#2019 Ford Mustang California Special
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El CEO de Ford, Jim Farley, insinúa un nuevo Mustang GT/CS. - Vaya, parece que el CEO de Ford, Jim Farley, está jugando con nuestros sentimientos de entusiastas de los coches. Ha dejado caer una pista sobre un Mustang GT/CS en potencia. Ah, claro, para los no iniciados, GT/CS significa "California Special". Sí, así es como Ford llama a sus modelos especiales de Mustang. La foto compartida muestra un detalle muy interesante: un emblema GT/CS en la rejilla del coche. Es bastante emocionante, pero, ¡Venga ya, Farley, detén el suspense y danos más detalles! Hasta ahora, sabemos que la última versión del GT/CS estaba basada en el Mustang GT, pero tenía algunas características visuales especiales: franjas únicas en el lado, emblemas exclusivos y un spoiler de pedestal. Uno de los detalles agradables que muchos fans de Ford apreciarán es que la especificación California Special es una especie de guiño a los muscle cars de los años 60, un toque nostálgico. Pero, ¿qué hará Ford con este nuevo modelo? ¿Millerá un poco más de potencia bajo el capó? ¿O jugará con el atractivo del estilo antiguo para atraer a más conductores? ¿Quizás los dos? Con el Mustang GT/CS 2019 rindiendo 460 caballos de fuerza, están bastante altas las expectativas. No se puede negar que sería emocionante ver un nuevo GT/CS con un poco más de ponis de potencia. Sin embargo, al final del día, siempre será el carácter único del modelo lo que haga girar cabezas. Por ahora, sólo podemos conjeturar. Pero seguro que necesitaremos mucha paciencia para descubrir más sobre este misterio creado por Farley. Eso sí, debemos apreciar su sentido del drama. ¡Bien jugado, Ford! ¡Bien jugado! Paz, amor y coches amigos. ¡Esto va a ser emocionante! #CarLovers
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Ford Mustang California Special 2019 - Un traitement spécial qui remonte à la Mustang originale.
Ford Mustang California Special [2019] est de retour avec des mises à niveau. #Ford #FordMustang #Photoscar
Ford Mustang California Special 2019 est de retour avec des mises à niveau. Le Mustang California Special fait partie du répertoire Mustang depuis 1968. Il a_été créé comme un moyen de vendre des Mustangs personnalisées et esthétiques comme la GT / CS. Le California Special n’a jamais été lourd sur la performance, se concentrant plutôt sur le style et offrant quelque chose de différent à…
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A couple more shots of the Lombard Ford Mustang Corral. The California Special and 2019 Bullitt caught me eye. #mustangcorral #lombardford #ford #mustang #mustanggt #americanmuscle #blackfriday #bullitt #californiaspecial (at Barkhamsted, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5dwv90BIML/?igshid=7wkt2l22q31j
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2019 Ford Mustang Changes, Color, Cost
2019 Ford Mustang Changes, Color, Cost
2019 Ford Mustang Changes, Color, Cost – Many reasons exist for a person should buy 2019 Mustang. First of all, we have been talking about a sports car which includes large and sleek collections, excellent gear and exceptional durability that can be sufficient the needs of every person.
2019 Ford Mustang
2019 Ford Mustang Design Exterior
The exterior of 2019 Mustang is a timeless exterior of a…
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#2019 Ford Mustang#2019 Ford Mustang Australia#2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt#2019 Ford Mustang California Special#2019 Ford Mustang Changes#2019 Ford Mustang Cobra#2019 Ford Mustang Cobra Jet#2019 Ford Mustang Colors#2019 Ford Mustang Concept#2019 Ford Mustang Convertible#2019 Ford Mustang Cost#2019 Ford Mustang Cs#2019 Ford Mustang Cup Car#2019 Ford Mustang Diesel#2019 Ford Mustang GT#2019 Ford Mustang Gt California Special#2019 Ford Mustang Gt500#2019 Ford Mustang Gt500 Release Date#2019 Ford Mustang Mach 1#2019 Ford Mustang Release Date#2019 Ford Mustang Shelby Gt500#2019 Ford Mustang Shelby Gt500 Price
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1965 Ford Mustang by Special Car Store Via Flickr: 1965 Ford Mustang at San Marino Motor Classic 2019. Southern California Premier Concours-Level Exhibition A7R09703-20190613.1080
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2019 Ford Mustang GT California Special Is Here https://ift.tt/2YqlZrb Mustang
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2019 Ford Mustang GT California Special Leather Nav MSRP 45755 $37845.00 Click Here Now To Bid
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What a difference 51 years makes contrasting pics of Ford Mustang CS (California Special), 1968 and Ford Mustang California Special 2019
#Ford#Ford Mustang#Ford Mustang California Special#special edition#1968#2019MY#Mustang#What a difference
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Mustang story...et autres...
Le 5 août 2021
J’ai (encore) eu l’opportunité de conduire une Mustang pendant toute une semaine il n’y a pas si longtemps. Ceux qui suivent ce blogue régulièrement se rappelleront certainement que j’ai eu plusieurs Mustang comme voiture de presse au cours de ma carrière et plus encore dernièrement. Comment cela se fait-Il? C’est tout simplement que Ford lance diverses versions de cette voiture que l’on a longtemps connu comme «pony car» (vous comprendrez que le terme «pony» est dérivé de la marque Mustang). Et plus encore depuis les dernières années. Encore là, tout récemment, nous avons eu droit à des Mustang Bullitt, des Mustang Shelby, des GT et tout récemment des Mach One et des California Special. Sans parler des toutes nouvelles Mach E électriques (qui seraient, selon Auto Week, la voiture la plus vendue en Norvège au moment d’écrire ces lignes)…
Les plus récentes versions de Mustang, la Mach One (grise) et la California Special (blanche). Remarquez la similitude de nouveau déflecteur avant sous le pare-chocs. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Mais pourquoi tant de Mustang et peu, sinon pas de Camaro? Je trouve cela bizarre moi aussi. Ce qui est malheureux, c’est que General Motors du Canada ne nous propose pas de Camaro (la dernière que j’ai conduite remonte à septembre 2019 , une RS 1LE à quatre cylindres turbocompressé). Depuis ce temps…silence radio! Il est vrai que la Camaro ne se vend plus comme avant alors que même les Challenger se vendent plus. Mais, tout comme c’en est le cas pour la Mustang et même la Challenger (que FCA- Stellantis me propose régulièrement), Chevrolet nous dévoile aussi certaines nouvelles variantes de la sa Camaro…Alors, pourquoi n’y en a-t-il pas dans son parc de voitures de presse?
Alors, je reviens à la GT California Special que j’ai eue la semaine dernière. Les toutes premières California Special ont d’abord vu le jour en février 1968 chez quelques concessionnaires Ford de ce célèbre état américain alors que la fièvre des «pony cars» et des «muscle cars» battait son plein. Bien entendu, cette auto (en version coupé seulement) dont la différence majeure n’était que des décorations extérieures à la Shelby (prises d’air sur le côté, feux de la Thunderbird, des phares de route et plusieurs décalques) n’était disponible d’abord qu’en Californie puis en très petit nombre sur la Côte Ouest. Il était possible de la commander avec n’importe laquelle motorisation (du six en ligne au 428 avec boîte automatique ou manuelle) alors que moins de 5000 unités ont été produites. Aujourd’hui, une California Special originale peut commander un prix assez élevé sur le marché des «anciennes».
Les California Special au travers le temps. (Photo Ford)
Ford a ravivé l’option California Special en 2007 (jusqu’à 2009) mais cette fois, elle était basée sur une GT. L’option est revenue de 2011 à 2014 puis en 2016 et 2017, toujours sur une version à toit fuyant de la GT ou en cabriolet. La toute dernière version de California Special est toujours basée sur une GT. Donc, sa mécanique demeure un ensemble de composantes «muscle car» incluant un V8 Coyote de 5,0 litres qui fait rien de moins que 460 chevaux et 420 livres-pied de couple. Cet ensemble dirige sa puissance aux roues arrière qui sont combinées à une suspension indépendante qui a alourdi la Mustang mais qui lui a donné une tenue de route unique pour un véhicule de ce gabarit. Notons, outre les freins plus puissants, des pneus Pirelli plus mordants qui aident la Mustang GT à mieux mordre sur le pavé.
La Mustang GT California Special dont il est question ici. (Photo Éric Descarries)
La même California Special vue de l’arrière. Remarquez l’ornement l’identifiant au bas du capot du coffre à droite. (Photo Éric Descarries)
L’intérieur de cette Américaine on ne peut plus typique est vaste et accueillant. Les très longues portières ouvrent facilement pour accueillir les passagers d’avant (comparativement à plusieurs européennes souvent vantées, l’accès à l’habitacle de la Mustang est tellement plus facile que celui des Camaro, par exemple). Un simple déclic derrière le dossier des sièges baquets fait basculer ce dossier facilitant l’accès aux places arrière (surtout avec la capote rabaissée). Si les places avant sont largement dégagées, celles d’arrière sont plus serrées pour les adultes mais très accueillantes pour les enfants. (C’est ici, comme je l’ai déjà noté dans le passé, que la Mustang est plus plaisante pour les enfants que sa concurrente la Camaro car les sièges d’arrière sont plus élevés permettant aux tout petits de mieux voir à l’extérieur. Le compartiment arrière de la Challenger est encore plus spacieux mais l’auto n’existe pas en cabriolet).
