#2.) he snaps in and out of it so much this episode. sam did a great job w that
saintlioncourt · 3 months
Lestat, almost floating in the memory of the church kiss, snapping his head and eyes to the side when that soldier yelled from the balcony... the way his eyes looked near pitch-black where he stood in the shadow, his snarl, and the cadence of his voice when he said, "Where lies their disgust now?"
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ninii-winchester · 3 months
Chosen Affection
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader
Word Count : 3.3k
Warnings : slight angst, language, Lucifer being Lucifer, soft smut at the end (nothing explicit) MDNI. Unedited.
Part 2 to Deepest Desire
A/n : This is a Supernatural x Lucifer crossover fic. I’ve only ever watched a few episodes of Lucifer. This is a work of fiction, I don’t own Supernatural or Lucifer. They belong to CW and Netlfix respectively.
After talking with Sam, Y/n went back inside the bar and Dean followed silently. Chloe could tell Y/n had been crying and the tension was obvious. Lucifer eyed the couple, clearly enjoying the drama, which he created in the first place. Not intentionally but he did.
"I think it's best we get to the Bunker and see what we can do from there." Y/n told the other three, Dean opened his mouth to argue but she cut him off. "Sam agrees."
"The Bunker?" Chloe asked confusion lacing her voice.
"It's our workplace. We live there too." Y/n replied, Dean's heart squeezed the she didn't call it home. He knew it was far from homey but that's the closest thing they've had to a place of their own.
"Sounds fun." Lucifer said standing up from his seat.
The quartet left the bar. Dean watched as Y/n slid into the back seat of the Impala, he sighed before he made his way to the driver's seat. Lucifer slid into the passenger's seat while Chloe joined Y/n in the back. He watched her from the rear view mirror hoping to catch her eye but she never looked his way.
The drive back was awkward and tense. Dean couldn't bear the uncomfortable silence so stepped on the gas, wanting to reach their destination as soon as possible. They soon arrived at the Bunker and Dean opened the huge door allowing them to enter. The quartet descended the stairs and Y/n spotted Sam sitting at one of the tables in the library, his laptop opened in front of him.
Sam noticed the presence of other people, and looked away from the screen. He looked at the man in black suit with weary eyes, not feeling completely at ease in his presence. Chloe noticed his timidness and introduced herself.
"I'm Detective Chloe Decker." She held her hand for Sam to shake. "This is..uh my partner, Lucifer."
"Sam Winchester." He shook her hand and nodded at Lucifer who stood there with his hands in his pant pockets. That was so awkward that even, ever the friendly, Sam had a hard time clearing the air.
"Alright." Y/n broke the silence before she went crazy with all the palpable tension around the room. "We need to send them back home as soon as possible. Sam have you got anything yet?" She questioned walking towards him as he sat back on his chair.
"So I've been searching the internet for a way to open a portal to another universe and so far I've got anything." He explained running a hand through his hair. "Although I've yet to search the the files in the library."
"Yeah the Men of Letters might have key laying around here." Y/n commented with a roll of her eyes.
Sam noticed the lack of participation from his brother, he didn't fail to notice the distance between Dean and Y/n, it seemed as she was avoiding him at all costs.
"Is there anyway we can help?" Chloe asked from where she stood.
"Don't you want to rest a bit? I'm sure you're tired after being thrown into another universe." Y/n said softly.
"I already feel like we're asking too much from you people." Chloe replied bashfully. "We can help."
"Its fine-"
"Why don't you say it out right that you don't trust us with your precious files filled with important information." Lucifer interrupted Y/n with a smirk on his face.
"You know what, yes. I don't trust you. At all! So you shut your trap before I throw you in the dungeon alright?" Y/n snapped, directing all of her pent up anger towards Lucifer.
"And just who do you think you're talking to?" The devil asked menacingly, walking towards her. Dean was quick with his feet stepping in front of her, his gun pointing towards Lucifer.
"Don't you dare." Dean threatened.
The man just laughed before speaking, "is this your way of sucking up to her? It's quite pathetic if you ask me."
Sam's brow raised in confusion at his words, before things could get worse Chloe jumped in, "Lucifer, back off. Dean please put the gun down." Dean glared at Lucifer still pointing his gun at him. At Chloe's intervention Lucifer stepped back, prompting Dean to lower his gun. "It's best if we rest." Chloe looked at Y/n and she nodded.
"Dean will show you where you'll stay." Sam spoke, Dean gave him a look that said i-will? and the younger brother shrugged. When the others left the library Sam turned to Y/n. "So are you gonna tell me or I'm gonna have to play twenty questions with you?" She sighed before filling him in.
"It hurts, Sam." She felt herself tear up. Sam immediately went to comfort her. She sobbed in his chest as he held her. "After everything we've been through and it still wasn't enough..."
"Hey don't say that. Maybe you should talk to him, hear what he has to say." Sam suggested. She knew she had to face him sooner or later. "It's late, how about you go and get some rest, you came back from a hunt, must be tired." She nodded her head before leaving his embrace.
She left the library, walking through the hallways she debated whether she should go to their shared bedroom or to the room she stayed in before she moved in his'. That room hasn't been used in a long time. Before she knew it she was standing in front of their shared bedroom, her feet unintentionally dragged her there. She sighed before entering the room. After taking a quick shower she settled into bed. As tired as she was, she couldn't get her brain to keep repeated those moments from the bar.
"Amara" Dean's voice kept repeating that name in her head.
The door to the room opened, Dean entered the room as quietly as possible, assuming she's asleep. He'd gone to library and offered Sam to help but his younger brother told him he needed to be elsewhere and refused his offer politely. Dean's eyes landed her figure on the bed, eyes widen open staring at ceiling.
"Y/n." Dean called out approaching the bed slowly.
"Not now, Dean." She replied, unblinking.
Dean nodded before changing into comfortable clothes and slipping into bed. He knew she wouldn't be in here if she wasn't comfortable sharing a bed with him, however he kept his distance incase she didn't want him touching her. He knows she's hurting, but her ignorance is killing him and the last thing he needs is her pushing him away.
"Did they settle in okay?" Y/n questioned after a minutes of silence.
"Yeah." Dean replied. "Lucifer is a dick though." He added with an eye roll.
"He's the devil, what do you expect."
Minutes passed and none of them spoke, Y/n couldn't fall asleep for the life of her, she kept tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. She wanted to hold him, she wanted him to hold her. She was too hurt to make a move and her ego was too big to ask him.
Noticing her restless Dean couldn't help but blurt out, "Can I hold you?" Part of him wanted her to get comfortable and part of him wanted to hold her in his arms since he couldn't ever sleep peacefully without her. He didn't know if he asked it for her sake or his own.
She scolded herself for being so eager to be in his arms but she couldn't help but nod her head. He didn't waste a second wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to his chest, so her back rested against it. He snuggled his face in the crook of her neck.
"I love you, sweetheart." He whispered in her ear, placing a soft kiss on her neck. She shuddered at his action and that was the first time in forever she didn't say it back.
Dean woke up to an empty bed. The clock read 2:27 and he shoved the covers off of him haphazardly and bolted out of the room. First thing that came to his mind that she left him. With hurried footsteps he reached the library, his eyes fell on Sam who was surrounded by files, books and empty beer bottles. His breathing picked up, Sam opened his mouth to question his brother but Y/n's voice interrupted him.
"Dean?" She called out his name, noticing his disheveled state. He turned around to see her standing at the entrance of the war room with two mugs of coffee in her hands. He didn't answer her, instead he took large steps towards her and hugged her tightly. Her arms were angled awkwardly and she somehow managed not to spill the scalding hot coffee over themselves. She sent Sam a confused look over Dean's shoulder and he shrugged, not knowing either.
"I thought you left." Dean mumbled in her shoulder.
"I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd help Sam." Dean nodded before pulling away. An awkward silence followed after. She walked over to Sam putting a mug in front of him.
"Did you guys find something?" Dean asked following behind and her taking a seat.
"Actually we did. There's a few ways to open a portal. There's energy manipulation, magic ritual, or using an ancient artefact or finding a weak spot." Sam explained taking a sip of his coffee.
"But we don't have ingredients for a magic ritual and we certainly do not have the specific artefact." Y/n commented.
"So either energy manipulation or finding a weak spot?" Dean questioned looking at her.
"Maybe but considering Lucifer has to absorb energy from a volcano or a thunderstorm, I don't think it's safe to let him juice up." She replied with a concerned voice.
"Agreed." Sam said rubbing his eyes. "Our best bet is finding a weak spot. From there he can open a portal by using his own powers saying this incantation." Sam turned his screen towards his brother.
"So were do find this 'weak spot'?" The older Winchester wondered out loud.
"It's usually around places like deep woods, ruins or caves. Lucifer can sense it since he has powers." Y/n answered.
"So let's do it." Dean said getting up.
"Wait, now?" Y/n exclaimed.
"Yeah now." Sam agreed with Dean. "The sooner he goes back, the better."
Y/n nodded in understanding, she told them she'd go and get Lucifer and Chloe while the Winchester brothers geared up. Y/n quickly changed and met up with the others. They'd decided to go to the forest. It took them three hours to reach their destination. They got out of the Impala and ventured into the woods.
"Thank you for helping us Y/n." Chloe said as they continued to trek through the dark forest.
"That’s what we do but you’re welcome." She smiled at the blonde. The three men walked ahead of them Sam and Dean constantly asking Lucifer if he felt anything. And the devil kept giving them snippy replies.
"You know.." Chloe started gaining Y/n's attention. "I may not know you all for long but I'm observant. You're good people. I can see Dean truly loves you, whatever he said back there it hurt him too." She said looking at Y/n. It sure felt like the detective knew what she was talking about. "You should give him a chance to explain." Y/n mumbled a quiet 'yeah' with nod.
"This is it." Lucifer said loudly. "I can feel it." He held his arm up feeling up an open space.
"Alright, now channel your powers and focus on the spot. Think of the place you want to go. Your world." Lucifer did as Sam told him to.  Sam handed Lucifer a piece of paper. "Now say this." They could see a split forming above them and bright light emerging from it.
"Ad universum alterum patefacio, vires
invoco. Portalem aperire, vires occultas evocare. Tempus et spatium frangere, iter transire concedere." Lucifer read out loud and the five of them watched in awe as a portal finally opened.
A strong wind roared through the landscape, its force palpable and relentless. Trees bent and swayed, their leaves and branches rustling loudly as they were whipped around. The air was filled with the sound of howling gusts, the sheer strength of the wind created an atmosphere of raw, untamed energy.
"Holy fucking-" Y/n exclaimed, Dean instinctively moving in front of her.
Lucifer breathed heavily, panting as he stood back.   
"Alright. You ready to go back?" Lucifer asked Chloe and she nodded. She quickly hugged Y/n and thanked Sam and Dean.
"I have to say, you three really are something." Lucifer said with a smirk. "And I thank you for your help." He added. The three of them nodded.
They watched as Lucifer and Chloe jumped into the portal and it closed as soon as they fell through. The wind stopped and the light was gone. Sighs of relief were heard in the complete silence of the forest.
"Felt weird being thanked by the devil." Y/n chuckled as they walked back to the car.
"You're telling me." Sam added.
Dean was silent the whole ride back to the Bunker. The sun has already risen, the world felt calm and serene, filled with a promise of a new day. Y/n hoped this new day brings her some peace. When they reached to the Bunker Dean left the car without saying a word.
“You’re gonna talk to him?” Sam asked looking worried. He knew now that Dean didn’t have something to focus on, his mind would be all over the place.
“Yeah.” She replied walking inside. When she opened the door to their shared bedroom she saw Dean sitting on the edge of the bed. He had something is his hands but quickly hid it when he noticed her, though he fiddling with a set of keys in his hands. She took smalls steps and sat beside him. A few seconds passed in silence when Dean chuckled humourlessly,
“You know,” he started, “I was waiting for so long, I didn’t want it to go this way.” She looked at him, confusion written all over her face. “I thought I’d do it when you’d come back from that hunt, take you out somewhere fancy, dinner and all.”
“I bought us a house.” He interrupted her. He showed the keys that were in his hands. “I thought I’d tell you after I’d ask you, and you’d hopefully say yes, we’ll start a new life. You, me our kids. Together. No more monsters, no more hunting.” Her heart rate picked up, “I should’ve known better though, when has anything gone the way we’ve wanted it.” He moved to kneel in front of her holding her hands in his.
“She,” Dean grimaced, “her and I were bound because of the mark, the mark may have gone from my arm but it’s has left something behind, it’s an urge. I don’t desire her at all, not her physical self anyway. It’s something I don’t like admitting out loud but there’s something in me that’s dark and sometimes it makes me want to do things that I did when I had that mark.” She let out a gasp at his confession.
“Dean I had no idea.” A few tears escaped her eyes.
“But you know what keeps me sane? You.” He cupped her cheek in his hand wiping away her tears. “You’re my light, you vanish all the darkness inside of me. You’re the one I want, you’re the one I crave. You’re the one that makes me want to be better. I’m not bound to you, you’re a conscious choice sweetheart. Everyday, every second you’re the one I want.” He grabbed something from beside her, she hadn’t even notice it was there all the time. She gasped again when she saw what it was, a small velvet box.
“Y/n, sweetheart, I love you, I always have and I always will. I know I’ve hurt you baby, but if you give me this one chance, I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you how much I desire you. Will you marry me?”
She couldn’t believe what she heard, did he just say he’s giving up hunting? Getting a house? Getting married? Kids?
“You, Dean Winchester, has decided to quit hunting?” She questioned, thinking somehow she’s didn’t hear him right.
“Yeah,” he chuckled through tears. “And hopefully spend the rest of my life with you, Mrs. Winchester, if you would.” He gestured to the ring in his hand.
“I like the sound of that.” She teased with a smile on her face.
“So will you?” He asked again, not believing her until she says it out loud.
“Yes Dean, I’ll marry you.” He didn’t waste a second slipping the ring on her finger.
“I love you so much.” He pressed his lips to her, kissing ber softly, pouring all of his love into it. Their lips moved in perfect sync, a soft brush sent shivers down their spines. Time seemed to slow, and the world around them faded into a blur. The warmth of their breath mingled, and the closeness created a cocoon of shared emotion. The gentle pressure and the delicate movement of their lips, created a bond that felt both timeless and immediate.
“I love you too, Dean.” She panted as they pulled apart. “I won’t lie, I was hurt pretty badly when you said that. But I had no idea where it came from and it made me insecure. I thought you wanted her.” She spoke lowly as if sharing a secret.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I shouldn’t have kept it from you, but after everything, I didn’t want you to worry. You’d finally had some peace.”
“I understand but from now on, no more secrets okay? I want you to be open with me, yeah?”
“I promise.” He kissed her again, laying her back on the bed. He hovered above her, his hands placed on either side of her head. She let out a soft moan as he kissed her neck and moved to her collarbone. “Let me make love to you, baby.”
She nodded, pulling him back up, kissing him passionately. “Show me how much you love me.” He gently pulled her shirt over her head, and she gripped at his’, indicating she wanted it off and he quickly removes it. It didn’t take long for them to get rid of all their clothing, leaving them completely naked.
He dragged his fingers delicately over her cheek, down her neck and chest. She flipped them over making him lay on his back. She bit his neck, nibbling and leaving dark purple hickeys. She moved to his chest, kissing her way down to his stomach before she could go any further he stopped her.
“Later, baby. I need to feel you.” Dean flipped them over again. He watched her flushed face, leaning on his one arm, he reached a hand between their bodies and gripped himself, leading himself to her. They moaned in unison as he penetrated her. “Fuck baby.” He groaned in her neck.
Moans and groans filled the room as they continue to loose themselves into heated passion. Wrapped up in each others embrace, bare skin pressed together, their hearts beating in unison. Coming undone together basking in the aftershocks of their passionate love making they laid entwined in the soft sheets, their breaths slowly synchronized, a comfortable silence enveloped them. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a sound that had become her lullaby.
@fullbelieverheart @spnfamily-j2 @n-o-p-e-never @montyrokz @deangirl96
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dianawinchester03 · 30 days
Season 2, Episode 14 - Born Under a Bad Sign
Series Masterlist
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Author's Note: Words can't explain how EXCITED I was for this episode AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It's one of my favs and I've had scenes planned for it since I was writing the first few episodes of season one.
I've been powering through a lot of the heartbreak and shit in this season JUST for this episode lol.
So I hope everyone likes my twist and take on it!🥰
Third Person POV
"Ellen, it's me again. Any chance you've heard from her?" Dean asked hopefully, currently parked under a bridge. Y/N has been missing for a week, no calls, no texts, nothing. Just radio silent. His heart aches painfully, constantly blaming himself for her leaving. Telling himself that if he had push her away, if he hadn't been so cold. She would've never left.
"I swear, it's like looking for dad and f/n all over again. I'm losing my mind here" Dean grumbled, wiping his face, frustration in his tone. "No, I've called her a thousand times, there's nothing but voicemail. I mean, I don't know where she went or why." Dean defended but he was lying, his mind was blaming him over and over.
"I left Sam at Bobby's to go out looking for her. Took a lot to make him stay behind but he did....Y/N's just gone" Dean croaked. "Alright, thanks Ellen.." Dean sighed before hanging up, dialing Sam's number. Sam answered almost immediately. "You heard from her?" He asked softly, his voice filled with concern and hope. "Nothing...not one fucking thing" Dean muttered, his voice rough.
"I've called and called...there's no answer. All her phones just go straight to voicemail" he replied, a deep frown settling on his face as tears welled up in his eyes but he refused to let them fall. "Maybe she just needs some time, Dean" Sam reasoned gently, trying to console his brother. He knew how much Y/N meant to him, how worried he was about her being alone out there somewhere.
Dean let out a bitter scoff. "You think I haven't considered that? But it's not like her to vanish like this, Sam. Something's wrong." He said, his grip tightening on his phone. "I know, you're right" Sam sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "But we'll find her. We just need to keep looking, keep calling" he said, a note of determination in his voice.
Dean went to reply but he felt his phone vibrate, pulling it away from his ear, he saw that it was Y/N's cell calling him. Dean's eyes widened, he nearly dropped his phone. "She's calling," he said urgently, hanging up on Sam. His heart racing as he answered the call. "Y/N/N??" Dean said softly but urgently before he snapped, "Where the hell are you, are you okay?!" He bellowed.
"D-dean?" Her shaky and terrified voice echoed through the phone. At the sound of her voice, all the tension in Dean's body seemed to ease some. He let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "Princess, thank god... yeah, it's me. Where are you? Are you okay?!" Dean asked, his voice a mix of worry and relief. She immediately started freaking out, sobbing hysterically.
Y/N's sobs echoed through the phone, her panicked voice making Dean's heart ache more with each passing second. "I-I-I'm so scared, D-Dean! I don't know where I a-am" she stuttered, her words broken up by gasps and sobs. It sounded slightly exaggerated and rehearsed but Dean tossed all logic out of his mind upon hearing her like this. His mind swirling with worry and panic.
"Hey, hey, hey..calm down for me okay, sweetheart? We don't want you to have another panic attack, alright?" Dean tried to soothe her, his heart breaking at the sound of her crying. "Do it with me. Deep breaths. In...out..." He guided, trying to get her to calm down. Y/N tried to follow his instructions, her breaths coming out as shaky gasps and sobs. Gradually, her deep breaths turned more rhythmic.
"Dean...I-I-I'm trying to stay calm but I'm so scared. I don't know how I got here" she hiccupped fearfully, her voice hoarse from crying and hyperventilating. "Where are you?" He asked her urgently. She instantly gave him her location, "Alright, don't move. I'm on my way" He said firmly before hanging up and hopping into his car.
As the call ended, Dean practically leapt into the Impala. He started the engine, pulling out from under the bridge and speeding down the road. He drove as quickly as he could, the entire time, his mind racing.
Why didn't she call until now? What the hell happened? Where's she been, who hurt her? Questions swirled in his head like a storm, his heart hammering in his chest.
Meanwhile, Y/N, who was currently being possessed by Meg. Hung up the call, a with a wicked smirk on her face, wiping away a faux-tear from her eye. Staring into the mirror of the motel room as y/n fought for control on her body, looking back at herself. Sobbing on the inside at the shit Meg had made her do, staring down at her bloodied hand.
As Meg's smirk spread across Y/N's face in the mirror, she could feel the girl trying to desperately claw at her mind. Y/N's desperate and terrified pleads echoed in the back of her head, while Meg silently laughed.
"Don't fight it, darling" Meg cooed tauntingly, as she continued to stare at Y/N from the reflection. "Oh, isn't that sweet?" Meg taunted in a mocking tone. She turned from the mirror, pacing around the room as she spoke. "The big, tough hunter is coming to save the poor damsel in distress. How cliché" she chuckled darkly.
Y/N's voice rang within the confines of her mind, screaming her defiance and anger. "Shut up, bitch! Shut up!" she yelled, struggling to have even a semblance of control to speak. But her voice was a mere whisper in the back of her own mind. On the outside, however, no words left her lips. Meg was in control now, and there was no way for Y/N to regain even a tiny bit of that control.
She was currently just a prisoner within her own body horrified Y/N. She could only watch helplessly through her own eyes as Meg did whatever she wished with her. And right now, that was waiting for Dean to arrive, like a trap.
(Quick Author's Note: Sorry for the interruption but I just wanna put it out there that I won't be saying 'Meg' for the rest of the chapter, unless I'm speaking of her internal monologue because it would be confusing to me, honestly. So I'm just going to say y/n to make things easier. But remember, Meg possessing her the entire time and every move she makes isn't hers, it's Meg. Okay, back to the story!)
Twin Lakes Motel
Shortly after, Dean arrived to the motel. Slamming his door shut as he ran towards the motel room y/n gave him. Trudging down the hall and Y/N sat on the bed, stoic, Meg controlled her, aiding to the act as she stared down at her bloody knuckles. A knock at the door echoed, "Y/N, it's me" Dean gruff voice boomed through the door.
Meg's smirk widened, her fingers running over the blood on her knuckles as Dean unlocked the door, slowly walking through it. She kept her gaze trapped on Y/N's knuckles, a feigned air of innocence and fear.
"Hey Dean," she croaked in Y/N's voice as Dean moved closer. Deans eyes glanced down at her bloody knuckles, crouching besides her as he took her fist into his hand. "Are you bleeding?" He asked her softly. "I tried to wash it off...I-" She croaked, as Dean's eyes landed on her blood soaked top. His heart sank, "Oh my God" He gasped, pushing aside her leather jacket to see her cream top, drenched with dried blood.
"I don't think it's my blood" Y/N's voice dropped, "Who's is it?" Dean asked urgently, his eyes wide with panic. "I-I don't know" She shook her head, looking down at the top confused. "Y/N, what the hell happened?" Dean urged as she looked up at him slowly. "Dean....I don't remember anything" Tears welled up in her eyes as she said this, feigning sadness.
Dean's heart practically sank to his stomach as she spoke. Her words, her tone, the look in her eyes it all seemed so... wrong. Something was off about her, he could feel it in his gut. Nonetheless, he gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as she leaned into him.
Y/N, trapped within her own mind, was screaming to be heard. She was pounding on the mental walls, she was kicking, scratching and doing everything she could to have even a semblance of control as she felt herself be pulled into the side of Dean.
It was so wrong, wrong, wrong. It was all so wrong. She was being so close to the man she loved, but it didn't feel right. Not with the smirk on her face on her face that Meg was sporting, not her in control. It didn't feel like the hug she'd wanted so badly. Y/N wanted to scream but could do nothing but watch through her eyes as she buried her face into Dean's chest, her arms wrapping around him.
A little later, Y/N was sat on the bed as Dean entered back the room, having left to find out when y/n checked in and to get food. A paper bag with food in one hand and his phone pressed to his ear with the other, talking to Sam. Informing him that he's with y/n right now.
He closed the door behind him, his eyes glued to her figure on the bed. She was oddly and eerily still and silent, it sent a slight shiver up his spine. Dean continued speaking into the phone to Sam, his grip tightening on the paper bag. "Yeah, she's here. I found her" He said as he walked closer to her.
He reached into the paper bag, pulling a burger and fries out for her. She accepted it graciously, "Let me talk to her" Sam said to Dean through the phone. "Hang on," Dean replied as he handed the burger to Y/N. She took it almost hesitantly, her eyes flicking warily over his face. "Here, eat up," Dean said gently, as he put Sam on speaker phone and put it down on the bed.
Y/N looked down at the phone, before picking at a fry in the burger box reluctantly. "Hey Sammy" She breathed out, "Hey y/n/n" Sam's voice echoed through the phone, relief and worry filling his tone. "You're okay? Thank God, where the hell have you been? We've been calling you nonstop" Y/N bit into the burger before speaking. "That's what we're trying to figure out" She sighed, looking up at Dean expectingly.
Dean met her gaze, his heart sinking. The look in her eyes was so foreign to him. It looked.. empty, like there was no compassion, no comfort, no nothing. Just a blankness in her eyes that felt wrong.
"She doesn't remember what happened" Dean said finally, sitting down next to her. "What'd you find out?" Sam asked, "She checked in two days ago under the name Charlotte Bennington . Of course I think the scariest part about this is that you're still a Linkin' Park" Dean snorted, earning a dry chuckle and a middle finger from Y/N.
"Dean" Sam said seriously over the phone, "Y/N's rooms been quiet. Nobody's noticed anything unusual" Dean sighed, "You mean no one saw me walking around covered in blood" She clenched her jaw, suddenly feeling less hungry as she put the burger said, not that Meg needed it to survive in her body. "Yeah, that's what I mean" Dean frowned, "How did I even get here, fellas? What happened to me?!" Y/N groaned, burying her head in her hands.
"We don't know, but you're okay, that's what matters" Sam's voice pierced through the speaker, "Exactly, everything else we can deal with" Dean added, placing his hand on the small of her back to rub gentle circles. Meg inwardly rolled her eyes at the touch before putting in back the act, "Oh, really? 'Cause what if I hurt someone? Or worse-" Y/N shot up from the bed, beginning to pace the room as Dean's hand dropped to his side.
"Y/N!" Sam and Dean cut her off in unison, making her roll her eyes as she rest her hands on her hips. She took a deep breath before saying, "What if this is what John warned you about?" She stated, "Hey, woah woah. Come on, man. Let's not jump the gun here. We don't know what happened" Dean got defensive. "He's right, y/n/n. If it was....that..." Sam gulped, "It would've happened to me too" He stated firmly as Dean nodded.
"Exactly, most of your weirdo visions and stuff are connected, it would've happened to him to. Now we just gotta treat this like any job" Dean agreed as y/n took a deep breath. "Fuck this, I'm leaving Bobby's. I'll meet up with you guys in Twin Lakes" Sam grunted, adamant to help but Dean was quick to deny the help. "No, no no, Sammy. You stay where you are" Dean said firmly.
"We've got this" Sam rolled his eyes at this, "Dean-" Sam began but Dean was already cutting him off. "I'm serious, Sam. We don't need anything happening to you too" he said firmly. Sam let out a defeated sigh over the phone, "Fine.." he grumbled. "You better keep me updated though" He said firmly, the concern clear in his tone. "Yeah. We'll call you when we find something" Dean replied, reaching over to end the call before Sam could say anything else.
"Alright sweetheart, what's the last thing you remember?" Dean began softly, patting the bed next to him as y/n paced the room. She continued to pace, "It was me, you and Sam. At my safehouse in Fredericksburg, Texas....I went out to get supplies for the house and..." She began, this made Dean's face drop. "Fredericksburg, Texas? That was over a week ago" His tone dropped. Y/N looked over at him, anguish in her eyes. "That's it" She sighed, plopping her hands in defeat.
Dean was deep in thought, "Next thing I knew, I was sitting here....bloody. I felt like I'd been asleep for a month" She feigned a gulp. "Okay. Retrace your steps. The manager said you left yesterday afternoon and they never saw you come back so..." Dean got up and walked over to the window, pulling aside the curtain, his blood went cold when he saw dried blood on the window handle.
"Hey..." He called her over, y/n stepped closer to see the blood. Her breath hitching as they shared a look. "Well check it out, after" He said firmly, "But now" He then pointed to the food on the bed. "Eat" Dean ordered her firmly. Her stomach had no appetite, and the thought of food only made it twist uncomfortably. But she knew she had to keep the act up. So she sat back down on the bed and reached for the burger, forcing herself to take a half-hearted bite.
After she finished her food, Dean fished out a warm chocolate chip cookie from the paper bag. Y/N eyed the cookie, her mouth practically watering at the sight of it. Damn she couldn't deny her love of chocolate chip cookies. Meg hated them but Y/N loved them. So in order to keep up the act, she smiled widely. "You got me a cookie?" Dean smiled, clearly relived to see her smile.
He held the cookie out for her as he chuckled, "Yeah. I know how much you love them" As Dean turned away, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. Meg resisted the urge to chuck the cookie at his head, rolling her eyes as she grimaced but forced it down Y/N's throat.
Meg wanted to gag at the taste of the cookie. While Y/N was happy to get something in her stomach because the bitch wasn't feeling her. Meg hated it, but she couldn't show that. So she forced herself to chew and swallow it with a pained smile. "Thanks Dean" She said faintly, trying to hide her disgust.
The two walked down to the parking lot, y/n was now changed into fresh clothes. Her bloodied ones trashed, currently dressed in a dark brown top with a red flannel, her leather jacket tossed over. "Recognize anything?" Dean asked as her eyes scanned the lot. "Not really" She sighed as they walked a little out. "Wait" She suddenly said, "What?" Dean asked. "I think I was here..." Y/N began, "Do you remember?" Dean asked as Y/N eyed the lot.
"Not really, it just....It feels familiar, you know?" She shrugged, her brows knitted together as Dean moved towards the parking garages across from them. Dean attempted to pick the lock to one but y/n stopped him, "Try that one" She pointed to the second door, "Okay.." Dean said attempting to pick the lock again as she buried her hands into her pickets, feigning a confusing look as she took out a key.
"Wait..." Y/N gulped, before handing Dean the key. He raised his brows at this before accepting it, shoving it into the pad lock. The key did end up opening the garage door, an almost exaggerated gasp escaping y/n throat as he slid the door upwards, revealing a Volkswagen Beetle. "Oh, please tell me you didn't steal this" Dean groaned, looking at y/n with a exasperated expression as she sighed.
The two then made their way over to the car, Dean opening the passenger and y/n opening the drivers side. She pulled down the visor above, her eyes widening as they flickered down to the steering wheel. She ran her fingers over the wheel, showing it to Dean who looked equaled terrified, "More blood" She gulped, "Y/N...backseat" Dean pointed to a knife, drenched with mostly dried blood floorboard.
Y/N shakily picked the knife, examining it with terror on her face as Dean clenched his jaw, imagining the worse. "You think I used this on someone?" Y/N muttered horrified, but Dean shook his head. "I'm not thinking anything" He responded gruffly, but his heart was paining at the possibility. Y/N looked like she was close to tears as she wiped the blood from the knife on her dark flannel.
"Okay, now this is disturbing" Dean muttered, picking up a pack of Maverick cigarettes from the dashboard, y/n's head tilted in confusion at this. "But you know I smoke" She raised her brow, "Yeah, but you don't smoke this shit" Dean waved the pack of cheap cigarettes, "You usually smoke Dunhill, that flavored one" Dean stated the obvious, causing Meg to curse herself mentally at the forgotten fact about y/n. "Right...right" She covered up her mistake with a sigh.
Dean threw her a suspicious glance, his brows furrowed as if something was on his mind. But he didn't say anything, instead, he focused back on the situation at hand, trying to make sense of the pieces as he looked around the car. He brushed it off as her head not being in the right place. "Come on, Princess. This couldn't have been you. It had to have been someone else. Somebody who, uh.." Dean assured her before sniffing the half empty pack, "..has terrible taste" He chuckled amused, tossing the pack on the dashboard
Y/N eyes landed on a receipt that was folded in between the seats. She picked it up, studying it closely for a moment before showing it to Dean. "Hey. A gas receipt, few towns over" She said urgently, her voice low.
Couple hours later, it was now evening time, the pair made it to the gas station in the Impala. Dean parked near the Gas n Sip store, "Alright, the receipt's for 10 gallons at pump number two" Dean said, reading off of the receipt as Y/N was lost in thought. His eyes flickered over to her, concern filling him from the dark look in her eyes. "You, uh, getting any goosebumps yet? 'God this looks familiar', déjà-vu, vibes?" He asked as she shook her head.
"That ESP thing doesn't seem to be working today, huh?" Dean smirked lightly, expecting a glare or a smack from her, as per usual. But instead, she sighed, shaking her head again. "Seems not" She said coldly. Dean's brows furrowed at this, used to her giving him at least an eyeroll whenever he poked her about it, confusing him even more. "Maybe someone inside will remember you" Dean grunted, turning the ignition to Baby off before hopping out.
"Come on" He ushered her out, moving around to her side to open the door for her. The two then walked into the store, the cashier immediately shouted, "You, out of her, now. I'm calling the cops!" Picking up the phone as he shook with fear. Y/N and Dean both gave the cashier a confused look. "You talking to her?" Dean asked, pointing at y/n with his thumb. "Yeah, I'm talking to her" The cashier scoffed.
"Bitch comes in yesterday, stinking drunk. Grabs a 40 from the fridge, starts chugging" The cashier explained with hostility. Y/N's eye's went wide at the story, her body stiffening at his words while Dean's jaw clenched in anger. "First of all, bitch.." Dean air quoted 'bitch', "...not necessary" Dean glared at the cashier, "And this woman? You drinking malt liquor?" He turned to Y/N confused.
"Not after she whipped the bottle at my fucking head" The cashier scoffed angrily, further shocking Dean. He turned to y/n, who wore an equally baffled look. "This woman?" His voice went up an octave at the complete out-of-character description the male cashier was giving him of y/n's supposed actions. "What, am I speaking, Urdu?" The cashier scoffed again, "Look, I'm really sorry if I did anything-" Y/N began apologetically,
"You know what, tell your story walking, sister. Po-po will be here in five" The cashier rolled his eyes, pressing the landline to his ear. "Wait, wait, wait, she's leaving, she's leaving. Put the phone down" Dean attempted to reason with the cashier, "Y/N, go wait in the car" Dean instructed her. "But, Dean-" She protested. "Go wait in the car" He repeated, his voice filled with more authority.
Y/N obeyed Dean reluctantly, walking out of the store and to the Impala, leaning against the car as she waited for him. Meanwhile, Dean turned to the cashier again, now alone with him. Dean wore a faux-smile. "Hey, look, I just wanna talk to you, thanks it, okay?" He tried to reason again, the cashier reluctantly put down the phone. "Now, when she took of yesterday, which way she did go?" Dean asked.
