a "sovereign" electronic asset and the main blockchain, it is not This means that the new generation of blockchain must retake the look and spiritual path of Bitcoin. In the encryption industry, Web3 and DeFi Cambrian have emerged, and some products with marketable possible are also born. Business owners in the industry are more outgoing in their suggestions for building services and businesses. The foundation of inspiration for their innovation is not Bitcoin, but the Internet. As we all understand, the web can attract numerous users and business owners, and offer them with the underlying basis to greatly help innovation. In the end, there may be 2 to 3 3 blockchains to rebuild the brand new Internet experience in a far more decentralized and user-oriented way. The advancement of sharding technology demonstrates this may be the best choice to expand the blockchain now and within the next 10-20 years. Both Ethereum 2.0 and NEAR are employing sharding, and the two teams learn from each other. Ethereum includes a strong developer community and extensive token distribution, which need to promote the execution of 2.0. At least in the next several years, how exactly to achieve the transition from Ethereum 1.x to 2.0 will become the concentrate of attention. The difference between the NEAR sharding style and ETH2.0 is that it prioritizes the total amount of network sources across shards and will not deal with shards differently. NEAR's Nightshade consensus and "large block" design let it act as an individual blockchain to attain Internet-level scale. Bitcoin displays the initial hope of the blockchain, but it took ten years to research and conceive how to do the repair to the Internet degree. NEAR entered the marketplace with a fully functional proof-of-stake sharded blockchain minus the burden of some other chains. Help attract new programmers in non-encrypted areas. If you need to get the full report, you can click on the original link.
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beingchickie · 6 years
YEAR 2020.
Flying cars are still unreal. Self-driving cars have only killed 2 people. Bluetooth headphones have once again, been replaced by the good ol' 35mm headphone jack after the Great Revolution. The reliance on digital screens has caused a social epidemic of poor eyesight. Fortunately, OPTIKAL, a subsidiary of Warby Parker, developed a brand new way of seeing the world. Today, we follow the story of young Bailey, an ex-glasses enthusiast as he adapts to his life with perfect vision.
If you want to find the product, check out amazon. It's not on there. The device is a unique implantable technology that sits unobtrusively on one's temple. With the simple installation of one step: put it on, it optimizes your eyesight by connecting your optical nerve to a larger database of vision. Unseen in the video, the device also provides easy access to Netflix, Hulu, and even Reddit. Memes can be made with a simple gesture by shaking your hand in front of your eye. Other user information can be accessed with a small premium of $2.99 a week.
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theoldtaylors · 5 years
The year is 2020. All the eye doctors have gone out of business. Those little glasses stands at pharmacies have all mysteriously disappeared. The reason? Everyone has 2020 vision
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