Le tableau de bord de la California Special est semblable à celui d’une GT. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Détails du tableau de bord de la California Special. Remarquez qu’à la radio, on y jouait un classique des Beach Boys…tout-à-fait approprié pour la California Special ! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Les places arrière ne sont pas destinées à de grands passagers. Mais les enfants y seront relativement à l’aise! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Le coffre de la Mustang m’a toujours impressionné! Mais le subwoofer (à droite dans le fond) vient lui voler de la place! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Surprise! Il y a même un pneu de secours dans le coffre! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Comme par le passé, je reviens au coffre de la Mustang qui m’impressionne par ses dimensions relativement utiles. J’y ai souvent logé plusieurs valises et accessoires de plage sans me plaindre. Sauf que si l’on choisit l’option des haut-parleurs haut de gamme Bose, on se fait «voler» de la place par l’imposant «subwoofer» dans le coin arrière droite de la malle!
En ce qui a trait à la finition California Special, ce qui la distingue des GT, c’est un intérieur plus élaboré avec une sellerie spécifique avec l’inscription California Special dans le cuir des sièges d’avant et une ornementation unique nous rappelant la nomenclature du modèle.
Sur la route
La California Special est surtout une GT avec une finition unique. Par conséquent, son comportement routier est celui d’une GT selon les réglages choisis par le conducteur. En effet, lorsqu’on se glisse derrière le volant, on y note plusieurs commutateurs dont l’un d’entre eux est frappé du petit cheval en course. En pressant sur celui-ci, il est possible de changer plusieurs réglages dont celui des échappements (de Normal à Sport à Silencieux à Course). Car les échappements peuvent être bruyants (c’est comme cela que je les aime…c’est un «pony car» après tout!) alors que le mode Silencieux plaira plus à vos voisins de la banlieue tôt le matin au démarrage. Les autres réglages peuvent rendre la direction plus ferme ou encore changer la couleur de l’instrumentation du tableau de bord. Il y a tant de réglages…incluant des réglages pour utiliser l’auto en piste de course ou d’accélération (auriez-vous le courage de l’essayer dans de telles circonstances?)
Malgré tout, la California Special est toujours une GT. Avec la boîte manuelle, il faut savoir doser l’embrayage. Ma femme n’a jamais aimé que je joue de l’accélérateur pour débrayer…jusqu’à ce qu’elle conduise une telle auto. Malgré toute la docilité d’un tel V8, il faut savoir trouver le bon régime pour mâter le V8 Coyote. Toutefois, une fois maîtrisé, celui-ci est «doux comme un agneau». Cependant le mordu de performance appréciera ce V8 lorsqu’il est sollicité. Spécifions ici qu’il me faudrait un chapitre complet pour expliquer les divers modes de conduite et surtout Sport et Race qui permettent de mieux exploiter presque manuellement le potentiel de cette auto. Toutefois, pour en tirer le maximum, il me faudrait un circuit routier et une piste d’accélération…
Ce tout récent V8 (surnommé Coyote) n’a rien à voir avec le 5,0 litres (302) des premières Mustang mais on ne peut le voir, le moteur étant bien enfoui dans son compartiment. Notez la barre de renforcement des tours de suspension, un article qui existait déjà en 1968! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Je ne suis pas jeune. Mais, j’ai vécu cette époque des «pony cars » et des «muscle cars». Mes jeunes frères avaient des Mustang avec des V8 «small block» et «big block». Moi, je préférais des autos plus imposantes ou encore mes «indécrottables» Ranchero (autos-pick-up, j’en ai eu trois!). J’ai donc vécu l’époque de ces Américaines avec de puissants V8 mais peu de puissance de freinage ou encore de précision de direction. Aujourd’hui, je possède toujours un roadster Cobra (une réplique) de cette époque avec freins et direction sans assistance (ce qui fait réagir mon fils d’une trentaine d’années qui me demande comment nous faisons à l’époque pour conduire de tels monstres…ce qu’il a tout de même aimé!). Mais alors, les Mustang modernes sont tellement plus dociles et maîtrisables! Ce ne sont certes plus les Mustang d’autrefois! Et pourtant, ces dernières sont toujours utilisées dans des courses de voitures d’antan (Vintages) où elles sont toujours gagnantes! C’est fou comment elles ont évolué! En passant, saviez-vous que la Mustang est la voiture sport la plus vendue au monde? Ses ventes dépassent même celles des Porsche en Allemagne!
En pressant la commande avec l’ornement du petit cheval sur le volant, on peut obtenir ces «options» qui changeront l’instrumentation de la California Special en celle de bolide de course…c’est fou comment l’électronique a modifié le monde de l’automobile! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Seule note négative, il n’est plus possible d’obtenir une Mustang à un prix «abordable» de nos jours. La Mustang n’est plus proposée en version dénudée avec un gros moteur. Même la plus modeste des Mustang d’aujourd’hui est un véhicule de luxe! Dans le cas de la California Special à boîte manuelle, passer du point mort à 100 km/h peut se faire en moins de cinq secondes (on peut le vérifier avec la commande au tableau de bord, pas besoin d’un chronomètre) ce qui est impressionnant pour une auto de presque 4000 livres. Sa tenue de route est tout simplement rassurante (les gros pneus Pirelli y sont pour quelque chose) en autant que l’on ne se prenne pas pour un Gilles Villeneuve sur les routes publiques. Oh! Il y a toujours un petit tremblement dans la structure sur les (si superbement entretenues) routes du Québec mais c’est quand même acceptable. La vitesse maximale? Selon le constructeur, ce serait autour des 250 km/h! Mais veut-on vraiment en arriver là? J’ai préféré profiter de cette légendaire auto, la capote rabaissée (c’est si facile de l’abaisser avec une simple commande au cadre du pare-brise!) avec la musique des Beach Boys (XM Sirius 105) sortant des haut-parleurs B&O…Cependant, est-ce vraiment une auto pour nos hivers? Pas nécessairement quoique j’ai déjà utilisé un coupé GT en plein hiver alors que la voiture était équipée de pneus Pirelli Sottozero qui la rendaient plus sûre. Mais, nous, les plus vieux, nous utilisions des Mustang en hiver durant les années soixante avec de vulgaires «snow grips» qu’à l’arrière. Et ça fonctionnait!
Sérieusement, c’est toujours agréable pour un amateur de voitures comme moi de mettre la main sur une Mustang, surtout une GT California Special. Ce qui est le plus impressionnant, c’est qu’il n’y a pas beaucoup de voitures de ce genre avec autant de puissance et de comportement routier sûr à ce prix (surtout à ce prix !) disponible sur le marché de l’auto.
Oh! Ce prix? Un cabriolet Mustang GT de base commence à 54 460 $. Dans le cas de ma voiture d’essai, il faut lui ajouter l’ensemble 401 A (régulateur de vitesse automatique adaptatif, GPS, etc…) de 2200 $, l’ensemble décoratif California Special de 2500 $, les soupapes d’échappement actives de 1000 $, le chauffe-moteur d’hiver de 150 $, le pneu de secours de 200 $, la radio haut de gamme de 1000 $, la taxe fédérale du climatiseur de 100 $ et les frais de transport et préparation de 1800 $ (et quelques autres petites dépenses supplémentaires) et on en arrive à un total de 63 440 $ …plus taxes.
Oh! Et la consommation? Si l’ordinateur de bord avait calculé ma consommation moyenne de la semaine (50-50 autoroute-ville) à 14,1 l./100 km, mes calculs à la pompe ont plutôt été de 15,4 l./100 km. Ce qui vous semble énorme est quand même raisonnable pour une si grande sportive de plus de 450 chevaux, n’est-ce pas?
L’arrivée de la Mustang Mach E électrique risque de jeter un peu d’ombre sur les Mustang à moteur à combustion interne. Toutefois, je crois qu’il restera encore suffisamment de mordus de la voiture à moteur V8 pour que cette maintenant légendaire voiture survive encore une dizaine, que dis-je, une vingtaine d’années!
Maudit sauvage!
J’ai vu, de mes yeux vu, un conducteur de BMW X5 M faire marche arrière en manœuvre de stationnement sur la rue Jean-Talon le week-end dernier et non seulement s’appuyer sur le pare-chocs d’une (vénérable) Honda Civic mais même la pousser pour pouvoir se dégager et reprendre la route. Jusqu’ici, rien d’alarmant. Sauf que le «chic» monsieur avait une attache de remorque de type «heavy duty» à l’arrière de son X5 et que cet accessoire a laissé toute une marque sur le pare-chocs de la petite auto. J’ai frappé sur la carrosserie du X5 et le conducteur en est sorti. Je lui ai signalé qu’il avait fait des dommages sur la Civic. Il m’a répondu qu’il ne s’était aperçu de rien! (Faut-il croire que les X5 M, un véhicule neuf sûrement très «cheap» n’a pas de caméra de marche arrière…?). Je lui ai suggéré de laisser sa carte d’affaire dans le pare-brise de la Civic (il devait sûrement en avoir une) mais il a remonté dans sa voiture sans dire un mot et il est reparti (j’ai toujours son numéro de plaque). Coudon! À quoi sert notre technologie moderne payée si cher sur nos véhicules si l’on s’en fout! Ce n’était pas une Civic récente mais elle me semblait bien entretenue. Quelle déception de voir un propriétaire de voiture de luxe ne pas avoir plus de respect pour des gens moins fortuné! Je vous laisse le soin d’utiliser l’adjectif que vous voulez pour le «chauffeur» du BMW. J’ai le mien!