"Why don't you ask her yourself?" The cashier sassed as he leaned against the counter. "Because, I'm asking you" Dean flashed him a tight lipped smile, causing him to roll his eyes. "Now. Please, you'd be doing me a huge favor, okay?" Dean pleaded, "Oh, do you a favor? Well, that is what I live for" The cashier sassed, causing Dean to roll his eyes. "You know, you girlfriend didn't pay for the booze or the smokes, which she also illegally lit up."
Deans eyes widened at this, "You saw her smoking that crap?" He asked shocked, "Yeah. Chick's a chimney" The cashier stated as if it was obvious, Dean's eyes darted outside to y/n, who was leaned up against the Impala, patiently waiting. He then fished his wallet out of his pocket, clearing his throat before finding out a $20 bill. "This, uh, ought to cover it" He smiled, resting the hill on the counter as the cashiers face lit up.
"Mm, It's, uh...It's coming back to me now. She took down packs" Dean gave the cashier an unimpressed look before taking his wallet out again. "Of course she did" Dean muttered, pulling out another $20 bill, slamming it into the counter as he glared at the cashier, who smirked as he pocketed the change. "She went north on Route 71. Straight out of town" He told Dean.
He nodded before taking up a candy bar and another pack of Dunhill cigarettes from the holster above. Waving it at him as he quickly made his way out of the store, not bothering to pay, throwing a glare at the cashier before he left.
It was now nightfall. Dean was driving as Y/N sat in the passenger side, taking a drag from her cigarette. Her elbow braced on the window ledge as Dean eyed her concerned. Dean kept his eyes on the road, glancing over at her every few minutes. The car was filled with a tense silence, only interrupted by the sound of the radio and the occasional drag from y/n's cigarette.
"What's going on with you, y/n? Hmm?" Dean's gruff concerned tone broke the silence. "Because smoking cheap crap, stealing, throwing bottles at people. I mean, that sounds more like me than you" He added. "Does it though?" She snorted, giving him a knowing look.
Dean chuckled lightly in response, shaking his head at her. She had a point, they were very similar but very different in many ways. "Alright, alright" He shook his head, the amused smile on his face dropping as he glanced back at her. "I mean, why did you leave?" His heart was in his throat as he asked. "Is it..it's it because-" Dean's words got caught in his throat as he thought back to a few weeks ago, that night in Milwaukee.
He looked away, hoping his words didn't come out how he had dreaded they would, "Is it because of that night?" Y/N didn't respond for a moment, her expression unreadable as she took a drag from her cigarette. Meg smirked internally as she went back into y/n's memories to see what night he was talking about. While y/n was screaming on the inside, trying to fight her way out of the demon's possession but Meg wouldn't budge.
After a few moments, through her voice again, spoke up, "What night?" She asked him in a monotone voice. "Don't play dum-" He said gruffly, but Y/N interrupted him, pointing to a dirt road. "Dear, wait. Right here. Turn down that road" She said urgently, flicking her burnt out cigarette bud out the window. "What?" Deans brows furrowed in confusion, "I don't know how I know, I just do" She exasperatedly.
Dean obliged, a bit frustrated that she brushed him off but he drove down the dirt road. About a mile in, they come upon a house. Dean parked infront, the two hopping out of Baby as they scanned the surroundings with their eyes. As soon as they stepped infront of the yard, a large automatic bright white light flashed in their faces from a lamppost. "Whoever lives here, I'd say they don't like surprises" Y/N commented. Dean was first to walk up the porch, y/n following behind.
"Should we knock?" Dean said as they approached the door, "Yeah, I guess" Y/N sighed, fishing out her flashlight from her jacket, shining it inside the window to the side as Dean rapped on the door. "Hey charming..." She called out to him, shining the light on the broken glass that scattered on the outside of the window still. "I'm surprised the cops didn't show" Dean muttered.
"Place like this, you'd think they'd have an alarm" He said, shining his own light inside the house, through the window. Y/N walked further up, her eyes flickering to the electrical box to the side of the house, "Yeah, you would" She said, pushing it open. She and Dean shared a look at this.
Now inside the house, it was completely trashed upon entered. Dean closed the door behind him as he and y/n further investigated, their boots crunching on the broken glass that was scattered across the floor. Their lights shone through the dark house as Dean entered a room that seemed like an office, to see a man, laying flat to his side on the floor.
Using his foot, Dean poked at the man. "Hit the lights" He mumbled to y/n, who did just that. They both turned off their flashlight, shoving it into their pockets as Dean crouched besides the man, slowly turning him from his side to reveal the deceased man, a large gash in the side of his throat, the pool pooling on the carpet. Deans stomach churned as he brought his hand over his mouth.
"Oh, Christ," Dean breathed out in a whisper, his hand still plastered over his mouth, hiding the repulsed look on his face. Y/N behind him, "Dean, I did this" She croaked, tears welling up in her eyes. "We don't know that." Dean defended, "What else do you need? I mean how else do you explain the car, the knife, the blood!?" She exclaimed, "I don't know, y/n/n. Why don't you tell me?!" Dean argued back, her mouth snapped shut at this as Dean tried to come up with possible reasons.
"Look, even if you did do this. I'm sure you had a reason. You know? Self defense, uh, he was a bad son of a bitch, something" Dean assured her but Y/N rolled her eyes.
Loverboy is finding every way to defend her, it's sickening. Meg groaned internally.
Dean began to search the man's pockets but came up empty, "He didn't have any ID" Dean muttered, "I need your lock pick" Y/N said suddenly, her eyes flickering to the closet behind Dean. "What? Don't you have yours? Or you hairpin?" Dean asked confused. "No, just give me yours" She grunted, Dean raised his brows at this but obliged. Y/N unlocked the closet, pulling the doors open to reveal an arsenal of guns, grenades, rifles and ammunition.
"Holy fuck..." She muttered in shock as they scanned the closet, it was not only packed with weapons but also papers and journals that seemed to be filled with lore. "Either this guys a unibomber-" Dean began, "-or a Hunter" Y/N finished his thought, "Dean. I think I killed a hunter" She said shakily, her voice cracking with fear. Dean spotted a camera at the corner of the room, on the ceiling, Let's find out" Dean stated, y/n's eyes followed in his direction.
Y/N sat behind the computer that had the footage, after hacking in and retrieving the video. "Here we go" Dean muttered as she rewinded to footage. On the screen show Y/N attacking the man, he attempted to fight her off as she straddled him. Right hooking him square in his jaw before he tossed her off of him. She stumbled back but quickly recovered, kneeing the man in the groin before punching him across his jaw again.
The man doubled over in pain as y/n raised the right foot, swiftly kicking him off of his feet. The man was now off camera but she pulled him back, right in the angle of the camera before off swiping the knife she was wielding across his throat, resulting in a deadly wound before tossing the man aside like trash. She stored the knife in her pocket, wiping her hand on her cream too.
Dean and y/n's eyes widened, a look of terror on her face as Dean paused the video. His heart sank as they watched the video. He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe what he was watching. Y/N just killed a hunter in cold blood, and it was on video. He refused to believe it was in cold blood. Y/N's face had heartbreak written all over it as Dean tried to recollect his thoughts.
Y/N was still sitting at the desk, reading a letter that the man's daughter wrote for him. "How do you erase this, huh?" Dean asked her urgently, but she refused to answer. "Y/N, come on. I need your help" Dean said harshly as he tapped her shoulder gently as he crouched by the computer's case, "I killed him, charming" She whispered, "I just broke in and killed him" She croaked, tears welling up in her eyes.
Dean's heart broke upon hearing her tone and seeing the tears in her eyes. "Listen to me, princess." he said gently, getting up to lean across from her at the desk. He reached over to tuck a lock of hair away from her face. "Whoever this guys is, he's a hunter. Which means that other are gonna come looking for his killer. Which means we gotta cover our tracks, okay?" Dean said firmly but y/n's expression remained stoic.
"His name was Steve Wandel. This is a letter from his daughter" Her voice cracked as she handed Dean the letter. She took a deep breath, exhaling hard as Dean clenched his jaw before moving back over to the computer case, picking up it up and crashing it into the floor. Y/N flinched at the sudden destruction, watching as Dean took his anger out on the computer. Driving his combat boot covered foot into it over and over.
He turned back to her, his jaw grinding before tossing her a cloth from his jacket. "Wipe your prints. Then we go" He ordered her firmly.
Now back at a motel, y/n practically stumbled in, pure horror on her face as Dean shut the door behind them. He was beyond worried about what the hell was going on, but all he cared about was that she was okay and no one was gonna find that video. "Alright, we get a couple hours sleep and then we put this place in our rearview mirror. We'll meet up with Sam after" Dean said as he tossed his bag on his bed. Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose as she took a deep breath.
"Look, I know this is bad, okay? But you gotta snap out of it" Dean said firmly, but y/n didn't answer, her back turnt to him. "Y/N, say something!" Dean exclaimed, a twinge of desperation in his voice. Y/N faced Dean, "We should get some sleep and leave in the morning? Murder. Dean. That's what I did"She stated in a gruff tone, her hands residing on her hips. "M-maybe, okay? Hey, we don't know- Shapeshifter" Dean suggested, causing y/n to roll her eyes.
"Oh, come on. You know it wasn't. You saw the tape. There was no eye glare, no distortion" She scoffed pacing the room, "Yeah, but it wasn't you! Alright?" Dean argued as she narrowed her eyes at him. "I mean, it might have been you, but it wasn't you" He shook his head, refused to believe it as he stepped closer to her. "Well, I think it was" She said in a low tone before settling on her bed. Deans heart ached for her, sympathy etched on his face.
"I think maybe more than you know" She whispered, burying her head in her hands. "What the hell does that mean?" Dean grunted, his tone pained. "For the last few weeks, I've been having...I've been having these feelings" She began, "Y/N, you always get feelings. It's how we solve half our cases" Dean scoffed, "Not like that Dean!" Her head snapped up as she growled, her tone surprising him.
"What feelings?" He asked shakily, inching towards her before settling in the bed next to her. "Rage. Hate. And I can't stop it" She explained, not daring to look at him. "It just gets worse. Day by day, it gets worse" She whispered shakily, "You never told me this" Dean said softly, "I didn't wanna scare you or Sam" She admitted, taking a deep breath glancing up at Dean, her eyes connecting with his.
His heart sank as y/n spoke, and he shifted slightly closer to her on the bed, their knees barely touching. It was breaking Dean hearing her speak like this. He couldn't believe what she was saying, it felt so far from the y/n that he knew. He wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her, tell her things were going to be alright. "Why...Why would you think I'd be scared?" He asked tentatively as he shifted to sit closer to her.
"Because the Yellow-Eyed Demon, you know he has plans for me and Sam. And we both know he's turned other children into killers before too" She explained but her cut her off. "No one can control you, but you. And that isn't gonna happen to you or Sam" He stated firmly. "It sure doesn't seem like that Dean. Maybe it isn't the same with Sam, but it feels like no matter what I do, slowly but surely...I'm- I'm just becoming-"
"What?!" Dean scoffed, "Who I'm meant to be!" Y/N retorted. Dean chuckled humorlessly at this, shaking his head as he got up from besides her, beginning to unpack his back. "You said it once before, Dean. I gotta face up to who I am!" Y/N shot up from the bed, her tone defensively. "I didn't mean this!" Dean shouted back. "But it's still true, you know that!" Y/N argued, her voice raising as she paced over to him. "John knew that too. That's why he told you, if it ever came to this-"
"Shut up, Y/N!" Dean snapped, causing her to flinch. His face dropped, immediately feeling back for snapping at her, "Dean, you promised him. You promised me and Sam." Her voice dropped, "No. Listen to me" He began in a firm tone, "We're gonna figure this out, okay? I mean, there's gotta be a way, right?" He offered her a soft smile, "Yeah, there is" She responded sadly before reaching to the rear of her jeans to pull out her revolver.
She took his hand into her, shoving her gun in it, "I don't wanna hurt anyone else. I don't wanna hurt you." Dean froze, his heart pounded against his chest as she placed the gun in his hand. His grip tightened around the gun, not wanting to believe she was actually asking him to do this. He swallowed hard, "You won't." He said firmly, "Whatever this is, you can fight it" He assured her as she allowed her tears to fall from her eyes and down her cheek.
Looking at her standing there in front of him, tears streaming down her face and a look of anguish plastered on her face broke his heart. "No, I can't. Not forever." She shook her head with a tight tearful smile. "You gotta do it" She added firmly, her voice breaking her as she held back sobs. But Dean didn't move, she then roughly took Dean's hand that had the gun and pressed it to her chest.
"Please, Dean. I don't wanna be this" She breathed out heavily, a new wave of tears coming up as she begged. Dean stood paralysed, his heart rate quickening as he tried to process what was happening. But he knew this was what she wanted, even if he didn't want her to. "Y/N...I can't" He whispered softly, shaking his head as his own eyes welled up. "You have to!" Y/N pleaded, gripping onto Dean's hand that held the gun, pressing it further into her chest.
"You know, I tried so hard to keep you and Sam safe" Dean croaked, his lip quivering. "I know" Y/N nodded through her tears, offering him a sweet tearful smile as her breathing quickened. Dean's eyes went from the gun place on her chest and back to her eyes. "I can't" he repeated in a choked voice, pulling his hand away roughly from hers before tossing the gun on the bed. "I'd rather die." His voice broke.
Y/N gritted her teeth as Dean walked away from her, his back facing hers. She rolled her eyes frustration at Dean's refusal before, picking up the gun again before turning to Dean. His face hardened, trying to mask his emotion and tears that were ready to burst from his eyes as he turned to her. Y/N took a deep breath before taking her hand into his, closing the gap between them.
Her lips ghosted over his. Dean felt his heart pound against his chest as Y/N's lips hovered over his. Her body was flush against his, and the sensation of her warm breath on his lips made his heart throb in his chest. "W-what are you-?" Dean stuttered. His breath hitched in his throat as she gripped his shirt and pulled his body even closer against hers. Her lips were just barely touching his, the tips of their noses brushing against each other.
He was torn between wanting to pull away and wanting to pull her closer. He could feel her body pressed up against him, stirring up a mix of conflicting emotions. Their faces were so close that he could feel the heat radiating off of her, and her scent was filling his senses. Despite his resolve, he couldn't help but melt into her touch, his arms instinctively wrapping around her waist.
She brought her left hand up to caress his cheek, Dean leaned into her touch like he always would but something didn't feel right about it. "Y-Y/N..." He managed to stutter out, his voice low and gravelly. "Y/N....we talked about this" Dean choked out forcefully but Y/N didn't respond, her lips were parted a slightly as she gazed at his. Dean's heart was pounding against his chest, he wanted desperately to lean in and kiss her.
His mind was racing with emotions, and he tried to pull away but Y/N gripped his shirt tighter. She gently shushed him, her eyes holding a mixture of longing and determination. Her hand moved to the back of his neck, her fingers running through his hair. Her fingers felt like electric shocks against his skin, making his body shiver involuntarily.
"You'll live, baby..." She assured him in a soft tone. Her tender words and the way she called him 'baby' sent a pang through his chest. He didn't want to listen to her, but at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to move away from her. He closed his eyes, trying to focus away from the feel of her body against his, but he couldn't shake off the dread building up in his heart.
Y/N smirked wickedly at him, "Yeah....You'll live to regret this" She said in a dark tone before swiftly pistol whipping Dean across his face. Knocking the elder Winchester out cold, his body fell to the ground with a hard thud to the ground as Y/N stood above him, a dark grin on her face. She then turned to the mirror, her eyes flashing black, "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." Meg mocked her in a jeering tone.
Meg, with y/n's voice, cackled darkly with a smirk on her face as she stepped closer to the mirror. "Who is the baddest of them all?" She finished snidely. Y/N felt the sickening feeling wash over her as she witnessed everything take place through her own eyes, she tried desperately to fight off the possession but nothing worked. Nothing. She was hopeless as Meg exited the motel room in her, leaving an unconscious Dean inside.
The next morning, a loud knocking at the door woke Dean up. Groaning, Dean slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head where he was hit. "What the fuck?" He muttered groggily before himself pushing up. Keys rattled behind the door, it opened to reveal the motel manager, "It's past your checkout" The manager informed him as he rubbed his head. The throbbing from the pistol whip intensifying.
"What?" Dean groaned, disoriented and confused. "It's past check out and I have a couple here who needs your room" The manager informed him, Dean glanced outside to see an older man and a younger blonde woman who was dressed quite provocatively, "Oh yeah, I bet they do" He commented, "What time is it?" He asked urgently, checking his watch. "Twelve thirty" The manager informed him, losing his patience.
"The woman who was with me, have you seen her?" Dean asked the manager urgently, "Yeah, she left before dawn in your car and you should've gone with her because now I'm gonna have to charge you extra" The manager stated in a gruff tone. "Oh, son of a bitch" Dean muttered in frustration at the fact that he has no transport out of her. "That's just policy, sir" The manager stated, "I need you use your computer" Dean said quickly, rubbing his head. "Why would I let you use my computer?" The manager scoffed.
The manager was now counting the ten $10 bills that Dean gave him in order to use his computer as Dean sat behind the computer, the landline pressed to his ear, calling 'A-Line Mobile Phone Services.' Within a few seconds, someone answered, "Hi, uh, so sorry to bother you, but, uh, my...little sister, snuck out of the house last night to and, uh, went to a Justin Timberlake concert. An- What?" Dean came up with the first lie on his mind but was cut off by the amused response of the responder.
"What?" He muttered, "Yeah, Justin is quite the triple threat.." He furrowed his brows at this. "Uh, anyway, so, she's not back yet, and I'm starting to worry." Dean stated in a worried tone, "Right, teenage girls will be teenage girls" Dean chuckled, "But see, y/n/n, is a, uh, a diabetic and, uh, if she doesn't get her insulin- then I just- I have to find him. My parents left me in charge, man. I'm scared something happened to her"
"Please, I'm begging you" Dean pleaded, "Yeah, no, no, no, I'm on the website right now. I just need to activate the GPS on her cell phone" He said, relief soaring through his chest as he typed in y/n's number on the computer in the website and her location popped up. "Yeah, right there. Duluth, Minnesota...Yeah, that is a long way to go for a concert. I appreciate your help" Dean thanks the responder before handing up.
Duluth, Minnesota
Y/N pulled into a parking spot, outside the bar where Jo worked. She got out of the impala and entered the bar, she quickly spotted her bike outside of the bar. She tilted her head in confusion before shrugging it off and making her way into the bar. The last customer was just leaving, "Goodnight, thank you" Jo's tired voice said.
Y/N cleared her throat behind Jo, who's back was turnt to her, "Sorry, we're closing up" Jo informed her, "How bout just one for the road?" Y/N said offering her a small smile. Jo turned around, her expression softening as she recognised that it was y/n. "Oh my god, y/n!" Jo gasped, quickly walking over to her. "Where the hell you been?" She demanded lightly, pulling her into a tight hug.
Y/N was surprised by this, excepting her to be a bit more hostile. She chuckled as she returned the hug. "How did you know I was gone?" She asked Jo confused as she pulled away, causing the younger hunter to blush a bit lightly. "I- uh...Sam told me, he was just by here" Jo responded with a small shrug and it dawned on her.
So that's why Quinn was outside the bar, Sam took it to come see Jo....huh, and he's always on about how her 'death machine' scares him.
"So that's why you're being nice to me?" Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, a sly grin on her face as Jo moved around the bar to get her a beer. Compared to their last interaction, she was expecting Jo to be a bit more hostile. "Of course not.." Jo muttered in denial as she set the beer down in front of her, avoiding eye contact as she busied herself with cleaning the bar. A light chuckle escaped y/n's lips as she picked up her beer and sat down at the bar.
"You're a shitty liar" Y/N teased with an amused grin as Jo's shoulders drooped lightly in defeat. "So...you and Sam?" Y/N quirked her brows, her tone suggestive. "Oh-I- uh.." Jo's face turned a darker shade of red as she sputtered out, feeling heat pool in her face as a shy smile made its way onto her face. "No....You and Dean?" Jo returned the question with a sly grin.
Y/N raised her eyebrows at the question, feigning shock, "Me and Dean?!" She questioned in mock shock. "No way" She said with a scoff before taking a swig of beer. Jo smirked at this, shaking her head. "So, how'd you find me?" Jo asked. "Sam told me that you were here, don't know if he told Dean" Y/N responded with a shrug.
"Speaking of him, where is Dean?" Jo asked curiously as she leaned against the bar counter. "He couldn't make it." Y/N said quickly, "I'm just glad to see you're okay" Jo offered her a small smile, "And I'm glad to know you're not totally mad at us...since..." Y/N trailed off as Jo's face dropped. She decided to change the subject, "So, where's Sam?" She scanned the bar with her eyes.
Jo's smile returned again at the mention of the younger Winchester. "Oh, he left" She said, trying to keep her tone as casual as possible, "Went to get food about half hour ago" She explained, the shy smile returning to her face. "So, it's just you and me here?" Y/N asked in a low tone, her eyes trailing up Jo's body as she took her jacket off.
Jo's brows furrowed at her tone, her eyes flickered to what looked like a branding on y/n's arm. It was a small circle with a line through its radius, seared into the flesh on her forearm. "That looks like it hurts" Jo commented. Y/N went on edge as soon as she noticed it, covering it up with the sleeve of her flannel and a nervous chuckle. "No. No, just...had a run in with a hot stove" She chuckled, brushing it off.
"Look, Jo..." She began, cleaning her throat, "I actually came here to square things up" Y/N said in a sympathetic tone, leaning forward. "We didn't exactly part on the best terms, and it's nice to see that you and Sam made up...but I still feel bad, you know?" Jo looked surprised at her words, taken a back for a moment. She smiled at y/n in appreciation, "That's really sweet of you" Jo breathed out, a hint of relief washing over her.
"But, you really don't have to do that" Jo started, shaking her head. "I'd be lying if I said I'm not harboring some kind of resentment, but I'm trying...let's just forg-" Y/N cut her off, "No, Jo. Please, listen to me" She pleaded as she reached forward, grabbing Jo by the wrist and pulling her closer, forcing the younger girl to lean over the bar.
Jo immediately felt something off at this, "I know how you feel about John and my dad, and I can't say I blame you...they were obsessed." Y/N shook her head with a scoff, "Consumed with hunting. And they didn't care who got caught in the crossfire..and I guess that included your dad" She said sympathetically.
"But that was my father and John. That's not me" Y/N assured her, "And what about Sam?" Jo asked timidly. Y/N's demeanor changed, a scoff escaping her throat, "Boy, you're really carrying a torch for him, aren't you?" Y/N chuckled bitterly, pulling away as Jo made her way around the bar, leaning against it, across from y/n. Jo was baffled by her change in tone, "Excuse me?" Jo scoffed offended. "I'll take that as a yes" Y/N snorted.
"It's too bad. Because see, Sam, he likes you, sure...but not in the way you'd want" Y/N said in almost a mocking tone. "What are you getting at?" Jo demanded, her eyebrows furrowing as she stared at y/n in confusion. It made her blood boil at her sly smirk and knowing tone, she could practically feel the hostility seeping of her. "Sweetie, I'm sorry to put it like this. But Sam might just see you as a booty call."
Jo's jaw dropped at this, disbelief etched across her features. The comment made her cheeks burn hot with rage, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. "That...we haven't even-" She started, struggling to get her words out through the anger bubbling up inside of her. "You shut your mouth!"
"You think because he came here to see you that you mean something to him?" Y/N shook her head, chuckling, sipping her beer. "I'm just telling you the truth, I'm not trying to hurt you, Jo. I'd- I'm telling you because I care" She added in a faux-sympathetic tone. "You're lying." Jo shot back, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt. She took a step forward, closing the gap between them.
"Sam cares about me. He's my friend. He would never use me!" She defended. "You've known each other, all of what? Two seconds?" Y/N chuckled darkly, shaking her head in amusement. "I've known him my whole life" Jo's eyes narrowed to slits at Y/N, "You know? You're the last person I expected to be such a bitch" She growled at her. "Just trying to look out for you, that's all" Y/N snickered, the smirk on her face only infuriating to Jo more.
She then grabbed Jo's arm a bit roughly. "I'm just telling you, because I see more to you than just a hot piece of ass, Jo..." She caressed Jo's arm as she spoke, her tone filled with lust. "I could be more to you" Y/N said suggestively, her eyes trailing down Jo's body as she tugged her bottom lip into her mouth. It took a few seconds for Jo to realise exactly what Y/N was implying here, her eyes going wide as she slowly took in her words.
This was not the y/n she knew, "Maybe you should leave" Jo seethed through her teeth. "Okay" Y/N simply said, her eyes darkening as Jo snatched her arm away. Y/N pushed herself off the barstool she was sitting on. Jo turned away from her, exhaling deeply at the sudden change in behavior from her. She was caught off guard when Y/N suddenly grappled her, spinning her around to face her as she held Jo in place.
"Y/N, get off me! Y/N, get off me! Let go!!" Jo tried to fight her off, screaming as y/n held her in place. Tilting her head back in a tight grip, "Jo, Jo, Jo" Y/N mocked her, running her nose along the nose of her neck. Jo attempted to reach for the beer bottle to smash it against Y/N's head but she snatched Jo's arm, rearing her arm back, driving the beer bottle into counter, shattering it. Y/N then spun Jo around, holding her in a headlock as she attempted to fight out of her grip.
Screaming and whimpering, but y/n was by far stronger. "Y/N, no, no, no, please! Please! I'm your friend, please!" Jo pleaded, panting as she gripped her blonde locked between her fingers. Y/N tugged at her hair before driving her head into the counter, knocking her unconscious and limp into her arms before holding up her body. Cradling her weight, then lifting her onto the counter.
"It didn't have to be this way..." Y/N said in a low tone as she brushed Jo's hair away from her face, "..or maybe it did" She chuckled darkly.
Meanwhile, Sam was just leaving the diner he went to get food for him and Jo. His phone then started vibrating in his pocket. Sam balanced the food boxes in one hand as he pulled his phone from his pocket, seeing Dean's name on the screen. He answered the call, "Hey, how is she?" Sam asked immediately, concerned about y/n. "We need to talk" Dean voice immediately caused a chill to run down the back of his neck.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked concerned, "Dude, I think Y/N's possessed. She has to be" Dean rambled, "What? How-what-" Sam sputtered, feeling his heart rate increase, as he stopped in his tracks. Dean gave Sam the full rundown of the events of what happened in their motel room, the younger Winchester's jaw was practically resting on his shoes as Dean explained what she did.
"Where the hell are you!? She's in Duluth, Minnesota at some bar. I'm heading there now." Sam's blood ran cold, the boxes slipped from his grip. Almost dropping his phone in the proceed, his heart pounding out of his chest. He had told y/n where Jo was, of course he told her, he told her almost everything. "Fuck!" Sam exclaimed. "I'm here. I'm on my way." Sam said urgently, hanging up and breaking out into a run.
Back in the bar, Y/N gently placed the record only the player, 'The Doors by The Crystal Ship' now playing on the jukebox as she propped an unconscious Jo up to a pillar, pressing her back against it as she bounded her wrists around it. Jo slowly began to regain consciousness, winced from the throbbing pain in her head. "What the fuck is going on? What are you doing?" Jo grunted, wincing from the pain as y/n tightened her bounds.
"So, what exactly did your mom tell you about how your dad died?" Y/N whispered in a low smug tone. "You're not Y/N" She gritted her teeth. Y/N smirked, "Don't be so sure about that, sweetie. Answer the question" Y/N peered behind her, over her shoulder but Jo refused to answer. Y/N sighed deeply before pulling a stool to sit right infront of Jo. "Come on..." She held up a knife to Jo's face, "..It's me. You can tell me anything, you know that" She whispered.
"Answer.The.Question" Y/N gritted her teeth impatiently. "Fine" Jo huffed, "Fine" Y/N smiled widely, sliding the sharp knife gently over the bump from the head butt she gave Jo, moving some of hair hair away as Jo glared at her. "Our dads were in California. Devils Gate Reservoir. They were setting a trap for some kind of hellspawn. John was hiding, waiting. And my dad was bait" Jo grunted reluctantly as Y/N listened intently before chuckling darkly.
"That's just like John and F/N" She shook her head, propping her hand on her chin as she smiled. "Oh, I bet they dangled Bill like meat on a hook" She laughed as Jo glared at her. "Then what?" She asked curiously, getting up to move around the pillar. "Then the thing showed up. They got too eager, jumped out too soon. Got my dad exposed out in the open...the thing turned around...and killed him" Jo explained tearfully, hating the fact that she had to talk about this again.
"Hmmm, not quite" Y/N mocked, sighing as she leaned against the pillar. "What?" Jo's brows knitted together in confusion. "What? Oh-" Y/N feigned confusion, "You see, it hurt him. It didn't kill him" She giggled sadistically as Jo remained silent, in disbelief. "You really don't know the truth, do you?" Y/N chuckled at Jo's expression. "I bet your mom doesn't either" She added in a malicious tone.
"Know what?" Jo snapped, "You see, Bill....was all clawed up" Y/N began, her voice low as she brushed her lips against Jo's ear, a slither of fear, disgust and fear running down her spine as the hunter spoke of her father. "He was holding his insides in his hands..he was gurgling and...praying to see you and Ellen one more time" Y/N explained as tears spewed from Jo's eyes.
"So John...killed him. Put him out of his misery like a sick dog" Y/N said in a faux-sympathetic tone, a wicked grin on her face as she pulled away from Jo. "You're lying" Jo growled, refusing to believe that it's true. "I'm not. It's true" Y/N pressed, doubling over to lean down infront of Jo, her hands residing on her knees as she taunted the young hunter.
"Sam's daddy shot your daddy in the head" Y/N taunted in a sing-song tone. "How could you know that?" Jo snapped, shaking her head as the malicious smile returned to Y/N's face. "I hear things" Y/N responded simply before stabbing the large knife she was tracing Jo's features with into the pillar, right above Jo's head. "Why are you doing this to me?" Jo grunted, tugging at her bindings.
Y/N chuckled, fishing a long cloth out of her jeans pocket. "Like daddy, like daughter. You're bait. Open up" She wickedly smiled as she gagged Jo with the rag. "That's a good girl" She taunted again, tying the cloth around the back of her head, her chin residing at the top of Jo's head. The sound of the bar door opening made Y/N's ears perk up, she quickly pulled the knife from the pillar.
"Y/N!", Sam and Dean shouted as they barged in, guns pointed towards Y/N, "I begged you to stop me, Dean!" Y/N screamed back at them, pressing the knife to Jo's throat. Sam's heart fell from his chest, "Put the knife down, dammit!" Sam demanded but his words came out more like a plea, gripping his gun. "I can't fight it!" Y/N shouted. "My head feels like it's on fire, alright?! I know you feel it too, Sam!" Their hands shook as they aimed their guns at her.
"Sam, Dean. Kill me or I'm gonna kill here" Y/N warned the boys, pressing the knife harder against Jo's throat, causing her to whimper. "Please, you'll be doing me a favor" She pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes. The Winchesters exchanged a look at her words, "Shoot me, fellas." She sucked in a deep breath as the boys had their own tears welling up in their eyes.
Retracting the knife from Jo's throat, she left out a breath she didn't know she was holding as Y/N opened her arms wide. "Shoot me!" She demanded as she stared into the barrels of their guns, "No, y/n/n. Come on" Dean pleaded as they both shook their heads, lowering their guns. Sam turned away, swiftly taking out a flask of holy water from his jacket. Glaring as y/n as she moved closer to Dean, her back to Sam, unscrewing the cork.
"What the fuck is wrong with you two?!" Y/N bellowed before pushing Dean roughly, "Are you that scared to be alone that you'd rather let Jo die?!" She growled as Dean stumbled, he clenched his jaw as she turned to face his brother, "You'd rather let your little girlfriend die than kill me?!" She shouted at Sam, who tossed the holy water on his face, causing her to hiss in pain, the water sizzling on her skin.
Dean did the same, taking out his own flask, "That's holy water you demonic bitch!" Dean growled, drenched her with the holy water as she wailed from the pain, backing up into the pillar. She sneered at them, smoke pouring from her skin, her eyes flashing black at the Winchester before hauling ass out of the bar. Crashing her body through the glass window. Sam quickly took up the knife that y/n dropped when he and Dean were drenching her with holy water.
Cutting Jo from her binds as Dean ran towards y/n. "She was possessed?!" Jo exclaimed after she took off the rag from her mouth. Sam nodded as he pulled Jo into his arms, a shaky breath leaving his mouth as he held her. "Hey... are you okay?" Sam looked down at Jo, checking for any signs of injury. "I think I'm okay.." Jo replied tiredly, leaning against Sam. "Okay, stay here" Sam instructed her, taking his gun out of his pants.
"I'm coming with you" Jo insisted. "No, you need to stay here." Sam responded sternly. "...Please" He pleaded, flashing her his puppy dog eyes. Jo sighed in defeat, reluctantly nodding. "Fine.. but be careful." "I will, I promise." Sam reassured her before giving her a quick kiss on her forehead, relieved to see she's okay before following behind his brother.
They followed Meg to a warehouse, the shuffling of her footsteps echoing through it as they creeped with their guns. The two saw her bend a corner not to far from them, both aiming their guns in the direction before sharing a look. They saw her head peer out from behind a large stock, but she quickly ducked. "So, who are you?" Dean asked, his voice echoing. "I got lots of names" Meg grunted as they creeped around.
"You been y/n since she disappeared, haven't you?" Sam asked, nudging his head in a direction, indicating to his brother that he heard her voice come from there. Dean nodded, taking the lead, "You should've seen your face when you thought she murdered that guy. Pathetic" Meg mocked him, "Why didn't you kill me?! You had a dozen chances" Dean shouted, both him and Sam ducking behind a large stock as she picked up an old beer bottle, tossing it in the other direction.
Their heads snapped over to the direction of the cluttering in the distance, "Nah, that would've been too easy. Where's the fun in that?" She chuckled as the boys eyes went wide, "See, this was a test. I wanted to see if I could push you far enough to waste Y/N. I should've known you wouldn't have the sack" She taunted Dean.
"I was gonna hop into you Sammy boy...I've always wanted to get up in that body of yours" She added with a sinister giggle. This made Sam groan in disgust as Dean's face contort to horror at the sound of the demon saying that in y/n's voice, "God, kill me now" Sam muttered, bracing his back against the stock, earning a glare from his brother as his choice in words. "Anyway, funs over now boys"
"Yeah, well I hope you got your kicks. Because you're gonna pay hell for this. I'm gonna make sure of that" Dean retorted. "How? You can't hurt me, not without hurting your little girlfriend" She mocked him. "See, I think you're gonna die, Dean. You and every other hunter I can find." She threatened, Dean put away his gun as Sam kept his, aiming it around the room as Dean reached into his jacket, taking the flask of holy water out again.
