#20 may 2023 concert
hirunoka · 1 year
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Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha (2nd round) @ Helsinki Ice Hall Black Box
The crowd was so loud that my phone couldn't really pick up Käärijä's voice in the beginning 😅
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dearaugust13 · 1 year
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My fiancé is officially ready to see taylor in 19 days!!!
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alicedrawslesmis · 8 months
(sorry this is from a week ago but) Wait, what's going on right now that's complicated with Amazonian farmers' land rights?
Not farmers, indigenous people
See, recently they put a new law through congress that severely reduces indigenous land to the borders established during the late dictatorship, or immediately post-dictatorship, in 1988. An absolute joke of a border that was dreamed up by some military assholes. People in america may recognize this type of society from the times of westward expansion and think this is a thing of the past because for you guys it is. But here it is a reality. Murder is rampant. The reach of the law is incredibly limited. Government is just too weak and landowners basically run things. THAT'S WHY it's so important to donate directly to the native peoples instead of random NGOs because native people are fucking there and the more power they hold in the land the safer the land will be from agroindustrial expansion.
Well the law was vetoed by the the president and the Supremo Tribunal Federal, aka supreme federal court, labeled it as unconstitutional. Which it is, because our 1988 constitution describes native american land rights in some of its first articles. We thought this would be it for the law
But then the senate (that already overrepresents landowners in rural states) just went along and approved it anyway. I had no idea they could approve something unconstitutional. The progressives and particularly the socialists are fighting this in court. But it happens that for now the legal border is the severely reduced version.
Doesn't mean they'll just give up, because as it happens we don't have any stand your ground laws so even if you own a piece of land, you cannot legally speaking just shoot everyone there. Or attack or threaten them in any way. They'll just have long legal battles individually for the rights to occupy land based on use. Also the Xingu national park, the largest preserved land of the Amazon described as 'larger than Belgium', is being encroached by huge farms that are poisoning their water supply. The border is Visible. I'll try to find video of it but essentially you have a forest and a desert separated by a strict line.
Just last week in the south of Bahia (not the Amazon, let me explain more about the Amazon situation in a bit) Hãhãhãe leadership Nega Muniz Pataxó was shot and killed by an armed militia group that invaded and occupied the Caramuru territory.
The situation in the Amazon, specifically the yanomami territory in Roraima our northernmost state, aka deep forest, is more dire than average given difficulty of access, sheer size, and government abandonment. It's a place that depends on government aid for medicine. It's land that is being systematically invaded by gold miners, pandemic, toxins from nearby farmlands, wood extraction etc. (wood extration is rampant everywhere tho). Early 2023 saw a massive federal government operation by now president Lula to empty the mines and try to look for where funding comes from. Yanomami land is still being invaded to this day, the struggle is ongoing.
The yanomamis need support right now more than any other. Last year saw a massive heat wave that (well, one, caused a girl named Ana Clara Machado to die during the Taylor Swift concert. This is unrelated but I feel like not enough foreign media covered this, Taylor even lied about it as well.) dried up a lot of rivers, killed a LOT of fresh water animals including an unprecedented amount of pink dolphins. Access that was already hard became damn near impossible without boats. I cannot overstate how many pink dolphins were found dead.
Another technique that landowners use to clear space for farms is to just set things on fire and then occupy the empty land, which they legally can do to land that was naturally burned in a forest fire. It happened that Pantanal, another national park of swampland, was massively devastated by fires last year too
this article is from 2020, the year that the worst fire happened, but in 2023 there was another one. It's been happening yearly now due to a) deliberate action and b) climate change aggravation.
And this is not nearly all. Just off the top of my head. If you speak portuguese I recommend following the APIB or the COIAB on instagram to keep up with the news. The FUNAI is the government branch of indigenous organization, but it's not generally that well liked. Still.
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Cale stops at the door. Inside of the room is a concert hall, and in the center...
A... piano?
The God of Death said that he had a gift for him, but an instrument that Cale hasn’t touched in decades certainly wasn’t what he expected. This will be weapon that can only harm enemies, never allies, if the God of Death was telling the truth.
Cale frowns. He ordered Raon and the rest to stay out while he inspected it, and now he’s glad that he did. He may need a few minutes to warm up his skills.
Sitting at the bench brings back some of his oldest memories, and Cale lowers his guard subconsciously. His fingers flutter over the keys and settle into a comforting position, ready to play a simple scale. He hums, recalling it.
Within a few minutes, Cale has Recorded a correct play-through of every scale. His heartbeat relaxes, falling into a slow cadence as Cale reminisces. The orphanage, the old, untuned piano… the nice teenager who taught him a few scales before she left, like everyone did. He used to practice those scales when he could, and he learned a few simple songs before the piano fell apart completely.
He doesn’t hesitate to stumble through one of those songs. The errors are corrected and perfected within moments after they occur, and Cale loses himself to the easy refinement.
He adds his second hand , brushing through a scale easily. His Record ability makes this very simple. A genuine smile slips onto his face, though he does think about the advantage he'll have when using this divine item since he already knows how to play.
Choi Han opens the door right as Cale loses himself completely to the creation of music. His companions watch in fascination as the notes sing within the church, clear and perfectly in tune. Cale accidentally makes a harsh chord, corrects it, and keeps playing. He doesn’t notice their entrance.
No one breathes as Cale closes his eyes. They’ve never seen their young master look so at ease, so at peace. The music he creates is mystifying, crossed between gloom and hope. His long fingers look like they were made for those white and black keys, which only Choi Han can recognize. It's a unique instrument for their world, after all.
Cale blinks. A tear falls from his eye, to his utter astonishment. Is this an effect of the divine item? He reaches up to touch it, leaving the music on a beautiful, unintentionally sad tone.
He smiles, slightly. If this is the only effect, maybe Raon won’t have to feed him soggy apple pie so much.
Rosalyn holds in a choked gasp at the image of Cale smiling softly, a single tear drifting down his cheek, a delicate finger touching the fresh, gentle trail of its path.
Choi Han takes in a shuddering breath. Choi Jung Soo’s memories don’t mention that Cale had been a piano player.
Cale finally sees his group from the corner of his eye, and he smiles picturesquely. No one speaks at this beautiful, quiet image of their commander.