Un Explorer notable!
Selon son proprio, il lui aura coûté quelque 4000 $ pour faire «wrapper» son Explorer. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Vu dans un petit centre commercial de Laval, un VUS Ford Explorer «wrappé» pour imiter une vieille voiture toute rouillée! Son propriétaire, un tatoueur local, m’a dit qu’ainsi, il «avait moins peur de se le faire voler»! Original, n’est-ce pas?
Adieu Avalon et NSX!
Nouvelle de dernière heure, selon Automotive News, Toyota aurait l’intention d’arrêter la production de la grande berline Avalon durant les prochains mois. Ce modèle se rapprocherait trop des Camry les plus luxueuses (ce qui fait qu’il ne se vend plus!).
Toujours selon Automotive News, 2022 serait la dernière année de production de la superbe Acura NSX…
Et, finalement, pas de Salon de New York!
Enfin, les organisateurs du Salon international de l’auto de New York viennent d’annoncer que celui-ci, qui a été déplacé d’avril à la troisième semaine d’août, sera finalement annulé (blâmer le reprise de la Covid-19!). On ne s’attendait pas à de nombreux dévoilements mais il y avait au programme celui du nouveau coupé Z de Nissan, de la version 4xe de la Grand Cherokee, de la nouvelle Subaru WRX et de l’Elantra en version N…
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Auto, Home and Personal Insurance Quotes
Auto, Home and Personal Insurance Quotes. The above is meant as general information and as general policy descriptions to help you understand the different types of coverages. These descriptions do not refer to any specific contract of insurance and they do not modify any definitions, exclusions or any other provision expressly stated herein. We encourage you to speak to your insurance representative and to read your policy contract to fully understand your coverages. The coverages and terms discussed herein are not authorization of any covered loss. Coverages and exclusions are the sole responsibility of the corresponding and their respective owners. HomeInsurance.com, LLC, is a licensed insurance producer resident in North Carolina with license number 020773852, with its principle place of business at 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28277. HomeInsurance.com, LLC services are only available in states where it is , and insurance coverage through HomeInsurance.com may not be available in all states. No matter if you rent an apartment or.
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Insuring Cantonand all of OhioCall (330) 493-1010If you’re searching for or just a good idea to compare rates, CarInsuranceComparison.com was created because we wanted to make it easy for anyone to compare car insurance online - from many different companies! Disclaimer: CarInsuranceComparison.com strives to present the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on saving money on car insurance possible. This information may be different than what you see when you visit an insurance provider, insurance agency, or insurance company website. All insurance rates, products, and services are presented without warranty and guarantee. When evaluating rates, please verify directly with your insurance company or agent. Quotes and offers are not binding, nor a guarantee of coverage. Car insurance is required in Columbus, Ohio (it is in our other cities) to be purchased, paid for and delivered to drivers insured. In order to pay for the coverage you choose, you need to have car insurance in your city. For all drivers and owners of vehicles that.
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OBDSTAR Odo Master mileage programmer Car list ,pls Press “ctrl+F” to check your car
Brand Model Year Dash board type/BSI Alfa Romeo 147 93C86 Alfa Romeo 147 NEC Alfa Romeo 159 VDO Alfa Romeo Brera 93C86 VDO Audi A1 NEC+24C64 Audi A3 2003-2006 Audi A3 2007-2010 Audi A3 MQB 2012-2014.06 Audi A3 MQB 2014.06- Audi A4 RB4 2002-2005 Audi A4 RB4 2006-2007 Audi A4L 2008-2012 Audi A4L 2013- Audi A5 2008-2012 Audi A5 2013- Audi A6 1998-2004 Audi A6L 2004-2008 Audi A6L 2009-2012 Audi A6L 2012- Audi A7 2010- Audi A8L 2003-2006 Audi A8L 2007-2010 Audi A8L 2010- Audi Q2 MQB 2014.06- Audi Q3 NEC+24C64 Audi Q5 2008-2012 Audi Q5 2013- Audi Q7 2006-2008 Audi Q7 2009- Audi R8 R8 2007- Audi S5 2008-2012 Audi S5 2013- Audi S8 2007-2011 Audi TT TT 2007-2010 Bentley Coninental -2007 Bentley Coninental 2008- Bentley Mousse -2011 Bentley Mousse 2012- Benz A Series W169 Benz A Series W176 Benz B Series W245 Benz B Series W246 Benz C Series W203 Benz C Series W204 Benz C Series W205 Benz CLA Series W117 Benz CLK Series C2079E-Coupe) Benz CLK Series W209 Benz CLS Series W218(2011-) Benz E Series A201(E-Cabrio) Benz E Series W211 Benz E Series W212 Benz G Series W463 Benz GL Series X164 Benz GLK Series X204 Benz ML Series W164 Benz ML Series W166 Benz R Series W251 Benz S Series W221 Benz S Series W222 Benz S Series C216 Benz SL Series R231 Benz SLC Series R197 Benz SLK Series R171 Benz SLK Series R172 Besturn Old Besturn BMW/MINI FEM/BDC Chrysler 1500 2002-2005 Chrysler 1500 2000-2001 Chrysler 200 2015 Chrysler 200 2010- Chrysler 2500 2003-2005 Chrysler 300 2015- Chrysler 300C 2018- Chrysler 300C 2015 D70F3525 Chrysler 300C 2011- Chrysler 300C -2010 Chrysler 300M 2001-2004 Chrysler 300M 1998-2000 Chrysler 3500 2003-2005 Chrysler Aspen 2006- Chrysler Avenger 2010- Chrysler Avenger 2007-2009 Chrysler Caliber 2009- Chrysler Caliber 2006-2008 Chrysler Caravan 2012- Chrysler Caravan 2011 Chrysler Caravan 2008-2010 Chrysler Caravan 2001-2007 Chrysler Charger 2018- Chrysler Charger 2016- Chrysler Charger 2015 D70F3525 Chrysler Charger 2011- Chrysler Charger 2004- Chrysler Cherokee 2018- Chrysler Cherokee 2015 Chrysler Commander 2018 Chrysler Commander 2017 Chrysler Commander 2005- Chrysler Compass 2018- Chrysler Compass 2018 Chrysler Compass 2008- Chrysler Compass 2005-2007 Chrysler Concord 2001-2004 Chrysler Concord 1998-2000 Chrysler Dakota 2004- Chrysler Dakota 2001-2003 Chrysler Dart 2012- Chrysler Durango 2018- Chrysler Durango 2014- Chrysler Durango 2011- Chrysler Durango 2007-2010 Chrysler Durango 2004-2006 Chrysler Durango 2001-2003 Chrysler Grand Cherokee 2018- Chrysler Grand Cherokee 2014- Chrysler Grand Cherokee 2011- Chrysler Grand Cherokee 2005-2010 Chrysler Grand Cherokee 2002-2004 Chrysler Chanllenger 2018- Chrysler Chanllenger 2015 D70F3525 Chrysler Interepid 2001-2004 Chrysler Interepid 1998-2000 Chrysler Journey 2011-2012 Chrysler Journey 2008- Chrysler LHS 2001-2004 Chrysler LHS 1998-2000 Chrysler Liberty 2008- Chrysler Liberty 2002-2007 Chrysler Magnum 2004- Chrysler Neon 2001- Chrysler Neon 1999-2001 Chrysler New Sebring 2007- Chrysler New Sebring 2001-2006 Chrysler Nitro 2006- Chrysler Pacifica 2018- Chrysler Pacifica 2017- Chrysler Pacifica 2007- Chrysler Pacifica 2003-2006 Chrysler Patriot 2014- Chrysler Patriot 2006- Chrysler PT Cruiser 2006- Chrysler PT Cruiser 2002-2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser 999-2001 Chrysler Ram 2018- Chrysler Ram 2013- Chrysler Ram 2011- Chrysler Ram 2009- Chrysler Ram 2006-2008 Chrysler Ram-700 2015 Chrysler Renegade 2018- Chrysler Sebring 2010- Chrysler Sebring 2007-2009 Chrysler Sebring 2001-2006 Chrysler SRI SRI-6 2010- Chrysler SRI SRI-5 2005- Chrysler SRI SRI-4 2005- Chrysler SRI SRI-3 2005- Chrysler SX SX-2.0 2001- Chrysler TJ/JY/CJ 2007 Chrysler TJ/JY/CJ 2003-2005 Chrysler Voyager 2015- Chrysler Voyager 2008 Chrysler Voyager 2001-2007 Chrysler Wrangler 2007- Chrysler Wrangler 2003-2005 Citroen Dashboard C3 2009 Citroen Dashboard C3-XR Citroen Dashboard C4 2010- Citroen Dashboard C4L Citroen Dashboard C4 Castus Mono 2014- Citroen Dashboard C4 Picasso TFT 2014- Citroen Dashboard C4 Picasso Mono 