Quietly unscrewing the cork as she continued, "One look into Y/N's dewey sensitive eyes. And you, and they'll let me right in their door." With that, she made her way out the back door of the warehouse. Sam and Dean saw her shadow exit, both sharing a look before quickly following behind her. Dean pushed the door open, Sam aiming his gun outwards.
The two pressed their bodies to the wall leading out to the pier. Their eyes scanning the surroundings for Y/N. "I don't see her" Dean muttered lowly. "Neither do I" Sam whispered back, "Fuck!" Dean hissed. The brothers began walking down the pier, carefully maneuvering themselves from being seen. They kept looking around, searching every nook and cranny. Both now standing at the edge of the pier, looking down towards the water.
A shot rang out behind them, the bullet from her y/n's gun hitting Sam directly in the back of his right shoulder blade. "SAMMY!" Dean instantly turned towards his brother, his eyes widened in shock as Sam fell into the water at the edge of the pier. Y/N stood a few yards away from them, revolver in her grasp, grinning madly. Without hesitation, y/n raised her gun again, aiming at an unarmed Dean. But the bullet only grazed his shoulder.
So to aid to the act, Dean threw himself into the water. The brothers hid just below the surface of the rippling water. Their muscles ached from being tense and their bones shivered from the bitter cold. They stayed submerged under the water, holding their breaths as best they could.
She slowly began walking over to the spot where they went in. She looked down at the water, searching for any sign of them. But it was a black abyss in the night, the moon only gave so much light in the dark. She smirked to herself, believing the both brothers to be gone.
Staying underwater, Dean slowly looked over at his brother who was floating just beside him. Their eyes met under the water, Sam giving a nod as if he was reassuring his brother. Dean returned a nod, hearing her footsteps descend on the wooden pier.
After Sam didn't return, Jo went looking for him. Her light shining through the dark warehouse as she pressed her phone to her ear. "This is Sam, leave a message" Sam's voicemail said before beeping. "Damn it Sam!" Jo huffed at hearing the tone. She hung up before stuffing her phone away. Pushing the back door open, the night air instantly hit her skin. She went to take a step forward before stopping, hearing grunting from the end of the pier.
She quickly began to jog down the pier, her boots clinking against the wooden surface. Sam laid flat on his back, gripping his shoulder as Dean pressed a wet cloth to his bullet wound. "What the-!" Hearing her, Dean looked up, eyes widened in shock, seeing Jo approach them, her face full of distress and concern.
"What the hell happened?!" she exclaimed crouching down besides Sam. Quickly taking off her dry jacket, replacing the wet cloth on Sam's shoulder with her jacket to add pressure to the wound. Sam whimpered quietly as Jo applied pressure to his shoulder; the pressure made his body cringe, the stinging of the wound still fresh, feeling as if it was throbbing with each heartbeat.
"Where's y/n?" Dean asked urgently, wrapping Sam's unwounded arm around his shoulder, helping him to his feet. "I don't know, I've been looking for you guys" She responded, trying to help Dean steady Sam's weight. The three of them began to make their way back up the pier, the water dripping from the boys' clothes as they went. Sam's teeth were practically chattering together.
Now back at the bar, Sam grunted continuously as Jo dug around in his shoulder for the bullet. "Alright! Got it, got it" Jo cheered as she held a small silver bullet in her hand with a pair of tweezers, dropping it into the shot glass with rubbing alcohol as Sam chugged from the bottle of whiskey. Standing off to the side, leaning against the bar, Dean grumbled under his breath as he watched his injured little brother writhing in pain.
His mind was swarming, worried about Y/N. "There" Jo spoke up. "God, you're a butcher" He groaned, resting the bottle down on the table. "You're welcome" Jo retorted with equal sass. "Fuck this" Dean growled, moving to leave the bar, clutching his grazed arm that was still dripping with blood. "Whoa whoa whoa!" Sam called out, grabbing his brother's undamaged arm stopping him in his tracks.
"Just give Jo two minutes to patch you up, we can't help y/n if we're bleeding to death" Sam snapped. "Like I give a damn!" Dean roared, turning around. His eyes were bloodshot from his rage and worry. His breathing coming in short bursts as he fought to keep down his emotions of anger and worry. But Sam being Sam wasn't going to back down just because his brother was angry. Instead, he pushed through the pain, keeping ahold of Dean's arm.
"I know, alright! I want to find her just as much as you do, but we need to be smart about this" Dean scowled, he knew his younger brother was right. He always was, which seemed to piss him off even more. He clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath. After a moment, he finally relented, grumbling under his breath as he sat down next to Sam, "Be quick" The elder Winchester snapped.
"I'm trying" Jo snapped back, already grabbing a damp cloth, rubbing it across the grazed wound on Dean's arm. Dean gritted his teeth, holding back the groan of pain from the stinging of the wound as Jo continued to patch him up. "So, how did you guys know that she was possessed?" Jo asked as she dabbed Deans wound with rubbing alcohol, causing him to groan. "Ah! Uh, I didn't. I just knew that it couldn't have been her" Dean muttered, his eyes trained on his glass of whiskey as Jo gauzed his arm.
Jo nodded at this before turning to Sam, taking the gauze he had pressed to his shoulder off for him. "Hey, Sam?" Her voice was a bit shaky. "Yeah?" Sam responded, still wreathing in pain. "I know demons lie, but, do they ever tell the truth too?" She asked, going back to wrapping gauze around his wound. Sam winced, taking another swig from the bottle of whiskey he held. Sam thought for a second.
"Um...yeah, sometimes. I guess. Especially if they know it'll mess with your head" He took another sip of the whiskey as Jo's face dropped, her heart plummeting. "Why do you ask?" He asked softly, noticing the look of despair on his face. "Nothing. It doesn't matter" She shook her head. Sam watched her for a moment, the look on her face made him even more worried, but when she didn't say anything for a moment.
He decided against asking and went back to nursing his wound with the bottle of whiskey. "So, do you guys have any idea where she's headed to next?" Jo asked, changing the subject. "Well, so far, she's been going after the nearest hunter, so, the closest one we know is in South Dakota" Dean explained, watching as Jo nursed Sam's wound. Jo nodded again, finishing up on Sam's wrappings.
"Okay, I'm done. Let's go" She said getting up along with Sam. Sam's brows shot up as Dean chuckled at this, "You're not coming" Dean grunted, "The hell I'm not, I'm a part of this now" Jo insisted, Dean rolled his eyes, looking over at his little brother for help. Sam sighed, he didn't want to argue, especially since his shoulder was pulsing in pain. "Jo, listen. It's not a good idea," Jo looked almost hurt by that, but she had some fire in her as she clenched her jaw together.
"I'm going. You guys can't stop me" She replied firmly as the brothers looked at each other before rolling their eyes. "Oh yeah?" Dean countered, rising to his feet. "That demon bitch inside your girlfriend told me that John killed my father that hunt. And I quote, put him out of his misery. So you're not stopping me, pal!" Jo argued with Dean, standing her ground.
Both the brothers' eyes widened in shock and disbelief at her words. This was the first time they had heard this, and it took them a moment for them to regain their composure. Sam, being the calmer of the two, spoke up first, "Wait, what?" Sam gasped, "What do you mean by 'put him out of his misery'?" Dean asked, his voice shaking slightly as he clenched his jaw, he was trying to hold back the anger that was building up.
Jo swallowed, tears welling up in her eyes as her hands resided on her hips. "Okay, come on. You can come" Sam said calmly, handing Jo the keys to Quinn.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Y/N knocked against Bobby's front door, the veteran hunter opening after a few seconds to reveal the young woman, greeting him with a sweet smile. "Y/N" Bobby chuckled surprised, pulling her into a hug. "Hey, Bobby" Y/N smiled into the hug, "It's been a while" He stated with a chuckle, "Yeah, we've been busy" She snorted. "Well, come on in" Bobby moved aside, allowing her in. Y/N nodded graciously as Bobby closed the door behind her.
"So, what brings you?" Bobby asked curiously as they walked into his study. "Working a job nearby and I thought I'd stop in to say hey" She responded casually, "Where's Sam and Dean?" Bobby asked, "Sam's probably holed up at a library and Dean is definitely holed up somewhere with a girl and a 12 pack" She snorted in amusement. "Oh yeah?" Bobby chuckled, moving over to the kitchen to get two beers.
"I'm sure she isn't as pretty as you, kiddo" Bobby commented sincerely, from the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge as her eyes flashed black. "Well, if you ask me, he's in way over his head" Y/N chuckled as Bobby re-emerged through the doorway, "Well, it's good to see you" He smiled at her, handing her a beer, holding up his beer. "To F/N and John" Bobby toasted. Y/N smiled sweetly as this, forcing tears to her eyes.
"To Daddy and John" She nodded, toasting with Bobby before bringing the mouth of the bottle to her lips. Bobby watched with narrowed eyes as y/n took a swig of the beer, immediately hissing and coughing when she did. Falling to the ground, the beer bottle slipping from her grasp. "What'd your do?!" Y/N grunted, gasping for breath. "A little holy water in your beer. Y/N never would've noticed"
"But then, you're not y/n, are you?" Bobby smiled smugly, watching the demon on the floor as she growled in anger, her body trying to fight off the holy water. "You bastard" She snapped, her eyes glowing black as she attempted to get to her feet but she was coughing harshly from the pain sizzling in her throat. "Don't try to con a con man" With that, Bobby reared his fist back.
Right hooking her across her face, knocking her unconscious with a heavy grunt. Y/N's body crashed down onto the floor, passed out. Bobby grunted, leaning down to examine her, feeling her pulse with two fingers. Satisfied that she wasn't going to stir anytime soon, Bobby stood up straight, looking down at her unconscious body. A sad look appearing on his face.
The next morning, Y/N was now tied to a chair in the middle of Bobby's study. In the center of a devils trap, she was awoken with a harsh slap by Jo. "Hey!" She snapped. "Uh!!" Y/N grunted, her eyes opened quickly, glaring up at Jo. "Go easy on her, will ya?!" Dean growled at Jo. She rolled her eyes in return, Sam and Dean standing besides her as they stared down at y/n, who was glaring up at them with a nasty look on her face.
Her head tilted towards the ceiling, her eyes trained on the devils trap before looking back down at them in-front of her. "Sam, Dean...back from the dead?" Y/N panted. "I supposed I have you to thank for that?" Her eyes flickered to Jo. "That's right." Jo retorted with equal snark. Y/N gave her a fake smile. "Well...thanks" She responded with a sharp tone.
"It's getting to be a regular thing for you boys, isn't it? Like cockroaches, especially you, charming" She smirked at Dean. "You don't call me that" Dean snapped. She chuckled darkly, "Oh, charming, charming, charming" She taunted in a sing song tone. Dean's eye twitched at this, gritting his teeth as he clenched his jaw.
Sam shifted his weight, leaning against the table, folding his arms across his chest. Y/N's eyes moved to him then, a smirk appearing on her face as she raised an eyebrow, "Well, you look better, handsome" She commented. "I'm healing, thanks for noticing" He responded with slight sarcasm.
"How bout I smack that smartass right out of your mouth?" Dean growled. "Oh, careful now" She smirked, "You wouldn't wanna bruise this fine body...or maybe you would?" Sam and Jo shared a glance, hiding their growing smirks as Dean's face twisted with anger. "Shut up" Dean sneered, clenching his fist. She chuckled, "Hit a nerve?" She teased, cocking her head at him, "Aw, did I say something you didn't like?" She pouted, mocking him.
Dean's breathing was ragged, the veins in his head were popping out and Meg was loving every second of it. "Poor Dean and Y/N" She continued to taunt. "You two are like a bad romance novel" She snorted, throwing her head back with a laugh. "I'm going to rip that smart mouth right off your goddamn face" Dean snapped, his breathing was now coming in short bursts.
Y/N smiled sweetly, her head tilted to the side as she looked at him through her eyelashes, batting them at him. "Promises, promises" She crooned, her voice sickly sweet. "You wouldn't dare lay a finger on her, you're full of shit, baby" She called out his bluff, Dean smirked at her. "Don't worry. This isn't gonna hurt, Y/N" Sam chimed in, picking up a gallon of holy water, handing it to Jo.
"You on the other hand-" Jo started, before drenching her with some of holy water. Y/N screamed, thrashing against her restraints as she writhed in pain, grunting and gasping. "AHHHHH!" The holy water stung her skin as it hissed, sizzling against her body. Dean's instinct was immediate as he reached out, but then he stopped himself. "You feel like talking now?!" Dean growled.
"Your little bitch is still my meat puppet, I'll make her bite off her own tongue" She threatened as she thrashed her body in the bindings, her body trying to regurgitate the holy water she ingested. Coughing erratically. "No, you won't be in her long enough" Sam snapped at her. "Bobby" Jo turned to Bobby, her arms crossed over her chest. Bobby nodded opening his book with the exorcism incantation.
Sam and Jo stood over the demon, her breathing was labored from the pain, her eyes darting around the room, watching their every move as Bobby began chanting the incantation. "See, whatever bitch masterplan you demons are cooking up-" Dean began in a gruff angry tone as y/n tussled in the chair, wreathing in pain. "Ahh!!" She screamed.
"-you're not getting Y/N or Sam. You understand me?!" Dean got to her eye level, pressing his hands to his knees. "Fuck you, Dean!" Y/N retorted through gritted teeth, her breath coming in short gasps as she struggled against the pain. "I'm gonna kill everyone of you first!" Dean shouted in her face as she thrashed in pain before a maniacal laugh erupted from her throat. Bobby stopped his incantation abruptly.
Everyone watched y/n as she threw her head back, letting out another high pitched laugh, her eyes were filled with tears but not from pain, but from...amusement? Confusion rippled through the room as they all watched her laugh. "You really think that's what this is about? The master plan?" She scoffed, her breathing heavy. "I don't give a rats ass about the master plan" She grunted before the three looked at Bobby again desperately.
He started reciting the incantation again, but y/n tilted her head, a mad grin in her face. "Oops. Doesn't seem to be working" She giggled. Everyone's eyes widened as she said this, "W-What do you mean?" Sam asked in disbelief, Bobby stopped the incantation again, confusion written all over his face, as the room watched y/n intently. "See, I learned a few new tricks. I've learned how to control your girl's powers" Her eyes darkened before lowering her head.
She raised her head, "Taught myself a neat little spell" A slow, sinister smile appeared on her face, lowering her head again as she began to chant in Latin. Everyone exchanged nervous glances with each other, listening intently to the words y/n was speaking. The fireplace suddenly erupted as she said the spell, almost blasting Bobby. The house then started shaking as though an earthquake hit, papers from Bobby's desk flying around the room as the wind suddenly increased.
Sam quickly pulled Jo away from her, as she was standing the closest to her. "What's happening?!" Jo shouted over the noise, as papers fluttered around them, Dean looked towards Sam, "I-I don't know!" Sam responded equally panicked as the noise became louder and the wind stronger. "This isn't going like I pictured. What's going on Bobby?!" Dean shouted over the increasing noise as Sam gripped onto Jo.
Bobby quickly moved over to y/n, who's head was still down chanting the spell. His eyes flickered to her forearm, pulling down the sleeve to see the familiar symbol seared into her skin. Bobby's eyes widened immediately at the symbol, he looked at her face as the room began to shake violently. "Its a binding link! It's like a lock!" He warned, warned them. "It's locked itself inside of y/n's body!"
"What the hell do we do?!" Jo shouted. "I don't know!" Bobby screamed as Y/N tilted her head towards the ceiling, shouting, causing the ceiling to cave inwards, breaking the devils trap, rendering it useless. She grinned madly as Sam, Dean and Jo stare at her with wide eyes and fearful expressions. “There. That’s better” She flashes her eyes black before whipping her head in Bobby’s direction, sending him flying into the wall.
His back his a glass painting, everyone’s eyes widen in shock as Bobby crash landed against the wall, hitting it with a sickening thud, now knocked unconscious. Sam and Dean whipped their heads in her direction, their eyes hard and their jaws clenched together. “You son of a…” Dean mumbled under his breath as Sam and Jo rushed over to help up Bobby but, “Ah…Ah…ah…” She wagged her finger at them, stopping them from getting to their feet.
Dean watched in a mixture of horror as she stared down the two young hunters. She chuckled darkly, before she flicked her fingers, throwing Sam and Jo across the room, sending them crashing into the study desk.
She then flicked her fingers in Deans direction, sending him flying back against the wall, hitting it with a loud thump. Sam and Jo watched with horror as Dean grunted in pain while y/n ripped her arms out of the restraints. She stood up from her chair, cracking her neck and flexing her fingers as she padded over to Dean, standing over him as he groaned in pain, clutching onto his shoulder.
She flashed a sickeningly sweet smile down at him, “Deano” Her voice was sickly sweet as she watched him struggle against the wall. Dean looked up at her, his teeth gritted together. Dean grimaced in pain as he looked up at her, his eyes wide. He watched crouched infront of him, reaching out, brushing the back of her fingers against his cheek. He tried to move his head away but she firmly placed her hand on his jaw, keeping his head in place.
“You know when people wanna describe the worst thing possible? They say it’s ‘like hell’” She drew her fist back and punched Dean across his face. Dean’s head snapped hard to the side as her fist came into contact with his cheek, letting out a pained gasp, his skin immediately stung. Blood began to trickle down his cheek, down his jaw. He struggled to regain his breath as he winced, looking back up at her.
“Well hell is like uh…” She glared at him before drawing her fist back again, “UGH!” Dean grunted as she continued her attack on him. “Well, it’s like hell. Even for demons” She gritted her teeth at him before punching him again. Letting go of his jacket with a hard push against the wall, she paced over to Sam.
Sam and Jo looked up as she approached them, She leaned over Sam and Jo, her face contorted into a malicious smile. “Jo, Jo, Jo.” She said in a sweet voice as she looked down at Jo. “Why am I not surprised to see you? You’re just as stupid as your daddy was. So trusting of Winchesters and L/Ns” She cackled, kicking her across her face.
Sam’s heart raced as he felt the anger bubble up in the pit of his stomach. He clenched his jaw, “You shut your mouth” He grunted angrily, his hands clenching into tight fists at his side. “You’re lying!” Jo screamed. At the sound of Jo’s raised voice, y/n’s eyes flickered over to her, a snarl on her lips “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. You’ll never know” said snarled before turning back to Sam.
“I gotta say Sammy, I was a bit jealous to hear about you and Jojo here” She bit her lip, crouching besides Sam. He narrowed his eyes up at her, the anger bubbling more in his stomach, along with his stomach churning from disgust. “Jealous? Why would you be jealous?” He asked her through clenched teeth as he continued to glare at her.
“You had quite a thing for me when I was in that perky little blonde, before you and your brother sent me back to hell” She growled before right hooking Sam. Sam felt the impact as she punched him hard across the face, his head snapping to the side. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, his eyes widened in shock. “Meg” Dean groaned in realization from across the room.
“No, baby. Not anymore. Now I’m y/n” She winked as she reared her fist back again, right hooking the younger Winchester. A slow, evil smile spread across her face looked over at Jo. Snatching the young girl by her collar. Using her other hand, she pressed Sam to the ground with a force as she gripped Jo by her throat, her eyes shining black. Sam gasped as he was slammed down against the floor, his arms flailing as he tried to reach for something, anything to help him.
Bobby began to come to, watching from across the room, eyes widened, as he tried to think of a plan since Meg had seemingly forgotten about him. Dean was still stuck against the wall, his body rigid and tense with anger. “I-if you’re gonna kill m-me, at least tell me the truth” Jo gasped as she struggled in her grips. Y/N smirked at this, her grip on Jo’s throat tightened as she leaned down to her, “You really wanna know the truth?” She asked, her voice mockingly sweet.
Jo nodded quickly, desperation filling her voice as she stared back at her with fear in her eyes. “Johnny enjoyed killing your sack of a father” She grinned widely. A tear fell down Jo’s cheek as she began to cry, her mouth hanging open slightly in horror. “You’re lying” she managed to say in a whisper, tears streamed down her face.
“And your little boyfriend here knew” Her eyes flickered back down to Sam, slamming Jo’s back into the wall, knocking the wind out of her, before she snatched Sam by his collar. “By the way…” She smirked, digging her thumb into the bullet wound on his shoulder as Jo slid down besides them. Sam gasped in pain, gritting his teeth together as he shut his eyes. He struggled in her grip, groaning.
“..I saw your dad and f/n there. They say ‘howdy’” She taunted as she continued to press her thumb mercilessly into his injury, digging deeper. He let out another grunt in pain, unable to get out of her impossibly strong grip. “All that I had to hold onto was that I would climb out one day. And that I was gonna torture you and your brother” She growled at Sam. Punching him across his face again.
She let him go, slamming him into Jo’s frail body. He slumped against the wall, gasping in pain, he felt Jo’s arms wrap around his shoulders as he opened his eyes to look up at her. Tears streamed down her face as she pulled him close, his head resting against her chest. “Shh, it’s okay” She comforted softly, running her fingers through his messy hair as Y/N before padded over to Dean.
Dean watched her approach him, panting from the excruciating pain from the recent blows he received. He gritted his teeth as she knelt in front of him, studying his face. “I’m gonna hurt your pretty face nice and slow, like pulling off wings of an insect” She growled, a nasty smile on her face as she right hook Dean again. “But whatever I do to you, it’s nothing compared to what you do to yourself, is it?” She chuckled, “I can see it in your eyes, Dean. You’re worthless” She taunted as Dean panted for air.
“You couldn’t save your dads, and deep down…you know that you can’t save your brother or your bitch” She mocked him as Dean shook with anger and rage. “They’d have been better off without you. His heart shattered into a million pieces as she said these words. He knew it himself, he always had. But to hear it from her lips stung more than the physical pain he was feeling.
He felt the familiar burn of welling tears in the back of his throat, he gritted his teeth as he tried to stop them from falling. Dean’a eyes flickered behind y/n to see Bobby slowly approaching her, wielding a hot poker, he kept his mouth shut as she drew his fist back again but Bobby caught her arm.
Pressing the searing end of the hot poker to the binding link on her arm. Y/N screamed out in pain as her eyes widened, “N-NO!!” She yelled out, trying to jerk her arm away as Bobby kept a firm grip on her arm. She left hooked Bobby, struggling to her feet as her head tilting towards the ceiling as the black smoke from the demon protruded from her mouth.
Bobby was sent flying once again, his back hitting the wall with a loud thump. He groaned in pain, trying to straighten up as he watched her. Just as quickly as she was possessed, the demon flickered out, black smoke leaving her body, disappearing into a small cloud before vanishing up the fireplace as Y/N fell to the floor. “Ah” She groaned, frantically looking around as she gripped her burnt arm.
“Hey, Y/N?” Jo grunted, putting Sam’s weakened body aside, wiping the blood from her mouth as she crawled over to a disoriented Y/N. She looked besides her Jo as she made her way over to her, her vision hazy and unfocused, her head was spinning. “Jo?” She mumbled, her words slurred. Jo gritted her teeth before balling up her right fist, punching the now unpossessed Y/N square in her jaw.
Her head snapped to the side from the unexpected blow as she let out a loud yelp, her eyes widened in shock and pain as she gripped her cheek, bewildered. “What the fuck, dude?!” Dean shouted but y/n waved him off. “It’s alright, I deserved that” She groaned. Jo pulled y/n into a tight embrace. Y/N wrapped her arms around her, burying her face in the crook of her neck as her body shook. A small tear slipped out of the corner of her eye as the two girls held each other.
“I’m so s-sorry” Y/N croaked. “S-she was lying, Jo. Meg was lying” She whispered to Jo. Jo pulled back, placing a firm hand on y/n’s shoulder, “I know. I know” She consoled her, giving her shoulder a squeeze. Y/N nodded, a shaky gasp escaped her lips as she tried to contain the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm her. The guilt from everything was too much for her, she fought desperately to win her body back but it was a losing battle.
She trembled with the weight of the guilt, her body shook with it. She felt so many emotions simultaneously; guilt, shame, disbelief, anger, fear. But above all she felt defeated.
Later, Sam and Dean were holding ice packs to their faces, sitting in Bobby’s study as Dean and Y/N sat across from Sam and Jo. “By the way, you really look like crap, Dean” Y/N muttered. Dean smirked at she hid the little smile on her face. “Yeah, well, right back at ya, princess” He retorted, wincing in pain as he talked. They were all tired, beaten and bruised, they looked like they’d been through hell. They sat in silence for a few moments before Bobby spoke up.
“You kids ever heard of a hunter named Steve Wandel?” Bobby asked, y/n’s heart dropped. “Why do you ask?” Dean grunted. “Just heard from a friend, Wandel’s dead. Murdered in his own house” Bobby informed them, his eyes flickering over to y/n as she looked down at her hands, glaring at them. Attempting to stop herself from tearing up.
Dean, Sam and Jo kept a stoic expression as Bobby noticed how her shoulders hunched forward and her body seemed to shrink into the chair. He could practically see the walls rebuilding themselves around her. “You wouldn’t know anything about that?” He raised a brow at them. “No, sir. Never heard of that guy” Dean lied firmly, shaking his head along with Sam and Jo. “Dean” Y/N piped up, her tone low, filled with guilt.
“Good. Keep it that way” Bobby said firmly to them, “Wandel’s buddies are looking for someone or something to string up. And they’re not gonna slow down to listen to reason. You understand what I’m saying, kids?” The veteran hunter said in a firm knowing tone to the four younger hunters. The three nodded quickly in response, “We hear ya, Bobby” Dean agreed on behalf of them all.
His eyes flickering to Y/N, who remained silent, her eyes still fixed on her hands in her lap. “Here’s, take this” Bobby handed Y/N a picture. “What is this?” Y/N asked confused. “It’s an anti possession sigil. Get it tattooed on you, it’ll fend off possession. You guys could use charms like I do, but I figured you’d want something more permanent” Bobby explained. Y/N studied the sigil, tracing her fingers over it.
“That demon’s still out there. That’ll stop it from getting back up in you” He added. “That sounds vaguely dirty, but thanks” Dean muttered, earning chuckles from Sam, Jo and Y/N. “You’re welcome” Bobby replied genuinely.
Author’s Note: I’d suggest listening to Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood while reading this part hehe <3
Y/N was outside of the salvage yard, leaning against the Impala, smoking a cigarette. She was waiting for Sam to finish up his shower so they could all go get their anti possession tattoos while Jo helped Bobby clean up, Y/N insisted on helping but Bobby told her to get some rest.
Dean stepped from the front door and leaned against the railing, his arms now crossed over his chest, he looked out at Y/N, a small frown formed on his face. The worry and concern coursing through him as his eyes focused on the stoic expression on y/n’s face, slowly bringing the cigarette to her mouth again.
Dean approached her quietly, a look of concern etched on his features as he leaned against the rail, mirroring her position against the Impala. He glanced at her, his gaze studying the stoicism that held her face captive, like a mask of indifference.
"You're quiet," he finally spoke, breaking the silence that had settled between them. There was a hint of both worry and curiosity in his voice, his eyes never leaving her. She took another drag of her cigarette, her stare fixated on the distance as if lost in thought. She let the smoke slowly escape her lips before replying, her voice cool and collected.
"Just thinking," she said, her fingers toying idly with the filter of the cigarette. His gaze remained on her, his eyes searching hers for some sign of what was going through her mind. He could usually read her like a book, but the silence and her detached demeanor were throwing him off.
"About what?" he asked, his tone gentle but laced with concern. “Everything” She sighed, her gaze flickering back down to her cigarette with guilt. “I was awake for some of it, Dean and I-….” Tears pricked at her eyes as she swallowed the lump in her throat harshly. “I watched myself kill Wandel with my own two hands. I saw the light go out in his eyes” She shook her head, bringing the cigarette to her lips again.
She took another long drag, her hands trembling slightly as the weight of her memories pressed down on her shoulders. “I remember what happened with Jo, everything I did to you and Sam…I remember knocking you out in that motel room” Her shoulders slumped as Dean's eyes softened, stepping closer, the distance between them slowly closing. "Sweetheart…it wasn't you. None of it was." he said firmly, his voice almost pleading with her to understand. "It was Meg, not you."
She averted her gaze again, a mix of shame and anger etched on her face as she flicked away her burnt out cigarette. "I know," she said, her voice betraying the vulnerability she was trying to conceal. "But that doesn't change the fact that it was my body, my voice, my hands that did those things."
His body betrayed him and he reached out, gently grasping her chin and turning her face towards him. His touch was soft yet firm, forcing her to meet his gaze. "You're not to blame for what you did while you were possessed. If Jo can see that after you told her the truth about Meg lying, so can you..” he insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument. "It's not your fault. You were a victim, not a monster."
The tears she had held back finally broke free, streaming down her face as she looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of despair and hope. "But I hurt people, Dean. I hurt Jo. I shot Sam…I hurt you." Her voice trembled, the guilt and regret she felt nearly suffocating her.
His heart clenched at her words, at the pain woven into every syllable. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. He tucked her head beneath his chin, holding her as if he could shield her from her own demons. "I know," he whispered, his voice full of understanding.
"But you gotta remember, it was the demon. You had no control over your actions," he repeated, his voice firm but gentle. "We all know that, and we don't blame you. You're not a monster. You're Y/N. You’re a sarcastic ray of sunshine. You're a good person who was taken advantage of by a damn demon."
She clutched onto him, her body trembling with the force of her tears. Her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, her fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt as if she was afraid he might disappear. Dean’s hand gently caressed her hair as she let herself fully go. She buried her face against his chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to control her sobs.
He held her firmly against his chest, his arms like a protective shield around her. He could feel the tremors running through her body, and it pained him to see her like this, drowning in guilt and self-blame. But he knew he had to be the voice of reason, to make her understand that she wasn't to blame.
His hand moved to rub soothing circles on her back, trying to give her the same comfort she had given him countless times. He pressed his lips to the top of her head, his voice a low, soothing murmur against her hair.
As she cried into his chest, the weight of her guilt and shame slowly melted away from the kiss he laid at the top of her head. The rhythmic caress of his hand against her hair and the strong beat of his heart beneath her ear acted like a soothing balm, calming her troubled mind. She let herself sink into his protective embrace, the steady rise and fall of his chest grounding her. Slowly, her sobs quieted to soft, shaky breaths, her body growing still as she found solace in his arms.
As she pulled away slightly, her tear-streaked face met with the steady gaze of his eyes. There was no judgment, no anger, only a deep well of sympathy and understanding. The lines around his eyes softened as he looked at her, his hand gently cupping her cheek, his thumb brushing away the remaining traces of her tears.Her breath hitched slightly in her throat at this.
‘And if I may just take your breath away’
‘I don't mind if there's not much to say’
‘Sometimes the silence guides a mind’
‘To move to a place so far away’
Y/N slowly pulled away, wiping her tear stained cheeks. “Thank you” She croaked, sniffing as she patted her nose dry with the sleeve of her shirt. Dean kept a hand on her arm, a gesture of comfort and support. He brushed away a stray tear with his thumb, his eyes never leaving her face. "You don't have to thank me," he said softly. "I'm here for you, always."
‘The goosebumps start to raise’
‘The minute that my left hand meets your waist’
Y/N noticed a look of anguish in Dean’s eyes, her brows furrowing a bit. “What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned. “Nothing…I just um…I’m happy you’re okay” He said softly, leaning back against the Impala.
He was happy to know that their little…whatever that was…wasn’t the reason she disappeared and it was in-fact because a demon was holding her body hostage in possession. He couldn’t imagine what she had gone through.
Her eyes narrowed slightly, picking up on the turmoil beneath Dean's words. She knew him too well, and she could tell something was bothering him. "Don't give me that 'nothing' crap," she replied bluntly, her voice holding a mixture of annoyance and concern. "You're a terrible liar, Dean Winchester. Spill it."
Dean sighed heavily, burying his hands in his pockets. “I just…I thought you wouldn’t have wanted to see me since. Well…you know” Dean mumbled, biting his lip. After their altercation, they had been a little cold to each other. Y/N's expression softened as the memories of what Meg said and did to Dean was still fresh in her mind so she stepped closer to him, her hand coming up to gently touch his arm.
"You can’t honestly think that, charming" she said, her voice gentle yet firm. "Dean, you’re one of my best friends,” she insisted, taking her hand off of his arm. "Just because I was hurt and angry doesn't mean I'd suddenly stop wanting to see you, you moron" she shot back, though there was no heat behind her words.
She let out a soft sigh and shook her head. "If you think I'm just gonna ditch you because of one fight, you have no idea how much I actually care about you…fellas” She quickly recuperated at the end, her tone firm yet sincere.
Dean glanced up at her, a flicker of surprise passing through his eyes before he smiled softly. The corner of his mouth curving into a half-smile. He shook his head, his gaze never leaving hers. "I know…it’s just…I thought you’d want some space, and I didn’t want to push you.”
The corner of her lip pulled up to form a lopsided smile which made his heart beat a little harder against his chest. He wasn’t sure if she was aware but her smiles and laughter were like honey to his ears. She had a way of making him feel like nothing was wrong in the world and it was only them.
As Y/N shook her head laughing. "Space? From you? Pfft, as if I could stay away from your annoying ass for too long. We're not gettin' out of this friendship that easily, buddy." She joked, nudging her shoulder with his.
Her laughter and the light-hearted tone of the conversation made him relax somewhat. But her mention of their friendship sent a small pang through his chest. Instead, he chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. You’d miss me too much" he retorted, grinning. “Don’t get cocky now, Winchester” She warned, narrowing her eyes at him.
He feigned a look of outrage, placing his hand over his heart as if she'd wounded him. "Cocky? Me? Never” he replied, his tone oozing with sarcasm.
Y/N rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Seriously, Dean. I wouldn’t just pack my bags and disappear on you” She assured with a small smile. Dean’s eyes slowly met Y/N’s, a wave of relief washed over him. “Glad to know I’m stuck with you, princess” He joked, his heart still hammering against his chest, his mouth going dry from the intense eye contact they were maintaining.
Y/N gulped, her own heart threatening to leave her chest. “Like you wouldn’t know what to do without me” She retorted, flipping her hair over her shoulders, giving him a teasing smirk. “Oh, I’ll be just fine” He retorted back, jokingly. Knowing damn well in reality, that week she wasn’t around. He didn’t know his head from his ass.
He nudged his leg with hers playfully as she scoffed at his arrogance. A playful gasp leaving her lips as Dean raised an eyebrow mockingly with a lopsided smirk on his lips. Her heart warmed at the fact that they bounced back to being buds, as much as it fucking hurt her inside out, she wouldn’t know what to do without him or Sam in her life either. But was she gonna admit that? Hell no.