(Written January 20, 2023)
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mitamicah · 20 days
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Are You? Uno Reverse Card. Hockey Jerseys? How many more things will these two change the meaning of for me x'D!?
This artwork is drawn to celebrate that after months of dreaming and hoping beyong belief the 'Are You' tattoo saga has concluded with me getting both Bojan and Jere's handwriting (featured in the art as well) inked permanently on my art August 13 2024 😱😭💚💙
For the curious I'll post the full timeline of the saga below the line :3
May 7 2023; Two idiots go out together during the preshow days of Eurovision 2023. Their banter birth this iconic phrase
May-October 2023; Saying Are You in the right cadence (after this called to ‘are you’/’are you-ing’) becomes one of my favourite vocal stims
October-November 2023; The idea of an Are You tattoo is born in my mind.
November 28 2023; Joker Out announces their upcoming Europe tour.
December 1 2023: I buy Early Access tickets to Joker Out’s Malmø gig naively thinking it includes Meet and Greet (and that it would be the only show I attend – I end up going to four in total). Mentally planning to ask Bojan to contribute to the tattoo.
January-February 2024; I realize MnG is not included in the ticket- changes plans to make a sign for the show.
March 15 2024; Bojan sees my sign at the soundcheck of the Malmø gig and agrees to it within half a sentence (ends up writing it twice).  Afterwards I’m lucky enough to hug and thank him. Plus, we Are You together for what seems like minutes.
March-April 2024; I make a few concept art for the tattoo using both Bojan’s sentences that I share on social media. A friend (hi @feral4kaarijasquat) suggests trying to get Jere involved.
Story 5 - March 22 2024; I get a tattoo to memorize following Joker Out around in march. I end up half promising the tattoo artist that she can work on my Are You tattoo as well when/if I manage to get Jere’s attention.
May 4 2024; I take a sign with me to the Käärijä Böle Arena shows yet despite being on the second and third row I fail to get his attention.
Spring-summer 2024; Käärijä announces upcoming Europe tour where I buy ticket for Hamburg. After the disappointing and stressful experience at Böle I decide to put my tattoo hunting on hold for the summer.
July 3 2024; Gets first row to Käärijä’s homegig at Ravintola Backas, Vantaa. Jere sees and acknowledge me twice, including Are you-ing me. (This is important because it showed me that getting his attention was possible).
July 5 2024; Makes spontaneous sign out of half a pizza lid to bring to Käärijä’s Allas Sea Pool gig. Two songs into the setlist Jere Are You the crowd, then sees the sign (I’d put in the air that second) and jokingly half-agrees to write it on my ass. With the help of a wonderful finn I go home with Jere’s handwriting after that concert (also waves at Jere by the fence outside of the venue).
July-August 2024; I put together the finished concept art and contact the tattoo artist. I’d asked for a possible appointment on September 20 (if you know, you know) but she is unable to make it.
August 13 2024; I am contacted by the tattoo artist about a spontaneous appointment – within two hours after our first message I have gotten the tattoo.
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throwbackgaylor · 4 months
may 20, 2023 | one year ago today
taylor before singing ‘question…?’ as the first surprise song at n2 of eras foxborough, ma:
“I've just never been this happy in all aspects of my life ever … I just sort of feel like my life finally feels like it makes sense. So I thought I’d play this song, which brings me really a lot of happy memories.”
many fans feel ‘question…?’ was written about the public kiss taylor and karlie kloss shared at the 1975 concert they attended on december 4, 2014, more widely known as kissgate
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 10 months
First impressions
main masterlist
older!eddie munson x popstar!reader
note: takes place october 2023
word count: 1 k
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Y/N L/N’s voice was a constant in Eddie’s house with his daughter, Isla, being a huge fan. He most likely listened to Y/N’s album more than the singer herself had. And as soon as Y/N L/N had announced her tour Isla had been begging for tickets. And one thing about Eddie is that he would do anything for his little girl, so he patiently waited for when the tickets would go on sale. And when they did, he was busy. Of course.
Eddie, even though he has been out of the limelight for a decade now, he never stopped working in the industry. He now was a producer, and god he loved it, he may have loved it even more than being a recording artist. 
So of course he was working with one of his favourite clients, finishing a song they had been working on for a while now. Working past their set hours of today. 
He had only learned he missed the tickets, completely forgetting it was today, when Isla comes barrelling down the stairs of their New York penthouse.
“Dad! Tickets were today! Did you get us some?” Isla said, hastily, clearing having been waiting hours for her Dad to get home. 
Eddie on the other hand can’t believe he forgot, it’s just been the only thing Isla had been talking about for the last few weeks. He felt awful, he never wanted to disappoint her. So he lied. 
“Of course I did, Sweetie!” What else was he supposed to do? When Isla jumped into his arms in joy, he almost didn’t even feel guilty. Almost, because now he had to think of a way to get himself out of this. 
“Oh, my god! Thank you, Daddy! I have to go tell Jenna!”
As soon as Isla was out of Eddie’s sight, his slime slipped right off his face. He had to jump right into action. Being in the industry helped, but being a legend to the industry helped more. Eddie emailed his team, to try their best to get tickets, spare the cost. When they all came back empty handed, he went onto his next order of business, getting in contact with the woman herself. Now he couldn’t exactly get into contact with her directly, he messaged her team. Which in his opinion was close enough. 
Y/N’s team had responded first thing the next morning, sharing a more than enthusiastic response, saying he and his daughter could even have backstage passes. At that Eddie couldn’t wait to tell Isla, not only would she be going to Y/N’s concert, that would also get to meet her idol.
Today was the long awaited day, the day of Y/N’s concert. It wasn’t only Eddie and Isla that were excited for tonight's show, Y/N’s team had told her today that Eddie Munson, a rock legend, and his daughter would be attending her show. Y/N always gets nervous before shows, but knowing that Eddie Munson would be in the crowd and that she would be meeting him after the show, caused an unforeseen amount of worry to form in Y/N’s stomach. 
But as usual all the nervousness and worrying thoughts left as soon as she played the first note of ‘emails i can’t send’ as the concert began.
Eddie did not expect to enjoy the concert that much, the music itself wasn’t exactly his style, but it was the presence that Y/N had on stage that captivated him. And it was at this point Eddie realised he had never seen a picture of Y/N before, and god was she gorgeous. She had this beauty that ran deeper than just her looks, her smile redacted warmth and her kindness shown through when she talked to the crowd. 