2014- Citroen Dashboard C-Elysee Citroen Dashboard DS3 Citroen Dashboard DS4 Citroen Dashboard DS5 Citroen Dashboard Jumper 2015 Citroen BSI Continental SC667050+95256 CAN(BSI-Q0X-00) Citroen BSI JC easy CAN4F1M-32+95128 CAN(BSI04EV-K0X) Citroen BSI JC easy Can4+29LV400BB+95128 CAN Citroen BSI JC SPC560b60+95128 can(bsi04ev2-kex) Citroen BSI SIEMENS 1L00M=95128/95256 CAN (BSI-S0X) Citroen BSI SIEMENS D76F0018=95160 KLINE(BSI-E0X/BSI-F0X) Citroen BSI VALEO SC667152+95256 CAN(BSI-N0X) Citroen BSI VALEO 2M48H=24C128 CAN(BSIEV-X0X-00) Citroen BSI VALEO 4L00M+95128/25128 CAN(BSI2004-P0X-00) Farrari 458 Italy Farrari 458 special 2014- Farrari 488 GTB 2014- Farrari California Farrari California T 2014- Farrari La Ferrari 2014- Fiat 500 500 Fiat 500 500L Fiat 500 500 TFT Fiat 500 500X Fiat 500 500X TFT Fiat Albea 95040 Fiat Brava 95040 Fiat Bravo 95040 Fiat Croma 95040 Fiat Doblo 95040 Fiat Doblo 2015 Fiat Doblo 2011 Fiat Ducato 95040 Fiat Ducato 2015 Fiat Ducato 2006- Fiat Ducato 2011- Fiat Fiorino Fiat Freemont 2012 Fiat Grande Punto Fiat Idea 95040 Fiat Linea 95040 Fiat Marelli Fiat Mobi 2018 Fiat Palio 95040 Fiat Palio MM95160 Fiat Palio VDO Fiat Panda 95040 Fiat Panda 2012 Fiat Punto 95040 Fiat Punto 2015 95160 Fiat Punto EVO Fiat Qubo Fiat Siena VDO Fiat Stilo Fiat Strada VDO Fiat Talento 2017- Fiat Talento 2016- Fiat Toro 2017- Fiat Toro 2016- Fiat Uno way VDO Fiat Uno way 2015 MM Ford 500 Ford Crown Victoria 2005- Ford C-max 2016 Ford C-max 2012 Ford C-max 2011 NEC 70F3425 Ford C-max 2 pointer Color meter (MAC7116+24C16) Ford E250 2008-2009 Ford E350 2008-2009 Ford E450 2008-2009 Ford Ecosport 2017- Ford Ecosport 2013- Ford Edge 2016- Ford Edge 2015- Ford Edge -2015 Ford Edge 2011 D70F3423 Ford Edge Hybrid 2012 Ford Endeavour 2015 Ford Escape 2013 Ford Escape 2008-2012 Ford Expedition 2017 Ford Expedition 2011 Ford Expedition 2007-2010 Ford Explore 2016 Platinum edition Ford Explore 2016 Ford Explore 2015- Ford Explore 2007-2010 Ford Explore 2004 Ford F150 2017 SPC5645(24C32) Ford F150 2015- Ford F150 2013 SPC5604 Ford F150 2006-2007 Ford F250 2018 Ford F250 2017 Ford F250 2006-2007 Ford F350 2018 Ford F350 2006-2007 Ford F450 2018 Ford F450 2006-2007 Ford F500 2006-2007 Ford F550 2018 Ford F550 2006-2008 Ford Fiesta 2017- Ford Fiesta 2013- Ford Fiesta -2012 Ford FIGO/Aspire 2016-2018 Ford Flex 2008-2012 Ford Focus 2019 Ford Focus 2013- Ford Focus 2011 NEC 70F3425 Ford Focus 2009 Multifuntional screen Ford Focus 2005-2008 Ford Freestar 2006- Ford Freestyle SPC56XX Ford Freestyle 2005- Ford Fusion 2017 Ford Fusion 2016 Ford Fusion 2015 Ford Fusion 2013 Ford Fusion Hybrid 2017 Ford KA 2018- Ford KA 2017- R5F10 Ford KA 2016- R5F10 Ford KA 2015- Ford Kuga 2013- Ford Kuga 2013 Ford Kuga 2012- Ford Kuga 2012 Ford Kuga 2010 Ford Merc Mariner 2008- Ford Mustang 2015- Ford Mustang 2013 SPC5606 Ford Mondeo 2016 SPC5604 Ford Mondeo 2015 Ford Mondeo 2011-2013 Ford Mondeo 2007-2010 Ford Navigator 2017 Ford Navigator 2011 Ford Navigator 2007-2010 Ford New Mondeo Small Color Meter Ford New Mondeo Big Color Meter Ford New Mondeo Double Color Meter Ford New Mondeo Monochrome Screen Meter Ford New Mondeo 2 pointer Color meter (MAC7116+24C16) Ford New Mondeo 2015- SPC5645+93C86 Ford New Mondeo 2015- SPC5645+24C32 Visteon Ford Police Interceptor 2016 Ford Ranger 2017 SC667351+93C86 Ford Ranger 2016- SPC5606 Ford Ranger 2015- SPC5645S+93C86 Ford Ranger 2013 SPC560 Ford Ranger 24C16 Ford S-max Monochrome Screen Meter Ford S-max 2 pointer Color meter (MAC7116+24C16) Ford S-max 2007-2010 4 point Color Meter Ford Town Car 2005 Ford Taurus 2015- Ford Taurus 2008-2009 Ford Taurus 2004 Ford Tourneo Courier 2014- 9S12XEQ384 Ford Transit 2013 NEC 70F3425 Ford Transit 2012 24C32 Ford Transit Courier 2014- 9S12XEQ384 Ford Transit Custom 2018- Ford Transit Connect 2017- Geely GC9 Geely GS DF0F3529 Geely GL Geely GX7 Geely GX9 Geely SX11 Geely SX11 2018 Buick Allure 2005-2009 Buick Century Buick Enclave 2007- Buick Encore 2017- Buick Encore -2016 Buick Envision 2017- Buick Envision -2016 Buick Excelle Buick GL8 New GL8 Buick GL8 Old GL8 Buick Firstland 2011 Buick Landcross 2017- Buick Landcross 2007- Buick Landcross -2007 Buick Lucerne 2007- Buick Regal 2017- Buick Regal 2007- Buick Regal -2007 Buick Rendezvous 2000- Buick Velite 5 Buick Verano 2013 Buick Verano 2017- Cadillac ATS 2017- Cadillac ATS 2013- Cadillac ATSL 2017- Cadillac CT6 2017- Cadillac CT6 2016 Cadillac DTS 2007 Cadillac Escalade 2018- Cadillac Escalade 2015- Cadillac Escalade 2007- Cadillac Escalade 2003-2006 Cadillac Escalade -2002 Cadillac SRX Cadillac STX 2007- Cadillac XT4 2017- Cadillac XT6 2019 Cadillac XT5 2017- Cadillac XTS 2018- Cadillac XTS 2013- Cheverolet Alero 1998- Cheverolet Alpheon 2010 Cheverolet Astro 2001- Cheverolet Avalanche 2014- Cheverolet Avalanche 2007- Cheverolet Avalanche 2003-2006 Cheverolet Avalanche -2002 Cheverolet Aveo Cheverolet Aveo 2011 Cheverolet Blazer 1998 Cheverolet Blazer 1997-1998 Cheverolet Camaro 2019 24C32 Cheverolet Camaro 2010- Cheverolet Camaro 1999- Cheverolet Captiva Cheverolet Cavalier 2001-2005 Cheverolet Cobalt 2012 Cheverolet Cobalt 2008- Cheverolet Cobalt 2005-2007 Cheverolet Colorado 2005- Cheverolet Colorado Hour 2017- Cheverolet Corvette 2017- Cheverolet Corvette 2013- Cheverolet Corvette 2010- Cheverolet Corvette 1999-2004 Cheverolet Corvette Grand Sport 2017- Cheverolet Cruze 2017- Cheverolet Cruze 2010- Cheverolet Equinox 2010- Cheverolet Equinox 2007-2009 Cheverolet Equinox 2005-2006 Cheverolet Express 2008- Cheverolet Express 2003-2007 Cheverolet Express Cutaway 2008- Cheverolet Grand AM 1998- Cheverolet HHR 2008- Cheverolet HHR 2005-2007 Cheverolet Hornet 2017- Cheverolet Hornet -2016 Cheverolet Impala 2006- Cheverolet Impala 2000-2005 Cheverolet Imtrigue 1998- Cheverolet Lacetti 2010 Cheverolet Malibu 2017- Cheverolet Malibu 2010- Cheverolet Malibu 2008- Cheverolet Malibu 2004-2007 Cheverolet Malibu XL 2017- Cheverolet Montana 2006- Cheverolet Montana 2000-2005 Cheverolet Monte Carlo 2006- Cheverolet Monte Carlo 2000-2005 Cheverolet Onix 2012 Cheverolet Orlando 2012 Cheverolet Prisma 2012 Cheverolet S10 2012 Cheverolet S10 1998- Cheverolet S10 1997-1998 Cheverolet Silverado 2017- Cheverolet Silverado 2014-2016 Cheverolet Silverado 2007- Cheverolet Silverado 2003-2006 Cheverolet Silverado 1997-2001 Cheverolet Sonic Cheverolet Sonic 2012 Cheverolet Spark 2014 Cheverolet Spin 2012 Cheverolet Suburban 2017- Cheverolet Suburban 2014-2016 Cheverolet Suburban 2007- Cheverolet Suburban 2003-2006 Cheverolet Suburban 1998-2002 Cheverolet Tahoe 2017- Cheverolet Tahoe 2014-2016 Cheverolet Tahoe 2007- Cheverolet Tahoe 2003-2006 Cheverolet Tahoe 2000-2002 Cheverolet Trax Cheverolet Traiblazer Cheverolet Uplander 2005-2009 Cheverolet Vectra Cheverolet Venture 2000- Cheverolet Volt 2012 GMC Acadia 2007-2009 GMC Canyon 2005 GMC Denali 2007- GMC Denali 2003-2006 GMC Denali 2000-2002 GMC Envoy GMC Safari 2001- GMC Savana 2008- GMC Savana 2003-2007 GMC Sierra 2017- GMC Sierra 2015- GMC Sierra 2014 GMC Sierra 2007- GMC Sierra 2003-2006 GMC Sierra 1999-2001 GMC Sonoma 1998- GMC Sonoma 1997-1998 GMC Terrain 2010- GMC Yukon 2017- GMC Yukon 2014- GMC Yukon 2007- GMC Yukon 2003-2006 GMC Yukon 2000-2002 Hummer H2 2007- Hummer H2 2003-2006 Hummer H3 2005 Oldsmonile Alero 1998- Oldsmonile Aurora 2001- Oldsmonile Bravada Oldsmonile Intrigue 1998- Oldsmonile Oldsmobile 1998- Oldsmonile Silhouette 2000- Pontiac Aztek 2000- Pontiac Boneville 2001- Pontiac Firebird 1999- Pontiac G5 2008- Pontiac G5 2004-2007 Pontiac G6 2008- Pontiac G6 2004-2007 Pontiac Grand Am 1998- Pontiac Grand Prix 2001-2003 Pontiac pursuit 2008- Pontiac pursuit 2005-2007 Pontiac Solstice Pontiac Sunfire 2001-2005 Pontiac