“Another thing. No matter what I did. You wouldn’t shoot me.” Y/N piped up, her tone a bit angry. Dean seemed surprised by the sudden change of mood, but quickly recovered, “It was the right move, y/n. It wasn’t you” Dean defended. “Yeah, this time. What about next time?” She scoffed. Dean’s heart dropped, frozen from her statement.
“Y/N, when Dad told me that I might have to kill you and Sam…it was only if I couldn’t save you two” Dean began. “Now if it’s the last thing I do, I’m gonna save you guys.” Dean said firmly, y/n didn’t answer. She just sighed, a twinge of admiration for Dean’s loyalty but she was worried he wouldn’t keep his promise.
Not wanting to go back to arguing, she just dropped the topic. He then began chuckling, earning a confused look from her. “What?” She asked confused, raising a brow at him, “Nothing,” Dean snorted, shaking his head. “Dean, what?” Y/N rolled her eyes, “Dude, you, like, full on had a girl inside you for, like, a whole week” Dean cackled, throwing his head back laughing.
Y/N was caught off guard by this, before a snort left her mouth, laughing along with Dean. “That’s pretty naughty, and kinda hot” Dean nudged her jokingly with his elbow, wiggling his eyebrows at her. Y/N scoffed, laughing even louder, smacking Dean in his arm.
Meanwhile all this is going on, the sound of rushing water echoed through the small bathroom, the steam from the hot shower slowly filling the room. Sam Winchester stood under the spray, his head bent forward as the water cascaded down his back, washing away the dirt and grime, his fingers slightly grazing the bullet wound in his shoulder, causing him to wince.
Suddenly, a loud knock on the bathroom door disrupted the tranquility. "Yo Winchester! You better hurry your ass up, ‘cause I've got to piss!” came Jo’s annoyed voice from the other side of the door.
Sam huffed in annoyance, rolling his eyes as he continued to shower. "Hold on, I'll be out in a minute!" he called back, his voice raised to be heard over the spray of water.
"You better be!" Jo retorted. "I'm doing the pee pee dance out here!" Sam chuckled to himself, imagining her actually doing the pee pee dance. He shook his head before stepping out of the shower, quickly unlocking the door and running back in, pulling the curtain.
Jo immediately burst into the bathroom, a look of urgency on her face. "Oh thank god, I was about to-" She stopped short as she saw the shower curtain still closed, and Sam nowhere to be seen. Her expression quickly shifted from relief to confusion.
“Just go ahead and pee, the curtains closed” Sam told her casually upon hearing her pause as he soaped his body. Jo blinked in surprise, her annoyance quickly replaced by amusement before reluctantly unzipping her pants
"You've gotta be kidding me" She muttered under her breath, shaking her head. As she started to relieve herself, she couldn’t help but feel a little weird talking to Sam while she was doing it.
"So, er...how's the water?" She asked awkwardly, trying to make conversation to fill the silence. Sam chuckled from behind the curtain, shaking his head in amusement. "It's warm, good pressure. Why, do you want to join me?" he teased, a sly grin making its way onto his face before he cringed at his own words.
Really Sam, really? You should really start taking y/n’s advice on flirting with girls.
Jo sputtered, almost losing her control on the flow. "I swear to God, Winchester, I’m gonna punch you through this curtain!" she threatened, aiming a glare in his general direction. Despite her annoyance, there was a hint of laughter in her voice.
Sam chuckled again, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, I’m sorry. No more flirting while you’re on the toilet, Scout’s honor" he promised, unable to keep the amused smile off his face.
Jo rolled her eyes as she tried to stop her face from flushing a crimson red. Wiping and then zipping up her pants before making her way to the sink. She started washing her hands and tried to ignore the fact that behind the shower curtain, Sam was still butt naked. The thought made her stomach flutter with an unfamiliar feeling.
Sam, standing in the shower under the warm spray of water, suddenly realized that he had forgotten to bring a towel into the bathroom. Muttering a curse under his breath, he turned off the shower and poked his head out of the curtain. "Hey, Jo! Can I bother you for a favor?"
Jo stop midway washing her hands. She turned to see him poking his dripping head from the curtain, her eyes widening a bit at the sight of him, hair sticking to his forehead and water running down his bare chest. But she quickly regained her composure. "Sure, what do you need?" she asked, trying to keep her tone casual, despite the slight flutter in her chest.
He cringed, looking a bit embarrassed as he glanced at the floor. "Er, I forgot to bring a towel, would you mind grabbing one for me, please? You can just leave it by the bathroom door” he replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Jo had to fight the urge to roll her eyes and tried to suppress a smirk to cover up the fact that she was flustered.
"Yeah, yeah, hold on" she told him, trying to force her tone to sound casual but it came out more flustered than anything. She quickly rinsed the soap off her hands and dried them on her jeans before leaving to find a towel for him.
As she rummaged around in the linen closet, her mind kept involuntarily drifting to the image of Sam behind the shower curtain, all bare... and wet. She quickly shook her head, trying to clear those thoughts from her mind.
She grabbed a large towel and carried it to the bathroom door, trying to keep cool as she held it out for him to grab. "Here, you go" she said, trying to sound natural. Sam reached out and took the towel, their fingers brushing for a brief moment as he did. A subtle hint of a shiver ran through Jo's body, but she ignored it, quickly taking a step back.
"Thanks…" Sam said, still feeling a bit embarrassed as he wrapped the towel around his waist. He took a step out of the bathroom, the water dripping off his body making the towel cling to his hips. “You're a lifesaver” He added sheepishly before turning to make his way to the room to get changed.
Jo's eyes involuntarily traced over his bare back, her gaze lingering on the defined muscles and the trail of water droplets running over his skin and down the crevice of his spine. She quickly looked away, trying to hide the redness creeping up her neck. "Yeah, no problem" she managed to reply, hoping her voice didn’t give away her inner turmoil.
The sight of his half-naked body and the way the towel clung to his hips… it was a sight she couldn’t deny was... appealing. She quickly shook her head again, trying to push the thoughts away with a sigh. “Get a grip, Joanna Beth” she muttered to herself.
Sam was sitting on the chair, the tattoo artist’s needle pricking into his chest repeatedly. Dean decided to get it in the same place but Y/N was still skeptical of her placement. Debating whether to get it on her left shoulder blade or somewhere else…
Dean had already got his tattoo and was leaning against the wall, sipping his beer and watching Sam get his while Jo held onto Sam’s hand, clutching onto hers while the needle pricked at his skin. Jo had settled on getting hers on her right forearm. “You alright, there, Sammy?” Dean asked the younger Winchester with an amused smile.
Y/N cracked a smile, one leg crossed over the other, amused by the pained look on Sam’s face. “Yeah, I’m great.” Sam muttered sarcastically through clenched teeth, grimacing in pain causing Jo to snicker. Sam shot her a quick glare. “You look like you’re gonna pass out, Winchester” Jo teased, patting his hand which she held. Sam just let out a huff in response, looking away in embarrassment.
Dean and Y/N snorted, sharing an amused look as she looked through the pamphlet the tattoo artist gave her, still deciding where to place hers. “Don’t be such a little baby.” Dean smirked, rolling his eyes. “It’s just a little needle, that’s all. Even Barbie hunter took it better than you” Dean quipped, pointing to Jo.
It was now Sam and Jo’s turn to scowl at Dean simultaneously. “Says the guy who screamed like a girl when he got his.” Jo retorted, raised an eyebrow. Y/N bursted out laughing at this, earning a side eye from Dean. “Sorry man, she got you there” She shrugged.
Dean shot her a glare before scowling at Sam and Jo, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t scream, sister, thank you very much.” He protested, the tips of his ears reddening. “It was a manly shout. A battle cry, okay?” Sam raised an eyebrow, looking at his older brother, amused by his obvious embarrassment.
“A ‘manly shout’?” He asked. Dean’s face reddened even more as he cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact.
“Bitch” Dean scowled and pointed at Sam.
“Jerk” Sam sneered and retorted, both brothers giving each other death glares.
Dean flipped Sam the bird, making his mouth fall agape, gasping theatrically, “Y/N, Dean just showed me middle finger” Sam chided like a 5 year old, pointing an accusing finger at his older brother, his grip slightly tightening on Jo’s hand, but not due to the needle this time.
Y/N rolled her eyes, still flipping through the booklet. “You boys behave, or I will ground you both” She deadpanned in a monotone voice. Sam smirked and shook his head, wincing in pain when the needle once again pricked his skin.
“Yes, ma’am” The boys responded in unison, with mock seriousness. Sam gave a mock salute as Dean did the same, except with his middle finger. “Don’t make me tell you where to put that, Winchester” Y/N snapped, giving him a playful look.
He smirked, mouth half open to give her a cheeky innuendo but knowing him, she already had a mind he was gonna say something crude, “I will smack you” She pointed a finger at him firmly, biting back a grin.
“Kinky” He quipped instantly, grinning at his own witty remark. “Dean” Y/N groaned exasperatedly, giving him a warning look, her eyebrows slightly raised.
Jo rolled her eyes and chuckled, shaking her head at the both of them. “Jesus, how do you live with these two? I feel bad for you, Y/N”. Y/N felt a twinge of guilt in her heart again, she was happy to know that Jo didn’t hold too much of a grudge against her for the lies Meg spewed when she was in her body. Granted, Jo landed that sweet punch across her face so that was a bit of payback that was needed.
She smiled before responding.“Eh, you get used to it. Especially if you’re with them 24/7” She shrugged, smiling, before flipping through the booklet once again, trying to hide the look of guilt that washed over her features.
Dean let out a scoff from behind her, leaning up against the wall again. “You’re just as bad as us. Worse, actually.” He commented, sipping his beer. Y/N flipped him the bird before mindlessly going back to looking through placements on the pamphlet. Sam snorted, holding back a laugh as he watched them bicker back and forth, enjoying the spectacle.
Sam was happy to see them a little more relaxed compared to how they’ve been the past few weeks. He couldn’t help but wonder why they’ve been so snippy at each other but that was a bag of snakes he was not gonna open. Since they sorted it out, he let his curiosity die.
Dean peered over her shoulder and looked at the images of different places where she could get her tattoo. “So, you’ve narrowed it down, Y/N?” He asked, taking a seat next to her, leaning in ever so slightly, his breath hot against her ear, making her skin prick.
She tried to keep her composure and nodded, clearing the tight feeling in her throat. “Yeah, just a few places…” She answered breathlessly, flipping through the pages to keep herself occupied and away from thinking how close he was standing next to her.
“Alright, all done” The tattoo artist informed them after wiping off the last remnants of ink on Sam’s chest. “Thank you” Sam said, sounding a little relieved to be finally done. He stood up from the chair and stretched his limbs, giving the tattoo artist a small grateful smile before grabbing his shirt from the table next to him and pulling it back on.
“Come on, let’s get you a lollipop” Jo teased Sam, handing him his jacket. “Hey, I deserve a lollipop too, y’know?” Sam quipped back in mock offense. He let out a small hiss as he pulled the shirt over his chest, it felt like the most sensitive area he ever had before carefully putting his jacket on, apart from his bullet wound.
He still felt the needle pricking at his skin, it was a strange but not entirely unpleasant feeling. “Oh, shut up and stop being such a baby” Jo retorted, rolling her eyes.
Dean and Y/N shared a tried look before turning back to the pair. The look on their faces practically said, ‘Shut up and kiss already’
“You ready for your turn, Y/N?” Dean asked, looking at her expectedly. “Yep” She smiled, standing up. “Now get out. Both of you. Go wait in the waiting room. Only Jo can stay.” She pointed to the door. “Because if either of you make fun of me. I’ll shave your heads in your sleep. And yes, that means you too Sammy. Now get!” Y/N shooed them out of the room.
Sam’s brows shot up in fear at the fact that she would threaten his gorgeous mane as held his hands up as Dean grumbled. “Alright, alright- we’re going.” He said, raising his hands up in defense before giving her a farewell goodbye.
Dean pouted, “Why does Barbie get to stay! But I wanna see where you’ll get inked.” He protested like a child. “I don’t know about you, Dean. But I’d like to keep my hair” Sam chimed it, pushing his idiot brother by his broad shoulders out the door. Dean mouthed something to her as he walked to the door and she stuck her tongue at him as she smirked before turning to the tattoo artist.
Reluctantly, they both went and sat down in the waiting room, grumbling to themselves.
“Damn, she's bossy” Dean huffed, rolling his eyes and crossed his arms.Sam chuckled in agreement, “Yeah, but you like that” He shot a sly smirk at his brother, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Dean clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at his brother, giving him a warning look.
“Shut up” He growled under his breath, “I do not like her being all bossy.” He said firmly as Sam picked up a magazine next to him. “Riiight,” Sam drawled sarcastically, not believing a single word he said, opening the magazine “Sure you don’t.”
Jo looked at Y/N in amusement, watching her carefully contemplate on the placement. “So, have you decided where you want it?” She asked, watching the other woman flip through the book, looking through the different tattoos.
“Yep, here” She smirked, showing it to Jo and then the tattoo artist. Jo’s eyes widened as a smirk took her face over. “You’re getting it there?” She asked, raising an eyebrow with a small smirk on her face. “Yep” Y/N replied firmly, not even an ounce of doubt behind her voice.
“You skank. I like it” Jo teased, Y/N knew she wasn’t being hateful and rather jokingly with her, throwing her head back laughing at the comment. “Why thank you” Y/N winked back before settling in the chair.
Once done getting her new ink, Y/N strolled out of the room with Jo besides her, giving the boys a smug smile. Especially Dean.
Dean shot up from the chair he was seated on, an impatient look on his face. “So? Where’d you get it?” He asked, walking up to her. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She smirked, placing a hand on her hip while Jo snickered, covering her mouth with her hand.
“Oh come ON” He whined and crossed his arms, pouting again. Sam was just amused by their interaction, knowing what she was doing. “Alright, alright Cranky Pants” Y/N snorted, putting her hands up in surrender. She shot Sam a look, “Sammy, close your eyes” she said quickly.
Sam raised an eyebrow, “What? Why do I have t-” He attempted to protest but Jo cut him off, “Close.It.Winchester” She narrowed her eyes at Sam, pointing a firm finger at the younger Winchester.
Sam shut his mouth immediately, groaning mockingly before complying without a fuss, and shut his eyes, covering it with his hands for good measure as he huffed in defeat.
Dean was beyond curious and slightly impatient. “Why do his eyes need to be clos-??” His mouth fell agape as Y/N turned around and lifted up the back her shirt, the anti possession tattoo was inked into the middle of her lower back with some designs to the side.
It was the typical anti possession symbol, The tattoo was small but intricately designed and detailed, the sigil itself was made surrounded with swirls and some (your favorite flower) and vines to the sides. It hugged the bottom of her spine, curving around it and making her (your skin colour) skin stand out.
Deans boxers were practically on the floor at the sight, figuratively speaking. “Christ on a cross…” He breathed out, staring intently at her bare skin, his mouth dry.
Jo took one good look at Dean before bursting out in laughter, slapping a hand against his shoulder. “Dude, you alright there?” She snickered. Dean’s eyes were practically the size of saucers. He still hadn’t said anything. He was just looking at her bare back with his mouth open.
Dean couldn’t help but stare at the fresh tattoo, his mind going blank as his eyes fixated on the way the ink sat on her skin, how it curved around her skin so perfectly, making her skin look more appealing. He swallowed hard, running his tongue over his lower lip as his mind began to think up unholy things. Mentally cursing at himself.
Sam was now curious, and started to open one eyelid. “Is it done? Can I look now?”
“Nope, keep your eyes closed” Dean commanded, quickly placing his hand over his brother's eyes, his eyes never leaving her back and swallowing, he felt his mouth start to salivate at the sight of her half naked. Quickly picking up his jaw…and boxers from the ground.
“You like it?” She asked, glancing at him from over her shoulder, a smug little grin on her lips as she slowly pulled her shirt back down, covering herself back up. “Is the sky blue?” He responded, sounding like he’d ran a marathon and still staring at her, his cheeks flushed, “Hell yeah, I do… “ He finally spoke after a few seconds, giving her an appreciative look, his eyes roaming over her from head to toe.
Sam groaned, getting tired of waiting and was more than a little suspicious of how silent they were both being, it was unnatural. “Can I open my eyes now?”, only for Dean to slide his hand from his brothers eyes to his mouth.
Sam sat there with Dean’s large hand over his face, completely confused and slightly uncomfortable, getting tired of waiting and was more than a little suspicious of how silent they were both being, it was unnatural. “Jesus Christ, how long do I have to keep my eyes closed?” He grumbled from behind his brothers palm.
Dean finally took his eyes off of her, looking over at his brother and rolled his eyes, “Oh suck it up.” He snorted, finally removing his palm from his face. Jo chuckled, “Yeah, yeah. Open up” She told him. Sam opened his eyes, looking at his brother, Y/N and Jo who looked like they were both seconds from bursting out laughing. He looked at them all quizzically, “What?”
“I got it as a tramp stamp. Still wanna see?” She snorted, covering her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing. Sam’s expression went from confusion to disgust within seconds, “No! Ew! Gah!!?” He looked completely repulsed by what she had said, face scrunched up in pure disgust.
The look on Sam's face was priceless, eyes wide and mouth agape, while Y/N was trying not to bust a gut laughing, her shoulders shaking as she bit her lip to stop herself.
The three of them couldn’t hold it in anymore and began laughing, Jo’s sides started hurting and Y/N had her hands on her stomach, laughing uncontrollably, tears streamed down her face. “Oh my God, your face… You should’ve seen your face, oh my god, you looked so stupid” Jo tried to talk through laughs, struggling to breathe.
“That was priceless, oh my god. I wish I took a picture” Y/N wheezed, holding her stomach, her sides were hurting from laughing.bDean on the other hand was wheezing and howling and slapped his knee, not able to hold it in any longer.
Sam groaned, “Ugh, I can’t believe you put that image in my head” He grimaced, still having the horrified look on his face. Y/N was still trying to hold back her laughter, tears of joy in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hand.
Dean was still laughing uncontrollably, his sides starting to ache, leaning forward and holding onto his stomach. “Man you were eager to see too” Dean cackled. “Shut up, Dean!” Sam protested, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment and slight anger as he pointed an accusing finger at his brother.
Y/N couldn’t hold it in anymore and started to laugh uncontrollably as well, tears streaming down her cheeks. Dean was just wheezing at this point, no longer making coherent words, clutching his sides and holding his stomach as he fell back into the chair, laughing like a madman.
“Alright alright, why don’t we go get something to eat. I’m starving” Y/N dismissed, wiping the tears of laughter from the corner of her eyes after the three sobered up their laughing. She nudged Jo slightly in hopes she’s agree with getting something to eat.
"Oh god, yeah. I'm starving" Jo agreed, patting her stomach before glancing at the boys. Dean tried to recompose himself, "Food sounds good right now" he mumbled, still trying to catch his breathe.
Wiping the tears away from his eyes as well, “I don’t know about you guys… but a beer and a bacon cheeseburger sounds good right about now.” He smirked and looked at Jo and Y/N, who both nodded in agreement with his choice.
Sam was still giving Y/N a look of absolute horror, the image of her with a 'tramp stamp' still ingrained in his brain. “God yes, and some fries” Y/N groaned at the thought of food as they walked to the door, Dean held the door open for her, gesturing for her to walk out first.
As Y/N walked out of the door, Dean’s eyes instantly zoned in on her ass, watching how her hips moved with each step, hoping to get a peak of her tramp stamp again. He closed the door and followed behind, whistling lowly under his breath and licking his lips.
Sam still had the look of pure disgust on his face as they walked to the Impala, still trying to forget the mental image Y/N gave him. Jo linked her arm into his, offering him a sweet smile. “Maybe I should’ve gotten mine there” Jo whispered to him, a coy smile playing on her lips.
Sam found himself intrigued by the idea, a flush of pink playing on his cheeks. "Yeah, then I can admire it better" he mumbled bashfully, looking away from her, cheeks still red.
"What was that?" She teased, raising an eyebrow and smirked. “Nothing.” He quickly said, pushing her away gently, his ears turning red out of embarrassment, but he didn’t really mind the idea, especially considering it’s Jo, he wouldn’t be complaining.
Jo bursted out laughing again as Y/N climbed into the backseat along with Jo. Dean’s eyes didn’t leave Y/N yet and Sam rolled his own eyes, already knowing his brother was perving on her from behind.
“Jesus, Dean. Stop ogling her” Sam grumbled in disgust from over the car at the passenger side to where Dean stood at the drivers side, when the girls were inside the Impala and out of earshot, seeing the way his eyes were glued onto her body.
“What?” Dean snapped out of his daze, feigning innocence. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “I’m not doing anything” while opening his door with a roll of his eyes. “Yeah, right. And I’m a pink unicorn” Sam shot back sarcastically, hopping in shotgun.
"Shut up" he huffed, getting in the driver's seat. He glanced briefly in the rear-view mirror, noticing how Y/N and Jo were joking and talking with each other from in the back before putting the Impala in drive.
Author’s Note: Hi again! I just wanna clear up some things, I know in the show it’s canon that John killed Bill but I never liked that reveal, if I’m being very honest. So it’s not canon in my book.
I hope everyone liked! Because once again I’ve outdone myself and this is now my longest chapter lol. Standing tall at 23.2k words.
Thank you again for reading and don’t feel shy to tell me what you loved and what you hated about this episode.
Also, I made a meme, lol
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Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
@iloveyou2mia @thelittlelightinthedarkness @lmhf1 @littletomboy2
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it-was-too-cold-always · 10 months
We're Not in CW Anymore - 2
Chapter 1
The reader gets blasted into another universe - one where Sam and Dean Winchester are real people, real hunters, and really fucked up. To her surprise (or horror), Dean has been getting glimpses of her life in his dreams and is completely enamored with her. It's nothing like the cable-friendly CW show that she knows and loves.
Reader x Dean Winchester
Warnings: language, violence
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Chapter 2: Family Remains is a Damn Good Episode
Dean would not stop staring. It was becoming increasingly unsettling. "Dude," Sam nudged him, sensing your discomfort. Dean snapped out of it, glancing around and composing himself. Sam debated which topic he wanted to bring up first - the fact that you've watched their lives in a TV show, or the comment Gabriel made about Dean being "quite familiar" with you. He decided on the latter.
"Dean, you want to tell me why Gabriel said you'd be familiar with her?" Sam looked over at his brother with a slightly pissed off glare. Dean’s face immediately turned bright red, fidgeting in his seat. He stared at the booth table and stammered. Finally, he blurted, "I've been watching her for the past couple months." You stared at him, mouth open, in complete shock. "Listen, it's not as creepy as it sounds. It's in my dreams. It's like I'm a ghost, I can see you but you can't see me. I've been with you at work, around the house, at the gym...sleeping..." he continued, "but again! I'm not a fucking creep! Whenever I sleep, I just show up at a random time in your day."
You were mortified. What exactly has he seen? The thought of someone watching you around the house made your skin crawl. And sleeping?! Your mind ran through every potentially embarrassing moment of the past months he could've witnessed. Your sleep shirts and smutty romance books were embarrassing enough. Has he seen you masterbate? You wanted to crawl under a rock.
"Why the fuck didn't you say anything to me about this? Didn't you think it was a little important that you've been connected to this girl somehow?" Sam was clearly frustrated with Dean. You didn't want to get in the middle of it, so you stayed silent, processing everything that was happening. Before Dean could respond, the waitress came back to take the boys' order. A salad and burger, what a surprise. Dean's gaze returned to you, making eye contact as you sipped your coffee.
"Dude, you're doing it again," Sam chastised Dean. It was a little creepy, despite his claims that he wasn't. "Listen, I say we get back to the bunker and look more into this. Surely there's something we can find about soulmates from alternate dimensions. The Men of Letters have so many resources, I'm sure we'll find a lead of some kind," Sam said. You nodded in agreement. You weren't sure what to besides follow them back to the bunker. “Agreed. But first, food,” Dean responded. Pretty on brand of him.
The boys ate while you nursed your coffee. You were busy contemplating all the different questions you wanted to ask. Was Bobby still alive? Did their mom come back from the dead? Did Castiel become cool or was he still an emotionless angel dickhead? You had so much you wanted to ask. You decided to start with the Bobby question. Looking up, you met eyes with Dean. Staring again. You decided to return the favor and stared back. You lost rather quickly – his gaze was very intimidating, even though his look was more of wonder than malice. You looked towards Sam and blurted your question. “Is Bobby alive?”
“Um, yeah…does he die in your universe?” Sam asked. You explained his death, rambling that it was one of your favorite episodes, but you always skipped the ending because he gets fatally wounded and it makes you sad to watch. Sam looks a little disturbed, you’re sure it’s because you just admitted that your favorite episode is the one where Bobby dies. You try to recover that blunder. “I mean that’s not my favorite episode. I really love season 4, ‘Family Remains.’ Where you thought it was a ghost but then it was human kids living in the walls. That one gives me the heeby jeebs. OR the Ghostfacers episodes, those are too fucking funny.” Shut. UP. You were kicking yourself for rambling. Dean rolls his eyes at the mention of the Ghostfacers. Sam clenches his jaw. Totally going to stop talking now.
The food arrives just in time to save you from further embarrassment. Dean immediately digs in, taking a massive bite out of the burger. You stare in disbelief – you can’t believe this is happening. The boys eat quickly enough. You drank WAY too much coffee and your hands were shaking. Both from the situation and the caffeine. Finally, it’s time to pile into the Impala and go to the bunker. The engine turns over and music starts playing. You recognize the song immediately, it’s straight from one of your playlists. Dean quickly moves to turn the song off, clearly embarrassed. You make eye contact in the rearview mirror. “What? You have good taste in music,” he defends himself.
As you drive in the now silent car, you think about what the next steps might look like. Sam wants to look for lore on soulmates from different universes, but what good would that do? It doesn’t change the situation. You’re stuck in a different world with people you barely know. Sure, you’d trust Dean Winchester with your life. But that’s the TV version of him. You don’t know anything about this guy. You thought you read once that Kripke wanted Dean to be tatted up, but they didn’t have the budget for it. I guess when it’s real life, you don’t have to worry about a budget. You mulled over what Gabriel had said about this being the nitty-gritty, real-life version of the show. That means a shit ton of killing and violence. Lots of disposing bodies. You were torn between being terrified for your safety and feeling sad for all the crap they’ve had to deal with. Sure, this Dean had tattoos and nasty scars and watched you sleep at night, but maybe he’s still the burger-loving, dorky man you fell in love with on the show. He might kill you, but you decided you didn’t really have a choice – you either went with these men you kinda knew, or you went out on your own in a different universe with no connections or money. You were willing to gamble on the chance that they’re not deranged killers.
Chapter 3
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abeautylives · 6 months
Times I Remember Well
(and Some That I Don’t)
Part 2
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author’s note: The word "skivvies" means underwear. Apparently not everyone knows that lol
pairing: female!OCxjake
time frame: 2014-2016
word count: 7k this part
warnings: language, more teenage angst, illicit substance use, underage drinking, mentions of sex and sexual situations, fingering, angry Sam
I was serious when I said I couldn’t show my face at the Kiszka household for a while. 
Sam showed up at my front door the next afternoon, and immediately started making fun of me for being rejected by his brother. 
“Oh Joshy, why won’t you kiss me?!” Complete with immature kissy sounds and puppy dog eyes.
I could only wonder what Josh had told him happened. He wouldn’t tell me. Menace.
It was one thing to hang out with Sam so soon after the incident, but there was no way I could be around Josh. Or even Jake.
The more I thought about that night (which was a lot), the more I over-analyzed Jake’s reaction to his twin cozying up to me.
Was I crazy to think that he was mad at me? Or at Josh? The look on his face had been murderous (it got even more murdery every time I thought about it). Had I imagined that?
Because I’m the luckiest girl on earth, I didn’t have to wait that long to find out.
After three weeks of avoiding their house all together, Sam convinced me to come by for a smoke sesh in the garage. Same as always, the usual, totally casual. I knocked twice on the door and let myself in, sat on the old throw rug right next to Sam, joined the rotation with Danny on the couch across from me and Sam to my left. Around and round it went, while I refused to meet the eyes of anyone in the room but Sammy.
Jake sat upon his ugly floral throne and Josh was tucked into the corner of the couch beside him. I risked peeking up at them, back and forth, whenever I knew they weren’t paying attention. 
They were so different. More different than I had ever realized, but Josh seemed okay - a little quiet but he smiled easily and laughed freely. I don’t think Jake even glanced in my direction once, but I was too scared to look at him for too long, so who knows.
Eventually, Sam smoked too much. He did this almost every time, you’d think he’d have figured it out by then. He laid himself flat out on the cement floor and dozed off, so I asked Danny to toss me one of the dingy throw pillows from the couch. 
“Here, stupid.” I shoved Sam’s shoulder and he stirred enough to lift his head, I stuffed the pillow underneath it. He went out like a light.
Jake chose the moment Sam passed out to stand from the chair. He stayed there for a second, and I could see him from the corner of my eye. Just standing there, like a total weirdo! So yeah, I looked up at him. Don’t you worry, he was already looking down at me and our eyes locked. Of course they did.
His expression was pretty neutral but made me feel squirmy anyway, so I blinked and looked at Josh instead. You guessed it, he was already looking at me too! Except he’s perfectly lovely and sweet, so he grinned and shrugged his shoulders.
“Come grab some snacks with me, Tiny.”
Nope, Josh didn’t say that. I nearly snapped my neck jerking my head back up to Jake. “C’mon, T.”
When we were still in middle school, Sam and I would sometimes watch reruns of The Twilight Zone, have you ever seen that show? Each episode was a story about some seriously weird and disturbing shit, alternate realities.
This was like that. I had entered the Twilight Zone.
Josh was my only option for help, so I obviously looked over at Danny instead. He was melting into the couch again, lightweight.
“Let’s go.” This Jake was freaking me out. I mean, he didn’t talk to me much under normal circumstances, but he definitely never asked me to go anywhere with him. Let alone demanded it.
“Okay!” Once again, I embarrassed myself under this roof. My voice came out strained and squeaky. Let’s blame it on the dry mouth. 
He skirted around the chair and out the side door, and my body just got up to follow him. Traitor! I stepped over Sam and before I made it to the door, Josh’s hand shot out and grabbed my wrist.
“Hey, you okay?”
Ugh, he’s so perfect. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine but he’s being so weird, right?” Right?!
“He is. He’s been kinda weird for a couple weeks, even with me. But uh… Good luck in there, missed you around here.” He released his hold on my wrist and chuckled. Traitor!
My possible friendship with Josh was tenuous at best, but I was considering a forever type of silent treatment after this betrayal. I sucked a few deep breaths into my lungs before I walked into the house, and when I made it to the kitchen, Jake was leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. He hadn’t even pulled any snacks out. He lifted his eyes to me as I walked in, and did that flippy thing with the hair that always flopped over them.
“What’s up Biebs?” He hated that (he and Sam both did, it was great), and I knew he hated that, but he was getting on my nerves with his attention, with his demands. I could see the hate written all over his face, but I crossed the kitchen and leaned into the counter across from him. Then I matched his wide-legged stance, crossed my arms, and scowled. We stared at each other for a beat, my underarms started to sweat before he responded. 
“Where have you been the last few weekends?”
What do you mean he’d noticed I hadn’t been here? Was he for real?
“Uhh, I’ve been around, I guess. What do you care?”
“You avoiding us, Tiny?” He adjusted his stance, straightening up to his full height (a whopping half inch taller than me - what is it with these guys?) but kept his arms across his chest. His hair had fallen back into his eyes and he flipped it away, and I just stared at him in silence. “Something happen the last time you were here?”
What do you know, dickhead?
“Like what, Jacob?” I smoothed out the scowl from between my eyebrows and batted my lashes at him. I’m so innocent! He did not like it. His arms dropped to his sides and he pushed himself away from the counter. In less than a second he was standing right in front of me. In a fraction of that, he had leaned in close, the tip of his nose nearly touching mine. I tried to back away, arching my back over the edge of the counter, but he moved in further.
Now my back was sweating.
“Did you fool around with my brother?”
Jesus. His question breezed over my lips and his words shot straight to my gut. It wasn’t like the soft caress of Josh’s voice asking what I was doing when I’d been begging him to kiss me. This wasn’t like that at all. 
“Uh-“ Yeah yeah, I had to clear my throat. I think I stopped breathing. “Who? Sammy? Gross, dude.”
Deflect! Deflect!
“Did you fuck Josh, T?”
I pushed him away from me. I couldn’t breathe!
“What the hell are you talking about, Jake? Of course I didn’t… do that!” I’d never done that, with anyone, had he lost his mind?
“Then why is he acting so weird? And why haven’t you been here since that night?” He really seemed surprised that I hadn’t fu- had sex with Josh on the couch in the garage. What kind of girl did he take me for?
“Ask him yourself, asshole!”
“I did! Multiple times! He won’t say shit and says you guys are just friends, but that doesn’t explain why you’ve been too chicken-shit to show your face!”
Why was he so close to me again? I put a palm squarely in the middle of his chest, ready to push his ass to the floor if I had to, but he wrapped his fingers around my wrist and squeezed. Kinda hard.
“My own brother won’t tell me the truth and it’s your fault.” He pushed my hand back into my own chest. “What did you do to him?”
I was truly at a loss for words, so I uttered a few that I honestly had never said to anyone before. Not even Sam.
“Fuck you, Jake.”
But he didn’t even move! His face sort of twisted up, like he was confused, but I don’t think I could have been any more clear.
“Grow up, Tiny.”
Ugh, when did he learn how to push all my buttons? “You grow up, and mind your own business you creep. What, are you jealous I kissed Josh and not you?”
You should’ve seen it, seriously. You had to be there. He sprung away from me like I’d electrocuted him. 
“You are! Oh this is hilarious, you’re jealous.” I had to say it, the look on his face was a mixture of disgust and embarrassment. I couldn’t believe it. “Do you like me Jake? Huh? You wanna kiss me Jake?”
There’s no excuse for that one. I still don’t know why I said it. But then, ohhhh then, he rushed back into my space, wrapped both hands around the base of my skull, and slammed his lips against mine.
See? Luckiest girl on earth.
A lot of things happened in a span of a very few seconds. 
The weight of his body pushed me into the counter pretty hard, but I barely registered the pain. My first reaction was obviously shock, confusion, but it quickly turned into acceptance and my lips went from stiff against his to soft and welcoming.
Yep. I kissed him back.
My hands flew up and wrapped around his wrists, and he actually gripped my hair. I gasped into the kiss and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. He groaned, I moaned and-
We bounced apart like the opposite poles of two magnets. Jake didn’t stop moving backwards until he hit the counter across from me.