Eddie naturally felt awkward about his attraction towards her, she was easily 20 years younger than him, his son had a better shot than he did. But that sure as hell didn’t stop the thoughts that came into mind when Y/N sang her more explicit lyrics. 
And with Eddie’s new found attraction towards Y/N, it only made him nervous for their meeting after the show. 
Eddie and Isla were currently walking down the hallway they were directed to, with Isla leading the way. And when Y/N came into their view standing at the snack table, drinking a bottle of water, Isla ran up to Y/N not being able to contain her excitement. Eddie in the meantime, having a reaction to seeing Y/N of his own. Eddie froze, his breath caught in his throat.
“Hi! Oh god, I can’t believe I’m meeting you! Can I have a hug?”
“Of course, sweetie. You’re Isla right?” Y/N said, pulling Isla into a tight hug.
“Yes. I can’t believe you know my name.” As Isla was having an existential crisis, Eddie spoke up, finally having the courage.
“Hi, I’m Eddie. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yes, you too! My parents love your music.”
“Oh, that aged me.” Eddie joked back, with no real offence in his voice. Though he did place a hand on his heart to seal the deal.
“No! Please, you’re not that old. You’re what 35- 40” Y/N said, looking into Eddie’s eyes, her cheeks spread in a wide smile.
“Now I know you’re kidding.”
“No, really I’m not. How old are you?”
While the two had their little back and forth, Isla recovered from her crisis, and watched the two adults that were clearly both into each other. So of course in true Isla fashion, she did everything she could to make her idol, a possible new step-mom.
“He’s single too.” Isla blurted out, she’s never been good with filters.
“Is he?”
“Oh- I- I’m not- you’re not-” Eddie stutters, not knowing exactly how to respond to that.
“Well, I’m staying in New York for a couple weeks, you could call me?” Y/N says, having no idea where this new found confidence of hers is coming from. But nonetheless runs with it, grabbing a napkin from the snack table the trio was standing by and writing for number on  it before handing it to Eddie.
“Um, I have to now. It was so lovely meeting you Isla, and it was great meeting you Eddie..”
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gosmigenergy · 1 year
KINKTOBER 2023 / Day Two
( Triple Frontier Boys x F!Reader )
Summary: After a conscious decision to stop dating, your friend invites you to fight night where more than one person catches your eye.
Rating: 12A?
Warnings: Mentions of dating/bad relationships, allusions to a non-monogamous relationship, language, drinking, teeny bit of masturbation, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 4.4k
Notes: When @absurdthirst announced their Kinktober 2023 list, I actually got inspired to start writing and I’m now taking the plunge by posting them online. It’s been a few years since I wrote smut so bear with me. If there is anything spoken in italics, it’s Santiago or Francisco speaking in Spanish, I didn’t want to just Google translate and butcher it. My brain also didn’t do this in numerical order hence why there is no Day 01 though this story seemed more of a fitting start.
I may not complete the entire list so be ready for sporadic updates, enjoy!
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The story of how you ended up in an open relationship with four, rather handsome guys was a simple one.
You were lonely and horny but also indecisive.
Your notable chastity came after a series of shitty relationships and dates with men. After being ghosted, catfished and caught up in a quick partnership with a toxic dom, you had pretty much given up on the male species. Except, once a few months had passed, the sexual urge came back, you couldn’t fathom the strength to go out and find people but there is only so much a toy can do.
“A cage fight? What are we going to do at a cage fight?”
“I don’t know,” your friend spoke with a tone that indicated she knew something you didn’t. “But there will be plenty of men.”
You roll your eyes, she was desperate to get you back out there, she also knew you well enough to know fighting your sexual nature was soon going to become a struggle and she couldn’t handle the idea of another crap hook up for you.
That evening you found yourself outside of town, in front of a sorry looking hanger with your friend waiting for the rest of the group, watching the slim picking choices of men. 
“If I wanted a frat boy, I could have just gone to that one bar.”
Your friend scoffed, “Frat boys are not the only option here.”
They weren’t but they seemed to be the better option. 
Every other man you saw, you wouldn’t touch with a barge pole. Amongst the Frat boys was portly bikers who could barely remain on their bikes, those who you could only describe as rednecks and guys so terrifying, the idea of approaching them didn’t even come to the forefront of your mind.
“How long do you think the girls are going to be?”
“Fashionably late,” she shrugs.
“There’s a strong possibility they’ll miss their guy.”
You have flashbacks to when you went to a concert and they arrived so late, they only made it in time for the main act. The pair of you had sworn never to attend anything with them unless you had your tickets and could make your way to the venue without them. Tonight, you were both a little worried about how they’d be when they turned up and in an event like this, they’d stand out in the crowd.
You hugged your frame, bobbing up and down on the balls of your feet.
“Could we just get them to message when they’re here?”
“We’ll give them another 20 minutes.”
The flurry of people thickened and you stood to one side to allow everyone to pass without having to go around you. You were watching the time pass by on your phone when your friend’s announcement interrupted you.
“They’re here.”
“Thank fuck.”
You raise your head, about to look passed the incoming audience when you caught sight of someone.
He has his head ducked low underneath a baseball cap, his outfit in shades of navy and grey, hands stuffed in tight jeans pockets. Under the brim, his brown eyes flicked up to yours like he knew he was being watched. A smile came to his lips, brightening his five o’clock shadow, the moment between you was brief.
He carried on walking and you kept your eyes in front, swallowing as you felt his gaze still on you.
“Are you ok?” Your friend queried.
“I’m fine.”
The temperature rises in your cheeks.
In the venue, the group of you squeezed into a middle row on one side of the cage. The rest of the girls had already arrived a little bit ‘squiffy’ as they put it and on the second round of drinks, you’d offered to head to the overcrowded bar.
You had spent the evening rejecting offers from all sort of men, the cheesiest chat up lines plugged to you in every kind of way - ‘when do you get in the ring’, ‘what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this’ etcetera, etcetera. Your mystery man was nowhere to be seen and you think he was just a figment of your imagination.
Pushing your way through the throng, you manage to grab onto the trim of the makeshift bar and haul yourself forward. You lean your weight on your elbows and wait patiently for one of the bar staff to finish serving another drunkard.