Torrent 2007-2006 Saturn Outlook 2007- Saturn Saturn 908 2001- Saturn Relay 2005- Saturn Vue Greatwall H6 Greatwall H8 Greatwall H9 Hyundai Accent Type-1 24C16 Hyundai Accent Type-2 D70F3536 Hyundai Accent Type-3 Hyundai Avante 2011- Hyundai Avante MB91F061BS Hyundai Azera DF0F3423 Hyundai Azera D70F35XX Hyundai Azera R7F70140X Hyundai Creta D70F3536 Hyundai Creta Hyundai Elantra 2011- Hyundai Elantra D70F3536 Hyundai Elantra MB91F061BS Hyundai Genesis 2015 Hyundai Genesis D70F3421 Hyundai Genesis D70F3536 Hyundai Gets 24C16 Hyundai HB20 D70F3421 Hyundai HB20 D70F3423 Hyundai I20 24C16 Hyundai I20 D70F3421 Hyundai I20 D70F3536 Hyundai I20 Elite Hyundai I25 24C16 Hyundai I30 2015 MB91F062BS Hyundai I40 2015 MB91F062BS Hyundai IX20 D70F3421 Hyundai IX20 D70F3536 Hyundai IX35 2018- Hyundai Kona 2018- Hyundai Kona S&T Motiv Hyundai Mistra Hyundai Santa MB91F061BS Hyundai Solaris D70F3536 Hyundai Solaris D70F3423 Hyundai Solaris D70F342X Hyundai Solaris D70F353X Hyundai Sonata9 D70F3526 Hyundai Sonata9 D70F3536 Hyundai Sonata9 MB91F062BS Hyundai Tucson 2015 MB91F062BS Hyundai Tucson 2016 D70F3536 Hyundai Tucson VDO D70F3536 Hyundai Verna 24C16 Hyundai Veloster 24C16 Hyundai Veloster D70F3421 Hyundai Veloster D70F3525 Hyundai Veracruz D70F3421 Infinite JX35 2012- Infinite QX60 2013- Iveco 2014- Iveco 2011- Iveco 2007- Jaguar F Series Jaguar XE Series 2016 Jaguar XE Series 2015 Jaguar XF Series 2015- Jaguar XF Series 24C64 Jaguar XJ Series 2016 Jaguar XJ Series 2010- Jaguar XK Series 24C64 Jaguar XKR 24C64 Kia Accent 2011- Kia Carnival MB91F061BS Kia Ceed 24C16 Kia Ceed D70F3XXX Kia Ceed D70F3421 Kia Ceed D70F35XX Kia Ceed NEC Kia Ceed NEC+24C16 Kia Ceed D70F3423 Kia K2 MB91F061BS Kia K4 Kia K5 24C16 Kia K5 D70F3423 Kia K5 D70F3536 Kia KX5 D70F3536 Kia Magentis 24C16 Kia Magentis D70F3421 Kia Magentis D70F35XX Kia Magentis D70F353X Kia Magentis NEC Kia Magentis NEC+24C16 Kia Optima 24C16 Kia Optima D70F3421 Kia Optima D70F352X Kia Optima D70F3536 Kia Optima D70F35XX Kia Optima NEC Kia Optima NEC+24C16 Kia Picanto MB91F061BS Kia Rio 24C16 Kia Rio D70F3421 Kia Rio D70F3423 Kia Rio D70F35XX Kia Rio NEC Kia Sedona MB91F061BS Kia Sorento 24C16 Kia Sorento D70F3423 Kia Sorento D70F3536 Kia Sorento D70F3526 Kia Sorento D70F35XX Kia Sorento IC VDO D70F3421 Kia Sorento IC VDO D70F3423 Kia Sorento IC VDO D70F353X Kia Sorento MB91F061BS Kia Sorento NEC Kia Sorento NEC+24C16 Kia Soul 24C16 Kia Soul D70F3421 Kia Soul D70F3536 Kia Soul D70F35XX Kia Soul NEC Kia Sortage D70F3421 Kia Sortage D70F3536 Kia Sortage D70F35XX Kia Sortage NEC Kia Sortage NEC+24C16 Kia Sortage VDO D70F3421 Kia Sortage VDO D70F3426 Kia Sortage VDO R7F701411 Kia Sportage GT D70F3526+25160 Kia Sportage R 24C16 Kia Sportage R D70F3423 Kia Sportage R D70F3536 Kia Stinger 2017- Kia Stinger VDO R7F7014XX Kia Stonic 2017- Kia Stonic VDO R7F7014XX Lancia Delta 2008- Lancia Lancia Y 93C66 VDC Lancia Musa 2008- Landrover Discovery 4 2015- Landrover Discovery 4 2010-2014 Landrover Qevoque 2015- Landrover Qevoque 2011- Landrover Freelander 2013 Landrover Ranger Rover 2017 Full LCD Landrover Ranger Rover 2015 Full LCD Landrover Ranger Rover 2010- Landrover Ranger Rover Sport 2017- Full LCD Landrover Ranger Rover Sport 2017 Full LCD Landrover Ranger Rover Sport 2016 with pointer Landrover Ranger Rover Sport 2014 Landrover Ranger Rover Sport 2010 Landrover Velar 2018 24C64 Maserati Ghibli 95160 Maserati Ghibli 95320 Maserati Levante 95320 Maserati Quartoporte 95160 Mazda M6(Atenza) Mazda M3 Mazda CX4 Mazda CX5 Mazda CX7 2010- Mazda CX9 Mazda M2 Mazda M3 Mazda M5 Mazda M6 2014- Mazda M6 2009-2013 Mazda M6 2005-2009 MG MG7 Mitsubishi Asx 70F35XX Mitsubishi Asx MB91F223+93C86 Mitsubishi L200 2017- Mitsubishi OutLander MB91F223+93C86 Mitsubishi Outlander III 70F3425 Color Mitsubishi Outlander III 70F3425 Mono Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 70F35XX Mitsubishi Raider 2005- Nissan Altima Nissan Kicks 2017- Nissan Kicks 2016- Nissan Pathfinder Nissan Teana 2013 Opel Adam 2012 Opel Astra 2010 Opel Cascada 2013 Opel Combo 2015 Opel Combo 2011 Opel Corse E Opel Insigina Opel Insignia 2010 Opel Karl Opel Mokka 2012 Opel Movano 3 Opel Vivaro 2 Opel Vivaro 93C76 Opel ZaFira C Peugeot Boxer 2015 Peugeot 208 Peugeot 2008 Peugeot 301 Peugeot 3008 Peugeot 308 2014- Peugeot 5008 Peugeot 508 Porsche 911 2005-2010 Porsche 918 2015 Porsche Boxster 2005-2010 Porsche Cayenne 2010 Porsche Cayenne -2009 Porsche Cayman 2005-2010 Porsche Panamera 2010 Proton Previa 2012 24C16 Proton Preve 2012 Renault Captur 2017- Renault Captur 2013- Renault Clio 2017- Renault Clio 2013- Renault Koleos Renault Trafic IV 2017- Renault Trafic IV 2013- Renault Twingo III Roewe 750 Roewe 950 Seat Alhambra NEC+24C64 Seat Altea NEC+24C64 VDO-12 Seat Libza 2009 NEC+24C32 VDO Seat Libza NEC+24C64 VDO-12 Seat Libza 2014.06- MQB Seat Libza VDO KLINE Seat Leon 2009-2010 NEC+24C32 VDO Seat Leon NEC+24C64 VDO-12 Seat Leon 2012-2014.06 MQB Seat Leon 2014.06- MQB Seat Leon VDO KLINE Seat Toledo 2014.06- MQB Skoda Fabia VDO KLINE Skoda Fabia 2007- NEC+24C32 VDO Skoda Fabia NEC+24C64 VDO-12 Skoda Fabia 2013-2015 NEC35xx Skoda Fabia 2014.06- MQB Skoda Octavia -2006 Skoda Octavia 2007- CDC Skoda Octavia 2009-2010 NEC+24C32 VDO Skoda Octavia NEC+24C64 VDO-12 Skoda Octavia 2012-2014.06 MQB Skoda Octavia 2014.06- MQB Skoda Octavia VDO KLINE Skoda Rapid 2013-2015 NEC35xx Skoda Rapid 2014.06- MQB Skoda Rapid VDO KLINE Skoda Rapid Spaceback 2014-2015 NEC35xx Skoda Rapid Spaceback VDO KLINE Skoda Superb NEC+24C32 VDO Skoda Superb NEC+24C64 VDO-12 Skoda Superb 2014.06- MQB Skoda Superb VDO KLINE Skoda Yeti NEC+24C64 Smart BR451 Smart BR453 Ssangyong Actyon 24C16 Ssangyong Actyon D70F342X Ssangyong Actyon D70F352X Ssangyong Actyon NEC Ssangyong Korando NEC Ssangyong Rexton R7F701412 VDO Ssangyong Tivoli R7F70F353X Subaru D70F3529 Suzuki Grand Vitara D70F3421 Suzuki Grand Vitara D70F3422 Suzuki Kizashi D70F3422 Suzuki XL7 2006-2010 Suzuki SX4 2013 Suzuki SWIFT D70F3421+24C16 Toyota Auris 2013 Toyota Auris 2015-2016 Toyota Avensis 2013 Toyota Avensis 2015-2016 Toyota Camry 2018 R7F701406 VDO Toyota CH-R D70F35XX Toyota CH-R D70F3535 Toyota Corolla 2013 NEC+24C16 Toyota Corolla 2014-2016 Toyota Proace BSI04 Toyota Tacoma 2016 Volvo S40 2007- 3L16Y Volvo S50 2007- 3L16Y Volvo S60 2000-2001 4F73K Volvo S60 2001-2002 3K91D Volvo S60 2003-2007 0L85D Volvo S60 2007- Volvo S80 1999-2000 1H56A Volvo S80 2000-2001 4F73K Volvo S80 2001-2002 3K91D Volvo S80 2003-2007 0L85D Volvo S80 2003-2007 0L85D Volvo S80 2010- 1M80F Volvo V40 2003-2007 0L85D Volvo V40 2012- 1M80F 500K Volvo V50 2003-2007 0L85D Volvo V50 2007- 3L16Y Volvo V70 1999-2000 1H56A Volvo V70 2000-2001 4f73K Volvo V70 2001-2002 3K91D Volvo V70 2003-2007 0L85D Volvo V70 2008- 1K78X Volvo XC60 2007- Volvo XC60 2012- 1M80F-500K Volvo XC70 2001-2002 3K91D Volvo XC70 2003-2007 0L85D Volvo XC70 2007- Volvo XC70 2010- 1M80F Volvo XC90 2001-2002 3K91D Volvo XC90 2003-2007 0L85D Volvo XC90 2008 1K78X VW Amarok NEC+24C64 VW Bora 2013 JC VW Bora 2009- NEC+34C32 VDO VW Bora 2013-2015 NEC35XX VW Bora VDO KLINE VW Beetle NEC+95320 MM VW Beetle BEETLE KLINE VW Caddy NEC+24C64 VW Caddy 2008- CDC VW Caddy VDO KLINE VW CC NEC+24C32 VW CC NEC+24C64 VW CDC 2007- VW Cross Lavida 2013-2015 NEC35XX VW DSG VW EOS 2006-2007 VW EOS 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Hottest cars of 2020 that turned cold due to Covid-19