“This is seriously fucked up, guys.” Sam stood in the doorway of the kitchen, eyes red and unfocused, but they landed on me. “Go home, T. I shouldn’t have even asked you to come here.”
Before I could argue or even get upset with him, he turned out of the room and was gone.
I was confused. Very confused. My heart was still beating erratically in my chest and my breaths didn’t feel right either. Of all the people on the planet, I had to look to Jake effing Kiszka for help.
“Jake…” My voice came out small, weak.
For a minute, he just shook his head. My vision went a little blurry.
I am not going to cry in front of another one of these idiots!
“Jake.” Stronger that time, better. “Why did you do that?”
“Why did you?”
“You kissed me first! I-“
“You liked it.”
No, no I did not. I loved it. There was enough potential that I could’ve been smitten with it.
“You’re disgusting.” As I found my voice, I also found some anger. That anger coerced my feet into action, and I found myself toe to toe with him again. I pushed a finger right into his chest, for good measure. “Don’t ever-“
I learned a few things that night. One thing was that Jake was a really terrible listener. 
He didn’t grab me again, he didn’t crowd me or slam his mouth to mine. He just leaned forward and let his lips hover over mine. That shut me up real quick. 
“You sure, T?” Ugh, he whispered. And it was sexy, and seductive.
Another thing I learned that night was that Jake was a real prick.
Because he whispered those words across my lips, wrapped his hands around my upper arms and spun us around, backed me into the counter…
And walked away.
With all that being said, that might have been the night I started falling for Jake Kiszka. But I don’t really remember.
Sam didn’t speak a word to me for six days.
He was really mad at me! Or at least I figured he was, since he sent me away and said I never should have been there to begin with. And he ignored all my texts. And calls. Shit, I even emailed him once.
I passed him in the halls at school all week, tried to catch his attention from a distance, watched him purposefully look past me, or through me each time.
I had really fucked up.
On the seventh day, he gave it a rest. A full week since incident #2, he texted me. 
sammy: I’m sorry too
That was it. I had apologized a hundred unanswered times, pleaded with him to just talk to me, for a week. After so much silent treatment, I didn’t really know how to address it.
Me: my dad wants me to stay with him for the summer
That was true. My dad always wanted me to stay with him for the summer, but I usually chose to stay home and traded out the other, shorter holiday breaks with him. I hadn’t seriously been considering it, until incident #2.
sammy: In Traverse? Are you gonna go?
Me: yeah. 
What did you expect me to say? I needed to get out of the bubble that was our town and away from all the testosterone. Granted, Traverse City is only like three hours away, but that was pretty far for a kid with no license.
Sam didn’t text me back. I was glad I was leaving.
School let out for the summer and my dad picked me up that weekend. Traverse City isn’t all that different from home, aside from triple the population. There’s plenty to do outdoors - beaches and trails - but my dad didn’t exactly provide the same kind of company as Sam. 
When you’re running free with your best friend, the break never seems long enough. This was the longest summer I could remember, but by early July Sam and I were back on regular speaking terms. We texted all the time, and eventually accepted each other’s apologies. 
But after not hearing from him at all before I left town, the first time he reached out was not all that fun.
sammy: Can I ask you a question 
Me: shoot
sammy: Why did it have to be my brothers?
Me: …
Me: what do you mean
sammy: You could make out with ANYONE else
sammy: Why them?
So Josh did tell him something. 
Me: Josh told you we kissed?
sammy: That’s not an answer.
The truth? You know the truth. I started crushing on Josh sometime between his bare chest at Fischer Hall and the skintight jeans with the peace sign patch on the ass that he started wearing later that summer. 
But I still didn’t know what the hell had happened with Jake.
Me: i already said i was sorry sam. I. AM. SORRY. 
Me: i really did like josh… he doesn’t like me back
Me: but i DID NOT KISS JAKE!!! He kissed ME and i have no clue why
Look, I rarely lied to Sam. I had no reason to. But that text? That was a big fat lie.
How could I tell him that not only did I not hate Jake, I liked kissing Jake. I wanted to kiss Jake again. I wanted to learn how he did it, what his moves were, what made him-
No. Couldn’t tell baby brother all that. So I lied, and I avoided at all costs. 
Back to the best of friends by August, Sam was waiting in my driveway the day my dad dropped me off. We spent the last week of the summer attached at the hip again, but I didn’t step foot in his house for a very long time.
The Friday after my eighteenth birthday, Sammy threw me a party. That I didn’t ask for.
I rarely hung out with him at his own house anymore, and if I did it was only when I knew for certain that Jake wasn’t home. 
Josh and I had developed a sort of friendly relationship over the last couple years, stemming from a run-in at a movie theater. I was on a date (it went terribly), Josh was on a date (I asked him about it later and yes, that guy liked him back!), we fumbled awkwardly through hellos and introductions. He told me he missed seeing me around.
Those five words were enough to convince me that it would be okay to go to the house if he was there.
But not Jake. Never Jake.
So imagine my utter shock and horror when I knocked twice on the garage door, slipped underneath it, and found the room packed full of people.
Fuck me, right? No one likes surprise parties. I particularly hate them. Especially when I’m standing there like an idiot, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, taking in an unexpected mass of people and my stupid eyes lock on Jake stupid Kiszka.
And he smirked. Asshole.
“I’m not ready to leave you.”
Despite the garage full of our friends, I still ended up on Sam’s lap in the ugly chair, a little buzzed and kind of weepy. I tucked my face into his shoulder.
Don’t judge me. I’d already done a few hours worth of dancing, laughing and drinking. And avoiding the proverbial elephant in the room. It was exhausting. 
He shrugged off my concerns. “When I’m famous, you can just drop out and come on tour with us.” He raised his beer up to me, so I tapped mine against it. Cheers to adulthood, I guess. 
“You better get famous, you dick. Or even better, fail miserably and come live in Ann Arbor with me.”
In a month, I was graduating. It's not like I was leaving for college right away, but the reality of being eighteen was weighing on me. Sam’s reality was even heavier.
The fucking band was getting noticed. Being seen. What was I gonna do if they took off, if he left me and Michigan behind?
“Cheer up, T. This is supposed to be a party.” He squeezed me with the arm wrapped around my waist.
“Yeah yeah. I’m fine… I’m just gonna miss you.”
He was really great sometimes, my best friend. He reached down and sat his beer on the floor, then wrapped both arms around me. “I’ll miss you too, you know that.”
I let my eyes close for a minute and just enjoyed it, then sighed heavily against his neck. “Okay, sorry for the pity party. Let me up, I gotta pee.”
A few people were lingering in the kitchen when I made it into the house, they all raised their drinks and yelled happy birthday as I passed through. In the upstairs bathroom, I could hear when they filtered back outside, the house falling silent. I gave myself a little pep talk in the mirror before I left.
Get it together, woman. Have a good time, enjoy the fucking summer. Grow. Up.
Good talk, I know. 
When I hit the bottom of the stairs, I heard the refrigerator open. As I turned into the kitchen, someone was still standing there, hidden by the door.
But I knew who it was.
The fridge door swung closed and there he was. And we were alone. 
Not this shit again.
I wasn’t gonna do it, I wasn’t gonna do anything. I swear. But I kept moving to pass him and leave the room, and he stuck an arm out and stopped me in my tracks. 
“Just let me go, Jake.” See? I had zero interest in this! I didn’t even look at him. Ya know, until he physically turned my body to face him. He had the nerve to smile.
“Happy birthday, T.” Thank God he didn’t whisper it, he was so good at whispering.
“Yeah, thanks. See ya.” I tried to leave again, but he put both hands on me and kept me facing him, toe to toe. Another showdown in the Kiszka kitchen.
“Don’t be like that.”
Oh, how I hated him in that moment. Everything came back, the confusion, the anger I felt the last time we’d been here. When he basically accused me of being a slut right before accusing me of wanting him. And being right about it.
I shook his hands off my arms and took a step back. “No. No, I’m not doing this again.” I turned to leave again, and he caught me by the wrist.
“What are you talk-“
“Stop! Don’t pretend you don’t know!”
“Tiny, I really-“
“Don’t call me that, and don’t act like you don’t know exactly why I have avoided you for two fucking years.”
Maybe it was my expression, or maybe it was the tone of my voice, I’ll never know but he dropped my wrist and actually managed to look guilty.
“Exactly. Bye, Jake.”
I made it to the doorway. If I had just been moving faster, I would’ve missed it and probably never experienced what happened next.
“I’m sorry.”
There’s no way I’d heard that right. It spun me around where I stood.
“I said I’m sorry, about that night.”
I waited for the ground to open up and swallow us, or a meteor to blast through the ceiling. Surely the world was ending. Nothing happened.
“Really. What exactly are you sorry for, hm? Why exactly do you think I hate you?”
“You hate me?” I’m sure you can imagine, but yes, he had the audacity to look surprised by that information. It pissed me off.
“Get real, Jake.” I moved closer. “Get fucking real. Tell me what you’re apologizing for, go ahead. What part of that night are you sorry for?” By the time I was done, I was all up in his space and he looked uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry I accused you of sleeping with Josh.”
The big bad anger deflated, but only a little. I really hadn’t expected him to acknowledge that.
“You accused a sixteen year old virgin of fucking your brother on a dirty couch in your garage.” He literally cringed. I get it, it sounded bad. Because it was.
“That was really shitty of me-“
“You think?!”
“Let me finish,” His hands were on me again, wrapped around my upper arms. “Please.”
All I could do was nod. That please is what did it. He really seemed to feel bad, and I was believing it.
“I said that out of anger, T. I knew something happened out there, and Josh was all fucked up about it after. He wouldn’t talk to me, and he tells me everything.” My shoulders shook with the force of that word. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
My mind was reeling, grasping for the meaning he intended. I shook my head.
“We’re twins, we don’t have secrets. I thought you either forced him to do something he didn’t want to, or you… were mean to him. Judged him.”
It dawned on me, clear as day. 
“You knew.” 
He tipped his chin and nodded, just once. 
“I don’t- then what about the rest? I called you jealous, but it had nothing to do with that. But you were!”
He nodded again. My resolve crumbled.
“Why did you kiss me?” I whispered it, but I wasn’t trying to be sexy, or seductive.
“Because I was jealous. And I wanted to.”
“I’m really sorry that I hurt your feelings. I never wanted you to hate me.”
“What did you want?”
As you can imagine, that question sealed my fate.
“Just you.”
My back was against the refrigerator before he even finished breathing the words. This time, there was no moment of shock, I wasn’t confused, and my lips were not stiff. 
His hands slid up my arms and into my hair, and he tilted my head. My mouth opened for him, and I gripped the front of his t-shirt for dear life.
Remember when I told you that by sixteen, I had kissed plenty? That was true. By eighteen, I’d kissed plenty more.
But this kiss was going to ruin me, and I knew it.
He let a hand slip from my hair and ran it down the length of my body, past my shoulder, over my ribs and the small of my waist, then he tucked it between me and the fridge and flattened it to my lower back. And pulled my hips into his.
Oh my god. He did want me, I could feel the evidence of that pressed against me.
“Jake.” I broke the kiss but his lips kept moving, he tilted my head further and ran kisses over my cheek, my jaw. “Jake.”
“Mm?” His hips ground into mine, he didn’t take his lips off of me. 
“What- fuck, what are we doing?” My hands flattened against his chest and pushed, just a little, and he finally lifted his face.
His breath was coming quickly, I could feel it under my palms. “What do you wanna do, T?”
My brain raced toward an answer, past all the reasons we shouldn’t do what I wanted to do. There’s still a party going on in the garage, Sam is waiting there for me to come back from the bathroom, this is a bad idea, this is Jake, Sam may never forgive me for this.
“Can we- should we… go somewhere else?” Yeah, that’s what my brain landed on.
“You sure?” The memory of that same question, two years ago, rushed in and I knew that if he walked away from me this time, I would never get over it.
“I’m sure.”
He didn’t stop to reconsider or question my decision, just took my hand and led me back to the stairs. We rushed to the second floor, not leaving time to second guess or re-evaluate. He practically dragged me into his room, slammed the door behind us and locked it.
I didn’t bother looking around, it was dark anyway but I didn’t want to think too hard about what was happening. I just let him push me towards a bed and fell into it. He tore his shirt over his head and covered my body and mouth with his. 
My legs opened and he settled between them, immediately grinding into me. This was happening, and it was happening fast. Our mouths were securely attached, so I wriggled beneath him, tugging the hem of my shirt up. As soon as he caught on to what I was doing he took over the task, sliding a hand up under my shirt and touching my bare skin for the first time. 
“Fucking hell, T.” God, his voice was ragged, he was literally panting as he leaned back to use both hands, spreading his palms over my stomach, my ribcage, skimming over the sides of my breasts and up until my shirt was over my head and thrown to the floor.
For a minute we just stared at each other, our heavy breathing the only sound in the room. 
He had changed so little and so much in the last two years. Physically, his hair had grown long, hanging to his shoulders instead of flipping across his forehead. His cockiness had transformed into confidence, and his actions up to this moment had been firm and self-assured. As we took each other in, I wondered what changes he saw in me.
Did he see a woman that night, pinned to his mattress by his eyes? At sixteen, I’d tried so hard to convince all of them that I was grown - could he see the ways that I had?
“You’re so fucking hot.” Okay, yeah it wasn’t poetry or anything, but his words pulsed through my bloodstream and settled between my thighs. Something like a whine slipped from the back of my throat, and suddenly we were moving in fast motion. He covered me again, but his kiss landed on my jaw, then below my ear, then the base of my throat. As it passed my collarbone I tangled my hands into his hair. He’d propped himself up on an elbow and the other hand slid up my ribs again then covered my breast.
I wish I could remember what my bra even looked like that night, but it hadn’t seemed like he cared.
He squeezed me softly, I moaned, he squeezed harder. Then his fingers tugged the top of the cup down, and for the first time, a part of me was truly naked in front of Jake Kiszka.
There was only a fleeting moment where he lifted his head and looked at my chest, bared to him, my nipple already hard and aching for his attention - then he dropped his mouth over it and sucked it in.
My back arched off the bed and he sucked me in deeper, his tongue swirling around my nipple before he softly put his teeth on it.
“Yes.” I hardly recognized my own voice, but he must have recognized the need or the urgency in it, because he applied just a tiny bit of pressure, and bit me. “Yes!”
His head popped up and his eyes met mine. “Fuck, you liked that?”
Was that weird? Was I not supposed to? I didn’t know what to say, so I nodded. It prompted him to pull the other side of my bra down and treat my other nipple to the same affection, so I guessed it was the right answer.
We were writhing together, friction between our hips and my hands holding his head to my chest until I couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Jake, kiss me, please…”
Somewhere along the line, he’d become a better listener. His lips slotted over mine and he kissed me deeply, I felt it everywhere. Until his hand started fumbling with the button of my jeans. It popped open and he slid the zipper down. Just as his fingers danced over the edge of my underwear, he paused. 
Against my mouth he whispered, “Yes?”
I nodded frantically, breaking the kiss.
“Say it, T.”
Fingers slid over cotton and tucked themselves between my legs, and my entire body shuddered. He dropped his gaze to where he was touching me as he pressed them into me and slid them up my center, catching on my clit. I jolted at the contact. 
“Jesus Christ.”
Had I surprised him? Done something wrong? Why was he pulling his hand away- oh.
His hand slipped out of my jeans only long enough to slide under the waist of my panties, then it disappeared inside them. 
Jake Kiszka had his fingers on my actual, bare-
You get it.
Again, they pressed into me and then through me, I could feel the way my body offered no resistance, slick and easy. 
“You- you’re so…” His voice trailed off, but I needed to know. What was I? What was he thinking?
“What, Jake?” I sounded breathy, my voice coming out shaky and quiet. He looked up into my eyes.
“You’re so wet.” He sounded stunned, awe lacing his tone. 
My throat closed, I swallowed hard. Embarrassment made my chest hot and I opened my mouth to say something. I’m sorry? But my mouth snapped shut because he moved his fingers through the wetness again and groaned, deep and low, before tracing up to my clit again and circling it.
He continued to watch my face, I think. I’m not sure, because my eyes slammed shut as my body bowed into the feeling, but it seemed like he was watching all of my reactions closely. I’m sure he saw my face drop when his fingers left my clit, only to see my jaw fall open when one moved lower and pushed inside me slowly.
Inside. Me. My eyes shot open and found him staring at me, nostrils flared. 
“Relax, T. You’re so tight.”
Was that bad? I pulled a deep breath into my lungs, in through my nose and out through trembling lips. Tried my hardest to relax every muscle, but I was wound so tight I felt like I would implode. 
I must have done something right, because his finger slid deeper and he murmured the worst thing I’d ever heard.
“That’s good, good girl.”
In hindsight, I know he wasn’t even trying to be sexy. But my body tightened around his finger again and he started to withdraw it. I panicked, gripped his wrist and dug my nails in just as he pushed all the way inside. 
“God!” I couldn’t help it, the invasion was overwhelming me.
“Shhh, I’ve got you.” He was pumping it inside me now. “Tell me what you want.” Focus made his features look so serious, but his voice was calm and coaxing. I had no fucking clue what to say.
So I said the first thing that popped into my head.
“More.” He smiled, his mouth curling up at the corners. I felt him withdraw his finger all the way, gasped as he swirled two over my clit, then entered me again with both. 
“Jesus, you’re so tight, you feel so good.”
So good, so good. That’s good. I let myself relax into his touch and within a few seconds my hips were moving in time with his fingers. My bottom lip was held tight between my teeth as I tried not to let any of the sounds building in my throat escape. He noticed.
His face came close, he pecked a kiss to my cheek then whispered into my ear. “Let me hear you, just be quiet.” 
I really had no choice, because as soon as the words left his mouth, he pressed his thumb to my clit and plunged his fingers deep.
“Shit Jake, yes yes yes…”
Still next to my ear, he tucked his face into my neck and kissed me there before making his way back to my lips. His tongue swept out over my bottom lip and I opened to him, let him in. My eyes fluttered closed.
Then I felt it, a tightening, low in my belly. A tingling even lower. I don’t know what I did that signaled to him, but he knew.
“Are you gonna come for me?” He asked between kisses. I didn’t answer. I couldn’t.
I didn’t have to. All it took was a few more pumps of his fingers, a couple circles with his thumb, and I had my first orgasm. 
Trust me when I tell you, it was a doozy. 
My entire body tensed, my back arched and my mouth opened. Thank God I couldn’t hear myself over the buzz in my head because I’m sure the sound I made was mortifying, but it didn’t matter. As quickly as it had gripped me, it started to fade away. Things came back into focus and I felt Jake’s fingers softly moving in shallow strokes before they stopped and he pulled them from me. 
Who said that? Oh, it was Jake. I peeked up at him and his eyes were wide, almost black in the darkness. Then he pulled his hand from my pants and stood up so quickly, I was sure I’d done something wrong. I shot up to sit and had barely planted my feet on the floor when I heard his belt buckle clink. The shuffle of his shoes across the carpet as he toed them off his feet. The soft swish of denim falling down his legs and hitting the floor, more shuffling and he stepped out of his jeans.
Holy shit holy shit holy shit.
I didn’t even have time to truly panic, because he stepped back up to the bed and leaned down, kissing me briefly on the lips before using his hands to guide me backwards, laying across his bed again. He reached for the waist of my pants and, already undone, started to slide them off of my hips. I let him pull them down my legs until they got stuck at my shoes. 
He chuckled. I giggled, nervously. He slipped my shoes off then tugged my jeans from my feet. I shifted and sat back up. 
And there I was. Looking at Jake Kiszka in nothing but his skivvies and socks, and myself wearing much of the same. Except my tits were out, the cups of my bra pushing them up from underneath. 
Jake must have sensed my nerves, because he asked me if I was still sure. I nodded and he demanded to hear it out loud. 
He turned to his nightstand, rummaged blindly  through the drawer, and when he straightened he slipped his thumbs under the elastic waistband of his underwear.
Then they hit the floor.
And there I was. Looking at Jake Kiszka in nothing but his socks. 
My cheeks exploded with heat and I was grateful that he couldn’t see me blushing in the dark, but I must have made a face, or a noise, because he was poised to tear open the condom wrapper and he stopped. 
“Are you okay?”
Oh shit, what did I do?
“Um-“ Cleared my throat. “I- yeah. Yes. Sorry. I’ve just, never done this before.”
“Ha ha, T. For real, what’s wrong?”
Ha ha? I wasn’t laughing. 
“Nothing. It’s fine, I just haven’t ever…” It trailed off, because there was something wrong with the way he was looking at me. 
“Fuck. You gotta be kidding me.” Ouch. 
His arms dropped to his sides, condom packet still between the first two fingers of his left hand. He flicked it away, it skimmed the surface of the nightstand and fell behind it.
No, no no no. 
“What? What are you doing?” There it was, a little bit of that panic, finally allowed to bloom under my skin. He bent and stepped back into his boxer briefs and pulled them up. My own semi-nudity suddenly felt shameful, so I tugged the cups of my bra back up to cover my breasts. “Jake, I still want th-“
“No. I can’t, T. You’re still a virgin?” 
Was I crazy, because I hadn’t seen anything wrong with that before this exact moment? He stepped back into his jeans and started pulling them up.
I reached out to stop him, a hand on his wrist. “Yeah, but who cares? It’s not that big of-“
“I care!” He ripped his arms away from me, pulled his pants up and fastened them. He continued as he started plucking my own clothes from the floor and shoving them into my shaking arms. “I can’t do that, I can’t be your first. I can’t fucking believe this.”
The first tear slipped and ran down my cheek, and I swiped it away, frustrated. “You’re overreacting, Jake. Why are you-“
He cut me off again. “How could you not tell me? What if I, if I had- God.”
“I didn’t know I was supposed to!” I jerked my shirt over my head and shoved my arms through the sleeves. “Why would you think I wasn’t?!” Pulled my jeans over my feet and up my legs. 
“Because Sam told me!”
My fingers stopped buttoning my pants, my head jerked up. “What?!”
“Sam said he thought you were fucking that idiot you dated last year, when you weren’t coming around for like a month. He-“
“I’m gonna kill him. That’s it, I’m finally gonna actually kill him.” 
Jake threw his arms up. “What was I supposed to think, T? With the way you were kissing me, and- and- you weren’t acting like a virgin!”
“Because you still think I’m some kind of slut, Jake? Is that it? Oh my God I’m so stupid.” I fastened my jeans and pulled my shoes on, then shoulder checked him on my way to the door.
It felt good, okay?
He was right behind me, forgetting his shoes and pulling his shirt on as he followed me down the stairs, but I didn’t stop. I bolted through the kitchen and outside, then into the garage.
A lot of people had left and I found Sam immediately, strewn across one end of the couch. He was probably crossfaded and ready to pass out, but he popped up as soon as he saw my face. 
“Tiny, where have you been? What’s wrong-“ Jake stormed into the garage behind me, and even through hooded, bleary eyes, Sam put some pieces together. Or tried to.
I was trying desperately not to cry, and I’m sure I looked it. I could feel how kiss-swollen my lips were, and I guessed that Jake’s looked the same. Add in the fucked up bed hair, and then two tears that slipped free and ran down my face. 
“What the fuck did you do..”
But Sam wasn’t talking to me. He was looking past me.
“What did you do?!”
The few of our friends that were left lingering in the garage were all staring at us. 
“Party’s over! GET OUT!” I flinched. I’d never heard Sam yell, not in anger. Everyone jumped and hustled through the side door until we were alone, and Sam took one deep breath before speaking. 
“T, come here, are you okay?”
I didn’t move, just nodded my head and wiped furiously at my cheeks. “Yes, I’m fine, I- I just wanted to tell you I was leaving.” He came to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. 
“What did you do?” I knew he was speaking to Jake, still standing silently behind me. 
“Sam, I don’t know what you’re thinking but-“
“Why is she fucking crying?”
I broke free of his hold and stopped him. “Sam, it’s okay. I’m fine, I swear. I’m going home.” I grabbed my bag from the floor beside the couch and flung it over my shoulder, lifted the garage door and slipped out.
I didn’t stop running until I reached my driveway.
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venusfalling · 2 years
Off to Germany Without So Much as a Fucking Goodbye
summary: Episode 2 of TFATWS. You pick up Bucky from jail.
warnings: none?
notes: Well, this only really makes sense if you've watched The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but if you haven't, there are still some fun angst and fluff bits! Married!Reader. Part 2 to There You Are.
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    Jail. Bucky’s therapist called to tell you that your husband was in jail. You had spent three days worrying about him, thinking the worst, but now? Now you were (mostly) angry as you waited for him on the street outside the police station.
    “James Buchanan Barnes!” you yelled when you saw him and Sam leave the station.
    “Shit,” Bucky muttered.
    “Jail! First a stupid text—‘Going to Germany on a mission with Sam’—no explanation, no phone call, no word from you at all for three days! And then, I have to hear from your therapist that you’re in jail!” The way you emphasize your words tells Bucky that he’s really in trouble this time. He tries reaching a hand out to touch you, but you brush him off. You start walking to the car, parked two streets over, and Bucky and Sam follow. The keys that you’re holding begin to bend from the crushing force of your hand as your emotions overwhelm you. All of that anger and anxiety and relief rolled up into one big sob caught in your throat.
    “I can explain,” Bucky calls after you.
    “I am your wife! I deserve more than a goddamn text and secondhand information!” you snap, turning around to face him.
    “Wife?” Sam questions, but you both ignore him. Sam knew the two of you were close after the time you spent together in Wakanda, but five years was a long time.
    “I was worried, Buck,” your voice breaks a little bit, and you finally let Bucky pull you into a hug.
    “I know, I know. I’m sorry,” he whispers into your hair. “It was supersoldiers,” he explains when you pull out of the hug, “part of a group called the Flagsmashers that’ve been stealing vaccines and supplies.”
    “The Flagsmashers? The bad guys really are getting less creative.”
    Bucky continues to explain it all: the tip from Lieutenant Joaquin Torres (Sam’s airforce buddy), the supersoldiers they caught stealing vaccines in Germany, the ensuing chase, and the interference from the new Captain America. It was a lot to say the least.
    The keys in your hand are all but ruined, but you continue to walk towards the car anyway. The lock in the car is metal and, as the ruined keys prove, bending metal is kind of your forte. Car theft is what got you on Fury’s radar after all. Bucky takes the warped keys from you, tucks them in his pocket, and holds your hand. Not all is forgiven, but for now… for now you need him within arms reach to make sure he doesn’t disappear again.
    “So, you two are married. Since when?” Sam catches up to the both of you, having given you space for your lover’s quarrel.
    Not many people know about your relationship with Bucky. Things were… complicated after The Blip. You had waited five years for him, never moving on no matter how much Steve encouraged you to do so.
    You had friends, but you weren’t as close anymore, and your relationship with Bucky was something so close to your heart that sometimes, telling others didn’t feel safe. Bucky, on the other hand, didn’t have many friends, and it took him ages to tell his therapist. It was something she‘d only pried out of him after he’d listed you as his emergency contact. Other than her, the only people who did know were the judge who signed the marriage license and your witness: Steve.
    “Since six months ago,” Bucky replies. Sam is about to ask a follow-up question when a police car siren cuts him off.
    “Gentlemen,” John Walker calls out from the police parking lot sandwiched between the police station and the corporate building next door. “Good to see you again.” He nods in your direction, “Ma’am.” Then when he recognizes you he says, “Wait, you’re an Avenger! You’d be a great addition to our team.”
    Bucky’s hold on your hand grows a little tighter at that, and the three of you stop in front of where John Walker and Lamar Hopkins lean against the doors of a police cruiser. Bucky stands just an inch or two in front of you, as if trying to hide you.
    “There is no team,” Bucky argues.
    “Look, if we divide ourselves, we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that,” Walker continues.
    “So what do you got?” Sam asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
    “Well, the leader’s name’s Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians who’ve been helping Karli move from place to place.” The casual way in which Walker speaks about over-policing groups of people who are already suffering makes you understand Bucky and Sam’s defensive nature.
    “They geo-tag a location, then scramble the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe,” Lamar explains.
    “We think she’s taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps,” Walker finishes.
    “Well, there are hundreds of those all over the planet since The Blip. So, I guess you’ll have to look real hard,” Bucky remarks snidely.
    “Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?” Walker scowls at Bucky, and the look that Bucky returns is more distasteful than his usual glare.
    “Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?”
    The scowl on Walker’s face deepens at Bucky’s question. “No, we don’t know, Bucky. But, it’s only a matter of time before we find out.”
    “Things are really intense for you, aren’t they, Walker?” Bucky shoots back, taking another step forward and letting go of your hand while Walker pushes himself off of the police car.
    “Take it easy. Walker’s right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them,” Sam cuts in. “But you guys have rules of engagement and all kind of authorizations you have to get. We’re free agents. We’re more flexible. So it wouldn’t make sense for us to work with you.” Sam turns and walks back toward the main road. You and Bucky follow, but Walker isn’t finished:
    “A word of advice, then. Stay the hell out of my way.”
    “So, what are you thinking?” Sam is the first to break the silence when you finally reach the parked Cadillac. The one that Bucky only ever drove when he was with you, preferring the motorcycle—which was still at the airfield where he had met Sam three days ago.
    “Well, I know what we have to do. When Isaiah said ‘my people’…” Bucky starts. You remember that name: Isaiah. Bucky had told you about the forgotten supersoldier, the one America never loved enough because of the color of his skin.
    “Oh, don’t take that to heart. That’s not what he meant,” Sam cuts him off.
    “No, he meant HYDRA. HYDRA used to be my people.” You squeeze his hand once, then let go to begin unlocking the car, placing your hand on the door and feeling for the locking mechanisms inside. People really ought to stop making things out of metal.
    Sam scoffs. “Not a chance.”
    “Walker doesn’t have any leads,” Bucky counters. You can see the crinkle in his brow he gets when he has an idea that he knows you won’t like.
    “I know where you’re going with this, no,” Sam says.
    “Where are you going with this?” you chime in, a bit lost in the conversation and still playing catch up to what happened in Germany.
    “Zemo. He knows all of HYDRA’s secrets. Don’t you remember Siberia?”
    “I wish I could forget Siberia,” you grumble.
    “So, what? You’re just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?” Sam questions.
    “Y-yes.” Bucky admits. You want to argue, but you can see by the look on his face that he’s already set on going.
    “Well, if you’re going to see Zemo, then I’m coming too,” you demand, crossing your arms and looking up at him.
    “No, you’re not.” He mirrors your movements and looks down at you.
    “Bucky, where you go, I follow. That was the deal, remember?” You say, holding up your left hand to show him the ring on your finger.
    “Okay then. We’re gonna go see Zemo. The three of us,” Sam decides, opening the car door. Then he smiles at you. “It’s good to be on a team with you again.”
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Since I decided the best way to make it through Our Skyy 2 with minimal damage is to drink my way through it, welcome to the second round of
CockTails in the Skyy!
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This week's drink is Sun & Stars to celebrate my two precious Sunflowers (JOONGDUNK!) in Star in My Mind:
gin & tonic (to balance the bitter and sweet of this pair's dynamic)
pineapple juice (for that beach vibe)
elder flower syrup and vanilla bean sugar on the rim to add to the sickly sugariness I know I'm in for
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"You are every shade of yellow for me, Daonuea."
I made it strong because I already know what happens for SeanMaithee, and with no further tears to cry, let's get this wedding party started, so I can be properly upset.
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Bottoms up!
That was a very Lana del Rey's "National Anthem" beginning: "I love him. I love him. I love him."
"How many times did you make me cry? How many times did you break my heart?" <- gin & tonic was the right choice
Too much sweetness (pineapple juice), but I think it will sort itself out with the looks Daonuea is giving right now
The water bottles are blurred, so I'm taking that as a sign to only drink alcohol for these episodes.
Sean and Maithee are too hugged up with each other for this to go the way I know it'll go. I'm already bitter <-gin & tonic was the ONLY choice
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The dental students stay doing the most. Mork in Fish Upon the Sky was basically a one-man EMT, Ana in Love Mechanics and Future is checking everyone's temp, and now Kluen is saving all the girlies. Where are the future doctors at?! Coasting?
Hold on! Is Typhoon a future medical doctor? I thought he was a dentist too? Still Dr. Typhoon, but why aren't the doctors doing their volunteer hours in any show ever?!
Min's friend is ON THE GROUND and she is trying to flirt. Priorities, my girl.
Hearing Maithee say he has a date WITH A GIRL, just to hear "O Come All Ye Faithful" right afterwards got me effed up. This is chaotic.
Daonuea is still wearing that sunflower bracelet! Thank goodness for the product placement, so I could see it.
Palm and Kluen both telling their men that they are all they need in life is some real water sign bs. Where are my fire signs?!
Oh snaps! The first episode is already done!
More Sun & Stars for episode 2
Since I'm already a Bitter Body, I went heavy-handed with the gin and skipped the pineapple juice for the second episode. Good choice.
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The scene going from Daonuea and Kluen being all lovey-dovey immediately to Typhoon looking at them in his feelings felt like a personal attack. Alexa, play Sam Smith's "I'm Not Here to Make Friends" 'cause "I NEED A LOVER!"
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I legit stopped the show so I could hear that song, and now Phoon wants to confess he has someone. Another attack!
The friend group being disgusted by these two is the only appropriate response.
Kluen is being a damn water sign again with his response about how he would feel if they never meet again. You are both 10s, sir! Start acting like it! I just need one of these Bl boys to pop off like Cardi B - "I'm a boss bitch! Who you gonna leave me for?"
There is ham and cheese in the spaghetti. Is that a thing?
"Why did you two stop fighting?" - Because they joined the music club and exchanged colors, duh.
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I cannot be rational about JoongDunk. I CANNOT!
Prince was too busy talking to his time-traveling boyfriend in Midnight Museum to film a cameo, I see.
Everyone walking away from Pawin is why I'm a captain of the "Pawin's Milkshake Brings All the Boys to the Yard" step team
Daonuea saying Noel is hard to approach is SLANDER!
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Kluen is salty like them Lay's chip GMMTV snatched from WinTeam and Between Us with all these boys in his room.
I'm so glad Typhoon and Daonuea can be friends too considering the violence that ensued last time.
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God, I miss the (unnecessary) drama.
I noticed this on The Warp Effect, but Joong stays looking soft yet sensual.
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Where is King's mom from Bed Friend to dunk on this ring? Because this ain't it, sir. Is the star a sapphire? Is the center of the sunflower a pearl? Diamond? ¿Qué es esto?
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Rose petals are romantic and all, but let's stick to the theme. Where are the sunflower petals?!
What in the Blair Witch Project was that tree lantern thing?
