#2010s baddie
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faith2glam · 1 day ago
Planning on making a YouTube video of me doing this look soon!🎀
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This one’s my personal favourite. Simple, yet effective. A look to enhance your natural beauty. The eyebrows are very 2016, the lashes are bold, but everything else is quite toned down and simple. This look is perfect for everyday and special occasions. You can also do it without foundation to make it even more simple.
Baby powder
Foundation, tinted moisturiser(can be done without)
Setting/loose powder
Pressed powder
Eyebrow gel
Brow pomade
Lash glue
Lip gloss
Setting spray
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Powder brush
Beauty blender
Brow brush
Apply primer to skin, (skincare should be done before this step) make sure primer is applied ALL OVER your face
#faithtip After applying primer, use a brush to apply baby powder to your skin
These two steps will keep your makeup intact for AGES and prevent a lot of sweating through makeup
Then apply foundation or tinted moisturiser and blend well with a beauty blender (you can skip this step to keep your makeup light)
#faithtip wet your beauty blender with setting spray for better hold and easier blending
Apply pressed powder with a powder brush and blend well with a brush
This look is quite light, so instead of under-eye concealer apply loose setting powder from under your eyes to your temples, using a beauty blender
Apply loose setting powder from the side of your lip to the side of your face, under your cheek
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Leave the setting powder unblended for now
One of the KEYS to this look is eyebrows, make sure your brows have a defined shape
Brush through your brows and shape them with brow gel
Use pomade and a small brow brush to draw a line on the bottom of your eyebrows, following the shape of your brows
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Draw a line at the top of your brows following the shape of your brows again
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Fill your brows in within the lines
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Brush through your brows again with brow gel
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After this, apply concealer under your brows
The concealer should look like you have painted an outline of your eyebrows
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Blend this in with a beauty blender
Use a beauty blender to apply loose powder underneath and on top of your brows, let it sit.
When I do this look I don’t apply lashes because I wear cluster lashes/extensions, I find it quicker and easier for me to get ready
People who wear lash extensions/clusters can also skip lash application
But for this step apply glue to strip lashes
Wave the lashes around for a bit so the glue dries a tiny bit and feels a little bit sticky
Place them on the lash line and adjust where needed (using tweezers or fingers)
Strip lashes can also be cut into smaller pieces or use cluster lashes
Dip them into glue and wipe off the excess
Use tweezers to hold the lashes
Pull the top of your eyelid upwards so you can see underneath your eyelashes
#faithtip Wipe the glue on the part you are applying to then you can dip the lash in glue again before actually placing it underneath your lash
This make the lashes more firm and secure
Make sure it is not too close to your eye as this can be irritating
Fan your eyes if you can still feel wet glue
Using a powder brush, brush away/blend out the loose powder, under your eyes, under your cheeks and around your eyebrows
Blend VERY well, as the powder has been sat on your face for a while, so it will not move easily
After this, apply a gold/bronze tone highlighter on the tip of your nose, on your cheek bones, your brow bone and cupids bow
Apply in moderation and blend slightly with finger to avoid looking ashy
Now use setting spray (holding it not too close to your face) over your face 3-4 times
Add more highlighter to cupids bow if needed
Apply Vaseline/lip balm for moisture
Apply clear lip gloss
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thevirgodoll · 2 months ago
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sw33t3stg1r1 · 13 days ago
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collage 🍭
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eclaires-world · 4 months ago
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Kash Doll really been that bitch
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celestiquesblog · 20 days ago
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theeblackbombshell · 3 months ago
Prime time Nicki 🦄🤎✨
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realprissygirl · 5 months ago
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reminiscing barbie… ❤︎︎
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justaasierra · 2 months ago
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What are good girls?
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archivedhaven · 4 months ago
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faith2glam · 6 months ago
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This look mixes a matte base with glossy lips. The emphasis is placed mainly on the eyes, and the other focus is the lips. This is a good everyday look that can be worn for any occasion.
Baby Powder
Foundation/ Tinted Moisturiser
Concealer (not too light)
Pressed Powder
Setting Powder
Brow Gel
Brow Pomade
Lash Glue/ Bonding Glue
Brown Lip Liner
Pink Lip Gloss
Setting Spray
Powder Brush
Beauty Blender
Small Flat Brush
Eyebrow Brush
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Apply primer all over your face
#faithtip: use a powder brush to apply baby powder all over your face
Your face will look ashy after this step, but applying foundation/tinted moisturiser will fix this
Blend it in with a damp beauty blender
#faithtip: dampen your beauty blender with setting spray for easier blending and a longer lasting base
After blending in your foundation/tinted moisturiser, apply a concealer that is only slightly lighter than your skin tone to the inner corner of your under-eye
Place concealer to the end of your under-eyes following the shape of your eyes
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Blend it in well with a beauty blender
Take a powder brush and some pressed powder and apply all over your face
Now, apply setting powder to your under eyes following your eye shape.
Place a line of setting powder under your cheeks
Let the setting powder sit whilst you focus on another part of your face
Eyebrows play a very vital role in this look, they help your eyes stand out more
This step will be easier if your brows have a defined shape
Brush through your eyebrows with brow gel
Use a brow brush dipped in pomade, to draw a line at the bottom of your brow starting from the front of your brow to the end
Draw a similar line at the top of your brows
Fill in the space (don't fill in the very front of your brows to create an almost ombre effect)
Apply eyebrow gel on top
Then use a small brush to apply concealer underneath your eyebrows
Blend well with a beauty blender
Apply setting powder to under your brow
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Lashes are the main event for this look
Select thick and long lashes/ lash clusters that suit your eye shape
#faithtip D-Curl lashes are your best friend
But for this step apply glue to strip lashes
Wave the lashes around for a bit so the glue dries a tiny bit and feels a little bit sticky
Place them on the lash line and adjust where needed (using tweezers or fingers)
Strip lashes can also be cut into smaller pieces or use cluster lashes
Dip them into glue and wipe off the excess
Use tweezers to hold the lashes
Pull the top of your eyelid upwards so you can see underneath your eyelashes
#faithtip Wipe the glue on the part you are applying to then you can dip the lash in glue again before actually placing it underneath your lash
This make the lashes more firm and secure
Make sure it is not too close to your eye as this can be irritating
Fan your eyes if you can still feel wet glue
Brush the setting powder away with a powder brush
You will need to make sure you do this properly because the powder won't move easily, because of how long it has sat there
Apply highlighter to the tip of your nose, your brow bone and your cupid's bow
Make sure to keep the highlight application light and smooth it out, so as to not look ashy and to keep the focus on your eyes and lips
Spray setting spray all over your face
Use a brown lip liner, slightly darker than/ similar to your skin tone, to outline your lips
Apply pink lip gloss to your lips
Then top it all off with clear lip gloss.
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thevirgodoll · 2 months ago
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cocoxberlin · 28 days ago
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louislabelle · 4 months ago
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blue light or moonlight, love me like no time
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luvbeqx · 6 months ago
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softlykelly · 21 days ago
If You Remember This Era We’re Best Friends Now
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The teenage life i was promised 😔
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theeblackbombshell · 2 months ago
Pre surgery Clermont twins 
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