A total Ferrari production halt on March 14 included production of the 611-horsepower, V8 Roma, which was supposed to roll into dealerships toward the end of the year. By Hannah Elliott and Kyle Stock At least three years and about $1 billion. That’s roughly what it takes to make a new vehicle, from drafting table to dealerships. Car companies live and die by that long-range gamble—but every once in a while, the bet coincides with an economic disaster. The coronavirus pandemic and its attendant recession may be the worst time to launch a car since, well, since we’ve had cars. Selling a Model A was a tough task during the Great Depression, but at least dealerships were open and some assembly lines still humming. The global auto industry of 2020 is witnessing an unprecedented, near-instantaneous drop in demand as potential customers steer clear of car lots, and dealers close up shop to comply with public health mandates. Volkswagen, Honda, Hyundai, and Mazda each reported a more than 40% decline in U.S. sales last month. For the year, S&P expects global auto sales to plummet almost 15%. For sales of the most anticipated cars of 2020, the timing couldn’t be worse. In a normal economy, the first few months for any shiny new machine are relative magic. Overeager customers clamor for the fanciest, most profitable versions, and dealers seldom have to offer discounts or incentives. Now, every sale (done online or over the phone) will be considered a coup. What’s more, the newest machines aren’t just grocery getters—they’re the result of product decisions made during one of the industry’s hottest streaks—the fruits of bull market research and development. Many are bold bids for incremental business, niche cars that might not have received a green light in a shakier economy. Among them are a few futuristic electric vehicles, which suddenly must contend with some of the lowest gas prices on record. Others are six-figure speed machines that were banking on Wall Street bonuses and swelling stock markets, neither of which seem likely in 2020. What follows are some of most needle-moving whips rolled out in years—all for a pre-coronavirus world. With would-be buyers now focused on the grave crisis at hand, this is less a preview of automaker glory than a wistful look at what might have been. SUVs The much-anticipated new Land Rover Defender launches this year with the historic brand’s manufacturing sites shuttered. While the vehicle’s release remains on schedule, the first media test drives planned for April were predictably canceled. The good news for the British automaker though is that the off-road rig, a stalwart of British royalty for four decades, got a fair amount of publicity last year: The Defender’s official debut took place at the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show, and it has been making the rounds on Instagram ever since. Along with the Defender, the reborn Ford Bronco is one of the most hyped vehicles in years. In 1996, Ford parked the Bronco name (which dates back to the mid-1960s) after O.J. Simpson provided the worst kind of publicity. In subsequent years, the seminal SUV became a design icon and collector’s item as Jeep took over ownership of the off-road adventure market. We were supposed to see the new Bronco on April 2, but its debut has been delayed. In North America alone, the pandemic is destroying $12 billion in potential sales each week while scrapping 331,000 vehicles that would otherwise have come off of assembly lines, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. Still, U.S. automakers like Ford hope the second half of 2020 will allow them to make up some lost ground. Crosstown rival Chevrolet has turned to Trailblazer, a nameplate that’s been defunct in the U.S. since 2009, to carry its newest, small, crossover SUV. With an optional three-cylinder engine and a sticker price below $20,000, the little rig is aimed at young, outdoorsy folk. Chevrolet, however, already has three smallish SUVs to sell. Moreover, Kia is aiming for the just-right-size SUV market with its new Seltos, another middle child in a big family. The Seltos began selling in the U.S. in February, before the coronavirus shutdowns began in earnest. For now, the machine is coming from factories in Korea, which are still running. Aston Martin’s make-or-break DBX, another latecomer to the luxury SUV game, is the first of its kind from the 107-year-old brand. The automaker first showed the 542-horsepower DBX at the L.A. Auto Show in November 2019; media drives were planned for May. Those have been postponed and production at all the company’s manufacturing sites halted. Meanwhile, Aston Martin doesn't have working capital and still desperately needs the SUV to deliver drivers. The global crisis and its effect on demand may leave the company in a very bad place. Spokesman Nathan Hoyt says the vehicle’s U.S. launch remains on track for the second half of the year. In the more opulent tier, the upcoming Mercedes Maybach GLS 600 SUV will compete against Bentley's Bentayga and Rolls-Royce’s Cullinan. It has a V8 engine that churns out 550 horsepower and 538 pound-feet of torque, plus a 48-volt “EQ Boost” system that helps smooth out all that power. The machine was scheduled to go on sale in the U.S. in the second half of this year. But with Mercedes manufacturing at a standstill, it’s too early to say if that will remain the case, says a Mercedes representative. Electric Vehicles When it comes to futuristic electric vehicles designed for an $80-a-barrel world, Tesla products remain at the forefront, though the company has remained tightlipped about timing, given current events. The all-electric flatbed Cybertruck that almost broke the internet when it debuted last year is one hanging in the balance. The Blade Runner-style vehicle boasts driving range estimates of up to 500 miles and a zero-to-60 mph sprint of 2.9 seconds. Production is tentatively slated to begin in 2021, and Tesla is already taking deposits, but all this could change. Though initially unwilling, Elon Musk eventually shut down his California factories last month. That shutdown also applies to Tesla’s Model Y, a compact electric SUV the company started delivering to customers in March, but has yet to be seen in the wild in significant numbers. Rivian Motors set out to do for SUVs and trucks what Tesla had done for electric sedans. It promises its R1S will be able to travel 400 miles on a single charge, drive through three feet of water and zip up to 60 mph in three seconds, all with Costco-capable cargo space. Rivian was planning to deliver its first SUV late this year; at the moment, its facilities ate shuttered, including the former Mitsubishi plant in central Illinois, where it was mapping out assembly lines. Ford has also been hustling to finish its Mustang Mach-E, an all-new, all-electric vehicle whose November debut won broad praise for checking three critical boxes: good looks, long range, and performance specs that best gas-powered pony cars. Now, dozens of early versions are cycling among the world of Ford engineers, who disinfect each before continuing work. Pre-coronavirus, Ford said that the number of deposits for the machine was sizable, with a greater-than-expected share from drivers who had never owned a Ford. An additional electric offering has experienced unlikely progress: Against all odds, the fastback Polestar 2, Polestar’s second vehicle and first all-electric car, started production on March 23 at Zhejiang Geely Holding’s plant in Luqiao, China. First unveiled in February 2019 as a fierce potential rival to Tesla, the Polestar 2 produces 408 horsepower and 487 pound-feet of torque, with an estimated range of 292 miles. It remains unclear, though, how many units will be produced or when deliveries might begin. Last month, BMW “e-revealed” the BMW i4 Concept, which had been slated to premier at the since-canceled Geneva Auto Show. The company has yet to show the production version, but it’s