Kluen saying he used up all his luck snagging Daonuea is so . . . he is a Cancer? A Pisces?! WHAT IS THIS?! He was not laying it on this thick in the show.
Oh, thank goodness, it ended right when I ran out of gin.
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For the rating, the drink and the episodes were too sweet, yet somehow still very bitter because no SeanMaithee. I got JoongDunk, a proposal, and alcohol, so I'll take my wins where I can get them.
7/10 CockTails for doing its job but being bittersweet.
I'm going to have to make my Jack Nasty much stronger than I planned for next week's episodes of The Eclipse considering we are getting that strange teacher/student relationship.
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"this is a god damn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation"
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ghostwirter · 3 months
Dean's Lover
Season 1, Episode: 2, Welcome Home
Last time on episode of Dean's Lover........
Dean was scrolling through his laptop because he was looking for a hunt that Sam and he could do until he got an email from someone from Mystic Falls.
Dean decided to click on the email and read it. When he was reading the email and saw that it was the sheriff who emailed him. As he can see she was asking him for help.
Sam glanced over at him. "What did you find?"
Dean glances towards Sam. "Yeah. A sheriff from Mystic Falls emails me." He should it to him as he does want to help and he knows that he will see Rose again.
Sam looked at the email and then looked at Dean because he knew that this would be a bad idea for them to take this hunt. "Dean..." He pauses for a moment then clears his throat. " Maybe let Rose take care of it."
"Why?" Dean didn't understand why Sam didn't want to take this hunt. "We are only there for the hunt."
Sam knows how his brother is when it comes to Rose and he doesn't want Dean to do anything stupid that could cause Dean and Rose to break up. "Just trust me. I'll send a text to her.
When Rose walked into the mason she didn't think that she would be seeing Stefan in the living room and this did cause the room to have tension. Everyone could feel it till Rose rolled her eyes walked out of the living room and headed upstair to her room.
Damon walked in and he saw everyone glance over to me. "What happened?" He looked at them because he knew that something had happened but he was looking at Stefan.
"Rose saw Stefan and she went upstairs," Bonnie tells Damon.
Damon let out a sigh. "Stefan, you shouldn't have done this to her." He can see that Stefan is getting uncomfortable.
"Did it what is best for her!" Stefan stood up and looked at Damon because he knew that Rose is angry at him.
Damon shook his head. "Bullshit." He glares at Stefan before he goes upstairs to check on Rose. He just wanted to make sure that she was okay. This made everyone look at Sefan because they wanted to know what he did to Rose.
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When Damon made it to Rose's room, he knocked on the door but waited for her to answer. "Rose? It's me. Damon." He stood before her door and waited for her to open the door. when he heard Rose's footsteps coming to the door.
Rose opened the door and walked away and she went to her bed. "Why is he here?" She glanced at Damon because she really didn't want to see Stefan there.
Damon sighed and walked in while he shut the door. "Honestly, I don't know. But I know what he did wasn't okay."
"He made Dean and Sam forget about me!" Rose snapped at Damon because she was angry with Stefan. "Now I have to start all over again with them."
"Wait, are you seeing them again?" Damon asked her as he walked towards her. "What are you going to do if Stefan finds out?"
"He won't. " Rose hoped that Damon wouldn't tell Stefan about it as she watched him rub his face and she heard him let out a sigh.
"Are you dating one of them?" Damon looks at her with a serious facial expression.
Rose glances away from Damon. "Dean Winchester." She glances back at him. "Please Damon, don't tell Stefan." She really doesn't want Dean to get hurt or worse killed.
"So that's the reason why you don't come home that much?" Damon walked over and sat on her bed. He just wanted to know more about his little sister.
"Yes. And I am here only here for five days." Rose looked at Damon, she really hoped that Damon wouldn't tell Stefan. "Promise me that you won't tell Stefan."
Damon knew that Rose did care about the Winchester brothers and he knew that she would be protected from them. "I promise." He pull her into a hug. "I am happy to see you again."
Rose hugs him back then pull away. "So what has happened since I been gone?" She wanted to know everything.
Damon chuckles and shakes his head. "Well....we have been dealing with Katherine."
"Wait, that slut of a cunt was here?!" Rose stood up because she can't stand Katherine because she knew how Katherine treated her brother and she really want Katherine dead. "Why didn't you call me?!"
"Stefan didn't want you to get hurt." Damon already knew what Rose was going to say next. "I already knew what you were going to say next."
"Stefan doesn't care about me." Rose rolled her eyes and she knew the truth and knew how Stefan felt about her. She looked at him as she put her hair into a messy bun.
"Stefan does care about you," Damon remembers the day when Stefan ran to him and told him that Rose was dying. "I still remember the day that you died when he told me."
Rose made a puff sound and she shook her head as she chuckled. "Do you really believe what he said?" She looked at him then she could see that Damon did believe him. "Oh, my sweet dear brother." She placed her hand on Damon's hand as she looked at him. "He was the one who gave Katherine the green light to turn me into a vampire."
Damon couldn't believe that Stefan did that to her. "What. Stefan let Katherine turn you." He was angry with Stefan for lying to him causing him to get up and walk out of the Rose's room as he was going to take care of Stefan.
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Damon came down the stairs and walked towards Stefan which caused him to push Stefan very hard. "You let Katherine turn our little sister into a vampire when she was only thirteen!"
"I did what I had to do!" Stefan got onto his feet as he looked at Damon.
"No, you did that because you know what is best for everyone else." Damon glares at Stefan as he wants to punch him but everything in his bones is telling him not to because he doesn't want to do that.
"She doesn't know what she wants." Stefan thinks that Rose can't make her own choice. "I had to do what was best for her!"
Damon rolled his eyes. "Rose isn't a kid anymore. And what do you know what is best for her?" He wasn't going to let Stefan treat Rose like this. "You can't keep treating her like she is some pet."
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forensicated · 6 months
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 232
At the end of the last episode there was an explosion at the Lord Banbury pub where the summer party is being held. Most of the Sun Hill staff are able to make their way outside on their own feet, some with light injuries and most just shocked or coughing from the smoke. Gina looks for Adam but noone has seen him come out yet. There's secondary bangs inside the building from the structure being unstable and Gina quickly calls for a fire officer to come assess the situation. Tony can't wait and runs back in to find Adam and get him out before the building collapses. There's a further collapse that blocks the exit but Tony manages to kick the fire escape doors open and carries an unconcious Adam out over his shoulder.
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Unknown to everyone except Gina, Adam has been receiving racist hate mail for quite some time through the internal mail. Back at the station and unaware of what has happened, Rob slips an envelope into Adam's pigeon hole whilst wearing a glove.
The pub is sealed off and SO13 are called to attend. Sam suggests a gas leak but Gina says none of the witnesses or officers mention smelling gas. She did spot Wayne Radford driving away when she arrived however. Instantly Rob is riled. "It could be a bomb!" Jack tells him not to get ahead of himself and to go make himself useful.
The latest news is that Adam is critical and Gina heads to her car to go and be with him at the hospital. Jonathan arrives, having rushed to the scene. Gina is still obviously in shock and worried about Adam but assures Jonathan she's OK and that it would take more than an explosion to get rid of her. Jonathan hugs her and says their last few conversations had been snapping and things could have ended so differently. He offers to go with her but she assures him she'll be ok and doesn't know how long she'll be so she'll call him when leaving.
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Back at the station, Jack has found the note in Adam's internal mail and has started to think that he could have been targeted by a racist. Rob says he was sent one too and that it has to be Wayne Radford, panicking when Jack won't be swayed.
Gina is still sat at Adam's bedside when Neil comes to see how he is doing. It still doesn't look good as he's inhaled so much smoke. [Out of interest, they're saying it doesn't look good. but noone appears to have contacted his wife. It's Gina who's at his bedside for hours. This is all of a day after she called him out for being jealous she was seeing Jonathan too...] The next 24 hours are critical.
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The next morning Adam starts to come round with Gina at his bedside. Jonathan is worried as he hasn't heard from Gina. It's early days but the signs are good. Jack tells uniform that the explosion was caused by a bomb and that Adam received a racist hate note.
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Rob and Terry look into The Radford's involvement in the potential planting of the bomb. Rob watches the CCTV from a furniture shop across the road. Wayne arrives 2 minutes before and carries a parcel from the boot in the direction of the pub. Wayne gets back into his car seconds after the explosion and drives off. When spoken to, Wayne tells them that he was dropping off a birthday cake at Mario's, the bistro around the corner from the pub for a surprise party. Before they can leave the Radfords, it appears as though the 'bomber' may have struck again. Jerome Taylor, a local black councillor, reports he has been beaten up, told to leave Sun Hill and that he's been receiving hate mail. Rob doesn't look all that convinced, not least because it's been him and Taylor sending Adam the hate mail. He's horrified to hear about the bombing and Adam being hurt however - aware that if the notes are discovered to have come from him and Rob it makes them the most likely suspects.
Adam recounts what he remembers to Gina though it isn't especially helpful. He tells her that Denise has already asked him to leave Sun Hill over the hate mail. Gina admits he gave even her quite a scare and made her wonder if it was worth it. Adam tells her that she'll never walk away from the job as she has 'copper' coursing through her veins. She just smiles and says she's going to make times for other things - relationships for one.
Adam: "You mean Jonathan. For you to even be considering resigning there must be love in the air." Gina: "Oh give over!" Adam: "It's nothing to be ashamed of. You should tell him how you feel." Gina: "It's not me is it... all that lovey dovey stuff." Adam: "So you do love him then." Gina: "Something like that." Adam: "You can go out into the streets, take on dangerous criminals but when it comes to the man you love, you can't say three little words"
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Jonathan and Gina finally catch up where she apologises for not ringing. Gina spots Lance before she can take Jonathan to her office to tell him something special and asks him to wait a moment. Tony has told Gina that Lance is struggling after he was unable to go help Tony get Adam out the pub and she goes to speak to him to make sure he's alright. Now Lance has gotten his phone and jacket back from Gina he's rather concerned by some messages that he has received. One in particular asks him to meet him by the gents toilets in the pub - where the bomb was - sent moments before it exploded.
Gina finally gets chance to speak to Jonathan. She wants to tell him that she's fallen in love with him and wants to prioritise their relationship, but unfortunately Jonathan is fed up of playing second best to the job. He speaks over her and tells her he thinks it's best to split up. "It's not that I don't love you, Gina. I'm sure I always will but I can't be in a relationship where I'm playing second fiddle." "But that's what I was going to say to you!" "Being a copper is what you are. It wouldn't be fair for me to try and change it, you'd only resent me for it anyway. It's time to call it a day." The barriers come slamming down again and Gina turns her back on him. "You know it's for you too... it's best all round." Instead of replying and telling him the truth - that she wanted to make more time for them and loves him - she shuts down and literally turns her back on him rather than let him see the truth, tears pricking her eyes.
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She also turns down an invite from the relief to go out for a drink, still sounding rather choked ad she does.
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
2/2 Mikey is now at Brian’s loft: ‘mike, fix the mess you made. Poor Bri Bri, he looks so bad (he now paused the episode to laugh at Brian’s Chernobyl line. He is so easily impressed with Brian) mike..i doubt he will ever eat chicken soup, he barely eats. FOR FUCKS SAKE BRIAN STOP BEING A BITCH AND ACCEPT SOME HELP. *lets out an actual gasp* IS MIKEY GONNA STAND UP FOR JUSTIN?! TELL HIM MIKE! YES HE IS HIS LOVER! YES! FINALLY MIKE, THAT WAS A SHITTY WAY TO TREAT HIM! I cannot believe im about to say this but mikey..you might have officially made it off my shit list forever.’ Brian says Justin wouldve left anyway ‘what the fuck? Says who? He wouldnt leave you! I cant decide if this is his anger over cancer or what but dudeeeeee stop it! Go back to Justin, if not for you, do it for me’ And we are at Drew’s party ‘im sorry what did he just say? What a piece of shit. Spit in his food. Oooor talk to him..i guess that’s more mature. Yeah, tell this little bitch that he’s a little bitch!’ ‘Im sorry but i just doubt that Lindsay would miss these classes! I mean come on she was all insane over being a mom in the beginning? What is this bullshit? Its giving straight men vibe, you know what I mean?’ And we are at Mikey and Justins scene ‘COME ON BLONDIE STOP BEING STUBBORN AND GO TO OUR MAN! There is no way he’d just let him go like that when Brian is sick. This is bullshit. MIKE DO SOMETHING. (Justin says brian being sick doesnt concern him anymore and he pauses tv) what the fuck is this bullshit?! Nah. Maybe if something horrible happened, id get this. Id even get this during the *makes a grossed out face* ethan era but now? Fuck no. Our boyfriend has cancer and he’s just chill? After he cried and held him the way he did?! Who the fuck wrote this shit? *clicks play* TELL HIM MIKE! fucks sake Justin! Use your big brain! Exactly Mike! GO TO HIM JUSTIN, OH COME ON!!!’ And we are at lindsay and sam scene ‘oh for fucks sake. What is this bullshit and why do I have to suffer it? My baby Bri Bri is sick, my baby Blondie is being stubborn and not listening to me and they think I care about whatever this is.’ He just fake gagged and made a grossed out face to sam and lindsay hugging. And we are at Ben/Mike scene ‘you know what? I never thought id say this but Mike deserves better. He’s been so supportive of Ben and even kept quiet about his own success only for this dick to be a dick to him. I now like mike so he deserves better.’ And we are at Drew/Em scene!! ‘Ugh him again. Fuck you dude bro. Emmett be careful! Something is off about this guy. (Drew makes a move on Emmett) um..what is going on? THIS IS WHAT THAT JUSTIN AND BRIAN FIGHT SCENE WAS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE! Wait..what the fuck dude? I thought he was straight? Okay get it em..i think’ and back to Ben and his student ‘i dont like this shit. What the fuck is this shit? Why is everyone acting so fucking weird and stupid?’ ‘BRIAN! You’re supposed to be resting. He looks like shit. Bri, go home please and call Justin. *he giggled like a little kid* i like how Ted and I both call him Bri. Yes, go home and call JUSTIN FOR FUCKS SAKE! (Brian walks in his loft to Justin cooking) JUSTIN! BLONDIE IS HERE!!! HE MADE HIM SOUP! Brian stop being a bitch! YES BLONDIE TELL HIM. (justin snapped at Brian) OH MY GOD! TELL HIM BABY! YOU GO GIRL! EXACTLY HE CANT HANDLE THIS ON HIS OWN! YOU GO BABY! YEAH BRIAN WHY WOULD YOU THINK HED LEAVE! Babies, before this goes bad, how about none of us leave? *stands up and literally puts his hands in the air and claps* YES GET YOUR ASS BACK IN BED AND EAT CHICKEN SOUP! I guess he will eat soup. HA! Remember when Debbie said he met his match?’ He then paused on Britin in bed at the end and walked to the tv and pointed at it while looking at me and went ‘THIS! THIS IS ALL I WANT! Is that too much to ask for? Now give me the next episode!’
I cannot believe im about to say this but mikey..you might have officially made it off my shit list forever.
Forever is a long long time, I’m curious how he’s going to react to S5 Mikey…
Lindsay would absolutely not miss the birthing classes. That was so out of character. CowLip really did not care what they did with their lesbian representation.
Ben is such a shit in this whole storyline. Michael has the bad luck to be with men who seemingly like him partially because his career is less impressive than their (Dr. David I’m looking at you.) Toxic masculinity, you even infect the queer men.
Okay his entire reaction to the chicken soup line (YOU GO GIRL) just made my night.
Brian did meet his match in Justin. That’s why they are OTP.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s10e16 paint it black (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
so i gather there's recaps before these episodes, but they're not on netflix? i've seen mention of music or whatever in the recap. but i'm gettin none. going in blind and more confused than usual 🥴
crowley and rowena snapping at each other in this little throne room is getting a little tiring
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s10e16 / s2e13
these church steps look like the houses of the holy ones, but maybe it's just the framing of the shot being down low. aha, it is indeed noted the same church on the wiki. only reason i noticed probably because i took a lot of screenshots of that scene, twice
sam's sure being a grumpy grumperson. what crawled up his ass and died. being worried about dean is coming out bitchy? is he still worried or was that 2 episodes ago? :p
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steve elliott / henry thomas
thought this was the dude from the flanagan shows for a hot second
deep thoughts, why do the demons smoke out but not visibly smoke... in (to be sneaky and so we have to something to see when they leave, i know i know)
weren't there evil nuns in that church where... they killed lilith? trying to dredge up the memory. ah no, possessed priest who killed the nuns. i knew (a) nunnery was involved. these nuns sure are all dolled up and pretty, swanky dark gray habits
i don't understand what's going on here between sam and dean. lot of faces being made, dean is not exactly flirting with the nun but sam's acting like he is? i'm lost. and not even a little bit intoxicated!
DEAN I got a question. How does someone, uh, like you end up, you know…? SISTER MATHIAS Cloistered away from the world? [Chuckles] Are you making fun of me, Agent Allman? DEAN No. No, No. I, Uh… I guess I’m just wondering how somebody quits one life for something completely different and – and then believe in it so much. SISTER MATHIAS Well [sighs] in my case, I felt I had no choice. My life had become painful. There was hopelessness. I felt I had to find something larger than myself to focus on. A kind of mission, I guess. You have no idea what I’m talking about, I’m sure.
are we trying to do something with dean and the mark here *squints* dean and sam join a monastery!
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DEAN Tell me you didn’t think that nun was hot. I think she had a little thing for me too. SAM Dean, she was married to Jesus.
speaking of mentioning jesus :p i guess that was supposed to be flirting. it did go there bit more once sam went to wave around his little meter.
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s1e14 boop boop
do we ever talk about the time when they had a thing with fake green lasers in s1? i'm embarrassed whenever i think about it lol. so awkward, never to return
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all right rowena's over the top fake bow made me laugh
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olivette / the x-files s2e11 - teryl rothery as michelle charters / stargate: sg-1 - teryl rothery as dr jane fraiser
this olivette actress i definitely know, but i'm not sure what from. she was in the xfiles and the killing, but maybe from sg1? she was in a lot of episodes. maybe caprica but i'm convinced i've forgotten 95% of that show
are rowena and olivette gonna make out? conflicting vibes
losing my mind over this ridiculous nun/painter man drama sideplot. and the makeup on these ladies is a lot more obvious than tv makeup on someone so young like this usually is
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lot of coverage and visibly powdered down matte. odd. what time is this flashback occurring? olden times?
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spn s10e16 / hannibal s3e6
are they in florence? lol was like this reminds me of hannibal and bedelia in front of that window. haha if i had waited literally 1 second, i would have had my question answered. yes. anyway, go me. identifying landmarks left and right today
guess we know who's whackin the dudes. god i just need to finish this episode but i'm dragging my feet. sigh. rowena, the ~grand coven~ and beef with the men of letters now. great
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well at least this can't be as awkward as when he was making all the people horny in that purity pledge group
DEAN What if I said I…I didn’t want to die…yet, you know, that I wasn’t ready? FATHER DELANEY Are you expecting to? DEAN Always. [Chuckles] You know, the life I live, the work I do…I pretty much just figured that that was all there was to me, you know? Tear around and jam the key in the ignition and haul ass until I ran out of gas. I guess I just thought sooner or later, I’d go out the same way that I live – pedal to the metal, and that would be it. FATHER DELANEY But now? DEAN Now, um… recent events, uh… make me think I might be closer to that than I really thought. And…I don’t know. I mean, you know, there’s – there’s things, there’s…people, feelings that I-I-I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.
um. okay. taking off the wincest goggles briefly, is that like. wanting to settle down with someone? what feelings/people he wants to experience differently or for the first time? having kids or being in love-in love (implying that he wasn't with lisa, so i dunno). it's vague enough you could surely apply it to your ship of choice. but i'm trying to Be Reasonable about what they're implying
FATHER DELANEY Go a little deeper, perhaps, than with Gina. DEAN Yeah. Yeah, I’m just starting to think that… maybe there’s more to it all than I thought. FATHER DELANEY Learning there’s more to the universe than your tiny world can be a frightening discovery. Do you truly believe in God, Agent? Because that can be a comfort DEAN I believe there is a God. But I’m not sure he still believes in us.
what about the gods in religions that also have large followings currently that aren't christianity? presumably they'd be powerful too. i mean. i should be thankful they're not trying to drag them into the show
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fucking fuck stupid startle reflex TWICE they've cut over to rowena slapping this woman and startled the shit out of me. i like her red dress though
perpetually the winchesters, indeed
so is sam reading 16th century ghost lady's journal in italian?
ISABELLA [VOICE OVER] But it wasn’t enough. [ISABELLA cuts off her own finger.] I told Piero to gind the flesh, blood, and bone into the pigment.
excuse me. i laughed. nonsense
SAM You know… you were in that confessional a long time. Look, man, I’m just saying, I’m your brother, Dean. If you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got somebody right here next to you. DEAN Okay. SAM I heard what Sister Mathias was saying about, you know, hiding pain by taking on a mission, and I-I know that’s what you’re doing a little bit. And it’s okay. I mean, it’s fine. I get it. I’ve done it before, too. But… I don’t buy for one second that the Mark is a terminal diagnosis, so don’t go making peace with that idea. There has to be a way. There will be a way, and we will find it. That’s what we do. So, believe that. DEAN Okay, Sammy.
reminding me a bit of dean's speech from s7e2 with sam and the hallucifer psychosis
s7e2 DEAN I am your flesh-and-blood brother, okay? I'm the only one who can legitimately kick your ass in real time. You got away. We got you out, Sammy. Believe in that. Believe me, okay? You gotta believe me. You've gotta make it stone number one and build on it.
just, it's difficult to see talking of relationships and feelings to be about people outside of the sam and dean bubble, since at the end of the day that's where they draw the line. i mean, you could have a relationship with sam where you do actually go to him to talk about the important things, novel concept :P (but same goes for you, sam).
and another thought was just they seem to be nudging dean away from his self destructive tendencies, which is also some growth. maybe. i say that now so surely that means he's about to do something spectacularly stupidbad. i dunno, man. i need to sleep.
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roonyxx · 2 years
Wild (3/3)
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Summary: Dean kicks you out of the bunker after he realizes his feeling for you are too strong. He does it for you own protection. But he just pushed you into the wrong hands… 
Warnings: angst, Dean’s kinda a dick, language, mentions of previous torture, TW talk about sexual assault and rape and abuse.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Wordcount: 3369
A/N:  This series will exist out of three parts and is a little dark so heed the warnings peope! ( implies: mentions of torture, mentions of rape, mentions of sexual assualt). This was a request for the lovely @pictures-inmy-mind​​ (omg I’m so sorry it took me forever…) “the reader is close with the Winchester brothers. Dean and the reader have feelings for each other but Dean is a dick and causes the reader to leave because he’s scared. Couple of years later they discovers she’s on the monster auctioning humans site like in season 13 episode 11 of the show. Once they are reunited Dean confesses how he’s really felt and ends with some sweet smut!”
And I also put in the prompt  “you’re not giving me much of a choice” for @msmarvelouswinchester​​ chans1Kspinthewheel challenge! I hope you both enjoy it :)
A/N 2: The text divider is from the very talented @talesmaniac89
Part 1/3, Part 2/3
My Masterlist​
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Another three months have passed and Y/n is doing much better. She talking, walking and she’s even wearing shoes and pants!
Her memory also came back, meaning she remembers that Dean kicked her out…
And she’s pissed at him. Apart from ignoring him, she has been a total bitch towards him. He can understand why, it’s his fault that all of this happened to her. So instead of telling her off, he allows her pestering. Because he deserves it.
When he enters the kitchen she’s sitting at a chair, stuffing her face with a sandwich he made earlier.
“Hey Y/n”
The only answer he gets is a low growl. He’s convinced that the growling is something that will stick. He doesn’t mind, he finds it kinda cute.
He sighs and sits opposite her. He really misses her as a friend and wonders if there is any chance to fix what he broke.
“Y/n?” he starts “I know you totally hate me and all but uhm… is there any chance we can be friends again?”
She looks up at Dean and swallows her last bite. “Not sure” she answers. “Why do you want to be friends. You didn’t want it five years ago” she snaps at him.
“I… I know Y/n…” he sighs “That was the biggest mistake I ever made and I really regret doing that to you.” He starts “If I could go back I would never do it”
She looks at him, holding his gaze. She’s very intimidating
The Y/n he knew before all this shit happened would have never looked at him like this. She was too shy to even look him in the eyes. Now she’s the one intimidating him.
“If I didn’t get caught. Would you still regret it?” she asks him.
“Yes” he says in a heartbeat. Because he does regret it. The second she stepped out he wanted to pull her back in. But he thought he was protecting her…
“Yeah, sure” she scoffs “You were just tired of me. I was too weak to be with you”
“Weak? Y/n you’re not weak” Dean frowns.
“Not anymore. They broke me, build me back up to be stronger” Y/n huffs.
It’s the first time she’s opening up about what happened, Dean carefully tries to go deeper.
“Well you definitely are stronger. How did they ‘build’ you back up?”
“In the beginning I had hope” she starts, her eyes on the table “The hope that anyone would find me. I dreamed of you and Sam coming to rescue me. But you never came” her voice stays emotionless “That was the first thing that broke me. Having no hope” she takes a deep breath before continuing “Then came the torture. Cutting, punching, burns, the whole nine. I begged them to kill me. But I was too valuable”
“Valuable? How do you mean?” Dean dares to ask.
Her eyes snap up to his, a simmering fire raging behind them, but her body language is calm. Dean is not sure whether she is going to punch him or continue.
“I knew where the bunker was, where the Winchester were, what your favorite food was. They wanted to know everything.”
His heart drops to his stomach. He never even considered that they would use her to get to them. He opens his mouth to say something but his words are stuck in his throat.
“Don’t worry. I never said something” she leans back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Why not… they might have let you go if you did”
“Because you’re still my family, even though you kicked me out. I wasn’t gonna turn my back on you. Besides, the world needs the Winchester’s more then me. I kinda figured they would give up and kill me” she shrugs like it’s nothing.
“Jesus Y/n…” Dean rubs his face “You should have told them.”
“They weren’t gonna let me go anyways. It wouldn’t have mattered for me”
“You don’t know that” he huffs.
“I do. They had other reasons to keep me” she sighs, her eyes cast down to the floor. She starts squirming in her chair and Dean can tell she’s uncomfortable. So he stays quiet. Not wanting to push her too far.
“I also was a virgin” she starts and Dean stops breathing when a dark chuckle left her lips.
“It was rare at my age. Once they found out…” she swallows hard “That was the last step to break me.” She rubs her own arm. Like she’s trying to comfort herself.
“My first owner –“
“F-first?” Dean chokes out. “You had more?”
She looks up at his face and the fire in her eyes has died down. She gets up and comes closer to him. She takes his hand and Dean grips it tight. Letting her know she’s safe and not alone anymore.
“I have been sold seven times” her eyes are strained on their hands “Some of them wanted me for their own pleasure, other pure for torture and others for experimenting.” She takes a deep breath before continuing “The experimenting got out of hand and they made me too strong on accident. They injected me with werewolf blood and silver. The silver kept me human but the blood gave me strength and heighted senses.”
His hands were trembling with rage, sadness and hurt. It feels like he’s being punched in the gut with every word she says. It is so much worse then he ever imagined. All the nightmares he has about her are nothing to the reality that she lived through.
He can’t help the tears that start rolling down his face. He keeps a hold of her hand, although she must feel how hard he is trembling. But she only squeezes his hand tighter and looks up at his face, giving his a small smile.
She’s comforting him, when it should be the other way around.
“I don’t remember much of it. After my first time” her voice breaks a little “I- I completely shut off. I only remember small bits and pieces of the last three years. A-and I think that’s what saved me.”
Dean surges forward and wraps his arms around her. He presses his face into her shoulder and puts his hand protectively on her head. He can feel her tears wetting the skin in his neck and her body shaking under her sobs.
“I- I am s-so sorry Y/n” Dean sobs into her shoulder “I wish I could change everything… I will never forgive myself for what I did”
Her hands cling to his shirt while she only sobs harder at his words. Dean pulls her out of the chair until she’s sideways in his lap. She tilts her head back and looks up at him.
He pushes the hair out of her face. Her eyes are red and her cheeks wet. The sight of seeing her cry hurts his heart…
“W-why didn’t you come f-find me” she whispers.
“I did… for months. But I thought you didn’t want to be found, s-so I stopped looking. I-I’m sorry”
He looked everywhere for her. He called Jody and Donna. Worried as to where she was. He checked bus stations, motels, train stations and airports. Using his FBI badge to ask for security footage and spends hours looking at everything. He eventually came to the conclusion that she didn’t want to be found and gave up.
“Y-you did? I thought you didn’t care”
“Sweetheart…” he cups her face “I know I’m a dick and a grunt. But I do care. I never stopped caring about you”
“Then why did you kick me out…” she wonders.
“I… I though I was protecting you by pushing you away” he looks down, unable to look her into the eyes “All I wanted was to keep you safe… I just pushed you right into their hands” he breaks down on his last word. Sobs breaking through his body as he keeps apologizing to her over and over like a mantra.
“Dean” she cups his face and wipes away his tears “I… I want to be your friend again” she starts and his heart jumps with hope “but only if you promise to never ever hurt me again”
“I promise sweetheart. Never again, I’m keeping you safe. No one will ever hurt you again”
They hold each other tight for a while. His hand moves to her neck. She’s still wearing the collar. Seeing as how she reacted the last time he hasn’t tried to take it off.
“I can take this off Y/n. If you want?”
She nods “Y-yes. I would like that”
He gives her a sweet smile and stands up with her in his arms. Carrying her bridal style to his room. He puts her on the bed and takes his lock pick and sits next to her.
“You won’t attack me right?” he chuckles lightly.
“I attacked you?” she frowns “Oh Dean… I’m so sorry… the collar was used for shocks. I guess you touching it triggered me…” she looks down in shame.
“Hey” he cups her face to make her look at him “It’s okay sweetheart”
She gives him a small smile and a nod. Giving him the green light to continue.
He starts picking at the lock and it takes him about ten minutes to open it, he gently takes the heavy lock off the collar and looks in her eyes.
“I’m gonna take it off now. It can sting a little because you still have some cuts” he warns her.
She nods and Dean carefully peals the leather away from her skin. The kin underneath is angry red but luckily not open.
He hears her let out a big sigh of relief, like a weight lifting from her shoulders.
“T-thank you” she whispers.
He gives her a small smile and puts the collar in the trash, he comes back to her with the first aid kit and starts disinfecting the cuts on her neck and wraps a little bandage around it.
“They aren’t too deep. Do they hurt?” he looks in her eyes and just now he notices how close they are. Her breath is fanning over his face.
“No” she whispers, licking her lips.
She leans closer and presses her lips on his. Dean is quick to return the kiss but breaks it soon.
“Y/n-“ he start but her hands grasping his shirt stop him from finishing his sentence.
“Please Dean… I want to feel something nice. I- I want you, I trust you” she breathes out.
He looks deep into her eyes, of course he wants to have her and make her feel good. But is she really ready for it?
Her bottom lip starts to quiver and she tugs a little harder on his shirt. Her lips brushing his.
“Please Dean…” she begs him.
He can’t say no to her, she deserves to feel loved and to be cherished and pleasured. He will show her exactly how he feels about her, because Dean never was a man of words but of actions.
He gently presses his lips to her as he moves to put her down on the bed and hovers over her. Her hands come up to run her fingers through his hair. He moans into her mouth and kisses her deeper, his tongue exploring her mouth.
He can feel her body relax under his, he slowly lets on hand wander to her waist and pulls her shirt a little up to touch her skin, she gasps in his mouth at the contact.
“Is it okay?” he half pants in her mouth when he looks into her eyes.
She bites her lip and nods her head with a smile.
Dean resumes kissing her and pushes her shirt up a little higher. Her hands mirror his as she starts to discover the skin of his tummy.
He briefly breaks the kiss to take off his flannel and shirt. Her eyes go wide at the sight of his chest, her hands gently roam his chest.
“You are so beautiful” she whispers.
Dean feels a blush crawling over his face, many people have called him beautiful before. But hearing her say it, it has a whole other effect on him. His heart is nearly jumping out of his chest, he has to calm down or this will be over way too soon.
Carefully he pulls her shirt over her head, his breath gets caught in his throat at the sight of her delicate skin and her ample breasts.
Her arms cross over her body and her eyes are cast downwards at her own skin. Tears well up in them.
“I have so many scars” she whispers more to herself. But Dean is close enough to hear and he cups her face to wipe her tears.
“You are gorgeous Y/n. Those scars are the sign that you are stronger than those who tried to hurt you” he gently kisses her as his free hand carefully pulls her arms from her body.
“You really think I’m gorgeous?” she whimpers against his kiss swollen lips.
He gives her a smile and take her hand to place it over his crotch where his hard cock is throbbing beneath the fabric. Her eyes widen and she look up at him.
“Very gorgeous sweetheart. This is what you make me feel” he groans, feeling her grip tighten on his crotch.
“Can I see you first before we go on?” she quietly asks.
“Of course sweetheart” he kisses her neck before he sits up and takes off his pants and underwear, his impressive hard cock springing free from it’s confines and standing proud against his belly.
“O-oh wow” she gasp, she sits up and reaches her hand towards him to touch him but stops.
“It’s okay” he says and takes her wrist to put her hand on his cock, a deep rumble leaves his chest when her hand comes into contact with his velvet skin. “Y-you can touch me baby”
He doesn’t realize the new nickname that slips past his lips until he sees her smile.
“You’re big” she says as she inspects his length in her hand “I… Will you even fit?” she wonders as she looks up at the handsome hunter.
“We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, baby” he sits down on his haunches and stars stroking her leg.
“No I want to. I’m just a little nervous I guess”
He smiles and cups her face “That’s okay baby. Just talk to me okay? You’re the boss, you set the pace”
“I’m the boss huh?” she chuckles “I like that” she surges forward and starts kissing him again.
He moans into her mouth and slowly guides her down on her back, his naked body is hovering above her. His cock is brushing the fabric of her sweatpants, leaving a dark grey trail of precum
Her hands start to untie the cord and push down her pants and panties. Dean reaches under her back to unclasp her bra and tosses it aside.
He breaks the kiss to look at the gorgeous woman underneath him. He doesn’t even see the many scars that litter her skin. He only sees his Y/n, the woman he fell in love with all those years ago, the woman he can now make his.
“Tell me what you want baby” he asks her as his hand starts to stroke her belly and thighs, his head ducks down to nuzzle her breasts, gently kissing and licking the soft skin.
“I- I… Dean you have to touch me” she pants, her fingers run through his hair. Tugging slightly when his hot breath fans over her pebbled nipple.