“So, what’s a little girl like you doing in a place like this?”
The way they said ‘little girl’ made your skin crawl, even the guy next to you clocked your discomfort.
“Out with friends and would rather be left alone, thank you.”
“Aw, come on, I just want to talk.”
“I’d rather not, I’ve had plenty of men try and talk to me tonight and I told them the exact same thing. Please leave me alone.”
There was movement behind you but you thought it best not to make eye contact. You felt the air pass your shoulder as the guy next to you threw up a hand and caught the other man’s wrist that was inches away from your body.
“Hey, she’s already asked you nicely to leave her alone.”
Oh god, was a fight going to start because of you?
The growing tension had your heart pounding and your knuckles became white as you held your nerve.
“Who are you, her boyfriend?”
“If I was, would it stop you harassing her?”
The man behind you mumbled something incoherently before squirming out of the guy’s grip and staggering away.
“Thank you,” you finally look his way, giving him a smile.
He smiled, giving you a gestured nod, “You’re welcome.”
Even in this light, he had baby blue eyes and delicate freckles along his cheek bones. His upper body was wide, holding it’s own against wave after wave of people coming in to wait along the bar.
“You have some pretty quick reflexes, are you sure you’re not meant to be in that cage?”
He laughs, shaking his head.
“Nah, not my kind of thing. How about you? That look could have knocked him dead.”
“There’d be a lot bodies on the floor if it worked,” you quip. “I’m here as chaperone to the group of forlorn looking girls waiting for their man.”
His smile broaden, digging dimples into his cheeks.
“And who might that be?”
“Benny Miller,” you shrug.
You’ve been invited to watch him fight but actually have no fucking idea what he looks like, the girls have just been swooning about his ridiculous six pack.
“Really? He’s going to be thrilled.”
“You think?”
“I’m his brother, of course I know.”
You cock your head, eyebrows arching, maybe you could understand the fascination with this fighter if his brother is anything to go by.
“Oh god, how many Millers are there?”
His laugh is contagious.
“Only the two of us. If you count brothers in arms, there’s four.”
You should have guessed with those reflexes he was some sort of military.
Just as you’re about to speak, a bar man appears and he allows you to order your round first, five shots should come quickly. Juggling to get a grip of five tiny plastic glasses in two hands, you flash him another smile.
“Thanks…” You falter, “Sorry, I didn’t ask your name.”
You introduce yourself and thank him again before slipping into the stream of people, excusing and apologising to anyone who got in your way.
“You were gone a while,” you friend said inquisitively after taking a shot of sour cherry flavoured liquor.
You hum, “I got harassed at the bar and Benny Miller’s brother stepped in as my knight in shining armour.”
She laughs, checking quickly to see if the other girls heard.
“What is with you tonight? First that guy at the entrance, now the brother.”
“His name is Will and I haven’t seen that other guy since.”
It was nice to know he wasn’t imaginary.
There were a few rounds before Benny’s, the girls squealing and looking away as two guys beat the living daylight out of each other. They shouldn’t have been there, too much blood, too much violence and too much sweat from the crowd washing over them and it wasn’t like they could talk either.
The break came and as the other girls insisted on another drink, you politely excused yourself to breath some cool outside air.
You refused the offer of a cigarette when you stepped out the doors, eyes flitting to see if there was an empty bench or some patch of grass where you could escape the huddle of people congregating. Wandering around, you found yourself at the side entrance of the hanger, a lone person leaning a brick low barring wall.
There couldn’t be any harm sitting with him, he seemed harmless enough.
“Do you mind if I sit here?”
The man glanced over, brown curls flicking from under his cap.
“Go ahead.”
You side, jumping to rest your ass before taking a massive swing of water from the fountain you’d discovered on your way out.
There was a moment of silence before he spoke.
“No offence but you don’t seem one for violence.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You look too sweet and innocent,” he shrugged.
You hum, “Who says I’m innocent?”
He laughs, dropping his head before taking a swig of beer, eyes in front of him.
“I apologise.”
“That’s ok, I get what you’re saying, it’s been pretty brutal so far.”
His tongue flicked over his bottom lip, “I’ve seen worse.”
“Well, for the sake of the girls I’m with, I hope Benny Miller don’t get the shit beaten out of him.”
“Don’t worry, he won’t.”
He sounded so sure and that’s when your brain made the connection to what Will said earlier.
“You’re one of his brothers in arms, aren’t you?”
The man leaned back, placing one hand on his thigh, the little target tattoo on his hand stretching. He faced you now with a furrowed brow and parted lips, his eyes dark as you could see his mind working out how you knew.
“I bumped into Will at the bar.”
His expression seemed to soften.
“He told you about me?”
“Not specifically,” you winced, trying not to hurt his feelings. “We just got talking.”
The corners of his lips twitched, “He did mention meeting a pretty girl at the bar.”
You had to look away, your cheeks and chest immediately on fire, a spark that travelled your lower belly, spreading with desire. Will said you were pretty and he just clarified the comment, your friend was right, what is with you tonight?
He was just about to speak until the heavy swing of the door made you jump, he barely moved an inch.
“You better get you ass in here, Benny will lose his shit if you ain’t there to walk him in.”
For a brief moment, you couldn’t see who was attached to the voice but it was smooth.
They step out from behind the door and you saw the edge of a blue bomber jacket and the navy peak of a cap, his soft slopping nose and the five o’clock shadow along his sharp jawline.
Oh no.
It was if he caught something out of the corner of his eye, like he saw his friend and wondered why there was another person sat next to him, who was the other person sat next to him. His one eyebrow was arched, his lip straight until he recognised the face.
“Didn’t I catch your eye earlier?”
“I’m sure it was the other way round,” you remark wittily.
He smiled, nodding, “Agree to disagree.”
“If you say so.”
“Are you going to chat up all my guys tonight?”
He points between you and the other guy.
“I think you’ll find they keep chatting to me.”
He laughs, nodding again.
Both of the men shared a look, understanding each other though no word was exchanged, it was annoying yet somewhat enticing.
You wished you could know what they were thinking.
“Come on, Fish, he’s going on in a couple of minutes.”
He got up from the wall, abandoning the empty cup but he glanced one last time at you.
“Nickname,” he stuffed his hands in his pockets. “It’s Frankie to everyone else.”