expected to be an all-electric sedan that uses an 80-kilowatt-hour battery to get 530 horsepower and 372 miles of driving range. Despite the current closure of BMW production plants, the i4 is expected to start selling toward the end of 2021. Says spokesman Thomas Plucinsky: “We don’t anticipate any delays.” Sports Cars Spurred by a heady stock market, super expensive, super fast sports cars were enjoying a moment until March arrived. Porsche had big plans to roll out the 640-horsepower, muscle-y 911 Turbo S version of its franchise machine with group media drives. Instead, the company delivered the 640-horsepower machines one by one via fleet drivers prepped on disinfection and social distancing. Porsche’s German manufacturing plants in Zuffenhausen and Leipzig have been silent since March 21, and Porchce Experience Centers in L.A. and Atlanta, where the Porsche-curious take test drives and track lessons, sit empty. The $225,000 Ferrari Roma super car debuted in November in, of course, Rome. But a total Ferrari production halt on March 14 included production of the 611-horsepower, V8 Roma, which was supposed to roll into dealerships toward the end of the year. Ferrari hopes to eventually make up for the lost production with additional shifts. “No material impacts on deliveries and waiting list are foreseen at the moment,” a spokesperson says. Over in England, the $1.7 million McLaren Elva super car packs a punch: 804 horsepower on a V8 engine and rear-wheel drive. It’ll do zero to 124 mph in just 6.7 seconds, which makes it faster than its sibling, the track-suited Senna. McLaren had planned to build just 399 of them, each one customized through the company’s special-ops MSO division and delivered at the end of 2020. “We will continue with all possible design and engineering activities that we can at this stage,” says Roger Ormisher, vice president of communications at McLaren. The carmaker will “then finalize physical development once staff are back at MTC, with the plan to deliver Elva into production as close as we can to Q4 2020.” Finally, Lotus is trying to piece together its first new vehicle in more than a decade. The machine, dubbed Evija, is stunning—and costs $2.1 million. Shaped like a spaceship with trimmed sides and massive wheels, it boasts nearly 2,000 horsepower generated from four electric motors, as well as a zero-to-60 mph sprint of fewer than three seconds. Only 130 will be built by the legendary U.K. automaker. As for when they will be built, that will be determined later. Production has halted at Lotus’s Norwich headquarters while engineers continue tweaking designs from home. “The vehicle development process is as it was—just not in the offices,” says Rob Borrett, a company spokesman. Super car architects, it turns out, are just like the rest of us. They Zoom. Read the full article
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🚘 #bixentef #tourisme #automobile #meteocar #vintage #legendcar #usacar 🇺🇸 🦅 #france 🇫🇷 #fordmustang #carspotters #2019 #instagram ☀ À l'image de l'industrie automobile américaine, le « petit » coupé de chez Ford sortit en de nombreuses versions. Les trois principales sont ses formats de carrosseries : Coupé : version standard du Pony car Cabriolet : version à toit en toile du Coupé Fastback : aussi appelé Sportsroof dès 1969, il s'agit en fait d'un toit prolongé, presque jusqu'au bout du coffre. Cela donne à la Mustang un côté encore plus dynamique. Ensuite vinrent toutes les séries spéciales, équipées de moteurs plus ou moins puissants et d'ajouts esthétiques telles que les « Boss », les « Shelby » ou encore les « California Special ». En France, la Mustang devint la voiture américaine la plus connue du grand public. Le directeur des relations extérieures et des compétitions (depuis 1963) de Ford France, Henry Chemin, fit beaucoup pour la notoriété du modèle, l'engageant au Rallye Monte Carlo (pilotée par Johnny Hallyday) et la faisant apparaître dans de nombreux films, Un homme et une femme de Claude Lelouch bien sûr, mais aussi Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez de Jean Girault. Lors de ce film, c'est un exemplaire de pré-série qui servit au tournage, le premier modèle arrivé en France via le port d'Anvers. Son numéro de série est 100145, ce qui signifie que c'est la 145e voiture sortie d'usine le premier jour du démarrage de la production en chaîne, le 5 mars 1964 à Dearborn. Les films français où elle apparaît sont nombreux et beaucoup de Français, même parmi les non-connaisseurs, connaissent la Mustang. @wikipedia (à Tresques) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-rg7j6jQ2h/?igshid=1ktkobi6ol9gp
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The particular Mustang California Special Is The Ideal Sunset Strip Cruiser
The particular Mustang California Special Is The Ideal Sunset Strip Cruiser
Ascending the on-ramp onto the particular 405 departing LAX, my correct foot goes to the floor. The 460-horsepower Gen 3 Coyote under-hood relates to life as the revs head for your 7, 500-rpm redline. The flirtation is brief, as this is a road, but the buzzing commuters of La hardly notice the speed. A blast from the wide-open Active Valve Performance Exhaust system might have snapped them out of…
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#2019 Ford Mustang#California Special#Car Features#Coyote#drive#Ford#GT#Manual transmission#Mustang#review#Road Trip#S550
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Why Actor Cameron Mathison’s 1965 Ford Mustang Symbolizes His Love For His Wife
Quick stats: Cameron Mathison, co-host of Hallmark Channel’s Home & Family Daily driver: 2018 Tesla Model S (Cameron’s rating: 9.5 on a scale of 1 to 10) Other cars: see below Favorite road trip: New York to Los Angeles Car he learned to drive in: circa 1980 Mazda 626 First car bought: late 1980s Audi 90
Some people buy a ring. For Cameron Mathison, actor and co-host of Home & Family, buying his 1965 Ford Mustang was the go-to symbolic gesture to his then-girlfriend Vanessa as a promise about their future. Since they’ve gotten married, he still loves the car, which he rates a 9.8 out of 10 because of what it symbolizes.
“It’s got a lot of sentimental value. I bought the car and put it in my wife’s name when we were dating and living on opposite coasts,” Mathison tells MotorTrend.
Cars have been indelibly intertwined in significant moments of his life. His Mustang is at the center of his own personal love story, as it was Vanessa who found the Mustang for Mathison because he was looking for one at the time.
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Joyride???? 19 years ago when Vanessa and I lived on separate coasts, I bought this 65 mustang and put it in her name to show her how serious I was about our relationship. Through the years it’s needed work and to be cared for… just like a relationship:) Thats what it represents for me. At least that’s what I tell Vanessa so she doesn’t sell it???? ???? @vanessa.mathison #mustang #65mustang #joyride #love #classiccars #california
A post shared by Cameron Mathison (@cameronmathison) on Aug 6, 2019 at 7:55am PDT
“I was living in New York, and I was a little bit of a single guy at the time, and she didn’t know I was serious about the relationship, so I bought it and put it in her name and left it in California with her,” he says. “For me, it represents our relationship. It’s been work. You’ve got to upkeep it, you’ve got to cherish it, just like a relationship. I’ve had that as long as we’ve been dating, almost exactly, which is pretty cool. It’s a really special car, a kind of car that my son’s waiting to take over later in life.”