He can’t help but smile at the effect he has on her. He lets his hand wander down between her leg and gently brushes her damp folds.
“Here?” he asks her and she starts nodding while spreading her legs.
He smiles and parts her lips with his skilled fingers. Gently spreading her slick around and watching her squirm under his touch. He presses his thumb into her clit and starts slowly circling the sensitive nub under his pad.
“Like this baby? Does it feel good?” He looks up at her while he puts open mouth kisses on her hips and thighs.
“Y-Yes Dean. Fuck more please” she begs him, fisting his hair tighter.
His index finger trails down her lips and traces her entrance before slowly pushing inside her tight heat. He can’t help but growl at how tight, wet and warm she feels. He’s pumping his finger inside her heat while keeping his thumb onto her clit.
She moaning and squirming, her chest heaving with every breath. He’s enchanted by her beauty and has trouble not coming right here and now. His cock is twitching between his leg and hers.
She starts chuckling and looks down at Dean “I can feel you against my leg” she pants.
“Yeah well” he blushes “Little Dean think you’re gorgeous too” he smiles.
She cups his face and pulls him up to her face, she kisses him gently and there is an underlying emotion in her taste, her smell and her touch.
She breaks the kiss and he puts his forehead on hers, gently retracting his finger from her heat and moving his hips to sloth them between her legs.
“Y/n” he breathes against her lips “I…I love you”
He doesn’t know why he says it, why it slips past his lips but it does, and he doesn’t want to take back his words because it’s the truth. He is in love with her and he wants her to know. Even if she doesn’t love him back. She deserves to know that she is loved.
She smiles and cups his face to kiss him deep and with passion. Her hand moves between their bodies to grasp his cock making him gasp. She guides it to her entrance and whispers “Make love to me” against his lips.
He moans into her mouth and slowly pushes inside, her wet lips part for his big cock, hugging him in the most delicious way. He keeps pushing until he’s all the way inside her.
“Y-you feel so good baby” he groans against the skin of her neck. He starts kissing her there, careful for the cuts.
“F-Fuck Dean. F-feels so g-good” her voice starts to break and her walls flutter around his cock “P-please move” she wraps her arms around his back and holds him close to her.
He’s thrusting slow but deep inside her, rubbing over all her sweet spots. He’s already so close with how good she feels, but he doesn’t want it to be over yet…
“B-Baby… I-I’m not gonna last” he groans into her ear, with every thrust inside he grinds his pelvis into her to rub her clit in all the right ways. He can feel she’s close with how hard she’s clenching his member.
“C-come for me Dean. I-I’m gonna come too” she wraps her legs around his hips and the new angle allows him to go even deeper. He’s groaning and grunting. His cock throbbing inside her warm heat.
He starts chanting her name right before he falls over that sweet edge, filling her core with his warm seed, his hips grinding into her as he pulls her with him into the sweet release.
“Fuck Y/n!” he screams, wrapping his arms tight around her he holds her close to him.
“Yes Dean!” she yells right after him, her whole body is trembling with her powerful climax.
Dean’s stroking her skin as they slowly come down from their high. Both lovers are panting and sweating. Y/n’s fingers are gently stroking his hair, making him hum against her skin.
“I love you too” she whispers into his ear and kisses his temple.
He lifts his head to look at her, she has a few tears in her eyes and smile on her face. But Dean is focused on her eyes. Those beautiful y/e/c eyes that hold so much love.
Holding her face in his large hands he bends down to kiss her, pouring all his emotions in the kiss, making her feel his love.
“No one will ever hurt you again baby” he whispers against her lips.
“I know” she says “I’m safe with you”
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dianawinchester03 · 4 months
Season 2, Episode 4 - Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things
Series Masterlist
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Deans POV (surprise!<3)
"Come on, guys. I'm begging you. This is stupid" I plead with Sam and Y/N as I drive down the road with Y/N lounging in the back. "Why?" Sam asks. "Going to visit Mom and Mrs. L/N's graves? They don't even have any graves. There was no body left after the fires" I point out. "They have headstones" Y/N pipes up from the back.
"Yeah, put up there by our uncle and your aunt. People we've never even met. So you guys wanna go pay your respects to a slab of granite put up by a bunch of strangers? Come on." I scoff. "Dean. "That's not the point" Sam exaggerates. "Well, then, enlighten me" I roll my eyes. "It's not about a body or a casket. It's about their memories, okay?" Y/N tries to reason with me.
"Yeah, and after Dad and F/N, it just feels like the right thing to do" Sam adds. "It's irrational, is what it is" I grumble. "Look, man. No one asked you to come" Sam retorts. I just roll my eyes, "Why don't we swing by the Roadhouse instead? I mean, we haven't heard anything on the demon lately? We should be hunting that son of a bitch down" I suggest to them.
"That's a good idea. You should. Just drop me and Sam off at Bobby's. We'll take Quinn and we'll meet you there tomorrow" Y/N shrugs nonchalantly. I give her a knowing look through the rearview mirror to see a little smug smile on her face. "Right" I respond ironically. "I'd be stuck with those people, making awkward small talk until you two show up. No, thanks" I huff.
A victorious grin takes over her face, "It's settled then, " Sam chimes in. Mouthing a 'Thank You' to Y/N, which he probably thought I didn't notice.
Now in-front of Mom's headstone, Sam begins to dig into the grass with a knife while clutching one of Dad's old marine dog tags. I sighed and walked over to Y/N who was sat crisscrossed in-front her moms headstone a couple plots down from Mom's, her back turnt to me. Her head was tilted down towards her feet, her voice was shaky as she spoke,
"Since Dad....I wonder sometimes if he'd be happy to know I'm becoming more like you everyday. I'm trying to make sense of it all, figure out how to control it without scaring the boys. I'm terrified that they'll look at me as some freak, sure Sam might get it a bit but...." She tears up, taking a deep breath. "It's really fucking hard, mom" She sniffles, a pained chuckle escaping her throat.
My heart panged painfully hearing how broken she sounded. She's worried about us more than herself. Worried we'd see look at her differently and see her as some freak. This hurt me inside out that she could possibly think I would love her any less....I mean we. Me and Sam. Yeah. That's what I meant.
I decided to take a seat next to her, she turned her head away and quickly wiped away her tears before turning back to me. "Hey" She croaked, feigning a smile. "Hey" I respond softly, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She gently laid her head on my shoulder, sniffling back her tears. Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she moves her head to get a more comfortable spot, her eyes not leaving the headstone.
My heart pace quickened at this, her hair nuzzling lightly on my nose when I turned my head. I smiled a bit into the gesture, the scent of tobacco mixed with coconut from her shampoo filled my nose. The aroma alone sent a blush creeping up the back of my neck. My breath hitched in my throat, sneakily whiffing her hair, whilst trying not to make it obvious. It calmed me down, as much as I didn't want to come here.
I'm glad she was here with me...and Sam. My chin lounged on the crown of her head.
God she's so heavenly.
"Are you sniffing my hair?" Her amused tone broke me out of my trance, my eyes snapping open, wide in shock. "Uh...no...." I sheepishly responded, an embarrassed smile taking over my face. Y/N raised her head to look me in my eyes, an amused look in her eyes. "Did it smell nice?" She chuckles, a mischievous grin danced on her plump lips as she pumped her eyebrows smugly. Tears still glistening in her eyes.
"Don't be smooth, that's my thing" I chuckled. She threw her head back laughing lightly, a genuine smile on her face. Something I hadn't seen in sometime, instantaneously, it made a grin break out on my face. The sight of her smiling, the crinkle of her cute nose, the creases at the corner of her eyes, made my heart swell.
God I'm whipped.
Get your head in the game, Dean!
My eyes scanned the cemetery and landed on an out-of-ordinary tree. It was the only tree in the area that was dying, leaves brown and falling. Y/N asked me when she felt my body stiffen, "What's wrong?" She asks me concerned, her eyes followed the direction mines were aimed at. I then got up from the ground and helped her to her feet.
We both dusted ourselves off and began to walk towards the tree. We both eyes the tree as Y/N leaned over and knocked the hallow bark of the tree with her knuckles, "Uh...Dean..." Y/N says to me nervously, pointing to the ground. "Wha-?" I go to ask but my eyes widen when I see what she's pointing at. Around us in a perfect circle, the grass was dead. Brown like the leaves on the tree, while the rest of the cemetery was green as usual.
"What the fuck" I mutter to myself, my eyes flicked to a presumedly new headstone by the state of it. Next to it was dying flowers, probably a couple days old. Y/N knelt down next to it to get a better look at the headstone. We shared a look at this, both freaked out.
"Thank you" I thank the groundskeeper of the cemetery after finding out about the headstone and who's grave it is. "Angela Mason. She was a student at the local college. Funeral was three days ago" I explain to Sam and Y/N as I walk over towards them. "And?" Sam asks halfheartedly. "And? You saw her grave. Everything dead around it in a perfect circle. You don't think that's a little weird?" Y/N points out the obvious.
I nod in agreement. "Maybe the groundskeeper went a little aggro with the pesticide" Sam suggests in a plain tone. I shake my head, "No, I asked him. No pesticide, no chemicals. Nobody can explain it" I tell him. "Okay, so what are you guys thinking?" Sam asks. "I don't know" I sigh. "Unholy ground maybe?" Y/N suggests. "Un-?" Sam cocks his eyebrow at us.
"What?" Me and Y/N ask in unison. "If something evil happened there, it could easily poison the ground" I say defensively. "Remember the farm outside of Cedar Rapids?" I ask Sam. "Yeah" Sam responds. "Could be the sign of a demonic presence. Or the Angela girls spirit if it's powerful enough" I add. "I would've felt it though so..." Y/N says trailing off.
"Okay, maybe it's something else" I shrug. Sam rolls his eyes and walks off towards Baby. Me and y/n share a tired look at this. "Well don't get too excited, you might pull something" I scoff sarcastically at Sam. "It's just, stumbling onto a hunt? Here, of all places?" Sam shakes his head, not convinced. "So?" Y/N counters, going over to the backseat on my side. His eyes flicker between the two of us.
"Are you sure this is about a hunt? Not about something else?" Sam says in a knowing tone. This dude just won't stop bringing up our dads death as a reason to pull shit out of me, I swear. I see Y/N roll her eyes at the corner of my eye before muttering to herself, "Oh dear god" She holds her head, probably thinking the same as me. "What else would it be about?" I press as I lean against Baby, clasping my hands on her roof.
Sam just shakes his head, his hands on his hips as he lets out an exasperated sigh, "You know, just forget it" He sighs, opening the passenger door. "You can believe what you want, Sam. But we dragged his ass out here. The least we can do is check this out" Y/N tries to reason with him, taking my side. "Yep, fine" Sam agrees, a blank look on his face as I give Y/N a grateful smile which she returns.
"Girls dad works in town. He's a professor at the school" I smirk at Sam, opening the drivers door and jumping in.
We were all now at the community college, knocking on the dead girls fathers office door. An age-able man opened it, a distressed look coating his face. "Dr. Mason?" I asked. "Yes" The man confirmed. "I'm Y/N, this is Dean and Sam" Y/N introduced herself and then us sweetly, "We were friends of Angela's. We....we wanted to offer our condolences" Sam says in a sorrowful tone as me and y/n nod.
"Please, come in" Dr. Mason invites us in. We all walk in one by one before he closes the door. We began to play at his sympathies, asking him about his daughters death. He then pulled out a photo album of some recent pictures of his daughter. Both Sam and Y/N were sat besides him on a couch while I looked around the office, my gaze landed on a weird book on his table, with a gold symbol engraved into the cover.
I've never seen before that symbol before, and the title in what seemed like a dead language. So I decided to take a look at it. "She was beautiful" Y/N says gently. "Yes, she was" Dr. Mason croaks. "This is an unusual book" I say to them, before closing it shut and turning it to everyone. "Oh, it's Ancient Greek. I teach a course" Dr. Mason says. I nod before placing the book back onto his table.
"So, a car accident, that's....That's horrible." I say sympathetically, walking towards them. Dr. Mason looked down in despair, "Angie was only a mile away from home when, uh..." He trails off, his tone pained. "It's gotta be hard...losing someone like that" I say in an understanding tone. "Sometimes it's like they're still around...almost like you can still sense their presence" Y/N adds, looking down at her hands.
Sam's gazes shift over to us, both knowing she's talking from experience. "You ever feel anything like that?" She asks curiously. I shake my head at her not so subtle way of putting it. I noticed Sam shot us his classic side glare bitch face, "I do, as a matter of fact" Dr. Mason nods. Y/N then looks over at Sam with a smug tone, his glare not faltering. He then shifts over to me and I give him the same look.
"That's perfectly normal, Dr. Mason. Especially with what you're going through" Sam says in a slightly condescending tone, his words definitely aimed at us. "You know, I still phone her. And the phones ringing before I remember that, uh..." Dr. Mason admits tearfully, "Family's everything, you know?" He adds, taking a deep breath.
That I could definitely relate to. "Angie was the most important thing in my life. And now, well, I'm just lost without her" He sniffles, looking down at his hands. Sam looks over at me and Y/N with a look of sympathy but I don't dare to look him in the eye, neither does y/n. "We're very sorry" Y/N offers her condolences to Dr. Mason.
It's now late, the sun was set, "I'm telling you. There's something going on here. We just haven't found it yet" I try to convince Sam, now back in our motel room. I'm searching through Dads journal while Sam is at the sink in the bathroom washing his hands and Y/N is by the window-still smoking a cigarette. "So far, all you guys got a patch of dead grass and nothing" Sam huffs, wiping his hands.
"Something turned that garage into unholy ground." Y/N pipes up defensively, blowing the smoke out of the corner of her lips. "There's no reason for it to be unholy ground. Angela Mason was a nice girl who died in a car crash. That's not exactly vengeful spirit material. You heard her father." Sam points out the facts, shaking his head not convinced.
"Yeah, well, maybe Daddy doesn't know everything there is to know about his little angel, huh?" I quip back, walking over to y/n by the window still, taking a seat across from her on the chair. "You know what? We never should've bothered that poor man. We shouldn't even be here anymore" Sam scoffs. "So what, Sam? We just bail? Without even figuring out what's going on?" Y/N retorts back, crushing her cigarette butt in the tray.
He gives us a knowing look, his hands on his hips before saying, "I think I know what's going on here" He sighs, we cocked our eyebrows at this. "It's the only reason I went along with you guys this far" Sam adds. "What are you talking about?" I ask confused. "This is about Mom and Mr. L/N's graves." He puts it bluntly.
My heart pangs as Y/N looks down, "It's got nothing to do with it" I scoff, shaking my head. "You wouldn't step within 100 yards of moms grave. And y/n, I saw how pained you were when you sat at m/n's grave. And I get it, I do." Sam further presses. I don't dare to look him in his eyes, not answering. A lump forming in my throat, "Look, maybe you guys are imagining a hunt where there isn't one so you don't have to think about our parents" Sam says gently.
My eyes snap over to him, along with y/n's, both of us glaring at him as I roughly tossed Dad's journal on the window still next to her. My jaw clenched. Her fists balls up on her lap. Sam sighs, "You wanna take a swing at me this time, y/n/n? Go ahead, if it'll make you feel better. You too, Dean." Sam shakes his head tiredly. "We don't need this crap" I grunt, going over to pick up my keys and jacket, along with y/n's jacket.
"Dean, where are you going?" Sam asks exasperatedly as I hold up y/n's jacket towards her. "I'm gonna go get a drink." I say firmly. "You coming, Princess?" I ask her gently. She looked between us hesitantly before sighing with a nod. I help her put it on and then we both make our way out of the motel and over to the Impala, words not leaving either of our mouths.
"We're not going to get a drink, are we?" She breaks the silence, giving me a knowing look as I start the ignition. My eyes shift over to hers, a slight smirk on my face. One hand on baby's steering wheel, the other on her gear shift. "You know me so well" I smirk, earning an eye-roll from her as I pull out of the parking lot.
The sun was almost risen, both Y/N and I were at Angela Mason's house. Y/N was on her knees picking the lock while I was on lookout. My hands were buried in my jacket pocket, fiddling with my lighter. "You almost done?" I asked her a bit impatient. "Chill your tits, dude. I almost got it" She retorts sassily, in a couple seconds, she got it unlocked and gestured for me to come.
She slowly opened the door, the both of us peering through the crack to make sure no one can see us. We walked in to see some boxes on the kitchen counter, I spotted a picture of the dead girl, picking up the frame. "She was pretty" Y/N commented, as we both looked at the picture. I sighed nodding, we both panicked when we saw a reflection of a girl in the picture.
Both turning around in shock, "Who the hell are you guys?" The girl panicked, running into her room. "Wait, wait, wait!" I try to stop her as me and y/n ran to the door. "Hold on!" Y/N pleaded, but she locked the door. "I'm calling 911!" The girl announced terrified. "I'm Angela's cousin!" I came up with a lie on spot. "What?!" The girl yelled through the door. Y/N shot me a 'Wtf?!" look and I just shrugged.
"Yeah, her dad sent us over to, uh, pick up her stuff" Y/N adds, trying to convince the girl. "My name's Alan. Alan Stanwyk. And this is my wife Gail" I fumbled using a name from the movie Fletch. Y/N cocked her eyebrow like she usually does, "She'd never believe we're married. We're too young" Y/N whisper-grumbles at me. "Give it a second" I whisper back.
The door then unlocked and I shot her a smug grin while she rolled her eyes. "Her dad didn't say that you were coming" The girl says to us suspiciously. "Well, I mean..." Y/N clears her throat, before sticking her hand into my back pocket to pull out my car keys. "We also have the keys to your place" She smiles awkwardly, I chuckle a bit but the girl takes the bite.
Angela's friend, Lindsey, sat across from us in her living room, blowing her nose a bit exaggeratedly as she sobbed, "So, I'm sure you got a view of Angela that none of the family got to see. Tell me, what was she like?" I ask curiously. The friend smiles tearfully, "She was great. Just great. I mean she was so...." Lindsey responded, nodding, trailing of as she took a deep breath.
"Great?" Y/N deadpans. "Yeah" Lindsey sobs, blowing her nose again. I raised my eyebrow at this suspiciously, noticing Y/N narrow her eyes at Lindsey. I then pull out another tissue from the box on the coffee table before handing it to Lindsey, "There you go" I say gently, feigning a small smile. "You two must've been really close" Y/N assumes.
"We were" Lindsey nods. "But it's not just her, it's Matt" She sniffles, shaking her head. "Who?" I ask curiously. "Angela's boyfriend." She says as if we're supposed to know. "Yeah, right. Matt" Y/N says in fake realization. "Um, what about him?" I ask. "He killed himself last night" She tells us, placing her hand on her throat. "He cut his own throat. Who does that?" She asks terrified.
Y/N and I share a look at this, "That's terrible" Y/N says sympathetically. "He was taking Angela's death pretty hard, and I guess..." Lindsey says tearfully, trailing off before thinking for a bit. "I mean, he's be messed up about it for days" She informs us. "Messed up how?" I ask. "He kept saying that he saw her everything." She further explained. This sent up red flags in my head immediately.
I knew it. Take that Sammy.
Me and Y/N share a look of recognition ay this. "Well, I'm sure that that's normal. I mean, with everything that he was going through" Y/N tries to assure her. "He said that he saw her. As in an acid trip or something" Lindsey says fearfully. Huh, well that's some compelling information. "Were Angela and Matt a happy couple? I mean, was there any reason Angela would be angry with him?" I ask. "What? No, of course not" Lindsey shakes her head in disbelief.
"Why do you ask?" She asks. "We're just asking" Y/N smiles tightly shooting me a warning look. "Where did Matt live?" I ask again, with an awkward smile. By the look on Y/N's face, I could tell she wanted to tap me across my head for not putting it subtly.
We left Angela's house, and as we were walking back to the car, just as I expected. A hand struck me across the side of my head. "Ow!" I groan, chuckling to myself. "What was that for?" I grumble at Y/N. I turnt around to be met with a glare from her. "Be more forward, why don't ya? You suck at being subtle, I swear" She snaps back, jumping into the passenger seat.
I chuckle, then jumping into the drivers seat. "Subtle or not, I got the address" I smirk, shaking the paper with the written address in her face. "And I got..." I reach into my jacket and pull out the brown leather book. Y/N's eyes widen, "You stole the girls diary!" She was agape. "Yep" I responded in a cheeky tone, popping the 'p' at the end. "Do you not have a soul?" She scoffs.
A smirk spreads across my face, my mind going wild, "Oh I do, it's big, and long, and- OW!" I clutch my arm from where she smacked me again chuckling. "You're a perv" She laughs loudly. "Me??? I'm a saint" I feigned innocence, giving her a small pout. "Whatever" She grumbles, crossing her hands over her chest in fake annoyance. I shake my head in laughter at her adorable posture, "You should smile more" I tease.
"Gosh, you sound like a creepy old man" She groans, chuckling. A smile spreads across her beautiful face. I felt a sense of warmth and victory at the fact I made her smile. I flash her a wink, "There's that gorgeous smile" I retort cheekily before putting the Impala in drive. She scoffed a chuckle in response as we drove down the road to Matt's apartment.
Third Person POV
After getting tired of waiting for Dean and Y/N to get back. Sam decided to indulge in the cheap porn the motel offered, sat on his bed in-front of the crummy old TV, "Next on the Skin Channel. Casa Erotica 4: A Tale of Two Latin Beauties." Sam's ears perked up when he heard the door opening and quickly turned off the TV.
Tossing the remote behind him as Dean and Y/N enter the motel room, their eyes trailed to the tv and back to Sam. "Hey" Sam greeted them awkwardly. Dean and Y/N shared an amused look at this, "What?" Sam feigned confusion as they give him a smug look. "Awkward" Y/N said in a singsong tone.
Sam cringed internally, "Where the hell were you guys?" Sam changed the subject. "Just working our imaginary case" Dean responded in a condescending tone. "Yeah, and...?" Sam asked. "Oh, well, you were right. We didn't find much" Y/N sarcastically responded. "Yeah. Expect Angela's boyfriend died last night, slit his own throat. But, you know, that's normal" Deans sarcasm matched Y/N's, Sam sighed, knowing they were still pissed.
"Uh, let's see. What else?" Dean taps his pointer finger to his chin, "Oh, he was seeing Angela everywhere before he died. But you know, I'm sure we're just looking for a hunt where there isn't one" Y/N narrows her eyes at her best friend. "Yeah, I'm sure that means we're just transferring our own feelings" Dean adds condescendingly.
Sam chuckled a bit at his brother and best friend's habit to hold a grudge, "Okay guys, I get it. I'm sorry. Maybe there's something" Sam admits as they strip off their jackets. "Maybe?" Dean huffs, turning to his brother. "Sam, I know how to do my job, despite what you might think. And I know well so does Y/N" Dean snaps at Sam.
"We should check out the guys apartment" Sam ignores Deans snapback. "We just came from there" Y/N tells him as she takes off her combat boots on the couch next to Dean. "Pile of dead plants just like the cemetery" Dean informs him. "Hell, dead goldfish too" Y/N scoffs. "So, unholy ground?" Sam queries. "Maybe" Dean sighs.
"I'm still not getting that powerful angry-spirit vibe from Angela" Y/N says, "No chills, no nothing" She adds, leaning back into the couch. "I've been reading this" Dean says, taking out Angela diary from his jacket on the bed and showing it to Sam. "You stole the girls diary?!" Sam is agape, his reaction mirroring Y/N's earlier. "That's exactly what I said" Y/N snorts.
"Yeah, Sam. And if anything, the girls a little too nice" Dean says, flipping through the diary. "So, what do you guys wanna do?" Sam asks them. "We should keep digging, talk to more of her friends" Y/N suggests. "You get any names?" Sam asks her. "Are you kidding me?" Dean smirks. "I have her bestest friend in the whole wide world" He shakes the book in his brothers face before tossing it on Sam's lap.
"I didn't realize the college employed grief counselors" Angela's friend Neil says suspiciously to Sam, Dean and Y/N. "Oh yeah. Yeah, you talk, we listen. Maybe throw in a therapeutic collage. Whatever helps jumpstart the healing" Dean says in a fake encouraging tone, earning weird looks from Sam and y/n. "Well, I think I'm okay. Thanks." Neil says before turning to walk back in his house.
"Well, you heard what happened to Matt Harrison, right?" Y/N says, Neil then turns back to her. "Yeah, I did" Neil responds. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay. Grief can make people do crazy things" Sam says genuinely. Neil gives them a weird look as Dean and Y/N feign smiles at him. Y/N noticed Neil seemed a bit cold towards the mention of Matt.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened to him. I am. But if Matt killed himself, it wasn't because of grief." Neil says firmly. "No? Then why?" Dean asks curiously. "It was guilt. Angie's death was Matt's fault and he knew it" Neil informs them. This sent up red flags in their heads. "How was Matt responsible?" Y/N asks in confusion.
"She really loved that guy. But the night of the accident, she walked in on him with another girl" Neil tells them. Sams eyebrows raised at this is shock as Dean and Y/N listen on. "She was really torn up. That's why she crashed the car " Neil further adds. "Um, look, I gotta get ready for work. So thanks for the concern, but seriously. I'll be okay" He excuses himself, assuring them he'll be fine.
After Neil Walker back in. The trio made their way to the Impala. "Maybe it is a vengeful spirit and you can't feel it Y/N? I mean, hell hath no fury" Dean suggests. "Yeah, you could be right... but I don't know man" Y/N says not convinced. "What else could it possibly be?" Dean asks. Y/N shrugs, stumped. Still not sure how. "So, if Angela got her revenge on Matt, you guys think it's over?" Sam asks them.
"Well, there's one way to be sure" Dean says, opening the drivers side door. Y/N jumps in the back, allowing Sam to take shotgun as Dean hops in the drivers side. "What's that?" Sam asks. "Burn the bones" Dean says. "Burn the bones?" Sam and Y/N say shocked, in unison chuckling. "Are you high, Dean?" Y/N scoffs. Dean gives her a 'Maybe...' face, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Angela died last week" Sam emphasized. "So?" Dean scoffs defensively. "So there's not gonna be bones. There's gonna be a ripe, rotting body in a coffin" Y/N further emphasizes, cringing in disgust. "Since when are you two afraid to get dirty, huh?" Dean cocks his eyebrow at them. They look at him in distaste at he puts the Impala in drive, making their way to the cemetery.
Now nightfall, the three hunters are digging up Angela's grave. All grunting as they shovel out the dirt from the six feet deep hole. After hitting the coffin, Dean takes the flashlight along with Sam and flashes it over the fresh coffin. "Ladies first" Dean smirks at Y/N. She rolls her eyes, "Hold that" She shoves her shovel against his chest, Dean takes it as Y/N stoops down to open the top piece of the coffin.
Y/N grunts as she lifts it up, only to reveal and empty coffin. The lights from the boys flashlights shone, the three looking at each other in absolute astonishment. "They buried the body four days ago" Dean says, his eyes wide. "I don't get it" Sam says. "Me neither." Y/N sighed, her eyes then landed on a weird engraving on the inside of the coffin lid.
"Look, shine the light on the lid" She points to it, the boys do just that. All stopping down to take a proper look. "What is that?" Y/N asks. "I'm not sure" Sam says. "I've seen these kinds of symbols before" Dean says in recognition.
The sun has risen, after they got some sleep. The three hunters did their research and marched right over to Angela's fathers house, Dean pounded his fist harshly on the front doo. "Dean, take it easy. Okay?" Y/N pleads with him, he just huffs. Pounding on the door again, Sam and Y/N share a look of worry at Deans clear aggression. A couple seconds later, Angela's father opens the door.
"You're Angie's friends right?" Dr. Mason smiles at them. "Dr. Mason-" Sam goes to say but Dean cuts him off. "We need to talk" Dean says in a standoffish tone, his face stoic. Dr. Mason seems taken back by this, Sam and Y/N share his look. "Well, then. Come in" Dr. Mason invites them in. "Thanks" Y/N says kindly as they all walk in.
"You teach Ancient Greek. Tell me...what are these?" Dean says a bit angry, pulling out a drawing of the engravings on the coffin. Handing it to Dr. Mason. "I don't understand. You said this had something to do with Angela" He says confused. Sam and Y/N take in Dr. Masons body language, for someone they think did something so horrid. He sure seems innocent.
"It does. Please, just humor me" Dean says. Dr. Mason nods, then takes a look down at the paper. "They're part of an Ancient Greek divination ritual" He tells them. "Used for necromancy, right?" Dean narrows his eyes at Dr. Mason. "That's right" Dr. Mason nods, a bit confused by Deans hostility. "See, before we came over here, we stopped by the library and didn't a little homework ourselves" Dean begins smugly.
Sam and Y/N look between the two, "Apparently, they use rituals like this one for communicating with the dead. Even bringing corpses back to life, full on zombie action" Dean says. "Yeah, I mean. According to the legends." Dr. Mason says firmly, before handing the paper back to Dean. "Now, what's all this about?" He asks Dean.
"I think you know." Dean snatches the paper from his roughly. "Dean" Sam's tone is warning. "Look, I get it. Okay? There are people that I would give anything to see again. But what gives you the right" Dean says accusingly. "Dean!" Y/N pleads with him. "What are you talking about?" Dr. Mason gasps. "What's dead should stay dead!" Dean grunts angrily. "What?!" Dr. Mason gasps again.
"Stop it!" Sam and Y/N yell at Dean. "What you brought back isn't even your daughter anymore. These things are vicious. They're violent! They're so nasty, they rot the ground around em. I mean, come on, haven't you seen Pet Cemetery?!" Dean continues to lecture Dr. Mason angrily. Thoughts of his own family coming back to him, of Mary, John, F/N and M/N.
"You're insane" Dr. Mason grits his teeth at Dean, walking over to his table with his landline. "Where is she?" Dean turns to him, continuing to press on the subject. "Get out of my house!" Dr. Mason orders them fearfully, dialing in 911. But Dean snatches the phone from him, "I know you're hiding her somewhere. Where is she!?" Dean shouts, grabbing Dr. Mason by his collar but Sam and Y/N hold him back. "Dean, stop it!" Sam yells.
"That's enough! Dean look!" Y/N turns his face by his chin, using her pointer finger and thumb. "Beautiful, living plants!" She points out to the very much alive plants at the window. "We're leaving" Sam says calmly to Dr. Mason. "I'm calling the police" He growls at them. Dean snatches himself from Sam and Y/N roughly and marched to the door.
"Sir, we're sorry. We won't bother you again" Y/N says apologetically before walking out behind Sam. "What the hells the matter with you, Dean?!" Sam lectures his brother as they all walk towards the Impala. "Back off" Dean grunts. "That man is innocent. He didn't deserve that!" Y/N yells at him. "Okay, so she's not here. Maybe he's keeping her somewhere else" Dean suggests. "Stop it! That's enough, okay! Enough!" Sam snaps.
"Guys, I know what I'm doing!" Dean assured them. "No, you don't. At all!" Sam huffs as they walk down the sidewalk. Dean smirks at this, "Charming, I don't scare easy. But man, you're scaring the crap out of me right now!" Y/N adds, a twinge of fear in her voice. Deans smirk drops, stopping in his tracks. He scared her. That's the last thing he ever wanted.
"Don't be over dramatic, Princess" Dean says calmly. "You're scaring me too Dean!" Sam adds. "We're lucky this turnt out to be a real case. Because if it wasn't, you would've found something else to kill" Y/N gets up into his face. He's taken back by this, "Wha-" He goes to defend himself but she cuts him off. "You're on edge. You're erratic. Except for when you're hunting, because then you're downright scary" She points out the obvious problem.
"You're tailspinning man. And you refuse to talk about it, and you want let me help you" Sam adds frustrated. Dean nods, clench my his jaw, "I can take care of myself, thanks" He grunts, beginning to walk again. "No, you can't! You don't have to handle this on your own, neither do you y/n. No one can" Sam tries to reason with his brother.
"Sam, if you bring up Dad and F/N's deaths one more time-" Dean warns his brother, but y/n stops him. "Stop. Please Dean. I get it, okay? But it's killing you. It's killing all of us. Please" Y/N pleads with him, understanding his pain. He stops in his tracks to turn to his, a look of anguish on his face. "We've already lost Dad and then John. We've lost Mary and then mom" Y/N says calmly. "I've lost Jessica" Sam adds, tears welling up in his eyes.
Deans heart pangs at this, tears welling up in his eyes also. "We can't lose you too" Y/N says a bit pained at the thought of losing him or Sam. Dean huffs a bit, not wanting to talk about this anymore. "We better get out of here before the cops come." He dismisses the subject. Sam and Y/N's faces drop at his dismissal.
"I hear you guys, okay? Yeah, I'm being an ass. And I'm sorry." Dean admits, apologizing. "But right now, we got a fucking zombie running around. And we need to figure out how to kill it" He adds firmly. Sam let's out a humorless chuckle at his sentence, looking over at Y/N. "What?" She asks him confused. "Our lives are weird, man" Sam chuckles unamused.
"You're telling me" Y/N mutters to herself. "Come on" Dean ushers them to the Impala.
They're all back at the motel, looking for anything in the lore to kill a zombie. "We can't just waste it with a headshot?" Dean asks, pacing the room. "Dude, you've been watching way too many Romero flicks" Y/N scoffs, sat next to Sam in the bed, "So you're telling me there's no lord on how to smoke them?" Dean asks again, a bit frustrated. His hand on his hip as he paces the room.
Dean then walks over to the table and settles in one of the chairs. "No, Dean. We're telling you there's too much" Sam says, getting up to sit at the table with Dean. "I mean, there's a hundred different legends on the walking dead, but they all have different methods of killing them" He adds. "Some say setting them on fire." Y/N begins to list off, also getting up from the bed. She walks over to them, her eyes buried in the book.
"Others say- Where is is?...Right here, feeding their hearts to wild dogs." She scoffs, taking a seat across from the boys. "That's my personal favorite" Sam chuckles. "Mine is drenching them in virgin blood and pig intestines" She chuckles, rolling her eyes at the idiocy. "Who knows what's real and what's myth?" Sam says frustrated, banging the table with his fist. "Is there anything they all have in common?" Dean asks.
"No. But a few said silver might work" Y/N tells him, flipping through the book. "Silvers a start" Dean says hopefully. "Yeah, but how are we gonna find Angela?" Sam asks. "We gotta figure out the person who brought her back" Dean answers. "Any ideas?" Y/N asks them. Dean thinks for a second, "I think if it's not her dad, it might be that guy Neil" Dean says, then getting up from the table.
He walks over to his bed and grabs Angela's diary. "Neil?" Sam says unsure. "Yep" Dean answers. "How'd you come up with that?" Y/N cocks her eyebrow. "Well, you got your journal. I got mine" He smirks, flipping through Angela's diary. He begins to read aloud from it, "Neil's a real shoulder to cry on. He SO understands what I'm going through with Matt" Dean then snaps the book shut.
