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wnewsguru · 1 year ago
2000 के नोट अब से नहीं बदले जाएंगे नोट
अगर अब भी आपके पास दो हज़ार रुपये के नोट हैं तो इसे बदलने और खाते में जमा कराने का आज आखिरी मौका है। दो हज़ार रुपये के नोट सात अक्तूबर के बाद बैंकों में न तो बदले जाएंगे, न ही जमा हो सकेंगे। हालांकि, आरबीआई के 19 क्षेत्रीय कार्यालयों में इन्हें बदलने की सुविधा … Read more
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empiricalacademy · 2 years ago
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RBI to withdraw 2,000-rupee banknotes from circulation
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badlypackedtraveller · 10 days ago
Keep quiet. Dangerous Wasps.
Up at 0600, tutktuk to the park gates and then a climb to the top of the Lion Rock. From the Ticket Office to the base of the Rock is a walk of 900m through formal gardens of a French or Italianate design. However, these gardens were laid out in the 3rd century and boast fountains that operate on gravity and water pressure. The first example of ancient technology of its time that is both inexplicable and miraculous.
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The stairs make use of 3rd and 5th century masonry, also incredible, and then when it gets too hazardous for 21st century tourists scary open-sided steps cling precariously to the face of the rock. At the summit there is a palace complex at least the size of a football pitch including three bathing pools filled by channelled rainwater.
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An overhang contains frescoes, impossible to imagine how or why the artists chose to work there. The Mirror Wall contains numerous examples of 5th century poetry in praise of the big bosomed, wide hipped beauties featured in the frescoes.
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Noisy tourists ignore the signs “Keep quiet. Dangerous wasps” at their own peril.
Later in the day we take another tuktuk back into Dambulla to visit the Cave Temple, actually one cave and five temples dating from BC. We pay 2000rupee Foreigners entrance fee to marvel at enormous reclining Buddhas and fantastic art all around hewn from the rock. Cave walls and ceilings seem to waft like fine silks. It beggars belief how this was possible with only primitive tools.
I think I might have a go at being a Buddhist. It seems like a nice life. You always get a seat on the bus and you don’t have to pay.
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The PickMe App is the one to use for the lowest set fare and value for money. However, all tuktuk drivers want more business from you and promise to organise tours too. This involves giving you their WhatsApp number and promising to call them wen the need arises. Today, on the one occasion when we could have used our new best friend, he didn’t answer the phone or return messages. Other tuktuk drivers hate PickMe and today’s driver told us a tale of a colleague being beaten up by four members of the opposition – old school drivers.
Walking down from the temple we stop for our daily King Coconut. The stall holder warns us to beware of aggressive monkeys and to stay by the stall while we enjoy our drink. Sure enough monkeys soon approach and are scared away by the stall holder shining a green laser pen onto them.
At the Post Office it takes a moment for the clerk to explain that the price for postcard stamps will be the same regardless of wherever in the world they are destined – an incredibly cheap 30rupee to UK or Canada. (These postcards were dropped in a post-box on a dusty back road in Jaffna and arrived in the UK three weeks later. Ed)
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icnnetwork · 2 years ago
RBI का बड़ा फैसला, बंद होंगे 2000 के नोट, 30 सितंबर तक करवा सकेंगे एक्सचेंज…https://indiacorenews.in/big-decision-of-rbi-2000-notes-will-be-closed-exchange-will-be-done-till-30-september/
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#indiacorenews #ankshree #watch #RBI #2000rupeesnote #2000rupees #indiancurrencynotes #indiancurrencyprice #indiancurrency
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iraysmediasblog · 4 years ago
Good news for farmers Rs.2000 will be credited to the account on the same day
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reporter17-news · 5 years ago
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mttelugutech-blog · 4 years ago
👆👆Click to download and earn 2000rupees daily
Best money earning app genuine withdraw withdrawl in 5minutes
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n0directionhome-blog · 8 years ago
Modi’s money
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At the same time as Trump was creating a ‘hoo-ha’ of American politics, the Indian Prime Minister decided to distract his countrymen and women by proving himself a worthy opponent at wild decision making.
At 7pm one evening, TV and radio channels suddenly announced the recall of all notes higher than 100rupees (approx £1). Not personally possessing a broadcasting gadget of any kind (along with 80% of the country’s inhabitants), a thoughtful friend called me at 1130pm and told me I had to deposit my 500rupee notes in an ATM within the next half an hour or I would lose them. If I hadn’t seen a similar post on facebook a few minutes before, I would’ve thought he was joking. The ATM opposite my accommodation had queue around the block so I went back to bed, guessing that another solution to enable the 1.2billion people in India to deposit their money would present itself.
Sure enough the next day we were informed that it would be possible to deposit old notes for at least a month… if you were brave enough to face the queues.
The motivation behind this demonetisation was to catch illegal ‘black money’ and tax avoiders who’d been hoarding piles of notes at home rather than paying them into bank accounts and paying tax. A limit was imposed on the total deposit amount, so that anyone stashing huge piles in their homes would be taxed 200% on anything above this limit. Stories circulated regarding bags of money found floating in the Ganges or being set on fire. 
The government began distributing the new notes to the banks and imposed a daily withdrawal limit of 2000rupees (~£20), given in the form of a single note. Without any 500rupee notes in circulation, these 2000rupee notes were almost useless since no one had any change...
By the time the first weekend came, I still hadn’t found the motivation to join queues so long I’d heard had caused deaths and had about 50rupees left in my pocket. That put an end to my plans of being able to afford an auto into town, eating in a local restaurant or buying any beer!
These were minor problems compared to the rest of the population. Life in the campus wasn’t as badly affected as those living outside. People would give services on loan and our ATMs were refilled daily.
It would have been quite a different story for the local tea waller, selling chai for 6rupees on every street corner, or the coconut seller, collecting coconuts to sell in order to feed himself and possibly a family each day. After one week of everyone’s cash drying out, these folks would have no income for days, or even weeks.
Plenty of the population don’t have bank accounts or even an address! This situation left them unable to use what little money they had, and the necessity to spend many days standing in the queues (without work) to exchange their notes. 
It was also wedding and tourist season, causing a lot of stress for those planning either of these. And even though hospitals, train stations and airports were supposed to accept the old money for a few months, in rural places this was not always the case, leaving patients unable to obtain their desperately needed medicines or treatment.
Local businesses started giving stuff on credit as the amount of cash in circulation dwindled. People switched from buying groceries from the local market to using online supermarket chains. To me it felt like all the wrong people were benefiting from this.
One month later saw little improvement to the situation, and instead I heard stories of banks threatening to run completely out of the new notes. The population however appeared to adapt, and even the local fruit sellers began offering the ability to pay through mobile phone applications.
Exactly who suffered and if it was worth it is still not clear (to me at least). You never saw any smart business men in the mile long queues forming outside the ATMs. I heard plenty of stories of dormant bank accounts suddenly acquiring an influx of cash for a few days (which the owner of the account couldn’t actually withdraw), which then magically vanished again, as well as tales of gold sellers allowing people to buy huge amounts of gold and back dating the receipts. 
Now that more than 2 months have gone by, it seems the worst of the situation is over, 500rupee notes are now available and there is a lot more cash in circulation once more. I am left wondering how much of the black money really ended up in the hands of the government, and how much is floating at the bottom of the Ganges, or distributed among family and friends of the crooks. How many tax avoiders simply found new solutions, new people to bribe, or new tricks to cheat the system, and will this scare really will make them think twice about repeating the same behaviour in the future? 
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bhaumiksubhadeep · 8 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFr2uCdH9Eg)
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