Mathison likes how the Mustang is styled. “Luckily, it’s the one with the two white racing stripes, sky ice blue,” Mathison says. “It’s just a really beautiful looking car.”
He felt the Steve McQueen Mustang was an iconic look. “And the ‘65’s a little more classic looking, less muscle-y,” he says. “I bought the car because I love that whole Fastback look. The fact that I put it in her name was me showing her, ‘Listen, I’ve got this, I’ve always wanted this, this is something that’s so important to me, I’m going to put it in your name and leave it in your name to prove to you that I’m not going anywhere.’”
2018 Tesla Model S
Rating: 9.5
Mathison got the Tesla Model S because it’s better for the environment. “The carpool lane saves me about 45 minutes a day total driving to and from work,” he says. “I’d rate it 9.5, and the .5 is because of repairs. It got hit and needed some auto body repairs, and the parts coming from Tesla took forever, so my big complaint about that is you’ve just got to make sure you don’t need any parts from Tesla, and if you don’t, then the car’s amazing.”
Mathison enjoys the Tesla’s strong acceleration and range. “It’s instant and powerful, and the smart car aspect of it blows you away. I have almost no negative other than the repair situation was less than to be desired. Other than that, it’s incredible. The storage, drive, the capacity, the drivability, speed, the power, even battery life. The fact that you never have to go to a gas station. I just plug in at night or plug it in at work and I always get between 250 and 275 miles on it. It’s pretty amazing.”
Mathison says the Tesla has definitely spoiled him. “It’s hard to drive anything else. It’s literally hard to drive anything else. You can go from 0 to 60 in like less than three seconds in a Tesla, so, very spoiled,” he says.
When he bought the Tesla, he customized it more to his tastes. “I did a little sports package and took some of the chrome off. It looks a lot more sporty and mean now,” he says.
2018 Maserati Levante
Rating: 9
Mathison is a big fan of Maserati and had a Ghibli before this Levante. He loves the drivability, the Italian engineering, and the styling. “I make up for my electric car, my lack of gas, through my Maserati Levante and then the ’65 Mustang Fastback. It all averages out. It’s a blast to drive, too,” Mathison says. “Tons of power and drivability.”
Now that he has the Tesla, the Maserati can’t be a perfect 10. “What I don’t like about the Maserati, compared to the Tesla, there’s a little bit of a lag. Just slightly. Even in the sport mode, it’s incredibly fast, incredibly powerful, but there’s just that tiny little bit of pause time before you hit it and you get the power.”
2015 Dodge Durango R/T
Rating: 7.5
The Durango is Mathison’s road trip car. “It’s the R/T model, so it’s got the Hemi engine,” he says. “It’s got more miles on it because we take it on a lot of trips to Colorado. We’re a big road trip family. That’s something we love to do.”
Mathison can take it to the beach. and it fits seven people, which he says is “awesome,” but he expected more from the engine.
“There’s a lag when it shifts gears sometimes going up hill. It doesn’t have as much of the oomph as I would have hoped for a Hemi engine. I thought it would be a little bit more meaty—a little bit more there when you really need it. So for an SUV that’s not that heavy, I feel like it should have more power,” he says. “That’s why I give it 7.5. But it’s also got sentimental value because we’ve had so many great family trips with it. We go to Colorado all the time with it for Christmas,; we’ll go to beaches; we’ll go up to Mammoth.”
Car he learned to drive in
Growing up in Toronto, Mathison learned to drive in a manual Mazda 626, which he thinks was circa 1980. But what he recalls vividly was something his father said while teaching him how to drive. Those wise words have carried him through life.
“I was really frustrated with learning how to drive stick. and it was my first time out, and I remember my dad saying to me, looking at me and it was actually a good life lesson,” Mathison says. “He said, ‘I know you’re going to get this, Cameron, when you put your mind to it. You do anything that you put your mind to, and there’s no question you’re going to be a good driver.’ And at that moment, I just relaxed, and it helped me. It helped me know that these things take time and just be patient. I just remember that. It was the first maybe I even heard that from him. It was the first time I even heard that about myself at all, so I was like, ‘Wow, I really can accomplish things I put my mind to,’ and that was helpful for me.” Now, he’s doing the same thing with his son, who is learning to drive in the Dodge Durango.
Mathison looks back fondly at his memories in the Mazda, which was lime green. “It was maybe one of the ugliest things you’ve ever seen, but I loved it. It was my brother and my first car. We saved up for it and put in our money. It kept breaking down, but we didn’t care. We got stuck in the snow in it in Canada. That was our first baby.”
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Saturday nights are for taking her out for a spin❤️ How about you? #saturdaynight #datenight #65mustangfastback #luckyman
A post shared by Cameron Mathison (@cameronmathison) on Oct 6, 2018 at 7:05pm PDT
First car bought
Mathison had a used late-1980s model Audi 90, which was the first car he bought on his own. “My girlfriend’s dad was driving Audis, and I was in awe. My dad had an Audi 5000 as well, and I couldn’t afford those high-end ones, but there was a used Audi 90,” he recalls. “It looked all sporty. It had a sports package, and it looked mean and I loved it, and I was so excited when all of a sudden I’m driving around in an Audi. It was a big deal.”
Mathison bought the Audi just after college with money he made from having his own fence and decking company while in college. “In the summertime I was with my buddy building fences and decks. We made money pretty quickly. We did all right, so I saved up and that helped me to be able to afford that car,” he says.
The Audi was more of a show off car for him. “For me, it was a fancy moment. It was what I used to get around and what I did everything with. It was when I just started in the entertainment business, started modeling a little bit and acting a little bit. You pull up in that and you feel pretty cool,” he says. “I’ve been super lucky. Cars have always been something that I’ve loved and enjoyed. It’s fun to go back with you and to talk about some of these because I forgot about a lot of this until you asked, and it’s important; it’s your journey.”
Mathison gained an appreciation for cars being on sets with the crew. “It’s almost like when I got woken up to the entertainment industry and seeing what everybody was driving and getting into it and learning and going to set and some of the crew guys would talk to you about their Mustang, and I’d check it out and I’d be like, ‘Oh my God.’ It was a whole world I didn’t even know about,” he says.
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A little excited to be driving this sick #maseratigranturismo for the #grammys tonight???????????????? @rusnak_auto_group you're the best… #grateful #grammys2017 #entertainmenttonight #maserati #redcarpetstyle
A post shared by Cameron Mathison (@cameronmathison) on Feb 12, 2017 at 9:50am PST
Favorite road trip
Mathison’s favorite road trip was the one where he moved to Los Angeles from New York and got married in between.
“My wife and I lived in New York at the time. We were getting married in Colorado and moving to L.A. I was leaving the soap opera All My Children in New York, so we did a road trip from New York to Colorado and timed it out with our wedding,” he says. “We met everybody there, got married, and then continued our road trip from Colorado to California. It was one of the greatest stretches of time in my whole life. It was a super cool road trip. Took our time, went to see crazy things, stayed in motels. A really, really memorable time together.”
Mathison drove his Toyota 4Runner at the time, and it took three weeks in total, including his wedding in the middle.
“Road trips are special because it’s just you two,” he says. “There’s no entertainment, maybe a little audiobook or some music, but you’re bonding. It was special because we were off to get married. It was just magical for all those reasons. We had good quality time together. We listened to every Led Zeppelin song on the planet from beginning to end, the whole thing, listened to audiobooks, laughing. Savoring our time, eating crappy food. The whole thing was fun.”
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My favorite classic ride, jeans, and sneaks all in one photo???????????????????????? #65mustangfastback #jeanshop worldjeanshop.com #mustang #fastback
A post shared by Cameron Mathison (@cameronmathison) on Feb 4, 2017 at 5:37pm PST
Home & Family on Hallmark Channel weekdays at 10 a.m.
After success on All My Children, Mathison enjoys co-hosting Hallmark’s daily show. “I’ve been in the business for more than 25 years, and I haven’t really had a large stretch without working, and that is so rare. I’m so grateful for that, very rare, between hosting and acting. It’s kept me busy for years, and I’m super grateful,” he says.
Mathison, who’s excited when he gets in the car for his daily commute, has even done segments showing viewers how to prep their car before a road trip. “I love it for a lot of reasons,” he says of the show. “The fact that I worked my whole life and done different things, but this is a show that’s main job is help people and spread positivity. That’s literally what we do. We tell people about cars, we’ve done cooking segments and motivational interviews. It’s just a feel good, positive, spreading goodness in the world show. And at this point in my life, I’ve done it all and it just feels great going to work. I literally love going to work every day.”
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The post Why Actor Cameron Mathison’s 1965 Ford Mustang Symbolizes His Love For His Wife appeared first on MotorTrend.
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