"There's more in here where that came from. He holds up the book. "That's got unrequited duckie love written all over it" Y/N agrees. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean he brought her back from the dead" Sam says unsure. "Hmm, did I mention he's Professor Masons TA. Has access to all the same books" Dean adds smugly. Y/N leans forward in her seat.
"Impressive" She mutters to herself. Dean smirks at her praise.
Nightfall came, they're now prying open the door to Neil's house. "Hello?" Dean calls out into the empty dark house. Sam gently shuts the door behind them. "Neil?!" Y/N calls out for Neil. "It's your grief counselors. We've come to hug" Dean says in an amused tone. Y/N holds back a snicker as Sam rolls his eyes. She then pulls out her gun from the back of her jeans.
"Silver bullets?" Sam asks. "Yeah, enough to make her rattle like a change purse" Y/N remarks wittily. The boys look around cautiously as they walk deeper into the house. Y/N draws her gun when Sam notices the dead plants. Drawing their attention to it. They stumble upon a locked door. Sam and Dean go on either side of it as Y/N stands in-front.
Aiming her gun dead-center, they all share a look. "Unless this is where he keeps his porn" Dean mutters. They shrug in respond. Sam then quickly picks the lock and Y/N runs in swiftly, aiming her gun down the stairs the door lead to. The boys follow her down the stairs steadily only to be lead into a basement with a cot on the ground. "Sure looks like a zombie pen to me" Y/N says.
"Yeah. An empty one" Sam agrees, looking around the basement. "Think Angela's going after somebody?" Sam asks them as Dean walks over to a tiny window with a wooden cover. He lightly touched it and it came hanging down on one side. "Nah, I think she went to rent beaches" He sarcastically remarked.
Y/N rolls her eyes at his untimely humor, "Look, smartass. She might kill someone" Sam snaps back. "We gotta find her fellas" Y/N urges. Dean nods and closes back the window, "Yeah" He sighs. "Alright, she uh, clipped Matt because he was cheating, right?" Dean began to think. "Yeah" Sam and Y/N answered. "Well, it takes two to, you know...have hardcore sex" He shrugs as Y/N shakes her head at his choice of words and Sam cringes.
A thought pops into y/n's head, "You know....it seemed that Angela's roommate was pretty broken up over Matt's death" Y/N suggests, giving Dean a knowing look. "Yeah, she was really broken up" He adds. Looking over at Sam who still seemed confused. "What do you- OH!" It took him a second but where they were coming from hit him like a truck.
The boys and I headed straight to Lindsey and Angela's house. The second we broke in, we saw Angela holding Lindsey by her neck with a sharp pair of scissors in her hand ready to stab her friend. I drew out my gun and pushed the boys behind me, aiming straight at her back since she was turnt away from me.
Shooting twice, the gunshots rung loudly throughout the dark house, Angela screamed in pain along with Lindsey, stumbling back. She turnt swiftly to me which resulted in me emptying my clip into her chest but she was still standing. Angela ran through the door so me and Dean ran behind her but she was already gone.
Same stayed behind to console Lindsey, "Damn, that dead chick can run" Dean mutters to Sam as we go back into the house, both of us out of breathe. "What now?" Sam asks panicked. "I saw we go have a little chat with Neil" I suggest.
Now driving to head over to the college, "So the silver bullets, they did something right?" Sam asks me. "Yeah, something. But not enough" I grumble. "What else you got?" Dean asks Sam. "Um..." Sam responds, opening the book we were reading from earlier. "Okay, besides silver, we have nailing the undead back into their grave beds. It's mentioned a few time. It's probably where the whole vampire-staking lore came from" He reads from the book, explains to us.
"Their grave beds? You serious?" Dean scoffs. "Yeah" Sam sighs nodding. "How the hell are we gonna get Angela back to the cemetery?" I ask frustrated, leaning back into the backseat.
We eventually made it to college, luckily, the door was unlocked. Neil was at his desk, his eye widen in fear when he saw up. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks us a bit fearfully and confused. Sam locked the door as Dean begun to speak, "You know, I've heard of some people doing some pretty desperate thing to get laid, but you..." Dean clicks his tongue, "You take the cake" Dean chuckles darkly as me and Sam glare at Neil.
"Okay, who are you guys?" Neil asks us shakily. "You might wanna ask Angela that question" I growl at him. "What?" He feigns confused, earning a disgusted scoff from Sam. "We know what you did" Sam narrows his eyes at him, shaking his head. "The ritual. Everything" Sam adds. Neil shakes his head chuckling, "Crazy" He scoffs.
This just adds to the fuel of rage I was feeling, "Your girlfriends past her expiration date, and we're crazy?" I lean down towards him, getting in his face. My tone unamused, "When someone gone, they should stay gone. You don't mess with that kind of stuff" Dean adds, his tone matching mine. "Angela killed Matt. She tried to kill Lindsey" Sam growls, his tone matching ours.
Neil forces a confused look still, "I don't know what you're talking about" He continues to deny it. Dean snapped and reached over his desk, pulling him over it by his collar, "Hey!" Neil yelps fearfully, "No more crap, Neil. His blood is on your hands!" Dean growls in his face. "Now, we can make this right, but you gotta tell us where she us" I say calmly, Neil doesn't answer so Dean shakes his roughly.
"Tell us!" He yells at Neil who's shaking with fear. "My house. She's at my house" Neil breathes out. Dean let's him go and nods, he goes turn to leave with us but I stop him because my eyes flickered over to the dead plants on Neil's desk. "You sure about that?" I grit my teeth at Neil, he nods shakily but I'm not convinced. Dean gives me a 'Wtf?' look so I using my eyes, I dart them towards the dead plants.
His face drops angrily, his eyes flickering over to the door. "Listen, it doesn't really matter where she is. There's only one way to stop her" Dean begins to lie, the both of us walking over towards Sam. "We've gotta perform another ritual over her grave. The reverse the one that you did" He continues to say. "We're gonna need some black weed, some scar root, some candles." I add, looking over at Sam who is beyond confused as to why we're lying.
I do the same thing I did with Dean, using my eyes to draw Sam's attention to the dead plants. His eyes widen but quickly reciprocates, "It's very complicated but it'll get the job done. She'll be dead again in a couple hours" Dean says. "I think you should come with us" I tell Neil. "No...no" Neil meekly says, shaking his head. "We're serious, Neil. Leave with us, right now" Dean says to him warningly but he still shakes his head. I lean in closer to whisper to Neil.
"Listen to me. Get out of here as soon as you can. But most of all, be cool. No sudden movements. Don't make her mad" I warn him, giving him a fake smile before turning to the boys. "Let's go" Dean says to us. While we were walking back to the Impala, I scoffed shaking my head. "Demons I get, but people are fucking crazy" I grumble, repeating Deans words from last year when Sam got kidnapped by those psycho hillbillies.
"Amen" Sam sighs in agreement as Dean put the impala in drive, backing out of the parking lot so we could head over to the cemetery. While on the way, the boys and I concocted a plan, hoping it'll work.
"You guys really think this is gonna work?" Sam asks us. We're all lighting candles around Angela's grave to do the 'ritual'. "No, not really" Dean admits. "But it was the only thing we could come up with" I add, lighting the candle. The rustling of some leaves not too far away caught our attention, our heads darted to the same direction. Closing up my lighter, Sam draws his gun from the back of his jeans.
Aiming it in the distance, heading towards the sound of the rustling. Me and Dean moved over behind some headstones to conceal ourselves. Not long after, the sound of a gunshot ringing out made me and Dean a bit startled. I drew out my gun along with him when we heard running towards us. We saw Sam running from Angela, who had a bullet wound in her forehead. Sam tripped when Angela caught up to him.
Grabbing him by his shoulder, straddling him from behind. She held his neck, ready to snap it so me and Dean took instant action and shot straight at her. Angela jump off of Sam, near the grave so we emptied our clips into her. The last shot she collected, landed her straight into her grave. Dean and I ran over in a bolt with Dean wielding the blade to nail her back in his hand.
Dean jumped into the grave, straddled and stabbed her without hesitation. "Wait don't!" Angela pleaded but soon fell dead again as Dean sunk the blade further into her. "What's dead should stay dead" Dean growls.
Morning came and the boys and I were just finished recovering Angelas grave. Patting the dirt with the back of our shovels. "Rest in peace" Sam mutters. "Yeah, for good this time, okay?" I add out of breath. I picked up the duffel bag from the ground and Dean took my shovel from me as Sam threw his over his shoulder.
"You know, the whole fake-ritual thing, luring Angela into the cemetery....pretty sharp you two came up with that so in sync on the spot" Sam compliments us, impressed. "Thanks" Dean smirks. "Yeah, appreciate it" I smile, "But did we have to use me as bait?" Sam chuckles. Me and Dean laugh along at this, "Figured you were more her type. She had pretty crappy taste in guys" Dean quipped back.
I bursted out laughing at this, "I think she broke my hand." Sam mutters in pain. "You're just too fragile" Dean jokes. "Don't worry Sammy, we'll get it looked at later" I pat his shoulder. Dean then turns to look at Mary's grave, a bit of anguish and pain in his eyes. My heart pained for him. Sam and I share a look at this, "You wanna stay for a while?" I ask him gently.
Dean took a second to answer but he said, "No" before turning back, the three of us make our way to Baby. Tossing our stuff into the trunk. Then jumping into our respective seats.
We were driving down the empty road, Dean with a clear look of frustration on his face. Sam and I chose not to say anything, not wanting to anger him further. He then suddenly stopped the car at the side of the road, getting out, he harshly slammed the door shut. Sam and I shared a look before getting out. Dean sat on the impalas hood, deep in thought, anguish etched over his face.
"Dean, what is it?" Sam asks concerned. "I'm sorry, guys" Dean says sincerely to us after a long pause. We're both taken back by this, "For what?" I ask a bit confused. "The way I've been acting." Dean sighs painfully, I then moved to take a seat next to him on the hood and Sam sat next to me, sandwiching me between the two of them,
"And for Dad" Dean adds, tears welling up in his pain stricken eyes. Our heads darted over to him, "He was your dad too. And it's my fault that he's gone" His head drops to his feet. "What are you talking about?" Sam shakes his head in disbelief. "I know you guys have been thinking it. So have I. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out" Dean mutters.
My gaze drops to my hands, "Back at the hospital, you know, full recovery. It was a miracle" He turned to us, "And five minutes later, Dad's dead and the Colt's gone" Dean continues. "Dean-" I try to assure him it's not his fault but he cuts me off.
"You can't tell me there's not a connection there. I don't know how the demon was involved. I don't know how the whole thing went down, exactly. But dads dead because of me, and he gave up the thing that f/n died getting to save me. That much I do know" Dean says solemnly, his hands stuffed in his jacket. My heart panged at the mention of my father.
"We don't know that. Not for sure" Sam tries to comfort him but Dean shakes his head, "Sam. You two, dad and f/n....you're the most important people in my life" Dean admits, a tears threatening to roll out of his eyes. My heart swelled at this, "And now, I never should've come back. It wasn't natural. And now look what come of it" Dean shakes his head.
"I was dead, and I should've stayed dead." Deans lip quivers, "You wanted to know how I was feeling. Well, that's it....so tell me" Dean looks over at us. "What could you possibly say to make that alright?" He sobs, his beautiful face now drenched. My breath hitched in my throat, a lump grew from seeing him so pained.
Sam couldn't answer and neither could I. Gently, I laid my head on his shoulder, linking my arm into his. Trying to comfort him, I clasped my hand into his. My thumb caressed his knuckles as he laid his cheek against the top of my head. The dampness from his tears soaking my hair and he shook, sobbing. We all sat there, mourning the loss of our fathers as we looked out into the mountains.
Authors Note: Surprise again!! I know it’s random but I thought it would be nice to do part of an episode in Deans POV for once, get a bit of his perspective lol. I was nervous to write in his POV mainly because I don’t think I could get into his head as good….you know?? Lol.
Anyways, does everyone like the new cover??? I made it myself and I’m so proud! Because I’ve never edited in my life🤣😭this took me TWO HOURS. That’s a lot for me because I’m very lazy XD. Hope you guys like it, I tried to let it match the theme of the first five seasons since I’m going to be splitting the series into three books on Wattpad, five seasons each because Wattpad only allows 200 chapters per book.
Besides the point, hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you so much for your support and note that this chapter is unedited.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19 @deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
TFATWS Rewrite - Police Station
Bucky Barnes x Autistic Teen Daughter
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Rewrite of the police station scene from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, episode 2 The Star Spangled Man. Where Bucky's daughter is already overwhelmed, and John Walker steps out of line.
Word count: 2,290
Warnings: Description of sensory overload, description of shutdown, unwanted advances, and John Walker in general.
All credit goes to the Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Marvel, I did not create the lines and scenes that I am using or adding on to.
Note: Not every autistic person experiences autism the same. I'm autistic and I am writing from my perspective of how I personally experience autism, but not everyone feels the same as me or has the same perspective as I do.
i ended up changing the ending a bit, but i hope you still like it! the plot and everything is all the same, i just changed the very ending where bucky and sam talk about breaking out zemo.
My leg shakes as I anxiously sit in my seat, one leg bent on the chair pulled to my chest and the other one down. Sam looks over at me and gives me a soft smile, trying to reassure me the best he can.
Once Sam called me saying Bucky had been arrested, I immediately requested to go with him to the station. I didn't have time to think about how loud and stuffy it would be, all I cared about was my dad.
All of the noise alone is enough to overwhelm me, but with my anxiety over my dad and just everything going on at the station, it's a lot to say the least. But I just need to see my dad and then it'll be okay, we can get out of here and some place quiet. He always knows just how to calm me down.
I jump when I hear a voice, "Sam" I snap my head up. I try not to physically show how overwhelmed I am, but it's getting more and more difficult not to wince at every noise and keep myself from just covering my ears with my hands.
"I've heard a lot about you, I'm Dr. Raynor, I'm James therapist." The same voice says and Sam gets up out of his seat. "So nice to meet you. Thank you for getting him out." Sam says while shaking her hand.
Dr. Raynor peers over Sam's shoulder and spots me. She gives me a soft smile and a nod. I've met her before, she's always really nice to me. I can tell she feels sympathetic for me, probably knowing how much I can't stand environments like this.
"That was not me." She replies. I jump again at a new voice, yelling way too loud from a distance. "Christina," I look back and see Walker. I grimace and avert my gaze down, not wanting anything to do with him.
"It's great to see you again." Walker says while greeting fans of his by the entrance. I bring my other leg up and hug them both to my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible. It's taking everything in me not to let the tears that have been stinging my eyes finally fall, or to scratch at my skin from the uncomfortable crawling that happens when I become overwhelmed.
Sam and Christina converse quietly but I don't pick up on what they say. "I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I'd step in. Bucky's not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer." Walker says while making his way up. He looks down at me and puts his hand up to greet me. I can only gulp nervously and bring my gaze back down.
I hear a buzzing noise from the distance and I curl further in on myself. When I finally look up, I see my dad being walked out by two officers. I immediately shoot up out of my seat and run over to him. He pulls me into him and holds me tightly.
He can feel my trembling body and the way my body flinches slightly from every little noise. He hugs me tightly, knowing that pressure helps to calm me down. "It's okay doll, I'm okay." He soothes softly, rocking us side to side.
We're broken out of our moment by Dr. Raynor, "James, on condition of your release, session now. You too, Sam." I look up at my dad sadly, not wanting to be separated again so soon. "Doc, come on? Can't it wait." Bucky asks, but she's already walking away. "That wasn't a request." She says over her shoulder.
Sam and Bucky both sigh in frustration. "Why don't you go wait outside, it'll be quieter, yeah?" Bucky asks softly. I bite my lip and nod, agreeing. He squeezes me one last time before patting me on the back, silently urging me to go. After a final glance back I leave to go outside.
I sit on the curb just outside of the door. It's on the side of the building so it's not very busy here, except for a couple cop cars parked along the side. People pass by every so often, but it's significantly less crowded than inside the station.
I stuff my face in my knees and start rocking back and forth, focusing on just doing the breathing exercises that my dad taught me. My fingers find my legs and start scratching, leaving bright red marks behind. I can't help it anymore, even though I know it's a potentially dangerous stim, it's almost painful trying not to do it.
Thankfully it didn't take too long for my breathing to become more steady, feeling much more calm in the new environment. For a while I stay rocking back and forth, my head in my knees while clawing are my legs, I don't even know how long.
Eventually though, the last person I want to see comes up to me. He leans against the hood of one of the cop cars casually. I look up at him and slowly scoot further away from him. He notices and speaks up about it.
"Oh come on, don't be like that. I know your dad and I don't really get along, but that doesn't mean you have to hate me too." At his presence and words my throat starts to close up and it feels like something is blocking it, that's the only way I can explain the feeling. I know that right now I'm nonverbal, but Walker isn't going to respect that.
I only keep my gaze down and fidget with the ends of my sleeves, hoping that maybe he'll go away. "Silent treatment huh, alright then you're going to be more difficult then I was expecting." He crosses his arms over his chest and stares at me.
Not being able to handle the silent tension and irritability exuding from Walker like waves any longer, I stand up with tearful eyes and try to open the door to go back inside. Once the door is partially open, it is slammed back shut. I look over to see Walker behind me, his hand on the door, not letting me open it.
I start panicking even more and instinctively I turn to run away, but I'm instead met with resistance, the wind almost getting knocked out of me as my stomach is hit by something. I look down and see Walker's arm, wrapped around my stomach to keep me from running away.
I try to fight him off, but with the drastic height difference, he easily holds his ground. It's hard to see through the tears in my eyes, all I can do is try to wriggle out of his hold. "Look kid, just tell me what you know about the Flag Smashers." He grumbles.
"Walker!" I hear a familiar voice bark out. Walker hastily drops me and I crumble down to the ground. He turns around and puts on a smile. "Gentleman, good to see you again." He says to Sam and Bucky, who have just walked out of the station. Walker steps in front of me, almost like he's trying to hide me.
Bucky storms over to him and pushes him out of the way, immediately coming over to me. Now that the panic and adrenaline is starting to wear off, I feel my mind become more fuzzy, numb even. Bucky kneels down next to me and pulls me into his chest.
He soothes me while I sob into his shirt, neither of us caring that it's getting soaked with my tears. "I'm here, it's okay" Bucky kept repeating softly into my ear, trying to reassure himself of that as well.
Walker starts to come back towards us, Lemar also now joining in. I'm not sure where he came from, but I'm assuming he probably just arrived. When Walker gets close to Bucky and I, my dad punches him in the stomach with his metal arm, sending Walker backwards. Lemar catches Walker as he falls back from the impact.
Walker and Lemar take a minute or two, Walker recovering from the hit as they talk in hushed voices. In the mean time, my tears had stopped. But not only my tears, it feels as if my brain has stopped as well, well not literally, but everything just feels foggy and... slow.
I should have known that a shutdown was coming, given everything else that has happened in such a short period of time. I find myself leaning against Bucky's chest, staring at nothing, my eyes glossed over.
"Look, if we divide ourselves, we don't stand a chance, you guys know that." Walker finally speaks back up, seemingly fine after the hit he took. Bucky opened his mouth to say something, his creased eyebrows and glare indicating that it wasn't going to be something nice.
Sam stopped him with an annoyed sigh at Walker, "So, what do you got." Bucky bit his tongue for now, trying to contain himself. He looked back down at me sighed sadly when he saw my state. He's seen many shutdowns before, having been there to help me through them, and from the signs he can see he knows it's a shutdown.
"Hey doll, can I pick you up? Just nod yes or no." After taking a second or two to comprehend his words, I nod yes. I lazily drape my arms over his shoulders and he easily picks me up and puts me on his hip, my legs wrapped around his waist.
Once he's fully stood up holding me, he chimes in at hearing Walker talk about Karli stealing medicine to take to camps, "Well there are hundreds of those all over the planet since The Blip, so I guess you'll have to look real hard." He doesn't care to hide his resentment and anger in his voice.
"Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?" Walker jokes, causing Bucky to huff angrily, not believing he could hurt his daughter like this and still be joking around. I listen in on the conversation unfolding around me, not fully comprehending what is being said but still keeping up nevertheless.
"Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?" Bucky asks, raising his voice slightly. "No, we don't know, Bucky." Walker snaps. I flinch at his voice and whimper, my hearing still overly sensitive, and loud noises always scare me in general. Bucky holds me tighter and his hand protectively rests on the back of my head, which is tucked into his neck.
"It's only a matter of time before we find out." Walker lowers his voice, but I know he probably only did so because of Bucky's hard glare, not out of any actual consideration for me. "Things are really intense for you, aren't they Walker?" Bucky sneers, unbelievably angry at the man in front of him.
He wants nothing more than to just leave, feeling terrible at keeping me in this situation any longer than I have to be. But unfortunately him and Sam need to talk to Walker, and Bucky doesn't trust Sam to come to a conclusion with him on his own. "Take it easy, look Walker's right." Sam says.
Bucky snaps his head towards him and starts backing away with a look of disappointment given to Sam, but Sam stops him with a glance. I open my eyes and slowly pull my face out of Bucky's neck, not believing Sam. "But you guys have rules of engagement and all kind of authorizations you have to get. We're free agents, we're more flexible. So it wouldn't make sense for us to work with you."
Sam catches up with Bucky, who did hear Sam deny to work with them despite walking away. Bucky rubs circles on my back and softly urges me to lay my head back down and relax. "I'm sorry you had to be stuck in that situation for so long, it's unfair to you. Why don't we go back home and watch-" Bucky's soft voice is cut off by a louder one in the distance.
"A word of advice then, stay the hell out of my way." Bucky shoots a glare back at Walker but doesn't stop, Sam stops in tracked however to stare at Walker angrily. Once we arrive to Sams car, Bucky opens the back door and gets in, me still on his lap. Despite being slightly crammed in the backseat, he still chose to sit here, both of us needing each other at the moment.
Shortly after, Sam got in the drivers seat and started the car, all of us remaining silent. There's obvious tension between Bucky and Sam, they both know that there's still more for them to talk about, but they also both know it's a conversation that could turn heated really quickly, so it's best to not have it right now.
I end up drifting off in Bucky's arms, the exhaustion from my shutdown hitting me hard. Bucky relaxes once he sees my sleeping state, feeling better at knowing that I'm at least relaxed at the moment. He leans his head back against the headrest of the car seat and stares at the ceiling of the car, just thinking about everything that had happened, and also some things he would certainly like to do to Walker.
But those things can wait. Right now he's only concerned for his daughter. He can't imagine why, or how anyone could ever hurt her, and it breaks his heart. But he knows that right now all he can do is just be there for her, so that's exactly what he'll do.
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steveyockey · 3 years
do you think that -- if they WERE planning to do gay angel press initially -- part of the reason they didn't might have been the (reactionary) bury your gays backlash from fans and non-fans? in which case. twitter rly does ruin everything. :/
I’m not tied to this but here’s a hypothetical to work through that at least provides a theory on the lack of gay angel press (probably not very different from any other theory on this website but just writing it out for continuity),
okay. pre-pandemic. the arc of the final few episodes seems to have been set and 15.18 was the last piece, pending jensen’s approval. roadhouse heaven ending was a go — presumably featuring a cas cameo among other various and sundry friends. approving 15.18 introduces a problem by way of the fact that cas has just confessed his undying love for dean and there’s an expected response. but it’s fine! you don’t actually need that, you’ve been baiting fans for a decade, you can work your magic one more time with a lil wink and nudge and never have to deal with that again. ambiguous “to each his own” ending, you talk up the gay angel on one side and the bronly-ness of the last hunt on the other; everyone walks away happy. you have successfully threaded the needle of finishing off a twelve year queerbait without “caving to the fans,” high fives all around.
15.18 gets filmed. the angel is gay gay. the footage is. we don’t know what the footage looks like. there could be anything. maybe there’s a kiss with tongue. ends up not really mattering because the pandemic happens and they have to stop shooting and stop airing. no idea how much changes in 15.19 (clearly SOME stuff considering we know the folks who got chuck snapped in the silo were supposed to be shown back in the flesh and that got cut). 15.20 has to change — so roadhouse heaven becomes three person heaven (plus the cast and crew, who were already on set so no, this is not proof they could have brought a crowd of actors anyway, it’s just. weird. I don’t like this decision. strikes me as authoritative like WE told the story not YOU. anyway). putting cas in three person heaven makes winking and nudging a lot harder to do and would make the absence of an actual substantive response to the confession uhhhh very obvious. so you have to cut cas. and then maybe you have to cut other references to cas in 15.19, maybe you cut some emotionality from dean’s side in 15.18, maybe you straight up insert the moment in 15.20 where dean tells sam to stop being an eeyore about cas’s death! we don’t know how much was changed, but there was at least the opportunity at this point to dull dean’s response to the whole thing so the absence of cas in heaven is more palatable. it’s the bronly ending, but you already gave the audience the gay angel. and the gay angel is alive and building heaven with his son! no more cashing in on the queerbait but still cashing in on canon gay.
it’s november 5th. 15.18 airs. it trends higher than the biggest election “of our lives.” holy shit! gay angel! but of course the issue is the people responding aren’t the people who have been watching the show. they don’t have context for what’s going on and “turbohell” catches on. fuck. did you kill the gay angel? of course not, he’s in heaven with his son! lisa berry can post her goodbye instagram to her character because obviously billie’s dead, she’s the villain. she’s not expected to come back. but cas is... cas is different. and he’s not dead and you won’t be taking any questions on this until we get to the end, when everyone can settle down. so you have your actors gush about the episode, you leave everyone on pins and needles so they’ll come back for two more, and then! well. 15.20. cas is “alive” technically. dean is dead, as you always planned. some people are happy, some people are middling, and some people are fucking pissed at you because apparently by not outright killing off the gay angel you promised them the gay angel was coming back. any clarification you would offer here would unspool your entire plan — gay angel on one side, brothers on the other. erasing cas isn’t the same as killing him, but you can’t say that (though misha basically did in response to the rogue translator shenanigans). killing dean wasn’t even supposed to be about cas, but now everything is about cas. you took him out of the story completely and he’s still managed to take over. and all you can say is, well, it’s always been a story about brothers.
this obviously doesn’t account for everything, such as what the fuck was uriel’s actor doing? why the fuck did the show actually give us the instructions for how to get someone out of the empty and not do it? and there’s an infinite number of things that could have happened that I would simply never guess not knowing specific onset dynamics and money decisions. whatever happened that caused this clusterfuck really does suck for everyone in that writers room who was on team gay angel because, as I have said in the past, 15.18 only works due to at least four years, if not seven or more, of consciously writing the angel as gay. I hope bobo and yockey and even misha feel personal satisfaction at a job well done, but god if a single fucking interview could at least let us indulge in the victory with them. anyway, all of this is to say, yes I do think the bury-your-gays of it all definitely plays into it (and I would say, again, linking this to it chapter 2, it’s significant muschietti and co decided to make richie gay over eddie; people who haven’t read the book might not know that eddie like. literally drinks mineral water. in the 80s. he wears gucci loafers. he marries a carbon copy of his mother. stephen king would never admit to writing a gay man but that was a gay man. but eddie dies! eddie always dies. so they had some good sense in giving the gay story to the one who lives and leaving the dead one holding all the coding). and I definitely think randos on twitter making fun of the confession did not help matters. but I also think the decision to pull press cannot be extricated from the rubble of the last two episodes and everything they promised but never delivered. literally a single second of cas in the finale would have been their golden ticket! that’s far more than what jj did for star wars! but they got played at their own game by, of all things, an international pandemic. somehow a very supernatural ending after all.
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rebel-in-white · 3 years
Sam Wilson’s Feelings Towards Bucky Barnes
In this meta, I’m arguing that Sam Wilson, as he is portrayed in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, has romantic feelings for Bucky Barnes. Before you think I’m overreaching and reading too much into this show, read on and think about the evidence I’m going to present. Could a simple friendship explain the differences in Sam’s interactions with other characters versus his interactions with Bucky?
Disclaimer: I’m not saying that Disney is going to show us a homosexual couple. Honestly, I don’t think that’s going to happen. I’m not accusing anyone of queerbaiting either. I don’t want to enter into that argument. I just believe that Sam Wilson is a man in love with another man. 
Sam’s Demeanor with Bucky:
In episode 1, we have a delightful scene between Sam and Torres, who seems to genuinely admire Sam. After taking a video of Sam speaking Arabic, the impressed Torres makes a few light comments. Sam responds with a smile but maintains a serious demeanor and cracks minimal jokes. He doesn’t relax or drop his guard. Compare that to his drastic change in attitude in episode 2. After only spending 3 minutes with Bucky, he’s talking about wizards and sorcerers and something about hats. 
And he’s always joking around with Bucky. He doesn’t let himself do that with other characters on the show, not even his own sister. This shows that with Bucky, Sam feels like he can relax more. For some reason, he feels safe with Bucky to show his true self.
Sam checks on him, constantly
In episode 1, we find out that Sam has texted Bucky post blip several times. Enough times that Bucky’s therapist, Dr. Raynor, uses that to gauge how well Bucky is connecting with other people. She admonishes him for ignoring Sam’s texts. In episode 3, we find out that Sam hasn’t given Sharon the same treatment. He hasn’t texted or called her, despite the fact that she had placed her career on the line for him, Steve, and Bucky. His only concern was Bucky and to see how he was doing.
Not only did he text Bucky, but Sam is periodically checking on his state of mind and well being, showing genuine concern and care. 
“You good?” 
“What’s going on in that Cyborg brain of yours?” 
Again, we don’t see him check on other characters like this. Bucky gets special treatment.
Sam lets Bucky do what he wants
The keyword here is lets. Sam lets Bucky do whatever the f*ck he wants to do because he’s weak in the face of Bucky’s desires and demands. Sam can be very stubborn, he’s just subtle with it. In the show, he refuses to give up on the boat, refuses to give into his sister’s demands, and tries to think of solutions for this problem. That bank scene not only hints at the consequences of the blip and other social issues, but it highlights Sam’s intelligence and determination. When he wants something, he will work hard to get it. That’s why he survived so long as Steve’s partner-in-crime when they were on the run. And he still hasn’t given up on the boat.
Yet, we see this intelligent, stubborn man cave into Bucky over and over again. First, Bucky wants to come with him on the mission in episode 2. Sam says no, but Bucky is sitting with him on the plane in the next scene. If Sam truly didn’t want Bucky to come, he wouldn’t have let him come. He isn’t a pushover- he gave up Steve’s shield because he couldn’t stand the idea of being the new Captain America. Some other examples: Sam lets Bucky go in to see Zemo alone and goes along with his plan to use Zemo’s connections to find out more about the super-soldier serum.
Sam keeps touching Bucky’s metal arm
He’s touched Bucky’s metal arm a total of three times. The first time, after rolling in the flowers, he lets his hand rest on it. This is almost a comforting gesture, one that is entirely unnecessary, but the camera lingers on the touch for a few seconds. Next, in the therapy scene, he pointedly slaps Bucky’s vibranium arm. In episode 3, Sam protectively grabs Bucky when he sees that the danger has increased in the bar. The touch helps snap Bucky out of his Winter Soldier mode. 
This shows a fascination with what makes Bucky different and dangerous, which could be the type of people Sam’s attracted to sexually. Let’s not forget that Sam had expressed physical attraction towards Black Widow, who is the embodiment of sensuality and danger. Sam Wilson has a type, and Bucky fits it.
Sam calls Bucky “Buck”
 It’s the nickname Steve had for Bucky, and it’s interesting that Sam seems a little bothered when Bucky says he couldn’t use it.
“Why not? It’s what Steve called you?”
“Steve knew me longer. And Steve had a plan.”
Sam rolls his shoulders, a gesture of discomfort. He says, “I have a plan.” Almost like he wanted to say, now, can I call you “Buck,” too? It’s also very illuminating to hear this nickname when Sam’s afraid for Bucky’s life in episode 3:
“Buck!” Sam yells.
The nickname shows a deeper level of intimacy between Sam and Bucky, something that Sam wants. That’s why he uses it, remarks on Steve having used it, and continues to use it. 
Sam lets himself argue with Bucky
Again, the keyword here is lets. Sam is a very controlled person. I’ve read numerous posts about all the things that Sam has to deal with - blip, institutionalized racism, Captain America’s mantle, that mantle being given to a lesser suited individual, losing his boat, losing his friends, and losing the connection with his family. Yet, Sam holds himself together very well. He doesn’t break dangerous criminals out of prison (looking at you Bucky), and he tries to follow his values in a world that is making less and less sense to him. 
Yet, with Bucky Barnes, he allows himself the freedom to argue with him. They argue in episode 2 numerous times, but I’m going to focus on the argument in episode 3. I loved that random back-and-forth in the middle of a fight scene. I cannot picture Sam doing something like that with Steve, and he definitely wouldn’t argue like that with anyone else. With Bucky, we see Sam let his guard down to bicker and voice his immediate feelings and thoughts. We don’t see this happen with anyone else! He’s usually more guarded with his true thoughts and emotions.
What does Bucky feel?
Unfortunately, I don’t see clear evidence that Bucky reciprocates his feelings. There’s evidence that some feelings are forming (I have high hopes for the pulling Sam’s hand closer to his chest scene!), and the genuine bond is there. As of now, Sam’s feelings run deeper. It’s understandable because Bucky is a man in transition. He doesn’t know who he is, and we can see that struggle in some small details here and there: for example, when Sam wedges his thigh between his in the therapy scene, Bucky places his hands over his crotch in an insecure position. Sam, on the other hand, is relaxed and secure in his identity. Bucky is still struggling to adjust to the modern world when he’s a 1940s man at heart. Plus, there’s Steve. According to Sharon, Bucky was “Mr. America” (LOL). He needs more time to solidify himself and his feelings.
Where did these feelings come from?
Sexual attraction (sexy and dangerous is Sam’s type)
Bucky is probably the only person in his life who makes sense. Everything else is so different and difficult.
He was Steve’s close friend, and Sam loved and respected Steve.
Bucky ignites his protective instincts. Bucky emphasizes this when he says that Sam gave up so much for him. (Interesting that Bucky doesn’t mention Steve, who wanted to save his best friend and helped to convince his current friend to help him do that.)
Perhaps, Bucky reminds him of Riley (would love to see a Riley flashback)
He feels a connection to the loneliness he sees in Bucky. Despite the people in his life and his natural charisma, Sam strikes me as a solitary figure.
Ultimately, we still know very little about Sam and Bucky, and we have three episodes left of the show, so many things can change! Hopefully, the change will be good for this ship.
I hope you enjoyed this meta. Thank you for reading!
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