You tell him your name and he smiles, nodding as he walked away. Frankie pats the other man on the back, stating ‘hermano’ and sauntering away, readjusting his cap before he disappeared into the venue.
Slipping off the wall, you went to say goodbye before he gestured for you to come through the back.
The door slammed behind him and he followed you, body unbelievably close, his breath mixing with the heat contained in the hanger.
“So, do I get to know your name?”
Glancing over your shoulder, he still has that soft smile, eyes roaming what was in front of him that caused goosebumps to arrive on your skin.
You walked passed rows of lockers and tired wooden benches before he stopped, letting you walk a little further.
“Go to your left and follow the corridor to the double doors.”
You nod, “See you in there?”
His smile grew, “Sure.”
Following his instructions, the corridor felt like it went on for miles, the music muffled through the brickwork, the only sound your shoes squeaking on tiles. You were trying to wrap your head around what was going on, how had you met three guys in one night who all knew each other and seemed, to you anyway, to be caught in your gravitational pull? Or was your friend right, were you just that ridiculously horny after months of your own hand or toys?
You shake your head, taking a deep breath before joining civilisation again.
“They wanted to get closer,” your friend said, rolling her eyes.
“Aren’t we technically in the splash zone now?”
“D’you think they’re bothered?”
She was right, the rest of the girls were far too gone to even worry about being covered in sweat, beer and possibly blood, all you prayed for is none of them got ahead of themselves and flashed the fighter at the worst time.
After Benny’s name got introduced over the speakers and the match started, you finally saw the other three from the group, distorted opposite by the wire hexagons that followed the cage. Even they were sensible enough to sit several rows back, they cheered and backed Benny the whole way through and when the opportunity arose, fleetingly looked to you.
A heat washed over your body.
“They said this is the way!”
The girls were giggling, tottering up the corridor as fast as they could in heels. You and your other friend held back, mostly to ensure you weren’t connected to the fangirls who were trying to find a battered and bruised man.
You pretended you didn’t know where the locker room was though you were there moments earlier, you couldn’t face the queries from your friend.
“He’ll be in here,” a friend beckons everyone over.
“And I’m out,” you hold your hands up. “I’m not sneaking into the boys locker room.”
“Really? I thought you’d quite like a photographic memory for tonight.”
You shake you head, “I have the internet for that.”
She laughs, nudging your hip.
“I’m just going to see how this all plays out.”
She pushes you away and you stagger to an empty space on the wall, leaning against it and allowing the cold to spread across you back. Tipping your head back, you close your eyes, taking a breath.
“Don’t want to join your friends.”
A familiar voice breaks the silence.
“Do you always hang round in the shadows?”
He scoffs, “No.”
“I’d rather not be associated with,” you wave a hand. “Their actions.”
He moves to the wall opposite you, copying your stance, his smile curling as he can hear the chaos in the distance.
“You know it’s a shame,” he looked at you through the corner of his eyes. “He would have liked to have met you.”
You scowl, tilting your head.
“You’ve been talking about me?”
“Will and Fish are quite enamoured with you.”
“And you?”
Your heart was pounding, the blood rushing to your head. You were nervous to hear his answer, tongue sweeping over your dry lips and all he could do was smile, breaking eye contact.
“I don’t think you could handle me.”
You hum, “I like a challenge.”
He pursed his lips, cocking his head to one side.
“You look too sweet for me, honey.”
The way he said ‘honey’ was intoxicating, smooth with a hint of his Spanish pronunciation, it made your heart flutter. You push yourself off the wall and take a few steps over to him, folding your arms across your chest, standing tall.
You look him up and down, your expression scrunching, you’d seen someone like him before not exactly like him but they all appear the same.
“Maybe that’s just what you need… A good girl who’ll do as she’s told.”
He turned to face you, eyes almost black and you swallowed. His smile crocked into a smirk, he noticed the falter in your otherwise firm stance. Moving his body close, he leaned forward, hands placed to his hips. He brought his lips to the shell of your ear.
“Then give me your phone.”
You do as you’re told, unlocking the screen as you hand it over.
Taking it in one hand, he gives you space and taps away before giving it back. You check the details on the phone.
Santiago Garcia is a new contact.
“Give us a message if you need anything.”
You blinked at the screen then up at him, his face had softened.
“I’ll hold you to that, Santiago.”
He winked and walked away, out of your vision, he shooed the girls away.
“So, did ask her?”
The guys had driven to a late night diner after the match, part of Benny’s post match routine was stuffing his face with a load of carbs.
“Not quite,” Santiago took a bite of a fry. “I gave her my number.”
Benny practically made a raspberry noise like a child.
Santiago shook his head, throwing his hands up, “The balls in her court.”
“You should have just asked her.”
Frankie took a swig of his coffee, “This isn’t the kind of thing you just walk up and ask, she would have run a fucking mile.”
Benny pointed with his fork, “This is why I should have done it.”
Frankie burst into laughter, Santiago and Will shaking their heads, he has no fucking idea.
“There’s no way she would have taken the offer from you,” Will was trying to contain his laughter, cheeks turning a faint hue of pink. “I trust Pope, the balls in her court now.”
Benny ladled the last of his food onto his fork, “Do you think she’ll bite?”
Santiago was praying to every god that you did even though he was far from religious. This is the first time back since he felt anything, it was unusual that he found himself vying for attention with the other boys.
This was new territory for him and he’s done a lot of shit.
He thinks back to the conversation with you, he didn’t expect what came out of your mouth and it was like the lure of a siren to a sailor. It’s why he reconsidered you as an option. Sure, you cracked a little when he got close yet who wouldn’t and that’s when he guessed you may have seen it before.
His fingers have been twitching to check his phone all night.
“You’re guess is as good as mine.”
And you were laying in bed contemplating whether it was too early to message him.
After the fight, you thought you’d just go home and crash, you thought wrong.
Stripping off, you decided to take a shower to get rid of the grime from the night. You had an idea you were wet, you just didn’t realise how much your arousal had pooled. There was so many factors you could blame - several matches where two sweaty, semi dressed men were in close proximity to each other, three men’s eyes watching you and your eyes met, Santiago centimetres from your face.
The water fell soothing down your skin and you settled two fingers against your clit, rubbing gently. Closing your eyes, you pictured the fine details, the blonde of Will’s hair, the wideness of Frankie’s hand, the musk of Santiago’s aftershave.
You dragged your fingers along your folds, gasping as you sunk them into your burning cunt.
It was embarrassing how quickly you came to the thought of them, you hands reaching for the cool tiles of your bathroom as your legs threatened to give way. Your breath was shaking, your body vibrating as the warmth travelled up your spine.
A message popped up on your phone from your friend, hoping that you had a good night, the winking face emoji a hint to the boys. Messaging now seemed desperate, your teeth grazed you lip.
Rolling over, you prayed that sleep would take you.
You decided against messaging Santiago in the morning, you were groggy and unmotivated with suggestions of a possible meet up would fall on deaf ears. It was in the afternoon, after some good food and a walk in the fresh air that you felt ready.
‘And when you say anything, what did you have in mind?’
That was the question that lead you to the bar tonight.
As it was a dive bar, or so you and your friends believed, you didn’t wear anything fancy however it didn’t mean you under dressed. You wore a dress that accentuated the curves of your body, hiding it with an oversized jacket and trainers. Taking a breath, you pushed through the doors, the vision of Santiago stood at the bar ordering.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”
“I’m fashionably late,” you retort, taking a note out of your friends’ books.
He laughed, “What are you drinking?”
He bought you a drink and you went to join the boys at the table, finally being introduced to Benny.
“I was kind of insulted you didn’t want to meet me but I’ll forgive you.”
The five of you talked about everything and anything, you learned that Frankie was a pilot, Santiago chased cartels for years after being in the military because he couldn’t stand still and the Miller brothers spent their youth on a family farm. After food and another round, Benny decided that it was the perfect time to get the conversation rolling on to why you were here.
“Are we gonna do this or not?”
He was straight to the point.
“Christ, Benny,” Will could have kicked him under the table. “Always thinking with that dick of yours.”
You guessed the implication would be something sexual, you got that from Santiago last night but his text gave you nothing, actually the whole evening gave you nothing. It was just nice to be in the company of four very different yet very attractive men who hadn’t push any boundaries.
Frankie lifted his cap and ran his fingers through brown curls, his focus pulling to Santiago.
“You want to start? You’re better with words.”
It’s also more his kind of thing, is what he left out, but it wasn’t easy.
Your eyes flicked to every man around the table. Frankie couldn’t make eye contact, Benny glanced between you and Santiago while Will seemed to be the calmest of the lot.
“We got talking yesterday about a girl we saw at the fight and it turns out we were talking about the same one. Now, the guys haven’t really done this before, I’ve shared before but not quite like this —“
“Wait, did you just say shared?”
It was alarmingly hot all of the sudden.
“Yes, I did,” he rubbed the scar along his neck.
Frankie chuckled to himself, “I guess there is no easy way of saying it.”
Santiago could see your mind working overtime, the knot in your brows tightening. Your lips opened before you stopped and thought over your words again.
“Do you guys want a five way?”
You wouldn’t complain if they did.
Benny and Santiago’s brows seemingly raised.
“Not quite, sweetheart,” Will lowered his tone, closing in on you so his frame blocked the rest of the bar from your vision. “We’re thinking more, we share you out evenly, four ways.”
You blink, tongue running over your dry lips, just the thought alone had settled between your thighs.
“So, a different guy every night?”
“If you want,” Benny chimed in.
Santiago shrugged, “I was thinking more of a weekly schedule.”
That would make sense.
Your mind was processing the concept, it could be good, yet it could also be bad, catastrophically bad. That’s what happened with that dom, they made all these promises, that they’d buy you all these rewards and gifts if you did what they wanted, they never came. They had you running round in circles, doing a load of shit you thought you wanted to do when in actuality, you didn’t. They manipulated you until you finally said no and then they gaslighted you into thinking it was all your fault when it never was.
Could these guys do that too?
“What are you thinking, querida?” Frankie broke through the silence.
“Just the string of bad relationships that came before this,” you take a swig of your drink, catching his puppy dog eyes. “Not that I’m saying this is a bad idea, it’s just…”
You chose your words carefully.
“I’d need to see the terms and conditions.”
He nodded, “That’s fair.”
“I’ll get the papers to you in the morning,” Santiago joked.
“I better not see any spelling mistakes or the deal’s off.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, Will’s my copywriter.”
You tried to keep the upper hand but you broke, the smile cracking on your lips.
“Sooo, is that a yes?”
Benny’s eyes were darting from person to person, this conversation was too cryptic for him, he wanted a firm answer.
“It’s a maybe.”
He pouted, nodding, “I’m taking that as a positive, celebratory shots on me.”
The rest of the boys groaned as he slipped out of the booth towards the bar, Will apologising for his brother’s enthusiasm given the fact you didn’t give a solid ‘yes’. You thought you’d pretty much ruled men out and then suddenly the universe had gifted you four of them.
Maybe this was the end of that dry spell, the possibility of your sexual awakening and more and honestly, you didn’t mind at all.
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prettygirlgerard · 1 year
tell me your stories and memories in the tags :3
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pandorasword · 1 year
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS
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Love interests - 2015 to present
A summary of dating, rejections and any romantic interaction between Chaeri and others
The night market - april 2013
In which Chaeri and Jungkook sneak out of the dorms during the trainee period
Chaeri and Jungkook as babysitters - march 2017
In which a little girl is asked to keep Chaeri and Jungkook's biggest secret
Isn't it wrong so good? - April 2017
In which Chaeri and Jungkook need some time alone
A love letter - summer 2017
In which Chaeri and Jungkook have a sneaky little date
Red gardenias - october 2018
In which a bouquet of flowers can be worth more than a thousand words
Chaeri's Bodyguard Betrayal - early 2019
In which we learn why Chaeri's bodyguard betrayed her
Silver lips 1/2 | Silver lips 2/2 - november 22, 2021, American Music Awards
In which Chaeri has an incredible urge to be the first to kiss her ex-boyfriend, Jungkook, who has just had his lip pierced
2 a.m. decisions - december 2021
In which a kiss leads Chaeri to a forced hiatus and, when she returns to Korea for New Year's Eve, Jungkook decides to visit her
A look through Chaeri and Hoongjoong's relationship - 2022 to present
Chaeri and Hongjoong first times - january/february 2022 to june 2022
Hongjoong and Chaeri caught in intimate moments - june 2022
In which Chaeri and Hongjoong end up on the front pages of local gossip papers
Fire mouth - june 2022
In which Hongjoong finds himself addicted to something he dislikes, only because he tastes it from Chaeri's lips (+ a video about them parenting Ateez)
The Price of Love in the Public Eye - july 2022
In which Hongjoong experiences being in a public relationship as a kpop idol
How Hongjoong and Chaeri's relationship broke all the logics of the KPOP industry - second half of 2022
In which Hongjoong and Chaeri break all the logic of KPOP by being overly public with their relationship
When night comes - July/August 2022
In which Chaeri stays overnight at Hongjoong's for the first time
If by Chance - august 2022
Snippets of Jungkook's perspective on the relationship between Hongjoong and Chaeri
Checkered Flag for Love - september/october, 2022
In which Chaeri takes Hongjoong to a GP
Trip Vlog - Stockholm - october 2022
In which Chaeri and Hongjoong go to Stockholm for a vacation
Jungkook's 03.03.2023 live - live moments recalling January/February 2023
In which fans, during the live, notice obvious references of Chaeri and Jungkook during January and February 2023
Jungkook's 14.03.2023 live - live moments recalling January/February 2023
In which Jk's live on 14.03.23 is nothing more than a summary of his time with Chaeri at the beginning of the year
Eden's wedding - late january, 2023
In which Hongjoong cannot help but notice the way Jungkook looks at Chaeri
Calvin Klein 1/3 | Calvin Klein 2/3 | Calvin Klein 3/3 - march 2023
In which posing for Calvin Klein turns out to be a more challenging job than she'd ever thought it would be
Seoul Love On tour 1/2 | Seoul Love On Tour 2/2 (Two Ghosts) - march 20, 2023
In which Harry Styles' post-concert doesn't go as planned for Chaeri, as Jungkook has something to tell her
Calvin Klein Event - may 10, 2023
In which fans receive informations about Chaeri and Jungkook's argument
A Break-up? Speculation and theories - june, 2023
In which medias speculate about a possible breakup between Chaeri and Hongjoong
K-talk: More speculations about a possible Break-up - july 2023
In which a podcast talks about a possible breakup between Chaeri and Hongjoong
Seven - july, 2023
In which Chaeri is the guest star in Jungkook's new MV
You came - december 11, 2023
The night before Jungkook's enlistment
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hirunoka · 1 year
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Käärijä | Helsinki Ice Hall, 20 May 2023
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Käärijä - Välikuolema @ Helsinki Ice Hall Black Box
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
Life Lessons: The Intro
Fresh of a world tour, y/n l/n announces her next album.....
Life Lessons Masterlist
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liked by fan28, user0929 and others
yourusername Life Lessons. Coming soon.
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fan1 askkskakskwek
fan39 new music?! ahhhhh
fan37 babe the cover pic?! who hurt you
usert882 When??
yourusername soon:)
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Notes pop star y/n l/n announces new album: Life Lessons. To learn more about the album, check out our conversation with the young talent at this link
What’s next for y/n?
By Michelle F.
July 20, 2023
On the eve of y/n l/ns final date for her sold out world tour, I receive a phone call. It’s an invitation to the show in Paris La Defense Arena, and the opportunity to speak to y/n about what’s coming next for the pop sensation. A no brainer really. I’ve been following y/ns journey pretty much since she came onto the scene and to hear that she personally requested me to speak to? That was a shock but an absolute honour. So I hop on the Eurostar and make my way to the City of Love, Lights and Dreams. 
 A mere three hours later I’m waiting in the wings as Y/n takes the stage to a deafening crowd. The Monaco native cracks a joke in french, later translated as a slight dig at the French but all in good fun. The performance is electric as y/n performs tracks from her first three albums, all of which took the world by storm and dominated charts. One of my favourite shows that I’ve been to in a while.  Keep reading to hear more about our conversation after the show. 
Michelle: Hi y/n! That was an incredible show!
Y/n: Oh thank you Michelle, youre too kind. 
M: How does it feel, being onstage and performing for that large of a crowd? Tonight’s was pretty big but not the largest of your tour, correct?
Y: I think we had a few bigger, but it’s hard to explain. This is something I’ve dreamed of for my entire life so even though its nerve wracking, I know that I’m where I want to be. This tour has been pretty eye opening! Tonight was special though! I’ve been to many a concert in those stadium with my friends, since it was the closest major arena to Monaco so we could just hop on a train and see our favourite artists and make a girl trip out of it. 
M: That sounds so fun! This was your first tour headlining, what did you find was the biggest difference between that and opening? You opened for Ed Sheeran on his tour after the release of your second album and now for your third youre headlining.  
Y: besides people being here mostly to see me, not someone else, longer sets is the biggest difference. But i’m working with lots of the same crew that worked on the tour with Ed so it’s been pretty epic!
M: So the big question, what’s next?
Y: well….I might have something coming soon. 
M: oh, do tell! A new album?
Y: I guess I can tell you :) My next album, Life Lessons, will be releasing pretty soon. 
M: tell me everything? When are we looking at release? What’s it all about? Track names?
Y: haha, no definite date yet, but it will be soon (she winks). As for what it’s about, life. It’s been about three years in the making, so the lessons that I’ve learned over the past three years. Track names you’ll find out along with everyone else haha 
M: I guess I can accept that. Three years? How so?
Y: well, its a series of songs that I’ve written over the past 3 years at varying points and finally decided, you know what, lets release them and see what people think. 
M: will it be similar to your previous albums, stylistically, or will we see something more than the indie pop sound we’ve come to know from you?
Y: Everything really. my usual (she air quotes) sound, but some songs with slightly different vibes. There may even be a few country inspired.
M: Country’s a new genre for you. Are you a big fan normally?
Y: oh absolutely. Its nowhere near as popular here in Europe, but my granddad is from Georgia so I grew up with it in the house. When I was putting all the lyrics to music, a few of them I wanted to have a country feel, so I reached out to few friends and got opinions and everyone loved it. I decided that I dont mind if my fans dont love those songs, this album is for me. I hope they do, of course, but it is a different genre than my normal so I’d understand if they dont vibe with them as much as my other songs. 
M: Speaking of friends, any co-writers or collaborators on this album? You recently had a track with your ex boyfriend Noah Kahan on his album. Is he returning the favour?
Y: ha, nope. This one is all me. My producer and best friend, Bella, and my tour band helped with laying down the tracks, but lyrics are all me. 
M: well I’m excited. And sorry to bring it up, but your realtionship with Noah, did that provide any inspiration for the album? 
Y: yes, but probably not in the way people will be expecting. Noahs great though. We were great friends before our fling started and we’ve stayed good friends after. We all have those moments right, where we think that trying to be more is a good idea. He’s an incredible guy though. 
M: So does the album follow any kind of order? 
Y: Somewhat chronological over the period but nothing concrete. 
M: well y/n I hope our readers feel the same but I can’t wait!! I’ll be impatiently waiting for the release. Thank you again for taking to time to talk to me today. Enjoy the little break you’ll have!!
Y: thanks Michelle, I’m sure well talk soon!
Get excited readers,  this album is going to be special. 
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world-of-wales · 9 months
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2 MAY - Princess Charlotte's 8th Birthday Portrait captured by Catherine was released by Kensington Palace. 3 MAY - Catherine, William and their children attended the Coronation Rehearsal. 4 MAY - Catherine and William travelled on the Elizabeth Line to Tottenham Court Road Station where they were received by Mr. Kevin Traverse-Healy (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). Afterwards, they visited the Dog and Duck Pub. 5 MAY - Catherine and William attended the Realm Governor-Generals and Prime Ministers Reception at Buckingham Palace. Afterwards, they joined The King in greeting the crowds at The Mall. Subsequently, they attended the Reception for Heads of State and Overseas Guests. 6 MAY - Catherine, William and their children attended the Coronation of The King and Queen in Westminster Abbey. Afterwards, they witnessed the RAF fly-past from the Palace Balcony. 7 MAY - Catherine and William attended the Coronation Big Lunch on the Long Walk. Later, they attended the BBC Coronation Concert and held a Reception following the Concert at Windsor Castle. 8 MAY - Catherine and were joined by their kids for the Big Help Out at 3rd Upton Scouts Hall. They appeared in the Coronation Portrait released by Buckingham Palace. 9 MAY - Catherine and William gave an Afternoon Garden Party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the Coronation of The King and Queen. 11 MAY - Catherine received Professor Eamon McCrory (Board Member, the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood Advisory Group) at Windsor Castle. Afterwards, they held a Meeting with Mrs. Alice Webb (Trustee, The Royal Foundation). 13 MAY - Catherine joined Kalush Orchestra for a special piano performance for the 2023 Eurovision Finale. 14 MAY - Catherine appeared in a Eurovision Performance BTS portrait released by Kensington Palace. 16 MAY - Catherine was received by His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Somerset (Mr. Mohammed Saddiq) as she visited the Kelly Holmes Trust to mark Mental Health Awareness Week. 17 MAY - Catherine visited her patronage - Family Action. 18 MAY - Catherine visited the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families where she was received by Mr. Paul Herbage (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). 20 MAY - Kensington Palace released a new portrait featuring Catherine with her bees to mark World Bee Day. 23 MAY - Catherine attended a Children's Picnic at the Chelsea Flower Show of the Royal Horticultural Society. 25 MAY - Catherine visited the Foundling Museum where she was received by Ms. Roxane Zand (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). Afterwards, she was received by Ms. Geraldine Norris (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London) as she attended a workshop with Kinship at St. Pancras Community Centre. 31 MAY - Catherine and William arrived in Amman for the Royal Wedding.
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kanmom51 · 3 months
JK social media masterlist
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JK post post concert
JK deleted his IG content
JK’s new IG page (which he deleted too)
Yep IG page deleted again
JK on Twitter 19 June 2022
JK on IG 10 August 2022
Bangtan wishes for JK’s birthday 2022
JK IG 7 September 2022
PolyC IG 15 September 2022
JKs IG story 21 September 2022
JK’s IG story 8 October 2022
JK Weverse October 9 2022
JK’s brother’s story 2 Feb 2023
JK on IG - r.i.p. JK’s IG
JK quarantined in LV with covid
Hobi got the all clear and JK is doing ok
Kookie’s bored
Did JK say “try and take me”?
JK has grown and matured so much
JK is out of quarantine
JK with Akiyamachoo
JK’s brother’s IG story 20 March 2023
When you don’t have your own IG 
JK Weverse 16 April 2023 
JK Weverse 26.4.2023 13:10 KST
JK Weverse 26.4.2023 14:41 KST
JK Weverse 26.4.2023 15:23 KST
JK Weverse 19:51 or 7:51 KST 26.4.2023
JK Weverse 26.4.2023 (again)
JK Weverse 5 May 4:47 pm KST
JK Weverse 21 May 
Jakay what you doing - live 25 May 23
JK live 25.5.2023 12:03 am KST
Did someone say JK won’t do the Super challenge?
JK posting about the challenge
Our kangaroo is back
JK 18 June 2023 11:39 am KST
JK’s brother’s IG 30 June 2023
JK Weverse 2 July 2023
If anyone had any doubt about JK's brother and his support of JK.
JK Weverse 31.7 12:11 pm KST
JK Weverse 1.8.23 8:21 pm or 20:21 KST
As if we didn’t know he’s lurking
JK is super active today
Same day
Oh Jimin
Magnate for JK’s birthday
JK birthday pics
JK Weverse 13 September 2023 - The fuck??
JK with BPD and TXT
JK Weverse 1 October 2023
JK TikTok 3 October 2023
JK on Weverse 2 October 2023
JK Weverse 6 October 2023
JK TikTok 8 October 2023
JK Weverse 9 October 2023
JK Tik Tok
JK Weverse Smoke dance challenge
JK TikTok 17 September 2023
What did we have yesterday?
JK TikTok 23 September 2023
JK TikTok 8 October 2023
And once again he changes his TikTok 
Ask and you shall be answered - 23 October 2023
JK TikTok story 21 October 2023
JK TikTok 21 October 2023
JK TikTok 22 October 2023
This is JK
JK and Le Sserafim - 27 October
JK TikTok Standing next to you with TXT
JK TikTok Standing next to you with Le Sserafim
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